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There was always slice of life elements, you never needed more.
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I won't forget you for as long as I live
Memento mori.
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What did he accomplish?
Get honored to be killed by the Beautiful King of Curses
Majority of slice of life is anime filler
>uncle your hand is poking my belly
>that isn't my hand kozo
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haii gona mdraw some mayb
https://r9.whiteboardfox.com/93730308-0994-1822 summoned all the digital djinns BOOM witness the trannies derail the thread with inane avatarfagpt vebosity
Find better sources of happiness.
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Gojo mogs geto
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Everything he set out to do. He died with no regrets.
With Hakari if he ever got a CTR-analogue for Idle Death Gamble how would it work?
SCHOLARshimo neg-diffed Sukuna philosophically
Its insane how much the elevated the slop source material
The what?
I'll be joining you right the second
The anime obvious you dumb newfag, learn to read
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The what?
Don’t reply to that spic, he’s here to show you the true essence of retard
Ik i just wanted an easy (you)
Have another.
coolbeans you’re like a dog
As long as you're not a white woman, we should be fine.
Get some peanut butter and smear it on another general LOL
Come on, we just talked about this.
Then shut the door an lock it… Really fast
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Damn you mysterious woman with stitches in her head....you broke his heart....
Come here boy give that (you) to me
*Throws it into /MHA/*
Remember, a direct Jacob's Ladder is the one thing that would 100% kill Sukuna. Keep that in mind no matter what happens in 2 weeks.
Sorry, I would never.
I do not like Momiji, she is a nothing burger of a character.
I will shitpost and hate this manga eternally if Yuji ends up dying to save shitgumi. His life is worth more than that.
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Yuta won btw
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Yuji will seal himself with Sukuna inside the Prison realm
Epilogue is them being released in the future, where curses won
Sequel will be futuristic apocalyptic kino
So ...what's our thoughts here on Yuji essentially kamikazeing to kill Sukuna?
I'm kinda sad this and the doodle of Yuji laughing with choso feels like it confirms he is going when this done.
Not surprised, but I still wanted Yuji to have a future despite everything.
Worst thing is that is that it seems extremely likely it will actually happen, Sukuna seems to be spitting out his fingers, which means that they will need to be fed to a body that can actually control them in order to destroy Sukuna once and for all. I feel like Megumi gets a bad rep and that he doesn't really deserve it, but if Yuji does end up sacrificing himself he'll become the most rightfully hated character in fiction.
Yuta a shit btw
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I love Sukuna and Yuji but being realistic I expect Yuji to die (I hope I'm wrong), since Gege said once that only one of the kids would survive and Megumi seems like he will be the one surviving (with a lot of guilt). Another choice would be yes Yuji sealing Sukuna and himself inside the PR
Anyway I will miss these 2
>jacob's ladder lands and Sukuna (and Megumi) just fucking dies there
your reaction?
>A woman did SOMETHING?
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I find it really funny how whenever anyone draws fanart of Gojo x Utahime kids they're always just little clones of Gojo.. Like jeez if you're gonna self insert into utahime, have the tiniest bit of self esteem to have the kids look at least a lil bit like her
>Yuji chapter
Get ready for him to be sidelined for another 5 chapters before we resume Sukuna v Yuji
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Like their dynamics make for fun fighting all the time. I wouldn't change that as the core conflict of Yuji's story.

But like I guess as much as I want Sukuna to be put in his place, it makes me sad Yuji unequivocally has to go down too. The entire situation is a mess, Yuji grew up with only his gramps as his family. Which is what makes his (relatively speaking) fast and honest attachment to choso both endearing and sad. Since imo it comes off like he would have been happier to have the blood brothers around from the start. Not just for himself but to counter his gramps own opinion on the matter, that their lives do matter and always have.

Sukuna in that sense didn't have to be his arch enemy, they are as related as much as it's possible to be directly related to someone from a 1000 years ago today.

But alas, it's always been impossible in some sense for things to work out, same with Kenny. It just would be nice to see into both characters heads & frankly on the matter before the exit. I think that's the main payoff I still want to see even if I think It unlikely. Meg's though, oof, I do not envy Megumi's position if he wakes up lone survivor. The guilt for that would be hell.
That’s just how anime/manga is, the sons look like clones of the dad and daughters are clones of the mom. Just look at Naruto’s kids
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Why aren't the female sorcerers more interested in Gojo anyways? (besides miwa i guess but he can't date a 15 year old without getting called a groomer)
He is handsome, super rich and strong.
You're telling me not one woman wants to try to marry him/lock him down?
Sexuna is agonizingly sexy.
Don't date co-workers.
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Yes, all Gojo children are clones.. Sometimes they have the eyes of their mother/father (Mpreg)
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Why does Gojo abuse Ijichi?
It's funny.
We know, everyone
I'm hoping that since its such a predictable "bittersweet" outcome that Gege and his love for subversions will avoid doing it. I want Yuji to learn the value of his own life instead of seeing himself as a disposable cog.
I don't think I will survive the anime....I will faint a lot
You don't seem to get it. Jin said
>Babies remember more than they think
He wanted Sukuna to be reborn to get his revenge. Jin was about to kill Yuji (who is just Sukuna baby version), he recognized the baby in his arm was Sukuna. Kenjaku couldn't allow that so he killed him. Kenjaku wanted to feed the fingers to the baby but Wasuke stopped him.

Later, like Nier Replicant, Sukuna's vessel gained his own personality so Sukuna was never completed, instead they became 2 different people. The good Sukuna is Yuji thanks to Wasuke
I want to molest Jin so much...
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>all these hot guys stuck in a shonen
I hate this so much it's unreal
So you are the one who's keeping making this general?
Only 1 in every 6 threads.
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Megumi will live and live a happy life
Because he's annoying and abrasive.
>Explain how Sukuna defeated Gojo in a way that someone who knows nothing of manga or anime in general would understand.

Anyone wanna take a crack at this? I need to hear it. Like, how would you honestly explain that fight and its ending to your grandmother, for example? It's impossible.
Sukuna slashed harder.
>"No, you see, nana, he slashed through all points in space at the same time, and that overcame infinity, alright? No you're not getting this, see a thousand years ago there was this golden age of jujutsu which is about cursed spirits and they're based on negative human emotions and..."
Spaceman with magic space powers lost to anothet magic guy who manifested a wormhole in the form of a slash, to cut space.
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Sukuna summoned a creature that can adapt to anything. That includes being able to withstand any attack it adapts to, as well as being able to bypass any defences with it's own attacks.
Sukuna made Mahoraga use dismantle as it's attack and waited until it used it in a way that would get passed infinity.
After witnessing it, seeing it's unique spark/cursed energy application he was able to copy it.
anon that makes no fucking sense and your grandma would think you were on drugs if you said that to her. you're missing the point of the question entirely.
Sukuna used a monster that develop an amswer to the power of the opponent combined with his own power to learn how defeat him, and found as a solution destroying the space in wich he exist.
Imagine you're playing an arcade game with an enemy that doesn't react to your bullets. Frustrated, you pull out a 9mm and shoot the console itself - that is, the world in which the enemy lives. Now he's dead.
>But that's breaking the fourth wall!
Exactly. It's not a satisfying conclusion, but it's what was written.
Because he was a bully
Kek this one works
theu Just didnt gind him very likable
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Cute artstyle
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The more I think about it, the more I realize that Dagon and even Hanami beats Kashimo.
Does the idea of Hakari being able to summon Pins and Flippers as part of PPLT when he Lapses it make any sense to anyone else?
Just like, manifesting Pins under his feet to chase after someone whose flying, that sort of thing.
CHADbara is returning
KINo is coming back
GODgumi is appearing again
no this doesn't fucking work. that makes no fucking sense, anon. that analogy is bad and you should FEEL bad.
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I think people focus too much on Sukuna's body but more than a fighter he is a SORCERER, that means using tools and outsmart the other sorcerer
Like Gege said sorcerers are con man
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They will reunite and defeat the big bad
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Gege recently confirmed that Nobara is dead.
I guess this was written so that Gege could gauge the audience's reaction to Nobara's death. If they were significantly upset, he would bring Nobara back.
It just doesn’t matter how much you try to convince me of her death, KINO is coming back
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Absolute based HOPEchad
im just mad he "somehow" could just slice through literally space itself. like "oh yeah, i *could* do that, couldn't i?!" sort of shit. it's such horseshit.
You mean Ino?
>CHADbara is returning
Let it go anon. Nobara is gone. I like her but it's time to move on.
>GODgumi is appearing again
Unfortunately, this I can expect.
>another break, again.
This shit should be illegal.
Why are CHADgumi haters so disingenuous?
> Sukuna already left Megumi’s body
> Hakari already killed Uraume
> Nobara and Yuji are already plotting against another Sukuna’s ass pull
Yeah… real shounen is approaching rapidly
isnt sukuna dead to bird strike? he might not even be able to use cleave or dismantle, and todo could have swapped one right at his face. why is mei mei slacking off?
Yup yup yup true shounen kino is coming
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probably not
sukuna is gone. gege barely drew 1.5 chapters after a month break and needs another break. this manga is over. he is infodumping on conventions, already gave up.
I'll take it over Zenin Massacre scribbles.
I miss them.
i’m going to save this god forsaken manga, just give me an opportunity amon…
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>he is infodumping on conventions
This is what finally made me certain that Gege has mentally checked out of this manga. Hopefully, this means that he'll finally wrap the Sukuna cycle up.
Yeah, well, don't expect Gege to ever go deep in the Yuji family matters, sadly. I would like a last Talk between sukuna and Yuji before whatever happens, but we didn't even get with Kenjaku so.....which is weird, Gege even bothered to do that last talk between Kashimo and Sukuna. I think Gege should have stick'd with the Itadori lore but I doubt that will happen, a shame since Yuji grandpa seemed really interesting and Yuji refused to listen about his parents, I think he deep inside knew there was something WRONG with his parents
I wonder if him sacrificing himself would redeem him for people? I don't hate Megumi, I just see him as another Gege's victim. Personally I think a bittersweet ending fits Gege style more
Personally, I'm still racking my brain over how Kashimono was the only character Sukuna has used his world clash, his best technique, on.
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Or he is a ff14/elder ring/zzz player
Hopefully none of those fucking things.
I would just tell them that the plot needed for character A to die at the hands of character B and there's no deeper reason to it as it's a weekly publication meant to entertain preteens.
Only without his technique.
Nigga Gojo was obviously going to die, people made too many headcanons about him
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Curses just have more space for interesting visual designs, plus the dynamic between them was fun.
Oh..I get it. It get it!!
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WHAT do you fucking GET?
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This one too.
Because Mei Mei and Todo aren't as synchronized as him and Yuji and because Yuji almost managed to save Megumi.
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Found more.
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I need to know who Gege's assistant is because he draws some fine women
So how did Kenjaku kill yuki
She killed herself.
Yuji will survive
JJK will have a sequel
Yuji will marry while fighitng
Yuji will have sex while fighitng
Yuji's wife will give birth while fighitng
and then the story ends
sonic scream.
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EVILgumi will start the merger btw.
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Kashimo loses to this.
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Yuji will CORRECT bratkuna
women draw the weirdest looking shokos
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I love my husbando!
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Holy FUARKING based hopeGOD
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You still here? fuck
Toji will always be cooler than FAILjo
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>Gege will get a WHOLE season with SEXkuna and THAT sexy voice
He wonned so hard
Still more DIGNITY dying unlike FAILjo
Toji died beautiful and FAILjo died OOPS! and he is a rotten corpse now and his brain? In the bin
It's why I think"Magnus Archive Entities compressed into JJK Curses." would be a some flavorful cooking.
Mahoraga adapted
So what was Sukuna and Kenjaku deal?
What do you mean?
he's only getting an injection there
Yooji is made for pure love btw
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>Toji was based on Jason Statham
Tojibros we are NEVER beating the allegations
most likely tengen transfer. boring. i wonder if they included a condition that sukuna cant harm kenjaku until the transfer is complete. wouldnt sukuna atomize kenjaku at first opportunity for locking him up inside yuji for all this time?
If Megumi dies I am gonna kill myself.
Calm down Yuji, your bf will be safe. Maybe.
Sukuna's designs are so good
i second this
If Megumi starts the merger after Sukuna is defeated he will go down in history as the worst shounen character of all time
Puta would still exist so no.
I know you're mindbroken but there is absolutely no way Yuta is on the level of a character that has done nothing for 50 chapters only to fuck everyone over once he gets screentime again
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Seriously though, the first ~1/6 of JJK's bombardment of SoL content was a breath of fresh air before the inevitable. I hope Gege has some side stories in store for us after JJK ends, maybe character interactions outside of the main story?
Hey alright
It was because of the editor, Gege is nothing without him
By changing the nature of the target of his magic slash attack, he slashed through all points in space at the same time. For a given area of space.
I find it hard to believe that gojo couldnt find an opening to charge purple during sukuna and his three minute domain battles (x3). Just throw sukuna to the other side of the domain, keep his distance, and charge it, it takes a few seconds at most.
If there is distance between them, then Sukuna can dodge it.
It has been demonstrated multiple times before that HP's speed isn't instant. If Sukuna is far away, then he would've just been able to get out of HP's trajectory.
sukunascholars WON
Congrats, you won the lottery
Shartjo is finished (again)
>wasted on a namefag
holy cringe
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toji was shorter than teen gojo and his own son who's height was confirmed to be 5'9. The only people who thought he wasn't a manlet is coping fujos.
I hope he dies and I hope you do too
What the fuck.
Without using his CT yes.
Realistically Kenjaku turn Sukuna into fingers and in exchange he help him with his plan.
>x-ray vision
>sonic scream
>uh shoot larger beams
>still no domain
This nigger has to trade his life to use a CT that makes him disaster curse level at best lmao
Takaba should've interacted more with characters and I hate that women only use him for gay ships
Yes the problem is that he was a good fighter but not a good sorcerer, he mastered well his CE trait but not all others fundamental of jujutsu, but I would say he's stronger than the disaster curses, more on the level of the sendai pillars.
I like Yuji more, I've been team Yuji since the start and look at where he is at now... ITS JUST SO PEAK
I wish gege would properly explain the difference between simple domain and hollow wicker basket. Does the latter keep the user's hands preoccupied at all times in exchange for being indestructable?
Hanami defeats Ryu, Uro lol.
Takaba actually has ships...?
Yeah mostly with Kenjaku and Hazenoki and occasionally megumi
He just wanted to draw cute Hamsterkuna
I never had the impression that the sendai sorcerers were stronger than the disaster curses, esp mahito and jogo. Instead of looking for sukuna kashimo should've just used his points to travel between colonies to fight these guys.
Anyways I wonder what kashimo was doing in the month leading up to gojo vs sukuna
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Simple domain and Hollow Wicker basket are the same thing, HWB is just what old sorcerers used to call it, exert domain that eats guaranteed hits for you temporarily. Hollow Wicker Basket was created first, then refined into simple domain which can be customized by different conditions and vows, or used for the sword techniques Miwa and Kusakabe use.

Simple Domain:
>Developed by Sadatsuna Ashiya during the Heian Era as the "domain for the weak". It expands a small, domain on the ground around the user to open a hole in an opposing domain, neutralizing the can't-miss attack by targeting the domain's barrier.
Hollow Basket:
>The predecessor to simple domain that erects a spherical barrier that takes the appearance of a woven basket surrounding the caster. The technique neutralizes an expanded domain's barrier to nullify its can't-miss attack
Falling Blossom:
>A secret domain countermeasure passed down in the Big Three Sorcerer Families. Rather than expanding a domain, Falling Blossom Emotion counterattacks with cursed energy the moment a domain's can't-miss attack makes contact

In addition to nullifying a Domain Expansion's sure-hit, Simple Domain can be used offensively(Mechamaru vs Mahito, Takaba vs Uzumaki, Miwa Sword drawing) but Hollow Wicker Basket appears to be an entirely defensive maneuver.
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So why does Sukuna use cursed tools to begin with? His CT alone is grossly overpowered when used by him. And then there is Furnace. Kamutoke? Summons/shoots lightning. Cool but he has strong projectiles without even lifting a finger or holding anything.
Ryu is more resistant than preadaptation mahoraga and his granite blast is stronger than his reinforcement, he slams Hanami, who doesn't even touch Uro.
Mahito wins because of his nature, they shouldn't be capable to kill him enough times to destroy him, and Jogo could be made an argument but IMHO they're much stronger than Hanami and Dagon.
HWB doesn't need hand signs to maintain. The reason Sukuna used hand signs with his HWB was to maintain it since simple domains get broken down by actual domain expansions.
Hanami literally fought an entire school and lived a purple. She will one shot Ryu with the bud that steals CE.
HWB is weaker than simple domain, since it requires costant chanting, keep the hands in fixed position and doesn't nerf the opponent/buff you, while simple domain does that and it's binding vows are customizable, but on the other side HWB isn't a barrier technique, so Sukuna can keep it active even with brain damage, and it seems to be unbreakable.
>fought an entire school
Yuta did too, while weaker, and was still pressed against Ryu, fighting against Yuta that well is a ridiculous feat, but yes, if Hanami put the cursed bud on him she has the advantage, but there are good odds Ryu make grievous injuries with every shot. moreover Hanami survived purple because she escaped, not because she's that tanky, the hit part was still vaporized.
I love the power system, I don't really get when people pretend like it doesn't make sense or its bad
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Quick note: Hanami is a male.
Rereading the reggie fight I think >>268778973 is right since his HWB did not wear off the moment reggie let go of his hands.
Sukuna's just worked differently because muh vows
If it makes my dick hard, it's a woman.
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By maintaining handsigns and/or chants, Sukuna was continuously reupping his HWB. It wasn't a binding vow, just basic magic rules.
Simple Domains are at a disadvantage against domain expansions and will be destroyed if they aren't maintained like that.
The Simple Domain pose is cool
Ok, sorry.
I have some news for you....
I think it's just it takes a moment to vanish.
Tell me.
I wish Hazenoki was alive
Yuta's domain didn't attack everything inside automatically like gojo and sukuna's. Sukuna didn't even get hit by jacob's ladder when he deactivated HWB until yuta manually activated it. And even against sukuna's very powerful domain gojo's SD brought him a few seconds, if it wasn't a vow then sukuna could always let go of his hands for a few seconds, use the grid wall world slash, then resume his stance, since the jacobs ladder would take at least a few seconds to destroy HWB
You may have gotten hard to something which *isn't* a woman....
Remember when people thought Yuji had a memory altering CT because both Todo and Choso hallucinated that he was their brother in the middle of their fights? Gege said he was surprised when he learned of the theory, how the fuck did he fail to connect the dots?
pls dont remind me of the one time a mangaka broke my heart
The thought of the two ""brothers"" interacting also never crossed said mangaka's mind
Megumi isn't going to fumble it again, is he? Imagine if the result of the cliffhanger + break is Megumi going "nah I'd give up" for the SECOND time now
Members of /a/, is it gay to get hard to another man? For example, I get hard whenever I look at Gojo blast his Hollow Purple everywhere, is it gay to get hard at seeing Hanami suck the life out of his surroundings?
Soul dismantle does heavy damage to sukuna, it doesn't require shitgumi's consent. Yuji will just spam it until sukuna vomits all his fingers out.
Getting hard at you.
yeah the only way Megumi can say no after sukuna vomits up all of his fingers is if he literally kills himself
>merger still a plot point
>authority was specifically given to Megumi to activate it
>Megumi has been established to be so out of it that he didn't help Yuta and Yuji fight Sukuna
Could it be any more obvious that this bitch is going to cost everyone
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Never put faith in a faggot like this
Because he's a hack
I want Sukuna to rape me
His comeback is coming
He'll go down as one of the worst shounen characters
I still hold hope in him, it wouldn't make sense for him to start the merger.
Kisses both
common misconception, you’d be surprised how much he has in common with the regular bystander around here
Sukuna does one last asspull and fully turns Megumi evil
>Verification not required
the merger plot will not happen just because this is when nobara and yuji save megumi with the unforgiving power of friendship, thus discovering the real jujutsu kaisen was the friends we made along the way
Sorry, incestCHAD*
>it wouldn't make sense for him
He was literally drowned in the evil bath
holy fuarkin kino
i wish i had that fanart saved depicting this
There’s no need for GODgumi haters here, the only haters we GODgumi connoisseurs need are purely OURSELVES
Speaking of Megumi's sister, I didn't miss anything, right? She was pretty much irrelevant the whole time, yeah?
The power of friendship will bring her back to life!
rapes both
Character done dirty>>>>>>>>boring author Gary stu
Just catchup with the manga

I have some questions:
1. Apart from Gojo saying that Sukuna doesn't need Mahoraga to beat him in afterlife, I don't see Sukuna could beat Gojo without Mahoraga
2. I feel like Megumi is far inferior vessel to Sukuna. I mean, I feel like Sukuna could extract more of his power through Yuji Itadori.
3. Why don't they send my guy Comedian Man to face Sukuna instead?
4. I would rather have MC and their friends get unbelievable Power Ups than downgrade Sukuna to be THIS unthreatening.
5. Sukuna keep saying "You are boring" to Yuji. Is this actually a message from Gege to his Editor?
You might be right about that last thing, but none of your other concerns hold any relevancy considered the sheer bodaciousness of our characters, they’ll have control of this situation in no time
I really hoped for that, even though she was obviously dead.
Wich suppress his will, not make him evil.
1. Incarnation would give enough of a boost for him to beat Gojo h2h every time. He could beat with amplification alone that way.
2. Yujikuna would have more strength but Meguna has 10s. The latter was more useful for what Sukuna wanted to do.
3. Sukuna would shit down Takaba and kill him.
4. Ok?
5. Yes, yes and yes.
Nta but Yuta isn't a Gary stu, that level of character assassination woyld make Megumi miles worse than Yuta.
she's fit though
Thank you for posting the sexy nobara
>1. Apart from Gojo saying that Sukuna doesn't need Mahoraga to beat him in afterlife, I don't see Sukuna could beat Gojo without Mahoraga
If he was fully incarnated he absolutely would. Sukuna was just gimping himself by making sure mahoraga adapts to limitless
>2. I feel like Megumi is far inferior vessel to Sukuna. I mean, I feel like Sukuna could extract more of his power through Yuji Itadori.
True, I mean Yuji is made for that anyway so it makes sense. Its more fit to say that Sukuna was interested in 10S instead of Megumi himself
>3. Why don't they send my guy Comedian Man to face Sukuna instead?
Takaba would probably be easily terrified like he was at the start of the Kenny fight. I guess they think he's unreliable.
>4. I would rather have MC and their friends get unbelievable Power Ups than downgrade Sukuna to be THIS unthreatening.
Sukuna isn't downgraded though? He just used FUGA a few chapters ago
>5. Sukuna keep saying "You are boring" to Yuji. Is this actually a message from Gege to his Editor?

Now who is your favorite character?
1. They would be far more matched in the domains clash if Sukuna had his original body
2.Both him and Yuji have advantages 10s vs super body but the real point is that he can control megumi
3. Takaba is tired and anyway he's unreliable.
4. Sukuna is still stronger than anyone else
5. No, stop with trying to psychoanalize the author and his relationship with the editor from the interactions between the carachters.
I think Gojo and Sukuna are more or less evenly matched with his true body, not always win Sukuna.
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>Yuta isn't a Gary stu
Instead of using buzzwords, edits and bad faith arguments as always maybe you could use actual arguments, only you don't have them, as we always said to you he's a supporting character.
No it will not.
I will believe it once he actually just fucking dies.
Name 5 Yuta moments that Gary Stu-ish.
Yuta will survive by the end of the manga and live a happy life with his burn girlfriend and his ghost loli wife
1. Big Bro
2. My guy COGji
3. Lawyer Bro & Aoi Bro
Yuta, Yuji and Megumi will thrive after all of this eventually ends, and that’s a FACT i can count on
So every character that still survive is a Gary Stu?
Nothing is in bad faith, but Yutadogs like to pretend that they weren't on Gojofag levels of annoying during culling games.
I did nothing in that period, why do you act like every Yuta fan is the same? And this in no way prove your original statement, that Yuta is a Gary Stu.
>Yutadogs like to pretend that they weren't on Gojofag levels of annoying during culling games.
Were they?
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Absolutely FUCKING based, welcome aboard.
Learn English, you ape.
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This place was just incredibly annoying during CG because it was just after s1 aired and all the animefags migrated
That and avatarfagging was at it's highest.
>I think he deep inside knew there was something WRONG with his parents
That was my feeling too. Like i think we had enough clues based on Yuji's attitude to know how he values family and friends. Kenny and his "real parent" fall into the not there category, so they're easy to dismiss as not mattering. Choso was there, even after the debacle of him and Nobara killing Eso and Kechizu. So he matters in the same way gramps did in raising him.
Kenny was never there & never wanted to be, so he fits the "not there? doesn't matter" paradigm. That's why imo it does feel somewhat in character that Yuji didn't talk with Kenny, even if I think it's a missed opportunity to lay it out clearly and to pick at their brains.

Sukuna is the problem person who doesn't fit that value set neatly, because he was there for an uncomfortable long time to both of them.
Sukuna is not a friend or real family, even if he is the latter technically and they didn't start out as enemies. They quickly became enemies and that was that.
Tldr: I think Yuji's thoughts on Sukuna are crystal & don't need anything, i.e. "Sukuna has to die," end of story. It's the feelings of both characters that's muckier and could use a send off.
>I wonder if him sacrificing himself would redeem him for people? I don't hate Megumi, I just see him as another Gege's victim.
Like I don't want Megumi or Yuji to die, he was wasted character-wise by Gege. I just don't know how it's gonna work out even if he survives. We saw Sukuna spit out the fingers, but I don't actually think he can spit out megs since it's still megumi's body at the base. I think Sukuna has literally physically altered Meg's body to be like his, that's why its a one time thing, it's a one-way transformation. Meaning if he survives, he's stuck looking like Sukuna. That's pure nightmare fuel, but uhhh-at least he won't be alone in that what with Yutajo lmao?
>More blessed than gojo
>Muh copy
>Special grade day 1
>Only I care about gojo
He's gonna return in the next set of chapters to sideline everything again just watch
None of that is the characterization of Yuta.
>Only I care about gojo
this is simply a lie, while the others are only complaining he's strong and the ex protagonist.
I weigh 300lbs. Who is my favorite JJK character?
Are you a woman? Gojo.
Sukuna or Gojo if woman
Yuta if man
I don't have problem with Yuta.
My problem is Rika. How the fuck a mere modern ghost/curse could be this strong against 1000+ years old curses?

t. Non JJK 0 reader
Never underestimate yanderes.
Rika is a non-factor.
In JJK 0 it's revealed her power derives from Yuta's, he cursed her and she has part of his boundless cursed energy because of this.
Yuta has boundless cursed energy because...
Gege had to kill off nanami since his
3:7 tech would just slice the world cutting slash at its weakpoint btw
>Hakari has better RCT than Gojo and Sukuna because...
>Yuki had the most destructive attack in the series because...
of his descendancy from Sugawara, according to Gojo, even if this makes little sense, since until further proof his parents weren't sorcerers, much less prodigies, but he probably had an atavism, and recently it was discovered he might also descend from the fujiwara.
He's from a bloodline of snowflakes.
Talent, a key part of a sorcerers kit as stated by Gojo.
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3rd namefaggie has arive!
Aqr… Qrd… Plz… Who is wiicky?
>That Curtain Girl
>Megumi's Step Sister
S3/S4 will have many nude scenes. Noice.
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ozawa (before) *grins* mot tp be mene or anythign
Find better sources of happiness
He is a sugewara and a fujiwara
because his CT
because her CT
Base Yuta without copy is already special grade off stats alone
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>The Golden Emperor survived
>Tsukumo refuse her role as star plasma
>Rika if she's alive also refuse to fuse with Tengen
>Tengen refuse to fuse with anyone after Rika is Kill
>Also Tengen doesn't force/convince Tsukumo to fuse with her eventhough Tsukumo is finally willing to stay with Tengen
I don't blame Toji now. These girls are insufferable in their own ways.
Per usual, women are retarded.
Between going out like a champ in a memorable way and surviving as a boring freak like Maki I'm actually don't mind the former is what happened.
Tsukumo never implied to be willing to fuse with Tengen, and anyway Tengen chose to take new precautions with her barriers, now that fate was broken.
sukuna has used 2 binding vows and 2 techniques since the fight started.
Three binding vows
>I will fire an enhanced dismantle without requirements in exchange for adding requirements
>I will create a domain with only one hand and the wrong part of the brain at full range without reducing the output in exchange for it collapsing in 99 seconds and other conditions
>I won't use fuga against multiple opponent outside my domain in exchange for turning it into a thrmobaric bomb in the DE.
Not true, he used tons of them to pull off FOOGAH
>>I won't use fuga against multiple opponent outside my domain in exchange for turning it into a thrmobaric bomb in the DE.
that domain is from before, probably since the heian. i meant vows done in the current fight, if you count old ones i guess you should count the barrierless range extension.
If this guy does win, he is essentially fucked if he fights anyone on his level after this.
Good note about the barrierless, and yes I know what you were doing, just wanting to be a stickler.
the only real permanent nerf from this whole fight is world cutting dismantle though. i doubt the domain nerf is permanent, he can probably just get it back after healing his brain and arms.
They're all binding vows with himself btw
He can annul them anytime, it's only binding vows with others that are dangerous to break
Nah, he can't do that until he's done paying for them. The one for the world slash can't ever be undone.
the one about dismantle can't, since he can't give back what he gained, since it's in the past.
What does Yuji's scissor-thing do? I'm confused by it.
It's his version of shrine, it cuts.
He uses shrine to carve up the scenery immediately after this.
When Sukuna says he made a vow he just means that for that attack only Yuji traded all of the physical damage for soul damage. It's not permanent.
Gaygay personally doesn't find him attractive and doesn't understand why others do. He thinks people should have the hots for Nanami.
So why doesn't he just perpetually shred Sukuna with it instead of random building?
They would be confused by your explanation because 9mm bullets would just bounce off the console.
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>Gege recently confirmed that Nobara is dead.
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He tried to, but it only gave Sukuna's leg papercuts.
>he is infodumping on conventions, already gave up.
What, trivial info or important stuff that didn't make it into the manga?
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Cutting Sukuna physically doesn't hurt him as bad as the soul hits. Yuji technically tested it out as well when he slashed at Sukuna's ankles earlier. Since they are sorta connected, he can tell what's hurting Sukuna more. It's the soul slashes, not the physical damage. Dude is literally running around with CE pumping his heart, and crying when he feels like for his limbs. Physical. Damage is nothing to him, but soul damage takes more out of him.
*Rcting when he feels*
>It's not permanent
..he's trying to kill Sukuna, essentially an evil spirit possessing Meg's. Why wouldn't it be permenant? It's not like Yuji's goal is to paper cut Sukuna into leaving Megs. It's do and die here, he's putting everything to ending two face.
Nigga not even yuta's shrine did anything against sukuna
Awful artwork. Making Maki look like a glam queen annihilates her appeal.
At least the naked lady is still alive
She's forgotten, which is worse than being dead.
It made him throw up his fingers.
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>after a month of breaks to build up hype Yutajo vs Sukuna was over in a single chapter
why is no one complaining? Gege should be utterly embarrassed.
Bro she FLED
Did you not read the fucking chapter?
Why the fuck would we complain that crap was over with quickly? Everyone was celebrating when the chapter immediately went back to Yuji and Todo
The month break was because he felt sick, the intended way to read the manga isn't as it is being produced.
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>Resurrected to participate in death match
>Have the good fortune to fight the one guy who doesn't kill his enemies
>recieve some therapy about your tragic past during the fight
>Take the L and leave
She won
You know a month in real time isn't a month in manga time, right? How embarrassing.
Sukuna should freak out his opponents by taking a big shit on the floor
Inumaki should have told him to shit his pants.
Will sukuna even die if they beat him or will he just go back to sleep in his fingers again? And then what, yuji eat them to make sure that sukuna will never revive again when he dies of old age?
I did, nothing of consequence occured. I'm gonna complain for the next chapter when JL does nothing(again).
I'll be right there with you.
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Remember what was stolen from you
You gotta be an idiot if you get hyped over Puta
If he returns to his fingers either they kill him with JL,wich candestroy cursed objects, or Yuji eats him and kill himself.
>Literally mentioned that Copy isn't going to lasts forever multiple times
>Surprised that the fight is just 5 minutes long
Anon, are you dumb?
I honestly don't mind.
Because that trio + Gojo is basically Team 7 + Kakashi, which is too formulaic (boring).
Besides superficial shit, they had nothing in common.
Reminder that Sukuna is 2-0 against Yuta and 2-0 against Maki. JJK0bros and Hakari are SEETHING upon this realization.
Only care about my yooj
They tied the domain clash and Yujo took himself out thoughbeit
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Give me 1 or 5.
Imagine if the trio really does get reunited after Sukuna's defeat. How would Nobara and Megumi react to Yuji's current level of power? And of course, he'll only get stronger as the Sukuna Raid reaches its climax. Now that he can use BVs and combine his soul powers with Shrine, it's very likely that he'll learn Convergence, Flowing Red Scale, Fuga and possibly the World Dismantle.
Until Maki doesn't die he hasn't won, a battle is won by the last faction standing.
Nobara would be freaked out especially when she finds out he ate the fetuses
Megumi wouldn't even comment on it because he'd be busy self-loathing and lamenting the fact that half of his shadows are gone
The Ippo one is better because I could just ask Wally to trade seats with me so that I can be next to based Mari. I'd pick seat 3 because I think Itadori is cool, so Choso and I would get along.
Three, I would prefer 8 but Geto would kill me for being a monkey, Gojo isn't fast enough to save me.
I'd rather have Toji power than 10 Shikigamis.
Bar Maho, 10 S is boooooorrriiiiiing.

But Imagine if Toji have 10 S. Dayum.
Warthog from halo 3 would absolutely decimate sukuna
1 is the only correct answer.

Also, Can I sit next to my wife Hanami?
Plasma pistol
Convince Dagon to change.
Can Madara solos Sukuna?
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>Sorry, Biden. I’m not even angry over you right now. I bear no grudge against anyone. It’s just that the world feels so, so wonderful right now. Throughout America and beyond, I alone am the honored one.
I'd take seat 3, and then I'd switch places with Yuki so that the brothers group can finally be complete. Fuck Gege for robbing us of Yuki, Yuji, Todo and Choso.
>but you'll be next to Toji
So? He won't kill unless he has a hit on you. Outside of his hitman job, he behaves like any other adult who has hit rock bottom and doesn't bother anyone. So I'll be able to get 8 hours of sleep while the based brothers are happy.
6 and have plane sex with Toji
>Fuck Gege for robbing us of Yuki, Yuji, Todo and Choso.
This is one of the biggest tragedies in the entire manga
I like COGji as a character
7 is literally the safest, beside 2 jobbers with 0 villains adjacent.
Holy fucking shit what if Yuji does FOOGAH
He has already done cleave + dismantle, the next stage is the open fire
gojo has a magic indestructible shield so sukuna summoned a super strong monster with the power to break the indestructible shield and then copied the technique of the monster to kill gojo
Dont need to ask you anything, you’re already the most based anon ITT
Kick out Uraume and and invite Toji to sit next to me so I can be sandwiched between two hunks.
Yuji fuga

Yuji fuga
Can’t Megumi get new shadows?
after the whole shebang about how Gojo's infinity works is based off math, having a creature that just goes "actually I adapt, how? shut the fuck up"
is really lame.
Kind of. With totality he gets some new combinations but there’s specific conditions to be fulfilled and his total amount of shadows still lowers.
So the magical chimera beast in a manga filled with magical bullshit is where you draw the line
Is it break next week? How long
Yes because gege even bothered to explain how gojo's power works in the first place. Just make it a magic barrier in the first place, now it just looks like he gave up and it's embarrassing.
Gojo's technique brings the concept of infinity in to reality. It isn't based off math. It is described with math. lmao
Holy hell, you've reaching so hard for something to complain about.
1 week
nah i'd adapt is based though
Gege literally made extra chapters admitting he fucked up the calculus for Gojo's power. He wanted to show off his knowledge and ended up being wrong.
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No, he admitted that black flashes made no sense, since they implied that there is no unit of CE, since the growth is esponential, and a unit if multiplied by itself would still be a unit.
Based. No need to ask anything.
Kozo is so cute...
It'll be revealed that Yuji can do a black flash at will, and his version of Fuga will be a stream of black sparks.
Thank you, never seen it.
Even that is just a silly thing. The measurement of the power of the black flash is what gets the squared unit.
Its just like measuring a liter of water and a squared liter of water. Even at a measure of 1, the 1 squared is larger.
>> >>268788769
>liking the one (living) character who has grown and changed throughout the whole of JJK
>is at the center of some of the best moments in JJK
>the Sukuna raid becomes tolerable when he's the focus
It's not surprising.
His magic ability to adapt allows him to circumvent the hax of infinity. How does being based on math exclude this? Think a little.
Popular choice is 3 and I agree with it, but 2nd choice for me is probably 4, since just laughing at Takaba's jokes garuntees some immunity, and I'd be interest to see more shenanigans between Kenny and him.
Long flights when timed wrong are hard to sleep through anyways and worse comes to worse, I think I'd rather be closer to the plane exit at front or back then in the middle.
8 so i can molest suguru-chan while gojo watches
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>Kozo, I swear if you don't get with that woman... I will.
gege would never give yuji something that cool it would overshadow y*ta
You’re kidding but this actually sounds so fucking cool
Keep seething at seeing how wrong you were.
Did Yuji really turn down that tall girl's confession?
If so then I hope he end up with Nobara.
She hasn’t confessed to him yet bwo
jjk has gotten so bad that gege should drop all pretense of a serious story and give the fans what they want, regardless of whether it's bad or uncreative writing
>megumi wakes up and beats sukuna up from the inside
>nobara returns and uses resonance on the remaining finger
>yuji uses domain expansion / fuga
>gojo takes his body back for one last round
it'd be so funny watching the reactions from all sides of the fanbase
wrong about what? gege already said he doesnt like yuji, too bad he fired his old editor to tard rangle him
she was too afraid to ask or something I can't remember so they just parted ways
Yuko never confessed.
Gege also said that the only character that he likes is Nanami, all the other are ok, Gege lies if you didn't understand it. Facts are Yuta stayed only one chapter and wasn't there to kill Sukuna or steal Yuji's role.
Isn't a killed shikigame incapable of being summoned again?
that would be good writing though
By the same user of 10s? Yes.
its cliche
good guys winning is cliche
Shitgumi basically has no value left once Sukuna gets killed
You guys are ungrateful as fuck this final arc and most likely ending are great compared to shit like bleach Snk TG:RE and now oshi no ko
The only way this manga can go down to their level if Yuji suck sukuna off which only has 0.01% chance of happening.
He has totality.
Will go to waste just like all his other shikis before kekuna took over
He was already a good sorcerer.
Sure sure
You clearly need the Riko treatment.
He may also still have the rabbits.
He'd have to go hard in to shadow teleporting.
Read the first reply, Gege intended to use math for the concept of limitless.
it's a cliche for a reason
upjumped otaku like gege watch fzo once and think they know better than thousands of years of human storytelling
That's the whole point idiot, if it just ended up being overwritten by magic hax then don't bother having logical explanation in the first place
i mean f/z what fuck
how would you even kill all of those rabbit fuckers, toji basically wiped them all out in shibuya and megumi can still summon them, even if all the other nine shadows die out you'll always have the rabbits
There are several people impersonating me and I don't know why.
I'm still not following your... well we can't call it logic.
Chapters of Sukuna getting dominated are cathartic. I hate him.
I don't, he is cool
Because he knows that would be too obvious but he made sure to focus on Yuta during cg, give him all the kills and even give him the kenjaku kill, then the embarrassing Yutajo shit
If you kill the single rabbit with a mark on it, the rest of the rabbits get destroyed.
Sukuna and Yuta dont have chemistry, we want COGji breaking his shit to the dumb uncle
we know yuji
I agree with the first part. Although I do like Sukuna.
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What is this anime/manga about?
I like Sukuna, would be boring if the villain was made to be likeable
The only smart answer
>No Toji vs Sukuna
Imagine never make the hottest fight
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The environments and geography have been really good this arc, its cool how they're slowly traversing through the city as the fight goes on.
It's probably even cooler if you actually know the area and it's landmarks
People shitpost too much but it might become one of the coolest and more popular fights when it gets animated
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It'd be massively funny if gojo just gives up on the kid as a father if they are, in fact, not as strong as gojo like the rest of the damn planet. No matter the partner I don't think a Satoru Gojo child would ever come out of their family remotely happy, secure in their skillset, or ready for everyone just expecting him to be a mini satoru
He's the Todo of his generation. And girls already hate Todo and think he's obnoxious, even though he's strong, well built, knows how to use his technique, and apparently smells great
I really really like this image
Todo beat the shit out of megumi just for saying he liked girls with unshakeable character
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>He thinks people should have the hots for Nanami.

And he's correct
Thats always been one of JJK's strengths. The anime bandwagoners will never understand.
Yuji will use peak blood next chapter btw.
...Eh. Idk it just comes off as the same cliche fantasy all teens have had in their lifetime when bored while stuck at a location. I.e. for North Americans it'd someone or something running/flying besides your seat on the highway divider on a long road trip.
Nart had shades and of this as well since I think I've seen variations of the same *a ninja on top of a telephone pole looking down menancing with the moon behind them* in both both official and fan art a gazillion times.
How many school setting manga/anime have the protagonist always on the window seat at some point looking mulishly outside for something?

The bane of modernity is so common, that fantasies of escape from it while in it has become so as well. I hardly see how Sukuna Shinjuku battle's set piece use is supposed to make me feel more for it then TG:RE's desu, or another Hollywood block buster with the same handful of cities getting trounced via aliens, zombies, or XYZ apocalypse.

Tldr: The take refs of real cities & skyscrapers and trounce it, kinda feels like lazy use of set pieces imo, at least creatively if not draftsman wise for the assistants who have to draw it. But tbf gege's still inexperienced and his use of it of course isn't gonna match something like Oku's in gantz or Nightow's in BBB. I just don't think it's particularly noteworthy as a whole v.s. repeating the same cliches. Different camera angles inside the buildings doesn't make it not a cliche
Fight is going to be so cool
What would be a better set piece for the final battle?
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The use of the city is creative, is what we were talking about. It's integrated in to the fight and the environment is used by everyone involved.

What were you trying to talk about instead? That having a setting in a city has been done before?
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Todo's gaydar is too strong, he just hates liars and Megumi lied.
Me too
Meanwhile, in canon. Megumi is into his sister.
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The location itself imo is not the problem. It's how it's used storytelling wise that is.

Like I'll go back to oku's from gantz as an example, one of gantz most well known arcs is the Osaka one when the antag aliens that look like dieties. Climax of those fights results the aliens turning into ashura like demons. Osaka has one of the oldest Buddhist temples in Japan, a quick wikipedia glance between it and other cities even in Japan itself and you can see a difference in its places of interest compared to others. So the antags are actively reflecting the location they are in, and that's a running theme/motif across the entire story, mirrored even in other locations down the line ( i.e. they appear like the statues of Roman gods In Italy). The repeating motif of the antags mirroring human dieties matching their location is purposeful, and builds to its conclusion at the end when we see the game makers and their opinion on human hubris. Set piece and location then does matter story telling wise because it clues the reader from the start about the main Antag of the story as not impartial on humanity's own culture & actively observing & judging the differences and similarities in each.

But what does Shinjuku actually tell us story telling wise about jjk? Theme wise? Is jujutsu society somehow getting destroyed with Gojo and Sukuna trashing the Tokyo metropolitan building? How is it supposed to mean that when we've never had faces for any of the elders or a real location to tie "Jjk society"? Why isn't it for e.g. not Kyoto which could refer to the 1000 years of Jjk 3 clans? Is it supposed to mean it matters because it's destroying japanese society, and they're the problem? Kinda hard to sell when we literally had Kenny curry favor with US and China, while showing that they're just as scummy.
The set pieces for story telling don't matter, becuase the message is so vague, there's no meaning to be drawn from why they're located there.
He still lied, if he admitted he was a bisexual siscon Todo would have left him alone.
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>I think Sukuna has literally physically altered Meg's body to be like his, that's why its a one time thing, it's a one-way transformation. Meaning if he survives, he's stuck looking like Sukuna. That's pure nightmare fuel, but uhhh-at least he won't be alone in that what with Yutajo lmao?
I'm having a giggle at the thought of a surviving Megumi having to explain to a potential wife or even his potential kids and grandkids why he changed so drastically during high school.

like the sincere discussion though
>The capital of modern civilization being destroyed by an ancient evil. Reaffirming the bit of the strongest sorcerer of history destroying the strongest sorcerer of today.
>A solitary creature ancient power vs one of the densest locations of modern technologic power
>Old barbarism vs modern technology
Etc and etc.
Maybe if you weren't a contrarian hater, you'd be able to recognize many of the themes in the manga. But I guess I shouldn't be surprised from a faggot who looks for meaning and symbolism in a manga about alien sex gore.
I don't have a problem with jjk's fight choreography. That's fine. But it's not somehow a noteworthy show of the place it's in. You could locate these fights in any other urban center & the message would be the same." It's there cause it looks cool". But it's not actually saying anything in of itself.
Swap Sukuna and Toji.
What does modern technology have anything to do with this?
They're using magic powers given to them by birth. Shit has zilch to do with technology. If it had something to do with technology, put the sorcerers against a nuke or a warhead. Not each other.
>Is jujutsu society somehow getting destroyed with Gojo and Sukuna trashing the Tokyo metropolitan building?
The government is going to be pissed off yes. Dumb as fuck question. It's like asking why mainline SMT games always take place in Tokyo. Sometimes it's really not that deep, you just want to make the story take place somewhere that's familiar for you as a writer and the audience because it's fun or because it's a shortcut to make the audience realize how high the stakes are without wasting time introducing a bunch of nobodies that are just there to get maimed and killed later. It works so well that X1999 (the story is very similar to JJK for context) is still on hiatus as a result of reminding the audience and even the mangaka themselves too much of the 1995 Kobe earthquake and the Tokyo subway terrorist attack the same year, then the serial killing case later and the tsunami in Sendai in 2011 was the last nail in the coffin iirc.
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nobara will come back because sukuna wanted to rape her.
sukuna, a cannibal and rapist, is yet to rape or eat anyone. gege is a coward. instead hes going to die like a bitch.
And why should I give a shit about the japanese government in this?
They never feature in the story besides some disembodied voices panicking after Shibuya. They aren't characters, they have no relevancy to the main story and no influence. Do you not see how that's poor story telling?

Your audience is supposed to know the significance what's happening to the story message. They can do so by making strong connections between location, character, events, and conflict.
But there's no strong ties between the Jjk characters and the location this battle or the last major one ( Shibuya) was in. Kenjaku and the curses aren't somehow deeply rooted in the substation. there's no government agent character that matters that somehow Gojo and the gang are working with. They're all nothing burger background noise in the same way that is army plot turned into nothing but red shirts for the game & Mugel 's rand lecture on racism has nothing to do with the main conflict of the story.
The connection for set pieces, to character, to message is weak as hell. That's not noteworthy use of a set piece, it's treating it as a Rule of Cool background the fighters are fighting on. That's not some crime agaisnt story telling, but i don't think It's a reach to not find it some groundbreaking piece of artistry. That's the actual reach.
You could find that if you tried like you did with Gantz. Imagine its the vampire monsters. Then take whatever effort you would require to find how they fit in with environmental storytelling and use that same effort here instead
>Kenjaku and the curses aren't somehow deeply rooted in the substation.
What matters in Shibuya isn't the train stations, it's the date. It's well known that a lot of young people party in costumes all over Shibuya during Halloween, it gets really crowded to the point where the next morning the streets are pure chaos full of trash everywhere. And usually Shibuya is already very crowded every evening because of people partying or going to bars and restaurants after school or work, it's full of huge office building and malls. That means Kenjaku and the curses picked that location and that date to kill as many people as possible. Most people going to Shibuya that night or going home from Shibuya would obviously take the train or subway and not their car because there's almost nowhere to park your car and it would have been rush hour anyway. Shibuya might not be a super special place for the main characters but in that context it still makes perfect sense that Gege chose that location for an entire arc. It's like wondering why there are usually terrorist attacks in big cities and not in small villages.
>he made sure to focus on Yuta during cg,
No, since Yuta is the strongest he made him fight the strongests but everyone had a good amount of screentime
>give him all the kills
he specifically doesn't kills anyone at sendai, so don't really know what you're talking about.
>give him the kenjaku kill,
Yes, but 99% of the work was done by Takaba and Todo helped too, it wasn't a moment with the spotlight on Yuta.
>then the embarrassing Yutajo shit
That was good, and as you can see, still a support.
Todo is even more obnoxious than Gojo, by far.
The body follows the soul, if Sukuna is defeated megumi will have his body back.
Girl here, he should rape Megumi
His wife will be too lucky, Sukuna is fucking sexy
Used too many words.
>Good guy has magic shield.
>Bad guy makes a monster that has the power to negate attacks used against it.
>Bad guy used the monster to teach him how to do the same thing.
>bad guy hit good guy with an attack while negating the magic shield.
The vampires are like the dumbest part of gantz, so no I couldn't ramrod a message where there isn't one. The point wasn't to prove gantz was some masterpiece of a manga, it most definitely had flaws as any the of TAECHAAAAN! Complaints during its own running showed. But the point was Oku was purposely planning a clear message when he made those creative choices in locations and in his character designs reflecting them. Aka: that the game makers were judging the humanity hard as pseudo "gods". Since there was always the option to capture that was almost never the go to choice of the protags & they judge humanity poorly for it.

I don't see a clear message like that being broadcasted by jjk's set piece choice and tie ins to the characters beyond a vague "Modern society BadTM". Which isn't in itself a bad sentiment, but it's too vague to feel like a concrete or meaningful message to express.
When your message is so vague, it's little different then saying nothing at all, that's what I'm criticizing since that's the base purpose of a piece fiction, to express something. Not just to look cool, but ultimately say nothing.
Ok. I respect the take on the vampires, I had thought you were willing to make the effort for any of the Gantz arcs.
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>REIKA was bullied because of Oku's jealous wife pushing for her selfinsert Take
I hated it
Can you "dodge away" from domain expansions or are they instantaneous? I don't want to reread the entire manga but I can swear I've seen evidence of both.
Yes you can. This is based on the fact Yuji could dodge into one. Mahito was forced to do the 0.2 domain expansion because he couldn't exclude a locked in Yuji in Shibuya.

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