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Ulti is shit
what the fuck is a "short summary"? they have the full chapter, why the fuck don't they just upload the scans?
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Ulti is shit
Are you ready for „One Piece Film: Redder: Uta’s Revenge”?
>all that "hype" was for a silhouetted dude holding a sword
I am gonna join the IDF and do unspeakable things to Pews cousins I swear to fucking god
Wisest post
this ain't the thread
already posted in the last thread
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How do you feel about the One Piece being reveals as something to do with the world previously being Pangaea?
Agendafags are in shambles because of Gigabonney.
Now I completely understand why Israel hates Arabs so much
This is the thread.
>Bonney is now stronger than Zoro and Sanji combined
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>*Saturn turns to smoke*
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Carrot is love
Imagine the smell
Bonney has mindbroke these faggots yet again.
Zoloshits and Sanjishits are going to be doomposting for 2 weeks now.
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Based, thread saved
Carrot is shit
Bros if I die by then read it for me
>3D Hag
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Topman hard carrying these clowns rn
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>Another figarland
Ginney enjoyed it
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>SHONKS is real
So what did Roger laugh about? He was a D. , couldn't he use the One Piece to save the world or something? Why didn't he?
Shonks gonna defeat mihawk, isnt he
Seems like somehow the reactions will be the only good thing about this chapter..
Wow, Joyboy and Joygirl are so strong! this is incredible.
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Luccikino soon
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>Luffy and Bonney push Saturn back
>more worldwide reactions
>more Vegapunk speech
>random silhouette
>break week
Yeah I am done, this is the first time since Dressrosa that I am gonna stop reading weekly until the arc is over, its not that I even dislike whats happening but this pacing is beyond fucking absurd
>big lore drops
>all you guys do is fight about powerscaling and shitpost
I hate /opg/
They hate all of us, don't fall for it.
only the first chapters after breaks aren't complete filler.
How do you cope with the reality that your waifu isn't real?
ReactionPiecebros... we eating good tonight
Because nothing else happens, Luffy punches Saturn for the 100th time and does some toon shit that turns him into crumbs like he turned him into a pizza earlier and reactions. Thats the entire fucking chapter
Big lore dropped where? Why are you making shit up
You know that at this pace Oda will die during or before the final battle.
>big lore
whats the big lore nigga, we knew One piece could rule the world because whitbeard said who ever find it will start a huge war and turn the world upside down

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Reminder that while you guys were complaining Vegapunk revealed to us what's the One Piece.
>the fate of the world hinges on whoever obtains One Piece
Go back fag
The One Piece is the master control over the Ancient Weapons.
>I honestly think the people who think this is good writing and are hyping up the last 6 months of one piece have to be new fans who binge the series and have only recently caught up so it’s all super fresh and they just got so much content with out any of it slowing week to week.
Basically this
>please wait for the full summary before you say its mid
bruh then tell me about something cool that happens
oh wait you cant
chapter isnt mid, its fucking garbage
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I like it a lot.
Shit theory
>The One Piece is... VIVI'S WOMB.
>Dragon: ...
>The world will change when someone finds One Piece
how is sanji not exploding into white cum in this moment?
I would
Mid chapter as always
Cuckro could never
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Shonks! I kneel..
see you in two weeks
Oda is deliberately extending this arc because he still hasn't planned the next few arcs
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Toriyama and Araki making regen a thing was a mistake.
>powercliff'd by a 12 year old girl
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Cute apprentice
Sanji is not a virgin anymore after he popped Pudding's cherry.
Sanji is a gentleman
Should be Shucks
Oda is hoping to die before he has to actually deliver on the 500 silhouettes and 'that place's he developed.
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He was already powercliffed by a little girl last chapter
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I love tashigi!
I hate haki more than nika
>next chapter he just regenerates again
Tell me how this isnt a waste of pages
After Fishman Island, the Pangea Castle and Vegapunk's revelation I don't see how you can keep denying it. Luffy is going to destroy Fishman Island, right under the Red Line, exactly where All Blue could be formed. It cannot be formed anywhere else as it's the only point in which the 4 seas can meet.

What do you need more?
at this point it's hard even pinpointing what chapter you're describing when kuma punching saturn amounted to nothing
Sexy brat needs raping!
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>Create the best post-ts arc
>Oh but drag it out for 50 more chapters
>Now constantly blue ball "important" reveals
>Finally "reveal" something
>The reveal is something we already know
What the fuck is this faggot's problem?
Egghead is nowhere near as bad as Wano thanks to the start of the arc being great, but this shit is laughable.
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Miss us yet?
That's because you don't even read or pay attention to what's happening or is being said. Just read and try to think a bit.
Remember that Oda is dragging his feet hoping he will die before the final war
Regen is the only thing that is intimidating about the Gorosei, let them have it.
>as it's the only point in which the 4 seas can meet.
x marks the spot at reverse mountain tho, not fishman island
pacing is shit
>Hot dog
My Cock.
At this point I'm hoping the same fuck this hack Togashi deserves to outlive him
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Only Yamato
useless sword hunter that cant actually fight or even grip her own sword tightly.
I can't believe Oda is fucking up on basic storytelling. This should've been Bonney's first transformation into Joygirl against her sworn enemy. The fact that it already happened just one chapter ago cheapens it.
Atlas my love...
Exactly. All these attacks amount to nothing because "lol regen'd", its a waste of pages, literally
It's just 10 chapters of climax and massive things were being revealed while there was fights everywhere. You guys are so fucking annoying.
arcs are judged after they end, a good start doesn't make the whole arc good.
Joygirl is so cute and funny
Only Kiku and Tama
I can't believe Saint Figarland allows his children to breed with insects
Or he could just fake his death before the ending.
Excuse her, she's trying her best!
Ew tranny
>massive things were being revealed
Yeah like uhm well ehh you know uhhh
I agree. In no way is Egghead the best post-ts arc now, but you can't deny how promising it was.
I swear to god if this fag keeps stalling like this I will take a plane to Japan and rape the shit out of Odas daughter, fucking Ginny style
After the Ginny incident, I expect the Celestial Dragons to do the most degenerate shit with their slaves. I wonder what they did to Boa.
Me and you both
so exactly what whitebeard told us 600 chapters ago
1107 remains the best chapter
This shit is mid
where did Egghead go so wrong?
wrong poster, but One Piece being a machine fed by dreams could actually happen with how Oda is aproaching the reality beding shit with Nika and Bonney.
Cunny Getting Nika
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No matter how shit OP gets, it will NEVER be as bad as during Udon.
That shit was infuriating.
Shitty """summary""" which means Zoro won't do anything. I hate the spoiler providers so much.
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No, is not a reveal, its the milestone of the entire world knowing. But this could been done better. The climax could been focused on the race to stop the transmission and fugitive Vegapunks. Then, after the conflict is resolved, we could seen world's reaction and its concequences.
Like when Vegapunk basically confirmed what's the One Piece. Or when he hinted at an idelogical conflict between D. that you guys totally overlook. Hard to please you if you don't give a fuck about anything.
When all the Gorosei showed up, Kizaru and Saturn was enough.
>but the chapter IS GOOD
Holy Knights intervene ???!!!
It's pretty telling that shit which everyone already knows is news to you.
Oda decided to halt the pacing to a stop, its not bad per say, just nothing is happening
This doesn't give me a stiffy
when vega got on the mic snd proceeded to hym and haw ambiguously about this and that
>Zoro won't do anything.
We might get Loli Bonika Sexo, so It's all worth it for the fan art
>We see reactions from Dragon
I wonder what he's going to say
Kuma's flashback
>thread so dead we have a bot that steals reddit posts..
How over is it?
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>the best post-ts arc
He created Dressrosa, yeah.
Post Cunny
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Zoro is dying after Wano. He needs Ivonkovs hormone regeneration or somethin
Why were the Law vs Blackbeard and Garp vs Kuzan fight kino while this supposed eldrtich threats on Luffy and co feel like nothing burger.
I blame the leakers desu. I miss when they just released the spoilers and moved on with their lives, now we have to deal with attention whores every week hyping up average chapters to get twitter likes
One of the best NTR stories I have ever read.
How did this hint shit even start?
RedditSpammer? Carrying the thread as usual.
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The worst character bar none.
meh, the only good thing is ironically Cross Guild Reactions, Croco and Mihawk must be like
>this piece of thrash was right and made the right move
What would happen if Wano was in proximity instead of Lulusia
>you cant be my woman its dangerous!
>joins revo army together
>still no romance
Kuma is a hack
The thing is... We din't know. It's just theories being proven right. Are you complaining that after an infinity of theories some were actually close to the truth?
It's not slow at all. Most climax in One Piece don't have half the action or 1/100 of the revelations while being way longer but somehow /opg/ are being huge babies about it.
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never forget
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animefags are gonna be put through the wringer when toei gets to the broadcast
picture it, 20 minutes of reactions and maybe two of luffy actually doing things
same thing that happened with Lulusia, nothing
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>The worst character
Top 5 worst characters in One Piece

1. Luffy
2. Oden
3. Koby
4. Vegapunk
5. Sabo

Dishonorable mentions: Shanks, Yamato and Bonney
We love Joygirl here
The fact that she saved her virginity for 30 fucking years for Kuma is wild to me, especially when everyone around her wanted her so bad too.
Imagine with an actual adaptation now. The whole broadcast (so the whole climax of the arc) would only be 2 episodes long.
Theories which have been more or less spelled out for the readers being proven correct through 10+ chapters of stalling is not how a proper reveal is done, sorry Oda cocksucker.
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>Shanks twin is a swordsman
Wantpissbros.... we want oda to KEEP pissing in our mouths.
I legit cant believe el hermano shit is real lmao

This is some gohan blanco level of meme
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Oda's greatest creation
We hate Joygirl here
>another secret swordsman
Did Mihawk fight this guy too??
>dead threads on arrival
>even doomposters gave up
Kek. See you fags in two weeks
Yeah now there is one more person he can run awayfrom
Sabo haters should kill themselves
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The whole family is Zoro victims anon
I can't wait for Bonney to join, we'll be getting Loli fan service on the regular, trust the plan.
>Mihawk fighting anyone near his level after getting the WSS title
redditposter carrying the thread
Neither the 3 week break nor 1 month surgery saved Egghead from being SHIT
>obscure characters reacting
The ones in this chapter are relevant.
so wild that I thought she'd get with dragon and make luffy lololol
Haven't been reading for a couple of months. What's Sanji up to lately, doing anything based?
>we couldn't even get ancient kingdom's name
Should've ended at >Mihawk fighting anyone, he RAN from Don Krieg
>short summary releases
>everyone whines
>full summary releases
>everyone starts saying "we jumped to conclusions, its a good chapter after all"

Goda? Won.
>everyone starts saying "we jumped to conclusions, its a good chapter after all"
since when?
Just kill Redon and his ilk already.
>everyone starts saying "we jumped to conclusions, its a good chapter after all"
this? never happened.
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bros they laughing at our mangaka....
>more reactions
Can we PLEASE end this shit already?
I hate that I bought onto araboid hype knowing they're full of shit 99% of the times.
>its a good chapter
hasn't happened in over 10 chapters
nah people are still mad at the Vega speech. he's so tepid and feckless while delivering it.
He needed the 3 Anciente weapons, and 1 of the (Shirahishi) hasn't born yet.
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>doing anything based?
Impregnated Lilith
I suck big cocks btw
Literally happens every week
>Only Figarland are Holy Knight

I hope Shanks has a hot sister
>The fraud decides to introduce more plot points/silhouettes instead of concluding his 1000+ chapters worth of silhouttes, 'THAT', 'THIS' and 'Faggot D. Jobber'
It's not disappointing, it's great. Oda could literally draw luffy taking a shit for 20 chapters and all the sunk cost fans would eat it up. That's power.
ZoroGODS, We won
...on reddit.
>reading One Piece weekly
Why put yourself through such a torture anyway? Should be a per volume or arc shit
What else is new? This cycle has always been that way.
Garling has divine genes. He fathers Shanks, Bonney and others.
Of course, we love our resident redditspammer.
FACT: The One Piece is the "One Ring" of the OP universe. It will allow Nika to control all 3 of the Ancient Weapons at once and blast Imu back to Israel.
Bonney was a group project, anon.
He just chilling awaiting lilith robin and nami ass to fall down

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¨People see another unknow swordsman, but i see another zoro victim kek
This was foreshadowed in Romance Dawn, btw.
anon but you are here with us
>Big griffon illusion before one-shotting Kid
I know it's most likely referring to his sword's name


if Shanks was actually a Griffon Mythical Zoan, do you think that'd be cool or lame?
Hating on One Piece won't make you cooler. It's obviously great as it's what we have been waiting for ages. If you don't believe the last 10 chapters were great then clearly you have never liked One Piece and should have dropped the manga 20 years ago.
Would be beyond gay
What's the reason Garling is the only Tenryubito who doesn't wear a bubble helmet?
What the fuck?
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Taking care of Bonney
Other Holy Knights don't wear it either.
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He got a magic sword
I stopped calling Oda a hack after he drew this
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My heroes
>Haki summoning a monster to help you fight
Kidd WON. Shanks had to 2v1 him
No way we're getting a ... this chapter from the man himself!
In your dreams, maybe
>If you don't believe the last 10 chapters were great then clearly you have never liked One Piece
Simpji is always trying to get tail as usual
He jobbed 3 time this arc And his strongest attack tickled Luffy, so he is not doing well
insane shank wank. disgusting even. atrocious character that ruins the feel of the story everytime he appears.
How many dicks did Ginny take?
Lame, anything related to Zoan Devil Fruits is lame now since the category is oversaturated.
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>Pre-Timeskip Zoro Feat
It’s Shanks’ alter ego who is the silhouette in the new chapter
These short summaries are fucking awful
- Bite diffed
- Eye diffed
- Kick diffed
Sanji got his ass beat the whole arc lol
All the 5 Gorosei, Figarlands, slave partners, so a lot
Why does he look less damaged than Luffy and Zoro?
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>it’s THAT MAN
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>another figarland, gives off the same vibe as shanks? what is that supposed to mean? if not garling then prolly his brother, shanks's uncle? or grandpa?
Bonney Piece
I see 2 people with fraud titles and 1 ambitious man who will go after Pluton.
>reactionary doomshart tourists, characterfags, agendafags and spoilercuck hypetards shitting all over themselves in anger over shitty early spoilers, only to backpedal, seethe and disappear once the full summary and Raw surfaces
Same bullshit every chapter with you overly dramatic morons. Get a new gimmick already, you boring, braindead, faggots.
holy fucking kek the worstgen twitterzoro rejects is back after ducking for the whole week
>The shanks twin schizo was right
I fucking kneel
Imu's sword looks similar to Shanks' sword.
When Oda decided he wanted to have VP do a big reveal, but Oda himself didn't want to reveal any new information in the world.
We could have had all the same reactions but with some actual new information. Instead, we had Vegapunk spending seven months saying something he could have said in two chapters.
the tourist are really so obvious with how they type and their language
SpicGOD theories are never wrong, theyre just very early. Dont ever forget it
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Nothing but big facts in this post
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>he gives off the same vibes as Shanks
>Shanks and Garling are identical
Retarded leakers
I suck on Oda's massive cock every day, btw.
Holy fucking based, just needs Zoro and Kaido.
Shut up pew. You're a bitch. Making little seethe notes in your paid for "summaries" is pathetic.
This is Garling from 40 years!
I have never changed my opinion when the full summary came out, the short ones always have the important bits.
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Agreed. It's just white noise at this point.
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But Atlas, you could just fly up there yourself
Fuck Atlas
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Why is Kidd so evil? Guy was literally going to tear and vaporize people. Shanks probably would have given him a fair duel instead of sucker punching him
Get in line
Its out

Well he acts like an actual pirate, so yeah hes supposed to be a maniac
Kid is fucking based!
Now that buggy the pirate god has been shown, we can finally move on from egghead. What's your arc highlight?
Someone has to carry Kuma
fault of shanks allies for being weak ass bums and thinking they can take on a supernova
He hates fake pirates that only made it so far because Shanks protected them
Can Kuma kill Saturn?

Then we get Garling as Gorosei
>Bonney has done more damage to a gorosei than zoro
Odadrones are coping hard. They always fuck off after they get paid tho.
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I remember making this shitpost image thinking Kidd would put up more of a fight
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She won fucking hard it’s unbelievable
Kid grew up in a shithole where no holy tribute is paid.

He didn't have an easy childhood. His first crush was killed by a gang
He'll come back, no worries.
The eternal cycle continues

>Early quick summary drops missing key information
>Cartoon coomer freaks vanish
>Autists start to seethe that nothing happened, characterfags bring up their character to bait another characterfag depending on what happened in the early summary, other fags speculate wildly
>This continue until the full summary drops
>Autists seethe, other autists celebrate, depending on what happened
>Hype dies down
>Coomer freaks come back and spam until the next early summary
how mad would luffy had become if this had happened ? he consider Kidd a friend after all
Why didn't Pew mention the color spread?
I decided some time ago that One Piece would be my last shonen, didn't expect for it to have so much to go still.
Is oda legit retarded?
We see the sunny falling down last chapter

Does he think all this shit takes less time than a ship crashing down?
>Shanks probably would have given him a fair duel
Maybe his allies should have fucked off then and not been actively trying to fight Kidd.
Who gives a shit about that
>"You killed Shanks Jaggy? Nishishi~ that just means he wansn't strong enough!"
>Some new characters
More Giants?
We might get something decent out of the shit chapter
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Those characters
Kek nobody cares
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There was the same kind of deranged doomer spam a few chapters ago, with the whining about Bonney going Nika. Turned out to be a bunch of Zolocuck fightfags bitching. Not shocked they crawled out of their hole after hiding out for a week.
I have cocks in my ass btw
>I have cocks in my ass btw
we know zolosis
stop braging about kiku already
>crying over mild, valid criticism about the pacing of a manga written for young boys
Based, seethe more /opg/fag.
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Wouldn't her ears tightening on the earrings hurt like shit
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>another Figarland introduced
Looks like it's Christmas for me.
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at not being shit
The kick damage Kizaru dealt him is still on his face so thats big cope, he can only bend his bones so far we seen

Matter of fact is Sanji got attacked the most this arc and has the least damage
I will rape Bonney to death
>Powerlevelfag melty
I hope Bonney does join just for the amount of seethe she causes
Egghead peaked here.
>Thrown away in a treasure chest
>They all have the same genetic traits
Wait is Shanks the Sanji of his family?
t. lesbian prison
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Rare image of Luffy wearing glasses (to help him study meat)
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But how would you rape Top 2 in verse? Are you Nika himself? That can't happen, Kekffy's a cuck...
It doesn't suit him.
I also notice that Chopper has a fucking antler ring in this. I love how experimental Oda gets in these. They lowkey make me want to learn to draw just so I can make good fashion
How is it cope? It says it right there.
Imu might kill him
Chadmirals are just that strong! Scary but true!
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Female Law x Doflamingo would be hot

The child of a celestial dragon x D member would be powerful
Agreed, I bet he just stole them from Nami just to see what all the fuss was about
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It's Ashura
I already told you how far it that regeneration goes, you are aware they are different level of regeneration, right.
You think Sanji can recover lost body limbs or brain like the gorosei?
Fucking clown
Yeah only they can get one tapped by luffy
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Why is the art so much worse now compared to pre-timeskip?
Bonney's dad...
>Yeah only they can get one tapped by luffy
...but enough about Kekdo.
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So you admit he has Regen good, you got your answer.
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>he stole glasses to see what the fuss was about
ba dum tss
I accept your consneed
This post broke the Odadrones
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To tell you the truth I'm a relatively new One Piece fan so I can't give a qualified answer. But if I had to guess, I'd assume the man is just tired of making the same thing for two decades. I read somewhere that he found it was important to always shake it up and never let things be the same, so he doesn't get bored, but apparently Wano took many years. I'd get numb too.
Zoro is so ugly man
>Shanks has an evil twin
>the Shanks in romance dawn isn't the nice Shanks, it's the evil twin orchestrating Luffy accidentally eating the nika nika fruit
>Evil Shanks makes the crew party all the time so they're too drunk to notice the fake Shanks
>the reason Luffy and Shanks keep just barely missing each other is to not reveal this piece of plot
>Luffy has never even met the real Shanks
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Love that Robin looks chill in cool no matter what situation they're put in too. These seven really were the most aesthetic the Straw Hats have ever been
I am hetero but there are some of these where he looks downright smexy. I'll try to find one.
People's dreams...HAVE NO END! But seriously, I just want someone to find the treasure already. I really don't care who. Hell, give it to akainu or some shit, just hurry it up already.
He can look good on some panels dont get me wrong but he really has a goblin face

He really is carried exposing his chest and pacs, lmao
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I miss the real Straw Hat pirates and SOUL Piece
>These seven really were the most aesthetic the Straw Hats have ever been
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Jojokino would never have those problems
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How old is she?
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>head empty
>only swords
Makes sense.
Every later straw hat was an after thought.
13 or 30
Too old
When Chopper was an actual character.
she's dead now why does it matter
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Yooooo they got hard here, may I ask where it is from? I assume some movie I haven't seen
That's why we love him
W spoilers one piece reveal is huge wtf you on about oda is cooking fr
Old enough for cock
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Sorry for spamming but I also love how unapologetically weird these are. You can tell Oda just loves drawing giant animals.
Imagine fat fish or ugly ass Franky or Brook ruining this shot
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you don't even know their names
Of all things to spam, color spreads are one of the best.
Dumping MangaKINO will always be good, don't worry.
another garbage chapter incoming
Oda has been recycling the same chapter since 1112
Theyre all cowards anyways
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Carrot riding Pedro
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Should also be noted that Usopp looks cooler in these than he ever has in the manga, unfortunately. I had hoped he would come back from the time skip balling
Post the Vikings one.
Oda really drew Sanji as a fuckboi early on
Pedro is alive.
Lodestar will be so fucking based
>typical rapper drip
???? You clearly haven't watched a single anime aimed at women.
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Thanks, that's adorable. I'm newer to the threads so I'm still building up my collection of cute fanart, so if you have more please do dump
I dont mean his outfit, i mean how soft he has drawn him, contrast it with zoro and now
Hahaha Goda
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Love how everybody is freaking the fuck out while Nami is cooling and sipping on her fruity drink. Also, I notice he puts this strange looking dog in many of these. Does anybody know who this dog is? What's he doing following them around?
You need to use the left hand every once in a while, Chopper.
>how soft he has drawn him
??? It's all in your head if you see bangs on a man and think "I can fuck him", sorry to say.
What can i say i want to fuck sanji
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>more Bonney
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Garling has children who are older than Shanks.
The Shanks who was with Gorosei is Shanks' older brother.

Why was only Shanks hidden in treasure if he had a twin?
I told you that was another Bonney chapter
So uh...what did the robot do?
Gol. D. Rogers is alive and will be the final boss
Topman violated it offscreen.
Shunks was the better brother
expose topman for being a weak jobber shitter. he also put ju peter over, since he's the only elder that damaged him.
These past color spreads are sad to see.
Look how Chopper is drawn in these, he was a real character before getting Pikachu'd, or Usopp, he would act like a coward bitch if these colorspreads were recent.
gave Joy Boy a stiffy
That's fine, but really there's no difference between the way him and Zoro are drawn.
Luffy's grandma is alive and will be the final boss
>expose topman for being a weak jobber shitter. he also put ju peter over, since he's the only elder that damaged him.
Based and true.
Jupiter ended up on top, in the end, while all the other Gorosei just end up embarrassments--Saturn and Mars especially.
El Hermano de Shanks will get One Piece
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Check him out in this one, he's a full ass reindeer. And somehow much cuter than the chibi version.
you're good
he did THAT thing
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Stelly was abandoned by his own family

Which one of the Haki abilities lets you run really fast and jump hundreds of feet in the air again?
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Last one cuz I gotta poop and then eat, York style, but this one makes me so happy with all it's little details.
You just know Sanji sniffing those dawgs all discreet like
also Chopper in a TIE
Conqueror's is also a huge stat boost isn't it?
Hopefully you don't mean to eat the poop.
Who wouldnt
One Piece power scaling when it comes to non-devil fruit users makes no sense. It's best to not think about it.
Why is Luffy a retard?
Why doesn't Garp send Luffy and Ace to school?

Sabo had a private teacher
Robin went to Ohara school
Law went to school

Is there no education in One Piece world?
He is leaking radiation like crazy, everyone there has a few weeks to live.
This is the reason we we're introduced to Stussy, who is mostly irrelevant even though she's a very unique character. Gay pirate Shanks is a clone of some ubermench celestial dragon son of Garling. Shanks wasn't hidden in treasure, he was thrown into the sea and saved himself by hiding in a treasure chest that they then found.
>Shanks can literally fly across the ocean
How is he not a Gary Stu again?
Garp had the school of hard knocks. Who needs an education when you can beat the shit out of people?
>Why is Luffy a retard?
his brain also turned rubber
how'd that happen?
>sends them to live with literal bandits
>expects them to grow up to be solid citizens
Geppo exists since Enies Lobby
Took a bite of hito hito
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>another figarland and some new characters
Woah, I can't wait for el hermano and Skibi D. Toilet to appear. Things are getting hype.
Shanks doesn't show up enough to get given any real flaws. I feel like a jobbing to Blackbeard is imminent though.
ok but what if Shanks beats Blackbeard?
he can't
You're just blind.
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Leaker here
Luffy did this to Saturn
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I think gege is the only one who remembers bonobo existed.
cute and canon
When will Helmeppo use his laser eyes?
>gege is a bonobo and bleach chad
i kneel
Kekffy fucking wishes he was Himhimhim-him Him-himhim
Couldn't stop the TOP
White hair like his father Beckman
Now that you mention, domain expansions are kinda like that personal dimension thing in Bobobo (don't remember what it was called)
Proto Kekuma and Ginny
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Does anyone have any idea what Blackbeard is up to now?
having a party in his ass castle
Probably being a fat bastard and eating cherry pies.
Probably about to go to MJ. I think since Devon now can look like Saturn, and he has garp, he'll use both to get deep MJ and try to take it over.
Samji has an incredible view, here
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The only thing we know for sure is that he now has information on the ancient weapons. If the Cover story sticks with Wano, it seems kind of obvious what is happening. Blackbeard invades, breaks the walls, Momo and Yamato get pissed because that was supposed to be for Joyboy and Blackbeard steals Pluton.
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>Vegapunk yapping same shit
>Gorosei jobbing
>going Nika mode on and off

Do you guys have any self respect?
I would never respect an author who thinks his readers are toddlers with no memories.
Sanji's not the panties man.
Is shonks the actual WSS?
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Shonks raped ginny
No, it's his sister, skanks.
Sanji is the man
Shonks raped kuma
None of you homoshits have made webms of last weeks episode?
It was shit. We only do that for true kino.
This is a kidd board and any slander is not allowed. Cease discussion of that episode or face the consequences.
So, she's not joining.
There's been nothing more kino animated yet than Beckman lighting a cig and shanks breaking the speed barrier around him
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Law would have put up a better fight than Kidd.
Kidd has 0 combat skills.
I'm mad they had the audacity to put him at 3 Bil.
The best post-skip arc is Whole Cake Island.
Law would have got 2 hit. You're right.
ok ahmed
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>Sanji-kun ecchi
I'm whiter than Shanks
Law is not stupid enough to pick a fight with Chanks.
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I love Law
York becomes Charlos wife and gets beaten up every day
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how many volumes of REACTING is there going to be
pos chapter, see you next week
See you tomorrow
>wonder why this thread is so dead
>there is another thread
I hate it.
Half of /opg/ cant help themselves and need to be the first ones to make a new thread for some reason
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I miss him.
jobs to Monet
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Me too
They act as if it's a competition. It's incredibly sad.
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Post about Law RIGHT NOW
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He is dead.
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Edging the thread
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Ok which one of you degenerates did this
He is a legend
So has the Sunny landed or is it still midair?
I'd assume it landed if its near the giants ship. Still better to wait for Raws
So far two now.
110 is nothing but reactions leading into 111 still having some.
Why is Zoro lucky? Because he takes Kiku's dick up the ass?
It would be cool if Sanji and Franky helped somehow, as was hinted in chapter 1118.
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They cute, I love them.
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we hate stonemato here
I think it might be funnier/worse if Blackbeard kicks off the World Government civil war because 'Saturn' gives orders to some Marines that must be clamped down on by other Admirals.
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Carrot is the nakamest nakama in nakama piece
fuck off and kill yourself
Furrot? Got breed by Perospero.
The post that resurrected the thread, Whoah
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Diabetic people can't breed
He LOST to Chadbeard this is a fact
Whole Cake, more like Woke Cake
Oden, Yamato, Dragon, Sabo, Trebol.
Vegapunk is a strong contender. Luffy is solid but we need to know his feelings on Nika-shit already, if he really doesn't give a fuck about le ancient joyboy prophecy bullshit then he becomes great.
Imagine the stench
Reminder that the scabbards, minks and Yamato weakened Kaido for Luffy
And that he was still recovering from his two day long fight with Big Mom, AND that he was putting a considerable amount of power into moving Onigashima.
If Bonney joins sanji finna be number 7
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I hope Bepo brought him to Lodestar.
He carried him to the Weenie Hut Jr. where his bitch ass belongs
Yamato and Carrot
Guess Bonney's not joining.
The last joiner is Zeus
Franky and Robin
kill yourself quickly
Sanji has done way much more than them in the last 3 arcs
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Th-That wasn't very nice from you...
Zoro should be demoted after his awful performance this arc.
He should, but every Job Hat also did terribly so he'll somehow keep his spot as one of the least useless "useless jobbers". It's honestly shocking.
Zoro will be demoted to cabinboy and forced to use maid outfit with a very short skirt 24/7
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I think it's safe to say that when you make a character like Ulti stronger than the majority of main characters, including and especially female ones like Robin and Nami, along with Usopp, Franky, Chopper, and Brook, in addition to the lower ends of Kidd's, Shanks', and Blackbeard's crews, as well as anyone barring admiral level, that is when you should know as a writer that
>You made a Stacy
>You are based
>You made an actual competent female character that isn't coomerbait
>You fucked up
I wonder if the whole diving suit dress is optional, but most people do it since it's the non-official fashion.

The Elders, Garling, and the Holy Knights don't wear the suit or do their hair up like everyone else does. Many the diving suit uniform is just this year's latest fashion trend in Marie Geoise
tama is so small....
tama tanked that

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