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I think it's safe to say that when you make a character like Ulti stronger than the majority of main characters, including and especially female ones like Robin and Nami, along with Usopp, Franky, Chopper, and Brook, in addition to the lower ends of Kidd's, Shanks', and Blackbeard's crews, as well as anyone barring admiral level, that is when you should know as a writer that
>You made a Stacy
>You are based
>You made an actual competent female character that isn't coomerbait
>You fucked up
Ulti is shit
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I love this trio.
Spoilers out, I'm unironically dropping this fucking manga
>The Thousand Sunny has almost arrived next to Elbaf's ship, where Saturn is, as we saw in the last chapter.
>Luffy jumps and sends Saturn flying with a punch.
>More reactions as Vivi, Shirahoshi and Judge.
>Bonney goes back to using his Nika form.
>Vegapunk talks about the ancient weapons, and mentions that the fate of the world hinges on who obtains the One Piece.
>We see more reactions from major characters like : Imu, the Revolutionary army, Aokiji, some Marines, some unknown characters, Dragon, Shanks, Buggy, Mihawk, and Cross Guild.
>We also see a guy who looks like he's from the Figarland family (he looks like Shanks).
>Break next week
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>Lucci replaces Zolo
>Kaku replaces Shitsopp
>Stussy becomes the 10th member
There, I fixed the fucking strawhats.
>Ulti stronger than Robin
He's so cute...
Bonney will replace Zolo as first mate.
>five (5) months of reaction piece, gorosei punching bags and vegapunk's useless rambling to the point even the main one piece subreddit is now openly calling oda a hack
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at being shit.
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We are ready for our daily dose, Mars-sama...
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El hermano
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Luccikino soon
Hey. I just finished One Piece a month ago and don't come often to these threads. I was curious about something relating to Sanji. People always say that Sanji was in the right for begging Robin's help, but they're tainted by the fact that the next episode Robin gave her seal of approval for it. What was the thread's reaction like originally when he asks for help? Did you guys think he was a pussy?
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>I just finished One Piece a month ago
Time traveler sama...
post the strongest
>I'm unironically dropping this fucking manga
Thats the thing, you are not
CDmarkposting is so hot...
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How old are you fags?
Mid twenties why?
Ulti saved One Piece for me, no cap and thats whatn period
too fucking old
I think its safe to say Ulti is dead and will remain irrelevant for the rest of the story.
What kind of zoomer acronym is that?
>inb4 Elbaf is all about Shanks, the Holy Knights and the Figarland family, also throw in BB into that mix
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Thinking about celestial slaves...
Ulti ruined One Piece for me, no cap and thats whatn period
>ultinigger thread went spoilers are out

opg is dead
who cares? we've all already seen the same vague spoilers
Just checking which one of us will be alive when this manga fucking ends
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Do you miss cute Nami?
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Never forget Ulti has CoC
UltiGods run these threads, deal with it.
your waifu is garbage shut the fuck up and dont make threads again
Why is One Piece so porny?
Oh no they've only been posted in the three prior threads how will anyone ever find them...
just make your own thread
or get off 4chan and do something else since the full summary won't be for another 14 hours
Nami is pretty cute when she's not being a bitch.
I'm an 18 zoomer zoom zom zoomoid.
And an Admiralchad if you ask.
Has there ever been a bigger disappointment in One Piece than Vegapunk?
Pewnigger and his araboid kin ruined spoilers.
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So cute! Just imagine beating that face into a pulp! Mmmm...
Crazy Uta best Uta
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why are they always spics or arabs?
Been following weekly since Duval was still masked and people were speculating he could be Krieg.
Ew hag
You can bet your ass Benn has conqueror's.
If this is true and Saturn is sent flying away, then I think Luffy gave Blackbeard the perfect chance For Catarina Devon to impersonate Saturn for whatever his plan is.
The Gorosei and Kizaru in this arc. They were SO close to being kino. But they jobbed because it's Nikain' time.
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Bro I miss Merry so much. It was such a good looking ship. The sunny looks like an ugly ass toy. It has so many features and shit but it doesn't have the soul. It's no wonder it hasn't developed a leprechaun yet, it's such an impersonal ship designed to be le epic instead of having special meaning to the crew. Would the Sunny have been able to weather the knock up stream? Maybe. But it wouldn't have patched itself back up out of love for its crew.
>powercliff'd by a 12 year old girl
Oda's ability to build hype and then completely destroy it is legendary and needs to be studied
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>Zoro losing to little girls
What else is new?
It’s been the same spoilers for weeks.
Away as in away from the ship, not the Mars thing anon, he was probably sent crashing into Egghead like always
Just turned 24, been watching then reading since 13-14. Caught up around Gear 4th. I just hope Oda doesn't croak.
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Egghead peaked here.
Yep that's true
If One Piece is still going a year before I turn 30 this manga is dead to me.
The? World.
Luccikino incoming
>el hermano
>el padre
Spics won once again
I look like this and my room looks exactly like this
You should ask for who has been diagnosed with a terminal disease then.
La Celestial Dragon Madre de Luffy when?
If you are in your mid twenties then I have bad news for you mate, this manga isnt ending elbefore 2030s
Holy based.
What are you still waiting to see/discover and do you think Oda can do it justice?
>incoming arc about Shanks family and daddy issues
Robin is weak as hell look how useless she is in Egghead, she ain't built like that
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Tick Tock BITCHlina BITCHvon
25, M, 6'2, married this year, started watching One Piece this year, work in social media marketing
Then I will drop it at that time then.
I just want the name of the ancient kingdom...
Who gives a fuck about Pew's half-assed spoilers. He even writes "p-please dont call it mid until redon sama posts his full summary..."
Austrian diva!
>what are you still
Everything, he hasnt revealed jack shit yet apart from the flood piece which I liked a lot but still
>in July 2024 we still know no more about the will of d than we knew at the reveal in October 2000
Ok Booma
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21, F, 5'2, engaged to a black man, started watching One Piece around 2018
An update of the spoilers says both Bonnie and Luffy send Saturn flying away in a combo attack. I think that clearly proves he was sent away like Mars.
who is stronger? York or Robin?
Here's the thread when the spoilers first dropped
Man do I miss the Korean leaker
Robin. York isn't a combatant.
She defeated the bitch's superior.
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>"World's smartest man"
>Can give Bonney secret top level authority over Kuma-based pacifistas, but didn't give himself a backdoor to override Gorosei command even when rebelling against the World Government and foreseeing his own death
>Rambles on and on in his post-mortum speech instead of getting to the point
>Creates decoys, but doesn't create any backups in case the real snail is found
>Story presents him as a good guy when in reality he's a massive amoral piece of shit who committed human experimentation and child enslavement, but only admits to two unrelated sins in the transmission while trying to whitewash even those
Kalifa sister would teach Miss Wednesday rokushiki basic before EL
Do you rim him
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In all honesty, the anime really needs to have its OST updated. It worked back then with the pre-Wano animation styles, but now it just doesn't.
Hey guys this is my OC Janks, he's the secret older brother of Shanks and an ex holy knight who now guards the final road Poneglyph.
His haki is so strong he doesn't even need a devil fruit and all the super novas except Luffy are afraid of him.
Please don't be too mean because I'm autistic and cry easy. :)
Usopp at $500m has almost the same bounty as Ace's $550m, is on an equally notorious crew but has no devil fruit, haki or combat skills
What gives?
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Remember when the Korean used to come up with an actual non ESL decent summary of the chapter and a hand drawn panel of the best moment of the chapter without hypefaggotry or hintfaggotry or fightfaggotry? Bring me back...
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is he also bonney's real father?
Lucci and Kaku are gonna spitroast this whore.
No that's his older sister Tranks
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Sugoi... they're so cool...
Post Marineford war inflation is a bitch
Shanksfag btw
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What's Blackbeard's lineage?
with Brook's help

Meanwhile Ulti faced Yamato, Big Mom and Luffy
They're the coolest characters Oda has created. Unfortunately they've been rendered obsolete as antagonists.
Lucci and Kaku are gay for each other actually
Imagine Carrot in the Navy...
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Post like 5 characters (excluding Elders, Imu and any mystery niggas) that could confidently beat every Admiral in a 1v1.
Is EL HERMANITO de Shanks stronger than Mihawk?
Her face looks more dysgenic than Hiyori's
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The coolest!
My sister
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She just has chubby cheeks
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Oda just forgot about them.....
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Kissing Sugar.
Shank's brother
The Holy Knight with the goat skull
The female Holy Knight
Prime Garling
F-fuck. I can’t!
Godhawk is back??

Many keks if he's sweating again
The most brave and valiant heroes...
Stand up for subhuman scum, and you sink even lower!
And... thread saved.
Shanks brother has to be a cut of meat like Beef or Lamb Shanks

I got it

Figarland Ribeye
Are we all in agreemnet Zoro is the strongest character and most sexy pedo?
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grand fleet bros...
when is our time coming?
where is that "incident of historic proportions" which we are supposed to participate in?
Usopp’s bounty is inflated because he’s always lying to people. Saying he has conquerors, being worshiped like a god. Usopp is inflated in the same way Buggy is inflated.
Ace is stronger and most pedo with more pedo(farts in spanish)
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where's Aramaki's nigga lips
Ulti my beloved...
wrapped around akainu's dick
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That fanart was probably before his face got revealed, notice how they don't show his eyes
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Dont care, she is hot though.
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Ulti faced two yonko, a YC1 and a YC5 with a yonko familiar and she tanked it all.
Oda is stupid as shit, I genuinely question if he's even writing or drawing at this point, hell if he's even alive, makimg them rescue the Strawhats in Egghead would have been great and checked off that narrator event, Dorry and Broggy remaking the Giant Pirates just killed Hajrudin's purpose and dream
that was his silhoutte in the anime
Kekmirals is so gay
>and she tanked it all.
And dead
If by tanked you mean folded and died in a burning building as result then yes that's what Ulti did
>Dorry and Broggy remaking the Giant Pirates just killed Hajrudin's purpose and dream
>Implying Dorry and Broggy aren't dying before reaching Elbaf
also it's so stupid to just have them as fodder for the final war, luffy already makes friends everywhere he goes, it's such a waste of characters
>tanked it all
She didn't and is currently servicing samurai cock to afford Page One's medical bills
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Nah kuina was the pedo
They are both kids though?
>only found out about the spoilers just now
>missed the spoiler discussion
Egghead went from the best timeskip arc to the worst arc in the manga as soon as the gorosei showed up
everyone forgot that it was the WCI characters who beat Ulti and she flushed down the toilet from the plot. This means that Katakuri will defeat her too
Ulti mid diffs Katakuri
nah, Dogtooth is powercliffed

Sanji and Jinbe beats his ass
There wasn't any discussion? Guess I didn't miss out
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Do you really think someone who took all that damage would be susceptible to fire. She had the best endurance feats behind Kaido and you all still think he's alive.
>be peasant living in some bumfuck country
>can't gather enough money for this year's heavenly tribute
>your country gets chosen as the next native genocide festival spot
>get rounded up like cattle
>check the tribunes
>the revolutionary army leader Dragon is happily chatting with the marine hero Garp about who's gonna win this year
>behind them sits Shanks, one of the yonko, another supposed enemy of the world government, he's waving to some old man with a moon styled haircut and talking to the world's strongest swordsman Mihawk, claiming that "his dad has even better sword skills than Vista-san"
>there's a messenger from another yonko, Kaido, apologizing for his boss not attending, but ensuring the world nobles the weapon trade deals are still valid
>on the top you can see Big News Morgans talking to the gorosei, laughing about how they will explain the disappearance of an entire kingdom worth of people this time
>they are guarded by two admirals
>overhear two celestial dragons talking to each other about how no slave will escape this year due to SLAVE HOLOCAUSTER 3000, made by no one else than the people's scientist Vegapunk, being deployed around the island
>the game was rigged from the start
But now you're going to say 'alive characters only'
It was just el hermano spam and shitting on leakers
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>I can't believe I gotta wash these chickens to pay for petans medical bills
This is true
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At least 5 of the main anime cast won't be alive for OP's ending and we'll only have Oda to blame, screenshot this
Zoro eats Onigiri from the floor
Shanks eats lobster from Yasopp's ass
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I stoped reading when I realized Sanji would never really get to romance anyone for real.
It has been years.
Should I go back now? Did anything change in that regard?
One Piece's cast is 90% from a retirement home, it's unironically sad
That depends on if that was before WCI
Luffy's VA will not live to see the end of anime
Best Strawhats

Dragon's voice actor is 90
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He's been romancing Zoro for years now, wym
The wings and the penis of the Pirate King...
What’s the appeal of Zoro besides fightfaggotry?
>"nothing happens break next week goda"
>"stop complaining and wait for the full summary"
>"el hermano"
That's all you missed
Christ sanjeets really are pathetic
Good thing he won't have to do more than a minute combined of voice work any time soon.
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Ulti is canonically smarter than [you are favourite character] too
What is WCI?
Can you just answer my question?
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He got kind of a romance arc in WCI.
Cross Guild bros, it’s time to find the one piece.
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Kill yourself
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>Can you just answer my question?
Indeed, I like romance specially when it happens in Shonen manga. Can you just answer the question. Did Sanji romance anyone yet?
Yes or no
How powerful is El Hermano?
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Have you apologized yet?
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There was a whole ass filler arc. There was even a Carrotfag in it.
post one piece yaoi RIGHT NOW
El hermano de shanks...
I see. But I assume it didn't lead anywhere?
Elbaf will be worse that this.
God’s valley flashback will be worse than Elbaf.
The final war will be a nightmare.
Laughtale will be AOT tier final arc.

Enjoy the ride.
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I love the fact that El Hermano fags were correct. Next it’ll be Crocomom.
Vegapunk dogwalked the Gorosei, particularly Saturn, in this arc. You can personally not like the guy but he had a contingency plan for pretty much everything the WG threw at him, he actually lived up to being a smart character.
Why the hate? I don't get it. One Piece doesn't seem like the type of story that is made to be taken seriously.
There's a lot of entertaining shit of all kinds in it, so why not romance?

I heard that Oda dislikes romance, that might be true
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What did he even fucking reveal kek
>I'm unironically dropping this fucking manga
Need somebody to call you a wahmbulance?
Live prosperously SnKchad
>The final war will be a nightmare.
I think of all these this will be thw worst offender. Why? Onigashima, the final war will probably be double the length of Onigashima if not more
It's a bit inconclusive, she fell for him and he's his usual self with her. His story with her is pretty unique though, they even kissed.
There's a female character who's canonically in love with him and kissed him
But Sanji is still a horndog going after every attractive female character
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>What is WCI?
Sanji romanced a 15 year old girl with three eyes, it was an arranged marriage but she fell in love with him because he didn't treat her like a freak
There's plenty of romance in other arcs. Just not between crew members. Oda has said before there would never be romance within the crew.
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They call him “Two Arm Shanks”
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Word ta da wise, remember Marineford
Listen newfag, you can always go to plebbit since that's where you came from
>Next it’ll be Crocomom
>Indeed, I like romance specially when it happens in Shonen manga
Oh no, you're some mentally ill reject from Naruto/Bleach/SNK come to make everything about your headcanons and ships aren't you?

Shipping is a fundamentally female activity, you should really grow up.
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>15 year old
Pudding is 16
Thanks. I can at least assume that it's safe to say that when it ends Sanji will end up with someone, right?
If that's the case, then I will wait for One Piece to end so I will re-read it from the beginning.
I hope it ends in my lifetime
ugly tranny
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None of y'all are ready for crocomom
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We love Robin here!
He's not a simp, Sanji's simping just makes me hate him despite objectivelly being a better character than Zoro without that trait
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Start reading now Oda is cooking something up between him and Bonney.
qrd on this el hermano shit?
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Irrefutable and indisputable
At one point Zoro was a good combination of funny and a guy who could fulfill a vice captain role. Now he's just a literal burden. It's pretty sad.
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Spics are always right
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>I will only read One Piece if this character gets a girlfriend
Unironically this series is not for you
Where are the CHADmirals?
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>I can at least assume that it's safe to say that when it ends Sanji will end up with someone, right?
I wouldn't take it as a given, but his "romance" with Pudding will probably come back.
A tier of course
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I don't
might have to update it
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>predict Dragon and Akainu
>predict el hermano de Shanks
Next is picrel
Law is going to join the Cross guild because he will legitimately believe Buggy is powerful since nothing Law can do will effect buggy. There he will tell Buggy where two of the poneglyphs are, along with Pluton. Blackbeard is going to imprison Shirahoshi.
I'm not sure if you are aware but very few citizens in the OP world actually know anything that Vegapunk has talked about here. The sea levels rising as a direct result of WG weaponry is a big deal. The WG violently snuffing out anyone researching the Void Century is a big deal. Your average retard in the blues doesn't know any of this because communication is so hard. I mean fuck, even Leo thinks Luffy is actually just kidnapping and killing Vegapunk for some reason. People in their world need things spelled out.

Regardless of any of that, putting Bonney at the highest command of the pacifista and putting a dead man's switch on himself were objectively smart things to do.
oh my haki armor
york dying soon
Crocodile is going to have the best backstory in One Piece and he will be universally respected as the best character in the series like he deserves.
Nice, fuck that bitch
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Shankskeks... spicGODS have spoken
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Who will be joining Death Piece next?
el hermano is a clone made by vegapunk to replace shanks after he was stolen at god valley
ulti is shit
carrot is shit
uta is shit
nami is shit
sanji is shit
nika is shit
gear 5 is shit
york is shit
time skip piece is shit
oda is shit
>kills Vegapunk to activate the deadman switch and then immediately removes himself from the battle, pretending to be injured
>fulfilled his mission despite being heavily nerfed
>Nika dancer in the flashback
>does not interfere with the Straw Hats in any other way
Wizaru turning is guaranteed.
>like he deserves
He's already the second most popular OG warlord after Hancock
Ryuma is shit
I figured that Figarland Garling just put him up as a prize at God Valley because he already had a twin that was stronger or something.
>Oda has said before there would never be romance within the crew.
I heard that before but I took it to mean that there would never be romance BETWEEN crew members, not that they would not romance other people.
I also that he said that Luffy will remain virgin forever

I'm just a hopeless romantic.
The only characters I ever shipped in my life are Leon and Claire from Resident Evil. I gave up on that long ago when I finaly accepted that Capcom would never do that.
Other than that I just like cool fights and love stories in equal measure, which is why I like it when Shonen has romance.

I like Sanji and I wish his quirk wouldn't be just a quirk because manga is entertainment and i would be more entertained with that.
That's all.
It's fine if my wish doesn't come true, I will just move on, which is why I came here to ask.
York is absolutely getting killed once Saturn figures out how to replicate the Mother Flame. She's a legitimate retard if she thinks they would ever let her be a CD.
ulti is awesome
carrot is awesome
uta is awesome
nami is awesome
sanji is awesome
nika is awesome
gear 5 is awesome
york is awesome
time skip piece is awesome
oda is awesome
But that’s without us even knowing his name. He’s pearly got a backstory that Oda just pushed back since his 5 year manga plan was stretched along.
I will tolerate all Nika wank in Elbaf if Kid and Carrot are in it.
Well, if he does end with someone then it's for me.
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>Robin actually loves Lucci
Is this one of the rare Spickino misses?
>without us even knowing his name
Where are you getting this headcanon from? Many OP characters are named after animals, why would Crocodile be any different
More likely her downfall will be trying to gain even more power. There’s a reason Oda made greed the traitor. Greed is never satiated. She’d become a celestial dragon and still want more.
That thumbnail is from an American Youtuber.
Said the man with the worst taste in existence
Every other warlord has a name. Also crocodile is the most secretive of them all. He hid his identity as mr 0 in Baroque works. It’s not beyond him to have done that with the name Crocodile.
That's why she'll join BB crew, and she will help them fuel pluton.
Yes, spickino
More drawings of Crocodile coming. Remember the decade of him just reading newspapers.
Yup, spickino.
He gave the food. 110% Nakama.
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We are meaningless in the grander picture of the Universe's lifetime, and so is your comment.
Cross Guild is getting pluton. Blackbeard is going to kidnap Shirahoshi.
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patiently waiting
only spickino and japanese scholars are valid in One Piece school of thought
both Carrot and Kidd are meaningless in the story
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What have these useless bums done this arc anyways
So, would we ever know how Robin got sick? that shit never happened before
Kidd exists to give Shanks a feat of strength. Carrot exists to establish sulong form which will tie into gear 5 in some way.
Oda has plans for them, it's just a matter of waiting.
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>Kid and Carrot
This is the worst combination of characters I've ever seen
Why do you like jobbers?
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Lucci fingered her offscreen
Jinbe leg diffed Zoro on land and used him as a ball to throw at Nusjuro.
No to everything you just said. Its pure cope
Said the man with the best taste in existence
Jinbe saved Luffy, Bonney, and chopper from the ocean. Zoro stalled.
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*Carrot exists to be a Perospero victim
I like characters that majority look down on or doubt because of the potential and promises they hold.
Oda would never put my hero in this position
In how short existence is, I appreciate the little compliments.
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Zoro blocked one attack from Kaku aimed at the Sunny and drew with Lucci, that's about it. Jinbe at least saved Luffy, Chopper, and Bonney from the ocean at the start and tardwrangled Zoro.
What are the odds that Luffy meets El Hermano and doesn’t know that it’s not Shanks despite not having the scars?
Hello. Where I am?
sounds Kino
>Urouge onomatapeia is MOKOMOKO
>Zou teased with Joyboy and Emet
>Minks are likely from the moon like other sky island folks
>Zunisha favorite food is sky island apples

Holy shit is all coming together Carrot and Urouge are confirmed coming to Elbaf for Sky Island lore as we been speaking about
High. He still mistakes Kaku with Usopp.
Dragon gave the original bandana to Crocodile when he married her and got it tattoo'd onto his face, this is a picture from their wedding.
El Hermano would have to be missing an arm. Shanks losing his is probably the mpst important moment of Luffy's life.
>le genki rabbit's whose only purpose if she had joined the straw hats would have been to call Chopper 'choniki'
>having potential and promise
Your assessment is way off the mark and needs work
If a new chapter doesn't include a panel with Carrot among the important characters, it's useless.
Stussy's rape dungeon
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On his way to Elbaf too
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none of you are ready for how deep schizopiece goes or how Crocodile has always been Luffy's mom
>pyrobloin turns stuff big
>Elbaf everything is big
>when Urouge gets big theres a MOKOMOKO sound
fuck this is getting me hyped for Elbaf
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A Kizaruchad is speaking, listen and learn.
You are all old.
The last time we saw Kizaru was in March.
Based and true
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Carrot was recently included before Urouge who is to come
I'm talking a bigger picture like lore prominent.
We respect the CHADmirals here
Not even 10 chapters ago.
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I still love Lucci, even if Oda forgot about him.
we know Stussy
Remove nika, gear 5 and time skip.
Smoker and his iconic cube. What if it’s just the final poneglyph and he’s the man marked by flames since he’s “smoke”
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This is an adventure manga, not Dragon Ball
At this stage? Not anymore.
Someone should do a write-up on how Luffy is Horus in the sense of Alister Crowley’s concept of the age of Horus.
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Oda is cooking something for Carrot for sure
It's Garp in an ice cube.
Go ahead and explain what that entails then
Oda is cooking something for Shanks for sure
Remember when the One Piece was originally seen as just a bunch of fucking treasure Roger just hid somewhere that people shoved a name onto cuz he said "I left everything in one piece"

Now it's apparently such an important thing the fate of the damn world depends on who gets it

Jesus fucking christ
is okay, shanks can have his equal attention cake too
No because Roger didn’t call it the One Piece.
He will get the biggest attention cake. The story of Shanks family is already beginning and you will love it.
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Without luck the tranny dies

Your fav is not a strawhat then
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You rike?
Make more Cross Guild chapters you hack. I’m sick of the strawhats.
>is not a strawhat then
My favorite character isn't a boring tree that has no character and degrades with every chapter? Well, yes.
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Read the current arc, the prots are escaping, not fighting
They escape without fighting, huh?
>Shanks Griffin
Imagine the smell
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Sanji has been a complete joke since the timeskip.
Still suffering the gaslighting of 4kids, gah.

So he didn't even say "one piece" at all yet all these stupid chucklefucks started calling it that
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>Your fav isn't King Baum
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Why are they all so fucking useless except for Luffy?
Nami = Sun Wukong*
They barely fight to escape, the focus is to escape to adventure on the next island
goofy would be dead right now without Franky
How can Loda make each chapters worse than the previous one ?

This shit is comical. Literally nothing happens and he keeps hiding everything because he has no idea how to finish his manga.

That thing... That man... That...

It's crazy how it's either Mickey Mouse Chosen one wanking or constant cuckoldry writing with zero reveals, zero plot advancement or character development.

It's just page filling with no impact or meaning. One Piece in its current form is the shittiest manga i have ever read, and it pains me to say that
this is rambling that doesn't actually go anywhere
>child of Rocks D Xebec
>named Rocks D Isle
>cut her face as a kid to prove her strength to her dad
>taken by Gloriosa to Amazon Lily to protect her
>(child of the worlds greatest criminal would be hunted down, that’s Ivankov’s implied secret past)
>Becomes the empress of Amazon Lily between Boa and Shakky
>Falls in love with Dragon for his revolutionary spirit
>has a child
>breaks up with him for being a do nothing
>gets genderswapped by Ivankov
>changes name to Crocodile
>attacks Whitebeard (probably due to some God Valley event
>loses because he can’t use haki or it’ll swap back his gender to a woman
>comes up with the project utopia plan to overthrow the government.
>becomes a warlord
>Mickey Mouse Chosen one
convoluted nonsense. SpicGODS keep it simple.
>Literally labeled a “weather witch”
>she’s Sun Wukong
>They barely fight to escape
Literally in every chapter, Goofy and Boney try to fight and it’s already boring. It's boring and it's stupid.
when the fuck is jinbe anything like a genie?
You know damn well what he's referring to retard
I don't buy into powerscaling faggotry, but I will concede that its absolutely retarded that we're entering the end game and 90% of Luffy's crew is hakiless. They're a yonko's crew now. They're supposed to be the crew of the future Pirate King. They should know haki by now.
Nika being a different person explains the different path.
What's the probability that Adam tree reaches a sky island ala Yggdrasil
>rides a cloud
>has a staff

also Wu Kong isn't an evil entity to begin with retard
Blue and “Jinn” sound in his name.
Have been reading since slightly before Water 7
You could have used a better example than the adventure manga that inspired Oda in the first place. Dragon Ball was all about adventure until Z. Nu-shonen like JJK is much more "battle after battle with no downtime"
thats retarded
Sun Wukong is an enemy of heaven retard.
They don't fight to defeat, they fight to escape, so they can keep adventuring.
They didn't need haki to lowdiff Kaido's crew of jobbers, Oda will find a way for them to beat Blackbeard's
This is ultimately all cuz Roger was a fucking troll who said "I left everything I own T H E R E" with that retarded grin on his face

Asshole prolly knew no one would fucking figure it out. His dumbass treasure is prolly a buncha dust now.
Every yonko crew we've seen has been carried by 2-5 people. It makes total sense that they're still useless shitters.
ulti's only competition in the tobi roppo is who's who
Have we ever met a character that gives a fuck about the "worlds strongest swordsman" title other than Zoro?
That was a common theory, same reason why people think Urogue will show up in Elbaf. People also thought the last poneglyph would be there before we learned about flame mark man.
Those two guys that challenged Mihawk in Marineford.
The sword lore feels like a relic by now, of a time Oda cared about it.

And it has only been actively been made worse with the time. Stuff like blades being able to be upgraded with haki eliminates the part of "who/how was the sword forged?", since the important part is the character itself. Oda definitely doesn't care about schools or styles, as he actively despises fights more as time goes on. All weapons are baseball bats and haki wands.

It all honestly reeks to me as something that Oda simply lost interest long ago, exemplified with Tashigi herself being irrelevant by now. Or with Mihawk being barely a character, given he has zero influence on the plot at large and he's just shelved until his fight with Zoro. It's incredible he wasn't even connected to Wano.

The whole WSS thing is irrelevant, since no one cares about it nor Zoro cares about anyone outside of Mihawk. It was as easy as making someone like Law also interested in the title, or Pica, or King, but nah.

That's why when I hear the argument of "do you think Oda would ruin Zoro's dream and make Shanks stronger?" I can only think "Sure, easily. Not much to salvage anyway at this point."
Namifags feel very protective of their delusions, let them have this
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reminder that kidd was a better match to Blackbeard than Law
>His laser can destroy 8 ships

yep, stronger than law..
Sword lord is the worst part of one piece and I actively find it bad and boring.
The SHs began to escape last year. Half a year passed since but they are still there. When Kuma arrived after his flashback I thought he would sacrifice himself while the SHs escape and in 2024's summer we will be in the middle of the Elbaf arc. It feels like time has stopped in this arc.
>no spoilers for cover story
yet another boring page im sure
Figarlan D. Shonks
This retarded cartoony-ass shit shoulda ended like 500 chapters ago but Oda loves sucking his own cock.
>guys Luffy has parallels with rapper Ludacris because he has "Lu" in his name
this is how stupid you sound, you didn't post schizokino you posted cringe and you should kill yourself
Captain Useless Mid
Elbaf was his worst option. Kidd would’ve just torn egghead to pieces no problem.
What was R*don's head cracking hint referring to? Saturn getting punched?
I used to think piratefolk hate was a bit warranted. I found this subreddit funny but you guys seemed overly negative. I thought the gear 5 hate was unwarranted and that Oda would maintain tension in serious fights. Thats what the main sub, memepiece, instagram and tiktok were saying. When the opposite happened during egghead everyone acted like it wasn’t a big deal and that One Piece was always goofy. One Piece IS goofy and it is also SERIOUS, the tone can shift. The fact that gear 5 was preventing that tonal shift should be worthy of criticism. The majority of the fanbase did not feel the same. Everywhere I looked it seemed criticism wasn’t allowed. Or, rather, it seemed that criticism was considered wrong. You’d get downvoted constantly if you weren’t praising each chapter and negative comments had threads worse than any of the other comments I usually see online.

The straw that broke the camels back for me was the Bonney Nika reveal. Every single comment criticising how it wasn’t built up well compared to other major character moments, or how no matter what happens next Bonney Nika will be disappointing because it will either be over powered or underpowered or even just how the dialogue felt stiff and lacked personality, every comment discussing these topics gets downvoted into oblivion purely because they are negative. Comments on tiktok praising the chapter blow up and every comment or post thats negative about the chapter has a warzone of a comment section. One Piece fans don’t allow criticism. The only place online that I find allows criticism and negativity is piratefolk.

Honestly this is kinda pathetic. For how big of a fanbase One Piece has, its pathetic that a teenager like myself has to find a small obscure community on reddit just so they can criticise the series. The fact that grown adults get genuinely upset when their favourite series isn’t treated as if its perfect is pathetic.
Mind blown by Shonks
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He also would've solo'd Egghead with all that metal.
The guy asked what Jinbe has in common with a genie. I told him. I didn’t post the original or imply it was a sufficiently coherent or deep connection.
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Why are all women so weak except Yamato?
What kind of a retard would eat this?
Because Yamato is not a woman they are a dog
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>no argument

keep seething chudnika
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Stopped reading there.
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Law survived... Kidd? I don't think so... LAWGOD
Yamato lost to Ace
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A very polarizing one
>giving the reddit spammer attention
>Nami is 100% sun wukong parallel
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Is Shanks' brother straight?
Shonks is stronger than Mihawk
Never go to a place on the internet that has one single agreed upon consensus on anything. If you can’t tell someone “I disagree and here’s why” without getting lambasted for not doing groupthink, it’s not worth the effort.
One Piece is unironically becoming the most overrated piece of garbage around.


>Oda speedruns straight to "Goten getting Super Saiyan" shit with Nika Bonney and spams the retarded eyeball gag cuz he's an old fart who thinks it's funny.
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Kid probably ate it for the same reason Goofy ate his
>was hungry
>was retarded
Shonks raped my wife
was kuina right
Redditspammer? Carrying the thread as usual.
one piece is awesome because I like it
Disagree, Egghead island has been the best that One Piece has been since the timeskip.
shut up jirenfag
I think Gaimon is stronger than Mihawk
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One Piece is the best manga. I trust Oda.
let loose jirenchad
He’s the real strongest swordsman but he can’t fight because he’s trapped in the chest
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Current Usopp would have a 50 million bounty most likely. I think he could beat Arlong park luffy but not anything after that
Unironically Kidd would have done better against BB than Law. He would have wiped them all without a Shanks to rush him and see how powerful his rail gun was with future sight. The only chance would be if Van Auger teleported to him, but Killer could have stalled that. No one that was with BB's crew could have tanked that attack the way Big Mom could.
bitch built like arnold
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We love garp here
I can’t believe Germa 66 was foreshadowing for Shanks’ evil brothers and sister
kidd died and isn't coming back
>I'm unironically dropping this fucking manga
You know you want to see El Hermano de Shanks. See you next chapter!
Nigga gets Touch of Death comboed and says “nah it was the matchup, it was the matchup”
>bleeds out after one stab wound
Elbaf will be some irrelevant characters like Luna/bonnie was for egg head.

Expect it to be about abdulla and jeets backstory for how they met
York is so ugly in the anime
>brap brap brap brap
York is so sexy in the anime
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Kiddbros were robbed
Robin is ugly ah hell
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Robin is cute ah hell
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We talking about THIS Ulti?
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Carrot deserves her popularity
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32, never had sex
Just rape a girl.
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How would you redeem Dragon at this point?
unironically law couldve soloed the gorosei since his room shit doesn't count as an attack so they cant regenerate if they get painlessly sliced and diced
Where's Stussy?
Where is Kaku?
Where's Kizaru?
Where am I after all?
Why do piratefolkers come here and have a breakdown when people enjoy things? Why are zoomernigs like this anyway?
can't refute this
Can you be more specific, Teach? This isn't like boiling water for me
What's the point of five demon jews in one arc when all they do is get beaten up and instantly heal?
It was though. Do you think anyone from BB's crew would have used future sight and rushed Kidd the way Shanks did? Auger would be the only person who could have rushed him. In a sea battle Kidd is pretty OP, Shanks saw what he could do and had to rush to stop it.
>since his room shit
Why didn't he do this with Auger or Burgess?
Carrot unironically has the best picture. Luffy is the only one that comes close.
If my girlfriend and I started a react channel, I bet we could make big money. 95% of these 100k+ view channels barely even say anything, just make facial expressions and go 'wow' and repeat what has already been said on screen. She's pretty and hasn't seen it, I'm handsome and have. I cry at everything, she's very smart and can give analytical stuff. I bet we could do it.
They have a guy that can walk across the bottom of the ocean
>anon discovers why infinite regen is genuinely retarded and has never ever worked in a single shonen and its clearly not working in one piece either
And more
plot induced stupidity
Oda is showing they are Immortal, so Luffy has to figure out how to beat them before the final war.
damn, otama became a slave owner.
he had a handful
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do it and shill it here. we'll get you and your gf to do a collab with the rttv crew so they can run a train on her.
If you saw a devil fruit with something symbolizing electricity, you'd probably eat it too if you wanted a DF.
If you have the means to 100% go for it. Reacting to anime is free money on youtube if you are decebtly attractive and do the soi face at everything
>no Teach
They can probably haki cancel that shit with their coc
Remember THAT time when Robin hold on a BIG boulder?
IDK what that means but I remember when she had a hold on two of Franky's little boulders
>Kid has a $3b bounty
>the admirals have $3b bounties
>Shanks oneshotted Kid
>Shanks can oneshot the admirals
How can you say that when Law has this gangsta ass rapper album cover image?
Getting spitroasted by Shanks and Shonks
>Shanks can [headcanon]
Shitman Island
Dull Cake Island
Top 10 best characters of One Piece

>You don't care what happens to the world?!
>That's right. I don't!
Robin was so real for this.
gangsta rap is cringe ass boomer shit like dinosaur rock and crooning. utterly gormless
Who didn't show up to the fight against Law.

BB showed up with half a crew.
If she’s hot, it’ll work. If she has her tits out and you aren’t there at all, it’ll work better.
Reminder that Helmeppo and Tashigi have haki while 6/10 straw hats do not have either type
People can self insert as me it's fine.
Oh yes I've seen these guys briefly but they're very dumb. I imagine people like them because they're loud but I have no intentions on screaming like an idiot for views.
Only problem now is getting her on board. She has like a 'medical career' and shit so she might whine nooo what if my colleagues see me
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she tanked that
stopped reading at Shanks. Tell D, Gorosei is a fraud rat bastard.
Sorry, I was working. Minks and the moon as such
Kurau their city tying to D, probably a descendant of a white rabbit mink line.
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i'd suck him dry all day every day. he would never get a break.
>Carrot deserves her popularity
Or rather, lack there of.
Go back to your bizarro world
Kuma will probably survive this and just "walk it off" his injuries like Kinemon did

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