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Which cup would you spend Summer with, /a/?
Jesus Christ.
Is there such a thing as TOO MUCH vagina bones?
Why does Miyu have the star of david again
>Kuro has a tummy tattoo again

Skinnydipping with the cups
>133cm tall
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tough choice but i say Illya for peak imouto loli experience
Are meant to be filled
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It's the shape of Sapphire, just as Illya's bracelet is the shape of Ruby. It isn't related to the star of David.
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Spending a summer inside Miyu.
>vagina bones
A fucking crime that she removed it.
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>this was an official promotional picture
I wish they included miyu here. she has the cutest butt after all
That and the fact that, you know, Miyu was in the movie and the two in the picture weren't.
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Young girls should not be dressing like this.
They have the right to dress in any way, they are the omnipotent cups.
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Imagine their poops
My most fapped to scene
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Why stop now?
what does it stand for?
>what does it stand for?
Common UNIX Printing System
Lol. I have configured CUPS countless times and I never thought about it.
Dafaq is a vagina bone? You mean pelvis?
I'm cupping...
it's more erotic when they keep their sneakers on, while wearing bikini

anyone else think that?
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who was in the wrong here
I love this ass-eating whore so much
Illya for being stupid and not listening to her sister
Who turned Miyu into a slut? her brother would be so ashamed and disappointed...
her two closest friends >>268896608
Light blue sexy underwear
Fill the cups.
Lurk more.
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Much better than the cups
>pretentious fucks who act like monkeys
>better than the cute and well behaved cups

yeah sure
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I like the cups but it's not like these two didn't have their own assets..

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