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>Ryo never drew Nagi using the toilet, despite drawing Yuri in that situation
What did she mean by this?
We hate sensei here
We love sensei here
We hate toiletfags here.
Nagi can't think or do things by herself.
Toilet represents an inner conflict.
And her shit would be stinky bc of being a hard drinker.
Pre-water texturized &"someone"'s hands being added 181 Reiji cover
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Shit, forgot the pic.
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Also, Nagi and Yuri doodle
Nagi's so cute
Sensei’s so cute
But still is overrated
The key to the end is on these 2 drafts.
Hanging? Or being taken out of the river?
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Shorthaired Nagi (also title has an umbrella emoji). Looks like they'll timeskip to Reiji's (biological) bday for the epilogue.
She used to be hotter in the 1st 7 or 14 volumes.
Ryou began to draw her in a more cute fashion since the beginning of the final arc (ch146). Now that i think, this final arc has dragged on too long and once again Ryou thinks she'll wrap up everything in 2 chapters. Hatsukoi Zombie vietnam flashbacks.
Sensei is not overrated
I'll never forgive Yuri for this
To save Reiji, Yuri has to undo all the shit she did. She seemed to be regretful and now she only wants Reiji to live even if it isn't with her.
The issue? Reiji thinks he's being abandoned and misunderstood people's desire for him to get better and only has a solo death as escape in his head. Reiji's future all depends on 3 things: Mao spilling the beans (went to reread Nagi's flashback, ch170 specifically, and noticed in picrel he already had the idea of using Nagi. He saw Nagi' hugging her bag while sobbing and found a chance to enact whatever plan he had), Nagi snapping as a result and Yuri choosing to carry Reiji and Nagi's burdens and murder Mao herself to stop Nagi from staining her hands, but it's impossible all that shit will be shown in 2 chapters.
Think Yuuko and Esemori's deaths will be what takes the epilogue attention.
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She's also erotic
How long for the raws?
2 hrs and 34 min
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She used to draw her in an extremely more erotic way in the 1st volumes tho.
The lolinagi bonus is cute despite of the nudity, not erotic.
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Her hair length has been pretty inconsistent lately, it may not be a timeskip
Nagi's hair is now at her vol.1-4 length. She's been locked in for almost 1 month. Dunno if this will amount to something, but once again the timeline is important.
>Nagi got tackled on march 4th.
>Reiji got notified about her disappearance on March 11th (saturday).
>Esemori's call and favor to hear her real name was on March 16th.
>Reiji found out Nagi's whereabouts, had his 1st call with Mao (hatefucked Yuri) and got notified about his gma's death on March 17th (friday).
>Cremations happened either on sunday or somewhere the week after.
>Mao reached town the next friday, on spring (March 24th. Picrel is the hint a week has passed since Reiji heard Nagi's story).
Why don't we get Abyss spoilers anymore? I know about Sneaky/BCS's brouhaha but I'm surprised no alternative has popped up yet.
>Why don't we get Abyss spoilers anymore?
Why you want it? We have 2 chapters left
So it's mostly liked that the girl under the bridge is the abyss, right?
1) Jakal quit When?! Last shit he did was spoiling Yuuko killing uryuu on discord and ch168.
2) Some people get raws beforehand but choose to not spoil anymore because they were threatened to be DMCA'd (spic scattered page provider gave spoilers before release on twitter until halfway past year).
I'm gonna miss these threads the most, fuck
Yea. Looks like.
Penultimate recap time.
I was talking in general
>the 1st girl was the abyss all this time
We got KUBO'd, kino ending incoming
Damn, I can’t do much about that watermark
I wanna taste Sensei's pussy while she's peeing.
Already explained in >>268901318
Gotta add leak providers don't think this manga will gather more interest other than Yuri or Yuuko chapters. They only mass leak OnK as of now and the other series are just given privately.
Forgot page >>268901374
It's a lost cause. Ryou stepped up her game.
Someone with a vpn will have to get a DMM/ebookjapan/LINE manga subscription and make the buy. Vol. 17 includes additional content and mass corrections as well (Nagi's flashback expansion).
Kek what a prick. He doesn't remember her real name. Nagi is also getting lo key angry at him not remembering.
Aren't those bonus cards only for physical stores?
Don't say sorry anymore, bitch!!
All the postcards were actually for the digital buyers
I think there's a glitch here.
Nagi's eyes are supposed to go lifeless after seeing Reiji's eyes and say "yes" like an automaton. Why her eyes got lively and emoted the purest smile while being silent??
Reiji is fucking retarded
Because she won't die alone
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I wanna breed Sensei.
In the end all this shit was Reiji desperate clinging to any excuse to pretend he had a purpose in life. When?! TL makes it more obvious.
Yes, he was only using Nagi and only "fell in love" with her abyss, not Nagi as a person
He's depressed af and is twisting the others' best regards for him thinking he's being abandoned.
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Sex with Sensei.
I'm hyped damn
Then what happened with
>I want to see the real you
>I wanna have a talk with you, not as an angel of death, but as a human being.
>Him wanting to murder Mao after hearing her story and concluding Nagi won't get pissed at her circumstances?? That mixed with his own issues making Mao a perfect vessel to vent his rage towards his ancestors?
Maybe he does love the real Nagi, but thinks she's "dead". He didn't hear her real name yet.
Honestly, Yuri fucked up things harder here.
He wants to know the real "Nagi", he doesn't know yet, so he doesn't love her true self anon. He loves her abyss version
Telling a depressed teen who thinks he doesn't have more purposes on life to live. What a great job, sensei.
The one he loves is the abyss aka death.
>they're both on the ground/kneeling
just now noticed this
In Reiji's twisted mind, this means the final chorus of Linkin Park's In the end. He's embracing death as his only purpose.
>He's embracing death as his only purpose.
and his only lover too lol, Nagi got cucked by the abyss girl. I hope she saves him tho.
Tbf he doesn't love anybody. Only hates everything. He's Yuuko's child after all.
He even came to hate Nagi for a brief time after the 1st timeskip.
Tulpa or Gen??
Dump end. I'm gonna miss the warzones that happened here. See you in 52 min.
The second panel means it's getting closer to dawn, right?
Maybe in the end the clouds will clear just as the sun comes out and Nagi tells Reiji her real name
It's Ryou's artistic choice to depict night.
As far as the story is going, it's almost midnight (Reiji's name meaning).
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>he doesn't love anybody
He loves anon, the abyss only, he is attracted by it. He doesn't love any of the other girls, that is for sure, he was only using them to validate himself
This scene here can be the abyss calling him (because we can't see the face of who is calling him), not Chako or his projection of Nagi tho
Comfiest threads on /a/
It will be an irony if he gets saved from the temptation of thanatos by the real Nagi, and Reiji repeats the fatal mistake Akira did (say he fucking hates her).
I would fucking laugh my ass off lol
>Gen in his trannie form
Imagine him being the Abyss all along.
>Maybe in the end the clouds will clear just as the sun comes out and Nagi tells Reiji her real name
If that shit happens, and considering Mao came on spring (march 24th), then the rebirth will happen on the dawn of March 25th. The stinger to finish the chapter would be Ishibashi reaching Reiji and telling him Yuuko and Esemori died, that being the final cliffhanger.
Gen's name means darkness after all.
Captchuh: YASS2
Gen is in jail, so it's not him
Everything can happen in this manga. I can clearly imagine Gen appearing there after escaping the jail or some other shit.
Well the abyss can assume the form of anybody he knows, so yeah
Yeah, it even can be a mix of several people. Only to pull Reiji deeper into the Abyss.
It begins with Nagi's shape, then morphs into Chako forma de Slimko, then morphs into Yuri (unhinged loose hair), then into Gen and finally into Yuuko when he confesses he isn't different from her, and that's why he deserves to die, assumes Esemori died first failing his purpose and Yuuko escaped from hospital, accepts his "fate" of imploding with his "mom", but the real Nagi comes to save her and emoting more emotions than ever before.
new chapter today?
All I can say is: kino concept.
Penultimate chapter in 32 mins.
25 minutes until ghostcuck theories get btfo'd.
>the abyss can assume the form of anybody
That's just an excuse to move the goalposts when you're proven wrong. The supernatural does not exist in this manga and is only ever used by Yuko and Mao to justify their terrible actions.
girl on the bridge is sensei and she will ack herself
after that reiji will manage to fuck up a double suicide with nagi
reiji will then have kids with some random bitch and ruin their lives too
non-butchered anime adaptation never
we're still going to get a cunnagi flashback page right?
>girl on the bridge is sensei and she will ack herself
>after that reiji will manage to fuck up a double suicide with nagi
>reiji will then have kids with some random bitch and ruin their lives too
That's hoboreru hanabi's end.
It isn't the real Nagi there, so it only can be Chako or the Abyss
He didn't excuse his horrible actions into supernatural shit, but into his own "weakness".
Remember there's also that legend of the lovers' abyss and Reiji seeing a spooky bag after thinking Yuuko was murked by Gen.
Chako is a fucking gremlin.
The only one who's taller than Reiji is Gen.
Inb4 he got released because his dad died and has no purpose to keep living after being rejected by Reiji and having "killed" Yuuko.
Mao is superstitious and wants to appease the spirits of the dead. That's the reason why he forced Nagi to apologize for living and why he lectured Reiji about grandma's ashes.
The legend of the abyss is a fairy tale passed down the generations, not unlike Greek mythology or Christian mythology to be spicy.
Yes, Reiji was seeing things. That's not the influence of anything supernatural, that's just him thinking the bag was Yuko before getting closer and realizing it was just a bag.
5 mins for the penultimate raws.
Who'll win? Superstituousfags, tulpafags or bridge-girl-being-Nagi-fags after all because Yuri brought her there by car??
Stand by for Boy's Abyss. Coming up next.
I'm betting everything on Silent Hill 2 dog ending
Best ending
Abysschads will win
I mean, it could be Reiji hallucinating Nagi being there but hallucinations aren't supernatural the same way Evangelicals spazzing out isn't evidence of their God possessing them.
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HopeCHADs how are we feeling?
Not feeling anything.
Im waiting for the chapter
Ryo posted her usual chapter release tweet, dis gun be good
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It's here.
I'm with supernatural fags.
It mutated
I was right.
Nagi's gonna wait for Reiji to part ways with mom.
>Nagi figure turned into Yuko
Supernatural bros, we won. It's the Abyss.
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I can't believe incestfags won lmao
>preemptively claiming victory just like the time they claimed Nagi was evil when she wasn't
imgur link where
I don't see things being wrapped up nicely unless everyone fucking dies.
Will she finally patch up things with Reiji?
Real schizo hour
Sorry kinda late, imgur hasnt been very kind in my place
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Post moar raws, please.
>Nagi figure turns into Yuko figure which turns into Chako figure.
We won, Abyssbros.
Lover's suicide ending incoming
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Next week last chapter. How is the author going to end it all?
goddamn it!, fucking Ryou pulling an Anno and screwing everyone over. Its the stupid Rebuild Ending all over again.
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And in the end, it was (You) who got btfo'd
Lottery numbers now plox
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Let's go.
>Ending: Leave
You was right, fucking based. I kneel
Nope, it was just Reiji hallucinating afterall, and he will be returning to the bridge after visiting Yuko for a final meet up with Nagi.
>already coping
>Nagi won
Based. Chunkofags eat shit.
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The ending will be a mess.
Hahaha they are going to insist with the sad ending to cope
>The town won
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Genko my beloved...
This shit is going to end and we still don't know who is the real father is.
>"There is noone there"
It was the abyss
Nagisisters we fucking won.
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Abysschads won hard lol
>the ending will be Nagi and Reiji having a sincere talk and then part ways
I dont think that was ever the point.
Yuko just fucked around so much she probably doesn't know either.
OK, what the fuck is Ryo smoking?
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Sensei pregnant = best ending. I hope Ryou has the balls
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>another shit ending
being a mangafag is suffering
Reiji hallucinates Yuko, Chako, an Gen as he wishes for anyone at all to die with him.
Nagi catches up to him and says no one's there. She thanks him.
Mao says he has a loving family but that Nagi's existence is painful. And she should live happily so to prove that their past was not a mistake.
Mao asks Nagi if he's a bad person. She says she doesn't know.
Nagi then thanks Mao for corrupting Reiji a bit.
Nagi suggests to Reiji they should go to the sea.
But before that, he should properly part with his mother.
She says she will definitely be waiting there.

Young Yuko says she still hasn't returned Akira's books.
Akira says it's fine and that she should return them when she finishes reading.
Yuko asks if he could wait until then.
Akira says he'll waiting there.
>Mao-kun, thanks for corrupting Reiji a bit.
So Nagi did want Reiji to have something to act on.
Have a feeling that is not ending with the lovers suicide
Ryo had better dedicate at least 10 of the last 50 pages to Reiji blowing Nagi's back out
Uh oh.
>Say goodbye to your mother properly. I'll be waiting here. I'll definitely be waiting for you.
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>Nagi then thanks Mao for corrupting Reiji a bit.
What did she mean by this?
This is all i need
>50 pages
What makes you think it won't be 18 pages lol.
We will get the lover's suicide ending after all, this is kino
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Seems esemori dies first
So, now what?
>Nagi says the same phrase that esemori said to Yuko
one chapter left and then the volume exclusive epilogue
Himegoto's last chapter was 42 pages
also i'm just optimistic
Ryo finishing a series without a last big-titty sex scene doesn't sit right
We're never getting Nagi's real name are we?
Lover's suicide ending duh
Ryo always has an 80% chance of hitting gold with esemori and yuko.
>volume exclusive epilogue
Here's how genko can still win.
Thanks anon.

Where do you think we are?
Not him but are you defending that delusion?
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>Mao gets to live with his wife and daughter
>but Nagi (and Reiji) dies for no reason
What is Ryo problem ? Is she fucked in the head ?
Thanks for the raws

Thanks for the dump
Last line of the manga
I actually believe this might happen. Ryou is gonna pull another "Gotcha" moment and have Nagi give him a pep talk and they part ways, while Nagi moves on and reiji continues to live in the town.
>What is Ryo problem ? Is she fucked in the head ?
Final chapter better be 50/50 Yuko/Esemori and Nagi/Reiji. I don't give a fuck about the others. Oh and one page confirming Sensei is pregnant i guess
She's a roastie that couldn't get a guy to settle down.
Wait. Reiji is stuck living in town caring for Yuko just how Yuko was home nursing her own mother.
Reiji and Nagi have one last fuck, with Nagi ending pregnant.
All I want is for Chako to take Esemori's offer to become his editor posthumously and finish his last novel, titled Boy's Abyss™
>>268904157 TL here abyssheads

Chapter 182: Nobody Here
caption: Came this far...

>???: I was waiting.

>REIJI: .....M...om...

>???: I'M SO HAPPY...

>CHAKO: That we'll die together.

>R: .....Chako.

>GEN: Reiji...

>R: Gen...?


>[.....By now]
>[anyone will do...]


>[With me...]

>NAGI: There's nobody here.

>N: Thank you...Reiji.

>MAO: My wife and my daughter...

>They both love me a lot...
>They're precious to me too...

>I truly love them...
>That's why,

>your existence is painful...

>...My memories with you...my past with you...

>But it'd be bad if you died...
>Live happily.
>We weren't wrong...
>Let me believe that...

>Tell me.

>Am I an evil man?
who the fuck cares about Chako at this point
The first couple dies and the second dont repear the former mistakes and get a happy ending(?
>>268905739 contd

>N: I don't know.

>I'm sorry.

[Spring's Coffin]

>Thank you for dirtying Reiji a little...


>N: Let's go.
>To the sea.
>But before that...
>Say a proper goodbye to your mom.

>I'll wait here for you.
>I promise I'll wait.

>YUKO: By the way, I still have the book I borrowed from you, Akira-kun.

>AKIRA: .....Oh, yeah.
>Well, whenever's fine.
>In that case,
>come when you've finished reading it.

>Y: .....You'll wait til then?

>A: Yeah.

>Because I'll always be here.

caption: Things that must be faced...
Next time: The final chapter.
Making Reiji have something to go that far.
Once again, the purpose on life thing.
Reiji's life wasn't purposeless in the end.

A detail worth noticing: "Nagi" dropped the -kun honorifics with him.
Reiji having to wait at the hospital and then return to the bridge makes it more likely the end will be the rain stopping just when the sun starts to rise
Id rather the suicide doesnt happen and they just live their lives. What message does it send otherwise?
I'd say it's just that she thought she was undeserving of Reiji because he was too good/clean for her till now.
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Cute Nagi
Ryou was giving likes to all those nip tweets who wanted Reiji and Nagi to be happy. There you have your answer.
idk it's still raining >>268899102
They will be happy in death
The rain can only stop when they chose to live, that's when the sun comes out in the morning
>too good/clean for her till now.
He's still too good for her.
But Reiji not being above murdering someone for someone he loves was what settled the deal.
There might be no message, the author could just be that mentally ill.
Why couldn't just Nagi say her real name directly? She knows it right?
Yeah i agree, lot of folks want the suicide ending beacuse they are edgy teenagers
no matter what, the Abyss, or at the very least, The Town is pretty much destroyed
>Yuko and her mother dead or dying
>Chako's family destroyed (reminder Chako's grandfather was one of Yuko's customers)
>Gen's family, construction company under investigation
>Yuri's family leaving town (no major involvement in Yuko's past but the themes of parents passing down expectations and traumas to their children with the ping pong club dismantled is symbolic enough)
Esemori won
It may be a daylight rain.
Just because this is 4chan doesn't mean you should defend delusions. Being here is no excuse.
hmmm can't see the ending with both of them dying. Nagi will just drop dead or jump off, but I get the feeling Yuri is going to body slam Reiji as he's about to take the jump and save him again since she really wants him to live. Plus the final visit to Yuko might actually change his Mind about dying. What other narrative reason does did Yuri have her for her dialogue in the previous chapter and showing up if not to actually do something again in the final chapter.
yes but nobody ever asked her name
Is it hurting someone?
It will be bittersweet ending, both will move on with their life.
Yes. It's hurting all of us because it encourages such behavior despite being bad.
>Live, Reiji, it doesn't have to be with me!
Cope yurikeke.

Ryou's blurb

>Shounen no Abyss chapter 182 "Nobody" is now out!
>Two more chapters left 'till the final chapter.
>The end of the road for that boy, and her...
>Thank you very much for your support!
Sure? Nagi dropped the honorifics with Reiji. That's a big deal.
Anon, you need to go to therapy and take your meds on a daily basis.
>and then part ways
This is your last cope.
They are friends, what's the problem?
>"Truth (Lie)" told by a Novelist: The light my mother let slip away, until the idol I longed for was born...

Stop your riddles, Ryo.
Final cope?
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Is next chapter the final one or what?
Next one is the ending I think
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Quick, someone find that Yuko Esemori flashback. They went on how if they ever have kids and had a name for when they ever have a girl.
what cope? not like Reiji used his last bit of horniness on Nagi. Plus he shoved her aside in the last chapter and aimed the knife at her in the previous chapter. Only that thing matters to him with Nagi is Death. The end goal.
>Jikou: saishuuwa desu.
Next is the final one.
The official account even stated this ends with 183 chapters.
Suicide isnt' something to glorify and I'd be disappointed if Ryo goes this route. So what? Reiji and Nagi were victimized until the pain got too much and they had to escape in death? Bankrupt ending. Just completely disconnects everything relating to Gen, Esemori, Chako, and Yuri. All who wished for everything but that. Esemori and Yuko faced similar ordeals but they at least didn't choose to end things this way. Their time just ran out so it's a lot more palatable for those two. I'd rather Nagi and Reiji just left the town or that the ending is ambiguous. Fuck, I'd take them talking things out and finding happiness separately than dying together.
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Reiji is midnight so Nagi will be Mahiru or something similar
Thanks for the TL
Ryo is definitely aiming for something here even if I dont know what.
Not sibling stuff.
Akira - Morning
Nagi/Mahiru? - Midday
Yuko - Evening
Reiji - Midnight

Sakuko - New Moon

Doubt you can do anything with Gen, I presume.
Also Yuri means "Home" and Akira's pen name is "false forest"
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>Next time: The final chapter.
I'm concerned about next week. There are so many ways Ryo can fuck this ending up.

>double suicide
bad aftertaste that questions what the point of most of the meandering around of this story was
>either nagi or reiji die alone
even worse. just mean-spirited
>they both decided to live and make the most of their lives
the foundation for this has not been set. Reiji has nothing to go on for and Nagi's positive development was capsized by sensei. Fuck Yuri for this because it made the manga go on dozens of chapters longer than it needed to

I can't think of one outcome where I, at least, would be satisfied.
We're brothers in ams until the bitter end, senseischizo
I want them to happily commit suicide together.
They are depressed wrecks who don't want to live on.
>Final Chapter
>Yuri is pregnant

Put the knife down
The near vanishing eyes draft ended up being the 3rd panel in the right page >>268904603.
So 50/50 they choose to live or die.
I can't see they being happy living to be honest. Suicide ending is the best one in this case.
No way this ends in suicide after coming all this way from ch 1 suicide attempt.
>begins with suicide
>ends with suicide
It would be kino
Reiji is FAR worse now.
Let’s all love sensei
>I'm happy you'll die with me Reiji
>at the end of a long and fulfilling life together
ez bait and switch
Nagi didn't call his bullshit, but understood what was happening in his head.

There's also that riddle Ryou posted.
Mao is the dad.
bruh why would they suicide after this
they could have suicided at the bridge
nagi stopped him
you really think she was like "nah let's not kill ourselves here, let's go to the ocean"
happy ending incoming
Nagi will take Reiji to the beach and become his mommy
Reiji gets to talk to yuko now
I wonder if what she says will change his mind
Nagi bro storytime fag subconsciously knows his favorite bitch (Nagi) has barely (if any) personality, no agency (in over 182 chapters and counting) and practically no backstory (it was Mao's, time to admit this you fag) so he's lashing out at fictional characters (sensei mostly) for having what Nagi didn't (a fucking character arc).
Now what stupid bitch? It's the end of the road and for what it seems the ending will be disappointing.
Abyss when?! were quick again.
it's going to be the same ending as hatsukoi zombie
>reiji goes to the beach with nagi
>they talk
>probably affirm that they want to live now
>we show reiji going about his day
>chako, gen, and sensei are all alive and well and peripherally involved in his life but no longer obsessed with him
>they say hi to him while he's on his way somewhere so we know they're doing okay
>he meets up with nagi and they've started dating, or something

hell, i bet even yuko has a good chance of being alive at the end (esemori is already dead they moved his bed)
himegoto also ended like this, timeskip into everyone being happy
>why would a woman whose parents died while she was angry at them want a man to talk to his mom first before dying together?
I told ya this is HZ ending once again.
HZ was protoabyss in the last third btw.
She is respecting Reiji's initial intention to have a clean break with his mom.
ryo is a hack
they'll probably all be together for esemori or yuko's funeral although i can also see yuko not being dead at the end
Hahahaha best bait
What are you going to do when it end, senseischizo?
The near vanishing eyes draft is in this page.
He’ll shitpost in the /onk/ threads most likely
sensei had better show up with an adult boyfriend but visibly pregnant (so it's ambiguous and maybe it's reiji's kid)
Thanks for the TL, based TL-kun.
thanks rawanon and tlanon and dumpanon
i won't miss the schizos that haunted these threads, rest in piss and i'll never see you again
>bruh why would they suicide after this
To help yurikekes cope.
Same for you.
(Ngl, i'll see some of you shitposting the OnK breads or in the kanokari breads)
Captchuh: NAGH
>Thank you for making Reiji a little dirtier
Smells like a shit test gone too far.
Mao is a selfish cunt til the end. If the wife and daughter don't find out about this I'll riot.
>Smells like a shit test gone too far
Reiji wasn't even alive until he met Nagi
Mao being a total scumbag and warping Nagi the way he did gave Reiji impetus
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>next chapter, Nagi and Reiji talk to each ot saying their true feelings, insecurities and feelings deep down inside. We get a sex scene
>Nagi will get a kino abyss page where the finale is her saying the line from the first chapter in that pose
>They jump into the waves during the storm
>Nagi gets second thoughts seeing Reiji drowning
>With her bloodied hand she pushes him up above the waves and to the shore
>She is taken down the stream following the fate of her fish
>Mao and Sensei by this time come too little too late with the detective because they're afraid for their safety with the cop
>They come to the worst conclusion because Reiji tried to kill Mao from Sensei's perspective and he also was a schizo who tried to slice open Nagi's throat in front of Mao and Sensei
>Reiji is at the shore trying to catch his breath and says he killed Nagi Aoe
>Sensei screams in horror

>Time Skip

>Reiji is infamous with what happened, and only then we hear her real name when repeating the case.
>Sensei has Reiji's child and is raising them.
>Mao gets the life he deserves, admitting his hand in the abuse of Nagi, the truth coming out causes his marriage with his wife and daughter falls apart.
>Yuko has died, joining Akira getting the happiest ending.
>Chako has become a writer under an alias.
>We never know what happens to Genko.
>We never know Reiji's real dad's name.
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Yeah I'm with you on that. A suicide ending would shit on the entire story and developments, yet everything is so half-baked and all over the place to pull out a satisfying "live on" ending.
Deadman Wonderland had a somewhat similar endgame where the heroine really wanted to die. And while the MC started out as a whiny faggot who couldn't possibly carry her burdens, he matured a lot over the course of the story and he ultimately manned up enough to accept her and make her change her mind.
Reiji though...he's such a fucking mess of a character, we're at the penultimate chapter and we still have no idea what exactly he wants and he hasn't done anything worthwhile in 18 volumes to make us believe he can make anyone happy.
Final cope?
The 1st draft already happened and wasn't Reiji ducking the suicide attempt, but him almost giving to the Temptantion of Thanatos.
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s-sasuga ryo-sensei
This scene will happen next chapter btw
this scene already happened this chapter dude.
they're going to the ocean
Shit, forgot pic.
excellent transition.
yuko and esemori fags ate good from start to finish
Actually a 10/10 page
Of all the problems I have with this manga, the art was never one. Fucking ethereal last panel and probably the last Esemori will get.
He died and will wait Yuko, that is sweet
The ocean: Nagi's hometown?
Dumpu endo.
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nagi a qt
i think she died after reiji handed her the book>>268910619
10/10, everything about Esemori and Yuko is the best.
They will have one last conversation before she goes to Akira again
This'll be a complicated ending to pull off but I have faith in Ryo, she hasn't let me down so far when it comes to Abyss.
Are you serious ? They barely ever spoke with each other in the present, and to the end they never really understood each other. All their shit happens in the past, there's literally 0 pay off in the present.
>they never really understood each other
she loves her little World's End Boy a lot
Whatever helps you sleep at night.
you wouldn't get it
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>reading the end of boy's abyss with /a/
man it's been a journey from the time when i made a thread back when anons didnt know the manga yet
El Chavo del Ocho... El Chico del Abismo
I jumped on the train around chapter 20 when Reiji went to visit Nagi at her house. Yuko was still a background character lmao
Thanks for your service anon, I started to read with you guys when you posted the chapter 1 here
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even in death yuko is still seductive
Her eyes are lifeless.
Reiji got informed by Ishibashi his mom died, that's why he brought the book the morning after.
Reiji will break down in the corridor after giving his final farewell and reveal to Nagi everything he wanted was to have a normal family and not having lived in such a fucked up household and that, even despite of everything, he envies Nagi for that (even if her parents are RIP, they were the most normalfag parents).
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It's dampu.
that is the beauty of their relationship and it would not hold a fraction of its intrigue without that missed opportunity. They know plenty about each other, but they missed the core of their private dilemmas, and that drove them apart. They don't quite reconcile, but the longing for each other, and the connection to each other, was there til the end.
The real red pill is that there's no justice in this world. Evil sometimes goes unpunished and sometimes they even get their happy ever after. As basic birch as it sounds, the only real vengeance is being happy despite that, or at least try but is also ok to just give up.
Based anon, that is what make them great. They never stopped of loving each other besides of all the shit that happened in their lives and that is beautiful. They deserve their happy ending together.
she fixed him 180 chapters ago, anon
try to keep up
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Esemorisisters, did we made it?
He's RIP.
Reiji is giving Yuuko the book so she can follow him.
lovers' suicide is not "fixing", anon
Nah probably he will get more once Yuuko finally die, they will run holding each other hands and smiling
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>reiji never shaked his hand
This manga would be 100% better if it was only Yuko and Esemori story
another shit manga ending.

drop the third nuke
>missing the point
read the manga
>no sensei
Sensei was only good in the begining, she went to shit after
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>read the manga
Ryo does not get enough credit for her art. This is gorgeous. Even the subtlety of Esemori closing his eyes.
nah, she's the only reason at all I'm actually buying the physical volumes for.
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That would be an interested ending, then she announces part 2 lol
Sensei peaked too early. For the last third of the manga, she was spinning her wheels. The issue was that her problem was extremely simple and was the easiest to fix, but she kept running away from it to do the same thing over and over again
i really like how her art improves over the chapters
from something similar to hatsukoi zombie to focusing more on semi-realistic expressions
this only works if reiji impregnates her
Well, he did cum inside her
so what narrative purpose did Reiji having sex with Yuri right after leaving the closet serve? and don't tell me it was hate sex cuz that is the stupidest thing I've ever heard.
that he was becoming more and more like Yuko I guess ?
I'm curious, why do people not want the abyss curse to end?
did they even fuck? i never thought it was confirmed, but the importance had nothing to do with yuri and everything to do with yuko.

reiji got erectile dysfunction after his incident with her. now here comes mao being nagi's yuko and being just as shitty a person. reiji then gets hard on the thought of making him pay (because he can't make yuko pay). It's all a subtle euphemism for Reiji wanting to fuck (over) his mom. Everything goes back to his mom. It was laterally a hate boner and the rush made him feel alive again.
to be fair
reiji is also to blame

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