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both Yunyun and Megumin are rare crimson demons... Yunyun because she's normal and Megumin because she's flat and small.
why is yunyun wearing a tie?
because she has autism
She's embarrassed about showing her cleavage
Yunyun is my wife.
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because she's all business!
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Yunyun Bunbun
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she has a big job interview coming up
Too autistic for normal human society.
Not autistic enough for Crimson Demon society.
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the tie stays on
Yunyun is barely fit to clean up the sticky leavings left on and in Megumin.
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What's wrong with wearing a tie?
your daily spam is cringe
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a single YunYun thread a day is far too little
we need 4 a day at least
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I wish these Yunyun threads have something to talk about than having just one anon bumping the thread with yunyun art over and over
YunYun paizuri
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i like yunyun, she's great, i hope for a konosuba game where you can swap her clothes for different ones but with real gameplay too.
That'd be great, but sadly nobody cares about Konosuba anymore. We were lucky enough to get one of the VN games over here
What would a konosuba game with actual gameplay be like? Point and click adventure of Kazuma defeating evil?
Are crimson demons supposed to be busty
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Since no ones giving you a real answer.
Someone told her to come off as professional you gotta wear a tie. So she wears one hoping to come off as a professional and to eventually join a party and make a friend.
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She was wearing the outfit before Axel. This whole "She wears it because Dust told her" never happened.
a classic final fantasy party rpg game
yes, all of them, big busty since they turn 13.
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>The only pettan in a village of oppai
Truly a cursed existence to be Megumin
I want a konosuba game to be a turn-based RPG. You go on quests with either Kazuma's party or make a custom party with any of the konosuba characters you like. You can choose to go on quests or hang out with friends to unlock skills/abilities like in the persona games.
Imagine the paizuri
damn big tiddy 13 year olds
Megumin's mom is flat too
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post Megumins you fools
Komekko is going to be the only one in the family with big tits when she grows up
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most likely
The Mega Man clone that was packaged with the S2 BDs IIRC.
Imagine Megumin getting her wish for big boobs.
most smug and insufferable Crimson Demon ever

There was that one dungeon crawler game they made for the vita if I remember correctly. Never got an english translation though.
Konosuba had a few soulful little games knocked together in its day but I think Konosuba has been shifted to the 'old' category now. They even decided to EoS the gacha game they had running that was keeping Konosuba "alive" (the actual JP server, not just killing off a gaijin server.)
Just goes to show why Megumeme is defective loser
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YunYun Dinner
That means it is time to write a sequel.
We need to know more about Kazuma and Megumin's meme filled sex life.
Realistically they would end up divorcing because Megumin is both immature and arrogant enough to write checks her ass cant match and Kazuma isn't completely spineless loser MC. Kazuma gets financially raped (-50% assets) and gets another layer of trauma, Megumeme walks off scot-free with no repercussions for actions as usual.
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Wanna see the rarest crimson demon?
i think you are confusing her with aqua
Honestly her ass seems just as nice as the chest really. She’s perfect.
Nope. If he ended up with Aqua, they would live up in constant poverty because Aqua's retardation would outspeed Kazuma's ability to make money despite his luck. Aqua & Kazuma would be that old couple who are constantly bickering with each other yet still stay together. Contrast that to Megumeme who is lot more susceptible to social pressure and is too prideful to stop in time
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I want to sex this 14 year old!!
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She's perfect wife material
Nah, they're gonna have a huge family together
I'm imaging a game where once you gather party members beyond 4 (with Yunyun, Chris, Wiz etc) you have to pick and choose who you bring on missions.
The trick being that there are penalties for ignoring as well as overrelying on certain characters
Off the top of my head something like if you have Kazuma or Aqua in your party and succeed missions too often they'll get cocky and higher rank missions will appear as lower ranked
But if you leave them at the mansion too long they'll get lazy and Kazuma will get (temporary) stat drops and there's a chance Aqua will be tricked out of a chunk of your gold reserve
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>finished Yunyun's show
>can't remember anything about it
what a perfectly designed race
it's not megumin's fault, she didn't receive proper nutrition because of her family's poverty and didn't get to grow
Wouldn't have been issue if she hadn't decide to overspecialize to 1 spell unable to earn money despite being poorfag reliant on milking Yunyun's pity to survive
she already had her growth stunted in prepubescence (and likely had/has delayed puberty/menstruation) due to malnutrition before she had any agency
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Just a reminder that despite Megumin taking down demon king generals and the destroyer? No one gives a fuck. Axel knows who is superior and who they want.
I remember Megumin bullying a cute demon general to death. Megumin is scum.
But consider the crimson hag
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Konofan will be missed mainly cause its the only frequent content we were getting for this series but it honestly was written like poor fanfiction. And a majority of the cast were more annoying than they ever have been in the anime/LN. I'm under the belief that only Natsume should write for this series. Never anyone else. Ever.

The art is top notch though. And all the crossovers were amazing as well.
Megumin's mom literally locked her daughter in a room with a guy she knew only from her daughter's letters in volume 5. And in volume 14 she literally puts her daughter to sleep and tells Kazuma its fine if he does stuff to her while she's sleeping. So my question is, is her mom the best character in the series?
She should've given Kazuma a penis buff, estrus status effect, locked and iced the door in place, and shlicked to the sound of her daughter getting her cervix jackhammered.
I'm convinced anons would fight each other to death over yunyun
why fight when I have a gun?
That's because Megumin creates more problems than she solves and ones that she does solve need dedicated tardwrangler like Kazuma to happen
Megumin has fought many battles without Kazuma beside her, it's just she's also a show off and most useful against enemies that are either stupidly powerful or in massive numbers.
And during those times she was either outright detrimental (Dust) or needed Yunyun to actively carry her ass (side stories). Megumeme is walking one-use Explosion which she herself will waste on some irrelevant landamark if not monitored by competent tardwrangler
She still got shit done at the end of the day.
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Nobody would win because Yunyun would be creeped out by her own fanbase shouting "MUH wife!" or "ALL HAIL THE SOVIET YUNYUN"
>Yunyun would be stalked by dozens of spergs spilling spaghetti and fighting each other with their Isekai Cheat codes
>Socially competent non-sperg anons would get ganged up & assassinated by the spergs moment they are found near Yunyun
>Yunyun gets further traumatized because all of the nice new friends she gets keep getting murdered by her obsessed stalkers
Being Yunyun is suffering
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YunYun's an OP crimson demon mage
she'd annihilate stalkers
She'd be too flustered to do so because their loud proclamations of loving her and wanting to be her friend. Megumin would be jealous as fuck that Yunyun somehow got her own cultists before her
>Megumin would be jealous as fuck
Also she would help protect Yunyun from lonely schizos simping over her
Megumin stood too close to her explosion and got a little burnt
In all seriousness, I think she's pretty cute.
Purely out of her good-heart and their friendship and not because Megumin is jealous about Yunyun getting worshipped by randos of course
Why did Kazuma choose Megumin? Darkness protected Kazuma from execution and even slapped a princess to defend him.
Kazuma is pretty spinless
he simply submitted to the girl that chased him
Darkness is a walking NTR doujin heroine, Kazuma having played plenty of eroge, instinctively understands this.
He did a pretty good job protecting her form an ugly bastard wedding though
Yeah but you can already tell this is dangerous. Ugly bastard wedding this week, tentacle monster bait the next.
Kazuma didn't choose anyone, he's afraid of asking women out because he doesn't want to get cucked again. Megumin claimed him first and he went with it
Darkness chased him as well.
But that makes it even more unsatisfying.
Maybe the author should made a chapter where Kazuma open up about his fear to his companions.

Also Kazuma killed the Demon King so there is nothing stopping Iris from forcefully marry him.
Yet Megumin is the type of girl most likely to cheat on him since she's the green-tea bitch type detested by East Asian otaku
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>Yunyun goes to the point where she doesn't want friends anymore and decides to hides herself from society because everyone just want to fuck her and those that do care get hurt trying to protect her
Yunyun feels like a girl who would be Kazuma's second wife just to stay close to Megumin.
>not becoming strong enough to defend yourself as well as YunYun
Other way around. Megumin only got together with Kazuma to brag about her relationship to Yunyun. Megumin is canonically obsessed with Yunyun and Kazuma is merely a convenient way to try to assert her superiority.
why are white girls with brown hair soo hot?
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it's the red eyes for me
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For me it's both the brown hair and red eyes.
>yunyun will start the great yunyun war where thousand of spergs killed each other with cataclysm able cheat skills destroying and shaping a complete dystopia in the konosuba world just to get the girl
Give Megumin far right's outfit (not scaled down; the exact same size she's currently wearing), and you'd have perfection.
>Yunyun will be remembered as the Witch of Calamity and forever worshipped as the greatest Crimson Demon in history by their chuuni race
>Yunyun just wanted to have some friends, remained forever alone
>Megumin eternally jealous that Yunyun got the fame she wanted, Yunyun eternally jealous that Megumin got the friends she wanted
why wouldn't an anon just spawn in with a "clone target" cheat ability and just make a bunch of YunYun clones?
Because some other anons with their own cheats would get jealous and ruin that. Crab bucket mentality is real because any saner anons would get killed by the spergs
Better yet why can't they all just go to the succubus bar. It's not like they had a chance with Yunyun to begin with
As it always was
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Pick one.
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Yunyun or Arue are both amazing choices, but I'd have to go with Yunyun
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Great music though.
When will we genetically engineer red eyes?
God Megumin is hot. She would be the ideal wife.
red eyes are already possible
>What would a konosuba game with actual gameplay be like?

It's a gatch game.
Yunyun is bad, not likable, and deserves no one to be her friend. Also bully her.
but Anon, she's 14
And 14 is prime.
is literally the age a girl is ready to breed so perfect age for marriage.
its divisible by 2
Not in base 9!
Why would anyone use base 362880?
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You got me there
the one without disgustingly giant fat sacks on their chest
This but Megumin
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stop! this girl is not for impregnation!
all crimson demons are for impregnation (multiple ones)
Marry Megumin. Fuck Aqua. Kill Dorkness. Shun YunYun.
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Yunyun has mind controlled you into marrying her against your will!
Divorce is illegal in crimson demon society...

How do you escape?
non stop pregnancy
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Would the mind control even work if I want to marry and breed her already?
Saten's eyes are so beautiful.

What exactly was wrong with konofan's writing?
>How do you escape?
Anime, videogames.
I remember someone mentioning dreampop being fitting for Yunyun
konofan's first story arcs were about Kazuma producing the Axel Hearts idol group. It wasn't the konosuba fans wanted and it turned them off.
Lia is mai waifu btw.
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Do the japanese have good taste or bad?
The thing that turned me off is how the konosuba characters were just parodies of themselves and some are just straight up assholes
Who made my Yunyun cry?
you cant mind control the willing
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lack of husband
gotta collect them all
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I can fix that
Good taste I’d agree on most to least rapeable
Extremely poor.
Is there anybody else that Yunyun likes beside Megumin?
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What are they feeding them in their village!?
Yes, me
Any attempts to court Yunyun would result in death by explosion magic.
Megumin won't let anyone else take advantage of her rival.
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but that's just what became of it, so it's accurate.
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Arnes deserved better.
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I do it for her
In a world of titcows flatties reign supreme
Yunyun's generally well-thought of, she's just awkward and comes on too strong or isolates herself.
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what do anons plan on even doing with Megumin? she can't carry your children, she's too small
YunYun on the other hand
I find it hard to believe she's 13
She's retarded. Holy shit. I need to be reborn in axel and plap her.
She’s normal but still dresses like a crimson demon. I think? I’ve always wondered myself actually.
i think teh yunyun poster may have commented on one of my ai slop gens
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>What exactly was wrong with konofan's writing?
Everyone just more annoying really. First of all there’s zero romance with her and Kazuma and also she’s much more of a bitch. Constantly making craters and causing bills and not caring. I mean I guess that can happen in the LN/anime but she’s definitely brattier. And Kazuma is more or less Daffy Duck trying to strike it rich but failing due to bad luck. Aqua and Darkness I guess feel the same? But also more responsible which is a little strange. Or at least they are in regards to getting onto to Kazuma about scamming too much and not going on quests and working enough and it’s just, like I dunno. It’s just all off. And just plainly isn’t as funny even though the seiyuus are still crushing it.
>First of all there’s zero romance with her and Kazuma and also she’s much more of a bitch. Constantly making craters and causing bills and not caring.
This is how Megumin acts in LNs. At her worst she bragged to Yunyun and Eris about how far she had gotten with Kazuma just hours after rebuffing his attempts to kiss her. Megumin is colossal selfish bitch and her fanboys haven't read the actual novels
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why is Megumin so cute?
I know this is from a VN and those can be kinda dumb but I still wanna know what the context is behind this. Are they actually modeling them off or something like being affected by a magic item? Succubus dream? It could be anything.
Yeah she's a total cunt in the LN, but I think she's far worse in the gacha game because she causes more trouble than she usually does and puts the blame on Kazuma for everything.
Is that the gacha, or the steam game?
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She’s definitely worse in Konofan. She can be the same chunni dork while still not causing property damage and debt for the party. She knows how to control her explosions usually. You hear about craters stuff in the gacha far more than you ever do in the LN/anime.
That reminds me, was Iris meant to be a red herring for Eris or had people figured out that it was Chris before that?
Kek, did Kazuma also get fined for damage caused by Megumin because he's responsible for not tardwrangling her as her party leader?
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situations always happening to prevent Kazuma from enjoying his Succubus Shop coupons is the real crime
Yunyun is so cute in this art.
>Kazuma seething about his 8th place and complaining how he's supposed to be the protagonist
>Iris bullying Kazuma for being lower than her
>Eris having embarrassed spergout about her 2nd place despite lack of appearances and wondering what to say
>Aqua seething about losing to Eris
>Darkness coming up with fantasies about what Kazuma would say
>Yunyun would be happy for being in the polls
>Wiz is confused and say "wait, people voted for me?"
>Komekko doesn't care because she's hungry
would you feed Komekko?
Bit off there anon.
Yunyun is her usual depreciating self struggling to believe she was 5th out of 15 and turning into glass-half empty with "there were 5 people more popular than me" and getting bullied for thinking she might get friends because of this. Wiz is grateful about being 7th since she thought she'd get colder reception for being an undead, but she's confused about why her shop is still lacking customers despite of her 7th place. You're right about Komekko since her reaction is literally: "Is 9th place delicious? I'd rather have warm meal instead."
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Yunyun wouldn't care too much about what place she got in the polls because for once people actually acknowledged she exists and that's good enough for her.
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It would be cruel to leave a child go hungry.
I prefer Wiz
Suppose that Kazuma is too traumatized to go for girls around his own age because of the perceived cucking he received from his childhood friend. Would he have balls to go for Wiz?
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I also prefer Wiz.
Vanir probably would prefer setting Wiz with somebody to keep her away from the shop.
Does Luna likes Kazuma?
>Papa Vanir trying to marry Wiz to Kazuma to prevent her financial suicide
Fund it
Only after Kazuma became rich.
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What sets Konosuba apart from other isekai? I usually drop isekai with the 'one guy multiple girls' party setup due to how mass produced and predictable it is, but something about Konosuba compels me to rewatch it multiple times, something I don't do for any other series. There's just a sort of magic in it that sets it worlds apart from its peers. Though admittedly it fades somewhat past a certain point in the series.
Not in that story at least. But he tied her up and left her in the living room so she tricked Chris into setting her free by saying Kazuma was gonna do lewd stuff. In the end after she explodes he leaves her there so she begs Chris to carry her so she can apologize. And that's the usual way it goes.
I think its before that, she informed Kazuma about undiscovered path on a dungeon when he was in dept, hired a girl to keep Kazuma motivated
It’s a bunch of retards doing retarded shit
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I think being retarded as possible helps. It's nice to have a good comedy. Also the fact that its opposite in every way from any other isekai. Not a harem in the slightest and the MC is weak and dies all the time. Its still really interesting how so many people wind up relying on him though.
I mean he does lead around someone from a race of powerful magicians, a literal god, and a knight that can tank any attack. Not to mention all the other powerful people he has connections to.
I like that one man from japan (The head researcher) fucked up their whole world, and it's aqua's fault too.
I would put a baseball team in yunyun
This but a full NFL team and practice squad
They are genetically modified, it that helps you believe.
Yunyun isn't normal
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Yunyun is just too perfect. But what happened to her panties?
>Iris bullying Kazuma for being lower than her
What? Did you MTL that? That's not what she's saying.
This but /a/
I wanted to see her barcode
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Yunyun's yunyuns
She didn't do it because she wanted to help Kazuma, she did it because it's her job.
Yunyun because I want to fuck her soft cleavage and thighs
Steam game, but if you want the most Crimson Girl goodness the unlocalized sequel also has Funifura and Arue that you can add to your party.
Her growth was stunted from childhood starvation. Her genes a trojan horse.

You will marry her being fiercely attracted to her flat chest. You will have children with her expecting cute flat daughters. You will be distraught when they all turn out to be titcows.

This is the real curse of Megumin.
It's a miracle we even got one of the Konosuba VN games over here
Saggy fat tits. Everyone should bully YunYun for her saggy tits!

Arue is 12 btw
Out of 10
Boycott them for censoring shit. Japan is fucking awful with censorship and they deserve not a single fucking penny while they continue to do it.
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Here's one of the Yunyun comm's i promised you lads a while back

YunYun tummy.....
Darkness i can see being a little more responsible from time to time
Aqua tho, yeah no that totally OOC behavior right there, ffs the axis cult only scams the fuck out of people because of Aqua's teachings
she would be alongside Kazuma scamming the fuck out of people
the characters sell it with their parody of the cliches but also managing the sincere aspect
Konosuba has a brain dead and mediocre setting but the characters and how they interact with it is what makes the package
>series full of 10/10 fertility goddesses
>/a/ is obsessed with JC
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They're all min/maxed to uselessness outside of their specific niche, and there's enough friction to start that it feels earned when the party can actually use their min/maxed talents effectively.
Yunyun is the most fertile unlike dysgenic trash like Megumin
Being a lolicon is "cool" now and Yunyun is pretty fertile looking for a JC.
Did they censored the VN on the EN release? All i got was the publisher promising to keep it contents parallel to the Japanese version.
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Hey, Aqua has a bi-weekly thread that I also post in.
this was a fantastic design
There was a wizard that became a lich to protect his wife so human x lich love story might be possible.
Jesus YunYun
Haha wa Yuiyui!
Chichi wa Hyoizaburo!
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I kinda wish the body swap had lasted over several months. Eris says it was a short time but it would’ve been funny that because she’s a goddess and doesn’t die, a short time for her in her mind is weeks or months. But ah well.
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None of them even compares to Komekko
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>anon shows his pecker to crimson demons
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Rare footage of Chris/Eris after sex with Kazuma
I want to suck demon tits
this show is boring and its jokes is repetitive. when it's not boring, it's being cringe
they're being eaten by frogs XD
stealing pantsu XD
darkness is hentai XD
ESL opinions don't matter.
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Life is fucking amazing if you're a Meguminfag.
>most popular character by far
>canon winner
>most doujins
>best merch
>had a movie and spinoff anime dedicated to her
>still going strong even today
Then she would have informed others guild members instead she only informed it to Kazuma.
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Megumin and Rem are both shit. Japs has such irredeemable shit taste.
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I remember when /a/ didn't like her outfit being censored when she was first shown in the anime opening, but she ended up looking hotter than she did in the LN
>Oreimo: Ayase
>Oregairu: Yukino
>Nisekoi: Chitoge
>To Love Ru: Momo
>Konosuba: Megumin
>Re Zero: Emilia
> Wiz
> Yunyun
> Luna
Are these the only women that Kazuma respects?
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A shit.
You forgot Eris
The apex of sexycute
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>ywn come home and see your cute Yunyun wife waiting for you in bed
Loved this part. Though I hope after she becomes your wife she’ll occasionally sleep in the nude.
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Yunyun is the type that will do anything to please her husband
>Jester aqua
True, though reverse is also true because of her purity. Only a complete psychopath would be able to refuse Yunyun's request as her husband
>Yunyun builds lot of courage to be "selfish"
>requests something minor like headpat, hugging or handholding
Didn't that offbrand isekai hero with the Gram sword pick up Yunyun as part of his harem?
I'm pretty sure he's robbing her blind and fucking her without any intention of committing.

It's a rather shitty fate for Yunyun. To have been picked up by a scumbag exploiting her and leaving her with nothing.
no, dust and YunYun don't like each other
Nah, Mitsurugi is busy with his two waifus to bother with Yunyun.

You are confusing Dust with Mitsurugi, though Dust also tried and failed
>Didn't that offbrand isekai hero with the Gram sword pick up Yunyun as part of his harem?
She only joined him that one time to look for Aqua. Yunyun didn't want to be a permanent party member because the two girls didn't want another girl in Mitsurugi's team
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YunYun will always be the subject of female bullying in any group
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It'd be cute to see Yunyun trying to ask for sex while feeling embarrassed.
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is there any action YunYun could take that wouldn't be considered cute?
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Yunyun really wanted to ask you something, but it looks like she's struggling.
Collecting child support
I would love to see YunYun collect child support from me
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Forget about Yunyun and Konosuba, when are we getting volume 8 of this? Natsume is a lazy NEET who has released no books this year.
All the girls that loves Mitsurugi can't stand Kazuma's gut. Yunyun on the otherhand seems to be fond of Kazuma.
She's just like me!
No love for Sena? Lame.
>It's a rather shitty fate for Yunyun. To have been picked up by a scumbag exploiting her and leaving her with nothing.
Dust is a scumbag but he's not that type of scumbag.
The difference between Konosuba and other isekai is that is how it protrays the world, and the people within it. Which in short are less like heroes of legend of more like someone who's moving out on his own for the first time and meeting other people who are in the same boat as you. Slowly realizing the world doesn't owe you anything and things don't always work out how you want them to, but you're forced to live with all this anyway.
Shipping aside Kazuma, Aqua, Darkness and Megumin all feel like genuine friends, people who the rest of the world cast off and who know each other all too well, and while they get drive one another up a wall, they still at the end of the day want to be with each other.
Kazuma even freely admits he finds all three attractive, and in Megumin and Darkness' case has no problem if they ever wanted to jump his excalibur if you will. The issue is more he knows them as people as well, and all their quirks to ever properly make a move, and they sure do know him as well.
THAT'S the secret that glues Konosuba together, using the framework of your standard isekai to show a story of finding your own place in the world and finding other people trying to do the same.
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You're not worthy of Yunyun.
Go become a better version of yourself.
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Izawa is my favorite konosuba artist.
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Yunyun is easily and by far the most fertile Konosuba girl.
And Megumin will be the first to pass on her genes.
I want to hug yunyun
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I'd love to form a party with Yunyun so we can be friends (and eventually become lovers) but I bet a certain loli autist will do anything to ruin our relationship
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I am weak to little sisters
why did the anime turn them into boob monsters?
yunyun would be extra hot if she was goth
>AI sloppa
fuck off
>wwaahh waaahh muh ai bad
Do you know how seldomly we get any new Yunyun art?
kill yourself
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Same wtf do I do now???
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do a handstand
she stores all her mana in those obese hooters
I still want to rape them both
finally drawing sex scenes is the best decision he made desu.
Aqua pretty much paying her rent and board by fucking kazuma is pretty funny
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but they're happily married
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Okay, I've done it!!! What now???
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what a fat ass
The real answer would be a table top RPG. The entire series reads like a shitpost campaign from /tg/.
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Yunyun and her nice buttbutt
Because they are supposed to be boob monsters according to the text.
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NovelAi generates good Yunyun art
a trick I've found that if your generations keep giving yunyun her tie or skirt in situations you don't want it, is to generate a generic red eyed, short black hair anime girl, and inpaint the head area with room for her twin-tails after changing the prompt. it can definitely help.
how can megumeme compete
I'll give it a try later, thanks. It really gets annoying when the AI automatically adds the hair ornament and tie when I don't want it.
Need me a Megumin. Simple as
np anon. he's usually what i use, so hopefully maybe it can help you too

What artist are you using for your Yunyun art?
they're in the file name of my last header. I don't actually think they have much effect in the prompt so I recently started cutting them out to save space on the prompt.
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she's very smug
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Why is there AI slop on /a/?
In this particular art, Megumin is cuter.
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Yunyun would be kinda scary if she got serious..........
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I mean it's canon the people in the konosuba world wouldn't want to piss off a crimson demon. They're so powerful that even the devil king himself is afraid of them.
Komekko would never go hungry with me.
thats a dude...
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Is it time to post the megumin hobo webms?
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If Megumeme actually looked like this her victory would make sense
Wiz for me.
Keep the short hair at the very least
Yes, short haired woman are terrible. Femine long hair> femboy short hair
What do I do now
and she got several times in anime
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would you?
Would I!?
I would sell her to slavery and use the money for honeymoon trip with Yunyun
I do not think Yunyun could love someone who would sell her best friend into slavery
Make her change her name to Pregumin? Yes
Childhood malnourishment irrevocably destroyed Megumin's uterus & ability to have children which is evidenced by her unique flatness in big booba race
coooomer post
Crimson Demons having big tittiers are canon, as is Megumin's underdevelopment due to poverty-induced malnourishment
Bullshit, all the nutrients went straight to her ovaries, she is THE most fertile crimson demon in existence
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I love Vanir and Wiz. That is all.
and they have nice character
i want to hug such a girlfriend
kazuma is really fucking funny
how would a konosuba christmas episode go
Megumin and Kazuma had 0 children. She's infertile anon
>Megumin and Kazuma had 0 children
....so far
> but if you want the most Crimson Girl goodness the unlocalized sequel also has Funifura and Arue that you can add to your party.
Damn why didn’t we get this one.
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Definitely OOC. Like pic related is what she says after some plan he comes up with. And after Megumin and Darkness make a comment how it’s amazing how he never learns. I mean, does any of that feel like something from the LN/anime? It’s just all off.
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Megumin's childbearing hips
>"Kazuma's plotting something again"
Aqua would have never notice because of how retarded she actually is in the source material.
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I know people like to say Kazuma is scum and trash but honestly? If he really was scum he would try to leave the party like Darkness tried too last season. And there’s really no reason why he couldn’t do that but still be friends with them. He has a lot of patience I’d say.
such a hug from aqua would be nice :3
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All the girls that refer Kazuma as scum and trash has a crush on Mitsurugi. I guess they are more angry about Kazuma consistently outshining Mitsurugi.
Would megumin be improved with painted nails?
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better hugh, cuddles, handholding, headpats :3
She's just such a ball of joy
>Megumin never had presents because poor
>something something
>Kazuma dies
>they have Christmas, fried chicken included
why is she so thicc?
Did Kazuma ever gotten a new skill that is broken when he uses it?
Drain Touch. Kazuma was too retarded to figure out the exploit of using DT on Aqua and then passing the mana to Megumeme for unlimited explosions
Maybe AI isn't too bad.
How strong was Kazuma at the end of the series?
Fantastic Days had multiple Christmas specials over the years
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Why did Megumin choose to grow such wide hips?
You need to fix your eyesight if you think that guaranteed baby abortion machine looks wide
is this an AI post?
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Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex.
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Painted nails
What do you think of their earthly drip?
>hand holding
Only AI posts in this thread are Megumin-poster's slop pics
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Megumeme needs to stop hurting my wife
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Post the flashback webm
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>cloth is very close to Megumi
>flat as Megumi
>no heavy makeup
This is a pretty good cosplay I wish that she could hold my hand
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The only good thing about the fantastic days gacha game is all the crossovers. Every one was amazing.
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>evil witch abuses the hero
this retard just had an orgasm
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Aqua would notice. She's retarded, but she's also extremely close to Kazuma's wavelength. Essentially given a choice, she'd more than likely would do what Kazuma would do and vice versa.
Carry her around the house looking for things to impregnate her over? yes.
>Twisting the hips to get it deeper
>Tongue involved in kiss
>hands held
>fingers interlocked
>Subtle fingers squeezing
It's the little things.
You forgot to mention the baby batter sloshing around in one of the hearts
God she's so cool
You're right, the heart representing her quivering womb is indeed filled but not to the brim yet.
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The railgun crossovers will always be cherished in my heart
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I love Yunyun but it's canon that Subaru would fall for Aqua
Is it time to post all the raildex gacha crossovers?
The pictures or the vids?
What makes you say that?
NTA but he does fall for the worst girl in his own series so it makes sense for him to fall for aqua
lmao oh that makes sense then
I like the parts in isekai where they learn stuff from earth. I wanna introduce Megumin to rock music, Darkness to hentai, and famous books to Arue.
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allow me to corrected them according to the lore
how come?
Absolute perfection.
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I liked Vanir driving Wiz to mind exhaustion and insanity this season. Just like Aqua she honestly deserves every cruel development she gets.
both authors agreed to that in a QnA
I want to make this Christmas cake feel loved and cherished by massaging her legs and thighs after a hard day at work

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