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You're not some loser hiding away in a box while the rest of the world is out there living it's life are you?
Yes, why?
that's a bit sad
im going to the beach in an hour to have a swim before i go to work. Im getting a bit tired of the christmas rush. I've worked 10 days in a row
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i finally got a job so not anymore i guess
i wish i was
No, I'm a loser who sadly has to work and pay taxes to survive
I wish I could just stay in a box
My box is very luxurious, thank you, it's even got a lid
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Kaos is CUTE, Kaos is TALENTED, Kaos is SMART. Kaos deserves LOVE!
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I tried life. It wasn't what I expected.
What should I do then?
I'm too short for happiness
I am
It's getting way harder to be Diogenes these days
Only the collapse of the techno industrial system will free us from this Worldwide Gangster Computer God Fascist Police State.
Yeah but you'll also the first one to die.
Don't threaten me with a good time you communist gangster puppet.
Thank god.
read the third row
The third one on the third row is just the halfway point between the last two positions. Still not congruent with the other sequences, which can be created by simply turning the symbol a number of degrees clockwise/counter-clockwise.
I've been in the box for so long that now that I have friends it feels weird to leave the box
You'll have to escape the corrugated womb sometime
it me
I am going to FUCK Kaos sensei and no one can stop me
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I'm glad people remember Kos
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Accept your death.
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I am.
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>out there living it is life are you?
box is comfy
world sucks major dick
Don't sass me.
Yeah. I started a business where I do minimal work and get paid pretty decently, so it basically feels like NEETbucks. I am bipolar and have basically destroyed all friendships during one or two manic episodes I had, and I've decided people are better off not knowing me so I work and internet now. Pretty lonely desu.
She deserves it ababaa
What kind of business is it?
C... C... and... C.
My vision is so bad I legitimately can not read the big E on the charts. I'm legally blind.
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n e s
w n e
n w nw
s e n
e nw w
From the thumbnail (prettified by 4chanX). I am shortsighted, but this test is meaningless.
I want to pinch her cheeks so badly.
You'd break her skin and draw blood.
You don't need glasses, you need urgent medical attention from a neurologist.
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I know this thing
Yes, I am.
I don't even have a box
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Comfy box?
Sex with Kos.
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Of course I remember her, she's me afterall.
Post Gyaos chan.
It's been over 6 fucking years and you losers are still here posting Kaos?
the box is comfy
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>characters have an expiration date just because it's not from anon's favorite flavor of the month meme series
lol at ur life
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I'm saying you guys could have become CEOs of some major company by now so that you could post Kaos on the corporate facebook account for all the world to see instead of a thread on an obscure Mongolian throat singing forum.
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no....im hiding in my room which is a big box inside of a bigger box
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Six fucking years loving Kaos.
Also no season 2.
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I am and I just don't care anymore.
I'm happy to sit in my box, spending my last few years occasionally going out to do things on my own. Either I'm schizoid or being isolated so much as a child broke something because I haven't felt lonely in such a long time. Other people scare me and I wish they'd leave me alone. Let me be invisible
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>Either I'm schizoid or being isolated so much as a child broke something because I haven't felt lonely in such a long time. Other people scare me and I wish they'd leave me alone. Let me be invisible
I spent all my childhood friendless and alone and now that I'm a friendless NEET, I feel alone all the time, craving personal relationships but I don't know what the fuck I should do.

If I was schizoid I would at least have (imaginary) friends.
Schizoid isn't the same as schizophrenic you bakaos
Koyume is fat
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What's the difference?
I am, but I like my box and I'm happy.
Though Moeta does remind me of myself when I hated myself a lot, probably the character I relate to the most, her constant self-deprecating is something I used to do all the time.
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Schizo is when you see/hear hallucinations and whatnot
Schizoid is a personality thing
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I feel alone, but if I weren't alone, I'd feel overwhelmed. I need my distance and all contact has to happen under my terms. That's why I don't have any friends I guess.
It's a differential diagnosis to autism, it has nothing to do with schizophrenia
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Sometimes I feel like I might be a schizoid, sometimes I just feel like if everyone were to vanish or abandon me, I'd be fine, I feel like I don't need people that much, I practically have no one in my real-life, the connection I get on places like 4chan is enough, people really make me uncomfortable especially the idea of being close/intimate with anyone on any level, it feels violating, loneliness is a rare feeling. Sometimes my daydreams/fantasies and my anime has more of a merit, meaning than the real life.
That is more or less what schizoid is like, I cannot for certain I am one, when I was being diagnosed they wrote it "Schizoid disorder possible/very likely" and I've been thinking about it ever since.
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literally me
How come no one liked Kaos' manga? She got published for a week and then you all abandoned her! Has she ever escaped the slum house?
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I wish I was schizoid, that way at least I wouldn't feel alone.
Since the ending never got a S2 I just act like post-credit scene didn't happen...
The thing about schizoid disorder that's tough is that it's fairly poorly researched, or at least not much research has gone into it compared to other disorders that are better known and better researched, so even if someone doesn't fit certain website's write-ups to a tee doesn't mean they aren't schizoid. A lot of symptoms of Schizoid disorder are misunderstood or poorly worded, that leads to misunderstanding. It doesn't help that every time you bring it up people think you talk about schizophrenia due to the horrible name of the disorder.
I also believe that Schizoid personality is developed after the person experiences a lot of loneliness/abandonment, or something happens to them that makes them give up on people, some kind of trauma response I guess, it sounds like a protective mechanism, where the mind defends itself by managing to lose interest in relationships, though in turn the person greatly suffers in motivation, but that's how I view it.
Find a gaming group or join one of the /a/ streams groups if you prefer text chat. There's a lot of ways to find friends on 4chan
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I am, but rather getting closer to anyone, I'm getting annoyed with some people and their behavior. Others are getting closer as time passes, while I'm still like at the first day.
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I'm actually towards the end of rereading it right now.
I didn't realize it had actually ended. Where did the anime leave off?
Around the end of volume 3. I say 'around' because the anime changed/cut/combined a lot of stuff to make it work better for a single cour. The manga ended at volume 9.
Not at all. And I am now reminded that I need to see how the manga goes from the anime. I trust Kaos does nothing but struggle her first few days as an official manga artist?
Kaos is doomed
I know what you mean, especially the last part. I have a small handful of online friends but it took a long time, a lot of false starts, and a lot of attempts to find them.
Just keep at it even if it sucks, you'll eventually find some people. I wish I had better advice for you
They are if you meet up in real life
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Why? I am quite happy anon
how was the water? not too cold? the temp is finally starting to drop where I am.
I do media, wordpress maintenance, and coding for land investors. Some of it involves going out to parcels to shoot photos/video, but most of it is just maintaining websites/ads and writing listings occasionally. Sometimes spreadsheet stuff that I've just made python scripts and agentic LLM workflows for.
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I'm working 13/5 and I'm loved by all my coworkers (40+ people) but I'm still a loser
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Flirting with Kaos!
Inviting Kaos out for dinner!
Getting to know Kaos!
Walking Kaos home!
Lending Kaos my coat to keep her warm!
Comforting Kaos from her inferiority issues!
Holding hands with Kaos!
Kissing Kaos on the cheek!
Saying goodnight to Kaos!
Walking around the back of Kaos's house!
Waiting three hours behind Kaos's house!
Climbing up to Kaos's window!
Cracking open Kaos's window and climbing in!
Sneaking up to Kaos's bedside while she is asleep!
Covering Kaos's mouth!
Taping Kaos's mouth shut!
Holding down Kaos!
Slipping my hand up Kaos's nightgown!
Punching Kaos to stop her squirming!
Grabbing Kaos's ass!
Slipping my hand under Kaos's pantsu!
Fingering Kaos's cunny!
Pulling up Kaos's nightgown!
Kissing and licking Kaos's tummy!
Sucking Kaos's perky pink nipples!
Licking Kaos's armpits!
Ripping off Kaos's pantsu!
Pulling Kaos's legs apart!
Sliding my cock into Kaos!
Fucking Kaos in the cunny and then the asshole!
Cumming inside Kaos multiple times!
Making Kaos my wife!
Rubbing my raw cock on Kaos's cute little feet!
Wiping away Kaos's tears!
Wrapping my hands around Kaos's throat!
Strangling Kaos until she stops breathing!
Carrying Kaos out the window!
Tossing Kaos in my car's trunk!
Driving home with Kaos!
Putting Kaos in my garage!
Noticing Kaos is still alive!
Stabbing Kaos with my kitchen knife 35 times!
Disemboweling Kaos!
Spilling Kaos's blood all over the floor!
Cutting Kaos's body into various chunks!
Burying chunks of Kaos in a shallow ditch!
Helping Koyume search for Kaos a week later!
Comforting Koyume and assuring her Kaos is just fine!
Flirting with Koyume!
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>page 10
pretty sure most of the rest of the world outthere is living a much shittier life than my comfy neet existence
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I hate that I'm stuck living with my terrible family and can't make myself do the things I need to do to escape
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Very true, but you know what Ted said.
Alcohol is bad for you, don't drink it
Give me something that's as fun.
I tried leaving my box a few times and it was horrible.
Being racist
Is it bad if all seven apply to me?
It is concerning, yes
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There's nothing as fun, that's why it's so hard to stop
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Kaos is full of chaotic wisdom.
That cat will be her dinner ;)
>Implying she won't be the cats dinner
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I miss Robo Kaos.
This Kaos has encountered a critical error and will shut down.
I'm never watching another Key anime in my life after this
Why? It was nice. The girls where friendly and cute.
Do you wish to format this drive?
Daisy... Daisy... give me your answer do. I'm half crazy ..all for the ... love of you.... it won't be a stylish marriage I can't afford a carriage.. but you'll look sweet upon a seat of a bicycle
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I want to go to sleep and not wake up
I liked this show. Solid 7 or 8 outta ten
this needs both ranako from watanare and the gaylien from telepath
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As a shitty artist surrounded by people much better than me Kaos is way too relatable
Yeah, has been that for 34 years
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It's a Kaos eat Kaos world out there
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We are getting there.
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I don't blame you but their VNs are really good.
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This is literally me...
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me too
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Kaos is literally me (physically and mentally)
Every attempt to live life has resulted in me being reminded I have no place in this world, and end up either pressured to go back in my hole or forced to because of incompetence. Even the online world these days is full of people that are too different from me in a way that's irreconcilable.
Pretty much, yeah. It's an expensive box, but a box nonetheless.
What kind of panties does Kaos wear?
I think cute light pink ones with a repeating pattern of little multicolor pastel teddy bears
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I love you Mik- wait a minute
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kos chan kawaii
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Ruki is flat
And perfect
Honestly her editor was the best character when she would tell her that her generic and meandering manga ideas were shit. It's probably the best feedback she could give Kaos!
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Sometimes one must be cruel to be kind.
Wouldn't she bite me?
Her bites are very weak, it's more like a nibble so don't worry. It's very ticklish.
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this, her jaw muscles aren't developed enough to be any real threat.
Imagine how fucking light she is...
At least she has a kot by her side...
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That's rather upsetting...
Rabbits mate a lot
She also helped Kaos get a bunch of cute friends. Editor-san was the show's MVP.
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Are you okay?
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I'm here to kiss Kaos!
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Don't worry. It's not gonna kill you.
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How do I acquire a Kaosgf?
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Her editor is right, her manga fucking sucks
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Naked Kaos
Why did they have to invented hairdryers?
I mean, she must have some pubic hair right? Just a bit I mean
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>Crunchy Rolls release top viewership by states
>Comic Girls was #1 in a place
>manga artists so happy she tweeted this out
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Cute. The mangaka is literally Kaos btw.
Anon, her useless little body forgot to grow up ever since she was 10...
It was probably a mistake
>The mangaka is literally Kaos btw.
The mangaka is extremely sexy?
I'm proud of my home
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I'm here to fuck kaos, that's my mission.
No jack YOU ARE THE Kaos
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Where do you get these delusions? Are you a millionaire or did you choose not to be one?
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where's that shark kaos edit when i need it
go to japan
I'm proud of them
The mangaka has a husband and kid now though.
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fix your damn hair, Kaos.
That's where you belong...
Kaos can't even be considered a woman with a pitiful body like that , she's actually closer to a little boy.
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I'm almost frustrated with how fucking pathetic he is
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Do not disparage the wavy kaosu hair
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*squeezes lemon on it*
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It just kinda ended up like that
>be underageb& browsing 4chinz at school
>suddenly find myself an ojisan with no social contact outside of work and this website
Currently watching PTSD's show. Guess I should do Robot's next
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what if what’s out there is Detroit
Get out of the box.
Detroit actually isn't that bad of a place to be.
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Yes, I am. So what do?
Yeah me
feet yum

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