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Yup. I'm calling it. Medieval Kurapika.
what does that mean?
He has yellow hair.
that's it?
This anine is propaganda meant to slander the catholic church. Do not watch.
I don't think you're the real cathschizo. I think you're just imitating him to shitpost
this has been pretty boring ever since the blond kid died
Yeah, I hate it when they spend the time getting you to care about a viewpoint character and their inner conflict just to write them out of the story. The ep ending with his execution and showing the baton being passed to someone new felt more like an ending to a movie than a transition point. it killed any urge to keep watching because it's like "Well that's the end of that story"
I don't know who that is, also this is the first time I get into a thread of this anipaganda.
here's a sample of some of his threads, the deleted ones
That is what you get for watching slopaganda meant to slander the catholic church.
Filtered. It's still enjoyable; just stop being gay for Aryan boys, fag.
he wasn't aryan he was european
it's spelled goose
by that logic you are just a burger mutt
real "white people" dont use the term
they have meds, nords, germanics, anglos, slavs etc
mixed dirty burgers invented white people to cope with their rootless miserable existences
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>muh specificity
Nobody cares.
>this has been pretty boring ever since the blond kid died
The problem is that he was the most compelling character so far with the most interesting struggle.
The merc and chick are boring and the mont is basically an emotionless fanatic.
Letting brownoids get internet was a mistake
An anime where the church le big bad guy?!
Oh my science! I'm gonna watch it after I finish posting on r/atheism
Why are japs so dumb to the point they still believe in the conflict theses
Don't forget to fondle your anal beads today anon or the Sacred Cube in the Meadow of Sin will steal your Empyreal Seed
>this has been pretty kino ever since the blond kid died
Ftfy this is the best arc
[Erai-raws] Chi - Chikyuu no Undou ni Tsuite - 09 [1080p][Multiple Subtitle]
No Piast! One of the core themes of Orb is the importance of collaboration and passing down knowledge to the next generation as science is a discussion that requires many to work together, not just a singular genius working alone.
>3d worlders getting filtered by the MC swap
Heliocentrism is the true MC in this.
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So many kino shots this episode
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I love Jolenta. She deserves happiness and the ability to research whatever she wants.
Oh Oczy. His development over his arc is nice.
I guess Badeni would've been too perfect if he wasn't bald.
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The church had to nerf his beauty. Otherwise the people wouldn't be able to control themselves.
the other "protagonists" cant even compare, even though i like dimitry
>show finally got good
>everyone already dropped it

God damn Badeni you ruined it.
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>heretics come up with a funky new model
>church officials come up with a funky new model and say it's the universe perfected
>this is fine actually
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>when we meet again in heaven, tell me the truth
hopefully this flashback memory convinces piast to stop being an obstinate geezer and hear badeni out
>There are "people" who like Rafal more than オバヨ
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oczy finally wants to know
bitch looks like a dragon quest npc
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beautiful enlightenment shattering oczy's views that the earth is a miserable place of suffering because it's at the bottom of the universe
it's not
they've finally proved it isn't
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"punished monk" badeni
based. I will too look at Venus tonight. sky is clear.
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i didnt even know that we can see the venus from here without a telescope
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As much as I may thirst-post monk, Oczy is such a cute serial murderer.
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>nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo i refuse to accept the TRUTH
>even when there is PROOF that i asked for RIGHT THERE
piast you stubborn old geezer
>i didnt even know that we can see the venus from here without a telescope
i mean you can't because of light pollution but back in the good old days before the industrial revolution fucked everything you could
they should've called this anime "truthseekers" or something instead of the boring name it got
Next time we have a power outage I'm finding venus.
are scholars and monks really that badass?
hell yeah bro! it also should have more machine guns
and rape!
machine guns rape!
hell yeah! USA! USA! USA!
rape, yes but machine guns would be absolutely nonsensical in this setting bro although i'm not sure if some experimental weapons already existed by then
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Badeni is one crazy mf
nah, he's retarded. he could've read the forbidden book literally any time after but he chose to get mutilated to just get a second glimpse at it right in front of the man who warned him like 3 times not to do it
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>i refuse to believe it!
>how could anything deny my life's work so easily, what force could do that!
>fine, you can look through my materials, here's the key
>still stubbornly refuses to hand it over, causing badeni to fight to pull out of his wrinkly old hands
man piast sure is stubborn if nothing else
shut up already, you soulless creature.
it's hard for him to accept that both him and his master spent their whole life trying to prove something that was wrong from the beginning.
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He foresaw social media
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>hey jolenta, what does reading feel like?
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written language really is incredible
just, human communication in general is mindblowing when you really think about
*unzips dick*
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When are the artists going to bless me with an image of jolenta's perky little pink nipples?
It's true. Just think about someone like Ea-nāṣir. Dead for over 3000 years but we know him. And his shitty copper.
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>I can finally tell my master...
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>...the truth of this universe
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RIP Piast
I wasn't expecting him to die immediately after helping Badeni, this is probably going to cause some problems for him with getting the rest of the research material right?
...i don't
How censored is this?
Considering it is about psychos torturing and killing people. Does it show gore?
for me, it's enuma elish
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>Considering it is about psychos torturing and killing people. Does it show gore?
Nah, definitely seems like another "christian church is evil" which ignores most of these scientists being Catholics themselves.
And not just because being Catholic was expected, people like Newton were devout about it.
Like i don't want to sound like a coomer but there's something about the way Jolenta is portrayed that makes me feel like she's a fucking freak in bed
She's astronomy-sexual.
sheltered church girls do tend to give off that impression
She's thirsty for knowledge.
Manga page?
its definitely those eyes
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sounds like a bad way of doing scholar things
I'd put my pear of anguish into her mouth if you follow my drift
yes the church is retarded
by focusing on god they ignore the actual truth
I wanna make Jolenta watch porn and see her reaction (while I'm gooning behind her)
don't let her father hear this

Ptolemy fucking ruined them for a whole millennium
The first thing we're shown in the anime is pretty censored by a random shadow compared to the first thing we're shown in the manga.
But now you do. Because you can read my words.
Just going to read the manga then, thanks
how do you know that? maybe i let the pc read the words for me, hell, maybe i am a pc
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The words still reached you even if you are a robot.
the robot comes from czech robotnik, which means a slave
But anon the anime is still kino
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Woops meant for >>273412200
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That's kind of fucked up but thanks for the etymology lesson.
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why do some words from other languages suddenly get mainstream?
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oh shit, someone is still doing the demon core thing? fukken nice
It just felt right for him.
nice reaction pic
kek I learned about that clay tablet last night. Customer complaints were already a thing 5000+ years ago.
I like this one better
Apparently he kept all the complaint tablets from the people he scammed like trophies. What a chad.
why did badeni feel 0 sympathy for piast? what a monster
It just means worker, dunno where you got slave from. Probably read it from someone who didn't know what they were talking about either, yet they were allowed to write and propagate their ignorance. Never should have let the commoners learn to write.
He's not great at showing empathy even when he's freaking the fuck out.
As far as I know it has more to do with serfdom and the forced labour of the serfs, with the verb robota first appearing in a play with a humanoid automaton of sorts.
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I watched some english comedy today
I know it's 'worker', I just wanted to be funny, te he
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I'm late today, sorry. Waiting for [EMBER] patiently.
it just re-encode
The double-epicycle model was actually very accurate.

It's more accurate than the heliocentric model if the heliocentric model assumes CIRCULAR motion, which the first ones did.
for me, it's DKB
robota just means work and not even necessarily physical labour in Slavspeak.
What is unusual and not done from my understanding is using it in its root form or noun 'robot' so the century old Czech play introducing the concept of non-human workers literally just called them "roboti" (robots) meaning workers and this was somehow a new inventive word. Since these "workers" are not free and serve humans they are essentially slaves as you say of course.
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what the fuck just happened?
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>As far as I know it has more to do with serfdom and the forced labour of the serfs, with the verb robota first appearing in a play with a humanoid automaton of sorts.
>people like Newton were devout about it.
Newton was an alchemist dude. He'd be balls deep in in the weirdass mysticism that involves. Scientists being catholics is not an argument for catholicism when progress came from just about anyone and anywhere. If we applied your logic then islam, zoroastrianism, judaism, paganhood and atheism are just as blameless as your church.

There's a good reason why being able to write and read were so prestigious way back in the day. Used to be that simply writing words on a piece of parchment was enough to imbue it with magic to protect against the evils of the world and that a single book was a luxury item only the wealthy could afford. The printing press was a major game changer in the cultivation of sciences and indirectly caused the decline of the islamic empires because they refused to use them until they saw how far ahead of them the europeans were getting.
>literally realizes god doesn't exist

How does this make Oczy feel?
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My brain got enlightened at this scene.
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Man, I haven't had that feeling of "humanity, fuck yeah" since Dr. Stone. I wish more series focused on that, topics that just make you glad you were born a human being.
Her thirst for knowledge could prove conductive to teach her all kind of deviant sexual behavior, yes.
I heckin' love science
Oh my science!
Wait 'till you hear about Galen's effect on medicine.
More like Badmeanie
I love it. I never like typical MCs anyway and this series turns them into just central characters following each other's footsteps to find the truth.
Reading Babylonian shit is truly fascinating. I remember a father's letter to his daughter who moved away to study in the big city. He told her to stay cautious in the big evil cities since you hear about nothing but crimes happening there, how people aren't as honest and trustworthy as back in the "good old days" and then he complained about how he couldn't find his hobby- and work utensils anymore everytime after the bickering mother/wife cleaned the house, so he begged the daughter to tell her when she returns, since she wouldn't listen to him.
Another letter had a father bitching about his noble son throwing nothing but parties in his palace instead of being a diligent worker like his older brother.

It's really the exact same shit you see parents bitch about nowadays. Nothing about humanity has changed. It's like how Socrates complained about the disrespectful "modern" youth of his old days.
>father's letter to his daughter who moved away to study in the big city
*hits pipe*
Because Capek wrote the first book about robots and used that term in that way so it was adapted by everybody else. Robota means "labor, work” in most(all?) Slavic languages.
Pistol (aka píshala) also comes from Czech by the way.
Feel like I can post this into every thread for a long running manga at some point.
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So it's a well known fact among nerds that if you see Venus a certain way it confirms everything they've been taught is wrong but nobody in existence before Piast/Oczy has had good enough eyesight to test it?
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>Jolenta when she sees your dick
Venus helped me pinpoint the comet Tsuchitlan last month. She a qt.
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Badeni's VA with his delivery in this sounds so much like one of most notable Polish voice-over actors it's killing me
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Wtf the dream team ends after one episode?
Imagine when you're 90 some gen gamma kid shows up and says that your taste in anime is objectively shit, and he can prove it if you give him access to your media library. At first you're all like, fucking γoomer, watch these masterpieces and maybe you'll get some real taste. But then you start to have doubts. What if he really can prove your taste is shit? That you spent your entire life locked inside watching shit?

It's kind of like that.
i know my taste is shit and i enjoy watching trash because it's funny though
badeni did say
>rub a dub dub thanks for the grub
beforehand so he had his reasons for not giving the key to a madman
Same, I am too autistic to enjoy the shit everybody else praises and I can never relate to the characters I am supposed to root for.
i'm genuinely diagnosed autistic and i have never understood "self inserting" as characters
i just watch them doing things, that's entertainment
i don't feel the need to imagine i'm them to enjoy watching something
When you realize the average person is a raging narcissist it all starts to make sense.
*tips fedora
I can relate but not self-insert. And I usually relate to side characters since MCs are mostly written to be the audience's surrogate, to pander to them or to be the self-insert proxy and their traits are too different from my own to even understand them. I mostly relate to adult dudes and they are barely ever MCs in anime, so Orb is a nice change of pace. Though I even liked Rafal more than I expected.
Self-insert characters are honestly killing fiction IMO. The plot will always bend backwards to make everything end well for them, every female character will love them instantly and get shoved down my throat until I am tired of them while every other character gets shit. Orb for example is fair and being a MC here doesn't mean that they survive, because they are not meant to be (you) or to pander, they are just meant to be people that you want to learn more about and follow on their quest.
The literally me meme. It's that. Some people (usually underage) actually do think like that.
I have the crazy theory that normalfags are the real autists. The inability to care about a character that isn't literally you (including all mundane details) is genuinely autistic, but most autists I know myself included don't actually do this because the adventure itself fascinates them and if they relate to anybody at all it's usually the weird villain, the monster, dragon or something else, not a copy of them.
That aside it's always normalfags that are obsessed with their daily life routines and get PTSD if the routine changes. This is why they work even if they don't need to. And I am not even starting about the standardized plan for the future they all have.
It needed the right combination of astronomical knowledge, good eyesight, the exact moment and some doubt.
I don't think you need to be autistic to not self insert into characters. It's a different person and a different character. You can relate to some experiences the character goes through and feel empathy, but to be the character without trying to do some stage play is what real autists do.
I'd rather you tip a counterargument so I can tempt you into Sin further by dropping a revelation against your propaganda. My lord the great Satan says I need to up my truthbomb KPI if I wanna make the next circle of Dante's hell in the next financial year. Come at me oh worshipper of roman torture devices!
Me in 50 years
This is already me now
The more I watch the less I understand why did medieval society wasted resources on astronomy. Sun rises on the east and sets on the west. 99% of celestial bodies are explained by the epicycles. Planets do retrograde motion? Lol who cares, let's study economy and banking instead so we can make actual money.
That's because you have a peasant outlook on life. Peasants don't care about metaphysics, philosophy, or truth. Hell even most of the warrior classes didn't, either, because most of them were just upjumped peasants who had one ancestor that was good at fighting and lucky enough to back the right guy in a fight.
Do you think we'd be able to launch satellites if we had a faulty understanding of space?
It wasn't society at large, it was largely the province of a few wealthy, educated men. This show really overstates how much the Church actively suppressed astronomical research. It went on, but mainly in academic circles. They weren't burning scholars for researching heliocentrism.
well fuck, spoiled myself but I'm not really mad, just sad that he's gone. I'm only on episode 2 so far, and thought he was pretty interesting.
> paesant outlook on life
Sure, I bet noble families loved when their children were into astronomy.
> Do you think we'd be able to launch satellites if we had a faulty understanding of space?
Humans are launching satellites just fine.
> few wealthy, educated men.
Figures. It bit reminds me the today's hype about string theory.
it led to telescopes which led to glass lenses with led to all of chemistry as glass is effectively inert to most chemicals, glasses for the old to still be able to see. also instead of just looking at really big things far away they also started looking at really small things close up with microscopes.
He's too retarded to understand cause and effect.
Yeah it had good outcomes but that doesn't explain why they did it in the first place.
The simple answer is basically religion + man's curiosity. If you hear of all powerful god/s, and they live in the heavens above, you will find your attention drifting upwards.
I can't counterargument when you don't have an argument.
>The more I watch the less I understand why did medieval society wasted resources on astronomy.
Well why do modern times waste resources on it? Why should it be different for medieval or early modern age?
The Faustian spirit which drives men of Aryan origin into action can be incomprehensible for the brown masses, it's fine if you don't understand.
None of the people seem like they hate the church or God, minus that one heretic who baited oczy and his friend. They just want to prove that God is based and knows how to make a good ass world.
Good the church is the biggest crime organization of humanity
>Well why do modern times waste resources on it?
Modern times don't actually. Astronomy is just a tiny fraction of the academic world.
Most Jewish post
Do you know how much money NASA gets?
Do you know how much money goes into corn subsidies?
I am not well versed in US budget. I guess it is less than CIA? Most countries don't even have space agencies because there is little use for them.
>why did medieval society wasted resources on astronomy
Navigation, you stupid retard.
Idiot. Jewish folks were the biggest sponsors of science and all good things in medieval times.
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did the fujo making these delete her twitter? i can't seem to find it
are you here?
Erehisu bros... we live on here...
Like >>273423493 said, navigation. Back in the day you needed to orient yourself by the stars to tell where you were at sea and to a lesser extent on land. You need to be able to navigate in order to trade with people further away.
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Anon, that's the doodles of another anon.
>he orbed?
>doomp eet
Columbus managed to not die in Jamaica one time in 1504 by being able to predict an eclipse because he had the times in a book on hand.
>I'm your Venus
>I'm your fire
>Your desire
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I uh got my password wrong a few days ago and twitter suspended me.
Do you have a source for your claim?
NTA but just from the top of my head: witch hunt methodology, casualty rates of exorcisms, the spanish inquisition, indulgences, 1492, WWII nazi sympathizers in the vatican, the ever eternal pedopriest scandals and their protection of said priests against laws of the lands, Mother Teresa
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The fun part is that Badeni surely has some arm strength since he can tank punishment and killed his bff in a sword fight, but Oczy and Jolenta are just insane strong.
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>the ever eternal pedopriest scandals
Regardless of historical realism, Nowak a shit.
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Piast and his mentor crying both hit me harder for some reason than any other anime I've seen in like 15 years. Maybe I'm just too sensitive to grandpas.
Jesus fucking christ. That's a LOT more than I thought there'd be. Public school teachers come from all kinds of backgrounds and spend weekdays with kids and there are way way more teachers out there than there are priests. What the hell are up with your guys that they're extra extra motivated to go out of their way to diddle kids?
>Rafal telling Badeni to actually say "Chi" (earth) instead of clicking his tongue (chi).
yeah, no cases when you keep quiet about it
>please do not repost
what kind of faggotry is this?
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He saw a venus thread on /d/
Anon, this statistic doesn't look the way you think lmao. Make it percentage of teachers versus percentage of priests.
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It's both funny and sad, really. Comforting to see we're the same than yesterday. Depressing to think we'll be the same tomorrow.
Embrace Nurgle
I accept your concession.
We reject your delusions. Jesus would be greatly ashamed of you lot and renounce you. Those numbers are absolutely disgusting.
You don't even believe in Jesus.
Do you think the anime would be more well received if it was a "native isekai" (what retards call fantasy anime these days) or an actual native isekai, with the proper usage of the term (as it ought to be) - a person from our modern times travels in time/enters an alternate past dimension into another world, which is our Earth/almost like our Earth but with slightly exaggerated church prosecution of intellectuals

It would give an easier way for readers/watches who know their history to suspend their disbelief.
I am still patiently waiting
where is the full sakanaction song in the OP
This but the traveler is ignorant and stupid. He heard some basics but can't seem to put it all together. So he doesn't have an unfair advantage of knowing all modern knowledge.
the earth is flat
I has no access to twitter either for weeks because I logged out and couldn't get in anymore since it asks for the 2 factor authentication shit that I didn't have because I refuse to use phones. At least now I am in and can post my gay shit again.
Asian artists were always anal about reposts but it got much worse since the AI plague. Not they are twice as cautious because they're afraid some third person might feed them to AI. The weirdest thing I have seen was a warning to not save the fanart. As if this would stop anybody unless the watermark is big enough to render the whole artwork useless.
Nowak would kill them
How many times did Jolenta sex, as of this episode?
The phone thing is such BS. On topic one of the main things I miss about twitter is there is so much good art. Some also post on blue but there's way more on twitter. yagurumangasuki made this cute as heck little guy tho. Wonder if the astrolab is a gacha item or what.
According to the manga, she mated with only 6 men by the time she was introduced.
0 she loves only science. If she was heterosexual she would have banged Schmidt and that clearly wasn't happening.
Midwit opinion, the anime is against the church state but not against Christianity, almost all protagonists (except the kurapica) are believers of god and questions the authority of religion, holy shit, the church only recognized the heliocentrism in 1920, holy fucking shit, the church is so fucked in the head and now they are losing their minds because protestants are growning exponentiality because they are true conservatives meanwhile the church is losing year by year followers.
What does it matter what I believe? I don't have to believe in him to gauge his character. Whether it'd the full on triune god Jesus(as per the new testament and the apocryha) or the historical failed jew moshiach Jesus, neither of them gave the okay to diddle little kids. Are you trying to make him out to be Mohamad?

If you have to fall back on attacking an anonymous internet mongolian basket weaver's personal beliefs to defend that obvious evil your church systematically enables and protects then you might as well admit that you approve of diddling real kids and that your clergymen have right to indulge in them.
when are oczy and jolenta going to fuck
*tips fedora
It is impossible to damage the Catholic church's reputation more than they have themselves, but at the same time I have to point out to everyone here shitting on it that pedophiles in positions of authority are hardly unique to organized religion. Recent years should have been very educational on that subject, if you've been paying attention to the world.
EHbro, it's never gonna happen, she's lesbian, just like Hisu was, haha you lose again, see >>273442920 I don't know if it's right I don't read the manga but I believe him
>or the historical failed jew moshiach Jesus
You just admitted to being jewish, thank you for demonstrating my point.
>that shitstorm itt
whats wrong with being Jewish!? jews are gods chosen people!
*trumpet sounds in the background*
we must die for Israel!
nta, but does anon being jewish erase the fact that your priests screw kids and that jesus wouldn't approve? help me out, you're not doing a good job defending your religion here.
sranie w banie i powtarzanie bzdurnych stereoptów na temat kościoła katolickiego i polski
nawet nie oglądam tego
niech sobie zrobią coś takiego o żydach czy innych gejach gdzie piorą wszystkie stereoptypy np. na podstawie protokołów mędrców syjonu to zobaczymy czy będą tacy cwani
bo akurat na japonię nazmyślać się nie da bo akurat oni to tą w czołówce historycznie krwiożerczych narodów
szukam little girls
I wish I was Polish. Polish people have real history & real culture, unlike us. All our lives, we were just byproducts / slaves of real nations.
polish culture is being constantly destroyed by the western leftists, but this is a topic to a different board
btw where are you from?
You should know from what I said. Just think about your most pathetic neighbors.
>nawet nie oglądam tego
Oczy should be pronounced as O-chee. Or in Japanese, Oh-Chi. He literally has Chi from the title in his name. And the dumb Japanese cannot pronounce it. Sad!
Any more troublesome Polish names (or terms actually) in manga?

(I author was really based he would use something like Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz)
>(I author was
Let's say I was a J-O-O. Let's make me a full on kike that believes I'm part of a special race chosen by Adonai to lead the goyim, that 3000 years of persecution, blood libels and exiles totally mean god's favouring my people because I swallowed up slop like a serious man by the name of Job, that I hang a tiny sack of gold around my neck and sit on the toilet backwards so I can enjoy a good book. What does that even change?

Kiddiddly priests are still out there diddling kids in secret and the church institutions are protecting THEM and not the kids. Whatsmore because of the trauma some of those kids are more likely than any other to go on to become kiddiddlers themselves, maybe even priests down the line. Sure I'll be a jew tonight but your church will still be committing and aiding this great evil all around the world.

Also, a quick google tells me there are 400K catholic priests worldwide and maybe something like 90M teachers. Leaving aside if the numbers in >>273429090 are murrican only stats, that'd put the ratio as 225:1 teachers to catholic priests. Lets shave off 25 since we clearly don't want private school teachers mucking up that ratio. So despite making up less than 0.5% of their cumulative population together, Catholic priests are responsible for one third the sexual abuses in that chart. A catholic priest is literally about 100 times more likely to diddle a kid than a public school teacher. Jesus. Fucking. Christ. Have some shame.
>I have to point out to everyone here shitting on it that pedophiles in positions of authority are hardly unique to organized religion. Recent years should have been very educational on that subject, if you've been paying attention to the world.
Do share. I wouldn't think it's unique but I'm certain that there are religious institutions that propagate them. Take Islam for example. That's definitely on the higher end of religion enabled pedophiles. It's literally in their fiqh books that if the girl doesn't get seriously hurt from the act of penetration, it's totally okay to sex her up regardless of age.
Typical talmudic trickery.
do we have drawings of badeni without his bald spot and with no scars?
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Yeah I don't use anything but twitter (and now a bit of bluesky) anymore. Pixiv turned to shit a long time ago and the best you can find are artists dumping their logs every few months, but not all of them do it anymore or they don't dump everything and I want everything.
Twitter itself might be shit but if you switch off the algorithms that shill trends is pretty good or art. Just follow 50 artists or so which is easy because you find one of them who will retweet others, whom you will follow too and so on. At the end you have 50 or more and should see everything and the "for you" timeline is pretty useful for finding the rest. Assuming that you only like fanart and not a bunch of other shit.
Germany in general invaded Poland since forever. It's either Germany or Russia or both, Poland is just in a bad place. I sometimes feel like every nation should be an island, would basically get rid of most wars and make so many things easier.
le the church is evil is like one of the most common anime tropes, who cares
don't pretend you don't understand why exactly this one disgusts the people
>historical inaccuracy keeps getting perpetuated with people having an erronous view of an institution because of it, who cares
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Manga reader here her best chemistry is indeed with a girl half her age.
God, yeah, no matter what the algorithm tries to make you mad about america or something. But there's are some great artists drawing Oczy and Badeni kissing on the mouth so I can't leave unless they force me.
im just not bothered by lazy tropes at this point I guess
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Whatever, Nowak.
This looks like a scene of Badeni engaging in homosexual sex acts by putting another man's penis inside his mouth and sucking on it and licking it until the other man released his seed inside his mouth.

This doesn't seem like the kind of think a man of god should do.
This is his punishment for speaking out of turn. Totally godly punishment.
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This is what the inquisition SHOULD be focused on, not some retarded muh heliocentrism. Seriously, why do you care if someone thinks silly things like Earth rotates the sun?
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Something something we have to be the most important or the worst, we can't just be out there among other things. But don't come for homoerotic art, I've seen the paintings of Saint Sebastian.
Heliocentrism is gateway to homosexuality
Realistically speaking, based on how many monks there were in the medieval times, Europe was super gay. 9/10 monks were probably gay homosexuals.
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The catholic clergy is, after all, an acceptable way to not have to get married.
I love this anime, but never read the threads because I know you fucks will spoil the best parts.

Anyway, I hope the fallen book will not be the death of the MCs.
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That’s his charm point anon but here
Delicious atheist tears.
He becomes Barnaby
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>ruins your life forever
I'm not an atheist though? I'm Jewish
Why was this guy walking around with a child anyways? I know Potocki trusts him but what about the townspeople? It’s suspicious
The 1400s was less worried about stranger danger.
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This monk is cute. Cute! He has clearly never done anything wrong in his life and never will.
I believe that.
I don’t

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