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1 more day left for mangaZ. Grab your shit/help out to finish the archive.

Thanks to whoever made the scraping script, I just finished grabbing everything from my bookmarks (~170GB)


>actually start reading seinen series from the 80s full of sex, guns, and violence that I ripped from MangaZ
>they censored them with lightsabers of laziest kind even if the manga in question aren't in R18 section
Gay as fuck.
Fuck Akamatsu Ken and fuck Love Hina forever.
Bumping as a reminder.
How much is left?
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Oh shit, I completely slept on this! Where can you grab the archiveteam backup? This was the only place I could find the rest of Morumo 1/10 and I remember breaking the scrambling fondly.
Wait, they really did that? So much for being an archive of old shit not available anywhere else lmao. Akamatsu has lost all my respect.
Post some examples, I'm quite interested in how bad it looks.
What does Akamatsu have to do with anything?
It's his site.
And his site censored previously uncensored works?
Isn't the censorship exactly because it's not in the R-18 section? Non R-18 has stricter rules than R-18.
Bump for manga preservation.
I wanted to make a thread and admittedly forgot.
Someone archive it nooooo
I know you only used gpt to hack together the script, but thank you. It's better than what I would've made.
I'm not the script author.
No one cares
Bump and good luck
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God, trawling through this website is making it clear just how many kino manga are completely unknown to the west or never translated past the first chapter to two.
You didn't realize that before?
Be gentle, it's the first time he's seeing something that wasn't serialized in post-90s Weekly Shounen Jump.
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I knew it intellectually. A few manga that come to mind being Morumo 1/10, Yankee Figure, and Eighth Wonder of the World that I saw on bakaupdates and enjoyed the raws as best as a dekinai can. But it's another thing to actually be flipping through a bunch of shit that no western site has ever even mentioned.

I started scanlating mostly because of this, there just was so many manga that seemed interesting that never were picked up. I still have no idea why people scanlate a lot of garbage while a lot of good manga are left untouched.
The amount of manga getting produced vastly outnumbers the manga getting translated.
People translate garbage because garbage is all they and their readers know about. You have to consider most scanlators don't know Japanese, don't read magazines and don't browse manga stores.
Bakaupdates can't even properly catalog ongoing manga series, it's main purpose is tracking translations and even there the information is often lacking. Older stuff is completely out of question.
You can browse ebook stores to get a bigger picture but even that's just the tip of the iceberg since a lot of works from previous decades simply aren't available digitally yet.
>don't read magazines
I'll never understand this. This was a common even before Japanese started launching web platforms with free manga chapters en masse.
Foreigners don't understand how manga is released because they only get volume releases. Even /a/ is filled with idiots who can't figure out where they can the newest chapters of a series or who can't figure out when the next chapter is released when there's a box spelling out the exact date at the end of a chapter.
what was total size for this then?
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>Foreigners don't understand how manga is released
This was the issue with translators specifically, aka the people who have (supposedly) learned Japanese.
How many people here insist they learned Japanese but keep reading translations because it's all they can find?
Some people would rather eat their own shit than pay for a volume of manga, even if it's on sale and cost mere 50 yen (tax included) with a coupon, you see.
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I was told that it would be available here once complete. It seems everything is collected, it just needs to be unscrambled and optimized.
I grabbed hundreds of volumes for 33yen with 45% points back. Some even with a 15% off coupon.
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>look up Plawres Sanshiro
>it isn't there
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What mango?
ID is 179271
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Wait does this have Spider Sniper?
To be fair, a lot of the /a/nons that have the downtime to learn Japanese are either NEETs or thirdies, not to mention that the reason MangaZ is being taken down in the first place is that fewer and fewer places can accept Mastercard/Visa.
Not that many hours left. Don't trust others to make your backups for you.
Trying to get few manga ripped, but I'm lost in the code. Dunno how to run the program that's in OP's link through Node
My rhyming nigga, it's in the readme: "node mzrip.js https://www.mangaz.com/the-rest-of-the-url" on the commandline
I expect some stores will rather stop selling eromanga than refuse MC/VISA. So far there's still a lot that have both. Even Fanza still accepts VISA.
Thanks, but my brain wasn't able to understand how to install npm and stuff. I found another way to rip manga. Slow, but steady

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