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Colorful 1340
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Tokiyuki control yourself.
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Meh, hoped for more from that guy thought he would stir some shit up.
With how easily they outwit an army multiple times bigger than theirs I wonder how this fight will even end. Technically Sadamune should win, practically as well as historically, but I feel like this won't be the case with how quickly he's losing numbers. I pray to god that the doom tards weren't right and that it will be Takauji saving the day at the end by powering him up with his spit
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Silly Mima all you need to do is give birth to Hojo babies.
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This calls for art or Kojiro correcting these spoiled rich brats.
>chapter without a timeskip (yet)
God please leave it like that it always takes me out and makes the story feel like a wikia summary. Hope we can stay in the present time and witness the developments ourselves instead of having some stupid box telling us what happened
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>Calling his fiance a mere retainer
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Translator fucked up btw
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Mima? Decisively won.
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End of chapter!
Are we sure Mima is fully clean of Takauji's spit? It looks like Tokiyuki got drunk from just being near her.
>that face in the bottom left
Needs correction
I have never heard of these flowers. But I am not a flower guy.
>Revered for its transient beauty, it is often featured in Japanese art, poetry, and literature, representing fleeting moments and the beauty of impermanence.
Sadamune's getting NTR'd too? C'mon
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>I can fix her
>he's cooking bugs for another man
What the fuck Sadamune should stab that whore, since when does he even have "friends"?
Sadamunebros not like this
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>Ayako cucked
>Sadamune cucked
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH Those two are my favorite characters I dropped Matsui's other series why did nobody warn me of his NTR fetish
Kojiro2 is moe
HISTORYFAGS EXPLAIN WHAT THE FUCK THIS IS. It's clearly something important since he makes a comment about the flowers first.
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Volume 18 cover.
Releasing on December 4th.
Volume 14 will release in English on February 4th.
Ayako and Sadamune are among my faves too. These weeks have been hard. Idk what's even gotten into Matsui he didn't NTR this much in his other stuff
This is cute, but I don't think I like Mima being tradwifed.
>Ipomoea nil, a species of morning glory, was first known in China for its medicinal uses, due to the laxative properties of its seeds.
>Ancient Mesoamerican civilizations used the morning glory species Ipomoea alba to convert the latex from the Castilla elastica tree and also the guayule plant to produce bouncing rubber balls.[2] The sulfur in the morning glory's juice served to vulcanize the rubber, a process antedating Charles Goodyear's discovery by at least 3,000 years.[3] Aztec priests in Mexico were also known to use the plant's hallucinogenic properties (see Rivea corymbosa).
>Morning glory has been a favorite flower in Japan for many a long century.[10] The cultivation started in the Nara period (8th century).[10] The big booms of the selective breeding of the morning glory happened in the Edo era (17-19th century).[10] The large-flowered morning glory was broadly cultivated as a hobby flower. The varied Japanese morning glory (変化朝顔 Henka-asagao or mutant morning glory) was created.[10][11]
>The seeds of many species of morning glory contain ergoline alkaloids such as the psychedelic ergonovine and ergine (LSA). Seeds of Ipomoea tricolor and Turbina corymbosa (syn. R. corymbosa) are used as psychedelics.[12] The seeds of morning glory can produce a similar effect to LSD when taken in large doses, often numbering into the hundreds. Though the chemical LSA is not legal in some countries, the seeds are found in many gardening stores; however, some claim the seeds from commercial sources can sometimes be coated in some kind of pesticide or methylmercury (although the latter is illegal in the UK and the US).[13]
She's got no other role in the series she can fulfill
See >>273440228
This is just my theory since the arc skipped a lot and we haven't seen anything about Sadamune and Ichikawa the last 5 years but I believe it's related to Sadamune's obsession with wars and territory that made them drift apart.
Ichikawa was comically close to Sadamune for years, but it was mostly one-sided. Sadamune accepted him but it was always Ichikawa saving him, aiding him or even boiling the damn beetles for him. In recent times you have seen him less often though and the beginning of the arc made it clear that Sadamune is depressed and tired, which also implies that he doesn't spend much time with things that are fun. And friends equal fun.

So the flowers most likely symbolize the transient beauty that is their friendship (or whatever Ichikawa felt for Sadamune). It was doomed to vanish since Sadamune didn't care enough, but the sentence "They've lasted long into summer" implies that it lasted way longer than expected. Remember that Ichikawa was never his underling, he did it all for free basically.
Gott'a agree, it gets silly sometimes, especially since years pass and the character's interpersonal relationships don't.

The two main girls both agreed to make a move on the young lord, then didn't but decided they still would... and then a year passed and they still haven't. And Mima hasn't done anything either.
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She just needed to get away from her shitty environment.
I really hope the next one won't start with another skip because I genuinely want to see how Sadamune reacts now. I feel like this development is central to his personality and subplot.
Not necessarily, right? I mean, Shizuku's lost her power, but she's still important to the Hojo.
And what made Mima interesting was how wild she was, so it feels like Matsui's diluting her character.
She's his cum retainer
Based I feel the same. This is always my fear whenever an antagonist joins the MC or gets involved in a relationship.
Same bro
It's been nothing but suffering
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She wants to be wild but Shizuku and Ayako won't let her. Shizuku had an eye on her that entire scene.
>And what made Mima interesting was how wild she was, so it feels like Matsui's diluting her character.
This became a problem as soon as Mima was made into a victim of Takauji's who had to be saved by Tokiyuki.
It would have been more interesting for her to stay as one of the few kids on the antagonist's side and grow up sticking to more powerful convictions than "resentment over a kid she knew for a couple day keeping his true identity secret to avoid being executed by people like her father"
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He would be cute with this hairstyle
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If Sadamune's arc of all things will be nothing but suffering I will fucking kill myself
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The girls' inexplicable behavior has been pointed out before but I'm also starting to think Tokiyuki has no romantic or sexual drive if no one's chasing him around genuinely trying to kill him
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>Most of my forceful and friendly(?) comrades nowadays, were killed many crews of my side previously, and I am not grudge them
>so I don't need to grudge a girl who also killed my crews either
At least it's hard to refute
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>Morning Glories symbolize life's transience and deep emotional bonds.
Does that imply that Sadamune is the type of retard that loses those close and important to him because he's too busy and autistic to realize the importance of his own bond to them?
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>Ayako gets upset about Tokiyuki not giving a response to her feelings and confronts him directly
>pins him to a wall without realizing she has her hands on his throat
>Ayako has an entire rant about how much Tokiyuki means to her throughout all the year, sobbing a little bit
>after a pause, Tokiyuki puts one hand on her arm
trapcucks...don't look
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God fucking dammit, Sadamune is the LAST of all characters I want to see being miserable and lonely. He's still a fucking comic relief to me, making comic reliefs suffer should be considered a punishable offense.
Cute enough to win Ichikawa back?
Yeah this is shit
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in return, he'll fill her belly in white
irredeemable little pervert needs marriage correction
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>more SADamune
>Takauji saving the day at the end by powering him up with his spit.

If that seriously happens, I'll be right about the manga at this point losing it's touch.
I can tell that Matsui's been itching to make an eye popping gag
>two months
No wonder things are moving fast, I didn't realize this arc would be a drawn out siege.
Yeah it would be very disappointing. Conflicts are meant to be overcome through character development, so I hope that this is what he'll do. Sadamune is at his lowest point now, he can and should only get better afterwards. His conflict is the discrepancy between his duties that he feels he has to fulfill all alone and the desire to escape and be free so he should come to the conclusion that he either retires after winning this war, accepting that he has done more than enough or that he realizes that he needs help and friends.

The ability to give up or adjust should be what will give him an emotional boost. But I still think that he needs physical aid on top of that, so I can only see him winning if (bad end) Takauji pops up or (good end) he somehow manages to win Ichikawa's trust back. The latter makes way more sense for an arc about an inner conflict, so it would be a massive let down if it was just building up for misery porn with Sadamune getting worse and eventually breaking and go beserk thanks to monster spit.
Sadamune's sharp enough to point out in this very scene that taking shelter himself while most of his men have to stay out in the rain would be bad for his relationship with his troops, so I hope that's not the case
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Didn't that kind of happen when he slammed against the tree or whatever it was at the end of the first big war against Tokiyuki? The body was thrown back but the eyes were still levitating in the air like with a cartoon character. I wouldn't wonder if they would eventually pop out and fall onto the ground when he's shocked.
That was years ago anon, the drought needed to end
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Retarded headcanon but I believe that every hat Ichikawa is wearing will grow ears the second he puts it on
If the palace she builds has far and away the most basara designs in the entire manga then I'll forgive it.
Ideally the antagonist has to strike a balance of receiving some character development while retaining some of the edge that made him so compelling. That's why Terasaka from AssClass was so good, he never stopped being a whiney delinquent who liked yelling at people but he clearly learned his lesson and stopped being so antagonistic towards most of the class.
Yeah it's sadly very rare. The most popular example is Vegeta I guess, but the fact that he's so insanely popular proves that this method works. The character stay themselves they just become better. They might be heroes no but they are their own specific version of it. This is also why I usually prefer small casts. The bigger the cast the bigger the risk that half of the ones joining will end up in the peanut gallery or just follow MC without ever doing anything of value again. In that case I legit prefer that they just get some good conclusion for their subarcs leave.
Some series work even with a huge number of characters but they're rare.
Damn, I thought Sadamune had a lot of plot armor so I wasn't expecting a tragedy.
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Imagine being with a woman (male) for 7 years and then one day she suddenly reveals to you that she's collecting beetles for another man
Gotta have my beetles, man
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I think it's just that she was never meant to be a character for herself, she was there so Tokiyuki could get a win by adding Doyo's daughter to his harem.
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You just know
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author comment
Beetles were serious business back in 1340
Rat fags explain yourselves
Northern court this
Southern court that
I just wanna eat beetles for God's sake!
Same Matsui. Yakult is just built differently.
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lel what a fucking loser I expected some huge fight after the ending of the last chapter.
I wish Ayako would be more relevant. Her scene with the snake last time was great.
What the hell- Now this is the last thing I've expected. Comes a bit sudden, he was still extremely motivated last chapter. Wonder what happened and if it was a gradual thing that the manga skipped/didn't show or a sudden issue. It seems out of character to me but I guess there is a deeper reason behind it. Even if it gets resolved eventually I feel bad for Sadamune. He's pretty much fucked over now.
If this man really exists who are we speculating it is
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Remember when they used to set those logs on fire? Those were the days.
>Sada: WHAT? Who's the cunt who thinks hunting bugs is more important than a fucking war? I'm going to murder him once I'm done with the Hojo slut!
>Ichi: It... it was you bro... We promised each other that we would hunt beetles every year at this time of the year...
>Sada: OH FUCK I'M SORRY BRO >.< I swear we'll hunt beetles once the siege is over
>Ichi: Bro you're my hommie T_T I luv you bro <3
>Sada: You're my bro too, bro. Hommies 4ever <3
>*Sada and Ichi hug then proceed to blitzkrieg Tokiyuki's forces*
Ichikawa was never shown with another dude so the message is very odd. I honestly cannot think of any logical explanation besides:
>1. Sadamune simply had less time for friendships the last years due to his role so Ichikawa made new ones and who it is irrelevant since it's just meant to show that he was lonely and found new people to get close to
>2. It's someone we know and the name isn't mentioned for twist reason, but I cannot think of anybody. The only twisty answers would be dudes from Takauji's side, but I cannot imagine them being chill enough to collect bugs or befriend Ichikawa since they're usually not in Shinano
>3. (shizo idea) Sadamune himself was the friend he promised to help hunt beetles with, but current Sadamune has forgotten all of this and stopped caring, so Ichikawa coped and built himself a Sadamune puppet with whom he relives his best moments of their friendship
>4. It's a lie and he has to retreat for a whole different reason he doesn't want to reveal
>5. the other dude is Takauji
This would be 2. I cannot imagine it practically, but plotwise developments like that do happen from time to time.
Personally I hope that Takauji isn't involved at all because his presence never does anything good, but you never know when he'll appear next to fuck everything up.
What the the fuck how do you both have the same absurd idea.
Bug mind.
>they boil the beetles in a pot of Takauji spit
Antagonist winning thanks to the power of friendship is my favorite trope but it's so rare you might not seen it happening in more than 3-4 stories in your lifetime.
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>but you never know when he'll appear next to fuck everything up.
That's the fun part. Introducing the Takauji Everywhere System!
Imagine the anger if said friend was really him and you would just know that he'd use the spit on Ichikawa next to make him lose his sanity and win the war with brute force since he blames Tokiyuki for keeping Sadamune busy and then either attack or kidnap Sadamune himself. I believe it would piss everybody off at the same time for different reasons, fascinating. I wonder how Takauji fags feel because it seems everybody will hate him by the time the series ends if you think of the eventual mutiny arc
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>I wish Ayako would be more relevant.
Don't we all? I voted for her in the poll and everything...
Imagine if no magic spit is involved and Ichikawa simply wanted to hunt bugs with somebody and Takauji was the only one available.
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>loses all wars
>loses best friend
>destined to die lonely
Based, now he's literally me.
She'll never be HIM
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God I wish manga about old, crazy samurai dudes were more common.
>the joke about Mima becoming his fashion advisor came true
They are going to be so basara.
I agree with them too. At worst, I think Ichikawa might be sick and doesn't want to show that in front of Sadamune/slow him down so he's just making up an excuse to leave. But the "friend" actually being Sadamune also makes sense to me. Either way, I don't think this is really beetle NTR and will instead be about deepening and reaffirming their friendship.
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I hope so! I want some bizarre feudal drip
I'm not into tradwives but I love Mika getting tradwifed.
The way he's saying it looks suspicious to me and feels out of character. It doesn't help that said friend was never hinted so far either. I might misjudge him, but I don't believe that he would prioritize bug hunting over aiding Sadamune in a war that might kill him if he loses. I would have bought it if Ichikawa reacted differently in the chapters before. Matsui doesn't really make shit up a week before, so if he was demotivated, it would have been shown and that's the guy who was fulfilling his duty even when Sadamune himself has copped out like in the first Kiyohara battle.

That aside the insecurity feels weird to me. He strikes me as the dude who would have said this earlier and warned Sadamune. Something about this is strange and sudden. The sentence about the flowers lasting longer than thought is probably a key to solve it, but we lack information to decipher it. It could also be two things. The flowers symbolizing their bond and the long survival meaning a different thing. This could actually hint at some illness, in case that he didn't expect to be able to fight for so long but knows that he has reached his limit now. Telling Sadamune that he has things to do will surely hurt him but it's probably still better than telling him that he might die soon or something.
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I feel like people are being hyperbolic about her being a tradwife to begin with. But yes, so do I. Her becoming a maiden in love and seeing all these loving blushes are making me HNNNNNNG.
I hope you're all right, I don't like the theories blaming him for some falling out between them just because Sadamune's been doing his duties
>>273453338 (Me)
*blaming Sadamune, specifically
Yeah it's more in-character IMO. Sadamune was always prioritizing duty over joy and Ichikawa was aware of that and he still clung to him, even if it meant playing the servant.
I also think it would explain perfectly why Sadamune is more tired. There is 0 reason to ditch Ichikawa because he was never bothering nobody and he was literally just making things easier for Sadamune. At worst, he sticks around in the background without helping much, like a maid. But nothing explains why he would refuse his aid.

The only reason for his absence would be if it was Ichikawa staying away since he's forced to. Illness would explain all of this. Ichikawa suffers from some slowly progressing shit and this is why he was absent from the war with Toki Yorito and the battle from the latest flashback and since Sadamune sees his best friend and aide less commonly he has to work harder for less emotional gain which makes him tired. It's just a random theory but the one that sounds most in-character for both.
>Ayako meeting people she's killed in the next life just to dunk on them again with her height
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I love it. I need it. I will die without more of it.
this current arc is pretty boring ngl
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aaaaa they're so cute
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How did he get from the super motivated guy shouting "Leave it to Ichikawa, Sadamune-dono!" to >>273440202 in less than a month? Maybe the shizos are right and he's lying. It would make sense bringing the beetles up since they must hold some importance to Sadamune. It's like telling another anime addict that you want to leave because you booked a trip to Doujinshi Heaven for the next week. Still weird but it sounds at least more relatable than claiming you had to leave for some boring important meeting or because you want to go shopping.
That's Tokiyuki being a degenerate like always.
cucked shizuku
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I'm glad he hasn't lost this.
I wonder if the spit power is only temporary or if you need to stay optimistic for the rest of your life or experiencing a relapse otherwise. Like whether or not the influence would return if Tokiyuki dumped her later.
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Shizuku is prime cuckquean material
Arguably deserves to be too
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>those permanently protruding eyes
Not sure if moe or scary
I think it's temporary in that it seems to only amplify existing feelings and cause the person to hyper-fixate on them. So if you can break whatever the obsession is then there's nothing for the divine power to latch on to and it just eventually goes away. Even if Tokiyuki pissed off Mima again, I don't think her new grudge would be affected by the previous spit.
I like how Sadamune's eyes in the last panel cast their own shadow. It's not a visualization, they are literally popping out.
That man could never wear glasses.
What would make it more interesting for you?
Gags aside, I suspect Tokiyuki's spirit thing works in a similar way to Takauji's, just with less power. Both of them have this infectious intensity that accentuates the qualities of the people around them.
If this continues Sadamune will fight that war alone, how is he supposed to win that?
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That's what I'm expecting too
That would explain how Shina turned into a weapons pervert.
Wait, you guys were serious about the bird spirit?
True birdlievers will never die
How can the powerful ruler of shinano not have a giant circle of friends and an own harem? He should have 20 Ichikawas and sluts by his side.
Is Sadamune actually the real friendless loser of this series?
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>the damn beetle is trending
Fucking kek
Maybe too many people were creeped out by his eyeball gag
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Seriously?! We gonna make it after all?
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I believe in the bird like I believed in Nagisa's snake aura thing.
The community seems to be very worried about Sadamune's (and to a degree Rat's) well-being. Or relationship drama. It seems like he has many fans.
This is basically 9/11 for many RatEar shippers who've stuck with the series for a long time
I am honestly worried too because I just don't want Sadamune to suffer even more, I like him the most when he's displaying his stupid antics and act all over the top. But I honestly like Ichikawa too so I am not happy about the possibility of him being sick or some shit either.
To be fair Ichikawa's reaction seems so sudden and cryptic that they are obsessed theorizing about the meaning of the bugs and the emphasis on those flowers, so they use those terms a lot. For the names they use multiple terms so they don't make it into the trends. The flowers and the notion connected to them feels honestly rather mysterious, at least to me.
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Ayako if she ate a LOT of rice
I hope she won't stop growing and that it will be some gag in the afterword or something that shows her being some 3 meter giant.
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Kojiro^2 is so cute.
Thank you for posting.
I feel like the flower itself and the thought about the "flowers lasting longer than expected" are two slightly different things and if Ichikawa should be sick at point like the historical version then the second is about Ichikawa himself.

He is the bond to Sadamune that the flower symbolises. If he's gone, so is the bond. The sentence about the flower in Ichikawa's mind could simply refer to himself, if it's an illness that he always had that he expected to die from or get weakened by way sooner.
Manga often have that generational illness thing where a character believes he'd die very young if he already showed symptoms as a kid but then keeps on living (for longer) thanks to the power of friendship or something. Maybe the mother died earlier from this, so he believed he wouldn't make it to the 30s. But then he became happier or more motivated and it made him last way longer than expected. It would at least explain why he's pondering the permanence of flowers when he should think of the bug friend or at least anything but flowers.

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