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Chapter 68: Monster
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Hell yeah
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Post apocalyptic drip
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Sex time?
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Cute Mikura. I'm guessing this is also meant mirror 47's cover of them as kids.
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I wonder if the titles are connected too
47: Kaminaka Shino
68: Monster
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>that blush
s/he likes it
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I knew it
so is shimazaki behind it?
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Hey that baby... is one of the clones right?
wtf whose head is that
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Everyone's first thought will be "What the fuck." But that's basically what Nata is.
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>it is not going to suck itself
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its gross and creepy if the head is visible!
also it doesn't seem to be intelligent like Nata.
the sfx is either clicking or twitching
RIP cute boy
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make a baby out of desparation
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RIP. I thought for sure that Sakuya was the first to go.
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He looks happy.
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Well, I wasn't expecting that
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she's surprised Mako grew extra nipples
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ahahaha ok that's pretty funny
>In order to solve the mystery of the missing issue and birthmark, Mimura Manaka travels to Izukunoe Island.
Thanks for the raws
Thank you for the dump
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I tried to replicate the bloody pamphlet Kiruko found... Still haven't tried to look into it in detail, but since TL anon will show up here eventually, let us see if it is worth to dig deeper
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For reference
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it's not the same as the one in ch 26?
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yes, its the same. I was wondering if the blood splotches change how the text is read (think the text that is covered isn't read). who knows.

I have changed stuff since this version, more interestingly the fact that Ishiguro has confirmed for how long Maru and Kiruko are together since before the first chapter we've seen them in. It was just a month
... or not ? Did she cut his head and trasnfer it into the robot to save him?
you mean the body still turned even though the head is missing?
I do wonder why Maru didn't feel his hiruko sense with natabot.
You could say his hirukosense isn't developed yet while he was with Mikura...
I honestly don't remember if we know that his body turned into an hiruko, it's just that both reveals happen in the same chapter + the director has some experience on brain transfer already + she would be crazy enough to pull it off
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we already met mako's hiruko.
I don't think the head is Mako's but I do think that the hiruko core is located in the heart, so Maru wouldn't be able to sense a head or brain transferred onto another body.
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The spider kinda fucks with that idea, since the hear should be on the abdomen. In real spiders ar least anyways...
Hiruko aren't really biologically accurate.
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was the bot lonely and trying to make others like him? In a dumb, childish way. If the head was sentient, it seemed like a child since it's missing teeth
Like a little baby girl
She is gonna turn into one.
wtf, Ishiguro I kneel
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what if Shimazaki and Baba hooked up and had a baby and their child died.
Shimazaki was unable to cope and made a robot baby that he was unable to control?
I mean, either him or Kondo must be behind it. But the robot killing other people might have nothing to do with him directly.
he would have to keep the body preserved while building the bot, but what if the kid is dead, dead and it's only twitching because of whatever chemical or electrical signals it's getting, like those sushi moving from the onions sauce

yeah, that's why I added they were unable to control the bot.
>inb4 why not make an emergency shutdown button
>he would have to keep the body preserved while building the bot
If you look at it closely, the robot looks like an independently made robot and the head seems to be a hastily attached component. The jar is simply taped on lol.
watching the Martian movie made me think using duct tape everywhere is normal sci fi behavior
I also thought that the average robot in TD world were not bipedal (delivery bot, the convenience store bot, takahara). Since this is the first bipedal one we saw, and a few chapters ago Shimazaki was said to be into robot dev, he must have been playing with them.
He could've built a bot without the intent to put someone's brain inside it and then suddenly, the need arises later on and had to quickly make the brain container modification
Mako was a good soul. I liked him. I hope he will die with a smile.
>so are you sucking it or should I ask Sakuya?
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What the fuck.
So is Meena but neither are that visceral.
It reminds me of how Usami was trying to keep Mimihime alive by chopping off her limbs. But this time it worked because the head was separated from the body.
>It reminds me of how Usami was trying to keep Mimihime alive by chopping off her limbs. But this time it worked because the head was separated from the body.
oh no its mako mikura baby that developed the disease and mikura begged shimazaki to save it! jk
finally tengoku time
the wait is always so long when ishiguro skips a month
Chapter 42 page 25 there's another biped robot named Tetsuda, the same name as the one written on the child robot's torso
fuck man, what a way to resolve that double cliffhanger from last chapter

>*Creak* *Creak*
>"Sounds like it's inside now..."
>"Let's get out of here!"
>"...hold on."
>"Let's go up!"
>"This space should be too narrow for it to dodge my beam."
>"From this angle, it won't be able to hit us, and we can ambush it when it climbs up the stairs."

>"Onee-chan, I know what that thing is! I saw it in a book once."
>"It's a yokai called a "Satori.""
>"A yokai?!"
>"Apparently they can read minds... that's why it was able to dodge a Kiru-beam, and why it found out where we were hiding so quickly."
>"So, won't it be able to tell that we're trying to ambush it right now?!"
>"A yokai... isn't that just a made-up fantasy?"

>"But I saw it in a picture book!"
>"What are you talking about? Just because it's a picture book doesn't mean that everything written in it is real."
>"Something's wrong..."
>"That bastard..."
>"It set the place on fire!"
>"Maru... let's get out through the veranda- *cough*"
>"Don't breathe the smoke, you'll pass out!"
>"That thing just keeps surprising us in the worst ways possible."
>"This whole area is going to burn down."
>"Onee-chan! Can you get onto that pipe there? I'll help you onto it."
>"I'll try."

>"I'm letting go!"
>"Uwa-!... I think I'm okay!"
>"What are y- huh?!"
>"Oh right..."
>"Just hold tight onto that and slowly climb down."

>"son of a"

>"Damn! I just can't hit that thing."
>"This feels different from that time with Takezuka Michika. Instead of dodging by reflex, it feels more like it's..."
>"Even trying a feint doesn't work?"
>"This isn't good..."
>"I guess it really is reading my mind..."

TL anon is here! arigato gozaimasu!
>"Onee-chan... I think this guy actually is..."
>"Yeah, I saw. I can't think of any other explanation other than it being able to read minds."
>"Let's both attack it! We'll see if it can read both of us at the same time."
>"Don't get too close! It hit me with a metal bat or something like that."
>"If I don't have my guard up, even I'll be done for if it hits me."
>"Which means that right now, it's probably not holding any rocks."
>"If it starts reaching for one, I'll blast it with a Kiru-beam."
>"Which would work great if it wasn't reading your mind right now..."
>"Stop, Maru!"

>"It's too dangerous! Don't just start fighting with it close-range!"
>"I'm sick of her worrying about me!"
>"Doesn't that just mean that she actually thinks I might get killed?!"
>"Damn it...that's it."
>"It keeps hitting me without any wind-up motion."

>"I said"
>"that I would"
>"protect her!!"
>"I got it!"
>"It's a machine...!"
>"This thing is a robot!"
>"It looks like it's having trouble getting back up! Let's go now, onee-chan!"

>"*twitch* *twitch*"

>"Ha... ugh..."
>"Damn it..."
>"For now, onee-chan..."
>"Let's just get out of here!!"
>"I'm sorry... please..."

>"What are you doing?!"
>"Look... Mikura. My thing here...look closely at it."
>"Stop it!"
>"You shouldn't be teasing an adult like that! Please leave!"

>"This is...!! Ta-..."
>"Yeah... it's definitely the same thing that Tarao had."
>"It can't be...!!"
>"When Tarao's body became covered with these bruises,"
>"he died."
>"I noticed that my body hasn't been feeling very well..."
>"It's actually happened..."
>"The thing I'd been afraid of..."

>"How come I didn't notice what an obvious strange feeling I got from this?"
>sign text is the same as in chapter 62. "A monster has been kidnapping children. Please send help." and "Suppression force recruitment."
>"The fact that these two signs are facing away from each other..."
>"When they should"
>"both be facing the same direction."

>"If there was a suppression force, then their hideout is in the opposite direction."
>"That robot just flipped the sign to lure more people into its hunting ground..."
>"Damn it!"
>"Let's go."
>"Are we just going to leave that killer robot there?"
>"What else are we supposed to do?!"
>"Do you want to kill it?!"
>"That's a kid... didn't you see it?!"
>"Some kid with an age in the single digits,"
>"got turned into a robot."
>"Who would... why would anyone do that...?"
>"I don't know..."
>"That robot is just inviting people over to its house to play,"
>"in the same way that a kid plays by killing bugs."

>"It's not evil..."
>"It's just innocent..."
>"So then, the children that were being kidnapped by a monster...?"
>"If we assume that it was after some kids started disappearing... that that thing appeared... "
>"Then you would naturally think that "monster" was the culprit."

>"Wait, hold on."
>"Even if it's just a kid, leaving behind a murder machine that can read minds seems a little..."
>"After hearing your story... it sounds like a robot that a child's head was implanted into."
>"However, if it is charging itself and living by itself,"
>"then sooner or later, it'll stop being able to move."
>"While robots, unlike humans, are unable to get sick,"
>"their weakness is that without maintenance, it's impossible to maintain their condition."
>"In that case, I expect that a robot's lifespan will be much shorter than a human's."
>"Also... it's not the case that that robot can read people's minds. It's just using the motions they make to predict their next move."
>"It must be the AI in its body that has that ability, not the child's head."
>"They can do stuff like that too? AI I mean."
>"It's less that they can do that "too"..."
>"And more that it's one of the things they're best at."
>"I see..."

>"Haa... let's take a quick break."
>"I kinda feel like..."
>"I've been getting weaker..."

>"It used to be... if I could just do a good job protecting my client that day..."
>"Then I could go in and act without even worrying about the thought that I might not wake up the next morning."
>"But now, I'm afraid of dying..."
>"And I feel like there's other things that I'm afraid of now too..."
>"And that I get emotional more easily now..."
>"The old me would have probably been able to shoot that robot..."
>"Isn't it just..."
>"that you've stopped being reckless, and have instead picked up a different kind of strength?"
I love Kiruko
Pregnancy hormones messing with her body
>"It's love."
>"What's love?! What do you mean by love?!"
>"Do I really need to explain that? Are you a robot by any chance?"
>"That's not... what I meant..."
>"That's an interesting thing for a robot to say..."
>In the next chapter, to solve the mystery of the bruises, Mikura Manaka travels to Izukonoeshima.

ty for posting the raws anon, hope all the americans here enjoy their thanksgiving

I can't find anything unusual in reading the text that isn't covered, as far as I can tell there's no hidden message but I could just be missing something
tetsuda seems to be a rare/new model.
wonder how the toddlerbot's creator managed to grab hold of one.
maybe the so the toddlerbot's maker lacked proper tools to modify tetsuda since they're in a post apocalyptic world and have to make do with the tapes..
as for whom, i can only think of takahara staff..

nata death flag?
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>I can't find anything unusual in reading the text that isn't covered
Thanks, I wanted to dig into it, but having someone who actually is able to read is easier. Thanks you for the TL as well as always anon.
ohhh fuck
>becomes more and more of a woman
>also gets weaker
bravo Ishiguro
people were caught off guard because they are expecting the twist that it's a robot. We got jumpscared by the toddler head
Thank you TLanon. Have a great week too.
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Thanks TL anon
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Chapter 68: Monster
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countdown to denialist butthurt apocalypse start
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And that's it.
I certainly didn't expect a child's head in a jar.
The parallel between Kiruko's weakness and Mako's disease was definitely intentional but is it just another red herring?
Read Soremachi
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I was thinking about that too.
Could love be a trigger? Maru loves Kiruko.. Oh no!
or could it be the sudden hormones when they reach puberty? Mako, Tarao is in that age..
Kiruko is getting hormones after Kiriko's body was activated by Maru's kiss..
Mako is a hermaphrodite and finally feeling low in xir cycle

Except he is not.
>becomes more and more of a woman
>Chapter 68: Monster
bravo Ishiguro
tell me about it, October felt way too long without the monthly chapter
monster was the name Mikura gave to Sachio's penis after they had emotional sex after the reveal btw
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Thank you as always anon.
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Name drops is all you'll get and don't you forget it!
Genocide granny is pure. PURE. She only tried to get a little peek of his penis.
Thanks for TL
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whenever Michika is not on a page all the characters should be asking "Where's Michika?"
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NTRbros/SEAniggerchads... we're back.
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One of the legends of how Satori came to be is that they're the child incarnations of mountain gods who have come to ruin and turned into a yōkai form.
Ishiguro can't help himself. He always has to add another layer.
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What the fuck is that thing
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typeset so fast today I kneel
really appreciate that we always get a quality instant translation of the new chapters, thank you
is this theory still possible? It's been so long that i forgot if it got debunked.
Seeing these human experiments really fucked with Kiruko in this arc.
No, that was debunked back in the Anjulous arc.
>Who could I love anyways?
>Someone who's special and that has always been there for you...
>You mean... Robin?
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I predicted it being a robot of some sorts but did not expect the child head strapped to it sasuga Ishiguro one step ahead as always I see.
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why does the OP feel the need to spam jap pages on /a/ 7h before eng chapter is out

god just kill everyone itt
I think it's pretty clear Kiruko x Maru is going to happen but will they get a happy ending? I think there's a decent chance that one or both of them might die.
grow up kid
they'll both die but [redacted] will salvage their brains, stitch them together, and put the new composite brain in a new body
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Reminder that the Daily Soremachi guy is doing an Ishiguro Q&A again
I think only Maru will die but Kiriko will live with a newfound sense of purpose (whatever that will end up being). Technically she's still on the escort/bodyguard job but has been with Maru so long she's gotten attached and possibly developed feelings for him. She hasn't really done anything for herself or figured out what she wants to do with their newfound life. The manga has already teased Kiriko coming into her own as a new person (no longer seeing herself as Haruki in his sisters body and accepting it as her own) and I think this will all culminate in her figuring out what she actually wants to do (at the unfortunate expense of losing Maru in the process).
that babu head looks like a Jamie Hewlett drawing
very Gorillaz esque
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Ishiguro likes these video gamey panels when Kiruko is making plans. It got me thinking a Tengoku game would be fun.
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There was one, but the server for it got shut down last year.
Nice JRPG boss
Oh yeah, I remember that. He plays a lot of rpgs so I wonder if he wants to make one too.
>Technically she's still on the escort/bodyguard job but has been with Maru so long she's gotten attached and possibly developed feelings for him.
They've been together for a little over 2 months now. Seems to be true though.
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reposting my autism
>Kiruko is gonna die
Thanks for ruining my day Ishiguro, fucking faggot.

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