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Liz fight looks worse than I expected.
And you know what? I expected the worst.
>Liz busts in.
>Says you suck.

How do you respond?
Soon, I won't be able to post this anymore:
>/a/ thought this girl was Sophia Black

insane hips
Yeah, it's goofy, but also kino.
Tino's exposed ass fangs
>literally did nothing wrong
>gets blamed for fucking everything
what the fuck drives those localizer faggots to do this shit?
why can't you just keep it as is? is it really so fucking difficult?
asserting dominance
>that music when they fight the robot
Damn, this bitch be crazy.
>all the people calling sitri "basically a normal girl"
Damn bros, I thought Senpen Banka was just a meme?
erofu time
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Another bath scene with censored butts? No thanks.
They should've ended Akasha golem last week and more focus on Sitry this week. It's a shame that they didn't include Sitry SS at the end of volume 2. It would be perfect if they showed Krai advising Sitry that only Hunters are strong enough to go dungeon at the start of episode, and later shows how Sitry distorted that advice.
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Hope we can have season 2.
I'm glad this arc is finally over. I hope it goes back to being fun like the first few episodes.
Huh, so she's only Level 2 and is basically the most evil member of the team.
>we are about to be introduced to best girl
She's cute, so it's okay.
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>she HAD to mention the breast size
level is just reputation nothing more.
>stage a prison outbreak, but kill most of the prisoners to create a golem
>pretend to be a redheaded woman that you frame for dungeon fuckery

How the hell does Krai tardwrangle her, anyway?
Tino anal.
by being a divine strategist(he doesn't it just all kinda works out)
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>Tino anal
Popularity seems to be on the upswing since it was 10th in konorano 2024 and 6th in 2025.
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Love how the LN artist draws Liz's shiteating smile.
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sitri pregnancy correction
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protect talia
in bed (against his will)
She was level 5 3 years ago(Krai was level 6 then) but this incident demoted her to level -5. She regained her level to 2 by passing multiple psychology test.
>Sitry does something evil
>Krai speaks as if he knows it but doesn't warn
>Sitry believes Krai knows everything but forgives her, and speculates what Krai wants her to do
>Things go well according to Sitry's imaginary Krai's plan
>Sasuga Krai sama!
She is Demiurge with boobs.
Wow sitri is even more mentally ill than her sister. I am impressed.
Too smart for sanity
it goes beyond that, its not as if its all her doing or something
sometimes her plan that she thought was krais plan will fail but at the end of it krai will come and solve everything with his own plan
I honestly don't know what the point of this show is anymore besides fanservice.
anthem is the only stable person in their party with good reputation
they are either autistic(luke), psychopaths(liz) or autistic psychopaths(sitri)
i feel like the first couple of episodes had way more ass than the later ones
it's sad
Krai: Neutral
Liz: Chaotic Neutral(but closer to Chaotic Evil)
Sitry: Neutral Evil
Luke: Chaotic Neutral
Ansem: Lawful Good
Lucia: Lawful Neutral
Eliza: Chaotic Neutral
same as it was at the start
everyone does stupid shit and krai just wants to go home
If we have season 2 there will be lots of Liz fanservice.
>Liz taking shower
>Liz stripping clothes in wild lake
>Liz sneaking in Krai's bed and groping him
>Liz in hot spring
>Liz sneaks into Krai's room for hug
>Liz taking shower
>Liz stripping clothes in wild lake
light beam
>Liz in hot spring
stitches of the bitches plz
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Huh, she is nothing compared to Krai's usual antics.
He essentially sets out guidelines on what everyone can't do. For example, no harming civilians. The issue with Sitri is that she tends to be more clever than Luke or Liz, so she gets around Krai's restrictions by finding loopholes. Essentially though, she's only kind of kept in check by not wanting Krai to hate her and Lucia actually being able to bonk her when she does get out of line.
jesus fuck what the fuck is her problem
>evil woman is on MCs side
This is how it’s done right.
her level was demoted as punishment for being a psycho even though they couldn't prove her guilty, there was enough circumstantial evidence she still got in trouble.

levels are not a measure of power, it's like monster hunter ranks where it's based on what missions you've done
they obviously did

not even close
Lucia's biggest flaw is being a brocon for Krai but they're actually distant cousins who grew up together so even that's fine
So what really happened with the slime?

She had it with her the whole time?
mm yeah, this bitch is straight up evil
nonono, she's just conscientious, just like native americans use every piece of the Buffalo, it would be disrespectful NOT to make use of every part of a great sage's corpse! Think of the contributions to humanity's knowledge!
and you guys told me that he isn't retarded
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>thought Liz was pretty bad
>mfw Sitri
are the others going to be even bigger psychos yet again?
>Tino is the only sane Nageki.
if you kill a murderer, the amount of murderers stay the same.
but from the second onward, you are reducing the number so basically turn into a hero.
it's all good.
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What can they do in 2 (3?) episodes left? Mini arc? Epilogue? Go buy the source material cliffhanger?
Which one would you rather be in this situation?
beach titty episode
This is 13 episodes, so 4 left.
He is retarded, but absorbing mana material turns your wishes into reality, so Krai is unironically a luckchad build who is as retardedly lucky as Liz is fast and athletic or Sitri is as intelligent
how many hunters was she willing to kill through this whole thing?
That face really says "I don't know what the fuck is going on"
>Tino asks for anal.

How do you respond without sounding mad?
all of them
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Liz shower scene next week! I can't wait!
he isn't retarded, he's clueless and a bum, two completely different things
especially given he's intentionally clueless BECAUSE he's a bum
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colored water
A few woudnt have been a problem AT ALL
You're not going to see anything.
what makes you think there is a limit?
if krai didn't want them to die then he would have stopped her so its all good
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Sitri cute
not enough Tino once again
jesus christ why does she look so unsexy in the anime
manga liz was peak slut kino
I want to smell Tino's anus
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Needs correction
>I expected the worst.
Seems like you need more expirience.
Watch Dekisoko.
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She needed the perpetrator so she didn't use his parts. But the question is WHOS parts will she use next?

Please don't wish that on anyone. Most inane premise ever, especially when the first half of that anime never would've happened if he just told his reincarnated dad that he had powers.
Hey, I know she's flat, but you didn't have to call it out like that!
We probably are. They made the designs so they will want to actually use them.
She likes to experiment. nothing wrong with that when they are all bad guys.
we haven't gotten to Krai's ...sister
You can't fix her
>krai andorey has managed to fool the entire audience into thinking he's dumb
Well, shit. That was actually good. I would watch a full series about her.
The animation this episode kind of sucks.
Essentially since she's weak, she has the thought that she can do whatever she has to get an advantage. No morals or ethics will get in her way. It's why she tries to debt trap Krai into marrying her rather than trying to get his affection. Essentially she'll do whatever it takes.
Don't stop liking evil women!
she is probably involved the most out of other party members in later parts
well maybe less than tino
Liz is just an annoying retard that acts like she's 6y old.

Sitri is a chaotic evil Nazi scientist.
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There is no way that mage girl is worse... right?
It's so over for human females.
best girl

mental illness ranking is basically
It gets harder when I pull on it.
>see Liz-cunt
>immediately become flaccid

She's ugly and a bitch.
sure hope it gets popular
I need to see martial festival arc animated
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now surprise everyone thinks krai is god.
guy just shows up, does nothing, and the enemy no one can even scratch just instantly dies when it gets close to krai
She's dangerous but not mentally insane.
To do an amateur slopjob work of the source material, apparently.
Yes I am seething.
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>source: my schizophrenia
woah she is literally me
Alchemists are always best girls.
They should've just let it happen like in the LN, I was very confused when reading it at first I was like WTF just happened but in the anime they still showed a frame of Sitri.
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I'm in so much fucking denial right now a psychologist could probably write a fucking textbook about it. I absolutely refuse to believe this absolute cutie is evil. Everything I just saw was a lie and I won't believe my own eyes.
She's not evil, she only kills bad people and those who Krai says it's okay to hurt :3
He got smashed his head with a BGolemD isn't he?
Drink some colored water, and you'll just think it was a better dream.
bad dream* kek
I warned you about the stairs, bro...
I mean it depends on how you define evil
she just seems fucking autistic, she legitimately doesn't understand why she shouldn't do something
like during the tournament arc she make a chimera similar to killkill that looked exactly like the princes and didn't see anything wrong with that, she wanted to use it during the tournament and negotiate with the kingdom for it
Why do you think she's evil?
Monopolize Kraipenis.
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So do people actually realize Krai isn't strong? Or do they genuinely believe he is amazing?
Sitri stopped the golem so I guess she knows.
How did "malice eater" become "water" in Krai's head? That's not even close.
God told me so.
some guy was saying that his clan knows he's weak in combat but they believe he knows everything and is generally omnipotent to the point where he just manipulates events so its over without him even needing to fight.
Dunno if it was backed up by anything, you'd have to check the previous threads but I like that explanation and it seems to fit
>the last thing you see before getting killed is the huge package of a Frankenstein
how horrifying
kiru kiru kiru
So what happened to Talia? Did she just get memory wiped and comes back like nothing happened? Or was she offed by Sitri in secret?
just chloroformed to conveniently forget about the recent trauma inducing episode she experienced. she's still sitri's alchemy buddy in the guild
She didn't stop it because she knows he's weak, she stopped it because she thought Krai was going to destroy the fuck out of it. Her whole ruse was to get her hands on that golem.
brainwashed, shouldn't be mistaken with torture btw its very ethical.
Sitri killed a lot of people for golem cock.
They are not delusional about his strengths like Overlord but he is genuinely a 99 LUCK build and they genuinely respect and value his opinions and love him, the reason they're all overpowered as fuck is also because they followed his advice and did what he said they should do so they also credit their own strengths to him
this shit fell off so hard. didn't even finish the episode, it's so fucking boring
You kiddin? This ep went by so fast
>responding to shitposts
it sure did when I watched it on x4
episode peaked here
>So do people actually realize Krai isn't strong?
no, they all genuinely think that he is always in control of everything that is happening
You mean bottomed
I peaked here
Lmao ok
So did Talia also drink the coloured water?
lmao that scene was so goofy looking made me lol.
cry and rich
This arc was pretty meh overall but last episode sorta made up for it. Alchemist bitch is great.
The only thing she really cares about is Krai. She doesn't even care that much about her sister or brother considering how the Sitri slime and the chimeras are set to only be peaceful towards Krai and herself. And even with Krai, she uses dirty tactics to force him into marriage.
I'm confused, what happened with the cute redhaired girl?
Memory wiped. She's still useful to Sitri.
Thumbnail looks like she has a cute little Hitler 'stache.
she is Mengele though
Wait, so who was the villain?
These pink sisters are kinda crazy man. Hopefully the upcoming elf cutie reels it in a bit.
That doesn't have the same good-guy vibe when her enemies aren't really jews.
>she was mengele all along
I really need to read this shit. they don't tone down the psycho eventually right?
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lmao that animation error
what am I supposed to see?
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e and w are pretty close on keyboard
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I can fix Smarts.
No you can't. Just send both of them to prison.
They don't. Sitri later on bring 3 prisoner with bomb collar on.
Nice to know. Thanks.
I'm just going to say it. The show is fucking boring, and all the characters suck. Tino is the only character I like, but she gets barely any screentime.
the show did a pretty good job baiting me with Tino in the beginning. now I only watch for her and skip everything else
shes grieving soul's resident glowie
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Is Krai both deaf and blind? How do you get "water" out of "Malice Eater"?
It's never stated outright but you can infer it from some of the ways they treat him (Sitri making the golem deflect away, Liz telling Tino she needs to guard Krai, etc)
Sitri best girl
Tino a shit
This but Liz a shit
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Next week best girls coming in
Liz is better than Tino because she's closer to Sitri
Based wireless charger elfs
>So do people actually realize Krai isn't strong
Krai is unironically a master at using relics. Most people take months/years to master 1 and Krai can use every single one due to his lack of mana. He could solo a high level team if he had prep time and his relics.
No one know, his party and the entire elf country decide to flee when he fight again God Mask because they dont want getting on his way
she's not evil, she's just extreme, moreso than the rest of their party, she's OP in that aspect, and the results show
tinofags thought she was main heroine but surprise, it was Sitri all along!
>Most people take months/years to master 1 and Krai can use every single one
That's because he spends all day practicing use of similar relics. When it comes to new relic he've never seen before, he'll need same amount time to practice it as other hunters, if not more. Also the use of his relic is meaningless against high level hunters who are basically superhuman.
>He could solo a high level team if he had prep time and his relics
Author said Krai's power WITH relic is a bit lower than an average hunter, if we exclude Realize Outer which is basically Lucia's power.
>his party and the entire elf country decide to flee
Krai flee with them though.
Senpen Banka of course he was the true mastermind manipulating everything behind the scenes setting up a confrontation between hunters and mages and allowing his childhood friend Sitri to conduct her grand experiment.
star of the show and the ED
Tino's ASS
he flee into Mimic realm but after summoning Fox God to Fight Mask God
There's a lot of questionable morals in the grievers, but it's pretty clear the only one of them that is actually evil is Sitri. Liz may be literally psychotic, but Sitri has done some horrible shit.
>i killed hundreds of people
>but it's okay because they were prisoners
Sasuga superior japanese morals
>people commit some crime
>instead of punishment they get free lodging, free food, and free medical support out of our tax money
>she just seems fucking autistic
That's not autism, it's psychopathy. She has absolutely no moral compass. That in and of it's self isn't evil though. Plenty of people live everyday average lives with psychopathy. What makes her evil is her actions. She's killed many people in cold blood, toyed with people's lives, etc. She'd lie, cheat, steal, hell, she'd literally rip a baby's head off if she thought it'd benefit her, and it wouldn't cause problems she couldn't deal with.
It's a shame they didn't adapt Krai and Sitry's past conversation. Genuinely the funniest part of that volume.
>Sitry: Krai-san... Chimeras are too weak for our adventure. What should I do?
>Krai: Yeah, only hunters are strong enough to follow us. (So don't try too hard, you're already doing great now)
>Sitry: ...!! That's it! By using hunters as source material... Absorb Mana Material... Krai-san, may I hunt hunters?
>Krai: ??? No? Sitry, have you heard about karma?
>Sitry: Karma... Criminals... Yes that prison will... Thanks for your advice!
After Prison Break incident.
>Sitry: Krai-san! I made new chimera! Please look! It's all thanks to Krai-san!
>Krai: ...Sitry, why not joining other alchemist team? (and learn what the common sense is)
Thus she joined Akasha.

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