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Do you like?
Precure? Yes.
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Satoru-kyun? It's not "like" it's love.
Kanie my dearest...
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No. I love rice.
Sorry, but cardboard cutout mermaids aren't my type.
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>hi Ichika
>hey, Madoka, what's up?
>i just want to say that KiraKira is the worst Precure season, even after all these years
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I like Precure and Laura.
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Max Heart and HaCha are both worse.
Doki, Suite, and HS too.
Kirakira is really pretty good.
Max Heart was inoffensive overall, and at least Hacha had some interesting ideas and committed to them until the end even if it wasn't great ultimately.
KiraKira also had interesting ideas, but somehow it managed to fuck up all of them in a way other shows couldn't.

None of these shows are terrible.
Cope harder.
As much as I hated Kira, I think the hate Ichika got was a bit unwarranted, I don't think she's a bad character, but the writers have done her very dirty.
Also, anyone who says that Ciel should've been the protagonist instead is a fucking moron.
>None of these shows are terrible
I didn't say they were. Kirakira is still better than them.
I think Ichika's ok and definitely has her moments. She's not as bad as Akira or Ciel at least. Those two feel bland most of the time. Akira can be fun when the show is having fun shipping her with Yukari, and Ciel can be interesting whenever Lio is involved, but I don't remember liking any of their episodes outside of those instances.
I honestly don't remember Ichika getting any hate. The writers also gave her an amazing episode with her mom so I'm not seeing the bate from them either.
I think you're just dumb.
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>Akira can be fun when the show is having fun shipping her with Yukari
That directly dragged her down.
I also don't see how Ciel is bland.
>Kirakira is still better than them.
Okay, why then?

>Akira can be fun when the show is having fun shipping her with Yukari, and Ciel can be interesting whenever Lio is involved
None of these relationships were fleshed out whatsoever, so I can't relate to your opinion.
Also at least I can see some potential from Akira/Yukari, but Ciel/Rio was so obnoxious and unpleasant to watch, Rio/Ichika should've had more focus instead.

You don't have to tell us that you're a complete newfag.
>I also don't see how Ciel is bland.
Maybe because you were fapping to her character design instead of paying attention to anything.
>someone criticizing a show he thinks he likes
>muh melty
The cope will never end...
She's like my fourth favorite Kirakira. Great movie though.
You didn't even explain anything.
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It's Yui!
>Great movie though.
And it wasn't even because of Ciel, right?
No? She had some fun scenes in it.
Fuck off.
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Do you miss Ageha's nails?
Yeah, it's the local troll again.
Good thing that you've admitted defeat yet again.
Watch Kira Kira Precure a La Mode first, before posting.

You might like it.
Being locked in her fairy form and her interactions with her teacher.
Why are you so set on hating Kirakira? You've been doing this for a while now and it's kinda weird.
I'm making rice right now, with basil and parsley and thyme.
That's not an argument, Mr. fake fan.

You don't have to be so defensive, it has gotten very old already.
>Being locked in her fairy form and her interactions with her teacher.
That was the most boring and forgettable part of the movie, and the fact that it's fun to you is weird and fishy in a way, considering that it was what started Ciel's conflict with Julio.
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Same senpai
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Anon obviously wants Kira posing.
What's your favorite thing about KiraKira?
Absolutely nothing.
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Speaking of KiraKira, why do people love the bnuuy? Why do you guys want to be inside here when Yukari-san exists?
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Nice use of spices. I'm lazy so I just ordered a biryani from a new Indian place nearby. Gonna see what they mean by extra spicy. When I make my own I like to make a big pot that lasts a few days and make tadig.
Cooking science! The character designs are really good too, and they look amazing in 3D kigurumi format.
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>It's a "Kira hater replays his usual script" Episode
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>Kira hater replays his usual script
>Kirafags doesn't even talk about what he likes about the show
Talk about hypocrisy...
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It's funny how Kira absolutely dominates the official yt channel.
Kira was amazing.
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Would pet his hair while he gives a soft blowie.
That was because the Kira videos were the first on the official youtube channel, simple as.
Cope harder than that.
>Kira ED2 has the highest view count
Well deserved.
Himari with her hair down is a miracle of the universe.
>t. Ellee
>t. Ageha
KiraKira melty right now...
You sound defensive.
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Thanks anon, I have a hard-on now.
breaking the kirakira hypnosis, one post at a time, you go girl
I love Kira but I think the first ED is better.
The characters were so good. The show had six cures.
I was just saying truth, the official Youtube channel was opened when Kira was airing.
Great OP, EDs and the henshins, yes.
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Kira was so good it even inspired Toei to open a channel to share this treasure with the world!
Once again, rolafag is gushing about the lamest shit from KiraKira without explaining why.
Literally no one ever liked the fact that it had 6 cures.
Cope more. Everyone loves Kira.
You will never be anonymous, no matter how hard you tried.
Oh, the sweetest irony.
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>Laura op
>kira thread
why is laura so weak and why is it yuris fault
Wonderful has done this to /pc/
Maho and Kira both really developed more fans over time. It was interesting to see. Maho especially. I always liked both but they seemed to have more haters at first. Sleeper seasons.
>i love himari
>kira has six cures
>the movie was great
>I like yukari
>kira is so good trust me
>And none of them talk about why
Damn, KiraKira is so soulless that it attracted all of the most delusional and unpassionate fans ever, they might as well have come from reddit.
>Maho and Kira both really developed more fans over time.
Source: your ass
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Other than the forum I used to do fantasy combat RP on with my nerd friends in middle school, I have never used a website that required you to make a profile.
I joined /pc/ with HS and I like maho, that's a +1! And maho rewatch anon also liked it
It's been really nice to see that happen. Now we just need to get more people into Suite.
The cope and lies will never end...
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No one cares about what you think or feel
Does he even discuss what he rewatched?
If not, then he wasn't paying attention, and shouldn't be trusted.
>No one
I rest my case.
I picked up your case and moved it to storage.
he was posting impressions for every episode.
I can't believe we actually got a season which did Kira's retarded first cour again except twice the length.
The endings maybe
Yeah, but they all felt vague and not interesting.
what kind of deep discussion do you want about the girls going to the beach?
At least it wasn't as retarded and confusing as Kira, so here's that.
At least Its kira and not twinkleslop
it should relate to laura somehow

but why isn't it laura
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>carries Kirakira with the power of zoo doujins
Kira had some creative stuff like
>Julio had "weapon of the week" rather than MotW
>Bibury had "doll of the week"
>Grave had "goon of the week" (ala HC and HaCha which just powered-up regular goons rather than making a whole different creature)
>Elysio had "saint seiya armor of the week"
>Grave... let's forget him
Weird that they never tried to reproduce this variety again, ST kinda did for a bit.
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Mucha art was pretty.
Maybe a discussion about your opinion on this plot point and how it was executed would be interesting and meaningful, unlike vague comments like "this girl was cute" or "that was badass/awesome" or "it was well written/developed" without explaining how and why.
We all are ojisans who shamelessly watch kids anime, so why are you embarrassed about discussing these shows all of a sudden.
On a second thought, the motw in HC and HaCha have intentional semblance with the regular henchmen, but maybe they're new entities? I mean, the HC motw takes on the personality of the victim, maybe only the HaCha motw is indeed closer to "powered up gooner".
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ST did exactly that and had a cool team of generals instead of a gang that was carried entirely by Bibli.
Yukari is gay despite being wouldable
No one gave a shit about them other than pairing the kappa dude with a cure for some reason
Maybe because this so-called "variety" was boring and prevented any interactions between the villains?
Hell, Elysio has been involved for the majority of the second half.
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>and prevented any interactions between the villains?
What did he mean by this?
They only interacted rarely, and they all went nowhere quickly.
I'd say maybe Garuouga's kind of meh, but I love the other three generals and the final boss.
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The henchmen > motw concept probably has roots in Kamen Rider.
Back in the original Kamen Rider you had the Shocker henchmen, which look like black lutadors, and you had the MotW kaijin.
In some Heisei shows like Kabuto and OOO, the strong MotW is nothing more than a stronger version of the henchmen, for example in Kabuto monsters are called "Worms", so the MotW is nothing more than a metamorphose of the so called worms, which serve a similar role to Shocker henchmen in the original Kamen Rider (but here Worms are still "wild monsters", not part of an evil organization per se).
Julio and Bibury had an 100% normal amount of interactions for bad guys, you don't need to contrive reality just to make the whole show fit your narrative, Kira did some things well, and this period with BiburyXJulio was one of them.
>you don't need to contrive reality just to make the whole show fit your narrative
Look who's talking right now.
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We know you have a hateboner for Kira but when Bibli got introduced the general interactions went back to the usual you would expect from Precure.
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No parfait for haters!
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Says the liar who never proved that Julio and Bibury had "an 100% normal amount of interactions".
Which shows how butthurt you really are.
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The closest to a perfect villain group ever
Out of the Kiras, Aoi is the one I most want to be inside.
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With this I go to sleep, please stop shitposting
Yeah no, I'm not going to open 8 different episodes and make a screenshot compilation, too much work for a dummy who isn't going to change his mind anyway.
>I'm not going to open 8 different episodes and make a screenshot compilation
Because you don't even have any.
There were too many of them so some of them ended up not getting screentime to be meaningful, like the dude with the stick who had like 5 minutes of screentime total and they wasted fucking Miki Shinichiro on him.
>The closest to a perfect villain group ever
Fresh, HC, Suite, and Smile did have great generals.
>someone criticize a show
>rolafag says otherwise without proving, and then gets defensive and starts shitting on the critic
Impressive how he doesn't notice how old this schtick really has gotten.
He's a jobber but he's a jobber in a hilarious and probably kind of intentional way, when I rewatched Hugtto with my friend earlier this year he was our Yamcha.
rolafag has watched like 4 shows and Kira isn't one of them, he would defend something like TR not Kira
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>poisoning the well by calling everyone rolafag
Nobody's falling for your gaslighting.
You sound very defensive right now.
Yeah Fresh is another good one
>someone criticize a show
Except the one hating on Kira is the ai idiot. He hasn't even seen it. I don't really think he's seen any Precure but that's another thing entirely.
More people need to watch Fresh
>muh ai
>muh only one person
>muh fake fan
Keep seething, you retarded baby.
And plotwise he's pretty important since he's one of the hamster people and tried corrupting Henri but he was so overshadowed by everyone else it's easy to forget him.
Bisine was somehow both a wasted character and the most annoying character at the same time.
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On my rewatch I actually think they handled Bisine well enough throughout the show, they just didn't stick the landing, they should've converted him sooner in a focus episode rather than saving the event for the final episodes, they had to rush the momentum.
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Well, let's just end this messy KiraKira discourse in a happy note,
Just to add: Maybe the reason they didn't do this is because they wanted George to still have some forces with him, so it didn't look like Criasu was too anemic.
****on a happy note, okay?
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Sorry, i forgot to mention >>273455334.
Fresh is pretty popular here.
Nobody ever talks about it though, so how can I belive you.
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People talk about it enough when it comes up.
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>Nico-sama firing the RPG-7
There can be no peace with Gaoh-sama.
Oh, it's a crossover.
And why are these here?
Oh boy, you've got a lot of good episodes coming up
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The Mahos wanted to have fun. Is that a problem?
They appear in the WP movie, they will appear in the next season of Maho, a bit of promo is reasonable.
What did you think about Whitesnake and his handler?
My favorite thing about KiraKira was having a dream where I went to kirapati and Akira promised me exclusive sweets if I followed her only to get molested by her in a different room which gave me a new fetish after waking up
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Not canon and OOC. Only a bitch like Yukari would do something like that.
Some nights I close my eyes wishing my next dream is a similar one but with her this time, yeah
I want yukari to rip a big fucking stinky on me
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>Women sexually attracted to men are bitches
It was already obvious you were a faggot, you didn't need to confirm it
I don't blame you, that sexual harasser barely respects personal space so it's no surprise that your impression of her made your brain have that dream
Interesting, mind if I borrow that dream for tonight?
were you a shota at least
Anon said Akira, not Yukari.
I know, that's why I said sexual harasser
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If it were that easy I'd load that dream into my brain every night

I don't know, if that's hotter for you then sure

Now that you mention it, her kabedoning or randomly touching other cures in all stars movies is probably the thing that started this
i'll sexually harass akira instead, they can't stop me I'm a shota
I don't recall her ever harassing anyone.
That Unno Hotaru doujin of Akira helping people by being the town bicycle is hotter than it has any right to be.
i'm convinced pc is just women and trannies posting now
Nobody has talked about Satoru or Daifuku in a bit though?
You don't have to be either of those to lust for Akira
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I think we have unironically had more Laura and Minori threads during WP than we did during DP and HS combined.
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>faggot comes back to be annoying

no surprise
We long for better days.
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When people would rather talk about a previous season, that's a stark indicator about the current season.
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Last dying gasps of a shitposter?
No it's not you faggot retard.
There's some truth to this, in some years the balance becomes like [60% current season] and [40% older seasons], this year it's like [60% older seasons] and [40% current season]
No, that's normal. Even Hugtto and ST discussion died down after an episode aired.
Precure is one of the least hype weekly shows I don't know why you're expecting people to talk about it every day of the week outside of special episodes. It's just not how it is
Were Erikafags this insufferable back in the day too?
Watch more Precure.
Erika is loved so I'm not sure if people really cared. Mana might be a better example.
I said Erikafags, not Erika, anon
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>Hugtto ep42 (one day after airing)
Cure Infini episode... I don't need to check that one to remember, but it was insane lmao

>ST ep42 (one day after airing)
Funny that it has a Maho OP with OP pretending it's 2016, people are also craving for leaks here as usual.
Found a little gem in this thread [pic related], people's first reaction to Heartcatch in 2009, they were already doomposting back then lmao
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You're using extreme examples, you know.
Especially Minori. Why did we spend 3 whole days celebrating Minori's birthday?
hugtto was special because it was such a amazing season with tons of plot points and theories and stuff to discuss
usually precure is just sol episodes and that's fine i guess
The last hype thing for this general was the daruizen moment or maybe Otona
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Because she's worth it.
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>Cure Infini episode...
Kind of wish I was there for that. Must have been amazing.
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You think it's funny to troll her fans and everyone else here.
People forget that not every season is like TR. TR basically dominated and was discussed at least 80% of the time it was airing, it was honestly ridiculous. It still has the most threads out of any season on /a/.
>People forget that not every season is like TR.
Kill yourself
Ok, stop now.
I miss this mermaid so much. They better hurry up with Otona Tropical Rouge!
Nobody's falling for it.
Around this point both Hugtto and Star Twinkle were having a lot of dramatic and emotional episodes, not really extreme but more like just the norm around that era.
he's just like me...
>People forget that not every season is like TR.
every post was about other precure shows + laura troll?
every single week people called it rightfully mediocre while the lauraspammer was getting mad
Each season has had at least one big moment here. Wonderful has had a few already.
>every single week people called it rightfully mediocre
Stop trying to rewrite history. There was virtually no negativity at all until episode 33 happened. After that, it was negative for a few weeks but it bounced back until near the end. Then DP started and well...we all know what happened with DP...
Mostly just the Sango and Asuka episodes because those were boring and badly written.
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God TR was so fucking good. When are we going to get something that good again?
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>we all know what happened with DP
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>Spams TR shit every week
>Hehe, they'd rather talk about about this instead of the current season, says a lot about WP huh? Also see how people still talk about TR, it shows how good that season was too
>M-Me? It's multiple people, I'm not even the spammer, that's stupid
When TR gets another season.
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>we all know what happened with DP...
Yes pwincess.
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>all those pics now lost forever
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Sex with Milk (the young one specifically)
File deleted.
Continuity error! Fire John Toei!
my phone did this other day cause it rained and water got inside
um what
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Picture fucked up!
>The same response Minorityfag uses everytime
checks out
what do you mean?
They clearly had their eye on that house for a while.
HS is terrible actually.
nobody even mentioned minori though
You will never be anonymous.
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Minori is cute!
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>I say minority
>Anon instantly thinks of Minori
checks out too
Mayu's family has a photo of them posing in front of their Animal Town home when Mayu was still loli.
The minorifag is immunized against all dangers: One may call him a faggot, retard, idiot, schizo, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him the minorifag and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I’ve been found out".
You say "midori" and I still think of "Minori". Anything that starts with "mi" looks similar with the exception of Mii.
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It's just a very similar looking house with the exact same pedestal in front of the porch.
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what the fuck....

Mayu got hit with the TR mindwiper didn't she.....
>not every season is as bad as TR
well, that's one way to put it
File deleted.
>tr vs dp
I haven't watched enough WP to know why this is important. Someone explain.
>people being contrian
>for Heartcatch
It's not "important" but that family had only moved into that house at the start of this schoolyear when Mayu is older than she is in that photo.
Well considering the picture below that one in >>273458950 has some resizing issues and they never corrected it for the episode, it's safe to say not much thinking was going on. They probably don't care if it's a continuity error.
what resizing issues?
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See this picture? Look at the lines around Mayu and Yuki. They're all dotted and jagged looking instead of smooth like the lines in all the other pictures.
I mean there is the possibility that they visited the house when it was owned by somebody else and then decided to buy it when they wanted to move to Animal Town, and they just never mentioned it before.
They should hire Mai
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how long is this schizo going to talk to himself?
Also Yuki looks like the fucking CGI movie travesty
Until you kiss me, so get to it
I remember when me and my parents would visit a friend's house and had fun there before buying it and living on it for like a decade.
But still, it's kinda random to take a family photo on front of someone's else house and hang it, you either do it while on vacation on some exotic spot, or on front of your own house.
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Somebody post it
You really don't need to theorize an excuse for a silly error. No one actually cares
i don't get it
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Until he passes out from sniffing his own farts I guess...
it's a bit artifacted....but your original picture is also a jpeg so I don't know if I should call you a schizo or not
Top pic here is what "good resizing" looks like, and the bottom pic is what "bad resizing" looks like. It usually happens when you're getting sloppy when you resize stuff, or you resize something more than once.
oh i see, thanks
Oooh okay cool. You know your stuff anon.
I have no idea how you even made the bottom pic. Everything looks like the top one when I resize.
But if it was a really memorable trip and a nice house and whoever owned that house was a really nice guy/guyette and they decided to take a picture in front of it. The only weird thing about it is that they never mentioned that they visited the town before when Mayu was younger.
And of course, it could just be coincidentally the same looking house in a different town. Maybe they'll mention it in some extra material.
Same house on different cities?
If I had to take a guess, that original picture was supposed to be a different size. Then they had to modify the size because they changed something in the picture, but instead of using the original picture, they used the already-resized picture, and that caused the picture to look jagged. A staff member who was paying attention would have noticed this instantly even on a small tablet, but since the staff member didn't, it means they were either lazy or being overworked so much they were too tired to notice it.
Did Precure become training grounds to train newcomer staff? I don't think they would let something like this slip in an old show.
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> I don't think they would let something like this slip in an old show.
I want to do that but with Chocola's butt blasts
Now post a clip of it moving
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>I don't think they would let something like this slip in an old show.
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>"What is wrong with this child....?"
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because of the art style fresh is just pure SOVL
That means it looks bad, right?
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there's a difference between QUALITY and straight up getting continuity and lore wrong
the first is a charming flaw, the second feels like the absence of human input, so basically AI
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It has that certain je ne sais quoi quality to it.
I love their friendship.
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yes but in a endearing way of bad , very charming
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Probably just an intern having an off-day, like the HG movie hotel room in DP
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I know we joke about QUALITY, but WP's level of it is reaching Fresh tier at this point.
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a lot of of don't know what you are talking about
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Yeah there hasn't been a season since Hacha that has come even close to the QUALITY levels some of its episodes had, not to even mention Fresh. Modern Precure might have most of its sakuga reserved for climax episodes but even on average it looks better than your low budget seasonal isekai slop (not a high bar but still)
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damn, that brings me back to when I watched flash animations made by passionate college dudes that never slept
fresh is proof that good writing can carry you hard
How does somebody get to the bar, would I have to climb over to get there or is the drink shelf a secret door or is there an escape hatch that leads to a tunnel network of the bartender guild that I can't see?
Is that a bar joke
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That is expected for her.
That and sex
there's an opening toward the far wall
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Which classmate should he be shipped with?
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Ah, there it is.
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Komugi is a perfect match.
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Love hurts anon
I agree. There were probably a few too many generals, but it's surprising how it's still my personal favorite villain group despite that.
Fresh for sure. I think HC and Suite's are fun enough but not quite the best groups whereas Smile is carried by Joker.
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smelly sex
>Smile is carried by Joker.
Sorry but:
Akaoni and Wolfrun playing along with the cures in the mecha episode >>>>> Anything Joker did
I haven't showered in months. You think Zakuro would be into that?
that depends on how much meat you can offer her
This isn't bad animation. This is early technology.
Weird how 50% of the budget's episode went into this girl's facial animations and her birb going from left to right to left to right and biting her ear.
Cure most likely to get teen pregnant
Majorina's magic led to a bunch of fun episodes too.
loli is important
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What's the chance the puppy is the real villain?
Yui after her hormones kick in and all that hungry turns into horny
Nah, it's obviously the teapot
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I guess Komugi still isn't one for hot drinks.
What if the teapot belongs to the puppy?
>goes from zero to hundred expression-wise when transformed
still feeling that writer change
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How about a big stinky
We are getting the logo leak this weekend right? It’ll be the 30th for us and December 1st in Japan. When is the Narikiri convention happening?
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Supposedly there's a good chance the reveal happens this week. No clue what else you're talking about though.
I'm so ready for Wonderfail Precrap to be over to be over
Next series will have a boy Cure who's dating the lead pink. Are you ready for the New Het Order?
Loli and birb are both cute and cute is important.
Be real with me. How many magical babies will there be?
Probably yeah. The logo trademark has been dropped sooner before.
Nah, the pendulum will swing back next season. We'll get TR or ST tier yuribait at the very least.
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Those seasons didn't have any.
>We'll get TR or ST tier yuribait at the very least.
The het will continue until the birth rate improves.
Hugtto didn't make a dent in the birthrate. I don't see Wonderful helping either.
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I don't think you know which way the pendulum swings.
Nozomi succeeded where Homare failed.
>zodiac circle
How schizo would it be to think the STs will appear
They don't have any connection to the Mahos.
modren precure can only be saved by Mahou 2, if that fails they'll have to do the idol season
Wonderful is doing just fine. Precure doesn't need saving.
I'd be fine with that as long as some kind of dynamic happens
This season's baiting is the worst of all worlds no matter if you liked it or not. It's like all that character development was completely undone
dumb yurifag
trademark doko
"Lily Scissoring Precure"
I'm pretty sure everyone in Wonderful is close.
It's pretty unlikely since the lore of those two seasons doesn't really mesh and because even though they have the same writer, the producers are different. Well, if they really wanted to, they could just bust open a hole between the two dimensions or whatever.
its too soon for bandai and toei to maximize shota profit because next season was already decided before bunny boy merch got released and outsold all wp cures.
so 2026 will be the shota season.
We've had three seasons in a row with significant amounts of heterosexuality (plus Otona) Maho 2 will be a last parting gift to the yurifags. Hetero Precure is here to stay.
Oh next season will still be hetero.
I only analyze if the next season will have shota or not.
Wait. Why is Akane yelling when its Nao yelling? Did they really flub this even in the BD?
The really never put up Akane's closed mouth animation when Nao is yelling, and didn't fix it.
nobody cares
Akane and Nao care.
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Yes, Akane certainly is
Nao makes my pp hot
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Brian is so lucky
Nao and Akane are the best Smiles.
Why do we love tomboys so much?
Tomboys in love are a miracle of the universe
The final arc of HS was, but not to the same level as that of KiraKira, also HS was inoffensive despite its problems.
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it will be funny that once WP ends shitposters and unironical contrarians will try to gaslight people criticizing it into thinking their problem was "het" and "no fights", yet, the two arcs carrying the season alone were the romance one, which almost everyone liked, and the only one with fights, the Yuki one, which had the most hype

I will truly miss the cast, but WP truly is one of the lamest season made, a few good episodes can't save what's an underdeveloped story, weak SoL and wasted potential. At parts, DP was more entertaining, KiraKira as well, and that didn't have fights, but at least there was action, the cure moved around
a precure and a baby fairy body-swapping
Komugi can take that spot, Ichika had a story at least. Personally I never hated her
>At parts, DP was more entertaining, KiraKira as well, and that didn't have fights, but at least there was action, the cure moved around
DP was quite boring as well, the fact that it only picked up in the last six episodes isn't something to be proud of.
KiraKira wasn't any better, yes, it had many character episodes, and yet none of them added anything new or interesting to the characters and the main plot, and yes, it had action scenes, but it was unrelated to the episode's conflict for the most part and not even that entertaining.
since every season since HG is doing something wrong spectacularly, what's next season going to screw up? Uninteresting characters? CGI? Delicious field 2.0.? Another fucking baby?
do you agree WP can be weak tho?
Doki and Suite mog every season since HG, like there's almost nothing any of those do better than them, maybe Nodoka and TR's wacky fun, but that's pretty much it
>muh Mana
I always thought that was a very weak reason to dislike the season with the most plot in it
Yes, I agree, but I still would've picked it up over Kira, because despite its issues, at least it didn't leave me feeling betrayed, and also it had a clear appeal and audience in mind, unlike Kira which never felt like it knew what it wants to be about exactly.
>incoherent whining
I actually like Suite but you're crazy. And Doki because of Mana makes perfect sense since she's such a big part of it.
>And Doki
*And not liking Doki
Yes I know, Doki defenders sure are annoying.
Suite is great because of based Mephisto
>Doki defenders
not a defender, just pointing out facts. Doki isn't a favourite of mine, but I enjoyed it. "Defending" current precure sloppy decisions and directions is definitely more annoying
yes she's a big part of it, but not the only part since there's a lot more going on, things actually happening. I get not liking a character like her, still think it's not that much of a good point against Doki, but I get it, but the season has a lot more to offer, theorize, wonder.
I like Suite a bunch, too bad it came out during the Tsunami and got a lot of its character canned.
what did the Tsunsmi hijack about Suite?
>shitposters and unironical contrarians will try to gaslight people criticizing it into thinking their problem was "het" and "no fights"
That is some preventive damage control bullshit.
The absolute baby-crying thorough the season about lack of fights and action is real and you continue doing the same at the end of your post:
>but at least there was action, the cure moved around
The Yuki introduction arc wasn't good because she hit the animals three times, it wasn't "most hype" because of that but because of her aloof and over protective personality.
The straight and honest opinion of "I don't like WP, I miss the punch and kicks" is more respectable than what you are doing.
>WP truly is one of the lamest season made
You didn't like it because of a lack of eye-popping action and that's fine, that doesn't make it a bad season.
>underdeveloped story
We didn't see the end of it yet, getting to a conclusion now is not very reasonable.
>weak SoL
We didn't watch the same show.
>wasted potential
What wasted potential?
whats wrong with babies
I can agree that WP knew exactly what it wanted to be unlike other shows before it, eventually surprising us with some great quality, but somehow, it still disappointed me because at parts it looked like the show was picking off for real and then fell very flat again. The first half episodes are more enjoyable than almost anything we're getting now that the team is complete. It was fine when they were taking it slow back then, but now it's just frustrating because turns out nothing important was being cooked and I can say WP did betray expectations as well since there were things that were being set up only to go nowhere.
>DP was quite boring as well, the fact that it only picked up in the last six episodes isn't something to be proud of.
absolutely, not a fan of DP, but its last cour had some good episodes with some emotion, like the grandma one or the Kokone one, it felt like we were getting close to the end
>KiraKira wasn't any better, yes, it had many character episodes, and yet none of them added anything new or interesting to the characters
that's not exactly true, expecially with Ichika and Yukari, but I can say the last bunch were definitely good send-off episodes with actual stakes, all of them, unlike WP's who's giving Mayu other episodes when her story could end with the cat influencer one since she got a huge ammount of focus, and Mayu is my 2nd fave
>and the main plot
I can agree on that, 100%
>it had action scenes, but it was unrelated to the episode's conflict for the most part and not even that entertaining.
same thing can be said for most of WP, but even worse. On top of that, excluding Akira, KiraKira's characters were a lot more colorful and fun than WP's, there was banter, wackiness, hijinks, conflict, it wasn't all about characters smiling to each other, but that more of a problem of the new seasons, not just Wonderful
Suite was going to be much darker/have more stakes between Seiren and the Cures.
Remember the whole boyfriend-stealing thing that was being built up between Kanade, Seiren, and Oji-san? Remember how all of the monsters were taking human victims up until some point a little after the beginning through the show? Precure starts airing in February, and the Tsunami struck in March. They set up all these plot points and then redid everything before the halfway point.
sounds oretty interesting, is there some interview I can read about it? Scrapped concepts?
I used to have images and links to interviews about it but I have nothing anymore, 2011 was 13 years ago.
I'll try to find them myself then, is there any place I could search this up better anon?
This was also the beginning of the softening of Precure, where they started to ease the age restrictions back and make the shows more cute and fluffy.
No one wanted edge during a time when 40,000 people died in one day, including hundreds of little girls who were Precure fans before they died.
desuarchive would be my best lead. Set the time to around 2011-2013 and search for Suite and you'll find some of the news articles/interviews, if the links still work.
we get that, a waste of a potentially epic season, but it was for s greater good at the time. Now...what happened after Star Twinkle?
>inb4 covid
They had TR to cheer up the mood, but after that? Smile came right after the Tsunami for the same purpose and it had no plot but it was a great season, very great, showing you can cheer kids up without distegarding some real life lessons, darkness and quality
>Now...what happened after Star Twinkle?
Didn't that series just completely crater ratings-wise? I think they made the decisions they made for TR in an attempt to course-correct because little girls didn't seem too interested in space
and still it sold much better than every season after it and it's a well beloved season among the japanese fandom. Kids will look back at it once they matured a bit and realize ST had something to teach them as well
>Didn't that series just completely crater ratings-wise?
Time for you to search for the numbers since you seem unsure.
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>that's not exactly true, expecially with Ichika and Yukari,
Can you tell me what are Ichika and Yukari supposed to learn? and how it all happened?

>I can say the last bunch were definitely good send-off episodes with actual stakes,
What sendoff and stakes? the conflict of episodes 41 only happened because of the villain and no one really learned anything at the end, and episodes 42 and 44 were just a typical Aoi and Akira episodes with nothing new to them.
The conflict of episode 43 literally just came and went, Himari's low self-esteem was sudden and it was solved by itself.
And the pacing was getting worse in the last five episodes.
>KiraKira's characters were a lot more colorful and fun than WP's
Colorful, yeah, but they all were one note and useless for 95% of the show,
> there was banter, wackiness, hijinks, conflict, it wasn't all about characters smiling to each other
What the fuck are you talking about?!
None of the characters in Kira have any chemistry together, and their interactions in Kira are completely lacking and limited. Hell, the character dynamics and interactions were one of the things that WP managed to nail miraculously.
I can prove that KiraKira is worse than any of the recent seasons, but that requires a very long post, and I don't think everyone would be interested in that.
Because i don't think many people here are willing to look at series of wall of text.
It would be a bit fun for me to make, but not fun to read for others.
No, I mean why proving that one season is worse than the others
Because there still are people who haven't paid attention to the serious flaws and problems KiraKira suffered from and the things that later seasons have done better while blindly saying that KiraKira is "better" than all of them.
Also I don't want people to see Kira as what the average season should be like.
Yes, we all know you are.
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You are shitting all over Kira since 12 hours now. Seek help!

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