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I have no recollection of these people
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tfw no indian childwife
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this damn tsundere...
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the nord must pay reparations
Surely you can recognize the old women who lied for Thorfinn, only for Thorfinn to turn around and invite raiders to terrorize her home?
You'd think he learned his lesson by now.
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>travel the earth looking for a cure
sounds like another timeskip
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I hope this innecessary character's presence becomes less important. She is an eyesore.
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heh, i see what you did there
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When did he murk that kid? Ofscreen shit the author added for extra sad?
and that's the last page, join us next time when thorfy tenderly makes love to the native warriors
I'm pogging fr
I said this but looks like a lady in middle panel
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>muh spirits
fuck off
Fucking Christ
I know that feeling... every morning I feel the same way..
Stumble bear=hot
That's because he's crazy!
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Such wisdom... i kneel.
Thorfinn pls
Guess we truly were a Vinland Saga
Holy shit, this is so stupid. This manga's given up any pretense of having anything insightful to say about pacifism and just went full into kids's movie feel-good territory
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>it's super effective
is this the most powerful ihavenoenemies?
I love the attention given to translators. Shit's hard when you're learning!
place your bets: will the time come when he is forced to use the daggers once again?
Alright. So what exactly is going to be the final message of this story? Thorfinn has some beautiful ideals but needs to learn to be realistic? Thorfinn actually succeeds and we get alternate history stuff? Either way sounds kind of dumb to be honest
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War is too depressing
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Someone will kill or gravely injure Thorfinn for real and Yukimura will use that to preach that it's completely okay to day, that will be the message.
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>The only one who hadn’t drawn a weapon, the chestnut-haired girl, let out a pained cry, but Walm had lost too much of his humanity to hesitate. The treatment room, along with the healing mage who peeked out to see what was happening, was engulfed in Demon Fire.
Did the vikings even have a big european disease payload
The spanish were bringing shit-smeared urban pukehole people to the new world after a population explosion in europe and mass centralization, they had fucking plagues upon plagues, but vikings didn't live in human hives like that
That dream sounds good yukimura san, but sadly we lived in a world where jews exist, thereforesoever such thing as peacefulness, world without war, country leaving each other alone, etc are not possible.
i thought vikings bathed regularly, so if anything they might have been more clean than other settlers.
i don't know how that actually translates to disease prevention, though
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Hild is cute.
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Talk no Jutsu'd
>mfw I can't just fucking die
>literally advocating for following what the jews have set up
I see your tricks long nose tribe
>do you see them levi
>all our fallen comrades
Kek Japan really thinks everything can be solved through apology.
I'm fucking dying, you know he was just high as a kite and refuses to accept he fucked up.

yeah, other Nords are not getting on this shit and will simply go home
>Japan really thinks everything can be solved through apology.
If Japan really thought that, they would have apologized for all the shit they did to Korea and for having allied themselves with Hitler.
this might be the sole time his words actually got through to someone, Canute laughed at him and everyone else always thinks he's being naive and need further convincing like Hild
Thorfinn is a delusional retard that doesn't understand the human condition.
>our story will inspire future generation to finally achieve real peace
bro what about the nukes the spirits showed you???
but you even witnessed how the nords badly influenced your people and turned them into bums first hand. I feel like he changed his mind way too drastically and easily desu.
>for having allied themselves with Hitler.
Agreed Japan should apologize for fucking up Hitler's plan.
>I feel like he changed his mind way too drastically and easily desu
Editor-sama told Yukimura to hurry the fuck up or else.
>jp government officials wipe tears from eyes with handkerchief
>everyone in the room is looking down and humbled by his words
>gets frontline drafted
problem solved
The redditors would clap like seals for this shit then unironically go on to obsess over the Ukraine war.
Checked and truth
PFFFFT. God I cannot wait for Total Reddit mass hangings.
literally me frfr
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>I can still totally talk this out
57 days left
His message is that it's okay to be a savage neanderthal and that we should try to be friends with them.
if russia attacks me i will simply run away
>gets drafted
MY HERO is so fucking dreamy sisters
>Ending next month
I'm not ready bros, it's been part of my life for so damn long.
You should be happy when cancer leaves your body, anon.
Seems like he's following the version of the story where Thorfinn goes to Greenland, the monument to peace mentioned here>>273452245 is probably going to be one of his statues, or maybe the village they build in Greenland, so no alternate history I guess, Thorfinn 90% isn't going back to the Lnu like he's saying.
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Based. You should always strive for peace with your fellow man no matter the cost.
thorfinn will go to jupiter soon
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Someone make this a meme.
>People expecting the author to have his purity sue even doubt or test his ideals.

Is there a mangaka who's genuinely enraging as Yukimura?
In honesty. It's no wonder Koreans are always seething about Japan.
stop reading this shit and read Centuria or the Bugle Call instead
the native girl was hot
This isn't realistic at all conflict is needed for growth.
Thorkell ...
Cute, I don't know her but I want her
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I feel like this mindset is very common among Jap writers and isn't even unique to Yukimura.
Are we just bloodthirsty psychos in the West or have we just buckbroken the Japs too hard?
I don't really remember anyone as retarded as Yukimura, but the fact that they have been forbidden to have actual military force (and thus be proud of it, one way or another) might have affected the people out there.
A mixture of both really. Personally I can respect Thorfinn's dedication to non-violence. But I can also see why anons here would find it annoying.
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the latter
Author hasn't let anything truly unfortunate happened to Thorfinn's closest friends and family, so he won't face the consequences of his actions. The closest we had, was when Thorginn almost killed Floki

>B-but they're at war now because of his ideals
too late

As a side note, how bad would Thorfinn fare in battle after so many years of inactivity
>axed shounenslop manga
You guys are wrong about the Japanese because the Vinland Saga anime had zero attention and zero sales in Japan.
This is so fucking bad lmao. Im glad I dropped it when they went too hard on the Kool aid (around the spirits vision I reckon).
Why is making peace bad?
Violence is the answer to everything.
This is Japanese peace, and they're in a very privileged position of not having active conflicts or needing to worry about things like mass immigration or positional geopolitics fucking their shit up.
You might bring up NK and China, but they are very far down on the priority list of missile strikes and whatnot despite their distance and history with them.

So when Japan preaches about peace, and honestly, anything serious like global pol, economy, justice and social rights, the law, etc. I feel that very few people outside of Japan takes them seriously.
Philosophy is probably one of the few which can be stomached by non-Japanese readers and consumers of their content.
>Kek Japan really thinks everything can be solved through apology.
They obviously do if they never formally apologized for the war crimes they committed in China.
autists don't get enough testosterone and need to get it through reading japanese media
It helps, but the big factors in pre-modern disease spreading are:
1. Population Density
2. Trade Networks
3. Prevalence of Animal Domestication.
The last one is very important, because every single pre-modern epidemic disease with one exception is actually a livestock disease that mutated. Smallpox, Measles, and Anthrax come from Cows, Influenza comes from Pigs and Chickens, Cholera comes from fish farms, Rubella comes from Horses and Donkeys, Mumps from Pigs and Dogs, etc. The big exception of course is bubonic plague which comes from rats (transferred by fleas) but even that is still related to Humans living in large permanent agricultural settlements that attract the rats. The Americas had very few animals suitable for domestication and outside of MezoAmerica and the Andes very low population density. So when the Euros showed up they had all these diseases that had evolved in the Petri dish of Eurasia that the locals had not evolved immune systems to deal with. so the Vikings, what with their long history of living with animals and clustered together in permanent settlements, would have still been bringing some real nasty shit with them no matter how clean they were. The thing that probably saved the Americas from getting wiped out centuries early was that the Viking settlement in the New World was so isolated, out of the way, and lasted for so short a time, and of the local Indians already being very low density and far from the trade routes, that the diseases they brought probably killed the locals faster than they could spread it to the rest of the Americas. The Vikings obviously never went back to check, but they probably would have found the area around the colony completely depopulated had they ever returned.
Peace is temporary, but death to your enemies is forever.
>Yeah... Sorry
The sauce lives on in chief winklebottom.
Post Askeladd this has been garbage.
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>None of the friends or family are dying
>thorfinn is not confroting his ideals

im seriously fucking worried, this arc was supposed to kick the balls of thorfinn in the place where hurts
a part of me is hoping that this is all make sense at the end, but the journey as we're going through it feels like one gigantic and directionless slog
and these periods during the process are really hard to take in
>The Americas had very few animals suitable for domestication

That's partly because of humans arriving just as the ice age was ending. The double impact of human hunting and the changing climate is presumably what drove all the suitable animals to extinction.

>The thing that probably saved the Americas from getting wiped out centuries early was that the Viking settlement in the New World was so isolated, out of the way, and lasted for so short a time, and of the local Indians already being very low density and far from the trade routes, that the diseases they brought probably killed the locals faster than they could spread it to the rest of the Americas.

The diseases came anyway later, so I wonder if having them run their course earlier than later would've been for the better.

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