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How would you save it?
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let's play the traditional game of
>pin the tail on where saito took over
make the mc transfem and let blackrock money inflate it
It deserves its name.
>everyone thought saito would inflate kill blue's toc on account of being buddy buddy with fujimaki
>he sinks it instead
funnier than anything from the actual series.
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Mah wife...
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>it's so over
>we're so back
>it's so over
>we're so back
>it's so over
>we're so back
It's time for Shimabukuro to come back
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Issue #51
Kill Blue - 45,501
Ichi The Witch - 197,892
Kagurabachi - 302,500
Astro Royale - 50,395
Nue’s Exorcist - 38,404
Ultimate Exorcist Kiyoshi - 85,003
Shinobi Undercover - 86,876
Hima-Ten - 105,171
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Isn't that the one who solicited a kid for sex though
Wouldn't that make him the king of /a/?
Yes but that was during his first serialization back in the late 90s
Come to think of it, Jump are pretty big hypocrites to serialise Shimabukuro so frequently when they fucking murdered the Act-Age guy
Build King came out a few months after Act-Age got canned lol
New Kumagawa Misogi spin off, Bleach Hell Arc, and weekly Boruto.
Shimabukuro had plausible deniability since he was paying for a legal age prostitute
Watsuki went out on a bike and molested middle schoolers on 4K CCTV
If Ichi and Syd become successful which series will they kill?
>>ichi and syd
Lmao even
ichi has some potential, syd is doa
check nue's graph now
Kiyoshi and Himaten
Malik hunts are already all the same and play out similarly
There's a reason almost every monster hunting series stops being about the monsters, shit gets too repetitive
Axe this Nue garbage already.
Waiting for Kawaguchi.....
I understand thinking the series are shit but anyone who thinks Ichi and Syd won't bring in money and have long healthy lives are completely delusional and way too eager to fill out the U19 club.
Nue sucking on Tafukus fat meaty cock...
wwhats syd
panels like these make me miss Murakami...
But are they replacing UU and YF
Or will they kill Police and KB?
Wtf is wrong with the editorial department at wsj? Why do they allow such garbage to get publish in the magazine?
>>choujo, kb, astro, himaten, kiyoshi doing worse
>>somehow they need to cancel nue
I feel like Himaten is going to have protected status for awhile no matter how bad it does
Let me be clear, if that bitch doesn't sell above 20k next volume you can kiss her goodbye, sales increasing I the only way she survives
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W-Why is Gakuro making that face...?
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Despite everything, Undead Unluck won.
let it die.
>>had to speed run every final fight
Define "won"
Saito doesn't care, he gave it 1st rank despite selling less than mamayuyu and that was cancelled with no chance to grow
nue was pure kinography this week
There is obviously favoritism at play here, however how can justify that favoritism when the series can't break 20k despite all the shilling? Saito would have to be even more retarded than imagined if he keeps it around despite no increase
I'm not sure it's staff favoritism as much as it is business politics. Jump hasn't had a traditional romcom in ages and the magazine is carried entirely by women these days. They may keep Himaten shilled in the interest of maintaining a demographic of boys that aren't overlapping with other series.
Over the long run, probably both.

Basically everyone (except game dev club) gets a pass next round because of Yoza and UU ending. Next batch after that is a knife fight and I'm not sure Chojo and KB are positioned to survive it. Himaten is being pushed, Kiyoshi is also kinda being pushed, Ichi is doing well and Shinobi isn't flopping, meanwhile KB is in a death spiral, Astro fucking sucks, (but is probably safe for at least one year) and Chojo is sinking fast.
one entire volume of the old man, in his old man body, having sex with the rich girl.
More quasi gay shit.
As his ex-editor Saito knows Kill Blue is garbage and Fujimaki should be doing fujo sports instead.
Himaten just got top of the ToC, bro.
>Kiyoshi is also kinda being pushed
They need to market Kiyoshi with Kagurabachi more
They won't keep a roscommon selling below 20k just because they feel like they need one, only genre who gets a pass with low sales are gags
And? That doesn't work against what I'm saying, it's being shilled to see if it can increase sales for vol 2
Kiyoshi is finally giving into the fujoshit so I guess the Bachi crowd is really about to swarm into it. I really didn't think he had it in him with his total avoidance of it before.
Figures he'd only make the most evil demon lord a homo.
This. Fuck that Nue and Kill Blue collab.
I will save it.
I like hakutaku desu
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KINO Piece
MIDSHIT: Yozakura Family
Me and KINOco
SaKINOto Days
KINO Watch
Kill Blue
Nue's ExorSHIT
Super Psychic PoliceMID Chojo
Astro Royale
Ultimate Exorcist KINOshi
Ichi the WINNER
SHITnobi Undercover
Syd Craft: Love is a MIDstery

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>Nue is doing better than all these other series
>No it's not (has proof)
>I-It's just being shilled, that doesn't prove anything
You are laughably dumb
what's the deal with this autist spamming his cringe copypasta in every wsj thread?
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>nips deal with the exact same whining and crying from Nuefags
Why are you all like this?
Nta, you're an even bigger retard for using toc as proof of anything.
?? ToC is as objective as you get in what the magazine currently values. You can say one series is being shilled to the top, but that doesn't explain Nue shitting the bed at the bottom.
Neither does it explain a shitter like Himaten getting first over series that sell 3x Nue, ToC simply isn't objective
then explain why pppppp got axed
Nue lived longer than p6 with less sales and more time at the bottom, who the hell knows why they let it go
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>makes 1 kagurabachi reference
>most popular chapter in ages
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WINNERS will be WINNING next week
The -AKK trio will win next week
Amazon Pre Order

Digital / Physical

MHA 42 - #23 / #38
Kagurabachi 5 - #87 / #395
The Elusive Samurai 18 - #148 / NA
Blue Box 18 - #238 / NA
Nues Exorcist 7 - #985 / NA
Yozakura Family 27 - #1916 / NA
Astro Royale 3 - #6575 / NA
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Another day, another Nue win
I don't think it's broken 100 this early before? Maybe I'm mistaken
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Another paid week off, another Shindo win
Kiyoshi need to do 20k next volume, you can’t get the Oda shill and barely do better than the least selling gag series of the magazine
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Astro status?
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>Uruha fujo widows moving to Ichi and making fanart of the new guy already
>will then move to Iruma
Champion take over soon
I hope they announce a popularity poll with the cover next week
Ichi is saving the Shonen jump actually
>Sub 30k
>bottom 3
>MHA ended and didn't even make it to the top 5 most sold manga of 2024
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Kagurabachi's airport
January will be very interesting
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3 months until togashi back playing game
Ichi's Geto for his Gojo
Yeah, because early toc was defined not shilled with choujo and shit blue both of which are now in the bottom, truly the smartest himashit senpai
Explain the current state of both choujo and kill blue, why did they bomb this hard if they had good initial toc?
It needs to beat shit blue, there is no other way out of the axe street
Onsen hell doesn't seem so bad.
Shinobi is already better than kill blue pls do good in sales, we seriously need to kill kill blue
>Saito took over
>KGB went from D tier to C tier
WOWEE WAWA, such an improvement
Why don't they just make a weekly isekai slop and capitalise on the genre's popularity. Nips eat anything with isekai tags on them. It even helps that the isekai bar is so low and most ongoing series are released monthly rather than weekly.
Not the kind of schizo I wanted from WAkui's manga.
ichi is native isekai
>>native isekai
>Author is dying after a year
>11 chapter long
>Didn’t trend at all
What killed the kgb hype?
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>Didn’t trend at all
Holy retard
Oda making him get the cover and Uruha AgK tier forced death
But anon, the sauna is broken, they use the wrong kind of shampoo and they're out of your favorite milk
this is the manga that's supposed to be heir-apparent to all the shonen stuff ending, right? i'm still waiting for it to blow up like demon slayer and JJK where is it???
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>ruthlessly evil villian draws the line at littering
They only skipped the intermediate fights before the true final bosses, also know as the Toriko method
Weekly Shonen Jump February 2025 Volumes

· Mission: Yozakura Family 28
· Undead Unluck 25
· The Elusive Samurai 19
· Akane Banashi 15
· Nue's Exorcist 8
· Super Psychic Policeman Chojo 4
· Ultimate Exorcist Kiyoshi 2
Now THAT'S a dead month.
>most of the roster of the month will be sub 30k
>barely profitable
>tax write off
>sub 30k
>should die
>should die
I wonder why did they delay Kiyoshi until February while Himaten 2 is January. Is it another volume with more chapters than average?
>not even top 10
Holy fall off
They saw the shit sales and decided to make a final showdown between him and Policeman Chojo
I was pretty disappointed at the start when he didn't actually kill that guy, don't tease lethality if you aren't going to deliver, so next few chapters of sakamoto days have a lot riding on them for me
I don’t get it.
When your highest selling series for the month can't even sell 100k...
Whatll be the total circulation with Kagurabachi volume 5? I'm guessing 1.5mil
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what's the ecchi/romcom series du jour? last time I seriously followed wsj they still ran bokuben
Three days to go, guessing 1.4
Himaten and Sydcraft which is by bokuben mangaka
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these girls dont look cute enough....
its probably getting axed desu
> i'm still waiting for it to blow up like demon slayer
Demon slayer was a miracle. Still you might want to compare respective first month sales of first four volumes of KnY and KGB. Do it.
Blue Box which has an anime right now
Lighthearted gag battle and you want it gone
Jump doesn't deserve good manga
Definitely 1.4 - 1.5, 1.3 is too little since it'd include another set of reprints and 1.6 is probably too much
1.5 would probably look the best + would avoid the monthly reprints... probably
>UU volume in january and february
It's over..
why the 11 page filler kagurabachi chapter this week? is there some news i missed?
Yep yep.
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who? kiyoshi?
last two chapters had 0 comedy, shinobigoto has more comedy AND has sakadays tier action
Likely reason is Oda's sudden health issue forced them to move Kagurabachi's LCP up which fucked Takeru up and that's all he could put out
>compare respective first month sales of first four volumes
What's the point of this? Kaiju 8's first four volumes kicks both KnY and KGB's ass and nothing came out of it.
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>The series focuses on Taiki Inomata, a student at Eimei Junior and Senior High, an athletics-oriented school, where he is a member of the boys' badminton team and is considered simply average. Every morning, he trains to get better early in the gym, often at the same time and place as his upperclasswoman Chinatsu Kano, the star of the girls' basketball team. Taiki quickly develops a crush on her, but is initially too shy to speak to her despite their continual alone time together. His fortunes change, however, when Chinatsu moves in with Taiki's family after her parents leave Japan to work abroad.
yuck, girl randomly moving in? is it 1998 already?
Oda fell ill and couldnt do the #1 issue cover so they gave it to Takeru who was already struggling
It probably will last at least a year, it got top 1 toc
Anon is waiting for KGB to blow up like demon slayer. I am pointing out the fact demon slayer absolutely did not blow up at the similar point as KGB is now.
>15k on top 1
Ichi should hurry up and do 50k fm on vol 1 already
damn hope oda gets well, but shifting that to an already overworked takeru is fucked up. get its their biggest new name and series in years but bombarding him with covers and color pages will just squander all that potential
Your mom is a native isekai
Yeah, there's been some JP discussion that's mad at Oda since there's no way kagurabachi would get the #1 cover normally
>"it's fine to need a break, but a veteran forcing so much work on a newbie is unforgivable"
It’s most likely because it’s the only pure romance in the magazine, so it get some kind of protection, just like gag series
It's simultaneously a good opportunity for him, there was no way he'd turn down this thing that "never happens" after all. Sucks but he's young and I'm sure he was all for it
No, those are expected to sell in jump.
Why does Kgbfag only rely on headcanon ?
Not anymore it seem
The #1 cover has either been a big pillar of jump (OP, Haikyu, MHA) or a debut serialization for over a decade
Tell that to BB, which sold 100k on vol 2.
yes, romance gets some (small) protection just like gag manga or manga aimed at very young children because there is an assumption that they move magazines, maybe more so than more popular series, by virtue of supplying a more unique demand for a more specific demographic
Sport romance so different I guess
Sure, it wasn't Oda getting sick, Takeru and KGB just very popular so they gave him #1 cover since KGB is #1 manga. Thanks anon.
Last ten years didn’t got a single romance outside BB doing 100k, not even 30k in jump
Because now this genre became pretty much nonexistent in jump, they need have at least a few in the magazine
to pander at boys, in a way it’s almost like how gags are treated.

This or Saito just love his romcom so much he give 15k slop top1
*i forgot bokuben along BB
It’s just me or Syd craft is…Mid?
Like I don’t expect this to blow up and do good sales
>Like I don’t expect this to blow up and do good sales
What kind of a romcom does that?
Ultimate Exorcist Kiyoshi keeps growing while Shinobigoto keeps free falling

I didn't like this week's Kiyoshi chapter, not because of the in your face fujobait but because I didn't like that the mangaka gets influenced to write fanservice just to "appeal" to the masses so easily, just create your own stuff, in this week's chapter the fact that Kiyoshi is not a passion project shined the most and that affected my perspective on the chapter, still the dialogue and narrative are always peak, I just don't like a mangaka that writes fanservice

Ichi the Witch was great as always, the manga that will make Weekly Shonen Jump go bankrupt by making Mairimashita Iruma-kun famous among normies

Shinobigoto and Himaten were trash as always, generic shit that has zero creativity in it, and Ichi and Kiyoshi are generic yet still got that aura of creativity in them
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Why are moles so hot, anonbros?
Someone is salty about Shinobi while kiyoshi is in the mudd
I tried reading Kaihen Wizards and although I find the world building super interesting I ended up falling sleep before finishing the first chapter

when is Sunday going to stop releasing only slice of life shit?
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>This thread
Armchair editors are an odd bunch
This extra chapter was retarded and detrimental to Sojo character
Generally serious cold blooded murderers -human traffickers- armdealers trying to uncover the secrets of the alien stone by experimenting on the kids Sojo was in the main story don't have time nor fancy cutesy behavior like the one shown in this extra.
I get it was made 'for SoL fans' but it also fucked over the established character portrayal. Could have just make the SoL about him selling weapon or torturing kids instead.
even if the first volume of shinobigoto sells better than kiyoshi the free falling effect will continue, writing manga is not a sprint, it is a marathon, is about who gains more interest and more readers with each month and Shinobigoto is clearly not that manga
>gaijin are already making youtube essays about Rappa Yankee Ninpuuchou
>only 7 chapters
uhhhh... jump bros... nobody cares about our manga with ninjas
There is like zero hype for Kiyoshi it’s literally treated as an axebait lower than Shinobi, so dunno how you get that
>One Piece barely gets 2 chapters the past 2 months
>magazine instantly starts dying
How I would save it? Release more One Piece chapters
You can send my check in the mail
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i didnt know gakuro can make other face now
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Question about these WSJ polls: aren't volume sales way more important? Shouldn't one reflect the other? Meaning, if they are popular in the polls, shouldn't they have high sales numbers?
who would win in a death battle between Fujimoto vs ONE? I recon ONE wins and it won't even be close
Nue was KINO this week
its not an 1:1 because editors change the ranking either due to the content (gore or too fanservice) or if a mangaka submitted the work late and put them at the bottom
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Madan no Ichi
It got top 1 because of the pin-up puta, if the author makes her the main girl then it will live, if the author keeps the boring class rep and neglect puta then it will get axed
old and dusted, fujos won >>273464599
Does Nue suffer from "female opponents aren't treated seriously" thing? I'm not reading it but every time I see someone posting serious battle it's against a guy.
most japanese authors cant write women to begin with
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I need an evil girl in Himaten
>Shouldn't one reflect the other?
Not really, Bleach was at the rock bottom of the ToC for its last year while still selling 400k per volume.
is jump's savior
No? Lots of competent females in a battle harem.
Could it be that they like (and buy) more than one of the titles, but can only vote for one? Like if someone liked and bought Bleach and One Piece but when it came to voting he/she voted for One Piece.
People who say hero organization suck after the father died.are fucking liars. The son is just as well written. Ive been enjoying the manga right now.
how can the inferior work of Nishi save anything? the moment Ichi the Witch gets popular is the moment Iruma will take over when they look for more from Nishi
That's more a general flaw of the system. If your series is everyone's 4th favorite, you get no votes, despite being one of the most popular series
you can vote for 3 series
Semiu from Gachiakuta is waaaaaaay better since she is an actual black woman and not some fantasy being with dark skin
Jumpfags are not "moving" to another magazine, Jump fanbase is loyal to Jump and despise other magazines, for them Ichi will be the superior product and they will skip Iruma.
That's why saito added the
>three series you had the most fun with this week
This is the dumbest new shitpost in these threads. Why the fuck would Ichi send people to Iruma and not the other way around
maybe OPfags
That was always there he added a general "what is your 3 favorite series in jump" secondary poll
because Iruma is the superior work and the true passion project of Nishi
Ichi is bound to do better than Iruma eventually simply because of how much bigger Jump is compared to magazine

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