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>Introverted girl is a huge fan of the MC
>MC only thinks about herself
>Introverted girl tries hard to help the MC achieve her dream
>MC doesn't support introverted girl when she wants to achieve her own dream
>Introverted girl is brutally murdered
>MC gets rich and popular
>Movie: hey here are some cute montages please empathize with the MC
>Viewers: woah! so touching and inspiring!

Fujimoto cultists are low iq and will consume whatever slop he pushes out.
So this is the power of autism...
Here's an example > >>273464096
>>MC only thinks about herself
this isnt true. she split the winnings with the other girl and paid for their entire city outing. even in the beginning, the mere fact that she swallowed her pride to give up a place in the paper and work on manga with her rival shows she wasnt only thinking of herself. you empathize with her here because everyone has had their pride broken but you see she works past it make a new friend
>>MC doesn't support introverted girl when she wants to achieve her own dream
it's more because she really wanted them to keep working together but was too proud or narcissistic to say that in the moment. you empathize with her in this scene because we've all been too autistic to express ourselves at times that impacted our relationships.
>>MC gets rich and popular
this is a non-issue since the other girl was just as rich and popular for a while before willingly giving it up to follow her own dreams.
>>Movie: hey here are some cute montages please empathize with the MC
you empathize with her because even before the tragedy you see her missing her friend (in her own narcissistic way). she isnt satisfied with her background artists because it isnt the same anymore, and the montages of her putting out shark kick or whatever imply she isnt having fun with it anymore, just going through the motions.
you empathize with her at the end because she realizes how much of an impact they BOTH had on each other's lives. it's not one-sided at all. she tries to make it about herself one last time at the end when she says it's all her fault, but then realizes how much they both grew because of each other, and it's implied that the friend wouldnt have changed a thing.
yes it's touching, get over it.
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if this board actually hates this movie, you wouldn't have to be the only one to create these bait threads
Why the obsessive hate boner for this movie? Don't you get tired of repeating this thread over and over?
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Look Back is the only Fujimoto I've read or watched
Not my fault you have autism and can't understand basic metaphors
Indeed it is
>the weekly autistic fuji thread
Just like csm this was over hyped
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>doesnt go to school
>reads the school newsletter
can you explain the image? what's that thing around his back?
>whoa complex messages about human nature
>this is LE BAD... because... I only watch isekai harems!
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post yfw when look back gets the oscar for best animated feature
That's a fake Gucci backpack held together with a few threads and a prayer. The idea is he's clinging way too hard to something that isn't all that important because he perceives it as a status symbol.

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