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Occasional yuri between Majima's wives doesn't hurt anybody.
Small if true
not canon
>official publisher
>yen press
Yen Press is just the overseas publisher, they didn't write it, they didn't produce it, they are the people exporting it oversees for the original creators. Not the same thing as the actual people who made it publishing it at Yuri. Kill yourself.
I don't consider anything yuri until a girl says "I have sexual interest in other women".
Majimagods... it's over
>according to the troonies who work at a western publisher who already aggressively pushes fag stuff
It has a yuri tag on Bookwalker, which is the official e-book store of Kadokawa and the tags are not user generated. So it matches the Japanese tagging as well.
Nothing outside America matters for entertainment media
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And Kadokawa is the publisher of the manga.
what if instead of saying, she demonstrates
>the official e-book store of Kadokawa
That's acceptable too
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>BOOKWALKER is KADOKAWA 's official eBook store & app for Manga/Light Novel fans. - Bookwalker website
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Well, the novels make the attraction a little clearer.
I, Anonymous of 4chan, officially don't care about any of this in the slightest.
All anime lesbians should be raped by a penis
Yeah, a girl penis.
Now if only they actually delivered..
Someone check on Majimafag lmao
>yurikeks grasping at a misleading tag
this is just sad
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It's a difficult problem. If yurifags continue to loudly support the series, maybe the series will go gay, but maybe the creators will think that the current level of closeness is enough. On the other hand, if yurifags demand that the series deliver yuri or they won't support it, they could cave, or will think that they can be successful without yurifag support.
You won't know if the tag is misleading or not until the series is completely over. Not everything is yuri from the start, after all.
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The manga is not canon
>yen press
>bookwalker which tags everything wrong because it's just employers doing
This trash will never be yuri
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>stream screenshot
This makes me laugh because of the amount of times ive seen yurishits use “yen press” as a defense
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>bookwalker which tags everything wrong because it's just employers doing
If you look at the yuri tag for bookwalker, of the last 14 titles published under it, only one of them wouldn't count as hard yuri.

Which other series has yen press incorrectly tagged as yuri?
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majima lost
Who cares? Why the fuck are you taking the naysayers seriously? That's all they want.
His virginity to Chisato
I thought it was always yuri which is why I avoided watching it?
It's just a shitty bait. The only romance in the show is between two old men.
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>Lyrical Recoil
>yen press bullshit
>these replies
God damn, what a shitty thread. Created by someone who doesn't even know the series for the sole purpose of flamebait.
It's pretty easy to see them leaning into the yuri stuff after taking in all the feedback from season 1.
Have Majimatrannies really not recognized it's yuri until it is shown explicitly? What level of autism could achieve that?
I even feel sorry for Majima with whom Majimatrannies get obsessed
>s/u/bhuman calling someone else trannies
Most yurifags here aren't trannies.
>it’s yuri because… an american publisher made a mistake
Do yuriroaches even enjoy shown gay romance or are they just interested in online victory laps?
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>An english licensor dictating the status of an unproven and ongoing original series
It is AMBIGUOUS at best. Stop stirring this pot and making such a fuss about this frivolous debate. I'm tired of yurifags and (yes, they do this too) Majimafags throwing shit. Let me masturbate to Chisato in peace, fucking retards.
It’s not just the west. See >>273465315
Is amazing how they overlook actual dykes in favor of the popular yuribait couple.
I think beating around the bush is a common japanese author tactic to keep milking the cow over a long period. I don't really think it's a matter of unwillingness for cultural reasons. It's japanese after all. People already expect "deviancy" of some degree
Ok, but will put that as a marketing choice rather than it objectively reflecting the series. It doesn't make this defensive stance anymore tiring and embarassing.
What’s with the idea that you can’t support both full yuri works and yuri friendly ones? That account has advertised both.
This just goes to show that "yuri" doesn't mean anything
It means two girls who are closer to each other than anyone else and aren’t romantically interested in any guys.
Apparently BL is yuri as well.
And NL.
And TS
Let's not forget TL
It just means they want yuri-pigs to buy it, they don't have the power to alter reality with a label.
So it's asexual yuri also known as friendship?
It means nothing because I can think of several series with girls who are closer and have a more developed relationship than Lycoris yet they aren't tagged as yuri. Also this series wasn't initially tagged as such either, it only happened after it got popular, making the marketing ploy even more obvious
Those series could have yuri side couples but no tagging system is going to be 100% perfect. A lot of people doubt if a work like Yuru Yuri is yuri even though it's in the title and published in a magazine called Yuri Hime for example.

But continued support of the series could eventually encourage the creators to give it a full yuri end it.
Wrong, tons of shows are yuri but this show is not yuri it's bait. This isn't nearly as blantant as Nanoha or Gundam Witch, nor does it have explicit love confessions like Higurash and Madoka
These are the same people who think Sam and Frodo's relationship is gay.
It's more than just friendship because they are closer to each other than they are to anyone else.

>girls who are closer and have a more developed relationship
But are the girls in that series romantically interested in men?
I don't even remember side characters in the zombie BL series.
Anima-san did have a chapter about homosexual birds but that should have been in volume 1.
The villainess series might be tagged as yuri because the reincarnated boy is trying to get onto the yuri route to survive.
>But are the girls in that series romantically interested in men?
The scene from >>273465414 looks pretty blatant. The fact that you call it yuribait already means you think it's beyond the realm of ordinary friendship between girls which doesn't get called yuribait.
What series are you talking about then?
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Ah yes, the super best friendship. It never fails to be less than that.
>These are the same people who think Sam and Frodo's relationship is gay.

Males having close and intimate friends is pretty gay. Best to go it alone.
My point is that we should judge a system based on how many series it gets accurate. 95+% of the works tagged as yuri would be considered yuri by almost everyone (they have kisses or confessions), so we'll have to see where it goes. I'm not even saying that the Lycoris is yuri or absolutely will go yuri, just that the marketting exists in Japan as well so it's anyone's guess as to how it will go. A lot of a people did say that the recent Gundam show would end without marriage, as a counter-example.
The Gundam series before that ended with the main girls married. Does that make it yuri?
Super best friendship + lack of heterosexuality is getting pretty close to yuri. The only people who want to see those girls being super close and not interested in guys are yurifags, to be honest. Most other otaku want to see those girls get boyfriends/husbands at some point.

No, because they were in a relationship with a guy beforehand and it was a continuation of that.
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>"Lyrical" Recoil officially Yuri according to English Trannylators
And pic related is officially straight.
>majimaxisters are in full cope mode

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