Who is your favorite animanga tomboy?Previous: >>273362761
>>273465598You. Will. Make. It. Bruh.
>>273465598>Sic Semper TyrannisTomboys will make you stronger.
>They await the strong
I wish tomboys existed in real life
>>273465697Some do not not enough.
>>273465737*not enough
How would you design the perfect tomboy?
>>273465796Depends:>Khan level of genetics>Doubke D>Big ass>Eight pack>Tall 7’2>Tanned>Thick thighs>Massive back>Confident warrior personality>Brave >Good cook>Primal energy>Indomitable Will >Family values>Blonde>Blue Eyes>Likes dogs and cats >Likes nature
>>273466022You just want an Aryan Warrior boyfriend with a pussy and tits
>>273466162You're a faggot.
>>273466876You want a 7 foot tall muscular go-getter with blue eyes and blonde hair.You have the same beauty standards as most Gen Z girls.
>>273465598Threadly reminder that if you like tomboys you are, for all intents and purposes, a homosexual.