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Why is she never discussed here? Much better than isekai number 1426373 of the season
>iphone filename
low effort retard. You don't deserve good threads. Kill yourself.
Bet you are an underage zoomie larping as an oldfag, you piece of shit…. Hana no Ko Run Run still mogs any and all isekai ever made. Neck yourself
This is a '70s anime and the only available English translation it has is from the French dub. Of course nobody discusses it.
She's getting a Chinese donghua sequel soon, though... haha...
The only zoomer here is the one using an iphone you absolute retard. Iphones encourage low iq zoomers like you to never participate and make OC because it's too hard. Kill yourself and end your worthless bloodline.
>Of course nobody discusses it
Yet they should as this is a classic and we are on /a/ … plus it has a large fanbase in Latin America, France and other countries
Whoa trying too hard to fit in Timmy? Thinking that picking up some contrarian mannerisms and a speech pattern you would never use face to face – you will shitstain your pants faster than your gfs cucks you- will make you belong somehow? Kek how cuuute. Shut the fuck imbecile child, all your bitching started because a girl’s anime of the 70s mogged the shit out of your self-insert isekai trash for deranged hikis like (You). End your life, maggot.
>cuck fantasies
Classic retarded zoomer. I have never watched an isekai but keep coping. I can already see your fat fingers typing on your iphone while you sweat in anger. imagine being such a failure of human being.
Unfortunately /a/ is 99% dekinai, and anything not easily/optimally accessible to the English audience isn't likely to get much discussion outside of the pre-2k threads.
P.S., if you speak Japanese, watch Maple Town.
Well that's why being 1 3rd worlder in an advantage in this case. I might be brown and poor but at least I have good subs for this.
>deflecting like a little cuck
>projecting his zoomie obesity
Trashing isekai really did a number on you huh zoomie faggot? You are the castrated generation, your women prefer us and your taste in anime is garbage. Fuck off from this thread already and crawl back to whatever isekaishit you came from, faker son of a whore. Your posturing is transparent as fuck, you are fooling no one here… seriously kill yourself
>n-no you
>fuming with rage while still typing on his shitty phone
Hilarious. Your meltdown is so fucking funny and all because I called out your worthless generation. You are a prime example of why abortions are sometimes necessary.
I’m the one who called your larping ass out, you absolute spastic retard. And it’s not an iPhone (which is not a zoomer thing either, you massive idiot) not even a phone, but what would a larping retard like you know… bottomline:
>n-no you x2
>doubles down on his retardation
Kek, now I am sure that you are not only a zoomer but also brown.
>cuck cuck cuck
It sounds like you got cucked by a zoomer or something and you are angry now.
is it one of those series like anne of green gables that people pretend to like because theyre old
>/pol/cel virgin zoomie outs himself
Consider yourself lucky I even addressed you once.
>zoomer cucking anyone
Yep. You yourself got cucked. It’s obvious from your posts. It’s ok, bro. You have to let her get away.
>he is the same guy that is seething in the Paprika thread
Fucking lmao. Angry spics are a treat.
He is in another thread and he admitted that he is a zoomer virgin spic. All this stuff about cuck shit is probably just a projection.
That’s extremely sad. He probably got cucked irl and he now has to use everything in his arsenal to cope somehow.
>just trust me bro! He's my boogeyman and I'm totally not a virgin!
I audibly laughed KEK
This is your brain on NTR. Holy shit kys.
>cuck cuck cuck
>y-you are obsessed with ntr
Lmao, Pablo got buckbroken.
>"It's ok to be a cuck"
>noooo I'm totally not into NTR!!!
You are retarded shithead... and a cuck. Have a last pity (You), Timmy. You aren't very smart, no wonder you women replaced you.
Yeah for you it’s okay to be a cuck since your whole race is filled with them. You are so retarded Pablo, it’s insane.
>1 last pity (you)
After you’ve finished fapping to bl*cked you will come back.

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