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Helltaker General #161

Getting Used To The New Digs edition
Welcome to /htg/, the Helltaker game general.
Post art, gameplay, tips, how much you want to [cuddle] a demon, autistic fanfic, whatever is related to the game.

>Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1289310/Helltaker/
>itch.io: https://vanripper.itch.io/helltaker

>"What is Helltaker?"
Helltaker is short, free to play puzzle game in which you control a man who journeys into the depths to Hell to make a dream of creating a harem of sharp dressed demon girls a reality.

>"Why /htg/ and not something shorter?"
Because "/hg/" is used by Halo General.

>"Why a general for an hour-long game?"
Apart from typical waifu autism, Vanripper, Helltaker's creator, had considered making the game open source, meaning fan-made content and expansions.
Fan projects are also on the table, such as spin-off games, mods, and dating sims!
Also every 20 threads, and on certain holidays, join us for Harem Hellfighters!

>Level Editor Mod

>Full game/achievements guide

>Helltaker Guide
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iybUh3-WtfE [Open]

>Examtaker Guide
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9uGNdQLIUtw [Open]

>Vanripper's Twitter

>Vanripper HT comic archives

>Vanripper stream archives

>Helltaker Booru

>/htg/ Archives

Previous thread:>>8062728
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>For years, Hell has been working on a secret project for the perfect armored vehicle
>It's more difficult than it sounds; even your basic demon can flip an APC somewhat easily
>Therefore, years were spent by Astaroth to make armor strong enough to contend not only with demons and angels, but with human weapons as well
>Finally, with assistance from Beelzebub and her knowledge of runic magic, a prototype has been built
>The Battlestation is by far the largest tank in Creation, coming in at a heart-stopping 333 tons (302.093 metric tons) exactly
>It is 66 feet (20.117 meters) long, 24 feet (7.3152 meters) wide, and 17 feet (5.1816 meters) high
>the turret has 3 250mm cannons, two on top and one on the bottom in an upside down triangle
>They can all fire any type of shot, but most often the top two fire explosive rounds while the bottom fires solid shot
>The top of the turret has the hatch, of course, along with two machine gun turrets on each side and a hellfire thrower in front
>The chassis itself has a 460mm mortar in front, using experimental rocket-propelled ammunition
>It can also operate as a massive shotgun for close-quarters warfare
>Two turrets on each side of the chassis protect the flanks and front
>Two turrets are in the back, one being another hellfire thrower, another utilizing ghosgene gas designed by Modeus
>Unlike other uses of the rare poison gas, this type is sprayed out in a pressurized and liquid form, leaving a trail of death in its wake and preventing any potential pursuers from giving chase
>The Battlestation has, in total, 9 turrets and 4 cannon
>The Battlestation is propelled on spiked tracks, crushing all in its inexorable path to ruin
>Such a terror tank would be slow if it were to use even the largest mortal engines, but fortunately for Astaroth it has been outfitted with a miniature Soul Furnace
>With this, it can reach a top speed of 35 MPH (56.327 KPH)
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>The inside of the Battlestation is mostly auto-loaders working the cannons, freeing space for ammunition and a command center
>the only crew within the Battlestation other than the gunners are the driver, the commander, and the engineer
>From within the Battlestation, strikes can be radioed in, orders issued, and plans drawn up
>With all this weaponry, The Battlestation is certainly a huge target
>This is what caused most of the development hell: how to protect the Battlestation from anything that could be thrown at it
>Astaroth and Beelzebub, once she was released from the Abyss, created powerful runes of protection
>They were stamped onto every single piece of armor, from gun turrets to tracks to chassis
>This, combined with the nigh-impossible forging process and the 152.4 mm (6 inch) armor, has made the Battlestation all but invincible
>Using a stolen M1 Abrams and squadron to test its resilience, the Battlestation didn't even suffer a dent, not even at point-blank range
>The Abrams can normally pierce up to 21 inches (540mm) of armor, however the magic-enhanced armor of the Battlestation renders the MBT powerless
>In contrast, the Battlestation's cannons destroyed the Abrams in one shot, annihilating the captured squadron with hellfire
>Astaroth reportedly laughed madly after this showing, falling off her embroidered chair
>After this, the prototype was shown to Lucifer in a grand presentation
>Astaroth stood in full armor before the stage, fighting the urge to smile
>She commanded the curtains lifted, and gasps filled the open area
>"Stoke the furnaces! Fire up the engines! Arm all batteries! UNLEASH THE BATTLESTATION!"
>The behemoth rumbled out of its station and onto the stage
>Astaroth has never felt so alive, giggling like a schoolgirl
>For now she knows that the conquest of Heaven is inevitable
I don't even post in this general, but seeing that big Battalion Wars-related text dump has made my day.
I'm glad you loved it, I loved making it.
If I saw that, I'd immediately pin her down, spread her legs, and put it in.
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Did some Lucifer for drawthread, figured i'd share here! Kind of want to do more in the future.
You should, very nice work.
How can one Lucy be so smug?
>Modeus embarrassed about being nude
She runs naked every so often, what's the difference?
I don't know about the rest of you, but I'd take my seat between Malina and Zdrada
Both because I like them and because I'd get a nice view of Judgements ass
Just be sure to get Malinka's vodka barrel for her
It's so sad that Vanripper still can't afford a lower jaw.
Jaws are expensive.
the sleepy one has the right idea
Poland has no lower jaws for sale.
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I'm guessing that she dresses like Lord Ferrok?
>YWN have Astaroth LARP as the Iron Legion and embarrass herself in front of you
I just want to hear her Valley Girl accent.
Her punishments are getting more creative by the day
We've seen muscular Judgement, but where's muscular Lucy?
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She doesn't need muscle, she needs bubs like >>8137686
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What does fli milk taste like?
Better than any milk you've ever had.
I bet she's an absolute titfuck goddess with those udders.
So if Lucifer is queen, who gave her the title of CEO?
>bet she's an absolute titfuck goddess with those udders

...as is Zdrada with her Bitch Tits:
Astaroth has fuckable tits too:

...very fuckable:
>very fuckable

As are Judgement's:
>T H I C C

There's so much of her to choose from!:

This must be Astaroth's angle equivalent:
>if Lucifer is queen, who gave her the title of CEO?


T H I C Cifer:

I'd pay more than that to fuck Malina's tits:
Pande's pandes:

The amount of blush displayed by this Malina is very acceptable
The Malinka must be smooched. Yes:
>she will never have angry dommy mommy sex with you
Bold of you to assume she likes humans.
Need both
That's... part of the reason why I said "never"?
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Ah, I thought it's because she's not real.
>Please God let me drive Astaroth in her Battlestation
That's the other part of the reason, anon. Although tulpas do exist, don't let reality stop you on your path to the industrial waifu.
I can fix her.
Nothing to fix, though
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You know what today is?
The day after the bread anniversary?
Belial baked that bread.
pizza party with funny mustache man
The chocolate cards are the reach-around you get when the government pegs you.
Pic related?
they both know how to work an oven, but close enough
That's why Hell's better, it has less taxes.
Monika's favorite day, I'm sure.
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bare them
It's not time yet, though.
Lucifer runs from no man. Michael, on the other hand...
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I would be terrified too:
I thought that Michael would have impaled them, since she loves Romania so much.
why go where I can't post tits
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>This is Zdrada writing now. I swiped this diary from Azazel's room while Michael was going nuts
>Let me explain what's been happening
>first, Modeus was doing some wild shit upstairs yesterday, so we stayed down here to avoid getting too worked up
>I like fucking as much as the next demon, but Modeus is on another level
>Around Noon, we start hearing someone else up there, screaming, "I love you" over and over
>Now I'm thinking, "who the fuck's still up there? Do they want to get high off lust?"
>Carolina, that four-eyed nerd, went pale after hearing it
>I asked why and she said, "That's Archangel Michael's voice. She's still up there!"
>That other angel, Daciana, said "That's impossible, silly! Michael can't be affected by such things!"
>Hey, "Daciana the Dumbass"! Describes her perfectly
>Azazel volunteered to go upstairs, and was handed a gas mask by Pandemonica
>I didn't know what was going on up there, but a few minutes later she rushes back downstairs, Michael in her arms
>"It was her, and she doesn't look too good!"
>Bitch, that girl's in Heaven right now, so to speak!
>Michael was mumbling about some guy named Codreanu, and she was SOAKED
>Seriously, it looked like she came an entire ocean in her pants
>Her eyes, which were rolled back into her head, had hearts in them like Modeus
>I didn't even know archangels could look like this before!
>I know Gabriel sure as shit couldn't
>Azazel laid her down and Carolina ran outside, probably to get Tweedle-dee and Tweedle-dum
>Gabriel came in, and rushed to Michael's side too
>I don't really get the panic. She's just horny, not dead!
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>Gabriel tried to ask her what happened, but just got shaky moans in response
>Eventually, Michael was able to get up and explain. I'm going to quote what she said here
>"A-ah, C-Codreanu...I can't stop thinking about my love...oh, my, I'm going to..."
>Uriel and Remiel kicked down the door then, Carolina rushing in after them
>Uriel, that's Tweedle-dee, started to shout at us
>"What have you done to our captain, you unholy abominations?! ANSWER ME!"
>Remiel had a shotgun in her hand, and cocked it
>Michael let out a scream filled with lust, and we turned towards her
>She was on her knees, rubbing her cooch and shaking like she had 30 vibrators all over her body
>Her tongue was lolling out of her mouth, and she had a stupid smile on her face
>She was mumbling about that guy she loves, and was drooling like a fucking waterfall
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>Gabriel tried to ask her what happened, but just got shaky moans in response
>Eventually, Michael was able to get up and explain. I'm going to quote what she said here
>"A-ah, C-Codreanu...I can't stop thinking about my love...oh, my, I'm going to..."
>Uriel and Remiel kicked down the door then, Carolina rushing in after them
>Uriel, that's Tweedle-dee, started to shout at us
>"What have you done to our captain, you unholy abominations?! ANSWER ME!"
>Remiel had a shotgun in her hand, and cocked it
>Michael let out a scream filled with lust, and we turned towards her
>She was on her knees, rubbing her cooch and shaking like she had 30 vibrators all over her body
>Her tongue was lolling out of her mouth, and she had a stupid smile on her face
>She was mumbling about that guy she loves, and was drooling like a fucking waterfall
Crap, posted the same thing twice. My mistake.
>Long story short, Michael was put in Justice's room after passing out from overstimulation, Malina cleaned the carpet for about 3 hours, mumbling about how dirty it was, and Uriel and Remiel threatened to kill us multiple times
>Remiel yelled at me, "You don't scare me, punk! I killed fitty demons back when Loserfer had her temper tantrum!"
>Eventually they left, Carolina staying to make sure that Michael would be okay and setting up a telegraph to communicate with them if anything goes wrong
>A. Fucking. Telegraph.
>Anyway, I didn't think that an archangel could have a crush, but I guess that anything's possible with these fucking kooks
>Still, they do care for their own, and that's something you don't see in Hell often, if at all
>Perhaps we're all fortunate to have each other, crazy as that may sound
>I mean, how else does the queen of Hell and a human come together if not for a greater purpose?
>My heart tells me that we have some part to play yet, for good or ill, before the end; and when that comes, our little "family" may rule the fate of many.
>I just hope that we make it out alright, Malinka especially
I wanna kiss this cute nerd all over
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And she deserves every single kiss.
She can impale me, if you know what I mean.
I don't, describe it in painstaking detail if you would.
She reminds me of Gaz. Actually, she might be a long-lost ancestor of Gaz.
Too bad I can't take a magma bath with her.
Magma is the best for bathing, it cleans out all the germs and stains.
Come now, we all know her butt's bigger than that!
She's been cutting down on the alcohol lately.
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Now there is a proper Malinkass.
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Dem thighs.
Why do her arms turn black like that?
she's about to perform a visceral attack
I see, the hands become like iron blades.
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Dat Cleavage:
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Dat Sideboob:
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Dat Lucy:
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She is in all cases worthy of the title "Queen of Hell".
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There's so much of her to choose from!:
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...and more to see of Lucy:
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A(I) wild Baphomet appears!:
I want to plant my face between those two cakes.
Still has beauty, I suppose Helltaker's impossible to make bad.
I choose angy Luci.
So Astaroth's made a big-ass tank, eh? Smart and beautiful, I like it.
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How much did she drink to get that high?!
About a gallon. Malina's disgusted at the mess she's about to clean up.
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She's probably the hardest worker in Hell, but she always has time for her viper.
Even when she smiles, she has resting bitch face.
She IS lean incarnate.
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McDonald's in Helltaker's world is surprisingly high quality.
And that's a good thing.
Love the Modeus in the middle njxtsof eating
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The prices are still high though.
I'm sure Michael will pay for it all, Azzy.
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A commanding presence as always, Lucifer:
>"How much is it this, time, my little angel?"
>"Quadruple digits!"
>"... Alright, I'll pay for it."
>....they just want the Legion's coffers, don't they?
She's going to snap one of these days.
That's Lucy's problem, not mine
Gotta get this back up
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Nothing Dr. Beel can't fix.
can she fix whatever the fucks wrong with Peridotspammers brain?
Beel's done work on brains before. Why, who's Peridotspammer?
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I can fix her.
I for one see nothing wrong with her.
Those are some long pigtails
>page 6
safety bump
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No need for bumps anymore, this baby can last up to 20 hours without a post I've heard. Here's an angel for you.
She looks pretty. I bet she gives good hugs.
>No need for bumps anymore
not if the mods are asleep and the spammer's back
She will wrap you up in her coat and loves cuddles.
What of the other archangels?
Michael secretly loves being spanked.
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And Gabriel is a masochist, especially if you squeeze her hands. She'll never admit to it, claiming it's training for painful situations.
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Uriel enjoys being dominated and especially being told she's a bad sinner and getting punished:
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Remiel would somehow add guns into the equation:
is that a 50cal?
A holy .50 Cal, yes. Bullets made of silver and magic make demon-killing from 7 miles away a breeze.
Automatic holy .50 caliber gun makes demons holey.
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What's she worried about?
The Knights Templar just broke her spell over them
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Who's the lucky guy?
I wish it was me.
Bitch is maid for sex:

...as is Malina:
Ahhhhh, that smoky flavour of Glasses Bitch by Noaharbre:
A wild Mastema appears!:
teh doggi iz luud:
Modeus is doing her impression of Cockmongler:
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A(I) wild Baphomet appears!:
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There's so much of her to choose from!:
I would gently kiss her scars and soothe the soreness she still feels in her neck.
Does anyone else get a semi-uncomfortable feeling when you look at Baphomet? Like something's....off?
Bathing Beauty Baphie:

...with additional Azazel in the nud at no extra cost:
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Mastema a cute:
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...very cute:
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Why, she's as 'Ara~ Ara~' as Generic here:
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"Get that damn thing off her neck!
I'm the head of the board now, I'm bored of her head
Sharpen up the blade boys! What are we waiting for?
Here's where we all get ahead!"—The Headless Waltz, Aurelio Voltaire
>Mastema is a rather recent demon, having been kicked out of Heaven
>She reportedly called God a "Spineless cunt who can't even keep her angels from fighting each other."
>For this, she was decapitated and thrown down from Heaven
>Beelzebub, recently freed, saw her body and decided to do a little experimentation
>She first reattached the head, a simple operation for her
>She then transferred a human soul over to the body, which immediately started living again
>It seems that the soul transfer was a complete success
>However, there is something strange that's happened as a result...
>Apparently, the old Mastema's personality is back as well, despite her being very much dead
>This has led to a theory that, even if a demon or an angel has experienced true death, remnants of their spirit still exist in some form for a while afterwards
>Perhaps this explains Modeus' condition of being the Revenant?

Thanks for the reminder, Lorebro. Have a Mastema:

She has that tomboyish quality about her, but we know who is best tomboy demon:

...and even more to see of Mastema:
Very good. I love maid outfits and frilly undergarments.
Sadly, I have none to post of the Helltaker ladies.
She's ready for field study, I see.
nice tanlines
I had no idea Azazel had abs.
Justice and/or Michael has been helping out.
Here's one for you, anon:
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What song is her favorite?
And if anyone finds out, that's the end of them.
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Both of these, but she'll only play the latter when Belphegor asks her to.
She's the smuggest of the exiles and she knows it
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Cerberus looks different today...
That's her boyfriends and girlfriend.
What does Belphegor's hair smell like?
Apples and rich milk chocolate.
As they should be.
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You're right.
Bros, why is she such a perfect wife?
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Because entire songs are dedicated to her glory.

Demons, put spears and swords in hand, the angels charge with spread wings,
We will stop them for Hell, our home, may Lucifer protect us

Heia Ho, heia ho, heia ho, hallihallo!

The angels strike with silvered sword, thick armor on their body
We shall strike back and hit their wings, no armor there, their folly!

Heia Ho, heia ho, heia ho, hallihallo!

No armor nor shield will protect them, when they're lying on the ground,
We'll strike weak points between their joints, and we shall conquer Heaven!

Heia Ho, heia ho, heia ho, hallihallo!

And when they die upon the ground, blood pouring from gunfire,
We'll slaughter all angels and men, and burn them in hellfire!

Heia Ho, heia ho, heia ho, hallihallo!
Case in point,
Demons don't screw about, holy shit.
I want to cover Belphegor's nipples in whipped cream and lick them.
>whipped cream
It's one of the things that turns her on, alongside chocolate-covered strawberries.
who are all these new demons like generic or mastema
are they ocs or did helltaker get expanded beyond my knowledge
Cool, enjoy being pounded by artillery and airstrikes.
Generic was used as a template by Vanripper, she later became her own demon. The others are OCs.
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No way is it being sent in alone; it'll have the most elite in Hell accompanying it, fliers, witch-engineers, and artillery included. It certainly can't ford a river on its own, but Astaroth's not dumb enough to let that happen.
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I didn't know Hell had magitech.
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Very sus.
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Hell customer service, please hold.
Hell customer service, please hold.
(These drinks aren't working. I need coffee!)
Hell customer service, please hold.

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