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Thread for cute curvy mature women
>No futa shit
>No gay shit
>No Queen of Spades cringe
>No gas or onara
>No drama
the GOAT
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Mother and daughter is the best
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Best milf!
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queen marika count as a milf?
I'll allow it.
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I'm working on a story about young guy who starts hanging out with a woman who lives in his apartment building. She's an empty-nester, with her last kid having just left for college, and a widow. She loves sex, and hasn't had any since her husband died. She also feels lonely and misses having a younger person to dote on and care for. What personality and mannerisms should she have? How should the relationship between her and the MC escalate to sex?
what is the (s) for?
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What kind of tone are you going for with the story? Are you just trying to add some flavor before you get to the sex, or is it a more earnest attempt at exploring that kind of relationship?

Though to answer your question, serious types with hidden depths of wit and charm are always nice. As for the relationship, a surprise mutual interest that buds into genuine friendship and attraction is nice. The "assistance to friends to lovers" angle is always good too. But again, it depends on what you're aiming for.
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I aim for my stories to be around 10,000 words, with a decent, but not heavy amount of build-up to the actual sex.
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who's the artist?
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So a more introspective and understated, but still lively, character would probably fit what you had in mind. Perhaps she's the type to play coy and aloof, but lets her intentions out through dry humor. She's fully aware of the relationship that's brewing and tries to temper herself under the guise of mentoring the MC on a mutual interest, but still winds up being motherly and escalating things due to her loneliness and general curiosity.
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Holy shit. This is perfect. Exactly the kind of advice and help I was looking for.
One weird piece of lore I was going to put in the story is that she never stopped lactating after she gave birth to her first kid, so she donates milk to local families. The MC, being raised by a single dad, was bottle-fed her breast milk as a baby. She knows this, but he doesn't.... yet.
I was going to have the story start with them being friendly neighbors, but not really full-blown friends. He starts spending more time with her after offers him money to help bake stuff for a meal train that she's a part of. (Of course in reality, she has no problem baking by herself, and just wanted a strapping young man to talk to and spend time with so she feels less lonely). I'm not married to this idea though. What would be a reason for a young man and his mature female neighbor to start spending time together?
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Not the same anon, but I would drop the lactation bit altogether unless you want it to be the main focus. Which could be an interesting idea on its own. But as “lore” it will bring your writing down because it’ll feel like a ham-fisted kink in an otherwise normal, slice of life story. Which, let’s be honest, is why you want to add it. But if you become too self indulgent in that kind of thing it begins consooming you and dictating the entire story. Just my friendly advice.
Glad my suggestions could be of use.
That breast milk thing is wholesomely kinky, but >>8217818 has a point.

Your plot is a solid set up. Personally, I was thinking along the lines of the MC doing maintenance on her computer, getting to see some mutual interests one wouldn't expect an older woman to have, as well as her browser history and going from there. I'm just spitballing. I'm sure you or someone else could find a more interesting hook.
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Umm, if you're asking about the picture, no it's not mine and I didn't commission it. It's just a picture I had on my hard drive.
If you're asking about the story, yes, it's all original, no fanfiction.
very nice
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There's always gardening, doing the heavy labor - dig holes, move large pots, wheelbarrow, bags of soil, etc.
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She is very erotic!
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Sauce? Artist?
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The beginning of one of my favorite 'episodes' of Art Wetherell's "Treasure Chest" series
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I miss Legoman's OG milfs.
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I will concede that there are other artists who draw sexier hags over all, but his take on tits really speaks to me. There is a perfect balance between stretch and volume, which give a really mature look without resorting to the completely deflated tits that you see sometimes. I also think the huge areolae allow the tits to be more filled out while still maintaining the right vibe.
It's my ultimate dream to sexually please a bunch of hot milfs in an orgy
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I love jujunaught so fucking much
Steven fingers Sadie's hot mom
Honestly I would knock up every milf in Steven Universe in a heartbeat :3
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Latin flavor is the best
This is the hottest picture I've ever seen in my entire life
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Steven and Barb are such an underrated pairing
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Looks like Steven and his dad have both raw fucked Pri on more than one occasion lol
>"Not in front of my husband, Greg! Or else he's gonna find out!!!"
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Steven x Pri is my all time favorite cartoon ship
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