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Wolves of Fenris Edition

Previous Thread: >>8146937

Thread Question: What unique traits do each primarch have during sex or intimate moments?
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How do you think he consorts and primarchs meeting for the first time went
The thing about Femstodes is they could have a whole harem.
Like Scorpion, if anyone's ever seen that very brief TV series.
Practically everyone involved with her is either an autistic savant, a multiple-doctorate holding scholar, or some form of high-performing specialist.

>Terrawatt Artificer-Armoursmith. Strong-limbed rambling autist with a child's heart. Chemical genius, has savant syndrome, and an obsessive eye for structural perfection, as well as an appreciation for fine artistry that goes counter to his exceptionally specific perfectionism.
>Genewright surgeon. Serious and studious bookworm with a tendency to grumble. Studied and trained extensively, but lacks experience and resulting station of his elders. Stationed with her to provide her Transhuman form with anything from emergency medical care to regulatory and exercise practices if she's rendered unable to in the moment. His station requires him to be the top of the top of the top class.
>Administratum adept. Short dude, abject social failure but charming when not being bullied. Diagnosed genius and savant, eidetic memory, polymath, and genuinely talented with numbers. Helps keep records and assists her with the administrative work she does.
>Armsmen-retainers. Quiet-spoken but bold, likes to practice-spar with Her, even though they never win. Carry extra ammunition, weapons, and tools into battle. Strong enough to toss a guardian spear, experienced enough to field strip, repair, and assemble the most complicated of malfunctioning weapons in under a minute, cool enough to do it while being in the middle of a melee, and skilled in battle enough to not be in danger.
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>Brother/Sister of Silence. Tall, skinny goth/emo. Never talks, but has certain abilities by genetic nature, and is also an incredibly highly trained warrior that can stand toe to toe with a lot of gene-enhanced warriors in power armour.

And then there's her, who, being a Custodian can't claim to be autistic or a savant (being that both would constitute failings in other social or academic areas, which is unacceptable). But given that she's at least at parity with each of her companions in their fields, they're some of the few un-augmented humans she can actually relate to, and form attachments with.
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There would be there harems of practical romances, the many highly effective personnel they surround themselves with and ensure loyalties to better exploit their many abilities should she find herself joining the Empress's Eyes. Though additionally, all custodes are at least technically Terran Lords, which makes both political and interplanetary marriages entirely as plausible. Possibly even used as an active tracking method for their value, since the value of individual custodes in cannon is compared to the entire domestic values of multiple entire planets.
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>be a serf
>get cornered by both a SoS and a female custodian
>ask what they want or need
>SoS does pic related
>the custodes just smiles smugly
stop saving the thumbnails! you fool!
Need more Sanguinia
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Give her the milk virus and make those tits expand.
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>What unique traits do each primarch have during sex or intimate moments?
The thing about Furia is that, while she's not attracted to or turned on by it per se, she requires a certain constant level of violence, directly involving herself, to get the nails to stop turning.
Without a level of violence involved, she's physically incapable of perceiving or having the correct feelings required to have sex or get intimate.
Basically, runs off of stoat or ferret breeding behavior, requiring violence in some shape or form, despite being naturally very sensitive.
And has a complicated relationship to attachments and personal restraints due to her slave upbringing. Almost definitely into bondage play due to the same.

TL:DR majority of sexual thoughts or equivalent (given her nature), when she has them, are based around the concept of conquering and being conquered.

Is a massive sub due to lifetime of being a physical powerhouse plus perceived self-worth and direction, but has some serious trauma's preventing her from indulging in it with someone unless she ABSOLUTELY trusts them. And even then, not without exerting her own periodic control, and not in front of others.
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I just suddenly had the idea of Kontessa's consort being the assassin sent to kill her. I don't remember if it was a culexus in the original lore but I assume that with how her psycher powers work she wouldn't be able to tell the difference between having her visions blocked by the presence and her actually dying.
Making it entirely possible that if it is a culexus that arrived to not kill but capture her, the pair would simply spend the remainder of their days together somewhere in the imperium, either under very careful watch as reformed loyalists, or just as people, far enough from the palace to never threaten it of course, but just living and loving casually, like (almost) normal mortal humans,
Ollanius and the empress
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Forgot image
All those muscles, and she still cannot melee.
Pin her down. She can't fight back
In reference to prior thread's posting about Fem-Farsight using that image.
Yes, she actually can fight back in melee. Quite well.
Which is good, given the other possible contention for Shadowsun, the desirable rogue.
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Sanguinia but having fallen the White Thrist would be nice to see.
Is nice.
Personally would've exaggerated the proportions a bit since I like the amazonian fertility goddess version of Empress, but this is still very nice.
The more casual outfit with robes and such is great.
definitely the best interpretation of the empress thus far
Shamelessly stolen from Reddit of all places, the author had a whole write-up of her personality and how she's different from mainline Eps and such. I'll see if I can't find it to post at some point when not at work.
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>Thinner Eyebrows
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Need more Empress
Eldar ladies got me acting strange bros...
Harlequssy can change a man.
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I could see Sanguinia's first meeting being more of a series of brushes and glances before they actually properly first meet each other.
Like her slowly drifting towards the sound of him singing a song on a casualwalk eitheraroundthe the palace or a ship.
Another when he hears her humming it just before she's called off for something.
The last where she's having a vision. Turning over to inspect the bleeding corpse of a man in red robes, snapping out of it just before seeing the dead man's face to his. He was sent to bring her to attend something urgent, and the properly introduce themselves on the way to whatever thing. With her realizing that this is the man who she saw die in her vision. That he was hers in some tender and intimate way. And that it would be her own sister who would take his life.
And she knew she would have to accept that for all that it was, all the good, all the great, and all the horrible things it would inevitably bring. She could only hope the end of that vision would be hers as well.
that's cool
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Any new sexy femarine stuff?
Specifically big boobs, wide hips, amazon type?
I love Eldar Banshees so much bros.
Same dude... Imagine cuddling with one
They need to be put in the "Get Along" Shirt.
Petra and fem Dorn like this, but Petra's breasts grow larger and Dorn's butt grows larger.
And both get super horny.
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I was finally found out about making the breasts bigger with every post on this femstodes
Given how each Custodian is a unique instance or concept of a perfected being, as much in mental capacities as physical or martial.
This implies the existence of at least one Custodian super-milf.
I kinda want to draw that, gonna be a while though.
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>best girl still hasn't been drawn yet
>still no primarch novel despite the heresy being over
>Given how each Custodian is a unique instance or concept of a perfected being, as much in mental capacities as physical or martial.

>Emperor is in his laboratory creating and refining one of the new custodians
>Malcador enters the lab, interested as to what his old friend is up to
>"I assure you Malcador, having my body closest bodyguard be a 9ft tall amazonian demi-goddess with child birthing hips and with tits and ass so big and perfectly sculpted, that it would eve put She Who Thirsts to shame, is entirely necessry." says the Emperor
Like Malc would disagree with that...
Honestly the cutest though.
No wonder she started the heresy. Look at this absolute potato. Even her haircut sucks.
What comes to mind first for me is something of a swapped Santodes from TTS.
Instead of being overbearingly ultramasculine she's ultrafemine to the same extremes.
Sweet and motherly when it genuinely comes to such, but constantly displaying herself otherwise. Flexing in ways that exaggerate her hips and chest, caressing herself sensually, or fondling her ass and tits while pushing the limits of however little she's wearing at any moment.
>they finally fixed the eyes
you love to see it
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Confess your sins!
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The Emperor foresaw the absolute amount of autism and spaghetti that Anon would spill in the attempt to confess to a female version of Lorgar and said:
> "No, i'm having sons. Even for what I would give and sacrifice to protect humanity, even for me, this would be too much cringe."
People always forget that Dorn was an absolute beast in combat. Just because she prefers to play with construction toys ala Lego, Lincoln Logs, heavy construction equipment, etc., doesn't mean she wont kill the absolute fuck out of you when you finally break her stoic composure.
>Dorn was an absolute beast in combat
Not even in the top half of combatants lol.
Fair enough. I had forgotten. Dorn's still my favorite, tho
For me it's Peter Turbo in normal 40k. Not sure which of the femarchs is my favorite though.
Flayers suffer from hallucinations
Not only do they feel the need to consume flesh and wear it, but should a flayer have had a husband in her organic life she can mistake someone for him
Some men will wake up one dreary night to a flayer looming over them while wearing their wife's skin
I want to have loving sex for the purpose of procreation with the great angel Sanguinia, that is my sin
and my sin is that I already have and will continue to do so
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There is no intent of romance in my future. Father saw right, but I will deny his vision to better preserve his goals.

Heresy. It's time to purge you. I will allow you one last prayer, for my Father is a merciful god.
I dress in an Empress cosplay every night! It makes me feel powerful!
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Very nice
I am scaroused....
>I dress in an Empress cosplay every night! It makes me feel powerful!
Something Aurelia would say
Haha what an odd thing to say! (Shit, how did they know?)
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I wouldn't worry about it.

Stop looking in to it. You don't know.
>I wouldn't worry about it
Very true, wouldn't want it to awaken anything in my loyal imperial self
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Some of the tzeenchian custodes from the smut thread.
>Tzeentch: Just as planned!
>Wow, I really shouldn't stick my penis in there..... HOWEVER
Fem-Lorgar is my absolute favorite.

Her expressions are just so amazing. Something about an utterly fanatical church girl is somehow even hotter than the perfection of Sanguinia.

So like, it's fem-Lorgar for my favorite. Followed by Sanguinia.

Third place is hotly contested between Fulgrim or Curze, though that's with a lot of headcanon thrown in, where it becomes the hot craziness of multi-personality-disorder Curze vs crazy hotness of a daemon princess lamia Fulgrim.
I can fix her.
As can I brother and even if we can't the attempt will be worth it. Terrifying and traumatising but worth it.
Pound the crazy out of her.
Exactly, until our pelvises break. It is our duty!
I want to carry her books for her so badly
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He recently updated his Lorgaria pictures.
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She looks so sad.
How did she react when Daemons ate her consort?
Not ate.
Sexually. Violently. Deceivingly. Eternally.
post link
My little Primarch can't be this cute!
I have finally been convinced that shape is more important than size
But consider the following:
Life cold and hard, huge boobs soft and warm.
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Throat fuck fem Lorgar.
Can't go around preaching the wrong ideas then, her Mother will be happy as well.
I prefer the design in this post more >>8255056. Also the guy shutting her mouth must be huge given she's a primarch.
>Also the guy shutting her mouth must be huge given she's a primarch.
I think it's the Emperor/Empress
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Better res.
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That's so cute
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He's been making subtle edits on his old art as well.
Really? Damn. I don't have the eye for it but it still looks great.
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Woah. A notable improvement, she looks really nice.
Gonna convince fem Lorgar that having sex is just following the emperors will since that's just using your human body as it was intended.
Needs bigger booba.
How big are we talking?
Twice the size of her head.
It was a Callidus, but I don't see why it couldn't be a Culexus. If he could block out her visions and if she was one of the few people who didn't fear him (because she's done way worse) I could see how the whole thing works out. They probably set up the scene of some great battle to cover their tracks while they ran off to somewhere on Nostromo.
>post daemon prince fem-fulgrim
>She was already busty before but slaanesh decided that wasn't enough
>despite being able to change anything about her body to fit whatever idea of "perfection" she has that day, she smallest she can make her tits is slightly bigger than her tits
>which she consider "almost flat"
It's quite the fitting scene, I can imagine them strolling through the dark alley ways of the hive, warring at the edges of their vision, but fully disregarding any more obvious signs as they continue along.

What would become of them in the wake of this though? Would they rule and remake Nostromo? How would she be remembered in the history of the imperium if at all? How would her consort be remembered?
Did you have a stroke typing this?
Yes. but I already typed it so I'm gonna make that your problem.
I remember the posts about fem Abaddon in this setting.
Like how she is constantly getting blessed by the 4 Chaos powers making her more and more curvaceus, etc. and she is extremely annoyed having to have her terminator plate be re-fitted on her frame.
But she stays adamant because she wants the Imperium to fall.
Does Abby have a consort or is she a femcel?
she's femcel but tsundere for creed
Why did Hathor do it?
4 biggest potential reasons in my mind


2)She discovered some sort of unnatural influence caused by her mother in their consorts, bringing into question the legitimacy of their love and greater aspects of the imperium.

3)She didn't!

4)She didn't, but someone else does.
5) Hathor/Isis could never get a man of her own due to every potential suiter got creeped out by her inhuman charisma anytime they talked with her and it felt like they were making a faustian deal. Even though it wasn't the case.
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What about the other 4 Chaos Ladies?
What are Cali Typhon/Typhus, Khiana the Betrayer, Lucia the Eternal and Anahita Ahriman like?
The sort of vary depending on your you flavor their gods, Typhus could either be a mound of disease indistinguishable from cannon or as swollen out of her armor and incredibly heavy with child as her primarch, with either the same horned helmet look or a wedding veil that ties back to some of the grandmother's more monogamous themes.

Lucia goes from bald sadistic glory stealing slut to waxed bald rave dwelling weaboo on the case of Slaanesh being either she who thirsts or she who is loudly masturbating in the corner.

Khalina is... gonna kill you. But she'll do it either in full plate or boob armor.

Azili Ahriman, probably still has the helmet at least, but I can't make any guesses for the rest of her likely numerous ensembles.
How is it that she looks so submissive and breedable despite being absolutely jacked?
It's the face squish and general cuteness.
Azili Ahriman is a girlfailure
But is she the sort of girlfailure to wear fake boobs, or the type that wears frog bones?
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>Azili Ahriman
She tried a bunch of different schemes to make her would-be consort love her and failed every time. It all culminated in her using the Rubric of Ahriman and turning him into dust all the while Tzeentch was laughing his ass off.
So how does the genderswap universe effect stuff like Eldrad and the Eladar special characters?
It's not explored often but there's at least one piece of swapped Robute and Yvraine together, with some more of pieces in the twink/femboy range physically.
I don't think any other major Eldar characters have explicitly swapped art of them, at least not to my knowledge.
Yeah, that's fair. I meant more in how it'd change up their character but still.
Also man, threads are moving a lot faster, I guess it's the AI fags spamming and bumping their posts, or some really unwell fag.
>fem Eldrad constantly goes on about how eldar have to join humanity under the Empress and interbreed with humanity if they want to survive as a species
>all other farseers just think it's her depraved fetish and she's gone fully of the deep end due to living 10 000 years without finding a husband.
Truly, she is Macha's Mother in more ways than one.
I don't think she'd try to remake Nostromo, but maybe the two of them would be a Batman and Robin duo.They keep the ruler honest but she wouldn't try to rule since she messed it up the first time. "Dying" frees her from her obligations of being a Primarch and lets her be a woman.
>it's cringe as shit
Why didn't I see that coming
It's reddit, unsurprising.
Unironically if you want to collect femarch lewds or any 40k lewds, just stick to r/Warhammer_smut.
And occasionally maybe check twitter.
>Cali Typhon.
A big Astartes. Taller, and also wider and heavier. Large patches of her Terminator armour (practically everything above the knees and elbows, and below the head) have been cut away to make room for her swollen bulk. Some of these areas, especially the breasts and belly, are covered with heavy plates, but other areas like her wide backside, are covered only in an adamantium chainmail drape. Though this is not too much of a problem as the Death Guard typically wait until their foes are similarly compromised before actually 'attacking'.

>Kharn (name isn't gendered) the Betrayer.
Massive tomboy, a superb fighter and overall a remarkably sensible and good quality person. The nails of course do give her a major battle-lust and lust-lust that can be overwhelming, and make her behave more aggressively than she did during her polite-r years in the Great Crusade, but due to the artifice of her Primarch's consort from years back, they're able to be modulated and can be turned off when needed.
Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, no one ever expects Kharn to do so as most of her berserkers leave them on max all the time because it's addictive and a religious thing.
Typically her armour is slightly lighter than average, more form fitting, and it may lack certain sections. Typically the left arm, but also the midriff, thighs, or even the breastplate in some cases.

>Lucia the Eternal.
A very pretty girl, and an absurdly talented swordswoman. This, she uses to act like an absolute bimbo and a bratty slut, which her asmr ahego armour accommodates by shifting to change her look (though almost always revealing) according to her mood.
She's not actually an airhead, but she feigns being a ditz and an unaware slut for ragebait. Also because if she drops the act she has to confront the fact that she can never find satisfaction anymore in the form of a worthy foe or a good fuck as all the people who best her in either are trapped in her armour. That there's a vanishingly small number of stimuli in the known universe that can genuinely hold her interest anymore, and that outside the impossible hope of one day genuinely losing to someone, who doesn't care they've just 'beaten' Lucia, she's trapped in a birdcage as an unchanging toy to be tormented by a God.

>Azili Ahriman.
A slightly tired looking sorceress and bookworm. Often wears the kind of skimpy or slutty 'evil priestess/sorceress' robes you might expect to see for cheesecake reasons, for certain rituals or spell weavings, but typically wears whatever is to hand, and aways dons armour for battle. Wears very complicated eye makeup to hide how tired she can look somedays.
I remember an artists here was animating a Sanguinia breast growth vid.
I hope they are still working on it.
Sanguinia seems like the type to spend half the day helping you paint your minis after an hour of passionate morning sex since she thinks you're cute when you're doing art.
Some Water Caste go so far as receive surgical enhancements and prosthetics to mimic other alien species in order to appeal to their biological biases and gain an edge in negotiations.
>"You don't understand, at this rate our species will fade out entirely, our craftworlds empty but for the gentle stir of the infinity circuits, our maiden worlds left to whomever finds them, we MUST approach the Monkeigh an-"
>"For the LAST TIME we are not indulging your fetish! We are fine enough on our own and those very, very few we tolerate to set foot in our Prescence is already stretching it."
>"Then you will see us all damned by our own arrogance! I, for one, want to see not just my children finally see a galaxy at peace but my grand children!"
The Deathwatch just block her every time she gets close to snagging one.
>WE legion is made of bunny girls in this AU
Are TS Fox girls then?
Remember that no matter how many centuries may past, how corrupted her armor and form gets, she'll always have your name inscribed on her chestpiece and you in her heart....and once she figures it out, your soul in a cage she can keep.
Pop those melons out from that top.
The duality of man
She can beat with the mace all she wants, but I won in the end anyway.
People have a beef with the new man, calling us gods and shit.
>What unique traits do each primarch have during sex or intimate moments?
Sheman Russ: Really into post coital nuzzling and cuddling, surprisingly pitched moans and panting during
Venus: Always wants to do it by a fire, forge, or in a warm room, really sweaty sex.
Hoelun: Always wants to do it in/on a car, bike, tank or any other vehicle.
Corva: Really into whips and humiliation, prefers super quiet rooms, massive sub
Fulgri: covering herself and you in paint and fucking on a giant canvas/sheet and teasing with ostrich feathers.
Roberta: Super vanilla but handholding is permitted during and after.
Konnie: Surprise sex, usually pulling you into broom closets or just snatching you in the hall before dragging you to her quarters. Sometimes will have visions of what you do before and get really horny (like Corva prefers dark rooms) into whips and shit massive dom but mellows out after
Angra: Super aggressive, always a mix of wrestling and fucking, if she wins you get Amazoned (if the nails were fucking with her you’re getting pegged). Spooning after (she is big spoon).
Alpharia and Omeagan: one watches while the other jills it, threesomes on occasion you never know who’s who.
Sanguinia: Really passionate and tender love making. Envelopes you in her wings while cuddling
Rogal: Nice and simple usually missionary constantly critiquing you the whole way through, makes you breakfast after.
Lion: Lots of foreplay, but when you finally get to it absolutely primal fucking
Lorgia: Sexy nun/librarian roleplay, gets a bit too into it, sometimes dry humps tomes, purity seal pasties
Perturaba: Let’s you do whatever while constantly saying she’s better than Dorna
Mortaria: Plays doctor, really into anal, gives you a lollipop after.
I don’t know enough about Horus or Ferris to give them one.
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Faith is stored in the boobs
That or she asked Slaanesh to 'help her out'
>Though most commonly associated with Sisters of the Orders Hospitaller, it is expected that any woman of the Sororitas who encounters an infant orphan or otherwise starving child become a wet nurse for them
>All (human) orphan babies may suckle from their breasts, from lowly peasant offspring who will do nothing more than toil away on Agri-worlds, future fellow Sisters, to those who would eventually join the ranks of the Astartes or even rise to actual sainthood
>To nurture, even temporarily, the children of the Imperium was to be done without hesitation, the duty known as The Continuation of the Faith
>As originally written by Primarch Aurelia
>Preaching to the adults and nursing starving children who would eventually become adult followers, she became very popular very quickly
>Aurelia would kneel to the Empress as she had bigger tits, which on Monarchia had become a de facto measure of one's faith and charity and of course the Empress had the biggest tits
>During the Great Crusade, she made slow progress due to her careful processing of the billions of orphaned children from the conquest of unwilling worlds
>She even made the effort of collecting orphans from worlds conquered by the other Primarchs, taking in any and all back to Monarchia
>Basically the Ultramarines burnt down the galaxy's biggest orphanage no wonder she turned to chaos
>Monarchia is the city, Khur is the world
fuck, I knew I was forgetting something
Dominant in loving manner, you're both going to be feeling good at the end. Has taken some suggestions from her sisters too, so be prepared for the occasional sisterly recommendations. Post sex clarity has led to some rather "based" political conversations, many of which Auntie Malc would have a fit over if she heard them.
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Just how big should femarine pauldrons be?
>Post sex clarity has led to some rather "based" political conversations, many of which Auntie Malc would have a fit over if she heard them.
Does she want to be barefoot and pregnant or something?
Bigger than the tit armor (tit armor itself is very big)
Very smart.
I want to fondle her cheeks
I wanna hold her hand
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with picrel
I actually really liked that one writefags Sanguinia story where she races a dude in a plane then saves him
Yeah, I remember that one.
It was comfy.
Of course. What self-respecting Necron dynasty doesn't have those?
Cheers lads.
I've been tossing up doing a bit more, just not sure about what yet.
I wouldn't mind more Sanguinia.
Also I wouldn't mind some smut stuff, but I understand if you aren't into that.
I'd like to see something with the Sanguinor if possible, maybe something with her finding the one true reincarnation of her consort among the billions of doppelgangers and look alikes that make up either some order of the Fraternis or some otherwise blood angels auxiliary.

On a separate note, what would the orders of the Fraternis be? My mind immediately goes to one's based on each of the consorts of the loyalist primarchs, something like the Order of the Angel's Heart for Sanguinia's, or the Brothers of Fenris for Freya's.
I have an idea, but personally I tend to view Sanguina as relatively chaste.
She's naturally aloof, and I imagine considers her Primarch-grade sex drive as something to be kept controlled, as much as her other flesh-based drives.
>The Primarch of the Blood Angels often goes to great extents to search for ways to reclaim or reunite with the soul of her lost beloved.
>Most other officials, commanders, and her sisters think she's being obsessive out of trying to not confront her soul-shattering despair. Or that it's broken her and she's gone quietly mad.
>She insists that she can "Feel him", just on the other side but still nearby.
>Reports of a warp phenomenon or entity manifesting to aid or rescue trapped squads of Blood Angels exist in fragmentary, and sometimes unreliable reports by lone survivors.

I imagine mostly unrelated to Astartes, as well as somewhat competitive with them.
Of course, they'd still be based around the Faith founded by Lorgara, and a good portion of their sacred texts, including their oldest ones that form the basis of their faith, tend to be heavily pornographic and/or smut fanfiction about real people.
>I have an idea, but personally I tend to view Sanguina as relatively chaste.
>She's naturally aloof, and I imagine considers her Primarch-grade sex drive as something to be kept controlled, as much as her other flesh-based drives
Makes sense, though you could go with an idea where she is trying to keep her sex drive under control but then fails.
This is your reminder that fem Eldrad would be basically Macha
Still a desperate Turbo Virgin. Of course, she's also still fuckin' adorable.
I understand your angle of separating the Fraternis from the Astartes and I would imagine that this would similarly exsist for the most part in 63k, though a lot of that comes back to what particularly happens both in and after the heresy.
I imagine the consorts having significance through the Lecticio Divinitatus, and likely sainthood, but there would still be more directly prominent saints like the founding Brothers and Celestine(M).
The Astartes and Fraternis do operate largely separately, but I would imagine each of the founding legions having at least partially related Orders under the saint consorts.

Though I do also enjoy the idea of Astartes taking Fraternis in particular as consorts, upholding tradition and whatnot.
Separating the concept of dark elves from being dark skinned is one of the things I most appreciate of the Warhammer franchise.
These are bothe fantastic examples.
Oh yeah. She's a psychic supernova, incarnated into human flesh and mind. Even with a Primarch's discipline, hers no less, that's not something just shackled.
One of the ideas I have down is that she likes to attend diplomatic meetings or events in very revealing dress robes.
However, due to a combination of her other character traits, reputation, and highly radiant aspect, people don't double take or really register it. It just becomes a feature of hers, not the statement she might be trying to make. 'she dresses like that because she's used to; dressing light for flying, wearing unobstructive clothing, being very open about herself. It's a reality of her great nature."
Different orders of Fraternis taking inspiration or dedicating themselves to different Saints is reasonable.
But what about dedicating themselves to different specific "holy texts" (all "allegories or fables written loosely around real events")?
>Lorgaria writes some hardcore erotica around characters based on The Iron Maiden and her Legion, engaging in a brutal siege where the company involved knows how to take their due from any wins or captured enemy.
>Over time this gets written, rewritten, unpacked and explored in various more and more religious tones until the parables and philosophies within gain a theologistic traction.
>In time, an Order of Fraeternis forms that espouses these philosophies develops, with a strong emphasis on the head-on dedication of oneself and ones body to their tasks, a willingness and surprising capacity to do anything/everything asked of them, and a loyal, boardering on servile behavior to allies or superiors.

>Or a somewhat sweaty fic based around the Ninth legion, and their wrestling with their inner natures to try and be grander or more noble.
>The Order that forms from the attention to that text may attend more to physical beauty and wholesomeness of mind and spirit than battle prowess, as well as repression or self-denial.
>However, due to a combination of her other character traits, reputation, and highly radiant aspect, people don't double take or really register it. It just becomes a feature of hers, not the statement she might be trying to make. 'she dresses like that because she's used to; dressing light for flying, wearing unobstructive clothing, being very open about herself. It's a reality of her great nature."
I can just picture Sanguinia wearing a "Fuck me and fill me with your cum" sign around her neck while wearing very revealing clothing and people would still be oblivious.
>The Brothers of The Iron Heart.
>An Adeptus Fraternis order that focuses largely on mechanical repair aid and operational assistance, often jokingly referred to as "Steel Hospitlars".
>The particular faith of the order puts them between the Ecclesiarchy and the Mechanicum, with many of their elder members becoming recognized tech adepts and nearly all of their dead being returned to service as servo skulls.
>They iconisize the Iron Maiden as a union of the Empress and the Omnisiah as the model of cybernetic enhancement and a perfect balance between biological and mechanical, though it is not often they hold themselves to this standard physically.
>They are very well known for attempting to preform tasks they are incapable of completing even when jokingly instructed, they value the performance and completion of a provided task even above their own well being in many instances with the additional stigma of being as intelligent as they are unaware, with the fact of their continued debates over the connotation of the phrase "Say something stupid like that again and I'm going to fuck you stupider" becoming an iconic jab at their sensibilities.
>Order of the Chaste Rose.
>An order that stems from the many proverbs of the Lecticio Divinitatus describing Sanguinia's resisting the overwhelmingly sexual urges of her flaws and emparting this wisdom onto her daughters, with a tasteful amount of trial and error featuring her consort, being extensively mistranslated and reinterpreted to the point where the features of her consort Sanguinia struggled most with resisting are glorified and the sexual nature of the original text is removed almost entirely with the surviving text being effectively: How to Trigger the White Thirst 100001.
>The order in all its egregious preexisting misunderstanding takes these texts of course as prosper and strives to examplify them to the letter, taking them in stride along painfully generic mental health strategies to aid the denizens of the imperium and lead them on the path of purity. Incidentally making prime targets for the flaws of the 9th legion and its successors.
It's like her own personal anti-lewding effect.
>Anyone else wears picrel to an "important" event, they get refused entry.
>Sanguina wears it. She gets allowed in, people fawn over her, several poems get written, and later on, two statues and an oil painting to commemorate "her radiant beauty". Precisely no one questions her attire at any stage.
She just wants to misbehave sometimes, damnit! A little rebellion against her (inescapable) true self.
>The Preceptory of Shadows.
>Named after the original text from which they draw a lot of their doctrine, they observe the strictest of discipline and dignity in the light, but consider anything done in secret, or that goes unnoticed as entirely acceptable, no matter how transgressional or disrespectful.
>Training ultimately takes the form of attending the daily practices, resisting these shadowy attacks, and getting good enough at stealth to go unnoticed, or even ambush others themselves.
>Their halls have a reputation for seeming barren or empty, and the floors being covered in a thin layer of dust through regular disuse.
>As one line goes, "We don't screw on the floor, we're not animals."
>the Choir of the Songbird
>One of few Adeptus Fraternis orders with a (presumed(accurately)) surviving Living Saint. Only known as The Songbird, an incredibly illusive figure that's only identified by a plague mask, long robes, and the hymns he whistles.
>The Songbird himself is rather insubstantial combatively, only ever appear in combat scenarios to whistle and preform minor miracles, before vanishing. Though any battlefield where he is seen to appear is generally known to be won, not by his own presence but for whom he sings,the Crow.
>While of course his whistling to the average listener is merely that the Choir recognizes that it's actually a language the Songbird uses to detail weaknesses and targets to the Crow before she attacks, with the Crow responding in the same tone to each of his varying songs.
>The Choir themselves both translate and organize the Songbirds hymns into High Gothic, and utilize the language in their own combat scenarios, with the short and far carrying whistling tones aiding in their rapid assault methods and often confusing the enemy throughout the attack.
Of course. But this one's older, can see the future, and absolutely tried to get in Big E's pants if he's a guy.
I blame my hyperpreg fetish for thinking of Femmarine Demonculabas.
>I blame my hyperpreg fetish for thinking of Femmarine Demonculabas.
Hell that's one of the reasons I'd do Femarines in general!
>Iron Warriors capture rivals and put them into the demonculaba treatment.
>Claim its to ensure their rivals don't have a hope of escaping and also bolster their numbers.
>Is ironically one of the 'better ends' for a Femmarine as she gets assigned concubine and is basically spending the rest of her days pumping out girls.
Turns out the Petra's daughters were the true Slaaneshi followers all along.
>Turns out the Petra's daughters were the true Slaaneshi followers all along.
>Acting as if they wouldn't want to 'retire' to such a life
This idea does evoke some grandmother Nurgle ideas floating around a while ago so I think this would technically fall to chaos undivided by proxy, especially if it was a more promiscuous thing than having a single concubine.
>"Sister, for your failures in the field you are hereby sentenced to the ranks of the Demonculaba. Your rank shall be removed, your arms and armor forfeit, and a concubine assigned from one of the chattel slaves. Hopefully your daughters prove to be better soldiers than you."
>The sentenced warrior just looks at the warlord, expression unreadable behind her helm before it comes out.
>The most deadpan "Oh noooooo" one could ever have imagined.
>Order of the Dragon's Hearth
>An order of the Adeptus Fraternis who takes to spreading their faith through the many recipes detailed in the numerous cook books left behind by their Saint, though some suspect he still lives and could even be hidden among their ranks.
>At first look they appear to be little more than a Hospitlar relief division, providing warm meals and shelter for soldiers and displaced civilians, but have become known for an iconic "Mother Bear" response towards any force that harms any group they've supported in their history, with an iconic unease between themselves and the inquisition, with an iconisized saying of "No cake for inquisitors" that found itself ratified into doctrine quite quickly.
The difference being that all followers of the Grandmother (Death Guard, et.al) follow this practice (compensating for their increasingly compromised abilities with lengthy preparatory methods and 'breeding plagues'), while the Iron Warriors have designated individuals (marines of good physical/genetic stock, but INFERIOR fighting prowess) who perform this for the collective. It's seen as a role for failures of the Legion, a lesser posting not fit for a true Iron Warrior (given their autism about personal feats and what being an "Iron Warrior" means), but given it's obvious relative luxuries, some warbands or factions compete for it.
Especially as within their ranks there are plenty enough Iron Warriors that follow the Grandmother's teachings.
Iron Warriors, masters of bitter, understated humour.
>Safety Hazard stripes.
>Being demoted to breeding duty.
>Everyone's a bit of an autistic retard at heart.
In the case of the Iron Warriors I could think of it being a punishment in line with being placed in a Helbrute, but with fucking machines and cum tanks instead of melding metal with skin. Maybe even an advancement from the standard Helbrute punishment, where they go just from trying to fight while bound BDSM style in the mech, to being continually impregnated while bound BDSM style in the mech, with the most egregious failures having their weapons removed and being treated more like semi-mechanical cattle.

I can imagine the predictably slow battle between an Iron Warrior Helbrute and a Death Gaurd Dreadnought.
Not so much a genuine battle of weapons so much as an incredibly one sided contest of wills, particularly as the Iron Warrior keels into labor and her enemy gives her congratulations and offers her the Grandmother's blessing.
>Konstance left her consort on Nostramo to make sure the planet stayed crime free
>Unfortunately, while the Nigh Haunteress was distraced with the great crusade the nobility of the planet had pulled off a coup
>They stopped sending the best and brightest children to the Night Ladies legion, mostly gutter trash and the occasional noble brat they wanted gone
>When Konstance returned she not only found that Nostramo had fallen back into crime
>She had found out that her consort was being kept as nothing more than a sex slave for the noble ladies
>Konstance reverted back into the Night Hauntress and reminded why the planet feared her
>The demonculaba are frequently mounted and bound atop a heavily modified Castraferrum Dreadnought base.
>This is for ease of access, maneuverability/locomotion of the swollen ex-warrior, and because most true dreadnoughts use a more effective locomotion, leaving the base chassis' unused.
>Typically, the hardpoints and mountings are used to support all manner of machines, designed to bolster the occupant's fertility and productiveness to extreme heights, to keep up with the often high long term demand for new supplementary Astartes, that do not require the same draw of gene-seed.
>However in times of extremis, or if the subject was deemed worthy despite their placement, control over locomotion may be given back to the occupant, any excessively stimulating attachments deactivated, and a hardpoint may be fitted with a weapon such as an assault cannon, hurricane bolter or similar. However, given the long-term value of Demonculaba, as well as their typically sub-par combat abilities, most are extremely reluctant to let them get close to true combat as rival Warbands simply treat them like loot anyhow.
I imagine he still got punished, in his own way, for 'betraying' her.
>Distress Report, Investigator Nonymous A., January 3rd M41-236, 16:00

>We have discovered a Chaos Warband taking refuge in the lower layers of the hive, Iron Warriors suggested by patterning but suspicion remains high.
>At least a dozen Helbrutes were observed, though only few appeared to be mounted with weapons. With 4 standard marines and several dozen slaves observed in addition.
>The question of legion comes into question when considering the massively swollen outline of the Helbrutes. All of whom had appeared to have swollen to sizes significantly more in line with Death Gaurd observations, activity under the surface of their stomachs would suggest similar purpose as well a majority of the unarmed Helbrutes appeared to being exchanged for some amount of either weapons or currency. Particulars are unknown, fighting broke out and in recognition of Mt current situation, I escaped to deliver this message.
>I am requesting Astartes assistance, a strike force attached to my forces should be sufficient to eliminate the observed targets, though the precedence for Exterminautus and similarly extreme measures remains very prevalent.
>Terminator-clad iron warrior deepstrikes with her squad into a fortress that they're attempting to breach.
>She's fought the long war for centuries, has a legacy of deeds dating back to Terra's assault itself.
>And as she and her squad march through the fortress.....she's just a hair too slow to avoid a guardsmen hiding with a melta-gun that ambushes her.
>Guardsmen tries to turn the meltagun on her squad but is subdued.
>When he next wakes up, its bound before a woman sporting fresh bionics, an angry snarl, and a few bubbling vials of mysterious liquid being injected into her by seemingly uncaring 'companions'.
>Can only hear a smattering of words, along with the occasional muttering of "Demonculaba" as the towering woman hefts him up and speaks in shockingly well honed low gothic.
>"Congratulations mortal," one of the armored figures says, the heretic astarte's voice hissing through her vox grill with but a hint of cruel mirth "it seems you've put an end to our aspiring champion's ascent. Hopefully last longer in bed than you did with that meltagun."
Congratulations on your new, very angry wife.
Has Slaanesh gone to far?
Eh, come back to me when its the Gluttony aspect of overindulgence.
Never been a big bimbo fan.
Based honestly.
No, not far enough.
The further a marine of the Third Legion develops her sword skills, the further she can develop bimbohood, and the more she can use it to retreat from the encroaching despair at realizing how her path has trapped her, robbing her and her Legion of so much of what made them great.
I like what I like.
Nothing against it, its just not very high up on the list.
Casual reminder that most Drukhari would probably be like Morathi in terms of attitude and behavior.
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She never had that many scars but she's still cute.
I volunteer to be fem Malekiths' crispy baconussy slave
In 63k, are Celestine and Greyfax the gayest yaoi couple?
But Lorgana's writings would suggest they are.

Not they're specific enough to mention them by name, but a much later story considered as an addendum to the Lecticio Divinitatus that tells of a devout pilgrim, who summons an angel in his quest to resurrct a daughter of the Empress. Having to call on the aid of a long-eared alien twink to complete the rituals (crudely implemented and weirdly forced gay sex) to finally ressurect her and celebrate with an orgy.
It like most later on addendums to the Lecticio Divinitatus was rejected for its outlandish plot line (and lower quality sex scenes)
Are there more of these? Can someone post them? I'm sure I've seen the fulgrim one.
If evil, why hot?
Because Slaanesh’s corruption is very potent. Fulgrim and Aurelia should know this most of all.
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Your honest opinion on "primarch pleasure"? https://archiveofourown.org/works/50357149?view_full_work=true
I think it's shit (not enough mating press and some femarchs defeated way too easily. Also MC OC is annoying), but it's scratches the itch (most of female primarch/marine is either wholesome romance or femdom, and while it's not bad I want something rougher), this and lewdpencil's work
How bad is it?
Pencil's work is overrated.
I think it's just shit period and half of the behavior just comes off as the same coomer garbage that r/primarchgf gets shit on for. I don't have a lot of faith for smut writers in 40k in general but especially not for ones that bounce between a half dozen other stories of the same meh quality. Granted, I have fairly autistic standards for my smut.
I'd compare it to the gulliman story that got posted a few threads ago in terms of writing quality, but it's completely dead now and the only lewds we got were Emps fucking 40k!Alarielle and the omakes about Gulliman and his elf maid.
Slop but it looks decent.
Do we have a list of all the lewd headcanons about Aurelia and her writing? I’d love to see more of this.
Not a full list I don't think but I remember there sort of fictional book reviews made by a few anons in some much earlier threads. I forget which exactly but it shouldn't be too hard to find if you start from the first.

But a lot of them revolved around in lore events with the basis of Lorgana's writings being the manifestation of her foresight, but the smut being a result of her own poorly tamed horniness, coming together in alarmingly accurate if sparce for exact details predictions, veiled under pornography that becomes increasingly more degenerate throughout and after her fall to chaos.
utter garbage
What would 63k Cawl get up to with her tech-heresy?
It'a trash. As for Pencil's artworks it looks better pre-coloring but le hecking daemon/tyranid rape is a dogshit fetish and one of the reasons I avoid the other 40k thread on this board.
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The smut thread is good for snagging art at least.
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call me Leman Russ cos I'd blow her back out
No thoughts are safe from her, your mind will be peeled like an onion.
Which thankfully means she's probably used to seeing a lot of degenerate shit.
>magna discovers your giantess fetish
Oh haha oh noooooo
Pray to the imperial truth as your pelvis is in danger.
Granted, she'd pick up stuff from me.

Granted, considering its her, she 'may' add a few extra inches to her frame just to play into that.
Oh physically you probably won't be in any danger.
But remember, she is a psyker of prodigious power and, as much confidence in her use of it, as she is educated and experienced in it.
>Intrusive degenerate thoughts coming in so fast it's literally difficult to focus on anything else.
>A constantly warped perception of her to make her seem far more towering.
In fact I can see her managing those pent up feelings or wants in a more cerebral manner, by simply bombarding her chosen consort's mind with overwhelming amounts of tailored pornographic content and enjoying the reaction, while still mostly focusing on her reading or scrying.
then again magna might also biomancy into a slightly below average human hieght version of herself just to troll you
>Magna goes shortstack to troll her consort who loves huge women.
What would the cameras think of boy ( from tts)
She writes genderbent fanfiction about the primarchs. Her favourite OC is a male version of the XIIIth that she named Robert and coded a chatbot of.
Hot. Belisaria must have a field day with all the writing she can do with those arms and her totally-not-AI. Lovely Robert would be her perfect husband if only she could get him a proper body....
63k Leagues of Votann
>In the galactic center lie the Leagues of Votann, a abhuman-clone civilization
>A fault of the Cloning-Crucibles of thousands of years results in 99% of clones being female.
>While they can survive with this setback, the race of Shortstacks still require some more genetic-stability to ensure they gene-stock doesn't degrade too much
>One of the resources that the various leagues are hunting for is human semen(due to humanity being the gene basis)
>Entire barges holding humans are often transported in Kin space, men to be used for the sake of the Kin
>Poor souls used tirelessly by nigh endless shortstack dwarf women
>There are Kin-gals that have been forged to best wring out those poor men.
>Even the Iron-Kin have been modified to extract genetic material, so that it may be used later
>There are entire world near Kin space that lack any men due to the Leagues harvesting, tradelanes have even been attacked by Kin Freelancers who attack like pirates.
>Be wary in Kin space, lest you wished to be used and wrung dry by the children of the Votann
Is Cipher Cain like a poster girl for the imperium? You know, propagana piece, painted on tanks and stuff, and printed in trashy romance novels that her inquisitor boyfriend needs to redact.
I'm not sure about how propaganda featuring her would differ from canon, but have you considered the name Caith?
I could see her looks being something she thinks of like her swordsmanship.
Caith fits a lot better, you're not wrong.
Anyway I meant it as like the way that WWI and WWII used pin-up girls for propaganda in addition to their regular stuff. So Caith Cain would have her normal "badass imperial" propaganda but also the "nationalized perfect woman" bits as well.
I suppose it would depend on how the specific location handles that stuff, but the imperium as a whole doesn't really buy into that kind of thing, does it? If the administratum were to do anything like that I'd expect it to be presenting her as a paragon, like "look at legendary inquisitor Caithness Cain, who despite her fame and power remains a chaste and pious servant of the empress."
If any pinups exist wouldn't they more likely be produced by and for specific individuals on an imperium-wide scale? Nobles and high ranking officers who have that access to interstellar news to even hear of these individuals, that kind of thing.
As for nose art, I'd imagine any pin up style stuff would still be rather simple and abstract? Imperial aircraft don't really seem to have stuff beyond identifying marks and speed lines so I don't imagine most regiments would have more than one or two colours. not to mention how the Tech Priests might take it.
Semi-related topic I think it's important to consider, is her relationship any closer with Amberley than their counterparts?
That’s a lot smarter than how I was going over it all, and that’s probably correct about how the Imperium would portray her as more of a Joan of Arc kind of “incorruptible pure servant of the empress, chaste and brave no matter the odds” paragon of virtue. Of course that means her memoirs are probably equally the standard Cain cowardice but also her listing after Amberley, Amberley’s retinue, and more things; all while Juergen watches porn frequently as per normal. And you’re probably right about the pinups as well, more of a special produced and ordered thing.
Her and Amberley? Well I think regardless of if Amberley’s a girl or gets genderbent too, their relationship would have the same beats but also have more upfrontness about Amberley wanting Caithness, with a more possessive/protective angle maybe.
Daily reminder that Etna is canonically thiccest primarch.
Female custodes who has an embarrassing secret, she needs to get her breasts milked regularly.

And we love her for it.
*2nd thickest
If grandma did anything to Mortaria, it was pacj on the pounds where it really counts
We're probably talking pre-heresy.
Mortaria post Heresy probably waxes and wanes depending on Grandmother Nurgle's favor between her older, more thin physique and her newer, excessively fecund one.
Pre-heresy there's no contest, Etna without question.
But by sheer size at any particular point in their lives? That has to be Mortaria, even if it is only really winter weight.
>Nurgle gifts her followers thickness.
>Khorne gifts her followers more muscles
>Tzeench is more a thick thigh girl for 'class'
>Slaanesh will just gift her girls oversized attributes depending on her mood.
>Thick in general
>Thick but it's muscle
>Thick but it's just the legs
>Thick but X
That's not much variety.
Wouldn't Tzeench's followers tend towards the skinny side?
Wouldn't Khorne's have sharper teeth, and nails that become increasingly like talons? Skin with an everpresent sheen of sweat from insides as hot as ovens?
I'm just talking in general but yeah, If you want to go that route tzeenchian followers could tend more towards the thin end along with developing patches of feathers, kaleidescope eyes and birdfeet/wings at higher levels.
Khornes girls would for sure get shark teeth and talons alongside curling horns and maybe rougher skin patches.
Mortaria is just obese so it doesn't count.
Contended for by Magna (who can cheat however) and Petra, who is remarkably thicc outside her armour. Also Ferra, but she might be more lean amazonian giantess.
Post-Heresy Daemon Primarch Mortaria is also something like 14 foot tall, on top of being supernaturally well endowed, and frequently pregnant.

I've actually done a study edit, to try and visualize what she might look like. If anyone wants, I'll post it somewhere, but not here bcos divisive fetish material (even though imo it's hardly eyebleach material).
More a case study that if you keep adding more and more thickness to an hourglass eventually they'll end up straight out obese.
Still, it's part of her charm. Only Primarch to ever reach a point where she can't keep up with her progeny.
>all this Mortariafagging
Someone call Drago to smite these Nurglefags back into the warp.
By the logical definition of the word being obese counts for more

I would like to see it, though I definitely understand not posting here.
She's always been one that interested me design wise. Particularly because of how she contrasts against her sisters. Not that there's anything wrong with shredded Amazonian giants, but it gets stale when there's 20 of them.

1) It's Draigo. Kaldeen Draigo.

2) If you can't handle Grandma's gifts, get out of her garden.
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>good bye my hips, lower spine and potentially internal organs.

But was it worth it?
> Yes, Save for Mortaria, because you know that bitch has the clap.
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In the lewd future of the 41st millennium, there is only snu snu
I posted it here
if anyone wants.
I probably could have done more, tidied it up, but my motivation was flagging a little.
I have no idea how but the picture genuinely isn't there.
The link only goes to the general posts page, and searching through them by number is equally fruitless, it's just not there.
You posted the wrong link unless you were trying to link poorly made AI gay porn.
Huh, thought that you could still link it before mod approval. My bad lads.
Genuinely, these are the only posts that exsist around where it should be
Ohh, that's a weird system.
Try catbox, just so we have someway to see it
should work.
Truly the worst Primarch. She deserves all the bullying and beatings.
I like it.
I think she could do with a few more stretch marks in places, but overall the shapes and size are nice, I like the flowers alot.
Is cool.
Not into hyper-preg stuff myself but it's nicely edited.
Reminds me of that I need to get off my arse and start drawing again.
Got too many things to draw.
Very nice.
if everything is just a genderswapped version of themselves then doesn't that mean fem!cain is the slut of all sluts?
That or just constantly hounded after by men, much to the frustration of Amberley
No bully Momma Mortaria, she's not hurting anyone.
It's when she goes on a self-loathing spin, slims back down, and then goes on a crusade, then she's hurting people.
I didn't want to go too extreme with anything, again due to board fetishes. Keep things somewhat feasible, clean, and not too deviant.
The flowers were how I more imagine the Grandmother's influence spreading or visualizing. Enormous flowers and organic matter growing from corroded wargear, damp with dew and nectar, and almost pungent with spores and fragrance.
Cheers. I'd open myself to suggestions, but I do have a number of other wip's I probably should get done some day too.
pre-heresy mortaria however was the lankiest of the primarchs
The idea of Grandmother Nurgle being represented by flowers is something I actually really like. It works quite well for her holy symbol too, replacing the hoops of the original with large petals, and the points with long stamens.
I imagine, if we're going the full r63 route and not the "what if Empress" route, Cain to be something like 40K, crossed with Barbie, who uses morale boosting mascot behavior to make people fight for her.
Except Barbie is a chronic layabout, self-professed coward, and long-suffering imposter to the fame she happened to stumble into, despite having a selection of feats to her name that speak to a truly remarkable set of talents.
She has a host of friends and callers, but enjoys something of a torrid, if frequently high stress relationship with a particularly young, bright, aggressive and attractive Ordo Xenos Inquisitor that she met when he was pretending to be a guest singer, and whom she absolutely blew it with by trying to impress him with her well-honed skills of observation.
>"...in fact, and keep it quiet, but I have good course to believe there is even an agent of the Inquisition among our ranks."
>"*Gasp* an agent of the Inquisition! Here? Oh my."
More like how she reacted when Ultramarines punished her home planet and raped all their altar boys

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