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:P edition

*Limited futa and A.I., just don't spam it.
**No aliens at level 2 or below, refer to the chart in the imgur link (Replace when needed.)**
>Recent Stories:
By Kaktus
Mycelial Bonds (complete)
Bug in the Stars (in progress)
By Snekguy
By ThisIsARealAccount

>Smut list: https://docs.google.com/document/d/11ZTFvrLMY1OnNzxhU0p2UhL1wYmRgOoAjmOzkq8z_gQ/edit?usp=sharing (Needs to be updated)
>Game:http://teraurge.blogspot.com/?zx=e9ef98831783e9e6 (V3 Never Ever.)
>Thread Archive: https://desuarchive.org/aco/search/subject/xeno/type/op/
>Enemy Quest: https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/res/574310.html
>Enemy Quest - The War: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1080085.html
>Previous thread: >>8165559
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Got more for content for Nuzatagh done
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Another Nuz thing done
also did some stuff with that molluscoid design, mainly aiming to get almost slug skin like texturing going to differentiate from the usual very smooth skin used for most tentacled designs. Not sure it worked out quite right, feedback? more of this thing on the way
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Second thing of the molluscoid
I'd say you captured the skin texture pretty well
my only critique is that the right foot's tooes are a little wack and that there's no top half of this image
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I don't remember what this is or where I got it, but it looks weird and has tits so I'm putting it here in hopes of being educated.
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that is am form i got no mouth and must scream?
That's just a cool character design in general
>tfw no Yautja gf that likes to carefully caress your hair with her mandibles
>tfw no Turian gf that likes to carefully caress your hair with her mandibles
Y'all motherfuckers are species traitors. For real.

Would you rather discover alien civilization and them being less advanced ("we built first flight capable machine last year") or hyperadvanced dyson sphere building one?
The first one is fascinated with you in a way someone seeing an actual wizard would be, the latter - in a way a kid is entertained watching an anthill
we'd ruin the first one
Neither of those tbqh. I think my favorite kind of sci-fi alien civs are ones similar to Turtledove's The Road Not Taken, where their technological path is completely different from humanity's.
In that story in particular, the ayys managed to develop anti-gravity space travel, but the rest of their society is a pre-Industrial civilization comparable to 1400s-1500s Earth. No electricity, no plastics, no combustion engines, no modern medicine. Albeit, somehow, anti-gravitational fields.
Another less "extreme" example is the Habinte Unified Worlds from Stellaris. Their technology is always comparable to the player, except that they never figured out how to use hyperlanes to travel through space. What they did figure out, though, was how to bring other planets to their system by using those hyperlanes, and then proceeded to terraform them.
The first one.
I would rather be "ooooh big 'ooman, watch, he can kill a whole Ithazadolituquuak just by pointing at it" than "lmao those dipshits are STILL using FIREarms oh nononono".
Basically: better be someone others look up to, than someone others look down upon.
Little bit of collumn A, little bit of B, little bit of >>8272689
So long as we find one to get along with.
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>lmao those dipshits are STILL using FIREarms oh nononono
mfw the 5.56x45mm NATO burst fire ignores my Zorbrix-Vokra PDEAB (Portable Direct Energy Absorption Barrier)
Ah, my favorite HFY option which I picked up 20 years ago watching some early 3d cartoon. I think it was stargate something?
The whole gist, basically:
>aliens got those fancy EMP or whatever.
>all electronics are kill.
>all the fancy big boy interceptors can't do shit because electronics are kaput
>old biplane does not care
>old biplane runs on shitty combustion engine
>all needles and gauges are physics based, depending purely on how deep the needle is in fuel tank
>bombs away, dodge this shrapnell so outdated you didn't prepare for this
>aliens are FUBAR because they didn't think anyone would bomb them with such outdated technology.
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Fokker Scourge is back on the menu boys!
If you hadn’t specified 3d cartoon I’d think you were talking about the Worldwar series
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Gun to my head, I can't remember the series name.
I remember it was one of those sort of 3d toons, like picrelated. Plastic looking 3D.
One episode there, some crewmember was captured by alien goo thing, and it was tryint to extract some sort of knowledge, scanning memories sort of thing. But crew member kept remembering all the wrong things on purpose (basically captain Keys vs Flood). And then when rescue came and was figured how to save them from this predicament- the crew member goes like "they know now" because it accidentally remembered the needed thing.
Kinda hard to understand what exactly is happening. Probably doesnt help that i dont remember or haven't seen what the full alien looks like. >>8269856 Anon already mentioned it, the right leg ends in a left, backwards foot. Going to take a wild guess and say it was from an earlier draft(?) that had the human turned around.
>>8269692 I really like this one. It amuses me how much better you are on typically harder things like hands/feet than (human) faces. Maybe adding some slime residue where the alien is touching him on the face and on his hands? Assuming of course that this is the idea behind the shine you gave it.
I think I just made a mistake when drafting and did the foot swapped and didn't notice it for whatever reason unfortunately

Honestly hands and feet can be hard but IMO the face is much harder, made up of much more complicated intersecting shapes, doing anything outside of a head on or 3/4 angle gets hard (for me at least) to get the perspective right.

I think didn't want to go TOO goopy so didnt do it. I think I was also probably just tired from the huge amount of time it took to get the tentacle texturing done. I have a more full body thing was working on of the molluscoid but just haven't finished it yet.

I think both can be equally good depending on the writing. Who watches the watchers was such a good TNG episode that i'll put my vote in for humans as more advanced
It took me a hot minute to remember it, but there you go.
yup that's it.
Maybe you can help me out

Looking for a western drawn porn comic.

Plot was about some red skinned aliens which get incredibly horny when exposed to human pheromones.

Started of in a train with a female alien narator fucking a human. Went to her school where she got scolded by her female alien principle for fucking another human, but she ended up joining in whole doing so.
You're looking for Incase, the species, whilst boring, are called Puazi.
Found it myself after recalling the artstyle.

Thanks, anon.
That's pretty hot.
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Is this a magical Liopleurodon?
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you sir just brought back memories of me haging out at friends house look up dumb shit online
I like less advanced humans but ayys aren't beyond comprehension either. A bunch of redcoats going to fight spacebugs with rifles that put cannonball sized holes in people and being amazed at shit like icemakers almost as much as space stations
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when your gf has just molted and wants to have some fun while shes still soft
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>Her being soft is spicing things up in the bedroom. :D
A shame there isn't more ayys like them out there. At least we got a good amount of similar pics, regardless.
Adding this to the ideas list for stuff to do with the chalibdryl
Sounds good, I'd love to see what she'd look like.
she tries to hide being embarrassed by it
were so back
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very cute
What do her lips taste like?
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Sexy AI xeno
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green apple
now this is pretty nice
who knew otacon could get that sangussy
I freakin' love elites' hex grid body suits
>80 years postwar and some sangheili is looking for old armor under-sheathes for kinky and wildly insensitive roleplay purposes
magic missile

thank you!

blueberry pie
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god she is so cute i love her would date
I want a blowjob from a female xenomorph.
Fun fact: most Xenomorph’s are actually female, it’s like an insect hive on earth most of the workers/drones are female, males are incredibly rare.
>puny human, it seems like I'll have to use the little mouth for you.
>the first thing I see after returning to the space port
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Figured I'd post the art I have of my alien, Ali N.
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very cute love her
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i wonder how much the worm babies squirm around in the womb
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the average is about 4-5 wormlings
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a little gift
Wow thats very good
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ayy lmao
Whats the difference between the green ones and the grey ones? (Besides their color)
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different phenotypes
they are extremely racist to each other, /ayypol/ makes our /pol/ look like a UN meeting in comparison
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Khan mommy
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Both of these are good
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love smol girl
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bet she gets really shy if you give a compliment
>tfw xeno gf comes with syringe and vials
>"anon, we should inject these in you as soon as possible, this will be good trust me"
>what are those???
>"trust me, this will be good"
>have 911 on speed dial and get jabbed
>okay? What are those? Some of your nano healing bots or something?
>"nano what? No, geez, I just bought some pyrogenetics, I heard they make you go into fever. I just love when you're sick and all hot, so much better to hug you, but hate to see you sneeze and be sick and miserable:
>"now come here, share the heat, my warmblooded beast"
Just tell her why high body temperature is bad for your balls and this is exactly why nature had to put them outside of the body.
>"oh that's just great!"
>"let me hold them!"
Now what?
>tfw no space gf that takes a few days off to look after the sick 'ooman bf
>the sick 'ooman bf needs to stay in bed and be fed "chicky soups"
>his survival depends on it, he needs all the care he can get
>no those days off are NOT requested because he will be running hotter than usual, being all extra cuddly and so much better to to wrap around at night, HE needs it.
>please he only gets sick two times a winter, I NEED to look after him, for Elder's sake let me have it JUST PUT A BOT TO FILL IN FOR ME I NEED THIS HOT DICK, with all due respect, as earth'nay say, "REEEEE!".
I keep imagining eating her out while she is standing upright, christ almighty
was half awake and read this as "FILL THY XENO"
it still works
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no dont cry D :
>even a normal sized human cock almost gets up to her rib cage
I love shortstacks
Snek dump
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It's 2016 sniddy fever all over again.
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What does it say about me, that I've dumped atLEAST 1 load to each of these in the past?
Any new Facehugger arts/renders?
not particularly recently
once Romulus releases, though, you bet your ass the floodgates will open
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Means you've got good taste
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Why does her head look like a womb?
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That's where their ovaries actually are. You get them pregnant by fucking them in the mouth.

Well, no actually it's just a ton of tags I threw into SDXL and pressed "generate" until something not too awful came out.
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Snolice snutality.
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"i got them girls converge on my position"
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>mfw i get caught using fake credits and the BHC police come to arrest me
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Realized I had some OC related to all the snekdumping I forgot to post last thread.
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Don't have much to bump with
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irken impregnation
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>Little bit of collumn A, little bit of B

>encounter ayys
>they're incredibly backwards, like barely early 20th century level of industrialization
>welcomed exuberantly although some of them seem unaccountably miffed at your presence, not xenophobia but a strange sense of imposition
>everyone seems suitably impressed by your advanced technology with much ooing and aahing but can't help but get the feeling they're humoring you somehow.
>unexpectedly hit it off with one of females over a shared interest in combustion engines
>thing progress from there and pretty soon you're spending long evenings at her place and not just in the garage
>after one particularly frisky night you're awoken by voices
>she's in the other room trying to speak quietly to someone and not doing a very good job, giggling every so often. Ah. She's on that funny old crank phone to one of her friends.
>wait, the phone is downstairs. Who...?
>You creep up and peek through the partially open door
>she's speaking into something far too small for the tech level and the voice that answers her back has a face
>a communicator, with video call capability? What the hell?
> You realize too late you said that last part out loud
>two faces grin sheepisjly at you
>the whole place is one big period Larp played on a planetary scale, used by a type 2 civilization several systems over
>most were thrilled to have a genuine first contact scenario thrown in unexpectedly though the traditionalists were understandably annoyed
>well, at least they did a good job with the authenticity.
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So, how do you guys feel about the occasional AI generated picture? Assuming it really is occasional and doesn't look too crappy.
I prefer all those hand-drawn images in these threads, but I'm neither an artist nor do I have a lot of xeno pics, but I absolutely understand if you'd prefer to keep AI stuff in the designated /sdg/s.
A.I is the future, use it for making decent concepts for aliens.
I don't care much. I see it as background noise like the myriad of lookalike anime women all around the internet. I prefer striking homemade and handmade designs.
I'd like to be striken by an AI though. I keep my options open
There is always stuff off about them, like the eyes, background, arms, etc in this one so not a fan of it.
Why are anons more eager to give their opinions on this topic, than on a lot of the oc art that's more commonly preferred?
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I was referring to the a.i. talk. Any big and polarizing discussion in the threads in generally, really. Just seems ironic, given what people say they want over what they actually show interest in. It's nothing big, but I thought it was worth noting.
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few seem to give much of a shit about most of the OC stuff. Much like any other platform, its its not from an existing franchise good luck getting any traction.
>its all so tiring

Anyway, here was a thing drew up, molluscoid GF trying to try out sexy human clothing for you. (1/2, second not done)

At a practical and philosophical level not interested. Its a statistical model mashing up things from other artists, there's no purposeful thought behind any design, and its just parasitizing the work of others without credit. Feels like a waste of the time and energy spent developing and maintaining this technology that can be used to actually time over time consuming, menial tasks no one likes doing, to instead replace creative tasks people DO like practicing. Its the antithesis of growth as a person and a species.
With the slop you Ai guys churn out I doubt we'd ever see an original looking alien ever again.
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Sadly, it seems very true. From here to /v/ and beyond, you read about users wanting 'more content', regardless of how much they've already received. Only caring about 'more stuff' and not reflecting on what they like or sharing it out of passion. Always wanting 'more' out of an near unprofitable niche. It's a shame, too, 'cause I've seen lots of great work recently. You can practically feel the bumps, slime, and squishiness in the tentacles you drew. And the denseness and silkiness of the fur on Nuz. You and the other drawfags have been on a roll this past year and the last. Yet people still pine over fresh member berries art in droves. I've heard it takes years for anything to gain traction, but it just sounds like the internet cares more about familiarity and quantity. I've seen fanbases of dead series seek and foster better talent than I've seen in niche xeno circles. I hope you know, even in spite of some of the flaws, the effort you put into improving yourself as an artist doesn't go unnoticed.
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I can think of a few other polarizing talks that happen from time to time, but given the homogeneity in these threads they are much rarer and not that divisive.
>futa xenos
>boundary between furshit and xenos
>things that are too human
Personally, talking about OC requires also more thought and effort. When I talk to an artist, I'll try to give critique and tell the artist what I liked about it. When I reply to an AI picture I can just say "soulless shit" or "fucked-up hands lmao"
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>mashing up things from other artists
Yes, and? Always has been.
That slop is stopping (You) from making an original looking aliens?
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Most of the past shit-fits were grating because they kept happening. I'm mostly indifferent towards that stuff if everyone gave a fuck about the rules (no spacebabes was an unspoken rule until now.) And admittedly, the a.i. art posted since the new rules have increased in quality, so I won't discourage them when they post considerately. But posts and oc that improve the quality of the threads are worth acknowledging as well, even for the sake of encouraging a better community in the end. Even if replying takes more effort, it should be more rewarding intrinsically. That said, those kinds of posts aren't nonexistent. Their a lot rarer, but they're appreciated (basic kudos is good, too.) If some of those critiques earlier in the thread are from you, then you've contributed to adding more value to the general. That's all I'd like to see more of honestly.
It really shouldn't, I just hope anons try to experiment more with these programs. I wouldn't use them because it's more of a hassle to make something less humanoid or more exact. But for a hobby and a niche this small, it's not worth much fuss.
>boundary between furshit and xenos
This ones actually important though, if we go too far to the furshit side mods will start banning these threads.
No, it's just inevitable spam like how the same breed of gooners spam /aco/ with a billion Dall-E threads that end up bumping off actually good threads. Ai gooners will just make this thread another spam fest like any other.
Are you seriously using gooner as an insult on /aco/?
What do you think you are?
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Good Guido dump, hope he's doing well.
the perfect organism. Its structural perfection is only matched by its heftyness
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From what? You think she's a slave or something?Imagine trying to free an alien from a mystic pimp. Old pulp sci-fi could be weird like that, lol.
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when you're doing something right, there's no reason to speak out because things are good. many also don't know how to give positive critique beyond "I like thing", or "cool! good work!!", and don't want to waste their time, or risk offending the artist/discourage them with an inadvertently crippling criticism

however, when there's abhorrent shit, it leads to visceral disgust
I miss when Lenni didn't have bimbo face...
There's a difference between inspiration/imitation and what AI generated slop is; even if there wasn't however, nothing on this scale has been achievable in history before. What may have been a small niche issue has now blown up into a major one: why get artists to make anything original when you can click a few buttons to get a machine to churn out some slop?
Eventually, yes.
Her face looks better there desu, with lips rather than just a hole that ends abruptly into teeth.
>and don't want to waste their time
the artist's time*, I mean
That's why it looks worse; it's less alien. It's a worm race, why are there collagen-injected lips?
Because they're sexy. I'd rather kiss DSL's than a toothy maw.
There's an image of comparisons between her drawn states somewhere, where the artist expressed their distaste of how they'd drawn her.
It seems clear they were limited by their artistic ability, rather than making it intentional.
>I'd rather kiss DSL's than a toothy maw.
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Live a little you unadventurous nerd.
>toothy maw without lips
Not enjoyable to kiss.
>toothy maw with lips
Enjoyable to kiss.

Simple as.
>why get artists to make anything original when you can click a few buttons to get a machine to churn out some slop
Because they want to?
It feels like this kind of seething we could see around XIXth century, along with
>this cheap machine made pictures has no soul, please buy my landscapes and fruit salad paintings with a discount
It will take a long time before retards realize that "AI" is not an artificial intelligence, but just a statistical database. Just a tool, not an evil mastermind skynet evolved to genocide poor artistorinos.
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very cute i like her
>Has unprotected sex
>Angry when they cum in you, unprotected
>Angry that she's pregnant
I honestly don't understand the appeal of this kind of relationship
Female understand personal responsibility challenge: IMPOSSIBLE.
>just chuck it in brah
It came out of you, I can put it back into you, minus calcium you've expended on shells, but I'll get calcium supplements for that.
What if alien, but big?
become the dildo
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I wonder who would win in a fight, a Berserker or a Fleshpound from Killing Floor?
Muscle + steel > muscle
The Berserker is muscle + extreme amounts of combat drugs + genetic enhancements to smash through people and objects.
Considering a Fleshpound gets stunlocked by a skilled human with a giant hammer, and the Berserker stuns people as easy as pie, I think the Berserker would win.
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That only happens if the Fleshpound isn't enraged, once the chest rig is red and working the only thing that can stop an enraged Fleshound is killing it before it kills you. I'd have to go with the other anon those metal fists and drills are a big advantage on top of their inhuman monster strength.
killing floor is using conventional and even outdated weaponry while the x-com setting has magic alien tech weapons and alien magic powers
I suppose so.
If the Berseker doesn't enrage the Fleshpound and take it out quickly then it's zero-sum game.
However yeah, I can see a full on enragement battle going towards the Fleshpound. I wonder though, the Berserker seems much larger than a Fleshpound so maybe an enraging Fleshpound is still something that can be pinned down. The Berserker seems to actually be intelligent enough to make decisions whereas the Fleshpound just paths towards what it wants to kill without much thought, so the Berserker could overcome it with size + outmanoeuvring it.
Assuming of course the Berserker is that intelligent.
Both things die to guns and bullets so the magic that creates them is kinda redundant.
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Finished up molluscoid dress-up thing #2

Thanks, its been a long few weeks and that helps build some motivation back. progress on improving has felt glacially slow but at least there's some.

also source on that? pretty good art and interesting design, whole head looks like its just using olfactory pits or something along those lines.

There is a colossal difference between intentionally using a technique/choice you've seen from another artist intentionally because it works well in ABC situation for XYZ reasons, compared to a statistical model just mashing things together in an unknowing way.

I feel like this meme had the potentially to actually blow up outside of /xeno/, did it?

WHEW, artists do any more of that?

Anyone been checking out Runaway to the Stars?
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very cute love her
shes little confused but got the spirit
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Compared to their clot kin Fleshpounds are pretty intelligent being the most developed clone abomination. They can speak full sentences and are smart enough to cover their chest rig with their drills when being shot at. It's just when enraged they go full primal chimp mode only focused on mincing whatever is in front of them. I think it would be a close fight but because the fleshpound has actual metal weapons imbedded in their arms that gives them a much bigger advantage over a berserker despite being bigger and maybe a bit stronger than them.
>mashing things together in an unknowing way
But you are the one controlling the way it mashes things.
Does anyone know a short (1?) page comic about some female Roswell gray aliens abducting a guy but he broke containment and started sexing the alien while one of them was calling the bridge for help, no color
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Tell me, will we get the v3 update before World War 3 starts?
It was drawn by a guy though? And for whatever reason is a pretty common fantasy for a lot of men here?
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Killing floor has expanded into sci fi weaponry recently, besides saying you can kill a fleshpound with conventional firearms is like saying you can dig a five foot deep hole with a spoon, possible but not recommended. Usually you need a couple RPGs or a few bricks of c4. That said I don't know much about beserkers but I'd say it'd be at least a fair fight
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The fact Fleshpounds can eat a rocket launcher blast near point blank range and still be alive standing proves just how durable and hard to kill they really are. Also I absolutely hate the generic sci-fi garbage they keep forcing on killing floor, I'm definitely not buying the third game soley because it looks like unrecognizable shit.
Can't demos one shot FPs even on Hell on Earth with a headshot in 2? I know gunslingers can magdump their deagles or .500s and bring them down with enough headshots?
But yeah, theyre tough as fuck and 8 foot tall in 1. Problem is that 10 round match will see you expected to push through 5+ but if you run into 5 sequential berserkers in xcom you'd rip your fucking dick off in anger. FPs are tough but if we're assuming xcom gear is better by endgame by default then berserkers run them over.
King fleshpound on the other hand...
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Still the best image of a Berserker's and Viper's bits.
All that MEAT.
Still wouldn't fuck a berserker, which is a cuntman in a nutshell.
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Beef curtains are scar tissue, that thing took ungodly mileage of cock, probably enough to take you to sun and back twice.

Also, too lazy to fish out posts to respond
>fleshpound is just steel meat, berserker is muscle, genetic augs, and steel
And you only know that because in x-com you can do dissections. You don't capture prisoners or do dissections in killing floor. You survive. Who knows what sort of augs they got that you can't see, who knows what gene fuckery they underwent (probably none because devs maybe don't care to put that much lore into horde defense game. Never looked too deep into it.)

>fleshpound can be stunlocked to death by melee weapons
Yeah I've seen melee fighters with katanas stunlock scrakes and fleshpounds.
I have also once had a viper tonguegrab my melee scout dude with shotgun into their midst and he shanked her and some other alien. Was long ago, don't remember.
Point is, skilled melee fighter (player) with sharp piece can kill fleshpound. But, same applies to berzerkers.
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Yeah I definitely prefer the strategic grindhouse of kf1 to the fast paced scifi shooter of kf2, which the seem to be doubling down on. Some of the decisions made by tripwire during kf2's development have already cast enough doubt and what I'm hearing about the sequel being a hero shooter set in the future doesn't inspire much hope.
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I didn't need to see that.
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I started working on this in... APRIL?! Fuck man where does the time go. I've barely had time to draw.

>I feel like this meme had the potentially to actually blow up outside of /xeno/, did it?
nah something I made would never blow up like that. rocking 14 likes on twitter rn B)

Barely alive but alive nonetheless.
>probably none
Opposite, every single zed is a clone of a massively modded (genetics, tech, and regular ol steroids) template. The patriarch definitely put in some real shonky shit into the FPs after himself.
They're clones of the Patriarch's deseased son who was most likely a psychopath but nurtured through everyday society to control his nature in front of others. The Zeds being born with his genetic psychopath template, brought to life in a day with a clean slate full adult brain with zero nurture to control themselves have their psychopathic nature in full force. Eventually they start self mutilating themselves ripping their noses off, clawing their eyes out, cannibalizing eachother and violently killing anything they see like an animal.
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Talking about artists without time to draw, is joolius still alive?
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Is L.L still around?
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>It will take a long time before retards realize that "AI" is not an artificial intelligence, but just a statistical database. Just a tool, not an evil mastermind skynet
No shit. Typing in a few keywords to generate art produces something that for lack of a better term, lacks soul
Tell me you've never made anything in your life without telling me you've never made anything in your life
Long noodle.
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my art might not be the best but lest i made it with my own damn hands
Would you rather have straight sex with aliens or gay sex with aliens?
Or both?
thanks bra
>Typing in a few keywords to generate art produces something that for lack of a better term, lacks soul
It will, if typing in a few keywords is the only thing you do. Looks like a skill issue.
>Tell me you've never made anything in your life without telling me you've never made anything in your life
Wrong. My works were posted here sometimes, some of them are 500+ rating at e621.
>I would do a great stuff, but I kinda don't wanna, because of that damn AI/Blender/Source Filmmaker/photobashers/moon phase/my leg hurts/insert any other irrelevant reason
You either do something, or don't. If you don't - the reason doesn't matter, you're just pointlessly whining at this point.
what's this from?
>muh SOVL
This shit again...
Look pal, "SOVL" does not make my dick hard. If I punch some things and 30 minutes later AI gives me thing that makes my pp the big pp - then AI did a good job. If I have to wait 3 months and pay my weekly salary to get my pp hard, while AI achieves same in fraction of a time - no offense, but AI won the round, and no amount of "SOVL" will sway me.

"SOULFUL" is a cope buzzword used by people who feel threatened by AI. All you had to do was see it as tool, to be used for your advantage, yet you see it as competitor.
When are you gonna make more of this saggy titted worm?
Fuck yeah
I want to have sex with Anon's pencil snake with saggy tits
>My works were posted here sometimes
Doesn't mean much, sometimes even futa's posted here
I'm pretty sure its a wurae.
Also a hag.
I had to see this and now you have to see this, too
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These Halo mods are great!
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Gorilla mommy...
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>Xeno Ryona
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at first they weren't going to be naked but the pose leaves a lot to the imagination so I think I'll keep them naked.

your hands are better than a souless machine. nice to see more of her.
If Romulans and Vulvans were Raptoroos, would you?
Is that a typo or a pun?
I wonder if there is any works where a xeno is a human supremacist.
No I'm not going to check HFY, piss off, It's that I saw a brown guy on /pol/ being a white supremacist and now I wonder if someone did it with xenos.
Who the artist?
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glad you like her it helps with com when you dont have block of texts of descriptions

i was a dumbass and drew the wrong arm gone but still like how it came out
10/10 would marry
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Holy gem, thank you very much :*
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Source please.
Looks both generic and like shit at the same time.
Seeing /xeno/ get dominated by AI slop is gonna hurt, guess it's really over.
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>dominated by AI
>couple of pictures for an entire thread
Start posting non-AI pictures then. Or better yet, start drawing, create some original content..
I used to always dislike your art. But since AI art flooded the internet, I now appreciate it because you actually make it yourself and it has soul. Don't stop drawing.
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Started as the former, but given where we are, I'll accept the latter.
I wanna say Polarwooly, but I see it posted elsewhere so I'm not 100% sure that's the case
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im pretty casual i mostly draw just so it easier to com when you have some kind of ref and not a block of text
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For that matter if Cardassians were actually reptilians, would that change anything? Would that lead to more or less human hybrids?
Plap, plap, plap, get pregnant, etc.
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I'm still going to do some work on it later but glad you like it! Hope it is worth the wait. Depending on how much time I spend on it I may get to some other suggestions/requests later.
oh is she a wurae?
Kim Cardassian when?
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yeah she is this anon's. I drew her like two years ago.
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and i still love it very much
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You should draw her getting ready for deployment
it's a garbage tool used by unskilled individuals as a cope for their lack of talent, and it has a distinct look to it that's offputting and obvious; all the shit in the dall-e threads looks the same. im sorry you have such shit taste and burnt out dopamine receptors that this shit gets you off
Some fun redesigns. Wondering how they do klingons and breen

also the SCHNOZ on those cardassians

This looks so familiar, is that image from star sector?
Klingons do appear to be a favorite of the artist. No Breen yet though. Though the Trill design makes Worf and Jadzia's pairing more interesting.
And the relationship between Bashir and Ezri
There are a lot of Vorta redesigns out there, but this one does feel the more like the primates they were uplifted from.
And that's all I found so far. Well found that was a good resolution.
>arttroon seething
Go draw some cubes again and again.
Yup, starsector "raid preparation", those are your commandos getting ready to un-alive something
spess bimbo
I've only ever seen a handful of different styles from AI generated pictures. It's funny to think of them as separate artists. You can also just consider xeno AI art posted here as art posted by a new artist (which you can insult using even more slurs like CLANGER or soulless faggot bot)
>how do we make the bajorans even more annoying?
>make them into small dogs
cope lol
your creativity womb is barren
you will never be an artist
While those designs are... neat... it just seems like an excuse to draw furry art
or to boom a planet
Like I care. Won't buy your furry ych adopts anyway.
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If this thread was to be locked down every time someone complained about furry vibes there's be no /xeno/. If people want strictly human adjacent aliens there's the space babe thread.
Bit of an overreaction. There's ayys and there's furry art
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Nta, but we once had a furfag call nearly every alien posted here an anthro (including xenomorphs) and thought we might as well post furries like krystal while we were at it. This shit argument keeps coming up because of trolling or genuinely bad takes. But in reality, the mods don't give a shit about aco. We had breakdown some months ago, filling the thread with actual furshit, futa spam, and literal piss. None of it got deleted. So living in fear of the mods is unnecessary.
neither of all the anons, but people should keep in mind that while all furry is anthro, not all anthro is furry.
Sorry Anon, I don't make the rules but if you want to fuck Judy Hopps regardless of not being part of anything furry, a giant beam shoots down from the sky and zaps you to inscribe FURRY on your forehead.
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Makes giving them headpats much more demeaning. Or arousing if they're into petplay
I want to suck on those titties
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draw two pictures where they travel in the mountains with walking sticks on an unknown planet, and after then they sleep in a tent in a hug
Same but two. I love femxenomorphs so much, lips included or not.
> Alternate designs for StarTrek aliens

This really makes me wish for the entirely alternate timeline of the Trek universe, where the story never involved that ancient progenitor species that tampered with the proto-life ooze puddles on many different worlds... That one plot point which basically forced a conveniently convergent evolution billions of years ago (throughout the entire galaxy no less) so that everyone in the setting would become rubber foreheads of that ancient alien species.

Fuck it, i'll just say it:
Trek should've always been a 2D animated series.
Imagining all of the Bajoran plot arcs from DS9 but with these things is a hell of a trip. I also like the idea of them fighting an insurgency against those Cardassian designs and winning.
most of their tactics were bombs/IEDs and such so being that size means being able to hide bombs in even more places
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god I love dukat
it's a shame they flanderized him and turned him into the space devil because people were empathizing with his character
I wonder how a bajoran managed to pop out a cardassian hybrid like Ziyal with such a size difference
>inb4 Bajoran women crave BCC
eggs or very small babies which isn't all that uncommon given how small some larger species babies are
>Imagining all of the Bajoran plot arcs from DS9 but with these things is a hell of a trip.
Yeah, that would be- Oh no.
> You are now remembering the references to what terrible (sex) crimes the Cardassians did during the occupation of Bajor.
Yeah i doubt many victims survived, if Cardassians are proportional to Humans.
> Literally imp Midna all over again

Also on further thought, making the Trek aliens genuine aliens makes the prospect of any sort of hybrid of any two (or more) species REQUIRE medical genetic engineering methods to create... I mean, there's just no possible way that this alternate Bajoran physiology could support a full term pregnancy of a physically larger species. (without likely dying in the process)

... Which means that Ziyal is a test-tube baby science project... And because "Family is everything" on Cardassia, it indicates an even worse degree of pathological psychology to Dukat; That he would never truly "leave" Bajor behind and in a very twisted way, it would always be a part of his "family"

I can already imagine Ziyal's "mother" getting escorted by Dukat into some science lab one day, and Ziyal is floating in the synthetic womb right there in front of her... Dukat points out the female genetic donor. Imagine it. Some carefully worded slight, as revenge on the mother's part, her saying "We'll never be a family"
And then Dukat fucking *does it* with science, because we know he's just fucked up enough to actually do it, and then love his "daughter" as real family anyways.

Which makes the Cardassian occupiers even more comically evil to torture their victims on that emotional level, considering how many hybrids there were that got left behind. Likely also abused by their Bajoran "parents"
Fucking. Hell.
Meant to put >>8335941 before
>Also on further thought, [...]
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>stith on top
bye bye pelvis bones
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worth it
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Wonder if the Dabo girls put out.

Who made these? I know very little about Star Trek, but I always like when people redesign the aliens from the show, making them, well, alien.

and I really like these designs.
Unless you're Perifag.
That asswipe should live in fear of the mods.
Good stuff, Guido. Bet she would feel nice to game with like that.
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In an effort to appease the jannies, I have permanently removed the fur. The universe has barely holding together from this lore change and will have to undergo significant rewrites.

I'm of the opinion that it's only a furry if it's an anthro animal. As long as they're not representing an actual animal I wouldn't consider it furry. I won't deny they give the furry gut reaction though.

Cute, I might do that.

I would imagine, all warm and soft hugging you. Like a big fluffy heated pillow. Thanks!
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If they didn't just look like a hairless cat, I'd be down for an actual fur-less breed of them. That being said, please but it back, kek. Thanks for the pic, G.
I did use one as a reference for all those wrinkles.

I thought she looked a little like Nkaan too kek.
I actually really like her like that. But I also really like Nyaancatsunnysun, so it's no wonder.
The sagging tits, with the wrinkles and puffy nipples that accentuate their weight and fullness, are also an excellent design choice.
Out of those designs, I liked them the best. Good shit, anon. I like the intimate perspective and the dialogue makes it better (tfw the girl like you more than the money :D ).
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Rom and Leeta would look adorable together with these designs. Also it'd make for a much more interesting bar where the Ferengi hang from the ceiling while the Bajoran scurry about carrying trays
It'd also be funny with how klingons get along with humans or the other aliens comparing humans to the klingons. Wish more scifi stuff had humans being buddy-buddy with the monster aliens or getting along with them better than the more humanoid aliens.
Funny you mention that...
Looking at it now this redesign reminds me of Yinglets.
I'd hope the Breen where straight up the same from the show. I'd make the mystery around them even better
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They have no idea what 'No Teeth' means! 0_0
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Haven't read the comic, so what's going on here (and why are they all pregnant? Did Mark's dad impregnate more than one alien bug lady? ^_^)
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no marks dad but the evil leader of viltrumites found the world and started fucking to build a army viltrumites dna can override the bug dna dont ask how its comic logic
I hate that stupid Japanese line censorship so much.
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i dont understand it
is it like skirting the line or just a joke at this point?
Seen the show enough to know its a smart (evil) idea.

Bug kids grow at an advanced rate, so in a few months you have a fully adult being that looks like a Blue Viltrumite that's still very powerful compared to every other race in the galaxy (it seems).
place where I found it seems to have strict rules on 'X-rated' images, so most people either blur or do the absolute minimum by doing these lines
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Would you a Flood abomination?
No, while I am into mind control, body control hijack - I am very not into necrophilia
>human lips
>just a differently colored human overall
thats how the look in the comics
I know. And they're ruined.
I'm not even sure what they tried to go for with the eyes. Compound bug eyes? Then they fucked up the "iris", too.
I guess it's supposed to resemble mantis eyes. Although their pseudo-pupils are usually more dot-like.
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i draw my bug gal with those eyes those they do chance shape just for expressions tho shes more based on dragonfly nymphs
0/10, will never love you back and may in fact attempt to eat you.

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