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• Respect /aco/ and global rules
• Take it easy and please be nice to the drawfriends! Remember, they do it for free
• Keep art critiques short, and only give if requested
• To make the new drawthread, wait for page 10 or Image limit
• Nobody is entitled to deliveries under any circumstances within these threads. Don't critique others' requests; If you don't like it, don't draw it
• Ignore the bait, you're better than this
• Stay on topic, and report bait, deliberately poor/antagonistic "criticism," and off-topic posts

• Reply to the OP when you request
• Provide good, detailed references (pictures are better than verbal descriptions), and keep it to one post
• One request per thread
• The request must be of an Original Character. This means no licensed characters, there's a General Drawthread for that
• Do not just post a link to your request from the previous thread. Re-state your request and repost
• Be patient, not all requests will be fulfilled, it all comes down to plain dumb luck
• If you get a delivery, wait 2 threads before you re-request. If someone breaks this rule, don't waste posts by complaining

>Drawfags and Drawfags-to-be
• Feel free to drop your blog/site/commission/etc info, but only after delivering. Otherwise, you're just advertising
• Remember to reply to the Anchor Post to make deliveries easier to track
• Don't hold back, if you like a request someone else already did, feel free to do your own take
• Ignore the drama and draw what you want, it's nobody's place to tell you what you can or can't deliver

>Drawing Books, tutorials, practice websites, and drawing programs:

If you're looking for a deleted thread, try checking

Previous thread >>8259514
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Requesting Raluca gangbanged by thugs after losing a street fight
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Requesting a character sheet ref both clothed and naked of my otsutsuki girl
image on the right as a hair eyes and all color references
(Her horns are the same color as her skin)
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Sure! Requesting Prisha, my OC, as an unfortunate raider captive.
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Requesting Gita receiving a face full of someone's ass. Male or female.
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requesting these two robots with the one on te right holding the one on the lefts face like the middle ref.

For context the right bot is the core A of a star ship that has just captured and integrated the other into its systems.
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Requesting Shizuka enormous ass on Gunky Slimer, just like an image on a right
Requesting Margaret Summers either getting drunk or chilling on the beach.
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requesting massive sloppy titfuck with ari here
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/req/ Belza "working" at the library but discreetly trying to masturbate without the patrons noticing... several patrons are fully aware of what she is doing.

Or having some public sex in a discrete corner of the library, and trying her best to muffle her moans of pleasure.

Feel free to put her in other scenarios.
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Requesting my half-elven valkyrie/shieldmaiden getting fucked in her ass. Bonus points if it's rape, visibly dry, or with a contrasting partner such as a Norse mythological creature (troll, fenrir, etc.) or really anything else that contrasts her. Making her pussy drool despite her being against it is a plus too.

Or you can draw her doing whatever you see fit. Dealer's choice.
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Requesting Zatyr taken by a mimic chest, slime/slime girl or futa orcs
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Requesting Xofia (scientist alien-goblin) being excited that her newest serum for fast-growing body hair works. Particularly hair around her asshole, pussy, and armpits. Hair can be either her hair color or just a stark black. Sweat/musk is optional.


Something with her and black cocks. Sucking one, having a bunch being hung over her shoulder and being pressed against her face, being spitroasted by a couple of them, insta losing to them, etc. Really anything with them is fine.
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/req/ my Halfling luchadoras getting anal full nelsoned or matting pressed after losing a match to an opponent well out of her weight class.

You can do other stuff with her as well if you fancy, even if it's sfw I only have the one pic of her atm, and want to get some more of her.
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Requesting Lisa the sailor succubus in her human shape either happily getting gangbanged mid voyage in the lower decks by her crewmates or getting railed by a particularly beefy adventurer at a pub, maybe on the bar or against a wall. or pair her with some other OC if you feel like it
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Requesting a frustrated Eliott with her cock locked up. Other bondage optional.
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/R/ my femboy(1), as an action figure(2), in this pose(3) but with the Buster Sword replace with a death scythe

Delivery for post in last thread…
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requesting my alien nun Iberis getting her ass fucked as a loophole to her vow of chastity, or just something ass/anal-focused
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requesting Helena taking in a cock from the back
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anchoring the WIP of Thyme and Pebin from the last thread

I'm curious now. Tell me more about her.
Extremely good work, thanks so much!!
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Sure, I'd be happy to summarise. This is all set in a custom fantasy setting with a strong South Asian influence.

Pari Ira' Prisha (or simply just Prisha) was born a potential reincarnation of the divine mother “Taviti” due to her blue skin and pale eyes. She was taken away to be raised in a monastic order in relative solitude. Her early life took a sharp turn after a thwarted kidnapping, leading to an accelerated confirmation into a spiritual position at sixteen - six years ahead of tradition. Socially isolated, struggling with her duties, and unable to manifest her divine gifts; Prisha seeks to reconnect with her spiritual mother through an unsanctioned pilgrimage in search of lost holy sites.

As a consequence of her upbrining, she's shy, unacclimatised, and unaccustomed to the wider world.
I almost missed this last thread, but thank you so much, and great choice for a pose!
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Anchoring Catia
Yess cute robot!
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I'd love to see my cute idol fox being groped.
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Requesting right pic in your style
>Sinopa Begay
what the fuck did she mean by this?
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Requesting my Frankenstein's Monster's son OC name Frankie standing in a full body draw wearing only brown leather underwear with a bulge. He's 18 years old, with green skin, black hair with white streak (like Bride of Frankenstein), green left eye, purple right eye, glasses, bolts in his neck, and stitches in the following areas of his body. One, down the left side of his face, one around the left arm by the left shoulder, one going down his chest and stomach ending above the belly button, one on the right leg just above the kneecap, and one on his left leg below the left calf. Keep it SFW.
Requesting for someone to design my shortstack Dwarven Barbarian for this modern setting I'm playing. She's a laid-back wannabe cop with serious anger issues. When angry they grow sharp claws which is neat. They only carry a shield but I don't have any specific design in mind for that. As for everything else please refer to the reference attached. Thank you in advance.
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Requesting my Shaman OC to be lewded. Preferably in an instant loss 2koma.
>her tribe is xenophobic against anyone that steps in their local neck of the woods — maybe one or more foreigners could make her think otherwise?

I'm good for any NSFW tags and arts involving her as long as it isn't too out there and that she's still submissive.
Nevertheless, feel free to do anything to her and remove her antlers if it's too obstructive to draw. Thank you!!

Additional character references and poses vvv
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Requesting my cyclops OC Vii restrained and getting her throat fucked. Or in some sort of non-con situation, but she loves it. Or whatever you want to draw her doing, I'm easy to please as long as she's still at least a little chubby while doing it.
Oh I love this one she's adorable
Thank you, I'm glad you like her!
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Requesting my zombie futa in a (slighty bloody) night dress (without the thong) shyly asking the viewer if they wants to sleep with her
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Would you think she is getting promoted? or demoted?
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Quick Sketch
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/req/ Shalee in any kind of tentacle scenario you can think of, especially if she is actively fighting back or resisting.

Feel free to use her in other ways too, even if it's soft and tender.

She is a bandit from the desert (not that she solely operates there) she is currently more of an anti-hero than straight up briggand.
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Requesting my dark sorceress Zan getting fucked by tentacles of her own accidental making, feel free to get creative and have fun with it. A little lore is that her cursed arm is the source of her power, a little misfire here and there could cause her to get some unlucky summons. Hell if tentacles aren't your thing go ham making a weird inky black venom lookin ass creature
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Actually nevermind. Went ahead and finished your request
I don't want to sound someone who doesn't appreciate what they get i really like it you did a very nice work but would like it better without the lipstick if that doesn't annoy you otherwise i really like it a lot
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Super easy fix
Thanks a lot man
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3rd and final time I request this 10ft tall monstrous robot cutie, before I get TOO obsessed with her.

We cobbled her together on /i/. Hardcore porn would be greatly appreciated! Alternatively, a reinterpreted pinup would also be nice.

Requesting robogal squatting down and using a human, or any OCs ITT or from last thread, as a huge live dildo or buttplug. Thank you
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Requesting a drawing of my character Freya getting gangbanged by a bunch of goblins.
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Requesting Syra giving the viewer a good view of her "dragon's lair" if you will.

Her facesitting or butt entrapment (giantess situation) is also welcomed.

Anything ass related or a titjob works
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Requesting my oc icoi looking at the moon while wearing flower similar to hilda on the right, her body type is the anime girl in the middle
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Can I have my Dunmeri sorcerer, Azariah, gettin' fucked like this? How it came about is up to the artist. Magical manipulation, blackmail from a rival, a night of consensual (or drunken) passion, whatever you want!
Also, the race of whomever is fucking her is up to the artist. Human, Mer, Beastfolk, Daedra whatever!
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Requesting Ciel having fun with some dick-shaped tentacle vines
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Requesting my transfemme salarywoman Alicia Kinoshita in chastity, getting fingered and groped by mage hands

alternatively, getting her dick sucked under the desk by anyone else's character
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Requesting Granny Quintella with two cocks up her ass.
Requesting Edda the Witch with enormous breasts
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This is my Character ZoZaNeRo. She's a succubus that enjoys the thrill of hunting down her prey. And her prey is anyone and anything. She often uses knives and poisons as her weapons of choice. That said, she does prefer to inebriate the enemy when she can. She is often misunderstood though as much as she has this sadistic side as an appearance and personality. It's only when you get to know her that you realize she is a big softy at heart and would do anything to please anyone.

I'm requesting her to be drawn in a softer image to portray her willingness to please. Along with a different color pallete, maybe something along the lines of pink and purple tones.
She's pretty, is there more pictures of her?
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Requesting Tanisha controlling tentacles or hypnotizing some hero, turning her into a slut for fun
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Requesting Penelope having sex with an OC here, she’s a futa.
Can I request furry here?
Nope. Only in /trash/.
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Requesting Miria looking panicked and dropping a cursed artifact/fertility idol that she just pulled out of an old chest, after being transformed and given an impractical, ludicrously-thick porn body.
hmm...i do have some fanart, but it varies pretty heavily
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i made this myself for ghost of tsushima related
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Alana? I posted a comm I got of the two of them together a few times, but I never used her that much compared to Miria. This is a more-recent piece from another thread, with that "Moika" cut since it looked better than her original hair. She was supposed to be a carefree mage to bounce off of Miria as a neurotic, no-nonsense mechanic/tinker, but that was about as far as I ever developed her. Haven't actually thought about her in like two years, but it's still a fun pairing, I suppose.

I think I might have posted Miria alongside a generic-looking blonde once or twice, too, but they weren't related.
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Requesting my gambling pirate captain sorcerer getting taken to plow town and loving it.
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Requesting my elf femboy being a faggy biker boi. Just do a pinup of him on a motorcycle.
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They're adding a pantsless option for transmog, immediately had to make a new set for my rogue.

Requesting Seelie my Ren'dorei Rogue with her ass out, flashing, public fucking, asshole behind thong it's all good, so long as it show's off her cheeky new viewing window.
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Went ahead and lined this
I'd like a female oriented request of a maid having sex with her Fox Boy master. The Fox Boy master and the maid are having sex in the Lotus sex position while on a fancy luxurious couch and most of the maid's dress is stripped off except maybe her skirt, or just unbuttoned but the bottom part of her maid's uniform is removed. Both the maid and the Fox Boy are looking at each other lovingly.

If it's okay, I'd also like a bit of dialogue which the Fox Boy says:
>"Get pregnant, give me an heir and bear my children and more of my kin."

And the maid can say:
>"Yes master, yes. I'd be happy and love to."

The maid image is based off an OC or is a random one shot character drawn by Twitter artist "hero_of_groznyi".
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Requesting my clown girl. Preferably something emphasizing her breasts or legs, and maybe playing card themed.

And saturating the colors is totally fine. The original piece was just made lower saturation.
Not OR but that's mighty fine.
OR — Do you have any socials? I absolutely love your art style (is that on paper too?!), it's adorable!

I'm really curious to see what happens to her after this, it's already implicitly stellar. Thank you so much and this quick too!!!
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requesting my blonde OC having sex with a male zombie with long black hair and glowing red eyes against the wall. The blonde wears a black skirt with striped socks.
Consensual or non-consensual I have no preference
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requesting a pinup of this bimbo
I'm carebu, nah it's all digital. I don't maintain any of my socials anymore. I may do a second image, I was intending to do a 2koma initially but then the first body I was drawing got too detailed and it became a bit of a pinup. We'll see.
Damnit. Forgot to link it to OP

Oh, awesome!! Again, the quality is amazing... It'd be the first nsfw piece I've gotten of her yet, so I'm really invested. I'm excited to see you take on the follow-up when you can!
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Requesting Wolf captured by goblins
Her limbs is tied as she's getting raped or deepthroated by the goblin.

example: https://files.catbox.moe/k6ewse.jpg , https://files.catbox.moe/hbjlyc.jpg

Lore: Cruel, arrogant, playful and sadistic.

Wolf the mercenary, blessed with a body that heals fast and flush poisons
out, and a personality cruel enough to not mind her bloody
work, is one of the most skilled mercenaries the city has seen.
A prideful thug, she is used to getting whatever she wants by force, which makes her
a terror for local populace.

Character gallery: https://catbox.moe/c/ftm8ai
are you wolf's bane
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Fuck it, here's the thing finished. Hope you like it

Duly noted... if I have the energy for it, I'll see what I can do. I've clown-girl-ified a couple of my own OCs at one point or another and was considering dipping back into it again.

She's a real cutie~
Not or. This is some fantastic work. Mind me asking if you have any socials. Also would you be willing to do any requests? If so, what are some stuff do you want to try?
>final time I request this
thank fucking god
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Requesting Katarina getting impregnated
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Requesting Stellar Union Officer Arielle getting thoroughly fucked by any OC of yours, or alien species of your choice. DESU do what you like with her, anything goes, go nuts!
I'm athor691 on twitter. Feel free to request but i dont like promising stuff lol. I do female or futa focus stuff

linking to main post for the request. feel free to change as much as you like
Requesting my twink bunny boy, Rowan having some fun in the sun in his new "swimsuit"
If he's bottoming, he's a power bottom, and if he's topping, he's a bratty dom.

Really he's a brat all the time but he's flexible about it!
Dood! What the frick is your problem? I've ignored you the first two times. Why be a hater? You secretly love our robo-gal and you want me to keep requesting her out of spite. Is that it my friend?

Requesting this closet fan being forcible shoved up her robot-pooper >>8299286 While he wojak whine and whimpers- "Noooo mommy! I'm too good to be used as a sax toy!" Thanks
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Requesting my bratty pokemon trainer Torako getting buttfucked with a big tummy bulge and an ahegao expression on her face.
Some potential poses you could use(doesn't have to be animated, obviously): [spoiler]https://x.com/Sunsalsexy/status/1798122080497737767
Oh right, I forgot you can't spoiler on this board.
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Requesting my fire genasi overheating during a major heatwave, messing with her biology and kicking her energy and sexual urges into overdrive. So, stuff like gangbang, blowbangs, wildly riding with a partner struggling their dear life, or some slightly breathless aftersex surrounded by exhausted partners.
keep bumping, i'm on it but i won't be able to finish for a long while
cool art anon! not OR
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I see. Lemme request my cat girl here. uhhhhh doing some Sensual Yoga. Those black spats will be a god sent.
I hope for your sake this is bait, you cringe freak.
Hopefully this is kinda what you were after. >>8296751
why not check the other requests here?
thats what im doing already yes. The question was if i would take a more direct request
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>It isn't bait
>He is really this braindead
That comment is the one and only time I've ever spoken to you, but go off with your nonsense if you like.
(Not OR)
OR here, thanks so much! She came out real cute, and I like the face you gave her, and her panties. Much appreciated!
Pick an end from this thread for your OC, and I’ll draw it

Are you talking to someone in particular, or is this an open request?

Also, what do you mean by "Pick an end"? I have never heard that expression before.
>he can't crosspost
He's trying to link to some other board but is fucking it up
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I’ve spent to long in the /v/ draw thread
Bro please… not the wojak, I can’t
>only hot one is the werewolf
>can't have werewolves here despite them being the most basic monster of western horror
>but /gif/ can have werewolves, bestiality, snuff, etc.
I don't understand 4chan anymore.
>fairy gets neck snapped and then fucked
That's enough of that fucking thread. Shit before it was awful, too.
addendum, >>27342556 is hot af
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My minotaur oc bella in the ear tentacle brain drain
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I prefer stuff from studio fow although the claire vs regenerator was pretty good too since the fow vid sorta doesn't have the best view. If you're somehow unfamiliar with them give some of their other vids a browse. Slapped a third if you needed variety
>>>/board name here/post number
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Always had a thing for ear fucking, would love to have my nerd girl's brain turned to mush.

Thanks boss

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Requesting my Dragon Priestess being cummed or pissed on by her worshippers. Or being fucked by beasts. She's around 4'5, so short and chubby

Or you can do whatever you like <3.
Thank you, this is exactly what I had in mind!
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Requesting my salad OC Calytrix bathing in a pond at night in the pose depicted on the right.
She's gotta glow like seen on the left, including her bare privates.
>newfags can't crosspost
Every day we stray further from Moot
I already had my request of my old Tabletop game OC Dea and her High Elf lover delivered months ago. But can I re-request with delivery from a different artist?

I'd like good ol' romantic loving baby-making breeding sex between Dea and her High Elf Husband. Just missionary position in bed will do, with Dea leg-locking her High Elf hubby, both of them kissing and with an impregnation creampie shot. I dunno the name of that type of shot or scene in a porn video or hentai where the camera focuses on the dude's behind as he's thrusting or cumming in the girl. But if possible do include that type of shot with the Elf lover cumming in her. Thanks.
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Just woke up and realized I am a retard for not providing a proper side view of the head.
Key point is the curved elf ear that wasn't really visible in my initial post.
Not that artist. But how about I turn her entire head into mush?
>Just woke up and realized I am a retard
A commonality itt
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Requesting my gobbo girl Zara getting fucked on top of the hood of a car
yo just letting you know I am working on it, finally settled on a sketch I liked
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Me again.

Here's what I've got so far.
hi terryanon
oh thanks! or! its great!
Requesting art of my oc Hitomi with her boobs out, second outfit preferably, also her boobs are huge
Thanks, man! Can't wait to see it!
It's looking great so far. Love the pose!
what the fuck is going on with her right arm?
Looking at the other one, seems they have the arms getting thicker towards the end. Which ends up looking/drawn weird when they have her right arm reaching back.
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Requesting Maxine in a swimsuit. Preference is something simple looking, maybe black with white polka dots.
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Requesting a horny Neon pushing her pussy into a phone, resulting in it portal-ing and sticking out of the phone of a friend that opted to help. The friend could be someone's OC if allowed!
wasn't she blonde?
He has like 50 different palette swaps of his bimbo
Quick one for cutie
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Requesting Alyra in naked catgirl form magically enlarging a mushroom on a tree and then fucking it.
based double delivery
100+ actually
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requesting dollie
add pin-up poses to your request refs. makes things faster/easier

Don't feed the retard. He's just here to waste post-count.
No way thank you so much
I love these thank you so much guys
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This isn't really a delivery, just an experiment mostly for myself to see what the 'average' ( as best can be done) appearance of a group of OC's would be.

I've always wondered that if you took all the OCs in this drawthread and threw them all together - what would be the "Average aco OC"
Interesting idea anon
Damn, none of them are my oc but this is really good. I Especially like the zan/zatyr fusion.
do you have socials anon? i saw your redd drawings and want more
Still not yours.
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Requesting my clown hag ogress doing something clown related, like juggling, throwing pies, pulling handkerchiefs out her mouth, etc. She's 9ft by the way.
Gorgeous! And honored to have my character in it. lol

Whats that texture on top of the drawing? Is it a protection of some sort?
Quit posting your purposefully revolting characters.
Nunca, mamamelo
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A "Generation 3" merged-OC is probably the limit we could go as it gets exponentially more time consuming with each level... interesting exercise nonetheless.

Didn't expect the blue skin of Prisha and Calytrix to be filtered out so quickly, seeing as just took the average mid-point of the two skin colors. Things like the tattoos and Zan's arm get progressively less prominent with each generation. (can't really take the 'average' value of horribly cursed arm vs normal arm)

I ain't even touching how convoluted the name of this bitch would be if you tried merging them like their appearance.
So since I posted my request I got some actual art instead of a game screenshot. Can I post that as an additional reference or should I wait until next thread?
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Requesting my oc Betty with a very big expanding butt like the hex maniac picture.
I had to convert it to an awful jpg so here’s the ref with actual resolution on it instead of just what I wanted to show, my ref was 4.2mb so it just barely went over the amount allowed.

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Requesting Rien, necromancer, lich apprentice and cocky evil bitch.
- a pinup, as she tease and mock adventurers opposing her
- forcing one of the defeated would be heroes to pleasure her (some pretty blonde priestess or cleric, maybe?), as she gloat and mock them
- defeated herself, and struggling and trashing as the adventurers vent off their frustation and have their way with her.
Is she the one from that Fantasy DnD some threads ago?
probably should just add it to the reference and put it next thread
Fair enough.
Surprisingly, they are not huge titty bimbos
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If this where your OC, would you fap to this animation?
She is.
taking break from other work, any mind break/ paizuri reqs?
Very cool, reminds me of the Fusion Fridays from the /co/ drawthreads

I'd love to see Shalee >>8299097 getting mind broken, maybe have a guy with a thick and long dick going balls deep in a single thrust and we see her eyes rolling back into her head as she's passing out.
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I do love paizuri, you can use my gorgon if you want
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I've got a rape bait bullygirl (in a wheelchair for easy transport)
Glad the henna stuck around for so long! Thank you for the inclusion of Prisha.
interesting stuff anon
Probably yes.
Had another thought it you really want the mind break angle as well. Snake charming
Thank you for your input
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No proper ref as this is a TTRPG character, requesting a Yuan Ti Pureblood in an open back cat suit or black lingerie with heels, stepping on someone or using them as furniture.

If her back is visible there's a bushido tattoo down her spine, thanks!

personality wise she is totally business oriented and will do anything to serve her organisation and will punish anyone who fails her severely (hence the living furniture, at least then they're useful...)
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Requesting isla in a nun style gown as a sort of modern day bishop fish
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Requesting Natsumi taking off or showing her black lacy bra.
She has huge breasts.

examples: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/7412776
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Gonna give this one a try again, most information is in the image.
Should probably update the image with some new ideas sometime cuz I wanted to add for suggestions uglification/goof TF or clown TF. Idk, go wild.
3d14r4 (Ignore this bit, just a marker for me so I can easily find it back in the desuarchive)
>Ediara White-Blood
Does she really bleed white?
lmao, honestly I don't even remember how I came up with that name, it's been years. Suppose it's a play on blue-blood or something? I don't know, I generally just hit up the random name generator and slap together anything that sounds neat.
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requesting boonie with tentacles or boob pressing into the "glass" of a painting she is stuck inside
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Lisa's OR here, thanks for including her
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Requesting my 2 OCs Emilia Prisi and futa Karol Monroe in a 69.
Emilia on top sucking Karol's futa cock, while Karol is eating out Emilia's pussy through her pantyhose
Artist here, what makes good nsfw art?
Room for imagination. 9 times out of 10 what is implied to be there is better than what could actually be drawn there.
Yeah imminent penetration is often hotter than drawn sex.
>page 9


Appealing characters
Strong understanding of anatomy/posing

And, going off what >>8325081 and >>8325241 said - a little restraint.

You'll always see newbie artists going hog-wild on porn, fluids flying everywhere, porn faces and insane proportions - but knowing when to hold back can make or break a pic.

Do the extreme if you want, but look for places you can pull back, imply rather than outright stating. Your viewers will thank you for it. The things they imagine will always be hotter than what you can draw.

If you make porn OCs; draw them doing things besides fucking. Show us some character. It'll actually do a lot of good both for making them more fleshed-out AND fighting burnout.

Look at other artists and any time you think "I don't like how they did X thing" - try it yourself and see if you can do it better.
did that cowgirl comic ever get finished
Last thread is right there to check if you are actually asking.
This is great, thanks again!
was part 4 the last one? that OR got really lucky
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Delivery from a request from last thread. Always a pleasure to draw that slutty girl!
lip bites
god i wish that were me
Curves and shape
Situation and fantasy
Artistry and style
Those are things I look to improve whenever I draw at least. Can I see some of your work?
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I posted my character Honey here a while back and really wanted to thank all the amazing artists that drew her! I'm keeping a closer eye on these threads to try and sketch some requests when I have the time.
>honey that sweats
good lord anon, idk if you gotta wait till posting her again but I'd like to give a shot at drawing her sometime
By all means draw her however you like!
As soon as I'm off work I'll be contributing towards drawing requests here.
what does she taste like?
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Not OR but I'm going out on a limb to say she probably tastes like honey. But more specifically like orange blossom, mild and citrus-scented with a floral aroma.
You got it 100% right. Naturally sweet with hints of citrus/orange. Kind of like a calamansi, if you've had them before. She also smells like orange blossoms.
She's also not outwardly goopy like other slimes would be, but rather has a waterbaloon-like elasticity to her "skin." That wouldn't stop her from shape-shifting/expanding parts of her body as she consumes fluids, though.
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Still learning these brushes but I had fun drawing it
Now that's an ass ready for battle, thank you very much!
What color are her eyes?
Decided to line this thing and get it ready for public posting dude

Looks amazing man!
Not OR but it's a very pretty piece
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Requesting an original character based on The Road to El Dorado who's a male in his mid-20's with white skin, short brown hair, brown eyes, slightly chubby body, wearing glasses, a blue and teal El Dorado style loincloth, gold wristbands, a necklace with a gold pendant with blue center, and gold El Dorado style earrings with blue center, standing in a full body draw, smiling, drawn in the style of Dreamworks 2D animation. Please keep it SFW and no AI generated deliveries.
>>Keep it SFW

Anon... This is the porn request thread.
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Not or, but it looks good.
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Hey, sorry for the lack of updates for the last two weeks, been a bit hectic on my end. Hope both these anons are happy with how it's coming out! I may tweak it more before the end of the thread but I want to make sure it's delivered this week.
Gave it a shot as well

Hey thanks! Looks great Anon!
lmao, not OR but great one
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Thanks again for drawing, you got any OC of your own you want drawn?

My OC is >>8301891 if you are interested
Newgrounds says you dont exist my guy. Did you type it wrong or?
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Thank you!

I really like your character, so i did a drawing of her.
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i am going to change my name on newgrounds tho
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Oh hell, I almost gave up hope! Pebin's OR here, this is fantastic looking, thanks for the fill.
/req/ my cowgirl elf lying in bed and pleasuring herself while mostly still clothed, thinking she could have her shit unbuttoned enough to slip out her breasts, pants unbuttoned and pulled down just past her waist, massaging her breast with one hand and fingering herself with the other.

I am also fine with other scenarios if you have an idea for her.
Hey, Thyme's OR here as well - I agree, that's looking awesome! Thanks a lot bud
Thanks a lot, this is also great.
character gallery leads to 404 error
And that's a good thing
I'm doing this
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hopefully this looks like what you were looking for
OR here this is amazing! I love how well you did yhe gown and ha it and her tail looks soft and squishy. Tha ks for the cute fish
also anchoring
Violet's OR here,
Other ideas, maybe
1) Doing your basic Playboy pinup poses
2) Having sex with a tentacle monster either voluntarily or forcibly
3) Captured and tied up for the public use of a gang of ne'er-do-wells
4) Getting personal service from the Madam of the local brothel after saving her establishment
5) Someone spiked her drink with a Powerful aphrodisiac and she needs to fuck anything.
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Requesting anything ntr/friendzoned/stolen crush/unrequited love related of my lovely asian gal Mai~ please and thank you!
OR here, this is awesome, thank you very much!
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Requesting double anal for my aloof cleric Rhea, doesn't matter who or what, have fun, get creative
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requesting anything hypnosis related of my new girl sheena. preferred partially clothed at the least and some spirals in her eyes, but otherwise any other details or scenario are up to the artist.
Is the requester for Alftari still around?
Yep. What's up?
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Art for art, my friend. Delivered.
not OR but that is neat
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I appreciate the opportunity to pull me out of my lengthy art block.

Fair play, I haven't been able to work on the pic I was doing the last few days - good to see OR get a delivery!
Thank you so much. I really love the expression and the angle. Really dynamic

No problem. I like where you were going and thought it was looking great. So I hope I'll see more completed stuff from you in general soon
OR here - this is really cute and I love the text that goes with it, thank you so much!!
Not OR either but this is excellent and deserves more (you)s.
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Hey OR, she can't come to the phone right now. I'll tell her you called though
Fuck that's so good! I'd love to get a video like that some day. Thank you so much for the delivery, I love it! <3
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Good to hear, oh could you bring a towel as well? Thanks.
Not OR or anything but I love the way you draw cum Anon
There'll be cum on the screen as well considering how good this is. Might do that myself in a bit. Thank you so much again, my lovely Mai looks so cute like this!
Lisa's OR again, thanks for the second fill, I'm also the OR for Clara in the orgy drawing. I should really get off my ass ad draw you something.
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Hi, dude, i just LOVE your beauty elf cowgirl, and thats why i m really sorry for my poor skill level. But this is what i got - its like a private pic for her beloved, u know :3
Since someone mentioned her, I'mma repost Alftari. Requesting a sexy pinup or something that I can use instead of the AI generated stuff for future requests.
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OR here, this is insanely hot, thank you so much!
OR here, very nice looking, definitely could see this being a private gift photo
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Oh damn that's some good shit drawfriend! I dig the thickness here, seriously thank you for the fill
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Requesting a pinup of my nereid Iridessa, either lounging on an anchor to tease some sailors, or accidentally tangled in nets and ropes trying her to it.
She have two arms and legs, webbed fingers and somewhere around a C-cup.
Alftari's OR here. This is fantastic, draw-friend! Thank you so much! Now... To decide if I show my game group... Would you mind, as the artist?
that's fine
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here's a quick sketch for you, feel free to request again!
Nice! You got any socials?
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a few more final tweaks, probably going to post this on my twitter(@ziggysketch1) if that's alright, let me know if you'd like to be tagged!
Prisha's OR! Thank you so much for the piece - it's unbelievably cute! I'm glad she was a half decent warm-up for you.

Followed and shared on socials as well, so I'm always happy to request more or directly commission.
thank you! I'll open commissions later this summer, though feel free to drop me a line in DM anytime.
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I really enjoy the work you've been putting out lately. Does the aliens have any established lore behind them?
Not OR butt this is hella good
Request: I want to see someone fucking Romina from elden ring. I don't care how and I don't care why, I don't care if it's a guy or a girl or whatever, I want to see this bugwoman getting penetrated and I want it now

Wrong thread, dipshit.
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Requesting bubblegum's vore like the picture on the right thank you very much!

Wrong thread, again.
Hey man thanks! And thanks for the delivery looks amazong! Nope, no lore at all
she looks like she enjoys it
New Thread:
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drew her in one of the previous threads and wanted to do a more sfw pinup kind of sketch so here's one riffing off the model sheet

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