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446 KB JPG
Thread Rules
>No one is entitled to a request delivery.
>Provide names and image references in a single post.
>Do not make more than one request. When your request is delivered to your satisfaction, you can ask for something new. Do not second or bump other requests.
>Show appreciation, not "thanks in advance".
>Ignore requests from obvious spammers.
>Don't fight spam with spam and/or trolling. It wastes posts.
>Screencap edits belong in >>>/aco/movies
>If your delivery exceeds 4chan's file size limitation (or the delivery cannot be posted here whatever reason), consider uploading it on catbox.moe or our booru first.
>imgur and twitter uploads are not recommended for image quality reasons.
>New thread can be created *only* after this one reaches Page 10 at the bump limit.
>Editors are encouraged to occasionally help out on other edit threads on this and other boards of 4chan (and beyond).
>Please don't forget to bump the thread if it falls to Page 10 before hitting the bump limit.

>Collection of Deliveries:
/co/ - http://the-collection.booru.org/
/v/ - http://vidyart.booru.org/
/aco/ Edit Booru - https://acoedit.booru.org/index.php

Color / Edit Thread: >>8261387
Previous thread: >>8253945
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delivery anchor
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326 KB JPG
Requesting a skinny/fit edit for the male human guy.
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540 KB JPG
Requesting Frye edited to be naked
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55 KB
request bigger tits an ass like this: https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=9873077&tags=huge_breasts+huge_ass+edited+multiple_views+
File: xeh3cz.png (737 KB, 2867x1637)
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737 KB PNG
Requesting Filia to be changed to Fukua https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/skullgirls/images/2/2d/Fukua_Happy.png
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1.04 MB
1.04 MB PNG
Requesting moving Vanessa's hair and her left hand to expose her boobs.
File: GJDwCSSWEAAlTIv.jpg (2.54 MB, 3785x4096)
2.54 MB
2.54 MB JPG
requesting a nude edit, same as the other character
Requesting all four of them naked
File: 1632675461970.png (1.5 MB, 2800x3200)
1.5 MB
1.5 MB PNG
Requesting her pussy be made an innie, and thicken her thighs so there isn't really much of a thigh gap
File: Booette Transparent.png (924 KB, 2000x2582)
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924 KB PNG
I'd like to request Luigi to be removed from this image. If possible, you can also edit Booette's arms crossed to hold her tits, so that way you don't have to redraw the chest.
File: Mrs. Boonchuy.png (2.36 MB, 1536x2305)
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2.36 MB PNG
Requesting nude edit of Mrs. Boonchuy (Amphibia).
File: marialya1.jpg (168 KB, 1028x876)
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168 KB JPG
Requesting edits of these two pics:

What i want is something a bit more complex, it's a nude edit but with the rest of the torso (breasts and arms) drawn, more or less like this example: https://files.catbox.moe/ht328c.png

The editor can choose the best way to portray it, maybe with a hand grabbing the dick, but Alya's breasts must be bigger than Marinette's. Also, Ladybug's mask and Alya's glasses can be kept
File: IMG_2151.png (809 KB, 900x677)
809 KB
809 KB PNG
Dick Benders!
(Maybe not, that sounds painful!)
Requesting nude edit:
File: - Akihiko.png (898 KB, 827x1169)
898 KB
898 KB PNG
Requesting changes to his:
Eyes color: Gold -> Grey.
Penis size: Make it slightly longer.

References, If you need:
Official Splashart: https://files.catbox.moe/tjihop.jpg
Penis: https://files.catbox.moe/rxsc08.png
File: 1640221056879.jpg (77 KB, 720x1543)
77 KB
requesting nude edit
File: Starfire X Raven.png (2.26 MB, 2472x3296)
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2.26 MB PNG
Requesting nude edit of Starfire and Raven.
requesting that her cyclops eye gets edited into a black screen with two glowing eyes like these
File: Fukua.jpg (552 KB, 2867x1637)
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552 KB JPG
No idea what that thing on her hip was, so I got rid of it.
Not sure either, but thanks for the recolor!
Requesting nude, jewelry removal, and Add Hyper breasts, please.

File: Marinette X Alya.png (3.48 MB, 1920x2060)
3.48 MB
3.48 MB PNG
Requesting nude edit of Alya and Marinette.
File: Marco and Shezow.png (167 KB, 1148x1052)
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167 KB PNG
Requesting cleaned up lineart.
File: TurnIntoMale.jpg (472 KB, 1080x1080)
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472 KB JPG
Please turn this picture into "male autofellatio".
If any editors only modify a few of these things, I'd greatly appreciate it. And i'll ask for the remaining things to be modified in the next big edit thread:
>Remove all clothing
>Transform chest into pec muscles
>Create Abs, eliminate all belly fat
>Eliminate all excessive body fat that looks feminine
>Narrow male hips
>Short buzz cut hairstyle, black hair color
>Make the entire background dark grey
File: Goth Mrs. Boonchuy.png (2.2 MB, 2880x3070)
2.2 MB
2.2 MB PNG
Requesting nude edit of Goth Mrs. Boonchuy (Amphibia).
File: 1712956227071757.png (218 KB, 718x881)
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218 KB PNG
Requesting to change Sig's topknot to look more like his actual canon hair antennae

Here's the sprite sheet
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325 KB PNG
Requesting this pic of Female Aang edited so she's naked (no asshole please)
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1017 KB PNG
Requesting cat ears and tail on Lois. Don't care if she still has human ears or not.
Also change her words to meows if you want.
File: titsouteditplz.png (277 KB, 481x958)
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277 KB PNG
requesting a cleanup on the linework and for her to be holding her shirt up so her tits are out with them looking similar to the reference, i dont really mind her skin tone so change it if desired

reference in catbox

File: undyne 408.png (1003 KB, 1200x1200)
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1003 KB PNG
requesting opening her shirt to show her boobs
use this
basically, i want to see her boobs while shes still partially clothed
File: splatoon.jpg (461 KB, 2157x1594)
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461 KB JPG
Requesting linework and colors for the Splatoon girls https://files.catbox.moe/8l4jg3.jpg
File: Willow Park.png (2.72 MB, 1629x2304)
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2.72 MB PNG
Requesting nude edit of Willow Park.
This was from this last page, but it got buried.

Requesting cleaning the cum off Raven. Putting it on Catbox link because it's too big.

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388 KB PNG
Requesting clean up and colors
File: DelphinePartialEdit.png (3.64 MB, 1250x1538)
3.64 MB
3.64 MB PNG
Requesting help finishing an edit nobody asked for. I need color correction, mostly on the thighs but that lighting around the small Delphine would be appreciated.
Project file: https://files.catbox.moe/8ab706.png
Source images: https://us.rule34.xxx//images/3436/c39bfa00316922008ec2b4923a5389d3.jpeg?3872696
requesting penis replaced with puffy pussy that has a wide and visible clit. stubble around the pussy and treasure trail. remove groping demon hands.
full size https://files.catbox.moe/06gpe2.png
requesting the removal of the dildo
requesting a shaved and cumless crotch
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200 KB JPG
Requesting bimbofied futa Danny. If breasts are too much of an ask, then just bimbofied/pink sissy.
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3.03 MB PNG
Requesting a full nude edit of PG and Terra.
File: GJYTfqgWAAA_vim.jpg (306 KB, 1277x1592)
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306 KB JPG
Requesting the removal of the middle two girls' bottoms. Also, for the girls in the background, can you edit out the shiny pieces on their pelvises to give the impression that they're bottomless too?
File: IMG_2166.jpg (896 KB, 3324x2091)
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896 KB JPG
Here we go! How does it look?
Who is the artist? This is wonderful!
File: 2375019.png (1.83 MB, 1889x1277)
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1.83 MB PNG
Requesting an edit in which it's just Gwen and her mom, either scissoring or sharing a dildo
File: IMG_2169.png (1.27 MB, 911x1277)
1.27 MB
1.27 MB PNG
OR here, this looks so spanking hot!! Honestly PG and Atlee look like a cute couple! :)

The original artist is LLToon actually.
That's perfect, thanks!
By the way, do you have an archive for your edits?
Requesting edit with her hands being tied behind the head with the lasso of truth around a pole...

Alright, i again feel daring, put a Facehugger on her head with a big throat bulge if you can
File: High Guardian Milfs.jpg (376 KB, 1900x1350)
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376 KB JPG
Requesting nude edits
I wouldn't get oral sex from her. That's dangerous.
File: IMG_2170.png (3.16 MB, 1277x1592)
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3.16 MB PNG
That looks like a heck of a show!
How does this look to you?
File: image_1186_condom-edit.png (334 KB, 2169x1440)
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334 KB PNG
Requesting an edit in which Candace and Jeremy having vaginal sex instead of anal sex. (Also remove condom, if necessary)
File: IMG_2171.png (2.85 MB, 1900x1350)
2.85 MB
2.85 MB PNG
I left on hats, jewelry, chokers and stuff.
Does it look okay?
requesting thong removal
File: LoliRock2.png (1.27 MB, 1646x1888)
1.27 MB
1.27 MB PNG
Requesting a nude edit (the accessories and shoes can be kept, just remove the dresses). Also, the stars can be removed too, but it's optional
Requesting the girl on the right be removed so it’s just Sarah.
File: needlemouse socks.png (2.37 MB, 2312x1734)
2.37 MB
2.37 MB PNG
Forgot pic.
Thank you, anon. The girls in the background and the one right of center look nice. Though I do have a couple comments about the girl left of center. To the right (our right) of the chain, a part of her bottoms is still on. Sorry, I don't know if I'm wording this understandably, but her the "orientation" of her pussy looks a little off to me. My intuition is that her slit wouldn't intersect with the outline of her right leg because of how that leg is spread outward. I don't know if it'll be the right fix but if you don't mind, could you try to align the upper half of her pussy with her navel and maybe shift the lower half slightly to our left? Also, it's not a big deal, but there is an extra line above her head.
Requesting editing Zatanna's short as black bikini panty and bigger boobs
File: Kim_private_time.jpg (153 KB, 976x1514)
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153 KB JPG
Requesting removing Kim's panties
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3.16 MB PNG
How’s this?
File: IMG_2175.png (1012 KB, 976x1514)
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1012 KB PNG
Kim! Beep me!
Thank you, anon. While it still looks a little off, I definitely like the look of this one more. I think I see some artifacts from the first version just to our left of her pussy and maybe that's throwing the perspective off. Could you touch that up?
File: ay-tt_4k_1.png (3.69 MB, 2240x1600)
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3.69 MB PNG
Requesting full nude edit of Ami and Yumi
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3.16 MB
3.16 MB PNG
All right, I’ve tried to smooth the area out and catch other remnants of the bottom. I’m not anywhere good enough an artist to know where her anatomy is under her clothes, so there’s lots of guess work involved.
What do you think of this try?
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233 KB JPG
>Remove hand and arm
>Remove jock strap
>Circumcize that foreskin, remove color at the penis tip
>And if you have extra time and patience: Increase muscle size to what a guy has after hitting the gym for about 5-10 years
gave her a innie but kept her small thighs, hope you dont mind anon, still getting the hang of this new drawing tablet, thep recision of it is nice
Requesting full nude edit of Lifeguard from Lilo and Stitch
>Dick Benders!
Hah :p
Good quality. Thank you :)
Thank you very much, anon. I really appreciate all the work you've been putting into this. While admittedly I'm not entirely sure how she should look either, I think this is a definite improvement over the last version. If you don't mind doing another iteration, could you try moving her slit just slightly more to our left? I want to see if that'll look any more, or less, "correct" compared to this version.
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3.16 MB PNG
Let’s give it a try!
File: IMG_2181.png (1.76 MB, 1646x1888)
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1.76 MB PNG
Whew! That was a bit of work!
How does it look to you?
File: nyanlathotep.png (862 KB, 887x1110)
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862 KB PNG
requesting to edit out the stains of semen
I think that looks better. Thank you very much, anon.
I can only guess that the transparent effects made your work harder, but the final result is absolutely flawless! Thanks a ton, buddy!
requesting defutafication. if possible also uncover the top half of her boobs
File: 20160216225335-26f31b41.jpg (772 KB, 2480x3507)
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772 KB JPG
requesting decensor (bonus points for increasing the size of her boobs)
Wow, I knew a girl that strongly resembles this character. She was very snobby and moody. Same exact eyes. Same stare.
DAMN I wish my dick was that huge!
requesting the removal of the flute
full res: https://files.catbox.moe/mq4sxg.png
File: Hades_aphrodite ironlily.jpg (3.27 MB, 1639x2317)
3.27 MB
3.27 MB JPG
Requesting that long strand of hair on her left be moved aside or cut/shortened so that it won't cover her pussy and nipple. If you decide to shorten her left strand, could you shorten the opposite side strand too for the sake of symmetry?

Reference nipples:
Requesting full nude edit of Trudy Proud
Hahhhhh yeah. If only this were possible ;)
Not exactly what I wanted, but I still appreciate the effort. Do you think you could make it to where there's no gap between the pussy lips? It's much hotter when it's just a slit and not a gap
File: ThickAssThighs.png (1.68 MB, 2666x3046)
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1.68 MB PNG
Is this okay?
It's better, thank you kind anon
Requesting smaller but still big boobs, ref https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=10203395
Requesting an edit that removed the face mask and gives her a mermaid tail
requesting that her ghostly tail be edited into a pair of legs
requesting a couple of things, first a shaved pussy, then that her dress gets removed or at least that her left nipple be exposed and finally that the dick gets removed
File: 23-06-24.png (731 KB, 1053x1600)
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731 KB PNG
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125 KB PNG
Requesting to replace Mac with a vibrator
File: lilo and stitch lifeguard.jpg (1.79 MB, 2400x3183)
1.79 MB
1.79 MB JPG
I did what I could
File: IMG_2203.png (2.69 MB, 3200x2400)
2.69 MB
2.69 MB PNG
I gave her a smile! (I can get rid of it if you want!
still, great job
No, that's fine. The smile is a nice touch. Thanks!
requesting removing rottytops' top
Requesting her outfit changed to a slutty clubbing dress and the drink bottle changed to booze.
Requesting a nude edit of this gif, if possible. It has 7 frames, all quite similar to one another
File: IMG_4321.jpg (382 KB, 1398x2041)
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382 KB JPG
Requesting full nude edit
File: yaz personal best nice.png (1.66 MB, 2290x1146)
1.66 MB
1.66 MB PNG
Can someone give her a tighter ass / apple bottom that works more - well, like a more well-muscled butt.
File: GQsn8KlXIAA2Dsf.png (3.2 MB, 3508x2480)
3.2 MB
3.2 MB PNG
Requesting all of the cum removed
I was wondering why nobody was taking my request in the linked thread.
File: 1718963536796813.jpg (1.44 MB, 1639x2317)
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1.44 MB JPG
Not OR, but very nicely done!

Perhaps we can’t tell what she’s kneeling in front of behind the gas cloud and sound effect.
OR here. Thank you very much, anon. Great work filling in the skin under her hair and drawing in the nipples. If you don't mind, I have a few revision requests for this. Could you make her pussy slit longer (like about two times the current length)? Also, while I appreciate the creative choice, could I have the hair strand going between her legs edited out? Also, sorry it might just be the pose or perspective, but I think the nipple placement looks a little asymmetric. If you don't mind, can you lower the position of her left nipple slightly?
File: IMG_2220.jpg (870 KB, 3508x2480)
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870 KB JPG
Where’s the briefs?
requesting a nude edit
Thank you very much
File: PMTTYDEXNBathroom.png (391 KB, 1024x768)
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391 KB PNG
She's not kneeling, she's sitting. On the toilet from the X-Naut base's bathroom in TTYD, no less.
File: Leah Stein-Torres.png (1.88 MB, 1680x2480)
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1.88 MB PNG
Requesting nude edit of Leah Stein-Torres.
Requesting to make the Amphibia trio look at the viewer with seductive/horny expressions. It can be lip biting, bedroom eyes, whatever the editor feels it's sexier, as long as each girl makes a different expression
Page 10 rescue bump.
It's already at page 8. Did the pro editor go on vacation again?
File: IMG_2229.png (1016 KB, 2262x2360)
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1016 KB PNG
Hey sailor!
Not the OR, but nice! You think you can give them panties as well?
File: LongBj.jpg (731 KB, 1920x1080)
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731 KB JPG
>Remove his bracelets on his right wrist
>Remove her choker around her throat
>Remove her clothing (panties and shirt)
>Reduce her breasts in size so that they look like a perky pair of full B cups (brown nipples, please)
>Change her eye color to blue
>Change her hair color to dark brown/medium brown (your choice, whichever is easier)
File: 1687997560334.jpg (625 KB, 3558x2132)
625 KB
625 KB JPG
Please make the 2 girls on the left & and middle have matching face expressions to the 1 girl on the right.
File: 1709777574920.jpg (316 KB, 1518x2048)
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316 KB JPG
Make her tits half the size they are.
Remove the necklace.
And reduce her waist size a little bit.
Pretty please.
File: 1663487122419.jpg (1.41 MB, 2000x1613)
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1.41 MB JPG
Request to make her ears look like a normal human's ears.
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113 KB JPG
Request to remove the black writing in the left side of the picture, and the red writing (including the hearts) where the fence is.
If you have extra time, please make the big titty chick close her eyes.
File: IMG_2231.png (892 KB, 1319x913)
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892 KB PNG
Spot on perfection. Thank you very much.
File: 1710853308582.jpg (426 KB, 1650x1098)
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426 KB JPG
Please get rid of that purple impregnation symbol thing. And add a little more cum dripping out of her twat and down her butt crack onto the floor.
File: 1687889842313.jpg (1.27 MB, 1600x2213)
1.27 MB
1.27 MB JPG
Requesting the girl in purple gently biting the cop's ass.
File: 27-6-24.png (1.54 MB, 1021x1600)
1.54 MB
1.54 MB PNG
original titty size
File: 27-6-24 2.png (1.54 MB, 1021x1600)
1.54 MB
1.54 MB PNG
breast augmentation
File: IMG_2235.jpg (994 KB, 1600x2213)
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994 KB JPG
I gave it a try, but it’s not great.
Does someone else want to give it a try?
Not bad. Much better than what I can draw.
thank you!
and yeah i see how the size was unbalanced so thanks again for fixing that
File: 1719450968213357.jpg (506 KB, 2000x1613)
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506 KB JPG
Requesting removal of the purple growth on her forehead.

Please also do the same for these two alternate versions of the image.
Thank you, kind anon.
>She looks just like my ex -.-'
File: 1653138806421.jpg (178 KB, 1300x1081)
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178 KB JPG
Requesting the girls pissing a slow steady stream on the windshield. Make the piss a slight yellow color (please).
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111 KB JPG
Requesting 2 things:
•Change painal to pussy stretching sex, and give her a tight cute little butthole
•Change her mouth expression from gritting teeth, to open mouth satisfying expression
File: Chel_03.jpg (2.02 MB, 4000x4000)
2.02 MB
2.02 MB JPG
Requesting someone please remove the veins in Chel's breasts. Veiny breasts make me squeamish...
Please make a version of this, but the girls not wearing shirts only bra and the apron.

they are from skuld and hel valkyrie connect
File: IMG_2243.jpg (1.04 MB, 4000x4000)
1.04 MB
1.04 MB JPG
I tried! Did I get them all? Does she look okay?
File: 1687497607865.png (2.56 MB, 1286x1654)
2.56 MB
2.56 MB PNG
Please make the black mermaid's eyes a little less comical by moving the pupils a little bit more inwards.
File: IMG_2245.png (719 KB, 820x360)
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719 KB PNG
Step one: take off their shirts.
File: IMG_2244.png (720 KB, 820x360)
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720 KB PNG
Step two: put on bras.
I didn’t do the two girls in the background, since they aren’t wearing aprons.
File: GPzubmaX0AECGuD.jpg (261 KB, 710x1000)
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261 KB JPG
I think this was supposed to be a femboy. I'd much rather if it were just fem with big heavy cleavage.
( . Y . )
File: editpls.jpg (635 KB, 2683x3925)
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635 KB JPG
requesting this character to be edited to be monika from doki doki literature club

OR here, that's exactly what i wanted. Thanks!
Thank you,
That's very clever. You have great skill.
File: 1669520305614.png (791 KB, 1250x1080)
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791 KB PNG
Please remove Prince Daisy from the right side of the picture only. And then enlarge the cock & balls + cum drips so that it takes up most of that empty space leftover.
File: file.png (3.51 MB, 2110x2531)
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Requesting non-futa edit please.
File: RottyTops 487.jpg (229 KB, 1270x2048)
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229 KB JPG
requesting pulling down her top to show her boobs
added hair to the guy
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1.57 MB PNG
Request to extend his penis length so much that the tip is barely in the picture.
Actually, yeah. That looks way better! Great job! :D
File: 1669520228127.jpg (523 KB, 856x1125)
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523 KB JPG
Request to remove the excessive saliva on her tits, what's dripping from her chin, and most of it around her mouth. You can leave a little bit around her lips.
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103 KB JPG
Request to add a thick stream of cum shooting out.
File: 1550875863325.jpg (243 KB, 850x866)
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243 KB JPG
Please remove her sweat drops, and change her mouth to an open mouth amazed expression.
File: 1697366388584~2.jpg (280 KB, 1373x1600)
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280 KB JPG
Please add more pre-cum dripping from his tip; preferably towards the top of her head.
requesting a shaved pussy
File: IMG_2257.jpg (1.04 MB, 1475x2048)
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1.04 MB JPG
Shaved, no stubble!
File: 1551608996568.png (1.48 MB, 1280x898)
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1.48 MB PNG
Request to get rid of the bubble and writing.
File: Rayah&ifrit3.png (730 KB, 1544x2000)
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730 KB PNG
Requesting an uncensored version of this pic. Get rid of all that smoke covering their bodies.
File: yuriedit.jpg (94 KB, 908x1278)
94 KB
requesting a topless edit with slightly sagging breasts, bassically make her look like in referece (catbox)

File: IMG_2259.png (1.86 MB, 1280x898)
1.86 MB
1.86 MB PNG
Does this look good?
File: 1695151077198.jpg (193 KB, 1200x900)
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193 KB JPG
Request to increase penis girth to double the current size.
Unbelievably great quality. I can't complain. Thank you :)
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Requesting the breasts be reduced to a more normal size, something along the lines of:
try and keep the roundness though
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Requesting an increase in girth through out the frontal and base of the shaft so that it matches the middle that seems to have a little extra girth.
please edit her dick into a pussy
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Requesting a nude edit (just remove the pants and shirt)
requesting nude edit
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I am a handsome pirate bold,
Yo ho yo ho yo ho!
I sail the seas in search of gold,
Yo ho Yo Ho!
But I would give all my plunder,
for one sweet maiden fair …
Request for an energy beam to be shooting out of his dick (instead of cum).
Hey, you've read my mind! I was just thinking after i made my request that a bush would be a nice addition. Wasn't expecting it to be skull-shaped tho. Great job!
ROFL at that picture!
Pretty please with a cherry on top: turn this into a well hung man.
>Tits to pec muscles
>Long hair to short hair
>Remove string bikini
>Make the hips narrow
Please turn her mouth expression into a slight smirk.
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Meanwhile at the hotel’s clothing optional pool …
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Request to extend his cock length to the top edge of the picture.
requesting defutafication and to edit out the nipple piercings
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Requesting Vanessa to be made completely nude. Same goes for the variant at https://files.catbox.moe/hf3jm4.png
nudeshop plz
thank you so much
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requesting coloration edit

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request remove Brittany Crust
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Requesting breast expansion.

Make her breasts as huge as this "Ima Good Lady" fanart.

They're already large, but I prefer them even bigger...
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putting this as WIP cause of rough lines from Wand tool that I haven't relined due to keybinds not responding :T
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I replaced the candy cane too!
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And here’s a bit of Vanessa Van-ass-a!
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Requesting remove the guy from the picture so it's just catmilf.
I like this, can you try >>8311891
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requesting uncensoring with example from same artist
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Requesting fully nude edit
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ok done
I'm gonna bust for how good this is, thanks FROM OR
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and reverse cause I did this last time
though I couldn't do the whole leg :/
Nice, thank you!
requesting removal of the futas and nude edit of Piro the stripper
Requesting a fully nude edit, remove her earrings, bracelets, golden chains and dress.
Lmao hahhhh this is hilarious!
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requesting Maeve edited just scantily-clad, racy or boobily enough to make someone question if that's the real design (doesn't have to be this specific frame)
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Is this the freaking girlfriend of garfield's owner???
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Requesting a fully nude edit of Candace.

(The tags for the original piece also mentions "large areolae", so I guess that's something to keep in mind)
This is perfect. I love orcesses. Thanks a bunch for the edit!
Yeah Liz is hot and thank you
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Step one: Remove old leaf costume!
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Step two: Add a new, skimpier leaf costume.
Was this what you wanted?
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i think it looks very good, nice work
i hope you dont mind me trying to use the liquify+blur tool to see if it can come off any more convincingly as a bad DVD rip
Oh man! I forgot to blur those lines on the leaves!
Thank you for doing this!
Also, you (or someone) could draw on top the naked version to give her a different outfit.
Can you Do another edit were she still has her sweater and is flashing her breasts pants less
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Requesting remove the guy fucming her chest. The guy, the cum, the text so that her chest is clean.
I worked my magic.
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Can you do another edit where she's wearing only a baseball cap that has the 4chan logo on it?
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other board delivery
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pixel art request
requesting removing her bra
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Requesting a full nude edit of both Ami and Yumi (from Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi), by removing their swimsuits/bikinis.
Orig. art by Ed Mon-Ki
(Also, apologies to the original artist)
requesting a no-pan edit (though a full nude edit would also be highly appreciated)
requesting nude edits for both of them, the removal of the horse cock and bigger boobs for the bottom girl
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any chance of giving this fella a big pair of tits and removing the piercings? teardrop shape preferred
These are amazing !!!
Requesting removal of clothes
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You betcha!
I'll be called a troll for this, but I'm just making an observation; the editor is only doing the easiest requests, and the ones they favor. Can another editor be contacted to help out with all of the other requests? They're piling up.
>Can another editor be contacted to help out with all of the other requests? They're piling up.
What do you mean? Any editors that do requests on threads like these are doing it because they want to and happen to see the thread. Its not like each thread has one paid editor. Its just anons being nice.
I just color
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Requesting uncensored edit of Caitlin Cooke
That beside the point. Requests are piling up. That's the point.

We appreciate your work. Thanks for your efforts.
I only do cum edits, man
I counted 89 requests unfilled. It was a quick count so I might be off +/- 2. It wasn't like this a few years ago. It's not like there's arguments and insults going on right now that deter editors from helping. Where's all of the editors at?
>That beside the point. Requests are piling up. That's the point.
Anon, are you new around here? People always have new requests to make and there are tons of requests that have been posted for ages that never get done. That's just the way the cookie crumbles. You post and hope you get lucky enough to get a delivery. Yeah it sucks that there aren't too many editors and it can be frustrating when your request isn't done or takes ages to do so, believe me I know. But you can't change that. If an editor does something because its easy that's up to them and of course they'll do things that appeal to them. You think they'd spend time doing something for free on something they aren't into or actively dislike? I'm not trying to insult you here, but you're kind of coming across as obtuse at the very least and entitled at the very worst. Its not that deep and at least edits still get done here in peace, even if its not as often as it might have been in the past. You should see the trash edit thread.
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I may still be around but I'm no better
shoot forgot this was added :T
I'm not new. Just a few years ago I witnessed majority of the requests being filled in every big edit thread by the editors that filled them in sequential order. I'm wondering where they went off to. I know these people don't get paid. They could all potentially walk away. I don't want that. I'm only wondering why things have dried up this much. Were they all bored college kids that eventually graduated and got a job and now they don't have time for this anymore?
Fair enough but the way you were talking made it sound like you didn't know how this all worked, especially with the talk of ''contacting'' other editors. As for what happened to those editors, I'm not sure.
Sometimes I word things the wrong way since I'm a little frustrated. In the end it's really just up to chance on whether or not an editor will take the time and patience to help out for free. I guess I need to have more patience...
No worries man, I do the same sometimes. I know how frustrating it can be at times but as you said its all a matter of luck, the generosity of particular editors and patience.
> a few years ago I witnessed majority of the requests being filled in every big edit thread by the editors that filled them in sequential order
Wow, I’m embarrassed! I didn’t realize that there was an order that deliveries were being done in back when, so I was probably cutting in line and getting other editors mad! They never said anything though, so I never knew.
I guess I’m guilty again since I do edits that interest me and whip out easy ones so more requesters can have their edits done.
I’ll get the hang of this someday.
The more requests you fill, the better for everyone. You're doing good. There's no particular order that requests "need" to be filled by. I just remember observing the requests being filled from top to bottom.

Though, I did request a FULLY nude edit... could you remove the skirt as well?
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yeah sorry I didn't read it properly. distracted by tits and only read the "large Areolas" part
anyway the guesswork might be really off here, sorry
Requesting a nude edit. Since Velma's hands will look awkward without the shirt, they could be edited to be resting on her breasts like this example: https://img3.gelbooru.com/images/d6/d6/d6d6377bc894a09404b6ef7ee9195d9b.png
Thanks, man!
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Also, requesting to have Trixie's shirt and panties to be removed (though the tie and skirt can stay), leaving her tits and pussy fully exposed.

Given the size of those tits, and it being the same artist as that Candace pic, I suppose this one might have large areolae as well.

If you'd like, an additional fully naked edit (with the tie and skirt removed as well) would be nice as well.
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Here are the girls!
Thank you for not asking for Velma’s hands to be grabbing nothing. The hand suggestion was sure appreciated!
You're welcome, it only felt natural. And thank you, that's perfect!

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