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A thread where all Movie/TV edits (requests and posts) can be found and asked for.
All kinds of western Movie/TV requests go here:
To remind you again, that this is a screenshot edit thread, not a redraw thread so keep that in mind.

1. Provide references for requested characters and keep them to one image/post. Please pick out high-quality and reference pictures.
2. Animation screenshots, from movies and tv are allowed to be requested and edited too
3. Requests should have the highest resolution/HD quality reference images that are NOT BLURRY. Anything made in 2010 and later should be at least 720p or higher. You're allowed to crop so long as the image was already in its highest resolution/HD quality.
4. Be clear on what characters you want to be edited along with details.
5. No line/sketch illustrations as requested.

Previous thread: >>8254676
request https://desuarchive.org/aco/thread/7983605/#7992906
Requesting Starfire and Blackfire completely nude with curvy bodies?
Requesting nude edit on final batch of Ishi Barasume collage from Forgotten Realms comic.
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Requesting the dee dee twins to be nude.
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I need w/o more hands and an additional penis!
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Nude edit s'il vous plait
Thank you friend ^^
File: pagent peggy 2.png (2.33 MB, 1029x1788)
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Nude please
Somebody please give Genevieve Vavance a pair of hefty naturals that stretch out her poncho!
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Requesting the spies naked
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Requesting a nude edit with a fully open towel
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78 KB
Requesting another version with headbands off, and add hyper breasts, and bigger butt please.


How many more times motherfucker
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Requesting full thicc nude edit of Ami and Yumi
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Requesting all the ladies naked
Requesting Jessica Rabbit fully nude.
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Riverdale trivia:
Riverdale has the highest number of nudist beaches and nudist camps per square mile than anywhere else in the U.S.
Riverdale also has the largest Nympho population.
Love the extra touches, thanks.
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Requesting Sinny Denoga naked
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Requesting a high cut panty for Velma
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Step one: remove clothes.
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Step two: re-draw clothes with high cut pantys..
can you try >>8313786
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Requesting a nude edit of Francine Smith with her collar and bracelets on, remove the guys in the background too please.
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The impressive thing is that she’s sucking whole strawberries up the straw!

I don’t usually do edits re-requested in the same thread. I try to encourage not using up the post count. Sorry.
>The impressive thing is that she’s sucking whole strawberries up the straw!

Well, they don't call her "Suck Machine" for nothing.
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Request nude edit of Harley Quinn.
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Requesting A Nude Edit.
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Requesting everyone naked, and give Archie a dick that reaches Betty's hand.
OR here! Thanks a lot for the edit anon, it looks awesome. Honestly, I really didn't know how to post my image without re-requesting in the same thread, I'm kinda new with those tools, I'm sorry for that too. :'(
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How about this?
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That’s right Harley, show everyone your best side!
OR here, thanks! :)
Delivery! Asian milfs are so hot for sure.
That's fucking perfect, thanks.
OR here, thanks
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Ami and yumi
Nice job, but I was also ask them to be thicc as well.
Thank you for the edit. ^^
They are thicker than the original and making them too big would disproportionate the draw
You're welcome anon. :D
Great stuff
Lovely edit sir! The nude with gloves and cape still on is nice
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Request nude of Marceline. With a sexy look on her face.
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Requesting editing Zatanna's outfit with cropped corset and high cut panty, plus bigger boobs
Eh wrong file
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can one of you cool guys give a nude edit of daphne and velma here
Also big titties
Can you please edit them in skimpy bikinis?
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Mystery of the Haunted Nudist Camp!
I removed the clothes and got rid of that putty green blob on the left.
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Vampires are weakened by sunlight, ghosts, and apparently clothing!
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thanks my dude
Requesting Velma being in a bunny suit and given larger breasts
Vampire chicks loves to expose themselves for their lover. Or this vampire is more of a nudist ^^. Thank you so much. ^^
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Requesting the Lady Liberators naked.
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Requesting thicc nude edit of Diana Prince
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I can restore the text if you don’t like this.
Other than that, how’s this?
It's great, thanks.
Request a nude edit of Nene Fujinoki from My First Girlfriend is a Gal.
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nice job
File: Image0314.jpg (85 KB, 1920x1080)
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Requesting thicc nude edit of Kim Possible
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Ahh, Valkyrie....Young Me loved those metal boob cups of hers ^_^
LOL at the text change ^_^
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Requesting full thicc nude edit of Ami and Yumi
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Request nude edit of Dee Dee twins.
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I don't have a deviantart account
But if you want you could hit me up on my twitter or discord dms, link for the latter is on my twitter linktree
Requesting Squirrel Girl naked, and if possible, give her nipple piercings with acorn shaped charms.
I found it interesting made this version of Squirrel Girl a bit Plus Sized (the most recent comic iteration of her is so, except the face if just So Damned UGLY!!)
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A edit version of Dylan Lee fucking Frankie Foster with her little black dress stripped and cums coming out from her inside.
Requesting big ass edit, the bikini disappearing between the Cheeks and an S of superman tattoo on one of her cheeks
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I thought they would paint their nipples red, like their cheeks!
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Here she is!
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And with nipple piercings!
And I have a thing for girls with overbites, so I gave her some. They’re removable , if you want.
The teeth are perfect, thanks.
That would have been better. Thank you.
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Requesting a nude edit/age up of just Candace Flynn from Phineas and Ferb, please.
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Requesting all the ladies nude.
Keep Veronica's head band and shoes
Keep Midge's shoes.
Keep Betty's hand and feet, turn the tail into a butt plug, and keep a few of the spots on he butt.
If possible, Give Archie a large dick sticking put pf his costume and a drop of cum on Betty's lips.
Requesting nude edits of Kara from My Adventures of Superman.
1 of 2.

2 or 2.
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I couldn’t resist making the fly in Archie’s costume at a cow’s udder! I’m weird.
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Request nude edit of Marceline.
Amazing work as always, thanks.
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Bubblegum princes nude whit heart nipple covers
Finn chasity
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I felt I needed to get rid of the kids, but I didn’t want Candace standing there all by herself, so I aged up Isabella too!
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Here she is, all nude!
I decided not to draw the flames and charring.
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I added a hat!
Why don’t we see more vampires in big hats in vampire movies?
Thank you

I understand, I tried to find a good one without the kids. Next time I'll do better.
Thank you. Vampires with large sounds really cool, but I guess it's an idea for romance fiction.
Not OR, but this is a brilliant idea! (Not to mention HOT too!)
Requesting a nude edit of Bloom and Stella from Winx Club. :)
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rough attempt
any changes you want?
Please Princes curvy and less boobs and if u can finn nude with chasity
Thanks for the work
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I can't fully understand what you're saying about Finn so I'm only gonna do PB
>I can't fully understand what you're saying about Finn so I'm only gonna do PB
No problem it´s great
Requesting a nude Hayley please.
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Request done by MLG Leonardo (diamondbeen2)

Nude ver.
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Bratz, I mean Winx girls!
Why can’t pretty girls spell?
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Requesting a nude/topless (age up) edit of Candace Flynn
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Request nude edit of Roll.
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Oh no! The explosion blew all of your clothes off, Roll!
Well shoot I figured I'd have to wait to the next thread to ask again. Thank you kindly.

I mean at this angle there's not much in the breast region you'd see
She looks better without it.
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request Sheila Broflovski to wear some high heels and a see-through leather swimsuit
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Please make them topless
Wow! Great job.
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Give this girl a pair of huge, lactating titties that soak through her uniform!
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Requesting a nude/topless (age up) edit of Candace Flynn
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Requesting megara fully nude.
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Step one: remove clothes!
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Step two: add bottoms, so they’re only topless!
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Requesting wardrobe change
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Amazing thanks! Could nude them and maybe add some cum?
OR here, thank you very much for the edit anon, it's amazing. :D
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Requesting all the gals naked
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400 KB JPG
This was done a couple of years ago.
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This one too.
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Meanwhile, at the Riverdale Clothing Optional Mall …
Awesome job, thanks.
Requesting edit of this panel of Karai but naked except for Fundoshi/Japanese undergarment-Loincloth.
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Nude bukkake please
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183 KB PNG
Step one: Remove old clothes.
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188 KB PNG
Step two: Add Fundoshi.
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Nani with a face full of spoo!
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1.37 MB PNG
Request a nude edit of the Dee Dee Twins and Dana please.
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I thought it would look silly if just those three girls were naked out of the whole club …
can you >>8330239
I say this even better. Thank you. ^^
"And all this was just for my face! Think of how much I'll make if I let them glaze my tits!"
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I suppose I should do a “Candace got busted” joke here.

Sorry, I avoid doing requests that are re-requested in the same thread. It eats up the post count.
Also I didn’t understand the request, she is already wearing high heels, and I don’t know what see-through leather is. (Does it come from translucent cows?)
Also, also, I like editing pretty women; and I’m afraid Sheila Broflovski just doesn’t tickle my fancy.
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Both nude cum covered please
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Requesting Gi and Linka naked. Give Linka a bush and Gi clean shaven. If possible remove the coal dust from Linka.
Nice job.
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Can I get a nude edit for the ladies. Fine if its just Tendi though.
Requesting all the gals naked
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Naked girls bouncing on the bed. One of my favorite things!
Great job, thanks
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Request a nude edit of Harley Quinn.
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Requesting Verosika fully nude.
Most of her is covered by Batman. What would be the point? And have you even said thank you for the other edits?
Of course I thank the person for editing have you not seen my responds.
No response for the other thing. Interesting.
I don't know what your talking about but maybe you should check first.>>8320113
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Okay, I tried to fake up Harley under the Batman’s arm! How does it look?
Thank you. This is incredible!
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I left the choker on. I hope that’s okay.
Requesting nude edit art of Olivia Stahl from Robotech Invasion comic by Wildstorm.
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Wow, this is a pretty messed up situation!
Unless she’s not in his chain of command, in which case, why is there a regulation against it? Aren’t officers allowed to fraternize with other officers?
Amazing thanks! Could nude and bukkake her in this one, possible to replace hammer with wet dildo?
Mostly just she is the ship’s captain and he’s a pilot.
Anyway, it looks good.
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Request nude edit of Marceline.
So a nude request on Janice Em from Robotech: Prelude to Shadow Chronicles comic.
No pubes since she's an android.
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Nudist Marceline enjoying the night breeze and Finn enjoying the view
Not OR, but very nice!
Which is why it's person favorite. Thank you. ^^
Requesting a nude edit of Odalia Blight from The Owl House please. :D
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Requesting padme nude
Requesting Martha and Mayberry naked, and give Mayberry a huge demon dick.
Requesting a nude edit of Penny’s model sheet. Make her breasts small and give her pubes that are red like her hair.
Requesting all the gals nude
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Did I put the dick on the right demon?
Ya nailed it. Great job, thanks.
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requesting nude edit, please keep the glasses on
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This is was a lot of fun!
Thanks for asking for this!
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Naked lady!
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Requesting Lapis nude
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Requesting full nude edit of Alex, Clover, and Sam. (and make them the belts on, if necessary)
you killed it dude! thank you so much
File: Smilingfriends_headswap.png (1 MB, 1920x1080)
1 MB
I have no idea what compelled me to do this.
Amazing job, glad your enjoying it.

Might as well request the next page while I'm at it.
All the gals naked please.
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comics count, right?

requesting a nude edit with a huge bush
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Pretty girls make people happy!
Requesting nude edit on female psionic soldier from XCOM Council comic written by Mutenroushi from deviantart.
Not the OR, but Nice Work ^_^
Great job, thanks.

Requesting all the gals nude, though if you want to keep Val and Josie clothed in the last panel, that fine.
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Requesting Leela's breasts the size of her head.
Requesting a full nude edit of Miss America from Coonskin Animation.

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Here we go!
Melody’s such a cutie!
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And just in case we want all the girls stripped …
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removed clothing outline
Amazing job, thanks for everything.
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Requesting Liz the Vet naked in all panels.
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2 MB
Ooo, a naked vet!
The last time I saw that was at the VFW hall!
Great job. Can you try the Peggy Hill pic at the top?
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Request nude edit of The Dee Dee Twins
OR here, nice job, thanks.
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Requesting Kim and Monique naked, wearing slave collars and cuffs. Give Kim a hear shaped bush, Monique waxed. Have dildos and other sex toys sticking out of the duffel bag.
Requesting an edit that makes Bubblegum into a topless mermaid
Forgot the pic
Is there much of an overlap between these edit threads and the ones on /co/? Feels like it'd be mostly the same sort of things being requested.
yeah, no original thoughts aka taking into consideration the other requests and just focusing what they want
I might be misunderstanding you, anon, but isn't the point of a request asking for what you want?
I mean it on the side if what get the D, it's all the same kind of deliveries overlapping both edit threads
I guess it would make sense to send requests to both, then
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I made her a mermaid and got rid of the lawn chair.
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And here is a variant with a naked Marceline!
Because naked!
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They have those red dots on their cheeks!
So fucking based
Fits them nicely. Thank you. ^^
Sexy, thanks. Do you think you could also make Marcy a mermaid? If you don’t want to that’s fine, you did great here
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Do you think Finn is a fin-man?
Probably. Thanks again
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Ron? You didn’t forget the double-ended, vibrating dragon dildo, did you?
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Requested ms twombly have her fat futa cock and balls between her legs
Great job, thanks.
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Request a nude edit of Harley Quinn, and other version of Catwoman and Poison Ivy.
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I never get invited to such interesting meetings with naked women.
(Oh wait, there was that one safety meeting …)
Requesting Sophie naked
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request barefeet amity blight edit.
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Nude Sophie!
OR here, awesome, thanks.
Are you trying to get a nude version of every instance of Harley Quinn across the entire show?
Hehe glad they allow it. Thank you for the edit.
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Requesting all three Zatanas naked (keep their boots), and give the flanking Zees huge cocks and balls. For Red Zee keep her bow tie, shirt cuffs and gloves. For Orange Zee, keep her Cape.
Oh yeah they've been at it for months. They get one delivery followed right up with another request. Its reaching a point they could probably shot for shot remake the episode. Which y'know folks can do as they please just seems like other folks are starting to follow them. Request this image get a delivery immediately request another like I want a bunch of things editted but I'll post like twice a thread.
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Here’s your futa-tastic edit!
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And here is a version sans-dongs!
>Left Zee- "It's obvious we know our way around a wand, but I wonder how much of Daddy's sword swallowing lessons we remember?
>Right Zee- "Well while you find out, I'm going to see if I can make this massive cock disappear. I'm sure our lovely assistant here won't mind if we use our tight little ass to practice.

Amazing job, thanks.
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Request a nude edit of Lindsay.
On one hand I respect his dedication. On the other hand, it’s fucking annoying.
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She’s dressed as Lady Godiva!
Thank you for the edit.^^
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Requesting Holli Would fully nude. Adding legs optional.
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I'd love to see this random lady with a giant pair of titties!
she has a name
Requesting Sophie and Reena naked
I do not know it
It's Lorraine, she's a secretary at the CIA.
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“My brother was kidding! I don’t have a masturbation shine set up to you in my closet!”
Whoever she is, she'd look better with about 5 or 6 extra cup sizes.
Great job, love it. Thanks
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Request nude edit of Eris.
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Mmm … corn on the cob, pop corn, corned beef on corn bread sandwich, and a creamed corn milkshake! Yum yum!
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ooops! somebody beat me to it....here's my take
any takers, please? (don't bump0
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Requesting full nude edit of Alex and Sam.
This is so good. Thank you. ^^
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late usual chaos tiddy shenanigans :P
can remove popcorn if need be
Requesting a topless version and larger titties
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Requesting nude edit
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found a better screencap for request
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Requesting nude edit of Clover, Sam, and Alex.
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Requesting full nude edit of Kim Possible stripping down her swim suit.
I’m curious to see the original scene.
Request giving Madame Xanadu bigger boobs and the money more visible on her cleavage
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Here's a similar one.
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Requesting Finn and Emma naked (leave Emma's necklace and choker)
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Here’s Kim’s ass!

I used this background!
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Naked women make me happy!
Requesting a nude edit of D'Vana and Beckett please.
Hell yeah brother, thanks.
Great work.
any takers with the Totally Spies? (don't bump)
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Request nude edit of Poison Ivy.
Also, bigger tits
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Here we go!
Does anyone have any old Lois edits? I lost my screencap collection and to the best of my knowledge the screencap booru is still deleted
Thank you ^^
if you don't mind large boobs added then yes
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Naked spies!
How does this look?

You just bumped that request.
Also, it seems a waste to edit that picture nude when we can’t see anything below their armpits.
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Requesting Velma naked and implicitly masturbating. This could be done like this:
-Move her left hand towards where her crotch would be offscreen
-Make her right hand grab her breast
-Add a little blush and drool
-Maybe change her computer screen to show porn or something
Requesting the Harem girls naked
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Requesting nude edit of The Dee Dee Twins.
Could you do this edit: >>8352238
(you can un-crop this to see the spies' boobs)
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How’s this? Would you like the boots removed?

I’m sorry, I usually don’t do requests that have been re-requested (bumped) in the same thread. If everyone did that it’d eat up the post count.
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requesting an screenshot edit of Beth Tezuka from the Bravest Warriors episode, Gas Powered Stick with her sitting on the Holo John toilet in the screenshot from the episode Butter Lettuce?
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what about me I offered to do it if you're fine with big breasts?
Thank you. And yes I also love for the boots to remove.
Yes, please. (but not too big)
no guarantees
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Requesting Lindsay and Izzy nude with big boobs and Beth staring at them while blushing please.
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Barefoot sexy clown sidekicks twins!
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Naked? No! That would be too naughty!
I left their veils on!
Thank you! Them being barefoot makes even hotter and shows they're strong as rocks.
csn you try >>8347975
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WIP. tits are the last thing to check on before doing official boob lines & colouring
Ohhh... perfect size for the boobs. Keep it up...
OR here, thank you for protecting their modesty.
Requesting GoGo naked and, if possible, give her white cat ears, cat nose and whiskers face paint, a collar w/ a bell, white thigh high leggings and make the blind fold into a cat tail butt plug. Maybe throw in some other sex toys on the shelf and desk.
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GoGo naked!
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And here’s GoGo getting a little frisky!
Or perhaps she’s getting Little Friskies cat food!
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And now Honey is planning on getting into it!
Requesting an edit that makes Jackie a mermaid
Amazing, love the little cat faces on the leggings. Thanks.
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done though might've changed the sizes/shapes a bit due to relining/not wanting to be repetitive :T
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Request nude edit of Roll ^^
It's look very good. Great job.
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Look the other way, Rush, away from Roll’s nudity!
HTD man where can I get more stuff from you homie
only the Paheal Rule34. would've been Tumblr if it didn't go lockdown and Twitter confuses me :T

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