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Previously: >>8328842
The cartoony side: >>8331732

No DALL-E generated stuff.
No futa.
Report trolls.

General: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki | rentry.org/sdg-link | rentry.org/rentrysd
Hires Fix: rentry.org/hiresfixjan23
Inpainting/Outpainting: rentry.org/drfar | rentry.org/inpainting-guide-SD
Animation: rentry.org/AnimAnon
Create LoRAs, TIs: rentry.org/59xed3 | rentry.org/simplified-embed-training
List of models/LoRAs:

>Auto1111 extensions
ControlNet: github.com/Mikubill/sd-webui-controlnet | rentry.org/dummycontrolnet
Regional Prompter: github.com/hako-mikan/sd-webui-regional-prompter
Tag autocomplete: github.com/DominikDoom/a1111-sd-webui-tagcomplete

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Preventive archive dump.
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And that was the archve dump.
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Didnt realize it was new thread time
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>Circa PotC 5 breasts
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Her tit size is a bit inconsistent
Let's steer things into the right direction by adding some "busty"
A sound plan.
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Does not automatically make matching nudes
XL is surprisingly insistent on making something that matches her actual nudes (minus the pierced nipple)
LoRAs gonna LoRA.
Hope that includes well detailed labia from the frontal spreading pic.
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You must be a movie producer or something since she's sending you nudes
Not even LoRA for the body. Base XL and checkpoints know her well enough. Her XL LoRA messes up on the head shape all the time and needs a little help from base anyways
The one from the leaks.
>Base XL and checkpoints know her well enough.
That´s really something. Quite surprising, desu.
Have to bail, so have a nice day.
It's probably just AI magic. But if the single nipple piercing ever shows up unprompted we know for sure
Have a good one
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>I only sweat so much because I work so hard, maybe you should try sometime
What models are you guys using?
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I'll take a break from latinas for a minute and post some random white woman
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this looks fantastic.
Would you share the prompt?
I really REALLY Love Emmas. Could some one share more
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The Hayley is the XL LoRA by razzz (870MB) with irisLux checkpoint for the lewd pose

superb skin texture, I need to try the detail lora you recommended
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Prompt for a "longsleeve dress" and I get this
Technically correct
Not all clothing can be mixed and matched freely in general, it's a bit frustrating at times
No, leave trash from the old thread in the old thread
>check thread
>still too complicated to set up for AMD
I'm sad
Now pop them titties out
tell me your secrets, they look really good
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anyone have some Julia Louis-Dreyfus / elaine seinfeld stuff? or know how i can make it myself?
>Muh generic pinup gens
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Yay! I got regional prompting working so now I can have two different girls in one gen.
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Scale can be an issue at times, and the main prompt should lay things out so they fall within how you've divided up the regions.
Moar bulging!
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With not enough hours in the day to work on better titty prompts, I came to accept this token gift from the RNG gods

Make more, this is good
Also, never seen a limp SD dick before

Install guides in OP if you got the hardware (Fooocus is even easier to use than A1111/forge, link in /g/ thread)
To make celebs, download person's LoRA/lycoris/embedding from civitai and practice until results make you happy
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rose mciver please
>ulia Louis-Dreyfus
I'll bake you one
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You need adetailer [SEP]
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i was going to complain about woman face on the men but that's fucking brilliant, didn't know that was the syntax. thanks!
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last one for now, don't want to spam too much
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a few good ones i was proud of and wanted to share. plus, i wanted to bump the thread.
Came from /d/

Anyone here happens to have any pica similar to these?
Not any pregnancy shit. Just like big belly like close to vore or something of the sort
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Uploaded the wrong image and 4chan doesn't let me delete it so here's a better image
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SD1.5, I'll do Pony too
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How about cum inflation?
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Ok the Pony one didn't work for whatever reason and needs another run. I can bake SD1.5 in 8 minutes, but it's almost an hour for Pony AND I can't gen while I bake
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"Happens to have?" Kek. Just request what you want . I can give you what you want. (Even x-rays.)
Gawd dayum
Why do you retards claim to be making celeb gens when they barely resemble a stepchild retard version of that person
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Tried posting this in the /b/ thread, but goddamn that thread is literally 100% devoted to CP
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Yeah, it's sad. Wish there were an active non-pedo Stable Diffusion thread, but this semi-active one will have to do.
Dig this style
For some reason this image almost made me throw up, not trying to be mean but seriously it almost did lol. I'm not sure why I think something about the flesh looks like a dead body....
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really been enjoying the results i've gotten with pics on the beach at sunset

for some reason I've never really liked the results when I try JLDs
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eh, this one feels somewhat good, but I did have to specify "Elaine Benes" and try to make her younger to try and make this work
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You must be new, these look like my first gens ever
You need a basic set of tags in the negative prompt like "deformed, bad anatomy, disfigured, poorly drawn face, mutated, worst quality, low quality"
And in the positive almost always add "beautiful,stunning,sexy,hypnotic" or stuff like that
Sadly, that´s probably a troll.
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your zonkey is overcooking
lower your CFG
Damn her face is mogged
Ur a troll
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She only has that one bad LoRA, don't use it. It makes this weird chibi look with big eyes and tiny chin
You can prompt against that but it's no use, you end up with a lobotomized version that can't even smile
She wears strange makeup in real life that is misidentified by CLIP as "large eyes". The idiot who trained the model mislabeled his images probably. But the base model is also prone to make abnormal large eyes for her.
They even mention the bad quality in the comments and he sees "nothing wrong with it", what the hell
Realistic XL checkpoints know her well, but make her older version. Prompt for some younger age so her body isn't all wrinkly and run adetailer on the face with a realistic SD1.5 checkpoint. You can get something like the pic, which beats the stupid LoRA
Use "oval face shape,small eyes", it helps
I made my own for 1.5 as a test and Pony is coming once I find my good settings again
No u
Got Pony
Pretty good
Don't wann prompt her now but
Thanks I’ll give that a try. I think I had it pretty low for that one, like 2.5. I’ll try even lower and see if I get better results (btw your edit looks great)
No then that's not the issue. CFG 4 should be okay even
Try a different sampler maybe. It's not really classical zonkey cooking, the face looks more like a LoRA with the weight too high
I actually take that as a compliment :p at least it made you feel something. And maybe an image like this should make you want to throw up based on the content and what’s being portrayed. Porn is sometimes overidealized, and overcleaned I think. To where the people look more like a shiny dolls than humans.
Yeah, I think I had 2 or 3 active loras, 2 of them set to 1. So that could be it. I think I could have gotten a little better expression if I did more tweaking with adetailer
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yo damn this is pretty good, plz prompt more of her, really curious to see how the results look
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any recommendations for good nipple piercing Loras? (barbell ideally) for pony
requesting massive booba Elaine Benes
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Amy Brookheimer is trying a new idea to boost morale in Selina Meyer's office
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>You need a basic set of tags in the negative prompt

The negative prompts I use are a little more succinct: no tattoos, wrinkles, or shadows (or at least try to limit how much shadows negatively impact the photo). I don't think this program knows enough about bad anatomy to prevent it with a negative prompt. You just gotta hope the hands/fingernails don't look too weird

Just try it out if you don't believe (although you do sound a bit like a troll now)
Basically every gen will look a bit better by adding the common negatives (especially SD1.5, XL you can get almost away without)
Regen the same seed with additional stuff in prompt and you'll see
this is complete nonsense
the models have no idea what correct or incorrect anatomy is, they are trained on pictures of hands and faces but they have no idea what they're actually looking at besides the label given to the objects
anyone who says other is a troll or huffing snake oil
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SD is not the expert on anatomy, but the dataset has those tags and they certainly help.
It also knows a thing or two about aesthetics. Might want to consider that in your prompts for sure...
Please tell me you are joking
Read up about how SD works please
Nta, but remember that the models are all trained on massive datasets of tagged images. Some of these images are ugly people, deformed people, shitty renders, etc with the appropriate tags. If you don’t tell the model otherwise via negative prompts, it will include these images when generating your image
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Where can I find a good lora or whatever for BDSM gwen hoods?

None of these are what I'm looking for
I made one for 1.5 but open face.
Got a dataset?
Yeah and that's close, but still different than the specific style I want
I have that pic of references I just posted and that's it. I'm very casual when it comes to AI and haven't tried anything with it in months. I felt like toying around with it again but now I can't find anything for the hood I want
Well if you want to collect a handful of pics like the ones above I can bake you a Lora, looks like a fun concept. I'm the Pony Elaine anon and maybe I know what I'm doing
Decent likeness, eh?
super decent. method?
I stumbled across this one guy's LORA method that he posted on reddit, and it's genuinely a game changer. I'll dig it up and post a link when I find it.
that would be awesome. thanks!
Make her with very hairy forearms and happy trail please.
Alright, I can give it a shot, although I doubt my collage will look as good as >>8347116
somebody else made that one like four years ago and I was hoping that it would be enough references
i want to see this method as well

I didn't follow him to the absolute "T", though...instead of merging the LORAs as he did in Step 2, I kept them separate and just added them both into the prompt with .50 strengths each. Basically because I'm too lazy to install Kohya and figure that crap out. So the results could potentially be even better if you go by the book.

"I've trained 40 models in this last 3 months on this technique"

I've trained like 20 this week alone. This sounds like total snake oil. Who crops their data, Kohya has had bucketing for ages now
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All I know is that clarity and accuracy shot up for me after implementing it. But everyone must follow their own path, so you do whatever works for you.
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for best results, hope the fingers aren't in the shot.. if they're in the shot, you might see the midpoint between painted fingernails and unpainted fingernails
Damn, thanks again. Never would have thought to do something like this. Though I have had some success with adding a lora on top of a dreambooth model, which seems to improve face resemblance (just a lurker though, nothing good to show off). Will give both his method and your method a shot.
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It takes only a one liner prompt to prove how wrong you are.
5 gens each, same prompt. But one has the common negatives added that literally everybody uses: mutated, deformed, bad anatomy, disfigured, badly drawn face, badly drawn hands, etc.
I don't have to tell you which row is which since it's obvious which gens look better. And no I did not cheat by including "ugly", "worst quality" etc.

Nogen losers BTFO

Just use the damn negatives. You will still get the occasional bad hand or extra finger. But they are a lot less common if you just fix your prompts. Use inpainting to fix little defects in gens you really care about, but once you have a good workflow it's easier to just make more gens until a perfect one comes around from the RNG
>It takes only a one liner prompt to prove how wrong you are.
something happened once and therefore will happen every time
science is doomed if this is what people think
You didn't account for visible hands, one row has only 2 gens with hands, while the other has visible hands in all 5
And one row looks consistently better overall than the other
Adding the negatives affects the whole images
Details change. The diffusion process in random. Do you people not understand the basics?
If that's true then why not add "visible hands" to the positive prompt? Or at least select a pose where the hands will most likely be visible
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XL is better by default, but also has more potential for nightmare stuff if left to its own devices
Both are the same seed of a high detail photo of (perfect hands). Left side no negatives. Right side adds "bad hands" negative.
Clearly there are pictures of flesh eating bacteria victims in the dataset. And those are labeled as "hands". So each time it wants to make a hand, it considers those abominations as well.
Same for faces and everything else.
That's why gens without negatives always look a little worse. Every genner knows this, it's the first thing you learn
Then do it. I made some gens to prove my point. Now you do gens to argue your position.
Even *if* you were right and I was wrong, I still know how to make good gens already. Dropping the negatives doesn't make my gens better...
notice how one row has missing arms, legs, fingers go into head and extra fingers? and the other has none of these defects at all?
>but but muh hands hidden
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Way better than any of the trash in here
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Share the lora, please.
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just did the same prompt/seed and added "deformed, bad anatomy, disfigured, poorly drawn face, mutated, worst quality, low quality" to the negative prompt (and "tattoos, wrinkles, shadows" are negative prompts in both pics)

And yeah, I think the pic with more negatives on the right looks better, the most obvious difference is fingernails but there's a few other things

For whatever reason the SD model I'm using does not do a great job at Danielle Fishel but it happens.
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I want to create emma watson again
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Okay now do something we can't find with 2 seconds of googling for real pics
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Feel free to show me the "originals", then. I'll be waiting.
At least XL knows the concept somewhat: It's a balaclava and can be prompted in leather. Usually open face or goes over mouth and nose as well
Not quiet the fetish version, but with inpainting over sketches you can get real close and you have full control over the shape then
Only practical to do for a few images though
can you post a link to the lora so i can try it?
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It's a custom LORA. I keep them to myself because I don't want the legal risk of them being used for explicit/hardcore/illegal stuff.
That's what posting anonymously on catbox is for.
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I put Balaclava into the prompt and I don't think this is a real kind of outfit
i would download that catbox.
ive posted my 1.5 model here before myrealporn.v3
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"in the style of the Handmaid's Tale" appears to give Mila a nice cape
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how did you make these

how are you prompting? this seems like magic, need more julia louis-dreyfus in domiantrix gear please i beg you
Requesting hardcore gens of Rin (Katrina Wilkinson) from RinCity/Steamgirl.
Anything is fine I just want to know if this thing knows her.
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It takes over the whole outfit for some reason. This was a gray dress. With leather balaclava on, it turns into a bolero straight jacket. For which there are LoRAs, but nothing active here.
Like I said, mostly good for inpainting only. But since the concept is known, it should be easy to train.

Did you also do arealporn.v3? I pulled that from pixeldrain once
face just isnt working
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elsa jean lora at 0.2
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Is zonkey the best model to generate non-artistic realistic images such as
And is the best way to go about it to use booru tags?
I prefer pony realism, zonkey seems to have a built-in film grain that fucks with a lot of loras that I like (or vice versa)
word around here is that zonkey and pony realism respond best to prompts
you can use a non-zonkey pony model as the refiner to fix the grain/grime look, some people even use non-pony models for this
you need booru tags and pony specific magic like score_9,score_8_up,score_7_up,source_photo to get good results
since the models are merged with realistic checkpoints, you also need some regular photo/realism prompting for good output
zonkey is also a bit problematic since it requires more VRAM for some reason, which blows up for a lot of people during upscale/hires fix
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That pic is really fried.
zonkey can turn cartoon and anime girl loras into realistic so I'm keeping it
don't waste time with upscale, get the basics right first
nightmare stuff

that's amazing
I think it does worse with realistic LoRAs, never considered the cartoon side
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how do you get terrible images like this? I tried to reproduce this but I can't
It looks like you are running img2img multiple times over the same image with the same seed
Everything looks blurry and oversharpened at the same time
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Even the simplest prompt possible in SD1.5 comes out way way better looking
I posted the original one, and it was made with pony realism.
Did you retry with CFG 4 and lower LoRA weight? Your extremely low value of 2.5 probably caused the weird looking holes. The prompt has really low influence at that point and the sampler starts dreaming up weird shit.
To find good CFGs for your setup (depends on model and sampler) try the X/Y/Z plotting script
yea i meant arealporn.v3
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>photorealistic size content in my lifetime
God damnit, I love ai
Nice, pony realism?
Nah, I didn't try recreating it, just because I no longer have the full prompt for that image. But I'll try that for my next batch.

Speaking of which, how do people keep a record of their image gen settings? I've found (using webui) that I'll be working to tweak an image, but then I'll experiment in a bad direction and wish I could go back to earlier version of my prompt -- but I can't remember all the little things I tweaked. Or sometimes (like with this image) I'll feel that the image isn't really good enough to save to the "styles" dropdown, but it would still be nice to revisit those image gen settings. Does anyone have a good solution for that?
Most UIs like A1111 save everything in PNG metadata. Click on the PNG Info tab and drag a file there to recover the settings.
This is the reason people ask for catbox link to gens sometimes. Uploading a PNG to 4chan removes all metadata.
Fooocus doesn't do that by default, but it stores the settings in the log.html in the outputs subfolders. Also accessible by the History Log link.
This rules, thanks!
i'm gonna pretend that using "vintage color photo" in my prompt brings out visible bush (from my "pubic hair, hairy labia" prompts), but not "midget in a legscissors" levels of bush
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Will 16 be enough alongside the 35 already posted? This type of hood was much rarer than I remember it being, so it wasn't easy finding good non-blurry references
Also I couldn't find any, but if possible it would be nice if the lora could have an option for twintails
>10GW = the amount of heat friction generated by 6 gorrillion "Giantess" appreciators all taking their phones to the toilet with this pic loaded...
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>legal risk of them being used for explicit/hardcore/illegal stuff.
Never really understood the obsession with her, for me it was Castle's daughter
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HR called you over for disciplinary action
Thanks, no, but another pony model, I think it was this one:
I am trying out different models all the time.
Haha, glad you like it, i produced 5gw of that, believe me
The no gens faggot yelled
What's the law on this anyway? Is there any? I mean couldnt you just say its "Gemma Whatsupson" a very similiar but entirely artifical lookalike?
Has has Loras and TIs on Civitai, why would anyone care about an anynymous catbox
Will be afk for a week but if you can ul the separate pics somewhere I'll bake next weekend
if it turns out you guys need more material, there is certainly some in my collection
not easy to find in there since they are rarely used indeed, and then it needs to be a close up so the resolution is good enough
house of gord uses them consistently, but never found a picture pack of that site
Resolution doesn't really matter as long as there's one or 2 hires pics
I almost suspected that since it already knows about high detail leather texture and masks in general
But there should be diversity in backgrounds for example? Otherwise the model learns that too right
>being squeezed and asphyxiated inside an aroused giantess's vagina
there's probably worse ways to die
The autotagger will take care of that
what pony checkpoint should I go with for realistic? one good with lingerie if possible
The best realism checkpoint I know atm is ZonkeyRealism
Does it do body hair well?
Tutorial when
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bruh, there's literally tutorials in the op
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Here's your tutorial finally since you keep coming back:
- Install SD (see OP)
- Make gens
- Post gens
- Get shit on for bad gens
- Improve gens with feedback and tips from anons, catbox links
- Get good and post good gens
- Help others make better gens
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A few years after the government under the rule of first madame president developed and mandated state-issued growth hormones for the female population "to fight the patriarchy", your company started offering "relief sessions" for mothers returning from maternity leave. For the male employees these were obligatory events. You sometimes wonder when exactly society reached the point of no return...
The new Sex Machines LoRA or does Pony make a Sybian on its own?
pony does it
Giantess doesn't do it for me, but this amazonian like size is perfect. Great creation, GIWTWM.

No like a real tutorial
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Another one without my shitty fiction
>Giantess doesn't do it for me, but this amazonian like size is perfect. Great creation, GIWTWM
Thanks, haha, I'm surprised there are even a few size enjoyers lurking here
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Enter prompt
Hit "generate"
Computer makes picture of prompt

I like this too
Death by SNU-SNU

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