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LUST.EXE Edition

General thread for all your TG, TSF, and Gender Bender needs.

Rule 63 and similar content allowed, but try to keep it minimal. The primary focus here is on the transformation.

QoTT: What's your opinion on non-human TG?

Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/aco/thread/8277947
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I was wondering if there's any other sequences that are sort of like this one?
NotZackForWork did a couple sequences with the “gut becomes boobs” aspect, his ‘Shapewear’ series. I don’t know if he’s done a long-form sequence of that type though.
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Hey yo what the hell I was banneddddddddd
I'm back my dudes, you know who I am
Welcome back
>What's your opinion on non-human TG?
Depending on the outcome, more exotic.
Here's this week's story! A guy gets convinced to wear a skinsuit of an overweight dominatrix and gets really into the change.


Been a long time since I've written any skinsuit/bodysuit stories. I think there's usually a separate thread for it but it's still tg so I'm posting it here.
What do you mean by that?
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>medieval peasant finds magical item that transforms him into whatever he wants
>after a bit of testing what he can turn into he transforms into an absurdly hot woman for a night of fun after which he'll turn into a powerful monster of a man and live life as a power fantasy
>after spending the entire night getting fucked by every man in town to his horror he discovers the magic item only had enough juice for a few transformations
>now after having world conquering power at his finger tips she's stuck as a woman, alone in a world that see's them more as property than people
>spend years barely getting by on the beauty of her new body as a prostitute
>travelling town to town, chasing rumours of magic items to transform back but they always turn out to be false
>as the years go by needing to survive on her own trains her and she slowly gets stronger
>she slowly goes from a wandering whore selling her body to survive into a hardened warrior of death searching for any magic item to regain her manhood, leaving dead bodies and burned down villages in her wake
>despite not needing to use her beauty to survive and being a silent, terrifying force of destruction, she still dresses in skimpy, borderline naked armour because deep down she really enjoys being a woman and oversexualizing herself
>search for magical item gradually becomes just an excuse to travel around causing destruction, death and mayhem and she wouldn't even transform back even if she found a way to
>even though she loves this new body and life the fact she can never find a way to turn back even if she wanted to just makes it hotter and the more desperately she searches the more arousing she finds that
>turns out she did end up getting to live life as a power fantasy

jeez this got way more bloated than I meant it to.
I think there's a Blackshirtboy comic which covers the first half of this, think it's Beyond: the moon pool?
yeah, pretty much Copied it for the first half, picrel inspired the second half
I don't know why but that comic scratches a really really specific itch for me, haven't found anything similar though I've looked. What'd you think of it?
It’s a nice enough story. My only minor gripe (and this isn’t exclusive to your greentext) is when fantasy settings with TF magic have to contrive ways of making the TF permanent. I know permanent TF is very popular and almost the standard, but it breaks immersion for me when a setting with magic (especially TF magic) has to bend over backwards to fulfill the permaTF ‘requirement’.

A different route could be that TF magic has a ‘random’ element which prevents the user from turning back into their original form (for a time) and instead keeps giving them a new, random form each time. This is only my autism speaking but permanent TF makes me sperg out sometimes.
For me personally I've just always had a head canon of magic being something that's incredibly rare and finite, so it running out is only a matter of time and when it does there's no hope you'll find any more because it appearing is once in a generation. obviously doesn't really work for most stories when the reason isn't that the magic 'ran out' but it does for the ones I normally read.

but yeah I get why you find it annoying, I'm pretty good at subconsciously ignoring that stuff when it gets contrived but it really is prone to it. I can never tell if it's because writers need that specific and seemingly contrived reason for it to be hot or they don't really care and just write whatever works.
so, recapitulating.
I got banned from 4chan due to a false accusation of sending cp in /v (wich is weird since I don't even go to that board) after that I left the page for almost 2 weeks i think, I can't remember but whatever, I complaint about the ban and now I'm back
So, the same thing as always, send requests I'll be waiting!
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How about an aging priest trying to exorcise a satanic book with the number 666, but the book turns him into a red hot youthful devilish woman, burning his clothes into nothing and turning that cross into a pitchfork
A teenage guy in a wifebeater and briefs drinks a carton of milk, gets turned into a thicc milf because the carton is actually labeled 'milf'
How about a classic race change TG scenario? How about some racist sexist spouts the wrong thing to the wrong person and ends up having their race and gender changed. You can choose the guy's original race and the race he gets turned into.
Time traveler steps on a butterfly and becomes a woman
pearl diver gets swallowed by giant clam and becomes aphrodite ala the painting 'the birth of venus'
An ex smoker finds the stub of a cigarette on the ground and smokes it, turning into a cheap, trashy chav woman.
Guy enters a description of a woman into an AI image generator and it ends up turning him into the woman he described

Meh art, but might be what you're looking for.
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A skeleton mage regenerates flesh, turning into a amazoness warrior
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As long as the end result isnt hideous
Depends on what kind of fantasy we are talking about, D&D usually has all kind of magic shit lying around, but traditional fantasy often has magic as something rare in every day life, things reserved by the once in a life encounter with a fairy, a god or a witch. Take Tiresias for example greek myth is filled with magic and miracles yet this average Joe took years to get back to normal once he got cursed into a woman. Is like saying a broke person can't possibly be broke because there is more money in the world that has ever being in history, sure money exist, it doesn't mean is easy to get.

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