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• Respect /aco/ and global rules
• Take it easy and please be nice to the drawfriends! Remember, they do it for free
• Keep art critiques short, and only give if requested
• To make the new drawthread, wait for page 10 or Image limit
• Nobody is entitled to deliveries under any circumstances within these threads. Don't critique others' requests; If you don't like it, don't draw it
• Ignore the bait, you're better than this
• Stay on topic, and report bait, deliberately poor/antagonistic "criticism," and off-topic posts

• Reply to the OP when you request
• Provide good, detailed references (pictures are better than verbal descriptions), and keep it to one post
• One request per thread
• The request must be of an Original Character. This means no licensed characters, there's a General Drawthread for that
• Do not just post a link to your request from the previous thread. Re-state your request and repost
• Be patient, not all requests will be fulfilled, it all comes down to plain dumb luck
• If you get a delivery, wait 2 threads before you re-request. If someone breaks this rule, don't waste posts by complaining

>Drawfags and Drawfags-to-be
• Feel free to drop your blog/site/commission/etc info, but only after delivering. Otherwise, you're just advertising
• Remember to reply to the Anchor Post to make deliveries easier to track
• Don't hold back, if you like a request someone else already did, feel free to do your own take
• Ignore the drama and draw what you want, it's nobody's place to tell you what you can or can't deliver

>Drawing Books, tutorials, practice websites, and drawing programs:

If you're looking for a deleted thread, try checking

Previous thread: >>8296749
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Anchor post
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Requesting my oc Betty with a very big expanding butt like the hex maniac picture.

Better References:

And to anyone that reads this, have a nice day :D
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Mimic/Tentacles would be great for Zatyr
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requesting my blonde OC having sex with a male zombie with long black hair and glowing red eyes against the wall. The blonde wears a black skirt with striped socks.
Consensual or non-consensual I have no preference
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/req/ Magical girl Kai getting spitroasted by a pair of burly demons (male or futa up to you) while their dicks hold her suspended off the ground. She can be actively resisting (yet failing miserably) or just in a near comatose state as they have fucked her into semi-consciousness, all the while mocking and belittling her pathetic attempts at resistance, or the fact that she passed out already.

If you have other ideas you want to use Kai in, I'm sure they will be awesome, just not gore or scat.
Thanks in advance.

more reference here deviantart.com/mahou-shoujo-kai/gallery/89922598/kai-the-magical-batting-girl
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Requesting Shizuka enormous ass on Gunky Slimer, just like an image on a right
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Requesting my scientist alien-goblin Xofia doing whatever you want. Bonus points if it shows off her butt with some cellulite.
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Requesting something lewd with Evangeline, maybe getting herself off or a pin up. I don't have much in mind, so feel free to go wild.

She's a master mage in a science-fantasy future that spent a few centuries in stasis. She trains several younger mages to master their unique abilities. Her signature ability is to conjure a spear that explodes when it impacts something after being thrown fast enough. She is caring and understanding but can switch to ferocious at a moment's notice if you threaten her students.
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Requesting right pic in your style
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(1) my femboy villager,(2) staning in an action figure packaging,(3) in this cloud pose but have the buster sword with a scythe
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Requesting my asylum inmate Raven in some sort of anal-related misfortune/bad end! Love to see her on the end of machines, probes, mad science etc but it's up to you. My only stipulation is she keeps the straitjacket on!
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Requesting my Plague Doctor milf and her wife tribbing.
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I'd like a female oriented request of a maid having sex with her Fox Boy master. The Fox Boy master and the maid are having sex in the Lotus sex position while on a fancy luxurious couch and most of the maid's dress is stripped off except maybe her skirt, or just unbuttoned but the bottom part of her maid's uniform is removed. Both the maid and the Fox Boy are looking at each other lovingly.

If it's okay, I'd also like a bit of dialogue which the Fox Boy says:
>"Get pregnant, give me an heir and bear my children and more of my kin."

And the maid can say:
>"Yes master, yes. I'd be happy and love to."

The maid image is based off an OC or is a random one shot character drawn by Twitter artist "hero_of_groznyi".
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I'll leave my request up here from the last thread. My OC Prisha, free to be used however anyone desires.
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Anchoring Catia for the anon working on her
>Requesting Catia providing private services to patrons after a generous tip, or getting used by a customer unhappy of her performances. Make it messy.
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Recently finished this ref sheet, so I should put it to use

Requesting my ice gargant either doing what she does best, crushing the pelvis of men she defeated or being shown that rough sex isn't the only way, which puts her out of her element

no need for text, she's mute
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Requesting Azariah fucked by monsters or tentacles.
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Requesting art of my spidergal laying on the ground with her suit ripped.
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requesting something sexy of this NawtyQ. Your choice.
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I'd like to request my short mecha pilot, callsign Melty, being fucked slash stretched out by big faceless goon/s after being defeated in a space skirmish. She's initally based off series such as Macross and Gunbuster/Diebuster but the character is vague enough to be inserted in anything really!

>Melty leans into the bracket of a "confident lone wolf" and thus tends to get too cocky for her own good.
>I'd love to see her being taught a harsh lesson in having backup after having their way with her for biting more than she could chew.

Feel free to do anything involving her (mind control, aliens, size difference etc.). Doesn't necessarily have to be humanoid aliens either, and feel free to change up anything. Thank you!

Pose references + small alter of her design by a kind drawfriend on previous threads:

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