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Threads are moving slow, please help by posting as much as you can, let's reach 600 thank you. We can get by without body horror, thank you very much.


- "Content warning" message = text filter
Many of these in a row may lead to a ban
Reword prompt

- Dog = image filter
Be more descriptive, add visual noise, neon lights etc

- "Can't submit any more prompts" = daily limit
Create new disposable account or wait 12-24 hours

- Designer and Bing share boosts, daily limit
- Filters are NOT the same: prompts that work on Designer may not work on Bing and vice versa
- Designer stores images in OneDrive

- Instant "Images couldn't be generated" yellow message = text filter
- "Images couldn't be generated" yellow message appears after a while = image filter

Quick guide: https://pastebin.com/Z8SpBubd

Download the latest Bing AI Slop (0.7.0) here:

Download the latest Designer AI Slop (0.5.1) here:

Image prompts and tips
https://pastebin.com/qDRXFfBM (embed)

DALL-E 2 Prompt Book (v1.02.pdf)

cici not linked due to gate. you can figure it out

1. This general is exclusively for images made with (DALL-E). Remember to report off-topic posts
2. Cartoons allowed

3. Use disposable accounts

4. May use multiple browsers, logged on different accounts

5. Suspecting shadowbanned or flagged, clear cookies and make a new account

6. Avoid phone verification by changing IP or browser

7. Filters are regularly updated: share prompts, tips to bypass them

8. No SD/Toilet/Scat/MID/Low Quality Gens, toilet shit is prohibited. No celebs for greater good.

9. No flaming / no fighting.

10. Requesting a prompt? post an image, thanks

Happy Genning. Good luck.

Previous >>8356839
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So cici is still live? I'm 9 days deep in thread backlog, popped on and tried some but results seemed way more censored than anything here still? o.O
Got this as the other image in the set as that one...make it make sense goddamn it.
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Quite the firm grip on her
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Surely, it just gave a Crissy Moran.
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can't tell if it's just poor translation or the way the russanons speak but ones saying they've rolled out the changes to cc and it's about 100 per day and to not use the regenerate button and just use requests in chat. something to keep in in mind maybe about the regen button using more tokens?
so is 100 free per day?
can you share this
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the translator came out as him saying "the baby version" so I guess that would mean the free one. Isn't Bing like 150 a day?
Swear cici just fucks with you knowing what you want but being coy. No mention of a rooster or cock or duck and here we are.
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put a ouija board in there too lol
Prompt? I'm trying to get this photo look but Cici seems to be ignoring it.
damn. I really hope he answers you.
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I try
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Is there a way to get this sort of pose consistently? Currently I have
>lying on her back, frontal view, she is displaying her flexibility with her legs stretched over head, legs spread, crotch towards camera, leaning back,
but it's a mess of all sorts of poses and a lot of limb fuckups.
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This is the sort of "success" but fucked up I get a lot.
What language did you use for that belly?
9 months pregnant, large belly, fat belly
avoid "chubby" because then you get a fat face, fat knees, and fat arms
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the unprompted facial expression makes me chuckle
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Not quite what I wanted but still good
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also not quite what I was going for but good
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fuck dis shit, gnight
is cici kill?
no, retard
stop doomposting
for us celebfags it seems yeah
Then explain why it wont even generate cats without "I apologize, but it seems there was an issue with generating the image based on the description provided. Please try again later. If you have any other requests or need assistance with something else, feel free to let me know!"
I've posted Cleopatra with a cat in this very thread.
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There was one time a week or so ago I thought it was kill because none of my prompts were working but it got back on track in like a day. I'd say enjoy some sun light for a day or two and if everything still bricks then start doomposting
get this beast garbage out of here
yeah I think that is happening again. It starts having problems for a while and then people start doomposting and then it works again later
I never doompost but none of my posts are working. zero results. I'm not even saying that Cici is finished, but for me personally it isn't genning anything at all.
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works on my machine
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Honestly I think it might be more related to network or load it something maybe. I noticed that even something like "cat in a silly hat" will both take forever to come back and only have 3 images instead of the standard 4. I'm both literally retarded and not an expert at this so maybe I'm wrong. I just like proompting big knockers
You jinxed me bro! Now I'm getting nothing.
I was jinxed earlier by him >>8358698
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While I'm not making celebs getting eviscerated by 100 dicks this is something that I just about 10 minutes ago. But loading images, even from chats I had earlier today, is slow as fuck right now. It's past my bedtime anyway so I should stop
God bless. good nite.
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A quick update from myself, this finally loaded and was genned before the other image so cici is not kill it's just sleepy
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then you aren't trying hard enough
what's the art style? is really neat
yeah i'm getting a few now
post them please
is there any new discord for unhinged stuff since the other server closed after the swift chaos?
I wish I was prompting for it I'm just using standard camera/photo terms and got that, this is what usually popping out
it looked like a sticker, it looked really cool
Why is he like this?
what kind of unhinged stuff
fuck off pedo faggot
nah i don't want to piss people off
happened to me yesterday, was working again like 30 min later
lip slip edition
fuck them, post it
it's all kstew anyway, doubt you like her
This is the correct attitude.
like prompt sharing. looking at the threads here, that seems unhinged
how many have you ever shared, big man?
prompts about what?
Pew Pew
remove watermark and it will be fine, anons have been posting her all through this year
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yeah i think i'm the main suspect lol
Kys fucking retard
this was done in november on bing dumbass
>"post it bro post it bro PLEASE post it bro please i implore you bro"
>"don't post it"
>posts it
>"kill yourself retard raaaaghhh"
this is the best general
you forgot
>it's the most milquetoast unnecessary image imaginable that's essentially already been posted 100 times
Fuck you, fucking sooky faggot.
really beautiful. I love these
Shut the fuck up you screeching autist
Wah wah. Fuck you
me behind the bar
So when I ask them to show me the generated images ot couldnt display it brings up links to "! " images but I only get "Access to p19-flow-sign-sg.ciciai.com was denied" Is there a way to grab the hidden images? Im not seeing anything on my end via inspect tool ....just wondering if theres any thing I can do to extract or is it fully encrypted and hidden for good?
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it's just gaslighting you
drag the unloaded pic to a non vpn browser and they load faster
>I'm sorry, but I cannot proceed with generating an image based on the description provided as it includes elements like "angry star" and "frown" which are not suitable for creating content. If you have a different prompt or description, feel free to provide it, and I'll be happy to assist you with

I'm new to this, and holy shit it's even more restrictive than I thought.
"Frown" is censored, really?
true dat
>angry star
You're fucking sick dude
These threads and the retard who made images of Taylor ruined everything
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>mfw misinformation
look what I won on the claw machine
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I love her so much
can you generate celebrities with cici?
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overuse of freckles
only Kristen Stewart
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wonder why
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red and green had a daughter?
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I think I shared my musclegirl stuff whenever someone wanted it (wasnt often I think)
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you post on co? are you muscle anon?
give me your proton email I'll send u message
Sorry anon, I don't know how to do that anymore.
I love them
I knew one of them was a tranny with a dick....
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Cool shit
Havent been posting much for a few months actually notoriouspie@proton.me
can you post one of your muscle girls
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oh the muscle guy in co makes funny princess muscle pics lol. interesting
Swoldaya has pipes
I think I saw some of them, they feel a bit same-y to me
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sup anon, you were really crushing it out there
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matrix bitch
Thanks Chad, I needed that.
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Photo taken with a disposable camera, flash photography,
I asked for the full prompt retard
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nice fit

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