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General for western YouTuber lewds, mainly relating to Storytime Animators (STAs) and related creators, but any and all youtubers are accepted.
>All YouTube related content, including avatars, OCs, etc. are welcome.
>Don't spam/beg for a delivery of any request you have.
>No direct uploads for real life pics of any creators. Use catbox for those, especially if they're hot.
>Keep drama to a minimum.
>Keep it hate-free. Don't use this thread to attack those who use usernames before they have even posted, or if they have already posted but are just trying to contribute.
>No virtue signaling of any kind. If you see something you don't like, hide it, and if you think it breaks the global or board rules, you're welcome to report it.
>No diaper, scat OR fart porn. It'll be considered troll posting and will be reported as such.
>Have fun everyone

Fanfics: https://pastebin.com/uSr5FFSc (last updated circa. mid 2023)
The OSP Archive:
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1lGGqaV1thjD4BKYe2ZitrE5xMHzU4SVU?usp=share_link (last updated March 2024)
https://mega.nz/folder/Ia90TbQR#2clwpj3Y0sP9sN98x4yLZQ (last updated June 2024)
Previous Thread: >>8344082
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is that that one autistic girl that dunked on the senate
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No, that character is Synibear03.
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i wish there was more of cecil mcfly
Synibear03 WAS the autistic girl that dunked on the senate.
Hell yea new thread bout to go strong, can't wait to see some great stuff from the people here
optimism is a rare thing to see nowadays. don't give it up.
I doubt it but hope you are right
I gotta be, people out here posting these sexy characters making my day brighter than it be.
Gotta keep that positive outlook, helps feedback into itself
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I am once again requesting art of the sh9rtstack version of chaos55t
Sexy crossdressing Daidus needs correction, bottoming, and Shgurr's clothes
Hell yeah
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she's a cutie patootie
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>kratos lily
muh dick
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I could give it a shot later tonight
oh dang his wish finally coming true?

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