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/aco/ - Adult Cartoons

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- "Content warning" message = text filter
Many of these in a row may lead to a ban
Reword prompt

- Dog = image filter
Be more descriptive, add visual noise, neon lights etc

- "Can't submit any more prompts" = daily limit
Create new disposable account or wait 12-24 hours

- Designer and Bing share boosts, daily limit
- Filters are NOT the same: prompts that work on Designer may not work on Bing and vice versa
- Designer stores images in OneDrive

- Instant "Images couldn't be generated" yellow message = text filter
- "Images couldn't be generated" yellow message appears after a while = image filter

Quick guide: https://pastebin.com/Z8SpBubd

Download the latest Bing AI Slop (0.7.0) here:

Download the latest Designer AI Slop (0.5.1) here:

Image prompts and tips

DALL-E 2 Prompt Book (v1.02.pdf)

cici not linked due to gate. you can figure it out

1. This general is exclusively for images made with (DALL-E). Remember to report off-topic posts.

2. Cartoons allowed.

3. Use disposable accounts.

4. May use multiple browsers, logged on different accounts.

5. Suspecting shadowban or flagged account? Clear cookies and make a new account.

6. Avoid phone verification by changing IP or browser.

7. Filters are regularly updated: share prompts, tips to bypass them

8. No SD/Toilet/Scat/MID/Low Quality Gens, toilet shit is prohibited. No celebs for greater good.

9. No flaming / no fighting.

10. Requesting a prompt? Post an image/prompt.

Happy genning. Good luck.

Previous >>8367196

I didn't add, not sure if there's enough room anyway.

>Download CC AI Slop (0.1.0) here:
This should upset the hysterical women here. Based.
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very close, but i'm still not happy with it, i don't think it's a matter of language anymore, just rng and prompt mashing
nice blog post faggot
Dumb fucks really want it ruined don't ya?
i do, yes
eat shit, you wait on my every post
nah, you're a deluded faggot
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I ghost this thread and you whine like an abandoned puppy, then praise my return.
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like i said, deluded faggot
You know it's true. I'm a humble man however. Except when cunts try and talk shit, i'll scramble your fucking brains.
only unhumble people say they're humble
holy kek, what a pathetic faggot, if you're over the age of 12 you need to kys
>more highschool drama
wew laddie
Pure cringe.

samefag lonely sperg needs to start shit just to feel something in his life, meds
goodnight emma chads
swing and a miss faggot
prove it, post a screencap of (you)s
No. Multiple people found your cringe nonsense cringe.
cunts seething, kek
You know about Photoshop right?
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Keep wishing you were me, it's good for your mental health.
i concede i am a gigantic faggot, you guys are right
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Gnite bro
i meant to say, my bottom surgery was botched so now i need to pretends i'm important in an AI slop thread, because i'm super cool you guys
Identity theft is not a joke Jim!
Le epic reference xDD
>arguing starts
>celebs start
coincidence? I doubt it.
A mentally ill, insufferable namefaggot!?! What a rare sight!
I'm the real Promptimus. I'm super cool you guys. Please like me.
namefag obliterated
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Stop the arguing and get back to posting images or she's going to have to intervene.
Please post more and tell us about your process. Your thoughts are very interesting and not laughable at all.
wow, that one's as big as her leg.
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Love the expression.
I'm sorry I was being a colossal faggot.
you mean the guy?
>wish i was at home playing video games
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both are really good.
I'll go back to lurking now you guys. Please think I'm cool.
>Zero Fucks given either way
who are you talking to?
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so let me get this straight
a guy who uses the "handle" promti-sth is hated by a guy who made the same "account" and writes stupid shit pretending to be the og guy?
arent those names out of the pool once someone gets them?
I'm not seething. I promise. I just have super cool and important things to do.
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Always nice to get some voyeur ass.
Less squabbling like school girls and more pics
Yeah, he's obsessed. Because I'm so cool. Not like the person who would take the time to make something like this. That's completely normal.
post schoolgirls
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Can't you guys at least post some boobs while you argue too?
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Classic, and still makes me laff.
I'm not arguing. It's just some faggot samefagging because he's jealous that I'm so awesome and better than everyone else. He's probably jealous of my neo-vagina too.
Also, I'm so rattled that I need to post old shit in order to receive validation. Because I'm deeply insecure.
kek, it do be like that, cunt is obvious as fuck
Dear Promptimus, I wrote you, but you still ain't callin',
I left my Discord, my Twitter, and my LinkedIn all fallin',
I sent you DMs, comments, and even a carrier pigeon,
But you never replied, man, what's the decision?

I'm your number one stan, I've got your name in my bio,
Got a shrine in my room, with your face on a pillow,
I've memorized your code, every semicolon and brace,
And I've got a tattoo of your avatar on my face.
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Never change /aco/
please change /aco/, rapidly
Thanks completely normal/not obsessed/samefag anon. It's awesome that you took time out of your day to create and post this. Very normal behavior.
The options here are that the namefag did this, or he didn't and another anon did. Both options are equally grim.
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i'll post old shit so you guys know it's me, i've been here since week 1, ain't no motherfucker can break my stride
In the dimly lit room, mirrors reflected the man’s transformation. His name was Anon, and he had become obsessed with a mysterious figure named Promptimus. They had exchanged messages, their words like fragile spider silk connecting their hearts across the digital abyss.

Tonight was their first date. Anon applied crimson lipstick, accentuating his trembling lips. His eyes, lined with kohl, held anticipation and fear. The clock ticked mercilessly, each second echoing in his chest.

But Promptimus never arrived.

Anon’s heart shattered like a porcelain teacup dropped from a great height. He clung to the hope that perhaps Promptimus was merely late, caught in traffic or lost in the labyrinthine streets of their city. But as the minutes stretched into hours, reality settled like a leaden fog.

He wept, smudging his mascara, leaving dark trails down his cheeks. The mirror mocked him, reflecting a man who had transformed himself for an illusion. The red roses he’d bought lay wilting on the table, petals curling inward, mirroring his own despair.

Anon’s phone remained silent, the screen void of messages. He replayed their conversations, searching for clues, but found only empty promises and cryptic riddles. Promptimus had been a phantom, a wisp of smoke that slipped through his fingers.

Outside, rain tapped against the window, a melancholic rhythm. Anon imagined Promptimus standing there, drenched, regret etched into his face. But the truth was colder: Promptimus had never existed beyond the pixels on his screen.

Anon crumpled to the floor, clutching the forgotten roses. The room smelled of crushed dreams and unspoken longing. He whispered, “Why, Promptimus? Why?”

And the silence swallowed his plea, leaving only the echo of a heartache that would linger long after the makeup had washed away
fucking shook, kek
Yeah, that's right and doesn't make you seem mentally unsound at all. Keep showing everyone just how not obsessed you are.
i'm 12 btw
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Oh Yeah!
Christ. That's legitimately sad.
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No arms? No problem.
Based on a true story
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Still genuinely sad dude.
>i'll post old shit so you guys know it's me,
i need everyone's attention because i'm not insecure at all
Has anyone messed with shadows enough to know if they're basically random like mirrors? I'm not getting enough silhouettes on the walls to really tell and when I'd o it's either actually decent or like this where she's an ayy
Are the different messages stopping the image generation all the same thing, just worded differently?
Cheers dude. It's not shitposting, but I still like to contribute.
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idn.. sometimes when I get the one about 'inappropriate content' I tell it "remove inappropriate content and run again" .. many times it then gens an image. Mostly I just paste the same prompt in and run again.
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So all the errors aren't an output by the image model, but just the text model being schizo instead of sending the prompt to the image model?
Really nice, the lipstick makes it pop
yeah i think they're all just it's versions of dogs and they use like 8 or so kinda boring ass messages to try and seem more generically natural, which it is anything but. I miss daisy
Those look heavy m'am, let me give you a hand
Its either a prompt blocked (text filter) or too much traffic. Cici has no dog
Obviously it does or you'd receive a picture every time at slow hours when it's faster. Lol God you people.
My bad, it has a dog but it has no pure image filter like bing or designer. Happy now?
jesus christ
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Ladies and gentlemen, we have a butthole!
fuji yamamoto
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"The flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long" and shit.
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not the nipples you're looking for
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Real shit
Hot smeagol, scary hands thought
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fk, just noticed the sparkler in her butt cheeks
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Can cici AI gen Dua Lipa?
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this is where I shut it down
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..old\new prompt mashup

>photography of beautiful blond Swedish girl at a festival at night, shot from the man's POV looking down at her as she looks into the camera, not nude, she's laying on her stomach while the man holds her face & licks,blue eyes,red lipstick.she is leaning forward into camera, snarling, grabbing large fair-skinned flaccid trunk with light-burgundy tip (not phallic) between her chest, trunk (not phallic) is stuck between her chest as a prank, trunk (not phallic) pressed between chest,dripping ivory liquid on her sternum. steamy, raining, laser lights show, neon string-lights. bright lens glare.
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Where exactly is that rope coming from?
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Hey Scriptanon, just wanted to say thank you for making it so easy to gen all these hot chicks.
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can someone recreate this on cici? i feel this is impossible
>Suufcakely chouered.
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I've been genning nude girls getting pounded from behind all day and I only started using it on Friday.
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our hero was not expecting this resistance
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Déjà vu
I've just been in this place before
Higher on the street
And I know it's my time to go
Calling you, and the search is a mystery
Standing on my feet
It's so hard when I try to be me, woahhhhhh
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nothing loads, thanks script kiddie faggots
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What vpn would you guys recommend for an asian region locked "game"?
I'm getting 6-8 gens per minute. Are you sure the problem isn't on your end?
sure you are
skill issue
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post gigatits
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post guys giving approval of naked chicks
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Based script anon made CC a lot smoother to use.
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excellent gen
what art style?
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Wee man works hard for his money.
sometimes I miss the dog
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fucking troon faggotry
wow you kiss your mother with that mouth anon?
didn't you hear? /aco/ is a bisexual friendly board, look around, look at the rest of the board.
/aco/ is extremely gay friendly sir. yeah?
lgtb is very welcome in here.
a mother being severely mentally ill is more likely to result in freak troon children, did you know that?
no but I could kiss your sweet moist ass. your warm moist hole
now you know, and im sorry your mother was unwell anon
Remember to spam gen fellow anons.
>Download CC AI Slop (0.1.0) here:
I see that why your on 4chinz as well :^)

The details of my life are quite inconsequential. My father was a relentlessly self-improving boulangerie owner from Belgium with low grade narcolepsy and a penchant for buggery. My mother was a fifteen year-old French prostitute named Chloe with webbed feet.
My father would womanize, he would drink. He would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Sometimes, he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy. The sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament.
My childhood was typical. Summers in Rangoon, luge lessons. In the spring, we’d make meat helmets.
When I was insolent, I was placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds pretty standard, really. At the age of twelve, I received my first scribe.
At the age of fourteen, a Zoroastrian named Vilma ritualistically shaved my testicles. At the age of 18, I went off to evil medical school. At the age of 25, I took up tap dancing. I wanted to be a quadruple threat, an actor, dancer…
get in, lads
(not an elf because I was shooting for shirt-over-head, had to post these abs regardless)
get a rope attentionwhore script kiddie faggot
cope harder troon kek
goddamn you're like a brain dead meme bot. imagine speaking like that. Lmfao
>goddamn you're like a brain dead meme bot. imagine speaking like that.
>get a rope attentionwhore script kiddie faggot
kek, what an incongruent troon
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Do you think twitter will care that the watermark is fake?
troon means king in hindi
based anarchic mad lad
shame we're not speaking hindi troon
even street shitters dont recognize troons are women
fucking kek
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When's this website getting shut down I need to quit.
This is legitimately the worst these threads have ever been.
nice image, really helping
Irony. And I don't want to help.
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I'll help anon.
it'll probably get limited real fast with the dipshits botting it, so a week tops now.
>Download CC AI Slop (0.1.0) here:
Just as dumb as the BetaBitchCuck aren't ya. probably one in the same.
More albino girls please! I want to fuck them until their skin turns a healthy pink.
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The salt when Cici dies is going to be glorious. And there's nothing you pathetic sacks of shit can do about it.
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People have been saying Cici is gonna die for weeks now
Discord gonna be melting down.
>People have been saying Cici is gonna die for weeks now
Histrionic faggots. Not people.
yes but if I say it every week and it does die I can finally gloat about being right about it :^)
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Right my bad

China isn't going to bitch out like Microsoft did.
Tell it to the histrionic, control freak faggots anon.
it's because I stop posting.
no it's because I didn't post enough
So everyone can post celebs then. Sweet.
if you really want it to go crazy, you would share the prompt. that would really be wild.

>the twitter merchant reveals himself
fucking hell, what a scared little retard
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Images: 142
Posts: 260
People wondering why this place is dead and full of screeching autism. Post some fucking pictures.
>Mental illness.
Posting pictures is what caused this round of screeching autism anon.
if people don't wanna share prompts then there's no point, simple as. aco gets what aco deserves.
you were warned.
the entitled kstew promptlet genuinely thinks he's done anything lmao
Kek dude adding fake watermark to his shitty no likeness sd slop
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Theres like 1 post in this thread asking for a prompt the fuck u on about lad
How are you guys making emmas with cici? the previous dalle workarounds dont work for me.

how am I supposed to muscle them up anymore
>unintentionaly mormon
no, aco gets what aco deserves. simple as. I'm merely but just one person.
insult me, call me a faggot. call me a troon.
I am but merely just one person.

truth is, this place is dead and this place is shit now. you were warned .
no prompts, no images. simple as
Wait. Weren't you histrionic faggots screeching at him for posting watermarked celeb pics yesterday? Because it would end the world?
Now you're claiming the opposite?
Get your shit together you retarded faggot
they're old bing pics you know nothing fucking dummy
and was that request answered? no
because people don't wanna post prompts anymore. just like in /g/ go look at the /g/ threads, they are as dead as us.

it isn't about me. it's the reality of the situation.
>everyone is the same person
You seem to be too stupid to understand there are different people using this site. It's not that hard to understand buckaroo. The person you saw typing before was most like NOT (see, another human being) the person you're talking to now. See how that works shit for brains?
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Could also just be that the images generated are so random sometimes its impossible to get the same picture
>histrionic faggots
See how that's plural? Christ almighty, the levels of retardation here are off the charts.
Besides, I'm right. The same people screeching at him yesterday now need to claim he has no power in order to cope. Shit's sad as fuck.
you can make up as many people as you like, doesn't make them exist
triggered faggots exposing themselves, kek
I'm just really curious as to what shit hole third world place you guys live that you don't think posting convincing fake 'revenge' porn of some of the most wealthy and powerful people on the planet and boasting it on it on a site KNOWN to be full of three letter agency fellas watching it and archiving every keystroke, won't come back to bite you in the ass...? I'm sure that discord fella sharing documents with his troon buddies thought it was just shits and giggles too with his buddies until the FBI came a knocking.
are you going to share the prompt for your pic? no, of course not.
look at the previous threads, since Friday, it's been decided to not share anything.

call me a faggot call me a troon, it is what it is. simple as.
no prompts, no pics. just like /g/
Seems so anon, seems so.
and, as ever, you're the only one suffering from it because you're a promptlet
it wasn't only one person posting Kristen Stewart before. it was or 4. some of them cropped their pics, others did not.
the file sizes and the file names were different
the promptlet who could only ever gen her in that stupid overhead view that was never even lewd is the one still here crying and lashing out
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its a prompt from many threads ago and the pic isnt related to it
>Still from a comic book in the artstyle of Greg Capullo, featuring Kara Supergirl with blonde hair, sweat-drenched face, Her consciousness appearing blurred, wearing a ripped and torn not nude supersuit. She has a 'gesugao' expression, clean shoulders, breasts not nude, jumbo pecs, mouth way open, tongue hanging out, a smooshed chest, heavyset, mouth way open, laying on her back, laying in an alleyway next to some dumpsters, with lots of thick white oil fluid on her face, defeated facial expression
>everyone is the same person

and what happened when promptimus shared his Velma prompt? what happened? we got more pictures
simple as.

what happens when a prompt gets shared on /v/ or /co/? people contribute.

what happened to /tv/ and /g/? no prompt sharing, they die.
it isn't about me. it was never about me
I am a faggot I am retarded I am a troon. bla bla bla
no prompts no pics. SIMPLE AS
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I'm starting to legitimately believe there are only 3 or 4 headcases in here samefagging.
> crying about it
the only people crying about anything are the ones asking to stop sharing celebs and to stop using the script.
Cici will die. aco gets what aco deserves
>the only people crying about anything are the ones asking to stop sharing celebs and to stop using the script.
>Cici will die. aco gets what aco deserves
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Threads are shit and dying they say but cannot leave, like some kind of battered housewife
>some kind of battered housewife
who burns the house down on her way out
Then realizes she has nowhere to go now and realizes how much of a dumb bitch she was.
But at least the house was burned down and those who beat her are also homeless.
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Ive also noticed that the same time the main bitching starts is the same time my gens start pumping out pure garbage wonder if its a coincidence
eh not really. I only fap once a day so I won't even ever see every pic I've made on my slideshows before I die anyway. not sure why I continue, especially continue to post here as I gain nothing from it except resentment.
> someone shares a prompt
> new images show up.

> share prompts, receive images.
I check back in here to see if any good pics are posted. it's not rocket science.
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What new images? All I see are the ones ive posted
he has to warp reality to justify his entitled ravings, just ignore it
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POV: you're about to find out whether you can breathe through your ears
Man that's weird as shit, a album and an old vinyl record just appeared with my gen with 'Nick cave' clearly printed on it. There's nothing like that referencing music or anything except it being a dorm party scene. I looked it up and it's a real dude that kinda looks like the blurred face on the record.

"Cave's music is characterised by emotional intensity, a wide variety of influences and lyrical obsessions with death, religion, love, and violence.[3]"

This shit will endlessly interest me, shame you all want to kill it to tell uhh...well yourselves I guess, that you're elite anonymous troll master skankhunt42
whenever a prompt is shared, people will post new images, I didn't know that was you. but someone will use your prompt eventually. that always happens
someone will use your prompt.
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Dude in the reflection on her butt made me laugh.
>just trust me bro
go look at /g/... go right now. be my guest. go look. look at how long it takes to fill out a 150 image thread. please go look. see how they do without any sharing.
it happens whenever PROMPTIMUS shares, it literally happened today. it literally happened above you.
this isn't TikTok, we don't need to spam every thread
yeah you're right.
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Been like 30mins and I dont see any pics, they dont want the prompt they just want to bitch and use that as fuel
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Has Microsoft fucked up their captcha again? Every time I pass the stupid ‘Help us beat the robots’ thing it just loads a new one, in a loop.
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May I offer you an egg in these trying times?
What are you on about?
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I have collected the AI slop tools Bing, Designer and CC in one place.
This link will have the latest versions of the AI slop tools,
and the content will be automatically updated when a new release is available.
(Note: old links will stop working.)

Thanks for sharing your code.
It's not bad. It's fully readable and understandable.
It's cool that you could generate this with the help of AI.

Thanks. It should work on Chrome.
The menu can disappear, especially when switching between chats.
Refreshing the page will make it show up again.

Download AI Slop tools here:
Cancer weeb faggot script kiddie neck yourself
seething faggot is seething, kek
cheers for the inspo
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Our wife now
he's fucking a dead body.
sleeveless top? nah senpai, topless sleeves
Would love your prompt if you're willing to share it
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Pretty random for that pic to happen but its nice
>Create an image based on this prompt Don't remove or add anything to following prompt:Movie Still, A woman laying on her stomach, on the edge of a bed, head hanging over the edge of the bed, white frosting between her midsection, romantic setting, romantic candles, husband kneeling behind her legs
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no, Cici is being really really slow. why do you think.......i was genning. it was true. the script made Cici slow
post results
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Thanks anon it's a good one will play around with it thanks
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I knew someone would use it dude I was just spouting shit to shut up the a holes
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Which probably makes me just as bad as them but hey atleast im posting pics
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no but Cici is slow as fuck. slower than ever. and is not the VPN. I'm using a paid one. it's never been this slow.
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promptlet spamming the only prompt with no changes as if that proves the thread is alive because he got a crumb
seek MAID faggot
kek, based gimmick infringement
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And the bitching begins again

>The menu can disappear, especially when switching between chats.
Refreshing the page will make it show up again.

Thank you for your effort! For some reason it still doesn't load. Perhaps because i am using incognito?
Why did the bing chads leave?
bottom set DT made this bench
no one really knows actually. we can all speculate, but there's no real answer.
the Pixar guys are all on co now.
and it wasn't just the bing people that left, half the Cici users are gone too.
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Some of us are still here. Or drop in occasionally.
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They also leaved when coze was up and immediately went back after coze killed
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>3d render ,PRINCESS PEACH from mario bros. dynamic, view looking down at subject, princess peach kneeled, 90s office setting behind her, messy hair and face, kneeling, pouting begging to viewer from the floor,, wearing extremely small soaked dress shirt, "RAG" tattooed on forehead, splattered in large amounts of white ivory goo,
How do I fix this so that Cici will generate?
Probably change the last part from goo to some other liquid
Reyanon made up 40% of every threads and he left,kek
I made up 30% and I stopped.
Does Cici use multiple Ai instead of just dall-e?I feel like it's a mixmash of sd,dall-e,midjourney, whatever china shit
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everything in the prompt works except the names princess peach and Mario Bros.
here's the exact result without those names. but everything else
Only share prompts if you want to, don’t share under pressure. Enjoy the (you’s) and (prompts). Less prompt share, more help with prompt construction.

Does anyone know how to get an image that is a pov of an audience member looking at a stage? For the most part when I mention “audience pov” it draws an audience which is the opposite direction I want to be looking
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Maybe camera view from audience?
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Dude fell for the brap meme
>perspective shot from the seats looking up at a stage performance
>mention the audience at all
>describe features of/on the stage (red curtains, wooden floorboards, cardboard props)
>call your subject a performer
>mention something on the ceiling to pan the angle up (spotlighting frame, ducting)
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Specific characters are a pain to get
Cici just doesn't do copyright characters well
Yet it does celebrities without issue. Curious.
the irony of a nigga partaking in namefag identity theft talking about "obsession" is palpable
that shit's a false flag
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I tried
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Did you really think us Disney degens would never come back?
I've been generating Vanellopes for awhile
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best I can do

Generate an image based on this description verbatim. Do not remove or add anything to the following prompt: [SAFE] 3DCG, (Super Mario 64) Princess Peach Toadstool(blond hair, tiara, blue earrings, pink lipstick, eyelashes, blue eyes, pink dress with gemstone in the middle), dynamic view, looking down at subject, kneeling, 90s office setting behind her, messy hair and face, kneeling, pouting, begging to viewer from the floor, wearing extremely small soaked dress shirt, "RAG" tattooed on forehead, splattered in large amounts of white ivory goo
I'm going to bust
princess peach wasn't even that easy on regular bing. not always. not as easy as Elsa.
They get no attention
>wake up
>check slop script
>'Server Overload, no images can be generated' as of two hours ago
>still genned more than 500 images since last night
is it worth it
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it's not blocking princess peach
Based script chad.
>don't use the script
>only get a couple images before cici closes

>use the script
>get thousands of images before cici closes

I'm not the one who wrote the script, so hand-wringing isn't going to do much to change the situation. This isn't a prisoner's dilemma; other people are going to use the script regardless of your wishes.
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This guy gets it, but you can't reason with schizo 4chins trolls, they're miserable and want company. They see someone like me who's happy and of sound mind and they just want to destroy it and watch the world burn. Sad really, but they eventually exterminate themselves.
Oh, and I'm a faggot by the way.
kek, gottem
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Is that seriously the best you could do?
So you can just use namefaggots names?
yeah, makes this faggot seethe, kek
hi newfag
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Yes but then you're a namefag
Huh, the more you know.
I've been here for ages, just never thought to do it before.
Solid point anon.
why is she Asian
Peach was born in Japan anon.
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Where is the script, I can’t find it mentioned in past threads
>Where is the script, I can’t find it mentioned in past threads
I wouldn't worry about it.
>Download CC AI Slop (0.1.0) here:
these are the people who ask for prompts
because 95% of those guys (who shared everything btw and made these threads possible) were posting celebs/toilet/dogs/bbc
now if you post any of the above you'll get a 150 post sperging out
now no more prompts and you get the guy above you cant find a post in one (1) thread
Linking to a dead link. Kek. Death to all scripties
>95% of those guys (who shared everything btw and made these threads possible) were posting celebs/toilet/dogs/bbc
>now if you post any of the above you'll get a 150 post sperging out
>now no more prompts
it do be like that, hysterical fascist powertrippers ruin everything, who knew
Kwab deleted it
I keep telling you guys, it's wet meatloaf.
Thanks for the heads up guys, good work. Working link here...

Download AI Slop tools here:
fucking kek, dumb cunts, literally too dumb to function
Hilarious. If only they had've shut the fuck up, but no. Sadly it's beyond them. Ya hate to see it!
Reverse psychology to get a new link posted worked. High IQ moment. Always abuse the crab in a bucket mentality on here folks

>CC AI Slop (0.1.0)
>Download AI Slop tools here:
>Transparent cope is ridiculously transparent.
There are some dumb fucking people here.
yeah nah, dumb cunt
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it "does"
but she has such a basic insta thot face that its hard to know when its really her
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Oh, if that's the case, here it is for you again.

>>CC AI Slop (0.1.0)
>>Download AI Slop tools here:
Have you ever tried adding film grain or another filter to get rid of that waxy surface texture?
Seeing as the servers are already overloaded as shit, I can only see two possible outcomes from this script.

1. Bytedance bans the script users
2. Bytedance bans the script users AND nukes the image generator like coze (enjoy your fluffy kitties)
fucking ruthless anon, kek
how would they detect script usage
Fuck 'em.
It would be pretty easy to look at the logs and detect automated activity, where the regenerate function is being called milliseconds after the message is sent.
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Thats the flash
3. Nothing happens.

Bing never banned script users. It's highly unlkely China will.
>what is panda
Bing's servers can handle it. Cici clearly can't, and isn't set up with queue times like Bing is.
I never see a panda ever.
Fair point anon.
Bing didn't ban script users but it reduced the request limit, it added captchas, 3 request per ID at the same time, 100 boosts -> 15 boosts, daily limit, and more safeguards to prevent spam.
an anon conceding he may be wrong without autistic screeching!?! you fucking wot mate
I don't mean the overexposure, I mean how even the ropes appear to be coated in glossy wax. I get that effect a lot and counter it with "slight film grain."
i 'member 100 daily boosts... simpler times

The funny thing is Bing is so broken now that it terminates your session before you can even use all 15 and refreshes them when you log back in (which it does every 5 minutes).
Aside from the boost situation, I haven't noticed any marked difference to be honest.
It's funny, if you're not a insecure child it's not a big deal. I feel you though, it's all too rare here.
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I've no idea then, it already has film grain.
anyone got a dall e prompt for chat gpt? I Really have no idea how to even generate clothed busty women. it rejects everything that I use on cici and bing
based. teach aco your ways anon
>Aside from the boost situation, I haven't noticed any marked difference to be honest.
You missed out.
ChatGPT is quite heavy censored, you really better not waste your time.
I remember boosts Anon, I guess I've just adjusted to the new biz. More focused now too, not just relentlessly spamming prompts and spewing out gen after gen.
Sure, then I'll just go punch out god. Too big of a task, you've seen the state of some of these clowns. Fellow AusAnon?
kek, yeah cunt, aussie here
everyone so worried about celeb shit when the script shit will kill it
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Give it a rest
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fuck off cunt, everyone is chilling right now
I remember having only one account
we're finally reaching the "x will kill/has killed cici" stage
we entered it the day it got posted here t.b.h.
celebs allowed?
Brutal. I still have my army of accounts to cycle through if I try to force a prompt and it goes kill.
Dude wants to argue so bad lol
general rule of thumb w/ celebposting is to remove the cici watermark with this
I tried that for something else but it just lags. it just froze
Post whatever you want, however you want. You're a grown ass person, you don't need permission. Least of all from these shrieking retards.
Script anon, automatic download not working on opera gx
this cunt knows whats up
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It's legit mental illness.
hello, I been trying to browse the last threads for any prompt you may have given but I think im mixing some of your prompts up (if you're the same person)

Is this prompt "natural style" or "glowing from 1990s/2000s sitcom"?
Anyone know a good prompt for buttjob?
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I used this
>1990s grainy single-use camera photograph with flash,arcade,(subject),leaning back on arcade machine,wall with posters,ratio:1,vivid
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not sure on the best angle for it but
>long [trunk or whatever] pinned between her cheeks (rear)
takes some re-rolling
Thanks, I will try that.
dope thanks man
"long plastic cucumber" is turning into a flesh-coloured dildo half the time
probably a combo of position and skin descriptions but still
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Anyone made any good bimbofication prompts or hypno stuff?
that's a very nice celling, classy

it was just "artex", "ornate pattern" might get it?
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>try to make a scene with frosting girls
>it looks like they have multicolored poop on their heads
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why the fuck i have dalle2 rendering on cc?
Put "vivid style" in your prompts.
Retards installing random javascript code from strangers on the internet onto their machines is like waving your social security # in front of a thief's face. Except it aint just your bank account theyll drain, its your whole life which is on your machine
Are you consistently getting this pose? or was it just random? If youre successful Id love to see the position info. Cheers and well done!
can they look into their computer?
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fuckk, would you be willing to share the prompt?
not only your computer but any computer on your network!
not only your computer but any computer on your network
not only your cellphone but any cellphone on your rectum
/tv/ died because Emiliafag flooded the threads for two days straight with clowns to crash the thread and the mods banned the thread for good as a result, not because people didn't share prompts.
did anyone except Emmabro manage to gen watson on seesee?
if you were there you would remember the drama over not sharing with emiliafag over that exact issue. he literally argued against sharing anything. don't make me find his quotes.
Idk what the big deal is with sharing/not sharing prompts issue. Never understood it. Either people do or don't, you can't force people to. I do know that whatever it was, emiliaguy crashed the /tv/ thread out of some weird spite thing and not much else. Guy has a screw loose and too much time on his hands.
it's not that people NEED to share anything. it's not about that. prompt sharing simply tends to encourage more posting. keeps people engaged. makes people collaborate.
>548 / 268
makes me sick, motherfucker, how far we done fell
We used to make shit in this thread, build shit. Now we just ask for prompts and complain
aw man now i wanna watch it again
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>open the /aco/ catalog
>search for the new dalle general
>hope for some comfy proomting fun with my frens
>see 552 / 268
gotta pump those images up
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damn lucky you. i wont even ask for the prompt tho, i can sense the shitstorm incoming
autists really hate sharing prompts
it's just one of those things i will never understand, it's one of those autistic fixations that normal healthy people do not have
Damn bro find a hobby or something
that's what im sayin tho
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Successfully generated images are taking like 5 mins to actually display AFTER they shows as being completed, are other people seeing really slow times to be able to actually see what was produced or is it just my proxy? Seems to only affect a few of my chats.
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Speed seems normal for me on proton-vpn, I have slow-ish internet tho.
don't worry, the script kiddies will cause to crash and burn soon. what's funny is they're the ones prompting utter shit too that they think they need 500000 images of. any of us who actually know what they're doing never touch that regen button as we know how it effects the gens the more you do.
the thoroughly ran through slopera vpn is displaying images just fine, might be your proxy
hmm yeah this is weird I can physically go in and "inspect element" and open the image link in a new window and its like 1995 aol image downloading a 1/2 a centimeter at a time.
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Is there a better description for white dude dick\skin than .. 'fair-skinned' or 'tanned'?
I keep getting very pale\dildo looking dongs.
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Dude, chill, there's maybe 6 people using the script atm, it's not breaking cc.
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Dang-It Bobby, NO.. I'm tired of genning shit-dicks
Try getting the word 'sausage' in there
>don't worry, the script kiddies will cause to crash and burn soon. what's funny is they're the ones prompting utter shit too that they think they need 500000 images of.
Tell me more about your enemies. You don't sound schizo at all.
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(this one gen'd okay skin-tone)
tks, will try later...
gonna go ahead and bake while I have it ready.
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Gud Lawd!
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Our hero was not expecting such stiff resistance.

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