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File: ComfyUI_05916_.png (1.17 MB, 896x1152)
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Previous thread: >>8361077
It´s real to me, damnit >>>/aco/asdg

>Pick one and install Stable Diffusion

>Recommended /aco/ SD models

>Beginner prompts: save an image and load it with PNG INFO

>Optional extensions
ComfyUI only:

>Paint with Krita & SD

>/aco/ LoRAs:

>GPU tier list

for more technical info check the thread on /g/

>Related threads
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1.11 MB PNG
a few to start
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after a brief self0reflection, is 2B /aco/ enough? Or /h/?
She's /v/, so both.
Only if you make her tits bigger, otherwise she's definitely /h/
Just make it in a western style, please.
Seriously? How can these threads get worse?
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1.27 MB PNG
>what's wrong, you said you'll buy me a t-shirt?
File: Lori X Carlota.png (3.33 MB, 4310x4238)
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3.33 MB PNG
Requesting Lori Loud giving futa Carlota a blowjob.
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Tactical post trauma stress relief
asura style is so fucking hawt
File: Molly Jo.png (2.72 MB, 2410x4380)
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2.72 MB PNG
Requesting pinups of Molly Jo from Amphibia.
Only just started about 3 days ago just on CivitAI, but being able to finally create images of Jill Valentine getting anally wrecked by monster cocks is worth the price of some Buzz
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This is what happens at camp when you rest, this is canon
time for some actual cartoon stuff
well, toonish stuff anyway
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more of that please, that style looks so good on her
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3.02 MB PNG
nice tyu
File: Molly X Andrea.png (3.62 MB, 3057x2334)
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3.62 MB PNG
Requesting Molly McGee giving futa Andrea Davenport a blowjob.
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1.44 MB PNG
Tactical democracy moral booster deployed
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1.5 MB PNG
It's too hot literally
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I want to see hyperealistic pregnant futas
These are nice.
File: 71.png (2.89 MB, 1600x1600)
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>pregnant futas
Heck yeppers.
Can we not turn this in to the faggot thread again? Dicks go to /trash/.
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2.77 MB PNG
Just testing out trying to inpaint text into an image without the use of controlnet.
Seeing a futa that isn't pregnant is basically a sin anyway.
Requesting you shut the fuck up and stop spamming this every thread
What the fuck is buzz
File: Yotsu-13-07-2024_00003_.png (1.36 MB, 1120x1656)
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Its the funny money you earn on civitai for engagement on the platform. You can then use this fake currency to pay to use their online generator.
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1.5 MB PNG
It's burning hot, literally
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Different styles
Could we get the catbox for some of these? I like the style.
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Are ai porn patreons worth doing/viable? I've seen a few and they're making decent cash
this is great a hundred like that would be even better
how did you get it to do the perspective thing?
I know this is a hail Mary, but I wonder if the guy called lunarsun who generated pics of Jay Naylor's Pablo lurks these threads?
How abut you go sockpuppeting to >>>/b/ or >>>/y/ with your crap?
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"HOWARD!! You're not supposed to be in here! There'd better be a DAMN good reason for this!"
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>when the Howling Commandos need you to create a diversion while they rescue the President
So is it just the one guy who talks like an edgy teen from the 2000s, or is that just common here?
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Think anyone can do a remake of Sailor Moon and Killer Frost scissoring. I got both a WIP and sketch concepts that can be used for reference.
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Requesting this pic redrawn in the show's artstyle.

Reference: https://files.catbox.moe/jm9rwz.png
Would it be too much to trouble that Karlach poster with a request?
She's also in the crowd, ai slop is so bad
Requesting you fuck off to the right board for requests
God damn, that's a good one.
go ahead
btw I always embed the metadata in the pixel data. you can install
as an extension to get the prompt without having to ask me for a catbox
File: 00117-1377714807.png (1.33 MB, 832x1216)
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1.33 MB PNG
if it's about a prompt you can get the metadata directly from my images by installing this
and simply using the png info tab of your automatic1111 ui
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1.52 MB PNG
Thanks, I like this pose a lot
this is clever as fuck
and based
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Some of these style prompts I came up with vary wildly for seemingly no reason (going from 2.5D/concept art to weg slop really quickly)
also sorry for the double post

Thought it failed to post sorry about that
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it's okay, as long as you keep posting Karlach :)
For someone who recently discovered this (and probably everyone else in here), what are some amazing tips? Spoonfeed me pls, no matter if it's just artstyles, prompts, or enhancements

For example I've discovered Incase and made like 100 pics
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Incase can have excellent style and composition with cool background but it's ruined from every face being bogged.
I try not to use it
it's a Skrull.
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I'm too retarded to figure out stable-diffusion so I'm condemned to be a begfag forever. But would it be too much to ask for Yennefer from TW3 with either big exposed boobs or big cleavage in her bodice? I'm not interested in any sex going on, just pinup/glamour shots, but there's basically no lewds of Yen in this outfit. Ideally with cameltoe too.
angelauxes was right, his style mixed with cjp's style does work pretty well
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Something like this?
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>Homie, I can explain...
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I meant >>8385767 this outfit specifically. It's easy to find pictures of sexy Yen in every sort of outfit EXCEPT her iconic one.
Also because I don't believe it's just for me to beg without offering anything in return the least I can do is post some AI art in the AI thread, even if it's not my own.
Yeah i gen'd a few with the keyword bodice, and it just keeps drawing her rolling dice lol
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I am the real karlach poster btw
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Which style lora are you using?
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install this as an extension for automatic1111 UIs to get the prompt from the pixel data

for my loras, it usually involves one or more of these
Imo they're the best civitai has to offer, at least for the aesthetic I'm going for
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honorable mentions
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1.19 MB PNG
crazy how good stable diffusion has gotten desu

I like a lot of these, thanks
Fucking noice!
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1.32 MB PNG
Thanks, I use comfyui though but I think I can figure it out through the loras
Comfy is for faggots. The spaghetti UI doesn't make you any better at creating images, and any faggot who says it being a handful of seconds faster per large generation and is therefore worth losing extensions on needs to get a fucking life.
I'm sure it is, it might be the only thing available for my gpu though, not sure how it all works
Requesting a remake
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can you make a lora with one image
You can try, but then it only learns that one specific pose and everything related to it. So if you have a 3/4ths view full body shot of a character, all the LoRA would be able to replicate is that same 3/4ths pose. Asking it to do anything else, at any other angle, or outfit, or whatever, will end up an unrelated character.

You can, however, get by with as little as 15-30 HIGH QUALITY images.
I only have a face
If you can get multiple angles of the face, you can shitforce your way to making a LoRA by generating AI bodies and photoshopping on the head.
hmm... interdasting, thanks
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>how about you fix the AC first, then lecture me about 'appropriate attire', cunt?
Literally no one cares faggot
>Claims to have incase

Prove it
Managed to capture the look of many women I've had sex with.
April and her new boyfriend Rocksteady
Jill getting a fill-up in the bathroom
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Honestly think I could just spend the rest of my life generating cartoon girls getting destroyed by monsters
File: Kristine Sanchez.png (3.9 MB, 2025x2960)
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Requesting a front view of this pic of Kristine Sanchez where she is laying on her back topless.
Larp+didn't ask
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you know is just a click away in civitai
Whoa, that looks good! Thank you!
Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/oupztp.png
anyone down to hit some witht this pokegirl?
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3.42 MB PNG
fuck off
File: bray.jpg (2.24 MB, 3303x1183)
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2.24 MB JPG
This post finally got me to dive back in and work on some fresh Destiny 2 content.
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File: Lor McQuarrie.png (3.62 MB, 2708x3364)
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3.62 MB PNG
Requesting this (https://files.catbox.moe/9ljkr8.png) with Lor McQuarrie (The Weekenders).
Requesting you fuck right off beggar bitch

Go to the request board with this shit
Holy shit bro. I went from floppy dog to diamonds just seeing that. Got any more of my favorite girl?
File: Hailey Banks.png (2.99 MB, 1560x2280)
2.99 MB
2.99 MB PNG
Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/jcxpl6.png
dickless pls
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how about Humba Wumba?
what are the best websites to upload my porn to? i only use twitter and rule34 but i am not gaining traction
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maybe ppl are not that interested?
you request this in every thread, no one wants to do it for you. you have 90% of the work done, just go do some gens
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One of my favourites as well, i may have some.

I've been considering making a patreon, you think it would be worth it?
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When she told you not to, but you did anyway.
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Tbh, unless you're making something with the images that you gen, I don't think anyone would subscribe.

If you were using the images to make comics or games, then yes.
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Fair enough, i'll just keep gen'ing and gooning then
Let's see what you're posting to those sites and then we can let you know why it's not gaining traction
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day 90 of ramming karlach at camp
I don't play D&D, but can whatever the fuck she is get pregnant?
It's a tiefling, they can but they should be killed on sight and not allowed to reproduce.
You have to post blacked ai porn to get traction LOL
No, cum inside every demon girl you see
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Refugee from Dall-E, the "personalities" in the thread are getting too much to tolerate. Started messing around with pony xl and the loras Karlachposter shared. I'm genning everything at 512x512 because anything longer takes like 10 minutes for me to gen, I'm assuming becasue my graphics card (3060ti)
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1.88 MB PNG
nothing wrong with some public indecency.
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1.12 MB PNG
If you're using A1111, me switching from that to Forge UI sped things up a lot. I have a 3070, and I went from 5+ minutes per 512x512 gen to about 30-45 seconds per 512x512 gen.

Forge is not being supported anymore, but it's basically the same UI.
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312 KB PNG
Using Comfy because it seemed like the easiest pick up and go. 512x512 only takes like a minute but 1024*1024 is an excess of ten. Been meaning to look at A1111 as it seems like the preferred UI but I'll look into forge as well, thanks
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Lol, SU beach blowjob hivemind.
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>dickless pls
Nah, do it yourself
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Anon who made a few comics with SD here.
I started a project to make a multi-page comic with SD, wrote out a rough outline and planned pages. I got maybe 10 good gens and then got super busy.

After catching up, I saw there's a great source-accurate lora style for what I want to do. What do you all think of the two? I like both for different reasons.

>Style A
Pros: Good details, expressions are more expressive, small details stand out well for subtlety
Cons: Takes longer to get good gens, hand and face fixing almost mandatory, looks like the "AI image" style, harder to manually edit

>Style B
Pros: source-accurate style, quicker to get good gens, looks decent, easier to manually edit
Cons: details are lost, cartoony style may not be as broadly appealing, divisive art style.
i like style a better.
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What a weird request
99.9% of people posting AI gens don't gain traction. The truth is the general public are just not really interested in seeing them.
Is there anybody gaining traction anyways?
I mean the whole thing is in a gray area copyright wise
If you make it big, you gun get sued
File: maggieride2.jpg (128 KB, 1024x1024)
128 KB
128 KB JPG
Using AI for a bit of personal fap material is fun and all, but trying to profit from it is pretty iffy when most of the source material is stolen.
Nope, I have seen a handful out of the tens of thousands doing it gain traction. Your audience is restricted to a very small group of people because other users either dislike seeing AI or they aren't interested because they can just generate the images themselves. Anyone else already follows the established few.
And yep you are just a sitting duck, I don't know why people bother posting things outside of dumping grounds like these threads, no one will even look at them elsewhere anyways
My prediction is in a few years it'll be banned on sites like patreon so you won't be able to profit from it, there's too many lawsuits going on and it will definitely be restricted for commercial use in the coming years.
Sounds about right. On top of the art theft/fraud stuff, you got people using it to deepfake real people or make pedo shit, and some are saying that it's becoming worse than cryptomining for power waste and raising the price of computer parts again. It's a lot stacked against it even being legal to use at all in the future.
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1.5 MB PNG
There are plenty of online generators like civitai that will give you images in seconds. I tried local but I prefer the ability to gen boobs on my phone when I'm bored at work.
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I'll look into them. Honestly that's mostly what I was using Dall E for but every service gets that uses it get lobotomized until you get hard blocked from daring to try to generate a woman in any capacity. See >>8390686
Do the online services for SD not care if you do NSFW?
Depend some do, some don´t. For example, perchance doesn´t.
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CivitAI doesn't care what you create or post as long as it isn't one of the big no-nos.
TensorArt doesn't care what you create. They are a little weird about what's allowed to be posted.
I'm not familiar with other sites but it might not be a bad idea to get a guide started for online hosts.
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Both are great Anon,
I would ask for Style B personally.

Keep going, your work is very very appreciated.

On-Model artwork is great imo, been looking for similar / adapted Dora Explora art if you're bored looking to make something new
Forgive me if I'm retarded but at $10/month for Civit you get 10k buzz every month? That's 2500 pictures at 4 per image, right? Do you have experience with them? Sounds pretty good but I feel like I'm missing something. What are the downsides of going through them versus running on your own machine?
you can dick around with the free buzz, heres a copypasta I have saved:

1 go to civitai.com, make free account, using the search function find a picture you like, let's go with https://civitai.com/images/14545226 for example
2 click the "Remix" button (top left)
3 in the panel that opens on the left find the prompt, replace "ginger girl" with "princess peach", hit Generate
4 under the create buton on top click "generate images" so you get a nice view of batch in progress
5 result: https://files.catbox.moe/e6j0y8.jpg - congratulations, you are now an SD artist
6 keep changing more shit to see what happens
change seed to random in "advanced" so you don't keep getting the same images
don't increase number of steps too much, 30 should be enough and more steps=more points used
you can get more points for gens doing stuff, or you can just make more free accounts
try to figure out what all the shit on the panel on the left does, loras, sliders and so on (using other pictures as examples) so if one day you have a GPU that's from the last 8 years or so and decide to go local you already generally know what to do. When this time comes seek general on /g/ or /s/. They should be able to help with civitai/tensor gens as well.

I 'think' tensor.art works just the same, maybe it has a less restrictive point system? May be worth a shot.

good luck
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The price depends on misc stuff, like the number of generation steps and resources. For example, using Civit yesterday, I was making batches of 4 for 13 buzz.

Here's some quick pros/cons for each

Civit/Online pros: Access to great hardware and quick generation speeds. Able to queue up multiple jobs at once. No need to download resources locally. More approachable UI.

Civit/Online cons: Needs an online connection. Resources need to be hosted on the service to use them. Limited by whatever rate-limiting mechanism they use (e.g. Buzz). Content moderation could change. The site could be shut down or be taken down. Less options.

Local pros: Basically the most freedom. No internet connection needed. Everything is private. Ability to download newer and experimental add-ons. Far more customizable. If the apocalypse happened, you could still gen porn of 90s sitcom characters if you had the resources downloaded and managed to power on your computer.

Local cons: You're speed limited by your hardware and your storage space. You need to download and organize all your resources yourself. Adds wear/tear to your hardware. If you're genning nonstop 24/7 or overnight, I'm sure you could theoretically fry something.

And for what it's worth, do both. Just by reacting to images and occasionally uploading your genned images to Civit, you'll gain buzz. Use that to play around with stuff that you maybe don't want to download. Simultaneously, download locally a core set of resources that you like, and learn how to do things locally too.

For example, here's an image that I genned locally, and I tried copying everything the same on Civit. I realized that it has limited options. It doesn't have as many samplers. I used DPM++ SDE locally, but didn't see it on Civit. Also, I can't figure out how to put a lora in the negative prompt. But the quality is very similar.
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Requesting this pic redrawn in AI.
Very helpful, I've done a bit locally so I'm a bit familiar with how loras and extensions work already but I was unaware of the remix option on the website. Made pic related with it, very cool. Thanks
This is the kinda info I was looking for , very helpful. Do you pay for Civit? The $10/month isn't gonna bankrupt me by any means but I just want to know if I should just stick to rotating free accounts and trying to get buzz by sharing images
I only use it to gen rarely but i can only imagine being serious about it would be a major pain in the ass for free. As in like 5 batches per day if you keep posting a pid daily, maybe 6 or 7 if you do some 'socializing' shit. I know some people used to use multpiple accounts, but back then you got double the buzz for free daily and the gens were cheaper, lol.
So yeah, i think 10$ seems perfectly reasonable if you don't have a GPU.

and now just a rando though, maybe if you get a few pics you REALLY like could run just the upscaller (like the 4x sharp) locally in CPU mode. As opposed to full gen that would take like 1h per batch
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I tend to like when gens are more of a cartoony style like B
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i posted some stuff on r34 and the most popular ones got like 80 upboats
I have a 3060ti, so maybe I'm just impatient but with it I was waiting like 10 minutes for a single 1024x1024 which I found untenable. Could very well be I'm doing something wrong, I'm away from my comp now but I was gonna double check everything later
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this is weird, I have 3070 and and the batch of 4 with this pic took 65 seconds, it climbs ot like 70s, maybe 80s with more loras
>I have a 3060ti, so maybe I'm just impatient but with it I was waiting like 10 minutes for a single 1024x1024
you're definitely doing something wrong
i have the same card and it takes 20 seconds to gen one image
maybe a minute with high res fix
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Different guy, I think someone here uploads my posts to rule34 lol. Usually get like 50 to 100+ votes
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Also oops, they forgot the condom :)
Yeah that's kinda what I figured. The thought didn't occur to me at the time but maybe it's running on my CPU instead of GPU or something. I'll have to look at it when I'm at my computer later
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if you were using CPU that would take like an hour(s?) per batch lol
I dunno when you have a chance try just draganddropiing someone's else pic from catbox into your UI to see if it works any better
How do you all have such shit genning times on the 30 series? I have a 3060 12gb and it takes less than 45 seconds per image. Are you guys not using --xformers --no-half-vae in your bat?
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You're welcome. But no, I don't pay for buzz. I just like images and comment/leave reviews for resources, and occasionally upload images.

I do think $10 a month is worth it, but I would personally prefer to focus on local generation is all.
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I never liked the persona behind Harley .... the kink was the mask the makeup the jester outfit ... OMG, I have clown kink...
I'd like to put some passengers in that clown car.
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Quick recap on the best style loras imo (not just my opinion, most civit ai gens that look good use a mix of these)

Really good:
>https://civitai.com/models/300005?modelVersionId=436219 (gives bogged faces though)
>https://civitai.com/models/341353?modelVersionId=382152 (I'm not sure exactly what this does)
>https://civitai.com/models/323575?modelVersionId=362759 (tone it down, use at 0.3 at the very most)
>https://civitai.com/models/305206?modelVersionId=342682 (tone down)

>https://civitai.com/models/215166?modelVersionId=458380 (use at 0.5 at most, tone it down)

there are more, I'm just lazy to find more of their links, but I'll give you the names
>old anime style lora 1980
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I'm constantly worried about stuff getting delisted. I should download these anyways.

Someone else mentioned how a store-accurate style would probably make some of the more tumblry fans of the show pissy. Which seems kind of funny to do.

I might just try and do the comic in two whole different styles.
Just playing around.

Apparently large is smaller than big, and giant is smaller than huge.
That's well documented: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/breasts
Big breasts is not an official tag, so probably just the text encoder aliasing for you

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