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Should I just say fuck it and go into extremist politics? I'm just fucking mad at what's been taken from me and how far my nation has been desecrated. I was planning to go into tech but it's so fucking soulless. I'm just fed up with this shit
Hell yeah. Make some friends with those who also see the obvious catastrophe going on.
Depends on what you mean by "go into" and "extremist politics". If you want to join an actual movement that have a real political strategy, a party organisation (or an equivalent), the desire to build institutions etc I should warn you that there is not much out there that's worth your time. If you are not going to be doing anything other than posting spicy hot takes online, you don't need to give up your tech career, just make an anonymous twitter account and post from behind a VPN or something with good infosec.
You are going to go into extremist politics because you wont make i in tech. You just want a cope so youve come here looking for excuses. As if you couldnt just fucking do both. Not surprised though, political extremists usually have something wrong with them, commies and nazis alike. I wish you the best of luck with whatever you decide to do.
>anonymous twitter account
Basically worthless
I could make it in tech, it's just so soulless I don't want to. Just a bunch of fucking pajeets. And I can't do both, I'd get fired
Also corporate culture is 100% pure poz.
>Basically worthless
What are you gonna do then retard? Gonna join one of the few remaining lil' marching bands? Contribute some articles for a publication or two? Even these are usually done anonymously now. If you ask me, right now you'd be better off trying to infiltrate the Democrat or Republican parties, and even that would be a mostly unpleasant affair and a waste of time.
Both parties are totally compromised, I don't know, maybe just start organizing IRL with good optics, the number one thing is to network, but that's pretty impossible to do without putting your name out there.
You're rude, but this is a key question
>maybe just start organizing IRL with good optics
If you want "good optics", you will have to make your political extremism work without political extremists. You'll neither to rely either on normies that you somehow recruited entirely by yourself, or else on genuine intellectuals who can think about present conditions and eternal principles without having to constantly look to the past. These options are not impossible to achieve, but they are not very likely. If anything, the current trend seems to be towards normalising bad optics - just go to Twitter and see what kind of things are posted there now.
>the number one thing is to network, but that's pretty impossible to do without putting your name out there.
Sure, I understand, but who are you going to be networking with? I know a lot of names, and you'd probably object to the "optics" of all of those guys. From among the ones whose names I do not know, the vast vast majority of them are edgelords who are not serious about politics. So what's your crowd here? Where do you plan to take your name to, and what do you want to do with these people?
I just had a hunch that OP would appreciate this tone more. And yes, it is a key question.
In the west nothing is more fed infested than right wing groups. If it's right wing and organized in any way at all, there's a 100% chance it's embedded with feds, or led by a fed, or even originally established by the feds as a honeypot. The feds, or your country's equivalent domestic intelligence service.
That's just fear mongering and paranoia, which is one of the aims of COINTELPRO anyway. Unless you're extremely low IQ, you are very very unlikely to fall for fed entrapment.
>either on normies that you somehow recruited entirely by yourself
Not really possibly, they're just too bought into the mainstream narrative.
>on genuine intellectuals who can think about present conditions and eternal principles
How many of those are out there?
>the vast vast majority of them are edgelords who are not serious about politics
This is what I hate the most. By bad optics I simply mean appearing low agency, unintelligent, haphazard, violent, NOT being too far right. The worst optics are appearing unserious
>Where do you plan to take your name to, and what do you want to do with these people?
I don't know, the system is so antifragile that mounting genuine resistence is made near impossible.
A dude burned himself to death over this and he's now yesterday's news. No one listened to snowden. No one knows what the putin vs the nwo war is really about. Nothing you do will matter OP if you do something extreme you'll just be some other deranged lunatic in the news for a few days and society will forget and continue sucking until the planned collapse. Might as well just collect as much coin as you can now and have a good time.
I don't mean being a retard and sperging out, I mean actually trying to build political organization. Killing yourself will never get you anywhere
You can do both. Who do you think normies are gonna listen to more? A successful, respected, man with a good career or some neo-nazi degenerate spouting hate. Like it or not the only way to influence the masses is to be as successful as possible.
t. national socialist who works in tech sales
I'm not against it, it's just that I'll probably not be able to find a job. And I'm not gonna keep quiet about my beliefs, that'll get me nowhere.
>How many of those are out there?
Not too many who are also into extremist politics. You can probably find a few hundred or a few thousand on Twitter and other websites, but they are quite geographically scattered.
>This is what I hate the most. By bad optics I simply mean appearing low agency, unintelligent, haphazard, violent, NOT being too far right. The worst optics are appearing unserious
Unfortunately for you, this will only become more prominent. I encountered an "Evola crowd" recently whose interest in Evola is entirely aesthetic. Zero actual genuine involvement with that thinker. Extremist aesthetics are a trendy way to get a reaction. That's why racism is making a re-entry into society big time.
>I don't know, the system is so antifragile that mounting genuine resistence is made near impossible.
Honestly bro if you don't know what you are going to be doing, see either what you can do in your personal life (and evaluate the costs), or actually make that anonymous Twitter account and get involved in the discourse. At one point, there were some people discussing strategy. IDK if there still are. Might be worth to pick people's brains on this issue. IMO until a proper organisation or some kind of medium appears that can consolidate dissident energy, the best thing you can do is stuff like leafletting for the NRA or promoting freeze peach/anti-wokism/whatever. In addition to that, I guess just becoming an influential or powerful person in general would be a positive.
Twitter isn't real though, nobody cares about some anon on social media. My online presence should be tied to my real name.
>until a proper organisation or some kind of medium appears that can consolidate dissident energy
And how is that going to happen?
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>And I'm not gonna keep quiet about my beliefs, that'll get me nowhere.
Enjoy becoming a social piraya who will unable to influence anyone and will actively make it harder to bring about real change.
I haven't read the whole thread, but what do you want to do exactly? Join or make some neo-nazi gang like American History X? Its not the 1920s and becoming a Jewish caricature of a national socialist is just retarded.
Gang? Of course not, I'm a peaceful person. I want to grow an actual political movement, like leftists did in the 20th century. There was no violent revolution, but they took over society. How did that happen? They weren't anonymous twitter posters, that's for sure.
Yeah man Timmy in IT will save the white race. Get real faggot
Yeah what else am I gonna fucking do? Just give up?
>Twitter isn't real though
Not true, lots of folks say online posting doesn't make a difference but this is demonstrably false. A huge Irish hate crime bill was shot down recently after light was shed on the matter by Connor McGregor, Keith Woods, Elon Musk etc. Words shape consciousness, consciousness shapes reality. Obviously things can't stop at social media, but taking a hold of the conversation, or even just forcing a conversation in the first place, is an important step.
>And how is that going to happen?
A guy I used to know planned to achieve this by joining the largest nationalist organisation in his country, finding the best and most reliable people in that organisation, and putting them in touch in order to either take over the organisation or to form a splinter group. He never got around to doing any of this and seemed actively resistant to actually getting involved, so nothing came of it. I have no idea what he is up to now. IMO Nick Fuentes also presents an alternative model - you have a personality and a "media outlet" that's outputting discourse and direction, and the followers of that outlet pursue the goals devised by it. I have a pretty low opinion of the Groypers but it can't be denied that their approach was very effective in checkmating TPUSA a couple of years ago, and in shaping the conversation on many hot topic issues since then.
>Keith Woods
Someone who does... IRL activism and puts his face online???
What has Keith Woods done IRL that's made him famous? There's a couple of photos of him heightmogging people from the Irish National Party and that's it. He's much more well known for his articles, videos and social media activism. I am not saying IRL doesn't matter. Both IRL and the internet matter. The two are one.
Yeah but he puts his real persona out there
>There was no violent revolution, but they took over society. How did that happen? They weren't anonymous twitter posters, that's for sure.
I agree. They used their elite status, connections, money, and influence to quietly take over the country and get the masses on their side. Being some loud and obnoxious extremist will not unseat them from power.
Having people with our ideas in positions of power and influence, no matter how small, is key. I wish it wasn't like this, but I see no other realistic option.
But how are you to get power and influence when those positions demand complete ideological complacency? The infiltration meme isn't going to work, to me the solution seems to be building power independent of liberal power.
Sort of. Apparently Woods isn't his real surname. But yeah, I mean, if you want to use your real name, I won't stop you - it's none of my business anyway. IMO just make sure you have something to say and an actual plan. If you're committing to politics, know what's what. You don't need to be an intellectual but you need to know whatever it is that you plan to do, and preferably to be good at it.
globohomo liberalism has already won. at best becoming a political extremist will help you make anti-social friends. you'll accomplish nothing.
>There was no violent revolution
Where was it?
25% of “extremists” are federal agents and 100% of extremist groups are actively monitored by the feds. Enjoy getting entrapped by the FBI!
Seig heil! Trust me the other races will not care for you.
They became synonymous with the nice ones. People want to be nice, good people, helping others in need etc. Our beliefs are selfish and mean, but we are right and truthful. It will never sell as well, they have to get burned themselves before they realize they're wrong.

If the left really was about what they preach then I'd be all for it, but its impossible to do what they want and the standards keep increasing every win they get.

I listen to jesse kelly, he claims to be not just rightwing but anticommunist, and wrote a book about it, but do you even know who he is? Dailywire exists and highlights/complains about this stuff in well-crafted vids to millions, and its eyeopening and entertaining, and they agree in the comments but then vanish and are never heard again with no meaningful connection if they even existed at all...they try to create their own productions to rival woke netflix and the like WITH money, and it just ultimately gets mocked. Tons of rightwing-leaning popular youtubers that the masses listen to, it doesn't seem to put a dent in changing society so what hope does one person have to? We can't even agree on what the good and the mission is. Commies have dedicated goals, organization, psychology and the big tech that we use to talk online.

I think our only hope is trump, even if he's really one of them (they all are) at least that means they don't have full control on woke law along with everything else anymore.
Well, it's won and now it's starting to implode
Fuck em, they're the biggest retards, they don't even know whom they serve.
>listen to jesse kelly, he claims to be not just rightwing but anticommunist, and wrote a book about it, but do you even know who he is?
you're 100% retarded if you fall for Jesse Kelly. the things he was saying trying to get elected in Arizona were totally different from who he is now. obvious grifter on the level of Tucker switching from the cnn bowtie wearing libertarian to the populist he pretend to be now.

>do 15 minutes of research before you get your opinions from some media personality challenge (impossible)
What are trying to achieve by doing this?
Taking back my nation OR fleeing to/creating another (European) nation where I can start roots that'll last for generations.
>Go into tech
>sit tight and improve for 5 years
>move to asia
>all your problems go away
>rescind your passport once you are sure you want to stay so you don't have to pay taxes.
I bend over real good! And my ass is way better than yours! You're just jealous because you're not master's favorite like us!
Sometimes its not about weather you can, its about weather you think you should. I dont know how or when or to what, but something should change.

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