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/adv/ - Advice

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i just accidentally shhaved off some of my SKIN in the shower andthere was blod EVERYWHERre
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Will you still love me even if I don't make it in this harsh industry? Job, money and status? I can earn it.
used to come here to ask advice how to get a girlfriend years ago. finally got one. now she broke up with me 2.5 years later. /adv/ is always here for me at least. ssigh....
Yo brahs

Had a coffee date with this chick last weekend. She was super cool
She enjoyed it and gave me her number. Texted a tiny bit Sunday but I haven't texted her all week because I'm travelling overseas at the moment.

Gonna text her tomorrow something like this
"Hey Anona,
Just checking in, hope you've had a good week
I'm about to board a flight to X.
I land back in Y next weekend, it'll be great if we can meet up Sunday"

Dunno if I should have texted her or what this week but I'm not gonna text "hey my days good, wbu" out of the blue. I figure the weekend is good to text but I'm also anxious that she's over me after 6 days of no text. Is my planned text alright or kinda shit?
I personally dont understand why people play the waiting game. If you like them and they like you it doesnt matter.
>I personally dont understand why people play the waiting game
I'm retarded over text and I'm travelling for work. My days are for work and my nights are to get drunk with customers. If I was in country I would treat it like a normal start if relationship and be texting.

Answer the question. Is my planned text alright or not?
yea its so generic I dont see what could possibly be wrong with it. send a cute gif too
Thanks bro. I'm socially retarded. If you got any pointers to make it more human let me know
The best friend I've ever had died last year at the age of 33. In the later years of his life we grew apart and were not friends at the time he died. I went to his service and gave his mother my condolences and spent the night after drinking and reminiscing, I had known his mother just as long as I had known him, since we were both in kindergarten.

I haven't been back to see her since. I was a real dick to him during the last years of his life. He stole from me to support his drug habit and I never really got over it, and I just don't think it'd be right to insert myself into their family now after everything that's happened.

I'm being guilt tripped by his ex wife to go visit his mother because she can't reach the mother by phone and won't go to see the mother herself, and because i live closer to her than anybody else. I really didn't say much in response, but I don't have empathy anymore. Sure, part of me feels bad, but the other part of me feels like too much time has passed between then and now for me to stick my nose in their family.

It's been nearly a year since his service, and I feel like it'd be wrong of me to go trying to visit her now after so much time had passed since my last visit
use more emojis and gifs, but dont overdo it yet. Be cool but show you are interested. from my experience, if there is a spark you will both feel it immediately and undeniably. follow your heart
new poems got written out .
im 32, never had sex, live at home and the highlight of my week is eating mini tacos in a beanbag chair
I missed my big church group that I planned all year to attend because I broke faith, intoxicated myself, and stayed at home browsing /pol/
Follow through on your plan.
You’re good.
Besides, you should always be testing people with little things like that so you can measure their character.
It doesn’t sound like he was a friend in his last years, but an acquaintance.
That sucks, but for his sake you should still look after his mother. Wouldn’t you want the same done for you? It has been too long, but all that means is you can’t start soon enough.
Go say hi once a month for fifteen minutes. Talk about the good memories. You will both feel better.
>>She was killed.
>I never knew anyone that died.
>This women used to be at the church youth group I went to a few times.
>Never talked to her.
>Her psycho stalker ex ran over her three times with his car.
>He ran over her skull and popped it like a watermelon to make sure she was dead.
>He had killed another woman before.

Pretty insane lol, she was a 37yo foreigner so wtv really but damn.
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I just tried choking myself with a belt.
I don't know what the fuck I was expecting. If I had the balls to hold it until I passed out my grip would have slipped and I'd have lived through it, anyway. Now my neck just fucking hurts.
My coworker told me to tell her if I tried hurting myself again but I'm not telling her shit. She'll get me on suicide watch or something and everyone will finally know just how much of a loony bin I am. She doesn't actually care about my well-being, anyway, she only cares if I can't come in to work or not because it'll inconvenience all the other gossip princesses who hate her guts and have to come in to work in my stead.
She's the only person who has ever had an idea of how deep my depression truly goes. She seemed to worry, but she can't even be bothered to check on me. The childish part of me wishes she did. But I can't force anyone to actually care about me. If someone outside my family actually did, maybe I wouldn't have tried to kill myself just minutes ago.
Holy fucking fuck, I am dealing with new levels of incompetence I didn't think were possible for an apartment agency!
>Have to move out of current place by June 30.
>Have an overseas trip planned months ago for May 23 to June 10. First travel vacation in 12 years.
>Go on whirlwind tours during May weekends and apply to a place a week before the trip.
>Tell them about my predicament, they seem cool about it and tell me to apply. They’ll take care of it.
>Online gives only option of move in within week of lease signing for x/month or move in at start of month for x+$100-ish/mo. Bite the bullet and apply for earliest move-in. Figure they’ll take care of it.
>Don't get the lease agreement paperwork until the day before the plane leaves. Sign it right away. Notice after signing it that the lease and the apartment website have a rent discrepancy and email them about it.
>They sign the agreement the next day with no mention of the discrepancy and tell me I have 48 hours to pick up the keys.
>mfw I'm already on the plane
>Whatever, they already know about the situation. Surely they'll just hold the keys for me.
>Get an email a week into the trip - "What to expect when moving out"
>Send an email asking for clarification
>Send a follow up email after 5 days of radio silence
>Get an email almost right away from the regional manager saying it was a mistake while they were working on the dates
>Accept their answer
>Get back from trip and go straight to the apartment office to pick up the keys
>The apartment manager has no idea what I'm talking about, the apartment I'd applied for was taken by someone else.
>Both managers were on the email chain...
>They set me up with a similar apartment in different part of building
>Tell them I'd like to take a tour of the different apartment at earliest convenience
>Show up for tour
>Apartment manager was not only not expecting me, but I got a tour of the showroom one
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>Whatever. Tell them I'd like to move in on Friday (June 21).
>Regional manager agrees and says she can adjust the application for June 30. Not what I asked for.
>Apartment manager says she can do the walkthrough tomorrow to make sure it’s ready for move-in.
>At least the apartment manager understood
>Or so I thought
>Show up today
>Apartment manager caught completely off guard
>Walkthrough was not done
>Keys were not ready
>They need a few days
Sweet Jesus! What was supposed to be a leisurely three weeks to move out has now shrunk to less than one week! I’ve had less trouble moving >1000 miles and a time zone within a tighter time crunch than I’ve had moving across town to this place! The only reason I haven’t bailed on them yet is because they have a private entrance, 24 hour gym and in-unit washer/dryer for nearly the same price as the hotel-style apartments that run on shared boilers for heating. But so help me, if they fuck up again, I’m ripping this contract up in their office and going somewhere else.
Sometimes I like to read reddit to find trends I hate, to log why I hate modern culture. Today I wanna bitch at you about the hatred for traditional relationships.
I thought it was from a view of female empowerment, as in the woman should take charge in the relationship financially. At least that's an discussion to be had. The best example of this is the household often needs two income sources, which makes it unfair if the man doesn't help around the house as well. That itself is fine within reason, but it's been the only argument with legs I read so far. Rest were stuff like
>man won't get a job/be a provider
>how financially costly it is
>"man either does nothing or just the fun stuff"
One of them comes up with a fake story, about how the man's a jobless lay about. She then precedes to divorce him because she found out he posts "women should be in the kitchen", and I nearly choked reading how not a single person say how that's a terrible reason to divorce.
I think a big underlying theme is that a lot of these fags have daddy issues, and project extremely hard into it. My parents both worked yet mom worked around the house, so I can see how stressful it was in that perspective (which is why I want my wife to either be NEET or part-timer, I don't want her to deal with managing a school and three kids like mom did), yet there is so much hostility at traditional fatherhood that it borders on nonsensical. Am I suddenly a great husband if I cook an omelet? Do laundry? Sweep the floors? Is folding socks for two people really enough to turn a shitty, traditional marriage into a loving new-wave marriage?
That's it folks, stick around next month for when I go into drug forums
It's stupid to be so paranoid but also alright to let go it's not that big of a deal... stress man it sucks gotta look after yourself. Nothing wrong with that sorry I was a bit pushy before...
Heart attack at 35 is apparently a good thing for zoomers according to very comfortable and content boomers.
I'm a large and in charge male in my 30s. I keep crushing on these women who are really attractive and say they're into something only to find out 1. they're not really. and 2. They're cold as ice. I can't get over my superficiality but I need someone warm hearted. What do I do bros?

Also, I'm brown. But I have a big beenis.
This sucks fat monkey balls, it's a clear case of incompetence at work. It's not even that their trying to prey on you, they're too dumb to onboard an already existing customer.
Hopefully that makes you feel better, because being a victim of idiots can hopefully work out towards your favor, compared to being a victim of vultures.
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>have best friend but also crippling depression
>friend leaves because my depression makes me a fucking black hole of a person
>claw my way back up alone over years, only occasionally need time to myself to manage this shit
>friend comes back into my life, insists we've both changed and it's good now
>try to have a serious conversation, something i never would have done because i hated being vulnerable and all that shit
>friend takes off again, says it's all me
why do i even bother when cunts are content to be the same dumb bastards they were 8 goddamn years ago. what the fuck am i doing any of this shit for
>>try to have a serious conversation, something i never would have done because i hated being vulnerable and all that shit
I'm never vulnerable because what I want, understanding and comfort, people can't really provide. I just bottle it up and rant on /adv/
You have to be cooking everything you eat in lard to have a heart attack at 35.
So like boomers do y'all have anything to say or are you just gonna remain quiet? Damn. That's honestly embarrassing for people that are so righteous and justified. Can't even face people that disagree with you huh? And yeah it only applies one way since you people have the power.
You just gotta get past the initial encounters with the women who are into your thing even if they aren’t all that looks wise. Once you get the dopamine hit of getting your wiener touched the way you like it, her not being a hottie doesn’t seem as important
Interesting. Anything else to add sage?
You talking about actual boomers or genx/millenials with the boomer mindset?
You are a little spy. A very little and insignificant spy who can't even face me. Tell me why I should be shocked by you again? Nothing startling about your bitch ass haha
I want to die so much.
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the cunt basically told me off for not doing it, then when i bother it spooks 'em because they're an avoidant shit with a victim complex where everyone's ruining their life. they've done it before to like 6 other people so i don't know what i expected but jesus fucking christ am i tired.
Fucking loser spying on your "workers"
Won't be working for you much longer though huh?
Yeah, look both ways before you cross the street.
Interesting. Smart advice!
Seeing a therapist for childhood trauma and difficulties socializing and connecting. He today managed to convince me I have most likely just had undiagnosed autism all along, so I don't need to change.
So I can't be fixed, it's just the "way I am". And I was most likely a huge contributor in causing my own trauma. Every experience I have had is now questionable, was it rational or just misjudgment due to mental deficiency? If I had known, I would have killed myself at 20. Now I'm 30 and tied up. Death isn't a convenient escape anymore.
I am significantly smarter and better than you in every way :)
My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Haha say it to my face but also do it cute and flirtatiously because that's how I like it, bitch.
You're just a dumb nigger faggot.
How many years later? And you were absolutely BTFO every single time. You failed astronomically hard dude. HAHAHAHA that's what happens when you are such and evil little faggot huh? Yeah these words are for YOU not me you dumb dishonest fucking KEKOLD FAGGOT
Give me a pedicure and I'll respond.
Exactly what I mean. Everyone's so retarded in the head that they can barely process other people's emotions. If I was your friend I would say
>man that sucks
Maybe I would think you're a bitch in silence, but that's the point, you don't know I think you're a bitch. But this generation's ironically super retarded and cannot even give a pat on the back for comfort without spazzing out
I just spent and hour looking all around the world on the snapchat map just to see what people were doing. Turns out I'm not missing anything.
Yeah anybody who quits that without a two weeks notice makes a lot of sense man. That shit is fucked. And don't worry I would hire you and not spy on you like an evil monster.
It sometimes hurts being this heartless
i wouldn't have even bothered if they didn't shit on me for not doing it years ago. people don't know what the fuck it is they want but they're quick to shit on you when youndo something they don't want, which they also don't know. can't wait to die at this point, hell is other people
Heart attack at 35? Should've laid off the mcdonalds, tubs.
Maybe I can work for the kitty daycare after this shit fuck
I masturbated to the souls of all the women I left behind earlier today
It was intense
Hahaha who cares if they entire industry is fucked? The World doesn't need you retards. I can survive elsewhere morons.
Sometimes after I have sex and then urinate, my urethra stings. When that happens, I make a warm bath and lay in it.
Oh cool sounds like fun dude!
A colorful record.
Have you ever known a woman's love? Have you ever known two women's love at the same time?Have you ever thought about it?
I've known a piss baby chudcel!
I'm sure the kittens would love me in their way.
Unlike you fuckers.
If your wife or girlfriend asked you to suck another man's penis, would you do it?
Are you gay? When did you discover that you might be homosexual?
No. Women can walk out on you, but your pride is yours alone to control. Not to mention the increased likelihood of them walking out on you if you choose to forsake your pride. Bros before hoes.
Nah. I shared a vagina with another dude once and that’s about as gay as I go.
Clamydia ?
I need advice.
What's the best way to speedrun getting my new girl pregnant? How do I convince her, or should I not even attempt to convince?

She's fucking TRADITIONAL and prime baby material.
I don't want to fuck this up. I typically harem date, and I'm in the process of breaking up with all the other females, cleaning my phone, etc.
You have to get married first then tell her you want baby in side her right away and she will comply.
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Canis lupus

Also known by its common name

The “grey wolf”

Here we see an adult of the species
Hm, how long would you date? We went on 3 long dates only over a week and a half. Enjoyed every second of it, and I finally asked her to be my exclusive girlfriend to which she was so happy, although she was number 3.

Now that I'm cutting it down to just her, I'm not sure a good timeline desu. Previously I had no relationship escalator, hence multiple gfs.
If you walk into a man's house and he has a margaritaville, an ice cream maker or a dough mixer, you may be dating a gay man.
Men who own unitaskers, cook restaurant quality food at home, who have a white cat named snowball and strange postmodern art hung up on their walls? That's gay, extremely gay.
bros why is it that sometimes being mean to yourself feels kinda peaceful? When I'm having a tough time sometimes I'll double down and call myself an idiot, stupid, worthless, etc. and for some reason it brings me some peace, but why? Why is being mean to yourself so easy and apparently "rewarding"?
A man has a urethra and a vesicle and the vesicle doesn't like pee inside it.
ripping on someone is easy and takes no effort whatsoever, it's the same for yourself. the path of least resistance is always going to feel better than putting in the effort to be kind, be it to someone in your kife or yourself when there's a fuck up
I just got my first HR complaint at work this week. How should I celebrate?
I don’t care if I’m your emotional tampon, or your ego boost, or your simp. I love you. I love you so much I can’t even put it into words. I can’t believe I met you and I can’t believe that you and I are whatever it is we are. I’m seeing you in four hours and I’m so excited I can’t even sleep.
You can walk on me if you want, I don’t think I care if you hurt me at this point either. I just want to be with you and bask in your glow. I’d uproot my entire life and betray a lot of people if it meant I could have you. You know all of this, don’t you?
Just like the sopranos, it’s over. Find another show. But it’s so hard to find a new show!!!!!!!
Doubling down so it happens again.
The ending of the sopranos wasn't Tony dying of a heart attack, it was actually the heat death of the universe.
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Tony Soprano's heart issues were a major plotline of the show and James Gandolfini did die of a heart attack. People twist themselves into pretzels trying to understand how David Chase could have known this would happen.

The answer is simple, he's probably in the Illuminati.
I just sucked my wife’s tits to clear them of clogged ducts. I dont think I helped. I likely am going to gain a few pounds off that little maneuver too. Am I slightly lactose intolerant? We will see! Did we have raunchy sex after? Yes! Shit was SO CASH
Bidding for an apartment and I'm bidding against a good workmate.

Bidding starts in a few minutes and I'm so fucking nervous. I'm so sick of living at home with parents. I need this apartment more than any other bidder

Fuck fuck fuck fuuuuuck
You have to be smoothbrained to be scared of the illuminati. A fatass dying of heart issues is a very reasonable guess.
My life is going no where and he’s never going to love me
wish I could, but I denied everything like a champ and the girls I was eyeing up seem to have quit
flawless victory

>is it normal for women to quit when they fail to get you fired with HR?
Then do it again. If they complain, accuse the company of racial profiling. Push the accusation even harder if you're white and so are they.
I wish I could quit this website because it seems a majority of threads are just trying to make people angry and sad enough to reply. That's not good for anyone.
>"oh when i was 26 i was just getting out of college!"

Won the fucking apartment!

Let's go boys!!!
>tell my fwb I don't want to meet up
>he insists and says I'm coming over
>text him not to fucking come and if he comes we are done
>he comes
>open the door let him in he takes off his shoes
>ask him if he's fucking retarded
>unleash and call him a moron and tell him to get the fuck out of my house before I start beating the shit out of him
>he apologizes and puts on his shoes and skitters out
Honestly should've grabbed my hammer
Fuck yeah, anon. Will you be there by yourself, or with flatmates?
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>gaslight others
>get surprised when they ghost you
play stupid games, win stupid prizes
>ain't it fun, living in the real world?
YouTube keeps banning me. They really are a bunch of faggots.
A company must try to remedy discrimination claims under federal law, so this post is only half-joking.
I cannot stress this enough. If your employer or landlord makes up rules that only you seem to need to abide by and that is not in a contract, employee handbook or lease. Call a flipping lawyer, dummy.
Cheers mate

Just myself. Maybe this chick I'm dating if it goes well
People suck big balls anon, sorry this happened to you. I hate everyone too for this reason
>gf is wonderful woman
>over last year lose most physical attraction for her
>she hasn't changed at all
>feel bad like I'm faking it
Looks aren't everything but they do matter
>Looks aren't everything but they do matter
People who say they don't are lying. Personality can only get you so far.
well........ i did it.... there's no going back now
>Just myself
Best way to do it in my experience. Living with other people almost always sucks to some degree. If you can afford to you live by yourself and don't have anybody else burdening you, it's so much better.
Congratulations, probably!
Thanks bro

She was very receptive to the message
Things are looking good
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>at work
>Tranny? Hits on me
>calls me cute
>I fucking blush
What the fuck? I'm not gay ffs
Fight the future.
I feel bad today, it's compounded by the feeling that I feel tired of life. This makes me feel ungrateful to have life.
This sucks.
I'm so tired, I want to cry.
I love a women that doesnt love me back
I’ve been a loser for a long time but I’ve never quite felt like one the way I do now
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Its either to become youtuber "personal prostitute" like they said, talking to inanimate objects like the usual or vtuber tulpa like she did.

The best option would be all three at once then overdose on pills again and/or drink pesticides.

it's been six months since me and my ex had an argument and broke up. he spiraled into intense self loathing and now believes he's bad for me. even though i've tried to continuously reassure him and talk things out it's gotten to a point where he's started avoiding and blocking me everywhere. neither of us seems to be able to move on, the way he acts on social media tells me he's still thinking about me as much as i think about him. it's pointless suffering. neither of us is happy with what had happened and we're both stuck feeling miserable because he won't talk with me. i sometimes wonder what i should do if he ever comes back but honestly i'm starting to cultivate resentment. just sad about all this idk.
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Be me -> Feel extremely alinated from everyone -> play games/browse forum to cheer up -> it would be so good to share this moment with someone else. Start all over. + not really a tulpa master. I don't even want a gf. Just stop feeling lonely
Dad I...have a confession. I REALLY love cat girls. I am gonna abandon my life at the Saw Factory and pursue cat girls instead.
I met this handsome black guy at beach. He didn't want my phone number. I'll go to the beach tomorrow hoping to see him again.
Very interesting person. Shame we probably won't be friends, but I wish him the best. He seems to have a lot going for him
Please sir I need time to pack my things I cannot possibly finish my assignment tonight please sir I have had this planned many months in advance and you just decided to spring this on me one day ago. This is not fair at all and frankly rude.
Oh let me guess your wittle ankles hurt! Oh boo hoo hoo! Be a man! Finish your job you can do it! Be your best self dammit
Damn I just looked out a certain window for the first time in a year or 2. There he is again that sad dog just patiently waiting for someone to return home... I feel for him.
It depends on how eager she is, how stable you are for it. If your parents haven't met yet it's probably too soon.
You know... in 2020 there was a cat there instead.
2 guys on Jodel claim that they're seeking a third for sauna and some beer. They were fakes and pretending. Waste of time.
Can I say it or nah? I am a chatterbox
Despite all of this it's still the same old story.
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I can't pinpoint a single topic, germane or trivial, that I have any functional knowledge in. It's frightening, my brain is just a permanent haze of confusion and worry. People talk about all these different things, from hobbies to responsibilities, and I'm just here awkwardly struggling through my desk job of six years with minimal understanding of what I do and going home to ruminate. If my mother died in her bed right now I legitimately would have no clue what to even do. I'd probably just continue my routine like the soulless, empty headed automaton I am until the fridge was empty and the bailiffs came because I hadn't paid the bills. I have the money, I just don't understand how to pay them. Is this a special degree of ignorance, or are there other people like this in the world? People think I'm fairly normal on the outside, I'm not some tracksuit wearing inbred benefits cheating yob with a bull dog and a can of fucking lager on a bunch of pills. I should be able to function on a basic level, why can't I just do it? I currently have three mouth ulcers, I've had outbreaks my entire life and as far as I can tell they're solely caused by psychological factors.
my suggestion is to stop taking any kind of prescription medication that isn't meant to keep you strictly alive. drop all the anti-psychotics, all the SSRI drugs, all of that shit.
But before you do that, you're gonna want to cash in your vacation days because you're going to need a good length of downtime for your body to flush out all that shit out of your system. next thing is to rest, let your natural brain-chemistry return and learn how to handle yourself the way you are naturally. you might scoff at the idea of "Mind over Matter", but there's some truth to it, and its not Esper shit, its just the mind handling the body's impulses. learn to reign yourself in,learn what it means to be you and figure out what makes you you, what bothers you, what gets you motivated.

I've gone through this myself 4 years ago, completely stopped taking them and the people around me have noticed a stark improvement in my behaviour and disposition.
What's the point of marriage if they're just going to cheat on you and take half of your money? For love ? Seems retarded.
My old pleather chair is peeling and cracking with a few plastic screws missing.
if you can have it refurbished at a cost lesser than replacing it, try having it done, or learn how to do it yourself or learn from people who are skilled in furniture maintenance. this can turn into a small project.
The only issue is it has terrible back support. It might be the chair or my back...
My ex was really good at sucking dick. I would fill her mouth full of cum just to have her open her mouth and show me, then swallow and open her mouth again to show me she got it all. I stayed with her way too long because she just loved sucking my dick. It was a pretty shitty relationship otherwise.

She was petite and half asian so she was pretty hot but I'm pretty sure she had BPD. She was all over the place. One second she would be screaming at me because she was jealous of another girl and then the next she would be giving me a blowjob as an apology. She was a bitch to me most of the time but god damn those bj's.

Don't let crazy chicks suck your dick no matter how good they are. She was a virgin before she met me so I basically trained her how to do it.
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>trying to stay sober because I have to give bloodwork to my psychiatry clinic
>have successfully managed to avoid amphetamines, for almost a month
>have been getting drunk as fuck
Jesus Christ, my life is absolutely shitty without amphetamines. I feel fucking miserable almost every single day. They put me on some shitty NDRI as a way to "help with my focus and attention" but it's such a shitty drug by comparison.

Goddammit. God fucking dammit. I wish there was an easier way to get amphetamines.
What the fuck does Garry’s Mod in August of 2015 have to do with my cousin?
I have one of those Secret Lab Omega chairs that I got back in 2017, and by 2021 the seat support had given out almost entirely and sitting it in would hurt my tailbone like crazy. These chairs aren't built to last. I spent like $400 on this fucking thing, and now it's pretty much a piece of trash.

It was really fucking nice during the first few years I had it, though. Could sit in the chair for 12+ hours without any problem.
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There's no worst type of curse on the internet than being a long poster, who posts genuinely, and then is a horrible communicator. I will always have one/two typos somewhere, that ends up shifting my whole argument to something I wasn't making, and then at that point I'm left to move the goal posts that I didn't even mean to move.
The worst is part is when I'm arguing about something reasonable, but I end up fucking up a minor point and people use that part to call me retarded. Doesn't help that the idiots on this site transform nuance points into a cliche strawman, just to bounce on it. The worst part is what I'm saying is something I'm 90% sure the opposition agrees with, but I'm doing such a bad job communicating it that they don't care to read it.
I should have been an essayist, if I had a week to edit my papers I could write some decent stuff I bet. But at this point it's either spend an hour editing my posts or writing a one line summary of my thoughts. One line summaries are better but man, I don't want to reduce all I said into 50 words all the time, especially on a topic I researched into.
I went to an anime con today with my wife. I tried to get into the speeddating section when my wife was on her own. Turns out, there were so few girls entering, that I was told it was futile to enter.

I have not had sex with my wife for over a year, in case anyone is wondering wtf I am doing.
Stop looking at me like that you bitch, you don’t care about my day, you left me for that cocksucker faggot
cat girls are pretty dope but not necessarily because theyre cats but because they can love you unconditionally and actually desire you as a partner in their respective settings yano. its pretty fucking sad when your fetish becomes 'somebody who actually wants me'. i cant feel anything but disappointment about it. i dont feel like im missing out i feel bad for the people that dont feel like they are. god forbid they come to see the day when they see their partners for who they really are. not cats.

life is a fucking scam.
hey man its going to be alright. Tell someone you know that is going to care and help you. T I hope i am not to late to tell you this. Please don't do anything dangerous anon
damn. thats a pretty fucking stupid way to try to kill yourself. whats going on man?
I don't know what to do. I've lost interest in the things that I used to like to do, like watching movies/TV shows, playing music, playing vidya, etc. I don't even really enjoy shitposting now. I just want to stop existing, I think.
That's how robin williams did it. There's a specific way you need to do it with a belt though.

I would rather get a bunch of fent an OD on it. Getting super high and then passing out forever.
I want a candle that smells like pure schizophrenia man sweat.
I want to ring you out like a cartoon wash cloth.
I didn't have sex with a boyfriend I had for a month and I ended up charging him rent and moving him all the way upstairs.
You're no longer welcome in my home.
>all the way upstairs
Jesus, you killed him?
I fucking hate my mother so much. Just take me to fucking chick fil a already and stop talking to worthless people on the phone.
I was like this all the way back in grade school. I hated doing anything. I was always bored no matter what I would do. Even while playing super nintendo games or watching movies. As I got older, I just got more and more miserable and bored. I was diagnosed with major depression in highschool and they started putting me on different drugs. I probably tried a dozen different psych meds and none of them worked.

After graduating college I was super miserable. i read an article online about using suboxone to treat depression so I stole some opiates from my dad (he was getting hundreds of the things for backpain) and it was absolutely amazing what they did for me. I started enjoying painting again, watching movies, playing games, hanging out with people again. Taking two 10mg of hydrocodone a day took me from laying in bed all day being miserable doing nothing, just waiting for death to being filled with life. I managed to get a portfolio together and got a job as a concept artist in the video game industry. When I moved out of my parents I had to find a new way to get the drugs so I just went online and found a place to buy them. I even got a cute asian girlfriend.

Opiates changed my life. I went from crippling depressed my entire life to being pretty well off and happy with a new gf and career. It's been 15 years and I still just take two 10mg pills a day and I'm good. my tolerance hasn't changed at all and I found a reliable source. If you're seriously depressed and tried everything else, seriously try these drugs. They are like little magical pills.

And fuck anyone that says pill junkies are bad. I would have killed myself years ago without them. It sucks that I have to be a criminal to live life but whatever.
I'll kill myself before I start popping pills.
So you're retarded then. if you don't even want to try then you can't bitch about it.

Adderall works just as well as opiates. SSRIs are worthless.
I've also had to take opiates before and all they do is kill my appetite and make me drowsy.

I didn't mention it before but I used to have a pretty bad porn addiction, probably still do if I'm honest. But I don't even want to do that anymore.
>I've also had to take opiates before
You would rather lie and make excuses rather than try. You deserve your own misery.
My dad talked a lot about his time in the fraternity and I'm really depressed now. His life was so rich. I can't believe that I'm both on the other side of college and a couple years removed from it. The future is so dark I don't need eyes to see it
I broke my femur a few years ago. I got morphine in the hospital, and then they kept me on hydrocodone while I was in the hospital. They also gave me a prescription for it after I left, but I only used a few of the pills. I lost more than ten pounds because I wouldn't eat anything.

I guess you don't have to believe me though. Wouldn't want to mess with your perfect miracle cure.
interesting. i dont really keep up on all that fluff. yeah drugs could be a nice way to go. i remember when i got put under for a surgery and it was like damn man i couldve died and that wouldve bene the most peaceful way to go. never even felt myself lose conciousness was just talking to a nurse and i wake up somewhere else a day later. couldve just been it. last moment couldve just been thinking i was talking to somebody. theres a lot of fucked up ways to go in the world. i dunno man a belt screams a crime of passion to me. getting caught up in a moment. if one is so commited to dying the might as well invest a bit of extra time into doing it right. not like you need to worry about anyhting else if you plan on dying. quit work. do your research. do what you need to do. my father hung himself with his belt when i was young and while it didnt look like he suffered too much you do hear a lot of horror stories. just told my mother he loved her, tucked me into bed, and then went out to the garage. woke up in the morning to her crying and the police. these days she does her woodworking in that same garage how wild is that. life just keeps moving forward i guess.

point being t hat if youre commiting to die anyways youve got a lot of time to figure out the how. no point in rushing that of all things.
*morphine in the emergency room
Why do people get so upset when theyre diagnosed with a terminal disease such as cancer, ect and are given an esitmate on their remaining time?
Like anyone can die at any time randomly from an accident at least you KNOW its time to get your affairs in order?
Like I get that no one wants to die but idk we will ALL die eventually
its easier to complain when you arent dead?
sure the guy that gets blindsided by a train and killed instantly wont complain about it but if you tied him to the tracks and started counting down he might have a few words.

of course we can die at any time but if you live every day like its your last then youll never build anything for the future because in your eyes the future is never coming so to a degree we need to have a degree of blissful ignorance of our own mortality in order to ensure our own survival. focus too much on death and youll never live. live too much in the future and youll forget it isnt garaunteed. thats just what happens. people get busy living their lives and forget.
I hate how tracked we are with ads now

Some 5 days ago was my brothers birthday. I bought him a Lego set and a laptop. Cool. Yesterday my mom was asking about AirPods. I bought her them yesterday since the sale was ending today. I check my email that was send an hour ago.
>up to 30% apple products
>expand your Lego set with these..
>printers, mice and all laptop accessories..
>then generic summer shit like hotdogs or umbrellas on sale
Fuck off
I guess I could compare it to your girlfriend telling you she’s going to break up with you in October. Like you said, it could happen at any time. But you would develop dread and angst knowing it was happening in October.
its even better if somebody you know is really into smart devices. then youll start noticing you get advertisements for things you guys were just talking about around the house.

might as well just spend all your money though youre just going to die anyways. momentum mori or whatever.
Should I drink five beers again
Make it six.
>And fuck anyone that says pill junkies are bad. I would have killed myself years ago without them. It sucks that I have to be a criminal to live life but whatever.
Being on pills is pretty much peak adult life, but trying to get off of them after you've adjusted to life with them is hell (see >>31490423).

Enjoy it while it lasts and prepare your anus for the backlash. Especially with opiates-- at least with amphetamines the physical withdrawal symptoms are mild. It's the psychological withdrawals are eat away at you even when you get past that.
if its hurting you, then toss it. put it by the curb and someone is bound to pick it up, or at least where im from, stuff left on curbs are basically up for grabs to anyone who wants it
context: my ex gf wanted to keep in contact after the breakup. I dumped her because I was getting tired of her bs. weird tantrums, complaining about me and so on

you were unable to talk to me, to ask me about issues, to have some patience, to help me.
you could have had everything if you weren't a dumb cunt that wasn't able to be patient and appreciate what I was offering to you
yeah, I'm stingy. want to know why? BECAUSE I WAS BORN POOR AND LIVED IN POVERTY FOR DECADES, you retarded bitch. do I really need to repeat that 1000 times? MONEY DOES NOT FALL FROM THE FUCKING SKY. ever heard the word "SACRIFICE"?
I was worried about losing my job while trying to find a decent house to buy with the money I had been saving for many years, and instead of helping me, you were nagging me to go to the fucking gym with you. are you fucking serious? like, why the fuck should I give a shit about the gym when I'm trying to buy or build MY DREAM HOUSE AND LIFE with the little money I've managed to save? WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOUR PRIORITIES, DUMBASS. you could have saved your own money if you had helped me. instead you decided to worry about random shit. how fucking retarded can someone be...?

it's clear you weren't the one for me. as old and book smart as you were, you were just another dumb bitch who let other people influence you. you can cope all you want with the fact that I dumped you by telling everyone that "the breakup was mutual". you can keep crying all you want about your life being oh so unjust and not being able to get the shit you want, you fucking COWARD. I'll enjoy my new life after a little sacrifice. GFY.
>mfw someone picked up the TV i had in box with a broken panel
The shit inside of it was worth $60 at best. I guess that's a free $60 if you're willing to put up with the labor of selling it online.
I've been taking opiates for 15 years but have ran out several times for months at a time. The withdrawals are pretty mild, I just get the shits and insomnia. They last like a week but then the reason I started taking them in the first place comes back and it sucks. I just get really bored, depressed, and don't enjoy anything. But that's not because of withdrawals, that's just my normal. I was really depressed and miserable before taking opiates.

SSRIs, benzos, and all those other psych meds don't fucking do anything for most people with depression. They seriously had me try like a dozen different kinds before I gave up on them and decided to treat myself. For people that actually have depression and some kind of chemical imbalance then drugs like opiates are a literal life saver.

This is the article I read on it that made me try them. I'm extremely glad I did.

It costs me around $300 a month for 2 pills a day but that's not bad. Better than shooting myself in the head.
I went to the beach by myself today, and although I enjoyed doing something different for once, the feeling of loneliness crept in and kinda soured the experience. I'm too much of a social recluse to initiate a conversation some random beachgoers.
Yeah, idk why my autistic ex is mad that his diet has lead to his penis breaking and him having ibs that requires meds for the rest of his life to exist. He chooses to eat shit that breaks his dick and give him acidic stomach.
SSRIs worked for me many years ago. It was literally insane-- I woke up one morning and didn't feel the type of exhausted anxiety that I feel on a regular basis. I was eager to do things I enjoyed doing. It occurred to me right then that I genuinely was depressed and that the doc had managed to land on the right pill for me. At least, that's how it was at first. After about 6 months the state of elation wore off and my mood had kind of evened out. But holy shit, those first few months were crazy. Didn't even feel like I needed Adderall anymore.

Nowadays, the *ONLY* thing that gets me going is Adderall, but it's a drug that I can't use reliably. I end up just doing bullshit like spending 100 hours playing a game until I run out of amps and end up being miserable for until the next time I can get my hands on them. During that timeframe I end up getting shitfaced nonstop to cope with the boredom and depression, which obviously ends up making things worse.

Gonna start seeing a therapist next week to see if they can help me figure out what the fuck is going on, because currently, Wellbutrin ain't cutting it.
>Why do people get so upset when theyre diagnosed with a terminal disease such as cancer, ect and are given an esitmate on their remaining time?
maybe because people don't want to die? what kind of retarded question is this lmao
I have a strong urge right now to go full no-contact with everyone I know. Change my phone number, change my email address, move, and just never see any of them again. I don't even know why I'd do this, none of them have given me a reason to do it.
SSRIs only work for 30% of people that take them. You must be one of the lucky few.

Adderall works the same as opiates for me. They give me a good feeling and let me enjoy things. Both of them allow me to really focus on my work and get things done. I'm pretty sure I have a dopamine chemical imbalance since those two drugs both boost dopamine levels and end up working exactly the same for me. I took adderall instead of opiates for a year because I found a doctor that didn't give a shit and just gave me them when I asked for them. He ended up going to jail for sexual assault of a patient (he was indian, kek) and I live in a small town so all the other doctors knew him and wouldn't continue the script he had for me. I had to get back on opiates.

Adderall is considerably more expensive then opiates. It's a lot more popular with college and rich kids for partying and shit so they can sell it for a small fortune.
I need pussy from a flat chested girl. I could really go for a nice washboard right in my face.
>So your one of those broke ass guys. Low tier garbage men
>daddy gives you money.
imagine being a simp and calling people "garbage" when you are an illiterate retard.
hint: I've built my whole life by myself.

>A real man wouldn't call a woman that
a real man does what he needs to do.
My ex was a flat chested petite asian girl. She was very smol and cute but way too horny for me. She wanted sex at least twice a day and I just don't have that big of a sex drive. She was also psychotic, so there's that.
You're a fucking retard that's literally too stupid to insult.
I'm gonna hang out with Michael again.
No we aren't getting married he just brings a little fucking sanity to my ridiculous life okay?
Yes, a 28 year old child.

You need to learn how to spell and use proper grammar. You come off as a fucking retard, and that's not even counting what you're actually saying.
>A real man makes money.
guess what, you sad, retarded fucking troll...
>tripfag trolling outside of /b/
Your spelling is absolutely slaying me. Again, you are too stupid to insult. it just goes right over your head. You have lived your entire life with people making fun of you but you're so retarded you have never noticed.
I wish he was trolling. The fact people that dumb exist just brings me down.

There are two really dumb femcels that come here every now and then to shit up the thread too. They just call everyone a rapist and pedophile over and over again.
>I'm defending my sex
also, literally no one asked for your opinion, and no one came here to get advice, so get the fuck you, you sad mentally ill piece of shit
Going to give myself until January 2026 to work on myself and if shit is still fucked up I'm going to off myself then. It's been decided. Sink or swim I'm either better by then or I'm out.
You two 'tards sound like the femcels I was talking about. Now you have trips. You're making women look dumb as fuck.
now hold on a sec... if youre doing a 1 for 1 role reversal and you think thats unfair then what exactly does that say about the way things are now? being a 'homemaker' and 'parent' are some of the hardest jobs on earth chesswick working two jobs is nothing compared to that. you should come home after work and help your husband with the house! men cant be strong independent women like you can!
What the fuck is the point
really if youre always going to insist on devolving conversations to personal attacks then nobody is going to want to play with you.

so you would posit that the responsibility for your situation lies on the backs of the entirety of all men? that seems rather disingenuous. what really got you into this position?
I've come to realize that at this point, even if I did manage to get a gf, I wouldn't be able to keep her. I'd have no idea how to treat her properly, how to keep her engaged or interested, or how to avoid creeping her out and scaring her away.

It's so far beyond over.
Stroke his cock then suck his dick really hard like your greencard depends on it so the threatening letters I kept on receiving stops for good!
women fought to be men and thats what they got. you have nobody to blame but your fellow women for buying into all the propoganda. go scream at every woman who says they dont need no man. go scream at every woman who expects from a man what she could never achieve herself. men want to love women but women dont seem to want to love men they only want to be loved by them and provided for by them while giving near nothing in return not even their loyalty. thats why men are walking away. you think they didnt want women? that men are willing to walk away should tell you enough. theyll die on that hill. either by killing themselves or MGTOW. its not a debate. until the juice is worth the squeeze youre going to keep getting weak men.
Get absolutely FUCKED, I did it.
I said I had a post op shitgina retarded tripfaggot
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>finally had sex yesterday after 30+ years on this planet
>literally just went "wait, that's it?" after it was all over
>felt good, but still have that thought floating around
>haven't had a boner since
How long does this last, lads? I've never had this much post-nut clarity from masturbating ever.
did you use a condom? try without condoms.
then try anal.
men want support intimacy and peace. two people coming together is supposed to make things easier not more difficult. men are fine carrying a burden so long as that burden has purpose. they do it as a hobby. if passing on your genes is really what matters to you the most then go ahead and raise your child alone. personally i cant mourn any child of mine missing out on a generation of entitled women that more than never appreciating him would actively seek to cut him down and undermine him as a human being.thats just how it is. what kind of world do you want for your child?
Good post.
>Adderall is considerably more expensive then opiates. It's a lot more popular with college and rich kids for partying and shit so they can sell it for a small fortune.
This right here is the fucking worst aspect of it all. So many dealers are unbelievably greedy pieces of shit when it comes to amphetamines. I've been bankrupting myself for the last 4 years buying from stingy dealers.

God, I hope I can learn to live my life without them without turning into a chronic drunk. I guess I have to give up my delusions of grandeur.
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I got the last thing for my bondage collection come in. I think its pretty cute. The only thing that I don't have is a leash but someone can get me one. I also drew my kink symbols on my arm first time in several years. I'm ready & really excited.
Him here, please tell me. I promise I'll come along quietly.
I hate trannies so much. I’m not really one to hate people either. I don’t hate any particular races, or women like many do on here. I don’t even hate anyone else from LGBT. But I honestly mean it when I say I viscerally hate trannies. I have never in my life experienced such a universally and incessantly insufferable group of people. And I don’t even care about the man/woman part of it. It’s just how they act! Like these narcissistic cry-bullies who are completely self-obsessed with being trans and never ever shut the fuck up about it. And they are so fucking vile, while claiming this moral superiority complex. Fuck I hate them so much.
I was 32 when I had it for the first time and it actually sucked. Like I’m used to whacking off and her pussy just felt soft it didn’t grip much and it didn’t feel that great. Total letdown.
>that’s cuz you tiny dick kek
6 inches and not thick but not pencil either
Fuck 'em, anon. Just be grateful that you aren't one.
Your larp is wearing thin with posts like this, tripfag.
I couldn't fuck a fat chick in my car because she was too fat and I couldn't stay hard. She had her pussy right up in my face but working my way around her porcine physique made the whole thing awkward and stupid.

Sex ain't worth shit with someone you don't feel lucky to have sex with.
im sorry to hear that. i can imagine why you might be feeling that way right now but ill just say that anybody who steps out on not only their child but the woman bearing it is certainly no man. i dont know my biological father either only the man that raised me. ive seen enough infidelity growing up and the people it's irrepairably damaged... i myself have been affected by it. its sickening that you cant even watch tv or a movie these days without it being romanticized. its hard to feel like youre missing out on anything when thats the definition of 'love' that people seem to have. still there are good people out there however increasingly rare they may seem to be. i hope that in time you will be willing to open your heart to somebody again. to the right person who will enable you to be more that merely the sum of two parts. my mother went through hell but she found hers in the end.
I honestly can't even imagine what it would be like to be in a relationship at this point. Whenever I think about it I just get sad and frustrated. Even when I imagine going on a date I just imagine knowing she's going to break it off and leave me.
I feel ya, but I'm still eager to try anyway. Just getting to know people intimately is worth it IMO. Everyone is a bundle of unique experiences just waiting to be expressed and understood.
I hate being in love. I used to be perfectly happy with just being alone until she came along. Now I'm constantly filled with anxiety thinking about how to not fuck things up with her, while knowing this will never work out, and never being able to stop thinking about her.
Sounds like a self-fulfilling prophecy, desu. When I was in love, I was able to trust her even though I knew I was at high risk of her fucking me over. It was a conundrum, but one that I was comfortable with.

Sounds like you don't really love her and instead want her to submit your will. Being overly possessive will definitely make it harder for you two to trust each other.
I mean that even if I did go on a date I probably wouldn't be able to enjoy it and I feel like I probably would treat her poorly. I wouldn't be a dick or anything, but I just feel like I wouldn't be a very good date because I'd be so down, if that makes sense.
how do i find the courage to be disliked?
Yeah, and you're probably right. When I get a date, I get super fucking excited about it. It's literally the only thing I get excited about anymore besides getting my hands on amphetamines. Dragging yourself to a date you're uninterested in having definitely sounds like it'd be bad for the both of you.
I'm not sure I'm not interested in dating, I just don't think I can compose myself mentally in such a way that it would go well for either of us. Like, I want nothing more than to have a gf and eventually get married, but I've lost hope and given up on the idea.
Idk what to tell you, anon. You're literally saying that you've given up. I'm not sure how you can think such an attitude will translate to a fun date.
I'm well aware, which is why I'm not trying to date. I'm just saying I would like to do so.

I keep wondering if I should go to therapy, but I honestly don't think it would do me any good.
It sounds like you should. Harboring such a negative attitude towards yourself is basically self-sabotage when it comes to dating.
How the fuck do people have erectile dysfunction? I've been on estrogen for almost 2 years with suppressed t-levels and, like yeah I don't get random erections, but it still gets up if I actively want it to. Boggles my mind.
Maybe, but based on what I've seen and heard, therapy basically only helps with irrational fears, and occasionally with chronic depression. I wouldn't consider these feelings chronic at this point, I was still actively dating and hopeful until a few months ago.
What you're describing is literally an irrational fear. It's as irrational as being afraid to leave your house because you may get robbed and murdered.
What may be irrational is being negative and depressed while on a date, but the fear that that will happen if I date is absolutely not irrational, it's likely.
I think there's a lot of different kinds of ED. For me, it was always because of drugs and performance anxiety. I don't imagine many people experience ED when they're masturbating; it's more of an issue during sex.
It's definitely irrational and self-sabotage. The fact that you don't realize this is proof enough that you either need to form a new outlook on your own or seek therapy.
Again, it's not the fear that's irrational, because that behavior is likely. I can feel it, I know how I'd react. I've been on dates somewhat recently. The behavior is irrational, and I am totally aware of that.
Fair enough. All I can say is try to learn to enjoy yourself on dates and remain detached from the outcome. As long as you go have a good time and express yourself freely, the outcome should be of no consequence.

The goal is compatibility, right? If it doesn't work out, then you two are simply incompatible, and that's no big deal. Onto the next one.
Yeah. I did that for years and rarely made it past a first date, and never past a third. Which is probably a big part of why I feel this way.
Damn, that sucks. Maybe you should do therapy just as a way to try to get to the bottom of what keeps going wrong? I've never had this issue before so it's hard for me to relate. When I get dates, I usually manage to knock it out of the park. The hard part for me is actually getting them in the first place.
That's the thing, I don't think any of the dates went particularly poorly. Half the time we actually planned a second date but she cancelled on me later and broke it off. They always tell me they enjoyed the date, had a good time, thought I was a good guy, wished me the best, etc. just said they "weren't feeling it" or something similar.
There could be a million different reasons for that. Are you just boring, anon? You sound kind of boring. Are you unable to engage them in conversation that is exciting and flirtatious? Do you listen to what they say with the intention of getting to know them? Do you ever try to touch them sensually and kiss them?
Sean has received his copy of the Necronomicon.
There are rumors swirling around about Sean's promotion. This decision was not taken lightly.
>Are you just boring, anon?
Maybe. My old boss said I was, but then he's a 45 year old dude who still drives exotic convertibles like he thinks he's an F1 driver, gets cheap flights to resorts so he can hang out and drink for a week and pretend he's rich, committed tax fraud for decades, and is an all around sex pest, so by those standards, sure I'm probably pretty boring.
>Are you unable to engage them in conversation that is exciting and flirtatious?
I do just fine on this front. I play a few instruments, I cook, I read a lot of philosophy and history, etc. I've never had a date where we just sat awkwardly eating and not talking.
>Do you listen to what they say with the intention of getting to know them?
Yes. There was even a situation on a date where we ended up wandering a mall until we ran into a Bath & Body Works, and she was looking for a specific scent of lotion that they didn't have in stock, so on our second date I brought a bottle I had ordered online and gave it to her.
>Do you ever try to touch them sensually and kiss them?
The kind of women I've been dating typically are not into this on the first date, or even the second in most cases.
The people backing Sean have a hyperobject called "the machine". It puts ghosts into people's bodies.
Man, I dunno-- just sounds like bad luck. What happens when you try to make a move on them? I can tolerate maybe 1-2 dates of them not letting me kiss them, but any more than that is someone that's probably far too uptight.

You seem like an intelligent guy, but maybe you're a bit too aloof for your own good? Wandering a mall doesn't sound like something I'd want to do with someone I don't know very well.
The plan wasn't to wander a mall, we just ended up doing that for about 20 minutes while waiting for a table at a restaurant.

I never tried making a move unless going for a hug counts, but pretty much all of the women I went on dates with were the "wait for marriage" type. Which isn't a requirement for me, but I'm definitely not looking for someone who will give it up on the first date, or even the third.

Anyway, I appreciate the input, anon. I'll at least consider therapy, even though I don't think it'll help.
You didn't even try to kiss them? Anon, kissing them doesn't mean you'll automatically end up fucking them. If you don't show some type of physical interest, they'll think you're either not interested or are a pussy.
I'm telling you, trying to kiss most of these women on the first date would have been way too forward for them.
What about the second date? A kiss is fucking harmless, man. First date, ok-- I can concede to that possibly being a bit much. But I think if they agree to a second date, then you've got a window to at least go for it.

If you don't do it by the third, then you've likely lost their interest.
The call is coming from inside the house.
Well, I only made it to a third date with one of them and she told me halfway through the date that she "wasn't feeling it". That was also the one I bought the lotion for. And I only had an actual second date with one other woman.
From now on, try to kiss them at the end of the second date. Or at least try to kiss them on the cheek or something. Show some balls, display some intimacy. You have to be the one to make a move with high quality females. Steady progression of intimacy is the name of the game here.
K. I'll keep that in mind the next time I'm on a second date, which at this rate will probably be 2026 if I'm lucky.
Better late than never. I haven't gotten a date since March 2023 and I'm about to turn 33. But to be fair I am far from a decent catch these days, so I ain't even mad (jk, it sucks).
IIRC my last date was February this year. I just turned 30 this month.
Yeah, I know you do _______. I want you too. But remember, you dropped me so now you'll have to be the one to come back.
You'll be fine, anon. Just loosen up and try to be a bit more honest about your own desire for closeness and intimacy. Only shameless harlots with low self-esteem make the first move at our age, and it doesn't sound like you're dating very many of those.
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i've never been a part of a clique. i'm 30 now and the more i think of it the more it pisses me off. like i'm talking steam out of my ears mad.
so many nights and weekends just spent alone. school friends, family friends, work friends you name it. i don't even text anyone anymore. i wouldn't even know what to say.
I’m ready to give up. I’m tired of trying to please everyone and just getting burned in the end. Can’t be nice to anyone because then my partner would think I was doing something with that person. I’ve been alone before and I was fine. I guess rather than giving up completely, I’ll just give up on others and take care of me. I just wish this world wasn’t so cruel, but that’s just wishful thinking.
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I have such an intense fear of intimacy and vulnerability that I doubt I'll ever be able to form meaningful connections with anyone - the best I can hope to achieve is parasocial and anonymous
I have no friends and I haven't had a girlfriend in a decade
I want to sledge the love of my life again for leaving me but don't because I want her to be happy. She cannot know how I love her and I'm going to kill myself if she doesn't stop ignoring me. I just don't want to be a burden

I am the creator of my own misery.
girls that draw on freckles need to be dragged out behind a shed and shot.
I have back issues at 25 and I’ve wasted countless opportunities, fucken kill me
Why do they do that? Are they trying to be ewhores? Get male attention/validation or do they want it from women?
you have a good opinion, good job
I genuinely feel bad for Ed Kemper, I would be his friend if I could.
A couple friends and I have a Whatsapp group. In theory it's for keeping in touch, but most of the time we just post memes, videos and /pol/ shit. The thing is, my mother died a little over a month ago and I haven't told them yet. I feel like I should, even my family say it wouldn't be a bad idea to do so, but I feel like it would be a bit weird to bring it up on a site like this, especially when it's been a month.
Just know your mother died disappointed she raised a son that posts in /pol/.
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day 5 no contact with BPD ex

It's definitely getting easier and I'm seeing things more clearly for what they were. I couldn't eat for two days or sleep more than four hours, but my appetite is coming back to normal. I hope to get a good nights sleep soon but it's harder.

I would have tolerated anything from her, done anything, endured anything. I told her that. She knew it once. But she started talking with another colleague, a remote colleague at that. After those feelings started developing, it was out the door with me. She told her family and friends every negative thing I ever did or said in frustration and despair. "Someone who loves you doesn't say something like that," her brother told her. Yea, I guess your whole family is more concerned with words than actions.

She told me she had no positive memories of our relationship. She coldly told me I needed the relationship more than she did. Well I hope she gets what she wanted. Some random internet colleague to take MBTI tests with and share music. Fly to florida to have sex once or twice. God knows neither of you will pay for multiple flights. Never mind me who was literally there 24/7 for her over the past 3 years. I wish her the best but I can't be doing this again. I feel like it wasn't even real. I was a fool the whole time. At least the sex was great
Whenever my wife and I house-sit for my father-in-law, I wait for her to fall asleep, find his colorful speedo's and jerk off while wearing them. She would explode if she knew this.
I don't post on /pol/. One of my friends keeps posting /pol/ shit on our group. He's the only one. The funny thing is, he doesn't even lurk 4chan. He takes all those videos and images from groups on Telegram.
>thread is called "Get It Off Your Chest"
>some retarded, illiterate tripfaggot comes and berates you for expressing your thoughts
good thing the fatty was banned but jfc it got me mad
I look at my reflection, and I look the same as ever. Behind my eyes though I feel the weight. I barely recognize the person I've turned into.

Maybe this is who I always was. I guess I just didn't know myself like I do now. It's the kind of tired that sleep won't fix.

Do you think you'd benefit from it?
God, my social skills have always been atrocious but shit got worse since I've been isolating myself for 4 years. It's so bad that I'm getting panic attacks even when I have to talk with guys on dating apps so I end up ghosting them all. If I'm still in this pitiful state next year, when I'll be 30, then I'll just kms.
Honestly? I don't think so. I'm grieving in my own way, and the truth is, that group makes me feel more distant from them than close. On the other hand, I feel it would be a bit awkward if someone brought up the subject and I just said, "Oh, right.. She died a long time ago. She died a long time ago." I know that the guy who posts /pol/ stuff had his father sick for quite some time and never said anything (he is much better now). Also, when my mother was diagnosed as a kidney patient, I never said anything either.
Oh dude you're still young. But you gotta get out of your shell now and not wait anymore.
>I feel it would be a bit awkward if someone brought up the subject and I just said, "Oh, right.. She died a long time ago. She died a long time ago."
I actually think that'd be really funny.
But I can't, that's the issue here. I'm unironically stupid, weak and years behind my peers when it comes to life experience, most people are going to abuse or/and use me, potential boyfriends included.
What do you want to do that you can't?
alright time to stop hoping and praying and wishing
Customer service is hell, and also you're the lying c word.
Talking with people of my age and younger without fear or feeling like I'm vastly inferior to them. To stop seething inside whenever I see prettier women (which it happens like all the time). To stop feeling tired and physically weak every day. To stop being such a huge brainlet.

The little fuckers

Doing their thing

The little fuckering

The cocksuckering

The fagginess
You. Yes you! The one with the hair! Yes that’s the one.

Quit posting. Go back to Uzbekistan.
What do people actually talk about when they jerk off together on Discord or Skype or whatever they use at the moment? Does it actually improve the experience at all or does it just feel awkward?
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Its so awkward being the only dude in your friend group with a wife, or even gf
Wasn’t her husband supposed to have brain cancer or some shit?
i don't wanna drink
i don't wanna drink
i don't wanna drink
i don't wanna drink
i don't wanna drink
Just don't get a wife or gf then.
Are you stupid?
Black girls are kinda hot ngl.
i was having a great conversation with this guy and then i look away from the screen for 1 second and he blocked me. i'm really confused. did i accidentally send something? i didn't say anything bad? i'm so so confused. i stayed up all night and wasted my whole weekend talking to him.
Nah I just wish theyd stop being losers and find someone that makes them happy too
anon, I went through this. you HAVE to keep talking to (normal) people, and I don't mean in places like tthis website, I mean either IRL or at least in chat apps.
here's a shitty recipe from me: do small things that will force you to have to talk to other people more than just a few words.
e.g., if you need or want more money, sell stuff to random people through the internet (facebook or whatever) and deliver physically. or offer courses, training or whatever. this is just an example. adapt it for your context/convenience.
start small and plan accordinly.
Then improve yourself before you use dating apps of all things? Use your brain
I'm making a good effort
But there's a lot about myself that needs improvement and I'm tired of being alone and probably the only 29 y/o virgin woman who's not from some uber-religious family.
You will never find a good relationship if you can't take care of and respect yourself first.
As a fellow woman seriously do not use dating apps, there are zero upsides to hookups for women. You will just be cheapening yourself by fucking fuckbois and opening yourself up to abusive relationships and STDS. You still have a chance to get a high value man if you can improve yourself.
You're making a good effort
I’m going balls deep

Both ends

Upsies and downsies
im so HUNGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
your efforts aren't in vain
idk whether to write up a summary of how dismal my (non-)existence really is, it seems like there's gajillion of posts in that vein here, and they hardly warrant any interest (rightly so).
I can't escape from a fact that my parents are retarded enough to willingly paid so much money to go on the Hajj while they don't care about the basic needs they have to fulfill such as clean water.
you are both ingenious and methodical
i need sex so bad but i am very shy
Beep boop does not compute



At least 92 years

Reticulating spines…

that's not how anything works LOL
stay sad and alone bc you can't properly communicate + when you do it's all lies so you can stay comfortable. bye bye
You’re the only one who does that.
Or you could just get vaccinated.
i don't really want you anymore anyways - it's just the thought that lingers on what could've been

i probably would've hated being with you /:
I missed my college registration from two weeks ago and just realized it. Haven't told my parents yet. Considering kms
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Now is the time to show how cool you are.
Everyone’s back is supposed to hurt.
If that's how you see it than you're no friend of theirs. Stay in with the wife from now on. You don't deserve them.


>can't stop replaying painfully embarrassing memories in my head
>feel ashamed of things that no one cares about
I hate this feeling, Jesus Christ. I need to find a way to change my outlook on these stupid flashbacks.
Women say the nastiest shit when they get angry and will they will never accept responsibility for anything they've done. That's why every breakup ends the same way. They get their shoulder to cry on, trauma dump every little thing that bothered them and tell it in the most self flattering way possible. Than they find a new guy and maybe mention you all of 3 times.
Meanwhile guys who lose a long term relationship are completely fucking devastated. I mean look at you, you still 'wish the best' and all that other shit. You're too fucking good for her. She probably spits venom when ever she talks about you man, and she'll be with some new random and she'll bring all the same problems.
I'm here to tell you to man up and get over that shit, I'd even slap you across the face if you tried to rebut it. Stop it with the 'I wish her the best' shit, and that's not saying you should hate her, you shouldn't feel anything about her. Because that's how she feels about you.
So toughen up and start wishing the best for yourself instead of this nobody who probably doesn't even think about you anymore.
typical leftist narcissism
>he probably has an opinion i don't like so let's make fun of his dead mom
I hope you never know how other people see you
Average /pol/ poster has 0/10 opinions that deserve the rope as much as the average Discord tranny.
Turn it into a win.
keep ghosting everyone they think you're annoying anyways
I was like this then I politely asked god for friends now I have some and they're cool
The universe has decided you should go straight into work. I know entrepreneur friends who never went to college. They make bank and are happy.

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