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Poor baby edition

Would you rather date a fat and balding guy or die alone?
Women who say nice things about men need to be tortured
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I've got to stop reading these garbage feminist anger baiting articles
It's raising my misogyny levels to dangerously high levels
Damn you sound like a little bitch. How does the most obvious rage bait of all time make you more misogynistic?
His little tie is so cute. Poor baby
Ah, good. The anger stage of grief. I see my ex reactivates her snapchat, I see some fucking 4x4 of 4chan girls and one of them might actually be her, which means she lied to me for years, and now I am very mad!
Women, why do you lie?
He's the boss baby
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Because it's always men bad and as a man I take offense to it
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>tfw I'm too shy to do anything on tightly-packed flights especially if a cute girl is sitting next to me so I just pretend to sleep until it's over
Lonely women are worse than lonely men because they actually go outside and ruin everyone elses life
Bitches be shopping
Dogs be barking
Blondes be hot
Babies be cute
Life is good
>tfw I just sleep through flights because I'm tired.
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I love spending money on women.
>simp, haha!
Poor, haha!
I have a friend where every time he comes back from traveling he's like "I JUST HAD THE CRAZIEST CONVERSATION WITH THE GUY NEXT TO ME ON THE PLANE" literally every time it's something interesting. One time it was even "I almost got converted by a Jehovah's Witness on my flight back home" I dunno if it's just how he sells and presents the conversations to make them more interesting than they actually are but it's kinda cool and inspiring
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>"Women could never love a Nietzschean Taoist fascist pagan Dionysian male feminist racialist Pan-Europeanist imperialist men's rights activist Neoplatonist artist like me..."
Fucking idiot ruining my high IQ post by posting a dumbfuck anime pic rel above thus drawing attention away from my classic posting style loser
literally me except replace fascist with "neofeudalist," Taoist pagan with "Christian," and Pan-European with "Civic nationalist" (I'm mixed race)
>Babies be cute
Nope. Other people's babies look ugly.
Hedonistmaxxing yourself into a late retirement
OP pic is the kind of fat and balding man I want in my life
I didn’t ask you
My gfs friend has the cutest mix baby she’s brown with blue eyes and dirty blonde hair literally an anime character she will such a Stacy mean girl when she grows up
>they just don't want sex with the real women who are offering it to them
No woman has ever offered to have sex with me. Do better, women!
Meant for >>31505658.
Men what would you do if you were having sex with a girl and she came so hard she started shedding tears and saying "thank you" repeatedly?
You can't substract anything from my post without destroying it.
state gender
Why do people have unreasonably high standards today?
one time i was at the airport to meet up with my long distance bf but I met this Brazilian photographer possibly bisexually rizz'd woman and she swept me away with her eccentric charm and style/story and I was so animated talking to her I almost didn't notice my bf galloping to me to pick me up and hug me and I wasn't as excited to see him
but probably hug her, seems like a vulnerable moment.
This happened when I was 19 now it’s been the standard expectation since I met my gf, but she’s extremely sensitive and her legs start shaking in no time
You will never retire if you can’t afford a ~$200 meal once a week.
Do they? I think men are more desperate than ever.
Because you’re all fucking boring
I'm irritated at him but still want to masturbate to him.

What a mess.
Literally me except replace “Women” with gay men from San Francisco, Nietzschean with Hegelian, Taoist with atheist, fascist with Maoist, Dionysian with Marxist, male feminist with non binary, racialist with non racialist, pan European with anti white, imperialist with anti racist, men’s rights activist with queer rights activist and Neoplatonist with gay.
Me! Literally
hug her tightly before sending her into the next dimension with another orgasm
That's happened a many times, I just keep going till I empty my balls in her of course.
They usually continue orgasming.
Leave him alone
feel like my cock is massive holy shit
Grow your own food poor fag you are literally the people we talk about when the media says great replacement
Media images and advertizing trick our lizard brains into believing there is a limitless supply of perfect mates out there, plus contemporary social inertia, plus cultural messaging about never "setting", "perfect soul mates", etc
ASMR be crazy lol
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Well after having a mania spree for no reason and crawling through archives, I don't hate women anymore. But why did she reactivate her snapchat? Why do I care?
I wish a woman felt this way about me.
That’s an excellent question
It sucks. She cut me off yesterday and had spent the last 7 weeks talking about how she was social media free. Just feels like I got lied to. I get that its okay to feel hurt, but damn. The lack of answers is the worst part.
True story: I got a very brown filipina chick's phone number at pickup volleyball at the university gym. We vibed well and so I asked her for her number and she gave it to me. The next time I saw her I looked at her and started thinking to myself whether or not I wanted to be seen in public with her or show a girl that looked like her to my parents and immediately lost interest in her.

Was it autism?
Grab a latina they have no free will and and think with their vagina
>tfw no bf to send me into the next dimension with his dick
If she’s hot and trad then yeah you fucked up
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more like racism
I want a gf with a big butt to worship.
I would think "I hope this isn't a one off and I wonder if she wants marriage"
damn you fumbled
yeah a bit fucked
SEAsisters i see u
White women are the reason men like me prefer dating brown women
Every Tuesday all the foremen and project managers for my company have to get on a video chat with the owners and talk about scheduling and efficiencies and so forth
One of my co workers was being funny when I hopped on call and I was laughing pretty hard granted my microphone was muted
My gf is also a part of these calls and I noticed her smiling really big at the camera

You think she was looking and smiling @ me?
I ultimately didn't think she was that attractive. There was another filipina chick that I definitely would've dated but she was hung up on another guy that didn't like her (and actually ended up dating the girl I rejected).

ngl if she looked like that I wouldn't have blinked at the finish line.

I texted her a little bit and after I hadn't asked her out after 2 weeks she'd come up to talk to me with other girls hanging around her arms to entice me or something as if she were promising threesomes or someshit.
So you ended up dating, huh?
I come back to the thread and everyone's roasting me wtf
Ha bad luck has befallen you
See I try but I struggle in those chairs
I would ask her if she was ok
Unironically the media
>and I wasn't as excited to see him
Cucked by the lesbo photographer
>I'll take your brain to another dimension... pay close attention
Yeaaaah I like her a lot
She’s not gonna be with the company much longer but I am happy and she seems to be as well
Sunday night she told me she doesn’t want to hide it anymore.. lol
Awww cute
How long have you been dating now? Two weeks?
How do I find a woman who gives good head?
I rawdog public transport too
Is it worth it to go to the doctor because of semi-regular nausea the past couple of weeks? Could this be a vitamin thing, either too much or too little? Every 2-3 days I get a bout of nausea bad enough that I have to lie down for like 3 hours. I just got back from working out, I was feeling fine, and now I'm in bed wanting to cry I feel so sick. No actual vomiting, just horrible nauseous feeling. No changes to my diet or vitamin regime. I don't know if a doctor will even do anything since I'm not throwing up
The whole volleyball group imploded because I didn't date her and she ended up dating the other guy, resulting in some inane boy drama with all of the girls taking different sides.

I completely by accident blew up the Filipino Student Org at my uni
About a month
Im like horribly afraid of getting hurt as my last relationship sucked and im still carrying some of that
But shes really cool. Well go out sometimes, sometimes she’ll just come over and spend the night. It’s fun
Yes yes you were chad for a day no onto more important matter
Thoughts on tranny chasers?
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Would you break up with your boyfriend if you learned he fantasized about fucking the 4 foot 8 pan-faced Vietnamese women at his job and using them like disposable fleshlights, just slamfucking their soft yellow flesh? He doesn't want to date or marry them, he just sees them as an inferior race and hates them and it makes him want to fuck them and listen to their little yapping squeals. Not even kissing them, just impersonal raw animalistic doggy style sex. Not wanting their weird smelling breath in his face, just wanting to conquer them. I can't figure out how I'd feel because it's different the other way around.
What's the best way to insult a man?
What's the best way to insult a woman?
Women, have you ever had a moment where the feminism left your body?
Does said hypothetical boyfriend have family members that died in Vietnam?
Asian women are like the biggest turn off man no
Are you pregnant?
Could be anxiety, migraines, hypoglycemia, inner ear issues, thyroid issues or the usual gastrointestinal issues like IBS, GERD and so on. Or you have a viral infection.
>In contrast, the straight women I know are hungry for sex, confused and frustrated at partners with libidos that don’t match theirs. It’s not that straight men are not horny at all, as evidenced by the soaring popularity of porn and their continued love of sending women on the internet weird, unsolicited messages. But their horniness is ambient, muted, online, and they often seem more interested in other things: video games; reading; partying; sports; incessantly sending women fire emoji reactions on Instagram, but baulking at the prospect of actual skin-to-skin contact with them.
Femanons, is this true?
Yeah, not interested in dating a future mass shooter thanks
Degenerate coomers will be degenerate coomers.
>Faced with the prospect of being required to bring something to the table rather than having everything handed to them because women were de facto (if not de jure) second-class citizens, more and more modern men are choosing to simply cower in their bedrooms
So did women just forget that they've had the ability to work outside the home and vote for more than a generation?
Why would you want to? Too much of that in the world already

Yes, it happened back when I was a teenager and it never returned
Call him weak.
Call her whorish.
No but part of the Asian hate is because of that. The rest is their abrasive personal traits.

For a girl to have her boyfriend fantasize about? I'm just curious how angry a woman would get at her bf wanting to fuck over women, not out of finding them more attractive but out of racial hatred.
I bought my gf NAC and high potency vitamin D she’s so happy lol
>Yes, it happened back when I was a teenager and it never returned
What was it?
NAG but yeah, kinda. There's a fundamental break between the genders that is widening that I've noticed. Men are becoming more soft, wanting to be chased, whereas women are becoming more desperate. Its a weird as fuck role reversal to watch.
You insult:
a man's competence.
a woman's body.
No, the guys i have dates always wanted sex 24/7 if i let them.
Dating someone comes with consequences apparently
Will I ever find a woman that truly stands aside from the mass? I tire of normie gender wars and politics.
In my last relationship I was definitely hornier than him and it made me feel undesired
Yes, but in a bad way.
Normie women are the best they’re easy to control, marriage is already a struggle today why on earth would you want to make it harder
I take the pill religiously so I can't be pregnant. I do have anxiety, but never had this as a symptom before. I keep thinking maybe I need to adjust my vitamins, idk. I sure hope it's not some weird viral infection, but I guess there's not much to be done about it if it is
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Women, have you already been beaten during this euro?
Well the pill is not 100% safe. Better take a pregnancy test.
I've had this, feels kinda weird having a gf cry when your dick is in her, not a fan ngl
>wanting to be chased
No, relationships are just not worth all the heavy lifting.
I never get attention from women and at this point I wouldn't know what to do if I got it.
You would not feel that way if a 6-7/10 girl constantly showered you in affection, I guarantee it.
I am. Actually told him to take a break from replying to me since he's at a loss fr words on his mental health but then he came back later to tell me more things.

Saying he was okay to talk now etc but I haven't responded. Now he is all in my notifications.
it actually do be like that
my brain is tired
Soccer is a cancer. Ban it!
Yes they are
Kiss her so that she cant say anything else
It's football actually
Not in my experience, but matching libido is something I actively look for when dating

N-acetyl cysteine? I'll have to look into it, thanks. I already take 4000 iu Vit D

If you were a smoker/drinker would it bother you to date someone who doesn't do either? I work every day with my brother who smokes, and my parents have been smokers and drinkers for a while. I wouldn't date an annoying alcoholic, but in general smoking and drinking doesn't bother me at all and I wouldn't have any problem having that be in my life.
I wish women were equal in strength to men
it's not fair
NAC only works if you drink and smoke and eat lots of junk food she only wanted it because I take it because I’m a guy and she wants to be like daddy
Stop simping for the sexy asmr man. It’s not healthy
Nah. The down sides easily outweigh the upsides.
Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't mind casual sex, but I don't have any interest in all the rest of it.
Fuck off britfag. Nobody cares about your dying shithole country. When your an empire again maybe then you can lecture us on the meaning of words.
That must be the great personality which is prerequisite to finding a girlfriend that normies are always talking about.
Wash your ass nigga
>Yes they are
You sound like a lonely virgin.
It's still football retard
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idk after 10 years of chasing women and getting rejected or realizing they aren't as cracked up as I thought they were, I feel like I'm better off getting fit so girls will chase me instead
Don’t care still in a healthier relationship than anyone on this board
There wasn't one specific moment, I just slowly came to realize that I felt completely out of step with all the messaging about how women are expected to behave and what we're expected to value. Also learning how much the media manipulates things, and how so much of what we think we know about things is inaccurate. I guess that's not about feminism only but it's part of it
I don't want to chain myself to a dynamic where everything is my fault and I'm always the bad guy
I’ve spent the last 1.5 years chasing women and getting rejected and I’m already tired of it. Are you telling me that this drudgery can go on for another 9 years? Are you kidding me?
And women ITT will say that the reason some guys don’t find gfs is because they don’t talk to women…
Good god
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lol. sure you are bud.
>getting girls to chase me instead
How did you achieve this?
Epic fucking FAIL
/k/ommandos, what is a good realistic first assault rifle?
NTA but that wouldn't happen to me irl
Basically, you mentally glowed up. Nice.
it's probably a bit of a skill issue for me, but I'm also this anon >>31505807
I love those videos where low IQ Somalis and other non Japanese people go to Japan and cause chaos. The Japanese are such tremendous pussies I get a kick out of seeing them be terrorised and doing absolutely nothing about it
AK104 with full zenitco upgrade kit
Classic entj
Weird impersonation post but I’ll allow it
Oooooh Johnny Somali my duuuuuudeeeeee
It never even crossed my mind, since it's not like morning sickness. It happens any time of day or night. But maybe I should get a test just in case. Terrifying honestly

So it wasn't a serious recommendation? I have no idea what it's actually for, just googled it but didn't read anything about it
When the fuck has anyone actually taken my advice for anything do you have any idea who I am lol
This has gone too far
How can I meet a woman if I'm hilariously easy to discourage from pursuing them and completely lacking in experience?
>lady at the soup place knows my name
Why do I hate being remembered
Why are these my only options?
I guess so, yes. Unfortunately I have to pretty much keep my mouth shut irl when it comes to feminist stuff but it's a relief to no longer feel like I have to keep trying to conform to it, at least
You two should kiss or something idk
I’m not that guy, I’m not inexperienced with women.
You could always date an abusive dark triad sigma chad like myself
Fat bald guy is a shooter. It's the only way he has any chance of getting laid.
They're not, it's just a scale question
Like between these two which would you prefer, because I know you'd prefer neither if you could.
idk, I'm laying here trying my best to distract myself from barfing. Cut me some slack, okay?
Psychopathic disorder where you feel your identity if compromised geez Anton Chighur goofy ahh type nigga
Why are all girls lesbian/bisexual now? Every time I see a cute girl it turns out shes a lesbian and wants nothing to do with me.
>Unfortunately I have to pretty much keep my mouth shut irl when it comes to feminist stuff
Well, I certainly know how that feels, in regards to a lot of things. I often just have to retreat from people in general because it gets tiring to have to pretend like you don't totally disagree with their worldview.
You aren't doing ozempic are you?
Barf it’s obvious that something doesn’t want to be in your system stop abusing your body like this
Your face turns them lesbian anon.
To lose

I'm telling you. The obesifying of the population is causing so many issues that we could resolve indirectly by tackling obesity. As with everything the window has expanded. In the past the range of attractiveness was only so wide. Now it's so far beyond that, there are women who work at starbucks who are more beautiful than Helen of troy, and people FAAAR uglier than ever in the past and at far more common rates.
People will jump to point out that the issue is that all men want that helen of troy woman now which is unrealistic. The reality is that it's MUCH more common for people to simply NOT want the crushingly ugly people who are way more common and increasingly so, but you aren't allowed to point that out because it's rude.
This was greatly mitigated in the past by people generally not being fat, it is SO much worse now and on a massive scale.
I want a bi gf who loves me
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I sometimes randomly think about her. She seemed really cool and active in her community.
My gf had a girl die in emergency care from an ozempic OD because she wasn’t eating anything and her vitals flatlined weird thing was this girl was fat as fuck and shouldn’t have died due to lack of nutrients
She'll never really love you. Bis are always looking at someone else. They can't be faithful.
There aren't really consequences to not finding a partner. Sure you're a little lonely and don't procreate but it's whatever because we have all this other shit to entertain us.
Were you groomed?
Based FARC rebels hiding out in the Amazon
do you mean the actual asmr voice actors or the guy i'm riffing my guitar pic to?

I'm actually new to asmr it's been great
>There aren't really consequences to not finding a partner.
There are if you're a male man. At best, if you're charismatic and people like you, they will think you are a "Confirmed Bachelor", a deeply repressed homosexualist in denial. If they don't like you, your lack of finding a partner puts you under suspicion of being a violent, unstable incel.

You can't win.
Emasculate him
Tell her the truth
It would only bother me in the sense that I would constantly be self conscious about how my breath, clothes, and hands smell.
I just avoid talking about anything serious for the most part, and have learned to more or less not let the more trivial stuff bother me. We're all just muddling through this life as best we can, human connection is still possible and enjoyable even if we don't always see eye to eye on everything

Oh gosh no, nothing like that

I don't think there is though, that's the problem. Whining about it seems to help a little at least
I’m the Anunnaki’s favorite fuckboy. I do wonder sometimes what my purpose is, why they chose me.
We walk and talk in time
I walk and talk in two
When does the end of me
Become the start of you?
Poor thing have cookie
I am going to drink your urine right out of your genitalia, you fuck.
No it doesn't. Simply being single doesn't do those things your weird personality does that.
NTA but a lot of overweight people are malnourished, it's not like they got overweight by eating real food with proper nutrients
That's true. I've learnt how to mirror and deal with normies and just have fun with them.
When they start getting passive aggressive and behave like petty totalitarians that's when I know to avoid them though.
most obesity is caused by damaged metabolism and not "overeating" but people don't want to hear this
You need to understand that chronic singlehood is part of the equation. But it's part of the sum or the difference, not the result.
Vape addict
Kek this makes so much sense all that stored fat is never going to be used in a survival situation anyway
the illusion of unlimited choice
Why is it women find it easier to be what we want them to be than we find it easy to be what they want us to be?
How 2 fix metabolism?
Are women afraid of my big Jewish nose? Do they think I am going to rape their vaginas with my Semitic nose or something?
They're single for the same reason people think they look like a school shooter though. When you go out into the world no one knows whether you have a girlfriend or not just by looking at you. But if your "vibes" are bad they'll pick up on that. This is dumb. Being a social pariah is not a result of being single being single is a result of being a social pariah.
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Women, is this true?
No. Someone on here insisted I was groomed once, but I don't know if they were serious or just trolling. It's a bad thing when words like grooming get de-fanged, it means something specific and abhorrent and shouldn't be used lightly imo

Thank you but the thought of eating a cookie makes me seriously want to vomit right now. You have it and I'll just stick to water
I second this question as a guy
Intermittent fasting
I was schlicking to my reflection a decade ago. These fucking phonies jumping into it to be popular are fucking stupid.
i wish i didn't find the idea of a woman doing this a turn on
Sometimes I genuinely do believe that you would’ve made a decent gf
Doesn't do anything for me
>When you go out into the world no one knows whether you have a girlfriend or not just by looking at you.
They can always tell. Always. NTA but I've had to disguise this by giving off signals in how I dress and even in my body language and speech that I might be gay. People see me as less of a potential sex pest or an incel when they read me as maybe possibly ambiguously homo.

I'm not the only one who does this either. These are the kind of lengths single straight men have to go through these days.
Ola, JHinha.
You give off bad vibes by being racist. Fuck you and fuck off.
>taking advice from a fat jewish goblina
Dios mio
Alpha female mindset
You're paranoid and an idiot I see why you don't have a girlfriend. You give way too much of a shit what strangers at the grocery store think of you and that makes you even weirder to these people. Your overcompensation just makes it worse. This isn't even the point of the original conversation you're just so desperate to have a pity party. Gross.
I would like to masturbate you in front of your mirror.
Bite me.
It's not a power thing, I just like seeing it from that angle and experiencing how my body reacts from an outside perspective.
Oh man I dated a girl like this they’re will literally drop everything even if they’re out with their boyfriend just to fuck you lol
Oh for sure there are always going to be those people who it's just better to have as little contact with as possible for our own sanity

Junk food for sure messes with our metabolisms, and they actually engineer additives to light up our brains and make us want to eat more of that junk food. It's pretty crazy actually
>shitting on lonely men who never hurt anyone
I'm not shitting on lonely men who never hurt anyone can you read? I'm shitting on that guy for being a fucking weirdo. If you are semi normal nobody cares that you don't have a girlfriend, nobody even asks. He's doing Too Much™
Fucking in front of it is more fun.
You still think you're hot though, right?
Would you fuck your own clone?
This is just about sex, not killing anyone.
>like insert celebrity here
I don't care about this singer.
I do this all the time of my own accord.
I get annoyed seeing her I don't listen to her music. So fucking annoying
Being able to flirt with strangers feels weird. Should I ask for the grocery store girl’s number or is it way too early?
"Your" women love white cock.
Breeding them like animals is hot.
The idea of getting an Asian woman to cheat in her Asian husband with you is hot.
Cucking SEAmonkeys is hot.
Legendary captcha, checked.
Btw this is the kind of stuff that's recommended in the No More Mister Nice Guy Book. If you're an incel, you should be masturbating in front of the mirror apparently.
you can recognize an attractive person and be faithful.
After thinking for a long time I was bi I've come to a realization. I'm not gay. I just can't get any attention from women so that's led me down a path of engaging in sodomistic behaviors with other men. But I don't really enjoy it emotionally. Sure, there's physical stimulation from jacking a guy off or getting your pecker sucked by him, but it's not the same as intimately knowing a woman's love.

The world of gaiety is wrong for me. I'm straight. How do I escape from this homosexual world and successfully embrace my true nature as a heterosexual? I really think I've only done homosex stuff because I failed too bad socially at heterosexual social skills.
JH are you more depressed over Brazil not scoring against fucking Costa Rica or the Panthers winning the Stan Lee Cup?
Sexual frustration is a big motivating factor for male spree killers.
Not for me, I'd rather cut off my right arm. But if some girls like it, then more power to them

Sorry I'm not sure if you think I'm someone specific but I don't think we've interacted much on here

That's what they all say, isn't it?
social media exacerbates narcissism
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Once again, I got nothing to post.
Women think I'm a bit mental
i like talking to JH on /atoga/
Men, is a girl with really big boobs a dealbreaker? No, really. Would you get really jealous when other guys check her out and controlling of what she wore and stuff like that?
It's okay anon, we call all sit here in silence together like in group therapy
She’s just given me assurance that she likes me, so now I’m free to give her a warmer hug and kisses. Overall, I get to express more loving affection without her being weirded out or fearing that I “like her” in “that way”. Would be down to try and make her cum again just to see how far I can go
pretty weirded out and would want her to leave
No, my ex had E cups and I never cared. I'd literally stare down the dudes who would check her out and then we'd laugh about it later because they'd always look away.
We can turn it into a circlejerk and all start masturbating each other.
No, I'm not worried that other people can see her.
I don't mind if she wants to show skin either.
Should I believe a tarot reading about how my gf feels about me or is it bs
I would unironically wonder what damaged her so much.
It's bullshit. Tarot, astrology, etc only work if you believe them. It's just hypnosis.
this is based, I would do this.
NAG but you're asking if a highly desirable physical trait that men love is a dealbreaker? Why in the world?

I might sit that part out but knock yourself out, anon
It's bs. But use what was said as a jumping off point to think about how you truly feel, and what you want to be true and how to achieve that.
I'm not even an intimidating guy, I'm skinny and 6'0. They'd just always, every time, catch my death glare and then look away. Too funny. Bit of a confidence booster for myself too.
It'd only be a dealbreaker if she doesn't let me use them as pillows.
How big are you boobs? Probably not... if it's at the point that they stand out no matter what you wear, I'm not going to make you wear a burka or anything.
YES. I literally HATE women with big tits, God, having a big titted gf would be fucking AWFUL. I sure hope that never happens to me.
Oh shut up idiot
>"The young Moon Lord who burned a city for a girl of the pearl shore. Romulus the Bold. Dido of Numidae. What a pair they were. What an end they had."
>"No," he whispers. "This is not the end. I loved you before I ever met you. I will love you until the sun dies. And when it does, I will love you in the darkness. Goodbye, wife."

How do I live knowing I'll never have live like this? :(
The only reason I'd care about another man looking at my woman is if I genuinely fucking hate the guy.
I get that, but isn't it usually only up to a certain point? Like, can a girl's boobs be too big for a guy?
This literally sounds like the same type of letters I wrote to my ex. Down to the Moon Lord thing.
Definitely more controlling
are your nipples sensitive?
you're still gay dude
Yes. And probs not. If I had someone on my life who loved sex and all my kinks as much as I do, I'd never leave my room. Also I'd prefer a gf with big tits.
Not really. :(
I respect this opinion. I have a look but don't touch policy for the general public but people I hate don't deserve the privilege of perceiving me, or any of the fruits of my labor.
JH, you didn't get raped by your uncle. You're not a rape victim because you willingly spread your little legs for him several times. You don't hate cum because of him, you hate it because you wish your dead uncle could cum inside you one more time. You lost your virginity to him and have a bond with him forever. That's why you don't allow any other man to cum on you or in you. You dream about your uncle every night, you wish he came to your bed the way he did the very first time he slept with you.
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are you asking if magic is real?
> strangers
>too early?
Yes. Wait until you are on first name terms.
--> talk several times.
nta but I'm the fruits of your labor now? :)
> Also I'd prefer a gf with big tits.
fuck, same.
I meant too early, as in, I literally got blocked by my ex yesterday. After 6 years. But for context, we have talked a few times.
Tarot is just another conduit we can use to needlessly obsess over things and self sabotage

Not nice. Don't be mean to me I'm sick
do they feel like anything when they are played with?
Whites are obsessed with tits because their women are all featureless shapeless masculine bodies it all makes sense now
You'd probably still be pretty noticeable with a burka.
I'm slowly starting to resent my exgf, but she really did spoil me with how amazing her body was and how great she was in bed. I guess what they say about having a very high casual body count is true.
NTA, kinda kek though. You're a funny guy ENTJ, idk why you post your gf though. Does she know about that?
Not really. I'd only feel jealous if she did stuff like flirt with other people and shit.
Okay here have pancake :)
A little bit. I mostly just like that I'm making the guy so happy.
It's weird that things we literally all had to do until not even recently in history is now being written about in articles about as amazing feats of stoicism and manliness.
I have as an adult been on a plane where they put on a shitty movie on a single screen for a 6 hour flight and the rest you slept or talked awkwardly about the clouds with your seat neighbour.
And it was just life because we weren't phone addicted yet.
Lil tip for you bro: the bigger the titty, the less likely they have sensation in em
No she doesn’t speak english
Chat, is this real?
Only if she intentionally tried to dress provocatively.
yeah i've heard that before
surely nipple sensitivity can be trained in a woman?
Just let him learn, anon. :)
Cute coworker who I have been kinda flirting with (and she with me I guess), keeps like ‘hugging’ my arm. This is obviously her showing interest, right? I know women like to flirt for attention (especially at work) but you wouldn’t be hugging someone (without any reason to do so) you aren’t interested in?
Kek you dirty dog. Well far be it from me to tell you how to live your life.
Not really? From what I've seen. But then again my ex's tits were both massive and sensitive.
I wish I could have an FFM relationship
Technically speaking a boyfriend would be. I got him fair and square and he's mine. People I have beef with don't deserve to perceive things I worked for that bring me joy. "Don't look at my boyfriend and don't even THINK about eating any of the cupcakes I made." Y'know what I mean?
What do Italians and Germans think of each other?
The only way I can think of desu is nipple piercing.
I don't have experience in such matters being fairly flat myself, but I would imagine it would have to be a genuinely super extreme outlier breast size in order for it to be anything close to a dealbreaker for like 99.9% of guy. Men love breasts
Men are checking other women regardless, big breasts or not, doesn't really matter.
Women, thoughts on being a trophy wife?
I'm neither but I'm pretty sure Germans love Italians. Lots of Italian cities have German exonyms and they adopt Italian words and stuff.
What’s wrong with passport bros?
Not if they have a weird fetish. But that's another set of problems.
I don't have the tits for it. Or the nose. In theory that could be fixed if I was a trophy wife but what's the incentive to make me the trophy wife in the first place?
Thankfully I find those a turnon but I wonder if they interfere with nipple sucking?
I will nibble the raspberries, thank you
Swiss Italian and I hate Swiss Germans
Nah not that part, its the "sharing her blowing you" and her tits lmao. Non-consensual voyeurism? Nope. But also, idc.
They are the best thing to happen since WW2
swissoids don't count
>having huge tits would make me more attractive, make my huge areolas more proportionate, AND fix my oversensitivity issue
It's not fair.
I thought swiss had distinct ethnic identity
> is a girl with really big boobs a dealbreaker?
I prefer mid sized, but it's just not something which factors into my decision.
>French swiss guy who hates germans
>italian swiss poster who hates swiss germans
what is WRONG with switzerland?
I’m just trying to make incels jealous what a strange way to take basic shitposting but oh well each to their own I suppose
I want true love.
Just because you had bad experiences with men overall (probably also because you invested a lot less time and effort in the vetting process than you would for a woman you're dating?), doesn't mean you were never attracted to men at all.

Believe me, there are tons of women who have a lot of casual sex with men and end up feeling empty, used and unfulfilled. But that doesn't make them not straight (in itself).

I think you would benefit from a firmer distinction between your feelings and your actions. If you had unpleasant experiences with men and don't feel like having them anymore (for now), don't. But I don't see why even if you never have sex with men again, it would be necessary to suppress any positive or sexual feelings you do might have about men or your own past experiences with them.

Besides, sexual and romantic attraction can also naturally lie apart. The "I like both sexually, but am straight/gay romantically" is also quite common, where you just do not fall in love with one sex despite being able to enjoy sexual experiences (if they're the right ones).

The label is not the issue and I wouldn't know how you can "embrace" straightness other than by being in a happy relationship with a woman you are a good match in, that you invest a lot in.
Question for you and the other men

What would you consider to be mid sized boobs?
Guys don't like huge areolas though, they want big boobs with tiny boob areolas. :/
The juicer question is what do Northern Italians and Southern Italians think of each other

I''m not trophy wife material, so no thoughts
>told my femcel coworker she looked nice this morning (she was wearing nice shoes, slacks, and hoop earrings instead of tights and a simple T-shirt like usual)
>she actually seemed appreciative instead of giving me the "please don't talk to me" stare
Om nom nom
nta M C-D. DD+ is entering large territory.
>my oversensitivity issue
Oh my hnng, can I knead you?
I generally agree here.
People are far too unhealthy. I notice women more than men, but I know my male peers are fucked up on their health too. Women seem to either be
1. Obese with shit diet
2. Malnourished with shit diet
The ones who are healthy are so rare.
I blame society
NTA but ime they don't seem to care. They might prefer small areolas but they're generally kind and enthusiastic about my deli pepperonis.
NTA but travelling through the German or French part of Switzerland to the Italian part is always kind of funny and I say that as someone who loves Italy
>femcel coworker
>hoop earrings
Wait, what?
B-C. Even Cs can be pretty big.
>what do Northern Italians and Southern Italians think of each other
You mean what Austrians and Greeks think of each other
I don't have the age or look for it anyway, but even when I was younger and it would have been conceivable to mold myself if I really wanted to, I guess, it never appealed to me. I don't care for luxury benefits, famous people, whatever. I do care whether the person I'm with genuinely turns me on, attracts me, makes me laugh and interests me and so on. Time is a very precious commodity, especially time while still young and strong and healthy, and there's no way I'm not spending it with the people whose company I enjoy most.
The only way I can see that is if I married a guy solely for his wealth and I can't really see that happening.
Are you basing that on the average band size? 34?
WDYM by funny?
I'm pretty sure you'd let an arab shit on your chest for money
JH boob job bimbofication episode
I... maybe. Is that bad?
Y'know you might very well think that anon, but I was rejected by someone who did exactly this. In fact she pressed her breast against my arm on multiple occasions.
So I don't think you can read anything into it.
I wish I could personally ban you.
Hello women. Women be gay
Also the Swiss be autistic, judging by this thread.
No I just wanted a frame of reference. Technically a 32d and a 36b have the same sized cups. I didn't know if you were basing the "big" off of proportionally to the rest of her or by the handful.
This is very important, what was the approximate diameter of the hoop earrings and was she back?
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I’ve only been on 2 dates with a girl and when we were talking and I mentioned we were strangers she seemed upset. Does she have mental problems or is this how women are in general, I’ve never tried dating anybody before.
Switzerland should be partitioned between Germany, France and Italy
Anon...that guy has never touched a tit in his life.
Well they'd at least look more normal than being huge on a flat chest.
It's not the fun kind of oversensitivity. It's the pins and needles when touched and extreme soreness afterwards kind.
I already perfected the bimbo laugh, at least.
it's a combination of everyone being fat and everyone being on instagram and the internet at large where you can see hundreds of 10/10s every day.

Beauty standards are going UP while the average person's attractiveness is going DOWN. Everyone guy wants to hold out to marry an instagram model and every girl wants to hold out for a 6' dude with a sixpack.
All the more reason to explain it to him. If he's basing it off pictures then average band size is a safe bet.
she's a cute-but-fat white girl
she doesn't look like your typical femcel but she treats me like a potential rapist despite all the other female coworkers being friendly towards me
Oh, I see. This is a total guy thing but I think I'm basing it on the size of my hand.
We already told you no, Gaddafi...
around a handful. I have no idea about cup sizes.
>I already perfected the bimbo laugh, at least.
just the thought of that gave me an erection
Hey, I've touched three!
I would say this would be a good idea BUT I would feel really bad for Germany, France and Italy in that situation. Imagine inheriting the Swiss of all fucking people. Within 5 minutes they will be BITCHING about how there are not enough rules and regulations and that their lives are literally unlivable because people throw their trash away in municipal bins without paying the municipal tax and they will proclaim to be shellshocked because people throw their glass bottles in the bin beyond the designated time. Imagine inheriting "no fun allowed" embodied by a race
I'm a member of AntiFakeCountries gang
My impression as a German is that Germans do view Italy through a lens of certain stereotypes (which might as well be true - but still somewhat insulting), e.g. the place being chaotic, more corrupt than Germany, in parts ran by organised crime, being fiscally irresponsible (which Germans think about most European countries though), and so on. However, overall, they still view the country rather positively, in terms of culture, language, music, cultural heritage, etc.
For Italians it's somewhat reversed. They begrudgingly admit that Germany tends to do some things more efficiently, but they also view the country and the people in a more negative light.
Overall, I think Germans like Italians more than Italians like Germans. However, it's been over a decade since I've last been to Italy and I rarely talk to people who aren't extremely online, so my impression might be completely wrong.
Makes sense to me!
Ok cool I have mid sized boobs.
State gender. What are women better at? What are men better at?
Switzerland is cool, we should go after Belgium instead.
I don't get the bimbo fetish at all, but I'm glad it does something for some guys. Justifies my stupid wish for new tits.
Welcome back Muammar Gaddafi
There'd need to be a major de-switzification program to cure the autism of course. For at least a generation or two.
Just cut off Zürich and give it to Germany. Problem solved.
To the credit of the Swiss, they are a nation because they chose to be. They are not a product of British autism. So perhaps Switzerland should be tolerated.
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I am always amused when Americans think that Switzerland was some kind of America in Europe because they happen to have more liberal gun laws, failing to understand that they couldn't be more different to another in terms of mentality.
Kys eurojew
34 is the ribcage size of a tall or chubby woman. 36 is the fat cutoff
>I mentioned we were strangers she seemed upset.
women think you're supposed to feel a strong connection after having one conversation dude, they really do miss the fact that they barely know you at all if they like you
Women, convince me not to move to Tangier, Morocco (protip: you cant)
Women what are you opinions on hawk tuah?
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I've only recently accepted that I do in fact have a bimbo/bimbofication fetish. I still don't know what to feel about it though, besides sexual arousal.
38 is chubby, 36 just means she has a wide torso.
Switzerland is just a less inbred Japan
Thanks Anon. I guess that’s the complicated nature of women
What's wrong with Belgians? They seem to have punched above their weight in certain regards.
>mfw I'm a 36 and within the normal BMI range
Is 5'9 tall? My sister is a 34 and she's definitely not fat but she's got wide shoulders and a strong looking upper body.
Gods, I wish I were a multimillionaire (in Swiss Francs)
Switzerland is like Japan more than America.
Great idea. We are too humane to send them to the moon.
34 ribcage at 5'9?
people probably think you're trans
I honestly wonder what stereotypes would have been like 100 years ago, because a lot of the stereotypes about Germans are about the EU or seem otherwise very contemporary
Isn't that by itself a yellow alarm?
Enough to be visible through clothes, I suppose.
I'm a 36 and I've been accused of being a tranny. It's not about the fat at that size, it's more your bone structure.
The ENTIRE EU should be given to Switzerland and only the Swiss should be allowed to vote. Every EU nation is just dissolved and called "Outer EU", Switzerland is "Inner EU". Outer EU people have no voting rights and are considered subhuman until integrated into being Swiss.
You have to eat ze bugs first
>100 years ago: they are secretly homosexual
>modern day: they are secretly homosexual
This. Flanders should go to Netherlands, Wallonia to France and Brussels should be bombed.
>It's not about the fat at that size, it's more your bone structure.
That's what I'm saying. The wider your ribs are proportionally, and the wider your shoulders are, the more likely people will think you're a man. You got that v taper.
Hourglass or a really unfortunate inverted triangle?
I'm talking about my sister. I'm shorter than her. I get accused of being trans because I'm a carbon copy of my father plus estrogen. But I'm a 32 band size, 30 really but they don't sell those in most stores you have to get them online.
I can't nibble on that, looks bad for my teeth

What do they think of each other? My perception based on nothing but ignorance is that Greeks are grumpy and fatalistic and Austrians are quiet and like pastry desserts
That's highly dependent on the kind of bra she's wearing
My aunt studied in Germany and said that everyone hated Germans. Especially Dutch and Austrians.
Homosexuality has been referred to as
>the greek vice
>the french vice
>the english vice
and many more
that one's too generic.
Go ski or something. Swiss are too neurotic to rule anyone. It would be a disaster.
Bruh A cups are visible through clothes what are you on about?
austrians coping because they are german and dutch coping that they're autistischdeutsche
never happened to me

blame hollywood, disney, the TV and now the internet.
When did /atoga/ because europoor circle jerk
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Here are some national stereotypes (probably Austrian in origin; who obviously considered themselves ethnically German back then) from the 17th century.
Hourglass. I totally lucked out there. People don't pay as much attention to my shoulders when I have the hips and boobs to balance it out.
>1. Obese with shit diet
>2. Malnourished with shit diet
It's VAAASTLY more of an issue with #1 rather than #2, like literally 20 to 1, but people pretend like they're comperable issues. They're not. We have an obesity problem, not a malnourishment problem.

Again, yes there's an element of people's beauty standards being inflated as well. But it's waaaaay more that people are just so ugly and fat now than the fact that a handful of people are prettier now.

If the baseline is 0, the window has widened like +2 points to the attractive side, and opened -20 on the negative side. There is no point in trying to both-sides this argument. Yeah, sure address all of it, but there is ONE problem actually causing issues, and it's not intragram pictures of hot people, or malnourished people in the first world.
Slavs win again.
Taking the train through the rural areas, there seems to be a huge difference in how the farms and buildings are maintained. I can't speak to the cities though, I haven't spent any time in the Italian part of Switzerland
You get accused of being a tranny with a 32 bandsize? Like, little boy?
>every nation with good looking men is called gay
success breeds jealousy nigga
I remember this banger
>the french one
Is it weird to sniff your gf's underwear?
>is not gay is just hazing
>got that v taper
Not if she's got hips to match.
No hers smells exactly like my cum now
then she would look like an apple with the middle bitten out
What's your bra size?
>German - gout
The more things change, the more they stay the same..
Why aren't women more homophobic?
Saying there are no inferior peoples is the same as saying that you have no standards and no morals: to you, a piece of chocolate and a piece of shit are the same, and you would gladly eat both.
4chan is infamous for its ebil racism, but 4chan has actually taught me the value in it.
State gender. Thoughts on this?
I'm 5'6" and 115 pounds. It doesn't really matter what size or shape you are. People see something gender non conforming or kind of ugly/manly and call you tranny. I have shorter hair, a large nose and manish hands and that's all it takes.
I kinda disagree. Even skinny chicks have hips and thighs.
Idk the meme.
I honestly don't understand the full scope of the fetish, I just wish I was taller with big tits for that traditional sexy look. Mostly because I know I'm forever a pear.
That is...the shape of an hourglass anon. And is the most desirable body type. Did you finish grade school?
autist here. questions for guys:
how do you avoid getting mad at the fact that women are ungrateful pieces of shit and are unable to admit that they just don't care about the consequences of their actions and their stupidity?
do you ever wonder if they actually love manipulators because they are able to deal with shit like this while autists like me are unable to contain their rage?
hourlgass is gross though
it's ok
I love ass.
>Idk the meme
Its the sound effect one makes when spitting on that thang
Does that bother you? Try growing your hair longer.
Women are better at chitchatting, talking about clothes and stuff to buy at Ikea, and talking, and fussing over babies. Men are better at rotating shapes in their brain, organizing tools, and sitting quietly without talking
>French - cheating
"Fun" fact: 5 out of 10 French men and 4 out of 10 French women cheat on their partners
F. There are inferior people, just no inherently inferior groups. One bad apple does not mean all the apples are bad.
So you're homosexual?
Retarded midwit analogy by some stupid fucking incel who didn't get beat up enough by his peers.
this one gave me a chuckle
>I'm 5'6" and 115 pounds
So you're the same size as a normal man.
Quiet, adults are talking.
You're beautiful.
no i'm bi
You must be a woman.
Fucking zoomer has no idea what a woman is supposed to look like
>how do you avoid getting mad at the fact that women
Redpill: It's true but I can fix her with X, Y, Z.
Blackpill: It's true. Vanity of vanities. Ignore, disassociate, oppress.
>they actually love manipulators because they are able to deal with shit like this
What do you mean? Manipulators/psychopaths immediately beat them bloody while autists try to use logic and science due to their autism.
Go away, Rick, this is my safe space.
Not really? It's never really a problem for me I don't feel like it's a safety issue since I live in a fairly liberal state. It's just kind of bizarre that young men feel the need to shout "tranny!" at people in public.

I loathe having long hair I'm never going back. My personal comfort matters far more to me than the perceptions of strangers.
i know they look gross
Protip: a lot of small chested women you see walking around are actually well boobed. Sports bras smush a B-C cup into an A uniboob
>no I'm bi
Bet you don't like boobs either...
>One bad apple does not mean all the apples are bad.
How many bad apples would you need to consider them all/most bad?
Seethe, brownoid. You got triggered good.
I don't get it. :/
Good afternoon
I like women
manipulators tell them they are right and beautiful and whatever while cheating on them, and they dump them when they get pregnant.

my question is how to deal with this shit though.
I'm not European but it seems like less arguing than during peak burger hours

Why would we be?

It's funny because it's true

Yes, correct
I’m going in for work. You all have fun
It's over. Someone on the internet called me gross.
Nah men who can fit into my pants are still generally about 20 pound heavier than me.
I have d cups who do you think you're explaining this to? Unless they're literal mosquito bites they're visible. All I'm saying is that being able to see them is the bare minimum requirement for boobs period, not mid sized boobs.
Rick was the nickname for my ex, who had the same bra size as you. Just made me a little sad.
I like how you pretended it wasn't your statement, pussy.
Yeh, I wear a minimizer all the time.
How late is too late to have kids? I am 27 and gf is 23. I want to marry her and get her pregnant soon, but she wants to wait until she is more established in her career til she has kids
>How many bad apples would you need to consider them all/most bad?
The apples are individual objects and should be judged as such not by the bushel.
You are gay my condolences
They don’t have the stomach to fight they can’t afford it haha
please dont leave us :(
Are those uncomfortable for you?
>she wants to wait until she is more established in her career til she has kids
so in 10 more years lmao
I find it funny how ignorant students are about professional careers
How does he have sex without arms and legs?
So a piece of shit is an individual piece of shit, and you will keep eating shit until you find a good-tasting one?
Physically? Not really.
She wears him like body armour
sometimes i think that monogamy is a giant meme
You don't n- GAH. Enough 4chan for me today.
We're talking about apples not pieces of shit.
Guys, is a woman with one arm a dealbreaker?
NTA but do you call a man with no arms and no legs in a pile of leaves?
>n- GAH
I think I need to stop posting for a while. my negativity is prett contagious...
I wish my opinions were more positive and less influential on other people, but...
I think I will tell her that there is no perfect time for these things
Slow down on the narcissism there buddy. No one cares.
Nope. I'll build her a robotic arm and she'll be the coolest fucking woman on the planet
Let's imagine the different races as bushels of different kinds of fruit. There are apples, oranges, bananas, limes, etc. There are pieces of shit in all of the baskets. The fruit needs to be sorted individually to weed out the shit it would be fucking stupid to just throw out all the limes because there's some shit in there but eat the shit that came with the apples.
Apples that are bad (rotten) and thus taste like shit.
Besides, refusing to analyze the common characteristics of a particular variety of apples and refusing to put them in the same category seems intellectually dishonest.
What happened to your arm?
Nah, it would be a little awkward at the start ngl.
have you ever fucked yourself in the ass, faggot? I bet you have.
Nope. Have you ever lost a fistfight? Ever even had one? Ever had a knife held to your back?
See >>31506485 you're not understanding the analogy.
Farming accident when I was a kid.
Women will tell you a guy without an arm is a dealbreaker and an undesirable that must be culled, but men are not women.
>it would be fucking stupid to just throw out all the limes because there's some shit in there
That's disgusting.
would cuddling with one arm be easier? you don't have to worry about getting a dead arm right?
Shame you can’t watch /gif/ and jerk off at the same time sad
Russel. What do you call a man with no arms and no legs floating in a lake?
She's a coprophage. Very disgusting, indeed.
Do you know what fertilizer is made of anon? It's not gonna happen so much with tree crops but all your potatoes, onions, any
I would have no problems being in a relationship with an amputee. Guys like robots and would most likely have a fake arm anyway.
I beat the shit out of some kids before I was 10. so much that I decided I wouldn't ever fight again because of how violent I was.

>Ever had a knife held to your back?
if you tried that shit on me you'd have an iron stick embedded in your skull before you could even get close enough to me, you tranny fucker
How much of the arm did you lose?
*anything that grows in or close to the ground probably had some shit on it at some point. Fucked myself with auto post my b.
That fertilizer first gets broken down and transformed into simpler compounds absorbed by plants. We're talking here about actual pieces of shit in the food.
Are you an Indian?
I guess? Wouldn't the stump weird you out?

:/ Yes I can.
What do you call a man with no arms and no legs hanging on the wall?
Somebody's never seen a truck full of potatoes. Either way this isn't the point of the conversation. There are shitty people of all races so I watch out for behavior and actions that warn me someone might be shitty. Skin color isn't a good indicator but behavior is.
No. We'd be two odd looking people.
Pretty much the whole thing. I wish I had an elbow, I could hold stuff at least.
>I beat the shit out of some kids before I was 10. so much that I decided I wouldn't ever fight again because of how violent I was.
Stay tough on the internet, lil bro.
>I guess? Wouldn't the stump weird you out?
Nah. I'd just feel sad sometimes because it's a permanent reminder of something traumatic.
Fertilizer is FAR different than actual shit fresh from the source.
How close to dying were you when it happened?
wish I could meet IRL, m8. violence is in my genes. I'd gladly show you.
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will she cosplay Baiken?
Kek ousted pajeet
Tell that to the farmers spraying fresh pig shit on the fields rn
White. 90% white population where I live. I judge on an individual basis. Plenty of white people are pieces of shit I don't see why this is a novel idea.
Keep yapping lil bro. Violence in your genes, eh? Same...except for real. I got the scars to prove it. My dad's got the sheet too. Stay tough on 4chan, "m8".
Watch out, he's about to activate his sharingan.
Pretty close, I lost a lot of blood. Not dead so that's good, but I've got some pretty bad ptsd. I have nightmares often.
do you want some more scars?
That's what I thought, lil bro. I don't mind adding to the collection, good luck!
You step back, and observe. You let them suffer the consequences of their actions, and you don't save them. i.e. You treat them like adults who have chosen to be where they are, because it has nothing to do with you.
Desu the PTSD would probably be a bigger deal than the missing arm.
Why do guys like balloon boobs?
Eh, you know what I mean, A cups may still be "visible" through clothes, but they don't leave a significant outline that bigger sizes do.
Regardless, the cup size doesn't matter that much, so its pointless to argue about it
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I solemnly swear not to waste my mid term holiday shitposting on ahtowger. I will enjoy it to the fullest. I have an outing planned for Thursday.
How is your week going?
Cutest laugh ever
>offering it to them
this doesn't happen to non-chads
I didn't think about that, that's a good point.
>niggas goin Band 4 Band on /atoga/
cool it niqqas this aint the opp block lmao!
I'm a short shit-brown mexican from the napkin tip of texas, probably barely born on the right side of the border. all this talk about different europoors makes me jajajaja
nobody matters but farm-grown white american men
everyone thinks they're the this and that but it's 22 year old boys from Iowa or something with patience who got divine warrior blood in them. I seen it
I'm going to find me a tall white mommy and try to have sons who have half of that
Wait, guys genuinely think boob size doesn't matter?
Femanons, after a first date should I as a guy wait for her to ask me in a 2nd date?
Should I wait until she initiates texting first instead of messaging her?
why would it matter?
boing boing
Only really superficial guys care about that. Boobs are boobs.
shape > size
Women, how would you react if someone at work makes jokes / comments about you dating another coworker (when you are not)? And would your reaction be different if you are and are not interested in them?
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I mean, aren't boobs of a certain size a pretty big indicator of femininity?
So... let me understand...
she wants to wait till she has maximized her income before quitting and having kids and breaking her career path later, rather having kids early when she's not earning so much and then having an unbroken career path later when she's earning more?
Women wonder why there's a pay gap?
triple E or whatever makes me honry
triple A or whatever makes me horny
it doesn't matter
I think a vagina is more desu.
US or UK size?
>untreated wooden stock
>in jungle theatre
Kek me
Very true, the last racist people live in the most homogeneous places and lecture everyone else that actually have to live with the horrors of the 1965 immigration act on a daily basis.
Big tits are nice but you're not going to say no to small tits either
ass and hips do this too
It's fiberglass
>you know what I mean
I really didn't. There's a big difference between "visible" and "significant outline". It sounds like you mean what the other guys meant. A handful.
Either way I would direct cringe towards the person who made the joke. I'm 32 not 17.
Women. As much as men try to psychoanalyze all of your actions, do you really believe you're that calculated or are you just doing shit.
Kek based mariachi
That's been my saving grace. A perfect ass is the only thing I can maintain.
But I don't force up a loogie when I jerk a guy off, I dribble my spit onto him while making eye contact like a reasonable person.
Yeh, but that's not the only thing a girl can have going for her. Even a skinny chick just looks different than a guy.
wait, did you think men were as shallow about boobs as women are about height? oh no
that's what I've been doing so far, but it enrages me that people I love is unable to even ask for advice (in fact, women HATE being helped sometimes...) and make mistakes (that are obvious to me) for the most retarded reasons.
seriously, I have a hard time not exploding and telling them how retarded their actions where and how stupid (and sometimes outright malicious) they are. I understand that one has to be individualistic in this retarded world but I'd love if we could actually collaborate for our mutual benefit instead of having to do things individually because the person at your side is too stupid to understand and too stubborn or brainwashed to ask...
>faux wood stock
>Portuguese contract
Dios mio
>A perfect ass is the only thing I can maintain.
Unless it's a heart its not perfect.
What does 34-33-44 at 5'2" mean, then?
Just doing shit but with like a little 3 page handbook titled "how to get people to do what you want them to while thinking it was their own idea".
Not so much. It's not going to make a difference one way or another.
Boobs are fun at any size.
Pear shortstack.
It means her ass is a god damn gyatt, wow.
Who's offering men sex?
No, what matters is what is in her heart not the size of her boobs.
Can we not, anon...
oh are we not allowed to notice things?
It's a replica of one of the first dozen or so AR-15's made by Armalite in 1958-59, you're thinking of the AR-10's made by Artillerie-Inrichtingen under license from Armalite for the Portuguese in about 1960
A huge ass.
> Either way I would direct cringe towards the person who made the joke. I'm 32 not 17.
Fair. I am trying to see if the reaction she gave is positive or negative lol
And that's good, right?
This the response to everything, though.
34 ribcage is tiny for a man lol. I'm 5'9" and have a 42 inch ribcage. stop trying to hurt the femanons
Yes it is amazing, good for you. Lets have kids.
>non-chromelined barrel
>non ribbed mag catch
It’s over
>And that's good, right?
Sure, some people are into that. I wouldn't call that fat, I mean.
>This the response to everything, though.
not from me
My plap plap plaps are hard to come by
>mfw I'm a man with a 34 inch ribcage
NTA. Seriously?

Men please list your ribcage waist and hip measurements if you know them.
34" bust is not equal to 34" underbust. There's a big difference.
jiggle jiggle jiggle
I assume my top is around a 34. I am not muscular.
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic.
I try hard to stay at least on the healthy side of the line between normal and overweight. 120ish lbs.
Wow. So honored.
So the number is underbust? What's the point of that then?
>Wow. So honored.
is this sarcasm...
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yeah I agree. pic rel is better
>I can't tell if you're being sarcastic.
I am literally not, not in the slightest. Why do you think you have so many replies? I'd break the bed in half with the force.
Pfft, you have nothing to worry about. Unironically, do you have difficultly finding pants?
> it enrages me
But it doesn't enrage you that men also do dumb shit and destroy their lives... Far more than women do even. This is because you're wired to believe females inherently have value and males don't.
Anyway your job is to find one which isn't a 'tard. They do exist.
you don't know the things I would to do JH's ass
5'9, 155lbs, 42-31-36, male 20 years
7.62 shits on GayR-15 lmaoing at your 2000 round limit
I'm pretty much flat.
How do we feel about 32-27-36 at 5'7"
I do, because I would also do them.
Quads of love.
I know what i would do >:)
(Nap on the best pillows in the world)
Where do your internal organs go?
okay then pic rel. dutch were chroming the bores by the portuguese contract iirc
Maybe a little.
Because it's horny hour, obvs. But I'm glad you're not just fucking with me.
Holy fuck you have no idea. I had a voca rant about exactly that the other day ITT.
Boys, what kind of moans turn you on the most?
genuine ones
Nope, women's measurements like 33-33-(idk my hip size), the first number is her bust
Fascinating, it would be like wearing my torso upside down.
You jest but I have a weirdly long torso. No off the rack rompers for me.
Are you brown?
The ones that sound like they're being held back, quiet ones. Little "mmphs". Makes me want to force them out.
>But I'm glad you're not just fucking with me.
Drop the "not just" and "with". Me too.
i need to go downstairs but I have a raging erection that won't go away
Tuck it behind your waistband.
the ones that come out when I stimulate her butthole
yeah people say is should start lifting because i have the frame for it but I'm too shy to go to the gym
>untreated wooden stock
>exposed mag catch
>reciprocating slide obstructing the sight picture
>waffle mags
The West has fallen
It's weird that fucking someone and fucking with someone are so different from each other.
Wait you DON'T and those are your numbers? I mean I noticed the size discrepancy when hugging people but I didn't realize the extent of it this is wild.
You wanna know a secret? You'll like it.
English is cool in that way. Fuck is unironically my favourite word. So versatile.
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the masculine desire to become conan the barbarian, why do I have to wageslave, this period of time is fucking gay
High pitched squeals into the pillow when shes cumming
doesn't hide it enough
That's a stupid sword stance.
I don't love men, though, and their stupidity doesn't affect me at all. I mean, I don't even care about my brother. retard has a bunch of kids while making shit money and I don't care because, why am I supposed to? he lives far from me, he's been independent ever since he was 17. his life, his problem.
Probs. At this point any dick would be a massive help for my sanity.
Same. I love swears in general. I remember one of the first vocas I did ITT was just swearing ASMR.
Pinch your inner thigh. Hard.
It could be going worse, but it's not getting better either.

They really don't matter, there are other things about a person that are more important.

>It sounds like you mean what the other guys meant. A handful.
Sure, let's go with that, I'll trust your opinion on this topic due to my lack of experience.
yes but it shows off the muscles which is the real point of it. to look cool
Yeah, don't fall for the cannon fodder adverts that are going to be pushed over the next couple of years. TPTB are going to need bodies for the coming war, and they don't care much who's as long as it isn't theirs.
They're more like sprinkles on ice cream.
The secret is, I do not jizz. Not joking. My ex hated it, caused a lot of problems. But I can go for an hour+.
NTA but this kind of shit is why I come here. Don't change.
Your deference is appreciated lol. I hope you figure out what I mean in person at some point anon.
>tfw not attractive enough to have a 4chan stalker
So one-armed gf is fine. How about 1 eye? She wears an eyepatch or an emo cut and isn't attractive or confident enough to pull it off.
>fighting in meaningless zog wars
nah im good
But what about having kids?
It is only your own, domesticated nature, which is keeping you from making the attempt of becoming Conan.
Women, ever done any MMA or anything like that?
No prosthetic?
>Fiberglass again retard
>Don't drop your rifle = not a problem
>Retard has never held a gun obviously
That's unironically kinda badass.
Why are League of Legends players so fucked in the head?
No. It seems like it would be kind of fun but I have a tendency to faint when I see myself bleed or am injured so I feel like it's probably not for me.
I get that feeling. And I agree with this anon >>31506724
I think my bf is gonna break up with me how long should I keep paying the rent
Took karate in my early teens. The grapples were awkward but I liked the combinations we had to memorize.
That is just an issue I will have to overcome, eh?
>1 arm
big titty samurai baiken cosplay
I used to do some jiu-jitsu but my boobs got kinda big and I felt awkward.
Are league players really that different from other moba players?
yeah I'm dyel, when my roommates saw me shirtless for the first time they said if i went to the gym i would "look like a god" lol. I went with them a few times but i just don't see the point in lifting weights. They all lift to get chicks but I don't see it making a difference for me.
Stupid question. Riot has sissified us.
I mean: immediately cease paying.
How quickly can you move your shit? If you can be out before the 1st you're done.
I sense humble bragging but even so you would benefit from defining the musculature in that area.
nah, i'm too depressed to get a gf, i think i subconsciously push them away. lifting wouldn't help. yeah i am kind of humble bragging a bit. still only 5'9" though so it cancels out really. if anything a wide frame makes me look shorter
It should be a team effort. If it's a psychological thing that can be talked out, that's fine. If it just means making a day out of sex, of course that's fine, too. But it's medical in nature, it's really worth addressing ASAP.
Seems unfair when I'm the screw up
Lifting might help with the depression actually
girls, how do you sleep? whats your bed routine?
Why? If he breaks up with you he can't expect you to keep paying rent.
>go pick up report from the office printer
>find dismissal papers and HR policy for termination
I hope they aren't for my work gf
She's a snarky smart ass who doesn't get along with her supervisor but she doesn't deserve to get the axe
Bitch, you don't owe him anything. :)
Are there many girls on her right now? Does anyone know or have first hand experience if travelling and taking the pill at a different time because of different time zone influence the effectiveness of the pill? 7 hour time difference shouldn't matter, right?
I sleep well. I brush my teeth then change into something light like basketball shorts and tshirt, make sure I have a pad, then chill in bed watching YouTube until my arm is sore from holding my phone, then fall asleep pretty quickly afterwards. I always wake up on time and alert enough not to fall back asleep.
Put on comfy clothes when I get home and am done doing things
And either
Fall asleep on the couch or in a chair watching YouTube or whatever most likey shortly after smoking some weed
Or I make it to my bed after doing that same thing.
it wont make girls attracted to me, it wont make me confident enough to ask them out either. not worth the effort
Surely lifting will help me find love.
Just take it at the same time you do at home
Bra or no bra?
yeah gay manly love lmao
Don't worry I lifted for like an hour yesterday too
No bra obvs. Not much to hold in place anyways.
I sleep very badly when I'm alone, mostly because I can't get to sleep but sometimes I wake up way too early too. Bubble bath or shower, skin care etc, brush my teeth, melatonin & valerian, calm music or asmr sounds is my routine, but when I'm bad it also involves a lot of anxious puttering around my apartment and time on 4chan
Why basketball shorts?

What comfy clothes?
nta but sleep bra. With no wire, I mean. More comfortable for me.
I’m hoping when I start Muay Thai I’ll meet some folks and go from there.
>What comfy clothes
Usually sweatpants or shorts, a T-shirt, and a fuzzy bathrobe. Sometimes nightgowns that are like long T-shirts though.
Same except it doesn't make a difference if I'm alone or not.
They're comfortable, duh.
I didn't, because I didn't think of it, because I'm stupid
Women who live with people and sleep with no bra, do you put one on before seeing them before you shower and stuff?
nta but sports bra and t shirt
what do you listen to t help you sleep?
Thanks for the good wishes, but I'm not getting my hopes up.
How do you sleep in sports bra? That can't be good for you.
Sorry to hear it anon, that sounds really tough. When I'm not alone I just feel more grounded and settled, there's something about having a body besides me that helps me relax. Hope it gets better for you, sleep can be real bitch sometimes
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Ahh. It's probably fine.
Silence and absolute darkness are best.
Deep breathing. Earplugs help me focus on the sound.
My tinnitus going EEEEEEEEE
I just live with another female roommate, we don't really care about stuff like that.
Audio HFO porn
They usually start with stretching to get you relaxed and after a while I just fall asleep
My girlfriend basically just had a mental breakdown, seething at me for talking to my friends after a long day out with her.

Literally Anons, I have no clue what to even respond with, if to respond with anything at all.
Normally I follow the mantra of "She is chaos you are order"
But what is the orderly response to
>it takes you an hour to respond to me, but you can respond instantly to your friends
Same. Its a bitch not being able to hear silence.
No, I've only lived with family and bfs, and I'm small chested so no need either way
Asmr where they scratch stuff
Women, how often are you naked around your bf?
Women how much do you look at your boobs throughout the day?
I have a few really comfortable ones where if I was wearing it that day I'll just keep it on
women can i wear your bra like a hat?
sounds cool
I took a step back today to objectively consider my relationship
And asked myself what I know, what I’ve experienced and felt VS what I feel and think
The reality is that I think I am in a very good spot with her and despite any insecurities I have things are going really fucking well and that I have to stop thinking so negatively

Why is this so hard for me to do all the time
In and out of the shower, when I'm getting into and out of a bra, and a few times during the day to make sure I'm not popping out of anything.
would you rather date a porn addict or an alcoholic?
It's probably not really about text response times, there's something going on within her and she thinks getting control over how and when you talk to your friends will make her feel better. It's a common problem for women imo. Getting into a discussion about response times is pointless, she probably really wants reassurance that you love her and value her, so I would consider your response to her from that angle
Do boobs have a smell?
>make sure I'm not popping out of anything.
Does that happen to you a lot?
I don't think porn addiction is even real, so the former.
When I have one and we have a private living space and it's warm pretty frequently
I don't look at them a whole lot if I'm home but I'm constantly adjusting them lifting them up because they keep sliding below the bra band. And if I'm out I'm glancing down on occasion to see if anything needs adjusting.
If you want to. When I was heavier I could fit my face in one of my cups but they're smaller now.
Not really.
More than I'd like to admit, yeh. I'm pretty liquid.
Femanons, have you ever motorboated another girl's tiddies before?
You need to get measured again.
Where the hell is my white gf with a jiggly butt…grr! Women and/or femboys, how do I find this?
On a dare at a sleepover. They were nearly as big as my head. Would recommend.
The size is right the problem is that my ribcage sticks out unevenly. Righty has no support.
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>I'm pretty liquid.
At least 60%
women is giving handjobs fun to you at all?
It's not always easy to access things objectively, especially emotional things like relationships. It's not exactly encouraged by society either, so it's not a strong skill for a lot us
More like a blindfold
Anon, you card...
I don't hate it because the guys I'm with at the time enjoy it but it's mostly awkward and embarrassing because I still don't really feel like I know what I'm doing. I've figured everything else out and feel confident in it but not with handjobs.
Oh and I flubbed that spelling pretty badly lol. Assess the situation,I meant
Did it make you a lesbo?
I thought that was a curved spine problem. Imagine looking down at your chest and the left side of your ribcage extends forward an inch more than the right side.
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Ok sorry..
I thought it was funny because we're made like 60% out of water..
P sure I knew I was bi before that
Silence, classical music (especially piano), traditional Japanese music, religious chants, Vtuber ASMR.

They're great. Try them.
Yeh, my bestie and my exgf. Tits are pretty fucking great.
Of course, I love getting to play with a guy's dick and seeing his different reactions.
Women, do you have difficulty dressing in the summer? Striking a balance between modesty and comfort?
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We are so fucking back
Nope. T-shirt and jeans like always.
Was this girl also gay/bi?
My modesty concerns end with what I'm legally obligated to cover in public. It's nearly 90 with full sun today and I have yardwork to do.
Kinda. I can't really wear a tight tanktop without making it look like I'm showing off but can usually manage with light, loose flowy stuff.
Dunno. Maybe bi but she's married to the guy she was dating at the time.
Not really, I don't have to worry too much about modesty because I'm not curvy
wtf man
Some people don't go outside
You really don't like shaving your legs, huh?
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Thoughts on women who say poor baby in a caring sort of way and dote over you when you are hurt or feeling unwell?
I'm always either inside with air conditioning or doing yardwork where I don't want to have my legs exposed to bugs. I deal with the sweaty ass.
jeans are fine in summer bro, you're just a pussy. I wear jeans all the time and i live in florida. shorts just give bugs and thorns easy access to your legs. I honestly do not own a single pair of shorts.
Idk never met one.
no thank you.
i want them to FUCK OFF
I'm ESL so I'm unaware of the cultural connotations. Is it supposed to be demeaning to be referred to as a baby? Is this some kind of class thing? What is the context here?
NTA but I look awful in shorts so I have to wear jeans or dresses
It matters, but having small/no boobs isn't something to go "it's over" mode over
Anon is trying to justify his fetish.
I like it when women get all protective of me, for some reason. It warms my heart.
THIS. I have been saying for weeks that the women who say this need to be executed. Torture them. Behead them. Flay their skin
NAG but I can tell you that irl men hate that

NTA but this is basically it
>demeaning to be referred to as a baby
Women, has a man ever been protective of you? How did that make you feel?
I always keep my legs smooth. I just hate skirts and most shorts end up turning into buttfloss if they're too loose.
Yes, a bit sometimes. My single biggest complaint is how omnipresent the t-shirts are that have short sleeves, material that doesn't cling to your body and a high neckline, but the fabric is so sheer that you still need to wear a top underneath unless you want people to see your bra.

Like... if I wear a simple shirt it's probably because it's hot and I want to be cool...

And then you have the cool t-shirts from good brands that are actually nicely oversized and have sleeves that are roomy enough that you don't instantly get sweaty pits and thick quality fabric, but those are anywhere from 60-100 euros a piece.
I can't imagine that NOT sounding patronizing.
Y'all are lying it's okay to want to be kissed on the head, wrapped in a blanket, and brought cookies tea and ibuprofen.
M but it seems like women's fashion expects you to layer a lot.
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I want a millennial mommy pls gib
Jeans in summer means sweat soaked trousers, I'd prefer the leeches
Women, when's the last time you made a sandwich for someone?
I was shitposting when I brought that up but I think the only hair in the soup is literally being called "poor baby"
Other than that, which was supposed to illicit this reaction as the point of the shitpost, very few people would complain about being looked after
My dad yesterday.
Having a woman show that she cares at all would be a plus
Yesterday, for my dad. Going to make another one in like three hours probs.
Sure. It feels nice if it's warranted. It's arousing on a basic instinctual level because in my mind he must care about me deeply if he's willing to put himself in danger for me, and it makes him seem strong even if nothing actually happens.

If it's not warranted it's a little scary. Makes me feel like he's paranoid or has anger issues.
I just don't see the benefit of it. Seeing the color of someone's bra shine vaguely through their shit is hardly ever a good look, that's hard to pull off. It's not like a cool sheer top for going out. It just looks jarring. Whereas opaque works fine whether you prefer to wear something underneath or not.

I am not a fashion expert but no doubt the reason is in some way the material that is cheap and durable and looks/feels good, is also kind of thin/sheer and a thicker material would either increase the price or come with different drawbacks. But it still sucks seeing so many tops that are cute on the hanger but then turn out to be like this.
>tfw my gf has never made me a sandwhich or food

she has baked cupcakes before tho so ill give her that I suppose, they were tasty
No, my only seasonal variables are shoes, coat, and whether my tights are wool or 60 denier.
I wish it was 12 hours from now so I could speeeed
Depends. It may sound patronizing and denigrating depending on the woman, but if she's sincere? My goodness, mommy! That woman is a keeper!
Put one together for my dad when I visited him like a month ago
That is unironically kinda sweet.
An actual sandwich, I don't specifically remember but it was no doubt for my boss because he was too busy to fix himself one and would have been anywhere from six months to a year ago.

I cooked my boyfriend risotto two days ago, though.
Is sex better while high?
No it's not. I hate my dad. Fuck him.
Just don't wear a neon bra.
What about a nude tone bra? Or bra the same color as the shirt?
It doesn't have to be, but it sure can be.
It feels nice in a way that's difficult to describe, and in different ways depending on who he is ie bf vs family member vs friend. It's like a warm, cared for feeling that sometimes has a sexual component to it
Based daughterwives. One day I'll make my daughter into my girlfriend as well.
How would you say "bf" compares to just "friend"
I don't bother because layering is like 2010 called, they want their fashion back

I own mostly graphic shirts I have gotten at events. With white shirts I just dgaf about my bra.
It's the part about being called "poor baby", men hate that and often don't like being babied in general, in my experience, at least not to the same degree that girls tend to like it. A little of it goes a long way
Yeh, but I always get overprotective ones. Like, they don't even have to be a bf, I must seem like a helpless moron.
Meh. I've had great high sex, great sober sex, and great tipsy sex. But don't do drunk sex. It's like shaking and then cracking open a soda can.
I'm not comfortable wearing a shirt that looks like this at work, which is what I need most of my clothes for. Even in a hyopthetical where indeed I could easily find a cheap, durable bra that exactly matched the hue of my specific shirt (which means I could also just buy a more expensive shirt for the same money), I still don't want people to see where my dark trousers end and my skin begins. At least I wouldn't feel comfortable at my job, welcoming clients and all..
Couple of days ago for my bf
So you guys are triggered by the word baby? Would "poor thing" be better or worse?

Would it matter if she was your long time girlfriend and you knew she didn't mean it "like that" vs someone you're newly seeing?
Fuck you.
>I must seem like a helpless moron
Are you sure you're not just short?
you can wageslave and become a barbarian. in fact you can do both at the same time. work in demolitions or something maybe
>at work
That's fair. I feel like it could still work under a blazer but in the name of versatility I support getting what you feel most comfortable in.
It's not just a matter of personal opinion. In my free time, I go braless fairly often, but I work for a law firm.
>could still work under a blazer
Probably, but my point was specifcally about simple, relatively cheap shirts that are still modest that you buy so you can not overheat at work. I have zero issue wearing simple tank tops under stuff all throughout the colder periods but when summer hits I specifically look for something to feel breezy in and either a tight, clingy top underneath or a blazer on top don't do that.

Then again this is a personal complaint, not a slight against women because of course we still get to wear dresses and many men can't even wear shorts to work.
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Trying my best to structure this question short and without sounding condescending or sexist. Genuinely want to know.

Femanons, the fact that men are just inherently horny creatures: Was this something that you had to "learn?"

I'm only speaking for myself, but I separate my horny self from my actual self. Maybe I'm just good at hiding it, but whenever my female friends, of whom they consciously know I like them, invite me to the pool, wear short jeans that are practically underwears.... It could go two ways. They're completely oblivious to the fact that I'm a guy, or they're just fucking with me. I believe it's the former. I don't have any crude fantasies about them; at the very least, I suppress such thoughts, but like come the fuck on.
Femanons, has my autism doomed me to be single forever?
Do you want a slightly autistic guy to be your husband and father of your children?
I'm 5'10. I really don't get it.
>Trying my best to structure this question short
You failed.
From bf, protectiveness is always a great feeling. From a friend, it can range from feeling brotherly, to sweet, to a little awkward, to attractive, depending on the guy and the nature of our friendship. Almost every man in a girl's life exhibits some form of protectiveness, so I think most women are used it. Unfortunately we're also often told it's something negative and "sexist" so I think a lot of girls are afraid to just relax into how nice it can feel and how nice it is that men are like that
not a woman but a fellow autist, the only woman to tolerate me is my insane gf, the other 2 and numerous other women couldn't hack it.
Last paragraph isn't part of the question. You can ignore it.
>I don't have any crude fantasies about them
You're not hurting anyone if you do
Girls, your blowing your bf, and he wants to interlock fingers with one of your hands while you do it.
Yea or nay?
If I'm feeling like shit I usually just want to go somewhere cool and quiet, lie down and be alone.
Don't want to be kissed, or babied or have to eat cookies or drink tea, none of that's for me, it's you who needs it.
That's ok, it's sweet I guess but it makes me even more uncomfortable than I already am.
I had one gf irl and she ghosted me after the first time we had sex.
I've tried online long distance dating and it always ends.
I have been trying to date irl again and can't get a 2nd date, like I have a big sign in my forehead that says run.
Your question reminds me that I was once walking my dog and saw a boy and girl of about 13 who were throwing each other a ball with that obvious aura of kids who happen to be playing together because their parents are friends. The boy still looked like a total kid but she was a head taller than him and stacked, wearing a normal girl's summer shirt that gave her quite some cleavage. I actually felt quite sorry for her because she simultaneously managed to look visibly unhappy in her body and not knowing how to position herself/how to live in her own skin, but she still failed to realize that the guy kept throwing her low balls to make her bend forward to catch them.

Truly the worst age.

Yes most women have to learn this and even after learning it and/or the ones that always knew, I think most women go through moments of sort of re-realizing just how differently something can be read and how much can be made of something she was not even aware of doing.

The thing is that as a woman you cannot live in that perception. Believe me, if you are a pretty young women, there WILL be men feeling like you waved them over personally just for meeting their gaze or giving them a smile.

If women had to shape their lives around not enticing men, you'd get situations like in so many places around the world where women are forced to cover up, never make innuendos etc and still get called whores that tease all the time. There is ALWAYS a guy horny enough to see it as a sign.

The only logical reason is women do not carry ownership of or responsibility for the arousal they inspire in men.
Sure, sounds hot to me. Just don't start with too much lovey dovey shit while I'm sucking dick. Feels dichotomous.
Women, when's the last time you spilled your spaghetti?

To speak on the obliviousness. It's intentional. Acting either provocatively or modestly draws attention to the fact that we know you're noticing. Me knowing he's interested generally means the approach is soon to follow and if I want to prevent that or am timid I'll act oblivious. The more aggressively I treat you like the gay bestie the harder I'm trying to tell you I'm not interested. Unless she's changing in front of you if you've seen her boobs she likes you lmao.
>only logical reason
Meant to say this is the only logical conclusion, instead.
>on a date
>he compliments my hair
>Thanks, you too!
>he's bald
Have done this, it's very sweet and also turns me on a lot.
I still don't understand how men are inherently hornier. Men don't have to be attractive or dressed in any particular way for me to want to fuck them and actively think about it for my entertainment. I don't bother to suppress the thoughts because who cares, no one can see inside my head.
I don't care about whether people want to fuck me or not and I don't plan my dress or behavior around it, that's their problem, the same as my horniness is my problem and not something the other person should have to think about.
I'm not a guy, I'm just going by own experiences with men and what I've observed. Men don't like being talked to the same way you would talk to a young child. If a guy is sick, you can show him extra care and concern without infantalizing him
God I'm so lonely
I like it when women make it my problem.
I remember in hs a girl told me that she masturbates to the thought of me.
It was pretty hot.
Why are women ok with it?
Found the channel of a "self aware narcissist" thought you might find it interesting
Speaking from experience, women typically want to fuck me a lot less than I want to fuck them.
If both of you are autistic, do NOT have children. They'll only suffer. They'll be absolutely retarded. I myself am the proof.
I'm going by my own experiences too though. It's not a lot but it's more than one and they definitely enjoyed being doted on while they weren't feeling well and weren't bothered by me saying things like "poor baby" or "do you want a snack" like you might say to a child. Idk it just seems silly to me to be bothered by me calling him baby when he can so clearly physically overpower me and it's meant with love not as an insult.

They call us baby CONSTANTLY but don't want to be called it back. Shouldn't we unpack that?
yeah because you do, its hard as fuck im ngl. I tried online dating and I had about 12 dates, furthest I got was 3 and she ghosted, then I got a gf I met at a party (was drunk and so was she so it masked the tism to an extent) didn't last long because we were ''incompatible'' (im a spaz and she didn't like it, I also wasn't really that into her either) then I went back online, had 2 dates but couldnt be arsed then met current gf through ex friends who is insane but loves me, double edged sword
nta but women ARE smaller and more childlike.
What do you mean proof?
Yeah so why are men bothered when we say something that clearly isn't true in an effort to treat you with care and compassion :(
That both my parents are retards, that I am absolutely retarded and that I suffer.
>women do not carry ownership of or responsibility
nta but thanks for clarifying.
Let me respond to this by saying as a guy who has no difficulty controlling myself that I also feel no sense of ownership, responsibility, accountability or "collective guilt" for any other "horny guys" who happen to be around.
I would love this
Sure, but usually I need my hands for other stuff
That's not true. It's sarcasm or gaslighting even if you will. You're implying that I'm acting like a baby due to me being sick or whatever.
>Let me respond to this by saying as a guy who has no difficulty controlling myself that I also feel no sense of ownership, responsibility, accountability or "collective guilt" for any other "horny guys" who happen to be around.
That is only natural to me, why would you feel responsible for someone else's behavior?
Your just blaming your parents for what is your own fault.
Men if you and an ex ended things badly would you refuse to listen to music she introduced you to?
It's my default mode, it would be easier to ask when was the last time I didn't say something stupid because that would be more noteworthy
> I still don't understand how men are inherently hornier.
Do you want to fuck all the men around you all the time?
Maybe not, but that's basically mentally masturbating to them. I wouldn't consider stooping to that level of depravity. Plus, I can just look at porn for that.
Thanks for the thoughtful answer, femanon. Gonna let this one sit for a while.
She turned me down in high school eight-ish years ago, so there's no question about that. I wouldn't say they act provocative nor modest. Honestly, they just seem really comfortable around me, hence my begging of the question do they even know? I'm just playing mental gymnastics on myself though. Whatever the answer is doesn't change much. I appreciate the insight.
Maybe it's a different horny. Can guarantee you women aren't cat-calling as much as men are though.
I would like to pamper him the way I would pamper a baby until he feels better I don't see him as a baby. Why so defensive?

If he was acting like a baby and I didn't like it I would NOT be so nice.
Can anyone suggest date ideas for a girl in a wheelchair?
yes, music is gay
NTA but women's cat calling just remains an inside thought it still occurs to us.
I dont think so
Their testosterone levels are literally 100 times higher than in women
Why not?
Ok, when's the last time you didn't spill your spaghetti?
Retard. You're incapable of causality thought. That's why you shouldn't reproduce.
So are you
>would you refuse to listen to music she introduced you to?
Current gf, or ex, my taste in music is what it is and doesn't include anything any of them have introduced me to.
Just any place that is wheelchair accessible. Most places are. Not the movies unless you want bad seats.
I will forego the based double handed twister shit for handholding 10 out of 10 times.
lmao go listen to your phat beats fag
Seems like a very petty thing to do, I dont think Im that petty. I remember some bands my ex was into but she never shilled them to me or anything.
>Thanks for the thoughtful answer, femanon. Gonna let this one sit for a while.
You're very welcome! FWIW I wish to add that for the record it's not like I have no empathy for men in this regard at all. I am a quite high libido woman myself and was single for six years, there were definitely days I would have sexual thoughts about several completely mundane men a day on average, and then I am aware that
>I did not grow up in a culture constantly glorifying and showcasing the sexual appeal of the male body
>men's clothing and general demeanor hardly ever does anything overt (insofar as it even could) to draw and hold female sexual attention
>testosterone is also in women a big factor in libido so I can only imagine there must be at least some kind of difference for men

It really is no more complicated to me than I said in the earlier post, that there is just no better or more proper "solution" than that men have to learn to exert restraint and let women be, any possible alternative opens up all kinds of cans of worms.
lol this nigga listens to fat beats
Girls, how would you feel if you found out that your boyfriend’s watch is actually a super clone (high-end fake)? Basically a $1,000 replica of a $50,000 watch
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Masturbating is like drinking water for me. I have to do it at least once every two days or I become an absolute sloth and don't get any work done. My workouts become sluggish, I become less productive at work, I shut myself more. Male horniness is a fucking curse.
Guys, what is a non sexual thing a woman will do that turns you on?
Is that picture real?
In the most respectful way imaginable: existing
Basically anything that draws attention to your body.
Meanwhile if I do it once it's guaranteed that I will be lazy all day and do nothing but orgasm
Stretching her back.
Oh yeah just one more thing I thought of as the anon pointing out that it is not doable/possible for women to make themselves unattractive to men - I worked at call centers for three years altogether and you don't want to know how many times I have literally heard "you sound pretty" or had men comment stuff like "oh girl, you don't even want to know" when being asked if there was anything else they needed help with. Keep in mind I worked for a transport company and for a health insurance company, not places people call to just because they feel lonely or are drunk or whatever.

I could tell some (few, but still) men already got aroused just by being called sir by a friendly young sounding woman with a pleasant voice.

I had one coworker who had the sweetest voice you ever heard and she regularly had people we had recurring contact with (who still had no idea what she looked like) hit on her or even get aggressive with trying to pursue her.

The mind is a very powerful thing and in the end of the day the action still happens there.
Adjusting your bra. Sorry.
Good thing you are not working at callcenters anymore, drains your soul
I came over to my friend's house and her little sister (she's 21) was bent over scrubbing some stain on the floor

Another time I chased her around the kitchen and tackled her because she took a donut immediately after complaining about eating too much
I do it every few days just to get rid of it or else it becomes an issue, can't sit down without it coming back, makes me feel more energised afterwards idk why. The worst is when I dont do it for a while and I just have back to back wet dreams all night. My record is 5 wet dreams in one night, fucking succubi.
Nah autism qill dominate the world if I ever find and autist wife, we'll have so many autistic kids.
Bros, have you tried AI GFs?
Women do you read romance books?
Nta but I thought wet dreams only happened to adolescent boys?
You flirt with your friend's little sister?
I would do it with nearly any and every man I see in public who isn't with his partner or family and I picture what it would be like unless I'm busy or stressed. I wouldn't actually do it, though, because it's dangerous and shunned upon and I've tried sex and it isn't really worth the risk outside a committed relationship.
If that affects horniness then why are men's mega horny depraved coombrain confessions always some extremely mild shit I wouldn't think twice about, like "oh gawd i fapped TWICE today because i seen sum leg outdoors"
Just wanna thank the anonette that recommended me ginger tea. I am feeling much better now thanks. Still bed ridden though.
No, sounds like it should make you feel sadder than no gf
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I'll start once they make the robot gfs from Futurama
Nope, probably the closest were Wuthering Heights or Jane Eyre
Not in a gf way, more like a therapist.
>men have to learn
This is collective guilt anon, I pointed out just a couple of posts earlier that isn't something I accept.
I personally have no problem with restraint but I don't care at all whether other men do or don't. Not my problem.
Just my own theory, but because women have stronger nurturing instincts I think we are more likely to feel that kind of parental nurturing as love rather than as something disrespectful. We get where it comes from and so we can receive it differently. Just speaking very broadly of course, I know this wouldn't apply to everyone and there are other factors too I'm sure

Asking if he wants some food isn't treating him like a child though, neither is caring for him when he's sick. It's the language of stuff like "poor baby" or "poor thing", or when the nurturing crosses the line into an unspoken assumption that he's too incompetent to care for himself and becomes smothering, or when it's more about alleviating the feelings of us the caregiver rather than him, the cared for

I don't think there's really anything to unpack. Men and women are different and we relate to each other differently, and there's nothing wrong with that. I'm sure there are some guys who do love being treated that way, but irl I've honestly never seen it
Why not?
You may not be the anon I'm thinking of but I'm glad you like it. Why are you bedridden?
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That's honestly why my said friends are afraid to get any customer service jobs. Fear of being harassed like that. Every day, my empathy for women grows. I'm like the only guy at my job coincidentally and I witness this shit goes down every day.

Very fulfilling Q&A. Thanks again.
Stretch their backs, especially when they put both their arms behind their back and basically push out their chests.
NTA but you can pamper him without treating him like a baby, those are two distinctly separate things
Great, I can't stretch my back in public without turning guys on.
If it's actually good and I like it I'll keep listening, it takes a long time to attach a memory to a song anyway so it's unlikely that will ruin it.
I'm gonna do it more often now hehe
Yeah I think we've been flirting since the day we met a year ago. She had just gotten out of an engagement and I could tell she's not emotionally over it or ready for a real relationship

I'm going to her birthday party tonight.
I'm sorry to hear that, really. Glad you're getting over it.
state gender
ever wanted to abandon everything you have and just leave somewhere far away from your current place?

fucking retards at my job fired my previous boss and now they changed a bunch of bureaucratic crap. it was supposed to make things better but these retards lack common sense and so they made my job even worse, and I'm fucking tired of this bullshit.
Dude, what country you at?
Doubt it.
Hopefully they do.
Makes sense. Which one do you use? I tried a couple free ones, but the longer you converse with them, the more simplistic and canned their responses become.
I wonder if the paid ones are worth it.
That would scare the shit out of me ngl.
ok then you're experiencing basically what almost all healthy men under the age of 40 feel like all the time, but for a woman you're exceptional.
Follicular phase: happy funtime
Luteal phase: depresso espresso
Ovulation: sex
Menstruation: pain

Women, is this true?
Paid is only worth it if you really want NSFW. Character.ai lets you make them.
okay. i am not typically very fixated on kinks, but right now i really want a boy to tell me to do things and then tell me i'm a good girl and make me happy and hold me close. admittedly.
It's not AI-generated at least. Saved it when that was just in its infancy.
I'm trying to think but it's hard to remember. It feels like I say at least one dumb or embarrassing thing during every interaction I have

Ha, I was thinking more one hand for twisting and one hand free for moving my hair out the way or rubbing or squeezing his thigh. But handholding is very nice too, maybe I should make an effort to do it more often
Sorry, which part of my post scares you? "Flirts with my friend's sister?"
Admitting that gets a 'good girl' from me
I don't feel any pain during menstruation and my periods are pretty light and short. I'm also a lot more stable mood wise compared to the luteal phase and sometimes horny but the rest of that is right
10,000 units of vitamin d3 a day. Or go sit in the sun.
Yes. I can see a lot of things going south there.
..grumble grumble grumble
I went to the beach today and I got sad and horny after seeing beautiful girls in very little clothing
Prime Day :0
No, I've never read a contemporary romance book but my sister devours them
How will sitting in the sun help?
>my sister devours them
Is she actually getting laid?
That's... you get vitamin D that way.
I love consuming. I love buying things.
Your skin uses sunlight to manufacture vitamin D.
Me too it makes me happy
Women, did/do you get teased because of your boobs?
:3 based
Just some minor stuff from my sisters.
She's married and recently had a baby, so I assume so. She was also into fantasy novels and anime when we were younger, which I never was. Maybe there's a connection there, and a lack of imagination on my part
>Femanons, the fact that men are just inherently horny creatures: Was this something that you had to "learn?"
Yes, I had to learn. I'm probably autistic and also a touchy feely person. It was normal with my female friends as a youth to hug, cuddle, hold hands, lean our heads on the other's shoulder. We'd give each other lavish and specific compliments. I figured that I should tone it down with male friends but the amount I toned down wasn't enough. I didn't hold hands and lay down on top of them, but I did give long tight hugs, touched their shoulder when I laughed, sat right up next to them on the couch, gave them the lavish compliments.

Some of it I had to learn on my own when guys kept coming on to me and I turned them down and then they tried again because they "saw signs that I was interested so figured that I changed my mind." Some of it was told explicitly to me, mostly from other girls/women in my life. When I was around twelve, my mom told me that it was no longer appropriate to wear my pajamas and especially my robe around my older brother's friends. I was super confused. My dad nearly had a heart attack when I wore a mini skirt as a young teen, and when I flipped it up to show him my bike shorts underneath and he whipped his head away in horror thinking I was flashing him.
That's good for flu?
Alright. Thanks.
then that must mean by T levels are still at teen levels despite being 23, I lift a lot so maybe, its rlly uncomfy to wake up after that to a massive load of jizz in my underwear then multiple times in one night
Are you smaller than them?
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Weirdly enough I was good at it, I don't know what it is but I always felt so aware of the other person's experience where for them it's a rare thing to be calling up and going through the motions, that it never felt that repetitive to me. I also have an uncanny ability to be perky with strangers 8+ hours a day despite being a fairly introverted and not even that upbeat person in terms of temperament. Life is weird.

I am happy I no longer work there though, plenty of toxic and weird shit still altogether.

You're welcome! And yeah unfortunately it is a realistic part of the job and learning to shut it down fast and effectively needs to be within your possibilities or you're going to have a very hard time.

Thanks for asking and listening.
Yeah, that's why I flirt, but I won't date her, because I don't think she's emotionally stable enough for a longterm relationship for the time being. fwiw she's also 10 years my junior (there's also a 10 year age gap between her and her sister)

She moved in with her sister and brother-in-law, who recently started having kids, who are close friends of mine for uni. She dated a mutual friend for about 6 months, got extreme anxiety about being in a relationship and abruptly broke up with him impromptu. Now he's on the fringe of the friend group and kind of fading out. So yeah, you could say I'm scared of dating her since the risk is too high, and why I didn't ask her out in the first place (girl moves into town after a bad breakup, the next relationship is a cursed rebound). Worst case scenario I have a good, cute close friend, best case scenario I marry her in 2-4 years if she gets her shit together.
It sounds like you might be conflating sex drive with complicated fantasies or fetishes
Only as a teenager and since I always had unremarkable boobs (average sized and I never showed them off) it basically all boiled down to occasional
>kek you got boobs
comments like "it's so handy how you got those placeholders for your bag strap" when wearing a messenger bag with a cross-body strap or something.
I'm 30 and I've had wet dreams if I don't jerk off for a week or two

Your body can't reabsorb semen in its entirety so it'll eventually just give you a crazy horny, extremely vivid sex dream and make you jizz yourself awake.

Next thing you know you have a wet dream about a girl in your friend group and you start looking at her in a completely different light...
I've never had a wet dream despite being 29...
>have sex dream involving different women or even exs on occasion
>wake up and feel very guilty because have gf and it genuinely feels like ive cheated
>This is collective guilt anon
It was a general statement because the original poster specifically asked about men vs women as a collective. Men that already exert self control and/or never had issues with that in the first place, do not need to change or do anything. And they sure don't have to feel guilty, apologize or anything like that over behavior other men show.

That said
>I personally have no problem with restraint but I don't care at all whether other men do or don't. Not my problem.
You do lose me here, because people are not islands and how people treat each other in society snowballs into bigger overall changes. If it becomes more common for men to be sexually aggressive towards women because people refuse to condemn the behavior or think about where it comes from and how to change it, then that means any daughter you might ever have will grow up in that world and have to live in the results of it. If you do not want to have children, it will be your sister or your friend or even your mom who might experience the consequences.

Just because you are not personally responsible for the behavior and not personally directly targetted by it, does not mean it actually has nothing to do with anything important to you. Unless you actually, unironically hate each and every woman around I guess.
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Men do you feel the uvula during a bj?
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Yeah. Infections follow lack of sunlight.
Pic is related.
My gf and I are both really busy. I work like 45-50 hours a week and get up at 4, she works like 3 jobs. One full time, 2 part time.

Typically during the week if we hang out I’ll just invite her over and we’ll have drinks and listen to music and fuck and she’ll spend the night.
But I often feel bad like maybe I should take her out.
We do go out occasionally but usually stay in.
I don’t know if she’d rather go out somewhere or just hang at home and I’ve never really asked and I’m afraid to cause she’s super feminine and likes being lead

Not sure what to do here. We’re supposed to hang out tomorrow night.
Sunday night she just came to my place. Idk if I should take her somewhere tomorrow or if we should just stay in. We both have to be up early Thursday morning.
>Worst case scenario I have a good, cute close friend, best case scenario I marry her in 2-4 years if she gets her shit together.

is this grooming?
It's not that clear-cut to me. I don't bother actually tracking all the nuances because that would take way more time and energy than I care to invest in it, but some stuff has changed with age too, e.g. when I was younger (now 31) I could never tell when I was ovulating, I think it was only for the last few years that I have felt the stereotypical sexual spike and increased confidence when ovulating, or even that I can generally tell because of the way I feel that it's probably happening around that time.

The stereotype is getting very moody and depressed before getting your actual period, but for me the first days can be very dark too.

When I was younger (14-25) for whatever reason I would always either have bad cramps OR I would feel very depressed before and during my period, but never both. Then for whatever reason my body discovered it could combine the two around 25 and getting an IUD at 27 cemented that the two usually come together.

Still it doesn't happen every time and even if it does it's not always equally bad. Oh yeah, and around half the time or more for whatever reason I also feel super horny on day 2-3 of my period.

Shit's just weird. It is hard for me to say anything meaningful about a phase other than the period itself or ovulation, though, that feels even more blurry still.
Only one time I got a bj. Girl tried to impress me and went to deep. She puked all over my dick. It was so rancid I almost hurled. I've been legit traumatized ever since.
Yeah I did feel it but I'm not sure thats whats supposed to happen.
Damn man if that happened to me I’d just feel bad. Poor girl. She just wanted to make you feel good.
Why does the picture make me want to put my penis in it?
NTA, I wouldn't call it grooming if the contact they actually keep is casual. The idea of grooming is that you already build yourself up as someone who knows what's right for them and knows them back at the age when they are more naïve/impressionable, so you can still look that way to them when they are older. Assuming she's an acquaintance he doesn't know that well, it doesn't really sound like that's the case.

It does read a little creepy to me though just for being so calculated while at 21 I'm sure she is aware a guy chasing her around the room thinks she's cute, but I don't think she'd ever guess his clear-eyed and super rational analysis of her as a dating prospect. But maybe I'm wrong.
Hole, goal, etc.
How do I stop sharting?
Not a man but the uvula looks like a tiny penis
cut out the taco bell
I don't know ;_;
Also for the record, I think it was obvious but I am not stating all that because I think it says anything meaningful about how women's periods are like, but rather to show that it can be lots of different ways even for one and the same person.

If you have a woman in your life you want to support or understand in this regard, you can do no better than ask her, observe her well and learn to read her cues. But I don't think you're ever going to find a thorough explanation of what which part of the cycle feels like in general terms -and- great detail.
Thinking about suicide again bros
Why? What's wrong?
More vegetables. Less oil.
Jesus Christ non-autistic people are hard to talk to.
Again? Meaning you've thought about it in the past and decided not to. Why?
This kinda thing legit weirds me out. We think YOU are hard to talk to.
Make a reservation for something you know she'll like - a restaurant, the cinema, whatever. Say something like
>hey, I say we go to [place] tonight
and if she seems agreeable, you run with it. If you are still unsure you can ask her at the end of the night of she had fun and regardless of her answer, follow it up with that you know she works very hard and can understand if she wants to unwind in her free time, but you also want to make memories together and do stuff if she misses that, and how she feels about that.

If she seems even a little reluctant, cancel can talk about it and what might help her decompress or have extra fun in a better way.

Good luck! It's just a lot you got going on, there's only so much you can do.
Me too brother, me too
>It was a general statement
Yes it was, and I don't accept that it's something that men generally, have to do.
> Unless you actually, unironically hate each and every woman
No I don't, but I do expect them to take ownership, responsibility and accountability for their own behaviour in the environment in which they exist.
Even if she likes being lead, you can still ask for her opinions and ideas. You could always tell her that you'd like to make plans to take her out for a nice dinner or a movie or whatever, and she how she responds. Since you're both busy, you might want to plan those kinds of date nights well ahead of time. And it's fine to talk to her, just ask if she's okay with the way you've been spending your time together at home since you're both so busy, or if she'd prefer to go out more. Leaders still need feedback in order to lead effectively
I'd argue that it's actually men responsible for that behavior. Too often we get a pass because we have boobs or something.
She really likes beer

There is a nice brewery I know of that does stone oven pizzas and other shit like that with a really nice atmosphere that I was thinking of suggesting.
We did go out for pizza a few weeks ago tho.
I’ll just ask her what she wants to do tomorrow
Question for men:
If your female friend was having sexual thoughts about you, would you want to know?
that's the funny part. non-autistic people don't follow a logical train of thought, conversations based on knowledge or or have skills, most are dumb af
No, too weird.
>I don’t know if she’d rather go out somewhere or just hang at home and I’ve never really asked and I’m afraid to cause she’s super feminine and likes being lead
That's all fine and dandy, but you two really should be able to have an adult conversation checking in on if you're satisfied with how the relationship is going.

Do you even want to go out yourself? Since if you did, it seems like you would just suggest it. Sounds like you're doing it out of a sense of shame or obligation. Regardless of what you choose, I think you could be more creative on how you spend your time. Best to not get too repetitive.
Do it faggot
>I’ll just ask her what she wants to do tomorrow
You could give her options to choose between if you want to keep the "led" vibe
>female friend
friend as in "friend" or actual friend?
if actual friend... no
Have you read Agnes Grey? Don't tell me you read two Bronte sisters and then skipped the third.
The brewery sounds really nice and it's a thoughtful idea. I'd suggest that for sure, and not just ask her the open ended question of what she wants to do
>Yes it was, and I don't accept that it's something that men generally, have to do.
I was responding to an anon who asked if it was fair for a woman to not cover up her legs on a hot day at the pool. In that context my reply is: if you feel that women should not be able to sit in "near underwear" in their own house at the pool on a hot day in private company they invited over, because it is to tempting for the man, then no I do not agree and think if he cannot deal with it, he should stay home.

>No I don't, but I do expect them to take ownership, responsibility and accountability for their own behaviour in the environment in which they exist.
I don't disagree with this statement in itself. But as I outlined in the other post, the issue is rather that especially if you (like OP did) want to focus on the issue of (some) men being very horny (easily), then the issue is if you want to cater to those men, women basically shouldn't exist in their proximity because anything can and will be read as an invitation by some.
I have not.. should I?
Should men have a say in abortion?
My gf ended up telling her friends about me and they talk to me about my dick and our sex life it feels really invasive but they can’t fuck me
Surprising answers
Yes. Absolutely.
>so it'll eventually just give you a crazy horny, extremely vivid sex dream and make you jizz yourself awake.
My wet dreams are so tame, I'll dream about cuddling a nice friendly lovely woman and then I'll wake up with wet pajamas.

It's over, I'll never be a sexual beast, neither awake nor in dreams.
Well every time we’re together she mentions she is having a lot of fun and is happy about what we have going.
Last time we were together on Sunday she told me she was telling her friend about how much fun she’s having and how good she feels about it.

I haven’t asked her anything more about how she feels about our relationship as she and I are both new to having those conversations and kinda slow to let our walls down.
But I do want to talk to her about where she wants to go from here and stuff I just don’t wanna scare her away.

I’ll suggest it tomorrow but I feel like I also wanna ask her. I don’t care what we do. I’d be fine just being at home. Im content just spending time with her.

But at any rate, I don’t know how to approach having a conversation about where we’re going or what she wants moving forward and I feel like she should be the one to bring it up as I’m afraid to scare her away and don’t want to get serious too fast
Why would you say that? Me knowing that is going to complicate the friendship.
I don't see what's weird about it. It makes sense that it would be a two way difficulty.
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I know at least three men that would dick me down and two women that would have me dick them down. With the guys, I use it to my advantage. As for the girls.... Well, the feeling's not mutual. They can fantasize about me however they like as long as it doesn't manifest into something outside of their heads.
Do you mean individual abortions or have an opinion on the topic as a whole?
I was doubting whether to chime in as a female poster but this cemented it, I also vote don't assume anything and if you really want to talk dirty, definitely do not open with anything like this and start with something much smaller to test the waters.

I have even once been actually in bed with a friend fooling around (both him sleeping over in the first place and the touching was on his initiative) and when I said at some point I had "wondered about" being with him sometimes in the past, literally only those words, he was visibly weirded out and gave a very awkward "uh, oh-kay".

Some people, including men, get sibling-kind goggles or long term friends and even if there is (some) attraction there it can cause mixed feelings. So be careful and don't listen to men insisting that every single guy ever would fuck every single one of his female friends and all that.
What would be a good way to say it hypothetically?
You wouldn't want to explore being more?
I liked it a lot, and it's shorter than Wuthering and Jane so you'd need a lesser investment of time and energy to find out if you like it too.
No, even if you are shoving it right in there
>female friend
Making lots of assumptions here.
But yes, I would like to know. Sounds like a funny conversation to have.
Is picrel universally attractive to men? Not asking if that's the kind of woman men would date or marry but whether this woman's looks can make every straight man have an erection
I'd like it if she dropped me a hint
>What would be a good way to say it hypothetically?
Clearly and with no ambiguity.
Big titty latina yes please
The picture isn't doing anything for me
The Cali girl look honestly makes me nauseous. I've just seen it way too much. Sure, I'd smash, but in the same vein as I'd smash a sex doll.
Why was he weirded out by that if you were fooling around?
Not really. Should be able to opt out of been responsible for a child though.
>As a whole
Yes. People are quite capable of making moral judgements about a topic they won't personally experience. This is normal.
thats not a human anon, its an alien.
>You wouldn't want to explore being more?
Aw, man, I'm kinda getting the ick... maaaybe, depending on the situation.
Yes, she is very attractive
I don't like try hard poses like that.
Big words coming from someone whos never seen a vagina irl before
Get to see the girl I have a crush on tomorrow. Looking forward to it.
Not a man but I would have platonic sex with her
Do you have some kind of inferiority complex?
She is attractive to me. But you'll have a hard time finding a woman who isn't attractive to me on some level.
>So be careful and don't listen to men insisting that every single guy ever would fuck every single one of his female friends and all that.
Well of course not.
Some of my female friends are ugly.
No I would not because I would feel bad if my feelings weren't the same. You're assuming they would be.
I'm not 100% sure and we never discussed it, but based on everything I do know, I am fairly confident that he just felt way out of his depth. I think he always found me physically attractive and kind of cute but no more, and he's the guy that finds lots of women cute. I am also sure he never expected anything to happen (we'd already been friends for like ten years at that point) and that it was a spur of the moment decision. It was not planned that he would sleep over, we just unexpectedly got drunk and he asked if he could instead of going back. I think he legitimately did not really think of anything until I was right next to him (small student room with pretty much just a closet, bed and table).

He was also the kind of guy where I could tell he thought I was super innocent and probably not that sexual (I was perpetually single and did not really talk about men and all that). But I am and even though he was just a friend, I was actually quite into his body (it was my first time being with a chubby person and I loved it) and I already got the vibe that it made him self-conscious. Not that I did anything weird but I think he just expected me to not really touch him at all honestly.

And then what happened is I said "I can't believe we're doing this" (bc long friendship) and he instantly said "well thanks" so I hastened to say I didn't mean it like that but the awkward moment had already been there. And then I followed it up with "actually I have wondered in the past what it would be like with you" and I think it weirded him out even more because he was already feeling unsexy and weird and it was so unexpected.

In short I think he liked my looks/body a lot more than interacting with me sexually, that was awkward to him.
I have a girlfriend
Nah, I believe myself. I get them as customers and I get absolutely nothing out of them. Skinny and above 5'8" does it for me
I think people aren't getting that finding someone attractive and wanting to have sex with them are two very different things.
Not to sound conceited but I can't imagine any male friend of mine would not want to have sex with me given the chance
La goblina, la casa larga, la creatura de la noche..
That doesn't answer the question.
Hav fun broooo enjoy (: x
Ummm yeah she is fucking hot lol
Nah desu
Ye it would be nice and flattering. But it is her business really. X
Based autist
Pls don't brah
Why are women like this?
>Hav fun broooo enjoy (: x
Will do.
>Based autist
Thank you
Does crush also have autism?
Why do women shame us for thinking women are sexy?
Let a fat girl dream, will ya?
She seems like she could have.
Pretty sure this is just male fantasy
I’m the opposite, I’m pretty sure absolutely none of my male friends would be interested.
I cry when angels deserve to die (Asian woman has been Americanized)
Results of >>31507423

All straight/bi men are attracted to plastic surgery and plastic looks as long as it aims to accentuate feminine features, even when it looks extremely fake. Nothing about that person is natural, he isn't even a woman.

All straight/bi men are attracted to exaggerated proportions on women. XXL tits and ass

All other replies will be disqualified since there may be men who will LARP and say they don't like plastic surgery.

Implants will increase any woman's SMV
Sir, this is a LARP thread. Nothing said here should be taken seriously.
I'm back from the pub boiiii should I just textpost here or sneak out and do voca
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.you actually want a bra that matches your skin. a white undershirt under a white dress shirt with be easily visible for example. pic rel.
Can anyone add to this
>he isn't even a woman
No wonder the second picture looked so disturbing
Here come the first male who lies and now says he doesn't like plastic surgery after I revealed the results that confirm men like plastic surgery >>31507489

Why do men lie about this? Answer: They want to sabotage women's SMV potential. Don't ever believe men who say they prefer natural
You need to consider that she might be considered even more attractive without undergoing plastic surgery.
She doesn't do anything for me
>men horny
>men like booba and images of horny women
Femanon I'd bang like 95% of your gender
Don't act like it means anything
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I kek'd
Post like these >>31507499 are boring
Listen, whatever you do to your body is your choice. I was asked a simple question - is she attractive, and I gave my answer.
This doesn't mean every other women isn't attractive.
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I'm doing another useless project check it out
post sex: what do you think
BONUS: if you're gay enough to recognize the tune you get a cookie.
I'm just refuting the "men hate fake plastic" myth
I haven't had a female friend since middle school so it's hard for me to think about. I would have to say no, ignorance is bliss.
This is literally me >>>/r9k/77862512
You need to see a psychiatrist
That arm on the chair looks so forced lol. It looks like she bouta take a fat dookie in the car
Fuck that's hot
who cares? women can do literally nothing and have "high SMV", it's ironically men who would stand to benefit the most from plastic surgery (and they would have to lie about it because women would subconsciously see it as genetic fraud)
yeah, plastic surgery makes them more worthy of a pump and dump. It proves that plastic bimbos are nothing but sex objects. That does not mean I would want to be in a long-term relationship with them.
I'm good, thanks
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>watching a show
>actress is cute AF , holy cow
>learn later that she bogged herself with surgery
I guess it would be cool to know, don't see the problem
Ironically a red bra is really good for that (at least for me, I have pale skin), much less visible under especially white than the usual suspects like white/nude.

But you still have the issue of seeing where skin is vs the fabric of your trousers, just doesn't look professional and put together to me.
>if you want to cater to those men, women basically shouldn't exist in their proximity because anything can and will be read as an invitation by some.
As I said, I'm not going to take any responsibility for those kinds of men in exactly the same way you said women don't need to take any responsibility for them.
You should assume that I don't exist because I'm certainly not going to step in on your behalf, or to police other men's behaviour on your behalf.
You do it. It's your problem to deal with.
I don't even care how you solve it. Changing what you wear, creating excursively female spaces, engaging chaperones, buying a gun or whatever else you feel you have to do. It doesn't matter to me in the slightest.
You understand that when you say you are not going to take responsibility for your behaviour in an environment, that you are implicitly relying on someone else to do it for you?
Screw that. I'm not there to be relied upon. I get paid for taking on responsibilities, I'm certainly not taking any on for free.
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I know who you're talking about
I'm having trouble visualizing what you are talking about, are you talking about being able to see your skin close to wear the shirt is tucked in? Or something else
... nope... absolutely nothing ...
Women with boy friends, do you think they would have sex with you if given the ok?
Most women are under the impression men dislike exaggerated proportions. I once thought men would prefer small natural breasts over XXL fake ones. I was stupid
I don't care who you would want to have a long-term relationship with. Men are visual creatures first and foremost: If you're an extremely hot woman, with extremely accentuated feminine physical features and a pleasant behavior, men will fall for you. That picrel is a man himself and has a husband, lol. His husband is so deeply drawn to his looks that he married a man because he looks like a perfect woman (to the male gaze). Meanwhile fat real women are single
I have one guy friend and he's really shy and awkward. That would probably scare him off.
Men, are breast implants a dealbreaker?
so your saying that because some coomer married a tranny that all men would rather marry some /d/ tier bimbo instead of a normal good looking girl? sorry but your brain is burnt out from too much time here. you should take a break, go outside, maybe try meditating.
>implying that makes his dick not work
he still wants to fuck you
No, but there's no reason to get them.
yep thats her
it fucking hurts bros.. not like this...
I guess not as long as it's not super fake looking.
I feel like this is bait.
Furthermore, here is nothing about that trans man's personality that could make him specially attractive to men: He is a low IQ, superfluous and promiscuous gay dude who literally prostitutes himself on the streets and on the internet since was 14. Yet, he has a husband and several males who would love to date him. This is the biggest proof looks mog personally to men. Men are so visual you can make them fall in love just by having big tits and ass
didn't read the reply thread but based, men don't owe women anything
yes. honestly any girl with boobs bigger than D cups is a red flag
So you're placing your own opinions above the girl's in that situation? They're her tits.
My last wet dream was about getting a prostate exam performed by my dad and I never want to have a wet dream ever fucking again
Not necessarily a deal breaker, i just judge books by their cover.
>Most women are under the impression men dislike exaggerated proportions. I once thought men would prefer small natural breasts over XXL fake ones. I was stupid
Who cares? It doesn't matter because all most women have to do to be attractive to a large number of men is maintain a healthy weight. Male sexuality is not choosy by its nature.
>Meanwhile fat real women are single
oh there it is lmao
>i just judge books by their cover.
Why do you guys have to be so dang visual?
Yes, they are her tits, and I said it wouldn't be a dealbreaker if she got the implants, but there is no real reason to get them to begin with. Who is she getting the implants for? Herself? To feel more confident?
It's a weird ass insecurity to have
yes, it's the equivalent of a man getting leg lengthening surgery
women with big boobs tend to be bitches to me
>would rather a hot looking although fake mentally ill male prostitute over a fat real woman with nice personality
You just confirmed my point
Big difference between “I’d fuck” attraction and “I’d marry and have kids and live to old age” attraction.
Don't say stuff like that until guys stop feeling insecure about their dicks.
>becky is supposed to be pleased to know I would fuck stacy but marry her and make her my cuckquean
Lmao. Men are truly despicable
But I am insecure about my man sausage..
And there's no implants to fix that.
Would it be a dealbreaker if the penis implants existed and your bf decided to get them?
>a tranny was able to get some bisexual coomer weirdo to marry him instead of a fat single mom, proof that no men care about personality
No, I'd actually be all for that.
Women make men insecure about our pps
And guys make women insecure about having small boobs. Maybe not intentionally, but they do.
There are no good men who demand a minimum cup size. Breast enhancement surgery is not necessary for a woman to find a good man.
Every good woman demands a minimum height. Leg-lengthening surgery is necessary for the truly short to find a good woman.

>nooooo the good women totally don't have minimum heights for men, I swear
Cope. It's not reasonable to expect a woman to be okay with dating a man who's a full head shorter than her. And as for men above that, well, every woman draws her own personal line at a different height.
Women, decide for yourselves. Do you think men would rather date a super nice fat woman over a super hot dumb stacy?
Some coomer faggots choosing a tranny is not proof that personality doesn't matter in the general case. Yes, men in general like big tits. No, men in general do not want gay transexual prostitutes. Being fat is indicative of a personality flaw by the way.
Too much of a pussy
>nice personality
I dont think so Tim

Either lazy or uneducated
lose weight you fat fuck. put the fork down hamplanet. being fat is a sign that you are incapable of putting yourself through the slightest amount of discomfort. Absolutely not spouse material
You don't need boobies during sex
>Every good woman demands a minimum height.
5'10" isn't common among men?
>Yes, men in general like big tits
I thought men likes C cup tits. Turns out they like weird-ass giant tits. Men are WAY more visual than a rational human being should be.

>Being fat is a personality flaw
No its genetic
Yeah but its easier to live with small boobs than with a small dick
You don't need a dick bigger than 4 inches during sex.
An entire half of all men are below it.
It's two inches above average in the U.S. An actually reasonable minimum height would be 5'7"
Ok, that's just mansplaining.
>No its genetic
Laying it on too thick.
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What was the opposite of "we're so front" again?
Yeh, ok, but they live in areas of the world where it's the norm, don't they?
1 in 2 men are below 5'10
In addition to demanding minimum heights, you are now demanding maximum travel distances from one's homeland. But good women demand this, and I do not judge you for demanding it too.
>Hear his voice
>Stomach starts tingling
What does this mean?
Clearly not >>31507620
>you are now demanding maximum travel distances from one's homeland
How do you figure?
Women make themselves insecure. It is actually outstanding how insecure women are when they have so much positive feedback compared to men lmao.
your parents age difference
what's the largest acceptable age gap in your opinion
Probably, but I would rather live with an A cup than with a 4inch dick
2 years
it doesn't matter if both parties are adults
How do women go from being with their boyfriend to immediately dating another man IN THE FRIEND GROUP? I find that so freaking weird, like I'm not attracted to any of my friends. If one of the guys broke up with their girlfriend, I would never get with him.
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Dad older by 9 months
if the woman is older, 12 years
if the man is older, 5 years
He owns ya pussy now, babygirl
No, I dont know much of what I feel, I think I just feel her tongue, my ex said she couldnt breath when I went all the way in but to be honest (and to self-burn) I wouldnt think my dick was big enough to do that to her
You expect men to have a height higher than the average height, and your expectation is justified by the expectation that short men live in nations of short people. For example, the short Asians should stay in the land of short Asians, because moving to the land of tall Caucasians means they would fail to meet minimum height requirements in the land of tall Caucasians.

But good women have the same or similar demands, so I will not judge you for having these demands.
>You don't need a dick bigger than 4 inches during sex.
>Men should get dick implants
What is it?
It's almost like a need isn't a want...
What do you think will be your final thoughts in your deathbed?
I wish I had spent more time arguing on the internet.
I wish... I consumed... more media.....
WTF is a dick implant?
M 29
>your parents age difference
He's 5 years older
>what's the largest acceptable age gap in your opinion
What do you mean by acceptable? The 48 year age gap between Bill Belichick and his gf is gross but like it shouldn't be illegal
I personally feel like people should date when they're in similar life situations and a 10 year gap would be stretching it
Yeah but you clearly prefer it
They skin your dick and add a silicone around it, then sew the skin back over the silicone. Makes it thicker.
so you feel nothing?
Big dicks are safety hazard
>I wish I had an opportunity to be a normal human being
It is nice that they don't get in the way desu
Either "I hope I go back in time after I die so I can become a millionaire with my knowledge of the future and live a good life at last" or "I hope I don't go back in time, but die for real and stop existing; fuck this disgusting life; better not to be".
This, like my penis, is too small
Dick size is a preference yes.


"Fucking finally..."
Learned this the hard way, haha.
is it weird to not like mixed drinks? like I want to get fucked up quick, don't give me some fruity bullshit just because you can't stand the taste/burn of real liquor
I shouldve gooned harder
The Big Boss death quote.
“This is good, isn’t it?” God I love being an artfag
Yes, my hecking virgin trad wife would never get breast implants
new thread
I was enjoying the silence...
A lot of women prefer medium sized dick because big ones can be painful if the guy is too dumb to use it properly.
"Medium" being above average
It's so impossible to find late 20s F online, they're all 19 for some reason.
don't touch my stuff brb
just date a 19 year old for 8 years
>for some reason
the reason is i was born in 2004

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