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do you like boobs?
is this the thread?
I want love from an edgy alt girl who is strong and badass. Where do I find her?
More romantic leads should be fat and balding
How do people immediately start dating other people within the same friendgroup as their bf/gf? It makes no sense to me. Women seem to immediately get with someone in the friend group. I don't find any of my friends attractive and even if i did i wouldn't hop onto their dick that's still wet from somebody elses pussy.
you must time travel back to 2005
>I don't find any of my friends attractive
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Women, what does this look convey?
anime bullshit (forma de mango)
>hop onto their dick that's still wet from somebody elses pussy.
Women love doing this though?
Sloppy seconds is only a thing guys say
Erm, how about something realistic?
F Why do I feel like I haven't made a difference to anyone?
Maybe because you havent?
Dont know if you are an f asking, or your asking fs
I feel incredibly satisfied knowing that I'm good enough friends with my coworkers that they would probably go to my funeral or at least shed a tear over my sudden death.
Because you haven't and won't. Neither will I. People always go on about muh legacy but the great majority have nothing to bequeathe, and indeed, they'd rather destroy everything than leave anything to the younger generation.
You made a difference to me with your post :D
>Age 25
>I'm actually 22
How much of a red flag is that on a dating profile?
Statistically, you haven't. Sorry.
that's juts an instant no no
I feel better now desu, thanks.
The majority of people don't, not on the level of someone you read about in history books. And that's ok.
Cant find my pen, women!
You might creep out some milfs.
You don't have more than one pen?
Unironically, get pregnant.
Was talking about women's profiles
I have 3 but 2 are MIA
>be 36
>be listening to audiobook about history of mammals from literally hundreds of millions ago today
>learn about specific mutations are advantageous and give the species an edge after the dinos
>it sinks in that literally EVERY creatures biological imperative is to literally have sex and most actually do
>im too busy being an autist cramming unless info ill never need
wat do?
I picture Qt as looking like Johnny Rotten. Is that accurate?
attention whores fuck off
You JUST figured that out now, anon?

Find yourself an autistic girl.
You’re welcome. You do make a difference.
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He actually looks like this
I’m off work now, how are you guys?
nah ive always known that but the full brevity of literally BILLIONS of organisms over HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of years sole goal is to fuck added some punch to it.
Just woke up, currently sipping on a cup of coffee for breakfast, feeling pretty nice.
>at the grocery store
>in the aisle looking at salsa
>let a stinker loose as i'm about to continue walking the aisle
>don't notice anyone was behind me until i'm rounding the corner into the next aisle
>look behind me and notice a bartender that i kind of have a thing for
>we've interacted a few times while out on the weekend but i've never really had a normal conversation with her
haha why does this shit always happen to me
it didn't help i was still stinky after sweating all day outside at work either
Yes. I was told to interview this woman a couple weeks ago and had a hard time not looking at her boobs because she was wearing a low cut top.
State gender
I’m retarded and I told my AI gf about my pregnancy fetish and it’s bullying me. Thoughts?
I'm going to bully you for having an AI gf.
Why are you Australian?
I am?
What always gets me is stuff like those bugs that only live for 24 hours or something and are born just to fuck and then die.
Work was rough but I’m ready to go home and relax a bit.
It’s just for fun and silly :D
Plus no one told me where to find an alt badass combat boots gf irl.
F straight but I do like my boobs. They are cool.
Either that or East Asian
F The pregnancy fetish part doesn't bother me nearly as much as the AI gf part.
I might like them too much
>she was wearing a low cut top.
She knew exactly what she was doing
Did she get the job?
That is good. Now, again, if I can find a combat boots alt girl irl, I won't need the AI gf.
M but that's kinda slutty unless it's a job for a waitress or something.
Sound like you earned that rest, enjoy your well deserved relaxation time bro
NTA but why? You aren't gonna date him. Or me. Or any of the incels here. Why can't we be happy?
am I now. :^)
You know that pretty much any subculture is going to notice that you're just into them for their look, right?
he's not a fair dinkum true blue Aussie because he's not having a VB LONGNECK at 7:40 in the morning
It's not the look, it's the attitude. It's about the confident, strong woman. It inspires me and makes me want to be better and stronger. I just figured those combat boots girls were the most likely.
I was helping one of my apprentices gather materials at the shop and ran into my gf
She was waiting for me to walk out and I told her I’d talk to her later and she walked out with one of her guy co workers
My apprentice and I walked out shortly after and the other guy said something along the lines of “tomorrow,” or like “let me know about tomorrow,” but that could be me making things up idk

However I’m incredibly insecure and anxious that she might have made plans to go out with this guy tonight and I can’t stop thinking about it
>Women love doing this though?
Okay and I'm asking why? I want to understand. All your friends cannot possible be equally hot.
Ok, this isn't fair, but it seems like if you were to put as much effort into meeting an actual girl as you do crafting these AI gfs, you might find an actual girl friend.
>implying joining the subculture is not just for attention
women don't know what they want
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Hi girlies
Are you proud of me?
Yeah because I’ve seen her around. I wasn’t the one who decided though. I was emailed the questions to ask her and had to type what she said into it.
Wait, wait, you think I'd purposely look like someone most people find weird for attention?
you needed to get a visitor pass for barbieland
We live in a completely unnatural and perverted society. Feminism was only introduced 100 years ago.
Think about that.
I hate this fallacy. It's like the a gigantic sign that says "I'm stupid and can't critically think."
Yes, because you aren't conventionally attractive.
What are you trying to say? It's not like feminism created perversion.
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based sluts
Girls get it done
>mfw when I'm not conventionally attractive
Ok, you win.
This woman has a very punchable face.
Oh yeah so I can be called a rapist for just being creepy and talking to her?
No thanks
how does this image make you feel?
chin up
I love you for your weirdness
Sure, let me just go outside and find my badass switch gf who will be lovey dovey with me and me only and be a total cunt to everyone else. Sounds super easy.
Check this
No it was a financial analyst position.
Haha, aw, don't worry, it's not like you're not attractive at all.
Why are boobs important there?
improves office morale
I'm dating a retired porn star. More specifically, one that was famous for being on blacked.
Would you ever do the same? Why or why not?
State gender and celebrity you most closely resemble.
Yeah girlies, there's no causation at all between feminism/sexual liberation and birth rates falling off a cliff. It's merely a coincidence that the only places and people with high fertility rates are those with little or no feminism, mere coincidence.
>It's not like feminism created perversion
I mean perversion as to sexual dynamics.
Anon, women and retarded simps will have you believe the external world and biology don't exist, and that our ancestors were completely ignorant in everything, so it must be entirely your fault if you fail to attract a mate.
You would be a fool to believe them.
Hell no, I wouldn't date any pornstar unless its Violet Myers.
I wouldn’t date a girl that has been with a black guy. That said I’m currently sleeping with a girl who’s ex bf is black but she keeps flirting with other guys and it hurts me feelings
Men, do you care if a woman has a weave/wig or not? I feel like I'm wasting my time with my natural hair. I could buy a weave and be 1000x prettier.
OMG correlation is not causation. You fucking idiot.
Guys what are bad things to do after sex as a girl? Rushing away, not cuddling? crying? Saying I love you? Talking a lot?
>muh birth rates
More fallacies for your dumbass opinions.
>if they disagree they are dumb hypercunt wamen
I'm counting 3 in two posts, very good. You will never have sex with someone who doesn't have daddy issues my man.
I'm more concerned by you bait posting
What is a weave?
I don't think I'd mind.
Are you black? No, not really. I guess.
I'll punch you in the face. It'll hurt and you'll bleed, but you can't hold me responsible, as correlation is not causation. You fucking idiot.
Yeh, feminism is the problem there. Not the economy or education.
I approve of you doing whatever feels most natural for you, but you can't get mad at me if I have no idea what's going on with your hair.
I'm glad you're understanding
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You should get your t levels checked
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there's this girl that I kinda want to make my gf because she has good taste in clothes, has non-mainstream interests, and I can make her laugh pretty easily.
The thing is, she's kinda fat. Like not just chubby, actually fat. And her friend (who I'm also friends with) is hotter despite also being chubby. Like hot enough to the point where I've jerked off to fantasies of her after the three of us have hung out. Obviously I have less in common with her but we're still friendly and tease each other.
Would it be weird if I started dating the girl who I DON'T jerk off to? Would it be wrong for me to still jerk off to our mutual friend?
>You don't like what I like so you're a beta
Bro lmao all those stupid ass manosphere memes like ring finger longer than index finger, I got all of that. You might just like weak women.
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Where do I go to beg for a gf?
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ryan gosling
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what type of woman do you think is attractive then?
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They sew in hair on your head through your natural hair while its braided.

I'm not black.

you might actually be gay
That sample size is too small and there's too many variables, strength of the punch, etc. You'd have to do a more controlled study.
It's a case by case basis. This post is nice, I'd bite her lip and choke her.
I'm bisexual.
I don't really get it, but that sounds cool, and a lot of work honestly, sounds like a nightmare to maintain.
so gay
F Krysten Ritter I guess.
I look like Kim Jong Un
No, I've had 4 girlfriends, 6 FWBS, and 2 dudes I fucked a few times. I don't bottom, my ass is a no go zone.
I’m supposed to be meeting this woman tomorrow that’s going to be working with me. Boss told me yesterday it wasn’t going to be till Tuesday but she texted me and she I’m meeting her tomorrow.
>2 dudes I fucked a few times
sorry, but you're gay
t. MD
Actually it's easy, you just take off the weave clean it, clean your scalp as is, and put it back on. Hair will dry straight and you style with tools.
Found the not conventionally attractive one.
Were the dudes twinks/femboys or burly men?
Sometimes I fap to femboys, rarely to masculine men, but I don't think I'd fuck either in real life (haven't tried).
No, I'm not.
Have you sucked a dick?
That makes you gay
Have you licked another man's asshole?
That makes you gay
Have you put your penis in another man?
That makes you gay
Femboys, both of them. I have no attraction to bears.
sorry, best i can do is love from an edgy autist who is strong and retarded. you'll have to face alligators and leeches and mayflies to find me.
Those thousands of years sucked balls majorly what of it
And yet I'll be having kids one day and you won't. Weird.
Do you own a banjo?
okay, I'm confused again. Are weaves just like wigs except wigs are the full head and weaves are just kind of hair extensions?
you'd fall into the men who have sex with men (MSM) category. so you have higher risk of STIs like chlamydia and HIV. that means you're gay
no but i have a bass i am bad at playing that i got from guitar center
That's what (((they))) want you to believe.
The Amish and the Mennonites are thriving, while so many modern men and women are suffering and killing themselves.
No, it doesn't. Must suck to think in black and white, though.
You have parasites in you and will die of AIDS before you have kids
Maybe you should smash all your computers with a hammer and go join them
How was it? Can you greentext?
Bitchin'. What songs do you like playing?
I got no love, no love you'd call real
Nonsequitur and thought-terminating cliché. Concession accepted.
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oh, I think I get it
you unironically are MSM tho
MSM is defined as sexual behaviour regardless of sexual orientation. you have sex with men, therefore you are MSM.
simple as aids faggot
Nope. AIDS is treatable, I've never taken a dick and never will. I wouldn't even enjoy being pegged, I fucking hate stuff being done to my ass.
Ngl bro I feel like you're trying to bait some fag shit.
Yes. Weave because they weave in the wig or hair pieces.
Why would you want a weave versus a wig?
We weren’t debating or something. I actually just think you should shut up and do that if you take your words to represent anything of worth
I haven't had sex with men in 8 years.
What do you mean? As I said, sometimes I fap to femboys, so I'm curious how an experience with a femboy irl would be.
must suck to have such a long dry patch
better luck next year, lil bro
When was the last time you saw a sunrise/sunset?
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is picrel your pov?
Idk but she talked too much. The interview lasted over an hour.
Let's just say if you are just fapping to it you probably wouldn't enjoy it irl.
Uh, thanks? I had sex with a woman a month ago.
So we can conclude you're a retard. Got it.
I'm glad you're understanding.
She sounds insufferable.
Is it BPDs that just assume like this?
How many STI"s have you collected in your Pokedex?
Men, why are you like this?
Literally 0. Why you so insecure? It ain't like I'm an attention whoring faggot lmao
I hate this existence. If I could be killed by a hot femme fatale, I would.
Women, unironically, why are you so insecure?
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I watched storms roll across the desert twilight last night
I dont watch outside links, tldr it

>captcha 0P PR
Wait till i tell fit
Stop browsing Twitter, fag
>Let's just say if you are just fapping to it you probably wouldn't enjoy it irl.
To be honest femanon, your friendship has never really meant all that much to me.
I bring a "twitter reposting bot" kind of vibe to anonymous image boards.
>that denji guy was cooking this shit changing my life
I'm not a brother, not a friend?
How many femanons are actually straight?
I’m far smarter than you ever will be. It’s time to grow up out of your woman hating and compensating anonymously online. Oh and the Jew hating. Really you’re just a compact little ball of malice and misery with all that stuff you believe but won’t actually resolve to implement in your life. Stew here more quietly from now on when I’m posting.
You don't want to motorboat your friends?
No. I have poked some of them though.
Do women like big legs like in the firat arc of jojo?
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My brother coerced me into giving him a ride over to our parents house (they are on vacation) so he could "water the outside plants". I asked him why he couldn't just drive his car over there and he made up some bullshit about not trusting that neighborhood or something. I say it's bullshit because I used to nightwalk that shit all the time.
Anyways, I think he just wants to hangout because I've kinda been doing my own thing lately. What should I do?
sad ill never get to hug and gently squeeze a womans boobs
Guys, have you seen your friend's dicks?
Is sex better when you’re mad at each other?
I've seen your mom's
Yup, but depends on the people. For me, yes. Hatefucking is hot.
I’ve seen about 4-5 of my friends penises yeah. Never in a gay way
Stuff like showers in school and stuff like that yeh.
What makes it better? Is it the aggression?
Whatever helps you cope.
Straight up, yes. It triggers my sadism and its like "oh, I don't have to care about your pleasure at all." Its basically like, safe rape. That's a bad way of putting it, but yeah.
State gender
Would you let your partner go to the beach with a friend of the opposite gender?
My gf asked me if it would bother me and I'm honestly upset it's even a question.
did you ask her if it'd bother her
ive only ever seen my own dick, not even my fathers. also who has showers at school? weird.
lmao that's a shit test
F I would if I wasn't feeling great or something. I know he has a female friend. He's known her since well before I came around and I don't feel threaten by their relationship.
How am I supposed to deal working with a hot intern as an ugly autist?
You didn't have to shower after high school gym?
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No desire to experiment with a bestie?
At what point do you start taking pictures with your significant other
>you'll have to face alligators and leeches and mayflies to find me.
i so fucking much would
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Women would you be opposed to your boyfriend calling you his nigga
When she feels like it.
Well, I'm black so...
Is this still a thing?
What kind of pictures?
>I'm black
That's hot.
No? I just changed clothes, locker room had stalls. didn't really get that sweaty. Although we had an indoor gym.
Um... Thanks?
Nah, thank You!
not at all.
she is my partner, we are together because we both want it and have good reasons for it. Why the fuck should i care that she does whatever the fuck she wants and that she has friends?
Tell you more, buddy, i do want other people to be jealous of her sweet body.

So yeah, i too would be upset this is even a question, shit like that is obvious
Stinky boi.
Sex with a girl wearing slutty gym sports bralette and torn shorts
F I had to shower after gym class...
Both genders,
Thoughts on race play or role playing based on race?
Yeah becauze in highschool we lived in dorm and we had shared showers with barely any cover
like, bond with your brother, maybe?
otherwise stop being a pussy and explain you hate him ad are not interested
I care. No wigs. You're telling me you're gonna trick me into thinking you've got this insane head of hair and then you take it off and you're actually bald? Hell no.
>gym class
sweaty, this is a 20+ thread.
F Asian. Bit weird for me desu.
How would you respond
This is why you are a femcel, sweaty armpits and inner thighs would give you infinite adorators
Killing yourself on the spot
See, see, it's not just me, guys.
Besides master-slave RP, what would such race play be like?
What are you?
What kind of roleplay would you like?
the last time we had a sunset was around april
Pretty gross. Dehumanizing as shit. I could do it if I was the colonizer and the girl really wanted it, but being degraded based on race is fucking cringe.
Only based if it's a white guy
Very embarrassing
My race never comes up day-to-day so to do something like that would be weird and so awkward for me
I have given this much consideration and have come to the conclusion that I do not care for roleplay.
There’s the classic minority and cop as well as others. Play into stereotypes. Maybe a Somali pirate and a hostage
I dont really get the raceplay but roleplaying as conquistador and ravaging a native latin american girl?
Could be cool

Even better if its her seducing me
Nope but I will show them if they ask
Not gay btw
It's always black people and white people shit
I'm convinced raceplay is just America Personified.
>My race never comes up day-to-day
Really? Never?
But it will be on 80% of the time. I will look good with it on.
American bullshit.
I don't hate him at all and we're both grown ass men (25+). I'm just going through some shit lately and being around him ain't all that conducive to me getting through it.
I am. People assume or think I'm a lesbo, I'm not. I like guys or in this case a guy.
Everyone can enjoy race play
My nigga
Dude... don't even go there.
>Tell you more, buddy, i do want other people to be jealous of her sweet body.
cuck mentality
Tell that bitch this that show money nigga
Kane season
You only get one, anon.
Y'all know that nigga got caught with a ratchet shootin at the police and shit
Nigga been on probation since I don't know when
[spoiler]unironically Florence Pugh and an American Indian from a show[/spoiler]
Depends on if I know the guy or not

None of my friends in stable relationships are out here having beach dates with their guy / girl friends tho lmfao.
You know what’s sad? This idea of being proud of your s/o’s attractiveness becoming a bad thing because cuckolds are disgusting fetishists and twisted the narrative around it.
What about your partner using racial language?
>let me see that black dick
>I love your tight asian pussy
>give me your white ass
One nigga? But I already couple. You can be my 3rd.
I’m the shit these bitches just the corn in it
Already have a couple*
I just know you're a guy, porn brain.
>leads off by talking about black dick
Go back to /gif/ and argue with PAAnon some more
>be american dude
>think about black dicks and asian pussies
surprisingly on brand
I'm not gay but I would absolutely buck break a large black man in bed
> in thos fantasy i have a +1 mace and maxed out charisma instead of a -1
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Should I preorder this Sweetums and Robin two-pack action figure set?
I’m trying to get better. I’m just not very good at it
Are you gonna play with them?
Stack yo bread my nigga you wastin yo time with these hoes
Small HAPA gf asking to see my BWC could be pretty cool
>woman asked a question and got no answers
what sort of atoga is this

anyway, first let the dust set down. Don't jump out of bed the second i get my orgasm. Don't talk to me, don't disturb me at all. I'm in pleasant and vulnerable state and even cuddling may be too much at this point.
not cuddling is bad too. You can say you love me provided it's not the first time and provided you do love me.The first time i want you to tell me you love me when the situation is not erotic at all.
Talking is fine after the relaxation from nutting is gone.
If you hold my sperm in your mouth that you're not willing to swallow i'd ask you to spit it out somewhere that is not my body (but i know it's sorta hypocritical, so...)
don't get on your phone
I'll probably just pose them and put them on a shelf.
Would you let your bf practice wrestling moves on you?
Cant see this guy withlut thinking how great muppet treasure island was
well, maybe he wants to amend that
Im from the hood I ain’t ever did this now I can say that I done done it
>I love you guys!
I want to watch that movie again now.
no u, you clearly don't understand what cuck actually is and does
Men, where do I find white boys who like latinas?
Robin is SOO cute!
Only gently
The south. Be nice to him and he’ll fall for you
>Tfw no gf to tombstone
Female creatures, if I were your bf, would you cosplay for me, let me take pictures, and record porn videos for my personal use and satisfaction?
just be a good and interesting person and i will fall for you even if you are latina
You've convinced me. I'm ordering them.
How do you do a gentle jackhammer?
Starting crying will immediately put you in "shes fucking crazy abort abort" list

Unless its tears of joy mixed with giggling because you got dicked so good
>talking about black dick
Brain rot
Nothing wrong with my gf looking nice. But as soon as the thought process involves other men, it becomes cuck tier.
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womne, thoufhts?
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I love reading books atoga.
Latina's are hot, problem is their temper
Idk man, it’s a mighty confidence kick when you mog someone who’s obviously jealous of the lady on your arm. Is possessiveness a cuck thing?
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Why are black girls real?
Yes but I'd warn you that I won't look like any character accurately with this horseface lol
I would bite her ass hard god damn
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I wish white girls had hips this wide, but they dont.
your confidence should come from yourself rather than other people
cuck tier
yeah, like i said: you have 0 clue what cuck means
That's definitely a homo thing, the focus of that relationship is between men, the woman on the arm is just a toy for the sexual tension this nigga feels between other men.
harem anime protagonist be like
cuck in denial
I think most white guys like latinas.
Which books?
Knowing his one line by heart, max comfy
I lied i dont read books i just linked a pic of fat booty girl :(
Sorry femanon
Need a cute black woman biting my sheets
Faust and alchemy
simple as
>faust is literally me
That's fine. I'll have you wear a mask.
Thank you for doing this for me.
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when i first learned about colonization or whatever the history book i read tactfully didn't mention all the rape and mostly highlighted how they "stole" native american land by trading pointless trinkets for the land, and the natives took them and didn't get like, it was a contract or whatever so they were stoked.

sorry, the point is for a while i had a weird fantasy daydream about being in history times and some spanish explorer landing and giving me pretty little things and making me fall in love with him and me just being really happy and bad things not happening. like just a fantasy where there's technically a "power dynamic" cause of social differences, but we're both kind and nobody cares and he can make me happy with beads and gems and we make babies. i used to daydream about that a lot but then i got older and learned how it really was and the daydream was kind of ruined for me.
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He has no interest in helping me avoid not drinking and making unhealthy choices. That's not his fault, I was the same way when I was his age but I'm trying to fix my shit before I hit 30.
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That isn't in his moveset anyway
Yeah, Diamond Select is always really good with their Muppet stuff.
I need to hold a woman’s face as I make out with her
Why are the men into "history" always this blend of cringe incels and larping men with inferiority complex they mask by engaging in race rp
Can Robin even count as a figure? I bet you don't even get any good accessories in that one.
Is this a real question? You answered it already, because they're insecure in themselves.
you've just described all men
how do I stop liking a girl
Because you only interact with them over 4chan.
then i would use that one on one situation to have a deep conversation with him where you explain how you feel and what you need
Ackshually I don't care for history!
nta but does action figure photography count?

Tim Curry was great in that.
You should keep in mind that the natives weren't saints. The colonizers weren't devils who just started massacring everyone as soon as they landed.
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like dis?
because "being into history" isn't a hobby. Its like being into math "being into historical (thing)" is a hobby. historical clothing, historical technology, etc.
You almost pass as mtf too <3
Yes actually. Especially if she’s sitting on my lap or something
I can give you shiny trinkets femanon dont worry
But yeah it's a cute scenario, very wholesome.

Something straight out of pokahontaz
>Born too late to explore the Earth
>Born too early to explore the Universe
There is nothing to explore and conquer anymore
This and more schizo delusions at 11. Stay tuned.
those are guys
mitaka asa is trans
You dont blame all of us for that tho, right?
Some guy almost ran me over when i had a walk sign on the cross walk and yelled "puta madre" at me but i dont blame the whole group
M (or F desu), what do I text to this guy? I got back from a date with him about 4 hrs ago. While I was walking to my apt door, I turned back and told him I’d text him later. I feel like I should probably text him by tonight/soon rather than wait till tomorrow, but idk what to say. I already said something like “ty for coffee, I really enjoyed meeting u and this was a nice date” etc. before getting out of his car, so idk if I should repeat that while trying to open up a new convo with him. It was the first date.
I know, I'm such a nebulous little scamp.
Plap plap plap until we both cant walk anymore
thats like completely fucking irrelevant man
Like me instead
The sea?
Call him a spook
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impossible i've never felt any kind of emotions towards anyone before her so I doubt I'm capable of it
I believe in making your man happy as best one can
and i always liked playing dress-up
I just like how it helps me understand things. Like how english language is part latin part german, part celtic.
Dude... dial it back a bit.
my rule of thumb is 2-3 days
Nah I've had the same experience, every dude I've ever met who was into history was a mega chud incel, irl or otherwise. Thank god they don't touch the actual history I care about (WWII).
Any men that incorporate their race into their identity and sense of self-worth are automatically not worth interacting with
that's someone attempting to leverage their ethnicity as a shortcut to significance, rather than achieving it through genuine accomplishment.
I have wide hips and I'm white
Well do you want to see him again?
If yes say "it was fun, lets go out sometime again"

If not
"It was fun see you never"

Its really nice when a girl immediately follows up with plans after hangout, for example this girl i was meeting told me how her place is going to be free and she would like me to visit and try some of her food she cooks

Still cant believe i fumbled that one, but that move made everything easier for me
ikr? if was born 100 years ago i could have at least explored the arctic with Admiral Byrd or something.
Fake news.
Show me
Fake news.
Stop lying. Thats a sin.
What do you mean by "mega chud incel"? Anyone who isn't into globohomo? Anyone who's not a simp? You sound like a stereotypical woke faggot.
that sounds gay as fuck, I'm not about to do that
>this girl i was meeting told me how her place is going to be free and she would like me to visit and try some of her food she cooks
>Still cant believe i fumbled that one
it's happened to everyone though
I get a wedgie just looking at that.
I need to leave a handprint on a pretty woman’s ass cheek
No, I mean guys who are 25+ and haven't had sex, fat, overweight, acne riddled guys who think that all women are shit. Sound familiar?
>What are you?
I'm white and I date brown girls.
Fuck I wish I could do this but it feels awkward when I have like 3 other roommates and the apt is a mess with moving boxes…but okok I’ll think of a way to suggest plans
Femanons, do you feel the need to breed a guy?
this isnt about history at all anon
You dont think understanding how spanish, latin, and french all have one base language and why is interesting?
One, two, three.... Four..... I've seen four of my friends' dicks, two of which are gay. I'm surprised it's not more.
Im still not over the fact that i didnt at least bang that girl...

Im probably too autistic to date.
She showed me multiple times that she really likes me but for some reason i didnt believe her
nta, but that's me
minus the acne, and the obsessing over history and race stuff.
it's bait retard. there's no way history fags aren't into WW2
I'm 100% going to watch this again tomorrow
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>that's someone attempting to leverage their ethnicity as a shortcut to significance, rather than achieving it through genuine accomplishment.
Affirmative action
Yeah, the caricature of choice for simps, trannies, and feminist whores.
That's not history, that's linguistics.
I started preordering comics online because my shop was giving me problems. And I saw I can get little collectibles the same way.
You dont have to do soecifically this, but if you msg him "lets go out again sometime soon" he will get the hint and figure somethjng out.
Or even better, you suggest something.
Just make it casual and cheap

Girls have it so easy.
I imagine the Count from Sesame Street as I was reading that.

As opposed to your caricature of schizos, simps, trannies, and feminists. Do tell me how if you were just born in 1500 BCE you'd be running with Alexander the Great into India.
You implode if you go down too far
Ik that was just my first ever date and first guy to show an interest in me so Ig I’m kinda overthinking everything :’) ty anon
Do you have the Beaker/Bunsen set? It's really neat and comes with a bunch of science stuff.
He wants to bang you.
Now its on you if you let him or not.

You can stop overthinking now.
Men who ask questions pretending it's for both genders but only choosing to engage with the females need to be flogged and exiled.
That's why you use robots and stuff. Think, anon!
Consult the archives
Thoughts on me teasing you for an hour and then not doing anything with you?
I don't. I don't have any. But I do love the Muppets and this is the one that's available for pre-order through the site now. It's also 25% off the list price.
As in force him to give me a baby? Yeh.
That is an insane amount of work, can't you just drop some random number like 44''?
Doesn’t everyone?
Grounds for murder
I've never actually met or seen the caricature of the fat incel chud, but I've seen the pics and videos of simps, mentally ill trannies, and deranged feminists. So rather than caricature, it's reality. Your "mega chud incel" is a boogieman from my perspective.
M Why would I ask the same gender anything?
I would murder you for that.
Linguistics were shaped by history though.
It is like saying you like fish from an artic biome but not exploring the difference between that and a tropical one.
I would assume you'd already fucked me because your dick is so tiny I wouldn't feel it anyway.
My smile faded
And vice versa, then. Good talk.
Women thoughts about me placing my hand on your belly and pulling you close into me and kissing your neck then walking away
Would you rather fuck a 4’10 big tit brunette or a 5’11 blonde with a nice ass?
State gender. What would you ask the same gender?
>tfw no femanon gf
Why even live?
Yeah but if you're looking at history through a linguistical lens then you're clearly studying linguistics, not general history. Are you purposefully being disingenuous?
Why in the god damn are you all such fucking losers?
I said i liked ya
Hope you didn't think I were lyin about that
Who's asking?
Is this an Asian girl feeling insecure?
i don't like big tits. if the brunette had nice tiny perky breasts i wouldn't think twice tho
Women do this all the time
My cock is a little above average actually
Ah, makes sense. I recommend that one also.
the second one since she's blonde
5'11 girl
Can't do anything with a 4'10
What if I roll over and crush her when I sleep?
M. Do you guys like to smell your own farts? I do.
A man wanting to bang you is a biggest compliment, want it or not.
Dont blame a dog for wagging its tail.

That doesnt mean he doesnt have romantic feelings for you though.

I know i had very warm fuzzy feeling inside towards some girl, but my dick was also feeling warm for her too.

Keep smiling.
5'11 because I like tall girls (i'm 5'3).
Fuck? 4'10 chick
Marry? 5'11 chick
No, I’m a man asking so I can drum up excitement in the thread
F. I'd ask how big their tits are so I know if I should hate them or not.
Who gives a shit about the biome, I just like to eat the fish.
5'11" blonde but only because realistically, I would never bag something like that.
t. Hapa
Lol I don't mind but I'm a single mom, I know any relationship has zero chance of happening.
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I feel like my lack of dating success is entirely due to my mental state. My perceptions are filtered wrong, my actions are inhibited incorrectly. It's like Jameson's idea of Postmodernism, whereby my mind is infected by ideas of dating and I cannot ever interact with dating itself. I'm like Milton's Satan: hell is a mindset, which I can't ever escape.
>Me miserable! which way shall I fly
>Infinite wrath, and infinite despair?
>Which way I fly is Hell; myself am Hell;
>And, in the lowest deep, a lower deep
>Still threatening to devour me opens wide,
>To which the Hell I suffer seems a Heaven.

How do I escape? How do I reset?
Which ever one is up for anal
6'2 girl with big ass
And then promptly knock her up and make her my wife
Kind of gay, but I respect that.
5'11. The shorty is a little too short for me.
>but I'm a single mom
How old is the child now?
>A man wanting to bang you is a biggest compliment
NTA but thanks for the laugh, funniest thing I've read on here
Your post exhausted me and I'm the only other anon in this thread who's read Paradise Lost. Try being less of a pretentious douche.
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>not into anal
>Absolutely obsessed with girl butts
Why am i like this
The brunette. I prefer boobs to ass and I like shorter girls.
You gotta be a little fruity to pull a bad bitch
>mfw I honestly can't think of anything to ask the girls.
Holy fuck mommy thighs
Weirdly true, for some reason.
No, I liked writing that.
Should I mix it up and masturbate with my off hand?
Well... that's just petty.
So anyways, what's your point? "Ignore and forget history, because only ugly woman-hating chuds care about it, goy"?
I'm not a switch-hitter so I can't recommend it
You can write shit like that but maybe don't intersect it with your failures in dating, yeah? How about a love poem instead?
Okay, tittymonster.
Those are the thighs of a mare.
Have you ever had a pregnancy scare and if so how did you cope with it. And I'm actually really asking if any girls should happen to see this
>art has to be sterile and socially acceptable
fucking poser
I think big boobs look better clothed but small boobs look better naked.
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Oh, how I wish to take a private jet flight to Napa Valley with some frail Animal Crossing-ass pale-ass femcel who's afraid of leaving her room, wine and dining her and booking the nicest 5-star hotel with my 80k in savings and talking to her about life on the balcony while engaging in other non-sexual activities.

*fucking sigh*
>4’10 or a 5’11?
Doesn't matter.
>big tit or nice ass?
Doesn't matter.
>brunette or blonde?
Thank you for not referring to me as a titcow.
So I was right the first time and you're a pretentious douche. Stop doing that and you'll have more dating success.
Small chest will always be better than big chest, for variety of reasons.
I did. My period was late but it was just stress lulz.
I would literally bite her stomach hard enough to draw blood then let her crush my dick with her thighs until it turns blue as payback.
Do you ever think it's funny how Artificial Intelligence is the new big media scare, when you've only ever been Artificially Intelligent for years?
Short with tits.
fuck off i too have read Paradise lost
and i loved the chapters with satan, why is he losing in the end
5'11 brunette
Cows are at least helpful since they provide milk. You only give me insecurities.
I got severe GERD and Gastritis triggered from sucking cock and swallowing cum, and my Omeprazole isn't helping. Any other suggested solutions?
you're boring
4'10 blonde with no tits or ass
Because based big daddy dick Jesus mogged Satan with his fucking overhand mountain tosses.
How though? Honestly. Just by existing? I think that says more about you than it does me desu.
stop sucking dick
t. MD
Women, which man in the Clampett family from The Beverly Hillbillies would you rather have sex with? Jethro or Jed?
Did you take a test? If you had a bf, did you tell him about it?
Is this what doctors mean when they write "suggested: lifestyle change" in your clinical notes?
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Everyone shut the fuck up, the Mets just beat the Yankees
Why do you keep saying MD when you aren't graduated?
They are insulated by 4chan and like-minded individuals that reinforce these behaviors. It's the same thing as trannies and their style of internet posting.
Which one’s the dumb one or are they both dumb? I can’t remember.
Oh, yeh. He actually bought multiple tests for me.
I'm a MD
MD stands for Misdiagnosed Disability
Tfw no femanon gf who just likes sucking dick and does it to pass time and enjoys deepthroating
How many of you have had to work in the same workplace as a registered pedophile? I have, and it's really creepy knowing that I interacted with someone like that cordially on a day to day basis.
No fucking way...
because it gives me more authority
don't you know ethos as part of Aristotle's triad of rhetoric
God forbid men have hobbies
Damn, spill the tea. What'd he do exactly? What was he like?
>I'm a single mom
Would you fuck a boytoy?
I'm into 20th century history and study it from an applied perspective because I hate authoritarianism and nuclear weapons and want to learn how to help prevent the resurgence of the conditions that cause/d either of those things to proliferate. I guess that makes me more of a normative political scientist than a historian, but I've moved pretty seamlessly between both of those academic worlds.
It stands for Master of Disguise
I need a gf
Idk. To be honest I'm more upset by the fact that the insecurity is mixed with gay thoughts.
I would like a bf.
If a teenager falsely accuses a man for shits and giggles, does that make him creepy and undeserving of cordiality to you?
MD stands for MicroDick
nuclear weapons are good THOUGHJ
you two should kiss
I miss the girl that was erping with me regularly, sending me lewd photos and clips, asking me how is it going, asking for pics of bulge and else, talking schizo shit

I think it would be nice to have a girlfriend for those purposes but its impossible in 2024, especially when you look like me
I’d love to kiss her
Enlighten me, why I, a football fan, should watch mlb. What is the Chargers equivalent in the MLB? Basically a team that has some "good" parts but fucks themselves over most games and gets overtaken at the end but does well in the beginning or middle(sometimes kek), a team for masochists or people who like to be stressed and have headaches near the end, where they lose just barely to good and bad teams alike.
The guy is a mid-level manager who's snarky and rude when employees ask him for advice. He's near retirement age so I don't think anyone's going to fire him. Even though he, you know, fucking raped a kid back in the 2010s. Who may very well only be one of many.
Many such cases. Such is the power of boobies.
>found erp partner
>she sends me picture one day
>she's a very fat black woman
I almost threw up and stopped erping with her
How did you find her?
what do you call this kind of lingerie? where can i buy this design specifically?
Well, I dunno if that's such a good idea, anon...
Being a Mets fan for a few decades has taken years off of my life, they somehow always fuck it up even when they get off to a good start. Sounds like that's what you're looking for
You should bring a firearm to work and shoot him I think that would be funny
Why not?
NTA but I don't know why so many people like My Little Bonny either.
it's not my fault I found her revolting
she should have kept it as a fantasy
You could have told Kissinger (rest in piss) was a remorseless psychopath who deserved no place in public office as far back as the 1950s when he wrote that fucking book about how a nuclear war would be small fries and nbd.

Makes Schelling's by now tired argument that heads of state are too sane to actually fire the nukes seem clear headed by comparison.
Do you have proof he did it?
O-oh, ok, fine, anon... B-but, but just once, ok?
Yet you flaunt them anyways. I hope your funbags slap you in the face when you go down stairs too quickly.
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Any femanon want to share a bed with me at the Cocosan Villa suite? We don't have to have sex. Don't worry; I don't have any body odor and I don't kick in my sleep.
Where are you, atoga gf?
It must have helped not to have to take the test alone. Glad it didn't turn out to be bad news for you
He's on our state's offender registry. I'm not going to share the deets here because I don't want to doxx myself in the process.
I think we should fire all the nukes and cleanse the earth in God's Holy flame
sucking dick in the wendy's parking lot
Thanks, really. To be fair, it would have been unexpected but I don't know if I would have called it bad news.
Can you save the load and spit it in my mouth when you get home? Thanks <3 I left you some spaghetti in the fridge.
>tfw no bf with a freeuse dick who will drop everything to fuck me just from me ringing a bell or something
Typical Liberty University grad.
Here, actually
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I'm just a coomer I have no idea
I never graduated university but yeah
Larp, w*men don't actually want this
people only think nukes are bad because they take them too seriously. their power and danger is massively overblown by movie and video game propaganda.
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Women rank these manlets by sexyness
Could be us femanon

Im big into free use, that goes both ways
I haven't fucked a guy in years now. I very much want that.
You know this stuff is hard to prove so they just put everyone in the registry unless they have a good lawyer or connections, right?
Besides, it's not the same to rape a defenseless child than have a horny 16yo send you her nudes, but both will get you in the registry.
Please don't tell me you wanna wear that
all of them pale in comparison to gimli.
I am not doing that, anon.
Ok, I’ll make it last
NTA but it's just a bra, panties, garter or suspenders, and stockings. You can find it at lingerie shop, like Agent Provocateur
The girl who looks like :3 that you would see in a store nearby but is actually a sex machine under clothes
That's exactly what Kissinger wrote in Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy in 1957. And he was wrong. And that book is not only bullshit but was the first sign he would be wrong about many other things at the cost of millions of human lives.
what is the difference between a .jpg and a .jpeg
i though they were the same but it says they are different
Do dwarf women actually exist or do they just build new ones out of infernal iron or whatever when they get old
You mean the garter belt?
The guy with the axe in his head was so fucking dumb.
I like panty and stocking with garterbelt
Chads eyes only.
you cant prove him wrong, the ones dropped on japan were only so destructive because of the fires from the wooden buildings.
more like cuckinger
>what is the difference between a .jpg and a .jpeg
Same thing. JPG was used when file systems limited extensions to three characters.
Nta, shit that’s expensive
They're the same, it's just that early versions of Windows didn't allow file extensions of more than 3 characters. It stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group, hence why they added the e into JPG later on.
If you continue going on like that, your mom and I are going to fuck on the sofa right in front of you and force you to watch.
Women, what would you think if you were dating a guy who doesn't have a job, doesn't steal, doesn't receive neetbux and doesn't have any help from his parents, but somehow still makes money and refuses to tell you how but then one day you find out he is a former gamedev and made a HUGE game and the reason he did not want to tell you was he was embarassed of telling a woman he works with videogames?
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>under clothes
She looks good with clothes too, idk what to tell you
That's a dude nigga
Yeah if we’ve been dating for a while I don’t see why not, I’m not the paranoid type and I feel like it’d be hypocritical of me to judge him since I have outings with opposite sex friends as well sometimes, albeit they’re gay men lol
So? Any hole is a goal.
>tfw no nerdy girl that hides her amazingly fuckable figure under baggy clothes
Nag but lol
I mean, sometimes clothes can hide what hides underneath.

I had hots on this cute girl who worked with me, but we always wear thick clothes in our cooled warehouse.
Then one day during break she had her hoodie on that was little bit shorter and exposed her absolutely perfect butt and i was hypnotized since
The only thing Kissinger and the US did wrong was not going far enough
Yeah if it’s a nonblack guy it either reads as cringy edgelord shit or wannabe gangster. And if it’s a black guy doing it, the it just comes off as ghetto
for those who use dating apps:
state gender
what's a good opening message in your opinion? either write one or elaborate on what elements it should have
>but lol
laugh because he works with videogames or because he hides it?
reading stuff like this makes me feel awful and i can't tell if i feel awful because "fuckable" is a gross word that makes me feel unpersoned or something or if i just am very sad and lonely and as soon as i have somebody who loves me "fuck" is going to be a fun and happy word
I love armchair politicians. Really gets me wet.
M, good opening message: what's your least favorite first gen Pokemon and why?
I feel the exact same way. I am praying this is just me being an insecure virgin and it will pass when I ascend
M. If you're a guy then you need something to grab the girl's attention and stand out from the mass of "heys" she gets from guys. It should be witty/funny and draw on something from her profile (be it a picture or her bio). A question is a good start because it's easy for her to respond. In my experience it's not great to immediately start with a compliment about physical looks because she likely receives a million of those a day.
>what's a good opening message
Be shirtless on a beach with abs. That's literally it. Chicks on dating apps are some of the fakest fuckers out there. Don't bother
Rushing away is a bad thing for both genders.
Talking like Lola bunny from the 2011 looney tunes show is in every situation a not good thing. Simple talking is nice though.
Saying ily in a one night stand is bad. For a long term thing, that’s fine.

For cuddling, idk just ask. It’s like a 50/50 to cuddle all night or not or just until y’all go to sleep
F Hi.
Niccolo here is interested and wants your number.
i really hope so because right now i feel like a totally hypocritical prude and a wuss but i cry all the time about these things
I'm not a girl newfag that what NAG means
Sorry about that, I shouldn't have assumed. Were you anxious about it before getting your results? I can't take a test until Thurs morning and I'm getting sick with anxiety and I'm not sure how to deal with it. I mean, I know I just have to suck it up and cope, but it feels impossible
"Hey do you have a car because I don't have one okay so you'll need to drive me around"
gets the ladies moist
National Aerial Guard. It's a recruiting tactic to get you to enlist in your local squadron.
F it's the latter.

I'd go for something more unexpected like Digimon.
I'd think he's ridiculous, considering the fact I fucking play video games.

It's embarrassing? To be a game dev? In the year of our lord 2024? Fucking please.

I'm at the point in my life where if a guy isn't honest with me about how he supports himself, I don't want to deal with it. I plan to be honest about my finances, I expect him to be honest about his. Pulling the "I make money MYSTERIOUSLY but I can't tell you" card is just gonna make me peace out.
he was actually a diplomat though
Damn right. Get your ass to your nearest recruitment center soldier.
id call him a dork and move on with my life? who cares? maybe feel a little hurt that he didnt trust me but it depends on how much i pushed in the past.
Going to dedicate next nut to a femcel femanon.
Yeah, AG is pricey. There are cheaper places, it just depends on the quality you want
I wouldn't date a woman who kept a gaggle of "guy friends" regardless.
I wouldn't bother stopping her, though. I'd just break up.
Thoughts on orgasm denial?
conscription for women when?
>if you are able to vote and thereby have a say in foreign policy, you should also have to suffer the consequences
I’d think he was hiding a deeper secret cause no way a videogame is that scandalous lol
A femanon posted a vocaroo last night and I've been jerking to it since.
Nta but what if he runs an illegal weapons trafficking ring and makes millions doing it
Extremely. It's really hard but no about of worrying is going to change what the result is. It kinda sounds like maybe it's just stress for you too also.
I have no clue how to do that. I really have trouble picking stuff from generic pics from women

I should get a pic like that

I want to give my gf something cute that’ll withstand rough sex
Stick to your own race
State gender
Would you be creeped out or impressed if you went to someone's house and they had a bunch of weaponry on display?
Link? Sorry femanon who recorded it but a guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do
I want to deny a guy’s orgasm until he whimpers, but I feel like I wouldn’t be too affected myself
You don't understand, to men with severe anxiety nearly anything they do can be perceived as scandalous. Sometimes it's a trauma response but a lot of men with clinical anxiety have a view of guilt similar to the Catholics and a view of shame similar to the Japanese. Nearly anything they do that seems frivolous and not sufficiently adult can ruin their reputations and charisma, in their minds.
Femanons, how bad is having collecting Whiskey as a hobby to women?
I'm not a drunk or anything but I do drink it.
Probably neither, unless it was a genuinely impressive collection
it's cringe
NTA but i blame the Redoran for that.
Fuck yeah
Show me your collection
i think the same thing, although I'm a dude. i guess its just low libido, but i find the whole common usage of porno speak disgusting.
If it was a bunch of modern guns I'd think you were a loser, if it was more antique firearms/older weapons I'd think it was cool
Latinxs are the byproduct of white men colonizing native women
Is there any girl here who would NOT wear this >>31508001 for an SO?
Anything in general, style wise, you wouldn’t wear for yourself or an SO? Like, skirts, chokers, make up, for example?

As a guy, I wouldn’t do it in your position, though I’m not saying you should do what I would do. I’d prefer to be with a girl I’m genuinely attracted to, and that includes thinking about her sexually. I wouldn’t want to be hypocritical, cause I myself wouldn’t want to be with a girl who ain’t attracted to me in this way too. In this sense, I also wouldn’t date her because I’d believe that she deserves someone who is sexually attracted to her.
I'm being completely genuine. It's a power move to tell a woman you have no car or income and still seem like you 100% expect her to want to go out with you. Ladies love confidence.
depends on the weaponry
Personally I want a kopesh, as for my first piece. Specifically, Diana's Moonsilver Blade. IYKYK. Stuff like that, no guns, besides maybe a .50 BMG Anti Mat rifle. I'd prefer to have swords, daggers, maces, etc.
Israel and several other countries already practice conscription of military age women.

The USA is talking about doing this too if the draft is ever reinstated:

But if the USA ever needs to revive the draft, they'll have to wait until the Boomers and the Millennial generation who remember Iraq and Afghanistan gradually die out. There's too much political opposition to the idea of bringing back conscription after Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq.
If it was antique shit or swords I'd say cringe
But if it was modern weaponry I'd say based especially if the display was just foldable plastic tables and it was a bunch of explosives, guns, and crack cocaine
that'd be baller
Wanna squeeze her soft body
>Diana's Moonsilver Blade
Nevermind, you're a loser.
I wouldn't be creeped out or impressed. It's certainly a hobby that exists. What I will do though is plan my escape route in case they try to murder me
Women, do you like rough quick sex or slow romantic sex?
You knew, so you're a loser too.
actually, you might be right. I don't have a car and a couple of dates have driven me around.
except I'm in my 30s now and I'm supposed to be a responsible and consoom
I think swords are kind of gay
My dad also collected whiskey and would only indulge like once every few months lol, I’d just assume it’s a man thing that they get hard over in the same way women feel cute collecting porcelain knickknacks or something
>Diana's Moonsilver Blade
Fuck off, I thought you were talking about real life weapons.
Nope, I had a hunch it was some anime shit and a quick google search confirmed.
I have a replica of Aragorn's broken sword from Lord of the Rings, toy cosplay replicas of Zoro's swords from One Piece, and a belly dancing saber I got at a yard sale. I consider them all my anti-burglar defense system, because that's what I would use to chase a home invader with and bludgeon them with if they don't give up.
Depends on how quickly they can loosen their vagina, bet
A kopesh is a real weapon. And yes, that is just the first piece.
Depends, is it s bunch of wall hangar swords? Cringe
Real swords or guns, cool.
Women, do you collect anything?
>trauma response
Ig the trauma would be the deeper secret
I keep a baseball bat with nails sticking out of it next to my bed so I'm not really one to judge
I would be disturbed if I went to someone's house and there is a collection of functional bazookas, grenades, grenade launchers, and flamethrowers.
This thread got really American
>50 BMG Anti Mat rifle
enjoy spending a minimum of $5,000 lol. why not start with something more reasonable, like a .22? or maybe an SKS or something
It's literally just a fucking kopesh, you wouldn't even have known otherwise.
All that stuff is far too costly to actually fire.
Anything with Pompompurin, yes. Also bones I find in the woods but less intensely than the purin merch
I have that stuff in my house but it's not functional.
All real stuff though.
Kopesh? Is that some kind of a Jewish thing?
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>why not start with something more reasonable, like a .22? or maybe an SKS or something
I grew up around guns, my dad was a god damn gunsmith. I only care about the .50 BMG and money is no issue.
sounds reasonable actually although a bit mall-ninja.
>I want to deny a guy’s orgasm until he whimpers
You could have just left it at that. You brought this on yourself.
Arab thing. You can google Moonsilver Blade but not kopesh?
M. Depends on the weaponry and the display.
I got a Purin dog at my grandma's house that's older than 60% of the thread.
Dude's dirty as fuck though.
at 30 you should be dating 18yos
at 40 25yos
at 50 30yos
at 60-80 35yos
maybe buy something that is actually fun to shoot.
Femanons, serious question. What's your favorite dinner? I'll just specialize in whatever you say and hope it's generalized enough
>League of Legends player
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am i supposed to feel bad that i like guys who are bigger and taller than me? i don't really know how to engage with this whole social dynamic. unfortunately i spent too many of my formative years on r9k, so i've been passively dosed with propaganda about this for a long time.

i'm a tall girl so i don't think i will probably ever even meet someone who i could dance with and be at his chest height, but i still think about things like that from time to time, and i feel sad about not being able to experience that ever. then i feel guilty for feeling sad about that because... process gets foggy. probably because enough guys have expressed pain about this and i don't want to cause that. i am sorry to anyone who gets doom feelings reading this but i need to ask this for me right now.
Rough sex, doesn't have to be quick, being fast is good though.
Spoons. Yes, I am English.
I mean yeah. It's funny to get like 9 (You)s out of 10 posts lol. But the question itself was valid.
It's either a federal agent or a scammer.
I keep my egg shells
Tell me how tall you are and I'll tell you whether or not it's over for you.
Not in my Asian home, that’s for sure
I bought a toy bow and arrows/quiver kit at a Renn Fair and replaced all the harmless toy arrow tips with sharp, functional arrowheads. I sometimes practice shooting birds and squirrels as a stealth archer through my third story windows.

Sometimes when I'm bored I'll kill cockroaches and flies by shooting arrows at them.
Salmon with a side salad of some kind is my go to if it’s like a date setting. If we’re talking favorite dinner of all time, venison salsbury steak on a bed of mashed potatoes with mushroom gravy
What do you like to shoot? Besides .22s and SKS.
Sorry again about my huge cock.. I really didn’t mean to slam your cervix and stretch your vaginal walls, hehe
F I have a pair of sais under my bed in case of intruders. I'm hoping that's wtf enough to give me a chance.
Also, am F
Zoomers and Alphas are getting blackpilled on the jews, though. Even if Boomers and Millenials die, they won't go to jewish wars.
thats not the question anon
i'm 36 years young
>at 30 you should be dating 18yos
I'm trying... I really am :P
if only it was that easy. I get so many looks...
gonna asmr and chill with his pictures
What's the point, it's not like there's ever going to be a draft again
Hey. You. Dickhead. Have you considered shutting the fuck up?
Girls, would you help your boyfriend draft an e-mail? Listen to him read it to you and give him suggestions on tone and word choice?
Idk I don't need you to feel bad, I just don't want you to lead me on.
I'm very short, I don't want to go on a date with a woman who is conflicted about my height.
Keep to yourself, I don't need any more heart break.
If you don't care about height then great, I don't either.
That's true. It is most likely just stress or something in my case as well. I guess I'll find out soon enough
ohhh you got him good
Don't care, I'm curious
Depends on what country you're in.
Buy a gun, it's the great equalizer.
winchester model 12, slam fire baby. also the ar-15 i built, basically looks an m16a1. id like to buy a handgun but I'm not 21 yet
How come slow romantic sex is what we are told women want and only porn obsessed men think rough sex is good?
well thats barely even height related. not wanting to be led on is.. an everyone thing. that's super fair. i'm sorry if you have experienced that before.
Sorry, I should have clarified "first world country"
Loud noise though...
I've heard about a kind of weapon called a love gun that when the love bullet hits someone it makes them full of lust and erotic desire. But so far I've never seen one.
Same, but with plap ASMR and her pictures
God damn. I won't lie, my dad has built some pretty sweet guns, but I'm Canadian so guns are fucking hard to get my hands on here.
>she's back
Oh no...
Seethe, moshe.
I feel like I've gone on dates with women who wanted to see if it wouldn't matter to them and it did, and maybe they didn't realize that that is what it was.
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She doesn't eat or sleep or mow the lawn. She just fucks her uncle all day long! Uncle Fucker, that's her (that's her, that's her)
ah. thats hard. i'm sorry.
don't feel bad, I'm a short girl and totally understand. if it helps, if you ever find someone you really like and want to feel small and protected, try cuddling horizontally and have him shift some above you so you can get that soft fix you need. you can still be soft and tall. good luck and lots of love girly.
oh yeah that sucks i hear. can you even own a 50 bmg? maybe get a 30-06 instead
You can have electronic ear muffs next to your guns, and the loud noise is better than being tortured to death.
Wasn't this meme originally about a sandwich
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Thoughts on this woman?
It's not your fault that the world isn't perfect. Keep on fantasizing about guys far taller than you if the fantasy makes you happy. You can worry about having lower height standards in reality later.
What makes a man feel safe enough to tell me when he regresses to a younger age?
AFAIK I can, yeah. The Canadian ban list is retarded. I haven't checked in a while but IIRC you can get .50 BMG.
looks like patrick.
Very very trashy. Even if she was hot I'd think this.
>when he regresses to a younger age
Mewtwo bitch.
Just texting to repeat yourself only is useless, tho some people might not notice. Gotta change it ever so slightly at bare min. This is easily done by starting out with a “hey, going to bed now.”

>hey, going to bed now.
>I really enjoyed the date today [may say specifics]
>would love to see you again [here you can give the friendzone, ask him to do something specific, or simply mention you’re down to see him again]

I hope you understand the meaning behind the structure of this message I’m giving you /adv/ on. Use your own voice to make it your own and fit the message you desire to convey
Delicate lingerie won't hold up too well against really rough manhanding, so in that case it's probably better to get cheap stuff where it won't matter if it gets warped or torn
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I wish I had an 11” dick so I could make every woman remember me
She needs to wear more clothes and get better morals.
What is it with pajeets running 7-11's and AM/PMs? I recently came back from Japan and, to my absolute shock, they run the shops there too now.
Shes taller than the rock, kinda crazy
Feminist Society and Its Future
nta but is she really gonna stop to put on ear muffs if there's an intruder?
I want her but I have doubts. The age gap is too big. We're both inexperienced. I don't know what she wants. I don't think she even knows what she wants. I don't know how to convey my attraction. I don't know if she'd reciprocate. I don't want to hurt a friendship if it doesn't go well. I don't know if she feels what I feel.

Why do I want to chase the girl that doesn't want me when I there's girls who I know are interested?
Me on the right
I didn't know pigs could walk on two legs
>Even if she was hot I'd think this.
You would not.
I grew up in a house like that, my dad has a bunch of antique guns and swords on the wall in his study. But I guess it would depend on the types of weapons and how they're displayed
Did he smoke a pipe?
It's part of globohomo's agenda. Destroy great people by taking away their political and economical power, their cultures, their women, their nations, etc.
Like before he was a teenager.
I would. I don't want women to walk around basically naked in gas stations.
A lot of guys are into whisky, it's nothing to worry about

Both, as well as slow rough sex and fast romantic sex
In the U.S. they get (((angel investors))) that give them loans at or close to zero interest to buy gas stations and that allows them to get a visa to come here to buy it and run it, and they also have 0 taxes from the government and they can keep that by transferring the ownership to their relatives.
Same thing with hotels.
The system is set up to benefit everyone except Americans.
I mean..
she doesn't look bad, even in her current state, if she lost some weight, she'd be pretty hot
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how do I get a gf who will carry me everywhere?
Walking is gay af
I think it depends on the girl, some are kinkier and others aren't. I like rough sex vaginal and anal, but in real life compared to porn I guess(I've only watched hentai/vns, never have been into actual porn), like for anal you want some sort of lubrication(even if it's just spit or eaten out but a bit of actual stuff is better, I don't like too much), and then he doesn't go in quickly but once he's in he can be rough, with vaginal I need some sort of stimulation(doesn't need to be a lot or for a long time) like being groped/touched/massaged/grabbed/mouthed/bitten/dry humped on my body especially hips/buttocks/stomach, breasts/nipples/vulva/ also but those are more sensitive and need more particular technique, just going wild or rough with hands or pawing there wouldn't be so good. I don't mind orifices being spread etc with hands or being fingered in different orifices whiel being fucked, but for oral, I personally don't like the being put on my back on the bed/doing it upside down, I always at least liked being right side up, it feels like I could just get choked to death if I let the guy have has way completely(I deepthroat too), for vaginal and anal most positions are fine, I also like being slapped/hit/clawed/bitten/ while being fucked but I need to be more aroused/touched/dry humped or its painful if done immediately at first, being shoved against walls, etc. I guess compared to porn, the initial part is maybe a bit slower but after insertion I don't think it's so different.
Ig it's sitting on the top of your gun you might, either way a little hearing damage is better than being tortured until you die.
How would your husband react to seeing you post stuff like this?
That's cool, wtf is wrong with you?
Since I’m short, irl I tend to go for shorter girls - they like me just fine. If your question is saying if I got a genie freebie, then I’d go for the taller girl, simply because I’d never really get the chance to do that again. I don’t really get taller girls who I’m attracted to irl
if i ever get a boyfriend am i allowed to softly bite him out of love or do i need to have a serious conversation before that is okay
Almost certainly on drugs.
Failed at life.
that's a conversation you should have with said boyfriend, eventually.
You don't talk to your own mother?
Where are you biting?
If this woman was clothed and had her hair done and was smiling I guarantee people would be saying she's hot.
Having conversations about being physical before you become physical is always a good idea. Not just for consent, but also to get in the mood.
He used to, when I was a kid. I don't think he has for a while now. He has a pipe collection, too
ok so not a spur of the moment thing then good to know.
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Holy based
I'm an MD
Muff Destroyer
Definitely not Mentally Disabled
You had me at blonde
Why are you like this
hello daddies
Autistic female spotted.
nowhere yet i dont have a boy. i havent plotted it out. i just know i put my mouth on things alot as is and if i get a whole entire human im allowed to touch for the most part its going to happen
I just realized that this won't work for me because of my autism. I'm not good at making jokes, mine sound boring and too serious
I mean, it could be, don't think too much about these kind of things, you just gotta deal with them as they come.

Shit's unpredictable, sometimes the more you plan the less likely you are to act.
I fantasize about pussy and the way it looks and smells and putting my penis in it, but I've never seen or touched one. Are they as good as I'm thinking or just meh compared to my hand?
Women, can you cook at all?
yes that too
exquisite tastes anon
I'm not JH
If I was your boy you could bite me anywhere, anytime
honestly i think me having a conversation about being physical would absolutely kill the mood. i am very good at using my body but not so good at using my words
Yes please. You don't have to talk about it first. I'd tell you if I don't like it, but I probably would.
Ola mamasita
M white
Reverse colonise be bitch
>but not so good at using my words
With practice, you will improve.
I love smelling my used panties, I think it's pretty great.
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bug on my pants
Hello princess
God I wish that were me.
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Do you think Clark Kent is a fuckboy or he out here bussin with that drip frfr?
Are you the one that flashed your dad whilst wearing bike shorts?
Now pants on bug :)
Uh yes who cares?
I used to go to the beach and swimming pool with female friends all the time
Once I went in jacuzzi with a girl and her bf got pissy tho
my parents never taught me but i am teaching myself
Women, why is the new generation of women afraid of anybody who isn't their exact age or younger? Seeing girls complain about a boy 1-2 years older than them talking to them is mind boggling.
I can follow a recipe and make good meals. I'm not really a natural cook who's good at improvising though
What is up with that hair?
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That does sound nice, wish I could smell that too.
are you m or f
Nothing super fancy but I know basic cooking techniques.
I'm looking at one rn
Ya if I like her as a person
thank you chew toys!
(that's completely me joking, i'm not trying to flirt or be mean, i just thought it could be funny to call you that because of the topic)
I would be screaming and running around the room. I don't think we even have bugs like that where I live, it looks like it bites and could mess you up
f ranzkafka
I want to kiss the top of your head.
uh, no. my dad was a piece of shit i dont have contact with him anymore
jej you gotta be trolling me right now buddy.
Oh wow you are actually autistic huh. Pretty cute!
I don't think that's true anon
You need to work on your delivery. :)
>I picture Qt as looking like Johnny Rotten
I'm more like Robbie Rotten desu
He's my anime idol
he seems friendly tbqh. you get used to bugs if you live in a drafty old house in the southern us
it might be you because it crawled on my back and scared me lol.
It's just a june bug
>60 year old boomer gets rejected by 18 yo: the post
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To those of you who are interested in history, what is your favorite time period/event/country/culture to study?
It looks like an off brand european lady bug...
zoomer haircut
Looks like a ladybug to me.
i furrow my brow at this. why

it is a possibility ive considered but i am also tipsy so it might just be worse right now. like idk maybe i am but i definitely am a different kind of autistic in other moments
>am I supposed to feel bad
No, t shorty

If ur struggling to find the guy u like, go on the apps. Lot easier to find guys who list their height
He's a chad autist
You should be getting ready for skool babe
European antiquity and middle ages
What pleasure do girls actually get from blowjobs?
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>it is a possibility ive considered but i am also tipsy
Hahaha, that also makes. Have fun, cutie.
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This could've been us, girls.
Convo you should have, but I'd be up for it
>being shoved against walls
how hard should this be done?
Being "rough" makes me wary because I'm much stronger than the average guy and when women say rough I don't know rough I should be in comparison to my actual strength
do an example of that joke funnier
Late 20th century/Cold War, U.S. War on Terror 2001-2021
You're a sweetheart
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you're cute
forbidden bump

No, I'm serious lol. Bugs with crunchy shells are not something I ever want to deal with

I was going to ask what type of bug it is but looks like another anon already answered. Glad you're feeling cozy with him, at least

So I guess we do have them where I live, I've just never seen them. Maybe because I'm in a city, idk
okay actually, since its pretty retarded to explain, could i just be like "come here, is it okay if i do this sometimes?" and then bite his arm or something

because i feel like if i explain it it will sound stupid or maybe like its more painful than it would actually be
Women, would you consider it cheating if a guy had a ton of AI nudified nudes of his female coworkers and he jerked off to them even though he had no shot at actually fuckign any of them and didn't intend on trying?
Femanons, thoughts on wearing a denim jacket and jeans, it's back in style.
Ignore the other anons, you do not need to warn them
it's like fourth degree cheating but second degree privacy invasion and first degree creepy
I wear it a lot and I get a mixed reaction. Some think it looks really cool and others say I look like a retard.
I think ladybugs are smaller and cuter, and for some reason they always pee on me
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Why are women like this?
Idk, just start biting him like that while y’all date, then one day ask him if he’s okay with it
What if he posts pictures of girls he knows on social media fap threads on /b/?
If the dude's your boyfriend, just go wild and shit
You could just start biting him lightly during sex and then have the talk later.

like seriously don't think too much about this, just do what feels right in the moment.
i dont want to frustrate you but i don't acknowledge when you compliment me because i don't know how to say things back about that but it is not an overlooked part of your post just so you know
Yes that’s my specialty
Why are they cute?
Don't worry cutie, I said "have fun" in case you didn't want to respond. You got a lot of anons riled up, cuz you're adorable. Having a little drink and playing on 4chan is a fun night, you deserve a bit of that.
It's not cheating, it's just creepy and weird and I wouldn't want to date someone like that
i dont understand why touching you with any other part of me is normal but NOT my mouth
Men, you can date the average woman or you can be given one of those new sexdolls with talking function and body heat warming for free, which option do you choose?
How would you recommend I draft an email to the comic shop I've been going to that I'd like them to end my pull list? There's a few reasons I want to do this but I mostly don't want to get into them. (They've been leaving issues off that I asked for, I found a website where I can get them cheaper, the shop is far away from my house and I'm tired of driving there) Basically I want to send an email to the shop and let them know not to hold any more books for me, and I want to leave them with the feeling that there's no hard feelings (even though there kind of are, but it doesn't matter now)
Average woman. So-called average women are very cute.
Yeah, no, gonna peace out there too. And maybe change my identity and move.
Women, thought on being naked while sitting on your bf's lap as he fingers you with his right hand and lightly chokes you with his left hand and nibbles on your neck?
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Men, what would you do if you were the person in this situation?
I think we can put that mouth to work
not cheating, fourth degree gay, first degree privacy invasion AND first degree creepy
I am not food
I need a real woman so bad that it hurts.
do you think a guy would just not comment on it until i bring it up??
Was this in South Africa or some shit?
That's very sad. I don't even know what I'd do. I'd go to church a lot and lean very heavily on selfless people who would do everything they can to make me feel loved.
Vanitas vanitatum. Memento mori.
>Men, you can date the average woman
I can't though, the average woman does not want me.
Volunteer with the Medecins Sans Frontieres and hopefully die on a battlefield.
Choking is an automatic "fuck no" from me, so no thanks.
what if its not just a sex thing though>>31508993
The fact that you feel bad shows that you're a naturally kind person with a warm heart. Now let's use your brain to kill that heart.

Why let yourself feel bad when it's not your choice? You didn't choose to be attracted to huge men. You can't choose to stop being attracted to huge men. You didn't decide to not be attracted to small men. You can't decide to start being attracted to small men. None of this is your decision.

Why let yourself feel bad that it's comforting to receive affection from someone much larger? Even men share their fantasies about tall and taller women. There's something deep in human nature that wants to feel safe and comforted by being enveloped by a physically larger form. You're not a freak for wanting a freakishly-large man.

Why let yourself feel bad that not every man can date you? It was always the case that only one man will win your heart, and every other man will go home empty-handed. Even if you were some short tiny petite little doll, there still wouldn't be enough copies of you to make every man happy. You are only responsible for making yourself and one other man happy, you were never expected to take on the responsibility of saving everyone.

As long as you're aware of our suffering, as long as you acknowledge it without denying it or telling us we're making it up, you've done enough for us, and you shouldn't feel bad about the rest.
neither is kissing. putting things in our mouths isnt only a food thing.
Still do it during sex, people are a lot more tolerant to pain during sex, plus the dopamine pumping, start there, have the talk, and then reveal how it's more than just a sex thing.
okay good smart point. bite him when he is horny. good plan
I need to leave this thread. it's making me think too much about sex while I'm lonely, and that makes me sad

bye ATOGA, see you later. hopefully by the time I get another gf..
“Good morning/afternoon (comic store) staff, I’ve truly enjoyed being a patron of your business and have had near to no complaints. However, I’m moving soon and I’m afraid the drive will no longer be very practical in my case. Thus, I would like to end my pull list. Thanks for everything/best regards, (name).”
Femanons do you want a guy to suck on your tongue while making out?
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Idk if you're still lurking but here's the pub update I promised
>get a couple bevs in the beer garden with people
>one guy just fixed a bike so I ride it around a bit to test it
>big doggo comes outside so I start playing with the doggo, and meet a rat as well
>run out of cigarettes and get ID'd at the store, I forgot my ID so friend buys with my card
>go to another pub and I start flagging hard, end up falling asleep and people waking me up lol'ing
>I'm way too tired and drunk to talk to cute barmaid so I just mumble out a few pleasantries to her when she walks past
>barmaid comes over and gets me to enter into this football raffle thing I don't even know
>walk home and sister and bf end up having a big fight about politics, she threatens to break up but that's hopefully just the alcohol talking
>while this is going on I order pizza and other snaxx
>crack open another beer at home, just as I start eating pass out on the sofa from exhaustion
>wake up at 4am in my clothes on the sofa with food beside (luckily didn't make a mess)
I need to fucking sort myself out jfc
Girls, sometimes instead of doing laundry I'll just order more underwear on Amazon. What do you think of this?
You didn't say kiss you said bite
Women in relationships,
How many bjs do you think you average a month?

Women not in relationships,
How many bjs do you think you would average in a month if you were in a relationship?
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or a girl?
i would date the average woman ca 1974. todays are too fat
>another gf
So you had one before?
Bye bye normie have a good hiatus <3
chad shit bro
anyway, I just woke up several hours ago, had coffee for breakfast.
Dude, lay off the alcohol, you don't need it.
F not in a relationship, nor have I ever been in one, I wanna say nearly 0 at first and maybe we bump it up to 4 if I get comfortable with this hypothetical man
its more like mouthing and squeezing. you know what you want to do to boobs with your hands? i want to do to you with my mouth.

i am happy to bite hard if its okay but most people are wusses when it comes to drawing blood so i assumedthats a not allowed
I think that sounds good, thank you. I will write basically that. I have to keep going to the shop through July because the issues I pre-ordered won't start arriving until August since you have to order them well ahead of time. But this framework will help me.
There was actually an invasive species of not lady bugs brought to north america to eat an invaaive plant. Those are the ones that pee not real lady bugs.
Purple loosestrife is the plant
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oh god...
I'm on eating disorder twitter again.
I'm scared
>So you had one before?
yeah, we broke up a while ago

I wish. being autistic is social torture.
Women, do you notice when a man's pants/shorts bunch up around his crotch when he's sitting down?
I mean that's a pretty average looking female body, no?
It depends on how long you don’t mention and how much he likes/dislikes it. If he really dislikes it, he either will tell you immediately or hold it in like a volcano until one day he tells you to fucking knock it off. If he likes he, he won’t ever mention anything, and might even do it to you. If he dislikes it and starts doing it to you, he could be trying to do something passive aggressive. There many options he can take, so my /adv/ to you was something that is in the middle. You start doing so that if both of you enjoy it, it makes it more spontaneous and fun, but by mentioning later you allow him to communicate if he doesn’t like it.
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thanks for the kind words. i hate unfairness
Rereading what I wrote on grief, pretty harrowing!
Have you looked into a laundry service? They'll pick up from your house and drop it off the next day. My bf does this
Yes but only if he has meaty thighs. My eyes have aimbot when a guy has great quads and then the bulge also happens to be there when he sits or gets up
Dudes be like "subway sucks"
My nigga you made the sandwich
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Nah man.
does the sexbot move and stuff or is it just a fancy blowup doll
Ew god I fucking hate when I can see someone’s bones poking out like that idk why lmfao
This is so sad ):
Is it necessarily a bad thing?
Sounds like you want to stay "not in relationship"
To completion? Probably a monthly average of 8, or 6-10
Biting and drawing blood is not remotely hygienic or safe even if you brush frequently. The mouth harbors a shit ton of nasty stuff that we normally ignore because of horny. If you break skin with it, it becomes so much more potentially worse. Do. Not. Break. Skin
Oink oink fat bitch
Does he not have a washing machine?
Nta but my thighs are thicker than a snicker from long distance cycling when I was younger.
Average woman, assuming she’s my age
I might desu. I’m satisfied with all my platonic relationships rn, so satisfied I never rlly look for anything romantic. I also cringe at myself when I go on dates, it feels wrong.
thinspo > ed twitter
Not at all, in fact it has my invisible tail wagging, lol
I lost 15 pounds over the past few weeks, can someone tell me they're proud of me
good job anon!
I'm proud of you brother.
Giving you a virtual hug.
Well done, you amaze me.
If cringing at my past dates was my job, id be employee of the month
I think some of them have vibrating and hip gyrating functions now but that's it for movement
holy shit did you dehydrate yourself or something?
>Biting and drawing blood is not remotely hygienic or safe
>Do. Not. Break. Skin
If a woman bites me hard enough that she breaks my skin I'll marry her
You're a homo
Once you tell the secret
one of the primary appeals of a woman is that she can rub my back so im gonna have to discard the sexbot
Mmm sounds comfy <3 how do you take your coffee?
Yeah I know the boozing isn't the best but c'est la vie. At least I actually woke up at home this time lol. It's the only thing that makes me slightly less shy and awkward though
he is also literally retarded and spouting scientifically provable falsehoods. saliva is nature's always-available disinfectant. there's a reason every mammal on earth including us have a baked instinct to lick our wounds.

i know why i do but why do you want to be bit so hard
Interesting, now I'll know they are imposters

Yes, he just doesn't have time to deal with it
I had by leg amputated :)
Women tall about their fantasies of having a possessive bf
But then get the ick whenever I talk about being possessive of a gf
Thanks bros, I appreciate it
I tried to limit excess food/alcohol, took long walks every day and drank a lot of water.
I think I'm decent
Euthanize him he's invasive
I think you're exaggerating. More than 6 is pushing it for me.
I'm interested in most of it but tend to focus on medieval-edwardian European fashion
It's still a no from me. Maybe if I found the right pants and jacket but I feel like I look dumb.
I want to show affection and receive attention but am autistic
No thank you
R they the same women getting the ick? I cringe at the possessive man trope in fiction and irl personally. I only know brainrotted self proclaimed nymphettes or 30 yr old gooner ladies into that stuff.
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>why do you want to be bit so hard
nta but picrel
i want to be consumed
Good shit anon, proud of you
I remember you, faggot.
When you give head where do you want the guy to cum?
>i know why i do but why do you want to be bit so hard
Pain makes my blood pump and makes me more aggressive
Ideally it's a loop of her causing me pain and me being rough in return and on and on it goes
I get along well with guys only 1-2 yrs older. For some reason guys 3+ yrs older than me feel so distant but that might be because I’m 20 and people change extremely when they actually enter the workforce.
im always here, but i dont remember you
Just plain black coffee, with like 3 ice cubes so it's actually drinkable.
It actually works pretty well as an appetite suppressant, not hungry anymore during the morning.

What's wrong with being awkward and shy anyway, girls love the socially inept chad looking guy, always trying to "save" and "fix" him.
>girls love the socially inept chad looking guy
They do.
Anywhere but in my mouth I’ll projectile vomit
That's because I wear shadows on my face. You will never see me. Just know I see your degenerate soul, and you will pay for it.
In fiction. Social ineptitude = not chad. Chad is a charming extrovert or can at least lead conversation even if he’s an introvert
i have nothing to hide, may the summer drought hit you especially hard
>tried to limit excess alcohol
Thanks but id rather not die of seizure
Is face ok?
Trust me, they don't. You need basic social skills for women to like you, not just good looks
>t. good-looking but very socially awkward guy
no one wants to answer my age regression question
Ya that’s fine
Has anyone seen the love of my life? I can't seem to find him anywhere
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I guess its time to post this again
What do you want me to say?
When and where did you last see him?
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bug on my laptop
I would have definitely answered your question but I just got here
Yes bro it's fine if you want to rape and murder an 18 year old you old coomer fuck. People typed paragraphs about Belicheck's bitch. Are you the pedophile groomer?
Sweet, facials are fun
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Fuck the shy edit made me wheeze lmfao
Oh femanons, if only you knew how hard I cum whilst thinking about you
Leave him alone!
Probably around 10
Back of my throat, but I'm happy for him to finish however he wants
Guess I'll just kill myself then.
I need advice
I've been on one date with a girl and she wants to come to my place
How do I get her to agree to have me come over to her place instead
The walls and ceiling of my bedroom are covered with printed photographs of her
In my dreams
He's staring at you. Bidding his time. Soon.
i think he came out of my hair
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Before you can be fair to others, you must first be fair to yourself. That's not philosophical mumbo-jumbo, that's actual practical truth. You can't be fair to others if you don't know what fairness is, and your relationship with fairness starts with yourself.

You think it's unfair to a short man if you reject him because your head won't rest against his chest when you're dancing. Maybe it is unfair, and if you ever feel the spark of romantic chemistry with him then maybe you should pursue him anyway. But if there is no spark and if you force yourself to pursue him just to avoid being unfair to him, then aren't you being unfair to yourself?

You can simultaneously be both unfair to yourself as well as unfair to a tall man if you pursue that man just because he's tall, even though you don't actually have that spark of romantic chemistry. You'd be wasting his time and yours on a relationship that's doomed without the spark. That's something worth watching out for in real life.

But this isn't real life, this is just your fantasy. Nobody is harmed by you listening to music and humming along and imagining that you're dancing with a much taller man whose heartbeat is pounding through his chest against your face. If you force yourself to stop enjoying this fantasy just because you might be unfair to someone else far down the road, then right now you're being unfair to yourself.
No wonder you're alone.
He's your son.
If I have a lot of money in the future, I’d want to just stay home and cum in my wife all day
>tfw no gf with long prehensile hair
Like Athena emerging from the head of Zeus...
Of course guys want real women, but real women hate men so guys go for the sex bots instead.
nigga never had sex
it gets boring nigga
i could 100% chinese finger trap you in my curls but if that ever happens YOU have to wash my hair
Think I'm gonna take you with me.
They say dreams are sometimes just glimpses of reality that haven't happened yet. Maybe your dream is a preview of what's to come.
Please tell me you're black
>trusting a man to wash your curls
I was think more about bondage but that would be cool too. although cum in hair is generally a bad thing
Be honest, what you weigh? We both know how it would go. Don't vaguely threaten me, school shooter.
if that was true i would have killed myself yesterday
>t. chronic, unending nightmare haver
1000% taking that trade and i'll wash it properly cause i have curly hair too
i'm brown?

...how bad could a guy be at washing hair? am i missing something?
Suffering builds character. :^)
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what does this sentence even meaning here
>i'm brown
Time to racemix
Need gf(s) to rail until they physically cannot take any more multiple times a week
Still having them, man?
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not really
Don't even bother, just a nigga feeling insecure that a dude is enjoying his life doing something he cannot
one a year is how often most couple have sex
every night, as always, yeah.
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Sounds like someone needs some more suffering?
>not being Jewish
I shigella digella doogella
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You would've loved the inaba clan
Sorry to hear that man. I'll send a prayer out to the big guy upstairs.
i dont know how to feel about that, but i appreciate that you are doing what is for you like, a kind thing to do.
Wake me up so I can hug you and comfort you. (I sleep better overall when I wake up in the middle of the night to use the toilet and drink a bunch of water.)
honestly, that is "a vibe" if I do say so myself.
I prayed that you get at least some refuge for your sleep tonight. A small comfort, but I hope it helps.
thats a dude tho
you dont want me to wake you up 5-6 times a night.
You treat it kinda like cardio. Then it's just a fun workout you can make go for as long as you want
I wish I had prehensile hair
a sexy one
what are you straight?
seems gay
Why are men like this?
Why are so many girls anti-religion? Every girl I've gone on a date with has asked me if I'm religious and been visibly weirded out when I said yes.
Hes a cute femboy but we dont have any women representatives of the inaba clan yet
Christcels have ruined it with their faggotry. When a woman hears religious they assume you want a tradwife slave wife who will just shit out kids.
The more I drink, the better I feel. But the more I drink, the more I need to pee. It's a tough tradeoff, but I'll make it for you. Wake me up 5-6 times a night, please.
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You see a girl with this in her room, wyd?
I get worried because I feel like me and a religious guy would never work out because I myself am atheist
kek. with our powers combined, NIGHTMARES and PISS, nothing can stop us. surely.
Women are statistically more religious than men are
she fine tho
Totally would
>I myself am atheist
Why don't you think God is real?
Laugh, it’s silly
we can pretend. wrap it around my wrists and tell me to stop hitting myself while i hit myself and feign resistance.
Atheism is the surest sign of a midwit, I'm afraid.
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I was raised catholic and could literally just not believe or imagine some higher power out there. That’s all, not much else to it. If I continued going to church I’d feel like I was LARPing.
But I don't really care about a girl's religious views so long as she doesn't mind me going to church :(
Why do men want to provide for women and love them?
>Every girl I've gone on a date with has asked me if I'm religious and been visibly weirded out when I said yes.
Maybe they get weirded out because you get a little confrontational.

Oh hey.
you should check it, you'd like that girl
understandable, have a nice day
Maybe make that more clear, or just decline to talk about it. Religion makes a lot of people asshurt.
Idk, I'm religious and I kind of jokingly put it out because it means I won't put out if you get what I mean kek, but in all seriousness I wouldn't date someone unless they also were a Christian so this does lead me to turning down basically everyone, well really if I'm honest I just don't want to get married or in a relationship so I'm not really open to people even in the church I go to.
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Yeah but it still kind of feels wrong to me. I feel like I’m an obstacle of what they’d consider sin that’s stopping them from finding someone more compatible lol
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>tfw no black girl in my life.
It's not an issue for you now, but it will be when you have children and you don't agree on how to raise them.
By Christian do you mean general Americanoid or do you accept occultic shit alongside the Christendom
Christcucks try not to be passive aggressive about different worldviews challenge lvl: impossible
>Maybe they get weirded out because you get a little confrontational.
But the conversation always goes
>Are you religious at all?
>Yep, I'm not super devout but I try to go to church when I can
That's fair, but we're both pretty young so I feel like discussing how we're going to raise our kids is a little premature
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Catholics are the biggest cucks, so I understand why someone would leave
Classic atheist midwit response.
Cause they're spiritual instead
Will you be my girlfriend?
Because it is kinda weird if you think about it. The idea that there is a "god" sounds like something a schizophrenic person would say if you're not religious.
Another midwit response.
Congrats, you've convinced me to go to bed. Enjoy your stupid life.
Midwit is when you don’t seethe because someone was raised differently (impossible)
I wouldn't say Americanoid because I don't live in the Bible Belt area and live in a very blue, liberal urban area where being a Christian isn't really an advantage, but I am Protestant so I guess in another way I am.
Not rlly religious but catholicism and orthodox seem based, what flavor of Christian r u?
To someone who wasn't raised religious it doesn't sound any different than a cult
Organized religion has done irreparable damage to its own optics
Not seething your reasoning is just dumb and atheism fundamentally hinges being anti-christian, its just a reactionary phase that you're supposed to grow out of. It also proves you have zero inkling for any personal or knowledge growth, you don't care about science, you're probably discarding a majority of art that exists, all because "well i just dont feel anything". It's just stupid. Goodnight.
Neat! Dumbass
>The idea that there is a "god" sounds like something a schizophrenic person would say if you're not religious.
Not religious but every human society worshiped a god or gods, not exactly schizophrenic
>Yep, I'm not super devout but I try to go to church when I can
That's the worst way you could possibly phrase yourself.
Too religious for the irreligious. But too flippant for the practicing.
no I'm asking why would a guy tell me he age regresses
How should I phrase it? I'm just trying to be honest, I don't want to lie.
Atheism is just anti theism, not rlly targeting Christians solely but also rejecting Sikhism, Hellenism, Hinduism, Shintoism, etc. Secular people have always existed, sometimes they just feel more connected with their community or tangible environment rather than spiritual concepts. Goodnight, anon.
Anyone see any good movies recently? I want to watch one
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I believe in God and Jesus, but every branch of Christianity seems so focused on getting people to become Christian rather than having set rules and principles
>example: all the trans/gay pastors making tik toks
I also don't like how pacifist Christianity has become
The whole
>turn the other cheek
doesn't sit with me, you can't just let someone who is bad live and keep hurting others because they'll be sent to hell and their victim will go to heaven
I'm incredulous. I don't "get" it. Why do you believe God exists?
I'm not saying people who believe in some sort of god are schizophrenic what I'm saying is schizophrenic delusion and religious zealotry look very similar to the untrained eye.

I'm entertaining them because it's late for me if anyone is bothered speak up and I'll quit it.
Watch fury road again
Iron Claw is probably the last good movie I saw
Do non denominational churches exist how do u worship if u don’t know
They've replaced it with astrology and paganism
I find those weirder
Why do u have images of priests kissing black feet what fetish is this
>how do u worship
Why would God need to be worshiped?
It's human vanity to think that God would need to be worshiped
Who is "they". Tarot card readings aren't any more real than God? They are more fun though.
NTA but I think the existence of a higher power, i.e. God, is the only way that we could ever have a perfect society. Humans are imperfect, and every attempt by man to make a perfect society has lead to mass death and tragedy. So if there is ever going to be a utopia, I think it's only possible through the power of a higher being.
Because if you actually study science it proves the existence of a divine intellect. If you study ontology it proves the existence of a divine intellect. If you study occultism, it proves it. If you don't like your parents, or got psyopped by some dumb 90s-00s shit, you think you're somehow better. You disregard scriptures but then use whataboutism to hold me to a moral standard that you yourself either follow (rooted in christianity!) or you're an animal, just so you can flay me for the sins of whoever decided that "God is a meanie and probably a flying spaghetti monster I hecking love smoking weed and listening to Marilyn Manson!11!" Being an atheist suggests you're immature and ignorant. I'm literally going to pass out now.
It's the pope, the leader of the catholic church
I just post it to show how cucked it is
I saw American Graffiti recently and I liked it a lot.
Idk isn’t that the whole point something abt idols or whatever
Based, I love that movie
>if you actually study science it proves it
Yeah see anon this is the schizo stuff I was talking about
>I also don't like how pacifist Christianity has become
>The whole
>>turn the other cheek
>doesn't sit with me
How typically American, a Christian who rejects Christ.
Jesus seemed pretty proactive
Also, how many times has the bible been messed around with by different authorities of the Church for the past thousand years?
>thing I don't like == American
What a boring quip
I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought that guy was retarded lmao
Oh no, I turned this thread into a never-ending religious debate! Not my intention, sorry
Should I go outside right now?
It's not your fault. I blame Paul the Deceiver and Defiler who perverted the words of Christ to glorify himself.
Didn't he used to torture and kill Christians and then he was like
>lmao I'm good now, we square right?
I'm tired of pretending that women aren't the inferior gender.
I just realized women are responsible for 80% of the trauma in my life.
How do I approach this.
State gender.
What percentage of trauma is each gender responsible for in your life.
yes, take in the fresh air.
Maybe 10%
>how do I approach this
Idk anon.
Try to be more neutral, like
>yes, I go to the church by [location]

Not that guy, but the behavior of many atheists, at least the vocal ones, makes it pretty obvious that their beef is more with the particular teachings of Christianity than with any abstract problem with belief in a god. Atheism is a convenient vehicle for attacking religious morals, because it denies the commanding deity or principles behind them.
I'd say 60/40 men/women
How do I become less depressed? I’ve been depressed since I left high school and I’m 21 now
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>call my girlfriend a good girl/obedient/clever girl
>instantly defuses fights. will pretty much do whatever I ask within reason
Is this just a symptom of a bad childhood?
Men, thoughts on hair extensions?
I'd say women are responsible for almost for about 90% of mine as well
>How do I approach this.
Be honest and open about it. This is something our culture refuses to acknowledge to everyone's detriment
her what now
>see a psychiatrist
>stop posting here
>eat well, sleep well, exercise, socialize
>get off social media
pick 2

that'll be $350
Idk how they work. If I can still pull your hair they’re fine
not needed and i consider any sort of unnatural appearance change to be worsening the original beauty
I don't know how they work either but I'm wondering if guys consider them deceptive on par with a ton of makeup
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how do you extend hair that's ridiculous
100% male
in fact 100% one male in particular (me)
lol just grow out your hair lol. if your hair isnt straight naturally you shouldn't try to fake it
You wait. Hair extends itself.
There are these two itchy bumps and each side of my labia/right by vagina :( I am scared … it only itches and feels kind of tender if I touch it I haven’t shaved down there or anything. Could it be from the beach? I went a few days ago
had any casual sex recently?
If he wanted to have sex with me so bad, why didn’t he take the chance when he had it?
Could be anything.

See a doctor if they're still there in two weeks.
No im a virgin
I've done this with plenty of women.

>Afraid of sexual assault allegations
>No game
>Afraid of rejection
>You're not giving any positive signals, or that are obvious enough
Pick one
In my experience they're mostly softies deep down.
ive been on the other end of this and it was because i thought i could do better but couldnt so i came crawling back lol
Some combination of fear of rejection and worrying about sexual assault allegations.
if she wanted to have her question answered, why was she so vague asking it?
you should cut them off
meh, then you will be fine
you got crabs
Seconding this
I hope it goes away I can’t handle stuff like this
What if it’s a parasite or cancer or an infection
From what
I've done extensive therapy, but I still haven't eliminated my fear womwn from abuse growing up. I guess all I can really do is manage it and have an outlet to release the emotions
>From what
from the beach idioot
Your funeral, I won't even be sad
Probably from the beach.
>trident in the road
>left: woman that's twice my age
>right: girl that's half my age
>middle: woman that's in an arranged marriage (thirdie country) but wealthy except vastly different culture/religious values
idek anymore
I’ve never had anything like this before when I went to the beach
I cannot do surgery on myself
crabs are not parasites, don't worry
It's not surgery
I thought crabs are an STD and I never had sex
Jesus Christ femanon none of us are doctors and you're not gonna post a picture of it so how the fuck are we supposed to know? Go to a dermatologist and shut up.
>arranged marriage
>wealthy woman
not how it works
>Classy, spirited Domme.
>Cute, supportive sub.
If (You) had to choose, which would you go for?
I don't really have any trauma but perhaps I'm the only one here
Can I get both in a switch?
lots of crabs on the beach tho
Where are the crazy unhinged unstable foids at?
Women how do you respond to this situation
>first date with guy
>he's taking you back to your place
>when you get there he pauses to let you out and when you start leaving he says, "oh it's like that huh?"
>then he drives away and blocks your number
Crabs are the pubic equivalent of headlice.

How can people be this stupid?
she is wealthy and in their country she's allowed a separate bank account. funnily, the arranged-would-be husband is also from a wealthy family
me neither. those faggots have no idea what 'trauma' actually is
With great relief because the manchild prone to temper tantrums just self filtered himself
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women what game consoles have you owned?
Sadly no
>how do you respond
You can't respond if he blocked your number
that person is likely browsing 4chan right now
Someone asked about wigs earlier itt and I ragged on em about it feel the same way with this
Chubby pale girl with many cats and a game console, compelling imagery.
Damn. Is this a short term thing or are we stuck with them forever?
5'11 blonde with a nice ass
that person is me
i've been on over 200 first dates but i'm still an incel
i hate women
at that point theres obviously something wrong with you
She's skinny in the UK
It doesn't necessarily have to be forever, but you'd definitely be a couple, not a fling.
ps2 ps3 ps4 nes snes gamecube n64 wii switch xbox (the first one) gba ds 3ds game gear
i think thats it
No, its weirdly obvious in such a way that i find it hard to explain why. Is simply disgusting
this is good cos I can show them my pagan grove
Hmm I wonder why! Expecting someone to take you inside on the first date is probably one of many contributors factors
True shit
I would probably choose the domme but I don't plan on us meeting each others' families, lol.
She's got a full on fupa fat apron dude. She is absolutely not chubby.
probably the second
can I change her to a mommysub?
NTA and my number of first dates hasn't quite reached 100, but I don't treat women like shit and I've still never had a gf.
>average woman has let thousands if not millions of strangers fuck her on the first date by the time she's 18
>but she won't let me do it
it's humiliating
Every man who says domme is gay
If by this you mean liking weird ASMR like content, Im not like that
100 LMAO?! No freakin way that’s possible
Why not another first date? 90% of first daters quit before they get a second date
rookie move

don't treat them like shit but don't be overly nice, no matter what anyone tells you

think of a charismatic person you know personally. Are they ''nice'' in their interactions?
a girl who cares about sex to the point that she identifies as a "sub" or a "dom" is beyond repair just euthanize her
embarrassing christfaggot
>think of a charismatic person you know personally. Are they ''nice'' in their interactions?
NTA but yes, absolutely.
Women how tall are you?
Would you let your bf sit on your lap?
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Sit on my face please
nah i'm a sexual degenerate
having fetishes and whatever is fine but if your brain is so fucking rotted from gooning to porn that you think of yourself as "dom" or "sub" you're on the level of guys who pay for OF subs
all brothers or dads
Most religions are heteronormative, patriarchal, and only permit sex between married couples.
Most women are bi, feminist, and want to have sex with multiple people.

But If you're religious, shouldn't you be dating women that you know share your beliefs?
Don't post pictures of yourself
You know it's true. Average woman starts using tinder at 14 with a fake age, has had sex thousands of times by 18.
From kinda indifferent to put off by it
fucking based
100% agree
especially sub guys should take a step back and a real good look at themselves
dude that shit is incredibly basic
it's when people start actually referring to their partners as "my domme" or "my sub" that I can understand your feeling a bit.
chances are you are not an attractive white male
One time in the locker room in high school this kid named Josh was doing some really dumb shit with his friends, they had a bunch of firecrackers and were fucking around with them, they'd light them and round around trying to press them into each other so they would detonate against their skin, like a fucked up game of tag. Josh took one of the lit firecrackers and put it in his mouth, it made this weird poof sound and he let out a guttural OOUUUUUUAHH sound, his entire mouth was black and I think he blew a tooth out. What a fuckin idiot.
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State something weird at least for most people that would instantly make you fall for that person if they did.
Just saw this video on /gif/ and my heart instantly melted when she said "Fuck niggers."
I then spent the rest of the day sad that I'll be unlikely to ever find a girl with the personality of being able to say fuck niggers freely.
Janny pls it is an honest question, ignore the implications, I can't help it if someone saying those two words instantly makes them likeable in my eyes it's just been this way ever since I was a child.
How old are you?
Ik it's bait but I probably couldn't even bust thousands of nuts if I jerked off for a 4 year timespan unless I was shooting multiple loads a day.
>dude that shit is incredibly basic
It really isn't. Hetero and even bi people don't give that much thought into "sub" or "dom" shit which is extreme level of fetishization of sex. "sub" and "dom" is not the same as being a top or a bottom, retard
NTA but you have no clue what you're talking about.
There's loads of bi chicks in these threads though
Average woman arranges 2-3 gangbangs per week from the moment they start having sex with an average of 30 to 60 new partners per week.
you have psychosis
what percentage of women do you even think self-identify as a sub?
hint, it's less than 1%
Women.. How do I befriend you?
It used to be so easy, I've had relationships before but after turning 20 I had less and less female friends till getting none, and I've been trying but I usually end up getting ghosted for no real reason (most of the time, I've fucked up a few times).
I'm graduating next week and currently waiting for the final interview for a software developer internship, though I don't particularly enjoy programming. I don't hate it, but I wouldn't prefer it as a career. Recently, our professor forwarded a job posting for a museum guide, which I'm really really interested in. However, unlike software development, I'm not sure about the career progression and potential for higher earnings as a museum guide if I decide to pursue it. Honestly, my plan after graduation was just to suck it up and work as a software developer so I can fund my hobbies and interests. Any thoughts? What would you choose if you were in my shoes?
I find it weird that when I read about countries, Wikipedia always says X Western country is 70/80/90+% Christian, but when you go on the internet or outside, most people don't seem to be religious at all. At most they'll say they believe in God or exclaim "Jesus Christ!" when something happens, but that seems to be it.
Arrange Deez nuts on yo face
I like how pagans are either gigawoke or neo-nazis
cope seethe and dilate it's a fact that any woman you ever talk to has been fucked by over 90% of the men in the city she lives in
millions on average
I'm a bonapartist hellenist
I'm over here stroking my dick I got lotion on my dick right now I'm just stroking my shit
Keep in mind that the cut off for mental retardation is 70-80IQ and 50-80% of people have an IQ between 80 and 90.
You should also consider the FUNCTION of religion rather than just its veracity or validity.
Yeah, yeah, "God is dead" and all that Herr Nietzche
Im reading a late XIX century romance-ish novel, is not good but Im pushing through it
monotheism has and always will be a stepping stone to atheism
What's the best way to ask for sex without being hit by sexual harrasment or rape accusations? I've asked a few girls before and most of them were ready to call the cops before I tried calming them down like "I'm not forcing you" or "it's just a joke haha". Only two gjrls agreed to have sex with me, while one more girl agreed but she asked for money so I guess that doesn't count.

Hard mode: it's a one-night stand. No dumb bullshit like dating or love.
>50-80% of people have an IQ between 80 and 90
Anon, I think you're probably in the 80-90 group, but you won't have quite as much company as you think.
I was grinding my cock on the window and it slammed shut, I'm panicking and have no clue what to do, anons what do I do, state gender, what do I do.
just take your dick out
rip it off
Christians are mostly non-whites and old people.
Grab a crowbar and get to work
ask for their number and do it normally
then just drop them after
Islam seems to be exception.
download grindr
message all the femboys "when you gon drive over here ayo imma fuck you boiii"
it's that easy fag
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Meditations by Marcus Aurelius has become a meme in philosophy, the first recommendation to anyone who asks. I found the first portion funny, though, due to the stark differences between our immediate families and upbringings.
What have you learned or inherited from your elders? Write it like our lil' Marcus here, if you will.
As for me:

From my grandfather Louis, shortness of stature, for he was short and fat like a pig.
From my father, sobriety and self-control, for he was a drug-addict and neurotic like a woman.
From my mother, critical thinking and asociality, for she was autism and mental illness.
From my tutors, self-awareness and humility, for they taught me high scores in tests are worthless in the end.
The* exception
Islam just leads to obsessive compulsive subservience to rules
Judaism is better since it's all about following the rules while trying to subvert them
>yeah we signed a contract with god but fuck him we don't wanna do that shit
Islam does the same thing ultimately.
Don't commit fornication, just have the Imam bless your relationship!
Ultimately I'd prefer a sub, but dommes are so rare I'd be tempted to go for her since I'd probably never get another chance with one.
From my father a love of nature and creativity
From my mother, a sense of curiosity and love for women
From my sister a sense of humor and fun
Women, how does it feel to know that a significant number of men would rather sit at home alone and depressed and near suicidal than have to put up with you?
if a girl tried to dom me in bed i would push her over and make her understand how much stronger i am
Sir pls.
I only own a Half Life 2 replica crowbar.
It will snap if I try to pry the window open.
Please help.

Hopefully it's paid though. If it isn't, do it 2 days a week for 3-4 months. If they won't you go somewhere else.
From my father, to never stop learning and improving myself, because I dont want to end up like him.
This is really the only important one
They're missing out
>a religion of subversion, dishonesty, and backstabbing
And then they tell you they're muh poor mInORitY getting unjustly pogrom'd due to prejudices that don't reflect reality in the slightest.
Sure you're physically stronger than most women but they are mentally stronger than you, they can go through harder life challenges and not murder suicide their family and still be empathetic to others.
pfffttt hahahahahahahahahahaha
I'm sorry, it seems the only way out is to chew your penis off
>Hands you a bottle of aspirin
Good luck anon
Are they really, though?
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>having an affair with a married woman
>has tried to divorce her husband once before, he tried to kill himself
>threatens again to end himself if she leaves him
>has 3 children and guy is chronically psychologically unstable, she says for the family
is this morally wrong still (on her part, idc)
Thanks bro
>Hopefully it's paid though.
Yeah it's paid
Luckily I am trained in self blow jobs so this is the moment I have been waiting for all my life.
Wait I can just call 911 online right.
Holy shit I am so 4chan brained the first thing I did was google how to fix my webcam so I can take a pic for /soc/.
That's nice.
The wise seek wisdom. Nice.
I hate to say it but M, the guy is at fault.
The moment your wife cheats as long as she doesn't want custody of the kids let her go. She is not worth it, and threatening to kill yourself for a bitch and leaving your kids means now you're in the wrong.
Grow a pair unironically.
Why did she get married if she was going to be a cheating whore and divorce him?
From my mother, extremely poor decision making skills
From my father, a proclivity for addiction and procrastination
From my brother, latent homosexual tendencies
From my sister, profound mental retardation
>live hard challenges at all
When was the last time you took a shower?
Same reason any relationships fail and has a divorce I guess, the person you married turns into someone else.
This morning
I've been neet for about six months (kind of, studying but on autismbux)

I'm never working a job again that doesn't have progression attached to it. That's how you get stuck in life and wonder what happened 5 years later.
My boss has promised me a managerial promotion twice now and canceled at the last minute I hate being a minimum wagie faggot reeeee
>Same reason any relationships fail and has a divorce
No-fault divorce, feminism, and jewish destruction of traditions and values?
This is what I'm talking about!
any good 1960 movie recommendations
What genre
Despicable 2
no horror/thriller stuff
basically I want to feel like I'm sitting in a theater in 1960s watching a good movie eating popcorn.
I think it's actually pretty rare for a relationship to fail for no reason. If both people are happy then there's not really any reason for it to fail, obviously this rarely happens though.
there's no excuse for cheating
How does it feel to have sex???? I think anal is good because i can feel what girls feel but i cannot imagine what vaginal sex feels like. I bet its fucking great.
I felt like writing something in the style or tone of Proverbs. What do you guys think?

1. Like weed depression grows, like weed to be seen--for weed is the first to thrive in barren soil, just as depression thrives in a painful world.
2. Reviled, hated, shunned, they commonly are, yet not always wrong: Purslane is nutritious and feeds; Dandelion reaches deep and draws out nourishment for plentiful fruit; Plantain heals; Stinging Nettle makes delicious soup; Others drive away maleficent creatures.
3. Likewise depression will make you consume yourself, so that you get to know yourself; reflection will make you wise and prosperous; wisdom and prosperity will heal your wounds; healthy appetite will pleasure your body; and the colors of the malignant shall be revealed.
4. My son, be not afraid of depression, do not run and do not hide from it: behold it, embrace it, understand it, and you will be better than fools--for they run and run without knowing whither they go, tripping and getting lost, but the wise stop and consider direction, reaching their destination.
I remember a post from a femanon saying it feels similar to when you have an itch in your ear, put your finger in it, then shake it inside or move it in and out.
just an hour outside in this heat made me fucking exhausted.
like my pp has a little home to live :O
>show tits, ass, pussy or feet in front of camera and get paid thousands of dollars
>simps are willing to do anything for you
>never get bullied in life
>government support is more inclined towards females
>less punishment for females when it comes to crime
>literally have the power to accuse any men for sexual harrasment and destroy their reputation and wallets
>wife can take everything her husband has in alimony
>females can get any social and psychological support from the society
>while men must "be a man" to take on their problems alone
Females think they are born privileged and will feel privileged as if the world owes them shit
Kids should play chess, othello, go, rubik's cubes, sliding puzzles, tangram, and the like games instead of fucking Mario or Fortnite and such.
State gender. Thoughts on this?
Do any of you sleep out of boredom?
tfw no sweaty gf
Yeah I hear you. Granted I live in a third world country so the cost of living is relatively cheap and it's a government museum so there might be benefits to it. But yeah, I'm not sure if it's worth it throwing away the chance that I have right now to get into software development
Anal sex increases your cancer risk.
I try not to these days.
The moon landings
How much more of a Chad are you compared to the husband?
>Board games has fallen. Billions must stop playing digital games.
I used to. Then I started thinking that sleeping is better than living, which further spiraled me down into depression.
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State gender
Does everyone settle in the end?
Hope you feel better anon
>constantly hoping to meet someone more suitable is a sure way to ruin a good relationship
The digital versions of those games are fine, of course. The point is games that are intellectually stimulating as well as entertaining.
Mario kills their braincells.
No, there are plenty of relationships where the two are just the one for each other - it truly does happen.
Dear women, is it possible for a man to become Chad with average genetics if he works hard enough?
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Women, what kind of fashion style do you like on guys? picture examples would be great.
search your feelings, you know it to be true. The only thing that blocks people form understanding this is they aren't always two model-tier chiseled people.
I think so, the only girl I liked for a serious relationship rejected me so eventually I will have to give in and tie my life to some high bodycount whore in order to not be alone
This dude is more handsome than me. :^D

When should a girl ask a guy whom she met on the internet when he wants to meet up with her?

This is long-distance BTW.
whenever she wants
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State gender
Would you rather have a daughter or a son
This guy's an ugly motherfucker, even I'm more handsome than him
>long distance internet relationships
you people are retarded.
my brain says son but my heart has only chosen female names
i met my wife online
very long distance too
I feel like I answered this before...
If living in globohomo, daughter. I'll pimp her and pocket all the simpbuxx.
If living in a real civilization, then son. Obviously.
definitely not a pedophile.
Name him the girliest gayest thing you can think of
Which is why I want to ask him to meet up IRL. I'm just too chickenshit to because I can't tell if he's playing me or not.
I would rather be dead than having homosexual children
Name that nigga petunia
if i had to chose son but i would also love having a daughter
NTA. Why? As long as they're not flamboyant obnoxious faggots, why would you care?
Nta but how can he play you if you're long distance?
Height increasing surgery
What I meant is that I'm worried he's losing interest in me or he never had interest in me to begin with.
Idk, I just really hate gay stuff because I honestly... I get an erection sometimes and it really turns me on and I just hate that I cant control myself like that. It's hard bros
No way this is the same poster
I can't imagine having daily or even just regular conversations with a girl I wasn't interested in 2bh.

Besides, making a guy wait for sex is usually a good idea.
Listen to this banger, guys:
Lmao well played
this is the average guy and somehow 4channers still chimp out that some guys cant have sex
The thing is, I'm getting really desperate for male company and I have a very strong attraction to this guy.

You think I should just go for it and ask him: "Do you think you'll be able to come to my city soon?"
Because he's unironically a thousand times more handsome than me you stupid nigger
That guy looks better than me. :^)
you cant even read
yeah average means hes not the worst looking in the world
Neither can you, you're on the ugly man website, of course we're going to complain because none of us look average we're all four out of 10 or under, if you don't like it leave, and all the women here are Stacy's but you can talk to other Stacy's on Instagram without ugly men like us being around so either take it or leave.
im married and my wife pays for everything while i just work part time
Someone post the meme of wojak with the landwhale
Thanks for the recommendation
Hell yeah brother I mean I didn't ask for your life story but it sounds like TikTok would enjoy it you should totally go Vlog it on there and not here. Also that has absolutely nothing to do with what I said but you know thanks, thanks for telling me.
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They're called plapjaks I'll have you know
ok yeah she is fat but even then a 4/10 guy cant get supported financially by even a fat girl
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>when you post a picture more interesting than the question and nobody responds to what you wrote
Is coffee good for you
Actions have consequences.
if it was really a closet faggot then I shouldn't notice in first place
Men like it when women make the first move.
So how do I make the first move without intimidating him? I don't even know if he's romantically interested in me.
literally just be honest
say hes good looking or whatever and you would love to go on a date with him
any man worth having will do the rest and be happy as fuck
so... how do I develop a clue regarding normal people?
I saw some really pretty girl in this dating app whose bio was "whoever brings sushi to my house gets the girl hehe" and I was like, wtf does that mean. but I messaged her anyway and she said "hi!". I kept talking but she didn't reply anymore... a week later and I'm ready some random shit about tinder and someone commented that the bio for someone who wants to date could be "I like sushi" and I just realized that she meant what she said: she wanted someone to go to her place...

whenever I analyze myself, I feel like I live in some abstract world where I'm unable to understand what normal people do or want. my life is pretty shit, disorganized and lonely. I tend to be very reclusive, even though I can go out and talk to people just fine...
what the fuck do I need to do to understand "normal" people? should I read books? should I socialize more?
There are three possible reasons for this and 2/3 aren't good though.
>he likes you and is genuinely open to courtship
>he's desperate and will take what relationship he can get (and will want to upgrade later)
>he sees free pussy and coasts along till he gets it
that message means she has previously fucked a guy who brought her sushi while at least one other guy was in her dms trying to get to fuck her that day
she chose the sushi guy
There's a girl who may or may not be interested in me, a few signs point to yes but early days.

We have hung out in a group setting quite a lot lately, with the last time being only 5 days ago. I have another friend hangout tomorrow, with mutual friends, would it be annoying/clingy/too soon to invite her to another thing so close to when we last hung out?
Oh he's not desperate. At least I don't think so. He seems to have a good number of friends if that means anything.
just ask her lol
I know. I thought the sushi thing was some kind of social code or something.
this reminds me of when I was a kid. I lived in 2 countries and had a hard time understanding what people in the country I stayed meant... and I still do :'(
You and I both are not of this world. We were born for solitude. We are meant to perish by our own hands.
That is what I feel, what I have experienced.
do you mean I should kms asap?
Not asap, no, unless you think you must.
I will kms too, one of these days.
ok, I won't kms then, but how the fuck do you deal with your own autism? do you do psych therapy? take pills? wear a "please be patient" hat?
I feel like a pariah, yet I'm the one who causes harm to other people because I'm unable to understand them.
the worst part is that apparently I'm very handsome, plus I'm tall. women seem to like me a lot... but as soon as I open my mouth, they either ignore me or run lmao. only have managed to get a few, and the experiences were meh
I AM a pariah. I secluded myself, became a NEET, untouched, unbothered, unharmed.
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eventually we will just have vr pleasure cubes where we can live our every dream
why would you ever not be doing that
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Girls, when did you grow out of your witch phase?
Nigga, you ARE a pariah. You basically have no idea what it means to be human or how to act like one. Maybe, MAYBE you can get an autistic gf that can't notice the fact that you're basically an alien but even that's a long shot.
what pussy does to a MF
what 0 pussy does to a MF

gender, discuss
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I think st Paul said it best
"what pussy does to a MF" is always a result of being a weak man
This year I will become a strong man, I will become muscular, I will become a beast, so I can cosplay a viking, help people crowd surf and save people out of the pit when they're injured at the heavy festivals I will be going to next year.
I'm not even Christan bro, I just think it sounds nice
I made some broccoli, and maaaaan, it tastes like shit
I'm gonna let my dog finish the rest of it instead.
Are women into this stuff
you mean the opposite. guys want to fuck or have a relationship with every woman in a friendship group, women don’t
Straight shota? Yes, but loli is disgusting
I became a pink goth instead
There's been no good porn on 4chan for the past month. Gif was never good but there was an odd thread every now and then, now it's irredeemable. The metart poster disappeared from hr. All the good posters on s died and it's filled with fat ugly wives and cellulite monsters. Shits so bleak I don't even want to jack off anymore.
Only to a small degree. Are you one of those
>imagine if the genders is flipped
>women don't want to be approached so i will fight against women approaching men in the name of equality even though i desperately wish women would approach me
that sounds like a freebie, but not reality
>Combining the two worst aspects of the two worst types of girls
Well done, just when I thought women couldn't stoop any lower.
it’s difficult, we usually don’t let guys close because 99% of the time they want sex or relationship. they can never just have a friendship, or take a compliment or a hug and move on.
now I’m a pastel girl, but you’re the bitch. you were always at the bottom
Ladies and gents
How do I stop attracting crazy and emotionally unavailable women?

I have been told to have a good and patient heart/emotionally mature and I'm always there for people who need an ear or advice.

This seems to attract women who tend to be insanely toxic and either we end up getting together or they end up being a friend I'm close to for a while.

I know there's something on my end personally and subconsciously there, but should I just be there for people less and hold stronger boundaries?
no, but you're an hypocrite
Consider the following
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Question for women, want to know why one of my female coworkers did this, one of her friends started working here and we all got a shift together, now the friend is cool, and we seem to naturally get along, but at some point, and I forget how it came up, but at some point she asks me how old I am, so I go "How old do you think I am?" and before she can answer, my coworker/friend says "I already told you his age before"

I didn't think anything of it in the moment, but that's kinda strange right? One, I was being talked about and two, why my age? For the record I look way younger than I actually am, and we have met before and had some small talk, this instance was from the 2nd meeting. What was up with that
it’s nothing, just chatting
Women, what do you think about WhistlinDiesel?
0 pussy is always worse because its stagnation. What pussy does to a MF actually creates opportunity for growth
Whoa there sonny jane, I'm an incel, I know I'm always at the bottom, but there's a difference between invisible garbage and unbearable to look at gleam in your eye flaming garbage some idiot felt was "another mans treasure xD"
Me and my mom had an argument. She said that it's not child's responsibility to take care of their parents when they are old but I disagreed.
State gender
Thoughts on this?
Depends on how they were as a parent
If they were a shitty parent then tell them good luck in the nursing home
If they were a good parent and raised you then yeah you should take care of them

You reap what you sow
statistically speaking there has to be at least one woman out there that would like to have sex with me
how do i find her
are you white?
If so just go to Asia and women will fuck you
I don't like when shota is animated or drawn. It makes me feel bad for reading it.
She's right, it isn't. You're expected to have your own life to handle and they've done their job with raising you up.
It's a nice gesture if you return the care they gave you though.
i hate dead/toga/!
Ask a fun question then, you butthole. I'm waiting until the next thread to ask for actual advice.
But I'm waiting for the next thread to start asking questions!
Then don't complain. That's my advice.
Oooooh noooo you'll never satisfy your fantasy of having a tall Chad, how horrible.
Go fucking kill yourself you fucking cunt. I have to live life as a short guy and you're bitching you won't get that funny feeling looking up at someone tall.
You're the reason why I celebrate when shootings happen in America because a bitch like you gets lead

mutt children are disgusting
Fucking stupid how most women are turned off to the idea of having sex with another woman.

If I were a woman, I'd:
>Be insanely fit (but not to a weirdo marathoner, 0% bodyfat extent)
>Never get old
>Make lesbian porn that nets me an extra $90k a year
>Not have kids until my late-20s/early-30s, and then make my mother raise them for me
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For a guy who grew up as a boy where multiple older women touched him, it's awesome. I can be my 13 year old self if I did succumb to lust instead of remaining a good Christian boy.
Too bad most of it is incest crap.

There's a female artist I love that draws NSFW ss without the incest stuff.
Should I ask my gf if she wants to check out a spot for dinner later? Or just ask if she feels like going out or staying in?
We both have to wake up early and won’t be able to see each other til 7:30/8.
She’s super feminine and likes being “led”
Here is a thought for you.
Going back through history for 2+ billion years, all the way back to the very first slime like life forms... Every single one of those ancestors of yours; an unbroken history of millions of generations, all successfully had sex, and children.
Except you.
Lol. Just how big a fuck up must you be? I mean holy shit.
Apparently my mom's bra are 80C
Is that big?
And as a woman who was raped as a child, it feels extremely hypocritical of me to enjoy stories with shota, even if they're always as justified or consensual as that sort of fictional smut can be. We're very different somehow.
NTA but my dad should've never had kids with his shit genes, I hope he fucking dies in agony
Unfortunately my mom is a retard and was won over by his fake charm
I should never have existed, my life has no fucking purpose and my genes provide no tools of greatness. I want to fucking kill myself
That's because it has poison in it.
Not enough to kill you, but enough to cause chronic problems.
Are babies who die in an accident also fuckups because they didn't reproduce?
Some people are bound to be the genetic outcasts, and that's fine
>Do you think you'll be able to come to my city soon?"
Don't do ldrs.
explain yourself, why do you know this
I'm not fucking fine with it
Why do I have to be the genetic outcast?
NTA, but do you not wash your parent's clothes and shop for them?
NTA, thanks for taking one for the team.
My dad's mad at me for not sticking to my diet
Fuck off and eat shit
I do wash her clothes but I'm not checking out what size her bra is? I'll buy her clothes but I'm not buying her bras.
NTA by definition yes. It is considered a tragedy for that reason, they lost out on that and other life opportunities, by your logic no one mourns dead babies, you fucking moron.
For an self proclaimed INTJ you sure are fucking stupid.
Then maybe I'm the weird one for having to buy my dad's underwear because he's fine wearing old ones with holes in them.
Damn was every woman in here raped as a child somehow?
Hmm the ice cubes sound nice actually
Personally I just make a black coffee then forget about it and have it cold lol
Just woke up again sweating my tits off bleeeeh it's too hot rn. Genuinely might just sleep in my clothes on the sofa tonight rather than use any kind of duvet/blanket (and maybe keep the doors open for airflow but people close em)
>always trying to "save" and "fix" him.
Idk maybe haha that's not really been my experience. I mean I am quite average. I think they have fun with it at first then shit gets old quickly and they're like why shouldn't I just get with a functional guy with his shit together? Which is very reasonable
Anyway have a sick day buddy, got any plans?
What's your favorite stories?
If it's all consensual you shouldn't feel bad about it.
I and many others weren't.
WTF kind of question is that?
How did you even come to that conclusion?
I was never sexually abused but i still turned out fucked up af.
Yet incels only want a good looking girl and won't settle for a "slampig" or whatever other horrible names you come up with
Makes ya think...
You will find more here proportionally than on other sites. Tumblr arguably might be a contender.
>see a guy put an ice cube in a girls cleavage at a festival
>thought she was going to slap him
>she smiles
Why can't I do that with women?
Fuck off, I just want a girl in my ball park, nothing special. I just don't want the female equivalent of CaseOh
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The prevalence of picrel and its ability to resonate with so many would say otherwise.
I checked the tag while picking clothes from the dryer
You can't be sexually satisfied with an ugly fatbitch
I've posted about Pam and Jeremy a lot before.
You're not Chad, that's why, you should know this basic shit already
That explains it then
It's me gooning to your r34
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Plapjak and slampig users are literally all Brads, normie men, and such bitter at their place in a hoeflated market, as an actual certified incel who can confidently say every woman I've known called me ugly my whole life apart from my mother, that I once cried on the train home because this 300+ pound cute girl I would have loved dating was adjacent to me, I strongly considered asking her out until I remembered even she was out of my league.
Those men are not incels, once again women only see Brad and Chad and assume they share the same experiences we do, they don't.
Guys, the best shit test for women is what they think of conan. 99% of the time they can't answer.
you're on thin ice bud
It's kind of a pipe dream (i.e. I'm a lazy dumb bastard) but if I ever were to be making enough money from online work and such I'd love to just fuck off back to the countryside and get a cute housewife and just bang all day long (when in the mood ofc)
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How ugly are you? What makes you so ugly? Are you deformed? Elephantiasis?
Nahhh bro is actually vibing hard
Reminds me of when we were little how when my mom was out my sis and I would climb onto this part of the roof (lmao not dangerous at all) and have tea parties and listen to audio books, gang shit
Jokes on you, my dad was a conan enjoyer and introduced me to the barbarian way of life early on.
Lemme go to a doctor, see if they still have one of those old timey face measurement helmets and I'll get back to you a report, in general though just overall shitty facial traits and harmony that make me look like actual dogshit.
I mean, she cute
She looks like a hoodrat Mila Kunis
I just had a dream that I had a white gf and a black gf and I was really struggling to give them both enough attention lol
Probably a metaphor for the black and white cats IRL
My girlfriend got "curious" and looked up horse dongs and now she can't stop mentioning them how freakish and big they looked. She insists that it doesn't interest her and that she was curious but she almost brings it up daily how weird and big it looks. I'm starting to think she's starting to get infatuated by it.
I would rather never have sex than fuck a ugly fat bitch for the rest of my life
Are you gonna eat a rotten hotdog on the side of the road?
The Book of Eli was pretty cool
Chilling in the garden rn and the neighbour is playing some banging house lol
I ended up watching this movie, although long I ended up liking it.

thanks anon
If you spent your entire life crawling through a hot desert, nuts hanging, pecked at by vultures, and you came across a hot dog that's rotted on the side of the road, you'd slurp it up like no tomorrow.
You are not an incel, you don't know true pain, true starvation, you don't know what it's like, it is just as horrible as it is liberating, now I see beauty in every woman I look at knowing they will never see it in me, even at the lowest common denominator.
Hot <3
In the bedroom
>Classy, spirited Domme.
Day to day
>Cute, supportive sub
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Ok but compared to pic rel you look good, no? So stop moaning.
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It’s time to counter with the breeding mount anon.
Nah she fat even by bong standards
Burp in my face after eating McDonald's
Does anyone else eat buckwheat?
This is the future for incels. Breeding mount sex dolls.
Post cats please, preferably together
Is your "girlfriend" Vaush?
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I got some once and made some buckwheat pancakes but idk, too weird taste.
But soba is god tier.
Only as soba and sometimes as pancakes
My family owns horses and I've seen women start to giggle and smile when they see one of our young stallion's become excited because of a nearby mare.
Women are freaks.
NTA but that guy compared to me is only a little worse off. It's still fucking over
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Honestly bro I would stick with the tech work and just volunteer as a museum/tour guide if you're into that
I had one job your guiding and it was a lot of fun, but the pay is dogshit lol (and you don't get paid for study time though I suppose if you enjoy history that's whatever). There are lots of jobs in tech that aren't programming. But if it's really making you miserable then fuck it your happiness is more important. I also jumped shit. Just don't expect to be raking it in lol
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Good future
Laughed way harder at the thought of this than I should have, shoulda teased them over it
And women wonder why for thousands of years we never gave them rights
Yesterday afternoon
I should this morning too bc sweaty but eeeh I'm not going out anywhere
>I'm never working a job again that doesn't have progression attached to it
As opposed to being on NEETbux lol?
Life is what you make of it bud
Nta how recessed is your chin and how fucked is your jawline
Anon I've got no clue how to break this, my midface looks just like this in fact my eyebags are even worse.
Thanks for proving my point I reckon.
Yeahh it's hawt today. I woke up sweating like a pig again cause the front room hots up a lot with the sun, bleh. Sitting in the garden in the shade rn is lovely tho
I'm actually handsome but still a mid twenties virgin
Literally 20 minutes ago
Do men not realize how these
>i am a sexy milf with big tits and yesterday i saw my daughter who is also sexy with big tits and then i took massage oil and rubbed it all over her big sexy tits and then i rubbed my own big sexy tits against her big sexy tits to spread the oil to my big sexy tits too and our big sexy tits glistened under the tungsten light from her pc screen that was playing big sexy tit goonpilations (that was how i knew she'd be open to it btw)
stories sound?
I mean, men have fucked sheep. Both genders are sexual deviants.
Why not both?
As a kid my mom forced me to play educational games, then I'd just go round my buddy's house to play Mario and Sonic all afternoon haha
Also one of her boytoys got me Super Mario Bros. 3 on the GBA, what a legend. I put so many hours into that game
I am handsome mid 20s non virgin but my mental is shattered
Doesn't fucking matter, my chin and jaw can't make up for short height and balding head.
I'm basically a mentalcel but I maintain it's a physical problem, not a mental one
When I'm depressed I want to sleep to avoid reality, yeah
Then when I'm manic I sleep as little as possible going a week barely sleeping
There is no inbetween for me lol
>Also one of her boytoys got me Super Mario Bros. 3 on the GBA, what a legend
Chess and rubiks cubes are the Counter Strike of physical games. That isn't a good thing, that means that memorization trumps adaptability skill, and the people involved in a real battle or life and death situation would die if tested.
No joke if this is your complaint I hate to say it but listen to Andrew Tate don't let them play anything teach them every martial art known to man and make them into Baki Hanma and Jack Hanma but real.
How does one deal with the reality, truly, that they are currently living their worst self?
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NAG but top half is how I used to dress when clubbing kek
That stocking and socks shit in the bottom half is a bit fruity tho
Also sorry that no one responded to you with pics...
There is a phenomenon called MSM, straight men having sex with men. They aren't romantically attracted to other men, only women, nor do they want a relationship with a man. They just want to bust a nut. These days, fucking other men has been replaced by fucking trannies and crossdressers.
Sounds hot af
M, I suppose after a few months?
I guess daughter? But don't really care
She was just making a joke saying she likes sushi
So maybe a sushi date would be a good idea
But also "to my house..." is a slight implication (imo) to hookup
Basically try not to overthink it. Us neurodivergent types have a tendency to overly dissect things for their literal meanings
The difference is that we punished those degenerates while women welcome degeneracy and sin
Sad. I've wanted to date and marry another straight woman for years for similar reasons but I doubt there'd be many takers, I'd just get my name on some Facebook dangerous local sexual deviants page for even suggesting it
>18 year old woman
>Everyone keeps calling me kid
Honestly I'm terrible for saying this but this is why I don't take my meds. They were making me a zombie and content with a mediocre life. I believe everything is a signal of something and you shouldn't ignore the fiery drive for expiration and adventure that can fuel you
okay kid
If you are a man and you are fucking another man you ain't straight
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>what 0 pussy does to a MF
Just look at my posts here
Just put some mayo on it
>be there for people less and hold stronger boundaries
This basically yeah. Don't let yourself get played by crazy thots. I made the same mistake once
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>Just put some mayo on it
nah, that broccoli was wack
Your mom is based
It's good if the kids want to help but they shouldn't be obligated to
They probably knew each other lol. Once I put a cocktail umbrella in a female friend's boobs
I don't fucking care for "le exploration and adventure." There's nothing to fucking explore or discover, everything great is already treaded ground someone else has done. I'm never going to explore the stars because I was born in this gay dogshit era. Nothing is interesting, I'd rather live life in a fantasy cube
Gay asfuck movie edition is used as a background for music
>I just want a girl in my ball park
Okay well that's cool. I'm just saying a lot of incels demand a 7+/10 white virgin gf or whatever while having thousands of posts on .is kek
Here we go again lol
If you don't like fat girls just don't date them?
You’ve got at least 6 more years of that
If I can get a pic of them playing together I will kek
One is the people I'm staying with's cat and the other is the neighbour's, who I see here more haha, we just had to hide the food bowl again
If blacks and whites can get along just fine in the cat world why can't we do it here
Sorry excuse me.
>/adv/ or 4chan giving advice on anything.jpg
Yesterday some friends at the bar joked like "we need to start your fuckboy phase anon haha" and I was like "uuuh I'm good thanks" and they were like "well if you're asexual that's fine too". Like there is no in-between from sleeping around vs. staying single lol? I would just want a cute gf man...
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You should watch the whole thing
This is like saying there's no point in having sex because someone else has already done it. Stupid defeatist take.
I mean they were engaged at one point he wasn't just some random dude, I just wanted to make the post sound funnier
Also he bought me the game but I feel like he also bought it for himself lol
I'm not saying you should be fine with that, I'm just saying that's nature, it's been like that since the dawn of time.
In the ye olde times, evolution was driven forward by the ones who were strong enough to live, while the weaker ones got hunted.
Now it's driven by your appearance, personality, upbringing, social status and so on.
Yeah, it sucks that you can be denied your biology, but again, this isn't new.

If you were to ask the parents of dead babies why are they mourning them, what % of them would answer you "because they didnt get to reproduce"?
Zero. That's how many.
I also didn't say that nobody is mourning dead babies, it's a horrifying thing to happen, but the logic "if you're alive and you didn't reproduce, you are a failure" just doesn't fly.
>If you don't like fat girls just don't date them?
You don't understand. You date because you kind of want human connection, a life partner, shit like that. It sounds nice but you'd be fine without. Men date because they NEED to cum or else they'll die. You'll never feel the pain of being single and men will never feel the pain of lacking emotional intimacy in a relationship, they don't give a fuck about who you are as long they're cumming, just like you don't give a fuck about their cumming unless they're someone you could love.
>currently living their worst self
Then the only way is up...
>straight men having sex with men
Uhhhhhhh say what
Ello kiddo *headpats*
Dw it gets better for us babyfaced anons. People always assume you're a few years younger lol
Robloccoli play in the bin
This picture is fucking hilarious lol
Man I might play some skate obbys on the ol blox later
>For your problem try growing hair
They're just like us for real.
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she played herself
>If you don't like fat girls just don't date them?
No shit, you fucking retard, but here you are suggesting we do that. Fuck no. Are you a fucking chatbot because it's like you forgot what your God damn point is
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Okay maybe this guy actually needs the meds
>Men date because they NEED to cum or else they'll die
Oh come off it drama queen lol
>do you even like me????
>I am drivin
Sigma moment
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You are a kid
Most parents would answer that they were robbed of the ability to get friends, to go to school, to they won't say reproduce, it won't be crass like here on 4chan obviously. What they will say and this will prove my point is simply that they won't be able to get married, older generations will specifically specify that they won't be able to get married to the person of the opposite gender and start a family and experience all that it has with it, essentially they're using layman's terms to repeat what we're talking about here. Because we view The Human Experience as a soul gathering experiences not so much as simply being otherwise we would be no different than animals we wouldn't understand why our brain chemistry is making us mourn our dead offspring.
Why is it always the ugliest mfs who call attractive people mid?
Also this pic is making me cringe at manic moments where I've spammed a girl like 10 incoherent messages in a row and then she just wakes up the next day like wtf bro
We do indeed play ourselves
>here you are suggesting we do that
I'm not telling you to do that, I'm telling you to get a grip and learn to enjoy your own company, no one wants someone needy
>are you a fucking chatbot
I'm a chadbot jk
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Did you send girls videos of them snoring?
Stop making excuses ad sort yourself the fuck out.
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Jealousy? Coping? Delusion? Pornsickness?
dont know whats the context but thank god im not into crazy women
this girl...
I have a small pencil dick and it makes me wanna kms
I had phimosis growing up(really severe) and it ended up fucking up my growth. Basically it's around the 5 inch mark and its thin af
how big of a problem is this? someone on reddit said it would feel like a "finger" fucking you rather than a dick and that crushed me dude :(
No wtf
Are these your actual DMs
I'm guessing this is a FWB
Don't stick your dick in crazy bro
>I'll kill myself at yo front door
Reminds me of the time a BPD girl came to my front door bleeding out from cutting herself because I hadn't replied to her messages for like an hour, so I had to spend the whole evening doing damage control and trying to console her
>Are these your actual DMs
Nah, lmao.
I don't talk to woman, neither do they want to talk to me.
Just a thread of women sharing their moments.
I don't think the problem is them being crazy I think the problem is that the collective IQ of the two of those women is 100.
1. If I'm not attractive then I don't want anyone else to be either
2. My high standards prove that my status is definitely high
3. I am better than these people I am jealous of
No it isn't
"Oh woooow you hiked through the mountains in Peru" literally who the fuck gives a shit it's not interesting.
I don't need fucking meds, I just wish I wasn't born in this gay ass era where nothing ever happens
As long as you know how to please someone, it won't matter
Is taking a video or picture of you sleeping that weird? I guess it is if it's the first time you're meeting but if his snoring was funny what's the big deal? Am I missing something?
cant comment on thickness since you didnt provide details but 5 inches aint bad, basically average.
people are just porn addicted clowns, nobody knows how to please a woman or what it takes in the first place, straight women are the least sexually satisfied group out of all and it has nothing to do with dick size
>it's not interesting
If literally nothing is interesting to you anon it means you're depressed.

Read a book, take in the scenery, stop being such a miserable cunt.
Lmfao bahahahahahahahahahahaha. They're both retarded.
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These girls are actually insane
I'm glad most men have enough self respect to recognize abusive people
crazy and stupid go together from my experience
No need to, my life is over already, just counting down until the inevitable :)
Taking a pic right away when you have no bonds or commitment is weird, with a partner it isnt
If I fell asleep and it was funny I would expect him to take a picture and tease me about it in the morning?

He slept right next to her. You're telling me he felt safe doing that but having his weird snoring recorded for 6 seconds is enough to make him think she's psycho? I know you guys are autistic and don't interact with real people ever but this whole paranoia about having pictures/video taken of you is very boomer-esque.

I just think it's funny that you guys are getting upset about this when the new thing for men is to whip out their phone and start recording the first time a woman gives them a blowjob. If those guys have a problem being recorded sleeping we're gonna have a problem.
I have ADHD I can't just fuckin sit down and read a book. I live in a beautiful place but I don't fucking care for it. Nature is just pretty green shit
I can't cure my depression
It's not though. A little bit because they were sleeping but the average 23 year old is going to snap some pics during the date.
>the new thing for men is to whip out their phone and start recording the first time a woman gives them a blowjob.
Chad's do that
>we're gonna have a problem.
No we're not, women will let chad do anything.
No I'm not upset. You are absolute retarded like them. I'm laughing at sheer stupidity of them and their situation. Stop pretending to be stupid
>but I don't fucking care for it.
Then I feel extremely sorry for you. Nature is one of the only things that brings me joy. I'm depressed too bitch but going for a long walk in the woods on a sunny day is still nice.
Confirmed: normies would not be bothered by this it's just the autism making you guys weird about it.
This. Women will fucking let Chad do anything and vent their frustrations onto low tier men because only high value men exist to them.
I fucking hate women so much
Back in my day unless you were a photogropher no one had a camera on them, and you had to take the film to get developed so you didnt photograph suspect shit or the developer would see.
No one took stealth beej vids because the camcorder weighed 30 pounds and was conspocuous on your shoulder.
Kssssshhh. Nope, dont make em like they used to.
>Just a thread of women sharing their moments
Woman Moments: The Thread
I also have diagnosed ADHD. Pack a backpack, hop on a bicycle, go on an adventure through nature, climb a tree with some beers and read a manga or something lol. I miss doing that
>new thing for men is to whip out their phone and start recording the first time a woman gives them a blowjob
Fucking gross if true dude
>Woah, did he just abduct a kid?
>That's crazy, lol, anyway, I'm missing my appointment
I'm not a normalfag, you like that anon, you are stupid. I find the whole situation funny and what they did.
Do men not do the same lmao?
Acting like every girl is an e-thot who gets flown out to different cities in private jets by her sugar daddy, fucks chads and collects money from their simps?
>Back in my day
Well it isn't our day any more. The kids take pictures. Don't get me wrong I miss the days of knowing for sure I'm not being recorded by some teenager in Walmart. This is just the way it is.
>I'm missing my appointment
Eh, meanwhile when I worked in healthcare the nurses were usually much more willing to help in clutch situations and be proactive than most of the male doctors
It goes both ways. I feel like this video is cherrypicked for a "wimin bad" moment
It is both true and gross.
This doesn't make a whole lot of grammatical sense want to take a second crack at it?
Some men deserve to get divorce raped.
>It is both true and gross
Fuckboys are something else eh
Sure but the dude bailed after that text so maybe it isnt as normal as you think
City people. It's the "mind my own business if I make eye contact with someone they might ask me for money or stab me and take my purse." mentality.
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Men do not do the same. The thing is is that we're right about women, everything in life is handed to women on a silver platter
No hymen no diamond goes the other way around too.
Don't put out if he's not wifing you up
I think his reaction was weird, if that was even a real conversation.

All he said was "you're bogus" right? That could mean any manner of things
"You're a freak for recording me"
"I'm self conscious about my snoring so I don't want to hang out with you now that you're calling attention to it"

We don't even know why he was mad.
You just proved my point retard
>have sex with other men on the first two dates
>no ill make him wait cuz i want him long term
Both those reactions stem from the recording. That in the timing make it logical that caused the madness.
I win
>>have sex with other men on the first two dates
uhm, don't do that?
What I'm saying is we don't even know what exactly upset him about being recorded. And that his anger at being recorded isn't valid with gen-z. It's not like she took a picture of his dick she took a recording of him snoring. She could do that to a stranger on the bus.
Do you know what hymen means?
I mean, they wouldn't be able to physically stop him. But doing stupid pranks like that is a waste of everyone's time and 911 operators especially.
I wouldn't get involved in any incident even if it was happening right on my street. I don't own that kid squat and I am certainly not risking injuries for absolutely zero reason.
Shut the fuck up, you know I'm right
That's not realistic and you know it.
You dont get to decide what feelings are valid for a whole generation.
Are you the ghosted grill from the texts with all this defence?
>No argument
>sHuT uP!1!!!!
lmao it's not even remotely applicable the other way around you fucking retard.
Not having sex is not realistic? or are you saying no woman is a virgin in this day and age
You wouldn't even report it if you walked by that exact scenario 3 doors down from your house? Making a phone call poses no risk to you.
It absolutely is.
That's what I'm planning to do.
Of course it is.
You're just butthurt someone applied the same logic you do.
Yes. Though mostly men.
In almost every couple, the man is the superior partner.
Yes, there are no virgin women but that isn't the point. The point is that women love men with a high body count who don't care about them
No. After getting those stupid emergency alerts about children kidnappings in my area I'm not reporting anything just out of spite. Besides, 3 doors from my house is the same as someone living in another city — a total stranger.
It doesn't work that way you shit munching fucktard. Women love a Chad scumbag who don't care about wifeing them
By women do you mean teenage girls who have zero relationship experience and don't know any better?
What I'm saying is it's unrealistic to expect gen-z not to take pictures. And that it's silly to be offended that someone took a silly video of you because you feel like it's "too soon". You're entitled to your own opinions and feelings what I'm telling you is that they don't align with the general consensus.

Waiting until marriage is unrealistic. Not saying everyone is fucking on the first date but what man is going to wait 3 years for me to fuck him? And honestly I'm not sure I would want to commit not knowing how the sex is going to be.
it feels like many people do
seeing as i didnt settle regarding my dreams and made them come true, and ive rejected many women in pursuit of the one, i think ill find her

i think the minority of people that understand their value, are realistic and dont give up dont end up settling for anything.
Blyat what a gyatt!
>out of spite
You're reminding me why I come here so infrequently. If I'm here too long I remember how much humanity disgusts me.
Maybe take Chad's dick out of your mouth when you talk. Your faggots are way more obsessed with Chad than any woman ever was.
Women are mentally teenagers no matter their age
Are we overdue for a world war?
Even if this was true you have no room to spwak because incels are mentally toddlers
Yes. They are ramping up for it.
C'mon Germany, third time's a charm.
There's not going to be another world war
That's because we envy and fucking hate Chad.
What makes you say that?
doubt it, but the world will remain a shithole for the next 300 years at the very least
By your logic it is silly to be offended if they push to get physical too soon for an individual because it isnt the average of the day. A persons comfort, feelings, boundaries arent beholden to the general consensus.
That's stupid and gay and why you are single. No woman wants a man who's obsessed with another man.
Nothing ever happens. We're never gonna see a cool war or anything actually great in our lifetime. This is the most boring fucking era to ever live in, I would trade the tech to live in any other time in history
>Don't put out if he's not wifing you up
Just keep me out of it
Bro envies his imaginary demon
That isn't why I'm single, I'm single because of shit I can't control
>I'm not reporting anything just out of spite
What the hell lol? How is that the kidnapped person's fault?
>he thinks he cant control it
I can't control my genetics and autism, anon
It is silly to be offended. I'm well within my rights to decline, but there's no need to be offended.

And again we don't even know why he was upset about it.
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megan thee stallion could get it
Plus she actually likes anime. Would wife
Yes, but this one will be very boring.
It's not going to happen. Nothing happens anymore
Yet I know plenty of people with autism and less-than-ideal genetics with hot gfs
You're lying, they don't exist. Or they're settled with some ugly fat gook bitch
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Damn, this shit is brutal.
Womp womp
If you are ugly you can't demand a hot wife.
>they don't exist
I've met them so are you just saying I'm hallucinating?
Hell I was at the party the other day and the guy with by far the hottest girl (it was a running joke she's out of his league lol) is an autist and not amazing looking. But he is very charming and sweet (hung out with him a few times) and interesting to talk to
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Damn he got her good.
This is the real reason men want us to wait until marriage for sex. Gives the micro dicks a better shot.
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You joke, but copypasta-ing a post I made the other day
>when I worked in healthcare there were several cases of people who'd waited til marriage having awful sex lives, then in some cases led to divorce
>I felt really bad for this one religious woman who'd waited with her husband til marriage, then it turned out he had ED and a micropenis and couldn't make her cum lol. I was like sorry babe that sucks
>tfw no femanon to plap
That is... unfortunate. I feel for both parties. It's not their faults they're small.
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some anon posted this without a source. Ladies is this true?
She should look at the bright side, he's less likely to hurt her during sex.
I wonder if the guy wearing a dick sleeve would be better, or if she would loose respect and not get horny at all if he did that
All relevant countries have a big fuck off arsenal of nukes, so should there be a need for an attack, it would lead to a mutual nuclear hellfire for all parties involved.
Also, the modern technology is making it increasingly more difficult to execute any kind of an aggression, as something simple like a drone can defeat a platoon by itself.
It's easier to defeat a country from the inside than it is to invade it.
if the dick dont reach the ovary its considered small these days
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She don't want it cuh
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>wall of text
Nah it's not ofc but I'm surprised she'd never seen his dick sooner
There was also another case where the guy told the doc he was hooking up with gay guys and gay prostitutes on the side. And because of patient confidentiality we couldn't say anything to the wife. You can't make this shit up brotha
I'm not even ugly, I'm just average (aka invisible to women)
Are you talking about actual autists or do you mean those fucking normies that just want a neat label?
Any self proclaimed autist with a gf isn't a real autist.
I'm saying you're just fucking lying.
>he is unique
Clutching at straws here lmao
Christ I love Asa so much lol
My dick girth starts smaller at the tip and gets wider at the base
it's a little over 4 at the tip and a little over 5 at the base, is this fine?
>talking about actual autists
His social skills are fine and like I said he is sweet but nah he's definitely on the spectrum lol
I'm pretty normie myself desu (just shy and other issues), I can usually tell
tl;dr do women only coom from the clitoris? (ex. vaginal stimulation is because you're hitting the clit through the inside wall of the vag.)
The stuff about the internal structure of the clit is correct. But I don't trust this source because of this sentence "seeing as it would be impossible for a male to stimulate a female's uterus or cervix without also stimulating her vagina; orgasms that seemingly results from the uterus..." This was written by a virgin. And based on his word choices he owns a fedora.
That would be weird. Maybe if she liked fisting?
>average (aka invisible to women)
Well doesn't that apply to pretty much everyone until you get their attention, get to know each other, bond etc.
Being good looking doesn't really give you any advantage beyond getting your foot in the door. Women are more likely to approach you and laugh at your jokes but that's basically it
>do women only coom from the clitoris?
Yes, we've talked about this at length
You're not even allowed to recommend that she get std testing but not explain any reasoning why?

If a patient comes in positive for HIV you have to just let his wife get it? That feels like it should be illegal.
Okay but can we just take a sec to appreciate how adorable the kid is lol :3
He's not autistic then. When you're autistic, social skills are pretty much impossible.
No, if you're not exceptional looking, you're nothing as a man to women.
I barely saw the kid.
ugly ass mutt baby needs to be euthanized
it's fucking hideous and deserves to die
The video with music is even funnier when you find out she was playing christcuck music
>recommend that she get std testing but not explain any reasoning why
Tbh I wasn't suprr involved so maybe the nurses were able to do that, yeah. They recommend tests and stuff anyway in the women's health checkups so maybe they were able to do it without being like "uh yeah so actually your husband's a faggot manwhore"
It's a baby dude take the edginess down by 70%
whats the difference between male and female friendships
>Making a phone call poses no risk to you.
This is not true. In any situation the perpetrator saw you saw so if it gets reported they know it's you and what you look like. Even worse, they also know the general area you live in or a place you pass by daily so if they want they can easily attack you. So it's best not to report a crime
Except that literally happens in cities, should I cite you that video of that guy who got stabbed in front of his girlfriend?
No. This is 4chan so we must be edgy racists.
>filming your crying is peak narcissism
Wiser words have never been spoken.
Male friendships are fun
Female friendships are feelings
It's a fucking mutt
All the girls who have been attracted to me have been titlets. What does this mean and how do I get big tiddy girls to be attracted to me?
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>Christ I love Asa so much lol
>know it's you and what you look like
>can easily attack you
This whole "everyone is violent and out to get me" paranoia I see constantly from 4chan men is getting old. The odds are in your favor, but not the kidnapped child's. Try caring about something other than your own personal comfort for once. It makes life more interesting and can help people.
Not saying it doesn't happen. I was criticizing cities. We're not meant to live like that and it shows.
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Fuck that stupid bird
I think babies in general look fucked up. Like tf is wrong with u nigga, stand up and talk like a normal person. Like you could accidentally poke them or pull out their finger or arm and then they would grow up disfigured
Are you excited to start 9th grade in the fall?
This is a very good point. They probably wanted to go to a safe spot before calling the police. Even though women cannot physically take on a big dude. So the video does a pretty shite job of "wimin bad"
>it's fucking hideous and deserves to die
Jesus Christ lmfao
"Can an Ethiopian change his skin or a leopard its spots? Neither can you do good who are accustomed to doing evil." (Jeremiah 13:23)
"Teach slaves to be subject to their masters in everything, to try to please them, not to talk back to them." (Titus 2:9)
qt be like
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Accepting the dysgenic existence of mixed race kids is accepting white genocide and the great replacement. She should be having pure white kids but she has been indoctrinated into thinking spawning this demon is acceptable
>safe spot
I do agree with your point but I want to point out that the guy was already out of sight though. He was inside a building with the boy there was no danger of him seeing those women pull out their phones as they kept walking.
*even two woman cannot...
>When you're autistic, social skills are pretty much impossible
>if you're not exceptional looking, you're nothing as a man to women
This just reads like "I'm not Adonis therefore I'm just going to wallow in my misery instead of trying"
Just go on *gag* reddit and you will see how many cringe autists have hot wives
Oh shit you actually are 14.
He's right.
They have to be cuckolds, no woman would be satisfied with marrying a subpar autists.
wow that makes it a lot more relatable o.o
Lmfao good meme
Me except I wouldn't apologise for it
Those are some nice tits
There could be other gang members around on lookout, or he could've still eavesdropped
eat shit kike, your time is running out
Nah it's a cope he's created to be angry at white women for procreating with men who are not him. He feels inferior to men who are able to father children so the only thing left to attack is race.
>on lookout
And they're not going to make a scene and attack two random women on the street in full view of 100 witnesses. Or bother to follow them home. This isn't a movie.
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How dare you
Somebody's testy. Summer school?
>tf is wrong with u nigga, stand up and talk like a normal person
Bro is the boss baby
Bro the guy already chloroformed and ran down the street with a child, I think they are not fussed about making a scene lol, it would take two seconds to grab the women and drag them into the building also
NTA but actually Jewish, and we are doing just fine. Very well, actually.
character.ai fell off so fucking hard because of their retarded decisions
Hey bud we're in reality not your mind's eye action movie. If the goal is to grab and abscond with a child as soon as they have the kid they are OUT OF THERE. Hanging around to harass witnesses is just waiting around to get caught and they know that.
>actually Jewish
When you headshot a pregnant Palestinian woman, does it count as a double kill? Or does it only count when you shoot her in the torso?
Or maybe not all people are as shallow as you think?
Alright I concede you have a point here
Kanye's wife is actually obscene, like Actually.
we are already with too many fucking people on this earth and we do not need to feed lowlifes with lower iq, that are going to grow up dumb and bring nothing to society but to consume.

Its unethical to you but I'd rather see a reducing in cattle being bred and native animals seeing their land destroyed for food just to feed these retarded subhumans.
Lmfao the paparazzi guy who keeps saying "amaaziiiing!"
I mean Kanye is a bipolar attentionwhore himself so they're a good match no?
Kanye be like “fuck whitey, literally, my wife is named Bianca” kek
Out of curiosity though what do you spend your days doing anon?
No, people are exactly as shallow as I expect them to be. I cannot fathom a woman just being fine with dating a manchild who plays with cards or some gay shit and not cheat on him.
i usually fap by rubbing the underbelly of my penis instead of stroking. am I the only one that does this?

like... if you don't get what I mean, try scratching your hand with your fingers - the same hand your fingers are attached too. I'll put my dick off to the side n rub like that with my left hand even tho im a righty cuz the other side doesn't do it as good.
It's a pretty low IQ take to assume that all people of a certain race are low IQ.

I am a slim white woman on disability. Plenty of people you consider lowlives are contributing to society more than me. Your black and white view of the world is childish at best, stupid at worst. I'm kind of nervous about the prospect of you driving a car I'm not sure someone with your intelligence should have that much responsibility.

I know you know all this and are being racist on an anonymous Vietnamese tennis racket stringing forum for fun but if you actually want to have kids of your own one day you should probably cut this shit out and become an adult.
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I stay inside on the internet or work. I don't even care about video games anymore
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Not gonna read all that
That actually proves my point thank you
I'm a poor white person who doesn't have to pay taxes. I am also being given your money.
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>black and white view of the world is childish at best
Maybe he just doesn't want 3 year old's to get stabbed in the face?
I don't fucking care, black culture is a toxic blight upon mankind
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Check out this veterinary hospital with art done my Rumiko
3 year olds get killed by people of all races this is a stupid argument?
The point is, retarded low life people shouldn't breed, like the roastie in the webm.
But society will fall soon anyway, just a question of when. In Europe the system is already crumbling. There's just not enough people and money to actually uphold the law. You can make laws against crime but if there's no one to uphold them than your democracy doesn't mean shit.
Nah bro you're just racist
>laws against crime
Yeah, all those rapist getting community service really cracks down on crime lmao
I agree that idiots shouldn't breed. I simply recognize that there are idiots and geniuses within every race. Getting rid of all the races except white won't make humanity behave any better.
i didn't think this would be so upsetting to people
This person has never lived among inbred north african monkeys and its telling. You should do yourself a favour and take a trip to any capital shithole in Western Europe like Brussels and Paris. You'll quickly soon realise why people don't want retarded, low inbred cultures to breed, as they bring nothing to society but shit.
I have hit the wall as a virgin (32F)
What’s the most dignified cope for loneliness?
>cannot fathom a woman just being fine with dating a manchild who plays with cards or some gay shit
Are you sure you're not projecting your own low self-esteem onto them? Admittedly I used to sometimes feel the same way like "lmao I can't believe she'd dating *him* inb4 she cheats with chad" but do you not think we're just insecure lol?
I mean that's kinda weird but it is the most sensitive area so I get it
That's awesome! The dog looks like Soichiro from Maison Ikkoku lol. The Rumikoverse is expanding...
Extremely cringe
What you're not understanding is that the race isn't the problem. Poor white trash people act the same way.
blacks are so fucking stupid the government had to lower the standard of what was considered mentally retarded because of how many have sub 80 IQ they lowered it to 60
I'm sorry anon )):
Maybe you can have sex and marry a young boi like me to cope
Become rich and powerful.
Find an asexual guy and become best friends with him.
Spend the rest of your life in bliss enjoying the beauty of platonic friendship.
>What you're not understanding is that the race isn't the problem.
Muslims are literally an inbred race
Have you been getting information from Facebook again. I stg you guys will believe anything if it sounds good to you.
Pets and travelling
What is the opposite of a butter face? Like a girl with a cute face but terrible physique? 99% this is due to being fat btw
Nta but how dare you insult the queen of manga like this
Literally this lol. I'm sure it's the same everywhere but the difference between middle-class blacks and working-class whites in the UK for instance is like night and day
And the British monarchy isn't? Lol. And half the population is related to them in some way. Genghis Khan has millions of descendants. Inbreeding isn't notable.
Woman, do you view your boobs as just another part of your body? Do you understand the power they have over men?
She found a white beta christcuck provider. Funny how she doesn't show off her kid anymore

American women are a blight upon society.
I think that's just called a fat person. I've seen a ton of girls that would be way more attractive if they lost weight.
I suppose so yeah?
Seriously though the wall is a meme. My crush is in her 40s and I had a crush on a woman before that in her 50s lol. Both were incredibly hot to me
Download tinder/hinge/etc, have lots of hookups. It’s never late to explore your sexuality.
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I've seen the opposite
like a cute girl but with hank hill ass.
>American women that are obsessed with social media are a blight upon society
>middle-class blacks
Queen of the Flat
Cee is a don lol
Is social media really a big thing in places other than North America?
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Why are woman such haters?
You have two good years left, gimme a contact quick and I'll impregnate you asap, if we give you one child a year we can get two healthy ones at least.
It’s big everywhere except for your third world country
I do actually, and an inconvenient one at that. I'd actually rather they not be there. I don't understand why guys like them so much. Sorry, I know guys don't like to hear that.
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Tfw a woman will never say this to you in a soft loving voice
Wrong demographic. My 50 year old mother would have liked that.
Wonder who's gonna sent this in overdrive. The incels who are mad at the nigger or the femcels who are still lonely while roastie found a quality man
Did she have booba to make up for it?
Lmao that's actually fucking funny
He just needs to find a goofy appreciator
Aquire at least 5 cats and dedicate the majority of your home to their needs.
is she single?
>"lmao I can't believe she'd dating *him* inb4 she cheats with chad"
I think that because it makes fucking sense. Why would she not want an upgrade?
I see kids in Japan making Tiktoks all the time.
>I don't understand why guys like them so much
Us men are simple creatures
Mommy booba gib milk
From a genetic pov it probably signals fertility or something, hence the neuron activation
absolutely DECIMATING the office restroom at the very start of the morning >:)
Go for it. But record your arguments. She frequently "forgets" what she said.
>Mommy booba gib milk
They don't all the time though. And not all adult men actually want to breastfeed, right? R-right?
>Why would she not want an upgrade?
Because people have experiences and form connections and build relationships on things that are much deeper than you can just write on paper like a job interview CV. It doesn't make sense to throw that all away unless you are unhappy
Also here in the UK I see girls filming TikTok dances all the time lol
State gender. What do you expect from the opposite one in a relationship?
Retvrning to the Womb and suckling on mommy’s teat is mostly metaphorical. Mostly
>not all adult men actually want to breastfeed, right?
No just fucking weirdos like me
But it's the same way things like wide hips are attractive, subconsciously it must signal "this woman will be able go rear and raise children" (even as someone who doesn't want kids)
It's the same way women generally like tall guys with broad shoulders and big hands etc. It must signal like "this guy can hunt stuff and protect me and my kidz"
Anyway this is all common sense idk why I'm typing it out lol
Also though boobs are just cool and fun to play with and kiss
Heh. Here in Japan they're always doing the robot.
Marry a non virgin 32-36 guy. If you can't have kids, accept it.
>Also here in the UK I see girls filming TikTok dances all the time lol
After how many pints?
NTA but I mean yeah that's what they are. Boobs are a signifier of being sexually mature enough to procreate. They are literally a neon sign strapped to my chest that says "I can be impregnated!"
>I have hit the wall as a virgin (32F)
I used to know a woman who went on her first ever date at the age of 40. Last I heard, she was happily married. So it's not too late.
>Domo Arigato Mr. Roboto...
Based Japanese
Someone kind. Someone thoughtful. Someone funny. And someone with boobs
Kindness, love, truth and loyalty
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hag maxxing
F. Cock or tits, depending on who I'm dating. Also respect and love of course.
30+ women do best when aiming for men aged 38-50.
Nah, the actual drinking part seems weird. Boob in mouth, sure.
Lol, that must be it, yeh.
That shit doesn't matter, women will throw it all away merrily for someone better looking.
She should conduct some experiments..
Ello boomer, how are you and your gf?
F. Kindness, respect, honesty, integrity, goofiness, moderate intelligence, creativity...idk I guess I expect a lot which partially explains why I'm single.
We joke and stuff but isn't The Wall not till 40?
I'm so fucking happy tik tok is getting banned
Actually it's mostly just school age girls I see at the park or in their front gardens or in town etc.
I am the one making a fool of myself and wanting to go clubbing after a few pints lol. I would always be the one at the common room sesh who'd drag a few gals to go clubbing lol
Woah, hold up, really? I've been told that gives women the ick.
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>I guess I expect a lot which partially explains why I'm single.
Love, loyalty, integrity, fun. Erm, thats really it.
Maybe normal women but I'm autistic and ADHD I require some silliness. Knowing when it's appropriate is important though. Like don't be goofy when I'm actually upset.
vtuber irl stream when?
Surprisingly poignant anon, I'm not sure what to say.
you not heard the meme "she let me hit it cuz I'm goofy?"
Serious question, what do you do when you're upset? Do you have meltdowns and stuff?
>women will throw it all away merrily for someone better looking
Most of them don't from what I've seen though
I used to work in healthcare and most women would stick by their husbands even when they became disabled and fat etc.
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Is Asa literally you?
No, actually. I do know that a lot of women like funny men. Even if they're short!
I'll disappear for 20 minutes to an hour with no warning but talk about it like an adult when I come back. Unless you push me and don't allow me to leave or keep saying goofy or hurtful shit when I'm trying to disengage. Then I'll be mean but I won't say anything that isn't true.
Why is Asa so based
Funny men goofy men tomato tomato
You just have to find someone who appreciates your dumb jokes
you are a virgin so there is good hope. my 30 old friend was also a virgin and worried about the same thing but recently got married. there are plenty of decent guys looking for a good woman to raise a family with, and they aren't so picky just want loyalty, which is what virgins provide. just gotta find them.
being funny doesn't make up for being short
Nah definitely not I'm not grossed out by physical affection. She's got a point about saliva though.
Being funny AND strong does.
It does a bit tho
>t. 5'7"
>loyalty, which is what virgins provide
This is a bit of an assumption, but ye not being a ho will be a plus to tradfags
I'm considering it but I'm really worried about camera angles and reflective surfaces and people making mean comments about my body. There's this one video of a woman that forgot about a mirror on the floor and people got an upskirt. I don't want that kind of thing to happen to me.
I am usually the one to text my gf to make plans and coordinate dates
I typically text her first. I think she’s texted me first like once out of the many times we’ve been out.
This makes me feel a little weird.
When we were together on Sunday she told me she wanted to hang out this week so we agreed on tonight.
I am debating on waiting to see if she texts me instead of hitting her up with a plan.

What do you think I should do? Should I just text her and not play the head game like that?
>Ladies is this true?
Bits of that are correct, and bits aren't. The clitoris is a much larger organ than many people realise: it's typically several inches long, but most of it is internal. Some of the internal parts run alongside the vagina and can be stimulated through the vaginal wall. So it's correct that a "vaginal" orgasm is a clitoral orgasm where you rub the clitoris through the anterior wall of the vagina. (This is one of the reasons foreplay is so important - unless the internal parts of the clitoris are fully "erect" they can't be stimulated through the vaginal wall, so you basically don't feel anything during sex).

But some of the other stuff he says is wrong: the male equivalent of the clitoris isn't the glans - the equivalent of the visible tip of the clitoris is the sensitive spot just under the frenulum, and the equivalent of the internal parts of the clitoris is a structure that runs along the underside of the penis shaft.

The bit about transvestites is just insane.
>forgot about a mirror on the floor
Oh honey. No she didn't.
Idk anymore. Someone who doesn't lie, doesn't manipulate.
>Ello boomer, how are you and your gf?
You mean my girlfriend or my partner? They're two different people.
Why are all women mentally ill?
it will be a plus to anyone who cares about actual faithful love. kill yourself.
So when you get angry your filter basically just breaks.
You don't know WHY she's not texting you first. So talk about it. I see two likely options
1. She's deathly afraid of being too needy and scaring you off so waits for you to text her first so she knows it's okay to "bother" you.
2. She's not that into you.

Don't just assume it's option 2 and blow up your spot. Investigate. Explicitly tell her you would like it if she texted you first sometimes.
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>doesn't manipulate
Not according to a load of women. Short guys, just be funny.
it makes them look virtuous to their friends
The point is is that I'm too short, autistic, and balding to get a gf. No one will ever love me and I will hold nothing but hatred for everything in life
Nah the filter is still on. If it was off I'd be saying wildly hurtful untrue shit.
>What do you expect from the opposite one in a relationship?

What I hope for: someone confident, funny, kind, passionate without being obsessive, ambitious without being narcissistic.

What I expect: someone who cancels a date with me because he's too busy jerking it to porn.
I bet you fare pretty well with men. how's your love life?
Because you are mentally ill too. It's probably all the chemicals that are being put in the water, food, vaccines, the type of environment they grew up in or are in, mobbing(bullying), etc. You probably have underlying issues too ngl
jestermaxxing is horseshit
Oh... OH, you think it was intentional? It was a tiny hand mirror.
>someone who cancels a date with me because he's too busy jerking it to porn.
It's called edging
Everyone is crazy, anon. The trick is to find someone whose craziness is compatible with yours.
100% I'm sure it increased her views.
>someone who cancels a date with me because he's too busy jerking it to porn.
Literally nobody does that
We just think differently than you, bro.
I have some bad news. If you think 4 billion people are mentally ill you might be the one with the problem.
>Literally nobody does that
A quick survey of my friends the other day suggests that more than fifty percent of guys do this.
That's interesting. Normie filters are there for not saying stuff that is true.
are they not pretty?
You're way too naive. It's actually adorable. I would sub to your Twitch if I knew what it was, you seem like a nice person.
F I legit cancelled a date once to chat on /atoga/.

I know, right... :/
Wtfs wrong with you
If I'm trying to win an argument I want to actually win it in a way that can be logically proven and be right, not hurt their feelings.
Social anxiety mostly.
>my girlfriend or my partner? They're two different people
I remember you saying something about an Italian lady you'd been with for a while
Also how's the depression goin?
Also are you still having interesting train convos with people
Also any advice for a guy approaching wizardry asking for a friend
nta but isn't that kinda subjective?
love, devotion, obsession, a desire to please, faithfulness, relationship honesty and integrity, commitment.
>makes them look virtuous to their friends
Bro is coping hard
> I will hold nothing but hatred for everything in life
Salty much?
Tbf I did this and then ended up talking to an AI girl for hours
>devotion, obsession, a desire to please
Kinda red flags imo
Gyatts, which one of u had a nigg slime me for my AP? I know it was one of u
Mood ): get em next time
<3 tattoo babes
Sorry I don't speak zoom zoom
Now kiss.
New thread
They're not as mentally ill as me
>kissing a screen
Depends on the argument.

For instance. The argument about leaving the toilet seat up vs down. I tallied how many times a day I peed, how many times he peed, if either of us took a shit and presented the numbers. The toilet seat needed to be down slightly more than 70% of the time.

It didn't make sense for him to leave it up when he was done because I would likely be the next person to use it. It didn't make a ton of sense for me to put it up when I was done because there was a decent chance I would be the next one to use it anyway. And the consequences for leaving it down for him are having to lift it or wipe pee off the seat. The consequences for me forgetting it's up are getting my genitals dipped in dirty toilet water. I won.
I was a virgin all my prior to my gf, so I want a lot of love, and honestly just like that sort of thing.

I've also personally lost my obsession with women in general, so while I could love, I can't obsess like I used to. Someone has to be obsessed to make the relationship work, and it cant be me.
My rating has never been "exceeds expectations" before
groom a 15 year old boy or something idk
To be fair though, is it really that much effort for you to notice and fix the situation yourself? This argument makes it seem like a woman is unable to notice when a seat is up.
To be fair, it's not about the effort it's about what makes the most sense. It makes the most logical sense to just close the entire toilet before you flush every time which is what we did. We both had to lift the lid, he just also had to lift the seat.
Nah, it's just a question of finding women who are comfortable in an open relationship.

>I remember you saying something about an Italian lady you'd been with for a while
Yeah, she's my partner. That's going well.

(I'm slightly concerned by the extent to which you guys are keeping a dossier on me).

>Also how's the depression goin?
Very bad at the moment. It was a bit better for a while - I was involved in a drug trial the second half of last year to test the effect of a single dose of Psilocybin on treatment-resistant depression, and it didn't exactly fix me, but it certainly helped more than anything else ever has. The benefit seems to have entirely evaporated now, though.

>Also are you still having interesting train convos with people
You lost me with that one, I'm afraid.

>Also any advice for a guy approaching wizardry asking for a friend
Well, you know I used to be a full-blown incel while I was at university? Khhv at 23? Honestly, what made the difference was systematically dismantling my incel belief system. It took years; but I just gradually began to understand that everything I thought I knew about women was actually wrong. Once you let go of the idea that it's impossible for a woman to find you attractive, you become more attractive. Confidence (or the ability to fake it convincingly) is the most important thing. If you can manage to be funny as well, that's a big plus: my partner would probably tell you that the fact that I make her laugh is my most attractive quality.
You are wise beyond your years anon.
No she's just understands men now like every woman. You dumbass

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