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/adv/ - Advice

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Last Episode >>31510724
first for hope and love and everyone itt making it
need mini MILF gf...
Why does my penis chronically itch? Is it a gastrointestinal problem caused by my bad diet?
How mini?
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>/atoga/ girls be like
What percentage of getting a woman infatuated with you is physical vs personal?
Wish granted, you get a little Tinker Bell pixie chick with big tits. Monkey's Paw: you crush her under the weight of your cock and she dies.
oh my god
Fs who are late 20s
under what circumstances would you date someone 10 years younger, if any
For women, what is your ideal fashion on a guy?
Who circumcised me in my sleep? I went to bed, and when I woke up my foreskin was suddenly missing. I live alone, so someone must have broke in and did it.

I really feel like it was someone from one of these /atoga/ threads who circumcised me.
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Women, how do you feel about a butt window?
Makes anal sex more interesting. The groom in that picture can likely anally ream her while she is still in her gown.
I was gonna say pocket gf but then I read >>31513874 :(
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how did they know.
They've been watching you take pisses in the bathroom with peep holes and hidden cameras.
Women, describe a 5/10 man

Men, describe a 5/10 woman
fat but with a decent face
>fat but with a decent face
Are you describing yourself? You have the physique of E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial.
Why should we Believe All Women? Any man who's ever talked to a woman knows they're full of shit.
f, i have no idea. i have never once given a guy a number rating in my head.
I wish I had the physique of E.T.

Should I train so I can have sex this way?


why dont you go back and ask them there faggot
I used to masturbate to this a lot before I quit porn. The girl always seemed to enjoy it.
>ask fashion question three times
>get one answer saying she doesn't care as long as he likes
damn 4chan women really dont care about mens fashion but I feel like people do care irl
Women think I'm a bit mental. Women think I smell.

However I take the mental health pills my therapist gave me and I use heavy deodorizer and cologne every day. What am I doing wrong?

Am I a genetic deficient and women want to eliminate my bad genes from the gene pool?
i sort of do care but i don't know how to talk about it. i don't know what aesthetics are called and there's too much things i do like. really just *have* a fashion sense and i'm probably going to like it. which is hypocritical because i don't.
Imagine creating an artificial human like Pinocchio or Frankenstein's Monster who wants to become a real boy.

But then when your artificial child becomes a real boy, he turns into an incel. Wouldn't that be disturbing?
>Women think I'm a bit mental. Women think I smell
my asshole
it hurts
I've just shitted out my entire intestine content
just for making my belly wet with some cold water to cool down and for sleeping on my back
I forgot that this could happen
cold stomach + air from sleeping on my back and somehow everything goes wrong
I've basically had three separate shits all at once
the first was solid but the rest was watery and lots of gas
and I can feel it's not done yet, but we're getting there
my stomach is almost not upset anymore
send thoughts and prayers
>its cold
>put on super long socks
>feel slutty
i regret browsing r9k.
Truly, a chilling macabre visage of humanity: the incel. They fail at the most primary biological urge. How can we even call them human?
Any lonely, single femanons in this thread right now?
Good luck IBSAnon.
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Women, how would you feel if your bf thought your mother was hot?
He didn't tell you, you can just tell
>wear your bridal gown signalling you're now intimately connected to your husband, your true love
>it has an opening to your ass so your dad, his dad, and all the other family members can watch your ass get married
the only use to this is so the husband can turn around to his friend and cousins and go "yeah see that cute ass, imma tap that later"
but who would do that...
>Many women find me repugnant
Everyone finds him repugnant. Look at that hideous fucking face.
Me too, it’s how I almost got swatted.
It's a way of taunting all her uncles, nephews, and cousins who wanted to fuck her over the years but were too afraid to approach her about broaching society's incest taboo.
It's the hot weather's fault
my stomach gets too cold by itself but everything else is sweating
literally does not make sense
thanks for your love man <3 I will emerge victorious and have a well deserved sleep
How would your IBS respond if I sodomized you up the ass? Would it cause all your fudge to pack back into your intestines and get backed up?
Yes you will. Glad that your stomach isn’t hurting anymore too. I’ll send a little prayer.
That makes sense. Thanks.

It's just funny because I feel like wearing certain clothes definitely affects the way women look and talk to me.
It's probably an early stage of stomach cancer that doctors haven't detected yet
>Look at that hideous fucking face.
State gender
Any tips to stop chain smoking? I’m smoking 12 cigarettes a day. I’m 2 months clean off of drugs so I shouldn’t be smoking so much but I still am.
I'm a lonely innocent female UwU pl-please be careful with me. I'm still a virgin but w-would like to have sex with an overweight older man who has no career or education and lives with his mother that I've met online. Are you that guy? I'd sacrifice my virginity for you, if only you gave me your full name, address and social security number and access to your bank account, so uh I can be sure you don't have a job! Okay?
not to like overwhelm you but literally every single thing that has ever existed effects every single other thing that has ever existed. if you can notice it, it's a factor.
Is it possible to carry 200lbs as a 5’7 man well? I have very thick bones, decent muscle mass, and a very large frame for my height but I’m also fat. I’d describe myself more as buff than fat but I’d probably say I’m still fat and would look better with less weight
I sure hope not. Maybe it’s dietary. I’ve heard stuff like gluten and grains can really fuck a stomach up.
I also smoke like a pack a day but I've been smoking less since getting deeper into work and hobbies again
So uhhh just try distract yourself with other stuff
not sure who you are but you sound like a dick. Please be nice.
<3 I'm almost falling asleep right now because all the shitting tired me out lmao
Hahaha, remember to drink some water before you sleep. Your body needs to rehydrate. Water then sleepy
Since you are asking, it means you currently can't. But if you train for it sure.
I think the issue is that a lot of my triggers are super common shit. Like after every meal, every time I get in my car, etc. I’d have to do completely new stuff otherwise or just cold turkey it.
I would be confused as to how he knows what she looks like, since she abandoned me when I was a child and she hasn't been in the country in decades.
>overweight older man who has no career or education and lives with his mother
Definitely sounds like me.
While sorting my pics I came across one that really turned me on, but now there is a new thread and it's too early to hornypost
That's not true none of what you said is true.
I can do almost anything I want in my house and it has no effect on the animal living in africa right now.
>if you can notice it, its a factor
there are lots of things important to guys that girls dont care about
nah it's 100% a cold stomach and sleeping on my back. I've had this before. With a cold stomach my intestines stop working or something or tighten up, I'm not entirely sure. Sleeping on my back sometimes gets air in my stomach. So the air gathers in my stomach, can't be released through the intestines as much so it builds in the intestines and the stomach until I wake up with a stomach ache and need to shit out everything until the gas is all cleared. Also had to burp a lot. Then over time during the shit the stomach warms up, gets active again, and everything kind of restores as the gas clears out and my stomach warms.
I'm not sure this was worth explaining desu
Men, how does it feel knowing that I can easily ask a stupid sex question then take advantage of you by saving your answers to get off to later?
Is being attached to someone and caring about them and wanting to talk to them a diagnosable mental illness? How do I get help?
That makes a lot of sense. You think a heating pad would help, or is it purely because of your sleeping position? I always enjoy having things explained, don’t worry. Changing baby diapers made me immune lol.
anon-san? Is it really you? Please send me your name, social security number, and bank account details. Quickly so we can be together! I'm a virgin for you sweetheart.
Bold to the precipice of foolhardy of you to assume even one father is present here kek
Getting penis inspection from a femanon kind of mood
You do whatever you want. I already know for a fact that my posts have been saved so, it’s flattering.
Nah, I'd rather just go end myself in some woods.
What women call getting taken advantage of, men call being appreciated
As if im not getting off to your curious silly little head
But I respond to sex questions by insulting women.
i want to be in a pretty house with lots of windows and a tropical breeze and a boy who i can say "boy get me this" and he goes and gets me that and then we go on a date and i dress up and he loves me and is proud of me
Be offended, it makes it better.
The variety in the tones of responses adds to it.
Give me back my old phone anon
We can't, when it's about sex it's meaningless to us, I won't tell you what actually does offend us when women talk about it.
Isn't that the opposite of gay, though?
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Everything you desire will be as you wish, as long as you're fine with me not looking like Westley.
any woman?
It scares me ngl
If a girl has a nice body, smoother legs, firm thick ass and pretty boobs, BUT she has like a buttchin, or weirdly spaced out teeth, or a large forehead, id say shes a 6. A 5 is that but with slighlty sagging ass and a large boob spacing
Won't work on me, I don't even know what sex is.
A t-shirt and a blanket will help keep my stomach warm and that should basically be enough honestly
It's always a combination of warm stomach and bad sleeping position. If I sleep on my side it shouldn't happen although rarely it does, sleeping position can be a bitch sometimes. From what I've learned first some gas must be removed so I do the same rubbing you do on baby's bellies to get them to burp. Soft rubs to activate and warm the stomach. Helps a ton also with the shitting.
It's a combination of the two definitely but the cold stomach starts it all.
It would be if she took all the necessary measurements and it didnt end up with me being balls deep in her
Dont think so

I might replace battery in this one it has been serving me well
I saw a YouTube short about wanting a man to marry her because he made her a sandwich because she she was hungry
And all the comments were this unironic "guuurl I feel this I know I deserve better the bar is on the floor he can't even pay for delivery"
As if the huge meme a decade ago want women offended at men obviously jokingly saying "make me a sandwich woman" mocking both rednecks and the women who kept calling them sexist

WHY is there zero self awareness for these weird narcissists?
You get off of text from anons? Youre the kind of weird i might like
Bar is on the floor because women will lic k that bar clean if its attached to a chad.
Women don’t like me. Maybe I should start living for myself
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>JH getting off to other guys' posts instead of mine
This makes me kind of jealous ngl
Is hiking an attractive hobby to woemn? Are hiking clothes attractive?
> From what I've learned first some gas must be removed so I do the same rubbing you do on baby's bellies to get them to burp.
Kinda lowkey cute. Sounds hella annoying to deal with. When did your IBS develop?
You can't throw a raccoon without hitting a girl who likes hiking bro
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>says the fuckboy who wants to marry all the femanons
You say that like there's only one of us.
Question for women.

Why is the assumption always "he's being nice to me to get in my pants" as opposed to "he's being nice to me because he wants to be my bf."

If I'm interested in a girl, it's not just for sex.
The only other person I've said I wanted to marry is EE blonde but she hasn't posted in like years, I have to move on...
I saw her yesterday. :^)
you can do better :(
get online class and some sort of education
become fit and start walking to lots of places, you'll lose weight more by being less sedentary. You'll need to change your previous habits which might be a bit boring at first but you'll soon love walking the more weight you lose
start cooking
It's cheaper and healthier
no fake and gay ramen but homemade oven baked potato fries and stir fry rice
start looking for a job, your mom will be proud of you and you can stack the money to move out
keep on trying
I care about you anon <3
Feel? Nothing, I would say its an odd fetish.
I know your heart still longs for her.
Wtf where??
I was basically checking the thread all day so you're b8ing
>you're b8ing
Nah.. :^)
Carrying weight well doesn’t mean not being fat
I'm M34

I just ended a nice 2nd date with three nice kisses after we hugged goodbye and I just directly stated to her I want to kiss which she said absolutley. A quick kiss to me is more appealing I think. It says to me yes I find you attractive but don't want to jump in your pants, we get hot and heavy, then this whole thing fizzles out because the only thing we had in common is the fact we want to fuck. Like the last girl I dated.

Does anyone feel similar?
>I know your heart still longs for her
I think the ship has sailed, I have to move on as she has also...
lol, thanks man.
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wow off to a good start
I bet I'll make it harder than you though.
do you also have bad hygiene
idk usually in my fantasies where I build a sentient mechanical boy he falls in love with me despite my insistence that I not allow him to because I don't want him to be biased towards loving me because im his creator.
Then i fuck him
Were you trying to make me horny on purpose or
I mean I've never kissed a girl so can't relate
Nah that was me
And I despise namefags and discordfags + they are excluded from my lust + L + ratio + I am fat and balding + I have a fetish for women pissing + I'm voting Trump + the mattress stays on the floor + I'm cracking my knuckles RIGHT NOW + I won't date unvirgins + the term is volcel + ketchup is fine on everything + I'm poor

Not physically attractive, but not ugly either. I'm not grossed out by her appearance, but it doesn't excite me either. I stick with her because she has good hygiene, is funny and/or makes interesting conversation, shares similar life goals to me, and is dependable. I feel like I can trust her because she is open enough about what she is thinking.
i have had like an uncountable number of guys try to get in my pants but nobody has ever asked to be my boyfriend? it's the assumption because it's literally objectively way more likely.
Oh my fucking god why did SHE of all people get promoted to work with me??? I can’t even make eye contact with her fuck my kappachungus life please God have mercy.
No way. There have to be some constants ITT, and your simping for blonde bimbos with me is part of that. It makes this place home.
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>tfw no femanon to force you to wear cat ears
Why even live...
>put on super long socks
>feel slutty
NTA, but can someone explain the appeal of long socks? Moreover is it just something guys find attractive on girls, or do guys wear them to be attractive too?
i can make you wear the cat ears, but you're putting on the lingerie too
Girls describe your boobs to me please. Are they perky and pale, pink nipples? I love it when they take their bra off and theres bra inprints on their skin, and the boobs are warm and a little sticky, i wanna nurture the nipples with my tongue till they get a little hard and she has to pull away
Honestly I don't think it's ibs
I've had stomach aches since I was in middle school and sometimes stayed home because I felt sick. Kind of seasonal but I think looking back it might have had to do with a cold stomach. The whole baby rub methods is one of my key strategies to ensure my stomach gets happy again. My second method is aggressively keeping it warm. I'm now under a blanket, in a shirt, lying on my side on my belly so it gets maximum heat. I can feel it become happier by the minute.
I don't think it's ibs though because I only get this rarely. Like last time was maybe idk three months ago. I've just had it happen often enough over the years that I kind of developed some understanding on why it happens and could formulate a strategy for it. You've got no idea how happily my stomach is right now all warm and cozy.
That's the way to do it
Put a straw in your mouth when you want to smoke.
The physical sensation might be enough to make your brain think you are smoking.
You will have to do it for a while, and it might look goofy, but at least you aren't hurting yourself when you do it.
idk guys usually think old pictures of my mom are hot but it doesnt produce any feelings in me
Oh no, what a horrible prospect...
Joke's on you.
I'm turned on by the idea of a girl getting off to something I posted online, even if it's just meaningless text.
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Is yoga a good place to meet hot flexible milfs?
Interesting, the fact it’s so infrequent kind does seem like it might not be IBS. Should I call you coldanon instead? I’m happy to hear your stomach is doing better, personally I’m freaking tf out but that’s besides the point. Good on you for your home brew cure. Enjoy the cozy and give it a rub from me, yeah? Also water.
>Is being attached to someone and caring about them and wanting to talk to them a diagnosable mental illness?
No, but if you're being led on you need to get out of there asap.

>How do I get help?
Ask parents/close friends.
Women who does it make you feel that
that um
I forgor
Fs, I am again asking, would you ever in any circumstance date a 18-20yo if you were 28-30?
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Call me "little boy" and it's a deal.
what character is the leftmost mom, shes uh... nice
Yes. I would date one now but it's too close to my age rage and thats boring
Long socks are just appealing, the whole "absolute territory" thing is sexy. Now on guys idk. Maybe some chicks like socks with garters on men. But they're probably fujoshis
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too gay
later loser
I smoke pack a day, i dont even enjoy it anymore at all, id like to cut down to an amount where id find it enjoyable again when i first started. But my addict brain just makes me chain smoke
Google it
Hello atog I hope you're all well today!
I just got back from my ultrasound and bub looks so lovely. He's beautiful, its becoming so real. He has hair! And he has his dads full lips. So exciting I can't wait to meet him face to face ahh
>10 years too close to age range
le dad-eye issues I believe
>Girls describe your boobs to me please
look normal but droopy but when i move or do anything at all its worse than a grandma's
I think i have pretty nice nips tho
I’m relatively new to drinking. Should I try gin or scotch next? What’s a good one sub $50?
Post it
10 years is sufficient.
I'm in my early-mid 20s so 18 year olds to me are just slightly annoying and immature peers.
I do want to fuck my (fictional) father though
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Question for either gender, as I want to know what you all think.

Am I (M22) abnormal for never just wanting sex from a woman? If I'm attracted to someone, it's only ever because I actually like the idea of living with them, and I think we would make a good team together. While I do still prefer to find them physically attractive, that only comes after I've filtered out who would be a good match. Actual physical intimacy is an afterthought, and not something I'm really thinking at all about while talking to girls.

Guys, are ny of you like this?

Girls, have you ever met a guy like this?
Literally me
i saw that on reddit too bro
People who have broken up with someone/s, why did you do it?

Bonus points for stats on relationship:
>Ages you both were?
>How long were you together?
>How long has it been since the break up?
I didn't, why were you on reddit?
W rizz

Just sort of leapt out at me while I was through and mostly deleting unremarkable stuff from /aco/
you'll understand when you're older
You have a low libido. Get it checked out with a doctor. It might be low temporarily due to dietary insufficiency or a hormone imbalance, or it might be low permanently because that's just the way you are. I never got mine checked out and it's not working out well for me.
>Ages you both were?
Both 20.

>How long were you together?
7 months.

>How long has it been since the break up?
2 years.
>Why did you do it?
We were long-distance for a while and the cracks were finally beginning to show, I didn't think it was fair to either of us to continue trying to make the impossible work.
>Ages you both were?
>How long were you together?
A little less than two years
>How long has it been since the break up?
A little less than two years
You might be gay
Skip both and pick up some apple brandy aka applejack
You want to abuse the fairy or you want to be the abused fairy?
Did it because resentment from the little things started to leak into our interactions, couldn’t make it work.
26 me, 24 her
>how long together
6 years
>how long since
2 months
What colour is your favorite bra, is are there any visible veins around the nips? What size are they. Do you like it when someone sucks on them?
This was a concern of mine a while back. Turns out my stats are completely normal though.

I'm not gay. I'm viscerally disgusted by the idea of being physical with a guy.
Anon delet this before the jannies b&
(Rarity best pony but Applejack is the dopest desu)
Idk all memes get stale eventually...
Is this a question addressed to guys asking what bra color they find most attractive, or is this asking girls what color they like wearing the most?
all of my bras are black sports bras and yeah they have veins
i dont know the actual size because they sag so much and i prefer to forget they exist.
uhhh sucking is ok
it feels weird, then it feels good but i rarely make it to the feel good part
You are more likely to enjoy gin but if you end up not liking it you will HATE it. That being said I cast my vote for gin.
okay. i am choosing to be foolish.
mine are weird and sort of like a banana or a boomarang. the tops are completely flat like angle down but my nipples point almost straight up so it looks like a hill and a ramp somebody could ride a bike off of or something. and the bottoms sag i guess, very full on bottom.
Question for either gender.

What part of the other gender's body are you obsessed with?

Do you think it is a normal thing to fixate on, or do you feel your fixation is abnormal?
>why did you do it?
I was going through a lot mentally so kind of mentally checked out of life and realised she deserved better
>Ages you both were?
Like 17 and 16 iirc
>How long were you together?
A few months, better part of a year
>How long has it been since the break up?
Almost a decade...
All i can say is we had sex over 1900 times. Broke up cuz i couldnt get my shit together. Been long since the break up.
>What part of the other gender's body are you obsessed with?
God I wish I were a tiny man riding a tiny bike on your hills?
I am wearily resigned to the ever presence of BDSM in erotica and want to watch a woman pee and think magical women and miniature/giant women are a cool thing to imagine.
The whole abusing fairies/being killed eaten or doomed by giantesses thing just confuses and annoys me. Real life is already full of people's stupid power struggles under pretenses, why would I want it in my sexual fantasies? But the art is good and the idea of watching a tiny fairy women pee an unrealistic amount relative to her size appeals to me a lot
Ass or stomach
M. You just might be asexual, or demisexual.
>t. Anon living with with asexual wife
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>Hair braid
Just needed to make her hair red and left would have been perfect

>What part of the other gender's body are you obsessed with?
Stomach area.

>Do you think it is a normal thing to fixate on, or do you feel your fixation is abnormal?
A little abnormal maybe. I don't here people talking about it often, but it's not looked down upon (rightfully so) like feet or armpits.
>What part of the other gender's body are you obsessed with?
Armpits, legs
>Do you think it is a normal thing to fixate on

abnormal but those who understand understand
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i love big noses apparently. picrel is the most attractive actor i have ever seen.
stomach i want to lick male tummy yummy yummy
arms are pretty nice
i like a good male chest with barely visible ribs and a nice collarbone
Even better.
I thought you were going to do normal hornyposting. What does /d/shit have to do with /atoga/?
>why did you do it?
It just kinda ended. Ex discovered they're asexual and aromantic, and several years later started transitioning
>Ages you both were?
>How long were you together?
3 months
>How long has it been since the break up?
Almost 14 years
Thanks for making me feel validated.
Incredibly normal area
We found out one of our friends has a hot mom and she gets INSANE levels of insecurity if anyone brings it up
Nosebros, we're so back!

>Ahh, what a big nose you have, Anon.
The better to sniff you with, my dear.
Question for women.

I am a very hairy man.

What should I shave?

What should I grow out?
You know makimaposter, I actually missed you today. Kind of a crazy turn around.
milf genes
>Bro tits or ass?
>Haha wow so inappropriate
>WOW overcompensate much?
I don't care if you think I'm gay I still like VAGINA
>Haha but bro once you get laid you'll realize penises are objectively more aesthetic and vaginas are just sort of unfortunate and evolutionarily...
>wow honestly weird kind of rapist vibes like go outside some besides don't you know about periods and other than in terms of you really think about it it's creepy and like men don't actually want to just stare at
I'm too tired to even hate women today. Fucking exhausted.
I'm not obsessed with anything but I do very much appreciate male hands
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>that awkward moment when you go out with a girl and then go round hers and turns out her mom is hotter
Most men think vaginas are ugly
What does cringe normalfag ero have to do with an advice board?
Also why is abuse kink normal?
i have a smells thing too so i wonder if its related but really i just really love big noses and especially very long faces
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Darling, you got to let me know,
Should I shave, or should I grow?
If you say that you are mine,
I'll be here till the end of time.
So you got to let me know,
Should I shave, or should I grow?
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I'm too tired to hate myself today.
Exhaustion and weariness has given rise to a faint spark of hope. I just want to be,
M, neck i think. Never thought about it, i just like women oonga boonga put penis inside
Question for either gender.

You may go into as much, or as little detail as you like, but what would your ideal wedding be like?

More specifically, what about your wedding would make it different from a normal wedding?
Why’d you create 5 strawmans? Attention whoring?
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>getting married in 2024
Do you wanna see my private wedding pinterest board (delusional, unrealistic, will never happen, dying alone etc)
Sports bras are soooo whack bro. You are not reaching full boob potential. Push up bras are hot
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>I actually missed you today
I've been switching it up with posting Asa
time for an upgrade
Women, marry this man! It's your only chance of finding a man who likes what you have.

>More specifically, what about your wedding would make it different from a normal wedding?
My suit has a superhero cape.
Something about Makima makes me irrationally angry and I want to beat her face into a wall.
Yes please.
I have seen these types of boobs on black girls whilst watching porn. I have never been with a black girl
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i don't know about ideal. i want to wear a wedding dress really bad. i am not super sure past that. i don't want to get married in a church, i have beef with god hypothetically. i think i would like a ship wedding where a captain does our vows, maybe we could have a beach party and stuff. i just want a husband really bad and for it to not be stuffy and stressful and make me feel like i'm on stage.

too real
All five are drawn from conversations I've had repeatedly
There are too many insecure gays who always want to pipe up or post futa in a thread even if it specifies not to and so on
Think about it like this, the more she ages the hotter she'll get, you just gotta wait for her peak
chad shit
Basically as long as it has all the people I want there, I’m happy. I just want my future wife to be to enjoy it the most. At my core I just want to please her, and I want her to have amazing memories and special times of her life. That’s all I really care about, so, Idc.
>a ship wedding
That actually sounds really cool.
Early 1900s ocean liner would be best for the vibes.
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Are you a Power cuck?
Yeah to be fair the penis one being more aesthetic is fag cope I’ve heard before too. I also love coochie so I get it.
For me, it's a spaceship wedding.
My wedding fantasy is lying in bed holding my wife after the ceremony ended and I was able to go home with her and get away from other people
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My face has been red my entire life. My blood pressure is only marginally higher than normal but for some reason it’s just been like this my whole life. I’d say it’s on the levers of a very minor sunburn like pic rel only on my cheeks and nose.
Is this a bad thing? Is it a turn off?
Nah, I just find Makima’s arrogance extremely annoying in a non sexual way.
Horny question incoming.

Guys, do you like the way the vagina smells?

Girls, do you like the way the penis/balls smell?
Not really lol it just made me feel bad
Yes I love pussy smell. Drives me feral. And the taste is amazing too.
>Guys, do you like the way the vagina smells?
i dunno.
>asexual, or demisexual.
I'm not opposed to having sex. I just don't get why every other guy makes that his primary goal.
How would I know...
I am fat and have many tits but just accidentally discovered I can move them by flexing my chest muscle like body builders do though I don't work out
Should I lose the weight and lift the weights so I can then scare off women by bouncing my new more muscular man tits with extreme vigor?
I don't care about the wedding but I want to go on something of an extended honeymoon starting with the beach. Like a nice road trip where we take time away to start our life together.
Pushup bras are wasted on me.
delayed gratification, like edging?
Route 66 trip in a classic car, and we arrive at the chapel to end the trip.
>Guys, do you like the way the vagina smells?
We are virgins. Bum ba-dum bum bum bum bum
How do I move on from the past? Every hour of everyday I still morn a two month long relationship that ended 11 years ago, and when I'm not doing that I'm mourning a six month long relationship that ended 14 years ago.

Fuck, that felt so grim typing that out, but I can't stop thinking about what should've happened and what I should've done.

Literally have no resilience and no flexibility when it comes to living life. I don't want to live and I don't want to date, all I want to do is think about what I should've done and the perfect life I should've lived.
I don't want to be old and miserable by the time she's attractive enough for me to want to have animal sex.
I don't really think about it much, but I don't want my wedding to be "different". It's not gonna be a destination wedding, it's not gonna be ridiculously expensive, it's not gonna have some stupid pop culture theme or whatever. And it won't be casual either. Call me boring, I don't give a fuck.

Of course, realistically I'm going to die alone so none of this matters anyway.
>Guys, do you like the way the vagina smells?
yeah for the most part, still prefer pits but something about good pussy does make my mouth water
Best you can do is make the perfect life now.
You don't need a partner to do that.
Who up thinking about Queen Elizabeth?
For a second there I thought I was the only sex haver ITT.
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I'm trying to move on by letting the me from the past breathe.
To live how I wanted to live back then in the ways that I didn't, and to not repeat the same mistakes.
we are a rare breed here
>old and miserable
Al Pacino is still busting nuts at 80, you'll be fine
I've only smelled two pussies but honestly the smell wasn't all that appealing. It wasn't a turn off, but it didn't do a lot for me.
She looks better without makeup
What would you like your dress to look like? Do you have inspo pics you can share with us?
decided not to look at his pics and asmr and chill but napped

he bothered me in my dream anyway and it wasn't even sexual

wasted potential ngl
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Comment gender.

Comment favorite vehicle.
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I want a secret garden theme :')
I can show more if you pick a section
5/10 is average. Not ugly nor too attractive. It’s the kind of face you find appeal but it doesn’t make you go crazy. You won’t stop and stare. You’ll look at her and think she’s cute. she has some flaws but they’re not deal breakers. Her other features balance out any flaws.
Alfa Romeo Giulia. Yes, I’m that dickhead.
Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about?
I know its a retarded opinion but I genuinely think Teslas are neat. Im not a car bro in the slightest.
Do you guys play with your feet together with your gf under the table whilst at social get togethers? And when the room is briefly empty for whatever reason you make out aggressively? Thats the good shit.
Lockheed L1011
Normalfags think that if you're not immediately gunning for sex like some hedonistic ape, that you must be asexual or gay or whatever nonsense, because they can't comprehend actually having inhibitions and not bring a degenerate coomer. Honestly people disgust me
Oops meant to reply to >>31514274
sorry, i'd rather not look for an example. i had the perfect dress once, because i was stupid and thought i would be married soon. i took too long. i grew out of it. then some other night i got drunk and destroyed it and passed out crying into it. kind of a touchy subject.
Honda super cub
Tesla’s are fun. Got to drive one, the experience is novel purely because there’s no delay when accelerating. Also you can play porn on it.
Sounds like rosacea. If you google it you'll see the really extreme forms but it can be more mild sunburn-level too.
Brutal honesty incoming, that just looks like normal wedding decor, not anything wrong with that though
It feels good to know I'm not the only one.
Now we need to find ourselves women who think the same way we do.
Nah that bitch dead lol
>Do you guys play with your feet together with your gf under the table
Never had a gf but done this with girls I was flirting with
Porsche 911, m
Electric cars are mechanically superior
They can be poorly made and overpriced any other car but they are a better base mechanism
Aww, sorry. Did you keep the ruins or get rid of them?
i forgot my anime
I technically qualify as demisexual but it feels so stupid to call it that. And way too personal for other people to know. Even the people I date don't need to know until we're actually at the sexual stage of our relationship.
Well I didn't say it was weird lol but not all weddings have a ton of florals
who's jesse? not his girl
Those dresses look really cool.
I don't think a garden themed wedding is that unlikely. It seems like a pretty easy idea to get behind. As opposed to whatever this is supposed to be >>31513886.
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>Now we need to find ourselves women
Do we though? Seems more hassle than it's worth and just not in the cards for people like us.
I'm going to sleep.
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>I just don't get why every other guy makes that his primary goal.
Unironic Asa

I want to teleport.
Yea but the wedding of my dreams would cost many thousands of dollars, that's why it's unrealistic
Are there any you would recommend over another?
Neat, jelly.
But your soul tho.
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Plymouth Superbird
Yes Asa is right lol. I always felt guilty dating, and like having sex was something gross and animalistic that selfish, hedonistic people did
Women be shopping. Post pretty things you want to buy or have bought recently
>women hate being autistic
>men embrace it
M, a mid 90s to early 00s bmw of any kind
Is it a turn off?
>many thousands of dollars
Wait, aren't all weddings like ridiculously expensive?
Is that not the reason a lot of people are getting married at later ages nowadays?
Huge generalisation imo
i dont actually know. it might be stuffed away somewhere. i can't remember.
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I'm thinking about her
SR-71 Blackbird
>gets mogged by the GTO
Nothing personelle
Why is it a trope that of a woman doesn't want sex because she's too tired etc that she could potentially give a bj or a hj instead? I find those to be WAY more physically demanding than getting piv fucked.
Yes anon
what does it mean when a girl keeps touching you inappropriately but also keeps mentioning her boyfriend unprompted?
Pls buy?
>men embrace it
Embrace is a strong word.
It is what it is.
It can help me do better in school. It will help me get a good job. Unfortunately, it will also end my blood line.
How do you reconcile with the fact that you are essentially breaking down and rebuilding yourself effectively becoming a new person at the end of the teleportation? Are you the same person or are you a different being entirely? Does it not matter because you still have to pay your loans?
What are your red flags in the opposite gender?
Might be fun to throw it in a cathartic bonfire when you're preparing for your future wedding someday.
>Unfortunately, it will also end my blood line.
Don't say that. Women don't care if you're mature.
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>People who have broken up with someone/s, why did you do it?
I would drive her to work 4x a week and she hardly thanked me. I was never offered the gas money to drive 30 mins each way. I could afford it fine, but it's the principal. She would put me down and had just a general shitty attitude. One time I half ripped a toenail off stubbing it and had to tell her I couldn't drive her because I needed to stop bleeding. She was pissed the fuck off at me and posted some meme on her FB about how men are crybabies when sick. On top of that she hated to have physical touch besides hand-holding and occasionally kissing for a few minutes. I'm not a sex maniac but I need SOMETHING.

>Ages you both were?
I was 32, she was 46 (she said 36 and honestly was hot so I believed it. I found out she life after breakup and decided to do a bg check)

>How long were you together?
5 months

>How long has it been since the break up?
3 years
The pustules that can come along with it are more of a turn off, but just the flush not so much. It can make you look kind of outdoorsy. Are you ginger? If so it'd look expected, but I'd imagine you'd have included that if you are.
Do autistic women get overstimulated during sex? It might be hot if I’m railing her hard and she can’t take it
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Would you date this girl? here what she posted
>Age: 25
>R-Status: Single
>Height: am short I think 1+
>Weight: 56kg
>Interested in: Men for now
>Body count : 0
>Children: 0
>Tattoo : 0
>Smoke: No
>Drink: Yes occasional
Hello Kitty bike
Needing constant reassurance. Females who do that are weak.
I think she wants to use you as a simp.
She's giving enough affection to keep you interested without letting you actually get close ("I have a boyfriend").
i am hoping the angst i feel about it will go away when i have a boyfriend. a fiancee. because right now a ruined dress i cant ever wear is the closest thing i have to love and i think thats what hurts.
Shes a floozy and wants you regardless of her relationship status
I know they're probably a bitch to maintain and work on, but I've always loved Aston Martin's aesthetic. I'd love to own a DBS or a DB12.
Yes but she wouldn't date me
Holy based
I can in the lead up, but once I reach a certain point a switch is flipped and I'm an animal
Inability to initiate anything/reliance on me to initiate everything.
Applies for both genders.
I don’t have pustules, I used to on my shoulders as a kid but not anymore. I’m a brunette
Nah I am poor and have an old car
I almost just got stranded at Walmart because my car was stalling immediately after ignition
Eventually I just managed to rev it in neutral and jumped out to close the hood lightning quick between revs and drove home
Now I have to make an appointment with a mechanic and coinflip actually being able to start it again like that to get it there
Probably some intake bullshit or something
I swear this piece of shit is a ship of theseus under the body by now
After you take those off I am sniffing them
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>women hate being autistic
nah, they like it
>Women don't care if you're mature.
Isn't that the reason they try to date older guys though?
The cure for autism is giving them hard dick and making them cum
Men are cluster a, women are cluster b
Men are type a, women are type b
Men are body type a, why can't you take body type B's shirt off if it's not female?
If you don't have those then you're good to go imo. Since it bothers you, have you asked a doctor about it? Sometimes you can get topical antibiotics for it.
Only downside is she's short.
Everything else looks good.
7/10 girl would date.
If you sneeze into your hands
sensory overload is a difficult thing mostly because i cant engage in the actions i need to do to feel okay. its a cousin of claustrophobia. when i get claustrophobic i want to thrash and run and rip off all of my clothes so i can feel free and not tied up, but i can't in public, which makes me incredibly distressed.

when i am having sex and i get sensory overload i can do whatever the fuck i want to do, which is usually, like, sex.
kk have fun
Honestly the autism makes me super awkward during sex it's fucking embarrassing. I'm hoping my enthusiasm makes up for it though. The worst is my lack of rhythm. There have been talks of putting a metronome in the bedroom.
i am sorry but i find you very annoying and i hope you find a better outlet for your feelings because you're irritating me a lot with how you are posting
>There have been talks of putting a metronome in the bedroom.
Are you sure your girl isn't autistic too?
Based if woman
Cringe if man
Sensory overload from sex is solved with more sex for you?
how is this irritating he's just boring incel #367829
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I'm glad I brought Asa to ATOGA, /our/ femcel belongs here
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Enthusiasm conquers all. If you act like you like dick I’m gonna give it to you more
i figured as much it was very weird though. this happened a few years ago and i randomly thought about it. we would just be talking and she would just caress my neck or arm. i just ignored like it didnt happen cause i was nervous and wasn't really into her but she did confuse the hell out of me talking about her bf all the time when i never asked about him. i need to get a retail job again so i can actually get some pussy this time around.
Sad, but true.
I can accept it.
I'm woman
dark elf....
How would you feel if a woman would rather date pervert men and virgins than you?
Confused as I am perverted virgin
>tying an autistic woman down and fucking her in prone while my hands are on her mouth and throat
No skin off my scrote
images automatically draw my attention and the things he is saying are basically things i do have thoughts on. so he is annoying because i am exerting willpower to not waste my time engaging with him and i dont like him.
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Are you sure your guy isn't autistic too?
Instructions unclear.
She would rather date me than me?
imagine that
Good luck in life
>are basically things i do have thoughts on
What are your thoughts then?
>i dont like him
I don't like me either
The metronome was mostly a joke on his part. But I think it demonstrates my point on how my inability has become part of the conversation to troubleshoot, even if in jest
>Centaur lolis
womin degeneracy knows no bounds
Girls, what makes your pussy tingle?
Wtf is this weird ear shit?
Why would anyone find that attractive?
The infection
She is gorgeous but yeah wtf are those ears
>mostly a joke on his part
I wouldn't really worry too much about it then.
So long as you two enjoy it, who cares if the rhythm is a little off?
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>Nobody belongs to anyone
Asa belongs to Yoru
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Why are men like this?
>posts only black women that have white features
And your mum belongs to me
my thoughts are that i think you are very devoid of interesting comments and questions and you talk about women like different flavors of milk and it is dumb. you play with the idea of women like a mind toy, but have no regard for women who exist in real life. you are pretentious and needlessly demanding of others' attention, and offer nothing of value or interest or soulfulness or kindness.

you are an insect that does not pollinate flowers.
ounce of prevention vs pound of cure
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would you date the average japanese woman?
In what situation is having a giant dick an advantage sexually?
Being toxic online is funny to some of us.
I don't personally get it.
I am a volcel and random people fucking like animals is gross and irresponsible and immoral to me
But you /r9k/ faga either submissively playing into their narrative about you or GENUINELY being bitter and jealous are even fucking worse because you're not good people, you don't want to rebuild a sane and decent culture, you just choose to stew in mindless, sinister envy like retarded college kid communists and will openly brag about being shit people like you should be rewarded for playing the victim, same exact manipulative "morals" as the other fake assholes you despise
Le helpless self awareness
Fuck off retard
Holy shit this is brutal
Brb dying
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I'm not
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>Why are foids
>Why are moids
Please get me out of this reality
shit game, shit girl.
Bro, you did the thing.
The thing women accuse us of all the time.
You saw a criticism of men, and went "wElL i DoNt Do ThAt."
i like the game and i played it before the translation existed
but yeah shit girl
I don't do that.
Left is wife material.
You have to be a woman to understand.
Yeah probably if they're cool
all i know is that i get overwhelmed by things a lot. it usually leads to a huge adrenaline rush, fight or flight response. it's a lot of physical energy for me to get out while also being very anxious and tense and worried. this happens from physical sensations alot, for me its mostly about being constrained like in shoes or a small car. when my seatbelt auto locks when i lean forward too fast i almost freak out every time. i need to get the energy out. during sex, i can, it's physical. i express almost everything physically so i can output all of the feelings i have as soon as they come in, if not faster, so it's easier for me to manage.

i hope that makes sense
what about it?
I actually had a dream about this and essentially even though the body is gone my consciousness is in a new body so I am effectively the same person if I am right. I don't have any loans to pay.
Maybe if they stopped making gross generalisations we wouldn't feel the need to contradict them.
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What did I miss with the incel rage bait?
The Canadians have done the research, teleporting makes you lose your soul.

i saw that on twitter too bro
>Left is wife material.
mfw anon decided which one was wife material off of a fucking picture.
You caught me.
well i didn't intend to hurt your feelings but you did ask me directly, and you were being bothersome. its not like your atoga shitposting behavior is the sum total of your humanity, you have other aspects i have never seen. it's just that everything you have put into this thread is negative in my eyes. i am sure there are good things about you that you wouldn't express here. sorry.
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Sorry I can't resist the urge to tell women I like them juicy
Is it rude to message an artist on Discord about a commission if I know they work a full-time job outside of art and can see that they’re actively playing an unpauseable multiplayer video game right now? Should I wait until like 3am when they’ll definitely be asleep?
Waking up to your partner's face every morning is one of the most important parts of married life.
Post some black girls with black features, I want to see.
Not posted yet as far as I can tell.
As usual, nothing happens and everyone is sleepwalking.
Disregard, it's not real.
>I actually had a dream about this and essentially even though the body is gone my consciousness is in a new body so I am effectively the same person if I am right. I don't have any loans to pay.
Arguably you would have died and simply been reconstructed. I wouldn't exactly call it "your" consciousness in the new body. Teleportation is basically cloning with some extra steps.
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this but green or something
I’m seeing a bunch of people replying to deleted posts. Did I get blocked, somehow? Either that or I refreshed when other people haven’t. I just wanna be included :(
>Wears colored socks
>Has ever referred to themselves as "trad" or "maxxed" or taking any pill whatsoever
>Dyed hair
>Watches TV
>Plays video games
>Eats cereal any time but in the morning
>Likes sunny side up eggs
>Doesn't have a favorite tree
>Reads fiction novels
>Horse riding (Has seen/handled horse cock before, ruined)
this seems kinda heavy for cartoon network...
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I post black women that have anime features.
If you’re dating a porn addicted masochist
use 4chanX to read deleted posts
Surely they can just ignore the discord message if they're busy.
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A fellow architect I see
Who we building today?
The British druggie deletes his own posts when he's having an unmedicated/selfmedicated episode.
>everything you have put into this thread is negative
You're probably right lol
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True. However, the average Discord user is extremely autistic about getting a notification and there is a chance that they sperg about it.
Bros I can’t do this when I’m at work.
This explains everything. Thanks.
>Wears colored socks
I agree with everything else, but what's wrong with colored socks?
Every man’s first gf should be a milf
I'm not having an episode rn bruh
>a porn addicted masochist
That's pretty much everyone nowadays, so...
Always an advantage.
I was gonna say "female" but that implies that I'm gay, so I'll just settle on "exists".
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how about htis one
>Doesn't have a favorite tree
What's your favourite tree, anon?
How much sleep have you had in the past week?
How to score one though?
Why do women have rape fantasies?
In the past week? 8 hours of sleep, why do,you ask?
The mighty oak, of course.

colored socks = colored thoughts
NTA but I like the Minis.
State gender
How do I get ONS? I also don’t want to lead people on, is there a way to signal that that’s all I’m interested in? No, I’m not buying a hooker.
Japaneses are actually pretty dumb, I care what they say their average IQs are
Their culture is cringe and they pander to pedos and are amoral
They're not even truly lawful, just submissive and anxious
I used to be very interested in Japanese culture but with familiarity came contempt
Both celebs and people I knew irl who moved to Japan were just empty, insincere people as far as I tell
Contrary to common propaganda, Japan isn't soulful nor was imperial Japan
I have become bigoted against Japan so I could only date a Japanese woman who hated their culture and wanted to leave it, but not for sinister feminist reasons
Go to dance classes, bars, and yoga. Think where your single aunt would spend time at
Finally fixed my coffee machine.
Cheapo, tastier coffee incoming, happi happi yay yay!
Based and actually a smart take.
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You only contribute worthless shitposts to the thread because your depleted brain is not capable of composing anything that requires thought and effort at the moment. Turn off your electronic devices and get some sleep.
Same reason men have fantasies of being raped by an attractive woman.
It takes 0 effort on your part, and someone really wanted to have sex with you that badly.
Not every woman likes having a baseball bat in them
only people who failed to learn japanese say this stuff
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All have failed because none have ever succeeded.
What would you do if you went down on a guy and he pulled out a cock as thick as your wrist?
>Turn off your electronic devices and get some sleep.
No, fuck off
I have a need to be consumed and taken for all that I'm worth.
Teetering on the edge of control but having that meta upper hand because I'm the prize.
Take away my first place prize, knock me down.
Let's keep it going. How much alcohol have you had in the past week?
Where do I find a half-black/half-white straight-haired light-skinned girlfriend with European features who loathes the fact that she is half black and hates her parents for racemixing?
Why do I randomly remember this? Good job anon.
Remember what?
Anon, are you getting thoughts beamed into you from another dimension?
>facial piercings or tattoos
>large sleeve/chest/back tattoos
>hair dyed crazy colors
>uses non-standard pronouns
>doesn't want children
>dislikes guns
>prefers to live downtown/in the middle of a major population center
>doesn't shave (pits and legs at least)
>poor hygiene
>frequent social media use/addiction
>shopping as a hobby
>interested in high fashion or high society
I think so. In the alternate dimension you had a new puppy. Am I right or wrong?
I feel like I can't attract a man enough to truly want to be together till either of us die. Just changed my dating app to include women do you think they're better long term?
How would you react if you found out your boyfriend has a burping fetish? He doesn’t want you to do it in his face or anything weird like that, it just turns him on when you do it in general
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>How much alcohol have you had in the past week?
Honestly? Almost 200 units. I've been blacking out most days
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Men, how would you feel if the girl you're talking to told you she paid $1,100 to get this photo taken with Chris Brown?
lol, I believe you've mistaken me for someone else.
Why would I be talking to a fat chick?
ask out my cousins lol
one of their kids look white tho
I never attempted to in any capacity
Only people who are pedophiles say this shit
Japanese themselves are notoriously too dumb to learn kanji or their own spoken grammar
I banish you back to /jp/ foul pedophile
Even this meme is a pale cringe imitation of based fun with a pencil and sicp
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okay, same question
no lol esp not if you're just doing this due to a lack of confidence with men what am i reading here?
Do *you* love women?
'Cause I do.
How dark are they? I would also accept curly hair as long as it isn’t a full-blown poofy afro
You won't stop drinking, you won't stop partying, you won't stop clubbing, you won't stop spending all day and all night on 4chan, you won't force yourself to be responsible.

Here's a low blow: How much have you disappointed your sister in the past week?
Ah my bad. The stress is getting to me.
Yeah, that’s a FWB or breakup territory.
Nah the women on my computer are hotter sorry
And I want love not rape
If you're not obese or deformed and you want kids (and you're not insane), there are plenty of guys out there who would be happy to commit to you long-term.
>ate] [Auto] 2 new posts
he looks like a shark
>Ah my bad. The stress is getting to me.
All's good, don't worry
Ok I didn't ask what you wanted.
That's nice tho have fun
Is it a red flag if I haven't left my room in over 3 years
I'd tell her to lose my number and block hers, and we'd never see each other or speak again.
I left my watch on so I have to turn off my phone to save daylight, but good luck with your cnc
What happened?
Did a recent relationship fail?
Not even for the bathroom? Ew...
>picture with a man
I'd beat her with a sock full of oranges until she broke down sobbing
imma real nigga
You and I are too unique to be alive.
not unique enough considering i fit that bill too
its just faster bro i dont have time to be pressing f5 when im typing up the hot fresh REPLIES
pumping life into your dead ass stale ass crusty cum on a sock ass thread show some respect
>How much have you disappointed your sister in the past week?
I haven't because I've still been working through the day, I've made a few hundred bucks since the weekend as well as doing all the housework. My sis doesn't care, her bf has just played vidya all day the past week lol. I also haven't been partying/clubbing in a week.
Anyway I'm gonna lie down cause it's nearly 6am here but feel free to interrogate me later
I feel you.
I have to psyche myself just to build up the courage to go outside knowing that women will be laughing at me for be ugly and fat.
Well it's more like a storage shed turned into a tiny house on my father's property. It has a toilet. I open the door once a week to take in groceries and put out a trash bag.
Weirdly bloomer. Now I’m not stuck in my room but I am crazy!
It's not you it's me I cannot be the domestic abuser you crave
It's cool, it's cool, it's cool, it's cool, we're chill, please don't hurt me.
you're losing me bro
Are you human?
are u a woman? if so, does it make sense to try and get good enough to fuck a woman like that?
well the question is directed towards late 20s (27+)
Asking M
If you were immortal and the only immortal person on Earth and currently 83698 years old, what age of women would you want to date?
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I think this anon is right though >>31514491 I don't contribute anything here so should just leave
I've ascended beyond morality at that point.
plucking ball hair doesn't even hurt what the fuck?
Assuming my aging stopped, whatever looks appropriate for my perceived age.
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I can be sometimes
I don't think you should leave forever, but I do think you should leave for a long time because this thread encourages you to indulge your worst habits.
Depends how old I look?
Human enough to perhaps have sex with?
The gangs all back together
100,000 year old milf
25 or older. Women under 25 are still children, Leo.
I feel like I should test this theory but I am afraid to
eh lets not go that far
dont take me too seriously. i'm just some autistic loser possibly schizophrenic chick from the middle of nowhere. i'm not really much better, probably, you just annoyed me.
Plucking your asshole hair doesn’t either.
just grab one hair at a time and pull
I very much doubt someone that old would see any human as anything other than a retarded child.
I'm bisexual but I have more dating experience with men, I have had a gf before though.
but anon I will be 31 by the end of the year
yeah kind of.
You were lost all along, this vessel cannot accommodate your ballast
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>I don't think you should leave forever
I do
I don't hurt
but sometimes, you get that stubborn hair follicle that just death grips your sacks, those hurt
Alright I did it and it wasn't painless but it wasn't awful either.
yeah don't do it you're going to make some poor woman miserable while you resent
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Just as long as they have nice fat milkers then whatever age
So? I just turned 30. Just means you need to get a move on.
>yeah kind of.
want to talk about it?
I can't be lost, I'm not going anywhere
I just want to be where I am.
Both genders,
What’s one misconception about the past that everyone thinks but you don’t understand?

I don’t understand how people think people from the far past were so much stronger and more macho. I’m being so serious when I say I would demolish a neanderthal in a fight. Everyone’s so worried about men being beta from the plastic and pollution now, imagine what legitimate malnutrition and whole body inflammation would do to someone.
I don't much care how a woman acts
I only care if you're a good person
I don't think gays are good people personally but it's up to you, you wouldn't want me anyways
*slides in from stage right with a cane that I twirl, whistling loudly as I catch your eye* Hello Bitch. My favorite place in the world is Kentucky! Can I sodomize you with a husk of corn? Thanks in advance for your disgust and/or indifference!
Rookie numbers, I just turned 83698 and I still haven't given up hope of finding love.
i dont understand
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>she was only 99,999 years and 364 days old
Yes and yes
The idea that somehow you need a virgin wife, or that people in the past were more sexually chaste. It’s just not true. I can definitely understand wanting to save yourself for marriage, but this idea that women are lesser beings for having sex is just dumb.
>stub my toe
>'ow, I hate women'
Men why are I like this?
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Girl got the paw-some heels!
Basically everything such that I don't really trust my perception of the past either.
Complexity of culture, knowledge, hygiene
We've always been very complex creatures
It’s because you’re a woman and I made myself laugh with my stupid ass post. The idea that you saw it and went “huh” had me cackling in my office. Thank you!
>become immortal in cave man days
>don't rape because rape bad grug unga
>remain incel for millions of years
such cases
I will not marry your whore daughter and the common historical rural European practice of Charivari was cultured and correct and should be emulated in modern times.
oh okay, no problem. i was very confused
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reminds me of when black women wear these
I've only ever seen white girls wear those.
Maybe I need to stalk black girls more
Intersectional bipoc feminism is wearing the commodified hair of your oppressors.
yiff in hell furry scum
wdym? I just genuinely think I might have a better time relating and being compatible ith a woman maybe, we have the same experiences to a degree. I don't hate all men not a gender thing
.I mean having a baby in that regard, dunno if I will "missout" with a guy or find a woman who wants that with me
I like feminine men who could somewhat facially pass as a woman. last guy I talked to is kindof mentally fucked and he doesn't want kids but then says he does, so a flip flopper. he still talks to me and said he wanted to take it slow but at the same time I don't want to waste my time. he also does the whole "oh you deserve better than me I suck why do you like me" thing
I don’t really want my daughter to ever date a 4channer.
Yeah, my autism makes myself laugh, that’s pretty much it. It’s like if I said *does a backflip haha epic* but I make it more wordy and stupid.
try living in a major city.
it's all hood black women
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>tfw never even seen a hood irl before
I'm sheltered.
I think you still have time to have at least a couple of kids if you want that.
Decade Schizo, why are you still talking with this guy? Weren't you supposed to unfriend him and move on by now?
He clearly saved the tablets out of justified spite because he knew his copper was good quality and they were trying to scam him into g giving them extra copper for free, or a partial refund, yet dumb fags today use him, not the scammers, as an "oh how shameful capitalism has always been" talking point
He did literally nothing wrong
I want him to get me pregnant but also I want to kill myself because I’m the worst what do I do
Read what you originally wrote.
The fact that you're so lacking in confidence that you need people from atoga to convince you is already telling.
>can't attract a man enough
>do you think they're better
>what do you MEAN?
am i in a different dimension? If you want to date women, date them. Don't do it for men or lack thereof. That's dumb
if you're hot anything is good on you, if you're not then it doesn't matter it's over
I didn't really want you to ever pass on your genes
I wonder if I’ll ever find a woman that wants to hear about my writing process.
time to move on, Anon
He's a leech siphoning your life energies, taking it slow is just code word for LEMME SUCK, and once he's had his fill and is finally "ready" he's not going to be ready for you, lol, he's going to be ready for the next girl
>"oh you deserve better than me I suck why do you like me"
Get pregnant
Have babies
Stop putting yourself down
Be happy
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I live in one now and my racism has increased 10 fold.
Why? My genes are great. I’m handsome, tall, blonde and blue eyed, long life with no health ailments, naturally gifted.
The neanderthals that were alive were the strongest and fittest, as malnutrition or weakness meant imminent death. You have vastly underestimated how weak they were and how strong you are.
When they say they don't care, they generally mean as long as he looks good, in other words "I don't know how to dress a man, but I want him to know how to dress himself"
Damn bro
You moved in? you doing okay?
Everyone thinks Paul was a prophet, I don't understand how they can't see that Paul was the prophesied deceiver.
based and sumerpilled
I woke up with a painful bruise on my lower left eye socket "probably because I was sleeping with my face rammed into the pillow"
So WHY did you invade my dream and punch me even though I post nice things?
Does anyone else like to watch girlfriend ASMR? Please tell me I'm not the only one
The ones that were alive were barely hanging on. They were on the verge of death constantly. There is no neanderthal ever that was as healthy as the average modern human
I'm thankful I've never seen anyone IRL wearing this stuff. I thought it was a fashion trend that died out 20 years ago anyway, I've only ever seen it in pictures of musicians in the very late 90s.
I'm ok. The domestic disputes usually happen at 3 am and i am inside by then.
Sometimes it's funny though, like the one time a guy got into an argument and was just straight up rapping back at them while they were screaming at him.
I don't do that, I don't watch any ASMR actually.
I'm exhausted and my head hurts and my stomach is upset.
Women, why have you done this to me?
Y2k baby
20 years ago is fresh for the next 15 minutes until we're all even older
Watch out for them stray bullets, man, actually terrifying
>one time a guy got into an argument and was just straight up rapping back at them while they were screaming at him.
I honestly don't think we could
I mean, most men struggle with monkeys.
I’m sad.
Can someone say a joke?
Reminds me of one of my favorite videos of all time.
Please read your sources
> It’s obviously speculative, but a modern man of above-average build would have an excellent chance of defeating a Neanderthal in hand-to-hand combat
Apes have several times higher muscle density than humans do.
yeah but finding the right match in time before 35 seems daunting and teetering unrealistic
I'm still SORT OF talking to him for the off chance with could have a one night stand or fwb situation, he is very cute. >>31514742
I'm fine with my sexuality just wondering if a woman is what I might need sometimes but I am monogamous. I like my two friends who aremarried and open relationship but I'd rather not ruin the friendship because they're cool. my ex gf who I am still kina friends with wants me to be poly lol.
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This lil guy can fuck up everyone in this thread, one on one.
>I'm still SORT OF talking to him for the off chance with could have a one night stand or fwb situation
The absolute lack of self respect, Girl HELP yourself.
I'm telling you, if you're even remotely attractive and sane you should have no problem getting a husband within 2-3 years, easily.
Why do all my female friends get upset when I say I can probably win a fight with a kangaroo?
In their later days, yeah. Inbred cannibals full of parasites trading wives to stave off the inevitable. Our ancestors were just better, even if maybe dumber. Social structures, weapons, birthrates, everything.
But I'm their prime? They were deep sea fishing while we were still banging rocks together. The archeological and records are still really sparse for neanderthals and denisovans. And if you went back to compete with them you better have the fight before you've had to adapt to their environment and living conditions, because for all your advantage of modern knowledge you're not enough and would give up and die without modern tools or their help
Is everyone alright tonight?
You are all. left.
Probably not because most humans could pick him up and throw him, but a chimpanzee could fucking annihilate most men.
because you cant and thats dumb and gay
24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

25 Behold, I have told you before.

26 Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.

Paul told false stories about being chosen by Jesus and the wisdom he received thereof; believe it not.
>7 And the men which journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing a voice, but seeing no man.
Paul says he saw and heard when he was chosen, but the men with him only heard and didn't see.
>9 And they that were with me saw indeed the light, and were afraid; but they heard not the voice of him that spake to me.
Paul says that he saw and heard when he was chosen, but the men with him only saw and didn't hear.
Above average being the key phrase.
State gender
Is it wrong to have a best friend of the opposite sex?
Do you or your partner have a best friend of rhe opposite
Would you be opposed to them being close?
Not bad. Thank you.
I could punt that mf so far
Two drums and a cymbal fall off a cliff
>ba-dum tss
JK, that was actually anon committing suicide.
>my speculation is accurate!
>that speculation isn't!
i think i'll trust those sources vs your "i could fight one of these guys, im totally an above average fitness level"
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>I'm still SORT OF talking to him for the off chance with could have a one night stand or fwb situation, he is very cute.
You want a good man, but you choose to be the type of woman that a good man would avoid. How do you think that will work out for you?
Decent, thank you.
so this would work with most women then?
You guys remember that video of a monkey pulling the scalp off an indian man?
i dunno man
I mean even as a cuddle buddy would be cool, caught up with my old one but I can always do better
well I can't drive(2 scared) and don't work due to ptsd and shizz. sahm sounds nice but again, in this economy?? i also want a guy on my level of attractiveness, i don't want to settle and hate myself lmao. I keep getting ads for seeking arraignment and it's kind of goofy.
>Decade Schizo
she's talking to him now? what kind of soap opera shit is this what did i miss
I stopped being friends with all my female friends and most of my male ones because of BLM/ACAB/abortion/socialism/"anti"fascism

I'd rather marry a friendless woman and just be friends with her. People are just awful and will, including ones I thought I knew as a kid. The more people someone is friends with, the higher the chance they're evil or will become evil.
With the exception of people who are friendless because they're pedos or something.
Wait, I just saw this line
>I'm still SORT OF talking to him for the off chance with could have a one night stand or fwb situation, he is very cute
Nevermind, you should just be alone.
why do you think I'm here
actually it sounds more like
>kowai yo
rip to a real one roro1999
They’re comparing a neanderthal at their best. Neanderthals were never at their beast, they were physically stronger but worse in literally every other way
You've been given the advice. It's good advice. Are you going to act on it or are you going to continue sabotaging yourself?
I feel like I could tho
try it and film it
like, Im genuinely curious about this.

If I have loving sex with my gf, is this still something I should practice?
I really don't have the training nor stamina to be an "animal" on bed tbqh.
I could beat a bear one on one
because I'm built different.
I would pull his scalp off right back
I'd use my teeth if I had to for it
And that little Japanese bitch monkey memorizing all the numbers on the screen and repeating the pattern acting smug?
Give me one week of practice I'd destroy his time, too.
Monkey fucking shits know your place. NO aspect of you is superior to me.
I trained myself to draw write and pick things up with my feet already, too.
Monkeys go back to jungle HUMANS run this, Planet of the Apes NEVER
I don’t live with kangaroos and it’s illegal. I’m not saying I’d be invulnerable but I’d definitely kill an average kangaroo before it kills me.
This is based, my ideal woman would have butt cleavage too
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*navy seal copy pasta*
what'd you last hear lol
it's not real just shittalking horny brain. I've been purposefully celibate for years now. I don't want to have sex right away either when official couple status.
how am I sabotaging myself?
Kangaroo Jack's gonna fuck you up anon
I want a women with big brain cleavage
You know deeper wrinkles so more neocortical surface area
Not smoothbrain
I'm saying I want her to be smart but I'm also actually sexualizing the physical cleavage of her brain along with it to make it clear
Why would you want to fuck a kangaroo anon? You an "animal lover"?
bruh i dont even know whats going on i just remember all the
>should I text him
and other things no one asked lol
NTA but rather than spending your time and effort going out to meet and date new guys, you're still talking to the guy that you know you'll never be with.
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Angle maxxing
Kangaroo Jack isn’t a normal kangaroo, I don’t have to win, I just have to make it lose
I need a woman who looks and dresses like a massive fucking bimbo but is actually 130 IQ
Humans are the best for a reason, pokey stick beats literally every animal ever. Bow and arrow mogs the animal kingdom
She's talking to a different guy who treats her like shit and won't date her, but she wants to hook-up with him for sex anyway because he sent her an unsolicited dick pic and he has a big dick.

What good man is going to want to marry you and start a family with you when your history is being FWB with a guy who disrespects your boundaries and treats you like shit? Here's another thought, how is he a FWB if he's NOT A FRIEND because he disrespects your boundaries and treats you like shit?
My friend keeps pointing out that I don’t have a boyfriend and never talk about men. I’m embarrassed but I don’t have anyone who wants to date me and never have. How do I get my friend to stop asking? I don’t want to get into it with them and want to keep that part of my life private, just because it’s pretty pathetic
Fuck your bow and arrow, gimme a .375 H&H magnum.
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Either go out and get a bf or just tell your friend you don't want to talk about it and would prefer if they respect that.
This but not the first part
I just want to be on the same intellectual plane as my mate
But her also not be a crazy bitch
How is anyone going to take me seriously if I'm like "I'm simply too intelligent to enjoy speaking with you"
Can you imagine?
Just tell them that you want to eat pussy, That you literally cannot stop thinking about munching carpets
i should punch one of these cunts
actually its working together and society, not the tool.
we built different nigga, the fact that we can throw stones already puts us up at the top
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>thing kangaroo
oh I did, think he blocked me lmao
tis for the best
I have met up with one guy the other day and have to reschedule meeting another one I mentioned in an another thread but you probz not there, 2nd one wanted to meet last weekend but I had a light hangover

also, I feel a little chubby rn but most guys don't care at all yet I still feel like I wanna be 100 or 95lbs and need to lose 15. I feel like I need to limit myself for some reason to be better physically so I can attract better/feel better
ask her why she's so obsessed, why it's so rent free, and tell her to stop prying.
Respectfully, of course.
Primates also throw shit and use sharp sticks.
I’m saying, especially if I’m allowed to pick up a rock. It’s over for them
Oh my god. Do I have a yeast infection???? I’m only feeling itchy but I do have some white discharge but that’s pretty normal….. fuck my life. I’ve never had a yeast infection I don’t even know what it looks like
Men: would you transition "to make your life easier"?
Women:do you think you have it easier than men?
we talked about the boundaries thing he apologized and said he wouldn't do it again but then I was like actually w/e I'm just on my period call me whatever petname
I really want to grab a koala by the legs and swing it around in a circle until it pukes, then put it in a tree top and see what happens.
Nah, they can toss stones, but we can throw them
Underhandedly tossing a rock and jabbing an anthill with a stick is not the same as hurling a spear 50 feet accurately
>but most guys don't care at all
I thought only chubby men had the privilege of attracting women, and that fat women were always hated by men? at least I was told so
shut the fuck up
Yeah and during competition with neanderthals we didn't seem to use bows or even slings that we know of, we were just weaker than neanderthals so we HAD to develop and get good with atlatls so our spears would penetrate, the neanderthals never needed them until we showed up and rapidly thinned the game in Europe before they could copy and learn them well, but less and more alert game meant need to from further away accurately which requires an atlatl no matter how strong you are.
Pretty sad. At least I'm still carrying a few of their genes and they will remain alive through white people for now
No. If I had a domme gf I'd let her dress me up and humiliate me in the bedroom but I'd kill myself before I actually transitioned.
That’s just mean, he’d probably piss on you and give you the clap
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brb asking a friend
Well, do you have any of these symptoms?
Take a shower
I watch these hoby buchanon videos and the women are simply TOO HORNY for a muscular tall dude that treats them like meat.

I'm just sad because I literally can't live up to those standards. I know most women probably dont watch him, but I know for sure that the only reason any woman would ever be satisfied with me is because they wouldn't have experienced the better experience.

Am I gone too far? or am I making sense
Koalas are dumb as fuck and if humans didn't help them they'd all be extinct.
nta but nice
what would you be comfortable wearing. I'm kindof a switch but wanna be more dom
I’ve got those except no burning or pain and my vagina looks fine
do you think women have it easier?
This attitude drives me up the wall anon.
You are like a leaf blown this way and that way in even the slightest gust of wind.
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>and my vagina looks fine
How fine?
I don't know who that is but I'm sorry for you or happy that happened
Same as always. Ugly
LOOOK MUM I POSTED THE MEME AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>I watch these hoby buchanon videos
>I'm just sad because I literally can't live up to those standard
Stop watching those.
I'm not reading the rest of this post fix your porn addiction, touch base with reality.
Proper throws have been recorded in captivity and have been noted in Africa in the wild. There was a Chinese tourist a while back that got hit by a rock thrown at a decent speed by a monkey.
>Same as always. Ugly
Lemme be the judge of that.
You're pursuing multiple men at the same time, and then you wonder why you can't get married and start a family.

Unless you find a polyamorous man, you're not going to find a future husband who approves of you living a polyamorous lifestyle.
Take a shower, you're just a stinky girl and/or wearing uncomfortable fabric.
Happens to the best of us
>touch base with reality.
this isn't some studio porn where women are paid to act as if they enjoy fucking some ugly old dude, these videos are filled with women actually cumming all the time. Thats reality.
Bro not now I’m scared and itchy :((( I don’t want to have an infection
As long as it's just us behind closed doors with no cameras and no chance of anyone else seeing or finding out, I'd be OK with whatever she wanted to put me in. I think the limit would probably be makeup.
For the most part, yes. There are some things that are worse for women, like staying safe in public places or avoiding being raped, but in terms of social life, career, etc. I think women have it easier.
so a fluke
We are the ONLY animals in the entire kingdom capable of throwing things with power and precision repeatedly.
I already showered and put hydrocortisone cream on it I don’t know what else to do
Tell her to set you up with someone hot.
I assume a doctor's visit is out of the question?
I wonder if chatgpt could take a look at your vagoo and diagnose it.
fuck you
in what way help I'm retarded
what? i'm not poly. I don't like those guys we're not really compatible. avoidant attachment is kind of taxing. I'm just listing off that I have been trying to find the right guy
I know, same with manatees. It’s nice to have a couple goobers alive
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curated reality that you're actively choosing to tunnel vision your focus on.
'Tis but a slice, and how much of one you literally have no reference for.
Seek help.
White Women: what do you think that Nara Smith an ugly n***** gets to fuck a model, while you're fat and ugly and still sleeping with the same 3 deadbeat men in your village ever since you were 12?
>a fluke
Missed the part about it being noted elsewhere, huh? The research in Africa had them sighted as throwing rocks at trees for practice.
Yea I can’t get an appointment until next week
true, you're absolutely true. Doesn't make my fear of my gf, or any potential partner/date/whatever of mine having a much better experience than whatever I can give them
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You would get absolutely mollywhopped by a kangaroo
im too tired to parse that can you speak sane person?
>these videos are filled with women actually cumming all the time
they're on drugs you dense ass mofo
Well, the best thing to do is to stop compulsively consuming this stuff.
That's the first step anyways. You can do it.
Well, go get some anti fungal cream in the mean time, keep it clean and dry, and maybe try looser clothing for now.
What is the kangaroo response to getting punched in the face and put in a rear naked choke? He’s gonna scratch me and kick me, maybe bite if he’s close enough.
at least i used punctuation
If you don't like them and if you're not compatible then why are you trying to be cuddlebuddies and fuckbuddies with them? That's a physical and sexual relationship, and if you're pursuing multiple physical and sexual relationship at the same time then that's poly. How do you imagine your future husband looking at you and saying "Wow, her behavior and history are totally wife material"?
I even flipped it that took a modicum of effort more than your whinepost deserved
Be grateful, scum
God no.
They're way quicker to get rid of you if you're not good enough for their (usually) much higher standards.
He'll punch you back and then use his tail to flip over and throw you.
Why are blonde girls so stunning. Its like watching angels amongst us. Truly superior beings. I could never talk with one, I am not worthy
Women, what is your preferred way of expressing amusement on 4chan? lol? kek? zozzle? some form of reaction image?
Theres only like a 20% chance you're putting a kangaroo in an RNC
*At least I used punctuation.
good morning sirs
cause you have shit taste anon
how do u know
true. its just that I linked a scene earlier and this femanon said that she got horny from it and that I indeed should try to fuck like him soooo lol
this crippling insecurity and obsession with what women think about you is going to make you die an incel you weirdo
this is a meme
it's not porn making him like this
he's like this and that's why he watches this kind of porn
it's like the christian conservative meme of
nah nigga you were fapping to gay porn because you gay af
As a milf enjoyer, 83698 + 20 or older.
So youngest girl I would consider is 83718.
>tfw no girl has ever replied weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee to my post
Don't give me a pity weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee now, it won't be the same.
Orangutans have started spear fishing recently and themselves to use saws provided by humans.
Our dexterity is great but not uniquely so. Our unique traits are complex reasoning, extremely complex social structures, literacy (we made this one ourselves), superior levels of aggressive curiosity, and bipedal endurance runs.
I love you. You are truly beautiful, and I feel so lucky that we found each other. Your smile always makes my heart soar.
A 120lb kangaroo is not flipping 200lb me over. Especially not punching me in the face with anything more powerful than a slap.
And once I do it’s over. Even if I don’t they’re weak boned and have exposed ribs

People think things were built better in the past because they were handmade, as opposed to factories. There might be some truth to this, but I think cheaper materials being used nowadays are to blame.
Yeah I realized the first sentence sounded like I was trying to imply that the porn is the underlying problem. And I do not think that is the case.
I was more so trying to say that rather than wallowing and making it worse by fixating on false targets and dragging himself further, he should try to disconnect with that and connect more with what is actually happening around him.
im not an incel, I have a gf and had another partner a couple years ago
its just that I have an obsessive mind and easily fall into these traps
>>in what way
>maybe this, but maybe that but idunno maybe I want that other instead but hmmm i'm not sure
That's you.
Make up your mind, decide what you want and work towards getting it.
Some species of kangaroo can weigh up to 200lbs and they're leaner than humans.
Kangaroos are dangerous for sure but they don't weigh enough and no matter how strong and clawed they are their joints limit the flexibility of their legs enough to tone down the threat of their kicks. Their skull shapes also make them vulnerable to concussion or death from human fists.
The average modern man kills a kangaroo four out of five death matches.
honestly, having a gf and being into the type of porn you are is vastly more pathetic than being an incel, as insane as that is
just ask your gf to fuck other men in front of you it's obvious you crave it
No, bitch. In the previous comment, I did use punctuation, and my comment was intelligible, unlike yours which needed punctuation but you failed to use it. In contrast, my second comment didn't need punctuation to be intelligible, and so you really did nothing by adding capitalization and a period.
I did not realize that kangaroos are that light, I weigh about as much as a kangaroo
That’s like saying some humans can grow to 7’3 and 300lbs. I’m talking about the average kangaroo. They have no defense for a grab at all aside from thrashing. Most adult males are less than 170lbs
Anyways rephrase in a way that people can actually respond to if you want your incel nonsense to get replies.
You're welcome

>Is it wrong to have a best friend of the opposite sex?

>Do you or your partner have a best friend of rhe opposite
I don't, but I've been with some girls who did.

>Would you be opposed to them being close?
Yes. I probably would. However, that usually doesn't end up being the case.

NTA, but a lot of times when women have a "male best friend," it's a guy they're emotionally manipulating because they know he wants to be their bf. I didn't reject those girls because I thought the two were fucking. I rejected them because I was horrified by the fact that they could treat another human being like that. He deserves a life too. Let him go.
Had a banana, should I have another?
i'm not. i'm saying in the past I have been a cuddle buddy with one of them, and after talking to all 3 of them they aren't for me. that one who i cuddled with did used to want to be my gf and he still might be interested but it just isn't it for me, i just foubd out he doesn't tip waiters so i feel mixed about that morally in a way. the other one who had me as his gf for a short time turned out to be too mentally ill. I'm not trying to actually do anything like that like cuddle/fuckbuddies

the mentally ill one is more like a friend now I guess, also he has intimacy issues so sex us a no. sometimes I wished I could go to Japan and pay for cuddles.

also it's weird you'd assume I'd ever have a husband even in hypothetical. idk anon. guess I would want a guy to focus on me here and now.
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>I'm kindof a switch but wanna be more dom
would you chain me up and put me on a leash?
Even if it's 150lbs, a 50lb advantage doesn't guarantee a win at all. And their tails are pretty strong, so they could use those as well as their legs to throw you off of them.
maybe with some peanut butter too this time
that's depression talking saying i probably won't find the one anyway
Kinda gay anon
i need to experience paizuri
>I don’t have anyone who wants to date me and never have.
If you are a woman, this is utter bullshit. There have been plenty of guys interested in you. You either weren't interested in them, or they were too nervous to initiate.

>How do I get my friend to stop asking? I don’t want to get into it with them and want to keep that part of my life private, just because it’s pretty pathetic
Just be honest, and say you don't want to talk about it. It's your life to manage.
This isn’t like a difference in humans where a trained 150lb man can beat an untrained 200lb man. Roos are dumb by comparison to us and they’re easily predictable when they fight things
I have only ever been with chestlets unable to experience paizuri and I still have a need in my marrow to know what its like.
>I feel like I can't attract a man enough to truly want to be together till either of us die.
Isn't this the goal? Work towards that goal by being the type of woman that such a man would search for.

The fact that you're failing to find cuddlebuddies/fuckbuddies is irrelevant, you shouldn't be searching for cuddlebuddies/fuckbuddies in the first place.
>Men: would you transition "to make your life easier"?
Not easier enough to be worth it. I've never seen one that's convincing.

Just call it tittyfucking you damn weebs
femdom is cringe, so is a man getting treated like a dog
but those sweaty booba oh my god
I had to google who that was. It's... porn. Stop taking porn seriously.
It is intelligible, otherwise how did you figure it's "incel nonsense". Besides, it's really not that hard, dumb chica. All I did was use two adverbs in succession. You must've been homeschooled.
no, its different. the heart and soul put into it would be different.
Should I stay in Santa Fe for the month or pick somewhere closer to the lab?
It’s pretty nice.
Blonde hair is instant turnoff for me unless they have good dark eyes.
I have no context but my gut tells me closer to the lab
Tell her she needn't worry, because even if you were a lesbian, you wouldn't go for her. And watch her lose her shit.
I wonder if you can actually feel the heartbeat during titfucking
Whatever, anon. Go fight a kangaroo then, if you're so sure you'd win.
no what happened was that i saw names im supposed to recognize because why followed with tired tropes and my eyes glazed over
Femdom is based.

I agree that Petplay is cringe af though. It's being a furry without the fur suit.
Women, would you date a guy if he told you his dick is small?

Men, would you date a girl if she told you her vagina is huge?
>Men for now
Sorry any amount of gay is not for me
Instinct tells me yes because the penis is sensitive and if I lay on a chest I can feel the heartbeat. Logic tells me no because you don't measure pulse with your thumb.
>Men, would you date a girl if she told you her vagina is huge?
She has a mouth, right?
to both
F btw

>Is it wrong to have a best friend of the opposite sex?
No. A lot of people are not good at being friends with the opposite gender but it depends on the person and the specific friendship.
>Do you or your partner have a best friend of rhe opposite
Well, we're besties, duh.
My husband doesn't talk to non-me women, I have a couple of men in my social circles and I'm very close to one.
>Would you be opposed to them being close?
>Men, would you date a girl if she told you her vagina is huge?
even just to check if she's for real
when she got a pussy like a cave....
Assume that when you have sex with her, it genuinely feels like you're fucking air
I don’t want to fight a kangaroo the same way I don’t want to fight a 100lb crackhead. I’m just saying they’re losing if we do
do it
like i said, it has amateur women who seem horny for him
No it has more Cachet when you use prettier foreign words
Yeah, porn actresses. Who get paid.
im out
stay queer, thats enough pride for me
Oi Sheelaz izziz 'roo bothuhrin yew???
no no, pet play is based when it's a woman being treated like a dog
your 200lb has like half the muscle mass of that roo and no sharp claws at the ens of your fingers.
in other words, i do hope you go and try
I know the goal. f/c buddies aren't it. I also have a septum piercing and am looking fo something serious and it sucks some people think I'm super promiscuous.
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This is me but with a singular wolf or a mountain lion with the caveat being that I have a bat.
my cat drank from my glass of water and now I have to go to the kitchen to clean it
Okay, you weren't homeschooled. Stop crying. I'm asking what do white women think about Nara Smith dating a model, while they fuck the same 3 deadbeat men from their county
Try something new, do Santa Fe for a month
K. Should I line up a chimpanzee after your cage match with the roo? Or do you want to go straight to the gorilla?
ok but is she a good intelligent person who cares for mother earth and appreciated the wonders of the world?
40 min commute from a cool city vs 20 min from a place with nothing to do
Well. A woman here got horny from it. IDK
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Fuck I wish I had a gyaru gf
>septum piercing
And you wonder why you're single
A chimpanzee is not a kangaroo. That’s like going from fighting a deer to a bear
untrue, cat's are self-cleaning. don't worry
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I don't want to be treated like a dog either but for her?
I'd woof
do you even love that cat?
This is a very public schooled type thing to post about
Who cares about celebs
>and it sucks some people think I'm super promiscuous
Because you are. You're even still talking to a guy that you don't like (and he doesn't particularly like you either) because you want his dick. If you don't like people thinking you're promiscuous then end your contact with him and stop being promiscuous.
ya waifu sucks man
then maybe i will date her anyway. simple
Commute is hell, always pick short ones.
Driving 40 minutes to go have fun is infinitely better than wasting 80+ minutes every single day getting stuck in traffick
If I had a medieval flail I’m taking out any animal under 400lbs aside from literally tigers and lions
My opinion remains the same, if you want to go to the city you can still do it
Why do women wear the designated "breed me like a sow so I can get an abortion and cry" piercing then wonder why men expect that behavior of them
It aint that good. Try rubbing your cock with your forearm or something. Thats kinda how it feels. It looks nice, but it doesnt feel good. Unless you use a lot of oil I guess, but the prostitute didnt do it for some reason.
This one time when I was a kid my father tried to "dad bite"my ice cream and I was too grossed out to want it anymore
Xe hates his dad
adult female bears on average weigh about 335lb
> but the prostitute didnt do it for some reason.
Useful disclaimer, that about sums up the value of your post.
>you will get stabbed or shot living in Espanola
>45 minute commute from Santa Fe
>commutes get longer but living expenses get cheaper the further north you go
>Albuquerque is affordable but 1h30m
>Los Alamos is full and can't expand any further because it's between the rez and the mountains

LANL unironically sucks because of housing, and those fuckers want to expand more. You interning there or what?
The buses stop running at like 6. How do ai have a night out? An uber is like $120
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Name a better one
we don't talk that way anymore. I am not looking to explicitly fuck.
why am I not surprised
No car?
You might have me there
I LOVE her. I ADORE her. And my two other cats.
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OH, also you know what they told me when I asked about the commute/living expenses in a job interview?

>One of our employees owns a small plane and flies in from Albuquerque every morning
just get a pilot's license and a plane lol, lmao
>I'm still SORT OF talking to him for the off chance with could have a one night stand or fwb situation,
You are still aiming to make the fuckbuddy situation happen, according to your earlier self.
post pic for proof
OH I just understood the joke. good one actually lol
Retard luddite vs retard cucksawsub
A battle for the ages
I'm getting up to speed on research before I start my PhD.
Getting beer at the Allsups was surreal. That had to be one of the strangest crowds I've ever seen.
I was implying I wanted to talk to wacky artists, get drunk, dance, and hit on girls on weekends
Even a 350lb male gorilla?
no car huh
Hating AIslop isn't luddism, because aislop isn't the future.
>public schooled
>type thing

If I let you off, take it and be grateful, trailer park bitch. Because you don't even sound homeschooled - your parents apparently couldn't bother - you sound illiterate. Take what I give you, and stop acting like you made me go easy on you.
If I get lucky maybe, probably not tho
>this nigga doesn't kiss his cats and dogs to greet them
american barbarian
>I was implying I wanted to talk to wacky artists, get drunk, dance, and hit on girls on weekends
Ah I see. I realize I misunderstood immediately after replying but I have no opinion on this anymore.
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you should calm down pal
Cutebeni best girl
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>mfw there are /atoga/ns IN THIS THREAD with government clearances that are making nuclear bombs
that is so unrealistically going to happen, I'd have a better chance at winning the lottery. yeah we both still find eachother attractive, but all signs point to no. but ibam also talking to him just as a friend I should have clarified that better.

I literally told him to take a break from talking to me since his life is falling apart and he came back 2 hours later.
Putting their whole hateniggerussy into it
I don't even have the energy to tell you how basic you are, but you are so stepped in your basicness that you will simply get off from the attention I give you anyway.
um. that wasn't even me.
I think you need to go to bed
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She works at a brothel now
Learn to weld.
>i am the future SARRR
Unfortunately LANL is the worst national lab if you want a social life because the entire community of Los Alamos is the lab. You're better off commuting and having a social life in Santa Fe. There's some good shit up there, bars, breweries... the santa fe opera house is about to start their season if you have money to burn. A lot of people from LANL live there so you'll probably find coworkers to go out with to get you started anyway. Also check out grrm's bookstore and get a signed copy of dunk and egg
nooooooo dont say that ;-;
you're both retarded
I am homeschooled and even got into MENSA though, which makes me think you are a larping smile.
Homeschoolers do not generally care about celebs because we consume TV slop from a young age and do not value social status.
If you said a charter school or something maybe you could get away with it.
Sloppy blowjob devil
This ugly motherfucker is making radioactive hot bombs and basically YOU are FUCKING STUPID
The fact that you failed changed nothing. You still attempted to have sex with him, and if he offers you sex in the future then you're going to take it. That makes you promiscuous.

If you want a man who's loyal to you then end your contact with the men you have promiscuous behavior with.
Who knew t.gondii was a source of OBSESSED syndrome
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total avatarfag death
and you still need a nappy
yes this applies even if you're not him
you'll feel better afterwards
Is that itoh or do they rearrt arr rook same?
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If you're so much better, who is your waifu?
My avatar is at home. Do you know what it is?
how do you know I would take that? you literally don't. I'm taking a step back and slowly ghosting him unless he wants to have a serious conversation with something more. he and I talked about not wanting sex anytime soon if we did go further. he doesn't want it.

of course if I find a different guy I would cease contact.
Your penis?
You WILL wear the elf ears, you WILL make me a lembas, you WILL appropriate a fanciful functional culture for my amusement. It is written
Is this the villain from Zootopia?
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nta but makima is objectively worst girl and nayuta was nothing but an improvement
No sir, I keep that hidden, it’s too impressive. My avatar is a bloody anime girl.
does this alpaca know capoeira?...
>I'm still SORT OF talking to him for the off chance with could have a one night stand or fwb situation,
Gee, how do I know that you would agree to sex if he offered sex? Either you're lying to us or you're lying to yourself.

>of course if I find a different guy I would cease contact.
Why don't you end your promiscuous behavior BEFORE you meet the man you want to win over by not being promiscuous?
that's the alpaca nurse from Odd Taxi, which is an amazing anime!
Ass ass I love ass, I need ass, I crave ass, I need to taste ass, to breathe it in, to feel it!! Probably a little bit over the line even more so than most people are with it. Though I reckon most men do like it at a basic level though.
She does!

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Low t

i love her now
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Kallen > CC don't @ me
How ironic that pinkish red haired women are the best in both
Thoughts on Star Madison?
Love black girls
>Star Madison
I don't think I know who that is
Low t
he said he would want me to initiate sex if we got to that point. but he's the kind that says he gets panic attacks. we aren't sexting or talking lewd at all. it's mostly just asking how the other is doing or shating pics of our pets. he is someone to talk to and I guess we re both bored. he doesn't get to talk to his friends about the stuff he does with me.

I'm prolly lying to y'all, I have had a ons and fwb in the past. it's just this guy caught my attention but he already lost it. I am thinking of taking a break for a month or two before dating again.
Google her. Tell me your thoughts.
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sharing not shating
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Sometimes I go on /gif/ and just try to guess which threads were started by women ITT
For example, there's a "clothed women giving blowjobs" thread up and I'm 85% certain it was made by a foid here
The Instagram, yes. Le based black girl.
I think I’ve come to terms with the fact that women really only have one type in men
It’s oddly freeing knowing you’ll die alone and accepting it, like you don’t like your fate but you’ve accepted it
I guarantee that was made by a man, and you don't quite understand women like you think you do.
No, the truth is often you don't resort to homeschooling by choice: you either were bullied out of school (and that makes you a weakling), or you were born to retarded most likely religious screwjob parents, who like to keep things in the family wink wink. You've never left your hometown, and you never will, because mommy and daddy will never let you amount to anything (isn't that why they homeschooled you in the first place: so that you turn out socially inept and never leave the nest and remain at their service / never make sth out of yourself).

Also,the rest of the world doesn't give a fuck about your retarded categories. So don't expect me to know what a charter school is. But assuming that's where poor kids go, that's still better than you, a fucking weakling who pisses themselves at the thought of having to leave their (parents) home.
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He's cool, I guess
That's easy mode, wait until you ultra instinct and can tell which of the rape/abuse/cnc/drugged/blackmail/cheating OPs are and aren't women
Definitely those ones where it’s women getting slapped and fucked hard
God I hate that fucking board everyone on their types like they're still a boomer in 2006/b/ and half the catalog is a bunch of race war garbage started by men who you know have neither a BBC or a BWC.
I still force myself to go on there once in a while it's a good place to pirate stuff from only fans creators with bbls. Who are like the only 3D woman I fap to.
The woman, bro. The woman with the large derrière.
Pick a cope, you stupid bastard. No I've about your schizo shit where you assign two teams, then keep switching jerseys and screaming about how many points you're up by. Take your meds.
whatever you need to cope
Blacked cuckshit is clearly a concerted effor to spam so I don't see why it isn't banned yet.
For me /gif/ is
>is there an anal in the ass thread?
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she feels very short.
Sure there’s guys like me who get gfs but I know they’re not the men those women want
> only fans creators with bbls
Good taste, are you also a LKDI fan?
I'm actually convinced you are the biggest retard in this thread.
Yeah must be like 5’2 or some shit. But the ass is wild. Maybe natty but I doubt it.
Go choke on your coke 0 after finishing your 4th "dinner" and have a bathroom baby, trailer trash cunt
probably not
That feels like 4'8 to me
bro shit his pants because he is a solid 95IQ shitwit
Pick one (1) cope per abject humiliation you greedy bitch
Low Key dead inside? She's all right, bigger the better in my eyes, so I prefer girls like Lala koi.
Yeah that would explain the proportions. Either way I’d cut her in half.
Oh like Zmeena Orr and Goldendoll?
State Gender
You WILL shit your pants, there's no way out of this
Would you rather
be stuck on a 6 hour plane ride, a 6 hour bus ride, a 6 hour uber, or driving yourself for 6 hours
bbls are a satanic against nature, and I don't even believe in Satan
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BBLs hurt my soul, I know they are an illusion
>t. ass man.
I have 95iq, and protozoa have 1 more cell than you have brain cells :)
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Would you? She’s 4’4
will you wear the elf ears and grow your hair out too?

we can make cute seedcakes for bilbo's birthday
plane obviously
a 6 hour flight is nothing if you've traveled from the west coast to the east coast
the only people here right now are retarded loser moids
I kinda got over my BBL lust, but it’s nice as a fantasy.
My hair is grown out
The beard stays though
i don't know what that means and i don't care either. womp womp.
That's tiny.
It wouldn't deter me.
This thread is 80% women larping as caricatures of their exes
My cute coworker gave birth to a kid :(
Hey and me, I’m working!
Women, if you were my gf, would you get jealous of the adoration I have for my oshi, of all the money and time I spend on her?
only because shes so tiny, i have no particular attraction to her face
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Yes actually, I guess just note that most men won't as a very necessary warning, but the best or at least the longest and most consistent sex that I've had, maybe not the best but certainly again the longest and most consistent, where I made the girl orgasm two to three times per sex session instead of just one, was specifically because her vagina was probably among the deepest I've had, it was pretty good it helped stimulate me constantly, and even though I only went for half an hour at the longest record between us before she told me to stop and just cum I'd bet good money in the millions that I don't have to anyone on Earth that I could have probably gone for an hour or two straight had she told me not to stop. Though I do last long and regular and really small or tight vaginas, at least 20 minutes I know that, but usually I can't go at such a harsh pace, I have to do that thing in porn where people stop or just don't thrust as well to get it under control and not come too quick. I wouldn't say it's a preference though, I think we put too much thought into penis or vagina size when the fact remains that body motion is probably going to help further than any sort of tightness or size could, that's why I held off on saying it was definitively the best, cuz I probably had two to three girls who I would have to give spots above her despite being tighter and harder to handle by proxy because they actually know how to move their bodies.
Which is why I've said before multiple times almost on a daily basis in the past few months, that every woman on earth should probably learn to twerk obviously not to do it in public but it would probably make your husband really happy, at least it will make me very happy.
....hey thanks for the heads-up, anon..
Euro hours suck
Yeah exactly like those two.
"The One" is a children's fairytale.
Do you really believe a species could survive if it's members had to find one special person among all of them? It would die out. That isn't how it works at all.
Do women really not periodically scan the catalog of each board here? Like at least every few months?
I just use the search to cut right to the chase of what might be posted on the boards
Under 4’10 with normal proportions almost automatically makes you a fucktoy. At that point your use is taking dick.
Which excludes anything you don't already know you might want to see. Set up 4chan X highlight filters and it will auto for you, pin related threads to the top of the catalog of each board you visit, then you can scroll down to see what else is there
It's the perfect browsing experience
Is yoga or the bar a better place to meet slutty milfs?
nta but what am I doing wrong then
I used to like that, then my ex left. For some reason I prefer more natural girls now.
he says I'm wasting my time talking to him so why does he keep reaching out to me?
You haven’t met me yet. How tall are you?
Why do you keep reaching out to him?
well that does sound pretty good, yeah
Your ex had a BBL?
It's super based plus you get funny false positives sometime
Ok that definitely sounds like a plus I would enjoy lol
I was watching a video and the guy said something that was supposedly a joke, but I think it's true: men don't love women. Is it time to admit this yet? 4chan men are just on the further end of the spectrum, but I think men don't actually enjoy being with women. And that's why women are angry towards men: at any moment, they're more invested and that's what they resent: men's ability to disentagle their feelings from everything.

True or false?
I want my wife to have a bbh (big beautiful heart to love me with forever - I am depressed)
It also auto corrected to baby, based phone
Get pregnant, future wife
Yeah "funny"
>Don't want to miss pee/peeing threads
>Constantly spammed with any thread with "speed" or like "peer to peer" in it on all boards
Women are the ones incapable of loving men albeit, and that's why men are angry towards women.
well I was under the impression we both weren't gonna look at eachother that way anymore. I made a joke "what are we doing here" when we both foubd out about being born as accidents and he pivoted to saying he told me i was wasting my time, when i meant talking about being accident babies. so I thought it was weird.

he always reaches out to me to say good morning. now tonight he was wanting to videocall since I said no yesterday I just left him with a one word reply so I hope he gets the message, whatever it is.
I don't enjoy being with evil people.
I did not ask women, black people, Jews, Muslims, communists or homosexuals to overrepresent in this category, and I be a much happier and friendly person if you would cut that shit out. I derive NO happiness, pride, satisfaction or fulfillment from despising and avoiding you and much rather go back to treating you equally in exchange for any reasonable degree of and mutuality.
PLEASE go back to acting human.
There's no we here, Anon, there's just you, making a mistake.
He's just being himself, but You on the other hand, are acting absolutely retarded.
Hello, foids.
I just had a shot and a beer and steak.
Which of you are going to have sex with me?
Do you actually enjoy spending time with women? Let's be fr. Ask the few married men here, or those who have gfs, they'll tell you they almost always would rather be spending time with their male
Based and true
okay so what?
male friends
We're not born that way. We're not the adult versions of the boys who didn't want girls in their treehouse. Those were the jocks mostly. We acquire an aversion to women through a lifetime of negative experiences with women and being told to "go outside and meet real women" whenever we mention our common experiences.
Nah, just peachy. Idk what it is. It was like I lost interest in BBL girls.
Do you think a fat and balding guy will ever find love?
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You can filter it by boards anon. Here's how I've got mine set.
But you won't be able to lose weight with no one to love and no reason to live either
Vicious cycle
It's over
That's not true, though. Jocks don't enjoy spending time with women either. I've said it before and I'll say it again: no one hates women as much as handsome men who can get laid. They think women are easy because they know there is very little they can do to convince a woman not to sleep with them. But they realize they can be the most npcs to ever exist and would still get laid because many women are shallow. Also, lately, there's a trend for men to larp as more feminine presenting (a la timothee chalamet) but even those turn out to secretly hate women.
I mean genuinely though.
>mfw had to go to the ATM because neither of the people I steal cash from are home

State gender. What hardships did you have to go through today?
why would I enjoy being with women if sex is denied to me?
It's true
Don't know why you're mentioning twinks
Anyways I told you only the painful, difficult, exhausting, woeful, depressing truth
I have been friends with plenty of women
Past tense
Women don't really appreciate their friends much overall
Devastatingly depressing.
Didn't get to bash your skull in with a blunt today
Feeling depressed
It must be hard for u
Driving myself? What kind of retarded shit is this? Shit my pants, pull over, ditch underwear, clean myself up. Hell if I'm lucky I might find a gas station or truck stop and it's a clean getaway.

Second choice, bus. On a plane it's obvious and claustrophobic. I'm not all that concerned what other people on a long distance bus might think of me. They even have toilets on them, so I could just ditch undies there and clean up.
If you were dating or married to a woman, sex would be on the table, but it wouldn't be the only activity you do with her! I mean sex is cool and all, but it lasts what? 20 minutes? Then what? What are you gonna do being in the proximity or presence of someone you don't like?
Missing my ex a lot, feeling very alone.
Did a funny dance, only to immediately find out it was a terrible idea to do so without underwear. External genitals are a curse, truly. Can't even do funny dances without support.
F. wasting my time and thoughts on a guy being passive aggressive with me
I had a stuffed crust pizza from Walmart today though
It was pretty good but too salty
I had two sandwiches too
Always buy a little too much food to fit in my freezer so I have to overeat or it will go bad and I live alone you know
Not really even my fault
Maybe next week I will apply for another online job
Been over a month since I quit the last one and the money will run out by end of year
Plus my car needs work
Upside to being unemployed is I lie down all day (except meals)
I'm sorry anon. What's on your mind? Anything specific?

Dance safely, dummy.

That's silly of you. What is he doing?
>If you were dating or married to a woman, sex would be on the table,
that's a big if, women get angry when they realize that almost all men are not willing to enjoy their company if it off the table
>Don't know why you're mentioning twinks
What does twinks mean? Gay? Well, the men I have in mind aren't gay, it's just that they present more femininely, which some women take as that guy being more in tune with his feelings or whatever and therefore could be more understanding or some shit than a masculine man kek Then turns out he doesn't give a shit about her either. I mean does anyone think Timothee is dating Kylie Jenner for her brains or her thoughts? No, it's for that bbl ass that he keeps pinching in public at every chance he gets kek
who, lmao
>Dance safely, dummy.
Next you're going to tell me I can leave my friends behind. Pure propaganda. Silly dancing > safety dancing.
Sex again
Look at her naked
Become a drunk
Shoot myself

Women should stop devoting their existence to being unfair unjust and unlikeable then I would like them
My standards are low and I can compensate for a lot of personality defects in a partner but I can't eat a rotten fruit
Man romance:
>Cute girl is nice / Mommy loves you / Bimbo would like to have sex with you
Woman romance:
>Tall billionaire psycopath vampire emperor RAPES you RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE
The woman I wanted to spend my life with is gone. I am alone. No one to be vulnerable with anymore. I gotta do it on my own now.
No, dude. That doesn't make any sense. You can't hate shopping or listening to her yammering about some reality tv show but then she sucks your dicks and you metamorphose into a guy who likes hearing about 90 day fiancé
How long ago did you guys break up?

You don't have to be alone forever. I know how it feels like it's impossible to love again sometimes, but it's not quite the case.
>still haven't gotten over that one girl from high school, even all these years later
How over is it for me?
can't relate.
The only thing I remember from "that one girl" was the fact that her skin was black, and that's hot.
it's not about liking it, it's about tolerating it
you understimate the BS most men can go through if they feel like there's a reasonable ammount of sex they're getting after that.
The girl I took her vcard didn't have a single friend and she's an awful person, if she didn't give me sex I would have dropped her like they did
I felt like him reminding me I'm wasting my time on him randomly was weird when that's not what I was implying when I told a joke. like, I get it
2 days. Idk, can’t see how I will be loved again. Just feels like I’m expected to have a purpose in life and I don’t. And if I’m loved it’ll be for what I can provide. Not who I am.
>no one hates women as much as handsome men who can get laid
Weirdest cope. Handsome manwhores are always very friendly and attentive towards me even when they have 0 interest in bedding me. They're sociable people, they would not be getting around otherwise. Manwhores make more dependable friends than the awkward and unattractive men who are significantly more to likely to be deceptive and try to leverage their way into a woman's pants just because she talks to them and has a vagina.
>many women are shallow
Why would this be blackpilling for a manwhore? It's not as though he's picking his own lays based on their wonderful personalities and unique and fascinating ways of thinking.
Can't you just have less vapid interests?
It's not even the shows themselves it's your media conditioned to poorly ape faggot behavior which is itself a poor parody of stupid bimbo behavior.
Nothing about it is actually feminine, it's hellworld bizarre perversion of your actual personality. Women just shouldn't watch television before the age of 40. Neither should men. Kill Hollywood.
Imagine tall vampire emperor raping a cute mommy bimbo.
Shut up, roastie.
Hm I see.
Couldn't be my, ex had a meh ass, but was exactly my type otherwise, I just leaned into my type even more, and didn't let it get to me despite how shitty of a human being she was.
Let me solve the puzzle for you:
They are sociopaths and you know other women. They know you know other women. They are as obsessed with their social status as you are, for similar reasons. Women are sociopaths by default so goes undiagnosed.
That’s fair. I kinda just prefer fit girls now. Smooth, strong, taut. All that jazz. Not muscle girls, mind you.
Oh, that's fucking harsh. The first few days are the absolute worst, it really feels like you're falling apart.

The only sincere advice I can give you is to not be scared to let yourself love again, and to be loved again. Don't let this pain make you a worse person. There are decent people out there who will love you for you.

Sounds like a misunderstanding, try to clear it up!
I can't reliably use 4chanx on atoga. It's too biiiiiig anon it won't all fit in.
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I just came across some videos of pretty men crying in dramas for a woman and it's so attractive. My neurons are activated HARDCORE. And I see thousands of other women say the same (can't even fit 5% of the comments in one pic)

Why do red pill men tards always say it's the worst thing ever? This shit is turning my brain on.
>Can't you just have less vapid interests?
You're preaching to the wrong choir
>no one hates women as much as handsome men who can get laid.
Married to a handsome man who adores me, been friends with handsome guys at several points of my life. Surely doesn't feel like it.

>because many women are shallow
If that makes you hate women, you're a retard. Men like hot women, women like hot men. That doesn't make anyone particularly evil.
Just imagined it,

men don't like only hot women
Narcissistic psychopathic women who want to make men suffer.
depends if the guy is cute or not
This is true, I for one love ugly women
Another roastie.
I only know other ugly and fat women. Moreover, sociopathy isn't a diagnosis used in modern medicine and manwhores' treatment of me doesn't line up with the symptoms listed on whatever pop psych sites talk about "sociopathy" rather than antisocial personality disorder, and the latter lines up with neither women's nor manwhores' behavior.
Is that what you tell yourself when you masturbate to the thought of him fucking you? You're fucking stupid if you think attractive men care about your "personality". They just learned to hide their sexism, unlike the autistic 4chinners here. Case in point: Matt Rife. Women gave that unfunny loser a career, and for what? Because their pussy goes wet looking at him. And he played into it and pandered, until he decided he didn't want you anymore, showed his true personality, called the pussy of a girl he was fucking a piece of schewed gum

You're so fucking stupid, it hurts
>Why do red pill men
I cried in front of my ex and she told me to quit being a bitch and stop sympathizing with her lol.
Anything women say is toxic masculinities fault is really just projection. You like seeing a scene but you'd hate seeing the real thing, never falling for that one ever again.
It only works for "pretty" men
You are a latent homosexual
Also the "redpill" artists are way ahead of you on this. There is a study they always refer to that women consistently rated smiling as the least attractive facial expression on the same men (double blind)
Women will try to make you suffer to either prove you love them and will stay with them or to feel an almost sexual emotional catharsis for "breaking" you - then after the novelty wears off you'll "lose the passion" and use it as an excuse to cheat.

Your discovery is just a piece of the "redpill", not an antidote to it, and the redpill itself is just a piece of the truth.
Neither do women.

I want a pathetic obsessed man crying at my feet (he must be cute though)
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Cope, you'd hate it even if it was twink Chad who was crying in front of you, because women don't know what they want.
So you're literally embracing the fact that you're shallow and there's nothing more to you than your body? kek pls kys

Also, don't rely on the fact you're married too much. Many men blow out their entire families for a (hotter) side piece. I never said men don't get married, I said they're less invested. And you sound invested, but I can't say the same about your husband, just because you think he is.
"Modern" psychiatry invents new terms and classifications for the same maladies every decade or so to justify their existence and dodge accountability.
That's one of the main reasons it's such a disgraceful scam. Jung himself could never be so hacky as "modern" psychology. It's truly pathetic.
Learn to read
You are not worth crying over
Men's tears are meaningful
Men absolutely do fall in love with women, can enjoy their company and become attached but all of that gets burned away with time and experience. By the time women are looking for permanent relationships in their mid to late 20s, the men in their peer group are disillusioned and jaded with them, and looking for the more practical aspects of relationships.
It was a joke I made about us dodging abortion by us being born accidentally. i did clear the air and he said oh okay, and then went on to talk about his bad genes he was born with. then said he wasn't in a good place and that he doesn't feel safe in the world and how he feels lost etc. just dumping his feels
I could only enjoy being with non-whore women which excludes like 80% of modern western women
Remember women: the men you are telling to go meet women have, and that's why they now spend all their time online the insecure online-onlies are the simps who believe and repeat The Right Opinion. Always, always, always.
Depressing thread tonight.
In my experience it's more that women don't enjoy being with me.
Depressing world, you don't like it? Kill yourself.
>women consistently rated smiling as the least attractive facial expression on the same men
I fucking knew it. Women always complaining about me autistically not smiling in pictures, they were trying to trick me.
I’ve tried.
They don't know what they want and also aren't attracted to you in general
I can no longer trust women after being sexually coerced by my brothers wife, thoughts?
nta but I keep failing and they send me to grippy socks jail
I was going to tell anon not to be so mean but
How do you fuck up something so simple lol
I don't masturbate to 3d men. If he wanted to fuck me or virtue signal, why put in effort to get to know me and be there for me for years? And never actually try to date or fuck me or any of my friends? Handsome manwhores do not have to orbit unattractive women for sex.

>u r stupid i bet ur pusy is ugly
>source: some amerifat celeb drama
Jesus Christ why is morning atoga like this
By having your ex there that forcefully stops you. Thanks.
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I love crying guys. They're so vulnerable.
Plenty of normal looking dudes have gfs and wives. Most of my friends are dating average looking dudes.

>you're literally embracing the fact that you're shallow and there's nothing more to you than your body?
No? I'm saying that both men and women like people who look good, and hot people of both genders receive attention because of their looks.
It's not a woman only thing like you're implying.

You can like how a person looks and who they are. It's not like you have to pick. I love who my husband is and how he looks.

> I can't say the same about your husband
I can. He loves me very much.
Imagine blaming standard Euro hours on amerimutts
That's not true. Men look for partners and or cheat at any age (even in their 40s and 50s...). So they're not disillusioned. And men in their 50s will absolutely and happily fuck a 27, 28, 29 year old, which you would consider old hags. Why? Simply because the woman is younger. Men want tight(er) bodies and blowjobs, let's be honest. If you fuck a man often enough maaaaaybe he'll develop some sort of connection to you, but don't count on it. And don't count on him not putting himself first in most situations and expecting the woman to "willingly" sacrifice her comfort for him, like his mother did unconditionnally for him. In reality, a wife doesn't love her husband as unconditionnally as a mother does.
He sounds like an insecure guy and your joke probably made him feel more insecure.
Just reassure him and be chill.
Same, even survived four non sought after near death experiences.
The most recent one taught me I truly have nothing left to live for if I were to just quick and painlessly, I was one millisecond away from having my head crushed the moment I realized I was one second away from being disconnected from consciousness I was at peace.
There is very little left for me in this world, if I killed myself no one would care. Despite this I have some work left to do before I can.
This is what you Yuropoors get up to while us Americans are asleep?
So you choose to do it while someone is around but it's totally sincere and not for attention
And they always blame us when the thread goes to shit, no accountability
I’d care, now that I know.
Let's stop funding their countries and Israel as a little prank
I generally feel women don't love men either but see him as a utility. But personally I've never found a woman who I thought was so great that I "loved" her, I barely get past "she seems nice".
These are not European hours. Europeans are at work/school right now. It is (may Allah forgive me for even thinking the word): Australians.
>She seems nice
But she never really is T_T
4chan is the wrong crowd to ask.
I would rather spend my time alone, but I'm also aware that i am a 1 in 1000 outlier. I used to enjoy female company but I'm now too disagreeable to tolerate much.
Euros are lazy and shitpost from their fake government jobs
Tou don't deserve it.
I want an upside down wife
I wouldn't even yell at her for peeing on the ceiling
See >>31515437
It's an ego boost. It's also a status symbol: "hey look at how many women enjoy my company".
But even if we accept that the one guy you have in mind is genuine, he's the exception not the rule. I can't believe you still don't understand that even libs whose whole shtick is being feminist and allies etc frequently get outed as sexist. Case in point: Vausk kek, or Destiny's subs who enjoy dragging any female streamer Destiny crosses. You know it, I know it. You just somehow want to believe in the old fairytale standard: beautiful looking = morally upright
imagine a psychopathic bimbo vampire mommy trying to "fix" a broken aristocratic damphyr boy
which you can tell by the thread's deadness
yeah he said he felt alone in the world and he has to deal with stuff unexpectedly happening to him which has made his mood worse. other people have said he seems really insecure too. I mean does he think that lowly of me? he thinks he doesn't deserve me yadda yadda and even made a public rant about it. but he throws me off by saying how he wanted to have at most one kid and then flipped to saying he doesn't want them. said he wanted to get married one day and then later says maybe not really and pivoted how it didn't work for his friends.

he said he was worried about meeting me and dating me since he isn't his best self right now and he says he wouldn't be upset if I found someone else even though we aren't a thing. I wish he felt better about hinself he told me he can't talk to his friends in depth about what's happened in life/going on really and he said his last therapist left him and he thinks no one wants to really help him.

he thinks the worst of his situation. like he told me he didn't wanna live and he had a tantrum saying he wanted to slit his throat
F. I definitely feel loved in my relationship, and have known many men who love both their woman and women in general. My FIL worships the ground his wife walks on, my dad loves my mom very much, my grandpa wrote letters to my grandma every day for 8 years while he was in the army.
Putting up with craven women is an evil act
Women should just be better people if they want men who aren't criminals to like them
I don't think he thinks lowly of you, he's mentally ill with poor self esteem and self-hatred
Yes? Because I didn't say you shouldn't like good looking people, but the context of comment is clearly women who put appearances above everything else. Meaning they don't give a shit whether a guy is sexist or not, they just see a handsome and think "I'm gonna fuck him"

As for the remainder, I have no reason to believe anything about your marriage. You say your husband is husband, you say he loves... Those are things you claim and there's no evidence for. So they're worthless.
>mommy trying to fix
That's contradictory, though.
Imagine a husband/wife pair who hunt vampires and then make warm blooded human love amidst the ancient fineries to bless the lair so new vampires and other ghouls move in there because of the aura of happy memories
>My FIL worships the ground his wife walks on
Kek, yeah right. Much like many men make public displays of affection towards their wives their entire personality then turn out to be the biggest cheaters, liars...

You want to be blind, so there's nothing I can do for you. At least don't blindly trust that any of the men you're here boasting about are who say they are or love their spouses as they show to other people.
We've been over this
If you want men to like you don't be a bitch
>the context of comment is clearly women who put appearances above everything else
Yeah, and as I said there are people of both genders who put appearances above all else, it's not a women exclusive trait. Both genders can be very shallow, both genders can love genuinely. It's also possible for someone to behave in a shallow way in some occasions and love someone deeply in others.
Hating women because some women are sometimes really shallow is retarded.

> I have no reason to believe anything about your marriage.
Yeah. You know nothing about it, don't talk about shit you don't know lol
why don't you think so? it's not mutually exclusive. he admitted his self hatred to me. then he told me he'd be lying about one thing in the relationship(if we're in one hypothetically) and that was it. and then went on to say how can I love you(me) if I can't love myself. which, I suppose he does have a point there.

telling me he wanted to slit his throat at an inconvenience definitely hurt me.
It has nothing to do with being a bitch dude. It's not like men only lie and cheat because their wives are bad people.
So, who hurt you?
Why are you putting up with that bullshit anon. He needs alone time.
>some men are bad, that means every man is bad!!! You don't know the people in your life!!
And the same for women, who cheat more than men.
Why do you expect men to always be perfect and reliable when women aren't?
>Yeah, and as I said there are people of both genders who put appearances above all else,
No, see, that's just you and some other people and you think everyone's the same.

>Yeah. You know nothing about it, don't talk about shit you don't know lol
I didn't talk shit about it, I said a fact: we don't know and your testimony remains a bunch of statements we can't prove. Hell, I can't prove whether you're married or not. Besides, if you're easily hurt by stuff said online, then maybe don't mention things you claim to hold dear online so they don't become easy pickings
It just doesn’t feel true. But thank you for your words.
Both of you have reading comprehension issues.
You write with too much emotion and too little cohesion
And you have bad breath
>that's just you and some other people
I don't put appearances above all else. I don't think everyone does, either.
I think being shallow is not a gendered trait, and also having sex with a person for shallow reasons does not prevent from loving them or someone else deeply.

>you're easily hurt by stuff said online
I'm not hurt by anything you've said.
Hey Eurostralians
I am pulling an all nighter sorting images
Just checking in while I take a break
I trust you are all being good to one another and not posting cringe right?
Remember, you are the babysitters of the free world while Americans are busy or sleeping. Don't forget to uphold the Anglo culture of excellence! Okay, love you!
I actually told him to take a break from talking to me but he only did it for a few hours and then said he was ready to converse again.
What kind of images are you sorting?
smells better than your fat rolls
Pretty sure he’s the one that posted the fairy pissing in an hourglass
nta but I want to be that fairy
I went back and Idon't understand what you're trying to argue. I said women who put appearances first are shallow and you're out here arguing yes women who do are ... Is your attempt at being a contrarian over yet?

You're obviously not hurt. That's why you were like keep my hubby's name out of your mouth kek Go fuck yourself you and your hubby and your whole retarded family
one look at british generals on 4chan taught me anglos are massive degenerates
Suddenly I love women again
Right now I'm checking through the last of the /aco/ threads I downloaded that were tagged with specific character names. I have been diligent this last week and I'm down to just Mei, Velma, and Catalina La Catrina. Just deleting what I don't want and correcting basic tags on ones I do and tagging them as checked. After that I have around 50k more unchecked /aco/ images to through, some have series tags or something like that. I am mainly just checking for which ones I want and I delete many based off of just thumbnails.
I already sorted through /e/ stuff already last week, that was an unpleasant slog because even the threads I chose to watch and download from had a lot of pedo stuff, I think /e/ is a lost cause for future downloads honestly.
I might do some tagging with /aco/ stuff as I go, recognizable characters, artist tags, info based on filename tags
I already recently through my whole database deleting nearly all non meaningful filename tags from the file metadata so the tag DB is trimmed down nicely and filenames are helpful for tagging.
But I can't get too bogged down with tagging on this first pass, just qc and thinning files is the main objective.
After /aco/ I go back to /s/, already grouped some well tagged sets as collections but lots more to go.
You are taking accountability for your own happiness right? You aren't just passively waiting for "le society" to get better, right?
I am. It was unexpected because I have a lot of pissing women content to through but I'm just sorting normal /aco/ cheesecake stuff right now from when /aco/ was good
I needed a break from the peeing stuff because I have a billion video clips saved from when Tumblr was good (for porn accounts) and watching them all is a daunting task even for me
>I said women who put appearances first are shallow and you're out here arguing yes women who do are
You said good looking men hate women because some women like them for their looks and don't care about their personality. I said people of both gender can be very shallow, hating a whole gender because some people like you for your looks and don't care about who you are makes you a bit of a retard.

>that's why you were like keep my hubby's name out of your mouth
I wasn't, I said that since you admit you know nothing about my relationship maybe don't act like you do. If you want to be a cunt about it, then feel free to. I don't care.
F. Yes.
can mentally ill men who hate themselves actually fall in love? and get better
/brit/ on any board is gayer and more depressing than /lgbt/
The Puritans did nothing wrong
>meet girl online
>think she's mid to early 20s because of her job
>we are getting along with shared interests and even watch a movie together
>turns out she's actually just 18
>be late 20s
>cut things loose because uncomfortable
>she still frequents online game I play
>come on with different username
>shows up in a room I frequent in the game
>starts talking to me thinking I'm a stranger
>shares details about me cutting her off
>at this point this is weird because I'm pretending like I'm someone else and hearing all this
I'm sure its just her teenage hormones or whatever, just being young. This feels so awkward, I want to just neutrally be in the game again. Should I just admit it was me and nip everything in the bud and double down that I'm okay with civil chat but I don't see her that way?
only mentally ill men fall in love
>can mentally ill men who hate themselves actually fall in love?

>and get better
I don't know.
By avoiding society as much as I can until/unless they stop killing unborn children
Everyone else can go fuck themselves I have video games to play
Once I get land and build a house the avoiding other people will ramp up even further
>be me in uni
>part of illustration group
>we improve together, etc
>been 3 years of me knowing this guy, good friend to me
>he opens up about his issues
>I listen to him and support him
>few weeks pass, I start opening up about mine
>gets upset, flips out about "why does everyone trauma dump on me"
>don't open up ever again
>we still talk though, long years have passed
Did I do anything wrong? I genuinely wasn't trying to upset him, and I still think back to it
ok ur can make the boy psychopathic instead
He probably doesn't realize he's hurting you because he's absorbed in his own negative feelings and self disgust.
But you never pointed out his hypocrisy to him at any point did you?
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>until/unless they stop killing unborn children
Maybe this will radicalize you but this is not a modern society thing. Abortion has been a necessity for millennia. There's been a lot less abortions in modern days now that contraception exists, but you can't live in a world without abortion because it will always be necessary as long as unwanted or unviable pregnancies are a thing.
What for? To upset him again? :/
I just figured I just don't try to deepen the friendship further, from my side at least.
I really don't think he'd be receptive to that.
this shit is a mind virus which is memeing people out of being capable of love
I know multiple people self-sabotaging their own relationships because they're autistically following le redpill advice instead of just loving their partner and working through very basic problems.
You can choose total self-interest or you can just to humble yourself to love.
>part of illustration group
>mentally ill
>hating a whole gender because some people like you for your looks and don't care about who you are makes you a bit of a retard.

It doesn't necessarily. If you get objectified by even 7/10 men, you'll develop a diversion towards men. You can say you won't because generalization bad, but that's not how actually people work. That's just stuff people say to avoid being called bigoted. Nor was it my point whether it's retarded or not to develop such feelings, my point was just to acknowledge that a lot of men don't actually like women, even the hot ones that women get wet to sleep with, and who have an easier time charming women (almost no effort at all).
some people are genuinely emotionally retarded and you need to avoid them.
>or you can just to humble yourself to love.
or you can choose to
Something existing as in traces of it being found or mentioned is not the same as legalized, government funded, 2 out of 5 pregnancies. It is not necessary for you to the existence of condoms or kill children. Food has never been cheaper and more available. You are already radicalized and just repeating blaise talking points that are spammed everywhere and carefully dodge around what is actually happening for "this must happen, this will happen, this has always happened, it was always like this" staple demoralization. Murder used to be far, far more common than abortion throughout human history and is still quite common.
So why don't you recognize it as inevitable and necessary and legalize it, you extremist? Why not legalize rape, heroin?
NTA but this is the sanest post in here.

The humble yourself to love part makes it seem you have to stay happy with "less" but I frankly do not consider my relationship with my boyfriend of 10 years any "less" just because he's not a gigachad model.
so why did he pull the "how can I love you if I can't love myself" line

he asked me to be his gf awhile ago but we held off on it to know more about eachother so is this his insecurity talking since I delayed the relationship
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you cunts didn't listen last time but I've made some progress
it might sound messy due to the reverb

post sex and what you think it's a NIN song
There were a lot more abortions back in history? That's not even remotely true, and what's this fake scared "I'll radicalize the scary fascists" stuff you assholes have started spamming everywhere, as if you're being remotely honest, moderate or reasonable?
dunno, generally the reasoning people give you in these situations is totally immaterial anyway
>It is not necessary for you to the existence of condoms
We have free condoms where I live, especially given to impoverished folk who don't have other means.
>You are already radicalized and just repeating blaise talking points that are spammed everywhere
No, I had my own mother explained to me that she had to do a backroom abortion because if she didn't, she'd be kicked out at 19, in a small village filled with people who'd have no issue completely abandoning her and blowing up the issue by calling her a whore.
She got pregnant because my dad (yes they dated since 19 and 20) didn't want her to use contraception because it's "unnatural and unnecessary".
My mom grew to become a great professional, and have 3 kids who she was able to support and even helped us get deposits on our homes as we moved out.

Why would it be better that she keep a baby at 19, be homeless and struggle to stay afloat, probably fall into drugs?
Howthoughit your assumption that people are just avoiding others out of pride and not because other people make genuinely miserable seems unwarranted to me
What should I do if I really really miss the people I met yesterday?
I have work and other stuff so I wouldn't be able to meet them anyway, but the desire to is there.
I don't even know how I can keep in contact with them because I have no social and they're friend of a friend and maybe even one step beyond. This nostalgia inside of me is unbearable at times. I wish I learned how to connect with people when I was younger...
It's not simply "pride", it's often a defense mechanism combined with emotional immaturity.
It is out of pride when they already have relationships and then fall for redpill shit and leave their wives/gfs for not being this weird pysop idea of a submissive woman
the guy I know is doing just this
he's a dumbass who can't control his dick and clearly wants to go back to being a "player"
I think men are more likely to get "redpilled" about how little their wives/gfs care about them
It sure isn’t easy, but I’m trying. Trying to find a place to belong and a sense of purpose is very hard when you’re 26 and never felt that before. Even on 4chan I feel like an outsider and I’ve been here for 13 years.
Right so social status and a career ambition was more important than a human life of her own child. "The time want right." Wow your personal story of how your mom was justified in being the type of psychopath you are because culture wasn't checking progressive enough just warmed my heart. They legalize the townsfolk while they're at it to avoid the inconvenience! You're totally not the exact type of death worshipping psychopath I want to avoid, and I just had never thought that people can have social pressure before! It's so awful your mother had to feel ashamed and uncomfortable and put her own health at risk in the process of killing off her inconvenient child! I definitely don't think of you as a subhuman reptile thinking this story is a justification for killing human beings!
what do you mean? that he's bullshitting me?
They used to just leave unwanted babies in the woods and let nature take care of that problem. Or in some cultures, get a priest to ritually kill the baby on an altar for a good harvest.
That's the thing, isn't it? People allude to this hypothetical "perfect person" like 'gigachad', even outside of the realm of dating and relationship advice, like health, as an example, but he does not exist.
Trying to turn dating into a game of numbers, even this 0-10 looks scale, is complete nonsense.
Alright, I'm gonna say it: BASED
The duality of men. Which is more likely? That these women who are in stable relationships don't care for their boyfriends or husbands, or is it more likely that the redpill twisted these men's perceptions about what "caring about them" means? Should a woman drop a job so you both become 50% poorer to somehow prove to you that she cares about you?
if she did drugs that would also be her fault
>I had to kill my kid or I'd be poor and do drugs!
Bitch what?
You did the fucking!
You chose everything!
No, I'm saying the reasoning you are given in these situations is irrelevant. The person could be telling what they consider to be the honest truth but it doesn't matter. All that matters is the end result, the motivation doesn't really change anything.
>Right so social status and a career ambition was more important than a human life of her own child.
It was with the goal of actually providing properly for future children, which she did. She made a choice:
>do I become poor and homeless, and probably have my child taken from me to be passed from foster family to foster family and struggle?
>do I abort now, don't become homeless, get my career and have children when I have a home with my husband?

And no anon, 99.9999% of women who abort become traumatized from it. No woman who has aborted that I spoken to wasn't completely emotionally shaken from the experience.
The psychopaths are not the majority. And if you think like that, you have an extremely warped world view.
>even this 0-10 looks scale, is complete nonsense.
I know. God everytime I see people unironically rate others from 0-10 it contributes more to my depression.
It's a matter of the maturity of both partners, how well that deal with problems, actually communicating one's wants and needs.
Yes, some women genuinely are like that, who've just chosen some sucker to settle down with out of pure cynical self-interest, but quite frankly that is pretty obvious when it happens and you're a bit of an idiot if you miss it.
The majority of people aren't like these fringe cases that le redpill is obsessed with.
You make me want to wish retarded feminism wins full throttle so men are forbidden to ever vote on abortion laws.
And I'm not even a feminist or believe any of that retarded shit. And yet, there's shitstains like you, who I see no way of dealing with other than to give you no rights on the matter.
I laugh my ass off because you see people claim "10/10!" "ew no he's "5/10" lmao
>The majority of people aren't like these fringe cases that le redpill is obsessed with.
Of course not. But we are talking about these fringe cases.
It's overdiscussed, and like every model of the world, it's readers and followers start reading it everywhere.
As someone who has been on the receiving end of that treatment a lot, it is kind of retarded to be mad at people for wanting to fuck you. I don't hate the men who have a shallow interest in me, and I don't hate men in general.
As long as they're not dishonest about the motivation behind their interest or manipulative, I don't have much of a reason to care. It doesn't do anything to my life.
It depends on the guy. Some men just want to philander. Other men want a woman who actually likes him and doesn't see him as basically an accessory. The latter point is very common, with many guys realizing their SO doesn't initiate any real affection and treats the relationship as a one-way road where he looks after her. Many guys (and women in effect) think this is just how things are meant to be. Seeing how women behave with men they actually truly like is what "redpills" them
I'm not sure if it is over discussed since it is a growing problem. Dating apps really warped men's perceptions and destroyed their confidence, just on the basis of how dating apps work.
There's always gonna be more men than women there, because women use it for a week and leave immediately for the most part. There's many more men than women in these apps. So women become much more selective because otherwise they'd have to be talking with 40+ guys constantly.
hmm. I guess I am hung up on how he said "/how/ can I love you if I don't love myself" and I never gave him an answer it just seemed like a statement to me
holy shit should i bring that up next time or be quiet about it because I wonder if he realizes it secretly after the fact. I have actually gone through cleaning up blood after suicide attempts by a family member and am still fucked up thinking about it sometimes
bit miffed how total headcases can have women wanting to be with them, should I be insanitymaxxing?
Dating apps and the internet are really just contributing to a growing problem. This shit simply is not real life and it's contributing to a population of emotionally stunted people who can't deal with their shit.
And it applies to the growing problem of those women - we think we have unlimited options and that we are being robbed dating a normal person.
You're talking about the US right?
Because this is completely not the case where I live. Everyone my age (between 25 and 35) in a straight relationship has a dynamic of both men and women working, but women doing 80% of the house chores, including cooking, including looking after the kids, and it's not uncommon for men here to feel unloved (because women spend so much time on chores and kids) that they end up cheating. It's not a majority who cheats. But it's a very high number, close to 40%.
>This shit simply is not real life and it's contributing to a population of emotionally stunted people who can't deal with their shit.
truer words had not been spoken ITT
I do pretty much agree with you on everything. Popularizing internet use was a mistake.
I would bring it up. It might remind him that his self-hatred is overblown and that he's hurting others.
If he prefers to wallow in self-pity and misery regardless, and does not want to be helped, leave.
not as fringe as you're suggesting, but also not as common as the redpill fags claim it is.
Lots of lower class women with some sort of mental issue abuse men's love and feel justified about it.
My cousin is probably suffering from borderline and her relationships always go the same way
>she meets a guy
>she falls head over heels
>she uses sex as a weapon to get what she wants
>she expects the guy to act "like a man" and pay everything for her
>she doesn't have a job or even an education
>every little mistake of his gets her mad angry to the point of psychological abuse
>her mistakes are his mistakes too
>guy tires the fuck out realises she's crazy and leaves her
>she claims he was abusive
seen it happen like 4 times already
nta but I support abortion because minorities and the lower classes commit abortion at higher rates than the upper classes
culls the weak tbqh
What kind of jobs do these men work compared to women?
What are you honestly basing your view off of, that lets you claim "everyone" "80%" and "40%"?
>many guys realizing their SO doesn't initiate any real affection and treats the relationship as a one-way road where he looks after her
>Seeing how women behave with men they actually truly like is what "redpills" them
I feel like what you really mean is "men see grifters online claiming wild shit about women and their sex life, and think that it should apply to their relationship as well"
But I kept giggling and thinking "is this what they mean by trad wife?"

Interestingly enough I have a cousin who is in a similar predicament. She does suffer from a sort of psychosis and she really is incapable of having normal relationships. But she does study, finishing her master's, and she dedicates her life 100% to the guy she's with, completely involves herself in the family, to the point of her still talking to exes' family members a lot.
I think mine is a little more functional but is also medicated. Your cousin is in dire need of meds and regular psychology appointments
redpillers will start sperging over "femael nature" but this is literally mental illness and it's weird they aren't seeing it as such.
I'm talking about relationships where the woman doesn't really do anything specifically for him, just things that are essentially mutually beneficial.
My best friend is the same, she's mentally ill af and has been in therapy since 2015 and medicated since 2019 lol
Wait…this sounds like, the end stage of what my ex was starting to do. She wouldn’t necessarily pressure me to anything overt or abusive, but when we were together she refused to get a job, wouldn’t do anything, really expected me to run the show. Did I dodge a bullet?
After I told him to take a break from talking to me he said he figured out more stuff about how he acts, but i am not sure if he is lying just to make it seem like he is working on himself.

I do want to tell him though. It just sucks but I wish he knew about what I just told you. It is very traumatizing to clean up so much blood and look for hidden razors. What kind of attention do people like this want? My family member who did this doesn't talk to us anymore either out of shame or anger. So now I am like wtf.

He seriously hurt me making me remember.
What is "real affection" to you? How do women act with men they "truly like"?
Talking to him about how he made you feel should get him out of his head and out of himself, I think.
>What kind of jobs do these men work compared to women?
i.e. my own case, I'm a game artist and my husband is in the same company as a tech support.
these women are teachers, doctors, artists, tech supports, secretaries, store clerks, architects, programmers, etc.
The job discrepancy isn't really that grave. If anything where you notice it more is that women tend to choose medical fields, pharmaceutical, nursing and teaching more than men, while men tend to choose engineering, programming, more manual labor jobs like plumbing, management positions.
On all the couples I was picturing from friends, the pay is pretty much toe-to-toe with each other. My own case I make significantly more than my husband.

>What are you honestly basing your view off of, that lets you claim "everyone" "80%" and "40%"?
(this one demonstrates that women do make up 50% of the working class, there's no stay at home moms here at all usually)
(this one demonstrates that women aren't working part time, they're usually working full time as well)
This one talks about the "80%". This one actually demonstrates that men only tend to do "19%" of house labor.
Another article about women being mostly the ones doing house work despite working.
>tfw found new music to write to
A very melancholic piece, very nice.
I just wonder if he has ever considered that I have actual feelings and have my own history too. During the break I made him take after telling me this he just buzzed about online interacting with my posts like he was searching for attention. I am so upset rn. He ruined the last now 3 days for me. Am I human too?? Or an AI chat bot to him.
I think when you feel worthless you can't imagine that people care about you, and that they actually are affected by what you say like that
Kangaroos are elite in the clinch, you're takedown is getting stuffed and you're getting body heemed by a double kick
they do things specifically because they think he will appreciate it, show support when he is at his lowest instead of badgering him, show support and enable him to better himself/his hobbies, and they look to initiate physical affection themselves
obviously when you are treated as a meal ticket you don't get this kind of relationship: she doesn't particularly concern herself with you except to get annoyed when you're not doing better and intimacy is something you always have to request
>But I kept giggling and thinking "is this what they mean by trad wife?"
she literally fakes that role until the guy likes her enough and then she shows she's just a weeb with no education or work experience. Her "I'm an innocent girl UwU" act is similar to black widows offering sex to their male partners before biting their heads off
>I think mine is a little more functional but is also medicated. Your cousin is in dire need of meds and regular psychology appointments
I'm pretty sure she's got a psych but probably lies to him to manipulate him. She once used antidepressants for like two months so I'm not even sure if she's even using anything at all..
I'm just saying. This behaviour is more common in "UwU cute girls" who play their cuteness/beauty as a weapon. Men do not have that ability as much nor do they suffer as much from those kinds of disorders or make others suffer from their own problems as far as I've seen.
Yes. Probably. It's not all women, or the majority of women. It's just that enough women do this that it becomes noticeable.

I don't talk to her anymore. Last time we met was accidentally a few weeks ago and she basically made me pay for her groceries by again pretending she's all innocent and cute and me being a 'good cousin' I do it but remind myself to maintain my distance. I also know that if I don't give her what she wants she'll instantly stop talking to me and will pretend like I'm the bad guy in this scenario.
I'm taking responsibility for my own destruction
The thing is is that I think my ex was growing into that. We were together for 6 years and these behaviours only started in the last 6 months, when it seemed like marriage was on the horizon. After we broke up she became a lot bitchier and angrier at me. I was actually really missing her today but it sounds like my gut was right when it said “don’t marry her”
I am very upset and affected by his words because I have seen the actions and cleaned up all the blood. Even I have cut myself before. This feels abusive and I am wondering and worried how he will react/feel or say once tell him how he has affected me.

should I tell him it felt abusive? I worry that would be too direct towards him.
I'll add to this to say, as a little vent, I'm really fucking tired of americans thinking equality was "already achieved" and that every woman acts like an american tik tok woman farming rageclicks. Shit's fucking bad here and it's not my fault you suck, and discrimination exists unironicaly.
The one night I barely participate in nighttoga and it’s bad. Coincidence?
But yes I'm happy. I've got a good education, a few job offers lined up, I exercise, read, draw, code and have a friend to play games with and share my feelings with. I've got cute cousins that I can always take down in playfighting and I take them to play tag and play ball. I'm a little sick right now and the weather is way too hot but I'm genuinely happy. All I really want is a gf but I can't seem to get that. I'm not sure why.
>tfw found new music to schlick to
>show support when he is at his lowest instead of badgering him
Is he a good partner while at his lowest? Because I've always been very willing to support my husband when he was in a bad place, but he was a good partner no matter how he felt.

>show support and enable him to better himself/his hobbies
Again - is he a good partner while he betters himself and pursues his hobbies? Or he's the guy who fucks off a whole weekend to go fish leaving you alone to handle the house and the kids?

Is "physical affection" and "intimacy" just sex?
it's true, "nice" girls are never really nice
It doesn't seem any worse than usual imo. Maybe you're just narcissistic.
I can't read portuguese so I can only read a translation. Despite being nothing like what you describe we have similar articles written and claims made.
A few points:
>(preparing meals, cleaning and tidying the house, taking care of clothes, etc.).
What about the typically male house chores, why were they not included? Yardwork, car maintenance, etc. I
this article looks like it's based off of a questionnaire;
> women consider that they do three times more unpaid work than their partners.
I'm not saying this is the case, but I can think of examples of people who do the majority of the work who then get told they aren't 'doing enough' by another, which is common in the workplace and in some cases at home.
>This one talks about the "80%". This one actually demonstrates that men only tend to do "19%" of house labor.
How is this statistic actually determined?

In America and other Anglo countries, a big problem with 'equality' is that most women don't actually want a partner that earns less than them. We've propelled women into the workforce but that hasn't changed the fundamental gender dynamics between men and women.
To be fair I’ve only seen bits and pieces. Lotta anger.
No, don't talk about abuse. That's also kind of headcase territory and it implies he is deliberately trying to manipulate and hurt you and it's accusative. Try to get him to understand that he hurt you and leave it at that.
all men need to remember
if she is the one, worthy marrying, you WILL KNOW IT
Always trust your gut
Why are you asking these inane questions? Obviously for a husband to be a good partner he himself has to provide some benefit to the relationship, and physical affection includes but is not limited to sex.
thanks that's what I was trying to convey with direct, lbeing accusing. man I just hope he understands idk how he will respond. :/ 3 days and I never told him how much it has bothered me since.
Because I feel like it's often where relationships fail - people expect their partners to make them their #1 priority while not making them their own #1 priority.
They expect their person to sacrifice themselves without giving the same energy.
does he know about your experience cleaning up a suicide?
The goal here should be for you and him to get outside of yourselves and understand each other.
good luck though
>What about the typically male house chores, why were they not included? Yardwork, car maintenance, etc. I
Most people don't have yards here anon. And it's usually still women doing that.
we have public transportation here.
And when there's car problems we go to the mechanic.

>How is this statistic actually determined?
You know damn well that this is disingenuous as shit. I don't have to completely explain with math equations how the Earth rotates around the Sun, we can fucking trust multiple articles on this.
It says right there in the article that it's determined by our general trade union.
>"Estudo da CGTP"
>Study from CGTP" (General Confederation of the Portuguese Workers) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Confederation_of_the_Portuguese_Workers

>In America and other Anglo countries, a big problem with 'equality' is that most women don't actually want a partner that earns less than them.
Demonstrably untrue with literally every single anecdote around me.
That's American discourse. That's not even a talk here as women do earn less, and we're way too poor to worry about "who stays home". Newsflash there's not enough pay for only 1 parent to work. We both need to work to survive, not just living comfortably.
>What about the typically male house chores, why were they not included?
Typical male chores are occasional ones (we mown the lawn once a week in the summer, wash our cars once a month and do car maintenance once a year or so), while female house chores are several times a day one.
At this point he's just desperate to confirm his nightmare bias, which can damn well be true in the US. It's just not the reality here.
I guess all articles I link here are just pyops, made in my country, for people in my country, to trick the male american 4chan user.
I love Europeans. I should move to Europe. I should become European. I am European in my soul.
Because he's lonely obviously
But he is wasting your time
Block him
Well yeah but that is the general situation that these men find themselves in, all give no reciprocation. The same obviously happens to women because men and women fall for the "provide" and "serve" memes respectively without realizing that partners acting aloof and unconcerned about them is not a good relationship even if stable.
I know many who have so
>What hardships did you have to go through today?
I got bullied on the internet
I'd give you a tour around the city, europhile.
Sad boys... it's only just beginning...
>that is the general situation that these men find themselves in, all give no reciprocation
Or maybe very little give and a lot of expectations for their partner to renounce to themselves for them.
>You know damn well that this is disingenuous as shit. I don't have to completely explain with math equations how the Earth rotates around the Sun, we can fucking trust multiple articles on this.
If you speak to me like this I no longer feel like being generous and hearing what you have to say.
"News articles" always just summarize the same few studies. People will pass around multiple news articles that all reference the same data and statistics. And It's a hilarious fallacy to actually believe quantity makes it true.
>It says right there in the article that it's determined by our general trade union.
Yeah and Trade Unions couldn't possibly have any particular interests in mind. Come on.
Would you also send me something funded by a conservative thinktank and get angry that I take into account its bias?

>Demonstrably untrue with literally every single anecdote around me.
And if you're not willing to think of the broader consequences beyond your own anecdotes, we can sit here screaming louder at each other if you want.
>Newsflash there's not enough pay for only 1 parent to work. We both need to work to survive, not just living comfortably.
And you think pressing down on the equality accelerator is the solution to this?
The city of Europe? Sounds exciting. I can’t wait to meet my first gypsy!
I work for an American company now and have way more time to shitpost v.s. when I was working for my government here
>At this point he's just desperate to confirm his nightmare bias,
I could tell soon into our last conversation that you were exactly the type of person who won't actually appreciate any kind even handedness or generosity in discussion, and that you'll immediately construe even the slightest disagreement with yourself as a personal attack, probably because you are a narcissist. Next time, I won't bother trying to hear someone like yourself out, I can just assume you expect complete agreement with everything you say.
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Depressing thread, depressing life
>You are taking accountability for your own happiness right?
What happiness?
I can understand why Americans throw the term "eurotrash" around, sometimes.
Hey, don’t talk about my Eurobros like that. At least they aren’t fat!
No he sounds like a cunt
Why does this go so hard lol
This would work well in an indie fantasy game or something
>Yeah and Trade Unions couldn't possibly have any particular interests in mind. Come on.
This is how I know you're 100% american lmao. Unions aren't the boogieman. You are deserving of more than 700 monthly minimum wage while the rent for a single bedroom is 800 monthly here.

>Would you also send me something funded by a conservative thinktank and get angry that I take into account its bias?
I sent you actually multiple sources with varying political ideals. It's just that Portugal politics aren't anything like American ones, and we don't have half the funding the US gets for psyops.

>And you think pressing down on the equality accelerator is the solution to this?
I don't even necessarily agree with this. I don't agree with equality achieved with quotas, I believe in complete freedom of choice across men and women.
I'm not a troglodyte stereotype person that goes "reee I want to have blue hair, earn more and only date chad".

>If you speak to me like this I no longer feel like being generous and hearing what you have to say.
I mean, you already started going off the idea that the US is representative of what it's like across all minimally developed countries. It was disingenuous from the start.

>I can’t wait to meet my first gypsy!
God I shouldn't have laughed but I fucking lmao'd
seems unlikely when men are constantly hounded that they aren't worth shit and must provide value even by redpillers
pretty sure this also ends up going into the le blackpill because incels see some asshole/feckless chads treat women like nothing and still get affection
>my dad (yes they dated since 19 and 20) didn't want her to use contraception because it's "unnatural and unnecessary
Wtf lol
Get their number next time
>having to fake mental illness
Kys normalfag
Actually I say Eurotrash more than anyone else here lol
I'm not a normalfag, normalfags are deranged
I mean, if everyone else seems crazy...
I may be Eurotrash but I at least get treated 100% for free if I break any bone in my body.
Feltgoodman having a medical emergency last year where I needed surgery, and on my way back home I paid exactly 0€ for it and left with a prescription for pills.
he does not know I have cleaned up a suicide attempt before. multiple, actually. imagine putting pressure on a bleeding wound with a towel too before help arrives. I just keep it inside hearing him vent and it makes me feel hurt all over.
Wholesome story (: I'm glad you had a positive experience
Positive posts like this make me miss working in healthcare
that's a psyop to make sane people question themselves, duh
>Unions aren't the boogieman.
Never claimed they were a "boogieman" or even that they were bad, lmao, my country is well off because of unions in the past (they're shit now though)
>I sent you actually multiple sources with varying political ideals
Me making the slightest criticisms of any of your sources is not a dismissal, and it's also not something for you to get angry about. If you can't critically evaluate your own points then don't dump them on me in a debate, it's like trying to shoot me while you wear a blindfold.. I know 99% of people don't read more than the title of a study, but get real.
>and we don't have half the funding the US gets for psyops.
Psyops in Europe (and the rest of the world) are done by America.
>I mean, you already started going off the idea that the US is representative of what it's like across all minimally developed countries
At no point did I do this, but you interpreted it this way. If I had done this, I wouldn't have prefaced what I said with "in anglo countries and america"
I was trying to contrast the world outside of your country with what you are telling me.

>I believe in complete freedom of choice across men and women.
I like this idea in theory but in practice people are retarded and don't know what to do with freedom.
At bare minimum, the economy should not be so shit that people can't survive on one wage. That's all I can assert for sure.
God I wish I was European. I was built for BEP (big European pussy) and I love to pay taxes.
comes out in taxes thoughbeit
>I like this idea in theory but in practice people are retarded and don't know what to do with freedom.
This is true, and yet, it's their choice. The only way to not make people retarded is with more education, not the government making choices for "their own good". Obviously, not to an extreme, there need to be lased. I'm going with the definition of freedom of "you're free until your freedom crosses somebody else's".

>If you can't critically evaluate your own points then don't dump them on me in a debate
I wasn't trying to debate absolutely anything. You were talking about your baseline in the US for men in relationship. And I was telling you that's not a universal experience. If you go to the center of the actual discussion it was 100% to demonstrate that men here don't help out even 1/3 as much as women do in their own homes here and women are 50% of our workforce (and no, they are not likely to be in part time jobs, they work as much as men).
Your first post is about women expecting to stay home and be provided to because of feminism. Which again, can be totally true where you live. It's not the case here. Not even culturally or shown in any discourse of men against women, because men here don't even try to argue that, they just standardize to "yeah women should just shut up"
>*Obviously, not to an extreme, there need to be limits*
What should I do to improve my (shit)posts anon? Like what kind of things do you look for in a valuable post? How can I "pollinate flowers"?
Are you the Portuguese anon?
Your gender + Your thoughts on Gucci Bandanna
Yeah, I did already cite portuguese sources if you go back to the previous posts
Still goes hard af in the club desu
Also a really fun song to mix on three decks due to the vocal tonality + sparse instruments. I used to have cue points for some of the sections and slap on a bunch of delay and reverb before dropping in another track
I love you, man. Truly. No matter what you’re struggling with, your life, this general. You’re a crazy SOB and I know you’ll find happiness. A lot of posts have made me smile, made me laugh, even seethe. You’ll find a good life forward.
what's the oldest age an 18yo should be able to date and deemed 'acceptable' and do you think you can groom someone who is 18
Ms Portugal, where should I live in Europe?
Woke up from a nap, and just started fartting
non stop ass ripping
so much blood everywhere...
Maybe 21? Beyond that it gets a bit weird. I went out with an 18 year old at 23 and definitely felt a bit weird about it.
>do you think you can groom someone who is 18
Absolutely, if the person is predatory. 18 years olds are generally very naive
Many hs students are 18, and I do think it's questionable if you're a working adult in your mid to late twenties actively seeking to date hs student aged people.
I think the best way to ensure freedom for people is for them to rely less on a giant system like they do. Autonomy and independence.
>And I was telling you that's not a universal experience.
What gave you this impression? You have a radically different experience to me. By contrasting the two, it should help understand the problem OBJECTIVELY, beyond just our anecdotes and our cultures. I'm also trying to get to the bottom of why you have a problem of this mishmash of traditional and progressive gender roles, why the men may think or act like that. By talking about my own country, it's to show that going full bore in favor of "progress" won't actually fix the problem.
Hell, I can't even truly know you speak for all portuguese people. That's the nature of anecdotal evidence. It's not because I don't believe you or I think it's a "psyop" either.
>what's the oldest age an 18yo should be able to date and deemed 'acceptable'

>and do you think you can groom someone who is 18
No, "grooming" refers to inappropriate behavior with minors. You can manipulate a 18 year old, and they're certainly more likely to be naive at that age than an older adult.
Why are you bleeding anon?
Nasty bro
Yeah I also woke from a few hrs sleep and think I had too much cheese yesterday...
idk I lost my virginity at 17
instructions unclear, will implode in 3.. 2...
>what's the oldest age an 18yo should be able to date and deemed 'acceptable'
There's no acceptable age. It's completely up to the person. People are already getting to adult levels of maturity at 15~16 in their development, it's just that we (rightfully) protect them a bit further until we "throw them to the wolves". With that being said, let 18 year olds completely decide how they do their lives. It's none of our fucking business.
I don't care if I find age gaps disgusting, it's their demeanor, and it's a person's rights to also make mistakes. It shouldn't be policed.

> and do you think you can groom someone who is 18
I think anyone in a vulnerable position can be groomed. It's why men neg women. Vulnerable women are easier to manipulate.
This isn't tied to age, it can happen to anyone.
Either way, anyone over 18 being manipulated should never be chalked up to pedophilia or hebephilia.

And hell, if I'm worried about an 18 year old falling head over heels for this random 40 year old, I look at the situation as an individual situation, and assess if it's a bad situation or not.
The AOC should be relative, until they implement that a 90 year old can date someone who is 18 if they want because there is no moral consistency in society.
>Nasty bro
It's natural
Nigga why do you keep asking this?
Not Portugal for sure lmao
Swiss is nice, Denmark, Finland too.

>it should help understand the problem OBJECTIVELY, beyond just our anecdotes and our cultures
I completely agree with this, yeah.
Seems I misjudged you there.
I was scared I might be pregnant, got a negative test result. But instead of relief, I'm kind of upset that I'm not pregnant. And then I started retching and now I'm bed with nausea again. Sorry for blogposting but I can't share this with anyone. I wish I wasn't so retarded and I wish this nausea would stop
> This one talks about the "80%". This one actually demonstrates that men only tend to do "19%" of house labor.
All this tells you is how neurotic and controlling the women in a culture are.
Single men happily do all their own domestic chores.
When they enter a relationship they don't just stop, but what does happen is the woman now insists on controlling exactly how the chores have to be accomplished.
If you check how much time single Portuguese men spend on domestic chores it will be a similar amount to single Portuguese women.
>If you check how much time single Portuguese men spend on domestic chores it will be a similar amount to single Portuguese women
Nta but kek'd
Portugal still has a very misogynistic culture especially amongst the older generations
Alright I'm happy we could reconcile this misunderstanding.
I get it too, I've misjudged people in the past too. The internet is built that way.
Any age is fine strictly speaking, at that age they are responsible for their choices and it's as much on them if they date somebody who is obviously too old. At a certain point you just have to accept you're not being 'groomed', you're now a dumbass adult who makes poor choices and are responsible for them.
What I'm saying it's as much of a red flag for the 18 year old to date somebody way older.
If You were my gf/wife I would hug you tight.
You should be able to share it with the guy who put you through the pregnancy scare.
An 18 year can date whoever they want, as long as it isn't someone in a position of authority over them like a teacher or a coach. Some 18 year olds are more mature than others, there's obviously some ethical grey areas but I think it depends on the individuals involved
>I can't share this with anyone
The poker that porked you?
You can't share it with that goob?
You're sweet anon

I just don't want to mess things up with him. Since I'm not pregnant there doesn't seem to be any point in stressing him out
Do women really find cumming early hot?
No, I don't want him to think I'm a retard or make him worry about anything
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Are you sure about that?
Sometimes? It's cute to see a guy so into me that he can't help himself.
I also want to cum myself tho, so... cumming early in moderation.
Uh no she shouldn't. Telling him "I'm sad I'm not pregnant" will send him running.
Unironically yeah. Europeans are much easier to get along with than Americans.
Grass is truly greener anon...
Sometimes I wish I was American
BPD is a hard one, that's for sure. My little sister has it, and I have a friend with it. You'll be alright man, you're doing real good with your work. YGMI too. You're a true bro.
I notice my girlfriend gets a lot of snap
chats when we’re together
Sometimes from guys it seems
And when I walk out of the room and come back in she’s sometimes on her phone on snap and she’ll put it away really fast.
But she’ll also leave her phone next to me and shit whenever she leaves the room and doesn’t care
What is your goal with this guy? If it's just sex, then fair, but if you plan on marrying him, then what kind of relationship would it be if you're not even comfortable enough to share a pregnancy scare with him? ABC! Always Be Communicating! A strong relationship is built on trust and openness. If you can't share your fears and worries with him now, it will only get harder later on. Communication is key to understanding each other and building a solid foundation.
Only some, women are not a hivemind
Sorry to hear that man, that must be rough to deal with ): my sis is also bipolar but she's very stable on meds and successful. You sound like a good guy though so they're lucky for that.
As for work... eh I've done nothing yet today lol, better get on it. Have a good one thread bro.
But girls are cute when they are a little retarded
Cheers bro, have a good one.
Have a good un!
Anywhere nice for English only speakers?
That might be just the internet acting as a filter because i found the opposite to be true.
I'll have to visit and find out then. Should be fun. ATOGA world tour.
I like ABC lol, thanks. More than anything I want to marry and have a family with him. We are moving in that direction and talking about it, but since we aren't even formally engaged yet I don't want to add pregnancy drama to his stress load. If we were engaged, I would tell him for sure

Maybe when we're a little retarded, but my levels of retardation are so far beyond that I have to keep a close eye to make sure they don't get out of control
What are goths into other than a certain kind of music and fashion?
Day 3 of not getting a penis inspection by a curious femtoga
Come to Poland. The economy is shit but we're pretty friendly.
Me impregnating a germoid femanon in one of those homes
Can I be a housewife when I'm shitty at cooking?
I mean, it's not like asexuals are opposed to having sex as a base line, but rather just don't feel a need for it.
As for what you want to call your tendencies, that's up to you, as is how much you want to divulge of it to other people. The most important thing is for you to understand yourself.
Horror movies?
Just get good at cooking
Believe it or not but if you can fry some eggs and bacon on pan and cook some rice without setting house on fire you are already ready to be my housewife
The ephemerality of life and finding beauty in things others might consider morbid.
I don't like your nomenclature but I do like Polish people.
Like the death of a flower. The ability of it's passing to begin a cycle, one into million. Not an absence, but a transmutation.
Can I have goth sex now
Believe it or not, cooking is a skill that is easily improved.
But if you're lazy, as long as he's not marrying you for your cooking skills, I don't see why you couldn't
Polish girls sound so cute
Fair enough. What don't you like specifically?
>Believe it or not but if you can fry some eggs and bacon on pan and cook some rice without setting house on fire you are already ready to be my
I can do that easily, do you like getting poked in the butt by a real man dick? uwu
Why i cant be your househusband himbo?
You can dress me up in kitchen apron only, and freeuse me whenever you want.
The whole Krsyzcinszh Pzscyrkcin thing.
Ya lots of guys like to cook, I'd be happy to cook for a wife
I dated a girl who struggled to fry an egg or put on toast without burning it lol
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This is just revolting man, are you trying to attract men?
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NTA but
no no, faggots, plural, Anon.
Based https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qRofinpW8kU
Bro gonna be leaving the back door unlocked
Most of them are too graphic and spooky for me. I do like some psychological horror.

OK! :P
Cooking is not that hard. You just have to follow recipes.
Are you collecting disability or are you expecting my payments to cover both of us? Sounds like a bad deal.
I work part time on the weekends, pays enough to support myself and save a bit
incredible that there is a nonzero population of males who actually think they're going to attract women like this
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>OK! :P
Yippee ^_^
I <3 darkness
>What part of the other gender's body are you obsessed with?
I'm a simple man, I really like boobs.
>Do you think it is a normal thing to fixate on, or do you feel your fixation is abnormal?
The wedding me and my wife had was almost perfect. Wedding day was the same as our dating and engagement anniversary date, in early summer. The priest was super nice and casual and we both knew him from before. Classic wedding marches. The reception itself was held at a local outdoor dance stage on top of a forested hill with great views, 40ish guests consisting of close family and friends, all decorations and catering home made, and no need for alcohol.
The only things I wish were differently was that we'd practice the wedding waltz beforehand, and that my wife had been truly happy with her self-made dress. And that the day had lasted longer.
The older i get the hornier i am
I thought its gonna be opposite but i was wrong

I guess it's my body trying to tell me to put baby batter in a girl
I feel like we would get along
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Ice Spice got a new haircut.
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Im more into white girls
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It fluctuates heavy between ass and tits and it's powerful
I don't know where I'm going to find an hourglass cutie
She fell off.
Never understood the obsession with her, but she DOES look better like this compared to her clown hair
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Groping, kissing, squeezing, grinding on
I have been chasing a girl i wasnt even attracted to just because she had a very nice butt
Whenever i see a girl irl first thing i check is if she has big round butt

I absolutely adore womens butts and i couldn't get enough.
It has to be nice shape though

It is a true obsession of mine.
I am not into butt sex either, i just love the shape
that ass is gonna kill me
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I thought goths were against using emoticons as a principle or something.
+1 for the love of ass.
I love ass, I want to worship a fat ass, and I want a girl who loves anal.
F I like that V a toned guy with get on his abs. I think that's fairly normal.
She's not even reading!
NTA but your wedding sounds liked it was really lovely. If you don't mind me asking, how long were you together before getting engaged, and then how long before you got married?
BPD nigga be like
What's your favorite book?
It's kind of a dumb photoshoot sure. But in her defence who stands while they read?
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I think she's sorting her books and putting them away.
That's bipolar.
It’s not a haircut, it’s a new wig glued onto her head
>Stephen King
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy maybe. I don't read much.
Am the portuguese anon and I corroborate this.
>am youngest daughter
>oldest brother is 37
>still asked him to cook for him
>can't even cook spaghetti
>rarely helped our mom bring groceries upstairs or even went with her (she had mobility issues, heart issues, etc)
>never really cleaned up or anything
>NTA but your wedding sounds liked it was really lovely.
Thank you, it truly was a wonderful day. We even got a gift basket full of our favorite treats and drinks before we were driven back home (we were poor students so no honeymoon trip, and it was in the middle of the pandemic anyway).
>If you don't mind me asking
I'm always happy to talk about my relationship
>how long were you together before getting engaged
I proposed to her when we had been together for 5 years
>and then how long before you got married?
We got married 4 years after that (now been together for 13 years), because she didn't want to get married before she turned 25 - just didn't feel it was the right time until then.
What's wrong with Stephen King? Sure he's written the same story 45 times and is weird about sex but...yeah okay never mind.
it was hot btw, people be capping
The ONLY thing I like about Stephen King is that shared multiverse his stories have. That's a neat concept.
State gender
Do you get deja vu? How often?
Same here but it’s just because I’m getting better looking and more successful. So sex is actually feasible now.
Ass and neck. I want to grab and bury my face in both.
Good quality bike. If car, give me a custom with 1930s aesthetics and modern driving comfort and safety.
Unironically yes. My wife also loves to tease me discreetly even when in company; nibbling on my ear, whispering dirty stuff, and stare into my eyes in a really intense, suggestive manner.
It isn't rude. If they're very particular about their notifications, they've set them on mute.
How am I supposed to believe any women are actually here? I know it’s all men lapping. Hell, I did it too years ago.
I know plenty of lazy retards like this and I wouldn't exactly call it a result of misandry or misogyny. I know young men who have to play daddy for their entire family, including parents and grandparents.
It's always been just us men.
F I feel like I've answered this before. No, not really.
Funny, very funny. I laughed out loud! Fuck you
I get it fairly often, maybe once in a few months.
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Currently in my "I'M SO HAPPY" mood, will start hating all of you again soon though
Bipolar doesn't tend to be that rapid cycling
He was just on his alcoholic arc
I'm prepared to accept that some of them are men larping but no girls at at just seems like a NO GIRLS ALLOWED childish manbaby thing to me.
Post a picture of your favorite utensil. Why is it your favorite?
Oh for sure. I know damn well his issues are caused by his own mental problems.
He does use misogynistic talk with me though, and nobody bats an eye, people just accept and even encourage me to "come on, you're a woman, of course you know how to do these things, so do them for him".

Obviously a more normal sexist or not man wouldn't be home still at 37 asking for mother and youngest sister to do things for him. It's just that our culture enables this.
There's a few, like 10 or so I think. Not a lot. And a lot of them don't actually reveal their genders straight up unless you ask.
Lol that was a good one
I do get it annoyingly often
shut up homie, you know you love it, now come give daddy a kiss
Yeah my sister dated a Portuguese guy in his late 30s and he was basically like this lol. He was actually a uni professor and otherwise nice but basically expected her to be his maid
Girls if you exist here prove it. Show us a glimpse your womanness while showing your favorite utensils >>31516150. Even showing us your lady like hands will do.
That's just gonna eat up the image limit. Duct tape. It's versatile.
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Goodnight, mutts and mongrels.
Down bad
I like spoons cause you can't eat soup with a knife or fork
Also when I'm practicing telekinesis spoons are easier to bend
>I am not into butt sex either, i just love the shape
I feel like the two holes are so close that being attracted to buttcheeks shouldn't automatically make you want to do anal or whatever, THOUGH I am into that as well so what do I know.
I don't feel the need to prove my womanhood, anon. Bobby pin though probably.
Liking anal with women is incredibly based and I'm tired of pretending it isn't.
Oh, childhood sweethearts. That's beautiful, congrats anon. All the best to you and your wife

Female, yes I get it pretty strongly at least once every couple of days. Sometimes I'll be genuinely confused for a few moments, like I'm just remembering something I had forgotten
Incredible. I'm sorry my Portushit culture touched her this way, this sucks lol
And somehow I'm not even slightly shocked. I know friends in their late 20s whose mothers still pick their clothes for them in the morning.

I'm fortunate enough to not be with someone like this, but I did have my moments of losing my calm with my fiancé. I came home after a week after my mom died and he just left the clothes that were hanging still there, and didn't even bother putting any clothes to wash etc. He's since learned but jesus christ.
>ass ass ass
I didn't realise is was nigger o'clock
My friend told me saw a TikTok that said the average sexual assault that involves take is 4,5 hours long and I felt so upset by this fact that I cried. Do I look crazy or is this reaction understandable?
Women, what do you think about how a main selling point for male fashion is that these things garner compliments? Do you think men are not complimented enough?
>he just left the clothes that were hanging still there, and didn't even bother putting any clothes to wash etc.
Sounds like an ADHD moment desu but yeah sorry about your mom anon ):
No that's an understandable reaction, that's fucking horrific
This is why these guys get green lit in prison lol
How the fuck is someone getting raped for four hours?
I'd say that's pretty reasonable response to that information.
F, not often at all.
Benefit of the doubt.
Santoku knife. Like a chef's knife but better.
I don't think that's true. I think a main selling point is practicality. Pockets and stuff.
At that point, I'm not sure if I was able to form any kind of meaningful human relationships, having witnessed humanity from the shadows of prehistory, knowing that I would outlive anyone and everyone I meet.
>What’s one misconception about the past that everyone thinks but you don’t understand?
M. That things were better in the past, while in truth things have gotten better, and still are when you look at the big picture.
A book by Rutger Bregman, Humankind: A Hopeful History is a great read on the topic.
Though I absolutely hate the state of wage and housing economy - that's one thing that used to be better.
>I think cheaper materials being used nowadays are to blame.
That, and intentionally poor manufacturing, to create an artificial need for new products.
>State gender
>Is it wrong to have a best friend of the opposite sex?
>Do you or your partner have a best friend of rhe opposite
I do, my wife doesn't (but I'd allow it). I have both a female best friend, and a gay best friend (kinda counts for the purpose of the question).
>Would you be opposed to them being close?
As long as boundaries are respected, nothing wrong with that.
you sound extremely neurotic, no offense
Women, do you have any women's clothing with functional pockets?
Totally stereotypical question. Asian?
Tbf my sister's current bf also plays vidya and watches anime all day but the difference is if she asks him to do something he will (or if it just piles up enough he eventually will...), she basically is the boss lol, there's not the expectation that the woman should do this and that. So laziness aside I think it's more just an attitude difference between the cultures
She's extremely neurotic because she was annoyed that her bf neglected laundry for an entire week?
You people have a strange idea of neurotic lol
nta but not washing any clothes after a week is pretty manbaby desu.
I think portuanon is a misandrist and won't care. I'm not claiming sexism when women make me carry all the heavy shit and they blatantly tell me it's because I'm a guy.
I have some jeans with pockets and a few jackets or coats. I never use them, though. I don't like putting stuff in pockets
Is that a main selling point? Whenever I see advertisements for men's clothes it's like "NEW Indestructible high performance Wolf Knit™ slim fit moisture wicking compression alpha male no stretch neck t-shirt. $78"
I never said otherwise.
She's extremely fixated on men not doing housework, scroll upwards.
>portuanon is a misandrist
How lol?
I feel you. I do the laundry and chores and stuff around the house but my gf redoes it anyway because it's not "her way". So I just stop trying.

Women, why do you do this?
big difference between seeing a pile of dirty dishes and going, someone should do the dishes, but I'm still lazy
Why didn't she do the dishes?
>Oh, childhood sweethearts. That's beautiful, congrats anon. All the best to you and your wife
Thank you Anon - it is refreshing to get such genuine and positive reactions, so many people being too bitter and jealous about it instead.
I know I'm extremely lucky, and she's the best thing that's happened in my life. My biggest dream was to marry her, and now that I've accomplished that, I'm not quite sure what big dream I want to set my sights on next together with her.
Yeah this lol. Her bf and I let them pile up cause we're lazy cunts but we wash them in the end haha
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Big fan of forks, they can be used as a spoon and a knife too
Hopefully I get banished for this because I've been here too much lately
Most of my outwear has pretty good pockets. I have some skirts with pockets but they're very tiny and I can barely fit anything in them.
I'm lazy to scroll but I've always felt like men should do an equal amount of housework. Maybe that's just how I was raised. It's not rocket science to do housework lol. Figureitout
Winter coats
Nah, very white. I just prefer the blade shape.
Anxiety. My mom washes dishes while wearing rubber gloves so anything that had oil or butter in it I need to rewash because she can't feel that it's not clean.
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That's cool, People should share the load based on what works for them. and I don't see why you feel the need to state it because that's not actually what's at issue here.
Why do women do their nails in all kinds of ways?
Chad likes them.
Perhaps you should devote as much energy you do to sniffing out sexist slights against yourself as you should to self-awareness.
I can't be arsed to scroooooll so summarise pls
meme nails
If you can't be arsed scrolling then don't contribute to the discussion.
I wear gloves and don't have a problem with that. Sounds like your mom is just less good at washing the dishes desu.
For fun
Classic styles are meme nails now? They're literally just French tips.
Hands, I don't know if this is normal
french tips are trashy
M I've seen that before a lot. The contrast and stuff.
>Classic styles are meme nails now?
that's pretty much falls under the very definition of a meme anon
Say what
>wearing gloves to wash dishes
Isn't this normal so you can run the water really hot? Then just feel with your hands after to make sure it's washed properly
How would you feel if a female friend asked you to come in and take out a scary bug when you arrived to meet her before going to hang out together? Is this annoying?
They are. What would you think of a guy in a fedora? Meme, right?
Cute nailz
Yes, a real woman would get the bug.
I don't know, is you man a normal person?
if yes, then he probably wouldn't mind.
Who the fuck DOESN'T wear gloves when they do the dishes? Your hands must be nasty.
I would think she was a childish retard for not doing it herself
Tough crowd. Last time I showed these nails the reception was positive
The gloves makes them nasty.
No, I don't think that's childish or anything. Makes me feel manly desu.
I've done this before, it's fine lol
Man I love the cheese from there
stfu attention whore
I would say "pfft women" and then let the bug outside
Fuck u bisch, we INCEL.
anon afraid of ruining his manicure with soapy water lmao
Hmm. I mean I don't think I'm neurotic and I certainly don't hate men. I just hate the culture.
I'm not asking for men to suffer, just that the men in my life don't hide behind our culture and do as much as I do. I also work 9 to 6, and it's expected of me to take care of myself, which I do. I just wish that expectation was on guys too.

Not to say that our culture completely favors men. My fiancé has suffered with sexist shit too, both from men and women.
You wash your hands afterwards dummy
Spend enough time working in hot water with bare hands and even the gentlest of soap and you'll wind up with dry, cracked skin, frayed cuticles and nails that are frail and unsightly. Wearing gloves also allows you to grip items better than you would be able to with just your fingers when hand washing dishes.
>attention seeking and valuing the opinions of coomers who think any inkling of a woman is hot
bad form
Inferior being, lol
I got that aquatic ape gene in me, I'm built different.
You must wear gloves when you bathe too
Was a jokeee
M. Yes, if she was otherwise a desirable dating partner.
I have no idea what you're talking about. I have always liked to be in company of women, and I absolutely fucking love my wife. Love is not dead.
I for one am happy I was taught by my parents that showing emotions is normal and okay, even crying. And my wife shares this view.
I've always been chubby, yet I landed a gorgeous girl who's now my wife. Checkmate.
Absolute heathens washing and cleaning with their bare hands
If we had more third places and hobbies, would we not rely so much on consumerism to make us happy? Is /atoga/ a third place?
Dishwashing detergent is designed to remove grease and oil and it will remove the natural oils from your skin. Detergent isn't smart enough to distinguish between skin and crockery. Dermatitis is a real possibility from long term or even short term use without gloves.
He is normal, I have asked before and he seemed not to mind but I feel bad
Nta but yes it's bad for your nails, plus terrible for your skin, why are you letting dish soap come in contact with your skin?
>9 to 6 as a game artist
Sounds surprisingly reasonable
I just don't stew in it for hours like a foid.
French tips should be flat.
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you're not even trying to be funny. there's no silliness or jokes or punchlines, no twisting contexts to make one thing make another thing, there's not even baiting or trolling, the lowest form of shitposting. all you do is post chainsaw man characters and say "you're like this girl" "this girl says this in the manga and i agree" "this girl is cool i like her" "wow that's similar to this girl" "this girl is so hot" "you should be like this girl"

you are playing with barbie dolls. there's no humor, you are just obsessed with some fictional women. you have to move on. if you want to be funny, try watching funny shows or videos and asking "why is it funny?", because it's usually how they take a (thing in context) and twist it, so there's a weird thing in normal context, or a normal thing in weird context. there's also folding things into another thing, like a joke would be "i could tell you how to shitpost but i don't want more retards taking a dump in a mailbox." because shit means shit and post means mail i can fold the meanings together and make a weird situation you are not expecting. that's basically jokes.

jokes isn't the point here though. all you did was spam. you should ask questions and answer questions. you should talk about yourself honestly, and you should ask other people about their lives and give advice. without mentioning manga characters. on the way to the point of the thread, helping people and chatting, you might find jokes to make.

do you ever cry? do you ever let yourself assess yourself and really come to terms with the idea that you are the person that you are? do you look in the mirror or do you avoid it? do you think to yourself?

you strike me as someone who hides away from confronting his inner self and it's probably difficult for you to find stability, or identity, so you attach to these external things. basically, like everyone ever, you're in a weird place and probably need to grow, or you will always be hollow.
>Sounds surprisingly reasonable
It's a good job :D
I'm fortunate enough to not have my energy completely drained from a souless corpo job or serving at a café. Granted it wasn't easy getting here
my nails are fine, even my cuticles are still there
eat more eggs
What's your nationality? Just curious.
M. Yes, though the society isn't making it easy for a neurodivergent person. Thus I focus on my personal life and taking care of my wife, my primary source of happiness in life.
Yes. Been there, done that. Still in love, no longer hate myself.
You did nothing wrong. I don't know what is their issue, but it was definitely on them. Friendships are supposed to go both ways.
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did you not know? do people think its like ten minutes?
Tbf working at a Portuguese coffee shop seems kinda comfy
Brown people seem to have more of a "tough it out" attitude.
Glad I'm not the only one who can smell the sheer retardation of that poster.
Have you ever had to step on someones toes to get what you want? For example: Job interview/promotion? Did you feel bad about it?
I like eggs but wtf why wouldn't you just wear gloves
I am extremely pale
I guessed it was 1,5 hours!
I have some friends who do and it's not completely bad, but they do the usual thing of just hiring you part time, and make a point of not letting you get to 40 hours weekly (that way they don't have to give you vacations, etc). And the pay is atrocious. Like 550€ a month.
F No, I don't think so actually. Stuff is unironically pretty much just handed to me often.
I would make her do it herself, but I would stand by with a large knife to protect her in case it attacked.
Do men like women in low rise pants?
Literally just go ask him, Anon.
A what?
I’m only asking because the guy at work is having a sook because I took his job but he’s shit at it anyway so should I feel bad?
>make a point of not letting you get to 40 hours weekly
OK yeah that is some bullshit lol, not surprised if people get other jobs also
>550€ a month
Ouch, I was making more than double that working at a coffee shop in the UK
I personally think it looks a little trashy.
it's just an extra step I neglect to do, maybe I'd bring myself to care enough if I wore nail polish
How does the guy actually know?
Yes, yes we do (well I do)
M, similar to other anon about things just falling into place but at the same time I feel like it's kind of been a curse for me. Never learned how to fight for what I want so if something feels like it'll take some resistance or effort I just think eh I can't be bothered it'll sort itself out
Who the FUCK doesn't wear nail polish? :)

No, I mean, seriously, are you sure your hands are as nice as you think they are?
Gentle reminder that women were designed and crafted by God with the specific purpose of being fed and bred.
>Who the FUCK doesn't wear nail polish? :)
Most men and a significant portion of women
>Ouch, I was making more than double that working at a coffee shop in the UK
Plis gib
It's very rare here that we get paid properly. I have a master's and before this job, I was also doing vidya games but they were only paying me minimum wage. 700€ monthly for specialized work. And I had to nearly fight them to get a (3 month) contract, that they kept extending just so they didn't have to pay me more as a permanent hire. It's very typical here.
I'm only getting ok pay because I'm working for an US company that opened offices here now.
The architect... I kneel...
Imo a meme style would be something that was created on TikTok not a style popularized in the 1930s but you do you.
>Who the FUCK doesn't wear nail polish? :)
I don't, I got ugly chubby, autism man hands.
you can't just change the definition of a meme
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They're killing him, AGAIN!
>Plis gib
And that's not including tips ;P (but we were supposed to put em in a pot for charity)
>700€ monthly for specialized work
That's horrendous desu
Video game industry here is also pretty bad desu. A bunch of studios in my hometown shut down
>working for an US company that opened offices here now.
That's awesome
Is it mobile games or something else?
>mfw I'm getting older and starting to get man hands so I wear nail polish to feel better about myself
Are the 6 men all outsmarted by this zoomie slut? Or is it really more appealing to cum in a hot chick at the same time with 10-30 other men than commit to someone whose life doesn't revolve around sucking dick?
Old lady hands are nice too.
Enjoy being a cuck I suppose
Me and chungus anon just vibin
Yes, but it was brought back due to tiktok and stuff like that...
any man who wears nail polish immediately makes me assume they're homosexual
Tbf though to balance it out cost of living in the UK is shite. Working full-time at a coffee shop you can't afford your own place, you have to rent a room in a houseshare or something, and even that's like almost half your income
I'm 25, anon...
Which part of Europe though? Shit's so different in different parts, since we reach from Mediterranean to the Arctic, and from the Atlantic to the Black Sea.
Fellow European enjoying free healthcare. Meanwhile I'm studying at the unit (no tuition fees) and living in a subsidized apartment on government welfare.
Yes. Cooking isn't a difficult skill to learn.
If I knew they're genuinely scared of bugs and didn't live too far away, sure. It would be a bit annoying still, and I would probably look into ways for them to get rid of bugs themselves.
Yes. This is why public libraries should be protected.
Nta but wat? Even if it's black nail polish?
Tbf when I wore pink nail polish I expected people to assume I was a fag
>And that's not including tips ;P (but we were supposed to put em in a pot for charity)
Our pockets are also charity!
>Is it mobile games or something else?
We got mobile and web games desu
Not my dream games for sure but I'm frankly so grateful I get treated ok and I've actually been learning a lot. ... and they pay me after all lol
that's a pretty mundane assumption
ESPECIALLY black nail polish. That's legit code.
OH SHIT, you're younger than me.
But fr, your hands are fine, don't worry too much about these things, anxiety can make things worse and all that.
when I wore black people thought I was a fag, it is what it is
Just very dry. But my dishes are SPOTLESS.
Depends on the gloves. And anyway I need to be able to feel if there is still grease on something or I'll never believe it's clean.
It's not like I'm washing a toilet or mold. Just some crusty pasta sauce.
If you use the second definition "an element of a culture or system of behavior passed from one individual to another by imitation or other nongenetic means" as a definition practically everything is a meme and the word loses meaning. I only hear it used when referring to the first definition. A generally humourous image, video, or piece of text that inspires copycats
I figured as much :(
Is that also on part time or also for full time?

>Fellow European enjoying free healthcare. Meanwhile I'm studying at the unit (no tuition fees) and living in a subsidized apartment on government welfare.
gigabased. we weren't as fortunate here, but I can happily say the most I paid for my bachelor's + master's combined didn't exceed 5k
I miss him
>We got mobile and web games desu
Ngl I used to shit on mobile games and now they're pretty much all I play...
Sounds like a cool gig (:
>Our pockets are also charity
Well I'm sure I'll vacay in Portugal again at some point, you guys have good beaches for surfing, just need to get my Kenergy back
Are you serious kek
I know straight guys in relationships who wear black nail polish tho
oomp forgot to tag you friend
From where? It never left.
Those hands will be old and wrinkly some day, Anon.
Find someone that'll hold them no matter what.
I get to go gym in the morning train have breakfast with the missus and then go work watch youtube and boss people around until I come home to dinner on the table and i’ll still be in bed before midnight have I made it yet incels?
NTA but either gay or emo and stuck in 2008.
>I know straight guys in relationships who wear black nail polish tho
How old?
>enjoying free healthcare
Working in government healthcare was pretty comfy desu. I was making like £1.5k/month doing 37 hours a week no qualifications
Technically no I don't qualify for an official diagnosis but my paperwork says "ocd tendencies".
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>How old?
Like in their late 20s/30s
>emo and stuck in 2008
Fuckin' right
Men, I want to compliment-bomb a guy I'm hitting on to get him to like me more. What sorts of compliments from an acquaintance would you appreciate most?
Yes, seriously, it's used within the lgbtq. This isn't the 80s anymore. Like, what would people think if I wore rainbow stuff?
It is a lottery win to be born where I live, especially considering my autism. Fucking sucks to get a burnout even from working a 20 hours week, just because the environment was unsuitable for me.
>my bachelor's + master's combined didn't exceed 5k
That's not bad by any means, and sure as hell beats entering the work force in debt
>Well I'm sure I'll vacay in Portugal again at some point
I want you to know we endearingly call you Bifes (because I swear all you UK people order is steak). Take lots of sunscreen, you don't wanna be the lobsterman!

>you guys have good beaches for surfing
Nazaré is pretty insane. I'm too much of a coward to engage in such activities, so I'll wish you good luck from my safe distance of these murderwaves
Tell me that I'm smart and funny
>it's used within the lgbtq
Fucking hell why the LGBBQ gotta take everything from us and gaycode it
Poignant anon is back!
considering non-gays have been using black as a safe/edgelord colour, homosexuals don't really own it and them calling it "code" is funny when obviously non-homos have been doing it for ages
I feel you. I'd love to wear rainbow dresses and stuff like that but I can't without people making assumptions.
Any compliments on his body or style or is that too much out of nowhere?
>It is a lottery win to be born where I live, especially considering my autism. Fucking sucks to get a burnout even from working a 20 hours week, just because the environment was unsuitable for me.
I'm sorry to hear friend. I have a close friend with this exact issue. it took her some time to find a place to work where she can thrive but she finally got a nice environment. She's a nurse in a care home and does morning shifts.
Your steaks are damn good tho...
>Take lots of sunscreen
Yeah I learned that the hard way last summer while tanning lel
Yeah I wanna go to that one someday, maybe for bodyboarding... need to work on my skillz more though
I don't mind that either but it gets old desu and feels a bit shallow, I'd rather be complimented on personality
But definitely if there is something you like about his style that's nice to note too
Don’t give him compliments that just makes suspicious of you be straightforward and tell him what you want
Women, what kinds of compliments about your body do you like?
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>Your steaks are damn good tho...
They are, and the default choice on every menu here really
Rice next to a salad feels sacrilegious
This is hilarious.
>It's healthy because salad
I'm more comfortable with people complimenting my face/smile
If I know you I'll be flattered if you say nice things about my ass, but I wouldn't like a stranger or someone I barely know commenting on it
(I'm only not saying tiddies because I have small tiddies anyway)
>most I paid for my bachelor's + master's combined didn't exceed 5k
Where did you get it Bangladesh?
Us men are always told that we dress too boring and don't groom enough etc. but as soon as you push the boat out its assumed you're a fag
That's why I say fuck it do what you want and if people make assumptions that's on them. Not my fault I look good in pink
Aww man this making me hungry
Nothing like bitoque do prego and Super Bock after hitting some waves
>This is hilarious.
>>It's healthy because salad
You bet your ass non of us actually eat the salad

It's more sacrilegious that there's rice AND taters. le double carbs

Portugal, silly aren't you paying attention??
Face or hair mostly. You can say something about my boobs if you're really suave about it.
Nta but I was on a private donor scholarship here + student loan scheme so was actually getting paid ~5k to do a STEM bachelor's + master's
Too bad I flunked out of school lol
3rd world countries don’t exist in my vocabulary ESLfag
I like to complement chestlets on their tiddies because it throws them for a loop desu.
If you didn’t study at an American college then you basically don’t have a degree at all, literally everyone on campus is just here for show boating
NTA but what's wrong with random strangers assuming you might be gay because of the colors you're wearing? Are you afraid it'll scare off otherwise interested men?
Makes sense.
Asking to meet up with him sometime outside of work seems weird out of nowhere.
Wtf is a Portuguese tart and how is it different than any other regular tart?
>If you didn’t study at an American college then you basically don’t have a degree at all
Care to tell that to all the doctors and surgeons here?
Body? Only from other girls or someone I'm dating
>Are you afraid it'll scare off otherwise interested men?
Yes, actually.
Depends on who it's coming from. Anyone can compliment something from my face or head. But it's weird when my mom compliments my figure. I would prefer if comments about my body only come from people I'm having sex with.
>she has to ask out guys not the other way around
Imagine my kek
Girls compliment each other's body?
>"portuguese tart"
It's a fucking Pastel-de-Nata you infidel, and you see it in Macau as well in China because we brought the recipe there too.
Fair enough
>Other girls
Oh good point. Not weird if a friend tells me my boobs look good today.
We don’t want them here I don’t want to walk into a clinic and see a fucking brown pajeet who probably touched shit before starting his shift who I can barely understand touching me fuck off we don’t want you
>a fucking brown pajeet
>we're not considered white
Wait a second. Do I get diversity points? Can I finally exploit the system???
“You have a beautiful/tiny waist” is always my favorite.
When was the last time anybody heard of Portugal after the euros NEVER
why must you hurt me this way plis be nice or else
>le double carbs
I myself have dabbled in the forbidden rice with Chow mein combo, it's bretty good.
Also the texture of noodle with rice is quite nice.
Sorry that loophole is only for dentists.
Women how would you react if a guy you were talking to said "Yeah I'm basically an Omega Male" and refused to elaborate?
tits too big
I'd omegakek him out of my face
But you look nothing like Justin Long
I feel like I should avoid complimenting women because
>I've received zero compliments from women (non-family members) at 25
>doing so (and being too enthusiastic in general with women) mostly just leads to cringe and awkwardness and doesn't make them think highly of me
Depends on the degree ofc lol
Doctors, lawyers, engineers etc. you kind of need to be qualified lol
Stuff like programming though the value of degrees is increasingly watered down desu vs. skills/experience
What was your most important lesson learned about men?
NAG but just be really, visibly happy every time he does something for you and gush a little bit about how smart he is, or how strong, or how good he is at doing whatever it was he did for you, and how helpful it was and how you don't know what you would have done otherwise
That's quite criminal. I might also delve into that sort of nefarious culinary activity
>Us men are always told that we dress too boring and don't groom enough etc
This has always been a tactic for woman to shift the blame of them not finding people attractive onto the people, and it's bullshit, lol.
Just listen to "It's your fault I don't find you attractive.", "You should be ashamed for not catering to my sense of beauty", weirdly bigoted in this day and age.
I am a machine that turns nicotine and caffeine into love for women
All western countries are tightening their visa pathways now you fucking people did this to yourself lmao
Why can’t you be more like Argentina!
I would bet 10$ you're the same kind of guy that would freak out if you saw a woman without makeup.
/gif/ should have IDs so you can filter spammers spitefagging a thread and there should be some arbitrary rule like you can't make more than 1 text post in a thread without posting a gif/webm because

>178 posts, 30 images
is too common

But moderation is dead. Maybe I should make a /gif/ meta thread.
I love these lol I still get em pretty regularly but they're not as good as the ones in Portugal...
Just compliment someone in a casual way if there's something you genuinely like
Don't have to overdo it
I am a machine that turns nicotine and caffeine into shitposts
That just because a man is down on his luck (a loser) doesn't mean he's necessarily a good person. Learned that the hard way, tried to help the underdog once too many times only for him to exploit my kindness.

There's blatant assholes and those are easy to identify, but these guys are wolves in sheep's clothing.
venmo me 10$ then, bro
Just because they're the same age as your dad does NOT mean they will treat you like a child.
Your posts so far give me the energy that I'm treading on eggshells by attempting to re-iterate my point so I don't really know if I should.
Why are you fucking with men your daddy's age, my sister.
Eh I don't really think it's a tactic or whatever I think it's just societal stereotyping and putting people into weird little groups based on their appearance. People like to act like they're oh so progressive but then assume you're LGBBQ for something as benign as wearing nail polish
>I love these lol I still get em pretty regularly but they're not as good as the ones in Portugal...
Yeah... I've tasted some in Spain and they weren't half as good.
But now my palate is ruined because I've been spoilt with the best ones around. If you come back for vacay, try to get the ones from "Aloma" (I'm pretty sure they have multiple factories around the country). You also have the Belém ones but because they're the OGs they're not considered Pastéis-de-Nata but rather Pastéis-de-Belém
So I went with the family to watch Inside Out 2 at a cinema (okay movie btw) and saw there were a lot of young women couldn't really tell their ages, could have been anywhere from 17 to 23) wearing ridicolously revealing clothes, there was one girl that just straight up had an open jacket and a shirt that looked like a bra with how little of her tits it covered.

Women, why dress like this? What's the point?
Nobody needs them! We’re over qualified with doctors and lawyers how about you be an uber driver or grocery store something we actually need! You people are so dumb you just don’t get it lol
Lmao when the coomer tries to give mods advice and how to run a board kek
can't we just have a /gif/ for straight people and lesbians only?
Regular /gif/ can be a cuck BBC containment zone
I'm sorry if I made you feel bad anon.
It's not like I can hurt you from the other side of the world or anything though.
>fucking with
I have to buy groceries. If I had a nickel for every time an old man in the grocery store has told me I look like Audrey Hepburn while standing way too close to me I'd have 10 cents. Which isn't much but it's weird that it happened twice.
Love should make you feel better about yourself, not worse. This is not important, but penis havers don’t wipe pee off with toilet paper.
Old men are all disgusting creeps.
I do.
It's going to be 80 degrees out today.
My girlfriends and I compliment each other's bodies all the time, plus things like hair, skin, clothes, accessories. With acquaintances, hair, skin, clothes, accessories. With strangers, clothes and accessories

Portuguese custard tarts are the most delicious dessert ever invented
Ah yeah I went to Pastéis de Belém in Lisbon and those were pretty cool
Honestly what I miss is bola de Berlim on the beach haha. And Pedras sparkling water
>Women, why dress like this?
I'd dress like that too if I was half as confident.
>What's the point?
It's fun! I mostly dress to look at my own reflection as I walk outside lol
That they have 0 principles concerning getting laid and will lie about anything in the world and/or wait for decades in order to get their dick wet with someone they don't even find remotely attractive
I got called dainty recently and I liked it it made me feel feminine, because I feel I look manly sometimes
>and you see it in Macau as well in China because we brought the recipe there too.
There's taste better desu
>You people are so dumb you just don’t get it lol
Bro I worked in the NHS for years, we are really short on doctors and healthcare professionals here vs. wagies lol. Because the good ones just go private or abroad to make more money
A) It was late and it wasn't even a particularly hot day
B) Even if it was hot you don't have to dress like you're working a street corner to get comfy.
God, this. Once they have a girl they thought was out of their leave, they want someone even better. Or they get so caught up in you being out of their league that they cheat on you as soon as the opportunity presents itself
>Honestly what I miss is bola de Berlim on the beach haha
;_; I haven't been to the beach in so long, and those are just. perfection.
Me and my cousin used to rush out of the water to chase after the poor man on his summer job like some fucking landwhales for those LMAO

>And Pedras sparkling water
so true. Infinitely better than any artificial sparkling water

>Portuguese custard tarts are the most delicious dessert ever invented
They absolutely are.
Fun story, my manager is Chinese American, so he's familiar with these. He never liked them back in China. When we came to visit we brought some into the office and this man ate like 9 daily Pastéis for 5 days. ... And so did I
>like you're working a street corner
Are you old or just old fashioned? Who gives a shit? If the parts that legally need to be covered are covered what's the issue? You don't have to like people's outfits they just need to make sure they're not breaking any indecent exposure laws.
This doesn't work anon.
He won't notice.
I never tasted one from Macau! I should though-

> Or they get so caught up in you being out of their league that they cheat on you as soon as the opportunity presents itself
Yup literally what happened to me
Foids, what's the best position for anal?
I deeply apologize for contributing to the spread of misinformation. I will correct the assumption of others in your name.
I'm neither, I consider myself pretty progressive, but I just don't comprehend why you would dress like that at a movie theater while watching a goddamn Pixar movie.

It's one thing to dress like that for like a date or something, but at a movie theater?
Missionary with knees up. Doggy always hurts, the angle is wrong.
>Me and my cousin used to rush out of the water to chase after the poor man on his summer job like some fucking landwhales for those LMAO
Haha I'm sure he was happy for the business
And fr I wish we had Pedras here
>this man ate like 9 daily Pastéis for 5 days
Man of culture
Men are very different from women, and treating a guy the way we as girls might want to be treated isn't effective
Explain how the advice is wrong, namefag?
I do but I shouldn't, that shit is made of endocrine disruptors. Bidets or bust.
Nah, you should forget about me. The sole piss dabber shall be forgotten and lost to history instead. Just another unsung hero.
Why are you ogling underage girls at the movie theatre bruv? Aren't you supposed to be like, watching the movie?
Women, I was reading old news stories from my country because basically everything that happens here is absolutely ridiculous and I stumbled upon the the case of the "Donut Mafia" of two years ago. Apparently they would force immigrants to sell donuts on beaches and black mail beach bar owners into letting them. The shop owners where even threatened with guns to not disturb the "criminal" acticity. In many cases they also beat up other food sellers or fired the guns against them with other gunfire targets being beach store owners and private security and they also attempted murder. 12 people were arrested. Thoughts?
Why wouldn't they if they feel comfortable in those clothes? Why would someone wear sweatpants to a movie? If they're not concerned with modesty like you are they're not going to think twice about the outfit choice because they see nothing wrong with it.
My hands are like 2x the size of hers. Why does the thought of this make me horny?
yeah but i'm a #sensitiveyoungman and I can still get stressed out online
>and treating a guy the way we as girls might want to be treated isn't effective
Mind elaborating on that?
>But it's weird when my mom compliments my figure.
I got that when my boobs were coming in. Really made me feel uncomfortable.
O: donut dictators! What the fuck anon, where do you live?
And were the donuts tasty?
>working from home
>wasted half the day shitposting here
I blame woman for this
You need to not be a complete incel to understand my high IQ posting
Imagine my dad saying NICE DICK SONNY
Women really do be getting away with some weird ass shit
Are we sure they were donuts and not "donuts" it sounds like a drug front.
>it took her some time to find a place to work where she can thrive but she finally got a nice environment.
Yeah, it is a...process. I have the qualifications of a dental assistant (including basic studies of a nurse) and a cook, and now I'm studying IT.
Smile at them. Compliment their choice of clothes, their hair, their choice of cologne (if they use). But if you really want to hit on him, I suggest you be more direct than just compliments, because he's probably too dense to figure it out, or doesn't want to risk a misunderstanding if they're not 100% sure that you're flirting.
>more ad hominems

pleasure doing business with you
I will NEVER forget about you. My children’s children will hear your story
Honestly the fact that I'm still learning about them. Such wonderful creatures. I'm only joking a little.
ENTJ your mother sucks cock in hell
>That's why I say fuck it do what you want and if people make assumptions that's on them. Not my fault I look good in pink
That's fine as long as you have the social position and security to behave that way, which I guess a lot of men don't really. It's not like most people have the balls to say anything anyway.
You might as well, I'm doing exactly this too.
You jerk off to /gif/ you don’t deserve any respect touhou degen
Their balls are so delicate that even looking at them wrong can make them crumple and cry like it was shot. They're such pussies.
Wow I feel seen
I literally pluck my nut hairs.
They are so light and just melt in your melt, I don't blame either of you I'd eat 10 a day if I could
>pluck my nut hairs
I don't think I could do the same about my coochie hairs. How long does it take you??? 3 hours?
What about riding?
Well yeah I'm in a chavvy neighbourhood so not gonna go out on my own at night looking too fruity lel
Thought this was in response to this >>31516656
*cowboy riding into sunset.jpg*
SAME lol
Do you fear they're gonna do some moist nigga shit to you?
Get back to work >:[
I'm gonna take a break from the thread for a few hours lel laters
I live in the most commical place in the world. And they taste good
Yes it was about actually selling donuts on the beach. There are pictures of immigrants selling donuts on the beach. Technically not donuts, another thing which is similar but you guys don't have that so I said donuts to make it simple
I'm only plucking the scrotum which isn't very hairy, because I don't want something sharp there. I trim/shave the rest of my pubes.
Women really be like, "hun, your boobs are looking fiiine today"?
>moist nigga
idk what this means but I'm a 5'7" twink so I would be fooked if I got cornered
I can run fast tho
>And they taste good
Honestly, worth it.
Are you retarded?
A 3 year old child is perfectly capable of completely disabling an adult male with a nutshot.
I just tend to go for the full grope and let my hands do the talking.
>I would be fooked if I got cornered
She’s still alive thankfully if you think I’m bad take a guess where I got it from lol
fair, I only ever embraced a more faggy looking dress sense when I knew I'd be around civilised people
which is weird because chavs dress a bit gay too
It's your own fault. You have the most fortunate job in the world and yet you bitch and moan. Man the fick up you shitposter
>let my hands do the talking.
What do they say?
There are no men left today it’s just trannys and women
No idea but I'm hoping she shats on your penor!
I do that with my one girl friend but she's way bigger than me. I think it annoys her desu.
"big booba"
Low IQ
>There are no men left today it’s just trannys and women
Based. The world is healing.
No other fetish makes people seethe more than a man and woman enjoying loving, anal sex together
why is this?
Very eloquent.
Are you Indian?
I hate people like you. You think it's funny but it's really not.
Women are literally all gay.
I know this student on campus whos family escaped from war torn Syria just to end up here as a femboy twink it makes me wonder if we would’ve been a sex slave for ISIS if they captured him
as a woman, yes
Nope. You're "projecting"
Men argue differently, they are way more practical minded about emotional issues and just because they don't react the way a woman would, doesn't mean he doesn't care. Men need more space. They need to be respected as a man, not just a person
Do lesbians really try to convert other women?
Time to straighten up with me?
Nah men are aka you, you homo
nta but wise post
They don't need to try.
What a strange thing to say.

I enjoy being gey, sorry anon
can a gay woman love me, a man?
Well balls are pretty great too, but thank goodness they don't melt in our mouths
if she's bi-
Therefore you would enjoy being part of my (small) harem
It's anecdotal but I've have a lesbian friend hit on me even after repeatedly telling her I'm straight. It's like lesbians and men both have the same concept of a woman's sexuality.
I've not asked a woman out not just because I'm afraid of rejection, but because that rejection might confirm the things I hate about myself that I can still plausibly deny because nobody else has externalized them. And also, I might cry which would be humiliating.
>which is weird because chavs dress a bit gay too
Well you can get away with certain white trash-coded faggy looks
>It's your own fault. You have the most fortunate job in the world and yet you bitch and moan. Man the fick up you shitposter
Okay this motivated me to work thank you senpai
(I just made enough to cover drinks at the pub tonight at least)
The boobs do it for them
>they are way more practical minded about emotional issues
You mean the classic 'trying to help someone by suggesting solutions to a problem' vs 'trying to comfort them'?
I have this problem with my dumbass gf everyday holy shit women are retarded
nta but does this have anything to do with men doing something just to see if they can do it? Trying to fix things?
That's kind of the nature of passive vs pursuant sexual dynamics. Lots of lesbians seem to complain that they have to pursue even if they don't want to feel masculine.
Good stay away from women leave them for chad
Anon, anyone getting rejected doesn't immediately make someone useless, or ugly, or unlovable.
Rejection happens regardless if we are or not deserving of love. I've been rejected countless times and it's more to do with the other person's taste or even availability, more than it has to do with there being a problem with us.

You're going to feel rejection regardless in your life, both in jobs, love, friendships, etc... Might as well actually go for it.
as a man myself I'll say that I look at my emotions more detached and objectively. I can understand why I feel a certain way and just need time to process them.
It's almost like it's not natural.
You sound like me at 13 anon.
Damn. In 10 years of being together, my fiancé never described me like this so someone else.
I feel sorry for your gf.
I think I'm kind of the same way but I have autism.
>I might cry which would be humiliating.
Sounds like you still have some growing up to do, Anon.
What's the point of this post? Are you just trying to start shit?
With that being said if she ever developed pattern recognition or critical thinking skills I wouldn’t be with her, we love dumb girls because it’s more feminine the worse thing that could ever happen to a woman who was a voice and brain is to gain power
NTA but I didn't read that aggressively. You're being oversensitive. And you do need to grow up.
well yes, this is why rejection sucks
you have to have your esteem ground down into dirt until you don't even care anymore haha
Thanks anon

That's part of it, but it's more than that. Even just talking about how your day went, it's really different with with a girl friend vs bf. Guys just don't get excited about the same stuff and I think sometimes as girls we see that meaning something is wrong but it's not, it's just how men are
nta but that's kind of a childish reaction.
No, I'm trying to help. And I don't mean you would be oversensitive as >>31516769 said, but rather that showing emotions is normal, and not something one should be ashamed of.
At least you didn't call him an incel this time.
doing something just to see if you can is called curiosity
You have to break something down before you can build it up, right.
Any response I have to this will just lead to me being called childish. Ridiculous.
Women this only applies to women
Never called anyone incel here, even though that would probably apply to a fair few Anons.
> The only way to not make people retarded is with more education
Education doesn't work anon. In reality you have to breed better people.
If you make assumptions like that, it will. I unironically think you have to get out of your comfort zone.
I don't mind crying in private, but it would be absolutely pathetic to be a mopey, sad sack of shit in front of other people. I don't logically think having emotions is bad but I do still remember every time I have cried with embarrassment. I can't change that.
NTA but men do love to tinker with stuff, whether it's a computer, an electrical socket, or their gf's body
How do you mean that? The parental influence?
This her asshole is cute lol
Just learned that there's been a study that apperently, autistic people have higher amounts of Neanderthal DNA than non-autistic people.

How do you feel about this information?
Hmmm love slurping on yummy cocks any other girlies can relate????
So you would not feel comfortable crying infront of your girlfriend? Even if like your dad died or something?
If you use belittling or language that implies I'm immature or childish that's only reinforcing that showing emotion is pathetic in a man.

False correlation, white people in general have more Neanderthal DNA, and white children are more likely to have autism because white parents have kids later and make more efforts to get a diagnosis for their kid
Most men have a hard time loving me in the way I like to be loved, and they'll appreciate a hug more than me folding their laundry.
Was the study done in Germany?
>but it would be absolutely pathetic to be a mopey, sad sack of shit in front of other people.
>I do still remember every time I have cried with embarrassment. I can't change that.
You absolutely can change that, because it is all about you, your thoughts, your attitude. I'm not saying it is easy or quick, but you very much can change that. But it has to start with you wanting to change.
I'm M soon 30, and I feel no shame in showing my emotions in front of others.
There goes the finest man to have grace this wretched thread… stay strong, pee cowboy
nah, education is key.
Being smart (IQ wise) is completely hereditary and up to luck. You're either born intelligent or not, that's just how it is.

Education works on the basic level that here before 1974 most people couldn't read and right. Not all my grandparents were literate enough to even sign their names.
Education also works on things like sex ed, and other basic ass things like maths, basic studies on your surroundings, knowing that a dolphin is a mammal, knowing your country's history, etc...

That alone has already helped people become much smarter. People used to cut sheep's tails to "make mating easier for the ram" here, and now collectively because people are educated, that's been stopping. (cutting the female sheep's tail also results in their coochies get infected because of flies laying eggs and will usually result in death or involuntary abortion, so it's not like this was a smart practice).
>The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. -Henry David Thoreau
How do (You) combat this?
Is it higher amounts of Neanderthal dna, or just specific genetic markers linked to Neanderthal dna? I think they've known about this connection for a while now
As an autist with many autistic friends, our collective reaction was "ooga booga, monkey together stronk"
How do you equate showing emotion with being childish? That seems kinda simplistic.
>before 1974 most people couldn't read and right
*read and write
guess I can't write either.
NTA but I thought Asian populations have the highest amount of Neanderthal dna
Mhm, das right!
It's up to you to ask yourself if it's wise to reinforce that idea or not.
Exercise probably
I agree Neaderthals are what jews used to be so it makes sense why they’re so fucked up
they have denisovian dna
You can can’t who you are or where you come from but you can change how you chose to feel about it, you’d be surprised how many people don’t have free will because they’re so dumb lol
I see your point, but crying just because you can't get something is not usually seen past a certain age. Are you saying that's how people should act?
>denisovian dna
I did not know about Denisovans at all, I guess I now have a fun topic to read on
I wanted to go to gym to battle my depression, but realized I have no clean clothes because I don't wash my clothes due to being lazy caused by depression
Also I asked my friend to go with me for bigger commitment (this was before I realized I have nothing to wear). He didn't want to go :(
>but crying just because you can't get something
That's not what'd make me cry.
>Are you saying that's how people should act?
Are you paying attention or did you just jump in halfway?
You start (right now) by taking care of your clothes. There's not gonna be an easy way
>relying on others for motivation
Big kek
go do your laundry RIGHT NOW
You'd cry from disappointment? I honestly just jumped in halfway. nta Sorry about that.
It’s easier to pick you off one by one
I can't really judge because relying on others and being there for others is what gave me strength to begin with
no matter how much a guy shows he is trustworthy there's always a non-zero chance that it was an act and he is just biding his time.
read the first post
I said little steps, anon. Was your clothes so you can do the big stuff.
you can say this about everyone though
Sigma Males (free-thinking and highly intellectual people) such as myself would simply go to the gym in stinky clothes.
You don't want to summarize? That's... a little childish.
No, I just looked it up. Asians do have higher levels of Neanderthal dna, even though Neanderthals themselves never reached East Asia. Neanderthal descents went into Asia, and there was subsequently less dilution of the Neanderthal dna than happened in Europe and the Middle East
>prey heard mentality bottom sub
Cute but you need to do things for yourself
Why won't women date fat and balding guys?
They'd rather die alone, sometimes.
That is assuming that all men by default are secretly untrustworthy. Pretty big personal bias. Femcelish.
anon is lazy!!
I love showing my ass off to trannies while they jerk their cute girlycocks to me haha it makes me so horny anyone else can relate?
I used to go to the gym with 2 friends and we'd always mess with the one guy who always insisted on showering before going to the gym. Like why shower before the gym when you can just shower after?

If your clothes just smell it's fine to go to the gym in them, you're gonna be sweating soon anyway. If they're stained maybe wear something different.
Literally me but I don’t have a body odour according to my personal assistant
I do now. But I required help first. I don't think that's so wrong. I can also finally give back to people, and I feel mentally stable enough in this world to tackle my issues.
Bet he's the one that didn't do his laundry.
Why the fuck are you trying to impersonate me you son of bastard
We are often intimidated by fat and balding guys, and assume we aren't good enough for them
They do date fat and bald guys, anon.
What do you do instead?
Hey, I found a new game.
Do you have dry earwax?

If so you have the no-body odor gene, which also impacts whether your earwax is dry or wet

This made me realise half the population requires someone to tell them what to where to go just like my gf if it wasn’t for me in her life she would probably be dead
I am not fat and balding. If I was fat and balding I would date a fat and balding man.
Shut the fuck up if you were actually me you would know I don't have a gf get out you incel loser fuck
You haven't learned a lesson, you've told us what lesson you need to learn though.
Everyone her knows I'm in a throuple.
>I once again didn't check if I was replying to namefag
>and he's once again complaining about his gf
ugh fine, I guess I'll take your gf in
I do everything myself I own things because it’s mine capitalism is masculine and it never felt so good
i think you found a great way to combat namefags. if we all change name to mine, namefags will become obsolete
shut up you son of whore if you're actually me then tell me the name of my favourite tranny prostitute you fuck
Men wish they were me women want me ITT
I often wake up and im sweaty so i shwoer before
I also shower if im after shift at work because a fresh sweat at gym doesnt smell like anything, whereas if you were slightly sweaty already chance is you will be stinkier.
And im not risking being smelly while talking with my gymcrush
>What do you do to get you to do things instead of motivation?

I knew the answer was going to be schizo but I expected it to at least be relevant.
I love you anons (no homo)
I will wash my clothes and my friend said he will go with me tomorrow. We are so back
No they wish they were ME you sutpid incel fucker stop posting remove your goddamn name!!!!!!
>threads aren't any faster
>we just get ENTJ and a few of his retard namefag buddies back
>continues giving him more attention by playing into his game thus making him stronger
You retards will never learn we had the same problem at >>>/r9k/
how often do you get to talk with your gymcrush?
>threads aren't any faster
Not enough college student regulars I guess. Just people with jobs and the usual neets
/atoga/ has fallen, billions must die
Image limit reached? Aw... syndromefromtheincredibles.jpg.
> If you go to the center of the actual discussion it was 100% to demonstrate that men here don't help out even 1/3 as much as women do in their own homes
Nta, but I looked up the Portuguese data, that was available in english.
- https://eeagrants.cig.gov.pt/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/inut_policybrief_en.pdf
P8 and 9
It indicates that women do 4.23 hours of unpaid household + care work while men do 2.38 hours.
Which makes men's contribution 37% and women's 63%.
I am highly skeptical however that there are 5 hours worth of chores being done every day.
Enjoy the europoor fren I tried to help you
I’m sorry this is out of my control lmao
I switched gyms so not anymore, but i sometimes chat with other girls that are also pretty hot.

I miss the real og gymcrush though, she is an actual perfection
Don't get overconfident.
Who the fuck actually comes to 4chan for genuine advice how bad must you life be to end up in this commie shithole
>Is 11 am for me rn
Now I'm more confused
Take me back to the 2000s
Yeah im sure couples where both parties work spend 8 hours per day combined doing chores

Get the fuck away from this horseshit data set
do you just go up and to talk to them? what do you say? wtf why are you chad here
Replied to the wrong post? This doesn't have anything to do with posting speed?
I wonder how you actually determine this shit?
like if you take twice as long as you need to do this dishes does that contribute to the hours? If you have a huge house to vaccuum?
it's a very strange thing to quantify
This is why nobody take the poopoogeuse seriously
>brown girl fetishists are everywhere
>brown boy fetishists only exist in the minds of jews and chinks
Why is this?
High waist pants are my kryptonite
I just filter him, but since people are pretending to be him, half of the posts are just gone for me.
It's so weird to me that some people see the clock hit midnight and start talking about "today" and "tomorrow" when there's a sleep or two in between there.
I'm going to stop replying because clearly this moron idiot bastard is not listening you know he's the false one because he should know I'm brown fucking idiot lol
I think you mean Brazilian monkey
I win idiots what the fuck did that accomplish lmao
Just go for a run then do a laundry workout bro
I find doing housework (when the depression isn't kicking my ass too hard) can help with my mood
>when there's a sleep or two in between there
Imagine sleeping
Physical compliments matter most
I see them staring at me and our eyes meeting so eventually i walk up and ask about piece of equipment, or they greet me with hi, so i ask how is it going and it becomes a convo and then we chat regularly.

Its pretty normal.
Only once or so i fully cold approached a fat butt blonde and had a date couple weeks later with her
Im an almost 32 kissless virgin
What kinda fatass gets tired from laundry kill yourself fatty fat fat
>rejection might confirm the things I hate about myself
This is why I don't ask girls out
>image limit reached
Just tell him "i like you"
new thread please so I can post a rant about women with a picture
Suck my dick tranny boy you mother fucks BBC in hell
in my experience most women don't even wear nail polish that often
>t. black nails (male)
New thread please so i can post my semi flaccid penor
It's not being physically tired, it's the mental block depression gives you
When I'm manic I can work like a dog for three days straight but when the depression's bad I'll start wearing my socks inside out cause I have no motivation to do laundry or anything
Women, do you wear nail polish?
because white people are the tallest on average and women are height fetishists
You guys. It was sarcasm. Hence the smiley face. You're not doing any favors to combat the "all 4chan users are autistic" rumors.
If you often find people misinterpret you this may be a problem in how you communicate and you should strive to improve instead of blaming others.
>I am highly skeptical however that there are 5 hours worth of chores being done every day.
Have you ever had a full house of your own with a pet?
>sweep, vacuum, mop (usually takes me 40 mins altogether but I do this twice a week, not every day, but it takes longer if you have pets and kids because you have to rotate the places they're in so they don't get sick while the floor dries)
>dust entire house (15 mins, but same as above)
>do laundry (20 minutes, but depends on how many people live in that house)
>clean toilet, shower and bidet (not every day, but regularly, around 20 minutes for all)
>iron some laundry (usually 15 minutes)
>grocery shop (40 minutes)
>cook (from 30 minutes to 2 hours depending if I'm making enough soup that day to last for a few days, I take an extra 20 mins now that I WFH and cook for me and the husband)
>wash dishes, since I don't have a dishwasher yet (30 minutes roughly, but can be as fast as 15 minutes depending on how many dishes)
>keep stovetop clean (5 to 8 minutes, every 3 days or so)
>change bedding (5 to 10 minutes, depending on how many beds, every 3 or 4 days)
>make sure to feed pet (the time to take on this highly depends on the pet)
>clean litterboxes or walk the dog, occasionally wash litterbox once a week (the time for these depend)
>groom or cut nails of said pet, and other basic care (5 to 10 minutes)
>prepare lunch for kids (5 to 30 minutes depending if you had leftovers)
>sit with kids for homework (10 to 30 minutes, to make sure they did everything)
>bathe kids and dress them (10 to 30 minutes depending on how difficult they are)
>take kids to school (10 minutes if you're lucky, sometimes up to 30)
>tidy up yours and other people's messes in the house (5 to 15 minutes)
>take out trash (2 to 5 minutes)
>water plants (2 to 5 minutes)
>if you have garden work (roughly 1 to 4 hours each week, depending on how large your yard is or if you have one)

It's never a big deal if you're a single person.
I didn't make the post. But dude you're a fucking idiot if you saw ":) No, but seriously" and didn't realize it was a joke lmfao.
nta but go on the read the comment, Anon clarifies that they're not being serious with that. The problem is with you.
>I didn't make the post.
this misinterpretation is also your fault for not adhering to proper atoga etiquette.
no it isn't? are you dumb?
femdom makes atoga seethe more
even mentioning it derails the thread usually
What is that now?
Unfortunately people often misleadingly write "no but seriously" to emphasize that they are serious, not that their preceding comment was a joke. Putting smileys in posts is however gay
i'll make new thread gimme a moment
that's righteous though, femdomcels are embarrassing
Can you move any slower? Jesus...
It was a separate topic... dammit, you've got me being autistic now too.
subs are the happiest people, it's the whiny incels attracted to the fetish that make it cringe
>subs are the happiest people,
only female subs are happy
i just got back from the beach, sheesh. you're welcome?

You're a MemeBTIfag, you ARE autistic.
NTA is not a requirement. I graciously corrected you because you were confused, no skin off my back if you think I'm OP.

You fucked up and didn't realize it's a joke, the more embarrassing part is doubling down like this. Just take the L.
>NTA is not a requirement
Yeah it's just etiquette you wally
And I don't care. My intention was to poke fun at you because the joke went over your head and I have accomplished that :)
oh sorry, I wasn't the one responding to that original post
you see anon, you have been tricked for I was NTA all along
I didn't go that far, but I do think he picked up my hints today.
This is me, except it applies to my entire life rather than just the romantic domain. I can tell I'm mediocre, there is no reason for me to confirm it.
> Have you ever had a full house of your own with a pet?
Sure. My household is 4 + animals.
As you point out, many of the things that have to be done are approx weekly.
The big ones are food preparation but even with that it doesn't come anywhere near 5 hours a day, and that makes me skeptical of the entire claim. The numbers are ~3x too high.

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