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Why do people choose to have kids even though nobody likes raising them?
You can't return them once you need to take care of them and you have amassed military grade copium once you've through with it, you can't have just wasted almost two decades of your life, right?
Because they like it RAW, OP
Natural urges
I like raising my kid. My wife is happier now too, and working together on stuff for our kid is a good way to pass the time. Less sex is a drag, but I figure she'll be more interested again when our kid is older, and getting her pregnant and banging during pregnancy was far and away the best sex of my life. Unironically, sex with the purpose of procreation ruined fornicative sex for me.

Kids are fun to have around, and make my life significantly better. If they're not for you, that's fine. But if you have good genes, pass them on.
My wife and I loved raising kids Why we kept having more of them!
>Unironically, sex with the purpose of procreation ruined fornicative sex for me.

Yep. Making love > having sex, without question. It’s too bad most young people have no idea what love actually looks like, even when they think they do. They will one day though, and they’ll laugh at themselves.
>It’s too bad most young people have no idea what love actually looks like, even when they think they do.
Maybe because there never was such a thing and what most humans call "love" is literally just our body's biological responses to different behaviors. Aka, sex
>Making love > having sex, without question.
What is the difference?
the oh-so-edgy teens have arrived.
Thanks Rick from ‘Rick & Morty’, very enlightening.

Imagine orgasming from not only your dick, but also your heart. And then imagine that’s exactly how your woman is feeling too. It’s very vulnerable, very intimate, very bonding. Casual sex or boredom sex or just fucking for the sake of fucking pales in comparison. Once you know the real thing like making love, having sex just becomes as boring as masturbating after that.
Why are parents like this

You're not accomplishing some great task just by procreating. It's like breathing
>it’s like breathing
So why ain’t you breathing then?
It is literally the same thing, if not worse since you are stuck with one person
Did I SAY I was doing something incredible by having kids?
I said my wife and I really enjoy raising them.
>It's like breathing
Then how many kids do YOU have Mr. Its No Big Deal?
>if not worse since you are stuck with one person
There it is. Failure to pair-bond rearing its head. Oh no you are stuck with one person! I can’t swap out the girl like my hentai fantasies! FFFUUUU
>stuck with one person
The KHHV pr0n addict always self-identifies
Maybe because not everybody wants them? Did anybody even read the OP?
I'm glad you think that, tell us all how great it is thirty years from now
Apparently OP life is just like the sitcoms and nothing can ever go wrong in marriage or child raising, according to these anons
Nope, I won’t. I’ll be too busy being a grandfather by then. But I will try to not resemble your own parents if that’s what you mean, sure.
I've been married and monogamous for 33 years, goin on 34.
She's still hot AF to me, the sex is still mind-blowingly good, and why would I take the 20+ years to train a replacement to get to her level instead of just keep having the best sex?
What do you mean OP, don't you know everybody loves raising kids? Especially mentally challenged ones
That's great for you but you don't speak for every married couple or any couple at all
Does anybody truly believe this?

Nobody is still "hot AF" at 50. What a joke
If you’re the same guy who tried to speak for every single human who ever had sex by reducing it all down to biological chemical reaction then this post is ironic.

The thread is painfully ironic too seeing as its unwed childless anons trying to state matter-of-a-fact opinions about the experiences they’ve never experienced lol.
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>That's great for you but you don't speak for every married couple
Did you lose track?
Numbskull here
and here
implied NO ONE can enjoy sex and explicitly asked what it was like after 30 years.
Did you not read the thread?
Or are you pretending that didn't happen?
>or any couple at all
Except for me and my wife.
Right, fuckwit?
>unwed childless anons
You mean... The majority of people?
She's hot AF to me at 52.
And why not?
You porn-addled losers pay for enough MILF porn to fund a small nation!
Okay anon, we get it, you like her, allegedly
>Huuuurrrr duuuuurrr if the majority of people aren't doctors their medical opinions are MORE valid than a doctor's medical opinion!
Does that make sense, retard?
>at 52
>on /adv/
Why are you browsing 4chan at 52
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>I AM trying to pretend I didn't make a universal claim about all couples and invite a response. I am so damn salty someone responded I am trying, DESPERATELY, to change the subject
SHE is 52
I am older.
Why wouldn't you want advice from people that have actually already done things with their lives?
Do you think 4chan sprang out of a hole in the ground last year, or something?
Have kids RIGHT NOW OP
People truly want to believe it will be just like the sitcoms where there are no problems
why wouldnt an old guy be on 4chan. not that anon obviously but i'll still be on here at 52
What is a great task?
Basic biological reproduction apparently
>mention anything child-related
>childfree people get defensive and start coping
>hurr durr nobody is actually happy
Many such cases, sad.
> nobody likes raising them?
The 1st 2 years are hard work. It gets easier after that.
Being a parent is hard and has stressful moments.
The nihilists don't believe in anything, so they can't believe that parenthood is amazing and rewarding on a level that nothing else an even approach, and all the challenges and effort is nothing compared to the positives. They see the effort and will required, and feel inadequate. Yes, being a parent cuts down on your time spent jerking off to Japanese cartoon depictions of minors and watching short videos of low IQ feral minorities debasing themselves. But we are supposed to grow out of that and explore the incredible depth of more meaningful and satisfying experiences. Nihilists lack the IQ and intellect to understand that. There's a reason why they fail in life. They suck at it.

After your 3rd child, the older kids help raise the younger. The kids form a tribe, independent of you and your spouse. It's endearing, and will be lifelong. They will never, ever be alone, even after you're gone. They will always have each other.
My youngest is still in college. The stressful fiscal challenges of just starting out and having children are long past. My wife and I still have sex 3 times a week or so, and I will still bend her over the kitchen island or the back of a handy couch as the impulse takes us, and no need to sneak around the kids' scedule to do so these days, lol.
With effort of will, maintaining the romance, and determination to always focus on the marriage before all other mundane issues, the decline in sex and satisfaction in parenthood does not have to happen.
Don't be a nihilist. Life is mostly determined by the course of your will, and if you and your spouse value intimacy and love, the pitfalls that shitty, lazy end self-entitled people fall into do not have to happen to you. And part of that is seeking fulfimment. There is NOTHING more fulfilling than being a parent.
Human does not consider its individual likes and dislikes.
Human considers the results of the process, the family, and the long-term effects.
The human will thus take the stress of having the child, such that the child can then have a life and take effect on the world. The products of the child's work are thus important enough that the child is worth creating.
Not to the individual parent, of course. But to the Family which the individual parent belongs, and which the individual parent thinks is more important than themselves.
>being a parent cuts down on your time spent jerking off to Japanese cartoon depictions of minors
As a new dad, I will tell you. I was at that stage of my life. I knew I wanted a child, my wife wanted a child. You know it will be hard but you do it in spite of being hard for the same reason you do anything to hat is hard. The reward is worth the effort. In this case getting to be a dad to my son is worth it. Because hard things are one dimension of having a child. There are Other whole realms of happy moments and amazing moments. Over all, the love I feel all the time is indescribable. I also feel a sense of fulfillment.
Yes, did you? The statement was a clear and rational refutation of OPs basic assertion. Then you made a stawman, and then you got butt mad. You are really bad at making arguments.
False premise.
Because all people who have children have them either because they are dumb and forget to use condoms or selfish and have to make up reasons why having kids is "good".
>t. KHHV loser

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