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Ask the opposite gender anything
Last >>31541996
State gender
Who are your favorite villainesses in fiction?
State gender
Do you think german is a harsh language?
No, it sounds like french to me. Sometimes french sounds more guttural than german too.
F, I really enjoyed Jodie Comer's portrayal of Villanelle in the first season of Killing Eve. Despite playing a sociopath, she is so utterly charming and genuine about her (lack of) feelings that she almost makes you feel like a partypooper to come in with any moral stuff.

In literature the wife from David Vogel's Married Life comes to mind, a true sadist who tortures the portagonist to insanity. She is all the creepier because she has utterly unpredictable bouts of aggressive energy, e.g. she also opts to surgically remove her large breasts simply because she is fascinated by operation, just because she can.

I also felt the character of Judi Dench in Notes of a Scandal was great as both portraying an extremely bitter and destructive woman, and still making you feel empathy for her (with her speech on loneliness).

Honorary mention for Matilda's Miss Trunchbull, who I truly hated as a child.
>No, it sounds like french to me
Women, would you date a fat and balding guy?
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First for cute bouldering gf
Yes, like French with less flow and more logical structure if that makes sense.
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You already know who I'm gonna post
No but that might be due to me speaking german and some french.
Do women like being manipulated by guys they're attracted to? From my experience it feels like they do but I'm expecting different answers here
Men I went outside and I'm sitting somewhere very visible and I don't have headphones in and I'm trying not to have RBF. If no one approaches me I'm ugly and will transition to be a man. Thoughts?
Mandy from totally spies. Watching her and Clover butt heads was way more entertaining to me than the rest of the show for some reason.
What's that?
People say to let go of anxiety and shame by breathing through it etc. This makes sense if you're catastrophizing about unrealistic what-ifs, if you're insecure about something unimportant, or if you're agonizing about something someone said ages ago.

But what are you supposed to do if it's a real ongoing thing that has not been resolved? That it's not a thing you're upset about once and can let go. These circumstances and inner faults will continue to arise again and again.

What are you breathing through if the source of anxiety is still there afterwards?
Resting bitch face
Are you looking at your phone? How would you like to be approached?
Can I just sit down next to you, or do you want me to start a convo?
>that pic
Would a girl really hold hands with a guy who's the same height as her? Sorry, it's difficult to believe.
State gender
I have an unusual name which sounds really bad in my head and i have issues introducing myself to others, what should I do?
Oh, lol.
I have a major case of RBF too.
Depends on a few things
Was the attempt successful in that I didn't initially detect it? Don't like that
Let's say I pick up on the attempt.
Can I glean that it's for a benevolent purpose? I might play along
Is it obviously meant to be at my expense? Might not let him know that I know, but I will make it as difficult for him as I can for a while.
F. Idk if it sounds harsh it's just unfamiliar.
The first chapter of Hope and Help for your nerves changed my life
They don't, but they might still like (some of) the effects of it. Good manipulation is not so much faking it, but rather making someone do what you want by pressing their buttons (= by doing/giving shit they enjoy as a carrot). So naturally they will like it somewhat.

At the end of the day though, people do not want to be manipulated (compare it to not wanting to be lied to, even though a lie could keep you happy as long as you believe it). If you are caught doing this, you cannot restore it, no amount of apologizing will make your partner un-realize this side to you. You cannot restore trust to what it was like before it got damaged.

What's more, any manipulation works best on people that are at least gullible and preferably altogether not too bright. So chances are the people you want to date most are not the people you get the best results with anyway.
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Junko Enoshima from Danganronpa
I'm looking at my phone occasionally and I'm sorta reading a book. It might be cute if someone asked to sit with me or asked me about the book or something
If you zoom in, you'll see he's actually a bit taller than her.
How do? What's the book for and what are some takeaways you had?
>my name's X but I prefer to be called Y
What I used to do was automatically incorporate a pronunciation guide in my introductions, but now I just use a less unique/ethnic nickname for practicality at work and school. I picked one that starts with the same letter though
You sound interesting :)
How would you know and what help would it be if you feel fir it emotionally regardless?
> I might play along
> meant to be at my expense?
Maybe that's your thing
You got a nickname? Instead of saying "my name is" just say "I go by" and use the nickname.
you should send me a voca of you pronouncing your name.
Contrary to popular belief you're not supposed to just go outside and do nothing then get approached (not many guys actually approach, you'll mostly get cold approached by players)
Look up the etymology and go by another variant, or go by your middle name, or legally change your name.
>What are you breathing through if the source of anxiety is still there afterwards?
You are asking yourself "is it justified or not to be anxious about something" when the real question is "does it bring you anything at all to be anxious about something".

Say you had the most reason in the world to be anxious, you're deep in debt and people can knock on your door any second to collect your shit or throw you in prison. Or whatever. Even then, when you have all the reason in the world to be anxious, it would still serve you better if you managed to remain cool and collected to at least make the best possible shot in your horrible situation.

Ironically also, a lot of things that people struggle with more chronically (say chronic pain or generalized anxiety) are things that not only do they not get better when you worry about them, it can actually work the other way around where you feel better the less energy you invest in it.
I don't have any nicknames and any nickname based on my name would suck even more lol
The best workaround I've found is giving contact number to people on viber messenger which automatically saves your pic and name to their phone.
They'll know what I'm called and I won't have to say it kek
Why does it have to be a nickname? Why can't you just pick your own name? If anyone asks why you can explain you just dislike your given name and all shortened versions. It can just be practical to include your official name so to avoid any confusion or weirdness down the line, like they meet someone who knows you by your give name or whatever.
Women, is it zesty if a guy likes Panic! At the Disco ?
So what should I do?
You're asking the wrong question. The goal of breathing through it is not to remove the source of the anxiety it's to help you realize that feeling anxious isn't doing anything. Feeling anxious about things doesn't do anything to fix them or make you feel better. It serves no purpose unless you are actually in danger. So you're not trying to make it go away you're reminding yourself that it's not justified and it's not helpful.
I won the ghosting debate in the last thread, bigly.
That depends. Do you prefer before or after the split?
Why are horror movies so lewd? is that because moids won't watch anything that doesn't have a busty blonde bimbo having sex?
Hard to say the absolute favorite, but Helga Sinclair from Atlantis is pretty great.
M. Depends on how it is spoken.
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ooh no
Because that's seen as dumb or retarded in my culture, we only have names abd surnames, and nicknames are derived from one of the two
For the record, people, especially women for some reason have told me to my face I have a nice name but I have my reasons to hate it with passion since it indirectly caused PTSD
Both, but Too Rare to Live Too Rare to Die was their last good album
>since it indirectly caused PTSD
How so?
Sex scenes in horrors movies are supposed to scare teenagers who watch them into thinking someone will kill them for having sex
If I wanted to watch women have sex I'd watch foreign artsy movies
Be more sociable. Most "approaching" happens in situations where people mingle. Many cases involved the woman purposely trying to be in the orbit of particular guys and acted interested so the guy knew to ask her out.
I think it's just because they tend to be B-movies targeting a teenage audience hoping to get laid.

I used to love them as a teenager, especially if they were campy, but at some point I couldn't unsee anymore how often violence towards women was shown in a sexualized way. Like a guy would die from a headshot and then you'd have a woman getting her clothes ripped off, being strangled and tied up, moaning in pain for a good while...
Ironically it's because of puritan culture

The anti puritan whore that has le lewd sex gets killed as a punishment for not following god's teachings
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I don't watch horror movies but I love busty blonde bimbos and I don't appreciate you being rude about them!
Shego, probably, if we're talking "favourite" as in "I like this girl"
If we're talking "best villain", I would have to unironically say Dolores Umbridge from Harry Potter of all things. I have not hated a villain more than when I read that book. Really hit all of worst possible notes of what an incredibly evil, but still realistic character could be.
I just got stung by a bee for the first time in like 15 years and you know what? It wasn't that bad.
>You sound interesting :)
That's very nice, thank you
>How would you know
Some people are more obvious than others, but if I had to name common denominators, I'd say it comes down to repetition of a desire(which can be stated in different ways) and then pattern recognition. Some people are better at disguising their repetition in increasingly complex, spaced out patterns, some are less good. Ultimately when I can identify those two things, it's easier to discern their agenda. This is really simplified though, usually more information will be needed.
>what help would it be if you feel fir it emotionally regardless?
Can you rephrase this please? I'm not sure I get what you mean.
I find fumbled but benevolent attempts at playing me pretty cute as well. The intent is a deciding factor though.
>Maybe that's your thing
It is not.
I'm not in the peace and love part of the world and other people in elementary and hs thought I belong to a different ethnic group we were at war with even though I'm the same as them, details irrelevant but I still don't like looking at my ID as an adult
Oh anon....
Whats the difference between this and bottling up my emotions?
Men what about a woman makes her go from "person I know" to "someone I really like/love" for you
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I watch for she
Maybe it is a weak suggestion, but given everything that you said, if the name you carry is common then do you think you could find a book that features a character with that name? Maybe it would help to go out of your way to develop positive or at least neutral associations and let it sink in that people's prejudice and assumptions were never the fault of your name.
You're on thin ice. We stand in solidarity with Ryan and Jon over here. But I'll allow it.
One day you'll just be going through your routine, and then you look at her and realize that you're willing to turn against the world for her.
>The best workaround I've found is giving contact number to people on viber messenger which automatically saves your pic and name to their phone.
>They'll know what I'm called and I won't have to say it kek
That's certainly one way of doing it
>Why does it have to be a nickname? Why can't you just pick your own name? If anyone asks why you can explain you just dislike your given name and all shortened versions.
My given name is like that, I despise the shortened versions. That's why my nickname is just whole other name entirely. I just stick with the same initial out of taste
The poc die first, then the sex havers and the drug users, the virgin always lives.
How can a nickname suck more than ptsd?
never felt the love meme, but the middle part of "would date" is just her having a tolerable personality and being reasonably attractive
A Fever You Cant Sweat Out is a flawless album, so I tend to agree
First of all, what I wrote does not mean that you shouldn't (let alone cannot) share your concerns or worries with others. But it can still help, in the sense that managing your anxiety can help it turn from an endless ramble about every detail going through your mind, into simply being able to look another person in the eye and tell them "I feel really scared about XYZ" and have them hear you and understand you. The anxiety can also get in the way of connecting with others.

Secondly, if you ask me the most important thing is you don't bottle stuff up in the sense of pushing it down. Whether or not you choose to discuss it with others, doesn't change that it matters that you personally acknowledge your own feelings.

The problem with suppressing things is that when you get really good at it, you no longer have your own warning signs. If you successfully train yourself to ignore your worries and anxiety and the likes, you will still have e.g. heart palpations or stress migraine, you just won't know anymore what causes it because you have blocked out the info that could tell you that.

This is what should always be avoided. But that is different from acknowledging that if you cannot change something (for now), learning to live with it as graciously as you can becomes the new goal.
not that bad? the bee fucking died
Puritan culture leads to a world where gore is ok but titties and sex are not. Sad.
Women, I’ve been reading Nietzsche again..
speaking of bees, I figured out that aliens are trying to restructure human society to be eusocial with a large contingent of non-reproducing worker people
this explains why dating apps are rigged
Are you having a good time?
Can you name examples of repeated patterns and desires you've noticed? You seem experienced with guys like that. I'm not looking to improve my skills or anything lol, just curious
> I'm not sure I get what you mean.
I mean if you fell for a guy's tricks and realized it afterwards, would it be too late or too difficult to get back on track?
> I find fumbled but benevolent attempts at playing me pretty cute as well
Welcome :) I think I'd still take you out
> It is not
You sure?
Women, is it weird if a guy likes underground rock bands like Green Day?
You're lucky I like you because you're funny
I didn't know how to answer this question but I think you did it for me I agree wholeheartedly with everything you just said.
What? It's been like 20 minutes is it going to get worse? I'm going to be itchy aren't I?
Acknowledging them. When you bottle them up you're doing your best not to think about them. What you're meant to be doing is acknowledging the thought, and letting it go, or taking action if you can and it makes sense. If the anxiety is "I'm worried that cup is going to tip over because it's on an unstable surface" move the cup. But if you worried about something out of your control you have to take the anxiety and ask yourself "is being anxious about this helpful? What could I be doing instead that would be helpful or would make me feel better" or sometimes "is this a valid fear? This is a thing that could happen but is very unlikely to happen. Will worrying about it keep it from happening?" The answer is always no. Worrying about it won't do anything. If you're really that worried think of solutions, not about how anxious you are about what's going to happen if you don't do anything.
Women, is it bad if a guy doesn't really care about music
No. Women are just finally tired of your penis bullshit and actually running you stupid men into a mass extinction event.
Give up your evil ways and maybe a woman will pitty you. Take better care of yourself in every way too. Single men, prepare for the end.
school shooter kinda vibe ngl
It’s nice to know that someone, somewhere, sometime ever understood me.
It's not as common as I'd like it to be and I'd still prefer if I could introduce myself to people normally without associating with fictional characters
Nigga I have insecurities, nothing is rational about this situation
oh shit you like indie bands too?
I just found this song I like, you probably never heard of them, they're pretty niche.
Serves him right I was just standing there minding my own business and he ran into me. He's at fault for the accident this shouldn't effect my insurance.
>your gender
>your age
>after how many dates do you think it's "normal" to have sex by?
>what is the earliest you would conceivably go?
>how long would not having sex make you disgruntled and potentially tap out?
I wouldn't care personally, as long as it doesn't translate to being very particular about never having any on at home. My own sister, that I'm very close to, is not a fan of music so it wouldn't faze me.
Was he right? Is this the reason why moids like bpdemons so much? I mean they are dangerous.
I would have taken this completely seriously at age 12 I thought I was so cool. Cringe af. And so was saying cringe AF right now. I didn't get better.
don't care, lllloooooollll
what do you mean, the columbine boys were all about the tunes
> but they might still like (some of) the effects of it. Good manipulation is not so much faking it, but rather making someone do what you want by pressing their buttons
NTA but i wanna know more about how this works, its not for nefarious purposes i swear
Like 20 minutes
More than 10 dates? At that point I would figure there was a mismatch of sexual morals or he just didn't want to.
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>I’ve been reading Nietzsche again
Is he literally you?
I could never date someone like this. Music is really important to me

>After how many dates do you think it's "normal" to have sex by?
I think anything from the first date to like ten can be normal, depending on age, experience and culture of the people dating. No doubt even more...

>what is the earliest you could conceivably go?
The first night. It just depends on how comfortable I feel. Also because being nervous simply makes my interest in sex drop dramatically.

>how long would not having sex make you disgruntled and potentially tap out?
I take it you mean initially, not down the line. I think a month is about the maximum I could take if we saw a lot of each other, maybe two if we only saw each other like once a week. I would not want to wait longer than that, simply to avoid growing incredibly attached and then finding out about deeper sexual issues (or even just incompatibility) that doom a relationship.
gib me some tunez
Berserk is not nietzschepilled, there is nothing dionysian about it
I don't hate listening to it or anything, it's just I never cared enough to know who bands are or to go to concerts and shit
green day is Not underground, but its not weird to like. i dont listen to many mainstream bands so its cute seeing other music freaks :3
What are you into so I can tailor my recommendations? :)
Nta. Jesus Christ

Good job that physically hurt to read
I've no idea, lol.
I just want to get some insight into what you like, don't worry about me.
>not even tune your recommendations
Come on girl
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Why are people so mean to fat people?
Same, I sing in my car quite frequently.
>>your gender
>>your age
>>after how many dates do you think it's "normal" to have sex by?
3-5 I think
>>what is the earliest you would conceivably go?
20+. Takes me a lot of time to get comfy with a guy.
>>how long would not having sex make you disgruntled and potentially tap out?
Probably around 20-30, too. Sex IS important to me, I just need to feel safe first, otherwise I just straight up don't work. No guy has ever made me really think "Oh yes fuck me" before I've gotten to know him incredibly well.
Okay super simple and innocent example. I used to work a job where I had to help customers that had forgotten items at railway stations, and I had to call people physically present there to look for it. The issue was these people also had other jobs (informing people on stuff, helping passengers) and I would come in asking for a favor, usually one that had to happen fast (someone forgetting a backpack with laptop in a busy place). They were also free to refuse this as this was really just a bonus service we offered.

If I knew in advance it would be hard (like I could see there were not as many people working as usually so it would be extra busy), the important thing was that people are willing to do everything as long as they feel like a hero for it. The second I started to try to push anyone into it (my coworker would say it was quite busy and I would stress the backpack had a costly laptop inside with work documents), I made them feel guilty or lazy (while their reason for wanting to refuse was their hard work) and that made them hostile and totally uncooperative.

What always did the trick was sort of sharing my problem with them, that I understood they were with few but I was so far away I could do nothing, and in my sweetest voice I would ask something like "is it possible for you to remember this in case it is less busy twenty minutes later? it will probably be gone but you know, better that than nothing".

That puts them in a position where they can offer to look for it right away (*sigh* "if I'm going to look for it then, I might as well look now I guess"), then you praise them lavishly for going above and beyond.
End result, they did what you wanted because you found a way to make them feel good about themselves by doing it. Instead of just cooperating they could feel like a stellar worker and everybody likes that.

A lot of seduction also works like this. Not presenting yourself as interesting, but making the other person feel interesting.
because my taxes go to healthcare to people who chose to be unhealthy
Are you religious/spiritual?

If so, how do you implement it into your daily life? How would you describe your god/s?
its been a social standard to not br "fat" esp w the fact that people think fat=unhealthy, when its sometimes not the case. people think that fat people need help, but they are just human beings who dont want comments all the time abt their bodies
They like chasing and trying to fight back or to get themselves out of it which usually doesn't work but it's fun
> If you are caught doing this, you cannot restore it, no amount of apologizing will make your partner un-realize this side to you.
This is true, but I don't like apologizing for that
> works best on people that are at least gullible and preferably altogether not too bright
Not necessarily, smart and educated girls have a false sense of security because of their intelligence and easily fall for it
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Are you guys really girls
I'm horny for once but I can't masturbate
landwhale detected.
Arm your harpoons, soldiers!
oh man, you should hear the things woman say to me, lol.
Poor girl..
I'm a fat and balding guy.
I would see this as waiting until marriage lmao
I judge ngl but I keep it to myself. People who harass fat people have no filter. It just makes themselves look bad. So they don't really have insight into the situation they're putting themselves in.
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Oh, right on. You like green day?
Never heard of them, are they some kind of underground indie band?
>They like chasing
Thtis is just (usually) a result of manipulation in relationships. That you leave someone wondering or feeling less secure and chasing you. Or they feel something is off about your behavior even if they can't tell what exactly.

>and trying to fight back
And this is just pulling each other in a toxic dynamic.

>smart and educated girls have a false sense of security
No doubt, but I take it your manipulations boil down to wanting people to do things they usually wouldn't. Then even if someone does not recognize your manipulation as willful, they can still realize you are not what they're looking for if they have self-respect and good people skills.
I don't harass fat people unless they're women. I don't bother fat motherfuckers unless they're assholes directly to me.
Marriage is fine, but I do have this feeling that getting married that early in would be a bit weird. Feels rushed for the sake of rushing it. I'm also not really religious, but I can respect it if a guy is. My first was very religious, and we certainly didn't wait THAT long. Only took about half a year or so.
Tune doesn't work as well as tailor in that sentence imo
Aw gimme some kind of hint, there's too much to choose from
In what ways do you harass fat women?
>Aw gimme some kind of hint, there's too much to choose from
Alright, eh...
Give me something you listen to when you want to cheer yourself up.
>having to wait longer than some other guy
>Can you name examples of repeated patterns and desires you've noticed? You seem experienced with guys like that. I'm not looking to improve my skills or anything lol, just curious
It's not really just guys that do it. In my experience, men are usually not very good at it and women tend to be a bit better. I was naturally very literal minded and guileless for most of my life and even now, I'm very bad at lying, but I think I've observed well enough to explain it.

Okay, so the goal is to discern the person's agenda. Let's say I'm out with a group of friends and we plan on going somewhere for dinner later but one friend, Kate, chimes into the conversation with an unrelated "something smells delicious! What is that?"
A bit later, she cuts in shyly and asks "are you guys hungry? We can get a small snack before dinner if you are"
As the day goes on, Kate seems a bit distracted, glancing at bakeries, hot dog stands, etc, but she doesn't say anything.

There's repetition here. In a variety of ways, Kate communicates she has food on the mind. It might do to assume that she's hungry.

But the pattern here is that every time she communicated, she didn't actually say that she was hungry. That leaves us with the question 'why would Kate hint at being hungry without saying it outright?'

From here, you take what you know about the person and start with your educated guesses. Let's say Kate is a bit of a wallflower, the second child out of four, and we know her to be a sweet, generous girl.
Conclusion: she's been too hungry to wait until dinner but didn't want to be rude or burdensome to her friends by asking to stop for a snack.
There's a chance this is completely wrong and if it is, I'd honestly just ask Kate nicely what's up. Trial and error, process of elimination, all that.
I hope that example works haha

Where can I find artsy/romantic amateur porn for girls?
? 20 dates was about half a year total.
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>landwhale detected
Try Erika Lust? Tumblr used to be good for this if you don't need whole videos, but I'm not sure if that's still the case or they actually manage to keep it SFW there now.
> That you leave someone wondering or feeling less secure
I.e. most reliable cheating prevention, it works
> Or they feel something is off about your behavior even if they can't tell what exactly.
They find it hot, so I'm not complaining
> this is just pulling each other in a toxic dynamic.
Not each other, just her :)
> wanting people to do things they usually wouldn't
It's about making them want to do things they *think* they're not supposed to and making them feel bad about not doing it. They're not that good at getting out of it if they're hooked
I feel like all of my hobbies are copes for not having a girlfriend. I worry that I would drop all that shit if I ever got a gf
You can also just give me something you were listening to if you want, or you can just not give me anything, don't want to trouble you too much.
Nevermind, you made me check, first guy took 22 dates before we moved in together, and then it took another 2 months before we had sex, for a bit more than 8 months.

I was a wreck. Realistically wont take THAT long next time.
>I mean if you fell for a guy's tricks and realized it afterwards, would it be too late or too difficult to get back on track?
I don't appreciate being tricked so that will already have the guy starting off on a bad foot with me. Once I understand the reason why this was done, I'll know how upset I am. Either way though, the person who did it will get a talking to.
>I think I'd still take you out
Take me out like knocking me out in the ring or take me out for dinner??
>You sure?
not her, but any specific suggestions on where to look for this on twitter?
>I.e. most reliable cheating prevention, it works
The mind works in strange ways and feeling like your partner might be cheating, might be unfulfilled by you or might leave you, in itself is actually a pretty common reason to cheat and feel like you "evened the score" or "took back control". Or even just to keep your cool around your partner you are actually in love with.

>Not each other, just her :)
It is also toxic for you because the responses she will have (getting distrustful and maybe starting to check on you or not believe you, fishing for validation, getting insecure and mopey) will also affect the relationship you are in.
it used to be hella easy to find good accounts, but i usuallt find them via checking peoples profiles and retweet LOL
what went wrong
I'm a man but sometimes I like to watch for-women anal videos
He died.
im a girl and same
damn sorry to hear that
ooh, I like this, atmospheric and kind of ambient. I've been more into electro swing lately.

Do you have any favorite videos/actresses/channels? don't need to post any links
why does moving on feel like cheating
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Thoughts on this guy got arrested for eating a sandwich while waiting for a train?
Because you really want to go back. You don't want to move on, and your head will make a ton of excuses for why. "It feels like cheating" is just one of them. When you get over that, something else will keep you stuck in the mud instead.
no i just surf twitter LOL soryr man
>Go back to check
>Can no longer find Likes on profiles
What did musky do to this place man...
What does it have to do with the topic?
Why do you post staged shit like that?
Nobody cares
RIGHTT likes and rts are how i would find good accounts But i wouldnt ever interact, id just jack off n log off
Just realized I haven't fapped in 3 weeks. Just been too tired I guess
Ooh I really liked this. Got anything similar?
i do this too but whne i thinka bout jakcin off i get hornu and cant help myself
it's good
The best stuff is usually nameless amateurs anyway.
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bump on this spirituality question >>31545545
oh man, my playlist is a complete mess, I'm one of those guys that just mixes all genre.
I'll try to see if I can find another one inside that mess, but don't keep your hopes up. :^P
Women, why do you have guy friends? You know they're all trying to fuck you, right? Do you enjoy leading men on or something?
>t. *fap fap fap* while typing on the keyboard
hell yeah
How do I make witty and funny comments to slide into girls' DMs?
Send the whole playlist *-*
LMFAOO i would never jack off while im online and texting away :sob:
Sorry, my youtube playlist is my safe space, lol.
Nobody can know my secrets.
By being witty and funny
>If no one approaches me I'm ugly and will transition to be a man.
We lost another one boys u_u
:( ok I understand
how do i make myself want to move on
Not really, but only if he's okay with hearing my cursed and eclectic taste in songs playing sometimes
It's true, no one has approached me
Why does the thought of being fully clothed around a nude woman turn me on so much?
Sorry :P
Here's one, I think

and two bonus songs.
*plays taps*
How do I become that
It's okay bro.
Women, if your boyfriend asked you for sex at this very moment, would you say yes?
If you have to ask there is little hope
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Girls, I want you to look at me like pic related
is it that hard?
>>your gender
>>your age
>>after how many dates do you think it's "normal" to have sex by?
No clue. I'd love to keep my virginity until marriage, but relationships aren't one size fits all
>>what is the earliest you would conceivably go?
It depends on my vague, nebulous feelings of security and vulnerability with the person.
>>how long would not having sex make you disgruntled and potentially tap out?
I haven't had sex yet so current streak is 26 years and counting.
What are good german language bands?
I get what you mean in the first part, more of a reading between the lines deal than manipulative behavior detection. Not hard to tell if you follow the person closely the first time
> Either way though, the person who did it will get a talking to.
I knew I liked you
> Take me out like knocking me out in the ring or take me out for dinner??
Dinner, and I'd try to figure out why the ring knockout was the first thing that came to your mind :)
> Very
rammstein is pretty basic but solid I guess
but who is she, would
not a fan of them desu
I'm sick with a nasty flu atm and no one taking care of.you sucks major balls.
I think that's the downside of dying alone, before you die you're probably sick and being ill and left alone is just miserable.
Catholic but very extreme
Pretty sure my brother isn't trying to do that and we're like best friends. A good chunk of my guy friends have expressed attraction to me, but once the initial sting of gentle rejection faded, they discovered that being friends is fine actually
This whole thread has too much adhd to function. Everyone please take your meds and riddle me.
Single men that have been rejected a lot, why bother?
I don't really listen to much music
Would people call me a basic faggot if I said I liked The Doors and Radiohead?
>What are good german language bands?
They all suck.
>t. German
fair, I only like a couple of their songs
Hey, at least your gf doesn't go partying without you when you're sick
I guess I'm a man now
don't try to be witty, it doesn't work. not only does trying to be witty when you're not look lame, actual wit will fly over their heads
Have you ever watched porn?
sphynx from dragons dogma
5th date or something I guess
idk never had a gf
Not just any man, bro, you're my bro now.
I like the doors and love Radiohead so no
>Single men that have been rejected a lot, why bother?
Implying single men get rejected in the current year. Single men just give up, there's no opportunity to even get rejected.
you know what, still would
>After marriage
>After marriage
>6 months of no sex/intimacy after being married
Yay, love you bro
>more of a reading between the lines deal than manipulative behavior detection
Yeah, basically. Like I said, I'm bad at lying but I've become pretty good at observing.
I'm not sure if the tone I'm reading into this is correct. Explain
Love you too, bro.
It makes me smile to see German and Japanese people admire each other's cultures.
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i hope that u recover quick11
Whats wrong with you?
If she would get sth from the pharmacy for me after she went partying I wouldn't even mind.
fukket, eating ice cream rn
Not her but theres NO BENEFIT at ALL for women to have casual sex.
First one sounds so familiar, is it sampling something? I like it
men will never be happy with a womans body count
Yeah, man, DO IT, live your best life.
Thank u!
I said it's prevention, it comes from having control, not paranoia. Having control feels nice.
> is also toxic for you because the responses she will have
It's not toxic for me if I like her reactions to it lol
> getting distrustful and maybe starting to check on you or not believe you, fishing for validation, getting insecure and mopey
All part of the plan and how it works
>doesnt have sex
>whats wrong with you
>has sex
>you whore!
I didn't develop attraction towards anyone until earlier this year when I met my boyfriend, but we're currently long diatance. Otherwise, I don't see the point in having sex with people I wasn't attracted to.
What flavor anon?
No it should be 1 and I should be her first and her last but I didn't need to wait until marriage
I ate them all.
right Like
ye, I think this is it?
Men would you date a woman with a criminal record?
Then what do I do ?
Do you never phantasize about how it's like to you know... Do the deed?
Yes, birth control lolll

She would also be at a concert when it's your birthday, basically there would be almost no reason to call her your gf
I too love it when the japs draw anime girls and boys in SS uniforms
probably, if it's minor depends on the crime though
no druggies
This can range from murder to petty theft so hard to say but I lean towards no.
Absolutely not.
who did she kill...
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Oh that's so funny I randomly clicked on that one earlier from a swing playlist I made a while ago when you mentioned swing! I will listen to the other ones now :) thank you for posting them
There is always hope, just tell me what to do
>theft, drug use, etc.
>tax evasion, terrorism against the goverment, racial hatecrimes
I'd marry her in a heartbeat
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>She would also be at a concert when it's your birthday
That's a.friend but not a gf then
The benefit is that orgasm is an antidepressant
depends on the crimes committed?
Depends on her crime, might make her hotter desu.
No idea. Struggling with the same thing.

One day it'll probably fade. Hopefully.
Did she do gay stuff in prison? This is important.
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my hero complex doesnt help desu
Ok so just masturbate instead of whoring yourself out and getting STDs..? Are you fucking stupid by any chance?
np, it's been a while since I've shared stuff I listen to, always makes me anxious.
> Like I said, I'm bad at lying but I've become pretty good at observing.
I don't really lie a lot, I prefer emotionally manipulating girls. I'll say a lie or two to ease off the pressure when needed but it's not my approach
> I'm not sure if the tone I'm reading into this is correct. Explain
What confused you?
Casual sex sounds like it's a lot. I don't really have anything against people who do it, but for me, it seems like too much risk for very short term rewards
Yeah, it's a minefield and we're all in clown shoes. My boyfriend is really cool about it though. He respects the 0 without worshipping it.
Kinda wild how much clout a small passage of tissue holds.
Yeah, it's fun. I wrote short bits of erotica sometimes too, but it's been a while.
Depends on the chemistry with the person, if you really hit it off early with someone, why not even after the first date?
I don't really feel comfortable naked around others, but if she wanted after the first date, then I would oblige. Otherwise, probably at least a few weeks of getting to know each other.
I've never had sex before, so if I've been able to wait this long, I wouldn't mind waiting for another year, I suppose.
Crunchy Klondike
yeah LOL my bf bagged me early at 16 n hes my first :3
>I prefer emotionally manipulating girls.
To what end?
>What confused you?
When you said "right", the tone I read was that you didn't believe my answer. Is that accurate, or did you mean something else?
BUT IM 18 NOW fuck i should have said that
Why are you only 18, bruh
go outside and live life.
too damn hot to go outside unless its somewhere with ac
Ooh the French one is nice too, kinda sexy
Not the same vibe but here's a French song for you https://youtu.be/2QQr8vJ-7SE?si=w7aFA4cPzk8GT90Q
Why are you here at 18 you fucking loser
Did you get groomed or something?
no i went on here to see what ppl thought about for the pres debate like last week LOL
Men when do you give up on a woman
when she no longer smells the same
When she says "Ew, stop talking to me".
Oh cool. I couldn't imagine really having sex at that age. People who tried to throughout the years almost always thought I was lying when I said I didn't feel attracted to anyone haha
Long as you're being safe lol, I'm not your mom xD
This is the worst bait, bro.
How old is your bf
On a woman or women?
last year when I dated a bit then stopped getting likes on the apps
This one's got a resort vacation vibe to it, pretty cool.
Anyway, it was nice sharing some tunes with you, but I gotta go recluse mode now, even just this has been way too much social interaction for me.
Take care. :^)
when I see a dealbreaker
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women dont exist online
Even if I wasn't a fat piece of shit I don't know how you're supposed to get past feeling unlovable since you were 10 for a multitude of various reasons. That shit is ingrained in me, and even in the past when women have thrown themselves at me, I've spent more time trying to figure out what their intentions are than I have actually talking to them.
Men list your deal breakers
Unironically just stop being fat. Seriously.
hes 18 too we met in middle school playing minecraft
Just enough to have fun with her reactions and confusion and make her do what I want, I'll let her rest and ease off if I overdone something since I don't intend to emotionally hurt women, not too much a t least
Puffy cheeks. Is your bf plus size too?
>hates kids
>meme degree
>not religious
>divorced parents
When she sneezes into her hands
>mean to people
>doesn't like me
hates anal
Wouldn't fix my mind.
We probably have different ideas of fun then. My favorite people tend to be the ones where this whole complicated line of thinking doesn't even apply
It absolutely would help.
Fat, LGBT bullshit and disloyalty
Being fat is a mindset though
I got plenty of other reasons.
Your mind and your body are connected my dude. Feeling better physically and having people treat you better because you don't look disgusting will make you feel much better than you think.
he offered to pay for a trip for me to see/meet him in person. we live a few hours away from eachother. been talking over 2 months now and we haven't had a videocall in a month.

i feel a little lack luster towards him now since he has been hot/cold due to issues he has been having and he wants to videochat tonight to maybe make up for it. i wish he was more incentivized to videocall/voice chat before this so we could express our personalities better. how do i get inspired again? this heat may also be affecting my mood and I'm more exhausted than usual. how to feel better with all this heat?
>having people treat you better because you don't look disgusting
This actually has always made me feel much worse.
How come basic bitches always have quirked up boyfriends. And I only a little weird and literally not a single man likes me
Career woman
Isn't a virgin
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Excuse me, miss. I should just come to terms with the astonishing fact that we now have fucking TikTok tourists here.
>we live a few hours away from eachother. been talking over 2 months now and we haven't had a videocall in a month.
>he offered to pay for a trip for me to see/meet him in person.
This just sounds like he wants to have sex.
People actually watched two dimentia patients be fisted by illuminati?
I think being fat isn't your only issue honestly, you sound severely mentally ill. Touch some grass get off this site
Hi /atoga/! I have some big news!

Last night I was out with my gf, and we were flirting about getting married again. She started to say something about it being "too soon," that I haven't met her parents yet, or her bestie, or bought a ring. I dunno what came over me, but I said something to the effect of,
>Yeah that's true, but you understand that once that's all done, I'm going to do it.
She let out a squeal, then said she wasn't going to make it easy on me and wouldn't give me an answer before I asked... lol. Then she went on and started talking about what time of year she wants our wedding to be.

So yeah I'm probably going to be engaged by the end of summer.
my job of pissing people off is working (not really my job) (cant a girl have a little fun)
Literally not a single one?
or like, Guy I like don't like me kind of situation
Men, what's your favorite hairstyle on a partner? Think color, texture, length, and cut if any
Oh god the fever kicks in hard.
I usually like this stage of the flu because you're feeling like shit but are also comfily exhausted and numb and the fever dreams can be pretty trippy too.
You genuinely sound like an absolute retard
I assume you've two already done the dirty?
yeah it was so difficult to watch i was jyst looking for a public chat abt the debate and i was like "wait 4chan probably has what i want" n it did and i just stayed for a bit to see whatas the haps
Not one
>you've two
I assume you two have already done the dirty?
>drinks often
>has kids
>genetic disorder
>body piercings
>tattoos (going to have loosen this they all have some tattoo now wtf)
>parents aren't together
could be many more haha
Good, because I am an absolute retard.
>Men, what's your favorite hairstyle on a partner? Think color, texture, length, and cut if any
I like a shoulder length straight ponytail. Idc about hair colour but it absolutely must be your natural colour and it should be healthy. If I could chose Id say brunette
If you don't mind me being some guy you'll never meet, feel free to tell yourself that I like you. :)
The worst thing about giddy little faggots like you is the 180 that you take when reality kicks you in the balls, finally.
I mean I've been skinny before and I've been fat before and knowing that most people are just shit is a reminder not to get close to anyone.
RUN as long as you still can sweet summer child
the strong woman lesbian side buzz, unironically, or bald.
Jack... mmm....
I won't because you don't
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this, i guess it's a bob?
I like when it's shoulder length too
no ive been exposed to hella shit online alr but im definitely not rotting away on the internet LOL! i do have a stable social life and relationships with my parents :3 i just like the internet
anonette is in her cringe phase, we cant stop her or else we'll do more damage. its like when your pc wants to update itself
See, you're already moving up the ladder, from no one liking you to your first rejection.
You'll do fine, Anon. :)
I agree with the other anon. You sound like a retard.
>unironic election tourist
I like short hair on women. Bobs and Pixie cuts
That was wholesome.
Men, buy me jewelry.
red or blonde
the wonderful world of 4chan is not immune to new members
this kind of color
but shoulder lenght
love bob cuts
Men on here complain women come on here for attention and then flirt with the ones who have boyfriends. Look in the mirror you are the clown
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here you go, m'lady.
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>when do you give up on a woman
I'll NEVER give up on her
lol dumbass
>Men, buy me jewelry
Not buying stupid overpriced metals and stones
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I havent engaged in that behavior today but picrel
LOOOOL this is so cute wait imma draw u and her
I don't flirt with woman, lol.
I just ask stupid questions and get hate for it.
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That was nice of you to watch the oldfolks voluntarily. I couldn't be bothered. I know who to vote for to further avoid embarassing our country.
Length, as long as possible. Nothing else matters. My wife can fold up her bangs and braid her hair to have essentially any hairstyle I want. Natural color, only because dyes can damage hair, which leads to a haircut, which loses length. Women should have long, flowing hair.
I talk to the ones that engage with my posts
if you don't like that it's on you
prefer women who aren't big on jewelry
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Alright, pick one
>your gender
>your age
>after how many dates do you think it's "normal" to have sex by?
I wouldn't expect anything sexual before the third date most probably.
>what is the earliest you would conceivably go?
I wouldn't find sex on the first date strange, if the chemistry really is there.
>how long would not having sex make you disgruntled and potentially tap out?
Depends a lot. I'd be willing to go on for pretty long if the partner feels great in other ways. Giving up just because of lack of sex would feel really wierd, since that's not what I'm after in a relationship primarily.
Based positive manipulation
I guess so, though quite secular, and would count myself as an agnostic theist and a skeptic. I belong to the majority religion's church, but rarely participate in any religious services. I mostly just wear my confirmation cross around my neck and pray in silence on the rare occasion.
I love those. Used to get them at the dollar store.
I ate too much help
That's so cool!! Does she have a goal length? I'm trying to get mine to it's terminal length unless something like an illness prevents me from caring for it well
Im happy for you anon, congratulations(?)
They were always too messy for my taste, I always got spit everywhere eating it, or maybe I'm just a drooling retard.
State Gender, Misconceptions you had as a child.

When I was younger I would mispronounce the Grim Reaper as the Grim Raper and thought nothing was wrong.
I mean, we shared explicit pics once but he had a meltdown the next day and flipped on me saying he couldn't have a relationship since he has intimacy issues. but he also had something happen personal that triggered him I found out a few days later.

we both kind of want to cuddle eachother and maybe just get some oxytocin/seratonin. he said he would take the couch or we could share bed but he said he wasn't going to push on sex and told me not to worry
State gender
Do you sometimes buy items you don't really need that much because they went on sale?
I have bought so many games in the Steam summer sale which I'll probably never gonna play.
mostly shit for my 3d printers and supplements
3rd row second from the right.
>This whole thread has too much adhd to function. Everyone please take your meds
I would take my meds if I just had them, but I'm unable to get a diagnose despite my best efforts.
I hope you get better soon, Anon.
Wtf is Crunchy Klondike?
Sorry, I'm a khhv, so I'm not much help
This is the extent of my knowledge, I only have vague advice left like trust your guts and first instinct.
good luck anon, maybe some other anons will have more insight into his situation.
Guilty I probably have 20 Spools of filament rotting away lol
I'm not big on jewelry. I only keep pieces I intend to wear in my epoxy casket.
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i drew u and makima
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past shoulder length
She ties it in a braid
Stop stuffing yourself, bro.
Gotta learn to savor it, go have a lie down.
well the elections are coming up and ive got to see who will lead these next 4 years..
I’m watching a sex therapist speak about porn being dangerous and she says women don’t want sex to last forever and don’t want to do 90% of the things you see in normal porn, but every girl I’ve talked to online are into both of those things.
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nta but i love when people do shit like this. i thought you were cringe but you are actually kinda cool
I'm pretty sure this is why my head game is unrelenting.
ya im used to getting shat on but idc my love overpowers
Okay girl, don't go getting freaky on me now.
I want a woman to sniff my balls and spit on my erect cock.
Meet a girl IRL. If possible, in church (where I met my soon-to-be-fiancée)
F Other than snacks my main vices are craft supplies and shoes
From my understanding women on average want a 20min session
Thank you, very cool!
Every time I get sick I have to think about the women in War and Peace lovingly caring about their ill and wounded family members and husbands and sometimes I wish all women were like that and one of them would be at my side rn.
Sorry I'm phantasizing the fever really is making my brain spin
Depends a lot on the crimes on record. I probably could tolerate minor stuff or something really old if they were in the clear since that.
Lol wtf are you me >>31545965
When they clearly show no interest in me, or straight up stop loving me. Possibly if something really nasty came up they had kept hidden.
Nice, new trait to look for in women
M, yes. I bought a new pair of dress shoes that I *really* didn't need because they were like 75% off. They're nearly identical to another pair I have. But they're so comfy.
JH will be on momentarily.
women, how would you feel if you found out your bf had access to a time machine but wouldn't let you use it?
poor baby i wish i could take care of you
We need to shame these filthy republicans for being unamerican and antifemale some more. We have a country song for fuck sake. https://youtu.be/5Sa30gLVDxA?si=bIupmxuX1iwi4EFp
Does he use it? If he uses it but doesn't let me use it I'd be hurt. Either he doubts my competence or my morality.
The fire opal.
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Whats up with that scene from back to the future where his mom tries to fuck him
Men, court me
Imagine giving a medieval peasant sunglasses and a sweet tea
Yeah nobody's really sure about that
*sues you*
oh this song is so great
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Her body her choice my ass except there is another body inside of you that only has half of your genetic material in it you still want to murder it and want to be seen and the "moral gender" because men do war N SHIEEEEET
>Imagine giving a medieval peasant sunglasses and a sweet tea
give that mf a twisted tea
>a sweet tea
Give him something carbonated and he'll literally die
Not this way...
Catnip from Hello Kitty's Furry Tale Theater is my queen
Again, not this way
Sorry, Anon, I'm too ugly to know any other way. :^P
Anyway, I'm gonna go to bed now, see ya.
Nah, you wanted equality. You gotta court me now.
Wait, better idea. Go back to like 2012 and grab an original four loko on you way to 1327
WFH was a mistake, I just end up smoking cigarettes and jacking off all the time. Thoughts?
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I can't promise you fancy parties and international vacations and fine dining, but I can promise you a man who will listen to you and always have your back
Harsh but sexy
>Mandy from totally spies
She carried the show let's be real here
(A lot of people in the fandom ship Mandy and Clover lol)
Bring that shit to the temple and just obliterate the monk's homebrew game
I would kill for a WFH job
i got a tiny little black paint stain (dont know the type) on my new linen shirt. whats the best way to get it off. i already washed it. didnt notice it until now
M, I guess you could go by a nickname if you prefer?
>tfw love blonde bimbos
>tfw too much of a scaredy cat to watch horror movies
Life isn't fair
I feel like it would be a waste of an opportunity not to give the monks acid. And hot Cheetos.
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Get one and we can charge our crystals together!
well of course he uses it, that's how he knew how to meet you
You men scratch your balls all the time so you should also be jailed for exfoliating.
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My first crush lol
Being sexy, smart, fun, caring, and powerful
>don't know the type
Unfortunately I can't help you without knowing what it is. And sorry but it might be permanent.
Women do you enjoy the smell of your own pussy?
dunno, I always feel weird saying my own name too
What kind of paint
They probably ate moldy bread, they were already halfway to acid. Hot cheetos though, that'd fuck them up.
Idk just really depends on the gal, I don't think there's a set number
I'm happy to wait, I could conceivably go pretty early though
Ergot gonna fuck a guy up that's true.
I would accept sex from her on the second date but probably not follow up after that
Atoga, its my birthday today. Will you wish me a happy birthday?
>dont know the type
It matters.
Most common is acrylic. Acrylic paint can be removed using acetone.
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What do white girls think of asian girls stealing all their men?
You're not my pimp.
>A lot of people in the fandom ship Mandy and Clover lol)
I could see it haha they're so enemies to lovers coded
Rate how romantic the following parapgraphs are from 1-10
>In the coach was an old lady dozing in one corner, and at the window, evidently only just awake, sat a young girl holding in both hands the ribbons of a white cap. With a face full of light and thought, full of a subtle, complex inner life, that was remote from Levin, she was gazing beyond him at the glow of the sunrise.

>At the very instant when this apparition was vanishing, the truthful eyes glanced at him. She recognized him, and her face lighted up with wondering delight.

>He could not be mistaken. There were no other eyes like those in the world. There was only one creature in the world that could concentrate for him all the brightness and meaning of life. It was she. It was Kitty. He understood that she was driving to Ergushovo from the railway station. And everything that had been stirring Levin during that sleepless night, all the resolutions he had made, all vanished at once. He recalled with horror his dreams of marrying a peasant girl. There only, in the carriage that had crossed over to the other side of the road, and was rapidly disappearing, there only could he find the solution of the riddle of his life, which had weighed so agonizingly upon him of late.
this dude left her pretty quickly
I'm actually chester the cheetah
Epic, what flavour?
Why are you like this
Sure, hope you have a nice day anon.
Idk if you count Helga from atlantis as a villian. But I want to be her. And I look like her.
M, yeah I have done lol. She was actually one of the nicest girls I ever dated
Happy birthday anon!
The fact that you know who that person is speaks volumes
>wants kids
>dislikes cats
>dislikes anime
Like liking literature?
>what's your favorite hairstyle on a partner
Picrel. I love short hair I think it's super cute
not really, it was a frequently spammed image here not long ago, it's not crazy to think anyone would know about it or talk about it
The fact you're shocked by this speaks volumes.
This paints a picture more vivid than you can imagine

M, 32.
I try to avoid sex on the 1st date, but after that it's game time.
I would have sex on the 1st date if I'd known the woman for a little while beforehand.
If it hasn't happened after the 5th date I'd start getting agitated.
Actually I'm the entire circus
I'll rub your tummy better
Thanks anons
>It was Kitty.
I fucking hate furries for poisoning pet names.
We're just really alike man, are you also a KHHV?
when my little sister lost her virginity she told my mom, they sat on the couch crying and eating ice cream and talking about sex for like 2 hours and my dad looked pissed off the entire time
did any of your families have such a humiliation ritual?
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happy bday anon
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My gf is 23 and she's still playing Roblox and playing this game where you're a catwalk model and you have to rate other people's outfits, and I glanced over to her and almost every fucking comment in chat is "SLAY SLAY PERIOD PERIOD SLAY SIS FR FR!!"
No. Your family is weird.
I'm the exact same lmao
Happy bday anon! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6t1vaF50Ks0
Legit haha
They definitely fucked desu
Your gf is supporting other women while you're on 4chan talking shit. I bet you dress like a gta v background character.
Such a baddie <3
Does it now lmao
Is your sister OK bro?
Your gf is wife material
Why am I so damn horny all the time?
How will I get a gf who loves sex?
Ever wanted to shape a man into something you'd like?
I have a stable job, no expenses, no interests (yet), but I am a quick learner and good at adapting. I will LITERALLY do whatever you want, since I have 0 plans in my life whatsoever.
>I fucking hate furries for poisoning pet names.
It's an abbreviation of Ekatarina and I don't think Furries were a thing in Tolstoy's days.
Thank you anon, this was very nice
Thank you, fun song
Yw <3
bodybuilder girls. trust me bro
Who's the guy
Also rn I have a crush on a girl who sells drugs
My gf is with me because I talk shit to everyone, she knows I'm a troll. She loves it, she loves how I'm subordinate to her. She often jokes about pegging me for example.
>she loves how I'm subordinate to her.
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Happy Birthday!
This song goes hard in the club desu https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sCz5y84dwuA
Sound of the summer?
Sounds about right. My preference is somewhere between 15-30 minutes.

I have a high drive, but I'd rather do it more times per day than spend an hour on a single session.
gonna bump >>31545888

hey hey thanks anon
just worried the heat also has me in a shitty mood. he's been telling me a lot of personal stuff early on and I hope he makes up for it because it can be overwhelming to me.
is she autistic
I'm horny all the time too. I feel like a whore for it but I can't help it
you people are such memes
Wtf bruv
thank you anon
Happy birthday <3
Nah. Personally that feels like too chill.
This is a scorchin summer.
don't feel bad about that
horny women give me hope and I'm glad they exist
Happy birthday, anon.
Make a wish
She's a full blown NEET at 23 that still calls her parents to bring her food in her room. What do you think?
Thanks anons, wish made
how did you bag that
Discord lol
i dont know probably acrylic if i had to guess
miach mihie from harmony (2015).
she's basically a female makishima shougo
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It is fun to DJ with tho

If someone lives past the age of 50 as a virgin. Is that truly a bad thing? Or should it not matter to anyone at all?
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Why are women so shameless?
I asked if he was 100% sure and he said yes but idk if he already lost me
Nobody lives past 50 as a virgin
You die of loneliness or suicide way before that
>where can I find shut in NEET girls that leech of their parents who are desperate for her to meet a good boy so she can finally move the fuck out of there
online, online, online
Goodluck with turning these women to a housewife though, they're pampered through and through.
The poor pussy
Is there a fetish for turning femboys into real men?
fetish for everything lil bro
being a guy and approaching women has a stigma attached to it that's why we don't do it. we don't want people to see us as sexual predators. you're gonna have to approach us instead.
the NEET thing is fine but
>calls her parents to bring her food in her room
fucking hell
So you were around someone doing an art project?
this is how low the bar is for women it's insane
No. Chemist.
I'm deeply ashamed of my involuntary NEET status so I don't know how people have the balls to enter a relationship in such a state
Cute, I'd bring her food desu
Not true. 50 year old virgins can still have friends in their life
I've been online for decades and I never met any women. They must be doing something particular but then I don't know how people even end up in these weird discord servers
Yeah it makes me kinda mad at her, her mom is a sweetheart and she's disrespecting her parents all the time.
Nobody cares if you're a woman.
Then again, I started dating while being a NEET. Told myself this was no future and ended up getting a job. Now I unironically think of studying something after saving 20l or applying to the military to learn a field there for free (contract of 6 years doe).
My NEET gf on the other hand wishes I was a NEET so I can dedicate my full time towards her.
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need a girl with a slavic accent to whisper in my ears
Listening to audio porn before going to sleep hits different.
dis bitch
made me a sucker for toxic girls ever since
it makes her sound mentally retarded not cute, and I thought live-in NEETs not at least doing some of the cooking was bad
One of my most satisfying nuts was busting to audio porn of a mommy succubus hunting a young man down like a bloodhound because she was desperate to sniff his balls ending in a massive facial and then I slept for 16 hours after
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i need a gf to raise me like my mom never did
Best bet is discord. Lots of girls play league, runescape, wow, even counterstrike and shit. There are some weird discords out there though. My gf showed me the discord of a female streamer where male viewers are asked to show their hand and the women will rate them. I guess women are just better at hiding their freakiness better, also girls don't tell eachother's secrets.
women's hand fetishism is so hot
Same, I didn't even entertain the idea of dating when I was a NEET. At the same time a gf probably would have got me out of my NEET rut a lot faster.
i fucking love hands
Congrats, I hope things go well
Blonde straight hair, hime cut, at least past shoulder blades. Ponytail or braid are very fine too with bangs, and I wouldn't mind a bobcut either.
>and then flirt with the ones who have boyfriends
Hasn't happened a single time even though I've told I'm taken, on multiple occasions
Women... what do i gotta do? sell my soul?
I posted by hand on /diy/ once and they guess you're profession and someone said I jacked off horses for a living, I still don't know wether that was an insult or a compliment.
I'm too old to be on discords really I'm just always confused how zoomers find and pick them. When I was younger I would end up on forums and associated IRCs for my interest through just googling, but most of that shit seems to be gone now except reddit and discords aren't indexed. Anyway I tried to use discord once then closed it because it wanted phone verification
And I need a gf to raise me like my parents never did
Yeah it sucks having both, mommy AND daddy issues
Watching everyone else around me be normal is such a powerful suicide fuel
damn, just found out another thing to be insecure about
If genitalia does not confirm gender, why does removing them affirm gender?
what do you want to do to hands?
or what do you want hands to do to you?
>also girls don't tell eachother's secrets.
Yeah they fucking tell ours
someones imagination is running
don't let up now
I really only used discord to troll people at that time I met her. Now I barely use it. Its a miracle I met her through there desu.
>tfw he still hasn't replied >>31543709
It's over
I need a gf who would be a good mother to our children. I can't wait to fall into despair over not finding one and then off myself haha
>agree to be exclusive with gf on Sunday night
>she’s all lovey dovey and wants to see me again Wednesday
>see her this morning walking into the office with a female co worker
>say hello briefly and notice her face is red as a tomato
>first wonder if she got nervous because she didn’t want me to hear what they were talking about or was hiding something
>then wonder if maybe she just got really excited and nervous to see me and started blushing

Idk man am I over thinking it
M, yes. Games on sale (though nowadays much less), miniatures to feed my tabletop wargaming hobby, and groceries late in the evening.
NTA, but that's pretty neat. Cool how you made the character recognizable with so little details.
Happy birthday my dude/dudette. I hope you have a good one.
LOOL me n my bf would just do handsy things whic is prob why i find them so hot
oh ty! i try to be a good artist, doodling on ms paint is just a fun passtime!!
Good afternoon i love women
He could move. One of my cats will sit on the edge of the bed and watch unless you kick her out.
>Happy birthday my dude/dudette. I hope you have a good one.
Thank you, Im now going to go purchase some beer
good afternoon i am also a women enjoyer
I had a bad day. What do?
have some decency JH
I notice zoomer men wear rings on their index fingers now for some reason
women, do you like this shit or what?
I hope you're loving life and living passionately
hot. I'd fuck even harder knowing the cat is watching. Then I'd kick it out whenever I want to establish dominance. I'd even look at it but then I'll probably get retarded and start growling telling it "This is my pussy now!"
That'll teach that little kittycat not to peek when humans are F U C K I N G
I hope it's neutered, if not I want to fuck her right before we neuter her cat
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Women, who don't want sex every day, would you be OK if your bf used something like this?
based women enjoyer
>what should I do?
Create an easy to remember nickname everyone will remember.
You know those days when you come home pissed from work and just want to bend something over and hate fuck it
Yeah its one of those days
My bpddemon accused me of sexual assault. But it was good pussy I'll admit. Would I do it again? I really shouldn't haha but maybe if I smack her harder, and choke her harder, and degrade her even more, she won't complain. It's what kept her in line. I just became weak and then she got bored.
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I would rather kms before getting this degenerate lol
Stupid, fat or pessimistic
I hate modern society
man made horrors
burn it down
The framepill
These things are like those stupid kitchen gadgets that are presented as magical and better than everything that came before

Until it gets to the cleanup and it turns out to be more of a hassle than its worth
but you're an incel and have nothing to fug
grab a sock and go wild buddy
or buy this
I’ll go to the gym
stupid song really.
Good taste, I had the same reply.
Not quite, just virgin. Married to an asexual woman, been together 13 years. And yes, she's absolutely worth it.
I think I'm in love with a drug dealer... I can fix her
Haha I'm probably going to be spanked next week by a cute guy who's probably going to dominate me hard. What's your best advice for me?
To stop pretending to be a girl online
It's all so typical. I just knew something like this was going to happen. I just had a feeling that there would be some obstacle, major or minor, that was going to prevent my evening with her from happening.
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Based trump keeping that ginger cunt simp in check
Oh hey, that's the mall I go to
Thats how it goes
Always assume a date isnt happening until you can see he whites of her eyes
A date is a backup plan for your actual plans
>he betrayed the queen
extremely based
"He betrayed the Queen" says a person living in a country that betrayed the British crown over taxes.
I'll readily admit I'm a man. I'm still going to let him spank my ass as red as he wants it and I'll beg him for more. It's his fault for being a cutie. I'll let him dominate me a lot more if he wants to. I'll be his bitch. You got a problem with that?
simps btfo
t. leftist democrat cuckold
Shouldn't you be supporting black lives matter while blacks kill and rape white women?
Me too... I can fix him
Not again
She's basically a grandmother with dementia don't talk about her like that.
I'm a good listener, kind and patient, can cook/bake your favorite food/dessert (or follow a recipe if I'm unfamiliar with it), have no issue doing chores, and my massage skills have been complimented a lot.
Anything I say to you will pale in comparison with the fact nature punished you by making you a fag
Give my condolences to your parents, they deserved better
>>then wonder if maybe she just got really excited and nervous to see me and started blushing
Probably. Things get more real when you call yourself exclusive, so it just triggers a different response to seeing you.
>Not quite, just virgin. Married to an asexual woman, been together 13 years. And yes, she's absolutely worth it.
Glad you found someone in your life man, even if this someone isn't fulfilling all of your desires.
>would you be OK if your bf used something like this?
Looks like it would tear his dick off, so no.
I could stand to be hate fucked I'm having a terrible day and I don't want to talk about it and am trying not to drink.
I’m trying to think more positively so that’s what I’m gonna go with
After we talked about it she was saying stuff like “I’m trying really hard not to smile like an idiot right now,”
And “I’m just really happy,”
assblasted libtard
Lol I don't even live in the US, but find the hypocrisy hella funny. Though Trump is overall a funny man, to a degree where he is difficult to make parody of.
Nope. I'm a bisex masterrace. I'm just doing this cutie twink right now. This time he can dom me, next time I'll be punishing his cutie mouth with my dick. And when I'm done we'll just be friends again while I look for a girl to fuck. I'll fuck any hole with a cute face if I can spank it and make it moan my name. Seethe handicapped half-sexual.
Thats kind of the point of a hate fuck no?
Yes. You should have gone up to her and hugged her. She's probably embarrassed so this is your chance to utterly embarrass her by going up and stealing a kiss. Her friend will look weirdly at her and your gf will start stuttering not sure what to say. "H-he... uh-uhm he... uhm... h-he i-is my boy-uhm-boyfriend h-haha"
Did you read what I said wrong?
You should drink though. A nice whisky and coke really takes the edge off. Or a nice ice cold delicious beer. Go for it man. You earned it.
>What do white girls think of asian girls stealing all their men?
I think the men may not realise what they're getting themselves into. Did you know 50% of marriages in Japan are completely sexless? And birth rates are plummeting both there and in Thailand. If you ever want to have sex or reproduce, an Asian girl is the wrong choice.
100% leftist
I don't get man drunk I get sloppy bitch drunk because I'm a sloppy bitch who causes problems for herself because she can't stay organized. And I can't even go to the store to get whiskey if I wanted to my options are vodka and more vodka.
kill yourself whore
never reply to me or else I'll will mess you up you stupid bitch
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>play pic related
>no women, only as slaves
holy fucking based 10/10 game now I realise why it was so succesfull in Germany and Eastern Europe
All you had to do was give us a few seats at the table
Might be
Women what do you truly want?
Thanks. No marriage is perfect, but this is at least something that can be worked on, as difficult and slow as it is.
>unwilling to commit/disloyal
>smokes (might be tolerable if done only occasionally and is considerate about it)
>any kind of substance abuse
>willfully ignorant/stupid
>unable to compromise
>bad at communicating
I could probably come up with more. I'm just lucky I have never had to suffer the hellscape that is the dating market.
Well we were at work
Granted we work in separate divisions and don’t ever see eachother at the office I can’t go all in like that despite wanting to
Then vodka it is. You're done with work. You can enjoy yourself. Don't be a bitch to yourself. It's unhealthy.
Bold of you to assume I'm a productive member of society. God you guys are terrible at convincing me to kill myself today.
Dont listen to that healthfag
Grab the bottle. But bitch at least get some gin or some shit, variety
What kind of beer? I'm not really into alcoholic beverages myself, especially beers, but I know a bit about them because of my social circles and a couple years of cook school.
>Women what do you truly want?
Chocolate ice cream.
Please describe your private parts, and your sexual fantasies about what you wish would be done to them.
I'm not walking to the liquor store that's beyond depressing
Bad Days only last 24h.
Is there a good, natural way to make your boobs smaller? I fell for the workout meme and that just made them look bigger.
Lose weight
Oh wait you said good never mind
Ladies of /atoga/, how do you feel about giving that "HAWK TUAH" and spitting on that thang?
Man up toots. Or stick to vodka. Get one of your sneakylinks to grab it for you
My prostate is very sensitive, so I want a domme to milk it / peg me, as I will absolutely leak my brain out
You're not gonna get me angry today, sorry
I never understand the fucking Gen z slang what is this?

I'm good with the vodka it's the other guys who seem to have a problem with my choices. Maybe they're right though because clearly I have no idea what I'm doing.
I'm already pretty skinny.
Then it's probably genetic. So no.
It means fuck buddies
If you’re going to play at being alcoholic at least get some proper liquor, not some fucking vodka like a fucking high school student
Men would you date a woman who regularly misses deadlines for just about anything because she never learned to use a planner properly in middle school?
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To both genders
I know a woman who becomes enraged by the phrase 'more than friends' because she believes friendship is just as deep and meaningful as romantic relationships and that society shouldn't elevate romance above platonic friendships. As in, so angry that she goes on Tumblr and writes 10-20 paragraphs messages seething about it. Do you feel the same way as her?
Yes, scatterbrains are cute
>fuck buddies
Oh go ahead and rub it in how much I'm failing why don't you.
>Play at being alcoholic
You're hurting my healed ulcers feelings
Be fruitful and multiply.
Sorry. One of us needs to be able to keep deadlines.
Well romantic relationships are different than friendships, but they are also more important (at least straight reproductive ones are)
Are they still cute when they keep costing you money and make you miss out on opportunities?
Understandable, have a good day.
I'm sure it would annoy me a little bit, but its definitely not a deal breaker
Would you be aggravated by your boyfriend keeping track of your deadlines and reminding you to be on time?
Does she fuck her friends? She's being anal about semantics. Which normally I love but she's just choosing to be offended rather than understanding what the other person means and taking issue with the language used.
Alcohol your only friend?
Maybe your drink of choice is the reason toots
i have a weird name too. and i really dgaf. Its barely a part of my identity. I never say it personally, since im never calling myself other than "I".

How many Tylers or Johns do we even need?
>Are they still cute when they keep costing you money and make you miss out on opportunities?
Still yes, money isn't an issue, not sure what opportunities could we miss, but there's always time and space for something else anyway
Women, what natural disaster are you most afraid of?
Why u got tha Babylon gyatt?
I want to make some mac n cheese but I don't have a clean whatever you call the pan its made in
I went out with the intention to get a beer but then I saw that arizona now makes hard sweet teas and now I have one of those
I'd use it on him for him, while he's tied up.
Ok, I see your point. But I mean, Headless Horseman protagonist, that's kinda cool desu.
Lord Dominator
Green chicks are so hot
For the most part no but I can see myself feeling overwhelmed if I do remember but am having anxiety about it so I'd need to work out some sort of system to be able to tell him when reminders would be stressful rather than helpful.
Not officially but most likely. I took a friend's Adderall a few times and I think it was too high a dose but would have worked great if it had been like 1/3 of it. Vyvanse is the fucking devil though.
Nah it's because I never text anyone back and don't leave the house any more
>Money isn't an issue
>how the hell you spell chauffeur...
I jest. That's kind of you I just can't imagine living like that.
You don't need a special container for mac and cheese.
You should go by Iggy
Picture needed for reference
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Why are moids like this?
>be me
>talking to girl on discord for several months
>been planning to get fit in that time but failed
>gotten fatter since the last time I sent a pic
>now she's flirting with me asking to meet up
oh yeah, dunno why I couldn't remember that
could I make it in a wok?
I don't have to be worried about any of the weather related ones where I live but tsunamis and volcanic eruptions are the most like "wow! Scary!"
M, I ADHD and am the same so Yes
Ok, maybe not a wok.
Yeah, you'll probably have a lil extra iron but Im sure youre anemic anyways
this is scary
..is based
It's porn
gyatt damn, but i see tyga and im disinterested
Is it ok if I randomly verbal tic russian accent instead of actually being slav?
Can you be my super bass slav bf?
He's legit my favorite one.
uhh why would I have extra iron??
Nay, I find it rather cute
What value is it if your values are only valuable to you insofar as they make you valuable? There is no valor here at all.
You breathe and steady yourself, and keep moving forward. What other option is there, to breathe but lie there, playing as if dead? No; inhale, exhale, and grit your teeth.
A person ashamed of themselves can only go so far in life. If your name is not some terrible curse bestowed upon you by your parents (such as those where the punctuation is pronounced, or the name is the name of a company), then accept it and take pride in the fact that you'll stand out.
Seeing her moral worth and ability to care (not just about others, but about one's actions as well); I was once nearly moved to tears at seeing what a friend had crocheted. I could see years of practice and technique applied. Similarly, some of the women I've held in the highest esteem have been those who stick to their morals when tempted, not merely sexually, but in matters of finances or morals.
Yes, but unfortunate circumstances have left me stuck in the home as of late. I used to go to church on Sundays and pray in the morning and at night before bed.
Because cheating and moving on are not wholly dissimilar actions. In both cases, one is replaced by another; yet the circumstances around both differ. However, if one is the spurned lover, then they still may feel a sense of loyalty, faith, and obligation to the object of their affection, making the replacement feel wrong.
I cannot respond in either the affirmative or the negative without more information.
If I'm told no.
>Can't support herself (ie she can cook, clean, etc. for herself if need be)
>Directionless in life
>Cannot list every saint's feast being celebrated on the current date in both the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox calendars from memory
>Dislikes cuddling
dw about it, just eat you anemic slug
Men would you date a woman who cannot talk to her mother for more than 15 minutes about anything
I don't think I'm anemic...
Yes because I'm the same lol
..... bruh, is it paint?
Yes, that's fine. Your mom sucks anyway.
Iron flakes from the wok? I doubt you have an expensive wok if that's the only clean cookware you have.
I am slavic so yeah. If you can pull off the accent im down. I want to hear the english with the accent, not actual language, i hear enough of that already
>forgot the word pot
>uses uhhh
>double question mark
>types in lowercase except for I
You would have a hard time convincing me otherwise
Nta It's a wok not a cast iron pan it's probably steel.
I enjoy meeting people to see what type of "humanity" they got. The vast majority of people are interesting, but it takes time to get to understand what that interesting is. Most people are nice too, but that aint too interesting. All it really takes is for me to see something that makes em special, and if it's my type, then I might easily crush on em.

I guess an analogy is like a girl who auto likes a guy when he plays an instrument or does art. Im more simpler. An abnormal act of patience, or her doing something abnormally cute, or abnormally kind, or putting abnormal effort into something specific. By abnormal, I more mean non-generic. Lots of people can play an instrument, but that's kinda generic, you know? Lots of people are nice, but simple nice is bare minimum.

One example is the one girl I knew I noticed would always weirdly give unwarranted compliments to people she cared about. Like if there was something that was pretty bad, normally a person might not say anything or try to downplay it. But she went all out to try and make them feel positive. Im really not a fan of lying, but the intent here is what caught me: she would always always always support her friends. This wasn't the only thing - she did a bunch of stuff that "built her up" in a similar way. In the end, I wanted to be someone she cared about, and wanted to care for her because people like her deserved it.

Idk if I wrote that out well, it's more of an experience i guess
Can you tell me why
I’m worried it’s because I suck. I wish we were besties and stuff
If he's a white boi, it's probably cast iron.
I went looking for other alcohol options and found a nip of fireball in the freezer. This is a bad omen.
Sure, thats understandable
Let's be real it's probably Teflon coated aluminum from Walmart.
I find myself lacking in words to pick a favorite; as I consider one hairstyle, another pairs with another face shape. As long as it is healthy, I tend to find myself liking it.
I have dated forgetful women before.
Nay; romance and amity find themselves as different forms of love, and while I do not find them well-compared, I do not find myself enraged by common parlance, as I am a tolerably-socialized individual.
Aye; I am well aware of the pains of a troubled family.
m, 20s, 1st date is normal enough but aint required, by the 4th or 5th date or wtv unless she mentioned something, I might be very concerned about how I'm doing. But like, Im already pushing for us to go home together by then - I'm not gonna be passive and let her make a move first. By then, I'd already know if she rejected me or not.
Thats like half the women in our generation. Either they are so close they talk about sex with each other or they cant stand each other. There is no inbetween
Indeed it is. Get your ass up and get the gin
Not the cheap shit
>your gender
>do you use porn
>do you think porn is/can be harmful
Women would you date a guy who gets dust allergies?
the only gin I ever bought tasted awful
never tried fireball before, how is it compared to something like 80 proof vodka? I only drink to get drunk if that matters
More than 90% of the US pop are straight so yeah?
M, no. I view romantic relationships more meaningful and deeper than friendship, because to me my partner is my best friend and then some. However, friendship can be just as valuable to a person, and should be viewed and treated with the appropriate appreciation.
Nah, neither me nor my wife want to deal with the mess that is kids and raising them.
>hard sweet tea
Now that's a new one for sure. How is it?
>I only drink to get drunk if that matters
how do you square that circle
M. Yes. Can be harmful, and in most cases is harmful in some way.
>I only drink to get drunk if that matters
it is what it is
women, im too resigned to even come up with a question. you can make up your own and answer it
>Now that's a new one for sure. How is it?
Its okay, its sweet tea with a some alcohol. Its a hot day so its refreshing. I do kinda wish I went with a beer instead but live and learn.
nta but that is such a cop out to avoid improving your situation. You need to drink for the taste AND to get drunk.
Liquor and pizza are harmful as well, but I partake in both. It's an issue of quantity and the impact it has on one's life.
Depending on where you live, it ain't that expected to approach someone that looks busy. Why not go to a bar or club - you're much more likely to be approached there because guys know that it's ok to talk to rando girls there and girls are open to it.
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I am improving my situation, I just also happen to drink.
A man that actually wants to clean? Give
Chlaymdia and ghoonrea
Cute. Thanks mala
>What is the funniest name for an std?
Bin Bon Boopity Zoop
What propaganda is this. Rouge is for Knuckles
I wonder why. It makes me sad. I love my mommy but I don’t understand why shes so strange and mean to me
One of my coworkers had an ex whos friends called her Lydia because she got the clap and I had to fight for my life to not laugh right there and then
She's jealous of your youth and vigour.
yes, everything can be harmful
Maybe its cause you still call her mommy as a full grown man
Knuckles is too Gangster for Rouge, besides he already has light skint Tikal.
You guessed it :D now you get a kiss as a prize and marriage if you want
But I would have to walk 4 miles round trip and my id is expired. Tito is here.
It's terrible and not strong enough to bother stomaching.
That's fucking hilarious
Jebeš tito
I doubt it
I’m a woman
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No, knuckles fucking hates Rouge and would beat her with a bat. Rouge is shadows mommy gf and shadow is her sad doomer bf
Only when I'm really drunk.
I found an old school writing notebook a long time ago from 5th grade. I read through it, and came across some weird line. After some thought, I realized oh shit, that's a joke. It was some dumb kid's attempt at a joke. I've been developing a sense of humour since at least 5th grade. Most of it is based on observation and criticism (i observe and criticize a hell of a lot), and commenting on that observation. This is what modern comedy mostly is actually. You could watch a couple comedians or comedy tv shows, and see how pro writers do it. Lots of my humour was actually evolved from watching the Simpsons (exposes my age?). But still, my humour is my own voice. It also helped because I knew I enjoyed making people laugh (doesn't everyone?). It also helped because it's an escape from sad thoughts. It also helps to "attempt" an approachable personality.

Personally, in most fun conversations irl I always try to insert a joke whenever I can. Doesn't mean to always say it, but it's decent practice, and forces you to focus on what they're saying.
Boob touch
Prizes accepted, I love you babe <3
Alright. What kind of beers do you usually enjoy?
People have all kinds of unhealthy vices. For me it is in part a way to cope with insufficient bedroom life. And no, my porn consumption has nothing to do with it.
State gender:
If your bf/gf was sick, would you be down to take care of and get sick with them?
Would mean you get to cuddle and kiss em. Would also mean you get sick and might die *shrug.
I agree, that is the size boobs start to look ugly out of a bra.
Women, do you cut your own hair?
>I doubt it
That's the truth Phawowah.
Cuddling and kissing with someone isn't gonna make them better though
Po džin bitch
Yes, I have done so before.
>I’m a woman
Oh then its cause you dont kiss her on the lips
Are you even dating if you don't get sick every time they get sick?
What is civics?
>That's fucking hilarious
Thats what I was thinking but I had to show sympathy so I dont seem like a psychopath.
Mama's immune system take care of baby bugs. I'll wipe nose for you and give lots of smooches.
>mfw my name is Lydia and boys used to tease me like that in school
>Alright. What kind of beers do you usually enjoy?
I like dark beers like guinness and stouts but I was gonna grab a pacifico
Women would you date a man that still pirates 95% of the media he consumes?
nta but do they have Kilkenny?
Noob taste.
>What is the answer to life?
>What is your favorite meat?
>What is your favorite form of foreplay?
>Can you scat?
oh ho ho ho now I'm gonna call you out every thread and ask questions about you and make you my /atoga/ gf
If I glean out of them that they think they're better than other people.
After I get tired of being used (I'll do it for a little while but eventually I'll get nothing out of it anymore).
After I get em professional help if there's a huge issue with them.
If they keep being negative all the damn time (only ranting, only hating, always lamenting)
If they have huge screaming tantrums (holy fuck).

Overall, they keep maintaining a shitty issue and never changing/learning (like alcoholism or lying or not turning off the stove).
It's readily available in most places, what do you want?
Petrol je mogoce se odprt, mercator ni. Chop chop
Not at the fucking corner store but I'll keep my eyes peeled next time I hit a proper store that sells alc
So is cock but are you out there blowing dudes on the street?
well, how often do you meet single guys socially? How many in the last 2 months?
Love you too baby
Thats brutal
In the US it is a class in high school which is supposed to teach how the federal and state governments work.
>Can you scat?
Yeah I verbal tic a lot.
One time my coworker was like "mercy me" and I went "Lamborghini Mercy" and folded my hands. It was funny.
What does that mean
Are you goth mommy? That sounds like a name goth mommy would have.
Doesn't work then?
>What does that mean
An epic reference. Ignore me.
Good mental image, funny lass
The problem with dating as an autist is that you're supposed to compete with people who find this shit fun
What the fuck? I'm never gonna be like that
>What do you wish your cup size was?
I was gonna try, but noticed you rejected the food guy - we would not vibe well
Wait, that's big?
I would probably get sick with him anyway, a lot of things are contagious before you start showing symptoms.
: )
that's not an autist-thing, that's an introvert thing
personally I enjoy dates, the hardest part is convincing a girl to give you one
Like a lot of things in US public education, it depends on your school district. But generally speaking it does not appear to be working too well.
The way its been explained to me in this thread is that the number is the size of your chest circumference and the letter is the volume of your boob
we called "civics" in my hs "history" or "government" but it was almost ALWAYS a coach teaching it
none of my classmates learned any governemtn shit unless they took the AP course
My sister is an introvert and she found dating fun
She honestly got dating apps just to ask random men questions
>: )
True, but 32D is WAY smaller than, like, a 36D. 32D is kinda mid desu.
>compete with people who find flirting fun?
... are you Aromantic?
ampak mrači se!
idk maybe the word I was looking for was asocial, antisocial, etc. but that's not inherently an autist thing
shit, I know actual autists who have never met a stranger
But it would still be bigger than a 34C right?
I don't think so
But the idea of interacting with a girl in a flirtatious manner is scary and horrifying
I would do anything for B cups at least :(
But you're right
You guessed the question correctly congratulations
Almost exactly the same size boob. Look up "sister sizes"
M. Yes, I do. Chances are I already am infected by the time the symptoms come around. As long as she is comfortable, I will keep giving her cuddles and kisses, but we obviously don't intentionally try to catch whatever the other has.
How precious <3
Nice. I'm not a beer guy really, but dark beers have been considerably more tolerable to me compared to light ones. German beers like Kozel have been the best I've tried so far.
As an autist I can relate to the challenges of social situations, especially with new people, but once I ease into it, I usually find getting to know new people enjoyable, even if often draining.
I’m not autistic and I hate (online) dates they feel unnatural because there is not real common ground or basis that we can talk about beyond small things
Women, can you tell me something nice please?
The true ideal size
You are Kenough
Shame to the microwave user
>You guessed the question correctly congratulations
Nice but which one was it
>Almost exactly the same size boob. Look up "sister sizes"
Atoga really does teach me new things sometimes
:((( I know. I need to get pregnant or something
Mathwise, no.
The bigger ratios are skinny body to big boob cup.
I like 32 Ds.
32 DD would be more astonishing than 36 D
The girl itt wanted to be approached the same way
About one inch bigger, yes.
my memory is awful lately, I am constantly thinking "hey I should do X" then 30 seconds later like "fuck me what was it I said I was gonna do?"
what is happening to me?
What the hell do people talk about on coffee dates anyways?
I was beef
And happy to help
just don't eat much and work out a little.
.... were you touched as a child? Why is it scary? I'm not trying to hurt you. I want to be intimate.
>dark beers have been considerably more tolerable
I got one with my friends and they proceeded to say "You probably have a cigarette and coffee for breakfast" and I have not been soul read like that before by them
No? What the hell are you on?
I can't talk to my parents either. Some people get surprised, but not all parents are amazing. No judging here
Vitamin deficiency?
Oh no I take that back, I thought you had bigger boobs. A cups are just as valid as B's
You would probably do nothing for a 40 B.
Women, you get a call saying that your husband is in jail. What crime would it have to be for you to not leave him, and to actually stay supportive of him?
They look baaaaad I hate them
It’s true I’d rather stay a 32
Isn't a 40B the consolation prize for getting fat
I'm asking you that? What are you on that trying to establish comfortability with a woman is so scary?
Until you post pics I'm forced to assume that they are perfect and even with pics I'd probably have the same assessment
Traffic accident maybe
Normies win again.
>consolation prize
A 40b is just unfortunate. Sure they're as big as 34DDs but they're on a 40 inch torso so they look smaller.
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Are you stressed? Are you getting enough sleep? Those two things are pretty much the most common factors to degrading short term memory.
>"You probably have a cigarette and coffee for breakfast"
Always makes me think of picrel, since I'm a Finn, lol. It is funny, even if not commonplace here in any way.
Because talking to people is bad enough, but flirting? Being open and fun? I'd rather slit my wrists
this slut i'm dating larps about not having dated for a year or two
how do i best call her whore bluff?
she is a fucking whore of course; takes cocks in every orafice.
I can't give a blanket pass to a bunch of crimes the reasons why he did it would matter.
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other guys (who have owned sex toys)
should i buy a tenga flip?
ive never used a fleshlight before and am permavirgin
on one hand: it's probably better for me than jacking off with my hand and it would feel nice
on the other hand: id probably be even less incentivized than i already am to find a girl, id have to clean it, and it's embarrassing to be in possession of a fleshlight
what the hell is wrong with you guys?
dates are the perfect time to ask weird goofy questions and just have fun with it
I wish I could get a date...
hahahahahahaha you wer eraped
sometimes bad things do happent obad people
you dserved the rape that youb eckammn
You sure you're not just antisocial and dangerous?
Why so illiterate?
Men state height and shoe size
Need to do more thinking tasks like sudoku, crossword, wordle, puzzles. The smartest I've ever been is when I read textbooks and do problems. If you don't use your brain, it gets slower
My tea is cold. Moids, why do you do this?
haajahjajhahaha a fuckjuing brown persopn who bearly speaks english wants to speak
The greatest proof that she is naught but a promiscuous whore, tempting men to Hell like her father the Devil, is that she would lie with a man unable to spell "orifice." The Lord has gifted Man with the ability to learn; do not turn your nose up at His gifts.
They look like nothing.
Women whats the deal with comparing hand sizes? Is it a penis thing? or is it a "teehee look how small i am compared to the big strong man" thing?
legitimately this might be it, I was taking a daily vitamin but ran out mid last week and haven't bothered to buy more
Men do you like frogs
You were supposed to keep the tea in you mouth or your hand in the tea to keep it warm.
Nice projection you drunk retard. You should go for a nice relaxing drive.
6'4" tall, shoe size 46-48 (EU).
I guess so, they're funny little creatures.
I'm not laughing? It was serious but I guess it was true. Hope you get some therapy to heal your bad touch so you can go on a date and tell corny jokes to women so they laugh.
>vaginas are hot enough to cook an egg
You know what must be done, femanon...
A teehee thing. Holy shit, you're so big, etc.
US 10.5 wide.
I literally play chess and chess puzzles daily, as well as practice my Spanish
When I was a kid, I was very sad to learn that bullfrogs eat smaller [bull]frogs. I appreciate they're a sign of good water health and they eat bugs.
state gender
how come there is no psych help in this board full of psych help questions?
More like "look how big the strong man is. And how vascular and masculine his hands are, all the better to put inside me"
Our conversation is just that riveting.
>he doesn't know how women use this to trick men
I don't know how they do it, but every time they do the hand thing, my penis is always small
oh no no no
>I'm the exact same lmao
Hell yeah, let's charge our crystals sometime brother.
Frogs are great.
6’1” 10.5W
Its just men simping for invisible women, what did you expect?
Men someone convince me to stop spending my money on shit I’ve gone a little overboard recently
If you need professional help, go to a professional. Most other stuff is people doing their best (i.e. pulling stuff out of their ass)
idk let me ask my therapist tulpa and I'll get back to you
are you indian or mexican
speak your landheritrage
what pumps in your veins
i'm not sure which type of thirdie dares speak to me
What u buy?
I'm white, dutch ancestry.
They are just little guys™
Great answer
I agree
You must have an even harder time finding shoes than my brother.
"What don't I have a girlfriend?" is not a psych question. Not really.
Because through absence, things derive their present value. Every moment is a gift, each second something to savor, and you would do well to remember it.
Aye, all of God's creatures are a blessing to behold
Is it hard to find wide men’s shoes
How do you shop
where did they rape you? and how hard?
Fiscal responsibility makes you a better wife candidate.
This nigga got built in skis
Gifts and soaps
Women, what were some ick's you have with your current/past/imaginary bf's? Which were untolerable?
>i'm from south east asia but i want to pretend i'm not
how much does it hurt
>Anyone I don't like must be a shitskin
How's it feel being an NPC?
Yeah, especially for nice ones.
How big is your dick

Women, what are some things a guy can do that would make you bit your lower lip? Or maybe something about his physical appearance?
>Is it hard to find wide men’s shoes
Not sure actually, I only tried wides because the lady at the shoe store suggested them. I'd guess it's easier if you go to a dedicated shoe store.
There’s two of you in here?
Every hundred dollars you spend, i'll punch this cat
Puka shell necklace in fucking 2014 (I hid it)
Still wearing his fat clothes even though he was 2 sizes smaller. (Tolerable)
Wiping his ass with one of my hand towels (what the actual fuck)
This but for the women.
I like to walk in the store and say “show me everything you have in a size 14” and they never fail to come back with exactly three boxes of shoes
Women's attraction to veins always fascinates me
And yet I am unlovable. Strange!
Okay qt. Tell us about it.
anyway, I forgot to ask my actual question...

am I a narcissist if I don't immediately think of questions to ask when meeting someone I haven't talked to in years? shit like "how's the family?" and similar stuff?
I'm a lonely and reclusive guy, and I'm always thinking about some dumb shit while walking or thinking about not not running over people when riding my bicycle/walking fast or whatever. but I can notice people looking to me in kinda weird ways for not being too interested in them, I guess.


well, half the threads in this board can somehow lead to psychological issues, IMO.
How big is your sick
Always exciting when you get that random online return in the mix so you get 4 to choose from lol
>tfw size 8.5 shoes as a man
At least my dick won't hurt anyone I guess
If it makes you feel better those are ex boyfriends not current. Asswiper was gone shortly after the incident.
You got a girlfriend
House across the street is on fire. This is the second time I've seen this happen. TYBG for redirecting my negative karma onto others.
bigger than average but not big, 6x4.75 inches
I mean...a healthy vascular system translates directly to better boners.
and thats okay, i'd still love you
At least you can get bitches with your great fashion
Bit of a pencil dick imo.
Bringing back this dead horse

Theres nothing wrong with having a foot fetish but as a matter of public awareness you should know if you're talking to a dude and he doesn't say like "Nice Shoes." If he says "What shoes are those?" or "What kind of shoes are those? By the way what's your shoe size?" You should know what you're getting into, Okay. A guy without a foot fetish might say "Oh I like your shoes," but a guy with a foot fetish will be like, and again theres nothing wrong with it, "Wow nice shoes what are those, 6 and a half?" Theres a subtle difference but theres a difference.
I’m reporting you for arson as a prank
Fellow tall anons suffering from big shoe size. My 46-48 size is also a bitch to find because my feet are of unusual shape.
/atoga/ is 4chad central, we know this.
true, but it's my pencil dick and i love it
the only complaint is that i was circumcised as a baby, i wish i had foreskin
name genetic background.
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>almost literally the average according to calcsd
>pencil dick
You should be publicly stoned like the whore you are
That is interesting, thank you anon
Dutch and Scottish.
That's a man you idiot.
>black people
Well, at least they got out.
5'6" and a half
8-8.5 depending on the type of shoe.
Then he should be publicly stoned like the promiscuous sodomite he is
You single
Classic GAT size 48s fit me beautifully. I guess I got lucky with my foot shape. I feel for you tho, bro
yes. state/country?
gah, I need to resist the temptation of talking ot my ex gf

state gender
give me a reason not to talk to her

US13.5, ~EU47
There's also a lightning storm going on so it's a bit creepy and apocalyptic out there.
triangulating your location now, nerd
But I’ll never be the most beautiful girl you’ve ever seen
>5'6" and a half
You're adorable.
Fuck I thought of the same dude when I took the picture.
>state gender
>give me a reason not to talk to her
Would you eat a pile of your vomit? What has departed from the body painfully and by force is best left alone, taking previous pains as the price for knowledge.
Why are they on here when they could be with their harem
It matters!!!
I don't see the point in staying sober. Its not that I'm an alcoholic or depressed, life is just more fun when I've got a drink or two in me.
Am I going to be okay?
Women, whats the shortest man you would date?
>Would you eat a pile of your vomit? What has departed from the body painfully and by force is best left alone, taking previous pains as the price for knowledge.
I think I'd be the vomit in this case, which makes me even sadder :'(
At least finding shoes has gotten easier over the years, as shops carry more stock of big sizes. I remember some ten years ago a shop usually had 1-3 different options to present at best, at worst nothing in my size.
M. She is your ex for a reason. Remind yourself of it.
That sounds an awful lot like the cope of an alcoholic, or the beginning of a slippery slope into a life of alcoholism.
jewish kikes dont want us asking questions about sexual relations
dang, New York :(
man, what would he do? Maybe he'd look at the trees? The parking P. Driving on the right side. Maybe the type of firetruck?
Dude's crazy to be able to do this
Bro is actually insane. I saw him help a scam baiter locate a scam call center in india from cctv camera lol
A dog cannot eat chocolate, birds should not feast upon garlic. What is deadly to one is delicious to another.
Regardless, no matter what course one takes, one should strive to do so as well and wholly as possible. Simply keep heading forward, do not turn back.
women want to be screamed at, abused and raped, it's sad but true

they exist to be rpaethings for the men who go that far
He's one of the reason I'm terrified of being doxed. Can't be too careful.
they LOVE nothing more than for men to get sick of their shit; scream at them and also possibly take their orifices

women are stupid worthless fucking whores
their dreams and concepts are forfeit.
Why play vidya with a keyboard and mouse when you could use a controller? Even on PC?
>go to measure my girth
>lightning flashes scare me
>lose boner
I can get there
Using a controller is TERRIBLE if it's an rts.
Women whats the smallest cock you'd date?
This made me laugh. You’re peepee hides when it scared
I've dated men who SAID they were 5'8" but were eye to eye with me so either 5'8" or 5'6" and a half depending on who you're asking.
4 inches.
least obvious blackpill bait
He is easily startled.
Fellow men, describe your misogyny

I'll go first
Any female sports opinion infuriates me. How dare they enter the male domain.
>M. She is your ex for a reason. Remind yourself of it.
yeah, I need to forget her and think of myself and my future.
thanks, people
would you really?
Is atoga being weird tonight?
Can females join in?
Women should be barefoot and pregnant.
idk, how so? doesn't seem that strange to me
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We are so back
how do I stop being jealous any time its mentioned that we might be hiring a guy to work in our office? I love being the only male and enjoy the attention from the office ladies
I totally get upset when women get entitled, and think they have it so hard in lives
idk,I just got here but it looks like anons are being even weirder than usual
What is the optimal character count for an /atoga/ post? I am aiming for maximum efficiency and (You)s.
Because mouse and keyboard shits on controller when precise x/y inputs are required
Apparently I am 5.5 inches of girth. Is that good or bad?
Told me to curl my hair like britney spears, then told me I was ugly.
Bullied me so hard that the whole middle school english class pulled a switcharoo on him and he left the class at the end of the day beet red still being laughed out of the building.
Broke his wrist punching a locker trying to threaten his ex, but was still too much of a pussy to dump her that he asked me to literally help him and say that he moved on.
Let's see...
Thought he was some excellent groomer, but instead the reiki doctor we went to literally said "you're not man enough for her, she's going to dump you." And I did lol
Literally proposed to another woman while dating me and thought he could let me fuck him in the ass with my strapon to take him back?
Was so bad at being a Dom that he moved back in with his mother at 40 something to escape the pitchforks.
Proud of being able to 'cook' prison concoctions and was jealous of his own fat cousin to the point he thought I would leave him?
Had more anxiety than a room full of inbred maltese puppies, trying to plan and manipulate EVERYTHING, with anger issues combined. ICK
Is trans because he's a retarded misogynist.
Ate my epsom salts because he thought it was crack.
And last but not least, ED from mountain dew addiction that he refuses to acknowledge is an addiction.
what about girth?
I finished my 3 day yeast infection treatment but I’m worried it’s going to come back, even though it feels much better, should I do another round? Google is being useless
Because some games require you to talk to people, and that means typing
>just use voice chat then
I really want to take care of a girl. Good amount of people might find this patronizing or wtv.
I was driving to parking lot near my house, very slowly through a neighbourhood, and this super cute girl on bicycle was staring at me and smiling super nicely.

Tell me femanons, why would you smile to an ugly 32 virgin guy behind steering wheel of a honda.
Lets say 5.
all this for a lanky /atoga/n? you're making me blush
just to make sure, you are a woman, right?
do it for women or men
Better safe than sorry.
I hope your coochie feels better itchy femanon
>I really want to take care of a girl.
Like... kill me?
>brother is on vacation
>asked me to stop by his house daily and feed his cat
>feeling too comfy in my bed rot to do so
Good PC compatible controllers tend to cost more than a keyboard and mouse, and I've literally never felt the need for a controller.
It is wierd always.
it’s polite to acknowledge drivers and thank them with a smile for not running you over
Take the cat home and let him eat your face
I never saved the chart, but I think 5 or 5.5 was optimal girl for most women, and like 6 or 6.5 was optimal length?
Feed cat a lot in different bowls around the house.
I am officially 7.5x5.5. At least it's not too pencil-y.
How did you guess?
Makes sense
I was afraid she has ugly old bastard fetish
Mouse is just superior for FPS games
No, it can unironically lead to side effects.
Dont hate women at all. I just go through phases where i feel like they dismiss all our issues and are kind of apathetic, and I get a little butt hurt. But i love women
jesus fuck, how many guys is this? Did you have a type?

>left class beet red
lol, nice
He only played Horde characters in WoW
Can you actually bake bread with yeast infection yeast?
what did you take?
11 guys
Pfft. :)
Convince yourself that you’ll be the superior male, no matter how good he looks
Yes I am and you sound cute why wouldn’t I
>Is trans
holy moly
tell us the story
Like 5"
Feed the fucking cat
Nap at his house if you have to
Lol nice try femanon, you were so stupid (like all women) that your "subtly" disguised fetishposting was obvious to me, your superior
um no, I kinda wanted to do anything for her. She had a thing where she didn't like being coddled, but I just wanted to make her happy, idk. Oh well, just hold back autism is the key
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Just google "vaginal yeast bread" and you'll find eg. pic related article. I'm not looking any deeper into this lol.
Women whats the Largest cock you'd date?
last question, how old r u? im 21 and a student
Yes but don't eat it or you will get yeast infection of the mouth.
The creation is the knarliest case of strep. Bonus points if you accidentally cut your mouth on sharp crust.
No you can kill too much of your natural flora and fuck it up in the opposite direction .
One that’s slightly less than being so large it hurts
Oh wait, the woman's dick preference chart can be found online >>31547010
I thought it was shifter over, my b
What does it mean if I have disordered thoughts about eating but don't act on them? Like I'll feel like a fat bitch eating something but eat it anyway
No. You can unironically get symptoms that match the ones you were trying to get rid of. Which makes you think you still have it. And then you get into this never ending cycle.
Did they have any pro's?
>I have ideal length but not girth
Well then. My personality was so unlovable I was coasting on my looks. Time to kill myself. It's been real.
You have bulimia if you throw it up.
It means you're a fat bitch
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Anons I think one of the regular customers knows my work schedule and follows me on my way to break. At what point do I contact HR?
Thank you
Oh okay then I won't
3 doses of clotrimazole and a Miconazole external cream + one suppository pill thing
Oh that is scary. Okay I won't
Whenever you want
What do you think of a straight women who wants a boyfriend but not marriage/kids/living together?
Do blonde women know that they rule the world?
Men, would you find it gross if a female friend asked you to zip up a corset top that was skin tight and kinda hard to do up
Yeh, girth is WAY more important that length. Sorry, dude.
I do not throw up
I'm underweight
Oh thank god, some actual data. I was afraid I’d actually have to talk to women!
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I generally dont care blonde or brunette but damn
5 or 5.5 is pretty big man. I think a girl here said that was toilet paper roll length, which if you hold one in your hand, is pretty big. Idk how much I trust the chart honestly, maybe I mentally shifted it myself because I didn't trust it before. Pretty sure you're ok.
He talked extensively about his reasons for "transitioning" being that "women have better lives, they just get fucked and be housewives" while standing in my house that I own? It probably didn't help that his mother was very overbearing and kind of a conservative hoe? She had husbands just for income. Cognitive dissonance was in knots there.
I pegged him silly. He probably still needs a circumscision for how bad his phimosis was.
All good. Might genuinely kill myself, though. No loss there if my dick can send me into a suicide spiral though.
>I'm just barely an "enjoyable"
Why even bother, bros...
It means you’re sliding down the slippery slope of eating disorders already, and you will be acting on it soon… do you have a thigh gap, anon?
M. Their life, their choice.
No, been there done that.
Appreciate the cope but it's all good. If I'm pathetic enough to feel this way then I'm probably better off dead.
Oh I'm 24. I am an old loser compared to you
I just want to express my distaste in female participation in athletics and fandom but I keep getting banned on /sp/
Ask a male coworker you trust to watch and confirm your suspicions or even walk with you to your break. Just so you have confirmation and a witness when you bring it to hr. Mention it now before it gets weird. Just say exactly what's happening you've noticed him following you and are uncomfortable. That way if he does do anything weird it's already on record that he was being a problem.
>Keep using clotrimazole for 2 weeks even if your symptoms have gone.
Didn't look up the others, but im sure theyre the same
>tfw literally not enjoyably sized at all
What the fuck, I hate this
Not really
I’d find it gross that she’d ask me to do something so intimate as a friend, yes.
Femanons been a nasty girl (nasty)
I do but it is genetic
Ive done it before. No, not gross
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Blonde women is such an early 2000s disney channel view of beauty. Jet black hair >>>> all
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>fucking a girl raw
>before we fuck tells me not to cum inside her
>while we fuck she wraps her legs around me
Women, why do you do this?
Tfw 6.5x5" dicklet

Its over.
Men are strong. Nothing I do will stop him from pulling out.
You guys. That's not the actual chart it's been shifted over to much bigger specifically to demoralize you because anon thinks it's funny. Don't let them win.
Captcha: MOOT
That’s literally the top percentile in each category
I always change my mind like this too, because I want as much of the guy inside of me as possible
It's on Huffington Post
What women want and what women say they want rarely aligns mate
Two I didn't even date.
They were just crushes. But I have since forgotten, except the trauma of having encountered them.
Men are pretty cringe.
We tell you not to because it's obviously a terrible idea but in the heat of the moment, well, we're being shortsighted and horny.
Do you know about the toilet paper tube test?
>Sorry, but I think touching you in that way would make it difficult to continue seeing you platonically, so out of respect for our friendship, I’d better pass.
How would you feel?
Me too sis.
I'm not risking my money on stupid men. I'd marry a woman instead.
Nta but like a slut
Kinda. I get tipped sometimes at my fast food job. The black girls get screamed at.
I wouldn't date you
Putting my pp between femanons thigh gap
I've been a nasty femanon (nasty)
Following >>31547042, I also found this one. Im pretty sure I saw the original first, but this one looks more updated, and slightly? more reputable (the other was buzzfeed i guess)
Okay get a time machine and make sure I get pregnant with you
lol you're not old, do you have some contact info?
Is somebody gonna match my freak?
Understandable. I don’t want to make her feel slutty or dumb just for asking, I’m just explaining how it would affect me.
I’d mostly feel shocked that she didn’t consider it in the first place. Most women know that men get obsessed easily, and zipping up a corset is more than enough to make a friendship weird, so why would she ask me that?
>Tfw ideal

Doesnt matter tho because im so autistic im 32khhc
>Nothing I do will stop him from pulling out.
Yeah, but wrapping your legs around me makes me think you want me to cum inside you!
Women rank the following please:
>1. Mustache, and Beard
>2. No mustache, and beard
>3. Mustache, and no beard
>4. No mustache, no beard
Men and women of atoga: so, the jocks who "peaked in high school" where are they now? Did the tables change, or are you still the loser you've always been, while they went to become even more successful and more well-adjusted into society?
You did not make a chart to say I was ideal just so I wouldn't suicide spiral. I CBA, you know what? Whatever. Dick size doesn't matter at all.
nta but I would automatically laugh and call you gay, then feel bad about it
If I'm supposed to use the pussy medicine for two weeks why do they sell such small doses >:( and why is it so expensive :( I am nearing financial ruin
My gf was initially like that but has become more open to those things as we have gotten closer.
I think it's worth examing why you're like that.
A world ruler wouldn’t be treated like a stupid bimbo
My valedictorian became a mega incel and is now a janitor. The only one who succeeded was the one black kid who became an engineer. He was always considered the slightly less smart but harder worker of the two, and he went way farther. I'm the same as always, weird loner guy that everyone is cool with.
4 or I refuse to kiss you. You men are disgusting cootie hair holes.

Ive seen some that got completely walled and became mega losers
And some that are having well adjusted lives

My brother for example wasnt a jock but he was sort of a chad, having hot girlfriends and what not, now hes 35 living with mom, has a beer gut, bitch tits and has drug and alcohol problem, and girls he "dates" i wouldnt touch with ten foot pole
What did your prescription say?
#respect for knowing what she wants in life (and what she doesn’t want)
I never went to a doctor I've been seeing Dr. Google and the OTC pharmacy
>Tfw barely any facial hair so im always smooth clean shaven
My face is smoother than some girls legs, and defo more smooth than their coochies
3, 4, 2, 1
I don't know why men stopped rocking mustaches. If they're well trimmed, not too long or thick, they can be sexy.
Pretending to be dumb while actually being smart is the best way to make men put their foot in their mouth.
Yes, but I don’t believe it actually happens

But anon, we are both girls……….
Oh... maybe you're putting too much on per dose?
I'm still a loser despite hoping things would turn around for me. I don't know about the jocks and stacys but they were rich so they're probably doing great
Pretending to be smart while being dumb is best way to make me suck her toes
Most of them work mediocre jobs and are aging
#2 is best but I only like stubble, not lumberjack mode
How much am I supposed to put??? The box says 3 days and when I filled the tube up all the way, it lasted 3 days
I dont watch this stuff, but if you've seen her, this girl looks (i just chose the first pic) amazing. I would like simp for her haard.
The actual vid/clip looked better, but she looked so fire here. Like, I'd change my personality and try to be more interesting for her type-simping
I would like to have a girlfriend to cuddle with, have sexo sometimes and uhh idk
Sure, but how does that help me? It’s not hard to make men act stupid.
How did you manipulate your gf into a live in relationship?
>But anon, we are both girls……….
I've always wanted a daughter
Putting my foot in her mouth is the best way for me to pretend to be smart while being dumb
Putting her foot on my face while shes wearing stockings is a foolproof method to make me dumb, and im smart.
Go away footfag, get back in my spa dungeon.
Girls, don’t you feel kind of silly just sitting there browsing 4chan without a nice dick to suck on?
Very thin layer. Are you supposed to do it twice a day?
I want a white chocolate cock to lick.
Absolutely. Women want one thing from men and you’ve nailed it.
How many g's did you get and wat was the cost
Er, so that probably means it’s supposed to be cured in 3 days. But your problem is still there? Is it getting worse, or just not being affected at all? I’m concerned for you, anon.
I didn't really manipulate her. She'd just had a bad experience with prior relationships and I showed I actually cared about her and could be trusted.
I know right? Such a waste of perfectly good DSLs, or so I’ve been told. I should try and fix this soon.
Women, you get a bf and you find out that his dick size is smaller than your normal use dildo. You don't know how he'll react when he sees it. Do you throw it away out of fear? Or do you expect the best from him and that he won't care?
All i need is a big booty gymgirl with flat chest, super needy, clingy, wholesome personality and wanting to have lots of babies in future...

Why is it so hard anons
>The black girls get screamed at.
Life is hardmode as a black girl
That's crazy girls throat stuff that big on the daily. Pussy is so much less of a fuss, and nicer to look at too
You probably used too much per dose, reducing the effectiveness.
I keep them out of sight no matter what, because I assume he’ll think it’s gross. Plus, if I have a bf, I won’t be needing to use it anyway. My toys are only for coping while single.
That's what they get for only wanting wytebois
I do it at night and what do you mean layer. Im pushing thta stuff in my pussy
Would you agree that the world, to a certain extent, rewards antisocial behavior?
No It is a lot better I[m just nervous
I’m reminded of that study that showed that nearly every successful CEO is a sociopath
You get further in life when you don’t feel bad about hurting others
a ploy to distract from the fact that they want other parts to be hairless
Ok that’s good. I would buy one more box just for peace of mind in case it comes back, otherwise you did it, yay!!
It really do be like that sometimes.
Women, your bf wants to continue to watch porn in your relationship. Yes or no, or what conditions?
Oh, it's not a topical... what's the name?
is this the femanon?
I used to live with my ex.
assuming she still loves me. if I want her to become my gf again but not to live with her... do you think she'd agree?
would you think I'm thinking of this only because of missing her company?
Life is nightmare mode as a black girl without a big ass
11 6e wide
It doesn't say to do it in the morning also?
Howww what
I’d rather he didn’t, but it’s not like I can stop him. As long as he doesn’t use it so much that it disrupts our sex life, it’s fine.
Idk Slutmeatcunt has no ass and seems to be well-liked
It’s *a* femanon, I’m not sure who you mean
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But I'd probably bite the shit out of it in frustration. Just a demo for when he thinks I shouldn't get the new berry frosty as my wendy's meal drink.
I'll still love you.
how do I remove her from my brain. it's driving me crazy... fcking hell
I was asking if you're >>31547156
I guess you're her
Yay..... okayy
No I don't think so I only did the internal at night and then the topical during the day
black pornstar
A lot of black female athletes have no ass either, particularly gymnasts and runners. You should embrace your body type and get /fit/.
I must preapprove of his content.
You will not be watching tranny-hypno-goonstream 19383 where they punch women and they laugh.
You will watch hot oily missionary and like it.
More like clitrimazole lol
The biggest questions around getting back with an ex is why did you break up in the first place and why would things be any different this time?
If you can come up with good answers to that then maybe you have a chance. Otherwise you shouldn't even bother.
So you just go to sleep with medicine inside you?
C…Can you feel it working?
Fine on his own, but not if I'm there and willing that would just hurt my feelings.
>drinking your calories
That one's twice a day.
I think being with someone but living apart is an arrangement that some people are open to, especially older people, since usually it's not like they're not looking to start a life with someone, as people who are in their 20s, early 30s are.
So, is your ex looking to start a life with someone? And more importantly, are you sure she doesn't hate your guts, that you gave her no reasons to?
How come they say "do what thou wilt" but when I think about what I want to do I get a sickening feeling in my stomach?
Nta but have you never heard of a suppository? They can go in the vag as well as the butt.
He’s in the next room sleeping. Why do guys look so hot sleeping? Men, explain?!
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Women do you prefer when balls are tight? or when they dangle?
*it's not like they're looking to start a life with someone, as people who are in their 20s, early 30s are.
Not sure desu. I don't know where most of them are or what they're up to. I'm still a loser though.
I’ve heard of them yes, but never used one. For some reason I imagined it bubbling inside my vagina and making a faint hissing sound, like a freshly poured soda lol
The topical, I mean. Internal is once at night.
>Why do guys look so hot sleeping? Men, explain?!
I don't, but it's because you find him attractive. If you find him attractive in general, especially if you love him, you're more likely to find him attractive when he's vulnerable like that.
I, however, am fortunate enough to say that I am not physically capable of leading a woman into temptation.
Men are the ones who should feel silly. They’re the ones walking around with a perfectly good dick and not using it.
Hahaha :|
Yea I put a towel down
If I had a dick present I wouldn't be bothering with this shit at all
>perfectly good dick
You assume too much about me.
Well, vaginal fluid IS acidic. Women really be walking around with hazardous liquids sloshing around inside them
She has to know I like her, right? Girls aren't as retarded as men when it comes to this. Will a woman just continue to be friendly with you knowing you're into her, waiting for the moment to turn you down?

I'm autistic so I don't know.
i dont know anybody from high school
Sis……… I want you to reread the instructions very carefully
I don't have one. But if I did I'm hiding that shit I can't deal with another "my penis will never be enough for your gaping hole" meltdown.
Women deserve strong men with hard cocks slamming into them full force
demoralisation shilling
Women of 4chan: what do you think of the type of women who can't stop talking about equality, being independent... but then completely change themselves into whatever the guy they're dating is into, and falling into line with tradwife, being submissive and everything? And why do you think some women do that?
I like when I play with them and they move.
I get like cat dopamine and I wanna make them evade me. Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
How does that even work if they only give me three why would they put an uneven number
Can confirm. That’s why removing a pad sounds exactly like popping open a soda can.
I mean, you can ask him not to do it anymore. Same with smoking or you cant see that girl anymore
they're right see fourth wave feminism the future is female
Either gender
Do they make heated body pillows? Not the sex kind, the kind you hold to fall asleep. I want something that feels closer to real, something that doesn't remind me of how alone I am.
>7 inches length
>4.8 inches girth
I haven’t seen enough balls to have a real preference, tbqh
I get tunnel vision and focus on his wiener, not what’s below it
I think some women give up due to kink and it's kinda sad. Like no, please come girlboss gatekeep these dudes out here with me.

Pick one.
Regimen 1: 100 mg (one 100 mg vaginal suppository) intravaginally once a day for 7 consecutive days alone or in combination with topical application of 1% clotrimazole cream to affected area two times daily for 7 consecutive days.

Regimen 2: 200 mg (one 200 mg vaginal suppository) intravaginally once a day for 3 consecutive days alone or in combination with topical application of 1% clotrimazole cream to affected area two times daily for 7 consecutive days.

Regimen 3: 500 mg (one 500 mg vaginal suppository) intravaginally once.

Regimen 4: One applicatorful of 1% clotrimazole vaginal cream intravaginally once daily (preferably at bedtime) for 7 consecutive days.

Regimen 5: One applicatorful of 2% clotrimazole vaginal cream intravaginally once daily (preferably at bedtime) for 3 consecutive days.
they'll burn you at night when they catch fire
just get a girlfriend incel
Yes maam
It’s cringe. The word “pickme” is overused, but that’s total pickme behavior. I can kinda understand it though, it’s a low self esteem thing, where the girl thinks she’s worthless, so she might as well change everything to please men.
Women, would you rather date a fat and balding guy or die alone?
How else am I supposed to feed my 40D's and 56" circumfrence ass?
I lost 10 pounds because I forgot to eat due to depression.
No idea where those fags are. I’m doing very well for myself.
cope and seethe
commit suicide
you know no one will miss you
Wouldn’t that feel too controlling? It’s just generally gross to think about, but it’s out of sight, out of mind.
idk how any girl could ever say dangle. I love my balls when they tighten
It can have a timer to shut off like heating pads or wax melters
Does demoralization mean acknowledging unpleasant truths?
No preference. It's weird/kind of entertaining watching them go from one state to the other though.
Lmao alka seltzer pussy
They never had any self esteem and were saying what they thought people wanted to hear to get them to like them until they secured a man that was hot enough to make him liking her more important than everyone else liking her. No spine.
Or they never believed any of it and said it to have friends.
I'd let the human race die out.
If sugary drinks gave you big tits, mine would be the size of Jupiter
until it goes bad and catches fire and then you're either horribly burned or dead because you couldn't get a girlfriend
nta but this is unironically what it sounds like in my head a lot of the time
Really odd seeing my feelings expressed by another
What if he's a really nice guy?
We masturbate all the time, what you mean?
>Regimen 3: 500 mg (one 500 mg vaginal suppository) intravaginally once.
How big is THAT?
>alka seltzer
YES that’s what I was thinking of lol
Just insert two tablets like a coin slot, and enjoy the feeling of fizz
women do you dislike when guys call you by male terms of endearment like "bro" or "nigga"
>horribly burned
I'm already not a looker desu
>or dead
If I can die in my sleep then I can technically die happy
Yes. I'm a loser so I'll just keep shitposting here and never changing anything about my life. My biggest hope for joy is to watch a girl kill herself because I can't get a girlfriend.
I did 3 and and 5

I am going to do one more round of 3. You guys are freaking me out
I don’t mind it. I assume they do it for their own benefit, like it helps them mentally reinforce their resistance against my ~feminine charms~ so they can keep seeing me as just a friend.
All people are stupid man, or put themselves in denial. All situation dependent, the only one who knows her rn itt is you.
go ahead
kill yourself
Mine was the size of a cadbury egg about
With food??????
Eating pints of ice cream is more respectable than filling up on meme drinks
story time?
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Thoughts on being held down by a strong man and fucked?
>why did you break up in the first place and why would things be any different this time?
>If you can come up with good answers to that then maybe you have a chance
well, the reason I'd propose her to start over but this time as a half-time LDR it: because I think living with her make us break up...
not gonna elaborate here because it doesn't really matter. I really, REALLY need to stop thinking of her. I miss her but it won't work.

>is your ex looking to start a life with someone?
she told me she doesn't want a relationship anymore after (and because of) our break up

>more importantly, are you sure she doesn't hate your guts, that you gave her no reasons to?
well, she was the one who told me to keep talking. I don't really know why, though. the argument is that we had a friendly break up and wanted to keep in touch. but we never were friends in the first place. we went from completely unknown to one each other of matching on dating apps to living together in a couple of weeks.
cut out the middle man buy a gun and liquor drink yourself drunk with a loaded gun and kill yourself
>same size as a bullet vibe
I’ve been training for this
how do I not get played like a fiddle and just another option by men
The demon in my boobs wants icecream.
The demon in my asscheeks makes me obsessed with burgers.
It's funny but it makes me feel stupid
By making yourself the ONLY option.
Is he a nice enough guy to let me sell him into slavery?
That's not your beautiful wife.
I have a pillow cover that doesn't keep heat well so it cools fast. Dude, holding someone is nice but irl things get hot (always keep AC on), idk how poor people in hot countries do it (they actually get used to it). Hug a pillow man, it's pretty nice.
when you were a little kid and mom told you to clean up the chalk you'd been playing with you could just have hidden one up the vagoo so you could draw when you were supposed to be asleep.
Sorry, dude, I can't tell if you're being ironic or not. If you're not, desu, getting a bf or gf isn't that hard. Just don't be a turbo autistic creep, and be presentable. The hard part about relationships is making them good and making them last.
Don't be calling me manito or any variation of the n word if you're white that's cringe. But bro and dude and shit like that is fine.
Back hurts
Date lonely khv NEETs. They don't have other options.
I've been hugging a pillow for a while now, and it's no longer enough. I shared my bed for years, I'm used to the extra warmth.
that's a cute booty
Would you prefer it to have rainbow stripes??
Good source of calcium as well.
What if he massaged your back after?
It's not that exciting he didn't actually say those exact words he just cried for like 3 hours about it being too small. God forbid I ask for another finger like Jesus Christ.
M. Probably yeah, but you're safer and better off with something like a hot water bottle that you stuff inside the body pillow.
... kinda.
>If you're not, desu, getting a bf or gf isn't that hard. Just don't be a turbo autistic creep, and be presentable.
So I'm apparently a turbo autistic creep and non presentable. You're just demoralising further. I could never get a gf because I'm a turbo autistic creep.
No one has ever been interested in me.
It feels more like solid lotion
I cant imagine that there could be someone i find sexually attractive on bed next to me, possibly with their butt pointed towards my crotch even.

How do you even go asleep in suhc situation
You probably don't use lotion on your hands or your dick, so no thanks.
Anon... just go see a fucking doctor.
What do you mean...
You broke up with him because his dick wasn't big enough
I need some food first or I'll get sweaty and feel bad.
It wooould be a bummer if a girl asked me, but if I really really liked her, if she told me it make her feel uncomfortable or less valued I'd def do it for her. But I'd ask for pics and stuff from her, Also doubles to keep the romance between us alive.

It's only bad when you both are in an argument or something and you can't get off easy now. Or sucks if she has stuff to do and can't be sexy 24/7. But pics of a girl you adore make a guy melt
Why it worked
No it's always been beautiful and delicate to me. I love it.
Personally I do.
It has to be clever though.
You’re either obese or shaped like a goddess. Either way, AWOOOOGA
Girls, I wanna ask you.

Now this girl did this intense eye contact with me in college and i really don't mind her a lot but i see her sometimes looking at me, But this time i was walking through the corridor and i saw her with her friend, I didn't look at her but when i tried to pass through her (the passage is narrow) i looked at her at a split second for curiosity and i saw her looking at me and our eyes locked and we kept looking at each other and i passed, I went to stairs and turned back to see if she was looking, she was still looking but i just went through.

The problem is i'm not shy, People were telling me she's mean and a crazy bitch but i don't care anyways, Still tho i feel like i'm gonna get fucked.

What do you think ? Should i do a move on her next exam ?
how much did it cost?
Ok, a little snack before ruthless fucking
I do tho, I’ll use lotion or oil on you too
you're an incel you'll never experience it anyways
I broke up with him because he couldn't stop worrying that his dick wasn't big enough. And a multitude of other reasons. People only have so much patience.
I'm one of the anons who told you overdoing it is bad for you. If you think it worked just wait and see before you start shoving unnecessary stuff up there.
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I asked her to come out once and she decided not to come. I figured that made it open/shut but afterwards she was still affectionate and acted like she wants to do something.

She has anxiety and has not had a boyfriend/been on a real date before but she still acts like she wants one so I dunno. She was sheltered. I'm not really sure what she's looking for though because she could easily get a boyfriend if she wanted.
The stereotypical German accent is only one kind of German accent. Look up ShyLily on youtube.
It's a comfort beyond compare.
Love makes you relax, it's like every burden you've had can be supported, you can feel weightless. Her warmth, the smell of her (the fairest of flowers), all of this ties up with your feelings and you tell yourself that you don't want to sleep, you want to savor every sensation, every moment a memory, every touch a treasure, but the comfort will carry you away, every time. It is like a salve for the soul, medicine for the mind, most precious peace.
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A lot of them take their horror from sexual themes and they do tend to be puritanical like another anon said but it's for the opposite reasons.
It's a mix of making a commentary and also just trying to be edgy to sell.
>And a multitude of other reasons.
his dick wasn't big enough
>How do you even go asleep in suhc situation
M29, married for 4 years. Most people aren't in the mood all the time, and it takes two to tango. Besides, it is absolutely wonderful to just lie next to someone you love and just fall asleep.
Any gender
What's the easiest way to get a blowjob from a woman I've just met? It's all I want for now and I won't ever tell anyone
>pics of a girl you adore make a guy melt
Even if they’re not lewd pics?
Genuinely triggered right now I know exactly what you're doing but fuck if it ain't working

me and who
I will never experience this
he doesn't want to be sold into slavery..
Maybe post an ad on fiverr
>If you think it worked just wait and see before you start shoving unnecessary stuff up there.
Yea I don't want to fuck with anything but I also want to eradicate it and I don't know which path to take
SO why does google say to do it for two weeks :/
The best woman in any area is worse than the best man in that same area.
This is not to say that men are better, but that men reach higher peaks
>What do you think ?
I have ADHD and I couldn't make it through this because it took too long to get to the point.
kill yourself
Stop googling things and read the box of medication that you have.
Same adv I'd give a guy: always work on yourself. Your person is always a project that is never complete. Each PR leads to a new goal to set. Be the best person you can be. Don't be be lazy and lose her (him).

If you think you're a good/likeable person, great! Figure out what stuff you can improve, but keep that confidence cause you're on the right track. If you don't think you're a good/likeable person, wtf is wrong with you. You've had all this time... Well, time to change. Figure out what would make you a decent person and strive for that.

You probably already are a decent person tho, most people are. Overall this takes a lot of self-reflection.
I like it conceptually but if it's just that with no psychological elements at play I think I would start getting bored
Maybe like 8 bucks.
My sincerest apologies for cursing you with knowledge, even if only secondhand. Take some consolation in the fact that the pain of absence is not oft felt as sorely by those that have not known presence.
But do you NEED to be an autistic creep? Like is it a need? :p
Okay, I'm joking, but only half-joking. What I mean is some autism I think could be done away with. For eg: some autists on 4chins think that "being right" makes the ladies wet their loins. In reality, most people don't give a shit. Or at least, if you're right about sth, don't be a jerk about it.
I guess, what I'm trying to say is, is your autism creepiness something you're willing to work on? That's not to say that you need to dull your personality, become someone you're not to fit. But also, understand that some of the things you do are cringe and it will make you a more agreeable person to be around if you cut that shit.
I wish I grew decent looking facial hair so I wouldn't have to shave.
fucking hell, dude could've at least cried in private...
>Genuinely triggered right now
no you're not you're just attention whoring and you don't care about what I say at all because I'm just a random incel. But we both know you broke up with him because he couldn't sexually satisfy you. Your current boyfriend has a bigger dick, correct?
a sob story
I have one but it's too far away and he's "stressed" from having a life so he doesn't have much of a libido atm
I did butttt I want to be for certain...
>Your current boyfriend has a bigger dick, correct?
Watch as she refuses to answer
>just now realized that different size burners on the stove have different functions
I literally waited almost 20 minutes for a pot of water to boil before I tried the bigger burner
I don't think that's gonna work, I might only get replies from trolls or gay dudes
I tried to be understanding for the first half hour but then it started to get to me like "if you're insinuating that your dick is too small what are you saying about me? How is that supposed to make me feel?"
I've been single since 2020
Listen to the box. You want to be certain about the exact medication that you have not whatever Google tells you.
Maybe a blindfold and a collar like the pic
Last time I bothered to check a few years ago they all either didn't have Internet presence or married young and a lot of the girls had kids.
I'm doing alright. To young to be old and washed up yet too old to be able to use youth as an excuse.
So I carry on like always, promising God that I will make this life worth something.
no you don't care you're doing it on purpose to make others sad
you were loved and you're happier than I am while I have never experienced love and will always be unhappy until I die
That's kind of boring.
Too formal
I want something more primal
I would find it so weird since the specific friend I am wondering about who did this for me has slept with me before
women, how many of you enjoy sucking dick?
men, how many of you enjoy giving head?
Like what?
In my case they're losers just like me but it's hitting them harder because I got used to it and they're stuck trying to appease the women their age while I chase high school graduates
Be attractive, act attractive. Flirt with her in your texts a little. Get out out to a bar, get drunk together, flirt harder, make her laugh, go for a kiss when you see the signs are good, take her home. Have condoms on hand
Okay I guess I'll take a break and see if it comes back
Those who do not seek answers should not pose questions.
>But do you NEED to be an autistic creep?
That's what I am since I never had a gf
you said so yourself
how can I work on something if that's what I am. I can't change it because I can't get a girlfriend and they don't want me because I'm an autistic creep
Yeah most of them looked like losers in my case too, albeit semi well adjusted ones.
Atoga sure is cruel tonight.
> Kiss while drunk
> Initiate anything sexual when drunk
I asked how to get head, not how to end up in jail, anon
your rebound fuck had a bigger dick didn't he
Oh man……. Good luck, girl
Your friendship sounds complicated, but I can at least guarantee he didn’t think it was gross
Mix of both is good, long as she looks nice. A pic of her looking -_- might be nice enough if the situation was a funny one, and good memories are lovely. But to replace porn, yeah lewd pics/vids/texts/sexting.
They're cruel to fat and balding men every night.
>the guys are angrily writing fanfiction about big, meaty cocks again
I didn't ask a question I just stated I'll never experience what you had
I like sucking dick but I start to get tired fast.
I definitely like the thought of it more than doing it but the thought is so strong it compels me.
I don't want to suck dick. I want to be a dick sucker.
Where are the good male hornyposters tonight
there are no good male hornyposters
with their girlfriends and discord kittens
not answering the question is admitting to it
you went from small boyfriend to a bigger dick
There never are any take your meds.
Dick! Cock!
>How do you even go asleep in suhc situation
Or are you another Anon, simply come in to feel self-pity for a moment?
Wtf, why are you making it seem like it was $50? Just spend the money and get more, why so stingy?
Or are you low on money?
Kek, if you're saying this because you're trying to make contradict what I said in my ask, you need to understand that I don't consider getting a bf or gf a success in life. So I meant it when I said it's not hard. You can get someone, if anyone would do. The point is to be happy, make it last. In addition ofc to health, financial stability, etc.
I can't even get a woman interested in me how would I ever be able to horny post
>waited 20 minutes to boil
You know a microwave could've done it in less than half that time right?
(electric kettle too but i don't expect people to have that)
Sorry, I'm not yeastanon.
There is at least one but you guys get mad when i bring him up
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>less than 10% of women would consider dating me
just saying that you experienced love and I won't
I still love you fat and balding anon.
I suck at hornyposting but, girl, do you wanna sit on my dick tonight?
Yeah, it's good to recognize people got a problem you cant fix, so you gotta leave asap. Guy got issues
Love you too, Anon. <3
No, but I think I use those terms too much myself and I'm trying to cut back
I mean just that one big tablet dosage is around eight bucks.
I am yeastanon
Wtf mine was like $20!!!! It came with a little cream though
answer the question
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>Have you straight up ever just told someone you used to be friends with you never wanted anything to do with them anymore
A guy I grew up with, spent a lot of time together. Was always a complete cunt towards me, don't think it was because we were kids. He reached out a few years ago, basically straight up just said I have no intention of hanging out with you ever again.

Normally when I lose friends for whatever reason, I feel pretty bad about it years later. I haven't felt an iota of regret since this incident. Male obviously, so I don't tell people I don't want anything to do with them on a weekly basis.
Why do guys keep coming here and asking our permission to give up?
No, permission denied. You must continue to improve yourself.
I think I just got plyed by this guyvwho said I didn't have to worry about this other woman I noticed who talks to him like a girlfriend.

I am a good person and like myself and I am always striving to nuture myself and grow. Tonight I am going to go for a walk and listen to music. I just don't want my time and heart wasted anymore.
Is it true that women like having their emotions toyed with? Not in a dick way but like subverting expectations/surprising them/scaring them type a way.
What question? I just jumped in to make fun of your gay fanfic
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For a lot of these guys, acknowledging their despair is a form of validation for them.

When the average man gives up, he just does inside. And he gets on with life as best as he can without letting it affect those around him.
Now I wanna stare at more guys @W@
Tight ones but I imagine the ball slapping sound of the dangly ones are more satisfying
am I a narcissist if the first or second thing I think when I see a woman I like is whether she talked to me because she likes me or not? I'm tall and handsome but shy and socially retarded
My emotional level is at like a 4/10 rn (no not cuz of anything itt). If I wrote anything, it would be me faking horny, maybe ill do it idk.
Was the other woman blonde? I bet she was blonde, that BITCH
>but I imagine the ball slapping sound of the dangly ones are more satisfying
Would you like to find out?
Yes, there was a discussion about it earlier in the thread
Oh really, who is the guy, genuinely curious
He usually kills himself, I think.
not trying to contradict I'm in agreement I'm probably a turbo autistic creep and women are not attracted to me at all which is why I've always been alone.
I could never get someone like you can so it's not easy. I have never experienced shared happiness or something that could last. I wouldn't even know or understand how to do that or how it works
What happened why are you down
Yes. But mostly socially retarded and too anxious.
Go for the shorties man, they're cute and nice and very loving
Kinda? When you’re subjected to the same boring interactions from men over and over, a little variety can go a long way. This is partially why “negging” works.
Yes, but I like it in the dick way.
Anything else is boring and has no real element of surprise or danger.
How many g's for 3 days?
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Eventually. Only the dead can know peace from this evil.

The only cure is death, or the forest.
Are you talking about this guy? >>31545813

I like saying stuff to get a reaction or make them think they know what I'm going to say next but flip it.
wtf? what does she have that you don’t? I’m sorry anon, that really sucks
Women can I bing bing in your wahoo until I yippeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
What’s the difference between a man having a female friend/acquaintance and cheating emotionally?
you don't care about me so you wouldn't care about what I do
I'm just admitting I'm an autistic creep and I could never find or experience love
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He doesn't really horny post tho. It's mostly gibberish and nondirectional.
Happened to me when I was a lot younger too: there was this kid that I used to walk home with everyday. We didn't live in the same neighborhood or anything, but we walked in the same direction, until he crossed the street and I continued going straighforward. Anyway, we used to wait for one another, but it was mostly me who asked if he wanted me to wait for him. I waited for him everyday after classes ended, but many times he'd just leave without waiting for me, and it kinda stung. Fast forward, this kid is being teased about having feelings for me (I don't think he did, and neither did I) and that made him become mean to me, and not wait after classes. So I stopped waiting for him too. When we went to middle school, he once stopped me and tried to strike a conversation with me, acting buddy buddy, but I acted like I didn't know who he was. We both knew I knew who he was, but I just refused to acknowledge it. Maybe it was childish, but I hadn't gotten over how this guy had acted one or two years prior. Anyway, he got so angry and I think he started to hate my guts after that, but I didnt care.
This made me laugh
This made me afraid
>cheating emotionally
This is terminology for emotionally insecure people. Anyone who actually subscribes to this mentality needs to grow up.
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Take one of these first.
qt is the dream guy for girls with colonizer fetish
Whether or not it's something that would reasonably give your partner doubt as to your intentions.
Note, I said reasonably.
If you aren't crossing into romantic emotional boundaries or over sharing intimacy, you're all gucci
I can confirm, I am a man and I look like this
good you ruined your friendship with him
I actually laughed

I actually jumped
kill yourself
Idk, surround yourself with decent people? If the guy ur dating wasn't a friend beforehand, it basically is a risk you're taking, cause nobody really knows what will happen when they're put to the test. Most people hope they won't cheat or fall out of love, but dont really know for sure. All you gotta do is hope for the best in people, and if they fail you, drop em cause theres no reason to be around people who make life worse.

Idk, if you're a decent person who strives for self improvement, that's really all you can do other that surround yourself with decent people. Thats all you can control. It's a burden off your mind when you let go of the preemptive fear of other people's actions
I actually want you to end your life
Look again, it's just a woman with earphones
What did I do??
soo what do I do? should I socialize more and stop giving a shit about what people think of me? is that the recipe? if so, I don't really know where to start. I guess I could just do it but then I'll go back to being alone with my thoughts

I'm asking because today I saw this really pretty girl I hadn't seen in decades... and she went out of her way to get close to me to tell me hi and stuff. and I just couldn't talk much about stuff...
but anyway. I ALWAYS wonder if women do shit like this because they are friendly and appreciate me for whatever reason, or if they like me.
I'm hoping I get to see her again to ask her for her phone number. god I'd love to have her...
As long as it’s not a secret.
oh idk, i think sad is my natural state since at least 4th grade. No need to worry, im used to it
Looking nice doesn't stop you from being retarded.
Which reminds me of one more male to trauma dump cringe about.
He didn't know what a security deposit for a rental property was so he threw himself on the ground in a tantrum.
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kill yourself
Yeah, and I like doing what he does too, maybe I'm not as good though.
What you described isn't manipulation though, it's just acting like a goofball
the brit guy who wants people to kill themselves with him? What makes him horny well/makes you "like" him (ive never seen it)
I know but that doesn’t erase my initial reaction

What did anon mean by this?
I couldn't comprehend the relation of this post to mine.
>Idk, surround yourself with decent people?
*Ehem* kys
Yes. Do socialize. Learn. Converse. Then try to find her.
Where has he been?
he'll never do that
haven't you heard?
desu, i don't think i did. i appreciated his friendship more than he did. and when he was teased for having feelings for me (just bc we walked home together) he treated me like shit and or stopped talking to me altogether. but then a year or two out of nowhere he came to say hi, as if nothing happened. and desu i don't think he even remembered. it was that unimportant to him. so why the fuck should i go back to being "friends" with him?
Yes, QT, you would make a good lil dildo, you stupid hoe.
Does that tall girl who hates being female still post here?
>Yes. Do socialize. Learn. Converse.
right. kinda hard, I'm reclusive, I WFH and right now I'm depressed af. plus I broke up 3 months ago with my gf and I still have these stupid doubts...

>Then try to find her.
she told me she doesn't live here anymore, she's here for vacations, so I'll have to be fast

I'm trying. I really am.
Nice try, but I'm not him. soz.
No but your mom does.
I should probably let her free up her hands first though..
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I wish I looked like her
idk she wears a lot of wigs
she has money to cosplay
I would too but I am broke atm
>Idk, surround yourself with decent people
as if I can read minds? uh, hit and miss reply there
She uglee tho
If she's ugly.
lol, thank you! Thankfully not too complicated and works fine for us
Femanons should I jerk off?
I feel like it's been a few weeks but I haven't really been horny.
Are you sure she’s not some kind of spy who seduces men in a different costume every week
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F That's such an ugly dress. She's got that cokehead look.
No. You should only cum handsfree from being so horny. No jerk off. Only cum.
She is
I choose to believe this is a shortstack anon wishing she was tall and slender
or wish she was blonde and white because she's not white and has some sort of inferiority complex for being a minority in america
I thought I had hearing damage in my right ear but it’s working again. Am I a mutant?
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Genuinely wish I looked like her.
You could just fuck me
God, girl needs some meat on her bones.
I could snap her in half like a toothpick.
That saddest part about this for me is the kiddie bedsheets.
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I need this. I DEMAND THIS.
I don't know why but this pic made me so fucking HORNY. jesus fucking christ
no she claims to be a lesbian but she saying she is going to steal his jacket/hoodie and how he calls her cute all the time? uhhh sus

why the fuck would I want to accept his offer to pay for me trip to see/meet him when he is like this?? he said he didn't like being an option but clearly that is what I am to him
Hot, do you want to trade? I wish I was never born with mine you can have them I want to be flat
why is she so hairy?
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>went to store looking for specific energy drink
>place is shady, only one in parking lot
>find my drink, grab some cup noodles
>stuck in line for like 10 minutes behind two ghetto bitches
>mid alt girl cashier about to kys from boredom
>3rd ghetto bitch cuts me in line
>peeved but don't want to start shit
>alt girl notices
>tells me to come around
>asks me something about "thinner"
>grins, says it again, I still don't catch it
>"haha yeah..."
>tells me to have a good night
>only realize now that she was asking me if this was my dinner
is this a win?
Men state height and relationship status
Haha, in my dreams.
khhv, forever single.
I know an easy way you could find out if she’s a lesbian or not…
How big are yours
why is yhat hthe only thing ur worried abt LOOL
It's a side effect of anorexia.
Languo. You get it from starving and you grow excess hair
broke up with my first gf 3 months ago
Guys, can we not...
6'4", together for 13 years, 4 years of which married
ED twt here we go!
damn are you mexican or something
U a nigga numba one fan dawg sneak dissin ion understand dawg pillow talkin actin like a fed dawg...
yall are the most competitive mfs for no reason Go do sports or something thats worth the competitiveness
You're about 20-25 years too late

>tfw surrounded by this and was too autistic to know how to act
literally only the mentally ill still go for this style now.
I cannot believe that emaciated girl has bigger rounder tits than me. I am genuinely going to walk off a ledge.
you stopped caring about him
Nah, I don't have ED.
I'm a fat fuck, or maybe I do, hmm.
No, I have a congenital disease that makes me vitamin D resistant and that prevents calcium absorption.
yeah ur worthless without tits /j
currently in an ongoing affair with a married womann
he just offered me a trip but tells me when he talks to her when he could have been actually building something with me like more personable relation on a videochat or phone call rather than just messaging the whole time

she has not tried to reach out to me and he seems to want to keep it that way.
he has no perception of looking in the mirror, pot calling kettle black
6’, single. I miss her.
Stop going after guys that want big tits.
New thread
my macaroni came out bland :(
how do I fix this? add tastier cheese?
fat people can have eating disorders believe it or not
hope you kill yourself attention farming whore
milk and butter baby boy
Yeah, but I don't, I'm just glued to my chair because I'm depressed.
The few times I got the mood to go outside, I instantly started losing weight.
Why did you like this guy again? He sounds really stupid, no offense
you sound like a bitter ex
>Stop going after men with eyes
Add nutmeg
kill yourself
no need to keep bad friends
I will bye
nta but what if I need to borrow bad shitty friend's truck to move furniture or occassionally hang out at the sports bar and shit faced?
I have never had sex or a relationship. no woman has ever shown any interest in me.
You don't know if your friends are decent people? Do you not see this as an issue?
>keeping ''friends'' for their material benefits
Bad news, you're a shit friend too.
Before you go, can you answer a question for me?
we found eachother attractive. we have similar ideas on social and economic issues, music, and supposedly want we wanted I love life, and we like a lot of the same things and can relate to stuff. he also trauma dumped on me and I felt like I had to too since he went there. I got really emotional about how he is and cried the other night and didn't tell him.

we also have an age difference and I am very much more experienced in dating and I have had relationships longer than him.
I'm a shit friend to other shit friends
I haven't had a good friend in a long, long time
You're just like him s m h
I really think you're gonna be fine. I've never had to take a second batch.
I'm taller than you.
I really hope he's doing better now but I want no part of it.
Toyed with(positive) is fun. Little pranks and things like that are a good way to bond I guess?
When you start telling that acquaintance things you're not telling your girlfriend, putting your friends feelings before your girlfriend's, basically when the emotional connection between you and the friend is as important or more important to you than the emotional connection with your significant other and you're discussing things that you normally would share with only your partner or a same gendered best friend.
WHAT. I learned something today.
he didn't come in as a friend he was looking for me to be his girlfriend, but I told him to wait so we could get to know eachother more. and now I know
What cheeses did you use?
would never judge, cause that is a legit reason. But sounds like it'd be better to get a new friend who's actually decent who you can do the same stuff with.
Idk your gender pls help
My beard gets dandriff but the fix for my hair doesnt work
Okay fair enough.
the box package plus some mexican blend shredded cheese
Yeah, he wasn't you friend beforehand. Of course you couldn't know. But what about your friends? Do you not know if you're surrounded by decent people? You've spent all this time with them, and you don't know?
Also, without me explaining it, could you not understand that being surrounded by good people makes it soo much more likely for you to get a truly decent bf?
>I've never had to take a second batch.
How often do you get them?
>bro just make a new friend
not that easy
the only reason I know this guy is because him and my brother were roommates and I got invited to their parties because I actually had a car
nvm, I can already guess the answer. :P
You really shouldn't feel bad about your bitties, I know it's cliched as fuck, but your beauty and worth aren't tied to the size of you titties.
my circle has good people but it is VERY small and they are introverted people who probably don't know anyone available that would be good for me. I have been meaning to get out and hang with others but shit happens.
my friend group is so unbelieveably shit
they only hangout when they want something from me (usually to housesit while they go off to unfunny comedy shows) and they have only ever introduced me to trailer trash, ghetto bitches, and literally trannies.
Just thinking about them pisses me off. I unironically feel closer to my coworkers who I don't even talk to outside my 8 hours than I do to them.
Too late I feel bad
hanging out with someone doesn't make you friends, and neither needing his truck. and if he's shitty, you need to judge: do you value the truck more or your peace of mind, dignity...?
Honestly, I get it.
thankfully I only see him like once a month so its not that bad
Ah you made 2 mistakes there. 1 you don't just throw cheese on macaroni to make macaroni and cheese and 2 the pre shredded stuff is dusted in an anti caking agent that fucks with the texture.

With what you've got right now just throw some salt, pepper, and paprika or something in there.

But next time if you want to make an actual cheese sauce take a 1:1 ratio of butter to flour and whisk it in the pan for like 3 minutes until it gets thick and smooth and stops smelling like flour, add like 8 parts milk, then a shitload of shredded cheese (12 parts) that you shredded yourself from blocks not bagged. More cheese than milk.
I haven't gotten one in years but pretty regularly with my first boyfriend which I now understand was...gross. and on occasion after that.
Have you tried getting better friends?
Sure! Why don't I strap on my friend helmet and squeeze down into a friend cannon and fire off into Friendland where friends grow on friendies!
What initiated this response
Yeah, of course, so no judgement in keeping him around. Just try to not let his bs make your life worse.

People/parents don't tell you the practical reasons for making friends. Glad you got a good circle, everyone needs one. As long as you get to fall back to them, screw shitty bf's
Go places often
Book clubs, board games, bars, sports
Of you put urself out there itll happen
Then why don't you talk to your coworkers? I don't know why people act like they can't be friends with someone they work with. It's such an arbitrary limitation people place on themselves.

Unless you're a bitch. If you're a bitch then don't.
I do talk to my coworkers when I'm at work. Occasionally we go out for drinks/sushi as a group. One of them invited me to her daughter's wedding (obviously she's a lot older than me).
There's a bit a gender issue when it comes to it though. Like, all my coworker friends are female (because all the male coworkers are boomers) so it would be weird for us to hangout, ESPECIALLY 1v1
You'd still be the most beautiful girl to me
Why is that? I used to feel this way. I'd be friendly enough at work but avoided escalation of friendships.
Recently I made a pretty good work buddy and I'd hang out with her no problem. Most of my coworkers are female too. Though if you're in a relationship maybe it would cause an issue.
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Shut the fuck up
I can't understand why you wouldn't think hanging out with women around your age as friends wouldn't eventually be problematic.
Where did you go
I'm M 35, tall and handsome... and everyone has always assumed that I have lots of love/sex experience. but I don't. in fact, I never had a gf in my 20s
the thing is, I don't know how to treat women my age... I never knew how to treat women in general, and even though I had a gf (only one), I still don't know. I don't know how to read context, how to be playful, how to flirt...
say I'm talking to some girl on Tinder. should I treat them as if I knew them already? should I be direct and tell them to come over? should I ask them what they like and stuff?
what if I'm talking to a girl I approached in the street? what about a girl I've known for many years but never had the balls to ask out?
Speedran a hard sweet tea and passed out
Penis size?
Tiny. :^D
>say I'm talking to some girl on Tinder. should I treat them as if I knew them already? should I be direct and tell them to come over?
Yes and yes, save small talk for in person so its easier to banter.
I also suck at banter...
Exactly, thats why you save it for in person. Its easier to pretend to be confident in text.
Lower risk and higher reward too
Are you okay
right then. I had this idea of just being kinda upfront but never put it in practice mostly because my place sucks, but I'll move asap and just do that. I've always fucking hated playing mind games and shit, but I just don't get women... I guess at my age these things are fucking stupid
one last thing though: how do I know if they are actually looking for a date + quick fuck or if they want something else? should I just ignore them if they don't actually want to fuck?
6 months with my first gf in a few days.
Eh, you know how it is. I've been worse.
>how do I know if they are actually looking for a date + quick fuck or if they want something else? should I just ignore them if they don't actually want to fuck?
You're gonna have to learn how to feel that out, your intuition is gonna be better than what someone will teach you.
Aw I'm sorry have a hug
oh, that sucks. I'm kinda autistic, and having to "feel" anything makes me retreat. that actually happened with my last date. she was pretty hot, but I didn't know what she wanted, and so I did nothing.... I should have put my arms around her and kissed her cheek
Thank you anon, thats very nice of you.
I too am a little autistic but we must learn to overcome
i'm all kinds of fucked up but sometimes i think dick from a guy who is nice to me would fix about half of them
She's been with her man for years and they have kids together. I'm not interested in pursuing anything with her.
I don't see why everyone acts like you can't be friends with a woman.
i volunteer
I'm depressed and I'm pretty sure pussy would be of tremendous help to me right now
Anything for you
i felt less dead for a second there, doing good work anon

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