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Introspection edition
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i love chickens /an/
>hearing the bok bok of my neighbor's chickens from my kitchen window while I do my daily chores
feels comfy
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check out my new watering system
Next upgrade: a float valve
Quite the ingenious idea, anon.
I'm sure they will eventually find a way to fill each cup with dirt, but until they do, it's much better than the traditional gravity waterers.
>hearing the COCK-A-DOODLE-DOOOOOOOO of my neighbor's rooster at 5 AM
Help me.
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are chickens better fathers than mothers
Yes. Chicken mothers are notoriously pretty shit
>Mindless shitting machines that only desire food
I can't get myself to like chickens
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I have the same opinion on Americans
Why do Americans live rent free in your head?
I'd rather them starve and die desu
why do chickens live on in yours?
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Dropping this banger of a webm
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Day 20 and I'm starting to get some pips. First time incubating chicks since I was a wee lad, so I'm delighted.
buc buc buc BUHCAWK!
buc buc buc BUHCAWK!
buc buc buc BUHCAWK!

"I'm doing the best I can ok!"
smallest white cock
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Nice! A new chicken general!

I've collected about 400 eggs over the past few days and I'm going to incubate them in my new brinsea 500 egg incubator tonight or tommorow!! A wide variety of laying chickens. Very excited. Will post pics of soon!

My bresse should start laying eggs any day now, and I am going to select the 2 or 3 to put in a dark room with unlimited corn porridge for the next 3-4 weeks before slaughtering. After dry aging for a week I will make the traditional french dish where you poach the chicken in a pig's bladder for my birthday!
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I took some chicken pics recently, so I'll post a few. :D
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They're a fun subject to photograph, and the bresse are very pretty birds.
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Look at this guy. The roosters are big! I am going to caponize my meat roosters. Should be an interesting thing to learn how to do if I can't find anyone to do it for me.
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Look at the big ass of this minecraft chicken.

Has anyone tried out an ohio brooder? I plan to make one that will fit 450 chicks. Seems to be a really great setup.
I hope they grow into good birds
that's a lot of eggs
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Yes. We were able to fill the whole thing up with around 450 eggs.
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Thanks, they're supposed to be olive Eggers, I crossed my barnevelder rooster over cream legbar hens. So far 8 of 9 have hatched out, and I'm sorta in disbelief- these are supposed to be sex-link chickens, ie the boys should have a white dot on their head and muddled patterns, but I think I've got all girls. Surely I'm not that lucky.
I'm transporting 25 fully grown chickens in the back of a minivan for reasons tonight. Should be interesting.

Lemme ask you guys this since one of my chickens is being weird and reddit is dumb

I'm new to taking care of chickens and I currently have six chicks, about four weeks old. They're all doing great, but one of them chirps almost constantly unless I take her out of the brooder and hold her/pet her. She seems healthy, is socializing, has plenty of food, water and heat, stuff to climb on, etc. She's been chirping for weeks though while the rest of them are fine. At first I thought the other chicks were picking on her, but she literally just stomps around the brooder and chirps her head off until I hold her. Then she just falls asleep for like an hour until she wants to go back into the brooder again.

Any idea what's wrong with her? I like hanging out with her and all but I can't be there to pet her all the time

Check her crop. Is she still eating? It may be a digestive issue. I had one chick that was almost exactly the same as yours. There was a large seed stuck in its crop. I had to kill it after trying multiple methods of helping it pass the seed. :(
Theres a good chance it is in pain, and you should cull it.
Yeah she's still eating and growing just fine. She's been like this for over a week so I'm assuming something would've changed by now if it was a health related issue
Hmm strange. If you can do it try and see how her poop looks. Thst can give you some clues as well.
Hope she makes it! You can try adding 2 drops of oregano oil to 1 gallon of water, and maybe some chick electrolytes if you wanted. Both are very good for them. Maybe it will clear up whatevers happening.
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How smart are chicken?
This almost looks like something animated by a human.
>snubbing while hiding the negligence
>trying to pretend they did not know while being called out
>shame and dirty looks
>pecking punishments and head kept low
They're pretty retarded overall, but have their own special little smarts and a reasonably good memory.
Are they like pigeons where they have some hidden powers while being traditionally stupid?
Yeah, pretty much. They can go quite far away from their roost and find their way back in the evening. Memory. You can train them to do simple stuff like peck at a light.

Birds also have deep and mysterious knowledge about how to best tend to their fertilized eggs. They don't just sit on them. There's turning, moving, placement, and they can detect dead eggs. Pretty interesting stuff. Muscovy ducks are notoriously hard to incubate, but you see hatches of 12+ following their mom..

There's a fun video where a chicken is "playing" the piano. The trick is that the individual keys light up in sequence to play a song.
>chicken playing piano video
Woah, this one is really crazy. The thing I find really interesting here is that she seemed to be semi trained. She has a different response to a note coming out vs a tap not doing enough. I think that shows some amount of training and recognition beyond "keys light up, smash head into key"
Just checked, it's coming out as a brown liquid. Not sure if it's runny poop or Cecil poop
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The first 5 eggs laid by my bresse hens. Very excited to start hatching these out in about a months time.
Hens are very comfy to listen to, especially in the autumn when they're digging through leaves looking for bugs. As this anon said though, roosters are very annoying.

I love the menacing expression in his eyes, very cool.
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It has been done. The bresse have been moved to their new luxury accommodations. Their genetic purity will remain.

I love taking chicken pics. There will be more.
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So proud of my sweet chickens. They have grown so much in the past couple months!
It's a real joy to have such beautiful birds in my coop at home. They are being a little retarded and sleeping outside when they have a beautiful indoor coop to roost in. Maybe they will figure it out one day.
Do you guys eat chicken?
Because chickens are cool. Are Americans cool to you? Are you just jealous and insecure? Do you secretly wish some big, lumbering, heavy, hairy American man would shove his hog in your shitpincher? Dominate your skinny, malnourished, turd world body?
Hell yeah. Homegrown chicken tastes incredible. Old hens and roosters make incredible stew. The meat is more turkey tasting/mildly gamey with a pulled pork sort of texture. Delicious!
don't you feel bad killing them?
Is it the age of the bird that makes it more gamey? And like >>4755451 said, do you feel bad eating them if they're old and you've had them for a while?
A little bit. Life and death are both parts of what we must face when raising livestock, especially when raising animals harvested for meat.

Some birds like cornish cross basically need to be euthanized after they reach a certain age because they grow so quickly it causes them suffering. Culling roosters is also an important part of flock management.

I'll feel a bit worse when it's time to process my first bresse because I really love those birds. I'm starting a business selling the meat, so it's just going to be a part of it all. I'm also very excited to see how delicious they taste.

Lastly I give all the birds I raise a great and very very comfortable life. It's a fair trade in my books.
You need to cull old hens because their egg production gets so low you start losing money feeding them. They're a bit tougher, and some especially nice birds have been spared.

It's a combination of age, breed, and diet that influences taste. Old birds will almost always be so tough that they need to be stewed/smoked for hours. The meat is inedibly tough without it.
You sound like an actual grown man with maturity. A fucking rarity on this website. Based chickenbro
Very healthy looking chickin
Thanks. If you aren't mature and competent the chances of your animals suffering/dying is extremely high. It becomes even more important when you're dealing with hundreds of them...

I'm expecting to have a flock of 2k-3k chickens in about a years time. Things are going to be crazy.
Are you in the US? How easy is it to start your own business selling meat of all things? Seems like there'd be loads of red tape.
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Yeah in the US. Suprisingly not so bad. We haven't decided if we will be going usda packing route, or getting a barebones commercial kitchen on my property for packing. We are planning to do 200 birds per month at first, so it will be much more efficient to process them all at home, but a commercial kitchen can be quite expensive.

Going the usda route is really quite easy, but lowers profits a decent bit. You just bring the birds to a facility, pay a fee for each bird, and they come out packaged and totally legal to sell.

There's transportation and labelling laws as well, but those are easy.

Selling eggs is even easier..
That diagram I posted is for livestock, and not poultry, actually... You can get a commercial kitchen licensed/inspected that is not a USDA facility, and still legally sell them.
Not completely accurate, pretty sure I'm allowed to sell venison that I shot and processed.
Every package needs to be labeled that it was from me though.
It depends on a lot of things. Maybe you can sell it to another consumer, but it wouldn't be legal to sell it to a restaurant for example. In my state that is the case with poultry.
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it should be illegal to keep chickens as livestock
But tendies and nuggies are so good
my chickens are with me by choice. i protect them from predators, provide them with food and all i ask is an egg every day
Why do hens BAGOK at random periods of the day
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i love chiggens so much. they fren and food
I don't get the joke in the picture but I laughed anyway because chicken
jews slam chickens on the ground to death because they think it transfers their sins
incorrect. would you like video?
Yeah, post proof faggot.
are you jewish? answer the fucking question and post nose
>some of the animals were not yet dead
Their throats were slit, yes they were. What these people are seeing is death flapping. The journalists do not understand the very basics of chicken slaughter and yet are writing an entire article attempting to condemn this practise.
>But the chickens were so despondent, they had given up hope.
Projecting human concepts and emotions onto animals. Article immediately discarded.
I'm not defending this. Leaving animals out in the cold is awful and unnecessary, pre-slaughter or not, but this petaesque journalistic practise really makes me take the rest of the article with a massive grain of salt. If the journalists are so ready to say that cold chickens had ''''given up hope''' and didn't even know about death flaps, then how the hell am I supposed to believe the rest of the article isn't also ARA cherry-picking bullshit.
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I'm not >>4756129 and also no faggot.
To keep things still on the topic of Chickens rather than this faggots obsession with Jews, does anyone have recommendations for auto-sexing breeds/hybrids that aren't barred? I don't have anything against barred breeds I just prefer the look of non-barred breeds.
Also they spout retarded shit constantly
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this is worse than bbc spam by jews on pol
Cute blonde pussy rubs on big cock!!!
This has brightened my otherwise terrible day
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someone in Poznan let me hold a chimker pleeeaaaaaase
show boobs and feet
she (male (female (male)))
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>You can train them to do simple stuff like peck at a light.
Enders game ass pigeon.
that's a dude
That's some beautiful construction man I'm jealous
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Chilling with lil bruh under a tree in the rain was a vibe.

Ty! I got it with the property. Feels great to finally have some birds in there.
Chicken bros...

I have a question. Traditionally in France bresse are "finished" before slaughter. What this means is that they are taken from pasture, placed in these cages, and fed a mixture of whole milk, cracked corn, and layer feed porridge for around 2-3 weeks before slaughter.

Is this a cruel treatment, or does the copious ampunt of food, and calm environment balance things out?
I am vegeterian lol (luv me eggs and milk though)
Do you have an opinion on caging birds for the last 2 weeks of their life, or is it immoral from the start because I'll be eating them?

I'll be learning how to caponize cockerals soon as well.
nice cock, bro.
It has been 17.5 days since I placed roughly 450 fertile chicken eggs in my incubator. Tommorow or the next day I will move all the eggs into my hatcher. Anyone know if 2 or 3 days is better to stop turning and increase humidity?

I will be building a 4'x8' ohio brooder that will easily fit the expected 300-350 chicks that will hatch.

Very very excited, and I will post some pics if it isn't a complete and utter disaster.
Don't purchase chickens. The breeder you'd be purchasing the chickens from almost certainly culls male chicks by burying them alive, gassing them to death or throwing them all into a blender.
If you don't believe me then watch this free documentary online https://www.dominionmovement.com/watch
what the fuck
Did someone develop that film in a chicken coop?
Yes. My chickens keep me company when I develop film.
>burying them alive
That makes no sense, at-least the shredded ones go into animal feed or something.
what the fuck
I’ve only raised the usual cornish cross for meat, but they were pretty content to just laze around waiting for me to bring more fancy finishing porridge to gorge on a few times a day (to keep it from spoiling). I don’t really see any benefit to that strict of confinement for finishing if they were caponized early enough in life, just downsides like risking bruises or actual sores to their breasts from the weight of laying down motionless for too long. A light bruise on a pale enough carcass looks pretty darn gross to a potential customer. A pen with plenty of space and deep litter I’d fluff up constantly is what I used, but I didn’t have access to good pasture at the time. Still usually ended up with slight bruising or a small scratch on 1 or 2 chickens out of a batch of 100 birds.
If they aren’t fighting or injuring themselves in the pasture, and if they aren’t likely to injure themselves struggling to run away from capture, I’d honestly just leave them in whatever area they’re already used to.
I'm having the first ones for my bday, so I'm going to cage them, and then gradually try all the variations to see how different the meat is.

Bresse are pretty active, and you slaughter them at 4-5ish months old, so apparently, they are noticeably chewier than cornish cross. Not like old tough, but chewier. I think the confinement may help reduce some of that aside from just fattening them up.

Some of the roosters from those 400 chicks that I'm hatching out will be used to learn how to caponize. I'm sure I will accidentally kill some, but I will still eat them! Promise. 3 week old rooster should be pretty nice...
I’m excited to know how it goes. I’ve lost touch with the only person I know who raised capons, and you’ve got me curious about it.
THE CHICKS ARE HATCHING! A bunch of them are a day ahead of schedule. Got the brooder room all set up for sunday when I move them in there.

Same! You raise the calons to 9 months old, and sell them around the holidays. Apparently the meat is incredible.

Happy pip day!
Based farmer.
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We candled all the eggs before placing them in the hatcher, and were left with around 395ish live eggs. Roughly 30 were infertile, and 15 were quitters. Not bad!

Closest guess to final number hatched gets to name one!

:D I'm going all out and doing the traditional french dish where you cook the bird in a pig's bladder. It's called Poularde de bresse en vessie if you want to look it up.
Sous vide without plastic sounds pretty good honestly. Where do you even find bladders?
Yes, and the subtle pee flavor is intriguing!

I got mine from here


They're used as a sausage casing. They look nice, but I have not rehydrated/used one, so I cannot speak to their quality.
Any chance you gonna make a thread on /ck/ when or after you do it?
Completely ignore the shitposters there, a few are only in /ck/ to shill fast food and frozen pizza.
I'm doing a test run with a cornish cross I raised in a few days. I may make a thread about that one. I won't be using black truffles or foie gras for that one, but I think it will still be pretty good.

If that one goes well I may take pictures of the real deal later this month. It's going to be quite an extravagant meal.
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I would NOT fuck around in the chicken forest.
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We checked on the chicks today, and will be moving all the dry ones into the brooder. The hatcher is really good at increasing humidity, so shrink wrap shouldn't be a problem with the remaining eggs.
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260 hatched and healthy so far.
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Check out this bin of 156 chicks.
it's just motherly instincts. that hen would have tucked the egg into it's own fluff if it was broody. the peck was funny but they'll peck at pretty much anything that attracts their curiosity, or for dominance reasons.
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First night in the brooder and everyone survived. Yay.
I didnt
:( why not?
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I spent all this time building and testing a lovely brooder and you just die on me???

I added boards to create a 1.5ish foot perimeter around the brooder so the chicks cannot wander off too far.
i can't believe they put pigeons in bombs
fluffy chigs
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Yes. This guy is one of my favorites. He is exceedingly fluffy, and has one eyebrow.

We also have 4 chicks with no feathers on their necks. I'll try to get a pic of one of them later. They're very strange looking.
What did you take these with?
You’re so lucky.
Here is a crappy turken picture. It looks like they are wearing little foreskin scarves. Lmao. We have 4 of them. I have been busy, but I will try to get a nicer shot of one soon.

Great idea.

A very sharp lens, and kodak vision3 35mm film. It's a wonderful film that is used to make movies with. Most likely you would have to develop it at home because of the remjet layer.

Cinestill 400D would be pretty comparable and any lab will be able to develop it for you.

There was a lot of work involved in setting everything up, and there's going to be a significant amount of work when these dudes get older.
Right now It is a joy to have nearly 300 chicks in a room. Their content little chirps and skittering feet are quite relaxing to be around.
What’s a good starter chicken? How do I into building a coop, choosing feed, etc?
Meat, eggs, or just pets? How's your climate?

You can find good designs online if you can build stuff. Just remember to use hardware cloth and not chicken wire, and you should account for the weather in your area when picking a design.
I want egg chickens and live in NH (cold season is longer ~8 months)
foghorn leghorn looking ASS
>starter chicken, choosing feed
Go to your local feed store and check out what they’ve got since they should be getting chicks in this time of year. Generally, they’ll stock a docile hardy egg breed that does well in your region.
Feed choice is one of those things that can get complicated and personal, but most chick starter feeds that say medicated should be fine to begin with.

>building a coop
Your imagination is the limit. I personally like a mobile coop like a chicken tractor, but your needs may be different. Generally you want something easy to access, easy to clean, well-ventilated but not drafty, and secure against predators.
General question about coops, are rubber stall mats alright to use as a floor for a chicken coop/tractor?
Or would the chickens eventually scratch it up and eat the rubber?
Ideally you want to move the whole coop to a new patch of grass.
Sorry, I was unclear. I'm planning on using a pallet as the base of my chicken tractor, and I plan to have the thing elevated so they can go underneath for shade/hawk protection.
Obviously, though, I can't just leave the huge gaps in the pallet that would make up the floor.
I'm roughly copying this design, and this guy used an old sheet of linoleum for the bottom, and I was casting around for what I could use for the bottom.
I just wasn't sure if stall mats would be a good or bad choice. I like the thought of painless cleaning, but I don't know if chickens would end up tearing up the rubber in their normal scratching behavior and eventually ingesting pieces of the rubber.
Hard rubber will be fine.
If you already have em, they’ll work until they don’t. It’s a pretty neutral choice in the sense that yeah, they’ll get torn up some day eventually, but chickens aren’t going to do much more than idly scratch if there’s no food, bugs, fun, etc. to reward it; and, those mats do take a whole lot of abuse before they start breaking down into inviting-looking entertaining chunks to tear off.

You could even just leave the huge pallet gaps instead of a floor if the rest of the run is secure. A floor exists for your own peace of mind when it comes to keeping out predators and just being gentler on the toes than walking on wire.
pretty sure this was a pecking order thing. The lower classed bird got pecked at to teach it that the higher classed bird can just move those eggs as it wishes and also that the egg should remain under the bird. Both a teaching moment and a moment to show who's top hen in the pecking order.
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picking up 6 rhode islands and 6 quack chicks tomorrow at tractor supply. first time ever owning or raising either species.
i have a warm pen in my house while the weather is cold with a heat lamp, bedding, food and water.
my coop is built but i don't imagine they will be using it for a month or two

any advice?
rural new york. coons and skunkers come a knocking but my coop is built like a brick wall
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Has science gone too far?
Possibly. Those turkens make for efficient slaughter, and they're big chickens. I am going to caponize any turken roosters I have and let them grow out to like 8-10lbs hanging weight.

Speaking of capons I purchased a 7lb!!! Capon from a fancy grocery store the other day. I may post a review of it after I cook it. The fucker was $10/lb so it better be good.
He's going to stick needles into the birds back, then stir until the testicles are mush.
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You make an incision under the roosters rib, spread the opening out, and carefully extract both the rice grain sized testicles using a sharp spoon shaped device, and then stitch the incision, or not.

It makes the roosters extra big/fat and delicious. In Europe lots of people eat capon instead of turkey for the holidays.
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2 rainbow dozens. :D
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Forgot to share this also. Look at how dirty 280 hatching chicks are. The room I had the hatcher in was coated in super fine chick hairs. The smell was not pleasant either...
Snort it
I have already inhaled enough chick fur for a lifetime. My vacuum snorted it all up.
There's a breed of chicken called the New Hampshire. If you can find some, they should be well suited to the conditions of their homeland and are pretty good layers too.
Damn that’s neat. I assume there’s no difference in taste?
Maybe if you are an egg connoisseur. Freshness also comes into play at that point.

People love the colorful eggs. Someone paid extra money to buy rainbow dozens even if the blue eggs are always a little smaller.
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Turken chick.
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Butchered my first chicken today. He was a shitty rooster and attacked me a few times enough that I was gonna end him, but I gave him the benefit of the doubt. He's getting more violent with the hens though and really tearing up their backs. I tried those little back saddles and one of them even after having it a few days, he just kept going apeshit and nearly killing one of the hens.

So he's gonna be dinner tomorrow
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Why did some of the chicks come out like this? IIRC you had 200~ chicks but only 4 lacked neck feathers.

I remember you posting about this fucker. Hope he at least tastes good.
>epitaph on vacuum sealed meat
Cause of this dude. Our final count hatched was at 280, and like 3 have died since.
He made babies.
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They are eating and drinking A LOT after only 8 days. They have almost finished a 50lb bag of feed, and over 12 gallons of water.

Bigger feeders and waterers on monday, and I will be opening up the entire room for them.
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Turns out he just tastes like chicken. Who knew
If you ever choose to slaughter a chicken again I would suggest dry aging the bird for 6-8 days in a 34 degree refrigerator after chilling it in an ice bath. It really enhances the flavor.

Or did you part the bird out without eviscerating?
I just went for a quick field butcher. I didnt have a way to scald/pluck easy, so I did what I'd do for game birds and just cut up the breast, spread, cut out the breasts, tenders, cut off the feet. Didn't get all the meat from him from thighs/wings but decent enough. Honestly it was way more chewy than most chicken I've had but I suspect that's because he's been free range, like running around the woods all day-tier free range. Hopefully it'll be years before I do another one, my hens are all good for now
I posted my chicken cooked in pigs bladder thread on ck for anyone interested. I don't know how to do cross board linking. If you search bladder you'll find it...

Rooster will be tougher with less meat, and the older the bird is the tougher it will be. That comes along with more flavor usually. You may have gotten lucky because some 2-3 year old birds are inedibly chewy unless cooked for many hours. They taste like a very mildly gamey/turkey mixed with normal chicken. Very tasty.
Ty. :D
I'm building a big ass coop and run for a lot of chickens but since it's so big it's taking a while to finish. Was considering just getting something small with 4 hens and a rooster until it's finished. What's a quick and dirty type of coop I could throw up that would be predator proof? Are there any good prefab ones?
5 would be pretty comfy in a 9x9-12x12 joe salatin style chicken tractor for the short term. They are cheap and very easy to build if you already have most of the materials.

And if you do build the chicken tractor you can always repurpose it for batches of cornish cross to fill your freezer!
I was definitely planning to do a chicken tractor at some point, however I would worry about how secure that may be as my property has foxes and coyotes. Maybe a small raised coop just for sleeping and a tractor for a run? I'm trying to do something that won't take too much time and willing to just throw a little money at it to be lazy and focus more on constructing the larger coop. I got a LSG pup recently so I'd like to get her used to chickens soon.

On another note, I was reading about capons recently, which are neutered roosters. Apparently this makes them grow very large and fat and makes them act somewhat like a hens. It's controversial since it's an invasive surgery and they aren't under any anesthesia. Thoughts on the ethics of it? Anyone ever eaten a capon?
I love the sounds chickens make. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTFFV1S-a8w
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got baby chicks recently and tried to get a brooding hen to take care of them, but the chicken is just pecking them and making the chicks feel unsafe
Should I just give up and put the chicken back outside or can I get her to take care of them? any advice?
You can try slipping a few under her while it is dark and she’s sleepy to see if that helps and add the rest the next night if it does. If that’s what you already tried, I’d probably just give up.
Holy chiggen
Damn that thing looks like a pillow
I have 3 of them

used to be 4, but one was killed by something that snuck into the fence :(
Advise me, I live in what is effectively a bullshit suburb. I have space for a coop and maybe a 20'x20' space (rough estimate, may be bigger, may be smaller) to fence in for chickens, my yard is bigger but I don't have a fenced in property and wouldn't want the little critters to wander off and get hurt by a wild animal or some dog.
My question is whether or not I should bother keeping any if I can't let them roam like I see so many people doing.
I’ve got a buddy with contained birds in a situation much like the one you describe.
They seem fine, not as interested/interesting as my free range birds, probably because they have smaller horizons, but still pretty fun.
The biggest drawback, IMO, is that his birds have turned their run into a plantless desert and it would be a mud pit if he didn’t mulch the fuck out of it. Whereas my yard is fine because none of it gets used hard enough to denude it.
just wake up lol
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They give us meat and eggs, sound funny, and are cute. Who cares if they only want to eat and poop.
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They continue to grow and eat. Less than 10 have died, which is an excellent number. They should be out of that high mortality age range very soon.
a chick of mine has scissor beak, is there anything I can do or is it best to euthanize her?
What’s your situation and how bad is it? Are you raising a large batch? Are you raising them for meat/eggs or for pets/fun? How many do you have? If it’s a minor case and you only have a few you keep as essentially pets then you can keep it alive and comfortable with some effort. If not, it’s probably best for the animal to put it down. Regardless of the situation do not let it breed.
One of 17
Looking more at it I dont think its an extreme case so it can definitely live but idk
could I give it away?
for eggs, live outside in the backyard
One of my meat birds has curly toes, but I never saw her struggling to roost or move. Her and the one rooster everyone picks on is getting eaten first.
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Check out the cool coloration of this chick. I wonder what it will look like when it's feathers fully grow out.
You could keep it and if it does develop issues you could hand feed it/grind down its beak. If you do keep it you’ll have to make sure to weigh it every few days to make sure it’s not starving.
If you don’t want to do that then I would just put it down. Not many people want a deformed animal and it probably won’t live a good life.
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how to hatch quail egg?
Very quailfully.
whats a fast growing weed kinda plant i can grow in my backyard for my chickens?
live in the south usa
Clover, maybe? I saw this thing where you make a frame with wood and staple a mesh over it. You lay it in a patch of grass and the grass grows through the mesh for the chickens to eat, but they can't eat too much and it stays very healthy and productive.
cabbage, lots of calcium too
oat sprouts for magnesium and calories
Nettles, very high in protein. Amaranth, gets huge flowers full of seeds. Just cut a plant and throw it to the chickens, they'll pick out the seeds. Sorghum and linseed. Kale is nice for some winter feed. Any other greens will work too.
Well... I cooked up 2 of the bresse in pig bladder. Went the whole way and used winter truffles, made a proper sauce with morels and expensive wine.

In terms of cost to value I believe bresse does deliver. The breast meat tasted more flavorful than the dark meat of cheap supermarket chicken. We(I) need to create a meme campaign that brings the humble french chicken's perceived value up to that of a good $35/lb steak!

I have no pictures from the dinner, but it was fantastic.
Nice to hear, anon. You’re an inspiration and I honestly mean that.
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Got 6 of these 10lb feeders. Only 40 bucks on amazon... Seem to be doing well so far.
For about a week or two we may not have to refill their food everyday! We may need lids, but it seems fine so far even if they do jump in the top some.

That's pretty cool to hear. Thanks! If you have the time find some cheap land to rent. We rent 10 acres with water for 300 bucks a month in a pretty expensive part of the country!

A flock of 1000 hens makes 400 dozen eggs per week!
So cute!! I hope the little chick grows strong
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They're eating 25lbs of food, and drinking around 5 gallons of water per day.

I think I saw them today. Everyone is happy and healthy. Thankfully we are past that high mortality stage now! Only about 10 chicks out of 280 died, which is really great compared to shipped/delivered chicks.

The ohio brooder is so based.
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How much do chickens really destroy grass? I want to keep 2 or 3 bantam chickens in our backyard, but my parents (yeah I'm a loser who still lives with them) don't want to because they say the chickens will destroy all the grass. Considering my yard is around 72m2, would the chickens really do that much damage? The grass is native, or at least grew there on its own, so it should be able to recover better than lawn grass
If it's a nice lawn they will fuck it. If it's patchy and not perfect they won't make it "worse" but they will dig little divots in the ground looking for bugs and to take dirt baths in.
Free ranged chickens won't hurt good turf lawns, but will destroy any areas that are damaged (especially grub damage), and if you confine them, they'll probably completely obliterate everything inside the fence. I have a dozen, and while the areas of my lawn that are good have been completely safe, any place where the grass grows poorly due to excess shade or traffic or slope, etc, they can make bad become worse.
They are also hard on any woodchipped flower beds and anything like that.

I keep an old chain link dog kennel panel, and put that over any damaged areas so they can recover.
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Just got baybee chickies and will order more soon, maybe lavender Orpingtons
Can I use mulch, leaf litter, and grass clipping as bedding?
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>300% mad
Just make sure you give them chick grit.

Good luck lil chickies!
These lil dudes are too cute.

Noted on the grit.
Is naming chicks based or cringe?
Name them after they are a couple weeks old so they don't randomly die on you for no reason and you're sad.
They look totally different after their adult feathers come in also.
I dug up a few bugs, do chickens enjoy live bugs?
Absolutely. You can give them mice as well.
The thumbnail looks like chickens standing around a Stargate.
You are a girl. How can I tell? The fact that you are sitting in that particular sort of chair. I have NEVER seen a man sit in those chairs, only women who zoom right to them and sit down as soon as they see one.

Kinda cute but also slightly annoying at the same time.
How is diatomaceous earth applied?

How have you constructed your perches?
Will I be able to sell off Roosters or should I cull them?

Has anyone kept Black Australorps? How docile, gentle, calm, flighty, and noisy are they?
You can give them away, but I would just eat them. It really isn't hard to defeather and process a few birds.

You can also attempt to caponize them around 3 months old and have amazing 8-10lb holiday birds after raising them to around 9 months old!
When do you see them fit for processing? Ideally, I need to get rid of them before they start crowing.
They'll be pretty small if you have to process before crowing. Some of my month old chicks are just starting to learn how to crow...

If you caponize early enough they may not crow, but no guarentee. Maybe at 2 months you could do it.

I would just give them away as soon as you can sex them if you didn't want any crowing a dont want to learn how to caponize. Laying breeds will probably be harder to get rid of than dual purpose/meat birds.
OK, I'm not allowed any roosters so that explains why, but I could try to learn how to capobize them but I'm not a surgeon and it seems painful.
>How is diatomaceous earth applied?
Typically, you mix some into the sand and dirt of their dust bathing area. You can also lightly sprinkle it around all the nooks and crannies of a clean coop before adding bedding. Can also add it to your stored feed to keep grain mites and insects from infesting it.

>How have you constructed your perches?
I was lazy and just used some old pruned branches and closet rod brackets I had.

>Will I be able to sell off Roosters or should I cull them?
Maybe, if they are typical of their breed. You can also try raising them for meat.
How many do you have? You could use local anesthetic. If you don't plan on actually learning and doing the procedure a lot I wouldn't actually recommend trying it because you will probably kill a few roosters while learning...

There's a very small chance you could get a vet to do it as well.
I'll have at least 2 roosters.
Yeah, don't try to caponize them. Just put an ad on craigslist or something to give them away.
Do you have any experience with crow collars?
Diabolical plan: established
Do you guys have runs? I plan on free-ranging. But it seems like I'll need a backup run for poor weather.
I have a auto door so they free range all day basically but have a run anyway, could probably do without it but I like that they can go outside with shelter before leaving
"there is no 'cow' in this level"
Day 3: Suburban Flock

It’s day three and the chicks have been doing pretty good in the brooder. I noticed that they are distinctly spread around instead of huddled up or clumped up in one area, which is a good improvement from the first couple of hours that they got here.

Temperature doesn’t seem to be in that 95° to 100° range (I can reasonably assume that it’s at least 93° in comparison to my own body temperature). Which begs the question: how old are my chicks? most of them are fuzzy with feathered wings or mostly feathered wings and one of them is starting to develop his tailfeathers. I know that they are at least one week old but honestly, they look a little older than that I would say 2 to 3 weeks old. But I'm no expert. I just started.

is it normal for chicks to not show signs of them being cold because as I said, it doesn’t seem to be in that range but the chicks appear perfectly fine. Except for one who had a case of the poopy butts which has been taken care of now.

I wonder how many if any will die before they reach adulthood I’ve read from some sources online that chick mortality rates are 1-5% and that it's probably normal for a couple of them to pass away. I just wonder how many chicks can you expect to lose?

Maybe I’m overthinking this entire process and doubting myself.

Overall optimistic, but I am worried about a couple of them, biting the dust before their prime. It would really suck to have to start over the process and have to wait all those months to get some adult birds. I guess all things worthwhile are difficult.

My picture attached is one of the chicks that has really interesting white wing tips compared to the others.
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What's the best system to maintain a small flock (one rooster, ~10 hens)? I'm going to be starting over from scratch basically. This will be my first time actually doing things right and having a budget etc, so please lend me your ear for a moment. The components I have planned so far:

>watering system
Suspended bucket with watering nipples, and a float valve. Supplying the valve will either be a hose (with heat tape for the winter), or a plastic rain barrel (barrel is probably simpler and safer).

>food system
After having issues with rodents, I now like the idea of keeping the food inside a rodent proof coop. Easier than fussing with faulty 'rodent proof feeders'. A hopper on the outside of the coop that dispenses inside would make topping it off effortless.

Ideally super easy to clean, e.g able to just rake the floor straight into a wheelbarrow. And as mentioned prior, rodent proof (likely via a layer of hardware clothe). Not sure if I want a stationary or mobile setup yet though, my yard is small. Automatic door (considering link below).


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These birds in pic are 1 month and 5 days old.

If they're cold they will be huddled up and right under the heatlamp. If they're hot they will be in the corners away from the intensity of the heat lamp. Overheating kills more often than the cold.

If you order them online expect 5% for laying hens, and 10% for cornish cross/mutant meat birds. We lost 10 chicks out of 280 from hatched out chicks, for a 3.5% loss.

Chicks are fragile in some ways and hardy in others. I recommend to just buy 5-10% more than you actually want expecting a few to kick the bucket..
>After having issues with rodents, I now like the idea of keeping the food inside a rodent proof coop.
If you’re willing to put in the daily effort, I’ve had good luck with only feeding as much as they’ll eat in a day or just removing the feeder at night. Should help with keeping pests from trying to get into the rodent-proofed area.
That's what I do currently (remove feeder at night or feed enough for the day), but will no longer be able to sustain that commitment.

I know I can create some sort of hopper with valves that dispenses a volumetric quantity of feed, but even if I were to do all this I'd still rather the feed be dispensed within the coop. Lot's of advantages, and no downsides I can think of.
That's a good idea. I hear paprika flakes are great too.
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My silkies
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Day 5: Suburban Flock Update

get ready for another long post so it’s day five I can confirm that the chicks are very young only one week old. I had some questions about that last time but according to Internet sources and what I’m able to visually tell; they are entering two weeks old and are mostly young and fresh.

I’ve upgraded from the Rubbermaid to a trough-style brooder. I constructed it out of a kit for a plant and garden bed. I used some artificial substrate as the base floor, which can be removed and cleaned separately.

Still having a tough time, deciding what sort of bedding I want to use I have some dry lawn clippings and recycled cardboard mixed in as temporary bedding.

The chicks are warming up nicely to me. A lot of them have been crawling directly into my hand in order to receive treats and their feed.

I’m waiting for a nice sunny day to expose them outside especially for some of those natural bacteria we have in our yard; should make them resistant. Some of the lawn clippings have probably served that purpose.
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Look at this neckbeard.

Looking good!
He's mogging those hens by standing in the feed unbothered.
They put bats in bombs too
Blessed digits in a blessed thread. I missed the /ck/ thread, how was it?
Not him but the cu/ck/s seemed to like it. It was a good thread and apparently the chicken came out well, just needed better/different sauce.
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This is a very old question but I believe if the chicken is happy throughout, and is slaughtered in a way that doesn’t cause stress or pain, then it’s not the worst way to go. I’d worry that the sudden change of scenery may stress? You could perhaps achieve the same thing by giving it its own special extra meals too while letting it hang out as normal without the cage.
I’d say they should be allowed to walk, hunt and peck for the entirety of their life though.
can flock of 30 laying hens be alright with single cock? what colour would be best for big, nice looking and not too agressive cock?
Beautiful bird, an honorary dog.
>Thread is named /ck/
>There's already a board named /ck/
Wouldn't be better to name this thread /ch/ ?
Lost a 1 year old Calico Princess, seems like it could have been Coccidosis (crash weight loss, diarrhea, etc) but she didn’t respond to treatment (was probably too far gone by the time we noticed). Treating the whole flock just in case. Sucks.
Sorry to hear that anon. Losing hens always sucks, especially if they go out like that.
It’s too late it’s set in stone now
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How the FUCK do I combat mice in my garden without harming my chickens or my dogs?
I've added pepper flakes to the feed which keeps them out but they're still living in and around the chicken run
i'm just a tourist but don't chickens eat mice and basically fucking anything else as well?
Just wait till you get rats, or whatever weasel-type thing that killed my last chickens
Those would be pretty tiny mice but yes I guess they *could*
I've seen videos of chickens swallowing normal sized mice whole.
Rinnetraps flip and slide helped me enact the holocaust with the aid of a dog that fugged up a half dozen burrows. Also vole x might have killed a few.
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They are getting big. Soon enough they will be moved outside.
yes. my flock decimated a bullfrog once. it was graphic
Few years ago I saw 4 hens gang up and kill a squirrel.
They literally pecked it till it died, death by a thousand papercuts.
What the fuck how did they even catch it
chickens are faster than you think

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