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Horse General

Lonely Commute Edition

>>4769672 - Old Grey Mare
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Got the japan one?
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god eftermiddag
What do those shells that look like little mouths do? What power do they give the wearer?
The power to strengthen the rider and give them and the horse waterbreathing when they swim
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>warned for posting a picture of a horse with a certain body clipping in the horse general
horse enthusiasts are the most oppressed group on the planet
it's so nice that being buoyant in the water lets horses lay down just for a second without immediately dying
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It's what allowed Kelpies to be made. That and malice.
Now I wanna see a kelpie horse cosplay
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a horse ate me
That's a camel you dork
What emotion does that convey? I've never really been around horses.
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>Come here so I can massage you with my horse mouth
They do that really hard into your skin if you're grooming them. It could just be a nervous reaction that horse does but more often than not they're going to trade hurting you for some scratches.
I remember him posting LipWiggleJapan.webm too but i never saved it, RIP
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Yeah, they don't even have ponuts, they're not allowed in the club.
fuggen saved, thanks

That list doesn't even have Lady Wonder the horse that could not only talk but also see the future.
I believe love for equine form transcends any homophobic and/or homoplilic tendencies.
Mares have a higher killcount against horses than Stallions.

Baby, kick these homos.
Based maretribution
kill yourself
Camels are just middle eastern horses
Look Hawtins, a non-LGBTQQIAAP, he will be rounded up shortly.
gay men should never ride stallions
I love this gait
they run so funny
it runs weird
It's basically like breeding a lisp or stutter into a human, we've made them autistic for our amusement. It's almost robotic.
>we bred them wrong, as a joke!
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trips of truth
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It's tough? You can see some of the horses wearing shoes in that video. Heavy shoes that make horse hooves go OUCH every step.
>youtube link
silence boomer. vertical videos show well on mobile devices, which is at least 50% of the people here. I even downscale them to look fine on 1080p desktop displays with a taskbar and browser bar.
I've talked to horses and they're only OK with being viewed on monitors.
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they secretly know how to use our implements . . . im scared bros, hold me
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normies get out reeee
god I wish I was the horse
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Are there any other horse monuments?
They are the most statued creature ever
what was he fleeing from
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This horse killed it's creator.
In a sane world that entire airport would have been bombed to the ground the moment it was erected
why is it always stallion statues
you can pretty clearly see that it isn't erected though
Don't even think about posting that certain giant Hungarian stallion statue. Its giant feature has the power to give you multi day board vacation.
kinda a based way to go, can't lie
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Every single day I am brutalized by horses.
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it happens
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Ok now I’m curious…
What's the best weapon for defeating horses?
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Food, they literally will not stop eating
To defeat the horse, first you must become the horse.
How do you think (you) would react if a horse walked up to a fence and started talking to you?
There's no way a horse butt can be this big. I call shoop.
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I want to come inside Mr. Ed
where da whorses at
we want da mare booty
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>A certain body clipping
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This. The world needs more statues of mares.
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For me, it's the pinto.
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It's a shame they're endangered as a result of overfarming for their delicious frijoles, but I'm not willing to give up Mexican food to save them from being ground up for beans.
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What the FUCK is his problem?
Someone has jerked it to this surely
fleeing from? he had a big race in Brisbane to get to
Yes, it was me.
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to bad, straightoid
That poor foal.
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The foal form is awkward
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I like when they bite the air to say
>I'm just a little baby, do not hurt me, I'm still working this out
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Who's the poor foal now?
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It takes a few weeks for their bones to harden after hatching from their larval form, until then the foal will have to subsist entirely on milk from their mother and what small birds and animals they can catch in their webs
horse physiology is so fascinating…
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What does a mare in heat smell like?
And do horses like their hooves being rubbed?
Was expecting him to get kicked in the head
this is a little mean dontchya think?
>comments disabled
>casually window-shopping horses, as you do
>consider equine adoption
>get curious, look into it
>the bigger organisations, like the blue cross and the rspca, about what you'd expect
>mostly ponies, mostly old and disabled, non-ridden companions, makes sense
>adoptions are complete, you get the support of the organisation but ultimate ownership falls to you (should you fail you have to return the horse to the org)
>sounds good
>check out smaller rescues
>again, mostly non-ridden companion ponies
>what's this though?
>'this 12hh horse must live in a herd of only mares, and at least 5 of them. anything else won't be considered'
>'this perfectly healthy 2 year old to make 16hh is to NEVER be ridden EVER
>what why is there something up with him?
>check out adoption rules
>the charity retains 100% ownership of the horse
>you loan the horse, on a 'permanent' loan contract
>basically you will pay them so you can care for their horse
>and since they retain 100% legal ownership, they can take the horse back at any time, for any reason
>you can't transport the horse anywhere ever, you won't have the passport since you're not the owner
>every important decision regarding the horses health (like vet visits) will have to go through the owner, the rescue
>check out the blog/about us page
>'This is sparky he's 11h and 21 years old he's been with us for 5 years and no one wants to adopt poor sparky oh poor sparky are you just so unlovable?'
>my fucking face when
I was looking for another horse to start to train in as my horse starts to age out, and I found that my local rescue is basically just as deranged as yours with ownership clauses (though most of their non-crippled horses, they didn't seem to have any issue with people riding). One demand that made me laugh is you must consent to being weighed periodically, and while yes, fat people hurt horses and they need to do fork putdowns until they aren't fat any longer, the idea that they could demand you go get weighed is amazing. Also it's not any cheaper than just buying a 2 year old from a breeder.
A plastic bag tied to a stick
knows a rapist when she sees one
your right
that butt is kinda small for a horse, desu. That's probably a minature pony in that picture.
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Stallions love human men.
They feel kinship with us
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This really says a lot about society
mofos must love the salt
so they're itchy?
>DSL on the horse
Oh my
Allogrooming is a big part of horse culture. They're inviting you in.
it's two different horses, one close to the camera and one far.
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mares, gotta cooooooom!
Do you think they were impressed by that display
>Old Grey Mare
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>its chewsday innit
Anyone who hasn't jerked to Sgt. Reckless isn't a real patriot.
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He's doing an impression of a horse general regular.
>Earbonnet set
>wig flowing
It's pony bully time
He's just like me.
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If you kiss a horse on the mouth it's an instant jail term.
Famine that’s cool hair I mieke the red coolir

Yous shodufld makeh more oft thisue bodeos
What song do you have lined up for when you have to push your horse friend off of the bridge because she became evil?
I fucking love this webm! horses are so cute and affectionate!
Kind of a small load
they miss you when you're gone
not really, let's see how your loads look from 20 ft away
… do they let out more than that? I thought they were mostly one pump chumps and got everything out at once
Zebras do, they have a 1.3 liter load.
The gravy zebra does that to flush out enemies genetic material
God I wish that were me
Mmmm, gravy.
mmmh, minerals.
You just know
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>whatcha doin anon
>do you have food in your pockets?
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Now why would someone give a horse free access to their bedroom...
I never been around horses, but heard they are kinda stupid in general. Is that true?
They're smarter than dogs in many ways, but they also do some pretty dumb things.
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And you think it's okay the other way around with us having free access to theirs while they don't have access to ours? Preposterous.
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I find it best to think of them as having a split maresonality. They have the panicky prey side that has kept them alive for millions of years that's sole drive is to spastically flail and get out of danger immediately and that's when they make stupid mistakes. As long as you do not activate the prey side by wearing a long coat on a windy day or a weird hat they're pretty clever and have long memories for people and voices and like complicated games.
cute, but bit scary given how big they can get
Worse than dog rescues. At least with dog rescues you own your pitmutt.
Meanwhile horses get culled left and right because people who owned them die of old age and leave horses behind who can't find anyone to take care of them before the land they were on gets bulldozed and turned into apartment areas.
Ok. And?
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A stove!
Yes and when the cops walk into your house they will shoot your dog for making noise and moving towards them, even if jt is a golden retriever, and even if you were not dead. They will even call your dog over just to magdump into it even as it runs away. Did you think horses are special in being unfairly executed?
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>cops walk in and shoot my dog and steal my guns because they thought they smelled weed
>the horse they walked past on the way in:
>As long as you do not activate the prey side by wearing a long coat on a windy day or a weird hat
Why would that trigger it
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The apex predator of the hyracotherium was a fedora toting trenchcoat guy
what does minimum dominance look like
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This is a blue board, anon.
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Anyone else every try to find the mysterious island of the Houyhnhnms?
my wife farny…
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He's made it some distance and picked up a friend.
I remember
I didn't touch horse nose so long
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The foals are born eager for turmoil and strife
>violent nosebleeding
RIP white horse.
now I'm sad
if their karen maren mothers were around that fun would have gotten disbanded in mere milliseconds
That’s a lot of energy
Damn didn’t even notice that
Maybe it’s still alive?
I hope so but since this is a horse in a professional field I don't have high hopes
unicorns are horses who are just a little bit more horny.
I don't have a picture on hand but there's a horse statue up in the castle district in Budapest (actually really close to where I live), and it's pretty much tradition for local students to rub the horse's ballsack before exams "for good luck", which means that single part of the statue is always shiny. You can look up "Hadik András szobor" or "András Hadik statue" if you want to see it.
that really looks so out of place
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hide yo kids, hide yo wife
look at this cute lil filler
Cute indeed
I have a Hungarian friend who told me the same kek, though I think he said it was for all occasions or something
Fresh horse.
Oh how the tables have turned
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Fresh from the oven
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>tfw the barn witches "accidentally" cut all the hooves off the new foal
I understand why we used to burn them
Is it some form of evil perversion to take a critter and completley remove from it all the instinct it has to survive by turning it into a cuddly little hothouse flower that just wants to love all day? Cause I think I like it and I am not sure how to feel about that. Am I a bad person?
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They still have their prey side that will stampede through a pile of babies if a plastic bag spooks them, don't worry.
I want to have pelvis shattering sex with the psychomare
It’s pretty concerning. Knowing that one moment they can be chill and the next they’re trying to kick everything and anything in sight to death
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If you fully know the horse it's less likely to happen
The nice mare is clearly the more aggressive.
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Another horse being lowered beneath the water to tow boats. When will this savage practice be stopped?
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How much does it REALLY cost to own and train a "war"horse?
It is perfectly legal to ride a horse in the road while in full harness, and I intend to exercise my rights.
Last time I sprayed an ass that big, I was drunk in college.
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How come no ones bred a horse breed for dairy production? I feel like its a missed opportunity
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Are you afraid of what trots in the dark?
post cavalry saber, carbine, revolvers (2 of them) and stetson
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>He doesn't know about the secret mongolian dairy horses
i must import vast numbers of them so i can corner the american market on mares milk
>what's a bashkir?
I was cutting across a field at night and I heard weird sounds and when I turned I saw a star floating towards me across the field. I started to run and it sped up and I didn't know what was going on but it turned out to be a curious horse with a white flash on the face.
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hand them over
You cannot handle my milk mares, traveler. Find some other breeder with less milky horses.
That’s a surprisingly tiny brain
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Meaty cerebellum though.
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First, as it's already been stated in here that the Mongolians already cornered that market for alcohol production.
Second but related to the first, mare's milk is so high in sugar that it acts like a powerful laxative. So if you tried to drink a bottle of unfermented mare's milk you should be ready for the coming gastric exorcism.
Buuuuuullllshiiiiiiit. I drink a bottle of organic mare milk at least once a month.

Jamiroquai looking fresh with his horse
Ehhhh I guess I can kind of see it if I squint
The reason Mongolians ferment their milk is because they don’t have the genes for lactase permanence, so they use microbes to make it digestible for them.
It is sweeter than cow milk though, which is one of the reasons it can ferment to alcohol, you can’t make kumis with cow milk (you can with yak and sheep milk though).
Definitely sweeter.
>sitting in a neon lit hellhole
>*Toto's Africa blares on the speakers*
>Mare walks up and passes you a horse drink
>realise you're in the neighties
How would you honestly react?
Higher lactose content.
Damn, good point. Easy to forget the vast majority of Asia can’t actually drink milk without shitting themselves uncontrollably, I always kind of assumed Mongolians could though
more filly.
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I can't remember if it's colts or fillies that flehmen the most. One of them is basically flehmening the whole time. It's all new to them.
Raw sex, and probably not
dumb ESL
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[Sad News] Gypsy retard's barn burned down and killed a flopgang stallion.
lip wiggle
lip wiggle JAPAN
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>lip windmill
Whenever I think "hey, all things that could be invented are already invented" some horse proves me wrong and invents something new.
she’s cute
would bone her
What about the woman in the green shirt?
I knew someone was going to go for this joke
good buddy
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He sure is having a blast!
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Aw what a cutie.
Shame about that though.
stop horsing around
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Why are sorcerers and horses natural enemies?
we call them horserers
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Sorcerers remind horses of barn witches and their atrocities
Is Cavalia horse enough? Is it easy enough to follow?
what hotel is this where they give you a horse roommate
it's a honeypot now
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I heard it's in California. Nobody that checks in ever leaves though, must be a really good hotel.
what can horses contribute to the dialogue?
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More than you think
Don’t think that last part happened for some reason
Why are so many people sexually attracted to horses?
It did actually.

Source: My own ancestral blood memory
Do they have scanners for horse enthusiasts and abduct them at half time?
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There are a ton in the UK for some reason. There's one that even sends a little shetland pony in to the room in the morning to bite you on the back.
>for some reason
The reason is British people are fucking weird.
I mean that's only half the reason desu. I think it's predominately because land in the UK is so prohibitively expensive that it's not uncommon to find stable blocks attatched onto the main house just to save space, and therefore its not difficult to knock a wall through and convert a room in your house to some unique airbnb thing where you sleep breathing in horse shit particles.
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>where you sleep breathing in horse shit particles.
way to kill the appeal kek
Friesians breed history is fucked.
So, basically, friesians originated as cavalry horses. They were much shorter and stockier than they are now. But, since WW1 ended the need for cavalry horses, the breed was nearing extinction. Friesians were down to 3 registered studs and a few registered mares, and lovers of the breed were determined to bring them back.
So did they open up the stud book and allow in other breeds in order to bring the breed back healthier, genetically, ala saint johns water dog?
Did they fuck. They kept the stud book closed and friesians were brought back from 3 studs. 3. Studs. Every modern friesian (that is in the stud book at least) can trace its history back to 3 studs.
Oh but it gets worse. You see, genetically, 2 fully black horses have a 1/4 chance of producing a chestnut foal. This means that 1/4 of all friesian foals born are chestnut, known as fire friesians. But, even if both of their parents are registered purebred friesians, these chestnut babies are not allowed in the stud book.
Why? Because they're chestnut. And only black friesians are allowed in the stud book.
Fucking insane right?
So friesians are basically already a genetic train wreck due to the entire breed being cousins, and then 1/4 of all foals being born are immediately culled from the purebred breeding programme due simply to their colour.
As you can imagine, health issues among friesians are rife. Issues with their joints and hooves are incredibly common and it's not a surprise when a friesian becomes lame. Elderly friesians are an exception to the rule. It's a huge shame.
does hand feeding a horse spoil it?
i feel like getting it to associate "hand" with "food" is a bad idea. i know a lot of horses who are almost impossible to pet, not because they do not like being touched, but just because they constantly re-position their head so their mouth is near your palm
Horses are more intelligent than you think. Just show them you don't have food in your hand and they'll let you pet them if they want to be pet. Some just don't want to have strangers touch their face.
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It is a mystery to all
but fresh horse manure tea, nothing like that first sip of the day
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No, you are completely correct. Many of the better horse channels I follow discuss this explicitly, and mention that a horse should be a horse first, human social second, and that it's important to have both traits if you intend it to work well with humans.

Imagine if there were super smart beings that could have you as a pet featuring completely different social cues, and interacting with them alone made you socially retarded. Wild.
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Beautiful as they are, friesians genes are SMASHED and SLAMMED. Their hooves and joints turn to CHALK once they hit middle-age.
"""they""" don't want you to know about it
Did not know this. Unfortunate. Very beautiful breed
why would they bottle it like that then…
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Thanks, there's never a need to start posting tiktok on 4chan, I don't get it
Where did Witch Horses come from?
Mareless Whisper...
To troll the people who couldn't RTFM
>reading manuals for beverage
Depends on the horse. Some horse bite, some nibble, some don't give a damn about your hand, and some will lick it and never bite. If they bite or nibble, it should be corrected.
I once bumped into a horse at night when I was putting out hay in a paddock. It was really overcast so there was very little light and my eyes hadn't adjusted, so I had no idea the horse was there. They are surprisingly quiet for their size. Imagine walking down your hallway and hitting and invisible wall. That's kind of what it was like for a split second.
They are Horsecerers that dropped out of Horse Magicollege.

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