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It's not uncommon to hear people say that animals must have souls because clearly their dog, cat, horse or whatever has a distinct personality, emotions they can understand and relate to and so on. But if that's the case where do you draw the line? At cattle? Reptiles? Fish? Insects and other invertebrates? Amoebas?
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we just don't know
if you truly realize that, and what it implies, then all you can do is try your best
Same applies to humans and proto-humans as well. I asked the question a few times and the answers are always like "oh, god gave them human souls when homo erectus or homo sapiens appeared". Yeah, well, these species didn't pop fully formed into existence, it was a continuum over generations whereas you'd think an immortal soul is a fairly yes/no thing.
I think people say "soul" as a way to describe something they're attached to. You can raise a calf as a pet and you'll see a soul in it.
People claim certain animals don't have souls to justify killing and eating them.
Souls dont exist. Neither does the hebrew god.

Animals have varying levels of cognition and comprehension. The less of each, the more convenient it is to eat them. Cattle farmers can slaughter cows in the same pasture as the others without issue. Dog farmers have to keep animals bound and caged, preferably individually, prior to slaughter, because the dogs often attack the butcher if they do not just try to escape. Which animal are we going to eat?
also cows transform stuff we cant eat into food we can eat, dogs cant survive on grass
No animals have souls. Souls are a human trait and almost certainly angelic trait, allowing for one to have free will, AKA gives you the ability to make choices. Animals are more "automatic" and cannot sin, therefore they have no soul.
There is more of an argument for animal free will than for human free will because we are the only animal with a split brain, only half of which can speak (including to itself)
>but muh religion
Recounts total non-history, shit that provably did not happen, and calls it the word of god. It was made up by schizophrenics who thought the man in the sky told them to cut the tips of their dicks off.
Even rocks and inanimate objects have souls.

We get it reddit religion bad, you can fuck off now you have school in the morning.
>Souls are a human trait
Where are they stored?
>Even rocks and inanimate objects have souls
Based and shintopilled
>we get it religion bad
Yes it is, because it causes people to just make ahit up about the nature of reality and claim those who disagree are out to get them. Religion is a schizo empowerment and normie distraction tool.

There are no souls. We made the word up to describe something that isn't there, like a child making monsters from shadows. The universe is purely mechanical. Grow up.
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As stated in genesis man was specifically created to have dominion over and steward all animals.
I personally view that each animal is special, beautiful, and created to praise and honor the god of heaven and earth. And it is my job as a human to steward that properly.
That doesn’t mean le veganinsm, as God is the first hunter, as he killed two beasts to provide clothing for Adam and Eve, providing that as an example that we are permitted to utilize our dominion over creatures to fill our needs. I do believe we should flee from unnecessary taking of life even though we are higher beings than animals.
The word of god never speaks on afterlife of an animal, but my personal belief is that heaven will appear as Eden, with all animals existing in harmony.

The practical transalation of my beliefs makes it so animals should be honored, and cared for. But as humans we are permitted to consume, domesticate, or leave alone to any animal we should choose. However we should always pray and ask for guidance before commiting any such acts with an animal. And give thanks after the fact.

If you want to go by a biblical timeline. Souls were given to man the second they were created.
Scientific timeline. About 50k years ago. When art started showing up in caves, gravesites were created, jewelry was worn. There is no explanation for all those behaviors appearing at once other than humans being granted souls and dominion.

Le tips fedora
I am praying for you, that you may be accepted into the everlasting fold of Christ
Nothing stated in the lieble is fact. If the bible is the word of god, every error is either not an error, or the bible is not the word of god.

Given all of genesis, exodus, numbers, etc is rife with total non-facts the book of matthew contains ancient political slander, and the entire new testament is a fictional biography written 200 years after the schizo priest died, either your god is playing an overcomplicated trick, or your priests simply made it all up.

Only ONE religion on earth actually aligns with proven facts
Simply because it does not claim to know anything about anything where it might be incorrect, and asks that you don't either.
>be christcuck schizo shilling your dick cutting, woman stoning, goat torturing, nature destroying religion on an animals board
>write tldr post because you're fat and wouldnt get up from your chair anyways
religion is mass schizophrenia
If you want to understand how fucking stupid your religion is
>The word of god never speaks on afterlife of an animal, but my personal belief is
You are stating something based on a specific translation, and adding your own opinion, and hoping your imaginary god is ok with it.

But his original word was in hebrew, which rather clearly refers to animals as having the same word for soul/being as adam. If a lack of explicit statement means animals do not go to heaven... at no point was it explicitly stated that women received souls. Then you have the catholics, pilpulling over the different ways 15 different writers referred to the soul to try and imagine a technicality where animals only have a "spirit" and only humans have a "soul" engaging in something that borders on the same gnostic heresy they once murdered people over (so much for that covenant, ah but wait, technically in a translation of the translation which is divine because if it were not god would surely smite it although god does not surely smite other heresies thats our job well actually actually but if.... what a schizo clusterfuck).

>Scientific timeline. About 50k years ago. When art started showing up in caves, gravesites were created, jewelry was worn. There is no explanation for all those behaviors appearing at once other than humans being granted souls and dominion.
There is an explanation for those behaviors. Significantly advanced brains developed to accumulate enough culture that the culture became widespread and frequent enough to begin reliably making it into the archaeological record. Elephants also have gravesites, just because their brains got good enough and have been that way for long enough for them to maintain a culture. It's a lot like how wolves pass down prey preferences and hunting techniques, just with more layers of thought.
>Scientific timeline. About 50k years ago. When art started showing up in caves, gravesites were created, jewelry was worn.
Neanderthal buried their dead and probably used pigments and clothes. Did they have half-souls or something?
It never speaks on if angels live in heaven or someplace else either. The Bible is a how to guide on spiritual salvation not an answer key on everything.
Genesis states (hu)men were kicked out of Eden, later a donkey speaks to a king, and throughout the Bible it states that you should care for animals (do not muzzle the ox in Leviticus, Genesis ofc and Christ stating you should save an animal from a pit even if on the Sabbath day). No where does it state that animals don't have souls, Genesis heavily implies it, and common sense says they have certain level of understanding and thinking.

Yes animals have souls. Not sure if insects do or not. Don't know where the line is drawn.
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Bible is all true, sorry :/
Ad homonym
Divinely inspired Translation + personal revelation = based takes
The Hebrew references the life/being, not the natures. Flesh and spirit, Bible only references animals being creatures of the flesh.
Also Elephants or wolves don’t make art, not saying animals cannot have empathy, that their that they have not been given the godly gifts of creation and dominion that humans have
Yes. No I will not elaborate.
There are quite a few descriptions of heaven seen throughout the Bible. Most of them including angels.

Either all animals have souls or none do. Every creeping thing (ie bugs) are always lumped in with animal descriptions.
Would ere on the side that they have some form of metaphysical existence, whether that is a soul or not I do not have those answers
Yes, will elaborate if you ask
If that animal bonded with a human, it goes to heaven with that person. If that animal didn't bond with a human, it goes to the heaven of its species.
All mammals have souls, simple as
>it’s the buddhist schizo again
you know they preach about souls too right
>"Either all animals have souls or none do. Every creeping thing (ie bugs) are always lumped in with animal descriptions."
Yes good point. So I believe bugs do have souls.
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Based, blessed post
Malding redditor
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Thanks brother. Based In the gospel of Christ is the only way to be based. Glad we have some Christ followers on the board for celebrating gods creation.
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>Thanks brother. Based In the gospel of Christ is the only way to be based. Glad we have some Christ followers on the board for celebrating gods creation.
i think animals may have souls but would you suck a log of shit out of andy sixx's ass?
only good post itt
Im Baptist retard
Because god made animals and nature.
And Christians pretty much invented the science of biology

Christ is King, God created everything and we must protect it
who created god then ?
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Because muh epic Greeks looked at stuff and were almost right! The invented, le science!!!!
Cmon, if your going to claim that at least go as far to say Assyria and Babylonia originated biology.
It wasn’t until Saint Albertus Mangus came along that biology became what we know today. And practically every single discovery of actual significance in the field was Christian, the Greeks and their 4 humors can take a hike.
>brainlet atheist cannot understand concepts said by god about himself
>always has been
>always will be
>before all, I am
It really is not that difficult to understand far reaching concepts like that. Where did god come from shouldn’t even be a question. It’s like asking where did the hot soup of particles before the Big Bang come from.
Begone heretic
Amen, go in peace brother
I think one of these guys recently got rangebanned from /his/
no, it’s not
Greeks didn’t invent “biology” but they did pioneer the roots of zoology, taxonomy, and the science of classifying organisms, it can be traced back to Aristotle’s wide breadth of work on the subject, including Historia Animalium, where he established that organisms can be recognized as “groups” when all members possess the same set of distinguishing features - for example, all birds have the universal characteristics of wings, beaks, feathers, and so on. It’s about as close as we have to the first scientific definition of species.
you can almost smell the room this was made in
I hate religion threads usually but you're okay
Laughing at all the retards "this"-ing this post
>"This is literally you, dude."
>"Uhhh, ermm, uuuuuuh, YOU'RE GROSS!!!"
Thank you for conceding :)
TradLARPS stay LARPing.
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Wow! You made the same post twice, and then added an insult. Do you want a gold star?
That brings me back to my points that practically every other culture and religion up to that point had done that. Babylonia was renowned for their grasp of genectics in creating livestock, Assyria and Persia had cataloged different kinds of beasts. And heck, even the Pentateuch, which scholars agree even if it was not written by Moses, predated Aristotle by at least 200 years and mentions “Kinds” in that regard.
I have no opposition to the fact that humans are generally curious and extremely intelligent. But my argument is that until the church started funding research of the natural world, all news was old news at that point. Science as as we know it is a Christian institution no matter which way you slice the orange.
Thanks bro, truthfully I really don’t like them either and try not to reply to them as it generally turns into name calling and slander. But i believe all people are deserving of at least a chance to express their points in a productive way. And also I feel that since this thread is on topic to /an/ and specifically addresses animals and pets in the afterlife, it is appropriate to discuss religious topics and how they are relevant to the board.
Thanks for the (you)
Did you make that ‘meme’? Unless you did I don’t see why you’re offended. Not even Christian but it just reeks of seethe
>That brings me back to my points that practically every other culture and religion up to that point had done that.
Not nearly to the same consistently detailed extent and not nearly as accurately. Yes, the idea of naming and classifying stuff has taken place since the dawn of communication (“don’t eat those berries, they’re poisonous”) but Aristotelian taxonomy was literally in use throughout all of the Medieval, Renaissance, and Early Modern periods because it was so efficient. Hell, lots of his distinctions, like vertebrate and invertebrate, are still in use today, and it wasn’t until the Early Modern period that taxonomy became advanced or original enough to replace the works of Aristotle with Linnaeus, not touching the rest of that because I didn’t argue anything about it, just pointing out this stuff started out definitively with the Greeks.
>Thanks for the (you)
You're welcome, troll, I know attention gives you fulfillment.
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All things have souls, even rocks and rivers
Only humans have souls
How do you retards not get tired of the same disingenuous "jokes" day in and day out?
The fedora/reddit defense is ridiculous. You're demanding others believe in obviously fake shit. That's all of it. There's nothing special here. It's just as bad as cutting off your penis and demanding to be called a woman. Nobody is gonna shame me into accepting their gaslighting. Not religious retards who can't cope with the world without their fragile beliefs, not crying guys in drag, not corporations telling me I need their product, not politicians saying I should be terrified of trivialities. It's all fucking bullshit. All of it. You're a bullshitter. You're shoveling it out in paragraphs of nonsense. Calling out unironic liars and manipulators is not cringe, it's a public service. So take the le fedora papering and shove it up your ass.
It's one guy arguing with himself.
how did Balaam's donkey see the angel, and why did god grand the donkey the ability to speak to Balaam in Numbers 22:21-39 if animals have no souls?
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I have no problem with atheists at all, one of gods greatest gifts to humanity was that of free will and you have the right to pick what you believe. Heck, I was atheist for a good majority of my life. I have no demand for you to convert to my religion, just an invitation.

Le fedora tippers are the type of atheists who demand everyone to convert to their religion, especially when it is uncalled for. Such as in a thread about souls..

Everyone had faith about something. Many choose to put your faith in the current scientific agreement. Even more choose to put their faith in gods or a Big G God. Meeting any beliefs with aggression and schizoposting about trannies is not really a public service.

Praying for your soul my friend
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>enters the chat
Souls don't exist. Everything, rocks, bacteria, animals, humans all share the same soul.
so we’re all collectively going to hell? that doesn’t sound fair
>The fedora/reddit defense is ridiculous.
I mean, there’s definitely truth to it
>Uncalled for! how dare you!
Christianity actively lies about simple, proven facts like the age of the earth, the origin of life, and even relatively recent history, and there's nothing in scripture that actually disallows the OT punishments. You people really are an active threat to facts, civility and the ongoing abortion bullshit in the US is just you showing your true nature.

What's next, flat earth and young earth creationism in schools? Stoning faggots is also currently allowed, as turn the other cheek referred to interpersonal disputes, and thou shalt not kill translated properly only refers to unjust, unholy killings.
>Even more choose muh yahweh!
It's rather well correlated with poor intelligence. Again, you are an active threat to simple civility. It takes very little for the religion of peace to start say, tracking women who try and skirt religiously motivated abortion laws to punish them for daring to voluntarily terminate a mere zygote.

Sure, philosophy is dead, but christianity is no substitute. You are, if the atheists and nonchristian deists drop your chains, as bad as islam and eager to return to violent fundamentalism.
>there's truth to it
The actual truth to it is christians are statistically more likely to be poor and obese than atheists.

>want to track down and punish women who terminate brainless fish-things instead of creating children they can't care for
Yeah. They're cancer. I don't care if their answer is "so you'd rather have fags and trannies!" because it seems every other church is ok with those when they feel like turning the other cheek.
I'm sorry your mom dragged you off the xbone once a week anon.
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Who mentioned abortion in this thread? LMAO.
I’m sorry that the nes you read has painted Christians in such a bad light to you that you need to make the mother of all strawman to even begin to argue with me. Not once have you asked my beliefs to infer anything about where I stand on any of those topics you mentioned. Simply stating that I’m a danger to civility and life because of the big bad Christian you see on social media.

I really have no hard feelings towards you, and would even love to debate some of the topics you have mentioned. But I have a feeling that I would be met with more strawmen and your own personal opinions about a people group you haven’t even done any research into let alone know.

I honestly can say you are blinded by hatred, and i feel sorry for you, and will continue my prayers for you. So that you may soften your heart and be able to view others for what they are. People. People who have lives, and jobs, and kids, and families, and problems, and every other thing that you experience. But so so different. People don’t just wake up one day and believe something that you “know” to be crazy. Their whole life led them to those things.

TLRD: people are more than just walking opinions. And you have become a bigot, the exact thing you claim to hate, because you can’t see that
>bold of you to assume i follow my religion!
>b-bigot ;_;
Anyways, the point is, you get hostility when you shill christy creationist nonsense for a lot of very good reasons, fatso. It's been a genuinely evil influence in life for a lot of people. Keep that shit on /x/ with mothman and the cosmic death fungus.

This is a thread about comparative neurobiology.
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Read the Bible.
Provide me sources for what you said. And in sure I could provide you red verses (stuff Jesus was specifically attributed to saying) to either clarify or fulfill your problems with god.

If you really want to understand and argue in good faith I’m all for it. But all I’ve seen are strawmen and whining.
Stop preaching your shitty cult on /an/ schizo
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Everything comes from souls.
>Reptiles? Fish? Insects Amoebas?
All of these have group souls meaning many individuals from the same soul. Millions of insects can be one incarnation of a soul.
This is a well known topic, mediums/psychics often talk about it and I am one of them.
It keeps getting dumber

Bro, "soul" is just humans guessing something has familiar intelligence and emotions
So nice you replied twice.

Funny you should mention evil, from your point of view, what is good and evil, and why has Christianity fallen on that side of your coin?
People who have no clue use various definitions. Soul is perfect and untouchable.
Everything has a soul. Dogs have a soul. Plants have a soul. Little bitty bacteria have a soul, for their entire 24-hour lifespan. God created life, and gave everything a soul.
Heres some actual stats. Who could have guessed the group that rejects the infinite brilliance and beauty of the creator kill themselves the most? You are no better than the fags and trannies to be honest
Here's a little secret. You don't need religion to be a violent human hell bent on the subjugation of others. Religion is an convenient excuse for violence, not the cause of the violence. By pretending to believe something that you don't really believe, you can justify whatever violence you like. And once you have enough power to wield more violence than your enemies, you can drop religion altogether and simply have religion-neutral thugs willing to kill for you.

Those who hurt others in the name of religion might technically really believe in their god, but they don't really care about their god - they're so selfish that they'd take any excuse to hurt the people they hate. If their religion told them in no uncertain terms that they were not allowed to subjugate those they hate, then they would not follow that religion at all, or would willfully misinterpret or branch it off entirely.
>those Muslim suicide rates
Holy shit how??
It seems be from the 80s and doesn’t say what countries it’s from
Not gonna lie the graph is a little suspicious dog.
Sample size:?
Rate per 100k:? (Of total population? Sub catagory?)
Total:? Of what?
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Agreed sussy graph
More straw men, dude get over it, just because your life sucks doesn’t mean every one else’s does. There is actually a proven correlation between believing in a higher power and reduced rates of depression and suicide.
LMAO dude is talking about Jews.
Jesus came and fulfilled the old law, abolished stoning, and put two commandments in place rather than 10.
1: Love god
2: Love your neighbor like yourself
You are talking about talamudic Zionism, not Christianity.
>Suicide correlates with high intelligence
You are missing a few steps there bucko
>high intelligence correlates with pride
>pride correlates with godlessness
>godlessness correlates with depression and suicide
There, fixed it for ya

Also about that whole president pope thing. Again, I’m babtist, pope is not a mouthpiece of god. Would rather have someone who doesn’t claim to be something their not in office
>bla bla bla im fat listen to me ramble dont look at what people actually do
Hail Satan
>Animals have so-
*Proves you wrong by existing*
Your move, you overemotional round eared meatbag.
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We used to have these threads on /x/. Now it's just /pol/-lite.

The first thing we must do is define what a soul is.

To me the soul it's consciousness: I think, therefore I am. All matter/energy is conscious to a varying degree. In fact, it always varies depending on what one is doing or not doing. For example, my consciousness may be lower while I drive home but higher when talking with a person. As such, there is a base level consciousness and a max level based on species or corporeal composition. As far as we know, Homo sapiens have the highest degree of consciousness/soul both base level and max level: I wish I had better terms, but these will have to do. Other forms, such as our cousins like Chimps, Bonobos, Pongo also have great levels of consciousness and potential compared to something like a rat or a bearded dragon. The two aforementioned creatures do not need high levels of either base or max consciousness because their lifespans are too short and they lack the general purpose to "evolve" a soul/consciousness: That doesn't mean that they couldn't just develop one for teh lulz. The same goes for a lot of Homo sapiens, but that's more of a learned behavior: Monkey see, monkey indoctrinated, monkey do. I draw a lot of parallels between the lack of consciousness/soul and the concept of "Princess Syndrome" or "Little Emperor Syndrome". A person "suffering" such and forth has very little need to develop a consciousness/soul as all their needs and desires are immediately met with no logic, honor, or empathy: There are Homo sapiens among us that are akin to insects in regards to their level of consciousness/soul.

To answer succinctly, all energy/matter has a soul/consciousness. The degree of strength of such depends on corporeal composition, and in certain species, the battle between nature v. nurture. I do not draw a line. But I do have more compassion/respect for creatures that have a base level consciousness near or higher than mine because I am flawed.
My favorite /x/tard theory was that eating other lifeforms was how you grew your soul and meat eating parents would pass on a little soul to their offspring, which meant vegans were NPC factories
>>high intelligence correlates with pride
>>pride correlates with godlessness
Wrong, the most prideful people in the world are blacks and they also have the lowest IQs
>believing that ending your life on your own terms results in eternal hellfire lowers suicide rates
Yes, by preventing the people dumb enough to believe that from dying.

If people werent that dumb we would have never had lynch mobs and witch hunts either.
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>/x/tard theory was that eating other lifeforms was how you grew your soul.
Anon, that's just Chinese culture. I say this with no bigotry or hate. In Chinese culture, it is said that the rarity the animal and inflicting suffering/pain not only improves the taste of the meat, but also releases more qi (chi/energy) for the eater leading to beneficial effects. It's why the Chinese peoples continue to eat live mice, torch/cook dogs alive, and feast on bat soup.
And they would do the same without god too. Religion is a convenient excuse for hatred and violence, not its cause. The hatred embedded into their book is not pulled from some religious aether from which all hate derives. The hate comes from raw instinct.
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All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of god is like the core teneant of Christianity. Christians can do bad things as well as those who claim to be Christ followers and atheists, the difference is Christians are accepted into the fold of Christ, and forgiveness on their sins. Just because someone believes in something doesn’t mean they are perfect no matter what that belief may be.
Bell curve. Intellegence isn’t the only cause of pride. The blacks godlessness leads them into fornification and murder.
Catholic/muslim belief. Nowhere in the Bible does it say suicide is a ticket to hell.

Also I said depression. Not suicide. so even if people did believe suicide=hell that wouldn’t explain the lower depression rates.
Reminds me of the one where they say the only way a person can have a soul is if a woman orgasms during conception. I bust my gut reading those threads every time.
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>do animals have souls
Depends on your theology, atheists (being the kings of midwits) don't believe in souls at all so that's a given. But

>Hinduism / Sikh
Yes, animals have souls. Some animals are more revered than others like cows.
Don't believe in eternal souls but animals can become enlightened
We got a world religions major here guys!
If you didn’t say Bible I would’ve sworn you were talking about Muslims because they do all of those things already but I think I can venture a guess that you don’t feel the same way about them
>the crusades
Now I’m very curious what you think the Crusades were
>I say this with no bigotry or hate.
I do. It’s patently retarded and deserves to be called out as such.
>Now it's just /pol/-lite.
Better than leftypol-lite
Kek based /x/
No you retard, having faith in the scientific process is not the same as having faith in god. One frequently yields accurate predictions and results, and has dramatically improved our lives, the other is cringe larpers who cry about their dad working for nintendo in every dispute. See, this is why your lying is such a fucking brain parasite. You don't even know what faith is. You're incapable of understanding because you're totally mindfucked. I have faith the sun will rise tomorrow. I have faith that gravity will keep the Earth together. I have faith in my friends and family, that we'll look after each other. I have no faith in religion because it's all straight bullshit which feeds on the lives of humans and only pretends to give things in return. Praying is the ultimate parasocial activity. At least trying to get into a streamer's pants has greater than 0 probability of success. People who put their highest faith in obviously untrue things are either idiots, crazy, or scammers, and in a more perfect world we'd be teaching kids how to defend themselves against the manipulation tactics of religions (skills which are useful against many kinds of scammer).

This thread was made by an idiot and you are an idiot. You don't get any respect just from being all cordial and claiming we're on equal footing. We aren't. You are pushing bullshit, your beliefs are simply wrong, and this thread is off topic. There are no souls. It's make believe. Fuck off.
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I could say the same about prayer. I genuinely get results from reading the Bible, pondering gods word, and praying. But you wouldn’t know since you have never tried with genuine intention.

Would also like to say the faith is exactly the same. You have absolutely no proof for anything that happened pre invention of the camera. You choose to believe that history as you know it isn’t some completely made up fabrication. Or even as far as to say that the universe did not come into existence in it’s entirely the second you were born. Sure, you have evidence supporting the contrary, but you could never 100 percent be sure of it. Your worldview, wether you like it or not, is based entirely on trusting what other people say. Supported by what you can observe. And that goes for everyone.

I completely understand where you are coming from though, I grew up in a genuine cult. And because of that i was atheist for quite a while, i believed as far as people who make their kids go to church should go away for child abuse. But there was always something missing in my life, so i tried all forms of spirituality from paganism to x tard crap. Then one day I was in a situation that I didn’t think I could get out of. And out of instinct I prayed and gave my soul to Christ. From that day on I haven’t felt any of the anxiety, depression, hatred, fear, or doubt that I did when I tried any other form of belief system. Seeing my life before and after god could single handedly prove to me he is real. But he has given me so many other miracles to show me how loved I am!

As I said earlier in the thread. I’m praying for each one of you who feel such sting hatred toward the idea of God and his followers. That one day he could reach your heart in the way he reached mine
Of course they do. They're alive aren't they.
Now you're just making excuses for yourself to sin.
>Duuuuh, we do bad tihngs but it okay cuz God sed were gud guiys!11 :)))))
Hail Satan.
>nooo stop bullying my bronze age cult that's diametrically opposed to animals and nature!

>Would also like to say the faith is exactly the same. You have absolutely no proof for anything that happened pre invention of the camera. You choose to believe that history as you know it isn’t some completely made up fabrication. Or even as far as to say that the universe did not come into existence in it’s entirely the second you were born
You say this, and you are on a nature board, which means you should know exactly why this is wrong

What's next, young earth creationism? Oh yes you are THE guy who shills it here.
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Nope, everyone sins. Jesus just offers to take the punishment of the sin for you. Very simple concept to understand if you aren’t retarded
How is it opposed to animals and nature? I believe animals and the natural world are gods perfect creation. And us as man have corrupted it through sin and hubris. I’m not telling you to stop attacking or asking questions or anything of the sort. In fact I encourage you to, because I know that what I am defending is true, and that god can provide the proper letters to my fingers to hopefully reach someone who has questions. Even if the people I’m replying to have profound mental disabilities that lead to horrible reading comprehension.

Here’s a soulful creature that god told me to let him live another day to bring the thread back on topic
I have chosen to ignore your TL;DR in favor of complimenting that beautiful fish, and I do hope you either devour it, release it, or keep it in an aquarium.
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>christians at the door: le god le christ le jesus will save you he is all loving he is love *vague schizo nonsense*
>christians once you let them in: god allows us to make toadlines. stop putting mere spirited beasts above your brothers in christ or you will be sentenced to a psychiatric monastery.
>blablablabla im a pseudo-moralistic control freak only interested in throwing my weight around and making up rules for everyone else to follow but myself
Hail Satan.
Animals have souls alright

The same souls as us, thank brahma (christians are hindus that mistakenly believe krishna is agni’s son, pay them no mind, they are schizo pseudo-hindus who stole civilization from pagans, the redditors of history. Read your vedas and begin the journey towards truth)

Hail shiva (aka satan, who is not bad at all but a logical part of reality)
They preach peace but have a history of war - against nations, against brothers, against nature. Always the justified savior, never an aggressor, in their own mind.

Convert to shinto buddhism if you actually like animals and nature.
Do the mites in my dog's ears have souls?
Those are reincarnated muslims who were cruel to dogs because they believed dogs in homes scared the angels. Now the dog is their home and they will never attain a higher form until they realize the error of their ways.

There would normally not be so many, but yknow, gaza
That would explain why my dog got a bunch of ticks in early october.
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Thanks, yeah I love sunnies, little guy went to swim back with his friends. If I were to keep a sunfish for aquarium use again it would be a Lepomis megalotis var. ozark.

>More strawmen
You are actually delusional

Rules are for everyone. Nobody can follow them because of the natural evil of humanity. But rather than embracing that evil I choose to reject it.

Ahhh the X tards have arrived

More sunfish in the name of Jesus
This >>4788284 is more or less true, what you preach isn't what your "brothers" do across the wide world, so you're either a retard or you're a new age pseudo-christian deist (or worse, gnostic) and no one really cares about your spiritual ramblings. Anyone can believe anything and it doesn't really affect the world unless multiple people believe in the exact same living authority and form a far reaching mob, ie: marxists, westboro, mormons, israel. It also has absolutely nothing to do with animals and nature - in fact, this entire thread should probably go on /x/ with the bigfeet and mothmen.

Attempting to preach religion outside of /x/ and /pol/ (from a historical standpoint, most religious laws are artifacts of historical political struggles, down to jews and their mixed fabric autism being related to inter-tribal disputes) should be bannable, because no matter what you believe, your beliefs are inherently a rejection of someone elses beliefs and inherently offensive. But maybe it's too funny to watch .
>no one really cares about your spiritual ramblings
You cared enough to write a series of gay novellas about them over a period of four days. Seek help.
I did? Me, that "Anonymous" guy? But wait, that's you too. No one feels strongly about religion. It's not like most belief systems are mutually exclusive and yours in particular contains clauses that require that all other belief systems be rejected and classified as manifestations of evil or anything. No way would there be a debate if you brought up religion. That never happens.

You've been talking to yourself this whole time.

I maintain that all religion topics belong on /x/ and /pol/.
Just because the IP counter is gone doesn't mean we can't tell it's you, benchod bastard.

What's wrong with this retard Anonymous? Why is he replying to himself?
Epic saar moment.
Stop speaking indian dude we got it, you like your god vecna or whatever better

Religion is super-natural (outside of the realm of nature, exists 100% inside of the subspace vortex caused by the human gestalt subconscious) therefore it belongs on /x/ - supernatural
Anything you can get from the bible you can get from other studies without the viciously twisted biases and reproduction programming. The true purpose of the bible is to spread its meme, not inform. It contains some basic teachings as a delivery mechanism for the intended payload.

You cannot actually understand what I'm saying because the bible has anti counter-memetic mechanisms as well. It's pretty insidiously crafted, ironically through a process of evolution. The ability for Christianity to fragment and mutate gradually with relatively minor squabbling sets it apart from earlier, stricter religious where deviation is more strictly protected, and is largely responsible for its greater success over time.

You are host to a memetic parasite. The trite trash you're spouting in those last paragraphs is you itching at sores to relieve psychological stress, shedding particles of your infection to potential new hosts. It's pretty horrific shit. Realize the zombie you've become.
Anima is the Latin word for soul.
>convert to eastern philosophy I dont actually understand but my own poor understanding of it leads to believe this is what it is
thank you sir very thankfulness sir please do the needfulness and do not eat the beef cow praise vishnu
But enough about Islam.
If anyone deserves such a fate it would definitely be muslims so that makes sense
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Name one heretical thing I have said that far. I’ll wait.

Also keep in mind I’m not catholic like the billion times I said before.

Agreed >>4788413 that this thread now belongs on x or pol. I still stand that OP and my first few posts were on topic from an, until a bunch of cringe atheists decided to derail. As you may note I’ve tried tying animals and their souls back into conversation with no avail

Look what you did atheists. You bought the x philes into our board
>Jesus just offers to take the punishment of the sin for you. Very simple concept to understand if you aren’t retarded

Except in reality, it's usually "Join the cult and follow the rules so you get paradise/avoid eternal conscious torture after you die."

And Jesus is supposed to be God incarnate so the need for punishment is entirely arbitrary.

Now I get why it's necessary to have religion and how it inspires people to improve and gives them meaning in life, and the theology of why God can do whatever he wants to us, et cetera.

But this smug insistence that "It's so simple guys, why don't you just believe?" is to be ignorant of your own history and common sense.
"A religion" (unquestionable dogma with a logical dead end, which confuses the brainlets and initially appalls the humans before they go "oh, right, i dont exist in a void") is needed for the low IQ and mentally ill. As you can see by starting a debate on veganism, people like autists will construct 9001 divergent systems of batshit insane morality without it. Also see: economics. Economics is an unrelated area of religious debate.

However, a specific religion? We don't need that debate here.
Q anon ruined /x/
psyops tend to do that
Beautiful pic, op
You get results from prayer like a gambler gets results from their "strategy".
Religious faith is FAR different from healthy faith. Healthy faith comes from mutual trust, and religious faith is one sided. Both my friends and scientific assertions can be interrogated and judged directly. I have a 1:1 dialogue with them without any power dynamic. I am not servile to either. I decide the control over my cognition any evidence has, and none are invulnerable to falsifiability.

Religion takes way more from you than you realize because one of the first stages of infection involves beating your mind into submitting fully to it without question. You did suffer abuse as a child, and your mind was forever broken in a way which makes you crave submission to a higher power. This is not healthy, but I'll admit Christianity is far from the worst thing such a broken mind can lean on. Christianity is no different in fundamental structure from the cult you were in as a child though. It has less awful late stages than most, but Christianity pulls the same manipulative tricks and mental molding of children into lifelong dependence which you suffered.

Let your crutch of blind faith carry you, but don't spread the infection. Enjoy the remission in silence.
1. Animals have souls. (Genesis 2:19, 9:10, Ecclesiastes 3:21)
2. The fate of mankind & animals is the same. (Ecclesiastes 3:19)

3. God makes a covenant with them post creation but before the last day. (Genesis 9:8–17) Animals that God’s promised before and after the time of Noah must be risen for the blessings of this covenant to be realized for them.

4. God makes another covenant with them on the Last Day. (Hosea 2:18)

5. They pray to, obey, in some animal-way worship God. (Job 38:41 Psalm 104:21) Balaam's Donkey could see & obeyed the preincarnate Jesus. (Numbers 22:21-39) Thus, animals are obedient Christians.

6. That all creation is longing for palingenesis, which is in ancient Judaism is the belief that on the Last Day God will renovate the universe & everything into a glorified, immortal state. (Romans 8:18–25, Matthew 19:28)

7. That all flesh / bodies possess seed & seed exists to be resurrected. This is within a hair's breadth of directly answering the question in the affirmative. (1 Corinthians 15:12-49)

8. All things in heaven & on earth will be reconciled & reunited with God by Christ. (Colossians 1:15–20, Ephesians 1:7–10) Universalists will use these passages as a prooftext. In a sense, animal resurrection is a bulwark against universalism.

9. Animals will inhabit the ruins of destroyed evil empires, punish evildoers in human history, & will be soldiers in Christ's heavenly armies on judgment day. Here again, animals are obedient Christians & God's unquestioning servants. (Leviticus 18:26–28, 26:22, Isaiah 34-35, Revelation 19:17–18, 1 Kings 13:24–29, 2 Kings 17:25)

10. That animals will be in heaven. (Isaiah 11 & 66) [people own personal animals in the eschaton], (Multiple OT Prophets, Revelation 5:13), [which is the scroll Daniel couldn't read c. 500 BC revealed to John 1st century AD]

look up 'romans 8 shaman' on substack for my full article. 4garbage won't let me post the link.
Roundworms too?
>schizos write down the musings they shit out while high
>some retard 4000 years later: DIS DA WORD OF GOD
However genesis, exodus, numbers, etc are straight up lies and the schizos were wrong about everything except homosexuals being gross

There’s less nonsensical shit in cosmic death fungus threads. You may as well preach proto-hindu monotheism.
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Just dropping in to say imagine hating Jesus Christ. It’s like hating the concept of goodness itself. Fucking whackos lol
>hey jesus here your wife needs to die because dangerous pregnancies are people too
Yes, every little thing is made and loved by god.
>attacks religion rather than discussing the post
Man atheists really are retarded. That be like going to a featherfag vs. Scaly Dino thread and be like. Man you can’t trust science their making the studies up and here’s absolutely no proof and some insults.
Fucking get a life rather than hating on Christianity it’s stupid, it’s annoying, and frankly it’s not even productive. Your not gonna prove someone who is devout in their religion wrong just by seething.
Based scripture referencer
>it’s like an illness cus I say so!
The demons are in your head. Repent
The different churches that explore different aspects of the trinity and wonders of the Holy Spirit are just like economic schools of though. Said absolutely nobody with even the simplest grasp on the christian church
life tip: lose weight and stop preaching schizo nonsense on the internet

your word of god was wrong about almost everything, it does worse than a coin flip on every issue, therefore it has nothing to do with animals and nature. your religion is not the true faith and your god is not the true god. the true god doesnt need post-hoc metaphor/poetry copes when their divine word turns out to be wrong about basic facts. like evolution, earth being round and billions of years old, there being no great floods, humanity not being descended from two jews, etc.
>word of god: jews wuz enslaved in egypt and had to run away
>written history according to everyone but the jews: jews ruled middle egypt and got kicked out
>ok ok god was speaking in metaphor to warn us about discrimination or something i mean satan personally altered all of known history to test us i mean…
>thats why evolution didnt happen! show me a fish turning into a horse right now!
These schizos, man.
>let me just name off some buzzwords about subjects that I don’t understand
>and if I can’t understand it that must mean it isn’t true!
Let me know if you want genuine answers on any of those subjects. But as you said. Not /an/ related.
However the subject of ANIMAL souls. Is.

>itt. Atheists being retarded and trying to start fights over on topic posts.
>word of god. Jews did rule Egypt at one point. (Joseph) and were endlaved in very few generations after that. Then were asked to leave by pharaoh after the exodus signs.
Wow the word of god and written history line up? Crazy.
Also evolution did happen. And is currently happening very rapidly. I can show you fish speciation in under 2 years…
Not an argument

Your god is not the true god. The true god isnt wrong about every other thing with a loyal legion of “issa metaphor” copers. Nothing your fake book says about animal souls can be trusted. If your god is the true god let him stop sending tornados, plagues, hurricanes, and inherited stupidity to his most loyal followers while pot smoking hippies and heathen asians live in peace and prosperity.
They were never enslaved, ever. They were kicked out. History does not line up. Also, the earth is round, totally lackint corners, and over 4 billion years old. man evolved from a chimplike ape. Women were not made from ribs. There was no worldwide flood. It gets worse and worse the more its scrutinized.

Either its not the word of your god, and your god decided to let you be wrong while im going to heaven, or your god is not the true god. As the god depicted is so wrong all the time its sage to call it an imaginary false god loosely based on the unknowable real one.

Therefore I will not be believing one fucking thing your book says about animals, or anything, until the true god sends metatron down to tell me to, or an asteroid hits congress as they lift the federal cannabis ban and guarantee the right to pre-viability abortion.
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The amount of seethe LMAo

Look at the pic in this post again >>4787831
cus you hit every single point on it LOL
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I think anything that lays eggs has a different soul or spirit than that of a mammal(human). Insects would be a mass of spirits and something like arthropods would have a small spirits. I don't think an amoeba could house a spirit.
Also keep in mind what you call a soul is very small as is.
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True God is pretty incomprehensible and unknowable......
The Vedic religion was based and there’s a lot of practical wisdom to glean from it
>implying the overwhelming majority of abortions are done for health reasons and not so women can continue to slut it up without consequences
If abortions were purely done in the case of life threatening nobody would have much issue with it
>obnoxious ledditard is a drug addict
it just keeps getting better
yes, everything. I did not address that in my article but I think this is true by inference. This post is my 2nd reply in this thread. like I said. look up Romans 8 Shaman / Romans 8 Worldview on substack.
All living things have souls, it's just some have greater souls than others. Amoebas have very weak lesser souls, but they still act on their own volition so they clearly have a soul even if it's a small one. A soul is the driving force behind a creature's actions. Something with a soul can act on its own volition without being acted upon. Humans have dominion over nature due to having higher and greater souls than the rest.
This is also why humans are subservient to God, because his soul is greater than a humans in the same way dogs are subservient to humans due to their souls being lesser
The hierarchy is as such
God > lesser gods > Mankind > Other
The christian god is not real


The bible is constantly wrong. Real gods do not need ISSA METAPHOR cope squads or mental midgets shrieking shoddy psychoanalyses. Real gods never need soldiers of any kind. That’s how fake religions like scientology, mormonism, islam, and christianity operate.
Real gods also dont need to distribute wine and cannabis oil to keep people faithful, like yahweh did.

Good thing the real god killed that fraud so we dont hear from him anymore. A shame his cultists never got the message and keep worshiping false messiahs and banished demons.
The foundation of christian thought is that humans are actually greater than their god and dont have to listen, but have to follow him anyways because he has more violence

Thats because that was a fake god of course, just like humans are fake gods. Dogs can and would gladly ignore us. Compare huskies to border collies. They are equally smart and both are 3x dumber than a wolf. Border collies only listen because of the personality disorders we bred them to have. All that can make a dog subservient other than that is violence. Because we are fake gods. Just like your god - it was another kind of creature, just with more advanced “guns”.

The real god does not actually give a fuck about mortal affairs as long as no one usurps his position. The question of evil is human. To the real god, nameless and to us as we are to the worlds in our heads, evil is as consequential as a sneeze. Pain and suffering are temporary, memories are fake, death and birth never actually happen, and individuality is a thought experiment.

The real god does not care. As long as you never become a thought in their mind that insists it is actually god. Then you will be purged in a timescale that to the real god is an instant.
>their god didnt give us free will
>he admitted he was too powerless to have anything to do with it
>soul = being, willful separation from chaos as distinctly the self. simple as.
the simple answers beneath all theological copes
Hi Dusty Deevers
souls were made up by people to deal with the inevitability of death and the futility of life.

they also keep retards on their best behavior when nobody is looking. Souls aren't real. God isn't real. How stupid are you?
Leviticus says that Oxen have souls becuase they can be killed for goring someone. That's a divine condemnation.
even a being you might consider "primitive" and such exhibits behaviour you can classify as "soulful" (jumping spiders are curious and observant, rats can laugh and so on)
i think the most interesting thing is the fact we have innate understanding of animal language, even more so when you have a pet you love. like if you ever do a little wrestling with your dog or cat, playful aggression is a highly complex engagement between two parties where you're both in the clear regarding the levels of trust, pain threshold and the dynamics of the game
also from the religious standpoint, why did god made animals and their habitat first? i'd go so far as to say animals have a closer relationship to god because they don't have the capacity for malice, deception and destruction, at least not to the conscious extent people have
Souls arent't real and state atheism should be imposed at gunpoint
the reddit fantasy be like
>but muh christians are so violent and evil!!!
>Yes I believe in shooting everyone who doesn’t believe in what I believe.
>don’t call me out! I can shoot you guys because your stupid and wrong
Behold, the worlds smartest atheist!
>christians: we are peaceful and compassionate people, do not do this to us. you are oppressing us. so much for atheist morality. we have as much of a right to preach lies as you have to preach truth.

>also christians: as soon as society swings right, we are shocking the gays until they save their own souls and give up this abominable sin. oh shit trump won because biden sucked more? go time!
>Jebediah, once you're done electrocuting that fruit we need to convert some people to save them from hell
Notice how the Christian replied directly to the comment, while the atheist had to make up a straw man to even have a point. Interesting.
Based jebediah and ezekiel setting the record straight, I hope whatever parody of a Christian state you have imagined does come to fruition while I watch and laugh from my cozy corner of the world
>i-it's a strawman y-you're making things up!

also, electro-shock therapy may be banned today but there are plenty of people alive today that were subject to it in past decades. there are people alive today who still think it's a viable method of treatment and see nothing wrong with it.
>inb4 inevitable screeching about netflix
>I just want to teach children things that are provably wrong because reality contradicts my religion at every turn. Why do you want to oppress me? So much for atheists supporting freedom.
>Anyways, little timmy, once you accept christ and are free from sin, you can cast the stone as long as it is against a sinner. that's why us christians can join the army to shoot islamists and defend israel. If they weren't terrorists, they wouldn't worship muhammad and deny christ. in fact, the bible tells us to!
>Can I shoot people who say humans evolved from monkeys and werent created by our lord god, dad? You said we're not monkeys last week but the guy on TV said we are. I don't want to be a monkey. I want to be the image of god.
>You sure will get to son, denying our lord is an unforgivable sin. the bible tells us this. but not yet. One day, we will bring everyone to kneel before our lord jesus christ. The armies of satan will not prevail! Now, here's how you load a STANAG. make sure you use a green tipped bullet every other round.
>christians: we're not like that
>christians: (yet)
Militant atheist: An elected official writing the bible out of US law
Militant christian: Domestic terrorists
The coming years will be hilarious due to roe v wade being overturned and the popular vote constantly trying to undo that on the state level. It's become apparent that elected republicans do not represent the people who voted for them and people simply thought they would never be able to turn the US into a christian nationalist shithole.
>It's become apparent that elected republicans do not represent the people who voted for them and people simply thought they would never be able to turn the US into a christian nationalist shithole.
the problem is that they do. there are multiple GOP politicians and lawyers whose entire careers were built around getting roe v wade overturned. in turn there's plenty of wacko rightoids that go to the polls only caring about a politician's stance on abortion and nothing else. single issue voting is a fucking cancer but there's nothing you can do about it in a winner-take-all system like the US's
Republicans run for the racists (everybody) and legislate for the hicks.
>inb4 inevitable screeching about netflix
Knowing you’re citing “””sources””” with an explicit agenda thus making you full of shit still means you’re full of shit
You don’t know what the word nationalist means and never will
>libshit once again sucks off le mooslims despite them believing nearly everything christians do
every time
Animal souls?
Women and man have the same source, are flesh of flesh, bone of bone, aka of the same substance. Man and woman can become one. The son of God took His humanity from His mother. A believing wife can sanctify her husband.

Also yes animals have an animal soul. Souls aren't this absolutely generic fungible thing.
>Brainless fish things
You are so much more uneducated than you realize and it's embarrassing. Please at least try to study the things you're going to have a strong opinion about, especially if you're going to also consider yourself better informed and more intelligent than your opposition
I'm not offended by others having beliefs that contradict mine
You were human before you were born

Captcha SS88
Fetuses are brainless fish things for much of their development, especially when they get aborted. They don't even have a functioning PFC until towards the end of the second trimsester.

A fetus is not, and never will be a human life until it has a fully functional compliment of HUMAN organs, which includes human brain activity, which precludes survival outside of the womb. Otherwise it is a parasitic mass of cells. It's the moral equivalent of a sperm cell. Might as well call douching out jizz murder.

Anyone who is against abortions performed prior to the maturation of the CNS is doubtlessly an idiot
Thankfully while old white protties legislate, the actual majority is against these decisions and if abortion rights aren't restored soon the US might find out liberals are better armed than stereotypically thought.
Protip: We are. Rightoids fantasize about going rambo with a machine gun. I shoot 0.9 MOA from 800y out.

Think of it this way: For every anti-abortion kikestain that lives, hundreds of women die from dangerous pregnancies. For every abortion performed, literally nobody dies. Not none single human being.

Because fetus are not human beings.
There's no souls, It's an elaborate copium. When you die It's a dreamless sleep, same goes for our puppers unfortnately
Oh yeah dude, you and your gang of transgender communist militants with degrees in gender studies and maybe even jamal and pablo and achmed are gonna storm the capitol and gun everyone down before demanding abortion is restored and naturally this is going to be granted - two more weeks!! Holy shit you freakazoids are so delusional it hurts please keep going lmao
Most abortions are not performed for ‘life threatening situations’, it’s done so women (and men to an extent) can evade the consequences of their actions, not even Christian but that you’ve all embraced this talking point of calling the early stages of human life a “parasite” so you can justify being promiscuous is such a perfect encapsulation of liberal ideology it’s beautiful so thanks for this I guess
There are no protohumans. If you can reproduce with humans then you are just as human as you or I. Neanderthals and Erectus could breed with us, therefore they are us. The Bible never once says the words homo-sapiens, but does say all human-kind. Sub-species are just as human as us from a biblical perspective.
I honestly don’t think humans evolved desu. I think God made us much more personally than the rest, if out of the same building blocks as the rest of life on Earth. Look into X Chromosomal Eve and Y Chromosomal Adam.
>faced with an actual argument
>responds with incoherent seething
many such cases
>the actual argument in question:
>“make it legal again or I sperg out”
>>“make it legal again or I sperg out”
who are you quoting? you got mad because he called a fetus a "brainless fish thing", he responded with (correctly) detailing that it is effectively a parasite during the stages when most abortions occur, and you in turn responded with a buzzword-laden spergout.
>who are you quoting?
>and if abortion rights aren't restored soon the US might find out liberals are better armed than stereotypically thought.
Learn to read before embarrassing yourself like this, not reading the rest of your drivel since I’m here to laugh at you and not treat you like an equal capable of debate, so continue dancing for me please
>Learn to read before embarrassing yourself like this
implying your posts are worth reading. i popped in to see your meltdown, laughed at it, and that's it. i'm not reading the rest of your retardation in the thread, sorry.
It wouldn’t be my post you’re reading you fucking idiot it’s the guy you’re sucking off man you just keep getting better im all out of peanuts so you’ll have to settle for my laughter instead please keep going
Fish obviously
>get BTFO
>shits xer pants over getting BTFO because xhe doesn't have the intellect to reply properly
>"n-no i-i'm the one laughing at you! h-haha!"
grim. must be brown too.
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Fish have souls
who are you talking to? use your reply function
The voices in xhis head, of course.
>noooo you HAVE to give me a (You) because i gave you one you can't be doing this i'm in charge here
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Everything has a soul. Even rocks.
Existence is built by monads.
Souls transmigrate toward higher forms in each successive lifetime.
Mineral kingdom > plant kingdom > animal kingdom > human kingdom > angelic kingdom etc
Everything is built by a hivemind of minds, matter doesn't actually exist it is an illusion, even under materialist quantum physics they admit that 99.99% of matter is just empty space between atoms.
Animals were previously plants and they will incarnate into human bodies at some point.
Source: it was revealed to me in a dream
No facial expression, no soul
>to justify killing and eating them.
this needs no justification.
Fish have facial expressions, vocal language, color change communication, and body language. I don’t know what your on about. Just because you can’t perceive it with your IQ of 32 doesn’t mean it isn’t there
There’s only one monad, heretic
I dont know why i expected non retards in this thread. i would say ITT but you bundle of sticks discord kids have no idea what that even means

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