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Rare Gecko Edition

previous: >>4757767

This thread is dedicated to all animals of the reptilia and amphibia classes. Topics include, but are not limited to: geckos, snakes of all kinds, frogs, salamanders, newts, turtles, tortoises, and much more. Before asking a question, do a search on the internet to see if it has been answered
Classifieds for finding breeders and products:
>reptilescanada.com (Canadian breeders)
Most forums will have a "for sale" section on them, so look for that, especially if you have a specific herp you want. Craigslist can also be a good source for cheap aquariums, and make sure to check for any reptile expos that occur in your area.

When asking a question, make sure to include these details:
>Type and size of animal
>Enclosure dimensions
>Humidity and temperature
>Type of substrate
>The decor you use
>How often you feed
>The type of food you use
>If your animal is wild caught or captive bred
>How often you handle
>Who you bought the animal from

Other Helpful Resources
Why can't I find female banded geckos for sale?
It's worth it, I've seen a bumper crop of Dekays Brown Snakes locally this spring, a few Garters but no Racers or Nerodia yet.
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To the anon who suggested wax worms, you're a champ. Threw one in a dish with a couple small meal worms and he snatched it up immediately. Sorry for the bigfoot-tier pic, didn't want to get too close and spook him or anything.
Careful with those, they can actually be habit-forming for some reptiles. They're really high in fat, so they're apparently so tasty some reptiles will stop eating anything else. Once you get some meat on him try to maybe mash some and coat other bugs in imtheir guts if he starts getting picky.
I've heard that before, definitely only going to try a wax worm every other feeding, not only because of the addictive quality, but because theyre fucking huge compared to him.
Actually it's funny, with how quickly he was on that thing despite it actually moving much less than the meal worms, I wonder if he was fed them before, hell, I wonder if that's part of the problem, maybe I bought a worm addict.
That thing looks sick. Where can I purchase one and are they recommended for beginners?
>new zealand
fuckin RIP.
do they have shitty laws or something
Yeah, they won't export anything. I mean, they have a Tuatara captive breeding program that's producing more young than they have space for in the sactuary islands, but they barely let zoos have them (they are all technically on loan much like Giant Pandas are with China).
Anyone skilled in handling wild sneks? How do people capture and hold them while keeping them chill? I practice when I see a non venomous one and can lift them up with a stick and move them around, but once I try to touch it, it freaks out.
Also, how would you safely capture a wild viper? I'm in fer de lance territory and see 2-3 of them a year. I would like to be able to safely relocate one, if it is ever necessary.
What are some low maintenance, small, animals? That wouldn't roll-explode-and-die if a lamp was off for a day? I want some resilient motherfuckers. I would built them a really nice place to live tho.

Is there like a www.resilient-motherfuckers-list.chad?
don't bother with hots unless you fancy visits to the hospital.
as for non venemous.. er it really depends on the temperment of the snake, but generally so long as they dont feel pinned then they will be more chill (this means allowing them to move around, and just giving them an effective treadmill with your hands handling them). be careful about grabbing near neck/head as that's especially sensitive for obvious reasons, similarly the tail. your best bets to pick them up mid body. obvious that's not always viable.

I have about a 10-20% success rate at getting a calm nerodia, but they're known spastics. I'm much better off with rat snakes or rough earth worm or dekays (yes I know that pins a region in the states, no I don't care).
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The way I handle wild snakes is to hold them loosely and let them move through my hands and just go hand over hand. I was told a very long time ago that doing to let them think they're moving and it helps calm them. All bets are off on venomous snakes though, use a hook and don't give it enough slack on the head end to strike at you.
I'm getting a lot of colubrid snakes. Most common is Leptodeira annulata (cat eyes snake) and the last bigger one was a parrot snake. I can pick them up and move them with a stick just fine, but as soon as I try to support them with a finger, they get very agitated. Is it just a matter of trying enough and finding one that doesnt mind?
I also have a bunch of turnip tailed geckos around the house and outdoor kitchen. Really fun housemates and they eat the roaches.
The reason I'm asking for the vipers, is in case they get too close and dont want to leave on their own. Usually I can prod them with a stick and direct them back into the forest, but I had a case of a very stubborn one that stayed around the living space for a long time.
I get the principle of treadmilling, just have trouble with the step between snek on the ground and snek in my hands :)
I'm currently keeping my distance from vipers, just want to eventually be able to move them if necessary. The locals just kill them. I'd rather be able to relocate.
aren't both of those mostly arborial spazzes? I wouldn't be surprised if you're having a hard time handling flightly snakes, hence my comparison for nerodia (water snakes) as they are incredibly spastic/flighty and get nervous easily. In any case, you're going to have to learn the specific species habits and learn how to tell if the snakes stressed or not. I assume you're more offering the snake to move onto your hand rather than try to grab it from above/below.
The cat eyes snakes are moving on the ground quite a bit and its the species I see the most. The parrot snake should be mostly aborial, but that one came straight into the kitchen one day.
I try to move slow, not be threatening and not just grab them. Pick them up with a stick around mid section and let them slide onto a finger, but they always freak out on contact with the hand.
I guess I'll keep trying and learn about how they react.
anoles in the wild eat a lot of really small bugs too, crickets may be on the large side. frequently I'll see our local anoles snacking on 40+ gnats or similar sized 'small' insects.
easiest lizard imo is cresties/gargs. no live feeders needed, no additional heat needed, only thing is they need misting but you can set up an auto mister for like $40. and unlike a lot of mist-required reptiles they will also use a water bowl so you have a backup water source if a mister fails.

Most reptiles in general will be OK without heat for a day as long as your home stays in the upper 60s. Generally tropical/humid reptiles are less temp sensitive than desert stuff that requires oven tier temps.
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How can I make a minipond to attract frogs to my garden?
The only thing I've caught him eating were fruit flies and bean beetles (i tend to feed him a little bit of every feeder I have), so he definitely also likes small prey items. The problem with that is that he doesn't seem to actively hunt them down a lot, or see them well from a distance. Granted, he may just be hunting the stragglers in the viv while I'm at work or something. Would explain why I still saw dark parts of his shit even when I wouldn't see him eat.
Ponds are pretty simple from what I understand, dig big hole, fill with plastic liner and clay, throw a good layer of soil back in to create mud at the bottom for critters.
You'll probably want a filter though, unless you're okay with a stagnant swamp puddle
Looks pretty easy, just a fair amount of work digging pits and humping rocks.
wtf they are asking the equivalent of like $8k for those in my cuntry, importing is forbidden
they look amazing tho
where? it shouldn't last if you have some in the country and breeding is legal though, cresties in particular are pretty prolific breeders. They were pricy in the early 00s here but now you can easily find crested geckos for like $40. Gargs are still usually well over $100 though.
Most important thing is to have your pond go below the local frost line or your frogs will freeze to death hibernating.
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Need help identifying these. Found in an old fountain in Southeast Florida.
Them are tad poles
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Look like invasive snakeheads, better kill em.
I suspected there was next to no chance they were native. Feelsbadman
Don't be retarded anon, snakeheads are (distinctive looking) fish. Your tadpoles are hard to identify - they're not cane toads, and they don't look round enough to me to be Cuban tree frogs, so they're not the two main invasive suspects. Just raise them, and then keep them, and it won't matter.

It doesn't really matter anyways, they're mass spanwers. You took six out of potentially hundreds in a single, small vernal pool. Just enjoy your frogs.
The situation is that they're probably going to get killed so I wanted to know if they were invasive and could be left alone or worth gathering up as many as I could. I took a few to identify them.
Please anon I was kidding.
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I am once again considering a leopard gecko but terrified the novelty will wear off and I will be stuck buying/raising live insects for a pet that no longer brings me joy for the next 20 years. I have had insect eaters in the distant past (Water dragon, newts) and liked them, but I just have snakes and aquarium fish and its so low maintenance its unreal. The plants are more of a pain in the ass than the snakes are.
They live for 20 years? You’re right, that’s a pretty big decision to make, best to think about it carefully
It's good that you even think about it that hard to begin with.
My biggest problem with leos (and most geckos in general) is their tendency to be nocturnal.
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He finally ate for just the second time this calendar year and it was only a hopper when he had been on small adult mice
But it's better than nothing, I was really getting worried with how skinny he was looking
Also wtf is this behavior
>Also wtf is this behavior
Snakes don't really acknowledge the laws of gravity in a normal way.
Well /herp/ i plan om getting another reptile/amphibian. Budget would be about 2-3k for animal+ enclosure+setup
Any recomendations? also upkeep cost is not a problem unless the creature eats for insane amounts of money (200+/month)
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Gu or if you want to go even larger then Asian Water or Black throat Monitor
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Caught this angry lil snapper in the stream, can we get mspaintanon in here
Cute. I'm gonna go look for more tree frogs, all the ones I've seen so far have been green but I hear plenty more other calls so there must be other species nearby.
I didnt get to meet Emily at the expo today. Line was way too long. Well it wasn't long long, but it took longer because people were giving them stuff and shit. But let's just say that the people who arrived at 10 AM were still waiting at 4pm.
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big fukken frog
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Just some more green tree frogs.
Did some studying and I think they're cane toads. Shit sucks.
Cane toad tadpoles are black
they're probably some species of tree frog going by their eyes
What do you love most about reptiles/amphibians?
Your options are so insanely broad with those criteria, so I’ll say big fukken frog
Frog 2 tegu 1 o shid am i gona have to get bull frog am i not /an/ gona wait and see here
I'll throw my vote in for a fuckoff large planted tank with firebelly toads or something
That they are cute, and look cool.

Subsequently because of such and being lonely living by myself once I get back from my trip to Europe I might get a bluetongue skink.
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Reptiles look like living mosaics and they are very zen. Amphibians are completely bizarre looking yet harmless unless you put them in your mouth like a retard, which I find charming. None of them make loud annoying sounds like parrots or dogs.
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Got a new enclosure for my hognose and it's been a night and change in behavior, he's way more active and exploring instead of permanently burrowed and it's really cool to see.
They look cool and some can do cool stuff. Sucks that the coolest ones are hard to get a hold of
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just shed
looks like a musk turtle, verifying now.
if you didn't release him I would be interested in him, if he is a musk.
if you didn't release him and he is a musk, I would be interested in a barter.
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They were jet black in natural sunlight and their tail fins are indeed clear.
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cute snack
Hey, is it ok if I use super glue to seal a corner on my boa constrictor's enclosure? The silicone came out and I can't find any that doesn't have anti-fungal chemicals in it.
Superglue is completely inert once dried, fishlads use it for aquaria. Just make sure it is fully dried before you put them back.
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Whats this little fella
Snapping turtle
painted turdle
GE silicone1 should be available at any big box hardware store, and it's just silicone and salicylic acid (which is why is smells like the world's worst salad dressing). if you're looking at the label and seeing "mold resistant" or something instead of checking out the material safety data sheet for the product you might be being mislead, because pure silicone is, by itself, already mold resistant.
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Painted looks correct. I'm glad you guys are getting out there and seeing field herps.
Price unrel
Anyone keep reptiles in outdoor enclosures?
What did you change up?
Weird lizard.
My leopard gecko has been pooping only urates with no shit the last 3 or 4 times, about a week now. He still eats though and is mostly normally active, although he's getting close to a shed now, so he is less active today. I've increased his humidity a lot for the past 2 days but still no shit. Can he be constipated if still eating normally and pooping urates regularly? I noticed the urates are more yellow than usual.
When should I start getting worried? He's on paper towel btw
Maybe low heat? I'd think that would lower appetite, though?
yes, it's the best way to keep rock iguanas (and probably a majority of reptiles available in the pet trade)
His heating has not changed and it's only getting warmer outside. Forgot to mention that he's only ate mealworms for over a month now, since he suddenly stopped wanting to eat dubia and I don't have many other options. I dust all the food with calcium+d3+multivitamin
may still have an obstruction, undigested chitin can do that. give him a warm water bath? that can stimulate poops in a LOT of critters, and at the very least give him some extra hydration for the shed if he drinks. Just be prepared to swap out a clean bath once he shits in it, you dont want him stewing in that.
>warm water
Uh, be careful about this. 'warm' in human terms is uncomfortably hot for a reptile. If you want to give the leo a soak you want the water to feel lukewarm tepid at most. If you have an infrared thermometer go no higher than 90 F.
Just the tank size and a couple of decorations for enrichment, went from 15 gal to exo terra medium low. I think where I was keeping him might have an effect too, he used to be on the floor but I keep him on my nightstand now
Well yeah you obviously want to shoot for a few degrees below basking temp. It's also a good idea to keep soaks short because unless youre soaking BIG animals you're not working with a lot of water volume (for something like a leopard gecko we're talking maybe less than an inch of water), which means the water will get cold pretty quickly. Like 10-15 minutes at most. And OF COURSE supervised the whole time
>Painted looks correct. I'm glad you guys are getting out there and seeing field herps.
Little dude was in my yard, strange place to see them it wasn't really close to water at all. Least couple hundred feet.
Anything you can do to help them or best to just leave alone? (Sadly had to get in his face for the pic)
Thinking about the judge Alex episode when someone sued a caterer for a wedding because the chicken was cold
And the caterer smugly said the thermometer said the chicken was 90 degrees
And judge Alex said well if my body is 98 degrees, then chicken that's 90 degrees would be cold, and he ruled against them

But lol is that even how it works? Because 90 degrees of air temp feels warm as fuck despite being lower than body temp
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This Gumbo my first pet hes a southern toad. Very photogenic, he has lots of good pictures.
So stoic.
Qrd of setup? Does he live underground or do you see him often?

It's toad season around me and my toddler loves frogs and I've got a spare couple planted but un-crittered terrariums around, so I'm curious...
>albino clawed frog was perfectly fine two days ago
>yesterday it suddenly wasnt able to move its back legs and kept having spasms
>died this morning
>look it up and turns out that this is a relatively common thing that happens to albino clawed frogs because of how inbred they are
Fuck bros, I still have another albino that's fine right now but I'm only going to buy normal colored ones from now on.
The medium changes a lot too, your body gives up heat much more easily in water than it does through open air, therefore making it FEEL colder, despite the actual temperature. Also worth noting that the greater difference in temperature increases the rate of heat transfer.
Thermodynamics are fun.
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Skin temperature and core body temperature are not the same. Shoot yourself in the arm with the aforementioned infrared thermometer and you'll see its quite cooler than what you get from a thermometer under your tongue. If your skin is 87 degrees and it gets hit with 90 degree air it'll feel a little warm.
Sidenote: a caterer publicly admitting their food was served at 90 degrees is probably not going to be a caterer for very much longer and retarded besides, that is quite literally dead center in the temperature range in which food should never be served.
you have a toddler? what store do they sell those at?
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I'd suggest scooping up some tadpoles, raising them and then releasing the toadlets. Gonna be more exciting for your toddler to experience their metamorphosis.
So much this, I did this with my mom when I was little, probably one of the most important formative memories of my entire simple life.
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Found this lil fella outside my garage. He's harmless right?
>He's harmless right?
Yes. Some kind of garden variety colubrid.
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gopher snake I think
Pituophis are notably grumpy dicks and like to larp as rattlesnakes with rapid tail waggles, but yeah he wont hurt anybody bigger than a mouse.
Getting some tincs this summer and im wondering what plants i should put in whit them? The enclosufe will be made out of glass and about 100×60×60cm
Tincts like low bushy plants they can hide under and climb in, I've got some sort of weird creeping fern that they love. Philodendrons also do excellently in the same vivarium conditions as dart frogs (almost as if theyre from the same biosphere), so thats a nice way to add more color to the setup too.
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Is this stuff fine if I don't want to make my own substrate for a bearded dragon?
(As a side note, the first image on amazon is a 10 pound bag, the second is a 20lb bag, and the description says 20. I hope 20 pounds is enough. I don't really have a frame of reference for substrate)
20 pounds of substrate is probably not going to be enough, provided it's a properly sized enclosure for a beardie and you're putting a useful substrate layer in.
just go to your big box home improvement store of choice, grab a bag each of pic related and then top with and inch or two of that one.
if you want to be a HUGE GUY you can do like this guy did while you're at it.
Also throw in some excavator clay to help burrows keep shape
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he shat a huge log then proceeded to shed immediately. I caught him eating the paper towel after he was done with the skin lol retard
Glad he's well, anon. Hope your little guy continues to enjoy good health.
No. Touch it and you die. Instantly.
I love reptile shedding. It’s so cool
Don't do play sand, it's super fine to the point its dusty and can fuck up your lizard's eyes or lungs. I learned the hard way and had hatchlings randomly die or keeping their eyes shut constantly.
You need coarse river sand like pic related. It's free if you take a bucket or two from a local river or stream
fine sand is good when mixed with soil and doesn't cause dust
coarse sand can cause intestinal blockage if eaten which is a risk
you can also wash washed play sand and get more dust out of it.
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look at him climbin his lil branch. not a big climb by any means
>Keeping snakes in racks for their entire lives is fine
>Snakes are brainless biorobots without emotions
>There is such a thing as a too big enclosure
>Snakes won't make use of any vertical space so feel to make their enclosures as flat as you need them to be
>Snakes don't have the capacity for any sort of conscious thought
>It's fine if your snake is constantly having seizures and finding it difficult to eat. That's perfectly healthy.
And what's funny is that all of these "facts" are spread by people who love snakes. I can't quite wrap my head around why so many average snake keepers seem to want to put down their own animals. Don't they interact with the animals they keep?
>average snake keepers
You mean "breeders with a perverse incentive to neglect their animals because economies of scale (haha because reptile) make it unviable as anything but a hobby, especially if they're doing shit like pyramid skeeming with morphs."
Most people that actually give a fuck about their animals know better.
Is it okay to keep feeder rodents in racks?
I've seen plenty of non-breeders spread those myths, especially the "don't give your snake an enclosure that is too large".
Hello do any of you have any experiance whit boiga dendrophilias? Im considering getting one but im a bit worried about the potency of their venom as people dont seem to be able to agree on how strong the venom is.
Generally that is just someone bamboozled by the “Appeal to Authority” fallacy.
>boiga dendrophilias? I
It's both very weak (don't need to see doc), and on rear-facing fangs, so you're unlikely to ever be envenomed, and even if you are you won't need antivenin.
Thats just what happens when normies get all of their info from youtube channels that look like this.
It was either that or "the guy in petco said" for them, they dont count.
Mangrove snake
>Most dangerous reptiles
>Ball python head
Reptiletube truly is a place.
No. Rats need more space than snakes.
I wish the invert general could live. I wanna talk about tarantulas and answer tarantula questions
Its kinda heartwarming to see brian barcyzyzyyxycuuuxcckkjyyszk's kid carrying on his father's legacy of just being the absolute fucking worst, though.
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Think we should just have a terrarium general for all land critters desu. Aquarium general already exists so don't see why we can have /terrag/.

Not even cancer can stop the eternal animal abuse youtube grift.
Oh God
>mfw faggots like this have millions of dollars at their disposal and all they do is rack breed the same fucking snakes that are already oversaturated in the hobby
>mfw nobody is bothering to import cool shit from overseas or establish breeding operations for rare expensive herps
Fuck I wish I could go back ten years when reptile expos weren't just ball pythons and leopard geckos everywhere
he even does the same "performative sadface" baiting. cats in the cradle, etc.
I could get behind it, though I think there’s very little interest in it here sadly like you said
>leopard gecko
>no longer brings me joy
Any bearded dragon tips
Tips for what exactly? Care? Feeding? Cleanup? Breeding?
The best beardie care and info video I can link you is close to four hours long.
There's plenty of cool stuff still being imported. Pet keepers have created a culture where there's no drive to keep and breed wild caught animals.
I also think the problem is that whenever they do get imported they're really fucking expensive, so nobody wants to risk wasting a load of money and thus a captive population never gets established. Ironically the problem a decade or two ago was that these herps were so cheap to import that nobody bothered breeding them, just look at firebelly toads for example.

But I still don't get why nobody imports the captive bred herps from Europe that we don't have in the states. We wouldn't even need to deal with the problem of parasites and disease like with wild caughts.
Can you post that vid? I want to do even more research before I begin my next viv project.
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I actually did decide against it and just set up an arid terrarium for plants only to get the Mojave childhood nostalgia out of my system. But I am going to try setting up a praying mantis enclosure to see how trips to buy live bugs impact my lifestyle in a shorter time frame than decades of a reptile's life.
Holy shit is that the coolest mantis ever or what
Mantis is definitely a good choice then. Little guys only live for a year usually.
If you want to keep an animal death feigning beetles are a good low maintenance choice for an arid terrarium. I'd recommend something like a scorpion but it'd probably ruin the plants with their burrows
Update on this guy. He's pretty much dead.
I thought he'd start recovering after he ate the worm, but he only got worse, he started eating less and less, and has basically been ignoring even small bite sized prey even as it walks right past his nose, he's been lethargic lately and just closing his eyes.
This morning I found him on the ground of his enclosure and basically didn't react as I scooped him up to try to give him a short soak in some water. I put him back in the same spot and am basically just waiting for him to die at this point.
Christ, this feels like shit. I honestly don't know what went wrong, was he sick? Were my mistings not enough to keep him hydrated? Were my feeders not nutritious enough? Did he not feel safe enough in the enclosure to explore around and hunt?
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Sorry for your loss. Wild caught (as most anoles are) is always a bit of a crapshoot.
I don't want to completely assume this was the case, I recently went back to the same pet store where I got him, and one of his tank mates was still in there, and he looked healthy enough, maybe still a slight bit on the skinny side, but they were juveniles, so I think they just sort of look like that. But I suppose it's still possible that he was always doomed.
Either way, after he dies, I'm going to just let the viv cycle for a while, not sure if I'll get another animal to put in there. I want to really reflect on the enclosure and make sure I didn't fuck something up when making it initially.

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