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ITT: Products that trigger /an/
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He cute.
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Cats, got it.
Why does /an/ hate this?
What’s wrong with these
I used bucket traps with antifreeze this year
Got several but snap trap still works best.
They're the napalm of traps. Cruel, non-discriminatory. Have to finish the job or else they end up dying of thirst, which is even more cruel. Caught a couple chipmunks yesterday and had to put them down. Very sad
Sounds pretty useful actually. Get a bunch of verm on the pad, leave out in a field where you have problems with large pests like foxes and have it act as bait while you wait with a rifle zeroed in. 2 birds 1 stone. It is only as cruel as rat poison or other traps that kills pests.
I hated glue traps until my terrier who i guess was keeping the mice away became senile and i had to deal with a pretty bad infestation and put them out in desperation
It was ugly and pretty cruel but not as bad as i thought
The mice would get pretty loud and inpossible to ignore in the traps so i could kill them pretty swiftly and it only took about a week to get the infestation under control where i wasnt catching any more
never took my cat to the vet once and it is 10 years old
pet for poors
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This. True men buy a TOADLINE at 2-4 years average lifespan.
Because it's a very slow and painful death, but the sad truth is that it's by far the cheapest, simplest, and most effective way of dealing with a rat problem
>*turn up the volume of my record player playing "The Ride of the Valkyries" while I unfold my dental kit in front of the rat that has stolen from my larder for 3 months*
So ITT things that harm animals?
Flea collars leach insecticide into your cat's skin
Fancy Feast is overpriced goyslop
This guy is a fucking baby. Dog food has no taste, it's almost entirely smell because dogs "taste" with their noses. How do I know this? Because I've tried everything I put inside my own dog, that's how. Dog food and treats smell like bacon but taste like flavorless clay.
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>Because I've tried everything I put inside my own dog, that's how
Do dogfags really?
I've also tried all my cats' foods over the years too. You're not a real pet owner unless you've tasted the fuel you're putting in your own pet.
Picture related to the point.

Especially true for “dog lovers”.
I own parrots, I don't need to check.
what ?
based on the filename it seems to be a phone posting redditor. expecting sense is too much.
Took a few tries to get this to load. Weird
Nigga posted a 1440x900 png of just transparency layer lol
>expecting redditors to understand
This was your only sin.
so basically mice but bigger
ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm there’s nothing there champ
Maybe feed your dog food instead of goyslop
I've tried everything from Hill's Science Diet to Beneful to Dog Chow. Dog food has no taste. Maybe don't offer your retarded opinions on things you don't know about, mmkay sweetie?
Why the fuck are you eating dog food? Get your life together mate
I think the "cruel" is how slowly the animal is dispatched.
I want them dead I don't really want them to suffer.
That's why you need to kill them as soon as you find them in the glue traps. It's the only way to have any semblance of humanity, but you get your hands and soul dirty
>t. just had to kill 2 more chipmunks with a hammer
Forgot image
Literally me
>100+ rat kills
>4 chipmunks
>1 snake
Why a hammer? That must be gory. I would think drowning or something would be pretty quick for them
Once at work, one of the supervisors brought to me one of the glue traps with a lizard caught in it. They knew I liked animals and often came up with creative solutions to various problems, so they figured I might be able to do something about it.

Using metal rods to lever it up, and applying Freon TF solvent, I was able to free it from the trap and all residue, without injury.

I then took it outside and released it into the bushes, appearing no worse for the experience.

It took about 45 minutes to do.
It is very gory, but it's instant. Drowning is painful and shitty
based degenerate
At that point it's easier and less soul-crushing to just use the snap traps.
That's not even true though. A five gallon bucket, a dowel, and some peanut butter will kill twenty mickeys a night. And none of them will escape by ripping off their skin/feet. Drowning sucks too but it has to be better than being glued for days before you die of dehydration or get thrown alive into a trash bin.
Seriously /an/ has some unhealthy projections when it comes to rats.
>why a hammer
Why does the idea of dying alone in a glue trap make my peepee hard? Like there's just no rational explanation for this one
They work too good.
get your head examined
kek i can see it now
Doing good work anon
That anon is right and yet the liberal faggot pet store employees ask me to leave when I rip open the bag of crickets for my leopard gecko and start shoving them into my mouth to ensure they meet my high standards.
petrification fetish. trust me, it's incurable. Just be glad god didn't give you something even worse like necro or snuff or whatever.
Foxes aren't vermin
kill yourself thread derailer
Nope, sorry.
Why do I feel that this originally was furry fetish art
They are where I am from.
ok cletoid
Because deviantart fetish art is so bad that it looks like old school clip art which was the equivalent of AI generated commerical advertisement assets of the boomer generation.
I am a Bong actually.
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you post this here like it's funny
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I make my cat eat this if they don't use their scratching post. Takes them a day and a half to cave in to eat it and then I switch back to normal feed the following day. Works like a charm.
So you don't even have rabies to worry about psycho
Who is even buying this
Rabies is not the only concern, killing foxes are not uncommon. Just because they are an exotic furbaby where you live doesn't mean they are over here.
If you didn't intend to kill chipmunks you could have freed them with vegetable oil.
Build a proper henhouse and keep your stupid cat inside saar
Don't have a cat, do have dogs though and Foxes attack dogs in the area. I will stick to subsonic .22lr mutt boy.
Why are your dogs outside at night when foxes can get at them
Because I don't let them piss and shit indoors and sometimes they need to go during the evening? Besides the Foxes won't get them like my neighbours dogs, I am far more proactive when I spot one around my property.
So you're a shit dog owner too that's not surprising
>you should let your dogs shit and piss indoors anon
I will keep that in mind when I spot the next knocked up vixen or a young mangy tod in the late or early hours of the day. Seethe more.
>>you should let your dogs shit and piss indoors anon
Said nobody, learn to house train lime sucker
What am I to take away from you calling me a bad owner for letting my dogs out retard? Are you just incapable of understanding nuance and implication of written statement just as you can't understand how an animal can be seen in different ways from country to country? Keep yapping mutt.
No fox is going to come after your gay itty bitty bitch dogs if you are out when they are out like you should be
It basically tortures the mouse to death. The mouse is completly restrained in a very uncomfortable way for a long time until it either suffocates on the glue or starves/dies of thirst

Even the most gruesome classic traps are better, because no matter how mangled the corpse is they still died right away.
Drowning is one of the worst ways you can die. With a hammer, its lights out in an instant
Cuck submissive fetish
>allow dogs to use safe designated potty area
>risk losing your dogs to foxes and have to be on the lookout constantly
It's a simple choice, one is objectively better.
>bong random fox
Cor begorrah tha'll show 'im awroight
>new fox comes into newly created territory
>new fox kills tiny shivering lapdog encountered randomly while establishing territory
>bong random fox
Cor beggorah tha'll show 'im awroight
I've thought about this, I wouldn't do it personally, but I agree with you. I'm adamant that people that use shock collars should use them on themselves first to know what they're inflicting when the click the buttons to shock.
Same protocol as taser training, really.
These things absolutely are cruel. I remember one time when I was working at a hardware store, there were no customers around and I was just quietly organizing the shelves when I suddenly heard a squeaking noise. I looked about to see what it was, and saw that my supervisor had evidently put one of these things down, and a mouse had become completely stuck on it. It was clearly extremely frightened. I tried to gently free it, but the glue was so strong that I could tell that, if I had pulled it off, I would have severely injured the mouse (as in, its fingers/libs would have been torn right off). I tried loosening the glue with some warm water, but it didn't work. Ultimately, I had no choice but to give up. I'm sorry, little mouse. I couldn't save you.
>I'm adamant that people that use shock collars should use them on themselves first to know what
Right there with ya buddy. I would never put a shock collar on my dog because I wouldn't want to be shocked myself.
I mean by that logic no one should be putting a leash on their food or holding them like a baby or talking in baby talk to them unless you have a fetish for that shit
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cletus you keep them antifreeze buckets away from our youngins you hear
slimy piece of shit
wow. with suction too???
Yeah. But it won't really come in handy.
Aw Ma, where else is I supposed'ta keep muh antifreeze? Pa don't want it in the cellar, what with the shine stills.
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>Because I've tried everything I put inside my own dog
I don't know what's so weird about this. You've honestly never eaten a milk bone?
I hate to say this but I don't really kill the mice that I catch with glue traps. I've thought about the suffering but can't bring myself to do it. I can't kill mice. I feel extremely awful about it every time I do. It gives me panic attacks thinking about it.

I need to tough up my act so I don't let these poor creatures suffer. In the past I would just put them in a bag tie up as tight as I can, throw it out and it let suffocation do it's thing. I need to find a way to put them down without feeling extremely dreadful. I've been thinking about getting a classic trap to do this, since it's fast and quick. I haven't had to take out mice in a few months now, but if I have to, I'll resort to this method.

I do apologize for not putting them down. I feel even worse for not doing so.
mice are kinda cute for a generic mammal but after making enough nazi/mauschwitz jokes you get used to it

have you considered using a bucket pitfall trap with food and cushions in the bottom and then filling it with a heavy noble gas? that would be relatively humane. classic snap traps break a lot of limbs
>have you considered using a bucket pitfall trap with food and cushions in the bottom and then filling it with a heavy noble gas?

I've heard of the water bucket trap, but not the gas bucket trap. Also sounds a bit expensive. Would it actually work? How could I set this up? How many does it kill swiftly?

>classic snap traps break a lot of limbs

Yeah I've used them before. Very grim but at least I'm not doing the killing. After a certain time mice usually tend to avoid them and they become useless. I haven't catched a mouse with them in a long time. Hence why I use glue traps.
At least drown them in a bucket of water
Drop the glue traps in a bucket of liquid nitrogen
Drop them in water. Their little lungs fill up quick.
why does it look like a bearded jak
>4 fleas
>but they kill other fleas
wtf does this really work??
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Is this a more humane way of teaching mice to respect your food stores?
god i wish that were me
I always defrost 2 mice when I feed my snake, one for him and one for me.
Catfags will laugh at this until a fucking eagle snatches their cat. Cat collars are found in eagle nests all the time
Joke's on you, my cats are too fat for eagles to snatch.
same desu
You know I never really disliked mice until they started trying nest in my fairly nice first gen mr2.
I ended up catching the mother in the act of building a nest with her baby's. I stabbed them out of worry they'd scurry off and fuck up my wiring. In hindsight scooping them up with a big thick glove would of probably been easier and less smelly. Entire car stank of mouse piss afterwards .
Also ended up hearing a straggler in a area the old poker couldn't reach so I sprayed a bunch of carburetor cleaner in there till the speaking stopped.
>days of horror and suffering
>”oh look cheese”
>*lights out*
These should be banned.
how is this even real it has to the fucking meme cat on the bag
would a mouse even learn from this? like are they smart enough to associate this kind of punishment with their actions?
Holy fuck someone patent and sell this I’ll take 20 lmao
I’d say there’s a decent chance, this seems like too complex a mechanism for them to fully understand though
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Probably being restrained would freak it out more than the paddlin'.
You should be checking all your traps every day, no matter what type
I've never seen anyone wearing this in real life but if I did I would punch them in the face.
I have one and my cat enjoys it. Fuck you.
Your cat does not enjoy being in a bubble.
That's why she sleeps in it and runs to it whenever I go to the door without my keys right?
Try it faggot.
>Flip it around and wear it in the front
Awful, terrible, cock sucking video game
Does this work? That’s actually pretty cool. Wouldn’t mind getting one
Idk why you're trying to piss me off, I never even played the game
I’m not? Just staring a fact
You are an attention starved massive faggot
Where did Kojima touch you anon? You must have be hot and effimante to get his fancy if his twitter likes and affiliations are anything to go by.
>must have been hot*
Fucking hot
Kojima likes big hunky silver foxes retard that’s why he throated mads’ big scandi cock
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Works on my machine
There is something really unsettling about this
This is fetish content.
>used these at work until my first catch, drown the little nigga to minimize its suffering
Yeah I know drowning is brutal but still better than slowly suffocating and dying of hunger/thirst after being thrown inyo the trashcan while still alive.
But now that I think about it I should have put the guy in a plastic bag and obliterated his skull with a hammer. Sorry little nigga.
Fuck these traps tho, I'd rather use something that kills them instantly.
I also pray for a swift painless death.
>I've been in the community for a while

Fuck you for making me aware of this cesspit of a community.... Good lord above, what's wrong with those people???
Like 4-5 months give or take. I discovered it back in 2023 and got dragged into it. Can't find the specific post that got me.
image is related to enfie-pals btw
My brother in Christ you were watching little animals get assraped for 4-5 months? Why?
I didn't really get into the assrape. I'd just watch dumb fluffies (feral or domesticated it doesn't matter) doing dumb retarded shit then getting punished with abuse or psychological torture. It's mainly because they're worthless subhuman filth who expect to be coddled 24/7 and piss and shit everywhere while constantly looking for something to fuck so they can have more fluffy foals that bitch and moan about "milkies" constantly. Also cause it's funny.
They're also racist. If they see any brown foal or adult fluffy they will either do everything in their power to treat them like trash or stomp on them instantly. Brown foals in a fluffy litter don't get as much milk or none at all so they often die of malnutrition. It's commonly used as a plot device to keep a story going.

Agreed, like wtf man, this is some twisted sick shit


Words cannot describe how much you and these people need a therapist
why would you post this
what are you supposed to do fleas then, my cat would rather die then take a bath.
Ok you sick fuck, you officially triggered me. You happy?
You really need fucking help, animal abuser fetishist
for the love of god this is 4chan, I post like 2 shitty ass drawings of weird fictional horsepig things in outlandish grotesque situations and you all start getting mad? I'm not even one of the fetishists, I was just there to watch retard pony things get the punishment they deserve
Japs love the guy so I can see it honestly
Apply flea medicine every 6~ months to the back of your cats neck, usually works pretty well
Did you know flea and tick medicine works for humans too? The only downside is that it kills your kidneys
This is /an/, retard, not /b/
that sounds like a pretty substantial downside
I used a club last time a mouse went asswards into a snap trap. It was my fault for just pushing it against the mouse hole without baiting it, but in the moment you just gotta send them along
This being 4chan doesn't give you the excuse to post...whatever the fuck that is.
Dawn dish soap. Monthly applications of Frontline. It's not difficult.
cats and dogs have tastebuds for ATP, we do not. They taste meat in a way that we are incapable of. It's bland to us but wholly flavorful to them. This is why they go apeshit for real meat, even over treats.
>autistic zoomer discovers oldfag shit and overshares the super interesting thing he found on the internet unprompted
fucking lmao, nice one sport
Literally why?
>All these newfags only now learning about fluffies
Because it got caught in the glue trap. I live in a barn
kek based get fucked nasty ass rodents
its an edit
it seems alright, whats the matter
>Because I don't let them piss and shit indoors
you have chickens, you should have a yard. let your dogs piss and shit in the yard, which should be fenced or walled
kill yourself
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What’s the worst that could happen
"but its dog proof!"
they work very well and don't base their design around the feelings of destructive vermin
What is this and how does it work?
It's a trap for e.g. coyotes. When they trigger it it sprays them in the face with poison.
Feed your dog food, not feed your dog dog-food
A trap made to cater to a minority of welfare queens that ended up killing children who were just walking their dogs on government land
MUH LIVELIHOOD -t. a group that holds less than 2% of the US livestock supply and thinks they shouldnt have to actually watch over them or contain them properly, a venture so retarded the government had to subsidize them to keep them from killing themselves (and yet their suicide rate remains higher than cityfags)
How many times did your wrists pop while typing this
Could I… fill it with cum?
fluffyposters get the rope
what does that mean lol
I remembered the indian webm with mice being fed milk which he later lapped up too
I thought it was just a picture.
>tv star chef
>now making fucking dog food
Try it, and make sure to post the trail cam footage
>>4783886 >>4783897
Haha, I wear these.
Oh my god it does.
Furry detected
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>Haha, I wear these.
i wish death upon toad breeds for it's the only humane way of life for them and their owner
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>he dosent use capture traps
>he dosent see the upsides to literally millions of tiny free slaves
lol havent seen fluffy posting in more than 10 years nice
>y-your just an edgelord. you need help!!
they arent cute, they're nasty.
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>they arent cute
They would be cute if they could shut their fucking mouths for five minutes. I would still want one as a pet, just to see what it's like. It is fascinating, conceptually, to have a pet that can actually speak with you and carry out conversation, even if the topic is usually, "wan sketti."
Anyways, damn, fluffy ponies. I was in that scene once. It feels like an eternity ago...
… What?
>I was in that scene once
repent, sinner
Mice would eat you if they were smart enough.
them not being cute has nothing to do with whether you need help
if hes long been out of it he probably has
there's newfags filling this board but there's also oldfags who kind of 'got better'
Give me your discord
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the color is just barely different enough to make me wonder
turns out it's because jpeg is used for the thumbnail and with jpeg being a massive piece of shit it can't actually display 8bit color accurately
maybe the upvote farming redditors were on to something
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>oldfag shit
it wasn't even that long ag-
forbidden words to be uttered…
What exactly is wrong with this? Seems like a better way to transport your cat instead of putting them in a crate, no?
I don't understand why all the "glue traps are cruel but I have to use them" people don't just unglue the animals
I always hated this cope, it's like an overcompensation because you want to feel morally righteous. Human babies also demand things and cry and bitch when they don't get it. But if you liked videos of tantrumming babies being thrown at walls or beat up, it'd be harder to justify. You just have cute-aggression. So do I to an extent, fictional only obviously. You are not into fluffies because muh justice or "fluffies represent humanity's sins" or whatever.
… good point
but then the same could go for any cage unless it’s huge I guess
I like to leave it in until its just a blanket of squirming rodents. Crazy how they start eating each other if you let them starve for long enough.
You aren't suppossed to go on ten hour death marches with the thing
lol fluffies
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Does Burt Ward's crazy ass dog food really makes you dog immortal?
Yes Yes
This looks like it gets really hot especially if your back is towards the sun.
the difference is the baby might grow into an adult with a consciousness and smarter than a fluffy.
Literally just get a cat / have cats around. This has worked flawlessly for thousands of years but evades you, apparently.
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its leg hold trap for raccoons that dogs cant fit there paw in
In memory, yes. Physically? Noticeable decrease.
>coon cuffs
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bite that little fuckers head off like its attack on titan
>>4801073 I love this product.
Does /an/ consider these less humane than the standard victor traps? I dealt with a nest a couple years ago under the house. Put out the standard rat traps and would check daily. Rats still suffering got Ol' yellered with a pellet gun then removed.

I felt a little bad about the suffering. Then I went down one day and found what I think was momma rat or King Rat eating her dead baby caught in the trap. An unpleasant sight. She got bonked, then ol' yellered. Would you rather die slowly of dehydration or have half your body crushed and maybe bleed out over some hours?
Exactly. I was found out about these kinds of pics while looking at guro, and even in a community of people who enjoy looking at horribly mean-spirited and evil pictures the fluffy fans were always the biggest creeps because they somehow felt that their degenerate interests were morally good instead of at best being neutral.

Slowly dying of dehydration is kind of a best case scenario with the glue traps. They can tear themselves apart in their desperation to escape. Fortunately, I've never had to deal with a full-blown infestation, but from what I've heard a bucket trap is more effective anyway.
Guys listen, a goldfish bowl, on wheels, with a control system that measures where the fish is pointing and how strongly he’s swimming, and generates flow in the bowl to keep him stationary relative to the bowl while the bowl moves where he’s pointing.
Is this made by the same guy that was in a mental institution and has paragraphs of schizobabble all over his soap labels?
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Somebody needs to draw one of these mice in this trap.
>he fell for the cat verm meme
Do they sell them in macaque size?
I'm not a dog but I feel like I'm having a shorter lifespan just by looking at this.
I feel nothing but deep disdain for anyone who would buy anything with such an autistic design.
>not liking pure soul
You have shit graphic/aesthetic design taste anon.
Wtf am I looking at and why do you want someone to draw crypto-furfag sadist pornography on a non-/v/ blue board?
I think that middle mouse looks like he could use some discipline in the kinky mouse trap.
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No one is going to draw you furry porn bro
Shoo pitoid lol
What’s wrong with that? Aren’t goldfish fine in them?
Drowning can't be that bad. I honestly don't think any hypoxic deaths are high on the list of the worst ways to go.
Burning alive? Poison? Radiation? Internal wasting diseases? These are by far more painful.
There's an interesting thought though, is dying of starvation of dying of drowning worse? Drowning is quicker but more violent. Starvation gives you more time to acclimate what with making you dizzy and lightheaded. Both are pretty low on the pain scale.
Lighten up fag, this is fucking hilarious.
Ok so they were just drawings? I read the descriptions of the removed posts and thought someone posted actual animal torture.
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Is this real? How is it different than the human one?
It's PeanutButter flavor, that's how it's different.
Eagles don't eat cats
You sure about that?
No self respecting cat would use this thing
Why would it be flavored like that if it's used on the dog??
Starvation at its worst is definitely more painful at least. Drowning is bad for a few more minutes at best and that’s it.
I think it’s fake
Drowning is worse.
We've heard from people who almost starved to death how it is bad, but eventually the hunger pangs die down and they come to terms with it.
Drowning is 100% terror the entire time.
Because you have brain rot.
Looks like some bdsm gear
Any fish tank that isn't exactly perfect makes fish owners seethe beyond control, lol
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>Cat had to be shopped into the backpack image because a real one would flip out
Ooo checked
It was an April fools joke by the company. The Twitter responses were a riot. It was 85% regular people laughing about it, 10% pissy furries who were screaming "noooo that's heckin zoophilia!", and 5% normal people replying to the furries asking what the fuck is wrong with them.
Not really. Goldfish get too big and produce way too much waste to be kept in a tiny bowl with no filter.
nice quads
>They're the napalm of traps. Cruel, non-discriminatory. Have to finish the job or else they end up dying of thirst, which is even more cruel.

Yet you use them?


What the actual fuck. Hate shitbulls and their derivatives, but why would you do this? This is munchkin/modern pug/cavalier-tier.


You just know.


We need more of you.




He's implying he fucks the dog, anon.


Mix up a little mustard gas and make a nice little airtight chamber for them. Put a sign up, maybe something like cheese is freedom?


Eagles are based. Fuck outdoor cats, literally worse than every commie dictator that ever lived, combined.

Based retard.

Can't commit genocide inna bubble, anon.

These niggas need to have their heads mounted on pikes.

The virgin feline fears the chad baldie.

Shut up and take the knot.
ok then
reply to me too pls

Sure sweetie. Sorry for being a massfag, I was tired and cranky.
absolutely satanic, but it works
I'd prefer it if it was a plain dildo.
I forgot what this was used for so it just looks weird
With such an eye catching and soulful bag design, I have been tempted to buy this overpriced food. But then kikemart stopped selling it.
forbidden pogo stick
>dae le cats bad?
>le birby birbos good?
>dae shitbull hate thread?
>yiff yiff xDD
>mass reply and doublespacing is... le good!
Hello, Reddit.
If anything this is the kind of thing they would sell on purpose

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