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Anglehead Lizard Edition

previous: >>4781474

This thread is dedicated to all animals of the reptilia and amphibia classes. Topics include, but are not limited to: geckos, snakes of all kinds, frogs, salamanders, newts, turtles, tortoises, and much more. Before asking a question, do a search on the internet to see if it has been answered
Classifieds for finding breeders and products:
>reptilescanada.com (Canadian breeders)
Most forums will have a "for sale" section on them, so look for that, especially if you have a specific herp you want. Craigslist can also be a good source for cheap aquariums, and make sure to check for any reptile expos that occur in your area.

When asking a question, make sure to include these details:
>Type and size of animal
>Enclosure dimensions
>Humidity and temperature
>Type of substrate
>The decor you use
>How often you feed
>The type of food you use
>If your animal is wild caught or captive bred
>How often you handle
>Who you bought the animal from

Other Helpful Resources
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im gona feed a chiken nugget to my bearded dragon yeeah yeah i know its not natural but its not for me either so it will be fine.
>271 fucking days since the last shed
she seemed completely fine the whole time but she usually averaged two of three months before. A few days away from her 3rd birthday so she's technically full grown at this point, so I assume she'll have less frequent sheds now since she's not growing as much, but still, was a little concerning.
I mean the breading might not be great for their digestive tract, but the filling is just protein paste, one nug won't kill him.
ye going to mcdonald right now im gona post video if he eats it
how do u clean the poop
>Ball Python refuses to take rat
>give rat to Boa
>Ball Python clearly looking for food now
Fuck you too!
xd u need to start feeding less frequent if your ball is not taking rats
Wow… it really has an angle for a head…
How do I know if my isopods and springtail culture is actually working?

I dropped in a few hundred isopods into my anole tank back in January and do not see any of them today. What are the chances they mostly died or were eaten by my anoles?
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Lol Jesus
i too remember when people tried to sell anoles as chameleons.
… when was this exactly?
from ??? until the late 90s or early 00s. I think the internet is kind of what killed the "american chameleon" meme.
how often do you normally see isopods crawling around outside during the day, unless you go and lift up rocks and stuff? get a chunk of cork tube, slice a flatish piece off of it, and lay it on the surface of your substrate, they'll use it as a surface hang out. Just lift to view, you should see adults and young there as well, so you know they're reproducing. if not, something is seriously wrong with your enclosure parameters and your probably have an ammonia spike that's causing a die-off.
you can slso half-bury a piece of lettuce in there and wait until night, they love dead vegetation, but it's good to have an isopod hangout near the surface in general.
lets try that again.
a bunch of adults and young, like this.
>90s reptile keeping
ah yes, the age of adult green iguanas on newspaper in a 40 breeder aquarium and a 50 watt incandescent, where "you cant feed them meat when they're young because they'll get mean as adults."
What a time to be alive.
the number of green iguanas around everywhere in the 90s was sad/hilarious. it actually feels almost rare to see them today. Every petstore back then had a large chinese water dragon that grew too fast/got too big for them to pawn it off on some rubes as a tiny lizard, a bunch of baby sav monitors, multiple iguanas, a tank full of sick wild caught anoles, fire bellied toads/newts and at least one species not yet described by science.
the hobby is more gay and boring now with everyone smashing and slamming samey geckos/snakes and gaslighting normalfags into getting cope reptiles instead of living their dream and having their own pet dinosaur (that they end up killing or surrendering to the local reptile guy)

just to add to this, it took me about a year before my isopods really hit critical mass to the point where i'm almost guaranteed to see one.They also found a hole in my substrate barrier and now most of them live in my drainage layer unless it gets too wet
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Don't forget the countless baby turtles who had to wade through their own shit until they died of infections, mbd, shell rot or persevered long enough for the owner to get tired of them and dump them into the next lake.
>fire bellied toads
I'm still pissed they're so expensive and hard to find. The breeder I was going to order a few from literally doubled their price from $25 each to $50 each. Fucking bullshit.
I swear one of these days I'm going to shill out enough money to start my own breeding colony and destroy the whole market by flooding it with cheap baby toads.
how could i forget the red eared slider clown car tank? a fundamental 90s petstore feature. Almost as important as the parrot that has had seven different owners over the past 11 years and keeps coming back to the store, and they keep taking him back and selling him to some new idiot who will teach it a few new vocabulary words.

that parrot eventually went into the back room because some kid taught it the n word.
the parrot was naked from the neck down because of plucking, too.
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Handled him last night with no bites or musk. He mostly just treadmilled downward but it was comfy. He's my most beautiful colubrid so I hope to build on this.
>the grill treefrog is back
I'm considering trying to build a 'frog house' to persuade him to stop trying to live in my grill, where he poops on the buttons and sometimes wedges himself down in between the pellet hopper and grill so I have to gently poke him with a stick to get him to hop off and go away.
I think the main things he likes is that the grill is dark (he only goes there when it's under the cover) slightly elevated and a little warmer than the surrounding temps. Wonder if I could do something with like a painted 10 gallon tank, on its side, elevated on a post that he can easily climb. I could put a little water bowl, some moss and hidey stuff that might make it more appealing?

I'd just translocate him but i've put him everywhere in my yard and he always comes back, and it's the same frog. I could move him elsewhere but he'd probably get eaten or squished since my yard is kind of an oasis in terms of treefrog habitat in the area, the next closest area is a park about 1/5th of a mile away but there are tons of herons there.
Other frogs have come and gone but this one has been doing it for like 2-3 years now. So we have a relationship.
That's a lovely setup you got there with the Pothos and Ferns. Mind telling me more about it?
>that parrot eventually went into the back room because some kid taught it the n word.
Based parrot intelligence
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Alright reptileniggers, I need your help with some advice.
Picrel is a two-lined salamander from a local creek and has been living in my 10 gal for almost a year now.
The little guy has been completely aquatic practically his whole life. Doesn't seem to have any issues chilling in his little corner 99% of the time.
Thing is, he shares the tank with a growing population of cherry shrimp.

They get along fine, but lately shrimplets have been disappearing and I just had another adult, a blue RCS purchased not too long ago, die from a failed molt.
Figured it has something to do with the sparse calcium available in the water now that there're more shrimp constantly growing and using up what little calcium there is to molt.
If I introduce crushed powdery cuttlebone into the tank as a calcium supplement, how would that adversely affect my salamander?
google says d3 calcium is bad for them
eating calcium supplements(hes submerged in it) can cause blindness
you should probably talk to someone who knows more about amphibian biology
size prediction for ball python?
currently at 783g 93cm and 9 months age
Oh lawd he comin
yeah that's a big 9 month old
Its in a 4x2x2 rn, but im guessing its gona need something more like 5x2x3 later
What times relative to the lights turning on should I feed my bearded dragon?
I hear that like, an hour after the lamps turn on is best, but does that also mean I should like, really avoid feeding him too late? like especially within 30 minutes before it turns off for the night?
What is the biggest salamander i can realistically keep as a pet?
greater siren
im pretty sure reptiles need heat in order to digest food, so unless you want food to rot in their gut, you probably shouldnt feed them before lights out
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>how often do you normally see isopods crawling around outside during the day
Never. Here's a pic of the tank.

As you can see there's a lot of droppings.
I meant "outside" like "outside on the pavement." But if you could lift up one of those chunks of sidewalk I'd guarantee you'd see them there.
It's entirely possible you don't have any more isopods if they all dried out or whatever, or they could be nestled down in the depths happily chomping on the coco husk and not bothering to venture outside. Also keep in mind the "clean up crew" isn't going to keep the place spotless, in my experience their ability to actually clean is somewhat overrated unless you have a TON of critters in there, and even they they'd probably not get to the higher parts of the wood.
Take out your anoles, take out the wood and give it a good scrub, and then go digging for isopods and see what you can find, and go from there.
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>n is somewhat overrated unless you have a TON of critters in there, and even they they'd probably not get to the higher parts of the wood.

Hmm.. I tried a springtail culture before but I just opened the container and put it under some susbtrate. Don't think anything happened with that.

In other news, my mealworms have evolved to their sexually mature beetle stage. Is a container like this, filled wtih coco coir and some oatmeal (i throw in some mandarin slices as well) suitable for them to start breeding?
yeah springtails need a pretty consistent moisture source and that coco fiber looks pretty dry. still, might be some in there that are lurking in the depths.
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>Kingsnake been behaving the past year or so
>Lately catch him pressing against my hands like he's thinking about biting
>Finally latched on today and left some marks
Was hoping he'd finally mellowed out. Time to start using hand sanitizer again?
Why hand sanitizer?
Going to pick up my first reptile today - a Stimson hatchling.
What do you autistes recommend regarding setup/care etc for a first timer?
>Cohabs Indo BTS and Box Turtle in a fucking 36x18x18 Exoterra
>No one complains
Why are herp people such boot lickers. When Mr. Famous man does it he's based and cool but when anyone else even mentions the possibility they get crucified.
this is information you should already have and have acted on long before you get the animal.
Thanks, I have already done this, but then I like to get the full on sperg advice on top.
Oh this is just coco coir that is very moist (oatmeal in there gets moldy in a day or two). But I put springtails here >>4810002

where I used coco fiber mostly mixed with some potting soil.
Taste some and find out
it has alcohol in it, apparently that works when reptiles bite
Consequently, over 70% of captive Tokays suffer from alcoholism.
Mold shouldnt be an issue with springtails in the mix, they eat mold like it was cotton candy, thats pretty much why people use them. Guessing they crashed out in that case.
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Not this one
looks like a drunkard to me
did they die?
>doesn't give a shit about the snake, just wants to fight the other tokay
if snakes werent brainless meat tubes he could have just backed off, let the geckos fight then eaten the loser.
I never noticed that before, but you're totally right, it's focused on the other tokay's head the entire time, until the snake's (retarded, and ineffective, as it's a constrictor) bites pissed the tokay off enough to fight it instead.
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can someone ID this? I'm in south-central texas why is this fella in my yard in the middle of a residential area? I've never seen one nearby
is keeping a leopard gecko as a man big gei?
you can just remove the "as a man" part
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Where can I get one of these
the honor-laws of tokays do not afford any privileges for defeating some gay tiny snake in battle. Only honorable 1v1 tokay vs tokay duels award ELO.
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you know it's just one of those things, I'm looking at my snake and seeing his lower 1/3 is really thick and it's like a doomsday clock for the horrific dump I know I'm going to need to clean up
oh god, just as I posted that I hear rustling in the tank followed by a fwwerp

lord have mercy
Ask the Abos
wonder if its mouth was hurt
kek good luck champ
They're really not that fucking stupid.
Looking at the slightly paler colors and smaller size I'd say the animal caught by the snake is a female. They do form pairs during breeding season and even temporary family groups with their offspring, and 100% will team up like this against snakes.
Not as gay as crested geckos, but it's a fine line. I'd play it safe and keep a Eublepharis that isn't E. macularius
Is a 2'x2'×4' good for a giant day gecko, or should I consider planning for a smaller species?
The males are also MORE territorial against strange females than they are against strange males, because a strange male is a territory threat, but a strange female will attempt to kill his offspring and push out his chosen female in order to acquire reproductive access to him. The males are the principle guardians of the young, so they are very aware of this. Some youtuber, don't remember which one, lost a female, and tried to introduce a new female to his hand tame male, and that male killed the new female, because unbeknownst to the keeper, the female that died had laid eggs before crashing, and the male was guarding them.
So what I'm hearing is that it could have been protecting the other tokay, or it could have been trying to fight it, but either way the blood god was sated.
IME mine is hungriest in the morning around that time, but she'll go back to the bowl later if there are worms left.

I don't think food rotting due to low temp is an issue. Beardies get too hot daily and poop too frequently.

Different species but my leos are room temp at night after they eat, no poop issues. Same for most keepers I'm sure.
yep, that's more than adequate. You could house any gecko in something that size.
I got some baby Dubia for my gecko and I kinda like them.
Can I keep a super small colony of them in like a tarantula crib medium or something of a similar size. Along with isopods and spring tails so I don't have to clean them up.
Are dwarf and Sdwarf retics as smart as the big ones?
Completely wrong, tokays hate each other but mated pairs are very affectionate and raise their babies together, they have evolved specifically to gang up on snakes, their main predators, to defend their young.
I've never tried putting substrate in a dubia colony, but I do know that they burrow, so you may have trouble picking them out for feeding.
do you have proof that these tokays are mates? she have a wedding band on her toe or something?
That’s pretty cool. Are there any other social reptiles that behave like that?
A cross board link to a post that has nothing but a link? Why not just copy the link you fucking retard?
shush you dont have to be so mean to start with, and if I didn’t do it that way, you wouldn’t come to see that general ok?
>you wouldn’t come to see that general ok?
I clicked a link, clicked a link, hit back twice because I wasn't interested in listening to monkey noises. I didn't experience your /mu/ general at all. Your post in that thread has no engagement with the thread, it doesn't reply to anyone and no one's replied to it. It is an island with no connection to anything.
bitter, monkehater
What the hell is up with people giving their crested geckos exercise wheels, like they're a hamster or something?
Who the fuck does that? I haven't even seen anyone do it in the reptile subreddits, which are filled to the brim with retards
GL anon.
I had a little eastern newt to entertain me in a little 10gal like that for 2 years. He would crawl up the rock to greet me and eat from my hand. One day he just expired out of nowhere
That's actually exactly where I saw it; reddit. Multiple occurrences, as well. There were claims that the geckos "loved" their wheels. Some covered theirs in coco fiber.
I mean if they use them why are you mad about it
Imagine for a moment you're some stupid lizard who can't rub two braincells together to get more complex thoughts than "that's a bug, I need to eat it."
And then you have people who think it's a good idea to give these, relatively, incredibly unintelligent creatures a spinning platform upon which they will be 'stuck' as they can't grasp the concept of a wheel and how to properly navigate it. As they are stuck, and thus spending more time on the platforms, these people then look at that and think "wow, he sure is spending a lot of time on his wheel, he must love it."
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Yes and also same temperament
You can tell by the very many half-assed fixes and the general collapsing state of the fence that this has been an issue for a while. Also that the owner of that sulcata is a fucking moron.
>let me put a few bricks in front of the broken fence slits so they dont get pushed forward, that'll stop my TINY SENTIENT BULLDOZER.
They say they can get off it easily, return to it regularly, and sleep near it
What more do you need, a brain scan?
Cool, found my snake then.
Nothing that single mindedly obstinate cant be.
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>redpilled on the thot question
is a worm sentient then?
Who keeps a tortoise in their yard though
I guess people who keep tortoises but I would be kind of paranoid
what are they gonna do, run away?
There are no non-human tortoise predators in the suburbs - or most rural areas, for that matter.
For the big boys you pretty much have to keep them outside unless you want to convert a room in your house to something similar to a horse stable, or otherwise have a entire seperate barn on your property. According to a local vet apparently sulcatas are pretty popular in this region too despite there only really being like three months out of the year where the weather is appropriate for them to be outside too, so I dont know how the fuck these animals are being taken care of properly.
Depends on the size of the tortoise. A sulcata is fine but something like a redfoot or russian tortoise can get lethally injured by a raccoon taking a chunk out of a leg and making them bleed out.
would be kinda hot if it wasn’t for the vore
Slutty rats
Don't sulcatas live as long as we do? What if you die of old age before the pet your parents got you when you were 5. That would suck.
Sulcata tortoises live to be 170+ years old. They are essentially an 8 generation commitment.
Worms don’t seek out barriers to test their might against
Lot of anthropomorphizing in this one sentence
Imagine that. Some rich guy just passing down a fucking tortoise as a family heirloom. Jesus Christ.
>thinking children that grew up knowing the tortoise wouldn't treasure the tortoise
I didn’t say that. Just in awe at the would be absurdity of it. Not even parrots live that long and they’re also a lifelong commitment
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My beetles seem to be really getting it on.
whats absurd about having a generational pet
>My beetles seem to be really getting it on.
Wait until Yoko comes and fucks everything up.
>taking that seriously
Anon you may be retarded
They don’t typically last long enough for your great great great great great grandkids
>whats absurd about having a generational pet
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i was riding my bike on a path that flooded and i found a turtle so i had to get off my bike and walk in the stream because i didnt want to hurt it
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what was i supposed to do in this situation
Looks like kind of a thin trail and based on where he is youd probably end up in one of those trees on either side, so yeah dismounting was probably the best option. He seems to be moving down the trail himself, so even if you picked him up and scooted him off to the side he would have just gotten back into the middle at some point anyway.
Why does it always turn out that the most plain looking animals are the most suited for husbandry, while the more unusual or "cool" looking ones to our human brains are so prone to dying instantaneously from their environment being slightly wrong?
It’s a question we may never know the answer to
Because the fancy ones are generally inbred to hell and back, either because the strong sexual selection pressures that created the display coloration have bottlenecked their population or because they're a morph that's been pyramid skeemed to oblivion.

Of course, plain old milk snakes are very vibrantly colored and they're tough as old shoe leather. Exceptions exist (and aposematic coloration or Batesian mimicry explain many of them).
Can't stand the Reach Out Reptile guy. You can ask him a simple question like "What Enclosure size would you suggest for a super dwarf Retic?" And he'll turn it into an hour long video where he doesn't even answer the question.
I don't even mean morphs, look at something like dragon snakes, completely unique, snakes with spikes on their backs, almost completely nonviable in captivity. Vipers and such being fragile and needing very specific temps and humidity even if they weren't venomous, chameleons, known for dropping dead because you didn't have the humidity and ventilation exactly right, it goes on
So, I have a frog pond, but the local frogs are so damn polite. I'm in northern europe, where do I have to go to scoop up some tadpoles if I want more noisy and lively frogs around here?
...a pond??
I hate that pyramiding is bad for turtles because it looks so cool
… as in, stacking them in pyramids?
Well, as in there is one behind my house. I want it to be louder lol
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It's a health issue where their shell segments can jut outwards in a sort of pyramid shape. Anons right, it looks cool, but it's bad for their health and comfort, and usually indicates something is wrong with how they're being cared for.
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Are crocidiliads a type of lizard?
I would be more worried about how the nuggets are soaked in oil
Is there anything else I can feed my beardie for protien other than live bugs? Its hard to keep up with his appetite. Also how often are you supposed to feed? Recently I've only been feeding mine six dozen crickets from the store by releasing them into his enclosure every week. I will also feed him a dubia or two every few days but it is unsustainable because my colony is reproducing too slowly.
Some other problems I have is that he wont touch veggies unless I manage to shove them into his mouth while he chews on bugs or apples, and he also won't touch anything dusted with calcium so I gave up on giving him that. I'm pretty sure it is important for him to get suplements but I don't know how to get him to eat them.
He looks healthy and at a good wheight. He really likes going outside, and when he's out he grazes on grass and weeds a little.
Nope. But we love them all the same.
Pay attention to the veggies he eats when outside, my beardie absolutely prioritized some greens over others. I'd bet yours has a taste for dandelion greens.
Either way when you figure it out, first check to make sure it's healthy for him, then harvest some from a place you know is pesticide free, and try to feed him those in his enclosure. Once he's used to that you can start mixing in other greens in a sort of salad.
Not sure how to help you with the supplement powder though.
Oh right and the protien thing, bugs really are your best bet for staple protiens, I've heard of some people feeding pinkie mice to their beardies as treats, but I've never done it.
Why is informagion on curly-tailed lizards non-sxistent
thanks for the advice
That does look cool. Shame that it’s bad.
Actually they’re birds
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Stock up on those basking lamps boys
Thanks, Uncle Joe!
Imagine having to use lamps and bulbs for uvb and heat.
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The tortoise i have had since i was a dumb kid who knew nothing about reptile care developed some of it (not as bad as in that pic, more like pic related).
At what level does it start to affect them? because he seems just as healthy as the other tortoises i got later on that don't have pyramiding
I know this is not the place to ask but there's no snail thread:
I have a pet garden snail and I want to release him because I think he is not doing well. My other snails died and I want him to have a good life. He is wild caught as an adult. Will he be able to survive if I set him free in a forest? What precautions should I take?
reintroducing wildlife is a DELICATE game and almost always a terrible idea for people who dont know precisely what they're doing. animals kept indoors for a period of time (even wild caught ones) can end up introducing novel pathogens to an environment and devastating existing wild populations.
this is also not considering that "have a good life" in the context of being a wild animal in this case means "be eaten by something in the near future." outside sucks. If the snail could understand the choice, I'm sure it would pick a life of comfort eating veggies and dying quietly instead of being ripped out of its shell and torn to pieces by a bird.
I see, I will reconsider it. Thank you for your reply.
just crush it if you're somehow making a snail suffer. It's a snail.
it aint that easy
I mean, it's a garden snail. The other anon is right but it is also just a garden snail that you took as an adult and presumably kept in a jar. You can just put it back in your garden if you're so worried and it'll re-enter the food chain as allah intended.
On the other hand you could create an entire terrarium. Gastropods are more sensitive than people think. Something as simple as having moisturiser on your hands when you handle them can harm them. Make a bioactive terrarium, complete with plants and springtails and put an apple core in there or some shit. It'll do much better.
I tried making a terrarium and all but somehow it was never right for them, I also almost never touch them with my hands
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How do I tell if my bitch is just fat or gravid?
have you considered touching their stomach
I'm considering getting a Bullsnake as my first reptile. I've taken care of a Ball Python for a couple of years for a friend in the past.

Will this be a good choice? I've fed/handled snakes in the past and I want something slightly larger than a Ball.

I've read that Pituophis catenifer (Bull, Gopher, Pine snakes) shits smell way worse than other snakes and have to be scooped daily. Is this true?
She hates it and retracts at my touch, can't really get a good fondle in.
>can end up introducing novel pathogens to an environment and devastating existing wild populations
What novel mollusk pathogens could possibly exist in that anon's house?
Just release it into your garden. Snails are so dumb and simple that it'll actually be perfectly fine with surviving.
I mean they're a large colubrid, so they eat more often than a python, which means more shits. Either way you should be spot cleaning poop as soon as you know it's there, which means minimal poop smells.
They make it out that she singular shits smell worse than other snakes.
>What novel mollusk pathogens could possibly exist in that anon's house?
well, he is on 4chan
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OH my fucking kek you're the funniest person on 4ch.
That’s a cute plump tail but otherwise I have no clue
i have a cute plump tail
no you don't
>heyy just thought I'd drop in real quick. Don't make any snap judgments now.
>Make product so ahitty you get shut down by the government
Nah. Make a product that has certain arbitrary specifications that are later outlawed as a means of subsidizing politically connected "green" companies. Hard to blame the producer for that.
Time to embrace outdoor enclosures
Wish I had the time/space/resources to make something like that
>just live in the tropics or Australia bro
So is all of the traditional information on leopard geckos just wrong??
Everyone thinks they live in arid deserts, and they're adaptable enough to do well enough in them, but when people do studies on them, they're found in savannahs and green humid forests
I think it's mainly the misconception that the area they're from it's just a rocky wasteland, where in reality it's actually quite varied - they're in baking hot deserts, scrublands, savannahs, and even temperate forests.
I've read reptiles don't like vibrations but also generally are bad at hearing, is it going to be unpleasant for lizards or snakes if I'm literally screaming in the same room as them?
Most animals probably wouldn't like that, no.
It'd be best to house your herps in their own room that can be isolated from the rest of the house if the need arises.
How much space would you allocate to a Horsfield's tortoise enclosure?
For a turtle table? 6x6 at the very smallest, 10x10 or larger will give you more chance of growing some level of greenery, as torts are living bulldozers who need a lot of space to not turn it all into bare dirt.

I wouldn't try it indoors desu
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2.6 meter^3
erm my cat sleeps through it just fine and wants pets just like normal if she wakes up during
That is why God created the star tortoise.
Whoops forgot pic
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You could do a mesh cage that you can carry and move around
There's plenty of temperate species that can be outside all year round, just look at what is native to your area
Now that’s cool! All natural i presume tok
I live in northeast USA, single digit of herp species around me (ignoring aquatic turtles anyways).

An outdoor enclosure for a garter snake or such would just be a container garden. Or you put in a floor they can't burrow through, and you now have a maintenance nightmare.
Why the fuck are clay bio balls so expensive?
Because they can be
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because i said so. I control the market. I told all of the guys selling them to make them expensive to gatekeep.
they're only really used because they're lighter than rocks. Kill two birds with one stone and just use chunk charcoal as a drainage layer.
The more generic the name the cheaper it is. Baked clay soil is cheap. LECA is more expensive. Bioballs are even more expensive. And they're all basically the same thing.
Would baked clay work the same as a drainage layer?
Yeah, it's the same stuff just not ball shaped. You can also use pea gravel or marbles or really anything that will leave gaps for water to drain to, but you lose volume vs baked clay or similar.
i love you guys
You know that meme that goes
>Wow your mom let you buy 2 of (Blank)
I unironically relate to that and it sucks. Please god let housing prices drop soon.
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Excuse the quality, little friend moved fast!
What have I found there?
Found out myself, harmless grass snake
Should I mist my herps with distilled water? Getting mildly annoyed by needing to clean scape off my vivarium glass.
You know what I mean. It also collects on plant leaves
My fogger and mister get RO water. Rain water is basically distilled (it does collect a small amount of mineral from dust in the air, but not a lot), so it seems fine to me.
distilled works, but even purified water will do. Get one of those big five gallon fuckers from your local supermarket and you'll be set for a while.
got a neighbour you want eaten?
Are there any easy to handle small reptile pets that only eat a vegetarian diet?
Aren't uros roughly the same size as beardies?
You did say small and not tiny
some species get substantially larger.
but yeah you're best bet is the smalelr new caledonians.
so true
i didn’t know those ate things
I've never owned a bull snake before, but daily shits sounds like fake news to me.

I say you should go for it, anon. Pituophi seem like pretty cool snakes and they get bigger than the more commonly kept colubrids. The only negative I've heard about them is their being more hissy and defensive. But, if you're not afraid of snakes, then that shouldn't be a problem.
That probably won't happen, we're all going to be forced to become rentoids.
Not me. I WILL own property and not be forced into the pods
colubrids eat more often than pythons and boas, and babies eat more often than adults, but even then a poop a day is a probably overstating it, yeah. not only that but baby poops are going to be comparatively tiny.
I, for one, welcome the living in the pod lifestyle
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unironically use acrylic enclosures. some 20% vinegar solution (nontoxic so you dont even need to remove your animal though most animals fucking hate how it smells, so i try to apply very sparingly) and a melamine sponge will take care of basically any hard water spots. i used to be a glass only guy from my aquarium days and experience with scratched acrylic but did a conversion using an acrylic pane and it's so much easier to keep clean. For whatever reason this works much better on acrylic than glass, glass i usually need to scrape, rinse, scrape, then sponge it then rinse again to get perfect clarity that i get with just sponging acrylic.
Is philodendron sap dangerous to ball pythons?
Not toxic, may be a little annoying if they get some stuck to them just because it'll attract dirt, but otherwise all indication is that it's fine.
ah then its fine , i try to handle my snake a few times a week (hehe masturbation joke) so if any gets stuck ill just take it of can also just wipes of the sap from the plant every now and then
I'm actually about to cry. I want them so fucking bad.
that's a snake not a rat
What could possibly justify that price tag
Uuhh squished and slammed
They're rare in the US and it's for two of them.
They're not morphs just a locality you tard.
because retards will buy them
Thing bad >:(
Japanese thing good :)
So true me rove nippon
Calm down Lil bro

I'm gonna try silk worms since they look similar but idk niggas, I just don't want her get fat af
Cats, like lizards, are sometimes picky eaters and are somewhat autistic. The recommended method for swapping a cats food is to add a little bit of the new food into the old, gradually upping the new food to old food ratio until its just new food.
Try the same with wax worms. Crush a few wax worms into goo, coat new bug in waxworm goo, repeat. Each time you do it use less waxworm goo.
I'll look into trying that, we just got some silk worms which should visually look similar I think but not make her a fat ass. I'm pretty new to gecko owning, I got her a 40 gallon with good natural substrate and I got isos amd shit living in there to keep it clean, she is friendly to me and will walk on my arms and shit even though only had her a few weeks now. I think the reptile place got her addicted to the worms idk. I'm going get her a vet check in case she got anything wrong with her. She is a super hypo tangerine really pretty little bitch but she's a massive cunt about food
starve her. simple as.
would wood chip/leaf compost be okay in homemade substrate?
She's not fat, she looks healthy weight rn. She's still adjusting from living in a shoebox bin at reptile breeder to a actual terrarium. We only gave her a wax after her not eating 8 days in row and she ate 3 immediately after refusing crickets and meal worms for over week and only having ate like 3 meal worms the first week total.

She's small and I love her but she's a bitch. I might do the goo thing other guy suggested. I haven't tried dubi roach either cause roach fucking gross af amd I haven't super worm cause I heard they can bite your dogs insides.

It's easy for us to worry about her since this first reptile I have ever had, I've had horses and cats and dogs before but nothing like exotic as this with all the heating and shit
I do live in a place along Canadian border region so our winters do get harsh, I was wondering what people do for heating during winter beyond just a uth and lamps

I saw there's like ceramic heat emitter similar to human space heaters but smaller scale.

Last thing I was wondering if anyone ever fuck with getting a battery bank for power outages in winter time just as a precaution, I haven't seen a outage here before but they do happen in my state quite commonly, just not in my current town due to its location
If she's healthy weight dont even worry, if a juvenile even if a little chubby its fine too, just reduce feedings and yeah, silk or hornworms are good alternatives. I do think you should try to get her to occasionally take harder bodied insects though like crickets/mealworms/dubias. The chitin works sort of like fiber for humans and helps keep the intestines clean.

The superworms eating the inside your lizard shit is most likely a complete myth or a complete misinterpretation of what happened in circumstances where due to insufficient basking temps a lizard was unable to properly digest its food. They aren't something I ever feed but neither they nor mealies will eat your lizards guts.
I thought those are like wax worms in fat?

My gecko is kinda small sized, her age is unknown, I estimate 2 to 4 years, maybe vet will know but thanks. She is a good weight rn I think
oh yeah the other thing is you cant slam like a shitload of mealworms into them because they're chitinous and that chitin works like indigestible fiber. Most of the issues i see with people using them as feeders are like I POUNDED 50 MEALWORMS INTO MY BEARDED DRAGON IN ONE SITTING AND IT DIED? no shit retard. Try eating 50 pounds of cabbage in one sitting, if you dont die you'll wish you did.
iirc hornworms are actually even lower fat than dubias. Not all worms are essentially fatty, many have more water. And low fat% alone isn't something that is desirable in a vacuum, dubias have more fat than crickets but are almost universally accepted to be better feeders. Some fat is good, protein is harder to digest and turn into energy for them.

IMO best thing to do is a mix of dubias and silkworms, hornworms and occasional waxworms. But I keep new caledonians so I pretty much just do dubias since its more for stimulation than nutrition.
Depends. In a lot of cases most substrate blends for bioactive enclosures basically ARE wood chip and leaf compost, but Id be really reluctant to put the product of my compost pile into my enclosures because I just dont know what kind of micro (and macro) organisms I'd be introducing.
to be fair, do you think 99.999% of companies selling this shit are meticulously cleaning and treating their products? It's less of a problem in aquatics but i've literally had more issues with storebought stuff in my aquariums than i have with random shit i find in the woods or trim off of my trees.
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Could I house a tegu in one of these?
>big heavy climbing lizard with sharp claws
Why do mid sized tanks just not exist?
The only used tanks in this material world are 10/20 gallons for babbys first aquarium or massive 70 gallon+ monsters that you'd need a moving buddy to transport.
I just want to keep a small lizard in something that's decently big for it for less than $500+, why is this an unreasonable request?
zoomed and exoterra produce 36x18x18 terrariums
It’s for two and they’re a fairly rare subspecies in captivity. For a pair of big colubrids that look like a king cobra it’s worth it, certainly much more so than a several thousand dollar slammed bp
looks like a fridge
Yo guys, we successfully fed her silk worms after she refused them by putting a wax amd silk both on tongs, so she ate 1 wax and 2 silks, the second silk was fed on iwn so maybe we got her to try different bug at least amd she didn't get multiple waxes

She also laid down on my hand, her belly is soft wtf
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i found a wild snake’s old shed. neat
>rare animal pops up
>some fag buys it
>never bother breeding it
>prices stay fuck high expensive forever
This is why the herp hobby sucks ass, it's all about money now.
Nice, congratulations. As mentioned before herps are autists so they can handle changes to stuff, but its got to be gradual.
Yeah I'm getting good at getting her to walk on my arms
You can use it to summon the oldest hero now
Can’t you get in trouble in certain places for home breeding? Could have something to do with it
In the US, everything is fair game so long as it isn't a regionally native species, is venomous, or big enough to kill you. In those cases you may need a permit.
Source: I think I'm right
very region dependent, but basically yeah. some places are more lax (like PA where the only restriction on reptiles is "if you want a diamondback rattlesnake you have to catch it yourself from outside, no buying or breeding"), some places are more strict (florida). Your best bet is too research your area independently. DON'T call anyone because govenrment workers are almost all entirely boomers and will just straight up make up answers to questions they dont know (which will be a lot of the time).
this is the last time I saw this guy, still waiting for him to emerge
what's the deal, whys it taking so long?
What it doing
> DON'T call anyone because govenrment workers are almost all entirely boomers and will just straight up make up answers to questions they dont know (which will be a lot of the time).
Lmao. Wonder how many people have gotten screwed over that way
It's explicitly enshrined in case law that authority figures can lie without consequence (except for to you) in that sort of situation.

So they don't even have to be dumb and wrong, they can be malicious too.
Really depends on the state. PA or FL is pure thunderdome, MA or CA is "you vill get zee leo or beardie, und you vill be happy"
Sometimes snakes get moody amd reclusive when they start to shed, and that can be whole weeks before they even start to have visual signs theyre shedding. Seems to be different every shed, too, Ive had a snake actively eating and fucking around while completely blind, and Ive had one disappear for so long I had to disassemble the enclosure to make sure she didnt die somewhere. It was the same snake both times.
Jfc I hate people. He's clearly distorted to hell and back.
that rackfaggot has a tank with tentacled snakes. it's just not fair

Is it okay to keep feeder fish in racks?
Do your feeder fish stay in one spot and want to be in a cramped dark space to feel comfortable?
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Is it normal for my cobra to look up but not hood? I think it might be disabled or something becous it always stands up like this but it seems like it dosent know how to hood up properly. Should i take it to the vet?
It's sizing you up
That's a mamba retard
Let it bite you, it triggers the mechanism necessary for them to hood, might need multiple tries though
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If he works the way my girls do and was already in blue at some point I would expect a shed in the next 24 hours.
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Look at this lazy fucker.
> PA or FL is pure thunderdome
Haven’t a bunch of species been banned in Florida because they’re invasives or potentially invasive there, though?
Regardless, I live in PA, so I can confirm that part. One of the better things about this state.
Im sick of these fucking fungas gnats so I ordered some isopods and spring tails.
For some reason my parents think they're going to infest our house no matter how I explain they wont.
>My superworms have stopped digging around and are just climbing up the log I gave them to hide under
what's their fucking problem
When I lived with my parents they would blame their fruit fly infestations on me, despite the fact that my flies are flightless.
It's frustrating
Whats the frass situation look like? They may be tired of rooting through their own shit, or they may be looking for somewhere to pupate.
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>how it feels to chew 5 gum
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So does the shell of the egg slowly dissolve, like slowly?
Or does it eventually *CRUNCH* in a dramatic fashion?

I don't have any cool animals like you guys.
They have protrusions in their spine that help crack the egg, then they wring out the contents and barf out the shell
Is that 4 hour video interview with the bearded dragon vet, the best possible source of information for closest to objectively correct info, that I could possibly find? Everything I look at online always has conflicted info, but afaik that video is considered like.. the holy Grail of beardie info?
Wouldn't it be easier to just break the egg before eating it?
I would assume there’s a chance of the insides spilling everywhere if they break it wrong. Better to be safe and get everything guaranteed
Pretty much. Dude has spent years observing them in the wild, as well as treating them in his veterinary practice
tuatara? or something that looks similar. how's care for them anyway?
They sexually mature at ~20 y/o and are illegal to own anywhere in the world. Nobody is going to be able to answer that, besides whatever zoos in NZ have them.
what makes them so special…
Theyre the only living members of their entire order, and split from squamates (the rest of all reptiles) 250 million years ago.
If it makes you feel better, it seems like they're hella easy to care for. Basically a box turtle, but one that isn't a living bulldozer.

I don't think you've spent much time as a heavy equipment operator, otherwise your analogy might have indicated a machine more like a scraper when it comes to comparing an animal to working apparatus, madam.
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I love hots so much but not only are 99% of them illegal in my state but I also wouldn't trust myself with them if they were legal.
Are Vietnamese Mossy Frogs cool to own?
I doubt you'll get any first-hand impressions here simply because they're an obscure critter, but I imagine they're pretty much like any other frogs, so if you like frogs you'd like them.
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hungre snek
Got myself a day gecko, I just bought the zoomed meal powder since that's what they were giving him in the store, and I didn't want to change up his entire goddamn world too hard to start. But are there any particular formulas or brands that anyone would recommend?
I know repashy and pangea are the usual go-to's, but didn't know if anyone had any opinions on specific blends.
Chandler's a reckless idiot, but still, fuckin' rip.
I feel like alot of his animals die.
RIP Kevin
I can only really recall his dog getting out and getting hit by a car. Tyler Nolan however runs through animals like a prototypical pettuber animal hoarder. I remember like a year or so back he was getting just fucking shitloads of ducks and then "his dachshund" had apparently killed something like 14 of them.
Wieners are dangerous. Beware.
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Especially when they get a taste of white meat...
>People actually breed keep American Roaches
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Saw this cute little guy while on a trail cleanup day. Sorry if you were living under that tarp little buddy.
This one actually hurts. RIP Kevin.
Nah, I'd say Chandler has a pretty good track record. Only obviously preventable ones I can think of were his dog getting hit by a car and one of his lace monitors killing the other. His first green tree monitor passed away a little while back, I don't remember what happened there. I know a few years back when he was at a different place, he had a South American coral snake that died and it wasn't clear why, but it was also supposedly hard to keep it in captivity anyway. And there was the death of a monitor lizard that he loved a lot back then.
But those are all the deaths that stick out from me over the time I've been watching him. Pretty rare for one of his animals to die, and most of the time it's just an unfortunate event.
Had a dream I got tagged by Crotalus durissus.
Wasn't fun.
I don't think that's how the speech goes, anon...
I know this is a dumb question, but for those with reptile rooms or big collections, do you ever feel like your initial pets become less special? Like say you have one reptile, you go "i wanna watch my reptile" and ypu only have the one so you have to appreciate it, but what if you had some that hid all day and some that were active? Or you end up handling the handleable ones more? Do you start getting favourites and view some of them more as obligations or leftovers that are still alive from your early days? I see people on youtube with these rooms full of creatures and they'll call some of them boring compared to others and im torn between wanting a big collection of animals but also losing the love and passion for each individual one, like even if a snake or frog is 'boring' you're going to love and care for it because its what you have, does it end up feeling more like an obligation than anything else to feed and take care of the 'boring' members of your collection after you develop favourites?
These idiots think you're an animal hoarder if you have more then like 3 herps.
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same snek in direct sunlight
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now for indirect
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direct again. I'll stop image dumping now
No, they think you’re an animal hoarder when you buy 5 new animals over the span of a few weeks and keep them in small enclosures with random office supplies as enclosure furnishings
I kind of work in cycles, where I focus on one of my herps at a time and get really autistic about making sure it's set up exactly correctly, and when I make sure everything is all good, I focus on another one.
It's not like I outright neglect all of the others when I'm focusing, I just pay less attention to their exact environmental conditions, terrarium layout, plant health compared to my focus.
Maybe that's normal, maybe I have a mental condition, who knows. Point is, it's not impossible that you may do something similar, and it's honestly not too much of an issue so long as you make sure everyone's healthy and happy at all times.
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Would this be enough space to keep a small tortoise happy and enriched? orange crush for scale
I really really want an eastern box turtle but I think they might get too big for this
>and keep them in small enclosures with random office supplies as enclosure furnishings
To be fair his shitty barebones care (and even flat out refusal to listen to literally anyone's advice about anything) isnt what makes him a hoarder, thats what makes him a fucking moron.
It really is the fact that he was just chasing the dopamine hit from acquiring a new animal, and the fact that he seemed to only really be interested in filling up as much space with as many animals as he could (and using pettuber math to justify it).
Its entirely possible to acquire animals at a relatively fast pace and NOT just be chasing the new animal dopamine hit, as well as doing so while providing them the best care they can get, but the hoarder anon was buying tanks and animals like it was gum at a supermarket checkout line. No plan, no thought behind it, just "oh this fish tank is cheap let me see what I can cram in there," over and over and over again. THATS animal hoarding.
>No plan, no thought behind it, just "oh this fish tank is cheap let me see what I can cram in there," over and over and over again. THATS animal hoarding.
Yea "hey guise what fits in an X gallon tank??" is a big giveaway
I mean I thank that's not a bad question exactly. If you go out and buy that animal the next day then yeah do your research of course.
Buying animals back to back isn't wrong in itself either.
The issue was he was clearly not an experienced keeper who could care for that many herps and kept buying big animals that would need a lot of room and cramming them in small enclosures until "he got something bigger,"
>oh this fish tank is cheap let me see what I can cram in there
cheap tanks are very rare and go fast, buying first then asking what it can house is absolutely the strategy.
don't turtles want a shit load of flat space to move around in?
I mean, the box may be fine for geckos or something smaller..
I'm pretty sure he means if he lays it flat on the side...
Yeah lol
Very true

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