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ITT please post WebMs of animals fighting

It can be play fighting or serious fighting
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I'll post this too, which is maybe not a fight, but it is a struggle
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Lol nice
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So these are the famed snow chimps
ummmmmmm this is le heckin animal aboos
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why that wasp raping a roach?
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Why'd he do it?
dogs get real brave when there is a fence behind them
I wonder if wolves do something similar
Honestly I could imagine wolves building spears and shit because they are always getting clapped by bears
How do they move like that?
>dogs posture aggressively
>do wolves?
Of course they do. Half their behavior is for show.
Two for one deal!
So he can eat it probably
>because they are always getting clapped by bears
Reminds me of that one webm
years of training and skill
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im surprised that there isnt any webms of japanese bug fighting
>Smells it
KEK based
it's only smellz
A cool
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dog bros we just cant win
we even get our asses kicked by a lizardlet
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keratinmaxxed horncels be seething at ivorypilled tuskchads
fucking based pidgey wing attack
Lizards truly are bros.
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The elephant could have been a real motherfucker and attacked the baby but didn't. What a king.
Man I love animals fighting each other. I would love to have lived in the Roman Empire to see shit like this on the Colisseum.
chickencucks summarily btfo
not a fight
dog cucks exposed once again
I was scared for a second there he was trying to evolve.
It only wanted them gone so not much reason for that
These things can’t even fight right
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The logical conclusion is that they're mad at the fence, not the other dog.
Nah it's just like how people act hard when they're cutting you off on the freeway, but follow them home and they're shaking in their boots

everyone is a tough guy when they think they're untouchable
Your ilk is the reason why Barbary Lions went extinct
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A battle for the ages
>but follow them home and they're shaking in their boots
anon have you done this before
>blackpilled incel chases normies with a stick in the local park
face eating contest, i wasn't sure who was eating who at first, it's a doggy dog world out there
that’s not how the expression goes…
Why is the bee's head hollow? wtf?
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For all intensive purposes, pre-Madonnas like you are a diamond dozen.
Kinda funny how they have those fucking huge fangs and yet they'd rather just slap eachother instead of risking serious injury
Oh, good catch. Intensive porpoises, I meant. Lousy autocorrect.
God these little niggas are so stupid
Dogfags... I have no words...
That was immensely satisfying to watch. Obnoxious yapping menace put in its place. Hopefully it learns from that broken leg not to fuck with random animals
‘yenabros… it wasn’t supposed to go down like this
didn't pay attention when it was slowly eaten?
why donkeys and hienas living in the corn? is this some weird dutch south african farm?
>Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!
>gmod collision noises
doggy dog world is by far the superior variant, though.
>pussy_gets_wet_from_tentacles.webm.mp4.(no virus).exe
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Female gorilla with a good single leg
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Egg laying maybe so the larva eats the dead roach as they hatch? Otherwise probably just to stun It with venom and eat/stash It straight up.
did he put a thumb in his ass as punishment?
kek, some of those claw blows look like anime
>keeps control of leg after takedown
>passes guard
>almost gets other gorilla in guillotine before bigger gorilla intervenes
That's a large human female in a gorilla suit. She unfortunately lost her balance after passing guard and had to improvise a guillotine instead of getting side control.
why specify dutch those are like the only ones there are lmao
>dog is once again buck broken by a fucking bear cub of all things
dogbros… i can’t take much more of this…
I like how they get tired midway through.
the virgin Wolf vs the Chad Painted Dog
>Gets pwned by literally any other predator bigger than 40 pounds even donkeys kick their asses
The Chad Wild Dog
>Regularly chases Leopards and Cheetah's
>The bane of a Hyena's existence second only to Lions
Take the painted pill
t-they're fast
It seems more like the white-necked one is trying to force a de-escalation, but the other one just keeps trying to start fighting again, even though it got its ass handed to it. juvenile animals are so dumb lol.
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There aren't many creatures that can withstand a Silverback. That dude is ripped. I bet he plays football.

Roll tide.
You do understand that those rabbits are performing a mating ritual, right?
I can assure you that actual fights between rabbits look a 100x more retarded.
Niggerman no!
You were supposed to stop the eldritch horrors, not join them!
Holy fuck, isn’t that a snapping turtle?? Getting its ass handed to it by a light speed betta?? That’s incredible
Fucking based donkey
chickens will always be more loved by everyone than pidgeons
yes, but it could not triumph in this battle…
It's not really fair when they taste 1000x better
niggers don't farm
What the fuck is wrong with me?
Why is my dick rising for humiliated dogeza gorlla pussy?
that… was my point
This really shows how big a game changer being able to stand on your hind legs is
Join the ACK
>Gandalf vs orcs
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wait, can bear ears heal? the brown one looks like bit it off. fucking metal.
I misread. Guess I'll be killing myself now.
Cute dykslesic anon
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I would have brought a shovel and joined lizard bro
This is why we keep telling you floppy mutt cucks dont count as dogs. They have no killer instinct.

A malinois or game APBT would have wrecked that lizard round one.
>no true canis lupus familiaris
>tfw no leopard seal gf to force feed me penguins
The king of seals right here.
… Not a fight?
Weird how there’s no blood or anything. Full video?
remember that cartoon penguin movie where leapord seals are the bad guys?
Happy Feet. A classic. Haven’t seen it in forever
Golden post, anon.
I meant this scamper the penguin 1990
>aw theyre playing
Impressive to get this close to lions
Bastard seal
It's not going to regrow from a stump. If it's gone, it's gone.

Why didn't the camera man help him? What an ass.
Oh. Never heard of it
Most insects don't have the whole brain in the head, They can still function for a while with most of it missing
The cameraman is being gifted the penguin by the seal
Being heavily injured means having a serious disadvantage surviving in the forest. Animals realize this and fight with non-bloody ways if they purely want to show dominance.
>African females fighting each other
Some horned and antlered hoofed animals sure dont care about that
Human beings naturally go for non lethal too.
Just the way things are today means that you either settle things by giving up, by fucking with someone in non violent ways, or actually killing them.
Holy shit, we need more lioness vs hyena gang wars
>The cameraman is being gifted the penguin by the seal
Ahhh, I remember this, it’s part of their mating ritual right? Kinda funny that animals just nonchalantly announce they desire us as partners like this
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That or she thought he was a pup. We've seen cooperative hunting but don't know why they do it.
Based tigergod
Can a tiger's teeth even pierce a croco's scales? Aren't they super thick?
did you not see the huge chunk of the crocs head missing?
Oranges don't like lizards?
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Yes, as the video shows, though apparently this one lost some teeth doing it
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Are they friendly to people? Could I pet one without worrying too much?
Sure, there's only one recorded fatality where one dragged a woman underwater and drowned her
Damn that's pretty hardcore. The other one just bounced back too, didn't even fall over.
Did it die? Holy shit it almost looks like the gator is smiling
What was his problem
>h-he’s fast…!!
I'm not a woman so I like my odds
Ballsacks <3
why hate on the small bodied dog but not on the large ones who do exactly the same thing?

reptiles are a threat to mammals
Why throw a live prey animal in an enclosure? What's the point? The danger that poses is surely far more important than the relatively small amount of enrichment provided by 'hunting' it.
>bird is clearly a jumbo coturnix quail, not found in the wild
>to get a camera that close, the croc would have to be in captivity
You know why (he has a small peepee)
Were they just tryna kill her and eat her or just kill her?
Bro you want a closer look?
>… Not a fight?
I posted it in the wrong thread
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dogs breeds have become so different from each other theres no standard dog behavior
larger rabbits can disembowel each other, smaller ones just exchange slaps
All of them would have deserved it, but it’s clear that one was pushing its luck the most despite it being the least capable.
Project harder
Why do these sea rats love to piss off the monke
This one makes me laugh for some reason
I can't help it. My Spanish blood is tainted with the greatness of Ancient Rome.
What am I looking at? Why is there a street oranguran? Where on this planet are orangutan and otters messing arounf together?
what is wrong with this cat?
Because it's fun and natural.
Holy fuck that tiger has BALLS OF STEEL.
Holy based lionesses showing filthy hyenas who is boss.
Imagine how fucking bruised must they get afterwards. They will spend weeks feeling the pain of that fight.
You mean blessed
He's been well trained.
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My cats engaging in mortal combat
those dogs were poorly trained, they ended up believing the fence is the thing to protect, not the property. no fence = no invader = no barking
I do keep myself safe, yes.
>completely open litterbox
imagine the fucking smell
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>litterbox on carpet
>by bed
Please do not do this

You sleep in shit
You can't even tell which lizard is which after that scramble.
Yes but pigeons aren't slaves.
It can but they end up getting their teeth fucked. This tiger died without two canine teeth from what I remember.
The female cat wants it to happen. She's even positioning herself
the behavior in >>4816945 is clearly saying "fuck off and leave me alone" but sure go ahead bud
he looks like he's 'avin a giggle
He's probably a rentcuck sharing an apartment
Trust me, the stank from closed litterboxes isn't any better. I've had to take care of my sister's house last summer.
Everyone with cats sleeps and eats in shit. Your cats don't wash their paws when they're done shitting
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… neither does any other pet
pet owners sleep and eat in shit I guess
equids, not even once
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nope you degen
leopard seals see humans as big leopard seal babies that cant do anything on their own
Just like metal cage drivers as soon as they sit behind the wheel.
>doesn't even bite down hard, just slowly closes its mouth
the absolute nerve and smugness of this croc
Was that a one hit kill?
No other pet uses its feet to stir around shit-piss-dirt

it's like, if you had a dog that rolled in poop, you wouldn't even let them in your house
It's a good thing most dogs don't actually do that or can be kept from doing it

But litterboxes? Inexcusable. We have had indoor cats for over 100 years. It's time to start training them to use a squat toilet.
no, it's not a snapper.
No. They just recognize we're not their prey and we're not a threat so they don't actively try to murder us. Honestly kinda weird how many aquatic apex predators aren't aggressive toward humans.
I shouldn't admit I know that reference, but I'm happy I do.
It could be both. Leopard seals display the same behavior in courtship rituals.
>No other pet uses its feet to stir around shit-piss-dirt
they can still track around their droppings/have it stick to them
since when are seals apex predators?
Since the term was coined.
Unlike horses, donkeys don't have a flight instinct. The most intelligent of the equids, they take a moment to consider a situation then plan a course of action. And that course of action is usually "Imma kill a motherfucker."
Occasionally, they'll flee instead, but usually, they choose to fuck things up. This is why they're used as guard animals in areas with large numbers of predators. They're more effective in this regard than literally all other guard animals combined. The only downside is that donkeys can seem temperamental to us. Unlike horses, they don't give much warning before they attack and are also much less tolerant of even mild nuisances so if you keep goats, for example, which area known for rambunctious play, the donkey will invariably kill a goat every now and again for getting too rough trying to play with the donkey. They're generally fine with all other livestock.
I fucking love donkeys.
Probably. A hawk doesn't weigh much, getting slapped by a falcon probably shattered the bones at the impact site.
>if you had a dog that rolled in poop, you wouldn't even let them in your house
You overestimate dogfags
Ah, turns out leopard seals are. Only cus Orcas can’t get to them I guess
This post has been stuck in my head ever since I read it and everytime I think about it I chuckle
He was defanged, that's why he has an unusual face/expression
Your cats are fucking gay
>No other pet uses its feet to stir around shit-piss-dirt
Literally every other pet you can possibly have does this
Yet you weirdos aren't constantly screaming about them. Fucking weird people.
>It's a good thing most dogs don't actually do that or can be kept from doing it
Delusional. Every dog does something disgusting. If it doesn't roll in shit it will eat it. If it doesn't eat it, it'll go and roll in dead birds. If it doesn't roll in dead birds it'll roll in mud. If it doesn't roll in mud it'll sit in its own shit in the yard. If it doesn't do that it will step in its own shit and track it around the house.
This whole
Is all disingenuous, insincere nothing arguments. EVERY animal is dirty. They're animals. If you want animals you have to be ready to clean up after them every day, and have a strong stomach. If you hate the idea that an animal can be dirty so much that you'd rather cope and lie about how one animal is '''less dirty''' than another, then maybe you shouldn't own any animals.
>assfag vs boobsfag debating which one is superior
Pangur and grim?
you’re right of course but none of that really matters to these people (or rather, this guy)
>snakes use their feet to stir shit
Damned snakes. Growing limbs to stir shit then shedding them, undetectably. Oughta be a law!
>Every dog does something disgusting. If it doesn't roll in shit it will eat it. If it doesn't eat it, it'll go and roll in dead birds. If it doesn't roll in dead birds it'll roll in mud. If it doesn't roll in mud it'll sit in its own shit in the yard. If it doesn't do that it will step in its own shit and track it around the house.
Most dogs, yes. I don't know what it is, if my family and I have always just picked better dogs it are better at housebreaking them or what but I had three different dogs growing up and one with my own family and out of the four, not one did any of that.
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You're right snakes do it with their whole body, arguably more disgusting.
>not one did any of that
They did it while you weren't looking, then.
>for the entirety of its 20 year long lifespan ??? (our dogs lived longer because we just picked better dogs chud)
Guess you must've been neglectful.
They lived an average of 12 years each and no, they never did any of that.
>because my dogs weren't shit eaters
My son doesn't eat shit either. Guess I'm a neglectful parent.
Most dogs don't do any of that period. In the real world it's considered a sign of trauma, neglect, malnutrition, or a mental disorder.

It's an overblown internet meme that redditourists spam here
it kinda just sounds like larp man
lmao the hyenas just dog piling all over the lioness is hilarious
Zero teamwork beyond "lets kill dis bitch!"
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What other reason could he have for doing this other than to be a dick? They’re more like us than we think
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Crows are second only to humans in intelligence.
That's a magpie fucking with that dog.
nope it's a hooded crow
Right you are. I suppose it really is too big to be a magpie.
Yeah, definitely for a euro magpie. i could see the resemblance to an aussie magpie though.
>aussie magpie
I didn't even know they had their own variety of magpie. I would guess it's venomous, has a pouch and drinks too much like everything else down there
A guy followed me home once and then I beat him there and aimed my wasr ak47 at him out my house window and he sped away. This was in arizona.
I'm from arizona and own 7 guns. None of them are expensive. Back when I got the wasr ak it was like $450. It's a cheap romanian one with an underfolding stock that hits you in the jaw when you aim it. You have to hover your face above it rather than resting your cheek like a real stock.
>A guy followed me home once and then I beat him there
What was the alternative? Was beating him there ever in doubt?
No I was in a car and he was in a truck.
God I wish I had more wasps around my place.
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If I may direct your attention to graph related ..?
>What was his problem
All the pussy on THIS side of the road? MINE.
THAT side of the road, with no pussy? YOURS.
and if your uncle had tits he'd be your aunt
One kept trying to feed a poor boy
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I'd take one indoors till they calmed down
It's because they have such "human" mannerisms (it's more accurate to say humans have ape mannerisms), it's jarring to see an animal do wrestling moves.
That’s a lot of broken furniture
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You just have to speak the language and they calm right down
Anon, those are otters
I honestly can't tell if this is better or worse than being eaten ass-first

I wonder if the silverback could take a young grizzly in a wrestling match
I've fought both and the bear would definitely win. That fast twitch muscle bundle makes it not even close.
Reptilians are no match for BTC
>Star Platinum is the same type of stand as The World
Orangutans are generally pretty chill so people just leave them alone
Probably just kill, granted, they'd probably also eat some of her just because she's there, but hyenas and lions fucking hate each other and will actively murder one another in territorial disputes
As strong as they are gorillas weigh less and bears are natural judo masters
that was cool!
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If you speed it up it'll look like they're really rocking out
Damn, don't fuck with giraffes
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>2000 psi kick
>1000kg horse
>vitals are high up
>special ligaments for more stamina
Their only weaknesses are that their young are really vulnerable and people will hunt them for their psychedelic brain juice
>go to horny jail
Well. That and the fact their legs may as well be giant easy to attack twigs
… Why the fuck is an ostrich being kept with multiple giraffes? What zoo is this? I swear this is something you’ll only see in the third world
I didn't realize camels were apex predators
>people will hunt them for their psychedelic brain juice
Hold up. What?
It's not the brain. The Humr tribe of Sudan made a drink called umm nyolokh out of their liver and bone marrow which they believed had intoxicating properties, making men see "ghost giraffes". The acacia trees making up a large part of the local giraffe's diet contain DMT so people speculate that there's trace amounts left in parts of their bodies. The Humr live in cities now, their savanna is turning to desert and the giraffe subspecies have been hunted to near extinction so it's hard to know how much is true.
Jesus. Wonder how long that was a thing. Least it’s gone now
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Stuggle cuddle
>Monitor Vs Merrimack.
I've wondered if that cunt died or not.
A horse's kick can kill a man and geese have hollow bones. I've seen a few birds with broken or damaged necks (there was an animal torturer in my area) and that goose very likely has a wrecked spine.
It literally flops down motionless and its neck is bent in a way it’s not supposed to be. It’s probably dead.
I mean, I figured, but I can't be 100% sure. I hope it's not. Geese are bros to me. They hate everyone else but for some reason, they don't find my presence threatening or cause for alarm. There completely relaxed around me and I don't know why.
don't know if I'd want to stand that close to a pair of giant, angry, carnivorous reptiles, but good for these people I guess
>it was inevitable...
What the hell animal is that? A crab fighting a seaweed?
>there was an animal torturer in my area
Hope you were the one that got him.
Rhinos are stupid elephants are good
Amazing footage
Good thread. Let’s have another one
>get off my dam lawn!
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I may have a few...
>The Curious Case of Benjamin Button 2: The Battle

Zookeepers probably got sick of the ostrich being a dick to them so they put it in with the giraffes to either kill it or teach it some manners.
Seems like something that’s illegal and/or termination worthy but what do I know
Ostrichs get milked and eaten every day by 4 ton giraffes
>we do a little trollin
number one cause of death for lions is giraffes kicking them, giraffes can kick in all 4 directions on top of being able to stomp on you like moose, except theyre TWICE the size of a moose
>fish tank
>completely inoffensive in every way
>can't give you a disease
>zero smell
Sucks to suck, I guess.
Fishchads assemble.
>but follow them home
How to get shot 101
Let’s not beet a dead horse here. We’re all just passing thyme.
How do you know where he grew up? Maybe he’s from an affluent area but fell on hard times.
>follows you
>somehow beats you to your destination
See, there’s the joke friend.
>Chickens kick the shit out of and murder animals constantly
>Can't win against some fat retard because he has slightly bigger wings.
Same with cats. They're terrified of pidgeons.
>number one cause of death for lions is giraffes
Really? You would think it would be hippos or something. I didn’t even know lions saw them as prey
>completely inoffensive in every way
>zero smell
Well, unless you don’t clean it… otherwise true!
has that ever happened
begone ESL!
Clean tomoe nage
You once were a pedgeon
And now you will be gone.
Lions only hunt hippos if they're out of the water, which unironically they just jump on it's back and whats it going to do, it's not an elephant that's really hard to get onto an unreachable spot, it's only option is to get back in the water. Which means lions aren't going unless it's in a really bad spot. Giraffes are probably the most dangerous animal lions will hunt regularly when going after calfs
taking a wrong exit on the way to Wrigley Field
Is that a fucking venom symbiote?
They fuckin

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