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Perfectly planted edition.

Discuss anything aquarium related here, including tanks, bowls, inhabitants, bettas, logs, decor, plants, and issues. Before asking questions in this thread, make sure you give us at least some details when asking a question, such as:

>Tank size (include dimensions, not just volume)
>Unusual Parameters (nitrate, pH, GH, KH)
>Any inhabitants + how long you've had them
>Age of the tank
>Pictures are always helpful

Tank Cycling:

Stocking and Water Change Calculator:

Articles and Care Guides:

Aquatic Plant Database:

Previous thread: >>4809027 # # # # # # #
/aqg/ seems to be dead nowadays. where else can i find a community for fish talk? no one irl is interested in hearing about my experiments and fish ramblings & aquarium forums are filled with boomers.
Is that the ideal tank?
What do you want to talk about? It's small fish you keep in a container in your living room.
To many, I'm sure.
IMO sure there's plants in it and they all look healthy but there are no features. No texture.
This type of tank would look kino with an angel or two in it
I agree fren.
Needs more hardscape for my tastes. But it's a beautiful tank.
How is rain equivalent to a water change? If anything, rain is more like doing top-offs. Which everyone does, it's not like the folks who don't do water changes just let it evaporate until it's all dry.
It's sort of a waterchange if the rain causes it to overflow.
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>what is the water cycle
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Lake, ponds, puddles, rivers, etc. are fed by rainwater runoff. Obviously this relates to a constant waterchange in moving water bodies, since they are the courriers of the rain. These moving bodies bring in new water to stagnant ones, and displace the old water through naty-ture with flooding and evaporation. How is this not a water change when it's constantly changing water?
>tldr; streams are hoses and ponds are buckets
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how do you top off without a bucket or hose my man? you carry the water in you bum beside all that knowledge you keep pulling out?
Flooding in ponds and lakes rarely happens.
Evaporation + rain == literally a top-off
Who said I don't use a bucket? I take a big bucket of water from the ocean every few months or so, and whenever the water level goes down in my nano reef tank, I use a bottle to add water from the bucket. It's still a top-off though!
I'm not like the neckbeards who change X% of water every week, for no reason other than "muh basedboy discipline"
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Lakes usually have inflows and outflows, retard. And yes, ponds do in fact overflow during heavy rain.
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lmao, what are you saying? Flooding is by no means rare. Also, is it a top off if water is constantly flowing out of the lake through the ground (not evaporation)?


my bad, assumed these were you because both retard

>people are STILL replying to year-old shitposts
/aq/ is so easy to bait holy shit
about how much I love fish they're so cute and I love them
You're going to have to bite the bullet and talk to boomers. Aquarium Co-Op's forum is the only active one I know about.
Stem plants are gay.
What's wrong with these threads? I'm a begginer of sorts, but in the last thread I had a very pleasant conversation which inspired me to try a new project.
What happened to that cunt?
Neckbeard basedboys who do water changes for no reason trying to drag the balanced aquarium chads down. They just can't accept that other methods yield better results and nicer looking tanks.
Crabs in a bucket mentality.
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Holy eyesore, Batman!
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just topping off my aquarium
can't see shit in the piss tank
> Have snail problem
> Go to the LFS to get an assassin snail
> sign on the door says he's closed for the day

I have gone there eight times, and four of those times he has been closed on days that his shop is listed as open. The thing is, I can't even really be mad at the guy because I know what its like to run a one man operation, especially when you either can't afford to hire help or can't find anyone worth a shit. If something comes up that you have to handle than fuck, the store has to close for the day. I'm complaining here so I can complain to someone I guess.

Anyway I'm the dumb bastard who had to euthanize his neon tetras the other day. The tank survivors are a bristlenose pleco, a single guppy, a single amano shrimp, and the aforementioned fuckload of snails. I don't know what to do about the guppy though. I feel shitty leaving her in there alone since guppies are pretty social, but if she's infected than I can't give her to anyone else who has guppies, and I can't add any other fish to this tank that could catch NTD if she dies and they eat the corpse. Shitty situation.
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why is it always... that the ones who are first to criticize... are the same ones... who do not own... an a-qua-ri-um...
have you ever asked yourselves... what can envy do to a man... without even entering this hobby?...
they will go to youtube... and find various videos... they apply these... filters!... and then make all sorts of claims...
claims like... the wuhturr is yellow... or that the plants are dying... or that there are too many plants... or too few fish... or the sandbed is too thick...
you should never listen... to the nay-sayers... if they do not own an a-qua-ri-um... they do not have a place... in this world...
and if you are one of those... who do not own an a-qua-ri-um... do not succumb to temp-ta-tion... but go out into the nay-ture... and take a bucket with you... and find a pond... or a stream... or a creek... and get some saaaand... at least two inches of saaaand... for your a-qua-ri-um... then get some wuhturr... and maybe some little fish... hur hur hur...
and you will have your own... natural... balanced... a-qua-ri-um... that you can enjoy... without bringing toxicity to your fellow humans... on the internet...
that's all for now... bye, now... love you all...
This but unironically
Are you using antibiotics? If you have been dosing since the mass die-off, your guppy is probably in the clear. I'd treat the water for a bit longer before adding any companions though, just to be safe.
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nice samefagging, too bad 95% of the OC posted here are from anons doing water changes. All the shitflinging comes from (YOU)
My local fish store has some of these, what should i know before getting them?
There's also one that is all purple, i don't know if it is a morph or a different species
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shit never builds because of glorious water changes, but thanks for proving my point by flinging shit and not posting tank
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posted in the last thread but first tank is coming along. threw in some sacrificial ghost shrimp and some more plants behind the log

if anyone has any suggestions/pointers lmk

deciding between pea puffers, cool betta or celestial pearl danio rn
if that's a crypt on the log in the back, you might want to plant it in the substrate. A+ on wood selection
>Learn how to reply, noob
>Wrong assumption, >>4819559 was not me
>Statistics pulled out of his mama's ass
Just two weeks ago I zoa-mogged one water-change soiboy with my nano reef tank (which only gets top-offs with water from the ocean).
Picrel, to mog once again!
Cope and seethe!
Based and aquarium photo pilled
ah yes I originally thought that because it has a rhizome, i could glue it but realized after the fact that it may die

can i just snip it off the log and jam it into the substrate, or is it a goner?

and thank u, i spent 45 minutes comparing wood pieces at the aquarium store
post the whole tank then, scaredy cat posting zoom ins
How based is pothos?
I like fish. That is all.
>Post tank
>N-no, post whole tank
>My tank? Oh, I don't have one
>I just lurk this general when looking for things that make me butthurt
>nano reef tank
that is his whole tank, lmao
are you the guy growing zoas in a jar? because they don't open like that unless they have little to no flow
it's okay, thanks for confirming your scaredy cat status
what is this? a reef for ants?
Can't you faggots go one thread without behaving like screaming chimps?
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Hello Ive been lurking here for a couple of months and got motivated enough to renovate my shitty 10 gallon sand and rock tank into a better planted tank and this is how its coming along so far. Recently had to trim the long plants and I had a snail population boom recently
there's 2 new idiots shitting up almost every thread his week, not sure what happened
What kinda snails? Have you considered shrimp?
>what kind of snails
Ramshorns and MTSs mostly theyre vey small and I see them eating all the brown on the rocks.

>have you considered shrimp?
Not really I feel theyre a bit too high maintenance for me
Malaysian trumpet snails have won in my tank, it's theirs now.
Do yours all march up the glass at night to go sit at the water line? It's the only snail I have noticed does this.
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Haven't kept any but they seem the most inquisitive and lively when my LFS has a couple.
Purple/magenta are much the same but I've heard some can be grumpy fuckers if wild-caught. Grumpy for a pseudochromis maybe, could be a saint compared to hippo's.

Same. Used to have a lot more bladders but MTS can be hard to keep track of populations until you see them at the right time and go 'oh geez'. I've got chonky soil capped with sand so they well and truly disappear during the day.

They come, they go, they samefag, they don't, people fall for it, people ignore it.
Weird question but what phone are you taking pics on? Looks great from my end, might upgrade my phone soon.
High end chinesium Poco X3.
It’s so funny to me that a general about keeping fish has such intense arguments over it.
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Cheers bro, my old oppo just isn't cutting it anymore.
I really like the colour of your gravel anon, it would look great with some shrimp walking around on it. I think yellow or red cherries would compliment it well.
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Of course.
Just remember than manufacturers employ certain 'calculations' when dealing with certain megapickles and zoom or 'slow motion'.
This is a "64MP" RAW image resized 50% in paint.
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But also
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only one getting mogged is (YOU)
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try to do as little damage to the plant if you can. If you snip a root or leaf stem, then it's should be fine, but if you damage the crown badly then it might be over for the plant. If you don't kill it, you can look forward to this
He's a very pretty betta, nice floaters too.
I don't see a problem with that
ooo okay! I did kind of a shit job at gluing it down, so snipping it should be pretty easy.

this might be a dumb question, but when I'm doing plant maintenance like trimming and stuff, do I cut leaves at the base of the plant, or do i snip them towards the top? if that question makes sense.

also, I was thinking about adding co2, but I also saw they make those bioavailable carbon droplets that you just add a capful to the tank. is that a meme or does it work? co2 feels like overkill for my tank but i do want my plants to be nice and lush.
I kinda want to redo my tank entirely but I dont have a place to keep my current livestock.
Theres like only 3 MTS in my tank and yeah Ive seen one of them climb to the waterline late at night. But they mostly graze on the diatomea algae that grows on the big rocks
i like isopods
Normal for an autistic hobby general on 4chan
terrestrial isopods cooler, i had like 13 different species at one point. fuckers are expensive tho. they taste like shrimp
I found a bunch of fingernail clams in my mosquito tub again. I put some into my tanks and it was sad to watch them try to dig while the fish harrassed them. I know I will never see the things but I assume they will help break down waste. If they are reproducing like crazy in a stagnant tub for years, I wouldn't think they would be filter feeders.
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Scud tank finally setup. Hopefully I can start feeding them to the fish soon. I figure I'll give them about a month before I start harvesting. Never messed with them before, but they seem pretty easy. They're pretty cool too watch when I see them and I'm sure they'll look as cool being hunted by the fish.
I wish marine species were more commonly kept.
>Basic bitch choice of fish
>Red Betta, what a shocker!
>Overgrown java moss that hasn't been maintained in months
>Pest snails everywhere
>Water changes despite having floating plants
>Doesn't know how to reply
Honestly at this point I just feel bad for you.
>all petty bullshit
I don't know what you are arguing with this guy about but you are obviously the retard here
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It's the opposite, actually. If you sit close to your tank, you'll see so much activity beyond just your fish. I love staring at the substrate and seeing little dots moving and tiny detritus worms and a bunch of baby snails.
Give me some help, /aqg/. I have an 18gal that I want to put some freshwater fish like loaches and tetras.
I was requested to have a nice pretty sand bottom. Currently talking my "client" (family member) out of chintzy fucking plastic castle shit.
Are real plants worth it over the plastic? I would 100% rather have real hyper-low-maintenance plants, but there are concerns that "it's just another thing that can die". If they legitimately reduce water change cringe it would be worth it I think, maintenance is anathema to these people.
How do I do substrate? I have a bunch of ugly color petco gravel that I want to replace. I was thinking black petco gravel beneath white sand if fake plants, regular old topsoil beneath white sand if real plants. Is that hard to maintain? Does the sand get everywhere and muck up the tank?
Hardscapes: what should I do? There's a local shop near me that sells bio hardscape stuff like wood. Was thinking maybe I just buy that and buy some of those plants that you have to glue onto the hardscape.
Thanks for the assistance
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I don't feel anything for (YOU), I just like mogging (YOU)r year old pic of a fuzzy rock with pic. At least (YOU) had it at some point, some people never do
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yea when trimming leaves, get as close to the base/stem as you can. Sharp tools cut cleaner and let the plant heal faster. As for liquid CO2, I haven't notice it really have much effect when I used it, so I guess the jury is still out for that one. I get great results from feeding plants at the roots with either a soil or some root tabs under the gravel. I wouldn't go down the CO2 route until you start to get an idea of what you really want. A full setup isn't necessary for lower maintenance plants, and can negatively effect your fish if done improperly. I personally don't use it, but I'm not against it either, because some of the coolest planted tanks run it.
Don't get that one (Royal Dottyback). It's an asshole. Get a Royal Gramma Basslet instead. Very similar coloration, far less risk. It's ironic since the basslet looks more aggressive.

There are all-purple dottybacks and basslets as well. Same suggestions apply.
Hey anon, do you know what you can call those zoas you keep in a jar? Bonsai zoas! Bonzoas!!!
You can even start a business: "Bonzoas by Bozo"!
Keksus Maximus
Post more pics of your zoas, btw.
Sand is easy. Get some water wisteria and crypts if you're going low maintenance. Use a soil with decent CEC mixed with something like Fluorite to soften the water if you're going planted w/ tetras and low maintenance. Keeping the water soft will be a bitch otherwise, and it'll simplify micros (they can just low dose chelated micro mix here and there if the soil has high CEC).
Consider not doing it at all. Your family member does not need nor is entitled to an aquarium. Refusal to learn and commit to basic maintenance (whether it's standard water changes or even just trimming plants + top off) is a giant red flag. YOU will be the one maintaining this thing, not that person. So either just make a tank that you want without any consideration of what the other person wants or don't do the tank at all.
What’s so difficult about keeping them anyway?
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thats bretty good, but I a better one. what do you call zoas you don't have anymore? they're called NONzoas
Is 10 gallons sufficient to run a blackwater biotype? If so, what specimens should I keep? I'm interested in gourami, tetras, and lots of inverts. Probably gonna stick to sponge filtration or an auxiliary plant-augmented HOB filter
thank u for the tips! I'm using fluval bio-stratum so I'm assuming I wont need root tabs until the soil life runs out? I'm gonna try out the liquid CO2 to see if I notice any difference, but yeah i'll probably hold off on the actual CO2 at least for now.
Returned home to find this dumbass just floating on the surface of the water, I have no idea how he managed that
It probably isn't. They might just be too mundane to get much focus from reef keepers.
they are difficult to feed (notably starve themselves in captivity), need extremely cold water and a very large and dark tank. definitely not easy to keep, most of the ones you see at aquariums are actively starving to death (over the course of sometimes multiple years bc they can go hella long without eating)
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To anyone that was interested in my habistax cloning experiment: printed it out and threw it in a new tank I'm setting up. I honestly don't have high hopes for this, really seems like once you plant things in it's really difficult to make any adjustments. Inner core is filled with fluval stratum and DIY root tabs. Will update y'all in like a month idk
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setting up an a-qua-ri-um... is easy... just let nay-ture... do it for you... hur hur hur...
the key to a successful a-qua-ri-um... is to do the same thing... you see... in the nay-ture...
one inch of dirt... capped with some saaaand... at least two inches of saaaand... and lots of plants...
you don't want to... change your wuhturr... you don't see anyone... going to a pond... or a creek... or a stream... with a bucket of wuhturr... to do wuhturr changes...
and to those of you... who do that regularly... my advice has always been... to stop changing your wuhturr...
it's an unhealthy habit... that's bad for your fish... and your invertebrates... you can't have a natural... balanced... a-qua-ri-um... if you're doing wuhturr changes...
and don't listen to the nay-sayers... just have an a-qua-ri-um for yourself... to enjoy your little fish... hur hur hur...
and make nay-ture... part of your life...
that's all for now... bye, now... love you all...
I'm not a father fish hater, but I could see him blabbering on about a food webs while eating a bowl of guppy babies for breakfast.
Unironically this is correct.
As an added bonus, it's happened twice that a chick I brought home has started philosophizing about all the life in my aquariums, after getting a few glasses of wine in them.
You won't get that from a bare-bottom, boring ass tank where you do water changes.
that tank behind him has plumbing for auto water changes
kek you are right well spotted, and why do all his tanks have the yellow tinge to the water
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Anyone here have experience with mixing danios and tetras?
I'm looking to start a 29 gallon tank soon. I have a group of Ember Tetras I can't wait to move into a larger tank, and besides buying more of them, I was thinking of adding some Celestial Pearl Danios / Galaxy Rasboras.

My coworker (at a pet store) claims danios - as a social mechanic - will chase each other around, nipping at each others tails, to show affection or something. This makes them interesting to watch and all, as they zip around the tank with each other. On the other hand, he claims this will likely stress the tetras, as they don't "bond" in that manner.

Is there any merit to this? I figure if I have large enough schools of each of them, they'd tend to themselves more than others in the tank, especially with the ample room these nano fish will have. Am I stupid?
Have a couple dozen glowlight and kyathit danios with a couple dozen green and glowlight tetras. Danios seem to only socially engage with other danios and rarely between the two types, let alone with tetras at all.
Same goes with tetras.
Hadn't heard of glowlight danios - they look neat. Your tank sounds similar to what I am looking to create stocking-wise. Thanks for setting aside some worries :)

Saruman phenotype
>goytube worship edition
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Make me scrub my glass geez.
Way behind on pruning, low light + unchecked growth.
I keep up with water changes and cleaning the canisters but that's about it recently.
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They were a bit upset that I got my hand all over their everywhere.
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how do i care for these cute little fishes?
looks like your doing a bang up job fren
gotta fatten up those schools though
You have live plants and biodiversity which is the primary target. As long as you feed quality/variety, the rest is just personal preference.
what to feed them? i fed shrimp algae wafers and i got these weird small worms climing on glass
Feed them some every few days. Not much more to it.
Check out my tank. I'm happy with it.
My betta bit my snail’s antenna. Should I be concerned that this was aggression or did the betta confuse it for a snack?
Cool fish

Here's a crappy quick video of my danios, gouramis, and rasboras. They all get along fine. I have ember tetras in there, but because the other fish move around so much, they all just split up into shoals and go to quieter parts of the tank. I've only seen my danios get nippy when the females are clearly carrying eggs and don't like being surrounded by other fish. But they don't chase for long, it's a quick two seconds as a "back off I'm stressed" kind of motion.
>four days in and out of hospital
>aquatic isopods delivered day 1
>day 5, they're still fine and now eating literal fish shit
These guys are based as hell, how did (((snails))) replace them?
Looks to be pretty heavy stocking for the volume but water and animals look healthy, very nice anon.

Time to start a new one.
Beautiful, these pretty betta pics are really tempting me to get another one.
Looks sick anon. Does the betta not fuck the tetras?
Nope. They're green neon tetras, the smallest kind. Maybe that size difference helps.

My betta tries to get a shrimp occasionally but I haven't seen him be fast enough yet.

I still want to add a fish, maybe some pygmy corys.
>pretty heavy stocking
Bettas have low bioload, they're small fish - if you don't count the tail and the fins.
And the tetras are even smaller, with the amount of plants he has it's all good.
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Pygmys are based and from personal experience, are more hardy than their larger cousins (comparing to my venezuelan corys)
Easy to breed too, cold water change = eggs more often than not.
Nice tank, looks like a real riverbank with the plants scraping the surface of the water, and the fish gathered in the little capsule made by the plants cover
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I'm partial to Habrosus, they're more "normal" cory behavior than pygmy, and just as small/cute
>live clams shipped in water, several times
>at least one DOA each time, immediately move the others to tank but they have high mortality
>recent order was shipped dry in a fucking orange/onion mesh bag
>no casualties, clams immediately buried themselves in the sand
So today I guess I learned something.
The problem was them likely not being able to breathe in a sealed bag in dingy, zero oxygen shit fish store water. Since clams can keep themselves safe in their shells shipping them dry is pretty smart.
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How do I stop baby fry from devouring each other as they get older? I always have a really great hatch success rate. I'll transfer them from the small box into a 10gal with a lot of hornwort and java fern so they have hiding spots. Then, without fail, after a month or so, a couple will have growth spurts and start eating the smaller ones. Then, I'll only have like, six new fish out of the 40+ fry I started with.

Do I just have to keep separating them? Should I make a bunch of DIY tank splitters and split the 10gal like, four ways while they grow up?
Yeah you'll need to grade them by size regularly. Build some mesh dividers your grow tank and just net the bigger ones into a separate compartment. Ideally, as the smaller ones catch up you move them along and make space for hatchlings, like a production line.

That said, it isn't the worst thing and this kind of brood cannibalism is extremely common in nature as a form of darwinian selection. If you keep breeding from the weaklings eventually you're gonna produce a dysgenic line.
Makes sense, I didn't realize they could survive being fully dry for a few days. I admittedly received them Tuesday, they sat in the box due to family emergency, and I fully expected dead clams.

The seller even sent like 10-12 penny sized or smaller, from a "5+ baby clams" ebay auction.
Sounds like they know their way around a clam if they're breeding them
What are some good Betta breeders in the US? I want a high quality betta, but I don't want to have to deal with transhippers and shit. I prefer plakats and spadetails.
How does one keep clams in an aquarium? Do you just overfeed your fish and hope that they can suck up enough crap to survive or do you target feed them?
They can survive off of fish poo and leftover food, but will certainly thrive with targeted feeding. A decent jug of chlorella or any greenwater really 2 to 3 times a week would be optimal for them, they'll polish the water really fast. Stirring up the mulm already in the tank can also help feed them on off days, and help break everything down even further. The only trouble with clams is they have a tendency to hide away for ages and die unnoticed. A big golden clam corpse can produce a significant ammonia spike that can set off a chain reaction. Ideally you want a big tank that's heavily planted with decent filtration to both aid stability and take the hit if and when one does die.
Will clams fuck up your substrate if you use sand capped dirt? I have a lot of green water in my 6 gallon cube that I would like to be rid of, but it has a dirted bottom that I don't really want to stir up.
I dunno, they can bury pretty deep, so probably. You can always just syphon any dirt that gets thrown up and put more sand down though.
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Looking through the side of my 29 gallon tank. It's populated by male endlers, emerald rasboras, CPDs, one adult platy and at least two baby platies.
Need to get a few more platies to hang out with this one. The other two I had developed some kind of wasting disease after about a month. I had the same issue in a different tank with a different group of platies, though it only killed one of the three
Maybe I could put them into a bowl of sand inside the tank so they can dig, but not fuck up my substrate.
To add to this, a healthy mix of Malaysian Trumpet and Assassin snails have resulted in all my dead clams coming up empty shells with no noticeable impact.

Enough plants (particularly shit like hornwort that sheds) will do it alone, but they eat basically everything in the water. They're heterotrophic biological filters, essentially.
On top of that, if you keep a good influx of fresh breeding stock, you can avoid inbreeding and its consequences; this will be better for sale and stock quality.
Here is my 20 gallon Dwarf Crayfish tank. I haven't planted the Crypt Parva quite yet, but it is looking pretty decent so far I think.
A well planted and fertilized tank with an algae-filled prefilter sump would probably do well with clams in the latter. Even if you just keep them in the main tank, if you have a well planted tank and decent biological filter (oversized sponge or bog-style filter), die-off shouldn't cause too many parameters swings.

Speaking of, does anyone here know of clams that inhabit Bornean Peat swamps, or anything like them?
I quite like these little bastards. Highly recommend!
I keep them with some Rabbit Snails. I just need to figure out a good fish to go with them that won't bother them too much. I would like to get a nice Plakat betta, but maybe a bunch of ember tetras would be a better option.
I have a 5 gallon with diy co2 and the distilled water I use is super soft. Tank dKh is 2 and pH is 6.96. I'm obviously having a hard time keeping the pH from dropping way below 7. Should i add buffer? What should i use. Also I have a piece of mopani wood in there that I soaked for like 3 days before adding it and the damn water is tea colored. I realize it adds a little color but when I do a water change it looks like Lipton iced tea. I run carbon.
How shitty is my new 10 gallon scape? I may add some Crypt parva to the right side, but not sure on that. I am gonna keep a nice betta in it and maybe some neocaradina shrimp if he is chill or a dwarf frog or two if he want to eat scrimps.
That'll look fine once the plants grow in.
I feel like it needs some green on the left side. Maybe a Java Fern or a Crypt Parva in the front left corner.
Keep us updated anon, I love hearing about gimmicky kickstarter shit like this.
I've been cycling a 20 gallon for about two and half months.
Ammonia is going down, but very slowly. Nitrite is at zero, nitrate is 20-40ppm.
Should I just do a full water change at this point?
As long as there's still ammonia in there I'd leave it alone. Definitely don't change all of it. Hopefully the nitrates will help get an inevitable algae bloom going so you can get that out of the way. If you're gonna go ahead and do a long slow cycle I find it's best to just kinda let it go and get sloppy and let the algae work do what it does and work out a hierarchy. This makes for a bulletproof tank later on. Just make sure your biological media is how you're gonna want it.
Why would you do a water change? You want the bacteria that converts ammonia to nitrite, and from nitrite to nitrate.
Unless you have floating plants, they'll get rid of ammonia in no time.
So, you don't think the cycle is stalled?
The guide in the op gave two months as the high end of cycling time, so I was worried that something had gone wrong somewhere and I needed to start over.
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>dwarf cichlid pair fail their first spawn
>male fish pissed at his woman ever since

Funny but annoying since i just want them to try making more babies already.
What do you have in there? Do you have surface area for the beneficial bacteria to grow (rocks, wood, sponge from the filters, etc)? Do you have plants? If so, what kind?
If the ammonia is going down slowly, that means the cycle isn't "stalled". But you should be able to see your tank gradually be able to process more and more ammonia in the same amount of time.
They might just murder whatever fish you put in
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If I had an aquarium I'd try to put some Astyanax in it, not sure they would do well on such an enclosed space without water moving all the time.
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finally planted my new 7g. any ideas for stocking? pls help anons I've been mulling over it for weeks
Killer tank. I like the wood and anubius coverage on the rock stack. I envy the rock stacker, all I can picture is my dumbass knocking a rock loose. As to what to put in, seems like most options are shrimp/ small school of small fucks or one mini "centerpiece" pair/single. Personally I'd look for something to enjoy all those nooks and crannies.
Sexy colors. Not bad
Scarlet endler's livebearers
thanks man
I was thinking of going with some fire red shrimp and a small school of something, but just can't decide on what yet. My alternative is 2-3 sparkling gouramis and the shrimp, but not sure how that would work out
A pair of kissing gourami?
I have rocks and wood and such, but no living plants. Obviously have a filter.
Would planting some stuff help? It is going down, but it does not seem to be any faster than a month ago. Maybe 1ppm per week.
LMAO yeah, why would you start cycling your tank without any plants?
Floating plants in particular, you'll kiss that ammonia goodbye in no time.
Alright, I'll go ahead and order some and get them planted. Thanks for the advice, anon.
Whichever route , I'd get shrimp first. This will give them time to settle in and get their numbers up, this helps if whatever you decide on snacks on the babies from time to time(almost inevitable imo). You really can't go wrong imo, granted i would get a small school of something.
Literally every single time I look at my tank, one of the two swordtails is taking a massive shit. Quite often the turd is as long as the fish itself. Is this normal?
having a log hanging out of their ass is a livebearer's normal state of being
They are dwarf crayfish most of them are less than an inch long and they only get like an inch and a half long full grown.
>without water moving all the time.
Just add a wavemaker. If you really want to get fancy, you could attempt a hillstream tank with a good pump. My reef tank's return pump maxes out at 2650 GPH. That'd be a pretty good stream.
If you have Nitrate, you have both Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter. You're fine. You can add fish and whatever else (within reason).

You COULD continue to wait until your surfaces have a really mature colony of bacteria but you're probably just wasting time.

Plants will have bacteria on its surfaces which will help, and they will also consume Ammonia, Nitrite, and Nitrate directly themselves. Regardless, it doesn't matter. As I stated above, you have both genera of bacteria so it's a moot point. If you have so much Ammonia that your pH has dropped below 5.4, then that can actually impede the development of bacteria, but I doubt that's happening.

If you are adding plants, you can just add them in now. If you are adding fish, consider doing a big water change. Yes, that can impede development of bacteria, but your fish won't appreciate high Ammonia, and the fish will produce Ammonia in short order anyway, so the slowdown is temporary.
Its your tank buddy you can do what you want and give us updates as you go
Maybe dumb question, but what's benefit of such a long cycle? I get not wanting to kill livestock, but 2.5 months seems like a long time and for what benefits? Is the end result any different than me letting some plants and snails stew in a tank for a week or two and easing my way to max capacity?
Looks good, although you could add a plant to each end. Even another crypt or some micro swords in the front area. Throw in some root tabs to help out early, especially if no soil beneath sand. Comfy tank nonetheless.
Beautiful, so many textures going on, fish looking relaxed af too. I'm hoping to get my plants as healthy as that, hopefully the additional potassium helps my leaf die off. Thinking about a simple co2 system, but I'm still on the fence. You use co2 or any specific ferts for that kind of action?
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how bad is my plant composition. looking at it for the past few hours and i feel like it looks a little unorganized, but maybe once everything starts growing in it will looks a little better? or should I move stuff around?

got some shorter plants for the foreground and removed the crypt that i glued to the log and put it into the substrate. ghost shrimp and snail have been chillin. ammonia is still around like 0.5ppm but hopefully the new plants will help w that.

first tank so pls throw suggestions/advice at me
There's not much point in trying to be all artistic about plant placement to start. It's all going to grow all over the place as it wills. At that point you can prune and shape to taste much easier. The idea of having it look all nice and organized right away is a youtube scaper meme where they use two hundred dollars worth of full grown plants right away.
There is definitely something off about it. I'm kind of leaning towards the plants and hardscape not really complimenting each other. Regardless, it's probably fine. Let it grow out a while and see how you feel about it. It's not like you can't just replant, especially since you've got a single layer substrate.
okay yeah thats fair enough LOL
sand cap over biostratum, but idc about shit getting messy if I decide to replant. I'm hoping to have plants over most of the visible substrate except the little beachy front part. im also adding kuhli loaches once its all cycled and i assume they are gonna make everything messy too
>Is the end result any different than me letting some plants and snails stew in a tank for a week or two
not really, no. but given that you're setting up your tank for long-term success, what's 2.5 months? a drop in the bucket.
Wow, every single thing you just said is wrong.
He already said he doesn't have plants, why would you make statements like "it doesn't matter" or "moot point"?
Oh, and take your double-spaced paragraphs and go back.
No fertilizers, just high light and a layer of pond soil at the bottom. There's occasionally some string algae, but the shrimp like it so I ignore it.
>every single thing you just said is wrong.
>no examples
>doesn't elaborate
I see, you use higher end lighting by chance? I'm using cheap hygger lights, they seem to be decent enough and I'm not running them super intense(granted that's based off it's lower end potential), so there is room to increase. I guess I'll just have to test things out and enjoy the ride.
I get what you're saying brother. I'd rather more people cycle longer like yourself than toss in livestock early and think their plants, water additives, and filters will magically maintain water quality. I've done in the past when i watched a little too much father fish while starting some 10 gallons. Anyway, good luck on the journey brother. But ffs, start adding some little guys to enjoy their life. You don't have to do it all at once(a guy taking 2.5 months to cycle def knows this/ has patience), but start building that roster.
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Picked up a free fry from the LFS when grabbing shrimp a couple of weeks ago. Is there any way to identify him or am I stuck waiting for him to get bigger?

Initially thought he was eaten, turns out he's found a home in the back corner and appears to be happy on crushed flakes and picking at whatever settles on the leaves. Would post a photo but he's too small to get a clear shot.

Tank he was in was mostly mosi-rasboras, ember and rummy nose tetras on this visit but the stock regularly changes, a couple of weeks ago it was hatchets and barbs (there was still a handful of hatchets on this visit). It's also home to Khulis and Hillstreams but I doubt I'm that lucky.
My tank is cloudy AF because there's dirt in it and the fish keeps stirring it up when he darts around. Will the particles causing the cloudiness disappear over time through the filter and water changes?
Not if he keeps stirring it up. What fish you got? Some do it as part of their natural behavior and others do it through stress. Could be a good or a bad thing depending.
It's a goldfish. He sifts through the soil for edibles and sometimes moves quickly enough to through it around, so I'm worried it'll be cloudy for, like, months. It was actually pretty clear before I added him back into it when I temporarily removed him to add the dirt, but it's cloudy again, so I know it's him doing it. Water quality isn't really an issue because the aquarium cycled before I added any substrate, and there's elodea, duckweed, and pothos, all quickly growing nitrate absorbers, in it with him, and the soil is that "organic" stuff that doesn't give off a bunch of excess nitrogen compounds, but it is hella dirty and I can't really see past a foot inside. I know in theory that the cloudiness is caused by specific particles of a small enough size to dissolve into the water column and stay in it without settling to the bottom, and in principal they'd all disappear over time as I do water changes and the filter sucks some of them up, but for all I know it'd take a year to see meaningful change.
rage bait
>It's a goldfish.
That's what they do, constantly trawl through the bottom for food if there's nothing on the surface, they're voracious eaters. It's one of the reasons people keep them in bare bottom tanks.

Best thing you can do is add some fin filter floss to your filter and regularly clean it out. Your water will never be clear unless you replace the substrate though. Which you DO NOT want to do!

The good news is it isn't harmful to the fish. The best you can to is curb his behavior by regularly feeding very small amounts of food on the surface (flakes and such), he'll quickly learn that food is always available up top and won't dig so much, just be very careful about over-feeding, goldfish will always act hungry.
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Ok done some digging and never seen a guide for it (prove me wrong). But when new-fins are shopping for fish they have no clear where they live (in the water duh!) so I decided to start a dummies guide. Mostly for my own reference.

Basically I want a chart of where fish live regards to surface depth. Not all fish live at the same depth so it would be handy to have a reference guide for making a balanced tank. This is where you come in. If anybody can provide a list of fish to this end it would be appreciated, alternatively reply back with what you know and I'll add what you post to the list.

This is what I've got so far:
>Is there any way to identify him or am I stuck waiting for him to get bigger?
Probably have to wait. Could be anything fish store common.
>Takes the bait
>Writes a novel
>All double spaced
Lol. LMAO, even
Add goblin shark to the bottom dweller.
How are my legitimate aquarium questions "bait", retard?
That particular tank is a Fluval Plant 3.0, but I have a few Hygger lights that grow plants quite nicely in my smaller tanks.
My LFS gave me a free betta this weekend, a betta imbellis. He is missing an eye, but i love him more for it.
I will update with photos if he makes it through quarantine. He's also very shy, so I'll need more floaters and plants so he's comfy.
Best 1 eye related name wins, the misso already suggested Leela from Futurama.
If you consider that a novel your reading level is retarded at best.
>He is missing an eye, but i love him more for it.
>Best 1 eye related name wins, the misso already suggested Leela from Futurama.
If it's female Leela is fine but if it's a male go Odin.
Alternatively go for something piraty:
Redtail Riverbane scourge of the freshwater-seas,
Gillblight devourer of shrimp and fry,
>If it's female Leela is fine but if it's a male go Odin.
these are nerd names for nerd fish keepers. Your fishes name will be Francis.
Based Pope Betta, vicar of the glass box.
>Best 1 eye related name wins
Digits and the betta's name is Penis the One-Eyed Snake
Kakashi lul
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Does this look like a swim bladder issue? One of my honey gouramis seems very listless and low energy, and sits on the bottom a lot of the time, although it will perk up occasionally and swim around.
The other possible explanation is that this is a female who's exhausted from being hassled by a male, there are 3 in total and I noticed one of them chasing the others quite a lot.
The rest of the tankmates (2 other honey gouramis, 10 neon tetras, 5 cories) all seem healthy so I doubt it's an environmental issue, water parameters are good and temp is 76-79 F these days.
I wonder if it's worth setting up a quarantine tank but I would need to buy a lot of stuff to make that happen.
Willy. One eyed, after all.
This is a cool chart. You might want to split it into size categories. Two would probably suffice, nano vs. everything else.

For surface dwellers:
Golden Wonder Kilifish (and a few other Killifish I believe).
Imagine coming in here and being so confident in yourself and everyone else just shits on you, lmao.
Swim bladder no. Fish appears to be able to orient just fine when it's active. I don't know what the issue is but it's not swim bladder.
If that screenshot is the primary way you are storing the data, I'd recommend a different format before the lists get too large. E.g. you could have one row for each species, and a column for each depth category, which is TRUE or FALSE.
I was planning freshwater only but I've duplicated the sheet for saltys and added the Goblin as a starter.

Hadn't planned on differentiating sizes, I'm not even sure it would be useful, where would you place a Clownloach? They start nano but they get much bigger not to mention the arguments it might cause, keep it simple.
Added your two plus Bichir.

>If that screenshot is the primary way you are storing the data, I'd recommend a different format before the lists get too large.
I noticed that would be a problem before I put pen to paper.
>E.g. you could have one row for each species, and a column for each depth category, which is TRUE or FALSE.
Settled on a simple TEXTJOIN, it's pretty easy to sort and move entries in this format and if I ever make the list editable (I'm considering a google doc) it means people can just add to the bottom of a cat and it'll auto update.
Anyone grown bucephalandra? I got some but dunno much about it.
It's easy. Just get it stuck somewhere and it'll grow. Like super slow growing, hardier anubias.
>Settled on a simple TEXTJOIN, it's pretty easy to sort and move entries in this format and if I ever make the list editable (I'm considering a google doc) it means people can just add to the bottom of a cat and it'll auto update.

OK, sounds like you know what you are doing, carry on then.
I hope you have a roadmap to publish this to a webpage and monetize it through cryptocurrency integration or targeted advertising
I would pay $1 for a Flanders NFT. Final offer.
>just one retard samefagging
kek, post tank or gtfo. we have enough tanklets shitting up this general.
>the same old samefag cope
Absolutely BTFO.
What are some good stocking options for a dirted and planted twenty gallon long? I'm thinking about kuhli loaches but there's obviously room for more than that
Not nano, at all. If juvenile clownloaches counted for nano, then literally every fish counts as all freshwater fish in the hobby start off able to fit very comfortably in a 20G or even smaller. But keeping it all in one graphic is fine. It's still an excellent idea.
>inb4 predicted arguments start happening, probably from this schizo >>4823458
>take your meds, btw, schizo
cherry barbs, corys, possibly a pair of apistos or a pair of honey gourami or something like that. Honey gouramis are best if you have floating plants. They love hanging out in and picking at frogbit roots especially.
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Every time a guppy dies I just cringe and flush it down the toilet, but I'd be devastated if my cat died.

Fish aren't pets. They're just living art that you look at and care for but don't love like a cat or dog.

It's impossible to form an emotional attachment with an object that is incapable of loving you back.

If you think you love your fish then you are sad and lonely and desperately coping.

That. Is. All.
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New tank, who's this?
I boiled the wood for about an hour and still wouldn't sink.
Going to throw in a couple schools of nano fish and my blue veil betta.
Any recommendations?
What kinda filter is that?
Is that, like, a really small canister filter?
Yeah it's a Ocellaris 400, the tanks only 70lt so it's about the things limit.
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It' the cutest fucking filter I've ever seen.
You should try justifying your emotions to yourself next time.
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I don't love my fish. But I also don't think love has to be transactional or mutual. You can love an old tree or a beautiful lake or a piece of art, even if none of them are capable of reciprocating.

If you then feel like it's reciprocated, then yes, you're mentally unwell.
Choose one, lmao.
i would say goldfish are whole tank
they rummage around everywhere and they sleep at the bottom at night
>I boiled the wood for about an hour and still wouldn't sink.
Yeah that's going to take 2-4 weeks. Boiling doesn't speed the process much or any. The point of boiling is mainly to remove the majority of the tannins.
crazy how you guys love bait
this really is the fish general
>You can love an old tree
No I can't, because I've experienced true love so I know what love is.
If you think you 'love' a tree then it's you who has the emotional development of a lonely frog. Try forming attachments with real people and maybe one day you'll learn about real love. But until then keep making love to trees while pretending that Anonymous strangers are your friends.
I managed to get it acceptably clear by using accu-clear and adding a thin layer of gravel on top of the substrate, like one or two stones thick, which seems sufficient to keep it from being thrown all over the place, at least as much.
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Oh, I see. You're just retarded.
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Wise men don't dismiss things they don't understand as being "retarded" or "bait".
Correct, they do not. But retards think the only definition or example of love is "mutual romantic love".

Go kys, troll.
You think that I feel "romantic love" from my mother? You really are derranged.
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clearly your mum had no love for (YOU)
Can we talk about aquariums and things that live in them and not bicker and argue about pure BS pls
If we were to delve down that rabbit we'd come two conclusions
1 - You have a romantic love for your mother you are unable to express
2 - Your romantic desires have not been reciprocated leaving you bitter to non-mutual attraction
It's the classic "I want to suckle mommy's booby but she won't let me." Most kids go through this phase in their early years, you just never grew out of it.

Now go milk your prostate and come back when you're feeling level-headed.
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Love these lil niggas like you wouldn't believe.
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This verbal diarrhea isn't worth responding to but I didn't mention romance. You did. Love comes in many forms and it doesn't come from your fish.
>power went out
>10C room temp, keep aquarium at 22-23c
>have guppy and coris
>power won't come back before tomorrow
What do? I don't think they'll survive the night
I guess I could heat up some water in a kettle ffs

Rip fishe
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wait this guy?
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Could I attach a pond liner to the inside of one of these types of stacking garden bed/composters and have an instant pond? Or unlikely to hold up to that much weight? I figure dirt/compost is heavier than water...
Wrap aquarium in towels. Or yeah, do a water change with warmer water. They're not doomed, either should keep them in the low 20s easily enough.
Im going to bed soon, they'll be without new warm water for 7-8 hours, and it will get colder, like 3-6C.
I guess I can't just dump 25-26C water into their now 17C water without fucking them up... can I
You can, just pour it in slowly so they don't spike instantly up. But a 50% water change at those temps would only raise temp by like 4C, so do like a 25% poured in over 5-10 minutes and you should be OK. But you need to wrap the aquarium afterwards, or you'll just lose it all by the morning at the rates you're describing.
Why is your room fucking freezing
Anyone kept julii corydoras? I bought some to have bottom feeders in my 20.
Yes they're exactly like every other cory. You probably ended up with trilenatus. It doesn't matter.

Give them 20-30C and 6.5-7.5 pH with moderate hardness, soft bottom to sift (sand, dirt, mulm), feed some sinking pellets when you feed the rest of the tank.
I think water would exert more horizontal force compared to soil because of its lack of friction. I don't know how big the difference is though.
Clopsy. Derived from Cyclops.
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The word "Love" has a variety of meanings in the English language. Extrapolating one of those meanings and applying it to different circumstances is the source of your confusion here. You seem to suggest in >>4824004 that Love is by definition a mutual relationship between two individuals characterized by their strong emotional bond with one another, to the point physical intercourse. This is in fact one of the definitions of Love!

But at the end of the day, it is still just one of many. For example, I'm sure you've probably heard someone end a phone call with their parents saying "I love you." I know you're smart enough to realize the person saying that does not literally mean they want to sexually engage their mom or dad. If that's the case, then what can the word "Love" mean? Let's look to the ancients for a moment, specifically the Greeks.

Eros - This is their equivalent for what you are speaking of - the kind of bond marked by a physical, romantic desire for the other.
Philia - Fun fact! The name of the city of Philadelphia translates to "the city of brotherly love." This form of Love relates to the mutual caring and understanding of one another.
Agape - Probably best described as an empathetic or "universal" kind of love, marked by its desire to care for others without expectation of anything particular in return. It is altruistic and self-less, looking only to benefit its object for its own sake. For example, giving water to a homeless man (I did this today at work - these are realistic examples btw).

Of course, there are other Loves I didn't mention, such as the love for works of art one anon mentioned. Hopefully, this has helped clarify that you are incredibly stupid and that yes, people are capable of loving fish.

If you want to expand your horizons from the "horse with blinders" perspective you currently have, consider reading Plato's "The Symposium".
holy based
Go for it.
Chuck some composite strapping material around the circumference though.
Weight of water > Nails and screws.
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>Tfw she says you and your friend together aren't big enough for her.
Celestial Pearl Danios / Galaxy Rasboras
Ember Tetras
Chili Rasboras

The tank looks to be less than 10 gallons, so I'd lean towards the Chili Rasboras if you want a sizeable shoal living with the betta
+1 on the rasbora. Danios need more room than 10gal.
the tank's 70lt, 18 gallon.
I have 5 neon tetras, so maybe chili rasboras?
or should i double down and get more neons?
IMO neons aren't as energetic.
>Aquaire a pearl Gourami to serve as a centerpiece for my community tank 4 months back
>Shortly after introducing it, it develops a red ulcer on its side.
>Treat the tank, but it still ends up passing
>Keep an eye on the rest of my fish, seemingly no issues.
>Now I wake up this morning to see one of my albino Coreys, who's been here since I first set up the tank in December, had developed one on his ventral side and died
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that's her, I guess misery loves company and all that

how long will it take for my low tech tank to stabilise? It's been set up for close to 2 weeks. Can't bear looking at my melting crypts and waiting for them to convert much longer
thanks, ChatLGBT.
but this is an aquariums general
Based excel sheet autist
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so post aquarium fag
I'm using Calc. but same difference.

How about no
How about, please?
not gonna skim through your list, but here's some fish

mbu puffer
medaka rice fish
mosquito fish
Hallstrom loach
whiptail catfish
florida flag fish
odessa barb
african butterfly fish
Archer fish
head standers
pencil fish
killi fish
I wish I had a indoor swimming pool to put fish in.
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Peekaboo motherfucker!
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>The word "Love" has a variety of meanings
I know because I said that already: >>4824116
>Love comes in many forms

>You seem to suggest in >>4824004(You) that Love is by definition a mutual relationship between two individuals characterized by their strong emotional bond with one another, to the point physical intercourse.
Again. I didn't mention romance but you seem obsessed with it because you must be lacking in it. You're talking about intercourse and sex when I'm talking about love. You really are out of your depth when talking about love because it's clear to me that nobody has ever loved you, so it's not surprising that you fail to understand the concept. You've probably deluded yourself into thinking that your fish love you.

How utterly sad.
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glass catfish
>It's been set up for close to 2 weeks
Two weeks is a short timeframe for even a freshwater tank, unfortunately. Keep being patient. You'll get there.

It would probably help him more for you to list what category you think each fish would go into, doofus.
I think it depends on if you're adding anything from cycled tanks. My first aquarium took over a month to cycle, I believe, whereas the one I set up most recently, with a sponge filter from the older aquarium tossed in, cycled in three weeks.
>It would probably help him more for you to list what category you think each fish would go into, doofus.
>didn't understand the question
>doesn't even know the answers
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flying candy cane shrimp of good vibes please bless this thread
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Anyone have experience using long fluorescent tube lights to grow plants? I bought 3 10 gallon tanks on sale, and want to set them up side-by-side. This means the light would have to be 5 feet long. I only want to grow some basic stuff, like moss and süsswassertang, maybe some anubias. Not that you care, but I'm wondering if one long light will work cus otherwise I'd need to buy 3 lights and put them on 3 timers in 3 outlets, which would seem superfluous.

You sound about as smart as my fish. I don't care if you love me back, just know I pray one day you will see the error in your ways. Love ya you silly retard!
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One light will work fren, I had two tanks shoved next to each other with a single light running across them both.
The only thing is I noticed a hotspot for algae directly under the light, but I was keeping shrimp so it was fine.
I've got a 7 gallon tank that I'm redoing. It currently has a small population of endlers that are going to be redistributed to other tanks with other endlers. It's currently unheated with no lid, heavily planted and has a thriving colony of cherry shrimp in it.
Local water parameters are about 8 - 8.2 pH and between 250 and 300 TDS. I'm looking around to find cool fish that would work well in there. Already have another similar but smaller tank with a scarlet badis, emerald rasboras and anchor cats in it which are sort of the go-to that I think of when I think of unheated hard water, so I'm looking for fish other than those specific species.
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Is there a reason the tank is unheated? Are you in a warm climate? The shrimp should be fine with water in the low 70's Fahrenheit, but the pH and TDS are a little high (still acceptable tho).

Unrelated, here's some of my ember tetras vibing
Tank gets maybe into the low 60s in the middle of the winter, but mostly hangs out around the low 70s for most of the year. The shrimp seem to be totally fine with it as-is and have bred like crazy.
Because of love. God sent His Son Jesus Christ to die in our place. Three days later. Rose him from the dead.* *Now. By Jesus Christ alone. God has granted us the free gift of eternal life. He will save and heal you.* *If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead* *He'll give you eternal life*
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Sounds stable then, neat you got that to work with such a small tank.
I think a species of minnows would fit nicely - I can't remember their name off the top of my head, but I saw them in my LFS recently - Gold White Cloud Minnows? Its either those or something close that can do well in cooler water. They stay small (1.5 inches) so perfect to keep with shrimpies
Praise Jesus and all, but this is a thread for fish and stuff.

"And it shall come to pass, that every thing that liveth, which moveth, whithersoever the rivers shall come, shall live: and there shall be a very great multitude of fish, because these waters shall come thither: for they shall be healed; and every thing shall live whither the river cometh."
Should I bother with water softener for a cherry shrimp tank if my tap water is generally hard water? Or should I just buy some shrimp let them breed and hope that the second generation does better than the first after they die off?
Cherry shrimp actually like harder water, so no need for softener.
To an extent, they should be able to adjust to the parameters of your water - I ran a small tank with hard well water when I still lived with my folks. However, without more info on exactly how hard your water is, I can't give much advice. IIRC, if the water is too hard, the shrimp will struggle during molts and may pass as a result.

I'd say give it a shot for now. Before you add them to the tank though, make sure you mildly meticulously drip acclimate them to your water. I put the bag of shrimp in a container and over the course of 15-30 minutes use a basic syringe to take some water from their destination tank and squirt it into their container, a few dozen milliliters at a time. Not constantly, but just every so often til the parameters between the two is close enough that I'm not worried about the shrimp experiencing shock from entry into the tank.
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Its story time boys. Here's a vid of some of my Ember Tetras eating homemade flakes from a LFS that no longer exists (RIP Rock Beach Aquatics), so my post isn't total garbage.

I work at a small pet store. Today I noticed a juvenile Pictus Catfish clearly mortally injured. His little spine was crooked so his tail was permanently bent to the left, and his swim bladder must have been damaged as bobbed up and down the tank, unable to maintain any sense of alignment. Despite still being alive, his peers pecked at him ceaselessly, as he drifted hapless around the tank.

I couldn't stomach the thought of him being eaten alive overnight, so I mustered resolve enough to remove him from the tank and fold him within a paper towel. I then took the poor sap to the back room, put him on the floor, and after giving him a little prayer, stomped him out with my boot heel.

I still feel bad for the little guy. My heart hurts for him, he didn't deserve this kind of life. So it goes.
Life is rough for fish in general. Everything's trying to eat them from the moment they're born, many of them end up with birth defects from being SMASHED and SLAMMED, some get beaten up by aggressive tankmates, and some decide to randomly just full-send themselves out of the tank to either be eaten by the pet dog or to wither into a fishy potato chip. Poor little guy got a bad draw, but at the very least didn't have to suffer and die slowly.
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(please ignore this post)
I appreciate the consolation - when you list the facts, our logic sums it up as just a fact of life, even if that life (in particular) is at the end of the day artificially manufactured for consumption.

Idk, I'm mildly intoxicated at the moment, but it's the little ruptures in life like this event and others from the mundane that reel my mind. I'm honestly split between full-blown absurdism and a return to faith. I know it sounds corny to get all existential and shit over a little fish, but the baggage adds up. Nothing makes sense, yet prostrating myself out of ignorance does not make sense either. No philosophy seems to satisfy - I guess that's absurdism for you.

Sorry for the blog post, life is cheap and I'm depressed, here's some fish and shrimp :)
is it bad for white cloud minnow for aquarium temp to go above 25°C (thats 77 fahrenheit)
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Short answer - they won't thrive. They are not a tropical fish per se, preferring cooler water. If its a temporary, seasonal fluctuation, they probably will be fine, but permanently maintaining them at a higher temp than they are accustomed to will affect their behavior and life cycle (for instance, I see breeding being an issue). The fact they are hardy fish is not a free pass to subject them to conditions unfavorable to their proper development.
well it finally happened to me, 40 gal cracked and spill, total lost cause, guess i'll have to donate my 2 goldies
Really thankful it's not an explosion like some people experienced
Is there nothing you can do to fix it?
Sadly it's cracked near the bottom so even if i were to attempt to fix it it'll feel dodgy as hell. It also already have a patchwork on the side from 2 years ago, i think i wouldn't have peace of mind if i were to seal it again
Currently also considering one of those indoor pond tub thing but i dunno
At least they won't crack like that and you can keep your goldies.
very true
>I'm using Calc. but same difference.
he asked for fish and I obliged, crazy how you gals get so pissy
Is this from a Father Fish sermon?
Ngl, the /x/-tier schizoposting is what /aq/ is all about
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First real go at a planted tank, set it up with a friend for his place. I'm holding on to it for a few weeks while it cycles and he gets his house ready for it.

Is this the result of failed diy repair / damage or is it something that just happens sometimes?
>choosing to repeatedly moving a fish tank
I know it's a small tank, but anon, that's retarded. It's so easy to crack a tank, and you can't move it with more than a tiny volume of water, they're not designed to deal with water sloshing about.

I wish you luck, but goddamn, that's like signing up for repeated root canals "just in case"
It's a plant only 5 gal we will live, I'm prolly going to drain it bone dry and just mist it for the trip. This farce is all at his instance more than anything though I will admit.
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based fellow shrimpchads.
>Is this the result of failed diy repair / damage or is it something that just happens sometimes?
In my case it's more of the former, thing is already ancient in the first place and already had a crack that i patched in 2 years ago so honestly i've just been expecting something to happen at one point
Eat a dick niuggah
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Not my cup of tea, personally.
Bants, yeah great, incessant poor quality bait and off-topic posting over multiple threads, I think it could go without.
>>4823203 (me)

This gourami is now an ex-gourami.
I think it got stressed out from being bullied by another one, in fact in the video you can see the larger gourami chasing the sick one.
Currently my best plan is to get 3 more to bring the total to 5, so that no one in particular gets picked on too much, is that plan likely to work? I wonder if I have ended up with a particularly antisocial fish
>can't into reading comprehension
>triples down on stupidity
New one is baked

Based shrimpchad, are you running co2 for that glossostigma growth? Looks great man.
>spoonfeeding is now a preferred practice
shiggy diggy

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