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/an/ - Animals & Nature

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/dog/ clothing, for work and play:
These harnesses are crash tested, but are too restrictive for exercise:

/dog/ approved training:
/dog/ disapproved training (AVOID!): zak george, joel beckman

Don't hurt your dog, retard:
A Punished Dog Is an Aggressive Dog - Stanley Coren PhD., DSc, FRSC, Psychology Today August 6, 2015
Stanley Coren PhD., DSc, FRSC, Effectiveness of Rewards and Punishments in Dog Training

/dog/ breath freshening:

Get the facts about the raw feeding myth:
Quality dog food reviews here: https://files.catbox.moe/4qbv21.zip
>forgot to remove the zak george toothbrushing video
what a blunder
my life is over
i will never recover
>raw food can be dangerous!
So can kibble, multiple brands have had spates of dog deaths from bad batches of whatever-the-fuck goes into them
Thats a lot worse than parasites that are totally curable with use of monthly anti-parasitics that usually include fleas worms heartworm etc
What if instead of feeding your dog raw, or feeding your dog industrial kibble, you took that raw diet and...

cooked it?
My dog's ear deflated like that one time. It was cute, but I knew he was uncomfortable for some reason.
Also the raw food in your shitty study links (one of which is just a retarded nursing website for brown women that offers little to know sources) is all studying commercial prepackaged shite

Also the one on salmonella explicitly talks about how dogs are effectively immune to salmonella and no study has ever shown a dog actually getting sick from it so theres no need to worry about it for owners but that it might pose an environmental risk to other animals that eat the dog’s shit lmao
Stupid rotal canin shill
This, pressure cooking maintains 95% of nutrients and eliminates the chance of food born illness from undercooked food.

Or, buy a raw food that uses HPP (high pressure processing) to eliminate pathogens.
>my commercial prepackaged meat is salmonella free!
basically all raw meat has germs on it within hours of being cut and all raw meat contains parasites.

dogs can transmit salmonella and various parasites to humans via their saliva (post butt lick) or even their feet (self grooming post butt lick) even if they don't get sick themselves.

>inb4 for most of human history literally everyone had worms
Yes indeed, go get some then
You’re just a biased basedentist who racks up a bunch of meaningless ‘sources’ that donr actually bakc up what you’re saying but you hope will serve to validate your point
Now you’re upset that someone called you out for using nursing blogs and studies that actually contradict what you’re saying (but you didnt realise, because you never actually cared about the science behind your beliefs and just cherry picked some google results that had promising titles)
>inb4 for most of human history literally everyone had worms
Look up the old friends hypothesis
It’s pretty interesting. Basically puts forward a hypothesis that not getting worms while young and letting your body learn to fight what is almost always a harmless issue leads to lifelong immunocompromise and may well be the reason that autoimmune diseases are so common in the first world compared to the third
Basically, let your kids (and pets) eat dirt unless you want them to grow up as autistic retards with 37 allergies
I’d love to see your IQ.

Please keep your dog shit opinions to yourself.
I have an IQ of 145 and a Master of Chemistry from Oxford University
I don’t even feed my dogs raw you’re just a retard using studies you don’t even understand to attempt to ‘scientifically’ attack something that in reality you dislike ideologically
Use that degree and chemically castrate yourself Einstein.

Erm, what the sigma?
>uhhh those studies are of prepackaged raw food aka meat
>supermarket chicken is salmonella free
cook your dogs food
WTF I didn't type basedentist I typed basedentist
Based newfag
what a weird larp
Lots of buzzwords today, threads off to a bad start.
When is it not lmao
Is prolonged eye contact with a dog you know bad?
I'm going to get a dog in a few weeks. Should I get a dachshund or a basset hound? I have a backyard live a few blocks from a dog park so he'll (I'm going to get a boy dog so he can wear bandanas) get a lot of exercise.
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Best breed coming through
Random question but which clothing materials are best for puppy biting? He missed the tug toy and accidentally got my trousers for a second but with his needle teeth that was enough to tear a small hole in my chinos. I've gotta use something more durable until he's more coordinated and less nippy
I like both breeds you suggested but they're too task focused for the stimulation I can provide a beast at this point.
Besides, bassets are a noble and ancient breed.
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Bassets of course!
Why do Americans cut off pieces of their dog's ears and cut off their tails?
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How come she wont swim? My old dog love to swim
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>Beagles are beloved family pets
Me to every beagle owner
Because it looks better.
Sometimes for “style”, other times to let them know they’re fixed
Talking about ears are floppy ears actually worse? I've seen a few people say/imply that floppy ears are bad for dogs but I thought one of the benefits of breeding them in the first place was to stop stuff getting in the ears of dogs who had to wade through foresty and marshy areas.
They serve no function at all. Natural dogs just pin their ears back and close them when they're brushing up against stuff. Wolves have been swimming and running around in marshes and forests since before civilization existed. Their ears aren't floppy for a reason.
Good to know, thanks. Besides the obvious one of squished faces, what other dog traits are harmful?
I've hard mixed things about dewclaws, how they can be helpful running but most of the dogs I've seen with them, they just look like an uncomfortable vestigial growth with long unkempt nails (so they're clearly not being used much compared to the other claws which are worn down).

Susan garret and kicopup suck. I dislike garret and her shit kikopup just has bad unstructured videos.

McCann dog is good trainers but vids aren’t that great.

Robert Cabral is a phenomenal trainer and has excellent vids.

Why is this the gay credentials trust the officials they only want good things for you thread?

There is better dog knowledge on YouTube.
That dilated cardiomyopathy though. Don't think I could take my dog just dropping dead in his youth.

Front dew claws are regularly used by dogs in motion. Rear dew claws are often only held on by skin, and are not truly a digit, and are usually removed in puppyhood.

With their long backs, Dachshunds often suffer from spinal issues. Some breeds, like Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, have brains too large for their skulls, resulting in their brain pushing down into their spinal cord. The heart size of dogs increases linearly while their mass increases exponentially, which means giant dogs will often die young of heart issues.
I never see Stonnie Dennis or Will Atherton mentioned. Thoughts?
I tried the McCann dogs method to get my puppy to quit nipping at me and he just kind of didn't care if I help him and he settled, he'd be right back at it. Since using the Will Atherton method earlier today he hasn't nipped at me.
I like will too but Robert is definitely my favorite. I like his demeanor, like how he is chill but assertive, and I love his results.

I also love German shepherds which he trains competition shepherds.

Also you point out something great in trying different things and one working, the R+ cult needs to accept that not every living thing learns the same way. It’s responsible to keep experimenting with each individual dog to get the needed results.
>help him
Held him*

Yeah, I do stick to positive for the vast majority but sometimes he won't respond to it and needs a gentle correction. He's already gotten himself bitten by an adult dog by being obnoxious so I much rather he learns inhibition safely with me

Good on you that’s the responsible thing to do and exactly the way parenting and raising animals should be. Not in going to be your best friend and never clearly communicate boundaries with you, but loving you enough to guide you through boundaries with me who has your best interests.

My current dogs and family breed designer floof balls so positive training is mostly all I need but I’m not going to be a push over fail to communicate expected behaviors bc not knowing what you aren’t allowed to do is chaos and anxiety.
Dobes are an incredibly aesthetic breed.
My dog fears yakult.
shut up

They are going up bc no one is training their dog just confusing them that the world has no rules, they can whatever they want, let dogs be dogs till we have to euthanize them.

Dogs were much better behaved when I was younger bc you didn’t have a generation that anthropomorphized dogs, believed in blank slatism, and thought discomfort was evil.

Imagine a depressed, obese, medicated, and misanthropic generation would ruing dogs bc they view living life as a burden and their indulgence of vices as the only cure.

Chaos is anxiety, not letting dogs know what will get them euthanized creates anxious, unsafe dogs and is actual abuse.

Telling your dog no and pulling its leash is not abuse.
i bought my dog cbd treats
you are anthropomorphizing right now, thinking dogs exist within the primate social order and need to be taught a lesson and fear their superior. that's how humans work. it's not how dogs work. and while it might work on humans, humans are also notorious for coming back later and getting revenge instead of being a good goy, or redirecting those urges and getting into bar fights. we do not want dogs to act like humans.

the fact is, when you harm dogs as part of your "training", you cause trauma which creates aggressive. generations of "never touch a dog on the head, never look a dog in the eyes, they'll bite you" were the result of abuse. all dogs learn from it is "humans hurt me", not "this guy is the boss of the street gang and i betta listen to im or ell whack me yo" because they're not part of our social order and lack the bulk of abstract reasoning. and humans learn that dogs hurt us! wonderful, a lot of family dogs got shot standing in peoples front yards over that. but at least they didn't pull while your fat ass shambled at 1/8th a dogs walking pace right? dogs were so well behaved when they got a break stick to the ribs for pulling on walks.

you are not a dog. you are a monkey. natural dogs, wolves, just snarl at each other and posture for things that only make sense to them with timing that only they can have, on instinct. you can not do any of this because you are not a wolf. you don't understand the reasons or have the correct timing or behavior. they don't hurt each other unless it was a major transgression like mate stealing which you can't do either. forget what's natural, because naturally, your dog is supposed to live in the woods with other dogs, and your dog knows this.

>Telling your dog no and pulling its leash is not abuse.
screaming at your dog and yanking the leash to cause pain is.
Based, report the results.
Pro-abuse opinions are more prevalent among the lower class. The lower class just so happens to breed dogs to be aggressive and then get mad when people suggest that they be put down. The most reliable way to shape their aggressive outbursts is a reign of terror, so that's what the dumbasses do. But an aggressive dog is fundamentally aggressive and all training fails, so - 30 dead trailer trash and urban retards a year.

They aren't very smart, but they also have too many felony convictions to own guns and think they need to do this for muh home security
>omg so you'd rather kill a dog than train it!?
>the dog:
One day it will cost $1000+ to adopt the least capable mutt and these people will go extinct.
Hey Buddy, I get that you’re trying really hard to do the right thing but dogs have the mind a child and most often of a toddler.

If you wouldn’t do it to a toddler, don’t do it to a dog.
A dog's mind is sub-toddler. They are mind numbingly stupid. You can teach them a surprising amount of stuff for an animal and they are clever, for an animal, but a toddler's language and reasoning skills are off the charts compared to a dog.

For reference even dumber animals have borderline no understanding of cause and effect. Dogs just have a hard time with it, which is why abusive training methods cause unpredictable fallout. Retards are used to humans swallowing their pride and making a cost/benefit analysis regarding revenge. That is astronomically complex thought compared to an animal. Dogs just have impulses and might not fully experience most of their emotional states as more than an unnerving compulsion.

And they are still smart compared to most animals.
Training question for #bark buddies

How are your nail trims going? I can’t just not cut my dog’s nails so I’ve been flooding (is this the correct term) him with peanut butter while I trim his nails. Just letting him lick at a peanut butter mat while I get the work done. It’s definitely non-stressful; but will learn to love it?

What highly rewarding treats or toys do you use to get your dogs attention in a near-threshold environment?
Btw hope none of you actually believe Joel Beckman. His methods almost turned my dog reactive lmao.

Go watch his video in how to train a dog to down then look in the mirror and ask yourself if that makes any sense.

Here’s the video: https://youtu.be/YRJmxC9W_M0?si=jRMCH9-k13NLsfFY

Imagine sweating bullets over a down. “We’ll do this all day dude.” As if the dog is doing something wrong.
I just acclimated him to an electric rotary file instead of trying to trim. He doesn’t love it, but he tolerates it far better than whatever upsets him about either style of clipper I have.
Larry krohn's methods turned my dog reactive period
my dog walks too close to me and i kneed him in the face
Why doesn’t my dog lie down in cars? She seems incapable.
I have given my dog cbd treats before. They noticeably calm him down for about 36ish hours and it really kicks in about 6 hours after ingestion. His appetite is decreased during this period. Hopefully they don't upset his tummy. I only give him them on occasion.
When I accidentally bop my dog or step on his tail or something I always go OMG SORRY! And he gets really excited almost like how he acts when I've been gone for a couple hours.
Based retard, what kind of dog is it? A shepherd or some other dopey kind?

Drivel from the most unhealthy generation of people to ever exist. The same managerial class who produced wide spread misery, depression, anxiety, and obese 30 yo on health medication are the people who gave you R+.

Dog training didn’t start in 2009 and was more effective. Everyone knows that scared and mistreated puppies become aggressive dogs, but notice how this cultist relies on expanding what constitutes harm and mistreatment?

Teaching an animal that following its prey drive unchecked by its owner is uncomfortable will always be more successful than trying to train an animal to believe a zukes is higher value than its prey drive. So it order to combat that uncomfortable fact that their dog has a prey drive and isn’t a blank slate ball of flufff to exist in their lap, they conflate correction with harm and fear.

Instead of firm but loving dad using a command voice or a leash pull they jump to beating and screaming at the dog.

When Zack George trains a grown dog above 40lbs and films it live I’ll listen. Until then this “look this puppy loves zukes and listens to me when he gets them” act is not just embarrassing is harmful.

Also Dog Daddy is a lot better for the health and humane care of dogs than Zach. Zach would euthanize the dogs dog daddy teaches owners how to check.
We have a lot of narcissistic psychopaths here; it's generally a bad place to be an animal.
Oh okay surfing sputnik, I see you're trolling now.

Get a fucking life you chinless loser

I do reprimand my toddlers, set expectations, and correct their behavior. I don’t give them cookies all day long to get them to walk where I want them to. I also do this crazy thing where there are no cookies in the house and they have to pick the carrot sticks and there are no screens available to set them to autopilot.

Now all my kids are gifted and testing above grade level.

This is a good plan. I do the same with cheese on a mat or get him in a chill biting session bc he will lie on his back and let me handle him completely while I have his bite drive fully engaged.

What about that made your dog reactive? He doesn’t look professional and it’s better to teach your dog down from a stand not sit, but his handling and tone is fine and what the dog needs to learn both sides (what I should do and what I shouldn’t do)

Not knowing what you shouldn’t be doing but not getting what you want bc of it is maddening.
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Your turn cultist
Lurk 20 years before posting again, you retarded faggot.
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Here’s my newest fluff ball giving me his belly on day 2 btw. I told him “no” a few times today though and checked his house leash, do you think he’s reactive now and going to mail my kid after dinner?
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I like floof balls too and they are easy enough to train with zukes. But I also have trained German’s and my uncle was a competition German trainer so I understand not every dog is a designer lap dog.
Mom just brought home a rescue 8 months old from some no-kill shelter. He looks like a Lab mixed with a terrier of some kind. Guy is extremely skittish but really curious about everything. I feel bad though because he's extremely distrustful of males so it seems like some asshole did something fucked up to him
lmao retard.

low iq physiognomy + poverty shack confirms. should have larped with someone who had a nicer house.
Dogs aren't toddlers. Their thought process does not resemble ours at all. There are comprehensive links and references in the OP for when people like you pop up (read: when you pop up for the hundredth time) trying to defend incorporating animal abuse into training. You can find them under "Don't hurt your dog, retard". Beckman's methods are over the top and don't actually work on dogs, because dogs do not learn, or think, like people.

At best it's semi-functional with the least intelligent, most submissive possible dog. Methods like that quickly ruin even slightly smarter animals with more free will and turn them into neurotic wrecks.
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Got him a pool.
What's better for walking, a harness or traditional leash and collar?
my 10 week old lab puppy wont stop crying in her cage, we've been playing all day but she wont settle down. she has been crying for 20 minutes, my mom says she just has to learn not to cry but this feels cruel, is there any solution? she's so young i feel bad letting her cry
i crawled into her cage and that didnt stop the crying either
Bro, don't be a boomer.
pls explain what i could do to help her... my mom is the dog trainer in the house she grew up w labs i have no experience training dogs.

1) let her cry

2) put screws in a coffee jog and give it a hard shake whenever she starts.

My last pup had separation issues and stopped yelling the 1st day with the coffee can.
i dont want to post, but its about 4x3 feet. it has a sheet over it, and a pillow covering the whole bottom. theres a soft toy in there. usually she cuddles the toy when she sleeps. she stopped crying though. still am concerned
this is a good idea, id prefer positive reinforcement to >>4824155 negative
im just concerned that she is scared or upset being alone, as she is still so young. like that she feels unsafe without us around her. but then again when i crawled into the cage with her she still didnt settle down to sleep and kept biting me.
Your mom is right. The problem is that if you constantly respond whenever she cries she'll know that it gets a response and she'll be crying all the time for attention. She has to learn that she should only cry when it's an emergency or she's in pain.

Just want you R+ faggots to know that your dogs suck and no one thinks they are well behaved other than fur baby faggots who thinks dogs should run wherever they want, jump all over people, and jump kids.

Further this was a very rare thing to see in the 70s. Bunch of retards,

>popularize a bogus training regime that ignores telling a dog what is bad (based solely on your dumb ideological beliefs about life)
>dog attacks and biting go up
>see this is why our “training” is needed!

Enough IQ to get the pussy and house you don’t have. Hope you’re ready for rent, less than 2 weeks.
okay thank you
>dog attacks and biting go up
Abusing dogs is proven to make this happen. So is... the growing pitbull population.

Dogs aren't jumping on you because people are not abusing their pets. Dogs are jumping on people because nobody gives a shit about training them not to (and it's a great way to filter the retards out of your friend group). Definitely don't hit your dog for jumping on people. Once that happens, they're likely to bite anyone who shoves them off. Then you put your dog down and get a dumber, more submissive one.

Facts don't care about your feelings
>ideological beliefs
No, facts. Ideological beliefs are "dogs need discipline because that's how it was in the good ol days when touching a german shepherds forehead was the best way to lose a finger" not "facts show that hurting dogs is unsafe and ineffective like a covid vaccine". Ideology is what you post. Facts are found under section "Don't hurt your dog, retard".
What's that about rent trailer boy? Lot rent? Isn't that due weekly for your type?

Let me put this in terms you might understand:
I live in a double wide double tall and I own the park.
>has two golden retreivers
>walks one of them on a leash rated for 30 pound dogs
>both weigh more than her
>dog tries to run
>drop leash
>dog tries to attack someone
>do nothing
>she leaves gate open
>dog tries to attack someone
>do nothing
>dog tries to attack someone
>do nothing
>dog tries to attack someone
>do nothing
>dog tries to attack someone
>do nothing
Why do women do this, they act like junkyard dogs but just keep doing nothing to resolve it before a lawsuit inevitably happens.
This random dog that got lost a few weeks ago that found and brought to the shelter was better behaved.
>golden retriever
>tries to attack someone

This is like the trifecta of everything wrong
>bad breeding
>not socialized
>not trained
I see people walking huskies and malinois in harnesses without their dogs pulling and I have only ever seen poorfags wandering from apartment complexes with prong collars. A poorly behaved dog here is almost always a dog with a fucked up past, or a pitbull.
Could I get a little context here.
When you guys talk about not using punishment are you including things like holding their collar so they settle like McCann? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHPAbuHvM9M&t=83s
Or an "active correction" where you make a sound and push the pup away like Will Atherton's? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1mh9yGnCh0&t=132s
Yes, they act like pitpulls. It isn't the breeding.
The mother and son act like this, but every other puppy from the two litters owned by normal people is like.
>Wow, look, we took him to a baseball game!
>He's so great with the baby!
Bad situations need bad solutions, if a cattle prod strapped to it's neck will stop a lawsuit then so be it. She can justify buying a new car with no money, spending $15000 on medical bills for the dogs, but woah if I say fucking do something about it, like having someone train the dog I CAN'T AFFORD THAT, YOU PAY FOR IT. Boomer brain rot is real.
What's her relation to you?

Also there really is something wrong with women.
>out training puppy to walk well
>man with his two little kids walking by sees and asks if they can pet the puppy while keeping a good distance
>say yes let me just settle him first
>he says it's ok they don't have to
>tell him it's good practice and get the pup settled then have a great greeting even the little kids <5 years old were respectful

>two full grown adult women see pup and I doing training exact same situation a day later
>they make a direct beeline for us
>ask if I'm training
>say yes
>they keep walking closer not asking if they can pet or anything
>about one step away they finally ask if they can pet
>say yes but let me settle him first so he's well mannered
>they say sure but don't stop walking and keep coming up closer into our personal space
>barely get him to do a sit before I let him go say hello

>go to weekly training and one of the instructors will help take him out on potty breaks so that I can stay in the training
>everytime they've come back in and said there was someone not being respectful it was a woman
>a woman actually complained that they wouldn't let him play with her dogs because he's not vaccinated yet
>on my way to training a man asked if he could pet him but I was in a rush and said "sorry not now I've got to get to class" and he said no problem and moved on with a smile
>women get visibly upset and stankface if you say no
Why is it always adult women? All the young kids have been fine. Why do they get this weird entitlement sometime between primary school age and adulthood
My mother. I already have to potential catostraphic disasters, financial, health,work, house, weekly that I have no ability to control, but here is something within relatively easy control that is a time bomb waiting to happen, but refuses to address it.
>my dogs like charging people
>I know, I'll walk BOTH of them at the same time at a school, AND I'll let one of them go without a leash on.
Nice trips.
Sorry to hear that Anon. Always hard when it's direct family who won't listen to you and you can't do much about.
Are you able to take them around and train them yourself?
A friend of mine has two greyhounds and his mother had the grand idea of taking both for a walk at the same time. They saw a cat run past, naturally both lunged at the same time and she was pulled entirely over onto the concrete ground and busted up her face (couldn't catch herself with her hands because they were pulled out by the leads). Hard lesson to have but at least now she doesn't take them both out at once and is more careful even with just one.
What could even be done at the point where one's 8 and the other is 5? The male is 100+ pounds, he'll even drag me along if he tries to. If it's one or the other it's not as bad, but if they are out at the same time it gets even worse. The most concerning scenario is when she leaves the gate or door open and one runs up to someone and starts barking and chasing them, I don't how to even address that.
They probably do that because she never actually had them interact with anyone or anything ever, so they charge to see someone, but still act aggressive. Not to mention the barking at anything, so loud to the point of deafening whenever there is anyone going to the door..
>all training fails
Retarded take. The idea that bully breeds are "inherently" aggressive is straight up wrong. As breeds they have strong prey drive and can be weary of strangers that is it. That also describes a whole bunch of other breeds.
The difference between bullies and others is that they are low maintanence, cheap breeds so niggers own them.
Training isn't just about making a dog do what you want it to do, it's about conditioning them to not overreact and to look to you for guidance. No dog attacks without reason and a properly trained dog won't be reactive.
This idea that bullies are somehow an exception to the rule is straight up anti-reality and the more people push it the more we're giving excuses to shitty niggerish owners and the more were moving to a reality where other breeds like Rottwilers, Cane Corsos and German Shepherds are banned.
I'm glad they're banning pitbulls if not purely for the fact that it keeps the poor bastards away from the sorts of scum who own them.
Here's your average bully owner, now tell me that the problem is the breed
Make sure your dog has enrichment as per >>4824160 I've found that stuffed toys that have crinkly bits in them work really well but that probably depends on your dog.
Do not check in on her or fuss about it though, that's just begging to create seperation anxiety problems. Puppies also need a lot of sleep so the alone time is very important.
The thing you have to understand about the human brain and especially one conditioned in modern times is that it is very efficient at being lazy through complacency. Despite the inevitability of it when something does eventually go wrong she'll turn around and go "oh my how unfortunate literally nothing could have been done to prevent this".
Most of life's evils are built on these mundane little evils that people let grow.
This has to be the worst editing I've ever seen. Do Americans actually watch this slop?
Americans don't understand things unless it is explained twice with musical stings. Watch the British kitchen nightmares vs the American one, the difference is crazy.
It's also just the quick camera cuts and overly dramatic music. I've gotten kind of used to things being repeatedly shown from watching Korean shows with my GF and those shows love to repeat scenes (I swear they'd be 2/3rds as long is fhey cut out all the repeats).
It makes me feel queasy watching it like a shakey cam or something
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I don't know who in Korea decided that everything significant that happens needs to be shown from every possible camera angle
kek, the audacity to think I frequent these threads still.
100+ replies in one day; your sisters ass owns these threads.
Most of the replies are shit anyway
Too much bickering not enough dog posting.
What's the best breeds for a modern family?
I'm thinking it would need good temperament, low allergy, low shedding, clean and tidy, quiet without much barking, no mouthing or weak mouthing, satisfied with 1-2 short walks a day but capable of more endurance when the family is going on a long hike or something like that, able to withstand temperatures 0-40C, low grooming requirements, good health with non-floppy ears and no rear dewclaws (if any at all). Anything else I'm missing?
Sounds like you actually want a cat, my guy.
>going on walks and hikes with a cat
Do people really?
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>low allergy
>no mouthing
People are usually most allergic to the dander or saliva. Having less fur just makes them worse.
Why non-floppy ears?
Anyway you'd probably have to cross breed to really get what you're looking for. Probably some kind of staffy mix because you really won't find a dog that is lower maintanence and healthier than a staffy. Assuming you pulled together a good staffy line and something like a mastiff you'd probably come out with a hearty mid energy dog that's good with a family. They'd be pretty ugly though.
>Why non-floppy ears?
They're less healthy
I feel like issues due to floppy ears are very uncommon.
Dammit. You're smarter than I anticipated. My comment was more pointed towards his desire for a sort of goldilocks designer dog. Why own a pey dog if you don't want to put any work into it?
So I mostly just posted it as a thought experiment. I know the go-to for a lot of people online when asked for best family dog is a lab/goldie but they obviously miss a lot of those things on the list.
Why not strive for improvement? Why not create the ultimate pet breed?
I guess family dog is a reasonable specialization now that they aren't really used as much for real jobs, and people just enjoy owning them.
Anyone else cringe when they see bad dog behavior and people that encourage it? They just let the dog hump someone, the owner smacks it, the dog keeps doing it, etc. No matter what I say to them it falls on deaf ears
There's definitely a limit, I don't mind if dogs are a little unruly but the fact that people have problems like this that obviously bother them and they won't take the two seconds it takes to youtube it and learn how to fix it bothers me.
My friend lets his dog pull on the lead like crazy. I don't allow it so when he's away and I'm walking her the whole thing turns into a training session followed by free play time. Even though she pulls she's not reactive or anything so it's not really dangerous just annoying and if he's fine with it whatever, that's fine.
On the other hand I have a friend whose dogs will nip at other dogs and try to get them to run away so they can chase them. They're a menace at dog parks and have caused at least one argument that I've been there for. He thinks it's cute/funny and likes them having their own mischievous personality. I think that level where it's actively disturbing others and becoming a danger is not ok.
Anyone have success moving from their careers to one working with dogs? I'm tired of being an office slave but it's hard to give up the pay

Again you slip to hitting but you are arguing against avercive training like telling the dog know, correcting its position and pulling it away from something. You are dishonest bc your entire world view is fucked.

Pleasure causes more suffering than discomfort but you don’t understand this bc you are a child who thinks having your video games taking away and running 2 miles is the worst thing without ever realizing the video games were the thing fucking you up.

Again R+ didn’t exist in the past, dogs were better behaved. If everyone was abusing their dogs in the 70s why weren’t all dogs raging disobedient monsters?

Yes they are but they try to conjure images of caning your dog. They are nuts and act like a cult.

Scaring or hurting a puppy will make a mean dog. They take this and go to an insane extreme where the dog can never have a negative experience or it’s broken but bc they are hyper focused on pleasure anything that isn’t pleasure is considered a negative experience.

Any trainer who says dogs need adversities doesn’t mean beat your dog, they mean give it signals about the behaviors you don’t want, grab its collar, hold it in support, guide it with its leash when teaching it things, use prong or e collars for dogs that have a strong drive until the behavior you want is learned.

But you will see in this thread they vomit out abuse, hurt, and hit over anyone saying you need to do this for dogs.

Also notice of McCain and will aren’t in this general but in the other general that the R+ cult calls the troll general and swears those trainers are dog abusers.

Will, Mccan, and Cabral are all excellent trainers and make safer dogs than fucking kikopup and Zach George.

These people are also only popular on Reddit and here. It’s weird.

Bc women are most enthralled by modern brain rot about blank slatism. All dogs are just floof balls and will be lap puppies for life if you treat them like children.

This fuckers are hopeless. Socio economic conditions is why it mauled that toddler and charged that horse. R+ is a retarded cult

A doodle is most of those things but active. I’m a GSD guy, but the best dog I ever was a yorkie poo who came with the wife. He was a perfect kids dog and never needed more than the yard.
Which mixes?
Mesopotamian Basset Hound not to be confused with the Sumerian kind.
What? Beagles live 20+ years and are some of the healthiest dogs. Also I’ve never had ear infection or ear problems.

t. Canaanite Hound owner

Lab or golden retriever are great to trust with kids but are active. A Yorker poo is smaller and Yorkie poodle mix. I have shepadoodles but keep them active.
>I have shepadoodles
I've always been hesitant of doodles because of how many dodgy breeders are out there, so even with the same mix you get widely varying temperaments and features. Cavoodles were super popular here shortly before covid and they became even more popular during it. I met heaps through friends and workmates and they varied so widely it was a joke calling them by the same name. Just in size some were no bigger than small cavs and some grew up to more of a standard poodle size.
There's a reason the poor fella who 'created' the labradoodle considers it one of his biggest regrets.
Well in reading up about this I just discovered the Australian Cobberdog.
Too bad I hate the look and maintenance of poodle coat types, even if they are less allergenic.
love too but the brick and mortar store that sold me them charged 50$ when the source only charges like 25$ so i have to now be jewish to my dog and split each treat 3-ways to make them last a couple months
If you wouldn’t do it to a disabled toddler than don’t do it to a dog.
I would do equivalents of both the things in those videos so I guess they're not included.
Maybe you shouldn’t be around allowed kids then.
Ok so tell us how retarded toddlers like yourself prefer to be handled
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>a bloo bloo bloo
The facts are already in the OP. Your feelings are irrelevant.
Based basset hound shitposter.

Roo in solidarity!

gay post good pic
they both probably sacrifice babies so it’s cool
My old german shephard is now 10 months old. I just noticed she has a tooth missing. I dont think she broke it or if it fell off. All theeth should have been grown out by now.
Should i visit a vet or just wait? What if she is just Born with no tooth there and how bad is life quality because of that?
>Dog pooping more than usual
>Then dog pooping mucus and paler stools
>Then smaller and smaller amounts
>with blood in the mucus
>it hasn't even been 2 full days
oh no.
Dark/brownish blood, or red blood?
Fresh blood. There's no way they have an obstruction. What could they have eaten? The most sketchy thing that happened was finding them sniffing something by the back fence but they're not acting poisoned
Dogs with long snouts are better at playing fetch.

Dogs with short snouts are better at playing tug.

Dogs with medium snouts are good at both.
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I love my fat potato.
Fresh blood is of significantly less concern. Keep an eye on them and consider a vet appointment soon.
Aright people, need some serious advice, my dog is 5 months old, just got him from a dog shelter house, he is a black labrador with another mix that i don't know, he currently has 2 vax and we are looking to take him to the vet. The issues:
- He plays and eat his own shit
- He is severely hyperactive to the point that he pulls on us and ends up scratching us.
- He is always destroying a lot of stuff in the backyard or inside house
- Seems like he wants a lot of attention
- Scared of people or taking a walk

I already tried to train him but seems i'm too bad for that, i don't know what to do, he is harming my mother that is almost 70 and stressing her.

Any GOOD USEFULL advice will be heard as i need help.
like darwin and his finches
>I wouldn't hold a toddler to stop him hurting himself or others
What the fuck is wrong with you? Or did you just not watch them and assume they're videos of hitting dogs?
Gave puppy his first beef tendon chew/treat. I watched him to make sure he was eating it properly which he was. He seemed to be enjoying it and then near the end he threw up the parts he'd eaten so far. He'd chewed it to small pieces, what could have upset his stomach?
It was one with no additives
Not with a collar no

Toddlers understand english. Dogs do not. You can not explain shit to a dog later or ever. This is an important difference.
So what technique would you use instead?
I wouldn't say a single word to them. I'd listen to what they had to say.

And that's what no one did.
Not let them off a 4ft leash until a perfect verbal recall and leave it are trained.

That includes moving up to 6ft leashes.
>inb4 just shock your dog bro my dog is so free after i made him afraid of beinng electrocurwd
Oops sat on the old ecollar

Dont worry it was for the cat
Nice strawman, nobody talked about such techniques. Someone's talking about learning boxing and you're going on about stockpiling nuclear weapons being immoral.
You're either a shitposter or a retard and nothing you say is of any value until you take a long look at yourself and stick to the topic.
How does that help with puppy biting you while you're playing?

This is real abuse.
why is he still trying to put out this bait
This is what my gf sees when she wakes me up at night
Puppies are a lot of work and shelter puppies even more so.
He obviously has some serious anxiety issues and if you just got him he's likely trying to decompress and adjust to his surroundings.
You need to wear him down a little before training him if he's this high energy. He's a lab so he should pick up on playing fetch pretty quickly, even just getting him to chase what you throw will help.
You can also practice walking on a leash just in your yard to help him acclimate to it.
Finally do you have a crate? You should and you should be regularly sending him into it with some enrichment. Puppies need rest and unless he has some specific crate based axiety it will help him relax and give him a space he can retreat to if he feels overwhelmed.
When introducing puppies to new food you should start small, puppies usually have pretty weak stomachs.
Yeah, I gave him the small piece which was only 3-4 kibble pieces long. I guess I'll break new things into kibble sized pieces for his first try next time. I was a little worried if it was too small he'd try to swallow it whole and have issues.
Any number of things could be the problem, he might have not swallowed it right, sometimes puppies seem to just throw shit up so they can chew it again. It's probably a survival thing. If you're really worried about him choking you could let him chew on the end of it a little before breaking it up.
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R8 my Murphy
dogs hate me for some reason
>not black (literally as pale white as you can be)
>not that big or tall so not that threatening looking i dont think
>dont smell weird, shower every day
and dogs just hate me. i do wear a lot of black clothing which apparently dogs dont like though

what gives
In what context?
walking down the street at night
woman walking her dog walking in the opposite direction
dog lunges at me as i pass them, didnt look at them, didnt say anything, wasnt even close to them

thats just one example. i have like 50 similar stories about dogs being aggressive to me for no discernible reason
Owner was anxious about you 100% this has nothing to do with you.
If you're an adult man dogs are meant to be weary of you.
i get what you're saying but i've had dogs be aggressive towards me when their owner wasnt even in the situation.

another time i was walking down the sidewalk, broad daylight, and as i pass a house a german shepard comes sprinting out at full speed, barking at me and comes within a foot of me baring its teeth. i just stood still and stared at him and eventually he turned around and went back on his property. i wasnt even on what could be perceived as the dogs territory, was on the sidewalk, and i didnt see the dog or provoke it in anyway, it just decided to come out and threaten me

honestly sucks, like i said i have plenty more stories just like this one where dogs go out of their way to be aggressive to me for seemingly no reason. ive started to really hate dogs because of it. i just want to be left alone
All of this is normal for dogs when it comes to strangers, especially when most dogs are pent up. I think you're just taking normal experiences and making them personal.
Like has it ever happened with a dog that you know or know the owner and the context has otherwise been friendly?
> lifelong immunocompromise and may well be the reason that autoimmune diseases are so common in the first world
No, that's the vaccines. See Steve Kirsch et al.
Dirt is probably still good for you though.
>black clothing which apparently dogs dont like though
TIL. Surprised dogs like me as much as they do.
They do tend to leave me alone when walking past though whereas they'll go right up to my GF. Something about our relative body language clearly shows how interested we are in patting random dogs. She'll happy play with any dog that comes along whereas I have little interest in stranger dogs. Of course the ones who are outgoing enough to still come to me do get their share of loving.
Have any of these things that have happened to you been in situations where you saw how they react to other people as well?
There's plenty of shitty garden dogs (one of the reasons I think the argument against dogs in apartments is bullshit) who aren't given enough stimulation and activity.
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She is happy though.
he looks angry
I don't normally like small dogs or those kinds of coats but that looks like a fine dog. Looks like he has a lot of character. Reminds me of a redbearded guy I used to work with.
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Certain dogs can be very useful.
Good question. Desperation probably
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Im still sad
I'm still bummed
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dogs adapt to teeth issues.
had a 10 yo yorkie need a partial mandibulectomy, removed the left half of her jaw due to cancer. they pulled the lower canine from the other side too because it was going to stab into her palette.
it totally revitalized her and she was back to her old self after being grumpy over the pain from the tumor. a huge QOL upgrade from that surgery, 1 tooth missing is nothing
Do you have a pic of her? And how did you adapt her diet after this, could she only eat soft foods or smth?
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I might have to dig through some old videos on another HD to find a shot of the underside. Lower jaw removed from the center of the chin to just before the joint where it meets the upper jaw.
She went back to her old dry dog food after a month or two of soft food. No extra long term care requirements, just got checkups to look for more cancer mestastazing which it unfortunately did. Lived for 2-3 more years afterwards, straight back into toy breed feisty mode for the rest of her days. The recovery from the surgery really blew me away.
Cute. Can't believe she's 10 there.
I feel like once my puppy is settled, I'd like to adopt/rescue an elderly dog.
found it
Looks worse than it is, she always had a big tongue that would pop out while distracted or sleeping, now it seemed even bigger. Watching her lick ice cream and pant during car rides was awesome haha
Low quality makes this image so cursed
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torrential rains and flooding the day she went to sleep, so yes I believe we walked a cursed land now
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Why dog retarded.
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>bugguy spamming his crush after getting his posts wiped for posting CSAM
i thought mods enforced the no ban evasion rule? what happened?

border collies are just dumb man i dunno what to tell you
Imagine being as lowly and pathetic as this guy. Yikes.
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Best of both worlds.
Was just reading about it. It seems like the entire Doberman breed will go extinct at this point, and it doesn't seem like there's any real way to stop it
Is this just an American dobe thing? I've seen loads of dobes around here (uk) and some look old as fuck.
I think that’s a little hyperbolic, breeders who care enough don’t conform to kennel club institution guidelines. UK breeders are a step in the right direction but not really. Ive seen them add Great Dane to a line (1/8 or less) just for size difference lol. American breeders should be more comfortable crossing different breeds even at small scale (1/16) to better the health conditions of their stock. The AKC and Westminster are just such large influences on breeding in the western world that you rarely see genetic diversity.

If I was a Dobie breeder I would be crossing in Weimariners, Manchester Terriers, and Rottys and selling them as is with papers. People deserve better.
Well eventually every Doberman will have DCM which will drastically reduce the lifespan. Some can live normal lives even with DCM but it will just be harder and harder to maintain. It affects European Dobermans too
> i thought mods enforced the no ban evasion rule?
I’ve yet to see mods anywhere enforce that rule
>he wasn't around for old 4chan's moderation policies
mods used to be as autistic and schizoid as the users. they paid way too much attention and would give you personalized ban messages for insulting their waifu. it was fun.
That does sound like fun. Way better than the practical ghosts we have now
Yeah, beast is great.
>Majority of a breed carries a fatal heart disorder
>All they have to do is add new DNA and then breed the dogs without the disorder, or just neuter the whole line
>noooo the pedigree would be 50% impure!!!!!
>nooooooooo preserving the heckin tradition!
What dog breeders do makes declawing cats and tail docking laws seem like a low priority
He gets that a lot, he's very sweet thankfully.
He's got so much personality, and very intelligent. I really underestimated how smart a mini schnauz would be.
Kinda a retarded harness system for a dog. Dog owners should really get either a choke chain type system or a muzzle leash. With that... retarded vest thing they can pull with all their weight. A choke chain will squeeze them more if they pull or if you have a smaller dog get the muzzle leash. They can't pull because it will pull their head around.
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Pic related. They both work and are much better options for just about all dogs.
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Imagine wanting an ugly dog like a bulldog over a klee kai
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>Harness? PFFF
>here's what you really need:
>shoving spikes into your friends neck
>or twisting their head so if they pull they feel like their neck is about to break
If you can not train a dog to walk on a loose leash with a harness, you are a retard. If you think this worthless garbage is a better solution, you are also a psychopath who should be barred from contact with animals.

Not up for debate.
The facts are not in your favor. You lost this argument before it started. You are ontologically evil.
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(You) farm bait poster recommends prong collar for chihuahua-adjacent dog.

More news at 5.
Retarded pet owners like yourself who don't use proper tools when working with your dog should be highly ostracized. You aren't worth the time trolling internet anon.
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Literally no point to having that thing around the dog. If that dog was truly trained it wouldn't need anything at all. Metrosexuals and their sick humanizing tendencies with dogs I swear...
From what I've read European breeders are at least trying but the American ones don't seem to be doing anything
Actual retard. Yeah let's fuck up my small fragile dog's neck with a choke chain or muzzle. He's in that harness for a reason.
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We aren't talking about pointless little rat dogs anon.
the zoosadist thirdie only needs so many (you)s anon
You are the humanizing dog fucker who cares more about your pets than human children freak.
Did the vaccine actually make people retarded? Cause it looks like it.

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>saaaaaar buy prongcoin or u haet babbies!
>12yo golden lab can barely manage to walk up stairs now and doesn't want to walk far from home anymore
Anything I can do to make him feel comfortable? Already gave him soft bedding and avoid stairs when possible.
Vicodin and a bullet.
I'm blessed with being able to smoke weed so I give my increasingly disabled pets a little bit of AVB (already vaped bud) ground into a fine powder and a little old, degrading kief because as it ages it develops a stronger body high/pain relieving effect

Cut off the dosage below where ataxia sets in and never increase it, it'll be such a low dose they stop getting "high" and it's just an analgesic. If ataxia does set in again wait another week before trying a lower dose.
>dogs off lead in an urban area
>nobody stops the dog walking into traffic
Kek what third-world nation is this?
A pain killer and then put him down anon.
In my car yes. If I go into town yes. Not normally though.
I only use a leash in crowded places with lots of people, hope to get her heel good enough to not need it at all. The rest of the time though it's off leash only.
alas she has too much prey drive for that (and is a husky)
it's a wonder she can coexist with 7 chickens
If a dog is a good walker or is small and you just don't give a shit there is no reason not to use a harness.
I also no longer use a choke chain or any kind of chain collar because one day my dog was sleeping on the porch and one of the rings slipped through the crack and the poor bugger panicked and nearly choked himself.
You should really look into e collars.
>muh shock collar
If your dog doesn’t return to you off leash without being electrocuted half to death they don’t love you.
E collars aren't shock collars, they don't electrocute your dog and if you're negligent enough to risk your dog then that is on you.
>E collars aren’t shock collars until your dog goes too far then you shock them to get their attention.
I thought that the point was to make them light up from the electricity so they could be more easily spotted. It helps me find my cat when it's outside.
You either know nothing about e-collars or you're just retarded
>How you think a husky would respond to an e-collar: Oh shit, I better come back
>How a husky actually responds: I'm being shocked, better run away faster so i can be out of range
Most dogs react the way they react to a leash pop
By reacting harder to what's in front of them or turning around and biting the leash?
Leashes should NEVER be popped or pulled hard enough to produce a whip crackling noise. That’s how you collapse your dog’s trachea.

>it’s the same as a leash pop!
So it’s abuse, gotcha.
By looking back
Never said that retard, I don't know what it is with faggots on 4chan and just making up things that you've said
I popped the leash once

my dog got MORE reactive. maybe abuse works on the dumbest and friendliest dog on earth because there's not a mean or independent bone in their body, but that doesn't make it right, and it's a great way to dramatically fail with superior animals.

abuse also works on dumb and friendly, non-confrontational humans but if you abuse a smart one they'll probably modify a cheap chinese quadcopter to drop napalm on your roof and write a manifesto about industrial society and its consequences
By popping I just mean tugging, tugging isn't abuse, either you're assuming I'm talking about harder than I am or you're an idiot
Gently pulling on the leash isn't popping, or even a correction, it's a cue, you're actually meant to reinforce it with treats, and you can do it with a harness too.

"Popping the leash" means using a stiff jerk to cause pain using a flat collar, martingale, or prong collar. You can easily find videos of beckman and caesar milan doing this repeatedly until reactive dogs totally shut down from the suffering.

Just tugging on the leash does not even count as a punishment because it doesn't cause discomfort unless you're using a "gentle leader" (they need to give it that name because it twists the head in a painful fashion lmao)
that’s not possible
Tugging the leash alerts the dog that something is amiss, it turns and checks on you to see what is going on. E-collars work the same, they cause a tugging feeling and the dog looks to you to see what's wrong, assuming you're using them right.
It's just a last line of protection if your recall fails and you don't want your dog getting hit by a car or bit by a snake.
Oh yeah? Well explain this!
>by popping I mean an entirely different diction which isn’t associated with the word popping at all
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>It's just a last line of protection if your recall fails
Tell me more about how you justify giving electric shocks and zaps because you’re too retarded to use a long line or lack any semblance of trust in your dog.
I didn't know who that was nor did I get that word from him, not everyone is obsessed with dog training youtubers
Why are people so willing to make themselves look retarded? You don't know the first thing about an e-collar if you think they "zap" your dog. That would be a shock collar. E-collars work like a TENS machine which uses an electrical impulse to cause the muscles in the kneck to tighten. At the low settings it feels slightly tingly and in mid range it has a noticeable tensing feeling.
If you're not a fucking moron you'll use it on an appropriate setting and the dog will feel no discomfort, just a strange sensation that resets its attention no different than tugging on a leash.
I trust my dog but mistakes happen, it only takes one failed recall for possible disaster. I've never even had to actually use the e-collar outside of practice, but it's something that is better to have and not need than to need and not have.
I don't get why people are that smooth brained they need to be horsehoe niggers in literally every aspect of life, either you should never correct your dog in anyway or that's abuse, or dogs need to be dominated and minbroken with pain.
You can correct your dog without abusing them.
Why would you need an e-collar that acts as a leash tug when you can use an actual leash or your voice? Your voice can be used at the level of a leash tug. What happens when your dog blows you off?
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>What happens when your dog blows you off?
Oh so like using your voice

Oh so like using your voice

This works ok with a certain dog personality type because it is identical to a verbal recall/dog whistle. The primary use is recalling your dog without frightening game when hobby hunting. And even then, the point is that you can turn it up to cause pain and force a dog with that "ok master" personality to give up and obey. With other dogs, they'll just ignore it and if you turn it up they'll gladly blow you off and head for "out of range" at max speed if you turn it up.

>You can correct your dog without abusing them.
By definition, a "correction" is a newspeak term for punishment. It's not a "correction" as the term is normally used until it causes pain.
My dog has always responded to recall, and I've even trained an even stronger recall word specifically for sketchy situations. The e-collar is there for if recall fails. Sometimes a dog is preocuppied and just won't hear you and if they're off leash the collar gives you that tug. Finally the remote has a button specifically to switch to a higher setting. Personally I don't think I'll ever need to use a mid or high range setting, I haven't even needed to use the collar yet, but if the choice becomes giving my dog some discomfort to stop them from getting wounded or killed then I know what choice I'm going to make.
If you want to have your dog off leash, which frankly you should because it is great for the dog, then you're a fool if you don't have a plan for if things go wrong.
Same as above, my dog is a sighthound sometimes it gets very fixated on small animals and will just not hear me straight away, which is fine until it isn't.
>a "correction" is punishment
A correction is a correction, the core word here is "correct". If your dog is pulling ahead of you and you stop so that they hit the end of the leash, that is a correction. You are correcting their behaviour.
I don't know why you mongoloids are so buckbroken that you keep going "B-BUT THIS IS WHAT YOU REALLY MEAN!" when you obviously know nothing about what you're talking about and you're just arguing against some imaginary talking points from some minor e-celeb or whatever the fuck.
Can’t tell if bait, post dog?
You're using imaginary terms like "a leash pop actually means a gentle tug". That's not what a leash pop is. A leash pop is a YANK meant to cause pain.
>A correction is just literally correcting it
It's normally used to mean causing pain to halt a behavior.

>Finally the remote has a button specifically to switch to a higher setting. Personally I don't think I'll ever need to use a mid or high range setting, I haven't even needed to use the collar yet, but if the choice becomes giving my dog some discomfort to stop them from getting wounded or killed then I know what choice I'm going to make.
What makes you think your dog, like countless others before it, will react to the pain with submission and appeasement instead of running away?

Why not just follow leash laws when you're not in a secure area?
I've always referred to it as a pop because that is how it was explained to me when tugging, I didn't know there was some pre-existing other concept of popping.
The collar does not cause pain, it causes an odd sensation. In all my use of it and in all of the explainations I've seen of it it isn't used to cause "submission or appeasement" because it is not a punishing tool or shouldn't be used as one. What it does do is snap your dog's attention like tugging on a leash which is what you need if your dog is fixated on something and putting itself in danger.
It can be trained as a cue for that. It doesn't automatically work like that, and dogs that aren't prone to enthusiastic recall won't do any better than they would with your voice and more thorough training.

The higher levels are more potentially failure prone.
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Had some off lead time today while I read my book in the basically empty park. He did well, almost always came back when I whistled.

He met another Border Collie that was uncharacteristically friendly (ran to me to get cuddles and attention despite never meeting me prior) and they went zooming around finding bushes to pee on together which tired him out
Yes which is why the only time I've used the collar is to train my dog in what the sensation means and how to respond to it.
It exists purely as a means to ensure that I can get my dogs attention to give them instructions. It's that simple.
The fact that bad e-collar training and misuse doesn't work isn't an argument against e-collars. The fact that you don't even know how they're supposed to be used means your take on them has no value.
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Unfortunately he proceeded to follow him straight into a muddy pond and get himself filthy, so he had to go back on his long lead so he could dry off
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Brought him home and gave him a wash (which he clearly hated but eventually accepted) and now he’s just full on passed out on the bedside table cum makeshift dog bed that I built for him
Took his kong frisbee and used it as a snout pillow, quite cute really
I'm just saying, they don't actually do anything that verbal recall can't. If a dog can't be verbally recalled reliably because their prey drive is off the charts or they're a typical husky, an e-collar won't change that. It's just supposed to carry further than your voice without alerting everyone and everything to the fact that you're yelling at your dog.

The higher settings shouldn't be seen as yelling louder because they cross a pain threshhold and can cause entirely different reactions than a mild buzzing would.
>its not an electric shock collar its just a collar using electricity to involuntarily contract muscles
Kek you’re a retard. Whatever helps you justify animal abuse is going to be retarded but you’re next level
I mean fucking hell
>muscles in the kneck
And I am saying I disagree. An e-collar can be used to supplement recall or it can be used to train a stronger recall in the case of dogs that have recall issues.
There is nothing better for getting your dog's attention, full stop.
Whether or not people want to make use of the tool is up to them, but the facts are the facts and pretending like correct usage isn't effective or abusive is ridiculous.
Wow I made a typo, not an argument.
You're blanketly wrong and retarded, if you can't understand the difference between the two I can't help you. Nobody gives a fuck about your take because you have absolutely no knowledge on what you're arguing about but you obviously feel incredibly strongly about it, which is the worst possible combination. One day I hope you Dunning-Kruger niggers will wake up to yourselves instead of posting useless shit 24/7.
It can't be fully effective if a dog's recall issues amount to purposefully ignoring commands, rather than not knowing them.

Higher settings that are abusive are absolutely not an emergency "shout louder" button. It's an entirely different stimulation. An abusive one.
people see gun dogs and herding dogs recalling with e collars on the internet.
in real life you see people put them on stubborn hounds and get to watch the dog ignore the e collar, get shocked, and run faster or start trying to dislodge the collar
t. neighbors beagle escaped an electric fence by sitting at the warning threshhold until the battery died
This is a great informative read, should be stickied under a pastebin for the next thread.
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Heh, Beagles.
A reverse e-collar would be perfect, shock the owner when the dog runs away or misbehaves. You’d quickly learn how to train your dog properly!
I am requesting 1 (one) image of carrot.

It’s a kit house on land I own. Will also be done with the mortgage this year. No mortgage or car payment before 40.

Going to be a long retirement of aversively training dogs.
im gonna tell my trailer dwelling stoner friend your larp so he can copy it and lie on /biz/
Again it depends on the reason the dog is ignoring the command and how you're training them, obviously if your dog is terrible with recall then it isn't going to suddenly fix that, it is a tool for reinforcing existing training. Regardless of anything I do not think you should use an e-collar only for recall or use an e-collar for training anything other than using an e-collar.
When I say "higher setting" I only mean higher than the standard one you use, which for me is only a 7 and the collar goes up to 100. A 20 isn't an extreme or painful stimulation it is just strong enough that the dog can't ignore it. I would never use a setting high enough that it would actively cause discomfort for her and nor should you as it is most likely to escalate the situation.
As I said before, it's a tool. If you don't want to use it then that is fine. Just don't pretend it is evil, expecially not just because it can be misused. Guess what, flat collars can be misused. You're not going to talk about how flat collars are inhumane because some people wrench on their dog's neck with it.
The problem is that are impatient and don't bother to learn. Look at half the replies that don't even know fundementally what an e-collar is. People will ignore the freely available 100s of hours of dog recall training tutorials, pick up an e-collar and ignore the freely available 100s of hours of e-collar training tutorials because they think they'll just magically make their dog want to listen to them.
Anyway changing subject what special food do you buy/prepare for your dog?
I've been saving bones whenever I cook and making a batch of bone broth every fortnight. Dog absolutely loves it and it is incredibly good for her, especially as she's big and I'm a bit worried about her joints.
Organic A2/A2 kefir
Boiled chicken breast. Frozen cooked (ideally with the chicken) and uncooked carrots. Plain low fat Greek yoghurt frozen in a Kong with kibble.
Most of his diet is kibble. He gets pieces of fruit and veg cut into small chunks as training treats mixed in the pouch with kibble
Fine picture of animal cruelty. Cropped ears and docked tail because owner has small peepee and needs fierce looking dog. Fuck you
A bag of dicks
i like this exchange
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I also highly recommend ox hearts and lambs tongues, especially if you can work something out with a butcher so they don't try to fleece you for offal.
Ox heart particularly helped with my last dog who was an overweight, depressed cattle dog. Straight up aged her back a couple of years.
It seems really hard to avoid this in the US. Every reputable breeder docks and crops. I don't really want to go to a backyard breeder. Almost every rescue I see is docked or cropped too
This is Leo.
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>breed has reputation for being abused
>breeders who abuse are reputable
>i dont want to go to a breeder who doesnt abuse because they would be an unreputable breeder
Fucking hell Americabs are retarded, that breed is far too intelligent for someone like you to own
People who care enough to crop a dogs ears and dock it's tail as per breed standard are far more likely to care about the animals welfare than people who don't. It is retarded I agree but that is the reality of the situation.
>People who care enough to crop a dogs ears and dock it's tail as per breed standard are far more likely to care about the animals welfare than people who don't.
>I think people who care enough about arbitrary social club rules to ignore the natural instinct not to mutilate and abuse young puppies (or are non-white/sociopathic enough to not have said instinct) will care more about the animals welfare than people who refuse to mutilate and abuse young puppies in the first place
I don't expect backyard breeders to do genetic testing or even know what DCM is, so yeah
It’s more expensive to get cosmetic surgeries done than not plus there’s no evidence that the surgeries are painful when done correctly.
You can’t really make any assumptions in either direction just because of cosmetic surgery
Jews and muslims are more likely to care about young boys because they take the effort to mutilate their penises at birth
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>E-collars work like a TENS machine which uses an electrical impulse to cause the muscles in the kneck to tighten.
Wish this general wasn't full of schizoid faggots

My puppy seems to be getting rougher with kids as he gets more comfortable. We started bite training last week and had a good early response, and he seems much more confident and comfortable in the house but that also seems to have spurred him to be rougher.

Before he was nipping, now he is jumping, head butting and herding. What do you think?

It’s a 10 week old labradoodle and toddlers if that matters.
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Well done.
>k9 training a labradoodle
>family dog
>k9 training
Lets get a little more creative with the copypastas please
Good points
Bully breeds are by no means "low maintenance", only APBT could be considered low maintenance, if you actually treat them as dog aggressive
Sounds like you want is a Presa Canario

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