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"Don't talk to me or my sons ever again" addition

/dog/ clothing, for work and play:
These harnesses are crash tested, but are too restrictive for exercise:

/dog/ approved training:
/dog/ disapproved training (AVOID!): zak george, joel beckman

Don't hurt your dog, retard:
A Punished Dog Is an Aggressive Dog - Stanley Coren PhD., DSc, FRSC, Psychology Today August 6, 2015
Stanley Coren PhD., DSc, FRSC, Effectiveness of Rewards and Punishments in Dog Training

/dog/ breath freshening:

Get the facts about the raw feeding myth:
Quality dog food reviews here: https://files.catbox.moe/4qbv21.zip

Last thread >>4826345
>walking my dog
>old woman flips me off
>ask her why
>she runs away and stops a random car and tells them to call the police on me

literally what the fuck
post dog
What a strange story. Real or fake? You decide.
Very real. This just happened 5 minutes ago. I walked back home and posted this. I'm just shocked by the whole thing, including how quickly the person in the car started treating me like a murderer despite me not doing anything at all except asking this old woman why she flipped me off
Interesting. Can we see your dog?
>no dog
Newfag, respect the rules here.
Dog posting passports are due for the following individuals

Leo’s Akbash

Active Warrants
Leo’s Akbash: failure to appear
Mars/Carrot: failure to appear

Expiring soon
Heather (24 days)
Leo (20 days)
Metal buckle collar? Yes
Choke collar? No
Prong collar? No
Chink plastic collars? No
Harness? OK for smaller dogs
Gentle Leader? Yes

Is this right?
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>gentle leader: yes
Are suede and velvet collars comfortable?
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ok for all dogs
gay and obsessive
visited my neighbor today. their shepherd embarrassed himself by barking at me like I was an invader until he got close enough to recognize me
silly boy
>put pibbles in harness
>suspend harnessed pibbles over treadmill
>put harnessed pibbles suspended over treadmill on wheels
>attach leash to treadmill on wheels w/ forevially harnessed & suspended pibbles
>attach simple electric generator to the wheeled treadmillfortress of harnesspibbles the suspended
>walk to nearest daycare center and enjoy free electricity
I'm gonna be rich AND the jews will hate me!
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Berry nice, does she like the water?

Da joos are gud tho.
Bros is this dog gay?
>anthro scum
Leo's akbash ran away and we were chasing her for over hour and almost got trampled by a herd of cows. She will be turned in to the authorities shortly. -_-
She almost got trampled. Not me, ain't not way I would ever risk that for her dumbass.
take your meds... NOW
Martingale collar? Yes
And I've heard questionable things about gentle leaders. I feel like they're a bit of a case-by-case basis thing (realistically everything would be).
Since you mention it yes I can see how you'd think the eye and tongue positions are ahaego.
However, what the fuck bro, stop gooning so much. Very weird that that's what sticks out to you when looking at a photo of a dog.
Nice op op
Gentle leaders are for old people who are too weak and slow (physically and mentally, like biden) to control their dogs at all. It’s a “bro would u rather kill le dog!?” tool for when a bidenesque geezer or entitled woman pretends thats their only other option
Watching this debate is like watching Hitler and Stalin go at it, we’re fucked.

Who is /dog/’s chosen candidate.
Except Stalin is a poorly reconstructed Frankenstein.
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Trying to figure out what has been wrong with my girl for two months now. Her back leg swelled up in mid-april, my first vet had no available schedule space, second vet x-rayed and said its soft tissue issue, they also don't offer surgical options, third vet did a fluid drain and inconclusive cytopsy and now I'm still waiting on punch biopsy results after a second visit where there wasn't even any fluid to drain from her increasingly more swollen hip. She's in pain, and miserable, can't run, can't play, I'm blowing through all of my credit and it just still feels like I'm failing my dog when she needs me the most because we haven't gotten anywhere. I don't know what to do. I'm actually thinking about taking a bus on my weekends to sell plasma at this point.
What food is she eating?
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i'm voting for my dog

heather 2024 goals:
reduce the price of cheese by at least 100%
invest into american dairy
federally mandated naptime from 11am to 5pm
is that a squirrel over there?
>dog candidates
You're going to regret lighting this fire
The fire rises
Go to a vet that isn't based in brazil
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Neoliberal dog
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This will have to do for now.
You know the answer
lewd thumbnail
My parents got a puppy and I ended up being the one who takes care of her. She's become extremely attached to me, it's as if I am all that is good or enjoyable in her life. If I leave she cries the whole time, including me just going to the bathroom. She's also constantly staring at me, it's somewhat creepy. Is there any way to make her more independent, maybe have other things she enjoys so she's not so obsessed with me? She's a year old border collie BTW.
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This a goldie?
Akbash x great pyrenees
Aha, I thought it looked like a bit of pyrenese but not enough floof.
Why did Biden's dog bite like 20 different people?
Its a German shepherd, in a dysfunctional family.
I want a second dog, should I get the same breed as my first for the matching set plus breeding potential, or should I get a different breed to experience different types of dogs?
Are you prepared for a second dog? There are a lot of factors to consider when getting a new dog. Is your current dog well trained? How old is your current dog? Is your current dog well exercised? Once you consider these topics then I'd say you should get a different breed but temperament is all that matters, get a dog which will balance your current dog. I started off with a low energy dog who happens to be very playful and got a second high energy dog who is also playful. They are superficial opposite but their love for play helped them create a strong bond.
what does your dog do when you're sad?
Look at me confused or curiously with a head tilt and erect ears.
would you adopt a dog that had heart-worm? he didn't show any symptoms but tested positive, he's getting treated for it now.
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hell no
Take a nap

Is this dog really nervous? I need a reality check. If I saw this behavior on a dog (avoiding eye contact, the ears, licking its lips, the so called smile of course) I would stay far away from it.

Now I'm not saying she's being abused, for all I know she just doesn't like the camera in her face, but these are signs of anxiety/fear, right?
I've seen relaxed dogs smile with their lips, and dogs and wolves have a confirmed smile-like expression of joy, but this looks like they're starting to form a nervous grin (the animal hating language term is "submissive dental display") but stop midway and start feeling panicky because their last owner hit them for "snarling"
Oh that makes a lot of sense, thanks.
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>tfw you know your dog is smiling for your reaction
Didn't you mention hitting your dogs at one point?
my almost 6 month male gsd been acting like a moody bitch lately. he doesn't want to leave the park and lays on the ground, soft bites me and sometimes doesn't let me touch him, i know this is because of the teething and the hormonal change he is going trough but should i start to punish his behavior or just ignore it?
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A painting of a dog found at the dump thrift.
just pick the dog up

punishment is how weak men turn dogs into nippy, nervous bitches.
strong men put dogs in their place the way nature intends for inferior things to be put in their place: by undeniable physical domination without contest.

fighting is for equals.
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I have a gentle leader (the Halti one) but I only use it at the vet when I may want to have very accurate control over my dogs' head location. That's the only good use for them.
I've never taken my 6-month-old GSD to the park.

It isn't in walking distance and I can't drive.

What happens if you pretend to leave without him? Mine sometimes wants to stay outside after all the rest of us have had our fun and are heading inside. I shut the door and leave him out there a alone for a minute, and he tends to quickly decide that actually he wants to be inside with all the rest of us, not left behind or excluded.
Let me guess, your dog hates the vet?
Facts of life.

If you can't lift your dog, it's not your dog.
lol, those fluffy dogs are skin and bones without fur.
a female malamute averages 75lb, males go into the 100s and females into the 90s easily (not all working breeders follow show standards)
lets see you holding your 76lb dog
it is possible that they have actually trained it to show those signals on command without them being real signs
for example a bark is a sign of something in a dog, if my dog were to just bark right now i would consider what it meant
but i've also taught my dog to bark on command so when i say 'speak' and he barks, it is a sign of nothing more than him doing as he's told

something i was told a long while ago is 'you can't reinforce an emotion'. im not sure i fully agree with this but it is definitely possible to reinforce signs of emotions without reinforcing the emotion itself which is what this trainer meant
What an odd response. Fluffy dogs look bigger than they are is all.
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"off leash but not really" gang
i drop her leash when i'm almost home to confirm that she actually wants to go back in the house
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Strong and confident body language, eyes wide open, ears forward and listening, legs forming a rock solid foundation ready to pounce. This dog is alert and exudes power and nobility.

Submissive and uncertain body language, eyes half closed with forepaws crossed and rear paws splayed like a flirtacious teenager. This dog is ready to flop over and show their belly at a moments notice.

What causes these dogs to carry themselves so differently?
butch lesbian vs femboy

Lol femboy dog
This dog is looking at food. OK! Fluffy, not fat!
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>incel or high functioning autist/alcoholic dog is now a “butch lesbian”
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She's the boss bitch

Not enough drool to be looking at food
Aussies are just a naturally feminine, nonthreatening looking breed
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Midget Chola dog
This dog exudes high test energy
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She has won many bouts against my boy
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I looked on in fear as she used kabbalistic magic to morph him into a Basset Hound.
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>high functioning autist/alcoholic
siberian husky: the official dog of having a favorite driving beer
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Bud light in particular because gay!
>casually fills gas tank with milk
>yeah, this is gonna be some fire cheese

you can't spell gay without IPA
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I'm a 5-year-old Mexican child what does that mean?
So is dalton your moms dog?
do you get used to bud light? i tried it in America a few times and couldn't believe how bad it tasted, almost like rice water or something. didn't really taste like beer. i imagine it's an acquired taste.

they are very cute. just so much energy though, i feel like i'd need a family to take care of one of those.
>bud light
Don't know, not gay. I elect American showline shepherds to answer your question.
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are dogs light sleepers? i think the best place for me to put the crate for my new puppy would be in my office, but there is a server in there with spindle drives that sometimes makes some noise. it's not super loud or anything, but it varies and I can hear it during the day while it works.
>botpost (You)farm
Remember, no dog + debated topic (crates)= bot.
If I really liked the dog and didn't think I could easily find another that was as good but didn't have heartworm, yes. Otherwise, no.

Also keep in mind that if he just had Diroban, he's going to be a lot less energetic than normal.

He'd be coughing if it were that bad.

>"you're going to throw this painting away, aren't you?"
Not in my experience. Any noise and they get used to it unless it's something sharp and sudden.
My pup sleeps in my office while I'm working on things, watching youtube vids, opening the window with a busy road outside. He sleeps through almost all of it unless a particularly obnoxious motorbike comes past.
Unfortunately you kind of have to know of a reputable vet because a lot of vets are morons. Don’t beat yourself man whatever happens you are doing your best.
It’s going to be tough because you should’ve started early but it is important to ween puppies off of you by crate training them and giving them long term enrichment like a frozen kong so that they learn how to play and have fun without you.
I’d wager it is just because she’s being filmed. She likely knows that phone in her face means she’s about to get asked to do something, she doesn’t seem nervous.
I’ve learnt that follow through is incredibly important. You give him a couple of chances and if he resists you pick him up and carry him out, he will quickly learn that it’s going to happen either way so he might as well just leave on foot and get treats. Dogs don’t need to be “punished” they just need to know that no matter what it is going to happen and if they make the choice to do it right then there is rewards in it for them
Staffords do naturally smile like this because of their big jaw muscles
Wrong. You will never see a pro handler use a harness, always a collar. Controls the head, control the animal, just like a horse, or a human, Harnesses actually make some breeds (like huskies/pibbies/rotweillers) want to pull more and harder and you can't make subtle corrections like you can with a good collar. No, not one with spikes, just one that fits properly on the neck. Collars also useful when if dogs fight/attach as you can use them to separate much more effectively. You, your huskie and its harness are all ghey. Now, back to Plebbit, amateur!
Are greyhounds generally ok with puppies?
I've got a 15-week-old lab, and I'd like him to meet my friend's greyhound at some point. But the size difference is so much that we're still worried he'll just get trampled.
Most of the anons here talk as if teaching your dog not to pull on the collar doesn’t take at most 2 weeks (huskies not withstanding)
Is it a retired greyhound? If so it probably doesn’t have manners. I would wear it out a little before introducing them. Getting out that initial greyhound sprint energy beforehand will minimise the risk. Also keep in mind that greyhounds have a high prey drive.
>Is it a retired greyhound?
No, he washed out as a puppy and was adopted before any training.
She is crate trained, she opts for the crate over my bed now. But she will still whine and bark if I close my bedroom door with her outside my room.
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Your opinion has been reviewed and discarded.
This is normal. Give her enrichment and ignore her. You can do it for longer and longer at a time. It is imports you don’t acknowledge her whining and also that you don’t let this turn into full blown separation anxiety.
No, actually. He loves it because he gets treats there. I have to be quick when I take him to the vet, or he'll open all the doors himself, and I don't want him to scratch them. But when he's getting a stinging injection, or a wound shaved and examined, or his temperature taken, or any number of mildly to moderately uncomfortable things, it's good to be able to be absolutely sure he can't swing his head around.
Should manlets own big dogs?
People should own whatever dog suits their lifestyle and they can control, so that they can both be happy.
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>A pro handler
>subtle corrections *250-lb man yanking on a 30-lb dog’s leash*
>dog fight
lol, lmao. Pro zoosadist more like. Orca man let bingo
Type shit, so should manlets own big dogs?
thanks fren.

But you need to control the beast so they dont stop, sniff, or look at the judges! Keep that mutt trotting. You’ll never make it at the american toadline club dog shows
See >>4830531
I'm keeping my friend's dog for 3-4 weeks. She's operated and like 3 years old. 1 week ago she started licking herself in her privates continuously, peeing in the process. That lasted 2 days. Now today she's starting to do it again. Should i go to a vet or can i wait for my friend to come back? I dont have a car and idk if the taxi driver would take me, the dog is bigger than I am.
Sounds like a UTI
So is it urgent or can it wait 2-3 weeks?
Seeing as how tons of white women own big dogs I don't see why a manlet can't
Not if it is a UTI
To be clear, take the dog to a vet
It's leo
>I can't drive.
This is an 18 plus forum, come back when you're an adult.
I'm going to look at puppies tomorrow!
Dogs are usually adaptable, my dog sleeps in from of the subwoofer for the TV while I watch movies sometimes.
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Been working as a kennel assistant past month (minimum wage), Ive finally made it in life.
Not really, you can muzzle the greyhound and show them to each other but I wouldnt let them out together. A greyhounds idea of playing is sprinting at each other to see who flinches.
What's it like to be around dogs at their lowest while you're at your lowest? What was the most disgusting diarrhea slop you had to hose off?
Im kennel assistant for a greyhound trainer not a pound so I dont get to see much in the way of depressing soon to be dead dogs. Worst shit wise is emptying the bins once a week, the shit begins to ferment, and youll get some on you even if youre careful, its horrible.
Kennels are pretty depressing themselves, though; dogs shouldn't be confined. I once saw a coonhound trainer keep his dogs in a stable with no human interaction besides dumping a large amount of kibble in them once a day. The dogs go crazy barking for his attention; he probably thinks it suits his semi-annual sport hunting trips.
A person who can’t control their dog shouldn’t have one
My dog is stuck
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Pitbros, your response?
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Welcome to the sex offender club!
He said he was 2!
Do dogs scratch themselves for no reason?
>all 3 of these dogs are derived from mastiffs
Any dog over maybe 35kg (depending on how strong you are), no. It definitely encourages pulling (at least in breeds where pulling is a self rewarding behaviour)
Glad someone mentioned it, there's breeds where pulling isn't just "rudeness"/untrained/high energy etc, the pulling isn't to get to some place, the pulling is actually an enjoyable behaviour. I'm sure it's diminished in a lot of breeds but many like Rottweilers at one point had an instinctual drive to pull.
Skill issue

My dog has only one training problem, and it's because a german shepherd bit her, and then I handled it poorly and made it worse by falling for the martingale meme. Unless by pull you mean when you're walking too slow for your dog without using a heel command, then, big deal, own husky walk faster or teach a verbal heel.
You do realise physically removing him would literally be punishment. It's the same thing as a dog pulling everywhere and just planting yourself until he realises to "pay attention", only the reverse set of stimuli and more extreme
"Punishment" (behavioral science) and "punishment" (common speech) have slightly different connotations, even among dog trainers

A lot of "positive only" trainers technically use punishment.
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puppyberg sleepy and so am I
Its 8am and I was up all night
Even in the colloquial, I'd still say actual physical removal is still "almost" a punishment (even though for some reason everyone assumes you mean chimp out on your dog with a belt like maximally melanated man). I suppose it's not quite in response to "wrongdoing" like playtime's over because you punched that other kid in the playground, but playtime's over because it is.
Agree with this
Huge number of positive only trainers use negative punishment and even negative reinforcement
They seem to mostly stray from positive punishment and the more sever forms of negative reinforcement like choke collars
Its fine but we need to be honest about the fact that negative punishment isnt always bad
aka stopping playing with a puppy because it teething bites you is negative punishment because you take away (negative) the good thing of playing in order to stop a behaviour (punishment)
or you stop walking forward when a dog is pulling on lead and that applies a strong force on him if he continues to try and pull but when he stops pulling the force goes away (negative) in order to encourage not pulling (reinforcement)

Both of the above training techniques, despote being negative punishment and negative reinforcement, are considered perfectly fine with almost all ‘positive only’ trainers and its just disingenuous really, but I understand it cause theyre often working with retarded dog beating assholes who think Caesar Milan is a savant so I can understand trying to simplify it for them
You are a psych 101 pseud having a meltdown about stuff no one was ever talking about
>TECHNICALLY thats punishment
Do you also correct people who call centipedes bugs
Centipedes are bugs and birds arent dinosaurs
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>retards incorrectly apply positive punishment, don't take the time to ensure positive associations ALONG WITH discouragement of the undesired behaviors
>dogs become fearful/otherwise maligned
>it's the positive punishment's fault, really!
Honestly didn't expect this retarded shit to be so prevalent here but at the same time I'm not surprised.
>adopt GSD at 11 months, covid dog
>she's MASSIVELY fucked up, not intentional but her socialization is absolutely rock bottom
>underweight as hell, barely eats anything
>lunges at everything and everyone, extremely fearful
>spend a year intensively working with her to overcome these issues
>amazing progress everywhere EXCEPT the reactivity
>start applying controlled and accurate positive punishment along with everything else
>within weeks her reactivity diminishes
>1 yr later, can now let her off-lead just about anywhere
>birthday party with 20 strangers, no prob lets fucking play
>now enjoys running/playing with other dogs
>fucking loving life
I will die on this hill, for any serious behavioral issues CORRECT application of the full gamut of reinforcement/punishment is the best way to train any dog, but positive reinforcement is and always will be the bread and butter. Anyone incorrectly applying positive punishment needs to be shot in the femur and have their animal taken away from them, but anyone saying it should be banned needs to be punched in the mouth.
Wait until you find out about the Pleistocene wolf!
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Kudos to that.

I took care of a field line* lab today which wrecked my body. He was too pushy and too overstimulated.
How I feel when I give my dog some scraps of meat.
I just believe the distinction between positive snd negative training, and also punishment and reinforcement, should be understood by people who actually care about training their dogs well
I’m not advocating that such distinctions should alter your moral boudnaries, wherever they may lie, but if you are actually an intelligent dog owner you should be able to understand the concept of positive/negative + reinforcement/punishment

That being said I also understand that most dog owners are retarded faggots and making it easy for then by saying ‘just use positive reinforcement’ will likely lead ti better outcomes for dogs, so I dont disagree with that, as I said, but again when discussing it with people that arent 50IQ boomers who think dominating their dog is the key to success then the distinction is meaningful and not nearlt ss arbitrary as you suggest
Hi, im the creator of this post and I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm gay.
Just a reminder that BassetGODS own your stank ass!
Basically just don't be non-white. My uncle is married to a Rican woman who thinks getting in the dog's face and screaming at it is going to work. I don't know how these people function day to day
Read the links in the OP. Hurting your dog is not safe or effective. Its the covid vaccine of training

Literally bred for generations to submit when corrected. They are unusual dogs. Most dogs are goldens, collies, and mutts that can not handle any of it at all. GSDs were literally born to take punishment (and dish it out).
beckman niggas be all
>just hit your dog my aggressive malinois did fine
>your dog: happy sheltie
>retards incorrectly apply positive punishment, don't take the time to ensure positive associations
No one said this, no one even implied this, didn't read the rest of your gay rant

I followed larry krohn's videos and what happened was mild corrections just made my dog rapidly go ballistic if it was for leash reactivity. Not for any other things, just dogs. She wasn't open to positive associations. She was getting worse over the course of a few days until I went all positive because the next recommended steps were stronger corrections and she was already showing me less and less affection, now the rate at which she gets better is determined by the rate at which i see other dogs before she does but larry "stupid fucking faggot who blogs about how much he loves his dogs nuts" krohn's sage advice of correct and reward made her a lot worse.

She's ok off leash with other dogs again and responds to german shepherds with excitement instead of snarling now.

So, anyways, you're gay.
You, uh, you know “balanced training” is totally unique to dogs because of all the people that train dogs to be aggressive right?
Punishment is not accepted for training animals in countries where the average IQ of employed men is in the triple digits. It has been proven time and time again to cause aggression. It’s not “if”. It’s “when” a punished dog will bite. Only saudis, africans, russians, and general retards support harming animals unless its a k9 whose sole purpose is biting people.

You did the right thing by doing a 180 on training. Larry trains k9s, not companions.
Orca males should be castrated.

Very sad topic.
its also the norm lol
>it doesnt hurt them
>dogs have thick skin :)
>my dog: *temporarily regresses 18 months for just one specific dog by accidentally clotheslining herself on a leash while i'm picking up a turd*
I got accused of kicking someone's dog because I kicked the ball that they had dropped at my feet
Maybe I'm naive but I never thought that'd happen
Look man I'm not about this autistic obsession with youtube dog trainers and never doing anything that your dog doesn't like. I don't really care whether it is definitively "punishment" or not.
The point is the intention fo the action isn't to punish your dogs behaviour but to show it that when you say it is time to go then it is time to go no matter what.
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The problem is the standard for punishment itt is fucking retarded. People think that prong collars and e-collars are some terrible torture device that the dog fears which when used properly just isn't the case.
The problem is that everyone just plays ends of the spectrum, either you should walk a 180lb cane corso on a harness and give him treats anytime he doesn't drag you up the road or you should strap an e-collar to your labradoodle and blast it at max until it is too scared to move.
The simple fact is most dogs can be trained without any special tools, some training requires special tools, some dogs require those tools, and none of those tools are inherently bad when used correctly (except for gentle leaders).
I use an e-collar to aversion train my dogs off of toads and snakes because I don't want them to die for example. The sensaiton of an e-collar is mild discomfort and dogs quickly understand how to turn that off. They don't care that you did that you did it to them, they're not traumatized. You have to actively misuse one of these tools to make a dog shut down.
Training that relies on fear IS abuse.
Picking your dog up and carrying it out of the park doesn't make your dog fear it dipshit. The dog simply understands that it's better to walk out and get a treat.
Unless you are misusing them dogs do not fear prong or e-collars full stop.
they create fearful associations. that's the whole point of them. talking it down doesn't change the fact that the dog is being shocked a little.
Not how e-collars work.
If you eat something and you don't like it are you now scared of that food? Does it create a fearful association in you? Negative sensation and fear aren't the same things.
I think it'd be abuse to not train my dogs to stay away from cane toads and let them die a horribly unpleasant death but then I'm no practitioner of suicidal empathy.
its shocking dogs. problem? same thing as electrifying toads.
Best posts all thread. Telling.
Ricans are cool THOUGH
mostly white too
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Show off your chill spot away from foxtails and the heat. Surely it will be more fun and interesting than the same old arguments.
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Conveniently ignoring the entire argument to have the same hyperbolic misinformed semantic debate about "shocking". I don't know how anyone is expected to take you niggers seriously.
t. brown Rican
Wrong (I’m a white one)
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My dog has Cushing's disease and has been under treatment for several years, but for the past week, he has been vomiting 1-2 times a day after drinking water.
Is it over ?
E-collars literally work the same way TENS machines work moron
Stop saying tens; shock collars don't inhibit pain receptors to flood synaptic gaps.

More accurate is electrical stimulation. e-stim does cause pain and needs to be adjusted to a patient's tolerance level.

The problem? Tolerance is always changing hence why you can shock dogs until they no longer notice (they do notice; they just won't show any physical behavior) This causes people to go up and up, past a dog’s tolerance level to achieve recall. This IS shocking.

Shock collars work by causing pain and discomfort to “get your dog’s attention”. When they become used to that pain and discomfort, you’ll shock them harder.

Humans cannot find tolerance levels safely without harming a dog.

Keeping your dog on a long line is safer as It won't cause intense moments of fear or aggression resulting from being shocked randomly for walking 50 feet away from your owner (dogs do not understand that they need to stay close to you; being shocked for sniffing and walking causes neurotocism).

We live in the 21st century. Electroconvulsive Therapy isn’t as widespread for a reason. E-stim should never be used on any dog meant to be a companion (or at all).

You are a faggot.

BassetKINGS own your faggot ass.
We're talking about e-collars not shock collars.
I agree, but you aren't allowed to have a nuanced opinion these days unfortunately.
Stop sanitizing your language

A shock collar set to the lowest possible level is the only acceptable way to use it. Everything else is abuse.
>what does your dog do when you're sad?
jumps up and puts a paw on each side of my neck, goes heart to heart, and yawns until I feel better.
>don't call something what it is
>also here's how its not abuse
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Have you ever used an e-collar? I've used it on myself so I would know how it felt, I can't even feel anything until 12/100 and then it is barely perceptible, at 50/100 it is attention grabbing for sure, and uncomfortable on continuous mode, at 100/100 it causes small involuntary muscle contractions and is very uncomfortable and irritating. On all levels the feeling is the same as paresthesia aka pins and needles when your arm or leg falls asleep, but it happens suddenly at the selected level unlike the normal ramp up of pins and needles when your limb is asleep.
>woulndt use a shock collar on a toddler
>uses it on his dog
Are dogs toddlers?
Retard "doggo" "parents" think so.
Not that anon, but I have. What I found was it was very dependent on what I was wearing and maybe even humidity (I live in the tropics). Obviously I mostly tested it directly to my skin, but it's not a perfect test because the dogs coat kind of acts like a barrier depending how it is sitting on there - even with the prongs. Higher levels were very uncomfortable for me. I think there are better ways to train a dog than use one of those.

As far as TENs units, that's not at all comparable. I have a bad back and use those at physical therapy and the stimulation is completely different.
Dogs are less than toddlers in almost every aspect except size.
So any retard anon who compares dogs to toddlers can safely be ignored.
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channeled message from the future
>using a shock collar at a high level to achieve recall
Tell me how I know you're retarded. Who the fuck would even consider using a shock collar at a high level for fucking RECALL?
>cannot find tolerance levels safely
Again, tell me how I know you're retarded. It is pathetically easy to find out when your dog starts noticing the collar without it being painful to them, but that does require your dog to have a basic level of recall to teach it what the sensation means so I guess that's beyond you.
>dogs do not understand they need to stay close to you
That's not what recall training is for, that's a fucking heel and it's a whole other thing entirely, you fucking retard.
>being shocked randomly for walking 50 feet away from your owner
t. trained recall by going from a 1m leash to 3m to 7m to 15m drag line to e-collar and now use e-collar to recall my dog from a field 100m away from me with a shock level so low I don't even feel it when I use it on my own neck

Personally I dislike prong collars because imo it's too easy to over-apply them. E-collars are going to be perfectly consistent (no, not your shitty 40$ aliexpress one) and as long as you don't over-use them like a retard your dog isn't going to build up a tolerance, either. Only benefit the prong collar has is that it automatically applies whenever your dog hits the end of the leash so you don't need to be on your game as much.

Not that anon but that's why you wouldn't use higher levels to teach anything unless you're a fucking retard that doesn't understand the concept of e-collars.
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There's barely any foxtails in the woods around where I live so it's a great space to walk around and chill out in
This dog is emaciated
Correct, this was just after she got adopted and was severely underweight. Went from 27kg to 39kg.
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Absolutely meaningless statement
>As far as TENs units
I don't use a prong collar either but that's more because I just don't know how to use them and don't need them
>E-collars are going to be perfectly consistent
Wrong, dogs move them all the time by scratching their necks as well as gravity sliding them up and down.
>I didn't put my collar on correctly so neither did you
Ok, retard
>dogs coat kind of acts like a barrier depending how it is sitting on there - even with the prongs
That's why it's important to get the right prongs, and to have the collar tight enough to make good contact at all times, it's so important that their are even modified prongs you can get for dogs with longer coats, and even then some people will use these prongs on short coat dogs for the reliability and being able to keep the collar less tight. One of the biggest mistakes novices make with e-collars is not having the collar tight, and increasing the power on it until suddenly it makes a good connection, this sudden foreign feeling can turn the dog off to e-collars permanently, same as the invisible fence type collars if the dog has had a bad experience with it. The tool needs to be implemented gradually so the dog understands what this foreign feeling means and how to stop it, once they understand training starts going very fast.
Forgot the Pic
valid point, but if you aren't strong enough to handle the dog, I think that's a bigger issue than the method of collar vs harness
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>Forgot the pic
The main issue is that people don't bother to teach their dogs loose leash walking. Regardless of whether it's on a collar or a leash, a dog that pulls a lot is going to suffer negative consequences. If all people did was just train loose leash walking there'd be a lot less stupid fucking issues.
>hurf durf I am a retard
a collar or a harness is what I meant, obviously.
What a cope
Dogs pull retard, they have an oppositional reflex.
This thread sure was nice until the animal abuse shills started shilling
>nice thread
Shut the fuck up retard

Your dog tolerates abuse, ok, cool, you hurt your dog, other people may not want to or need to, go catch the bus and tell your mom you promise you weren't doing drugs or whatever
There is literally no such thing as an oppositional reflex. The dog just wants to move faster than your shambling ass because dogs are fast animals, and if you took the leash away they'd run ahead, run back, run ahead, and then run back. Just train loose leash walking (with treats) and a heel command, and walk faster so you don't have to overuse it.
It is incredibly telling that the weird schizophrenic faggots in this thread like yourself keep posting these little posts where you make shit up so you can pat yourself on the back
Even more so that in that same post you're also going to complain about other people ruining the thread
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Looks like a lovely spot. I need to do a better job keeping the grass down at my place next year. Might get some sheep...

>In addition, although positive punishment can be effective, there is no evidence that it is more effective than positive reinforcement–based training. In fact, there is some evidence that the opposite is true.

>In conclusion, those working with, or handling dogs should rely on positive reinforcement methods and avoid using positive punishment and negative reinforcement as much as possible.

>no no no i just wanted to fill the thread with a tldr cope essay about how shock collars dont shock and "real dog trainers" jerk their dogs heads around
>The results show that using aversive training methods (e.g., positive punishment and negative reinforcement) can jeopardize both the physical and mental health of dogs.

Trainers working with literally every single other animal already knew this in the late 90s, by the way. What makes dogs different from other animals?

On one hand, a lot of their handlers, specifically older men carrying the vestiges of a culture that was meant to die somewhere around the invention of the repeating pistol, still believe it is desirable if your dog bites a stranger who reaches towards them unexpectedly (they might be a robber). And positive punishment makes this behavior a lot more likely.
On the other, a lot of their handlers believe leash laws dont apply to them which opens up a vast swath of dangers that are difficult to train around. All training inevitably fails so these people are naturally frustrated from going through so many dogs.
>anyone mentions anything that upsets the redditeers
>they spend the reast of the thread posting hyperbole and getting their facts wrong
You're the problem faggot. You might have a point if everytime someone talked about giving their dog a treat there were three or four replies making stuff up and crying but there isn't. It's you mongoloids who can't get over yourselves who turn it into a discussion.
>What makes dogs different from other animals?
On the most basic level, they are widely available to the general public and aren't reserved for wildlife handlers.

>All training inevitably fails
Based understander of dog psychology.
>can jeopardize both the physical and mental health of dogs.
>can jeopardize
I think the most compelling argument that positive only retards are just that is their failure to understand even basic concepts
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The same study

>those working with, or handling dogs should rely on positive reinforcement methods and avoid using positive punishment and negative reinforcement as much as possible.

Try harder
Uh huh and what was the content of the study? What samples did they use? What trainers? What methods? Did you actually look into anything or did you find a sentence that agreed with you and then posted that?
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>IN CONLUSION, those working with, or handling dogs should rely on positive reinforcement methods and avoid using positive punishment and negative reinforcement as much as possible.

>there is no evidence that it[positive punishment] is more effective than positive reinforcement–based training.
It actually blows me away how embarrassing people are. Imagine feeling so strongly about something you know nothing about. Imagine exposing that you're an idiot by posting a nothing study that you didn't look into and treating it like gospel. Imagine being so incapable of engaging with anything anyone says you have to cycle between ignoring their points and posting hyperbole.
You are a troll with no dog until proven otherwise.

Gal Ziv,
The effects of using aversive training methods in dogs—A review,
Journal of Veterinary Behavior,
Volume 19,
What is this pseud babbling, why would you use something that can jeopardize your dog's wellbeing when methods that do not are more effective? Zoo sadism incarnate.
>I just want to abuse animals bro
>Why are you getting mad at me
>Just hurt your dog
>I'm telling other people to hurt their dogs
>Why are you mad at me
No. Be nice to animals.

>Facts are hyperbole! you are spouting gospel! you can't have a discussion! studies mean nothing why are you ignoring me this is hyperbole
This is literally what my ex girlfriend said when I proved that her "dabs" habit (going through several those little tins of hash a week) was destroying her brain. You argue like a stoner and a woman. Hows that for you?
Who is Gal Ziv?
What is the actual content of these studies?
What were the methods used?
Again you should be able to answer all these things since you've obviously looked into this study and didn't just find the first thing that agreed with you.
I have neve seen a reliable method to prevent your dog from going after toads that isn't aversion training with an e-collar. I don't want my dog to die. I'm not a moron so I know how to use an e-collar properly.
>>Facts are hyperbole!
No but ironically that is literally hyperbole so thanks for proving my point fuckwit.
>ummm I'm dating a retarded junkie so you've been LE OWNED
Kek what a fucking retarded cunt God damn, this is the level you're dealing with when it comes to these obsessed poz trannies
In theory, if a retard insists on letting their dog off leash, which is not required or desirable because in nature most dogs are notched into the food chain just below coyotes and have minimal survival instincts and if they hated being on leashes they'd bite through them or climb the fence and fuck off, shocking them into being scared of stuff that could hurt them is their only real option because even at a perfect heel, they could suffer a lapse of attention and not notice they were walking up to a trail blocked by a colony of rattlesnakes and poison toads. Or maybe one day their perfect heel wouldn't be enough for the very first time their dog saw bigfoot.

But that just drives the point home that aversives work by making dogs afraid to go near/do certain things and highlights that it is abusive and could create undesirable fearful associations with other things in the environment, or even a generalized anxiety problem.
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Saar, what is this about abuse? Dogs are lower caste spirits. Lord Vishnu commands us to treat them with castigation. My rapist uncle maybe could be in your dog saar. Do not redeem the peanut butter and cheese combo saar.

>What is the actual content of these studies?
The study has been linked 2-3 times and is open to all users as an online full text. Feel free to educate youself tranny.

>I have never seen a reliable method to prevent your dog from going after toads
Pic rel

Ever heard of a toggle leash? Just use a short leash and stop bringing your dog around dangerous things. Dogs cannot comprehend danger like we can, it's your job to protect them by avoiding areas with dangerous animals

Also, fucking really? I taught both of my dogs leave it, why can't you? Retardation?
>I refuse to read public peer reviewed journals of science
>Facts are hyperbole because they disagree with me
>Shocking dogs so they're afraid of going near toads isn't aversion
>You got laid? You suck actually!
Lol, you really are a woman

I didn't "date a junkie" she got into that later, apparently based on youtubes influence, because women are that dumb

But anyways, no, facts are not hyperbole. A study outright saying that hurting animals is a bad idea isn't hyperbole. It's a fact. Is it hyperbole if I tell you that touching a hot stove will always burn you? No, that's a fact. Just because it offends you doesn't mean it's anything but a fact.
Uh huh so you didn't look into any of the sources and just posted it because it agreed with you, why don't you just say that?
>Pic rel
So I should keep my dog chained up all day while I'm at work?
Damn now it all makes sense this is all just projection and you faggots love torturing animals.
I can understand why your company might lead someone to start doing drugs
>make up arguments and put words into someone else's mouth
>engage with your own fanfiction as though it is actually what the person posted
And you have such little self-awareness that you're saying others are acting like women
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See this, What do?
>you faggots love neglecting
>also I leave my dog outside all day in a rattlesnake and toad infested yard and shock him randomly

I recommend you get your dog a vetted caretaker or an x-pen instead of causing psychological damage to your dog through shocking.

Shocking isn't full proof; your dog WILL go after the toads eventually.

Now that you know how dog training is an ongoing process with no absolutes, why would you choose to willingly harm your dog over teaching appropriate behaviors?
>deny your dog access to your yard or get it a care taker instead of doing an afternoon of aversion work
Suicidal emapthy. Genuine onions brain. I have never had aversion work fail, my dog is not traumatized by her e-collar nor has any other. Just because you don't know how to and are unwilling to make use of the tools at your disposal doesn't mean everyone is.
Sorry that I'm not just going to let my dog die for no reason I guess.
Look at you talking about literally everything but the topic at hand, trying to spin character attacks out of thin air. Womanly.

The topic at hand, anyways: Yes, shock collars shock dogs. That's why when you zap your dog they don't want to go near a frog again. It's the same experience as if the frogs themselves were surrounded by a field that electrocuted things. That's how they work. It's unpleasant. Mildly painful, confusing, and a bit scary, because unlike a human who knows what to expect dogs dont even know electricity exists and they're like 'the presence of this thing is giving me nasty neck spasms wtf is going on'

That brings up the big problem with shock collars: what if your dog associated that sensation they dislike and fear with something you didn't want them to? What if they were just more fearful after than on average? It can really fuck up dogs.

Speaking of hyperbole and acting like a woman
>Mow your lawn
>Keep your dog on a leash
>Get a haircut
>-woman (we'll call you shirley)
Shirley, you can't be serious. Mow your lawn and keep your dog on a leash outside of that.
>an afternoon of aversion work
You know what's funny? You type exactly like someone who is ban evading this site for posting graphic images of dog abuse. Hmm...
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This enrages and confuses the truck driver
>suicidal empathy
>leashing your dog while walking in areas with dangerous animals is suicidal empathy
>the only alternative to letting your dog roam and shocking them into being scared of stuff is killing them
this poster may never be a woman but they sure act like one

oh god is it anyatranny
>muh dogwife has to be free
>but free while being afraid of being randomly electrocuted
>thats still freedom
>muh dog wife a bloo bloo bloo
>Look at you talking about literally everything but the topic at hand, trying to spin character attacks out of thin air
It's not even worth pointing out the lack of self awareness it would take for you to post this
>what if you do it wrong
The trick I've found is doing it right
Dogs aren't as fucking retarded as you seem to think
This means nothing to me
Yup, he's not even typing like any of the other Anons who tried to rationalize low level stimming. This is a full-blown animal abuser who cranks his collar to 100 because

>im at work all day (driving trucks)
>more effeminate crying
Back to the topic at hand, anyways: Yes, shock collars shock dogs. That's why when you zap your dog they don't want to go near a frog again. It's the same experience as if the frogs themselves were surrounded by a field that electrocuted things. That's how they work. It's unpleasant. Mildly painful, confusing, and a bit scary, because unlike a human who knows what to expect dogs dont even know electricity exists and they're like 'the presence of this thing is giving me nasty neck spasms wtf is going on'

That brings up the big problem with shock collars: what if your dog associated that sensation they dislike and fear with something you didn't want them to? What if they were just more fearful after than on average?

Do you have a response to this that isn't "anya is smart enough to consent, chud"?
E-collars do not shock dogs in the sense that electric fences do.
E-collars are not painful unless you're using a cheap chinese one.
E-collars when used properly are simply unpleasant in the same way that eating something you don't like is unpleasant.
I have never had a dog fear an e-collar nor have they had any problems with incorrect association because I use them properly.
Furthermore I don't care if my dog "consents" it's a fucking dog, if it knew what was good for it it wouldn't need to be aversion trained off of picking up incredibly poisonous animals.
>It doesn't hurt it just makes them afraid of toads
Dogs dont fear the collar itself because they're dumb

They fear whats around or going on when they get shocked tho. No need to rationalize this. You shocked your dog instead of keeping them leashed around dangerous animals.
Do you fear food that tastes bad? Or do you just not eat it because it is unpleasant?
>leashed around dangerous animals
Again showing your deranged mindset, sorry but I think I'll stick to not torturing my dog for hours a day because some brainlet on 4chan doesn't know how e-collars work.
You are now about to witness the strength of positive reinforcement

Straight outta the doghouse!
Crazy little pupper named Ice Pup
From the pack called Barkers With Attitudes
When I’m called off, I got a tennis ball
Squeeze it tight, and tails are wagging
You too, hooman, if you mess with me
The squirrels are gonna have to run and hide
Off your lawn, that’s how I’m going out
For the mail carriers who keep showing up
>Walking a dog on a leash is torture
So why don't they spin around and bite through the leash?
>Shocking a dog with a device they cant even comprehend to make them afraid of a frog is not
Lol, even without a value judgement why can't you say "yes, i electrocuted my dog to make them afraid of a frog"? What's so hard about that? Just say it
>Yes, I electrocuted my dog to make them afraid of a frog instead of keeping them leashed when there are dangerous animals around
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Based digger music.
>electrical stimulation is unpleasant
>water boarding is unpleasant
Unpleasant? Cognitive dissonance sasuga.
>keeping them leashed when there are dangerous animals around
Already addressed this, I work and my dog is alone during the day. It has nothing to do with anything else. You'd know that if you actually read the posts you're replying to.
>afraid of a frog
Already addressed this, toads are not frogs and my dog is not afraid of them. You'd know that if you actually read the posts you're replying to.
It really is crazy just how fucking terrible you faggots are at stringing together arguments, but it isn't really surprising since people who are so obnoxious about things tend to know nothing about the thing in question.
>cheetahs are fast
>formula 1 cars are fast
>therefore cheetahs travel at the same speed as f1 cars
I'm sorry were you trying to make some kind of point? Because if you were you failed miserably
>my dog is alone in a swamp
>thats why i had to electrocute them to make them afraid of frogs
Bro cant admit the simplest thing. Very female behavior

When I’m at work my dog sleeps on the couch
It doesn't matter if you can't tether your dog, they shouldn't be outside, alone, with access to highly poisonous animals...
Because no matter how often you shock your dog one day they will be excited from something else and that will be stronger than their regular electrocutions, enough for them to attack the local toad stuffed rattlesnakes anyways,
Sorry, I live in a gated community were everyone knows my dogs and I can easily leave them with my neighbors if there's a problem. I'm not a sex offender traveling across state lines avoiding an interpol/homeland security raid lol.
You fool

All toads are frogs
Who are you quoting?
Why do you think hyperbole is compelling and not incredibly transparent and pathetic?
Or you could simply teach them not to put poisonous animals into their mouth?
I feel like we're going in circles here, one where you make up some retarded impractical solution which actively makes my dog's life worse and I remind you that I can simply solve the problem.
What did you think when you posted this? That living in a gated community is a flex? That this was somehow going to be a compelling diss? This is easily the most embarrassing thing posted in a thread full of incredibly embarrassing posts.
>all toads are frogs, but not all frogs are toads
Huh you learn something new everyday
How are facts hyperbole? You electrocuted your dog to make them afraid of frogs. Its a cut and dry fact. Why does it make you uncomfortable? Why do you have to get so emotional about it? These aren’t manly emotions of justice, honor, dignity, and morality. These are womanly emotions of nervousness and shame, defending mistakes and trying to insult those who can see them.

No right or wrong here lets just say it
You electrocuted your dog to make them afraid of frogs rather than keeping them on a leash on walks and indoors when you left. A man would say “so? and it could make them aggressivf? i want my dog to bite people.” not call facts hyperbole, woman. You act like you’re ashamed of what you did
>i didnt smoke crack mom i just tried it a little to get laid. do you want me to doe a virgin?
>not leaving your dog in a field of dangerous animals makes their life worse
>electrocuting them does not
Post a photo of your dog
>keep a dog leashed on walks and inside when you’re at work? that isnt real world dog training *ZZZZZAP*
I guess muffins the pibble has another fence to leap when he gets hungry fr no cap
>Or you could simply teach them not to put poisonous animals into their mouth?
You can't teach dogs such a complex thing, they are literally less capable of learning than a toddler...and no you can't even train them to be stay away from frogs as they can't even narrow down their learning to a simple thing. This is why dogs who are attacked may become fearful of black dogs, or large dogs, or dogs with smooth fur, because they take in all of the information around them during a fearful event (electrocution/dog attack).
The same thing happens to people

Retards get raped once and then its all “nooooo dont wear a red shirt I FELE UNSAFE” jesus christ
>I feel like we're going in circles here, one where you make up some retarded impractical solution which actively makes my dog's life worse and I remind you that I can simply solve the problem.
Woman, you are leaving your dog alone outside where there are poisonous animals because shocking your dog for going near a frog is easier than fixing the separation anxiety issues that made you believe that leaving a dog inside for 6 hours is "actively making their life worse"

Just a guess. You talk about an issue that is had with another unnecessary, but more respectable activity: running hounds for hunting. It's called snakeproofing, and the only way around it is to not run hounds and just shoot animals like a normal man, because even with the best of luck everyone loses a hound or two (sometimes half the pack) and it's very hard to actually keep that many dogs happy.

However you have another way forward. Don't leave your dog in your yard with a bunch of poison frogs.
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>running? *yawn* I think I'll pass hooman...why don't you fetch me more CBD snacks as atonement for your sins (forgot to let her back inside). *sleeps for the next 10 hours*
It's why so many dogs are afraid of men.
Posting funny frog is easier than confronting your mental instability.
*nyamolester confirmed
That's because orca manlet and dog ball lover followers try and abuse their collie lab mixes into being hardcore k9s and dump them at the shelter upon failure
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>my dog stays home
>when i leave they are taking a nap
>when i come back they are taking a nap
>get a tail wag and give a belly rub
life is too easy

i have chickens in the backyard. maybe i should start leaving my dog there for hours? it would make things more interesting for sure
HuskEMPERORS and BassetSHOGUNS can't stop winning.
Napoleon Basseparte
Happy pride!
I read the losing side of the arguments in the voice of the costco barcode guy.
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Pride is a sin, Bobby Barker.
Start repenting
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You first.

Cute dog, but not nearly as cute as Leo. Sorry!
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>You First

Our Huskfather, who art in heaven
Howloed be thy name
Thy will not come, thy will run (failed recall attempt)
In France, as it is in Siberia
Gave us this day, our daily cheese
And forgive us our meaty stench
As we forgive those with prickears
And lead us not into smashing and slamming
But deliver us from cats
Have you ever seen star trek? With the pale robot dude? That’s what you’re acting like ngl
>are you not satisfied with my new subroutine? i have studied being one of the boys, extensively cross referencing historical and contemporary social norms across 10000 different cultures. My calculations predict that this poetic “interior humor” should elicit a “sensible chuckle”. Have I failed to sufficiently encourage your joy response?
>having a malfunction already
Oh shit, he really was an AI
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Rizz L
I would like to appeal this judgement
It fits, desu!
ngh have an ai moment plz understand saars.
As the highest ranking officer in /dog/, I'm officially deporting all trekkies to /kot/.
What have they done to earn this generous reward?
real regulars know that heatheranon is the hereditary king of /dog/.

There were always 2 kings but the other got usurped by the council of regulars.

maple/juniper anon was meant to be the next in line but vanished.

Rumor has it that heatheranon had his successors murdered to thwart social deviation from his rulings.
/dog/ never wrote down its rules, instead we always relied on our unique and highly structured threads to safeguard our system, but, it may be time do so.

Has a wolf pack ever written down their rules?
Well no and our the current system has ensured many anons fall in line naturally. Just an idea.
I am cringing in real life
Even funnier that you didn't immediately think my post was ironic.

Let me guess... You're just too cool to howl at the moon with the boys.
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C'mon. The rule of two is a very serious historical anomaly here...
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A colony of german shepherds has broken away from the mother breed, refusing to follow the ways of von stefanitz and abandoning all working and military pretenses

Their ears - pointier
Their emotions - more honest
Their obedience - taken less seriously
As companions, they are superior
And it is rumored they carry husky and malamute DNA

Need it or keep it?
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Shilohs are epic and based. I wonder how the size is going to affect hip dysplasia if at all. I know they are a rarer which may indicate stricter breeding regulations.
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Breeding out disorders was one of the goals, which is why they have sled spitz DNA.
a mutt
>sexy dog (37)
Anon, uh, hm... how do I say this? Why do you have THIRTY SEVEN files named "sexy dog"?
why don't you
Post truck
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My mom had to have the family dog put down on Friday. Poor girl was about 13. Visits to my mother's will never be the same.

Wasn't this the evil heather?
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No, her name was Lila

that's really young for a husky
At least you'll have a newfound spirit guardian.
Are you Swedish?
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Is it? I thought that was right around when they typically go
That's a wonderful way to look at it. Thanks, anon.
My mother had my husky put down when I was 8 just to hurt my dad, the thing was is she was the one giving out blowies for free.
My dad did nothing wrong
for what its worth she probably suffers immensely now. sluts lose the ability to pair bond and have more mental disorders. unfortunate scientific fact, for both sexes, but women are hit a little harder especially on the depression front.
whos cuddling with their dog?
How many anons hug/cuddle their dogs?
My neighbors have gotten a new Burmese mountain dog puppy. They would like her to meet my dog.
My dog is very dominant and undersocialized. This has caused problems with the neighbors other dogs who went from being his best friends pre-snip to attacking him on sight and anyone who smells like him. They ripped quite a large chunk out of my arm a few months ago. Supposedly the more aggressive one has become less neurotic with a female in the house.
Do you think my neighbors other dogs would attack the puppy if she came home smelling like my dog? I know the answer depends but any advice is appreciated

You should all keep your dogs separate until they're trained and the dog that ripped your arm open should be put down holy shit
>how are facts hyperbole?
>posts more hyperbole
>you can't teach a dog aversion
>here are examples of dogs who have learnt aversion
Or, alternatively, I do a little bit of aversion work and my dog is allowed free roam of a yard all day safely
It's funny seeing you fags oscillate between "dude they just LE FROGS" and "these are literally the most deadly animals in the world how could you let your dogs around them"
Unfortunately this sort of shit is pretty common. I know of a dog that the mother had told the kids they were in charge of feeding (which is retarded) and when they inevitably lost interest she just let it starve.
Weird how owners of other pets don't have these problems
Other people don't or can't take their pets for granted. Most any failure in a dog is actually on their owner.
>its hyperbole
its a literal statement

you dont like admitting that you electrocuted your dog. why? why all the cope? oh right, shame
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"Murder collie" division

/dog/ clothing, for work and play:
These harnesses are crash tested, but are too restrictive for exercise:

/dog/ approved training:
/dog/ disapproved training (AVOID!): zak george, joel beckman

Don't hurt your dog, retard:
A Punished Dog Is an Aggressive Dog - Stanley Coren PhD., DSc, FRSC, Psychology Today August 6, 2015
Stanley Coren PhD., DSc, FRSC, Effectiveness of Rewards and Punishments in Dog Training

/dog/ breath freshening:

Get the facts about the raw feeding myth:
Quality dog food reviews here: https://files.catbox.moe/4qbv21.zip

Last thread >>4829794
>post deletions do not work
I did electrocute my dog. The question is why you can't stop making things up?
>get mad at 4chan x for getting stuck in a loop trying to delete the post
>forgot to change the copypasta

colliebros i've dishonored us
>Shock dog for approaching a frog
>They are now afraid of frogs
It's that simple

So what if the dog associated the shock with something else, or became fearful all the time? Because you're just making your dog afraid of things.

It's proven this shit doesn't work better or as well than training without hurting animals.
>inb4 "i didnt hurt them cope and denial"
You did, that's why it works.
Doesn't hurt the dog.
The dog is not afraid of frogs.
The dog doesn't associate the sensation of the collar with anything else because I did the work properly.
If you don't want to use an e-collar that is fine, if you don't like that other people use e-collars then that is fine too, however when you non-stop reply debating e-collars with hyperbole, misinformation and fishing for sound bites it is incredibly obvious that your distaste for e-collars isn't based on any sort of facts or reality but instead just your feelings.
Why the fuck does everyone worship these high maintenance fuckers? Everyone in my family has their own 100+ pound beast that they use as an indoor lapdog for some goddamn reason and I cannot visit anyone's house without an irritating desperate thing trying to crush me under its 100+ pound body because they both breed and train them to be so goddamn desperate for constant attention. I don't understand it. Like Doberman's, Pitbulls, and Saint Bernards trained to try to jump up on the couch and try to sit in strangers laps. There are breeds that don't weigh so goddamn much but they all decided on the fucking mini horses to keep indoors in tiny apartments. It's fucking absurd and makes me want to never visit anyone.
Big dogs are based and make the best lapdogs, sorry your retarded friends and family can't teach their dog basic manners.
The answer is really simple. You are autistic in a bad way.
>published facts are hyperbole and misinformation
Calm down woman. Yes, it's based on reality. You can read all the studies ITT.
Show me the study where it says that I'm uncomfortable admitting to electrocuting my dog or that basic factual arguments and dismissal of someone's pathetic attempts at hyperbolic shit flinging is are traits of a woman.
I am diagnosed extremely autistic in a bad way and I hate when things demand my attention and sit on me. Why do we breed animals to demand my attention and sit on me? The dogs' quality of life suffers because they can never receive the absurd amount of attention their brains were trained for. It's lose lose.
I don't want to have to point out the irony of a miserable sperg posting about how dogs brains don't let them be happy
I'm an accidental genetic fuckup though and I'll be gone after my own generation of one. They're intentional genetics. Someone chose to inflict that upon multiple litters and it populates.
Yeah the joy of dogs is not something I would expect a sperg to understand
I just carry a gun when I take my dog for a walk. Then I don't have to worry about any threats
Explain furries
>if spergs don't get dogs then how come there's a group full of spergs who's entire identity is based on a bastardisation of the mentality of dogs
>>you can't teach a dog aversion
>>here are examples of dogs who have learned aversion
You missed the point entirely, dogs can't learn to be fearful of one stimuli reliably nor humanely, they attach other associative stimuli to the experience. It is cruel and unusual to subject your dog to electrocution when you can hire a dog sitter, leave them indoors, or buy an X-pen.

Kys zoosadist
Doesn't make them fearful.
Isn't more unpleasant than going to the groomers.
Not lowering my dogs quality of life because I'm too much of a soiboi to be responsible and train my dog.
>doesnt make them fearful
Wrong according to the growing scientific body on the subject

And who cares? It's an inferior training method by lazy people who shouldn't have dogs to begin with.
>soiboi is when you don't vehemently abuse animals
Tiny dick much?
Point me to where they say that e-collars inherently make dogs fearful.
There is no other method for training dogs not to lick toads.
>vehemently abusing dogs is when you make them mildly uncomfortable
Don't go bombing any dog groomers anon
You go on about hyperbole, deny you hurt your dog, and then say that not letting them roam a supposedly dangerous backyard unsupervised for hours would ruin their life (an actual hyperbole, because “aversives dont work any better and make dogs fearful” is a proven scientific fact, not a hyperbole. “MY DAWGS LIFE WILL BE RUINED IF HE CANT BARK IN THE BACKYARD” is a hyperbole)

Hmm so
Can we see your tits?
You’re not fat right? Thighs?

Ew i hope its not a tranny
Its not mild discomfort. It causes fear. They dont understand electrocution like a leash or a tether is obvious to them. Ecollars work so well because they cause fear.
shock collars are now banned here, farmers are very upset as they say it is the only way to train sheep dogs to not attack livestock.
neighbour of someone I know uses them on his dogs with a perimeter wire around his house.
I was round at the persons house once, and you would hear the dogs barking and then running towards the perimeter, then pained yelping.
it was fucking horrible.
bark bark bark yelp high pitched pained dogo noises.
few minutes later, repeat.
person said it was like that all the time.
the dogs certainly never learned to stay away from the perimeter.
>more hyperbole
Embarrassing. Are you ever going to make an actual point or are you just going to keep seething.
My backyard isn't dangerous because I did aversion work with my dog you see.
>Its not mild discomfort
> It causes fear
>They dont understand electrocution
>My backyard isn't dangerous because I did aversion work with my dog
Wrong, training is an ongoing process, and no dog is every fully trained. Lapses in training do occur and will; it's only a matter of time before it happens.

>dogs understand electrocution
Wrong, shock collar trainers make this point very apparent.

>It doesn't cause fear
Wrong, shock collars utilize fear from painful electric stimulation.

Stop electrocuting your dog because you're a lazy poor faggot.

Keep your dog indoors when you are not able to supervise it, or it will eventually find itself into trouble.

>There is no way to train dog to leave it
Wrong and ignorant take, the leave it command has been around for decades.

Here's a video on how to teach leave it by a reputable non abusive dog trainer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Re66qOiso28&ab_channel=DogTrainingbyKikopup

Here are the steps written down.

Step 1

Put extremely low value food down on the ground. Move far enough away that your dog can easily look away from the food and back at you. Mark and feed your dog for choosing to look away from the food.

Step 2

Change things up. Move the location of the distraction, use a different distraction and approach and pass it from different angles.

Step 3

Add the cue

Step 4

Continue to generalize the behavior and add criteria.
>Lapses in training do occur and will; it's only a matter of time before it happens.
Hasn't ever been a problem in the years I've done it. Nor have I heard of any dog with aversion training taking a cane toad.
>Wrong, shock collar trainers make this point very apparent.
Dogs understand what is happening to them, sure they don't understand the science of electricity but they're not bewildered that some higher power is suddenly causing them sensation unless you're retarded and don't teach your dog how the collar works I guess
>Wrong, shock collars utilize fear from painful electric stimulation.
They don't. Aversion isn't fear. Dogs can't be trained with fear full stop, fear in fact prevents a dog from being trained.
If you eat something you don't like you're not afraid of it you simply do not like the taste.
E-collars are not painful when used correctly plain and simple. Nor do they cause your dog to "fear" them.
>Stop electrocuting your dog because you're a lazy poor faggot.
Never have.
>or it will eventually find itself into trouble
>>There is no way to train dog to leave it
>Wrong and ignorant take, the leave it command has been around for decades.
Who are you quoting?
"Leave it" doesn't stop your dog from eating toads while you're away.
You don't know the basic facts of an e-collar, you've never felt one or used one or done even the slightest bit of research so my question is why are you so insistent on giving your opinion? You can't even get through a post without making something up about e-collars or about me. Do you think I'm going to suddenly go "Oh you know what all of my personal experience is wrong, all of the advice I've gotten from people who know what they're talking about and have proven results are wrong, this uniformed overly emotional reddit mongoloid is actually right"?
cope harder sugartits

ecollars being abusive is a proven academic fact. cut and dry.
hyperbole is “not leaving my dog outside is RUINING THEIR HECKIN LIFE”
>overly emotional
t. “I had to shock my dog because leaving them inside when im gone would ruin their life”

Overemotional does not describe a spartan attitude towards training as such:
Your methods are proven to be dangerous, ineffective, and unnecessary.
>ecollars being abusive is a proven academic fact
Literally not a single bit of evidence as been provided for this claim. The one study posted doesn't conclude that.
So where is it then the proof that e-collars are inherently abusive?
I chose to use an e-collar on my dog so that they could enjoy a high quality of life without being at risk.
>Your methods are proven to be dangerous, ineffective, and unnecessary
See above.
Dangerous in the wrong hands sure but I'm not a retarded limp wristed faggot (like yourself) or a nigger (like your boyfriend) so there is no more risk than any other method
Inneffective is categorically incorrect, I've seen a 100% success rate and complete retention of the training
Unnecessary is only true if you're fine with letting your dog die I guess or keeping it in a padded cell all day.
The dogs I've worked with have been completely unstressed, unphased and enthusiastic throughout the entire process, it has never traumatized, harmed or terrified the dogs in anyway.
Most dogs are leagues more uncomfortable being bathed. But then those are all just material reality and facts, not some autistic faggot crying about something xhe doesn't understand and picking sound bites out of a study they didn't look into written by a person they don't know anything about.
you can read the studies in the op as well as the one that was linked to you in this thread instead of getting mad and posting all this hyperbole and cope like your dogs life is going to be ruined if they cant be in the backyard while you're at work and how "actually bathing is torture" (my dog climbs into a full tub of water voluntarily btw, thats the power of peanut butter)
>Aversive methods are conclusively abusive
>Ecollars are an aversive method
>woman having a 100 post meltdown: ecollars arent abusive because shocking your dog isnt aversive because *word vomit* *cope* *hyperbole* *jim crow laws* *no u*
you better be hot if you're this crazy but realistically you're probably fat
>high quality of life
>neglected in back yard for several hours a day, electrocuted for hours ("an afternoon of aversive work")
Uh oh stinky
Just train your dog leave it and don't leave it alone for several hours a day around animals which could jeopardize its health so that you can justify your training which is equally as compromising to their health.
So is stopping with a pulling dog somehow going to fuck him up
>all punishments are equal; withholding a walk is equivalent to electrocuting your dog.

It's time you came home...for your dog. Accept truth, embrace knowledge, reject abuse, and reject ignorance.
The burden of proof is on you dipshit. You're insisting that I am wrong it isn't my job to go out and read studies to prove you right, it is your job to back it up.
There isn't a single study in existence that will outright claim that e-colalrs are inherently abusive because all anti-balance training studies rely on the fact that people misuse their tools.
My dog slips into her e-collar voluntarily btw
>citation needed
I have literally never had a problem with e-collar training and don't know anyone who has. E-collar training COULD jeopardize my dogs health in the same way that feeding my dog COULD jeopardize its health. Only I'm not a moron, I'm not going to feed my dog a diet of pizza crusts and I'm not going to crank the e-collar up and blast it because I got frustrated.
Leave it doesn't work like that, which I've already said. Closing the dog off on the off chance there is a cane toad in the yard is retarded when there is an easy problem free solution that has worked without fail.
Recommend me a dog breed .Need something that's
>lazy like me
>will get along with my kitty
>will protect my property and kitty from Coyotes , trespassing dogs and racoon's lethally
>trainable to not kill trespassers
Any good livestock guardian is going to not be lazy but mastiffs are generally what you're looking for

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